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In the last thead: The /v/ault Dwellers left Vault /v/. Now,

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Thread replies: 135
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In the last thead: The /v/ault Dwellers left Vault /v/.
Now, we're in New /v/egas.
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welcome to new jonestown human
Previous shitshow for those interested:
How heart-warming. Where is that Overseer AI at anyway?
Go to the Ultra-Lux and order the finest steak they have
[Survival] Find their water supply and poison it in order to purge these muties.
Arent Mutants resistant to poison though? I mean they are radioactive super creatures after all
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> /v/, /vg/, and /vr/ band together, starting their own clan
>Set up shop in Vegas after making a deal with House.
>Modify terminals to play vidya and accept special /v/ chips
>create an arcade and begin a new era of post-apocalypse vidya
We're gonna be rich, lads!
TRAP Overseer from the previous thread here. If the Overseer AI anon is waiting for my cue to install you into something then you can safely assume you've been installed into an Eyebot found by one of my TRAP recon teams.
[Speech] Hey there cutie wanna fuk?
[FAILED] Not cuties.
>[Lady Killer]

>Even considering that thing worthy of the Lady Killer perk
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A little smaller than I imagined but I guess it'll do. Anybody have a gameplan for our next move? I would assume you want to continue the TRAP program the previous overseer started?
First I am selling all of you autists to the Legion.

That's pretty much it. Maybe laugh at you while you hang on crosses.

Maybe wander the wastes. Be alone.
>implying I haven't already joined the legion
you are little baby man

>Implying the legion will even accept your scrawny nerd ass
It's not that great, and makes Fallout 3 look 10x better because shitlords like you overhyping garbage.
[Intelligence] so you fight the good fight with your shitposts on /v/?
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That's pretty good

Don't reply to a Fo3 poster with a Skill check dialogue.
They don't understand that.

You're being kind of a bully.
We've located a resort and spa nearby New /v/egas we're going to set up shop in. I'm think of starting a business in which gentlemen of the wastes can go on a relaxing get-away and be entertained by our many traps.
>hang on crosses
You'll be the first one nailed to a cross, profligate.
>Glass 383777014
how do we trust you?
>having to use intelligence to outsmart a fo3 poster
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Good idea. We can screen our customers for qualities that indicate they would be receptive to the program then recruit them, forcefully if necessary. To continue the program we'll need a clandestine area to have them undergo the surgeries and hypnosis.
About the whole hypnosis thing and forcefully changing people into traps...Yeah, the boys and I agree that it's a little fucked up. We won't be doing that now that the overseer doesn't have any power over us anymore. Now I thought you may be mad so I made sure to dismantle any weaponry from your body.
>I made sure to dismantle any weaponry from your body.
And that's why I welded a plasma rifle to him, trap hypnosis is hot fuck it.
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*blocks ur path*
>/pol/ is a KKK cult
>/k/ is a gun-carrying group that work on ways to make more insane guns
>/v/ is in a constant state of console wars
>/m/ is trying to make a giant robot out of other Protectron and Assaultron parts
>/tv/ has a ritual where whoever gets dubs lives out of 100 people
>/mlp/ is the only thing where anybody who talks about it with another group dies
>/o/ sells perfect cars to other board members
>/co/ is in a state of denial over hating Steven Universe despite loving it
>/lit/ seals themselves off and live with their books
>/fit/ goes out to punch monsters and shit and come back to punch more monsters and shit
>/a/ tries to contact /x/ so they can do isekai ritual
>nobody lives in /trv/ vault
>/h/ fucks all day
>/d/ fucks with mutants, monsters and shit all day
>/an/ still tries to tame monsters these days but so far only dogmeat works
>/out/ has become the law of the area they're in
>/an/ doesn't give a fuck about Deathclaws yet hates Pitbulls more then anything else
>/vip/ live lives of luxury
>/vp/ has an arena where two beasts fight each other
>/wsg/ collect videos to show to each other
>/gif/ tapes the deaths of other people
>/aco/ really wants to fuck Vault Girl
>/x/ is trying to figure out who The Stranger is
>/his/ is really just The Legion under a different coat of paint
>/qst/ does real life quests
>/tg/ is now the Brotherhood of Steel of the location
>/toy/'s taken over entire areas through weaponized toys
>/soc/ meetups always end up with death
>/mu/ hosts radio stations
>/n/ sets up trade routes for others to go through
>/int/'s an inner war between Americans and Commies
>/biz/ sells general goods to other vaults
>/g/ hacks terminals to get information on other vaults
>/vr/'s a cult focused on the greatest game of all time, Pong
>/c/ sells slave girls they think are cute
>/ck/ sustains themselves for 500 years
>every few years the boards work together
I almost wish this was real except for the cancer that would ensue.
>tfw going to nipton tomorrow
eh.... we'll see who's the nerd when I'll be fucking whores and making caps there
I'm going to make paper armor!
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Listen man, I'm not the one who came up with the plan in the first place but you also have to realize that I'm an AI designed and built by Vault-Tec. I need to experiment on people on some point.

By the way anyone know what happened to the original primary overseer? I lost control of his personal tracker when the vault exploded.

This gentlemen seems like a cool dude right now.
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>[Light Step]
>Browse all over /v/ without ever triggering trap threads
>[You had a good nights sleep]
John, you think I didn't notice that you'd welded a plasma rifle to the fucking thing:
One: I took out the Ammo
Two: You just welded it to the chassis, the thing can't actually use it.

You sick fuckboy. I'll make you into a hypnotized trap fucktoy in a minute if you don't shut up - the rest of the boys agreed to this.

You can experiment on volunteers or whatever. I'm sure there're plenty of people who want to become traps if the vault was anything to go by, at least.
Alright wasteland livers, I wanna know if you got any ideas for making vaults. I wanna fuck with the populace and I got some Institute-levels of tech to use at my disposal.
[Science] Upgrade Eyebot intelligence into independent machine
You haven't got the manpower nor the resources to make new vaults. Get the fuck out of here.

That being said I'd imagine locking a large no. of scientists in a small space with nigh unlimited resources would get you what you want.
[Intelligence 1] Have you guys heard Stars Of The Midnight Ranger lately? It's pretty good.
Nah mate building vaults is easy
Just ask that guy over at boston
There were several volunteers from the vault. I guess I can either hunt them down or wait for new ones. Anyone want to be a qt trap?

I'm already an independent machine you dolt. You think Vault-Tec would use an AI that didn't have the capacity to think up new and creative ways to mess with people?
Off to revitalize the Enclave, fuckers. God bless America.
*Flings shit at you*
Watcha gonna do government boy
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Have fun with your pre-apocalypse fetishists that are desperately clinging to delusions of grandeur, while I actually lead our species on a new frontier.
You're fucked as soon as /k/ realizes that Glock is still alive - have you realized that, or no?
I told you to stop taking jet goddamnit. You're 400 caps in debt to the Khans. The next time they go asking i'll point them at the right direction.
What the fuck is the "Institute" anyway?
A couple hundred disorganized tribals gallivanting around with guns aren't that big of a problem if you know how to handle them correctly.
[Black Widow] has irradiated sex then murders you
Some Commonwealth group that made human slaves. Good thing is I've got their tech, and I'm going to Vegas. Let's see if House is willing to buy me in for this.
Unfortunately for you, your "new frontier" is brought to a screeching halt by a braindead autist with a bit of lead in their scalp and a happy-go-lucky hacked Securitron who fucks it all for the sheer cause of anarchy.

Should join the Enclave whilst you still can.
Caravans are saying that there are mutants all the way out East, just what I've heard though.
Just make sure to use thick fibrous paper. About 20-30 layers then coat them in glue. Don't use wonderglue it eats through the fibers, Turpentine is recommended.

Best thing to do is to shape them into little squares and make scale armor, the end product could protect you from knives, machetes and throwing spears. Don't do much against bullets though.
Can't join something that no longer exists.
Yeah, yeah, Commonwealth, schomonwelth. Get the fuck out here you fucking junky.

>Holding on to failed Old World governments

ayy lmao
You fuckin' wait, mutie-boy. Gonna come back better than ever, and string you all up like the goddamn impurities you are.
Unfortunately for you, your old world nostalgia didn't get you anywhere as your entire base of operations was bombed to hell while the rest of you oafs decided to follow a non-sentient patriot AI that also led you into the ground. Compared to what "supposedly" happened to me, your situation is far more hopeless. Should just join my economic revival movement while I still consider you a neutral force.
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Hello, I'm a tunneler, which is about to fucking destroy your communities. AMA.
[Intelligence 1/2] Hey guys let's support the Enclave!
>implying /tv/ aren't a Boomer-like faction being led by a ghoul that used to be a former CIA official
Any of you know how to get in the strip for cheap?
I'm planning on sneaking in through the sewers. Think the rust-buckets check for ID's inside?
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Alright fucking nerds gimme some tunes, New Vegas Radio is getting stale and Black Mountain Radio just went offline for some reason.
Aren't you guys afraid of the sunlight? Doesn't that sort of counter the whole "invade the Mojave" myth that's been going around?
>turns on floodlights.
We must kill the sun then! It is our only enemy!
Whatever. I'm going to create an army of genetically enhanced super-traps who will be so entirely irresistible to all.
You're 3 feet tall. How can you 2v a deathclaw?
Sounds kinda smart. Someone's gotta hunt down and kill the commie zipperheads stealing our caps whilst we succumb to Vault 21 trap-enslavement bulletin boards.
I heard this one was pretty good, overheard it playing in the shop the other day.
Swarms motherfucker.
>So what is then, gay or not? Gay! Not Gay! Gay! Not Gay!
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Greetings, profligates! We are the Legion, an army of peace. If you join us we'll promise you safety otherwise you'll face he consequences.

True to Caesar.
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Why do you all look like soccer closet butt pirates.
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>Stops motorcycle in front of you
>"get in i need henchmen"
wat do?
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About to start playing for the first time, can I get some hot pro tips?

Anything I should put my points into? What buttons do I press?
>[Speech] 45
Could anyone help me find my partner he headed down to some vault talking this nonsence about a rifle I dont even believe is there!
He has not been back since.
I believe it might have been vault 34?
The mojave does not have any facilities for a game of football my good sirs.
The guy with a dog on his head has a nice paper plate collection
because it's 2281
Forget it. If he even made it through the entrance, your friend is a ghoul by now.
I met a stranger on the side of the I-95 who played the guitar. He played some pretty good songs. See if you can find him.

Goddamit dude we've heard that a thousand times inside the vault already!
Its plate armor.
[Science 75] Hey guys, I hijacked Radio New Vegas' signal with my inverse electromagnetic ferometer and I'm going to play Johnny Guitar because the song keeps telling me to. Hope y'all enjoy.
Some trader boy coming on the interstate gave me jumpsuit armour stealth suit thing that keeps talkin' to me for some caps and ammo. Almost as weird as this DC trader boy who gave me some banged up power armour that keeps talkin' to me.

I kinda want to fuck the stealth suit.
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I'll have you know I have the TRAP forces personal AI working on this conundrum right now.

Get to it.
>[Speech] 47
I would be willing to suite you up in a decent radioactive suit and pay you 250 caps if you go in there
Okay, okay, okay. Wait. I bet you haven't got tired of this beaut yet: https://youtu.be/1DD_NCM_RJs
Deathclaws are always in minimums of 3.
[Sneering Imperialist] Out of my way savage!
[Wild Wasteland] Holy shit, what's that version? All I've been hearing was this.

[Survival 8/100] The device is stuck and it keeps playing the same fucking song over and over again. I can't take it anymore, I'm ending myself.
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It's okay anon. We're still butt-buddies.
Good, without you I'd have nobody to play Caravan with.
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TRAP AI here. Tell me what you think about the new ad.

No luck with women? Don't have any confidence? Want a better body? Join the TRAP program today! Meet the cutie you've been waiting for!

Hi, TRAP program associate here. Here at TRAP we want to make you a better you. We will use cutting edge technology to turn your body into something others will love. No down payment required! Just come on down to the spa near the strip and talk to the eyebot. He'll guide you through the next phase of your induction.

I have determined with absolute certainty that it is -15.3% gay.
I got me one of those suits of LAPD riot armour those NCR guys are using, now. Can't see shit outta the helmet for the life of me.
[Barter 68] Take the radio station with you.
Can you throw in a little more? You know...for supplies and stuff.
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[SPEECH 100] There's some sort of courier coming this way, anyone wanna help me scam him for some caps? This is gonna be easy.
Me can have cram now?
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[Perception 10] Look at those fucking BAGS just jingling all over the place, I'm sure he's loaded.
Sounds pretty good. Now all we've got to do is get that Mr. New /v/egas fellow to run the add on his station.
[Sneak 45/95] This guy doesn't look bright, I can take his bags without realising it.
[Guns 12/45] Pfft, look at that peashooter of his, just 8mm or less!
[Barter 100] If you want to scam a man like that you're going to need a man of my expertise helping you. Of course I don't come cheap. 50% of the cut comes to me.
lads i heard danny fucked a rad roach.

We seriously gotta find a new place to settle in. Look at Vault 34, they found fucking Nellis. How about we check out Camp Searchlight?
Danny did not fuck a radroach holy shit stop spreading this rumor. This is completely baseless, I would NEVER fuck a radroach.
Shut the fuck up, Danny.
Alright so maybe I did, but who could blame me? Their little ovipositor holes are so tight and when I make the female's cum their muscles go overdrive and wring my dick like a towel covered in the sweat of twelve bukkake actors.
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>launch game
>Ultimate Edition DLC gives you a shit ton of stuff
What's a safe place to store this stuff until later?

This feels bad, please spoonfeed me so I can enjoy the game

I heard the Legion gives good amount of caps for selling them certain people.
[Terrifying Presence] Say that to my face, not over termlink, and see what happens.
So if we follow the standard player behaviour after we've all been released into the New Vegas desert, does that mean
>that we're essentially a crowd of parasites
>Cazadors will be in full swarm
>Barton Thorn is gonna pull off a record scam
>We're all gonna make our own lottery
>Sunny Smiles is gonna have to leave town ASAP
>Doc Mitchell will be rolling in dosh
>The NCR will go batshit insane
>Victor will short-circuit and House will go batshit insane

The list goes on, this was a really bad idea.
We need some kind of a containment area.
Mojave Express boxes.
Just drop em in there and then activate one at different location to grab your stuff there.
Or sell what you dont want to merchants.
Danny's not worth it man, the sick fucker probably has a freaky army of Roachmen.
Relax Danny, this is usually for females. The Fiends give better deals for males anyway.
[Wild wasteland] NOPE! TOO LATE!
Thanks Anon, I'll go and find one of those boxes

I wouldn't want to lose all the stuff, but using it early on and carrying it around everywhere doesn't suit me either
keeping this thread alive
[Confirmed Bachelor] One of you handsome scavengers should come down by my place some time, some interesting trinkets for you to pick up.
[?] Why would I trust you?
[Confirmed Bachelor] [Charisma] Oh shit I'm sorry.
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Forgot my face
Sorry for what our daddies? taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks. Especially since they're such good size and all
Thread posts: 135
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