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Tales of Festival: The Final Hours

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Thread replies: 531
Thread images: 104

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Game announcement soon right guys?
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Don't tell me I stayed up for fucking nothing
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We got BTFO'd. We're not getting a new berubetto game.
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Popularity poll results.
1st: Mikleo
2nd: Ludger
3rd: Luke
4th: Asbel
5th: Eizen
6th: Sorey
7th: Velvet
8th: Jude
9th: Zelos
10th: Judas
11th: Lloyd
12th: Raven
13th: Jade
14th: Emil
15th: Flynn
16th: Guy
17th Alisha
18th: Pascal
19th: Milla
20th: Edna
>Mikleo 1st
>Eizen 5th

This triggers me.
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>5th: Eizen
Velvetfags BTFO.
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>no games
>mobile shit
Great festival guys
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>Eleanor losing to otaku bait
Tales of Orchestra Concert feat. Zestiria The X on November 7th.
>『テイルズフェス 2017』新作発表なしで終了
Who do you think shows up to these events and votes
That's nice that you know Japanese, but you could have at least told everyone else who doesn't that it says that the show ended without a new title being announced.
Kill yourself NOW.
Ufotable is probably kicking themselves now.
We've gotten like two of these already... what a lame announcement
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>A crowd full of fujo
what did you expect?
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Please tell me this is a joke.
>even Atlus delivered in 2013

Scamco needs to die in a fire with the fujos.

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>3 day event unlike the regular 2 days
>Nothing announced the first 2 days
>People getting hyped for the 3rd day
>They announce fucking nothing
I can't, not even tired after wasting my life.
Zestiria and Berseria killed the franchise.
B-but it's 7am now.
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It can't end like this bros. Surely they have to announce something at the end
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G-guys? It's just a joke, right? They didn't announce nothing, right? RIGHT?
The place is still open so people can buy stuff but the time for events and announcements is over.
Not a fucking thing.
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RIP, going to hibernate until TGS then relive the disappointment all over again when more FUCKING NOTHING is not announced.
>polls again showing that fujos dominate nearly everything
>Zestiria anime focused more on Alisha and Rose instead of Sorey and Mikleo
What were they hoping to accomplish with that? Did they want to get the waifufag audience? Because I don't think it was enough to make them care.
>Does the switch bother you
>Would you like to announce at Nintendo Direct after the end of E3
>Anyway, what happened to Tales of Version for the Switch
>Will announce it at Nintendo Direct
>Is not it due to switch compatibility seriously? I feel like Nintendo wants to make it same multi-way
>Tell the switch Tales, No information, Nothing is wrong
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I-I'll bet next you'll say I got baited, surely it's still going, right? Th-they wouldn't end it like that, r-right?
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I mean, what's wrong about them not wanting to pander to fujoshits? The less those kinds of people get pandered to, the better.
Upset Nihon comments

Oh Anon, you're so silly. Don't bait us when we're tired and disappointed.
The Switch Tales game will be shown in a direct
The festival is truly over guys, time to leave.

I am so fucking disappointed i wish no one told me this stupid gay festival existed.
How am I baiting? Zestiria anime was garbage, but them pandering to fujoshits wouldn't make it any better.
velvets sword is stupid

It's like they knew people would be confused and disappointed but didn't care because they're laughing all the way to the bank.

Also something about how the next Tales game will be shown at Nintendo Direct, which is right after E3 I believe. Don't quote me on that though.
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They probably wrongly assumed that Alisha was the most popular character of Zesty despite her failed manga and the Zestiria popuarlity poll showing differently.

Alisha was a character that appeals to otaku, but her type of the fans are the ones who do nothing but whine on the internet.
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Someone fucking kill me I can't believe I stayed up for this
You want Velvet?
You want Abyss?
You want Vesperia?

Fuck you gaijin-kun!
You get nothing! NOTHING!
Man, fuck the switch and fuck nintendo. I'm not going out to buy some gimmicky ass underpowered console just to play tales.
>mikleo 1st
Why are Talesfag so gay
It's because Zestiria already has two adaptations that were better than the game, both of whom focus on Sorey and his perspective. Both of them are better than the game itself.


When the anime was airing he manga, which had a decently high amount of popularity and was lauded as what the game should have been.

It's vague about whether it's a new game or a port/re-release. My moon is very fucking weak too. But something something "new" Tales game, Nintendo Direct, please look forward to it.
Not what I expected. If they announce Switch Tales of at E3 it will be buried by Xenoblade X2 and possibly Project Octopath Traveler.

Not sure what Namco are thinking.

Maybe they don't want it to sell?
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Did nothing seriously get announced? Like not as bait but in 100% honesty nothing got announced? There's no fucking way they'd do that, right?
Even the japs are surprised
Because Mikleo/Sorey is the only thing fujos have to make them like Zestiria, and also why they won't just let that garbage game be forgotten.
It will get an extended port for the PS4/PS5 in a couple of years anyway.
Only new chapter for Tales of Link, and new characters for Tales of Rays.
Fuck off poorfag
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>Mikleo in 1st
Tales of Zestiria was a mistake. Fucking Baba
All consoles are underpowered though.

I think they stopped doing that with Xillia. Graces f was the last time they did that fucking retarded scheme of releasing a rush game on one console then releasing a better version a year later on a different one. Now they're all the same rushjob.
Oh I'm not saying that not pandering to fujos is a bad thing. I'm just questioning the choice when they should have known full well who most of Zestiria's fanbase was.

Don't see how they could when the most vocal and largest portion of the fanbase are otomes/fujos. I think the popular Alisha had was definitely boosted by pity over the Rose situation though. Still, you're right that they overestimated her popularity there.

I guess if they really wanted more waifu appeal they'd have had to throw in more Velvet.
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At least we got top 20
I told you to go to bed, Anon, but you didn't listen.
Fucking hell, time for a third nuke. Well at least I didn't end up staying awake for too long, good night everyone. I can't believe I have to eat my foot now.
Or fujos only really like Zestiria because of Meebo and Sorey, if they were in any other game, they probably would have been even more popular. This explains why the anime failed.
No fuck you they could've made an adequate home console without the stupid portable tablet shit and had games that didn't look like they belonged in the last generation at a $400 price point
But again, them pandering to fujoshits wouldn't have made the Zestiria anime any better, it would have just made fujoshits pretend like it was good just like they pretend Zestiria is good because Mikleo/Sorey is so kawaii desu.
>This event is not a place for new releases
>It is not the main event to announce
Not really
Nah, fuck you poorfag
>if they were in any other game, they probably would have been even more popular.
They would still only be given half a shit about because they're a yaoi couple, regardless of how bad they actually are as characters.
Velvet is not even the most popular Berseria

What the fuck is she even best at?
It will be TGS or Nintendo Direct, not E3
They stopped because all their recent games were released exclusively on Sony consoles and other platforms are pretty much irrelevant. Where do you expect them to port Xillia? X360? Xbone? Wii U?
This is good. After Berseria they needed to take a long hard look at the future of the series instead of pumping out the same shit every time except for making the battle system more convoluted. Hopefully the next main title they announce will be completely crazy and new.
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Taming Eleanor.
I'd say I'm surprised Phi wasn't on there, but then I guess his wanting to suck Velvet's tits so bad put fujos off.

She's the best girl.
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>mfw didn't even watch the event
>mfw came to laugh at you
Fujos aren't people. Still, Velvet and Eizen are the most popular Berseria characters even among them, so it's okay.
Remember Velvetfags parading the Tales of the Ray poll?
Nintendo doesn't go to TGS
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Frankly, if it really wasn't a port and was a completely new entry, they'd not have worded it like this in the investor slides and would probably have put emphasis on the fact it was new, like by using 完全新作 or something to bait/please investors.

I think it's gonna be a port or a remake.
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I don't understand why fujos would be into Zestiria for the gay bait.
I played Zesty back to back and there's literally no gaybait (and I wanted there to be, for the novelty mainly as I don't dig neither Sorey nor Mikleo), hell there was more Alisha pushed onto Sorey, and the bitch is barely even there.

Is this whole fujoshit business based solely about Epilogue Turbofag Mikleo smiling like he just had an orgasm when Sorey saves him? Or is it just the animu?
>retards like to forgot Velvet btfo all of the other female characters hard
Honestly, it's the best for the team to take their time with the new title, but it's still kind of boring to have nothing new to talk about except mobileshit.
Except for Mikleo
>6th: Sorey
>7th: Velvet
Something is wrong, here.

Regardless of the reasons they stopped, I'm glad they did. We usually got the inferior version if we got one at all. Hopefully they realize it's 2017 and they can patch in DLC if they want to get more money for updating games.
>as I don't dig neither Sorey nor Mikleo
aren't there frequent tickle fights with Sorey and Mikleo
>Lost to Mikleo
Well at the time the most vocal portion of the fanbase was actually Allishafags, as they were the ones who constantly whinged about how their waifu was shortchanged on the internet, and then sent bomb threats to Bamco.

You're right about the pity bit, if the characters were written like how they are in the manga, people would have probably forgotten about her.

>I guess if they really wanted more waifu appeal they'd have had to throw in more Velvet.
The irony of this is that in order to have more Velvet the anime would have needed Sorey to have less Alisha and more of Sorey spending time in Rolance which is actually the country where both Berseria and most of Zestiria's story takes place. The same holds true for Eizen as well.
Nigga, I've already tickled two of my friends (we're all dudes) and there was nothing gay about it.
No Yuri? What?
Berseria flopped confirmed
Yuri's banned because he's too popular.
Same with Leon.
We've gone this far down in Tales to have fags win polls now. May as well have added Yuri and Leon back in. Yes, I'm mad and I even noticed that Sorey/Mikleo are getting more and more merch lately such as a new upcoming figure of each. As well as two separate cushions or dakis with them sleeping.
>everyone lost to Mikleo
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Anon if you're not around 7 years old then I've got something to tell you and your friends..

Well, I don't.
Lucas, Sergei. Even Zaveid to a lesser extent, sure.
Not into whatever you can call Mikleo and Sorey.
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Fuck this I'm going to bed
ITT Butthurt Velvetfags and Vespyfags
i mean they have a permawin under their belt so what are they gonna be salty about
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>there was nothing gay about it.
Why would Velvetfags be upset when there character beat all the girls and landed into the fujo top 10?

- tickle fight
- flavour text describing them as being peas in a pod, that description for their Armatized form holy fuck
- "Now, tell him your true name!"
"He already knows it!"
"Oh my!"
- implied that Meebo lives for Sorey, and is devoted to keeping him safe and happy in the character/lore book
- side-quests with vague hints, like Sorey considering Meebo a "hot babe" (though his innocence and cluelessness about sexuality makes this moot)
- If Meebo was female she'd be Sorey's OTP partner, no questions asked

You have to have goggles strapped on to see it, really. It's a lot of looking for shit in out-of-the-way places and reading between the lines.
I find the fujo shit and waifu shit as bad as the other.
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The fact that sorey is ranked higher than her proves this poll is nonsense rigged by fujo's delusion. She maye only be 7 but we know she's number one.
I think the point went over your head, like I said before the manga focused on Sorey (in other words we also ended having more Meebo) and literally is actually better than the game, with it's only negative being it's length.

So because of that they can actually say that pandering to them would have made the story better, because what they want is what the story needed.

>For instance Fujos don't like moe uguu characters, so Alisha was forced to gain a personality.
>they're not too fond of spotlight stealers so Rose was put in her place and called out for her bullshit.
>They're not fond of Lailah's bullshit so Lailah was forced to gain a character arc, that actually made her sympathetic.
the important thing is you are superior to both senpai.
yeah well I find those dumb and you dumb too so I'm the superior being and need to have my penis polished right the fuck now.
For future reference, is this festival every year with a new poll every year as well?
We're leaving.

No new game.
This can't be fucking real.

Literally 5-fucking people replying to the post understood what it was saying. Did you consider the problem might be you and not everyone else that has a basic grasp of more than one language?

None of that really felt that prominent in the flow of the game, though... They are so split apart and barely touched, it feels like a very long shot.
Especially considering Mikleo takes part on chats about chicks in bikinis, and gets pseudo-sexually teased by Edna a few times.

I don't know, I guess it's done like that on purpose because fujos tend to get equally turned out by blatant gay? I don't get japs.
>(though his innocence and cluelessness about sexuality makes this moot)
game Sorey reads porn and is said to write racey poems. Rather than being innocent, Sorey just isn't interested in girls.
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Now that nothing has been announced and the hype is dead, we can finally return to our threads that peter out after ~200 posts of pro/anti Vesperia, Velvet, fucking fujoshit, shitty anime game, and Graces f having fun combat being a meme.

Thanks, Bamco.
They'll announce the Switch title at Nintendo's E3

Screencap this
>watch the event

You and nobody else, you dumb faggot. The event wasn't streamed.
I am from the future. The next Tales of game will end in 'ria'.
In the next game, Sorey and Mikleo will be either costunes or cameo battles.
You gotta tell the switch tales, anon.
Tuck in your console and tell it a bedtime story.
no please I don't even want the poncho to be an option for people please
>Especially considering Mikleo takes part on chats about chicks in bikinis, and gets pseudo-sexually teased by Edna a few times.
You mean the bikini skit where Mikleo wasn't even really interested in the girl. Or how Mikleo and Edna's interactions are actually similar to her interactions with Eizen?
They don't have to be, Bamco can announce it themselves.
>that male to female ratio
I thought the whole fujo thing was a meme.

>not a single Phantasia character

So, did they announce ANYTHING new?
They were a costume option in the latest God Eater, and one of Bamco's musou games.

If you give a fujo an inch, they will take a mile. This is not an exaggeration. They're hardcore shippers who use the slightest details to justify pairings. They don't care if the homo is blatant or not, just if it's well-done. A lot of yaoi is bottom of the barrel trash in terms of quality. YoI proved that you can have blatantly gay men together and make it rich off of them. Bamco just plays it safe since having a protagonist or main party member be openly into dudes is a huge turn-off for most otaku (and Japanese people in general).

I don't really understand that since a guy who likes guys in your group means less competition for you, but whatever.

It's not really a bad thing. It's just a phenomenon within the niche, much like waifuism.
So nothing was announced?
Guess I'll go back to playing the mobile shit games. Thanks Bamco for nothing.
Velvetfags BTFO

She can't even beat Mr Protect and Mr Vanilla Ruins

ToA stage show, merch and figs, new chapters for mobile games, the popularity poll.

So no.
Guess I'll go back to playing Tales of Link

Bride Kana is my best lead.
But what about the excitement that is Tales of Link?

...yeah, even I can't give a shit about that. Story drags and shit gets boring quick.

>event where 90% of the attendees were fujos
>surprised when all twinks win

Velvet beat everyone in the official, open poll. That's all that matter. Not what a couple hundred fujos in theater have to say.
I really don't care and you shouldn't dignify them with a response. I'm happy she even made the top 10.
>Velvetfag being this stupid
That wasn't a popularity poll dumbass.

And this poll wasn't taken by the attendees for Tales Fes.
Velvetfag in complete denial here.

Your waifu lost. Case Closed

>Velvet lost because my opinion is an absolute fact
Why the fuck do you all care so much for a fujo poll?
My life is a whirlwind of emptiness and I fear the day that oblivion comes to take me into its cold endless depths
That wasn't a popularity poll. That was a poll to determine which character to include in the rays game. Ludger and Asbel are already in the game.
Projecting much anon?
Unless you're a fujo, have really shit taste or like Eizwen, your favorite character lost not only to fujobait, but lost to Velvet too.
Not the most popular Berseria
Not the most popular MC
Not the most powerful
Not the most suffering

Velvet is a failure.
Butthurt Velvetfag spotted
I'm just glad that Ludger is second.
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>popularity poll shitposting is now the hot topic ITT

I guess it's better than the endless VESPERIA IS BEST/I want to fuck x posting. Maybe. As long as we all agree that opinions are subjective and even the worst Tales is someone's favourite.
>this butthurt your character lost to Velvet
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My boy Ludger is still very popular. Keep it up Japan.
Why are you surprised after Ludger won the White Day poll?
This is assuming that anon's favorite character isn't one the characters that topped her.
I thought fujos would slobber over Mikleo and Sorey. Mikleo won but there are still many who like Ludger.
Mikleo is best girl
Ludger is best boy
So he either has shit taste, is a fujo or likes Eizen/Luke.
Ludger is a perfect mix of tragic porn + self-insert, of course fujo would love him
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Ludger is the best boy, shallow nagging wives like Meebo can steal the spotlight but not our hearts.
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Ufotable regularly does polls, and in this year's poll for white Day taken with female customers Mikleo, Sorey and Ludger all topped.

Like I said you shouldn't be surprised that Ludger is popular.
I sense a lot of salt anon.
>female customers love boring characters

Who would have thought.
So nothing announced over the 3 days?
No but we had re-confirmation that /v/ Tales threads are fucking shit.
How would you rate the JRPG threads? I know FF is at the bottom.

The last Xenothread I was in was pretty good.
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>13th Jade

Huh. Well I am pleasantly surprised best boi even got there at all. And past Emil and so many others at that.
I thought fujos were 100% against dudes past like, 20. Even if they are made into basically deep voiced chicks. It's even a joke in the extra sketches in Radiant Mythology and shit that he's too old to matter.

When the hype was still going it wasn't too bad. The dream is dead and we're back to dead franchise threads now. Fuck Bamco.
Ludger's older brother is considered top husbando material among fujos. I think that Jade's cameo in Rays reminded people of the fact that they really do like him.

Depends. Most Tales characters are 14-18 anyway so the requisite adult character in the party is usually the odd guy out and relegated to being the voice of experience and wisdom while the rest of the party gets to do dumb fun stuff. Raven's up there too and he's an old man in his early thirties. Ludger's in his 20's and he's been well-liked since his game came out. They're not always unpopular, just less common.

I don't know why for the life of me Raven's on the list though. He was annoying as fuck in Vesperia with ever other line being about his old achey back. You're fucking 30 dude, only Rowen has the right to complain and he did as little as possible. Suck it up.
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>all these shit characters
>no Laphi

This fandom can go to hell.

Julius counts for fujos? That's more a surprise.
I guess he's the fine line between almost manly and pretty, which I guess is why things like Sergei would never show up in these shenanigans.

Don't mind too much. Jade getting the credit he deserves is good enough.
He's in the top 30, laong with Magilou and Rokurou.
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Rowan is well liked though, he was included in the latest Asteria chapter and Nips were gushing about him on twitter.

He's popular enough that he got a watch based on his character.

Blame Ufotable.
of course nothing gets announced since it'll be revealed on E3 or TGS Nintendo's presentation
>Ludger will never make you a tomato based dish
So much shit taste.
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>TGS Nintendo's presentation
Nintendo doesn't go to TGS and Tales would get slaughtered by Xenoblade 2 at E3
21. Laphicet (Tales of Berseria)
22. Rokurou Rangetsu (Tales of Berseria)
23. Rita Mordio (Tales of Vesperia)
24. Kratos Aurion (Tales of Symphonia)
25. Spada Belforma (Tales of Innocence)
26. Magilou (Tales of Berseria)
27. Reid Hershel (Tales of Eternia)
28. Reala (Tales of Destiny 2)
29. Colette Brunel (Tales of Symphonia)
30. Alvin (Tales of Xillia/Xillia 2)
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>no remakes or ports or sequels announced

did they just want to sell some merch then?
The Switch game is a port, it isn't supposed to compete with new games. The new game will be announced at TGS
Magiloufags BTFO
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Full List
1st: Mikleo
2nd: Ludger
3rd: Luke
4th: Asbel
5th: Eizen
6th: Sorey
7th: Velvet
8th: Jude
9th: Zelos
10th: Judas
11th: Lloyd
12th: Raven
13th: Jade
14th: Emil
15th: Flynn
16th: Guy
17th Alisha
18th: Pascal
19th: Milla
20th: Edna
21. Laphicet
22. Rokurou Rangetsu
23. Rita Mordio
24. Kratos Aurion
25. Spada Belforma
26. Magilou
27. Reid Hershel
28. Reala
29. Colette Brunel
30. Alvin
Seems more Berseria characters made it onto the top 30 overall.
I can understand Mikleo since he's the biggest fujobait but why Sorey? He's bland as fuck.
Mikleo shipping.
Poor Luke. Has he ever made first at all? He's always in the top 5
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It's pretty fucking funny that the top ten is all men with the sole exception of Velvet
>Mikleo first
Can't be tilted about Velvet being 7th, since this is obviously fujotown with that result.
Maybe because the hate towards Sorey was overblown to begin with, he's actually an inoffensive character, unless you're like some otaku and are pissed at him for not being a self insert character.

He's a good husbando, as long as you're Meebo.
No the hate towards Sorey is not overblown, he's popular for the same reason Mikleo is popular - the female fanbase like to imagine the two assfucking.
But that's exactly the problem, he's just boring as fuck.
>I'm sensing a lot of salt here
Yes it is, Sorey is perhaps the most inoffensive I've seen in a while. His haters are just loud autists, who we now know are also the minority.
Eleanor is not on the list.
>Kayneth and Tokiomi
Literally what

I expected Archer, Lancer or Saber, but that
Not enough fanservice to attract otaku and not enough personality to beat out the likes of Pascal and Rita, or even Edna with Fujos.
Asbel, Luke, and Ludger should be in the Hall of Fame with Yuri and Leon. I don't see them dropping down the polls at all.
>Luke gets shoved into the Hall of Fame
>everyone starts voting for Asch instead like how Leon votes go to Judas
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Judging by the bouquet that fujos left for the characters, I think that Edna got a lot of the fujo votes.
That's a different case. Judas and Leon are the same person while Asch and Luke have different personalities.
Only Eleanor didn't make it.
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>Final day
>Still nothing

Holy shit what a waste of time for everyone.
Shotas are not popular. Fujos don't like him and Karol.
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so... this is the power... of the fujoshis.

not bad.. not bad at all...
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>Kratos 24
what a shit list, kratos was best dad
He's right though, Zestiria would be completely dead in the water if not for the shipperfaggotry. There are really zero redeeming factors in that game.
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It's because there is no one to pair them up with. Next time we need two shotas in the party.
>a croud full of fujos
>Laphi is not in the top 20
Fuck this bullshit, that's the only thing I was counting them on
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>26. Magilou (Tales of Berseria)

Why do the nips have such shit taste?
>everyone is happy or surprised in Velvet's case
>Eizen looks like he'd rather be literally anywhere else
I mean, we have Eizen who's the older brother who wants to build islands so he can have underground tunnels and kill a dragon with his fists. It's no wonder women latched onto him.
Except anon was trying to imply that everyone hated Sorey, which to be honest, in order for Sorey to get that high on list couldn't be true, especially when you know that the poll was open to all Nips who bought the games, and not the Festival attendees.
Because he knows why he's there.
Laphi may be alpha, but he's not a handsome ikemen so there was no chance he'd get that high.
>No announcements at all, not even a teaser
>Fujo poll another year

Holy shit, what a shit festival.
I was right. This is an off year for mothership Tales. They're dropping PS3 and going UE4.
So I looked at the past polls and yeah, Luke has never came first, only 4-2. Just ban him already Scamco., he'll never win.
But isn't that a favourites list? Haters don't matter in that poll. Voting Sorey in a favourites list is akin to saying that vanilla ice cream is your favourite when there's so many to choose from.
Can we blame Baba for lack of new game announcement?
If a lot of people hate a character then that would also mean that a lot of people don't have that character as their favorite, in other words it means that they would voted for someone else.

It's not a akin to saying that you like vanilla ice cream when there are many to choose from, this is more akin to outright looking at the flavors available and then still choosing vanilla over of all of them because vanilla actually is your favorite flavor.

Though I guess one of the real reasons for /v/ being upset about the poll results is that it doesn't fit the narrative that /v/ has been pushing for a while now.
>Not banning Leon/Judas, the original fujobait
Leon is banned. Judas isn't.
Was there anything worth during this year Tales of Festival, other than seing Seiyuu's with their own eyes? Previous had cool merch, games, music reveals and this one? Everyone says it was complete shit.
They want him to explore their secret tunnels?
Say what you want about Zesti but i'm glad we got it if only for Edna desu.
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why the fuck is mikleo so popular with you gays
Because Nips love tragedy?
Time to ban Mikleo, awful fujobait character
Assbel getting votes is beyond unexplainable

>Leila and Edna
>great characters
>but unable to save unfinished game from being garbage
>18th: Pascal
What are you doing here?
According to Nips who went, the stageplay was great and so were the skis. The only thing that disappoints them is the lack of a game announcement.

To be honest tough the announcement will probably be in a Nintendo Direct.
Why the fuck do you guys even care about a Japanese popularity poll in the first place?
Because everyone wants Velvet to be in a new game.
His voice actor is quite popular.

>Nintendo Direct
>Bandai does their own reveals
>no comment

>According to Nips who went, the stageplay was great and so were the ski(t)s

Hmmm... nothing interesting for me.
That's stupid

I like Velvet too and while I wouldn't mind seeing her again, getting salty over a popularity contest that generally has no bearing on a game's protagonist is stupid.
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Why asbel is always high in those lists i thought people hate him?
Actually it does have some bearing, how high a character ranks in dictates how much of that character you'll see and how much merchandise like extra side stories etc. will be released based on on that character. They'll advertise that character more as well. If a character doesn't place or places low, then you'll see a lot less of them.

For instance while Rita always places its not high enough to justify her getting her own manga, but Raven is high enough to justify it.
Because you need to get off of /v/ for a while.
Voice actor.
Just let it die. Transfer all funds to the mobile games and let the fujos fujo.
I really don't think we need to be afraid for Velvet or even Eizen in this regard.
She is the only good thing that came out of Graces.
Well no because they actually placed, and to be honest Bamco was likely keeping track of the results and so decided to make use of them, when deciding on how to handle them.
Can somebody point me in the directin of a working translated DLC pkg for Vesperia? The one I found doesn't work.
>Scamco realized that Tales games arent worth the cost and is going full mobile with the series while selling gay fujo merch on the side
I do worry for Eleanore, since if Ufotable does do a anime, they will likely screw her over.
>luke-warm reception for the game
>Zestira X got a terrible reception even from fujoshi with no standards
>no Berseria characters on the Top 5
Don't worry, they will not make a Berseria anime or a new game set in the same universe. It would be financial suicide.
>no Berseria characters on the Top 5
You should check the poll again.
It's hard to believe how many so delusioned people are currently in this thread. Not that I am any good... but still. Time to go away.
>No Rose

Fuck this shit
Ufotable made the wrong call with Zestira, and it backfired, I don't think that Bamco will trust them with Berseria, especially since Nips are getting tired of Ufotable.

TOZX got terrible reception because it pandered to the wrong audience, and so got criticism from literally everyone.
Eizen not only got 5th place he also got a crap load of bouquets from fans.
this arrangement would have been really fucking expensive to put together >>379059268
>no Berseria characters in the Top 3
There, adjusted my goalposts a bit while still maintaining the meaning of my initial statement about Berseria having an extremely luke-warm reception by the Japanese fandom. And Eizen is just riding the coattails of Edna's popularity anyway.
>Eizen is 5th place
>Edna is 18th
>Eizen is just riding the coattails of Edna's popularity.
Best boi? No wai.
Best MAN
>tfw Ludger won't become retired now because of this
Is Tales dead?
It died in 2015.
>Luke somehow manages to stay popular
>Spoiled ingnorant asshole for one half of the game
>turns into a depressed teen whose on suicide watch for the other half.
>but Guy is that low

Yeah i dont get it.
japs relate to him, since most of them are suicidal shits.
Is Raven making his way up the ladder or what? About time he got some recognitions

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There's actually a few things to take away from this.

1. /v/ is always wrong
2. Either this is an off year for Bamco, or maybe they've finally learned their lesson and have decided to hold off announcing the next Tales game so quickly.
3. We now which characters are going to be pushed to hell and back for the next few years.
Its hard to relate when you find out your sensei used you like a tool and you're replica that stole someone elses royalties, and was going to be arranged a marriage with a chick that wants the original.
Fucking fujoshits.
And the full results for the other lists

Favorite Villain

1 Asch the Bloody (Tales of the Abyss)
2 Barbatos Goetia (Tales of Destiny 2)
3 Gaius (Tales of Xillia)
4 Sync the Tempest (Tales of the Abyss)
5 Dhaos (Tales of Phantasia)
6 Duke Pantarei (Tales of Vesperia)
7 Shigure Rangetsu (Tales of Berseria)
8 Oscar Dragonia (Tales of Berseria)
9 Hasta (Tales of Innocence)
10 Alice (Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World)

Favorite Mascot

1 Repede (Tales of Vesperia)
2 Rollo (Tales of Xillia 2)
3 Mieu (Tales of the Abyss)
4 Normin (Tales of Zestiria)
5 Bienfu (Tales of Berseria)
6 Teepo (Tales of Xillia)
7 Quickie (Tales of Eternia)
8 Tokunaga (Tales of the Abyss)
9 Quppo, Pippo and Poppo (Tales of Legendia)
10 Corrine (Tales of Symphonia)

and finally Character you would like to be Reborn As?

1 Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia)
2 Milla Maxwell (Tales of Xillia)
3 Rollo (Tales of Xillia 2)
4 Sorey (Tales of Zestiria)
5 Mikleo (Tales of Zestiria)
6 Asbel Lhant (Tales of Graces)
7 Edna (Tales of Zestiria)
8 Jude Mathis (Tales of Xillia)
9 Rita Mordio (Tales of Vesperia)
10 Estelle (Tales of Vesperia)
But the DS and Vita both got Tales games.
Yuri Lowell and Leon Magnus aren't welcome in the polls anymore because they each spent so many consecutive years at the top of the polls.

Anime had a similar problem with Kira Yamato, Lacus, and Araragi
>7 Shigure Rangetsu (Tales of Berseria)
>characters you would like to be reborn as
>be an adventerous badass, I get it
>Hot and capable, sure
Ludger's cooking is that good.
>not wanting to be reborn as a cat
Get of a load of this faggot.
only way to interpret this is that tales fans all see Velvet as "one of the guys"-- even fujos must like her for her to be top ten.

zestiria characters should be disqualified considering these are votes for their ANIME forms, not their original selves from the shit-ass game
>zestiria characters should be disqualified considering these are votes for their ANIME forms, not their original selves from the shit-ass game
Get a load of this dumbass

Sorey, Mikleo, and Edna were always popular characters, the anime actually got a lot of flack for pushing them off to the sidelines and wasn't liked because of it.

The only character who you could claim's popularity comes from the anime is Alisha, and even then you'd be wrong, her popularity comes primarily from people pitying her game counterpart.
The last good tales game was Graces F. Everything else since has been terrible shit and the customization is getting way too complicated.

Why do I have 30 of the same sword or jacket, so I can get the one that does 5% extra damage to a beast type monster? Wtf
That's a lot of freakin pity to push her up to 17 man
They'll just vote in Victor
>Why do I have 30 of the same sword or jacket, so I can get the one that does 5% extra damage to a beast type monster? Wtf
I agree, this shit was beyond retarded in Berseria.
>The last good tales game was Graces F
Just leave. Please.
Well partially out of pity and partially out of otaku that only care about her character design.

Alisha is a weird case, where Alisha actually isn't genuinely liked for who she is, but rather how she looks and people feeling sorry for her. Which is why her shit flops all the time.
I guess that makes sense. Honestly if they just re-released Zestiria in a FINISHED form using the Berseria engine, maybe with clearer connections established to the prequel...
Luke was well written and interesting to watch if you're not a sperg, though Guy being lower on a popularity poll is bogus considering how fucking likable the guy is
Fujos just can't say no to that midriff of Luke's I guess
Rose would still need to be redone as she's a complete mess.
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>fujos dominate the poll again
Perfectly made battle systems too much for you? Get the fuck out
Why can't we get a version of Zesti with only Sorey+Seraphs and no other human party members so we can explore that whole "People will fear you and see you as a monster" angle? It just seemed to me as a (side?)plotpoint that went nowhere and was dropped all-together.
They'd need to redo everything about half the cast and the story
Bersy and Zesty use the same engine and assets.
I wonder, would the results change if it was a online poll? I mean Goro tanked badlly outside the offical poll for Persona 5 and he's prime fujobait.
The battle system doesn't begin to shine until like... 3/4th into the game. Until then, you have to put up with some of the worst dungeons, towns, music, and plot ever included in the series. I need more than a good battle system to keep me interested in a game.
At this point in time they've fucked up too much to fix it with a re-release, and Ufotable deciding to go full pandering probably made things worse as it created false expectations in anime-only viewers Alishafags into thinking that their waifu is actually an important and relevant character. Not only that but the various ways it fucked shit up, makes me doubt that they'd ever do anything big with it, unless they decide to continue it through a manga or novels, since it's been doing well in those mediums.
I mean, I guess at a base level? But Berseria looks good visually and Zestiria looks like a bunch of textures stretched over unfinished / under construction assets
They could literally just do what they did for her in the manga.

Have her actually get called out on her bullshit and grow as a character when she realizes that her previous ideology doesn't always work.
>outside the offical poll

Who gives a shit then? Do you think strawpolls mean anything?
Wasn't Zestria rushed ?
I think you were supposed to pick between Alisha and Rose, similar to picking between Jude and Milla, to explore both sides of that issue, but Baba went with just finishing Rose's route and put Alisha under a bridge
Bring back Elemental spirits please. Enough of this hellion bullshit
Bullshit theory, it was in the design notes for Okumura that Alisha was not going to permanent party member.
That's because Zestiria was unfinished / under construction assets
Well they had been working on it for years-- supposedly-- but 'seamless' battles took the devs SO long to implement that they ended up having no time to finish everything else sufficiently, which made it come off as rushed.

Rose's seiyuu was hired close to the end of development, as it seems Baba couldn't make the hard choice of which storyline they would have to go with if they couldn't do both routes (alisha/rose), so he went with Rose and hired Mikako Komatsu, who was his idol and the person Rose is based on

the biggest shame is, Alisha's seiyuu was a true Tales fan and it was her dream come true to be a part of one, and she got the worst role possible for that.

then they did that stupid DLC where, character development be damned, these two totally incompatible girls are forced to turn gay for each other, at one point culminating with Alisha screaming I JUST WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH YOU against all logic or reason
There were online votes. Otaku have no excuses
Too busy doing pity votes for Alisha.
Either way, i'm just sad that this (quite interesting imo) plot went nowhere. I'm guessing it got scrapped for more "Rose is the best!".
double bullshit, why the fuck do they sell her weapons if she's not there?

why is she in early screenshots visiting/fighting in places she can't go due to being assigned to the stupid bridge? why was rose nowhere to be seen in early promotional artwork whereas Alisha was front and center holding hands with Sorey?

Why does the plot contrive a reason out of thin air JUST as Rose is introduced that pushes Sorey and Alisha apart?

Why do characters near the tail end of the plot just show up as if we were supposed to have met them before (in another route??)
>ose's seiyuu was hired close to the end of development, as it seems Baba couldn't make the hard choice of which storyline they would have to go with if they couldn't do both routes (alisha/rose), so he went with Rose and hired Mikako Komatsu, who was his idol and the person Rose is based on
Actually we don't know when Rose's Va was hired, because the source that claimed that she was hired last was unsourced based on hearsay. As for Rose herself, there are far too many assets for her both used and unused for her to be a last minute character.

>the biggest shame is, Alisha's seiyuu was a true Tales fan and it was her dream come true to be a part of one, and she got the worst role possible for that.
It's actually not uncommon for Idol seiyuu like Alisha's Seiyuu to be "fans" of something.

>then they did that stupid DLC where, character development be damned, these two totally incompatible girls are forced to turn gay for each other, at one point culminating with Alisha screaming I JUST WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH YOU against all logic or reason
Alisha was just pathetic in the main game itself, hell it was even a part of her backstory.

Tl;Dr the Alisha controversy is a bunch of bullshit.
I can't imagine all their time was spent on seamless battles alone. I mean they're a studio, obviously different people work on different things.
is that Kekkai Sensen
that's the only explanation i can think of, just look at the textures in, say, open fields, or the Ladylake Church, it's like PS3 character models dropped into PS2 environments
Because there were staff members that liked her and insisted on making her a permanent party member, so the director and the head writer tried it for a while. But then when writing the story they realized that Alisha didn't make sense as a party member.

>why is she in early screenshots visiting/fighting in places she can't go due to being assigned to the stupid bridge?
Early trailers not resembling the final product isn't uncommon with Videogames.

> why was rose nowhere to be seen in early promotional artwork whereas Alisha was front and center holding hands with Sorey?
Because they intended for it to be a twist that Alisha wasn't important. That's why she actually has no personal reason to travel with Sorey and why she's irrelevant to the overall world buidling.

>Why does the plot contrive a reason out of thin air JUST as Rose is introduced that pushes Sorey and Alisha apart?
Actually that reasoning wasn't to introduce Alisha but to foreshadow Sorey going to sleep, Rose's foreshadhowing was something completely different.

>Why do characters near the tail end of the plot just show up as if we were supposed to have met them before (in another route??)
The characters are in Lastonbell because that's where the peace treaty is being signed.

Besides that Alisha doesn't show up at all.
>not wanting to reborn as King of the cats and be stronger than Gaius
come on now
I don't think Rose was 'last minute', I think her VA was last minute because they had two scenarios mapped out, and Baba couldn't just pick one until it got to crunch time.

This is also the only reason I can surmise why Skits aren't properly laid out with their proper flags, and get stacked up on save points-- rewrites forcing them to re-do a large number of skits to be Rose-focused.

>Alisha was just pathetic in the main game itself, hell it was even a part of her backstory.
Sure, but I think that was later given more emphasis due to

A) baba constantly writing okumura's characters to suffer constantly, because fuck you
B) wanting to make Rose look better (like the characters cant shut up about)
Seriously fuck the japs
>top anything

I didn't hear that there was a terrorist attack in japan
>Rose not even in the list
>can't even win against a cameo character who barely got any screentime

Rosefags BTFO
But that "two scenarios mapped out" doesn't make any sense when you consider one thing.

Why would you want to choose a character that's heavily restrictive and doesn't allow you to even leave the country that is irrelevant to the overall lore. And whose story has no connection or effect on the Sorey, over a character who isn't restrictive has connections to the lore, and also effects Sorey's character.

>A) baba constantly writing okumura's characters to suffer constantly, because fuck you
Baba isn't a writer and it was the head writer's idea to make Alisha useless
>B) wanting to make Rose look better (like the characters cant shut up about)
He has nothing to do this either.

The characterization of Alisha as a pathetic delusional girl is continued in her own manga and even the novel where it's pointed out that she herself was a fuck up and that's why she was having such a hard time.
So, IF we got a 3rd game in Zesti/Berseria universe you think it'd have a completely new cast with the old one as either enemies or support from behind the scenes?Or would it be a mix of new and old? And what would everyone's reaction be when it is finally revealed that the last boss and mastermind behind everything was Arma Dylan?
Zelos seiyu : because you would have big boobs!
Seiyus: Be cute fat cat that sleeps a lot!

seiyus: You just want to be reborn!
>Baba isn't a writer

So ... the head writer decided to make Rose a living tribute to a seiyuu that Baba was notably obsessed with? And decided to write in that she was engaged to a character who was blatantly meant to be Baba?
>All these male nominations
I dont think this semen slurping series is for me.
All the most popular Bers/Zest characters are immortal, so they could be party members or significant characters.
>And decided to write in that she was engaged to a character who was blatantly meant to be Baba?
That prince guy who immediately dies in Dezel's flashback is supposed to be Baba's self insert?
You do know that whole "tribute" shit was Alishafags reaching pretty damn hard? Unless you think that Baba would allow himself to be framed as a villain that fucked up his supposed waifu's future to the point that she became a heartless assassin with an implied relationship with a seraph then sure when she could have married "him" then sure.
Considering the homo end for both the male and female mains, Baba didn't write enough
IIRC, he's called "Prince Conan" which is a nickname of Baba's or something, along with Rose's character profile being one long list of fanboy references to Komatsu's seiyuu bio
>Unless you think that Baba would allow himself to be framed as a villain
writing his self insert to be the catalyst for her character to become who she is? yeah that sounds about right

I think Rose and Alisha were forced together in the DLC to alleviate the backlash Rose got from overshadowing the character people originally expected to be the heroine.
Yeah a person who fucked up her life, before Sorey came in and fixed it.

If the prince was a character that Rose married at the end of the story, you'd have a point, in this case you don't because the prince was nothing but a negative influence on Rose.
Pretty much this.

Rose's most popular ship at the end of the game was actually with Dezel, but pushing her with Alisha also gave Alisha a love interest because Rose was also the only one available.
Game Rose didn't give a shit about the prince though.
tales of zestiria was trash that proved that someone could write a worse story than modern squareenix

but some fujos will still justify something stupid about sorey and mikleo

go be gay somewhere else
oh, I remember that, it shitposted around Zestiria's release trying to link Baba to Detective Conan
Alishitters are the /pol/ of Tales
At least half of Berseria's cast is dead dude.
>can't even top a cameo character in popularity polls

Rosefag tears are most delicious.
self-inserts don't have to be retardedly in your face and transparent like that, the character with a bio mirroring her real life seiyuu's (whom baba was obsessed with and called a 'goddess') was engaged to a guy with Baba's nickname, and their 'tragic relationship' leads rose to becoming who she is in the game.

pretty sure just being a direct part of her backstory would be enough, the actual details of it are not really important
>The anime and DLC push Alisha and Rose incredibly hard to appease Alisha fans
>Tales of Link wedding day comic puts Alisha with Maltran and Rose with Dezel
At least the mobile dev team knows what they are doing
Velvet isn't, Rokurou might not be, and due to the rules of reincarnation Eleanor and Magilou could have become a seraphs.
I'd understand this alisha/rose debate if the characters were any good.
They just aren't, man, they are awful and completely overshadowed by mikleo, sorey and even edna and lailah
it's the only PS3 tales i haven't finished, every time i boot it up i remember how ugly everything is

but i don't know if i want to sit through so much of the anime either.
>overall Tales popularity polls
>cameo characters
Rose was pushed with Dezel, but Alisha and Maltran was really just Maltran accompanying Alisha as a stand in parent watching her daughter taking part in a pageant.
So no new game announcement until next year?
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so it was fucking nothing?
Exactly right?

Rose can't even top a cameo character like Alisha
>Rokurou might not be
Let's be honest, if he did survive that long he would be hilariously strong, so much that it would possibly rule him out from being a party member.
>Eleanor and Magilou could have become a seraphs.
Again, time is the issue, they still die of age.
>the character with a bio mirroring her real life seiyuu's
Rose's bio is nothing like her seiyuu's though.

>was engaged to a guy with Baba's nicknameand their 'tragic relationship' leads rose to becoming who she is in the game.
You mean the /pol/ level conspiracy? And Rose literally was only interested in marrying the prince for money, she didn't love or give a shit about him.
We'll either get an announcement of a remake at E3 or the next big announcements will be near TGS/December. TalesFES is mainly for smaller/spin-off announcements anyway.
Oh you mean Alisha whose popularity is based on people feeling sorry for her or simply liking her character design but not the actual character itself?

>cameo character
>t-these votes aren't real, they don't REALLY like her!
Anon why are you trying so hard. Did Alisha kill your mom or something?
I know, right?

She really shouldn't be that high up.
>TalesFES is mainly for smaller/spin-off announcements anyway.
Yeah, like Berseria
>Let's be honest, if he did survive that long he would be hilariously strong, so much that it would possibly rule him out from being a party member.
You mean just like how powerful Sorey would have become by being Maotelus's personal vessel, or how powerful Mikleo will become after living for hundreds of years especially since the Zestiria crew was already powerful, or how more powerful Edna would be from traveling the world?

It's mostly works out the only character to worry about it Velvet.

>Again, time is the issue, they still die of age.
But are reborn as seraphs, with the same personalty but no memories
Berseria wasn't a "whole brand new game" on the vein of other Tale titles. It uses a lot of assets from Zestiria and is basically "Zestiria 2" in everything but name.
i own the japanese and english version of ToZ beat them both like 3 times

please kill me
It's a simple observation, Alisha's merchandise doesn't sell, and Alishafags can't stop complaining about what they wish she'd be rather that who she is to the point that the anime altered her entire personality to their liking.
If these threads are any indication then I see more Zestyfags complaining about Alishafags than actual Alishafags complaining about Alisha.

Zesty shitters just can't shut up about their fucking game already.
I'm not just talking about /v/, I'm also speaking of the general reaction to Alisha. You'll almost never hear Alishafags actually say anything that they like about Alisha's character, they only speak of what they wish she'd be like.

Alishafags haved taken their cancer to /u/ after /a/ got them to fuck off.
depends, if you're an alishafag, you might get something out of it

i think she's super cute, but i don't think i'd sit through the series for it, zestiria as a whole is not much for writing

go watch little witch academia instead
The only /a/nons who even cared about Zesty were the /u/fags though, the final episode threads were full of em.
>/a/ got them to fuck off
it's hilarious, /a/ can get other people to fuck something but they can't get themselves to fuck anything


This. I'm pretty sure it's the same 10 people shitting on Alishafags just to start shit
the anime is pretty worthless, but if cute girls distract you then it might be up your alley.
yeah man, they are like gamergaters going on about sjw tweets

i swear i'd drop them on the floor and then claim iraq gave me ptsd if i was near them
My sweet beans are in the top 10, Look how Eizen is unimpressed and Velvet is surprised 10/10 poll <3
There were a few, they just cross over with /u/fags. Those threads were fucking cancer.
>Sorey above Velvet

Shills BTFO
You act like /v/ is any better.
Now-a-days it's really dumbasses who still believe in the bullshit "controversy" that bring her up.
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>1st: Mikleo
Absolutely fantastic taste. There is nothing on this earth purer than BL.
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Good post
People denying their purity is absolutely horrible
I will take that as they are working on a new engine so it would take longer for a new game.
>no based Magilou

It's fucking trash
>Flavor of the month fujobait in 1st place
What a load of shit.
Magilou's popularity is a forced meme, even on /v/
i would be down for berseria on switch, I've held off buying it just for that possibility.

I'm surprised. She is at least better than Pascal. Still annoying as fuck though.
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Most people are too shallow to appreciate true love when they see it. They just want more generic soulless waifus. It's sad, but at least it doesn't take away from how perfect and pure Sorey and Mikleo are together.
Hey, at least he's still managing to stay relevant after all these years. Makes me so proud~
>They just want more generic soulless waifus
>Mikleo is fully designed to be a generic prettyboy pandering bait whose entire story purpose is being Sorey's waifu
What did fujos mean by this?
>flavor of the month
It's been like 3 years anon
Let them keep their delusion.
This means they are going to take their time and make a really good Tales games next, right?
Nope, we'll never get any mainline titles again, it's all mobile cashgrab games now.
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Why do they need 3 mobiles anyways? Why not just one?
Triple the milking.
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My boy asbel being number 3.

He had hard life.

>brother sold for political reasons
>brother, hates him and betrays him
>crush died
>dad died
>friend treats him indifferently
>friend goes insane and corrupt

I also find it pretty fucking bullshit how he loses against his brother despite him training all his youth. Fuck the game for that forced loss.
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>>Mikleo is fully designed to be a generic prettyboy pandering bait whose entire story purpose is being Sorey's waifu
>What did fujos mean by this?
Despise of Mikleo being Sorey's "waifu", his development is based around that he needs to be prepared to leave Sorey's side because he won't be always around
Hubert > Assbel

When are they going to bar fujoshits from polls. It's so fucking obvious what happened here. Nobody but literal gays and fujos liked Mikleo.
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Hey, at least based Ludger is 2nd place.
>votes shouldn't count unless I agree with them
If anyone should be barred from voting it's you, anon.

The fact that Velvet made it into the top 10 in a crowd of fujos. Means that she was that fucking great that even the eternal fujo had to acknowledge her. Otherwise, the entire top 10 would have been a sausagefest.
>Nobody but literal gays and fujos liked Mikleo.
>nobody liked mikleo except for the majority of the fanbase

But that is exactly what Elanor is though.
I'm glad the money spending fujo retards like her too
>Nobody but literal gays and fujos liked Mikleo
So since Mikleo is the most popular character then this means that most of the fanbase is composed of literal gays and fujos?
This is the purest fanart I've ever laid my eyes on
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I think you're confusing Eleanor with Alisha.

Well, I guess it's time to drop the franchise. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
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Ludger best dad, Elle best daughteru.
fujos just participate in events and polls more, they certainly aren't the majority of the game buyers.
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Yoy don't be mean to your oniisan like that
The fanbase has been mostly fujos for several years, it's a wonder how you just noticed it.
Long haired Mikleo is a treasure.
How do you know that anon? JRPG audiences are mostly girls in my experience.
When you have to count on fujoshis to give recognition to the best boy, you know there's a problem with this timeline.
>in my experience
These polls were online polls open to everyone, otaku have no excuse not to participate.

Besides that if I remember quite well, there was never study or polls showing the gender demoraphic of those who buy Tales games, it was literally only Baba who claimed what he believed what gender the Tales of gamers were composed of.
Damn I have to open my pixiv bookmarks
At least best boy got first place like he rightfully deserved, even with shitty otaku trying to block the way.
This thread is ruined.

Well, I had put a Tales games in a backlog since Graces F. I played Xillia a few years after it was out. Really enjoyed Xillia 2 and hated Zesteria. I didn't really sense hard fujo pandering till I played Zesteria. Pretty obvious by then. If there was any before it wasn't as annoying for me to notice.
It's just starting to get decent.
Boys who love boys are the best.
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We get you don't accept the fact that you're a faggot, but best boy won the poll
Deal with it
Well Zestiria made it obvious through Sorey only finding Meebo attractive and Meebo wanting to be Sorey's cocksleeve. They were as gay as you could get without ever outright saying it.

It doesn't help that Mikleo was made into a boy specifically because they didn't want to pair up Sorey with a girl. Besides those two though there's no pandering fujos.
Wheres Dyle? Was he banned for being too obvious a number 1?
>Sorey's waifu is LITERALLY #1
>Berseria/Zestiria sequelfags BTFO
>animefags who thought it actually mattered BTFO
Praise Scamco
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>poor Berseriafag and fallen into denial.
pls, my heart.
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Let's appreciate for a moment best loli is in top 20 <3
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Here, have a picture of best boy with incidental loli.
Edna ranking low is the only thing I'm salty about
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Well blame Ufotable, if the anime focused on Edna more instead of pushing her to the sidelines then maybe she would have kept her popularity up.
Everything after Tempest was downhill.
They actually are destroying tales.
“there are no spam voters but there are salty losers”
I haven't posted anything in a while but, wasn't it really the waifufaggorty and waifufags that almost destroyed Tales?
Atleast Eizen made the list, now if only i could get Velvet replaced with Phi i'd be more okay.
Fujos are annoying with picture spamming but with Zestiria it really was the waifufags' fault
No, fujo shit and alisha rose circle jerk.
Why? She's great, it's just sad phi didn't make the top 20
Velvet fags stuck in BTFO land with Ludgerfags for all eternity. Endless suffering!
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>mikleo number 1
oh god how i love this blue haired cutie~
>she's great
Edgy is good now?
>No, fujo shit and alisha rose circle jerk.
Except Sorey and Mikleo didn't cause any "controversy" or anger, all the bullshit from Zestiria came purely from salty waifufags whinging about female characters.
She's not edgy though.
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Good post anon <3
They should have had Edna join the crew then they could have pushed for Phi with Edna. It's a simple.
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>no game announcement
>Mikleo above Ludger

Shills Buttblasted.
you too my cupcake <3

Fujos don't care about straight pairings and that's a horrible idea.
He was promised secret tunnels if he came. There was no secret tunnels...
Should have built a island.
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Me too.
Replace Velvet with anyone on that list and you're more correct.
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She'd probably be higher if Ufo didn't shill Alisha so hard and take out all instances of Edna's personality/screentime in the anime. Now her onii-chan is more popular than her and pedofags have moved onto other series.

>Sorey gets to fuck this

Might as well. He doesn't even work for the company anymore but when have facts ever stopped /v/ from being stupid
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>Mikleo gets to be fucked by this
Seems fair to me. They're absolutely perfect together.
ahh i knew i made a mistake typing that ;~;
it really isn't fair :c
>She'd probably be higher if Ufo didn't shill Alisha so hard and take out all instances of Edna's personality/screentime in the anime. Now her onii-chan is more popular than her and pedofags have moved onto other series.
I think that Ufotable might be regretting this, especially since Bamco is still able to make money off of Edna.

seriously? i cant remember any of his character traits other than following sorey around
As long as Maotelus is a party member i'd be satisfied.
You know the more I think about the more I beleive that instead of giving Lailah Mint's outfit they should have given her her Grune's outfit.
What happen to Ufotable once Fate/Zero started, why did they become so bias and start playing favorites in all their projects?
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What mistake?
>he doesn't know about the Berseria novel epilogue.
That's because you're a brainless waifushitter.
This is true, anything under Mikleo sucks. Mikleo Hall of Fame when?
>Iwata: What are the male and female percentages for Tales players?
>Yoshizumi: According to questionnaires, about 70% of the players are male and 30% are female. But when it comes to stage events and merchandise sales, about 95% are women.
I hope so.

What happened?
>all this gay
what the fuck is going on
a-ah i'm sorry, english is not my first language and i thought i made a mistake or something :(
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I don't remember a funny thread since episode 7 of YoI
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Top 10 Mikleos. Here's #1.
see >>379082931
Phi is an absolute madman
>most of males only care about gameplay
>gays and fujo don't
>they make a game to target the gaylords
>it flops and cause a serious damage to the franchise's image
really makes the seventh fonon sequence going
>Berseria/Zestiria sequelfags BTFO
Don't forget the Remaster fags!
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Straight people are the most delusional group on the planet. Nobody else even comes close to their level of insanity.
You do know that these polls were online polls, that weren't taken at the Tales Fes right?
But it was the waifufags who caused it to flop.
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No worries, you did fine. Have a cute picture.
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Tell me something new.
It's more shipping in general.
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>Alisha is above Edna

Well Baba killed the franchise and ran, so the answer is yes.
>says the fujo while trying to look superior when fujoshis have been associated with delusional and obsessive gay ships ever since their existence.
stop with that shit. alisha was only one of the problems. the gameplay was garbage from combat to equipment, to world exploration.
Do you really think that ratio doesn't translate to online polls as well?
Are trying to imply that the majority of the buyers are actually female, or that male voters voted for Mikleo?
Zestiria, Vesperia, and Desitny ruined the Tales series since they all made number one. So no remaster are necessary for them.

>Yoshizumi:But when they say, “This is what we should do,” I often have to clamp down on it. Especially when their viewpoint as a fan is strong.

>Iwata:That goes back to what we discussed earlier. As a series builds up, you can’t simply respond to the fans’ requests. It’s important to present something the fans were never expecting, while not losing the core essence.

>Yoshizumi:That’s right. I hate how when you listen to various opinions, it becomes harder to depart from the fans’ requests and to do something bold. Whatever the situation, I want to have the stomach to - in a good way - betray the expectations of the fans.

>Iwata:Betrayal that makes the fans happy!

>Bamco listened to a bunch of waifufags on staff, it ended up causing a plethora of problems that damn near killed the franchise.
>Bamco ends up relying on fujobucks to keep afloat.

This interview is very ironic.
ahh, thank you a lot. <3
only the newfags and waifufags cared about the anime, gaylord. most of the players don't even care about stuff outside the games
Fujos have been repeatedly proven to be in the right more often than otaku. "Straight goggles" are more of a thing than fujo goggles ever were.
Retard please. I played Zestiria completion and didn't notice anything gay about it. Put down your gay googles for a second.
Said the brainless hubandoshitter?
Question anon, how do you think that Nintendo got the information for their questionaires? Hint, it's similar to how the polling if run for the Tales favorite characters.
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This. Waifushitters watch literal yaoi and then have a fucking mental breakdown when they get blown the fuck out and realize they were watching a gay show all along. It's absurd how many times this has happened in the past couple of years.
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I still think Edna is consistently the most popular TOZ girl but the anime put a huge damper in it.

>i cant remember any of his character traits other than following sorey aroun
>Better looking than the girls
>Cooks and nurses Sorey
>Exists to take his cock one day

He's the ultimate waifu (male).
I know what he tried to do and that's why i want him back even more. Victory favors the bold after all.
>watching a show without any women in the main cast
This strawman doesn't make any sense bruh.
>to Sorey
>>Better looking than the girls
>for Sorey
>>Cooks and nurses Sorey
>>Exists to take his cock one day
Is there anything Mikleo can do that doesn't involve Sorey? He's as bad as a shounen manga love interest.
It isn't a strawman, they're completely right. They cling to the one or two female characters in the cast, then spend the entire season complaining that she doesn't get screentime. Then when they finally realize they were watching BL they have a collective freakout hissyfit and hilarity ensues. It's been happening over and over again lately.
Surveys aren't public, for once. The fact that the results contradict each other so much should be telling.
Again I ask what are you implying, do you think most buyers are female? Do you think that most buyers are male but they vote for Mikleo anyway?
The gameplay, equipment, and world exploration problems were nothing that could have been fixed because the game simply needed more time to be finished.

However, the same does not hold true for the story, as a lot of problems with the story was caused by the story being written and then revised twice. One of the revisions only happened because of waifufags on the staff. The end result was the staff losing time to animate the whole story.
Honestly, all of these lewd Sorey & Mikleo drawings makes kinda want a small and cute boyfriend to fug him all nite.
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Make those shorts longer or just into pants and that outfit would be kind of cool.
Like what? YoI was as much of an obvious fujobait series as Free was and only retards didn't see that. And who the fuck watches these shows for the girls?
which implies that many of factors made the game shit. baba going full retard about a seiyuu was only one of them. it is a fucking action rpg. you can't have shitty gameplay in an action rpg
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It makes me want a strong and cheerful bf to cook for and be fugged by all night.
Fucking fujos don't like cute shotas? What the fuck is wrong with them? Well I'm done with this series till they fix the dungeons. I still liked Berseria but I'm taking a break from the series until they fix these.
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Well there's no arguing he's pretty one dimensional, but so is everyone else in Zestiria. Nobody's a shining example of depth and characterization so pretty all these votes for TOZ characters are pretty damn shallow.

At the very least, Mikleo isn't offensive.
Has my supporting Edna backed this rampant fujo series?
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