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/v/idya Draw Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 511
Thread images: 190

File: 1493467481593.png (619KB, 802x1672px) Image search: [Google]
619KB, 802x1672px
Previous Thread:

>Post character name/franchises and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:

Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!
NSFW Deliveries should also be posted in

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky

Drawing Books:
I want to draw lewds
File: 1489205921358.jpg (705KB, 1600x1600px) Image search: [Google]
705KB, 1600x1600px
requesting a painless death
File: 1493491781251.jpg (2MB, 1414x2000px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1414x2000px
Requesting the Sorceress (Dragons Crown) waking up in the morning wearing only a bathrobe, and enjoying some coffee.
File: Etna ref.jpg (2MB, 5800x2912px) Image search: [Google]
Etna ref.jpg
2MB, 5800x2912px
Requesting Etna on a big sofa, by a chimney, in a comfy room, holding a cup of tea with her tail, and reading a lewd book (like "Buttspotting").
Or for something crazier: Etna summoning a Gate of Babylon-like thing with Prinnies in the portal.
File: Zizou EXE.png (322KB, 1039x640px) Image search: [Google]
Zizou EXE.png
322KB, 1039x640px
Requesting Net Navi version of Zizou
File: 1493270706926m.jpg (80KB, 779x1024px) Image search: [Google]
80KB, 779x1024px
Anchoring for >>375018653

The request was >>375012561

Thanks again!
File: big breasted blazblues.png (2MB, 2250x1750px) Image search: [Google]
big breasted blazblues.png
2MB, 2250x1750px
Requesting Mai Natsume and Makoto Nanaya on all fours next to one another getting fucked doggy style:
File: Spiborg.png (223KB, 839x567px) Image search: [Google]
223KB, 839x567px
Requesting a simple, but still cool drawing of the Arachnotron from DOOM
Requestin' Dakka!
File: Canada EX.png (2MB, 1731x1492px) Image search: [Google]
Canada EX.png
2MB, 1731x1492px
Requesting Raquna dressed as a Canadian mounty riding a Furyhorn/Ragelope.
Requesting vidya characters in a Burnout race
File: ABRA KEDABRA.png (120KB, 538x431px) Image search: [Google]
120KB, 538x431px
Requesting Harry Potter riding on a broomstick in space while casting a lightning bolt at an Imperial Clipper from Elite and blowing it up. Pic is reference for the Clipper if you've never seen it.

This is extremely important.
File: Ecolo-request.png (279KB, 1810x761px) Image search: [Google]
279KB, 1810x761px
Requesting Ecolo drinking from a 'Your Tears' cup
Requesting Feena and Goblin Mage from Cygames' franchises (Rage of Bahamut/Granblue Fantasy/Shadowverse) drawn in the same pose/card art as the Goblinmount Demon.
File: Deep Strange Journey.png (3MB, 1400x1953px) Image search: [Google]
Deep Strange Journey.png
3MB, 1400x1953px
Requesting Yukiko successfully being cast as Alex, a new character in the remake of the game "Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey"

Format is like an awkward Atlus executive meeting.
File: 1486084844268.jpg (753KB, 1000x1655px) Image search: [Google]
753KB, 1000x1655px
>requesting Pic related with any vidya character of your choice
I recommend Olivia from Pokemon Sun and moon
and if you do this with Aigis don't give her feet and do it with her actual hooves things
File: Mighty Morphin Poochie Rangers.png (2MB, 1478x1793px) Image search: [Google]
Mighty Morphin Poochie Rangers.png
2MB, 1478x1793px
Requesting these Power Rangers: Cynthia (Red Ranger), Lucina (Blue Ranger), Zinnia (Black Ranger), Lightning (Pink Ranger), and Marie (Yellow Ranger).

Poochie can be Zordon.
File: gene azel.jpg (2MB, 4064x2772px) Image search: [Google]
gene azel.jpg
2MB, 4064x2772px
Requesting Gene and Azel from God Hand as rival schools delinquents.
gimme some footjob requests
File: giantess goddess vert.png (4MB, 2532x1182px) Image search: [Google]
giantess goddess vert.png
4MB, 2532x1182px
Requesting vert as a giantess goddess in a similar pose to the pics on the right
File: New stripper ref.png (3MB, 1850x2100px) Image search: [Google]
New stripper ref.png
3MB, 1850x2100px
Requesting a pole-dancing battle between Elise and the 7th Dragon Psychic
Gimme some art sample
Your waifu loves you! But now it's time to finish you off!
File: capture.png (6KB, 981x67px) Image search: [Google]
6KB, 981x67px
Is this where it all started?
File: Mishanort.png (2MB, 1080x1414px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1080x1414px
Requesting an army of Mishas with Xehanort hair (white/silver rather than mostly bald) and eyes.

You can consider Ajna, Sabrina, Neps, Senrans, other Pokesluts, any other lewd bait you don't like as part of the True Organization XIII/a Mishanort too.
File: 1479888268209.png (72KB, 311x738px) Image search: [Google]
72KB, 311x738px
Ayesha on her knees giving a footjob to a guy laying behind her. Make her butt look nice too.
File: 62070347_p2_master1200.jpg (105KB, 600x450px) Image search: [Google]
105KB, 600x450px
Did somebody say battlecats?
File: mila bonita.jpg (276KB, 646x479px) Image search: [Google]
mila bonita.jpg
276KB, 646x479px
Requesting Mila from DOA5 wearing Laura's bonita outfit
File: Milf and daughter.png (1MB, 1358x1900px) Image search: [Google]
Milf and daughter.png
1MB, 1358x1900px
Requesting Lusamine in Ivy Valentine's get-up with her regular clothes color palette (black and white) molesting/dominating Lillie
Das a nice cate :3
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44KB, 421x470px
File: Estelle sheet simple.png (853KB, 1624x864px) Image search: [Google]
Estelle sheet simple.png
853KB, 1624x864px
Requesting a cute pic of Estelle (from Trails in the Sky) but with a haircut like the girl on the right has.

Who dis?
File: Pyribbit.jpg (36KB, 564x564px) Image search: [Google]
36KB, 564x564px
Requesting Pyribbit gijinka.
File: sumikamystia.png (745KB, 998x1260px) Image search: [Google]
745KB, 998x1260px
Sumika from Orange_Juice and Mystia from Touhou remind me of one another, so, requesting they do something together or a fusion of the two.
File: 19 yeta.jpg (243KB, 544x736px) Image search: [Google]
19 yeta.jpg
243KB, 544x736px
Today's my birthday!

Requesting a birthday drawing of Yeta either;
-About to eat a big birthday fish (Like a big, whole, fried fish, but with birthday candles)
-Cooking a birthday fish
-Wearing a candle on her head like the adorable cupcake she is

This is fucking amazing
Aphrodite in Battlecats
Fucking kek
File: Blazblue Mai Natsume.jpg (2MB, 2910x2644px) Image search: [Google]
Blazblue Mai Natsume.jpg
2MB, 2910x2644px
Requesting Mai Natsume drawn as an angel.
File: Painter.png (3MB, 2000x1213px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 2000x1213px
The Painter performing a footjob while she's not wearing any underwear. A cum shot landing on her bare pussy would be a good addition.
This is amusing
File: 1463345446390.png (370KB, 1112x904px) Image search: [Google]
370KB, 1112x904px
Requesting Anon and Lili Stormstout meditating together
this is the right board for world of warcraft right?
File: 1493489853866.jpg (251KB, 1024x768px) Image search: [Google]
251KB, 1024x768px
>does someone knows what happened to plato ? haven't see him in months
Are you 19 this year?
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350KB, 1920x1080px
Requesting Nick Ramos from Dead Rising 3 applying for a MVC:I slot
File: 9a7.png (192KB, 750x526px) Image search: [Google]
192KB, 750x526px
Requesting Rock/Mega Man and Roll, both of them in their underwear and with their backs turned to the viewer, doing a little dance.
File: maxy.jpg (2MB, 1920x1058px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1920x1058px
requesting max payne chilling on a beach chair, maybe with a beer, with how he looks in the third game
File: Noctraidenitos.png (625KB, 797x616px) Image search: [Google]
625KB, 797x616px
Anchoring >>375437971

Also, requesting Sombrero Noctis and Sombrero Raiden holding each other due to being completely drunk, one holdin a bottle of Tequila in his free hand, the other having a taco in his own.
File: JPEG_20170403_091500.jpg (18KB, 128x128px) Image search: [Google]
18KB, 128x128px
Requesting a drawing depiction of Venoct's loafing animation in Yo-kai Watch 2, if you can make out what he's doing.
Character ref: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/le-miiverse-resource/images/4/4c/Orochi.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160206044541
File: Snakemanrequest.png (1MB, 704x492px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 704x492px
Requesting a remake of the panel on the left with Snake man.

Nah, not sure why there's a 19 in the filename.
File: 62010991_p2_master1200.jpg (70KB, 600x450px) Image search: [Google]
70KB, 600x450px
Requesting something cute with Battlecats and the next vidya character posted.
how old are you this year?
fug didn't mean to greentext
who the fuck is that nobody what happened to my nigga doodle?
you need to provide sauce for that image
Yeah especially when you deliver your own requests anyway.
File: EsEss.png (204KB, 635x472px) Image search: [Google]
204KB, 635x472px
Requesting Es and Ess swapping outfits.
File: 18th century persona.png (928KB, 1080x600px) Image search: [Google]
18th century persona.png
928KB, 1080x600px
Requesting an 18th century version of the MC from Persona 3. Basically, have him wearing typical 18th century fashion - like a highwayman or a musketeer - and using a flintlock version of the evoker

Idea based off this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IWss75AcdU
Check last thread, you lazy git
Requesting the Metroid series becoming like Kirby's series, Samus is turned a cute girl who is very cheery who fights bad guys with special powers and a comfy atmosphere.
is there porn of whatever this thing is
File: 1489952417628.png (1MB, 641x1000px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 641x1000px
Requesting a battlecat version of King
File: Iris as a Hunter.jpg (289KB, 1680x860px) Image search: [Google]
Iris as a Hunter.jpg
289KB, 1680x860px
Could I get a 25-year old Iris with solid muscle tone on her, and dressed like a hunter but still close to her default/old outfit please? I don't care if you even make it more revealing.
File: chimera.png (24KB, 1008x748px) Image search: [Google]
24KB, 1008x748px

taking simple/unsettling requests
File: lighting alexandra.jpg (190KB, 567x550px) Image search: [Google]
lighting alexandra.jpg
190KB, 567x550px
Requesting Lighting dressed as Cassandra Alexandra
Who drew it? It's amazing!
There's like 3-4 images of her, that's about it. I know there's at least one of her spreading herself, and a blowjob one from here.
Could someone please draw 2B applying lipstick in a mirror, or trying to brush her teeth? Or trying on a tshirt/shopping with 9S.
Requesting Sadayo Kawakami and Joker from P5 holding hands
File: gwendolyn.jpg (60KB, 564x557px) Image search: [Google]
60KB, 564x557px
How about a drawing of petplay with Gwendolyn, or a yandere-mode Gwendolyn, as though her love curse was too strong or it was botched?
Requesting Sadayo Kawakami and Joker from Injustice 2 holding hands
Seconded! I would like to support this please, for reasons of the boner in my heart.
File: FFXV_Aranea_Highwind.png (250KB, 526x739px) Image search: [Google]
250KB, 526x739px
Aranea actually poledancing - altered outfit or not - or dressed as Cid from FFVII
whats her name
Quacho Queen
Worlds of Final Fantasy
File: AlisaTTT2.jpg (122KB, 759x580px) Image search: [Google]
122KB, 759x580px
Automaton Alisa please
Its a part of a comic
Any WIPs?
File: girt o' ravas.png (21KB, 964x424px) Image search: [Google]
girt o' ravas.png
21KB, 964x424px
How about I WIP into your mouth?
File: AliceOfficialArt.png (1MB, 1158x542px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1158x542px
Requesting big Alice tits, oiled up or soapy and wet would be best
Dude, I'm down to do whip-its
File: VertV.jpg (586KB, 980x1894px) Image search: [Google]
586KB, 980x1894px
Vert, while commenting that she's practiced using arcade sticks
File: Ciciniref.png (2MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1920x1080px
Requesting Cicini fighting people with her gun and jetback or just doing SCIENCE!
File: wasw.jpg (81KB, 1024x768px) Image search: [Google]
81KB, 1024x768px
I forgot what the request was
File: asdfsdsdfasdfasdfsdfsdfsdfasdf.png (185KB, 800x800px) Image search: [Google]
185KB, 800x800px
ty to the anon for recommending me medibang paint
it'll probably get me to move out of mspaint and be an actual drawfag now
File: Rizelea.jpg (179KB, 884x601px) Image search: [Google]
179KB, 884x601px
Rizelea, the Valkyrie, enjoying a tasty donut or other snack food; or her fallen from grace and turned into a Dark Valkyrie or corrupted by darkness, etc.
That's bound to happen when all the characters look the same.
File: Mike_Haggar.jpg (288KB, 1427x1100px) Image search: [Google]
288KB, 1427x1100px
Requesting Mike Haggar riding a motorcycle.
File: 1489008649847.png (2MB, 2060x1520px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 2060x1520px
Requesting Aki breast feeding Kei and Yumi, all three characters come from Ape Escape 3.

I thought someone was doing it but they gave up.
File: moe.gif (339KB, 500x375px) Image search: [Google]
339KB, 500x375px
Requesting Dancing Zombie as Moe and the students as the Backup Dancers. You can make Homer a Gargantuar if you want. http://i.imgur.com/fnWkyae.jpg
Draw a battlecat!
I'm glad I didn't try this request. I doubt I could have drawn something as quality as this.
Requesting an artist to commission
File: 1476331270059.png (176KB, 600x496px) Image search: [Google]
176KB, 600x496px
/v/ related artists to commission come in two flavors:
super gay or not gay at all

which one do (You) want?
this but with aigis
nice ref
Which one draw better dicks?
Just kidding, give me both
File: sadfhsadfhusdfhjusdfhjsdf.png (18KB, 562x423px) Image search: [Google]
18KB, 562x423px
here you go senpaitachi
Thanks dude
What do you want commissioned senpai? Maybe I'll draw it as a request
OR here. Not entirely what I was looking for. Mind if I rerequest?

does that drawfag have a penis?
File: 2014-09-09-222005.jpg (159KB, 960x544px) Image search: [Google]
159KB, 960x544px
Noire dressed like a maid and being punished by her master the protagonist. Sexually if possible. Thanks.
Pieceofshit here, leaving, don't forget to update the booru and have fun
reminder to ignore pathetically sad self-insert requests
change aigis lewds to drama
My waifu, I don't want to request, give me your info!
kill me
File: 1492881491817.jpg (311KB, 1014x1024px) Image search: [Google]
311KB, 1014x1024px
so...rokko chan?
fuck off bupi
stop trying to shill your own blog, drawfag
Pieceofshit here, actually gonna stick around a couple more hours

But then I really have to leave so take care of the booru at that time please
Which am I?
Liar, i'm still here, so in some way, i lied too, but still.
Pieceofshit here, I'll be on these threads forever without sleeping or doing anything else, so feel free not to update the booru because I will take care of it.

Have fun or don't, I don't give a damn.
File: gun.jpg (17KB, 316x239px) Image search: [Google]
17KB, 316x239px
Pieceofshit, calm the fuck down.
Why wouldn't you want your idea done for free as opposed to paying for it?
fake it should have me
crying in the corner about not being good enough
I'll never be good enough
File: CATs.jpg (21KB, 318x313px) Image search: [Google]
21KB, 318x313px
Pieceofshit here, i just don't feel like updating the booru
Cause I already use all my request points
You really are going at it today splashbrush.
ain't wrong though
File: 1489732763325.png (194KB, 432x773px) Image search: [Google]
194KB, 432x773px
Estelle in a playboy-style bunnygirl costume, or taking an article of her clothing off or putting it on: for example pulling her shirt off or her skirt on/off.
This one's on the house
File: zeldapose.png (154KB, 700x436px) Image search: [Google]
154KB, 700x436px
Wanted to finish this right now, but I'll have to be until I return later today.
File: 1493443013872.png (940KB, 1451x1042px) Image search: [Google]
940KB, 1451x1042px
Who's the artist of this as well as the artist of pic related?
Do they have tumblrs?
File: dracodid.png (689KB, 1058x596px) Image search: [Google]
689KB, 1058x596px
Requesting Draco Bondage.

Even SHE thinks she would look cute in it!
I don't want to be greedy
File: 1493037812092.png (294KB, 933x1638px) Image search: [Google]
294KB, 933x1638px
Requesting color for this drawing of Honoka from DOA.
yeah, you can find me at misterskits.tumblr.com
File: erwegdfbdf.png (1MB, 1656x1760px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1656x1760px
Tae Takemi giving a footjob to the P5 protag
ur a requestfag, u cant help it. just state ur request already
Pay me
I would have given out the exact same intel in another thread. How strange.
File: coldsteel3.jpg (126KB, 999x772px) Image search: [Google]
126KB, 999x772px
Requesting Altina sitting cozy in Rean's lap.
thats not how we do things around here
Too bad, seems I'm gonna have to pay instead
Post acceptable deliveries
File: acceptable.jpg (162KB, 710x888px) Image search: [Google]
162KB, 710x888px
can't, all the deliveries i ever got were drawn all shitty
Is there no /v/ drawfag discord circle jerk I can shill myself in?
commission me again if you have the balls, coward
Thanks. Hope to see it soon
And nice taste
No, thank you.
File: creep.jpg (26KB, 535x372px) Image search: [Google]
26KB, 535x372px
I know there are lewd request some where in here.
I can smell it.
Post samples.
Make sure to copy and paste your requests you're drawing into a notepad txt file or screencap them from here on out.
Where does the word drawfag comes from? Is it from draw faggot?
File: pbs_twimg_com_media_C_jA_VkUwAAo.jpg (374KB, 1754x1803px) Image search: [Google]
374KB, 1754x1803px
Requesting Squidgirl aggressively flirting/pursuing/violating Link, because of this screenshot.

Comedy or lewd, its all good
I think they're that way >>>/h/
there's some on >>>/i/ too
you can shill yourself on /aco/'s commission thread
Requesting Isabelle NTRing Link with the Squidling because of that screenshot.
I looked through all the requests and what was posted in there and it all sucked.
I'd rather do cute anime / video game girls instead of WoW / oc characters.
please, we all know that the /v/ drawthread is where you go if you want lewd art drawn. this place is fetishists first, memes second, and gamers last
requesting gajinka rainbow road flirting aggressively with all characters shown in the image, but only to get close to their karts because she loves karts more than people

because of this screenshot
just post your tumblr here and say how much you charge for what, no big deal
File: 1493350598863.jpg (72KB, 853x402px) Image search: [Google]
72KB, 853x402px
Requesting a chubby Greninja wearing Slippy's outfit
I'm not sure both of us are talking about the same thread so I'll just crosslink it.

any pantyjob requests
I read that as partyjob

is that when she grinds against you with her panties on, or wraps panties around her hand and jerks you off with them?
requesting this but in /h/ or /aco/
File: YoRHa_No.9_Type_S_SS5.png (1015KB, 1229x691px) Image search: [Google]
1015KB, 1229x691px
2B and 9S kissing like that one scene from The Watchmen https://i.makeagif.com/media/11-15-2015/4Tm5g0.gif, infront or in the bigass explosion from the intro of the game https://my.mixtape.moe/kokvtr.webm
File: KazooKnee.jpg (219KB, 1393x784px) Image search: [Google]
219KB, 1393x784px
Requesting a fusion of Kazooie and Kneesocks.
File: YoRHa_No.2A.png (1MB, 1046x2183px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1046x2183px
Requesting nude A2 (long hair version) and sexy lewd pose with spread legs. With pubes/bush please.
why did you post that image
File: hearcaca.jpg (28KB, 389x388px) Image search: [Google]
28KB, 389x388px
You got it.
Now request me something lewd.
File: IMG_4405.png (2MB, 1130x1548px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1130x1548px
Requesting Lilith from FE:Fates
-holding apistol like "delet this"
-playing vidya
-doing the "trapped in an invisible box" thing mimes do as if she were trapped behind the screen of a computer (for background purposes)
-in a 1 or 2 piece bikini


-just kinda standing around, posing, whatever

Have fun!
Any thiccc requests? Talking thicker than yo mama thicc.
File: 17515253395_d9c9039c68_b.jpg (178KB, 1024x753px) Image search: [Google]
178KB, 1024x753px
Where are those Miriam requests
File: 7th_Psychic.jpg (3MB, 3130x4500px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 3130x4500px
Requesting the Psychic performing a lap dance and doing some more naughty tricks on that pole.
goku from dbz budokai as a vaginaguy
File: YoRHa_No.2_Type_B.png (464KB, 720x1280px) Image search: [Google]
464KB, 720x1280px
Yorha 2B dressed as Noire or Neptune from the Neptunia series, a school uniform, Zero from Drakengard 3, http://imgur.com/a/rQVqH, or getting intimate with 9S.
Playing any PS1 game on the Playstation skin for the Pod is a good idea too.
Requesting Asuka Kazama dressed as WWE wrestler Asuka/ Kana
For funsies
Someone has been requesting Miriam for about a week or so. Unless you want something more lewd?

You're not as awful as I thought.
File: asuka kana.jpg (2MB, 2853x2500px) Image search: [Google]
asuka kana.jpg
2MB, 2853x2500px
Forgot pic
File: Quake Champions.png (2MB, 1204x1648px) Image search: [Google]
Quake Champions.png
2MB, 1204x1648px
Requesting Galena wearing only her tabard.
I'm not aware I just arrived but possibly
So, would you mind Virgin Killer Miriam?
Miriam being spanked by a nun.
Thighsex + tit groping
If she was a murderous vamp who lured virgins into her bedroom and stabbed them to death, letting their blood into a bathtub that she bathes in to insure her eternal youth.
File: request.png (389KB, 1000x398px) Image search: [Google]
389KB, 1000x398px
Requesting Nidus from Warframe as an angry Pepe
File: sae.jpg (869KB, 2256x1384px) Image search: [Google]
869KB, 2256x1384px
Requesting Sae bent over a desk and being fucked in the ass.
Miriam inserting a large dildo up her own ass.
The actual dress, not that sweater.
I mean I could go for some lewd Nun Miriam if anyone were willing to do it.
File: MetalBomber.jpg (93KB, 254x522px) Image search: [Google]
93KB, 254x522px
Requesting Metal Bomber playing the electric guitar.
>lewd Nun Miriam if anyone were willing to do it.

I could do that
Any futa or trap requests? Nothing too explicit.
File: Peatrice.jpg (414KB, 800x1437px) Image search: [Google]
414KB, 800x1437px
Please draw a simple nude pic of Peatrice
File: chihiro_and_mondo-thing.jpg (2MB, 3237x1678px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 3237x1678px
Requesting the images in the middle (from the movie "The Thing (1982)") with Chihiro from Danganronpa (role as the guy/victim) and Mondo from Danganronpa (role as the mutant thing).
Here the video scene at 1:48-1:54:
Make the mutant thing same like the original but with Mondo's clothing and haircut.
File: ash crimson.jpg (189KB, 572x924px) Image search: [Google]
ash crimson.jpg
189KB, 572x924px
Ash Crimson just... sitting there.

Doing nothing.

Staring off into space.
What are my chances of getting delivered if I don't request porn?
File: reference.png (3MB, 2000x2000px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 2000x2000px
requesting shantae in the vai outfit.
It depends on the request. I got my delivery after trying for 3 threads.
File: Ryou Akizuki from Idolmaster DS.jpg (744KB, 1800x1808px) Image search: [Google]
Ryou Akizuki from Idolmaster DS.jpg
744KB, 1800x1808px
Him in a school swimsuit
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654KB, 1920x1667px
Miriam moon walking up stairs or eating wall turkey like classic castlevania please
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286KB, 1184x1200px
Thicc futa Cia and Lana fucking eachothers urethras.
File: Miriam Update 360.webm (3MB, 1024x576px) Image search: [Google]
Miriam Update 360.webm
3MB, 1024x576px
Runway model Miriam or nurse miriam?
ha, good luck
File: zf0sfs.jpg (368KB, 1400x1041px) Image search: [Google]
368KB, 1400x1041px
As a Dragongirl.
File: medb.png (673KB, 1025x724px) Image search: [Google]
673KB, 1025x724px
Anchor for the guy drawing Medb
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3MB, 1014x287px
Requesting vidya girls turned into mermaids via fishification!
>Him in a school swimsuit
naw fuck you someone draw him getting fucked by a dog while sucking off a horse instead.
Here's a shitty lewd sketch with shitty censoring and robot boobs.
File: A21.jpg (1MB, 1052x1260px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1052x1260px
Fucking captcha.
File: 632px-MiniShyGuy.png (104KB, 632x600px) Image search: [Google]
104KB, 632x600px
Requesting windup robot shy girl please.
File: i reject my humanity.jpg (50KB, 562x604px) Image search: [Google]
i reject my humanity.jpg
50KB, 562x604px
I work messy as fuck in the rough stage.
Still haven't decided Murakumo's pose though

Fiona might have a pose ready, just never quite drawn a maid outfit before and I wanna make sure it looks right for anon when its done.
That's a nice face and expression. Strong thighs too.
File: maxresdefault.jpg (373KB, 1437x713px) Image search: [Google]
373KB, 1437x713px
Requesting Charlotta from Granblue Fantasy in the style of Doug Dimmadome, Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome with a huge-ass crown.
Uncensored please?
Taking Battlecat requests.
Is Mishafag real?
is the sky blue?
File: katouhou.png (88KB, 400x206px) Image search: [Google]
88KB, 400x206px
Requesting Sukuna and The Prince playing with a Katamari together
File: is_this_lunch_re1.jpg (2MB, 2188x3111px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 2188x3111px
Requesting this little image-story in the middle with Resident Evil 1 characters.

Guy with white shirt = Chris
Guy with black clothing = Barry
Woman with pink shirt = Jill
The sitting guy with camouflage pants = Rebecca
The guy with orange headband and white clothing = Richard
Snake = Yawn
this thing looks stupid
battlecats a shit
File: Caroline_and_Justine.jpg (1MB, 1926x3669px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1926x3669px
Requesting Caroline and Justine passionately kissing each other.
File: fish.jpg (465KB, 2566x1238px) Image search: [Google]
465KB, 2566x1238px
Requesting York, 2B, Nier, Kazuma and Majima fishing and having fun.

And all whistling the music "Life is Beautiful" from Deadly Premonition.

If you want to add more characters is up to you.
Just enjoy it you ungrateful little shit
Requesting Airy lying on a bed, hugging a pillow that says 'Slaughter' on it
left arm is too short i believe
File: emir.png (2MB, 2420x944px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 2420x944px
Requesting the pic on left but with Edna atop Meebo

OR Here. Appreciate it mane. Any chance of a higher res version?
Requesting Seaport Water Oni wearing a tight fitting leaf bikini.
Why her hands are so HUGE?
She's a monster.
File: noire_4go.png (3MB, 1614x2328px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1614x2328px
I want some non-lewd Noire. Action-y stuff would be the best.
You mean a cutie.
File: DDF+AH.png (4MB, 2084x1200px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 2084x1200px
Requesting Forte, horned girl, dressed as Aranea yet Forte still doing her pic related pose. Forte is from Rage of Bahamut and Aranea from FFXV.
File: I fuckin suck96.jpg (1MB, 5400x3300px) Image search: [Google]
I fuckin suck96.jpg
1MB, 5400x3300px
A cute monster that's probably like an affection starved kitten beneath that busty, irate exterior.
Taking TLoZ requests.
link throwing a remote bomb at a korok. idk
File: 14876533321.jpg (587KB, 2140x796px) Image search: [Google]
587KB, 2140x796px
Thick Blair Dame.
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4KB, 192x208px
Just doodles of this Link.
File: Gear xrd.jpg (1MB, 3460x1922px) Image search: [Google]
Gear xrd.jpg
1MB, 3460x1922px
Requesting Ky suckling on big lactating Dizzy titties like a baby.
>tfw you drew porn too much you wet your thighs with pussy juice
I always think Link as pink hair in this form.
that's lewd, anon
you mean boypussy
To me, that sounds incredibly arousing, but I'd imagine that'd get annoying. It's like making a mess of underwear with precum, but women make twice as much and more comes out. That must suck, anon.
I wanna smell it.
How come Shantae and Zelda seem to fit together so well? Like it really feels like their series' could take place on the same planet and it wouldn't feel like completely autistic fanfiction.
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16KB, 143x176px
>tfw you drew porn too much you wet your entire lower gut, underwear, and pants with precum
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270KB, 680x680px
>>tfw you drew porn too much you wet your thighs with pussy juice
requesting this so fucking hard
I wish artists drew precum and pussy juice more often.
Stop giving it attention. Artists don't get aroused by their own stuff, it doesn't work like that.
Artists get aroused by what they're drawing, but tend to not be able to get off to it.
t. artist who draws lewds
That depends on the artist. It's rare but some of those out there do.
both are toptier

I get aroused just by drawing wide hips and large breasts even when it's not porn. Don't even think we don't get turned on by it.
You're a weirdo and not a rule. Most artists can't get aroused by their own work. Those who can are as rare as white flies.
No anon, artists get aroused by drawing lewds all the time. Why would someone make porn if it didn't do something for them, that'd be dumb.
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268KB, 800x541px
Requesting Devola (the one on the left) as a succubus
fucking this, also I always get horny as fuck when coming up with ideas for a lewd request
>this nigga

this is pretty much spot on. I never nut to my drawings
Ask them. I've talked to many artists, and also have myself as an example. Not only it's difficult to get aroused by your own work, you can't draw if you're aroused because you can't concentrate.
I fap to my own drawings all the time
I've spoken to a lot too, see >>375460225
File: 62010991_p3_master1200.jpg (147KB, 600x450px) Image search: [Google]
147KB, 600x450px
Requesting Miss Moneko Rapping about Catfood
Damn I overslept!
File: Rin Maid Arrest.jpg (459KB, 1126x395px) Image search: [Google]
Rin Maid Arrest.jpg
459KB, 1126x395px
I thought this would be a neat idea, so I'd like to request the article on the right drawn using the image of Rin as a maid.
I want her right hand away from the pussy.
>I thought this would be a neat idea

you and no one else
Sleep moar!
next time try to not wake up please
File: Ryuka.png (158KB, 1500x1616px) Image search: [Google]
158KB, 1500x1616px
I would like a drawing of Ryuka doing some karaoke or other side activities from the Yakuza franchise. For karaoke, it can even be like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooFoNwoMxjY the delusion part with the dancers. Or fuck just draw her with Kazuma Kiryu.
File: black people react.gif (1MB, 320x240px) Image search: [Google]
black people react.gif
1MB, 320x240px
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48KB, 357x454px
requesting Zed from Puyo Puyo Tetris
with an apron on and cooking a meal
File: zhao yun and liu chan.jpg (2MB, 3200x2000px) Image search: [Google]
zhao yun and liu chan.jpg
2MB, 3200x2000px
Requesting Zhao Yun doing something fatherly with Liu Shan

This is because, historically, Zhao Yun may have been more of a father to Liu Shan than Liu Bei
It's possible.

If you're saying it's not possible, maybe you need to work on your art.
File: some more sachi.gif (2MB, 300x500px) Image search: [Google]
some more sachi.gif
2MB, 300x500px
Request Sachi, from Love at First Sight, in a sling bikini.

And looking embarrassed while doing so.
Do you have a site I can follow?
Requesting Elphelt as one of those sexy racegirls or signgirls from racing/boxing.
That was my thought at first
>I can't get aroused to my own stuff because I suck, that's it!

But then I discovered other artists who are amazing also couldn't. And then I discovered that most of them can't.
Maybe if it was Shantae, huh
Any mating press reqs
File: 463118859.jpg (59KB, 612x438px) Image search: [Google]
59KB, 612x438px
It is currently the period of Easter (until 25th of May)

Which /v/ characters you would like to see wearing Bunny girl suits? Guys included
Animal Crossing Mayor doing it to any (Male) villager
File: FIGURE-028859_05.jpg (47KB, 534x800px) Image search: [Google]
47KB, 534x800px
How about...Jam?
get out Cerveza
File: maxresdefault (1).jpg (220KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
maxresdefault (1).jpg
220KB, 1280x720px
Ky and Dizzy, that would be awesome. Because they had a kid. She laid an egg and everything.
Anyone have any wips? Please? The art that comes from these threads is the only joy I have left in the world
File: yokai's semen demon.jpg (305KB, 992x988px) Image search: [Google]
yokai's semen demon.jpg
305KB, 992x988px
Insomni, if the suit can fit on her
Aircraft Carrier-hime reverse mating pressing the Admiral.
have you even bothered to scroll up
File: 1493173021284.png (28KB, 800x1318px) Image search: [Google]
28KB, 800x1318px
Now I feel stupid
File: SM_Lillie.png (455KB, 565x1280px) Image search: [Google]
455KB, 565x1280px
Lillie, I fell for it.
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10KB, 240x240px
Lovely joints.
01011001 01100001 01111001 00100001
File: 2b walking.webm (3MB, 1024x576px) Image search: [Google]
2b walking.webm
3MB, 1024x576px
When you Self-Destruct in Nier Automata, 2B loses her skirt. I'd like a drawing of 2B either having her clothing completely blown off (an edit of little Emil heads over her NSFW bits is a funny idea) or drawn in Yaegashi Nan's artstyle. Yeah like >>375418730
Would fuck.
File: 10g8bc85.jpg (746KB, 1834x1099px) Image search: [Google]
746KB, 1834x1099px
Ramlethal, with the guy being semi-transparent so we can see her face and such.
Why are mechanical/doll joints so oddly arousing?
File: 1441375880173.png (298KB, 2271x2380px) Image search: [Google]
298KB, 2271x2380px
Because the falseness is on the outside
#sotrue #relatable
Fuck you! I don't wanna turn my computer right now! God dammit.
this this THIS
>t. artist
File: IMG_0869.jpg (388KB, 1200x1800px) Image search: [Google]
388KB, 1200x1800px
Requesting Luigi and Leon Kennedy playing some bingo while Luigi says "Bingo!" "Ho Ho!" and Leon saying "Bingo?"
Very good, thanks
counter requesting Miss Moneko Fapping about Catfood
You know you want to, anon! Please!
File: 1484778790461.jpg (360KB, 801x700px) Image search: [Google]
360KB, 801x700px
Minmin, anal mating press.

Is it still mating press if the girl is on her stomach, because I'd like that too.
File: 1493331013067.png (22KB, 803x868px) Image search: [Google]
22KB, 803x868px
Barely a delivery, it was made 2 days ago on >>>/aco/ Have a cake of 2 floors

>samefagging this hard
File: 1461992569270.jpg (121KB, 640x640px) Image search: [Google]
121KB, 640x640px
here we go with the shilling again
I wanna milk her like a cow.
perfectly round boobs shouldn't be attractive, and yet they are
01011001 01100001 01111001 00100001 00100001
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707KB, 1600x1600px

Anchoring >>375437971

We need a ShyMan for the gays and twinks.

Actually, why doesn't /v/ use a shyguy as it's Anon stand-in?
Just give her a dick and maybe some abs and call it a day, and here you go, for gays and twinks

But I would rather have a Shygal Anchor
Uh, you mean a shy guy?
Chill nigga, I'll do it. Just let me get up of my ass and finish another drawing before I start. Not the same guy who ask for the request though.
fuck off faggot i want this too
really any shy girl in a sling bikini will do
but id like to see a cyclops for some reason
File: Elphelt_GGXRD_artwork.png (386KB, 469x800px) Image search: [Google]
386KB, 469x800px
Elphelt doing the one-finger selfie challenge and feel free to make her slightly thicker.
Seconding >>375463261
That's like a shota version. I mean a Shy MAN.
None of those things are gay on a woman, anon.
>shy girl
how about sling bikini shy GAL?
id be down
Requesting Shy-


Or literally any other body type you can think of
File: IMG_0600.jpg (54KB, 236x884px) Image search: [Google]
54KB, 236x884px
Requesting Haru eating many burgs
everything about women is gay, anon
File: Shantae_alt outfit.jpg (74KB, 939x750px) Image search: [Google]
Shantae_alt outfit.jpg
74KB, 939x750px
Better late than never
Best of luck finishing up your current piece, I'll be looking forward to whatever you do with this one.
I hope it's ok. I felt she'd be less happy actually being in that situation.
Don't have time to color it right now though, sorry.
Pretty cute. I like your style, got a blog?

You punks really need to anchor your shit.

Very nice; not the OR, but could I request a gagged version?
Yeah, lewdmakai.tumblr.com. Not much there yet though.
Thanks for sharing, I'll throw you a follow.

Never saw it that way. I just think it's a more believable (and in the case of the latter, arguably tragic) way of showing robotic and sometimes cybernetic bodies. Not that it has to be done.
If that's the lewd one, which one is the normal one?
File: Purah_-_Breath_of_the_Wild.png (73KB, 173x354px) Image search: [Google]
73KB, 173x354px

Purah! Keep the backpack
Only if you are a woman and the labias touch.
This looks okay, but I was hoping for a different pose. I'll be more specific when I request it again in the next thread!

This is a proud dragon woman who challenges all females to a beauty contest on a whim.

However she can flaunt it, she'll do it.
No anon.

>alright and now to set myself up to shill my other blog, can't miss a single potential follower!
Kys yourself
File: Th13Kogasa.png (260KB, 836x600px) Image search: [Google]
260KB, 836x600px
Sig giving Kogasa bugs and her being afraid of them.
Young Link
File: THE CHOPS.png (1MB, 1141x449px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1141x449px
Requesting my boy Ryuji Sakamoto. With sideburns!
File: 1451080420390.jpg (21KB, 300x257px) Image search: [Google]
21KB, 300x257px
>creepy hole where a dick should be
>useless globs of unwieldy fat where muscles should be
>soulless void where the heart should be
females are worst girl
Girls aren't women, anon. You just gotta train them right. Start early.

Also, tomboys are like boys with vaginas, so they have like half a soul.
keep the pedophilia too
Considering I was the anon to ask for the blog initially and that post wasn't me, sure, that's what's happening here.
>they have like half a soul
no, they just really really want one
File: Edea Lee.png (226KB, 430x688px) Image search: [Google]
Edea Lee.png
226KB, 430x688px
Make it a 2 koma
Well, then why don't ya try giving them some of yours? They grow back.
no, i am too pure for any vile vixen
>ejaculation is akin to sharing your life force or soul
>part of why women are awful is their desperation to have a soul, if only for a little time
this reads like a dark fantasy novel

soul doesn't grow back. in fact if its ever split, it just sort of leaks for eternity
File: hm.png (8KB, 692x121px) Image search: [Google]
8KB, 692x121px
check the /i/ thread


not me, friend
No officer, you don't understand, they're cartoon children so it's fine.
More for me.

That's life.

Haven't ya ever read Xanth?
File: chunliSFV.webm (3MB, 850x478px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 850x478px
Chun-Li in her new office costume
maybe something similar to this
File: 6263784840817.jpg (27KB, 480x480px) Image search: [Google]
27KB, 480x480px
alright now im putting u away for sex with a minor AND assaulting an officer of the law
I never thought I would say this, but that's too much thigh
File: 1429224130630.gif (2MB, 319x264px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 319x264px
File: Col-leilei.gif (34KB, 293x448px) Image search: [Google]
34KB, 293x448px
Requesting Hsien-Ko in a revealing version of her clothes, having been taken over by an evil necromancer. Don't forget her big, thicc claws
File: 1428815626873.png (149KB, 225x258px) Image search: [Google]
149KB, 225x258px

Thank you very much!
shilling 101 is using both your phone and pc and always changing IPs.
something to do to prevent mods from deleting all your posts with the same IP.
>not me, friend
uh huh
proving my point.

should drawfags be banned for sharing their blogs? it's the exact same thing as shilling your own business on here which is a bannable offense
stop stirring up drama you little shit
Who is this semen demon? And who is the artist? And do they draw porn?
You need to work on your paranoia.

If they're asked then I don't see a problem.

>b-but shilling!
Not what happened.
free mah boi pedopurah, he a gud boi who dindu nuffin wrong
Shitposting is the only bannable offense I'm seeing here
>sure is hard to read thru the thread
File: 1450050232281.gif (2MB, 600x338px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 600x338px
This is why people don't want to draw for you fucks. Drawfags get nothing out of this little soiree we have going on here, and when they try to get something out of it you all throw a fit, claiming that they're "shilling" or "it's against the rules."
Stop being fuckbois and commission some artists already.
I'm not paranoid, just educating people here that shills exists to advertise their shit art.
Cmon buddy, you worked hard for your drawing, it's not the best but you want some dosh to help you git gud amirite?

it's nice to see the drawfags actually do something for once and take part in the discussion since we all know they aren't going to draw anything, but what do requesters think?
>everything that hurts me is a shitpost
Advertising of all forms is bannable offence and that's that.
>but what do requesters think?
>Stop being fuckbois and commission some artists already.
Not him but I would commission these niggas if my request was ever drawn even if it was a shitty sketch. Only /a/ gets my money but I do agree with everything beforehand.
>commission some artists already.
The good ones are full, the shit ones are overpriced.

purah requester here. i'm here to give requests and fucks, and i'm all out of fucks to give
Lower your standards, be patient, or learn to draw. Those are your only choices.
File: 62070347_p3_master1200.jpg (139KB, 600x450px) Image search: [Google]
139KB, 600x450px
I think we need more non-lewd drawfriends. No offense to the lewd ones.
Just bringing this up, but we do have several boards set aside exclusively for porn.
File: sketch-1492735751257.png (81KB, 800x1280px) Image search: [Google]
81KB, 800x1280px
>Lower your standards
If he did that then I would be the best artist here.
You're not?
>Lowering standards
>for lewd art

Kill thyself.

And no one uses them because they are dead as fuck.
Guess who also has filled them with his spamming

remember to not give him any (you)s
I'm not gonna waste a single cent on shitters, either get Borvar good or don't post your blog ever.
Maybe one day anon, I draw with my fingers so I need an actual drawing thingy
then stop being here if you can't serve your full purpose
i'm just here to hopefully get a nice picture drawn, and i'd prefer if the people who could make that happen were to feel good about posting here
File: Hero&Maribel.png (177KB, 500x390px) Image search: [Google]
177KB, 500x390px
Requesting a depiction of Maribel from Dragon Quest VII being socked square in the jaw by the MC
right, that's why we link to them when we have porn requests delivered. or are you just mad that no one will do your "mah waifu xDchan with shorter hair as a gynoid in a swimsuit lol!" request?
I don't even request anymore. I just save deliveries I like.

I was talking about /trash/, /h/, /y/, /cm/, /u/, and all the other ones
fucking this. if you're going to shill yourself at least be good at drawing so people won't have as much reason to complain. i swear, shitty drawfags get one (You) and they scramble to grab their phone and post asking themselves for their own blog with it
if you want to see more non-lewd requests here then request more non-lewd things. or you can just keep bitching about it, see where that gets you
And half the request spammers here post there too. As long as mods won't do anything about it there's nothing that can be done to stop them.
Sure is Videogames in here.
It comes down to the artists. I've requested my waifu across various boards when looking for porn but /v/ is the one I've had most success on, there's no reason to go there when I'm probably not going to get a delivery if I almost certainly can here.
>f you want to see more non-lewd requests here then request more non-lewd things.
Then we'd just be like Mishafag
>or you can just keep bitching about it, see where that gets you
It actually kills the thread so the nigga wins anyway.
Third post on this subject, and I just want meta shit to stop and drawings to go back in gear. I stepped into this conversation at the start of this reply chain.
Its an effort thing.
Shit drawfags use a lot of effort to draw acceptable deliveries so they will obviously want monetary compensation for it. (Their excuse why you should pay them for commissions is always to help them get better.)
Good drawfags like the one in the OP dont shill because drawing's easy for them also they already got shitload of fans outside here and they don't want their art to be associated with 4chan.
File: fuck you.png (7KB, 482x129px) Image search: [Google]
fuck you.png
7KB, 482x129px
Nigga let the man be

I wanna see a cyclops girl in a bikini too.
I seriously hope you guys are reporting all this shitfest
Your tinfoil is on a little too tight
File: 1493500451831.png (2MB, 1405x1988px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1405x1988px
Can I get a cute pic of little retarded Nino sister? A lot of people would be very happy!
No thanks, reporting even tripfags gets me a warning, fuck those autists specially the one with his ERP self insert, shit is barely videogames fag is always avatarfagging
Which part? The one/two guys who are right or the 30 that are wrong?
>Shit drawfags use a lot of effort to draw acceptable deliveries
So then I should be banking from these threads.
I'm not sure how my username is proving your point, but regardless. I honestly didn't know not to; in other drawthreads no one has complained. Won't link it again.
Ignore them. If you're asked it's fine, they're just trying to stir up shit for the sake of it.
File: 1489510448615.png (35KB, 1000x1000px) Image search: [Google]
35KB, 1000x1000px
Favourite Deliveries Time

Remember to update the booru, tag art, and take it easy. Please have a nice weekend.
File: 1412905080312.gif (719KB, 500x384px) Image search: [Google]
719KB, 500x384px
I joined in so there's little point. It's late, thread is near bum-limit, and no one really cares anymore. Hopefully my vacation will actually help me find some shit I want to draw for once.
you are part of the problem
There are many parts that make up the problem, at least I tried the other boards unlike a lot of others.
im afraid a half effort doesnt round up to a whole effort here
Shygal was the best to come from this thread, how funny
Weird how the thread with her is the one gone to shit
Whatever, An """"Henry"""" On

It didn't come from this thread.
Neah, it was sub-zero >>375438991
File: Now's Time For A Chain Attack!.png (2MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
Now's Time For A Chain Attack!.png
2MB, 1920x1080px
Don't you see the writing on the wall~
You're in way over your head!
You're gonna drown in the things you said~

The thread is always gone to shit
>best delivery wasn't even from this thread
To be fair. There was a lot less image spam.

But I am surprised by how this thread only lasted 6+ hours.
probably because a very certain someone had over 6 hours of free time and nothing better to do with it
File: 1474072407162.png (548KB, 606x608px) Image search: [Google]
548KB, 606x608px
Made this for the ARMS tourney stream just now.
i don't remember seeing a request for this. please stop shitposting with your blog dump and leave
If you mean policefag, I wouldn't be surprised.

Going by image count - we actually have a lot less requests in this thread
There's always hope
I find more exciting the tease instead of the full display of puss and tits, but maybe.
New bread soon, fellow drawfags!

Remember, you brought all this on yourselves for enabling lewdfags, now bear your own curse.

You reap what you sow.
Maybe my foreshortening failed, i'll revise that, thank you.
Fuck off.

Lewdfags aren't the problem, shitposters are. And you're one of the biggest ones.

Also, go back to bumping the thread. Thats the only thing you're good for.
File: marielx dick torture.png (107KB, 1055x505px) Image search: [Google]
marielx dick torture.png
107KB, 1055x505px
Requesting pic related with Marielx's OC
I like it.
Thanks. It doesn't seem like anyone noticed it in the ARMS thread, but it is going pretty quick since everyone is focused on the stream.
To get your mind off of shitposting as the thread sinks, anyone have any lewd fighting game girl requests?
File: jimmy1.jpg (13KB, 143x185px) Image search: [Google]
13KB, 143x185px
>Lewdfags aren't the problem, shitposters are
What's the difference?
File: DizzyRev.png (973KB, 1070x1214px) Image search: [Google]
973KB, 1070x1214px
Dizzy masturbating with her tail.
people like you
rosalina cumming from being wrapped in zero suit samus's electro whip
I just want something casual and nonlewd right now. Maybe Tsien-Ko in pajamas about to go to sleep.
File: Tronhappy.jpg (95KB, 394x1086px) Image search: [Google]
95KB, 394x1086px
Tron Bonne in a micro bikini
filia wearing samson as a swimsuit while walking down the street
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500KB, 763x1000px
Forgot my image.
File: Angel-kofxiv.jpg (366KB, 1838x1634px) Image search: [Google]
366KB, 1838x1634px
Angel pressing her huge tits against Lilith's flat chest.
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71KB, 1016x1016px
>that slightly revealed nipple
Morrigan biting a Lilith's nipple
this but frank west is in the bed waiting for her
File: valona finishes the job.png (112KB, 333x764px) Image search: [Google]
valona finishes the job.png
112KB, 333x764px
Time to move to a new thread >>375473846
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272KB, 640x817px
Vorti-chan lives!
great ost, shit game and consequently shit waifu
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198KB, 795x778px
File: Kiryuu Makoto.png (4MB, 2244x1664px) Image search: [Google]
Kiryuu Makoto.png
4MB, 2244x1664px
Requesting a menacing Makoto Niijima (from Persona 5) wearing Kazuma Kiryuu's outfit (Yakuza series).
Thank you.
Like you
Nice booty.
You're shallow.
File: 190442356.jpg (342KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
342KB, 1920x1080px
Askin for Marina Wulfstan from Valkyria Chronicles doing some cute posing
I'll take this. Any suggestions for cute poses?
File: IM swimsuit.jpg (154KB, 848x826px) Image search: [Google]
IM swimsuit.jpg
154KB, 848x826px
Not sure if I want to give him a big or little package.
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130KB, 896x1280px
Sitting down on her own knees
On it.

this should be good
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214KB, 506x963px
Thread posts: 511
Thread images: 190

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