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Final Day of Tales of Festival!

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Thread replies: 581
Thread images: 141

Prepare yourself for the ports!
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Tales of Orfellia: Velvet isn't finished just yet
It's not happening, Anon. Just accept it and spare yourself the disappointment.
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One man can dream.
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Playstaion port

steam would also be cool
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I think its safe to assume that if a Tales game hits the PS4 in Japan, the it'll hit PC when localized,
Are they gonna reveal the Switch Tales game?
Is Velvet a slut or does she just have large breasts? I haven't played Berseria yet.
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Probably, I just want to know if it'll be exclusive or not.
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>Yfw they announce fucking nothing
She is sexually attracted to her nephew and there is a skit where they find her wacking off in a bathroom
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She just have large breasts...
She's great.
Is this your first Talesfest or something?
>having large breasts makes her likely to be a slut
You're an idiot.
Haven't been following this at all, have they announced anything cool?
Praying forVesperia PS3 remaster announcement, I don't want to say goodbye to my foot just yet.
whats been announced so far?
Nothing cool yet, let's hope for something big today.
From the Artbook:

Inomata: I changed Velvet's front design because she looked too girly, ending with a decision on exposing her midriff and underboob.

Inomata is always sincere with her explanations, I love this woman.
Mobile shit
Last times they announced on the first day
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>They announce a Vesperia remake/port
>It doesn't get localized
Just a reminder that Velvet saw both Eizen and Rokurou junk, and Rokurou confirms Eleanor is thicc.
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Great artist.
She was too busy starring at Phi's junk to notice theirs
If it's true then atleast she's honest.
>Bamco will pull this shit too
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I just want to play the true version of Vesperia, man. Dubbed.
Velvet is shit

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Sit the fuck down, Artorius!
Fuck you, anon!
I don't have a scanner at hand, and the phone is charging.
That's what is written in Velvet's design notes:
I'd like her to draw an undamaged version of Velvet's outfit, that'd be cool.
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They were coming off of Zestiria's bullshit, they had to come in hard and fast last year.
Also - the clothes she's wearing are male ones.
Yeah, I knew about that, I don't know I just wonder how this would look when brand new
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It's not hard to figure out, but yeah I get your point.
I'm surprised that only Magilou's and Rokurou's early designs were shown, but not the others.
I don't see why they wouldn't announce the Tales switch title right now since it's releasing by next year. We'll know in a few hours

Because fuck the Switch.
I hope it's port, I don't want to buy this fucking under powered console.
>Rokuro and magilou the only ones dressed in his default clothes

Confirmed Autist.
I wish that early Rokurou was a costume.
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Magilou's earlier design was much nicer on the eyes. Her fucking mishmash of pink and purple is still a little obnoxious. But it's just like personality, so I guess it kind of works out.
But Troy Baker doesn't do anime games anymore.
I think it looks great in the original design itself, but both Ufotable's design and the in-game model weren't good adaptations.
>Tales of Berseria Switch port
It's pretty silly how much better that looks.
Why did he stop?
He can be easily and effectively replaced with Matt Mercer.

That unironically looks better than how it normally does.

Edgy character that doesn't care that she's showing skin? Fine. An outfit that just so happens to flaunt underboob in a deliberate fashion despite mostly being in tatters otherwise? Nuh-uh, not buyin' it. I couldn't take her character design seriously in the slightest.
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Actually, she wasn't meant to wear pink and purples in the final design, but white and blue.
Yet that got adjusted to level the party colors. Eleanor and Laphicet have blue and white colors
Magilou and Rokurou - Purples
Eizen and Velvet - Blacks

It's a shitty job that requires long hours of work for not a lot of money, I think the better question is why you would even start.
Got too big and they're beneath him now.
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Please don't do this to me.
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I don't mind her regular outfit, I think it's a good outfit for the lord of calamity.
Its obviously going to be a port due to its time frame for release.
Fair point.

It's a shame because I think he did Yuri perfectly.
Are you ready for Tales of the Tempest HD remaster?
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1 more hour till event

Post hopes
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>yfw it another Symphonia port
>yfw its even more broken than the PC version
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Philia from Tales of Destiny is a member of the Church of Atamoni
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>Tales of Magilou

I would buy in a heartbeat
I sincerely hope Berseria doesn't get a sequel and we get a new game
Don't forget to mention that if it doesn't sale than nobody really wanted that Tales of Vesperia R and Xillia collection R that was in the making for PS4, Xbox One and Steam in 2018.
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It's happening lads
>not another Symphonia port
>tfw when those fans sold out online before I could get one

Maybe yahoo auctions will have one eventually
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New game that doesn't relate to Zestiria/Berseria or Vesperia PS4/PC port. If it's not either of these things I'm jumping out of my window, breaking my legs, and then crawling back up the stairs to jump out of my window again to finish the job.
Sure will.
Ready to laugh

An actual Tempest R with a full cast of eight and the game generally heavily revamped so it's not shit would be nice though
Rokurou is for Eleanor. Eizen can have Magilou.
Where the Vita games at????
link to live stream?
There's none.
no stream
you have to buy BD
Eizen has Velvet
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No Stream. People will be tweeting about it.
Eizen is not her brother.
It's a good thing the Bers team is open minded or their orgies would get a little awkward.
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Eizen and Magilou are a cute pair, considering their futures after Berseria.
Both were traveling all over the world, helping humans for hundreds of years.

Also Magilou is like a more childish Edna, It would be a shame if Eizen didn't tried to tap that little ass.
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What I want:
>new game
>Vesperia PS4
>Abyss PS4
>Last one

Why? No point
Friday was dedicated entirely to Abyss.
There was a full stage play with actors and it was amazing.
There will be a continuation of it this summer in theater, and they said it'll have a different ending.
I hope we get more bara guys in the next Tales.

The ones from the recent games are always the worst charaters of the game.
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Same here, minus the last one. I want to hear Patty go yar.

It's very popular still, if they're going to remake a game it will be that or Vesperia.

Personally I'd take the final installment in Velvet's story or a brand-new game. Preferably on PC so I don't feel sad that I can't play because PS4 onry filthy gaijin go home.
You can ,eventually, have both of those if you buy the HD Tales of Tempest coming to Nintendo shop and Steam.
Velvet, Magilou, Phi, Eleanor, Eizen, and Rokurou have orgies to relieve stress and sometimes they just grab each other whenever they feel particularly randy. Mostly Magilou and she usually target Phi and/or Eizen.
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>Why? No point

Why not? PS2 games going on PS3/4 are hardly uncommon
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That's why aliens will never visit us.

well nice knowing ya
Missing 2 people but yes basically.
poor rokurou has to ride bitch
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>Tfw all Eizen wanted to do is live a peaceful like with his imouto

RIP Eizen you deserved better
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>Magilou was almost a titty witch

Phew, that was a close one
Literally a man

Probably one of the people who are eternally buttblasted about Alisha's departure.

I mean her leaving was a cool idea. I liked that. I didn't like how it was done, how the party basically forgot about her as soon as she was off screen, and the sack of rotten garbage that replaced her. Then she came back for the retarded Maltran subplot and got shat on some more. Give the girl a break, man. She's not perfect but she's still not worth all the shit that gets heaped on her.
I know, right? I love jacking off to men.
The missing two people are not sluts like the rest of the party
>All this shit taste

Velvet x Rokuro a best.
Eleanor and Laphicet are too pure for an orgy
Designer notes:
"Producer san loved the design, but insisted on making her pettanko, so she would look cuter."
>implying Elanor does not want demon sex

Tits are a show of magic power.
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Screenshot this post right now, the new Tales is going to be Tales of Dyle.
Worst taste.
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its okay, i hated him too

Here's a serious question that applies to more than just tales.

Outside Alisha, When was the last time a character left for good in an RPG. It seems like it never happens anymore. Party members never die or go away for good anymore.
Implying she didn't drag him off to the side for some one on one time. Who am i kidding he probably got dragged away by Medissa and Komoana to bathe with them.
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>taste this bad
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It's not that she has no interest, she just wants to make it nice and proper. After marriage. For the purpose of procreation.
Persona 5. The fact that Atlus even avoided certain marketing even shows they where afraid of a backlash like Zesteria.

Shana in The Legend of Dragoon leaves for good and is replaced by a bitch who has the same moveset.
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I don't know how that counts considering you only had the fucker for the one dungeon. Im talking full on long term pull an Aerith
Will there be a mothership title announced this year?
They really did this a memorial? Fuck this gay Earth, I'm sad
I didn't realize people shipped the Berseria cast so much. Of the various Tales casts over the years, theirs is one that has remarkably little sexual or romantic tension in the group.

The closest we get to sexual tension is Laphicet blushing at the possibility of seeing Velvet naked in a bath, and she has no idea why he would blush in the first place. The rest of group is much more focused on their various goals rather than each other, which is strangely mature for a Tales game.

Norah in Child of Light.
We'll know in a few hours.
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Velvet would cuckhold him like a true mistress.

Eleanor would have a happy family with him, and gave birth to many babies, prolonging Rangetsu bloodline.

Magilou would dick with him until she would learn what trust and being cared for is.
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Aerith dies.
He's still very active in the plot, is on the game case and we knew he was going to be a party member, the problem is he was hardly ever marketed and shown which tipped people off there was something up, then his arc is resolved in a poorly done manner and then is completely forgotten despite the game it self still hyping their clash even though he was written out already.
I'll go to sleep now, be back in some 4-6 hours, hope you fags have something for me then.
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>Fukuya is a pettanko lover

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Yeah Im not wild about it either. One of the main reasons I loved the cast and their interactions so much is because romance wasn't looming over head. They fit so well together as a squad of rogues that seeing any of them hooking up in a romantic sense would have felt awkward to me.
There's a good deal of ship tease between them, it's just not thrown into your face in an annoying manner.
Not including any kind of romance in this game was the best thing they could do.

Plus it was nice seeing banter, humor and relationships form based on actual personality and character than all the godawful puns Zetsy was slinging.

I swear to christ I wanted to drown all of those fuckers
Can we talk about Berseria's side cast?

I feel like they were such a nice element. Aifreads crew, Kamoana, Dyle etc. It made for a really nice dynamic that gave the main cast a bit more presence in the setting beyond simply fighting the villains which I feel is something a lot of Tales games have missed out (which is a shame because its the characters that make these games for me).
How did they figure it out so fast? Magilou knows exactly how this looks.
It's better this way. Let fans ship and have fun while the game it self just focuses on them as characters. Romance can do a good deal of damage if not handled well and Tales hardly does it good.
He knows what's good.
Tiny 29 year old lolibaba in 14 years old body.
The experience of age and purity of youthful innocence.
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Honestly I was so relieved when Velvet WASN'T ever in love with Artorius.

They made some skit about the kind of person she'd fall for earlier in the game and I got and awful sense of dread that something stupid like that was going to happen.

And it didn't. And I was glad. She never stopped wanting to murder him. It was great.
They were great, except for Kamoana crying
Yeah, me too.
She flashed a 6 year old, Eleanor did as well but that not important.
Everyone got fleshed up way more than whole Zestiria main cast.
They not only have distingue personalities, but whole backstories and a big role in the plot.
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Of course she does, I'd expect no less.

having a home base for them to chill in as well as a village later just sort of gave this kind of homey suikoden esque feeling. It was nice.

More games need home bases for their heroes. I mean some people may not like how small Legendia's world was for example but I think because of that the one town we did get felt a lot more important than all the random hamlets in other games combined
Based Dyle is going to spend the rest his days trying to smash Medissa like the fist of the north star and probably will never succeed.

He'll still be based. Not everyone gets to be a goddamn lizardman pirate father figure.
Not only that but it would be kinda creepy since most of her life she saw him as a sibling/guardian.
>All of those male characters
>Yuri and Estelle next to each other

Not bad Bamco
Yes and he's like 35.
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>Mfw this play when you revisit Titania

Over 300 in fact.

Why have these faggots Scamco not announce anything?
Right, forgot about that
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10 years old.

And not only flashed.
The localization didn't even attempt to carry how absurd that scene was.

Laphicet: And what's in front?
Magilou: Baumkuchen! Do you want to see it?
Laphicet: Yes! I really want to see it!

pic related, what baumkuchen looks like.
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They're done playing OPs
10 more minutes
Artorius is 32 years old, his mentor Claudin Asgard was 300 because of his pledge.
Melchior is 130.
>Honestly I was so relieved when Velvet WASN'T ever in love with Artorius.
This so much my dude, there were several point in the game where I thought the game was going to misstep. I was actually surprised when Eizen and Velvet were revealed to have been listening in on Eleanor when she was still reporting back to the excursionists. I fully expected them to play it straight and have them remain in the dark, or ease up on her around that time, but lo and behold, they zoom out and they were essentially right behind her the whole time.
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>Sailors and your friends scattered about the place
>Shooting the shit, relaxing, playing with the kid
>Every so often you come home, and everyone welcomes you.

I wish we could have stayed like that forever. together.
It's confirmed that Artorius made an oath and is way older then he appears.

Quick, /v/. Show me your favouite Tales OPs.

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They've haven't even started yet, relax.
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Legendia anything please! Will also settle for Eternia and Tempest.
When was this revealed in the game?

I seriously don't remember.
I want to raid your house, Legendianon.

Any moments in happiness that were experienced in Berseria existed to make the suffering that much greater later.
Artorius oath is to suppress his emotions, not to extend his lifespan.
He did that to be able to control Kanonushi and not turn into daemon himself.
That's too tough. English Vesperia, English Legendia, Japanese Symphonia and Tempest are all fucking amazing though.

Also have a soft spot for Graces F.
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It's weird to praise a game for what it doesn't do but yeah it could have been so easy for them to have Eleanor do something stupid and be a full traitor instead of just a incompetent spy whose conflicted emotions made her do something that caused problems.

Instead we got her spying, them not caring, her coming to terms with the abbey on her own and defecting without a real issue because she's not retarded
She almost did perverse things to Laphicet, good thing Eleanor was there to keep him on the straight path, to getting heart broken by Velvet... Best son didn't deserve it and i hope he gets headpat from papa Ludger.
Good lord your collection is horrifying and amazing.
Tales of Xillia is the GOTY

Xillia 2 and Abyss are overrated

Inocence's remake and Legendia are super underrated.
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You going to buy all the Legendia stuff there?


Kokia's voice gets me every time.
>this is actually a thing in Japan
I knew about these events but didn't think they were this big.
I have a Legendia artbook I'm trying to get rid off, do you want it?

God, straight back to the '90s. Needed more Claus too.
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Ill be frank. Generally I think the English ones tend to be better. The Japanese ones seem more like gay pop songs rather than intros for fantasy adventures. Not really dissing J-pop but it's often not a very good fit.

Karma is the tits though.
He probably has 20 copies already
Just leave the Legendia shrine and I'll be okay!

It's hard for me to purchase the merch living in Canada, but I'll come across it eventually like I usually do... just takes times unfortunately.
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That's not Chloe
Have we gotten any announcements yet?

My only problem with the song is the slow sections- they feel like a completely different song (and not in a good way). But god damn I get chills every time I listen. Other Tales wish they had OPs this good.

It's also one of the few OPs that don't spoil a fuck ton of the story in advance too.
As soon as she joined you in the Earth
Temple Ruins. It was after your first battle with Artorius.

Eleanor challenges Velvet, loss, and when everyone goes to sleep, Eleanor sneaks off to recieve a magical report from Artorius.
The Legendia shrine is what I want.
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I think I have about 15, picture is a little outdated, but so close!
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Well if he adds mine then his collection will legally be allowed in bars

It's impossible to dislike Bump of Chicken, I think. The vocalist is amazing. The OP is the only redeeming thing about that game.

Past two days no. 3rd and last event just started
The event had started.
Eleanor and Laphicet did the introduction.

Eleanor: Where is Velvet?

Voiced intro for SNES blew my mind at the time
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Oh... then the raid is out of the question.

That's not Norma.
>Shit taste
>Worst character in the game

You faggots are the reason this game didn't sell well.
I mean the part where Velvet and Eizen knew about Eleanor betraying them.
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Reminder that Magilou is the slutty pedo


Lads, it's fucking happening.

Besides the song being dope as fuck, I love how blatantly unfinished the OP is with them using in-game model standins for most of it. It's just so bad.

Really though I love most Tales OPs. Eternia and Zestiria are probably my legitimate favorites.

I actually like the SNES/GBA version of the song more than the PS1/PSP version.
It's the same scene the magically ball of light calls for Eleanor. Velvet and Eizen are shown right after her conversation with it is over. Even when Eleanor leaves the ruins, I'm sure it shows that Velvet is actually awake.
Eleanor flashed 2 kids. 1 of them can't disobey her commands no matter how kinky they get.
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Laphicet is best boy. Kind of underrated in comparison to Eizen and Rokurou
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Fujo purge when?
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>Good lord your collection is horrifying and amazing.
You dont know that half of it man.

I was expecting some kind of inveitable drama about them not knowing they were being monitered or something, but they were all "nah, she cant be trusted at all" right from the jump.
I mean, he did punch a god in the face like he said he would.
Yeah, the PSX version of Yume wa Owaranai is too slow paced.
>No laphicet x rokuro dungeons

It's like larsa all over again.
Not confirmed yet, be cool.
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Blew my mind too. Mind was really blown when I wasn't playing a turn-based game- I was free to move around and shit and oh god it hurts I have to pay attention this is amazing! ToP was really something special.
Best sonfu and what do you mean underrated? He punched his god-uncle and got him blasted by a dragon after getting out played like a true boos of his own ship.
No but there is Phi and Velvet doujins, which surprised me greatly.
I mean underrated as I don't see him discussed nearly as much as Eizen or Rokurou
>No but there is Phi and Velvet doujins
The game was literally made for /ss/, now incestuous.
I'm pretty sure Rokurou flirted with all three of the female party members inadvertently throughout the course of the game.
Gay pedos not welcome
You're disgusting
He confirmed that Eleanore was thicc.
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Phi is too pure and sweet for any kind of shipping. Leave that kind of degeneracy to the adult cast.
velvetshit already got shilled as lead character in the new mobile shit game. 100% new Tales or Baba returns as director for the upcoming games.
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Baba doesn't work at Namco anymore
That's like only Eizen, Magi, and Rokurou tho...
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>Talks about Velvet's midriff
>Calls Magilou Cute
>Says Eleanor has a fat ass

He's the man
>Everybody closing their eyes
Why on earth is this an emote in Japanland? Nobody takes a picture like that unless you're purposely being silly.
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>Magilou dead
>Eizen dragon
It just makes sense.

Berubetto is 19, she's more than old enough to join in. Eleanore can take notes from the sidelines or something.
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Should I start ToX2 or start Symphonia again? My Ps3 hdd got wiped, isn't there stuff that carries over?
Japs have slant eyes
You know what would be nice? Destiny 2. They wasted money porting Hearts and Innocence to Vita, but couldn't be bothered to localize a mainline entry.
Rebirth would like to be in that package as well.
I'm mad here is no doujin that continues from this.
Not old enough to drink so not old enough for sex. Velvet is a pure girl in some way.
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>Will run around killing people, lighting buildings on fire and being a general outlaw
>Want some whine
>"no thanks" Im underage

I want ToP:Naikiri DungeonX, ToD, ToD2, ToR, ToI(R) all to get over here properly some day. But it will never happen.
Velvet is pure, don't involve her in sexual ways.

Will always be my favorite starry heavens aint got shit on the orchestra they had for this.

They never even released the name for the fucking music either.
Okay /v/, favorite cast and why.

Bothered the shit out of me. You don't care about killing people, destroying towns and livelihoods, and staking your own life on murderous revenge, but you care about having a sip of sake between friends when you're a year away from the age of majority in some IRL country? Especially after all the shit you've seen? Why even bother having that bit of dialogue in the game (twice no less)?

"She's not evil, she's a GOOD GIRL who abides by youth protection laws!" Fuck off with that shit.
It would have tasted like garbage to her anyways
Baba now works for Square Enix, the bridge has been burned.

I'd like all three unlocalized PS2 titles and NariDanX to get brought over. And Eternia to get at least a fan patch that translates the skits cut from the western releases.
On the topic of Phantasia.

Play the game before shitposting you faggot
>not aware of gap moe
Educate yourself, anon. She's a prime example of the trope that's meant to make things cuter, not irritate ignorant people like you.
I found it cute.
It wouldn't have a taste at all really.

Then she should have said "no thanks, I can't taste anything but blood" instead of "no I'm just under an arbitrary age limit that probably doesn't actually exist in my fantasy medieval world".
So nothing but some mobile shit so far right? I assume they're holding out the better stuff for closer to the end, right? That's me being hopeful anyway.
>no thanks, I can't taste anything but blood
She said that way earlier in game tho when that child gave her an apple before meeting Dyle. Rokurou probs just forgot.

I appreciated the gap moe when she got excited about being an onee-chan, and when she got into cleaning mode. Velvet a cute.

It's just that those lines felt like they were put there because it's SOP for anime games aimed at children to show that even the most rough and tough characters still abide by moral standards. It's stupid, but didn't detract much from my overall enjoyment of Berubetto and her game.
oh god im so old
Gap moe is the only good type of moe.
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Berubetto is tired of waiting for the announcement of her new game.
There's definitely nothing at this point guys.
There'll announce the Switch game and/or next mothership title at TGS most likely.
Was almost corrupted multiple times before even reaching Zestiria. Bad luck kiddo. I wonder how the story would have gone if Velvet had ate him at the beginning?
You serious? What have they been doing, just skits with the characters?
I refuse to believe this. I REFUSE
>Why even bother having that bit of dialogue in the game (twice no less)?
Because they're entirely disconnected. Velvet is out on a murderous rampage, but she never goes out of her way to actively fuck with the laws just because she can and it's pretty obvious that she's still heavily influenced by her preconceptions from when she was still a village girl.
The 3rd event just started don't lose hope yet

Then what's the fucking point of this clown fiesta?
Merch and masturbation?
Hope you guys are ready for a PS4 port of Vesperia, JP only.
What outfits did you give your Berseria cast?

Velvet had the pirate outfit and cowboy hat.
Eizen had the top hat and rose corsage.
Roukuro kept original outfit.
Phi had angel wings.
Elenor had the white sailor school outfit.
Magilou had the gigantic witch hat and twin tails.

Why are you so insistent there's even going to be a switch game? There wasn't a Wii U game and the only game on the Wii was a fat load of shit.
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There's a special place in hell for you and the artist who drew that.

The Switch advertised it was going to have a Tales of series game on it. Nobody knows whether it's a port/remake or a new game though.
Phi had the butler outfit and Magilou the oiran one with her hair without hat. I really didn't like much the extra outfits, the originals were way better than most.
Scamco put out their financial report recently and said theh would have a Tales game on Switch by march 2018
Literally confirmed by Namco to be happening this fiscal year, probably just a port of something though.
>it's Berseria for the switch
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She's the one who desperately wants to have sex
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>new mothership title

Sure thing. Unless a promotion from escort counts, then maybe.
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I'm a disgusting glasses junkie, and Berseria was the first game in my gaming career that accepted and even encouraged my depravity.
If any game would be switch port, it's gonna be either Vesperia (fans wanted) or Rays. If new game - Radiant mythology 4, considering how much they shill Kanonno this year.
>Nintenbros this excited for a port

Tales of the Tempest R for Nintendo Switch: coming Spring 2018!
im pretty sure she was declining the offer in a joking manner

if velvet really wanted to drink nobody could stop her
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Velvet and Eleanor in legacy outfits
Eizen with shade and slick back hair
Rokurou school outfit
Magilou beach outfit
Phi in pirate outfit, minus the hat, with an eyepatch as well cause of /v/ honestly
>if velvet really wanted to drink nobody could stop her
Damn right!

I didn't buy shit but Eleanor's exorcist outfit was pretty nice

shame it was a mini game reward. Would have been cool if you got it from say visiting the training tower and finding her old room and getting a skit.
>Velvet - Pirate Outfit
>Eizen - Moustache + Butler Hair + Jacketless
>Rokurou - Original
>Magilou - Twintails + Pirate
>Phi - Troupe Outfit
>Eleanor - Pirate

Before Jacketless Eizen I had him but on the butler hair and sunglasses and imagined he was Wesker.

Would have been cool if we could explore the tower instead of getting stopped by a wooden door after a floor or two. Small gripe though.
When is it starting?

Please, please, please let the next main game finally look like something from the past two years. I'm not asking for SE-levels of quality. Just something better than late PS2/early PS3 era.
>Switch will be the lead platform flr all Talesgames moving forward

Anon I...
It did. The chances of an announcement are looking slim, probably going to be at TGS in around 4 months
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>Festival is about to end
>Baba suddenly appears
>"I left SE and we would like to announce Tales of Zestiria 2"
Will never happen unless Scamco stops rushing the team.
>SE levels of
Are you saying FFXV looked good?
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So, did I miss anything?
What time does the event end at?

Nothing really. I can't believe someone actually saved my shitty thing.
Daily reminder Zestiria had 3 years dev time.
It 'looked' good, but function was a little shaky.
I'm talking about Berseria. Zesteria has no excuses at all.
The only good looking thing in that game were the particle effects.
Gave Velvet her village girl outfit and the cowboy hat. Now she looks like a cowboy out for revenge!
Gave Rokuro his jacketless outfit.

I didn't feel the need to dress up anyone else, but goddamn I wish I could just take off Magilou's stupid looking hat without changing her hairstyle. I think I might've tried changing the other's clothes, but I don't remember.

Looked better than Berseria by leaps and bounds, even if it played like shit.

Tales has never had top-notch graphics but even knowing that their recent efforts have been laughably outdated and poor. The animations are stiff and heavily recycled, NPCs are cloned everyfuckingwhere, and everything looks like blocks of colour that clip with hair and clothes as soon as they move. There were so many closeups of Velvet's face that I noticed that her eyelashes were varnished wooden shapes held to her face by sheer anger alone.
You can though
Pirate Velvet with glasses
Eleanor was the dark school outfit
Phi was a twink bitch elf (male)
Kimono Magilou with the traditional jap hairstyle
Everyone else I left alone.
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Just no. You can say that when they finally release that turd on PC. But no.
Then I must be a dumb dumb, because I didn't see that. I recently finished off the lizard at Maclir Beach, the one you fight in the story demo. Did I pass it already?
>mfw Japs will get cucked off the Jap version on Steam again
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Games "streamlined" to perfect linearity, blocky maze-like dungeons and zero environment detail. Combat is dumbed-down and looks more and more akin to a button-masher with every subsequent installation. Balance is deemed unnecessary, Berseria was like a statement on that accord.

And you still ask for shiny polygons instead of detail that the series had once, but keeps on losing. Why are you being like this?

We value different things then. That screen shot looks bad but I've seen live footage (mostly running around towns and in combat) that looked slick as hell. Tales sticks to the ultra anime style and doesn't do well translating 2D designs to 3D models and environments. They also don't put a lot of effort into mocap or animations in general. It really makes the games feel like the cheap weeb garbage that sit at the bottom of every bin. If Tales is big enough to have it's own convention for three days, it's big enough to look like a modern franchise too.
You have to do her Menagerie side quest
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Fox eares
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>Those textures
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I want the environments to look better too. And devs are going to cater to the people who buy flashy shit rather than tactical games that force them to think.

Game design in general has shifted from "stiff these guys of quarters and show some passion" to "make it accessible to the lowest common denominator for as cheap as possible". It's a trend across all types of games and unfortunately it's not going away. We have to live with it until a new trend comes along or vidya dies. You have teams of people working on this and managers and producers who are under pressure to release games as fast as possible, compared to small teams of people who (usually) wanted to do what they were doing and gave a damn about it.

I'm not saying it's a good excuse. But Bamco clearly doesn't consider the Tales team to be worthy of AAA-tier budges and dev resources. So Tales looks worse every year, the games are more and more samey because they lack creative agency, and we still play them because... who knows.

tfw captcha shows street signs located not even 20 minutes from where I live
Earlier today the captcha gave me a roadsign saying "humps for 700 yards" and I smacked myself for not screencapping it for reaction image use.
>not using legacy captcha
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I'm losing hope
I do on my computer but it doesn't work on any of my other devices.
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This wait is absolutely painful.
I'm going to bed, if there hasn't been any announcement by the time I wake up I'll behead an idolmaster figure
I want her to devour my dick

I think at this rate we'll only get the popularity poll results. They would have announced a new game earlier to devote time to showing it off I think. TGS in four months, plenty of time to hibernate and dream of new nice things Bamco will never ever do.
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I want her to devour me so my soul could rest within her.
Don't lose your hope, kek.
The announcements are going to happen within the event, which is 5 hours long and started about 1,5h ago.
Maotelus Velvet Innominat 3some doujin when?
Phi was made to have his boipussy cummed.
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Wait really? I thought it only went for an hour. Either way my hope is being restored,
please don't be bait.
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eh, screw it Im gonna go jack off to Judy and then go to bed.
>jacking off to judy when velvet and eleanor exist
The seiyu skit is longer than a hour.
Then seiyu question times. 30m-1h
Announcement of new title and protag.
Announcement of Switch title.
Poll results and commentary.

It's 5h long.
>velvet and eleanor
Come on. Judy is still easily one of the most attractive women in the franchise.
So Ive basically given up hope of Vesperia PS3 enlgish release.

What do I need to do to get my PS3 all modded.
The thread should last long enough but if not will there be another for those who missed the announcement?
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Don't jack off to my Velvet please
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>no games announced at all
She's number one,, why can't I?

Going to need a source on that before I lose the last little bit of hope I have, anon.
Someone will leave redirect at the end of thread.
OP here:

This is fucking 4chan.

Of course someone will make a thread about a new Tales of as soon as it's announced, me included.
She's mine anon, I claimed her even before she was an idea
But she claimed Phi...
Are there any good Judith paizuri pics
as her ototo
Velvet locked down the future god as her younger brother, good stuff to dream about.
I hope they announce something, come on give us something please!
Enjoy more mobile shit which will never be localized

That's fine, we have our own homegrown shitty phone games. Don't need more foreign ones to add to the atrocity.

Mobile "Tales of" bundle coming to Switch in 2018: Tales of Link, Tales of Asteria, and Tales of the Rays!
I actually want Tales of the Rays
Mobile games got announced yesterday.
Nothing new, just new story chapter for tales of link, and additional characters for Rays.
Every country makes the worst games. Video games were a mistake.
They didn't announce a mobile game though

After playing Tales of Link, I don't trust Bamco to make a good mobile game.

Even PAD has some legit gameplay to keep me coming back to it between classes or out of sheer boredom. Link is all RNG, all the time, and if you don't want to pay money then fuck you enjoy your garbage 4* and shitty 5* units that prevent you from earning the few good ones that aren't locked behind a gacha with abysmal rates and a ton of worthless trash getting in the way of what you want. And jesus christ that translation. Up until a few months ago Google Translate probably would have been more coherent.
Asteria is great, rays is good.

I had a little bit of fun with Link but I never could get characters I wanted out of the gatcha and the ones I did get that I like where always low end.
Which are the best OP?

Doesn't help that it's a cash-grab game so they'll have a heap of popular character units while my favourites gather dust. I kept a 4* Claus around simply because I like him but don't have his only 5* unit. I did the same with Ruca until I got his series protagonist unit by chance.

The game is utter shit, please help me quit. At least I've never dropped a cent on it.
>thinking there will be a Switch exclusive after Bamco has had a slice of hot steamy multiplat goodness
Rankings announced.
Games next.
Rays is great for a Tales fan. You get all characters by playing the story/events and there is no powercreep, everyone is useful.
That one or this

I mean I understand the mega popular characters are going to be given a focus and I get you have to push the new game roster but for fucks sake Id at least like a few of MY favorites to be useable.

I don't want to run with just Luke, Yuri, Leon and Asbal just to get through the game
>those cat ear hair things
Shame you can't make Velvet blonde and give her green eyes. I'd play through the entire game again just for that combo.
Who's number 1?
I just want more games, they can support exclusives PS4 and Switch going forward.

It's not like Tales of is expensive or have intensive development cycles.
You are anon. Congratulations.
hashtags to follow?
1位 ミクリオ
2位 ルドガー
3位 ルーク
4位 アスベル
5位 アイゼン
6位 スレイ
7位 ベルベット
8位 ジュード
9位 ゼロス
10位 ジューダス
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Image where? I must know where my husbando and daughteru stand.
That's not what Baba said about Vesperia
More games are always great, but I don't see them pulling an Atlus like giving exclusives to each (Persona/Megaten)
What's Asbel's appeal? Is it just because he's a cute self-insert boy?
English please
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For those who can't read moon:

1st: Mikleo
2nd: Ludger
3rd: Luke
4th: Asbel
5th: Eizen
6th: Sorey
7th: Velvet
8th: Jude
9th: Zelos
10th: Judas

Fujo stronk.

I think it's just his voice actor

I don't get it though
berubetto 7? I have lost faith in moonland
>people still like Luke

Why do nips have such bad tastes
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>Meebo in first
HOW THE FUCK? Nice to know that Velvet and Eizen are in top 10 though.
I could see it if they do a Square-Enix where the Switch gets games with "classic" graphics.

Fuckin Fujos get out.
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Good man, but how tall was it?
The only girl is the best girl at least
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>Top favourite mascots are Repede and Rollo
I feel like there's something the devs should learn from this.
If you remove the fujo from the fes Eizen Velvet and Ludger are top 3.
>2D Tales
He's got a cool outfit. I like his character design so much I didn't even notice the belts until someone pointed it out.
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Don't give mascots actual voice lines in the scripts?

you just want a penis girl
Tales players are zoophiles?
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>#1 - Mikleo
Full list:

1位 ミクリオ
2位 ルドガー
3位 ルーク
4位 アスベル
5位 アイゼン
6位 スレイ
7位 ベルベット
8位 ジュード
9位 ゼロス
10位 ジューダス
11位 ロイド
12位 レイヴン
13位 ジェイド
14位 エミル
15位 フレン
16位 ガイ
17位 アリーシャ
18位 パスカル
19位 ミラ
20位 エドナ
It's a handsome dog and a cute fat cat who don't talk. All the charm of being cute without the annoying talking.
Google translate managed to NOT be too shit!
First place Mikurio
2nd place Rudger
3rd place Luke
4th Asbell
5th place Eisen
6th Sley
7th place velvet
8th place Jude
9th place ZEROS
10th place Judas
Eleanor is for sex after marriage. Does Rokuro even know what that means?
source please
Don't see the appeal of Sorey, Mikleo and Asbel. Oh well, least Eizen and Velvet made it into the top 10.
>you just want a penis girl
Why not a Zero or Five girl, Zero has a better story.
>the good characters actually win instead of a nagging ladyboy.

Speaking Volumes in your own post.
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Good lord atleast announce Xillia Remaster REEEEEEEEEEEE
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Rollo was fucking great
Sassy fat cat > Scooby Doo complex smoking hound
>Not liking /ourguy/ Luke
Just searching Mikleo's name on twitter tells you
What do you think the rankings would be like if we removed the fujos.

Whose popular among not yaoi fags
>tfw sending him on expeditions towards the end of the game and Elle isn't there anymore
>Sorey and Asbel are good characters
>they announced a PS4 remaster
>it's Legendia
Yuri Lownethal
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Yuri would win anyways, it's why he's banned.
Why are you so obsessed with it anon?
Where the fuck do you get festival news?
I don't think Rokurou knows much less has an interest in either of those.
>Whose popular among not yaoi fags
Include the yuri fags as well and the list gets even shorter.

1st: Mikleo
2nd: Ludger
3rd: Luke
4th: Asbel
5th: Eizen
6th: Sorey
7th: Velvet
8th: Jude
9th: Zelos
11th: Lloyd
12th: Raven
13th: Jade
14th: Emil
15th: Flynn
16th: Guy
17th Alisha
18th: Pascal
19th: Milla
20th: Edna
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that was even me actually. i think he meant it in a bad way to be honest.
We have a dedicated Legendia friend with us and i almost want that Legendia remaster myself if only to pay him back
>17th Alisha

I don't get it.
Tales of Velvet 2 announced soon now, right?
fujos won
Nah not in a bad way, Legendia remaster on PS4 would be nice and I'd definitely buy it. But Vesperia and Abyss have priority on that for me

Your asking that in a poll that has Sorey, Asbel and Mikleo in the top 10.
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>Eizen and Edna in top 20
I'm glad they're finally together..
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Character design goes a long way, I guess.

If they liked her so much, they should have bought her anime. :^)
>Luke still in the fucking top 5
>No Leon/Lion
My eyes are straining and it's 5 am, i'm off to bed. Good luck with the announcement and i hope it's worth.
Tales of Tempest anime when?
We got BTFO'd hard on that poll.
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that's really nice anon, thanks.

no worries man, i'd gladly take a remaster of abyss and vesperia too. legendia is top priority though obviously.

Leon and Yuri are banned

More like only way. I don't think Japanese fans care about personality at all, frankly.

I said this a lot but Alisha is what happens when you waifu a character before you even play their game.
Leon is banned.

Leon and Yuri are in the "Hall of Fame"- they won so hard every time they were given permanent "winner" status and taken out of the polls.
I mean Eizen made it in the top 5, so it's not all ba and Velvet made it into the top 10 which filled in the fujopoll is a good thing.
imagine a legendia remake that accurately captures the look of the character artwork
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>18th: Pascal
Didn't expect to see the stinky cutie in the top 20.
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Said that way, I guess you're right, I definitely expected Velvet higher though. FUCK THE FUJO
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Fujos just keep getting stronger.

What is this
Wow Tales Studios suck at announcing games on their own events. They should be like Atlus where 3/5 times waiting for the stream to end is worth the wait.

I can't believe we're unironically liking Legendia character design now. You guys are serious, aren't you?
This would be fucking wonderful. The character designs are gorgeous as hell. Also, the guy (Nakazawa) was working on Samurai Champloo at the same time as Legendia so some characters look similar.
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well shit
>announcement of a stream to announce a stream
Atlus ar 10/10
Tales of Conaitia

Some of them baffle me. Raven? Pascal? Fucking Luke and Assbutt that high, and Jade on there at all? ZELOS?

There's no accounting for the tastes of others, I guess.


"Tales of Konaitaia" Not sure what the last word is supposed to be in English or whatever gibberish they go with now.

2018 release
>big tales event
>no port or game announcements

What's with Japan and shitty events this year? Atlus, Yakzua now this.

i can deal
fine too, i guess
>how far down her fly is undone

I was waiting the whole game for a followup skit to Eleanor offering to mend her clothes, where an updated outfit would be unlocked
>not Orfellia
It's over Velvetbros

But what platform, standalone or a sequel, DETAILS?


Google Translate pls go
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Uh huh...
This isn't true byw the event is still going
It's an old maymay from 2ch back when Namco registered the Tales of Unitia trademark.
Unitia's written ユナイティア in moon, and the first kana, yu, closely resembles ko (コ)
Since Unitia wasn't announced, or people were trolling that it wouldn't be announced, the japs at 2ch had fun and changed the name to コナイティア, i.e. 来ないティア: the game that wouldn't come.
Konatia doesn't sound like a game connected with Velvet.

A new game wasn't announced, don't get rused.
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>all these idiot EOPs getting baited
Tales of Penis lol

Oh, old JP memes. No wonder. >>379049626
is a liar and a fraud. Give me my excitement back you fraud.
oh anon
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I can't believe I almost fell for it.
Is 2ch discussing the fes?
Tales of Mikleia incoming.
Great another Zesteria connected game
It's fun trolling them though.
They making fun of the fujopoll too?
Tales of Massivorgia
can you link a thread?
Ameebo best Zesty
Lewdger still best Xillia
Eizen best Bersy

Take that Velvetfags.
They could at least announce a port here if they want to save the new game for TGS...
why do we even have this event if there's no game shit? This seems like an awful extravagant way to sell statues and cell phone straps
>ignoring the fact that Velvet is still best girl
That would be Eleanor.
Oh (You)

Tales polls have been dominated by fujo and women for years, I'm sure they expected it. It's a series that panders to both genders after all. Bamco isn't subtle about its merch and likes to give fanservice to females (fujo or not) quite often.
Tales of the Game that's never coming
Last few years they also announced shit.
Milking fujos.
come on, anounce something so I can get on with my life
Velvetfags BTFO
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I want something Abyss
Isn't the stage play Abyss?
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>Japan finds Alisha better then Ealnor
Yeah that happened Day one
She's confirmed best girl though and since it's voted by fujoniggers, she would probably be top 3 if voted by normal people.
How does it feel Japan prefers Eizen over your edgy waifu?

You get something Abyss every time TalesFes rolls around. You even got a brand-new stage play just for you.

I want something Innocence. Damnit, Bamco, why do you hate your games that aren't Abyss/Vesperia/Phantasia/Symphonia/the latest three?
Twitter currently full of people disappointed a new game wasn't announced.
I mean nextgen remake or remaster

Where I can watch the recordings, cant watch the stage right now alas
There's still time isn't there?

Its over.
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my favorites never make the list
>best Xillia
>anyone but Milla

>best Tales anyone but Milla
Absolutely incorrect.
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Well gee I sure wonder why!
No game announcement we've been rused
>faggots acting like it's a huge deal that Velvet didn't place in the top 5 of a long-standing fujo dominated poll
>when even making the top 10 is a huge accomplishment in itself
>and she's still the highest ranking girl by a wide margin
So basically all we got out of this is fujo shitposting fuel. Yay.
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>3 day event
>no announcement

I hope the fujo's burn their shit in anger they wasted their money on shit.
The event is still going on
Really? Stop giving us hope if there's non anon, when does it end?
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At this point I don't even know what to believe. I'm supposed to go to a job course tomorrow, I seriously shouldn't be staying up.
Go fondle your Mikleo doll.
I think in a couple of hours.
Go to sleep anon
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>Tfw don't know who to believe cause no other sources other than this place

It ended.
No announcement.
she's just replacing Rita as the fujo stand-in

>without jude and leon being banned there would only be 3 women in the top 20

is it because fujo too stronk or tales girls are just disliked in japan?
I fucking hate fujoshit.
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No, this excitement and suffering is keeping me awake.
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This is par for the course though. TalesFes is about selling merch, it's not an event guaranteed to have big announcements like an industry event. Speaking of, if there's no announcement tonight, then we can look forward to seeing something at Tokyo Game Show in ~4 months. By that point Bamco will have to have something to show since they're releasing something for the Switch in early/mid '18.


Just go to bed anon, if there's any news it will still be there when you're done.
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NO I WON'T it's 6:30 Am here and i stayed up all night I'm not giving up now
The former. I'm glad that Rita got bumped though. Her of all girls ever being in the top 20 was the biggest travesty outside of the obvious.
Alisha made it into the top 20, that should answer your question.
>Not announcing any game on your own major event
How to kill hype 101
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I expected an announcement, too bad I guess. I'm tired as fuck now, stayed up for nuffin.
Velvet will never release!
>not even an Atlus type teaser
Why doesn't Namco want the hype?
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Then we will curse the sun as it rises together on a day of crushed hopes and dreams.

Fuck you Bamco it's 6:30 am and I stayed up for no announcements. Take responsibility for my poor choices damnit.
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We can't lose hope yet
Alisha is some kind of strange thing. She is extremely popular and got lots of pity, yet has the personality of a brick wall and there are a ton of other girls better than her.
t. Rose
Not like Pascal is significantly better. But I guess as long as fujos are dictating the polls you have to be a main character or not threaten any fujoships to make it to the top as a girl character.
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Thanks for nothing.
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Our hopes have been crushed, our dream turned into nightmares.
And this thread's gonna die soon.
That's it, I'm unriconically ironically killing myself.
>wasting my life to stay up for video game shit

Not even Velvet can fix this.
Think of Velvet as you kill yourself,.

She's cute, was arguably unfairly bullied in-game and by Baba, has E rank luck because she's a Lancer, and is a scrappy hime-sama with noble ideals and a pure, chaste demeanor. She's concentrated waifu/otaku bait, much like Mikelo is concentrated fujo bait.

I'm still surprised that she ranked at all in this sausagefest. Sasuga Bamco, getting the girls wet over your boys more than the guys get hard for the girls.
Character design and pity helps anon.
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Yesterday they announced mobile shit so they have to announce something today, right? RIGHT?
Does that mean only Velvet makes the girls wet?
They announced shit and they still haven't delivered midway through day 3. Where is my mobile garbage festival edition at?
I usually just stay up for streams that have sure games to be announced, or things like EVO since Im into fighting games. I have 0 trust for any other kinds of events.

Best stream is still 2013 ATLUS stream, that was such a cathartic event holy shit.
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Anything new yet? Anything at all? If there's no fucking game announcement by the time it's over I'll declare a third nuke on Japan.

She's a non character and her fans only have herself to blame for waifuing a character based on design alone before her game was even done
Only a character poll result
They wish they were as perfect as she is.
>2013 ATLUS stream

That brings back good memories.
We learnt Mikleo is the best Tales of character
Somehow I think that she'll drop off the list the next time there's a poll.
>the most popular not-banned character in a poll dominated by fujos is the biggest fag in the franchise
Who'da thunk?
Alisha is better then Eleanor according to Japan.
>Announce games literally no one wanted.
>The entirety of the stream is just nips talking and Teddie interviewing old people
>10 minutes left on Stream and Teddie saying goodbye
>Suddenly 5555555555555555555555555555555

Is there other characters banned other than Yuri?
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Motherly onee-san and tragic broken bird types are popular in Yuri works, so possibly.

I mean Velvet could get anyone hot and bothered and I usually hate fanservice outfits like hers. Her dichotomy between ferocity and tenderness really turns me on.
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Still holding hope for Orphelia
Fujos actually prefer Velvet over Alisha because Velvet actually a personality, isn't concentrated failure.

Leon from ToD. He's still perpetually on the list as Judas though.
It's not fanservice though, that wasn't the idea at all when she was designed.

Also rip thread, make a new one before we get erased from existence.
so no news on any new game and projects they working on? lame.
no point of a new thread tbqh. see yalls in 4 months
They can't keep getting away with this.
But unlike Mikleo, Alisha is a non-character.
I expected to dislike Eleanor going in, as she had that typical 'naive, idealistic white mage girl' vibe, and I fully expected her to stupidly betray the party and fuck everything over at some point. She never did and I was pleasantly surprised overall that she was a good character.

So it seems natural that she be less popular than someone as bland as Alisha.

I think it's more that Velvet is a main character. That's the most obvious and biggest factor. Otherwise I don't imagine JP waifufags would care for her, much less whatever girls there are.
If that were true then fujos wouldn't love Pascal and Rita so much.
Why are people so no announcement? The event didn't even end yet
I think it has more to do with character design, Alisha's design tries very hard to hit the the things that otaku like, add in the pity and her being a moe character and you've got the explanation for why otaku like her.
Tales of Orchestra will be holding a concert on November 7.
Rita is a bitchy teen genius tsundere, which is typically the only thing that can get popularity compared to pure demure waif. But admittedly I don't know much about what girls would care for in female characters.

I went in expecting to hate Magilou based on her design and the little I saw of her in teasers and demos. I abhor jester/witch types with kooky crazy personalities and her outfit is atrocious even by bargan-bin LN standards. Turns out the entire main cast was fantastic, including her.

Berseria wasn't perfect but it was the best experience I had with Tales in a while.


Drama is so much more entertaining than rational thought, Anon.
Someone is posting false shit and everyone is tired.

Benefits of being from Spain.
Not in the anime, unless you count her personality, in which case Mikleo is just "gay fuqboi".

They like female characters that exist for reasons other than being otaku bait. Characters designed for "maximum otaku appeal" are usually boring amalgamations of tropes and purer than Nuns. Those kinds of characters are boring as fuck.

You don't have to write an obnoxious slut. Just let the character have agency beyond being as inoffensively attractive to insecure males as possible.
Anime Alisha has no personality as well, in fact she's worse than her game counterpart.
>They like female characters that exist for reasons other than being otaku bait
That seems kind of ironic considering how popular Mikleo and Sorey are.

They basically swapped her and Rose while leaving Sorey as the third wheel. Shit was dumb.

Then they tried to get fujos to buy it and the fujos laughed and walked away.
Mikleo is effectevly a female that was made into a male because the creators didn't want Sorey to fuck a girl.

It's really hard to fuck up bishies because they're immune to damaged goods status and/or being whoreish

We want idealized versions of romantic partners and optimized versions of ourselves. It's not that hard to understand. Literary Analysis 101.
Looking at the poll right now, Ufotable is probably kicking themselves.
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