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>be me, 24 y/o with Master's Degree >live with your

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>be me, 24 y/o with Master's Degree
>live with your parents because you save up lots of cash (I want to move out next year and live with my gf inb4 flame about gf)
>come back home after a stressful, tiresome day at work
>go to your room
>enjoy some new Origin games you recently bought and drink a beer
>your father, age 49, walks in
>"Oh son, I thought SERIOUS, ADULT PEOPLE don't play these silly games? What is that, a sword? Come on, do you want to be 15 again?"

He basically just fucked up my entire day. He said that and left. I stopped playing, pressed ALT+F4 and have been staring at my desktop for like a minute or something.

What the fuck is wrong with people? What do they want us to do? I honestly believe there would be NO FUCKING PROBLEM if instead of playing vidya I would play soccer.

I guess I'll move out just to stop hearing this shit.
what game
Please don't ever make threads or posts like this again.
Who the fuck cares if he said that? He didn't stop you from playing, just said it's lame which is his own shitty opinion. Grow some balls ya poof
is this b8? Do people actually let such insignificant comments get to them?
I feel what you feel anon, some people are just ignorant, what does it matter what you do in your free time?

>Time you enjoy wasting isn't wasted time.

Also swords are the only many weapon there is.
not your blog
...it's my father

I'd be pretty disappointed if I saw my son paying for EA games too.
Fuck off retard
Well you've come to your safe place to talk about it.

Just do the same thing with him when he enjoys something you think he shouldn't. If you're actually really guilty do something about it
doesn't matter in the slightest
people at that age just watch tv, bade in the sun for hours or take random walks.
thats adult life for them and everyone that does it differently is not an adult to them
same, like why are you on fucking origin?
He's not wrong dude. I wish I could give up games.
take your blog to >>>/soc/ faggot
not everyone their father left them anon, family has always been important
blow me, you fuck
>my gf
Fuck off.
i bet your dad is dissapointed his faggot son can't handle the bantz
here's the first one
This has nothing to do with family bro, it's natural in life you're going to recieve comments you don't like or agree with its your job to look past those comments and not give a fuck, if we cared about every little thing someone said about us or disagreed with we would never do anything.
>good degree
>love life
>saving money
what the fuck more does he want and why does he care what you do in your free time jesus christ grow up and stop worrying what other people think
His dad didn't say anything remotely resembling banter you dumb Americunt, stop over using our word
>Not realizing your father is just tsundere for his son's attention.
You should've offered him the beer.
I don't fucking know man, I don't. Maybe I could say what he want me to do, but he lives a shitty life, watching TV all day
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this op, but don't be too hard on him. baby boomers are stubborn ignorants. they just don't understand the appeal so its obviously bad for you.

growing up my father always despised the amount of time I spent on the computer. I would get on the PC for 5 minutes and he would come behind me and say "Don't you have anything better to do?"

I'm a computer engineer now, my parents are absolutely tech illiterate and beg for help constantly. He is so proud of me, its the first thing he says to anyone now (yea my son is a comp E) yet he can't even explain what I do.
>be me
>almost 50
>my pissant little kid spends all his time in his room and never even eats with his family anymore
>go and see what he's doing in an attempt to re-connect
>he's playing some dogshit EA trash
>rib him about it
>he just sits there, motionless, and I have to leave out of awkwardness
How do I stop my son being such a pussy, /v/? I figured he'd at least banter back, but instead he just took it seriously like a little cunt.
Just tell your father how you felt for having he said that. If he still jokes with it, erase him from your life and move out
yes they do. when i was at the hospital i tried picking up some girls. people told me to i get get a girlfriend when i get out, go out with my friends. my friends moved and one just came here to steal my games.

i got this a lot from people your 25 and still live with your parents. you get into a car accident and in recovery.
Your father is out of touch old fart who doesn't realize people have different taste.
>My father makes fun of me for watching Japanese Godzilla films.
>He reads fucking Harry Potter books at his age.
>24 with Master's studies
>STILL living with parents
>Caring about what anyone has to say about your hobbies
>Letting your parent dictate how you feel

You need to grow up man. This is not hyperbole or your automated troll response; you need to seriously grow the fuck up
>do you want to be 15 again?

What a dumb question

Who doesn't want to be a kid again?
>their dads don't play games
My pop-pop played Far Cry every night for years.
sounds like you are socially inept, humans are social animals we've always worked together and having a bond called family makes us able to trust one another.
When someone trusts you they will consider your judgement to be important, if you tell someone that their actions are a waste of time and they trust you, they'll question their actions and possibly stop doing whatever it is they do out of trust.

And of all bonds, you cannot underestimate the power of the bond between a father and his child.
>literally goes "i have a gf! Don't hit on me silly boyys"
>take the bait
>op starts jerking off to it

truly The worst board on 4chan
what the fuck is this faggot shit
We have quite a big house, plus I save around 70% of my payouts
who gives a fuck about what your retarded ass parents think? just keep doing whatever the fuck you want and move out and never talk to that retarded nigger again.
Why do you live with my parents? What the fuck were you doing in my room?
just say that u prefer to be 15 that a 49 old zombie
You deserved it
>baw hard day at work :'(
>easily triggered
>had your whole day ruined because 'video games are for kids'

I googled this 100% expecting this to be on r/gaming but it's not, you actually wrote this up and posted it here first.

Out of all the places you could've posted this why would you post this faggot shit on /v/?
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pop culture sure fucked with your brain uh?
The lesson is baby boomers are the scum of the universe.

That's why we don't have flying cars. They barely figured out how regular cars work
He is right though. He has a loser son who has to come crying to his /v/ friends.
No anon, that isn't how trust works. It is your hobby and you don't have to be ashamed about any part of it. If you don't realize that, then by all means stop playing games.

Honestly, your dad would be more ashamed that you stopped playing games to whine about it to random people on the internet than if you kept playing.
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How do you function in a work enviornment? Do you just start crying when a coworker or boss critiques your work?
>with a gf
>with a job
I'm not trying to defend OP, but aren't you just mad?
>letting people ruin something that you enjoy during your free time after honest work

Tell him to fuck off
If you can't feel the difference between a fucking stranger (boss, coworker) and what you do just to get money, and your own dad saying that your hobby is a bullshit, than you're just a retard
>Caring about what others think
>Baw mean dad
>Blog posting
>baby boomers
>born in 1968
Nigga, he's the child of baby boomers
sounds like you're a huge fucking pussy
your gf will cheat on you after 4 months of living together
t. op

But seriously, if he's too much of a pussy to handle living on his own; of course he can't deal with his dick of a dad
Both are/were authority figures in your life. The fact that you seem to think a father would have 2deep4u insight on vidya suggests your childhood development was stymied.
sure thing bruh
Egads! This robot has been exceptionally well trained in our humanoid decorum!
>Ignores what anon types
>Makes up some shitty excuse as a justification

Stop being a fucking pussy. Man the fuck up and move the fuck out if you can't handle what your daddy says to you.
Should've raised him better, faggot.
dude, harry potter is the shit
typical boomer dad. you have a degree, a gf, a job and he still fucking complains? what the fuck? does he even have a degree?
What is wrong with living with your parents?
If I was your dad I'd throw you out.
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Nice blog faggot.
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>muh gf
My father said anime is girly.
It didn't slow me down one bit.
No, what the fuck is wrong with YOU? Holy shit, are you autistic or something? You have got to be the most sensitive fucking faggot, you thinskinned bitch.

You deserve getting cheated on by your GF, grow some fucking backbone. I'd love to have your problems you bitch.
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>dad tells me to grow up
>what should i do
>I know, i'll have a fucking whinge to my bestest buddies on /v/, they're sure to have my back about this :D

how about you make like a banana and fuck off
father = family and made you and cares about your future
boss = guy who use you and wont mind fucking you over
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Yeah, but all his life he basically consists of these things
>working (he works his ass off just because he likes it)
>from time to time reading a book
>watching sports on the TV

When I was a kid, I told him
>dad, let's go to a survival camp and live there for a three days, it'll be fun, we'll get some food, we'll hunt, we'll sleep in tent

You know what he told me?
>Ugh, I'd rather just take money and live in a hotel and consider it my "camping"

Besides his work, he's ignorant and stupid as fuck.
cheer up OP, he was probably making fun of you because DRM software is cancer
I didnt get how people can sit on their ass all day melting their mind with Tv then turn around and shit on vidya, which you at least have input in
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coming from a former professional soccer player and gamer, youre dad's being an ass. Just move out after school and live your life. You clearly care about what he thinks, so maybe take somethings he says into consideration to keep him happy but still be you nigga

u should shoot ur dad :P
wait, is this 1999?
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no matter you say he's still a better person than you since the moment someone upsets him he doesn't flee to a peruvian basket-weaving forum and have a faggot blogpost about trivial shit that hurt his wittle feewings
What the fuck are you trying to say, you inarticulate retard?
and yet all these newfags itt still flame
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>Live on my own
>Has been for the last 9 years
>5 years of a successful career, earning more than my dad did
>Comes to my place for a weekend
>Still treats me like I'm 15
>Wow aren't you old enough to stop with your videogames
>You are wasting your money on your [high tech gadgets]
>You need a girlfriend to set you straight

This is why I don't want to visit dad, and offer to have you over even less.
Your dad is right, you're a faggot child man baby.
Most likely you would disappoint your father no matter what you were doing unless it is the exact hobby he enjoys. And then he would probably criticize you for not doing it as good as he does. So fuck him
>family cares about you

Truly the funniest meme.
chances are he had a shitty, frustrating day and in that moment he dumped his misery on you. The only thing to take away from that encounter is "my dad was not happy at that moment"

That said, it is an extremely shitty thing to do. Move out. If it's still bothering you give it 48 hours and then talk to him about it. But don't put up living around that shit.
even reddit would see through his poor bait and downvote him into oblivion
the only place on the internet that is a worse dumpster than this very board is /b/
He's probably lonely and wants to spend time with you,bro. Have you tried crawling into his bed at night and giving him a tug?
>poor bait
Fuck off, retard, that just happened, I dont give a flying fuck if you believe it or not

>That feel when my dad has no hobby he enjoys
>No matter what I did, he'd probably never be happy, perhaps taking out his frustration at not having found his own burning desire in life

feels ambivalent man
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are the serious replies in this thread just completely fucking meta shitposting?

what fucking magical realm have i stepped in where this gay thread isn't blatantly shitposted into oblivion
You're a grown ass man and you genuinely have your feelings hurt over a trivial comment? Grow up, bitch boy.
the endless stream of shitposted has blinded people into thinking that everything is bait
edgy teenager striking with full force
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>I dont give a flying fuck if you believe it or not
Clearly you do. Anyway, you're just a little brat whining about something trivial. Faggot.
>Masters at 24
Want to know how I know you're lying?
This really hurt my head. What the fuck
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What a fucking fag lol, bet your dad is fucking ten out of tens right now while you're on here crying
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Not your blog, faggot.
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You sure he's not just playfully teasing you and you're just being an oversensitive cunt? A lot of dads are like that
You literally just wasted your time, waiting 40-50 seconds just to post shitty scans of some anime that no one will read. You are a pathetic worm.
>visit dad
>has been single for 20 years and focused on work and vidya
>best memories with him growing up include getting the best end in Splatterhouse 3, a full run of Gauntlet Legends, and MK tournaments with every new release
>comes to me for advice on games

I think you guys just have shitty dads
Stop living with my parents.
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>dude, harry potter is shit
you should grab a pair of scissors and cut your ballsack off right now to help prevent more retards like you and your dad being born
I'm 24 and got a master's you stupid son of a whore, if you got nothing to contribute don't fucking post. Thanks for the bump anyways you useless dadless cunt.

Pretty sure I know what MY OWN dad is like, moron.
My mom demeans me on a daily basis for not being able to get a career job, but shes a complete sociopath. Imagine being insulted daily for the dumbest of things; I wanna move out but I simply can't support myself in this area. I'm still taking tests and classes too.

She just sees it as me doing nothing if she ever spots me doing ANYTHING. It could be worse OP. Its the reason why my sister left, some parents are just really shit.
>have been staring at my desktop for like a minute or something.
Whew. That's rough.
>live with dad, great job, saving up dosh for my own place with gf
>dad says I shouldnt play video games
>tell him it's exactly like tv
>i disagree
>end of convo
>never think about it again til now

OP pls
Your life amounts to nothing. You are nothing but a vegetative imbecile. Step back and realize how old you are, and how fucking pitiful it is to post anime pictures that absolutely no one gives a flying fuck about. You're worse than the average attention whore, and I genuinely suggest you kill yourself for the betterment of the world.
Stop wasting your time playing video games and watch TV for 12 hours a day like him faggot.
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You'd say this is good bait until you realize 4chan is full of faggots and children.
Grow some thicker skin you faggot manchild.
just play the game you faggot don't stop and cry cuz your dad told your 24 year old bitch ass to stop
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That picture makes me sad because the source (pandyland) just died a month ago and I never bothered saving all their comics.
>b-but you don't have dads!
>my dad loves me, muh b-b-b-bond!
>i'm not insecure at all
>i'm a big boy, i have my master's!
fucking bait. also kill yourself and stop projecting
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At least I got a gf.
>master's degree
hahahah fuck off normalfag this website is for NEETs only
>stop projecting

Idgi, which one is it?
Never post in this board ever again.
Didn't people use to hate on books when they were getting popular? Like stop reading novels it's making you a loser. It's the same thing with games I feel like. People don't like new things.
if your posts starts with
>be me
you should probably rethink about posting and consider suicide instead
sleep snug, smug.
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He is a loser if he has to post about being mad about innocuous shit his dad says while being a grad with a gf and job. Sounds like an insecure manchild
Fuck this shit. I'm going back on Reddit.
I highly doubt that you're actually 24, let alone have a Master's. Otherwise you wouldn't keep bringing those things up. You're clearly a teenager who can't get over such a frivolous comment.

Stop taking things so personally, and refrain from shitting up this board. You are pathetic.
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>30 years old
>Live alone
>Parents visit for easter
>"Son are you still buying these silly game boxes? A little old don't you think?"
>So wheres the girlfriend?
>You know I need grandbabies!
>My friends cousins sister isn't seeing anybody let me give you her number!
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Dude that sucks but at the same time, why do you give a fuck? Obviously you like videogames (otherwise you wouldn't play them, you presumably bought it with you're own money; there is no shame in enjoying things that you bought for yourself.
My dad used to talk to me about playing too much vidya, when i was like 14. Sorry you haven't grown up
>tfw my dad and I both enjoy playing the piano and sometimes play together at family gatherings
Man doesn't even care that I watch anime and play vidya. Shit's fun
Why are you living with my parents OP? And why my room? There's like 4 free rooms to take and you take mine you cunt, I'm gonna fuck you up
How insecure are you, really?
>be me, 24 y/o with Master's Degree
>save up lots of cash
You'll be paying off college for decades.
>>My friends cousins sister isn't seeing anybody let me give you her number!
Did you accept the offer? She's attractive, r-right?
What, not good enough for a PhD? No wonder your dad doesn't respect you

This is some homo shit but would elicit it a few good responses

6/10 would save for drunk posting
Dumb fucks should have had more kids if they wanted grandchildren
You're a manchild and it's right for you to be shamed for playing computer games.
Father gives son ultimatum, shoot him or stop playing video games forever. Son took the third option.
fuck your dad man
>living with your parents past the age of 18-19
Best decision of my life to move out with a few friends.
>origin games

>mentions a sword

Yeah he's some leftist cuck who doesn't have a problem with bioware putting niggers and faggots everywhere in a medieval European fantasy setting, what can you expect
official transcript:
>You're such a faggot kys
>Ok I will
>I didn't really mean it

He is in a better place though, I'd kill myself too if it got me out of India
>college/uni/education fucking system worldwide is exactly the same
Want to know how I know you're a moron?
>I'm 14
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>I thought SERIOUS, ADULT PEOPLE don't play these silly games?
This sounds like a parody I'd see in a comic thats supposed to make you laugh
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If you're friends are as young as you it's likely they won't give a shit about cleaning the house, making your life a daily hell
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Is this the kind of issues people have?
>be me
>be useless NEET
>do nothing but play video games
>mom comes in
>geee anon, is that a new skin your got there
>yes mom
>that's nice son
Life has gotten just so much better once my parents actually lost all hope in me. I have my own youtube channel tho and I'm making around 300-400 bucks monthly, so at least I'm not 100% useless.
>He basically just fucked up my entire day
what the fuck? are you that weak minded that someone fucked up "YOUR WHOLE DAY" just by some dumb random comment?
also fuck off this isn't your blog
>everyone lives in america
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All 21

We keep fairly neat actually. The kitchen gets a empty few frozen meal boxes thrown around the counter, but overall nice.
That's just China. They're required to install death traps by rlaw
Your father will be dead in a relatively short amount of time. If this is real, then live for yourself. I'm sure your dad wasn't a sportsman or anything, himself so just rib that in his face next time.

But this may as well be /b/, so: works of fiction and all that
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What's your channel senpai
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Is there any more of this dumb shit?
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/v/ - blog and faggots.
you cared when your dad did the same thing :^)
Move the fuck out then.
Why did you make this thread?
Leave your parents, don't talk to them ever again if you can help it, and if they ask why tell them it's because they're unsupportive assholes that stick their fucking noses where they don't belong. You could have been a stoner or a dropout but instead you're a successful graduate, but NOOO that's not good enough because you play VIDEO GAMES
It's no fiction, OP here, a few guys here wanted to derail the thread by pretending they were me.

Thanks man. I guess I just have to live here for a year more to save cash and then move the fuck out
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Legend of the Meme Queen
Ops gonna have to find a new board to post about /v/ shitting on his shit posting hobbys after a long day of work and daddy being mean.
why did you delete /r9k/
I'd rather not shill for my channel on /v/, but I'm just doing some warframe videos. There are suprisingly not many channels about that game.
Why would you give a shit? Tell him you're still not as big a loser as him, flaunt your Master's degree, then tell him to shut his fucking mouth. Then go back to gaming. If he says anything else, beat the fuck out of him so he learns not to talk shit to someone in person.
if you actually posted this unironically what thought process led you to believe /v/ is a good place to post this

what have you seen from /v/ that made you think that, yes, this is place to discuss this
I'll tell him that next time.
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>Barneyfag still hasn't shown up
Color me surprised
This can be percieved as over-sensitive by others but I think it's important. Many of us grew up without a strong parental bond. Give me a (you) if you agree with this statement: My parents are just "there". We don't really do family things, we just live under the same roof.

It doesn't matter if it was a divorce, or drug abuse, or just simply a complete void in the family life. It fucks you up the same. Obviously, abuse victims will face greater challenges, but I swear, this void will fuck you up even if you haven't been abused in your entire life.
Is this a joke? Dads make stupid comments all the time. All it warrants is a roll of the eyes, at most. Don't be a bitch anon.
It really didn't take him long to go from bitch to baby.
Because you are gamers? I bet 90% of you at some point heard that "games are for kids"
>i make warframe videos
i'm so sorry

how many views do you get per video, and with what regularity

how are people still playing korean grind simulator anyway
Hahahaha so tru xD
i'm 23 and still live with my dad. hopefully moving out this summer.

we make fun of each others taste all the time. he watches some of the worst of the worst television and I openly mock it and him, and he makes fun of me for still playing vidya and going to MtG drafts and such.

grow some fucking balls op. the only thing pathetic about this is you, not the vidya.
Just realize that if you live for the satisfaction of your father's good opinion that you will no longer have that when he's gone. What will you do then?

Even if they (or the gaggle of shitposters here) don't approve, you are your own independent person. You can make your own choices and do things for your own satisfaction.

Also I hope you learned a lesson to not post personal threads here. Please take that tertiary garbage to reddit where it belongs.
/v/ is not your blog

if you want empathy and a hugbox post on reddit, they love the whole 'people were mean to me :(' shtick
>If we cared about every little thing someone said about us or disagreed with we would never do anything

Guess that's why I'm stuck here.
Mine thinks any and all culture is bullshit and makes fun of me for reading anything that isn't an instruction manual, watching films both animated and live-action, listening to music that's not on the radio, playing video games, using computers in general, and anything that isn't renovations in the house or other manual labor.
Could be worse for you.
I did move out a good 8 years back, though, so it's extremely easy to shrug him off and return to work teaching film theory courses at university.
Warframe's fanbase is surprisingly faithful. The community itself ain't that bad either, not much toxic shit going around. I just do about 1-2 videos a week, usually a small guide on something or just some weapon test. Really not putting much effort in my videos, but people just enjoy watching me play and talk, regardless of content I believe. I'm usually getting around 20-30k views, but I have a small patreon with around 200 bucks right now.

I'm sure I could do better, but it's fine right now, especially since I have no pressure to work on videos.
The difference is we don't give a shit. It's an empty insult/mockery, there's no reason to care about it.
>listening to bs that falls out your parents mouths.

Just give them some shit back.
Or can they not handle the banter.
My mam wastes hours on shit tv for example. So I call her out on that.

That's what I used to do. But now I'm freeeeee
Culture is a meme :^)
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That's shockingly accurate for people over 45.
My parents get pissed when I visit them and want to read a book while they sunbathe in the garden because lying there and doing nothing is fucking boring to me.
Just because they provided the second set of chromosomes doesn't make it any more influential. You're just a thin skinned asshat that can't take an insult.
What a fucking casual. I hope you give him some shit for it.
>ctrl f
>kill yourself
>2 results
step it up
Your banter was too weak to register, you didn't check yourself so you shreked yourself.
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You guys do realize our parents come from an age where internet did not even exist right?
It's like listening to a cave man telling you eating cooked food is for children and women.

They did not grow up with these luxurys and have no idea what to think of them other than.
>People younger then me enjoy this.
That's literally all they know about it.
One time I was out with a few friends early morning. We go to the bank and I wait with another friend as our pal does some business. The situation played something like this.
>On my phone reading something
>Old lady behind my start yapping
>" Look at you staring at your phone like your a little boy with a toy I don't understand why so many people act like that."
>Almost tell that old cunt to fuck off but let it go once I see lack of wedding ring (probably lonely old hag seeking my attention)
>My friend talks to her for a bit giving out some back handed complements before leaving.

It's rude as fuck yet they don't see a problem acting that way. These people are outdated as fuck and generally lack the level of empathy we show others in public. It's like getting upset your dog pissed on the floor last night. He does not even now how to use the toilet you can't expect much.
>not adding the one kys
Everyone I know in their 20s has verbally or physically abusive parents. I have a friend who was addicted to heroin after a long stint in the hospital. His Dad kicked him out and got a job helping addicts who recently overdosed. The entire generation that was born in the 60s and 70s are despicable human beings who have utterly failed in preparing us for the world they and their parents destroyed
normies legit ruined this board

i wish you could just pull out a shotgun and make them explode into bloody chunks like gears of war 1
Berthold Brecht had his doctorate at 21, if I remember correctly.
In a country were a lot of people start uni at 21.
I will be finally free.
There are countries were each semester costs you a whooping 200 euros, 100 are for the included public transport ticket.
Lee on the thread subject has your dad ever walked in on you being the /v/ anti-horse vigilante? What were his thoughts?
What a lame thread. I don't understand why people think posting shit like this is okay. Like others have said, OP is a fag. Grow some balls.

I'm a 28 year janitor and I'm still way ahead of OP's dumbass.
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>be me
"Wow dad you still listen to that old music? Don't you realize there are modern artists that are just as good?"

"wow dad you like those goofy old cars? What about modern vehicles that are more fuel efficient, pleasing to the eye, and overall a more enjoyable experience?"

Or you know, just give your dad a playful elbow in the ribs and tell him to fuck off.
Just walk in on him watching sports and be like "Oh dad, I thought SERIOUS, ADULT PEOPLE don't watch these silly games? What is that, a ball? come on, do you want to be in little league again?"
why hasn't this thread been deleted

i've seen other threads be deleted since this one started so what the fuck are the mods doing
>using the term "normies" instead of "normalfags"
you are part of the problem
just be a man and tell him off? Holy shit op. You say you have a good degree, a good love life and saving money but you're not man enough to tell your own father off yet.
You're both being narrow minded. One, your dad grew up in an environment where video games and movies weren't a norm. To him, this shit isn't normal, just as to you, some of his ways aren't normal. Instead of bitching about it, try to understand that you are two different people, two different generations. You don't have to create a hugbox where everyone likes you and agrees with you.

Two, your ass is 24 and has a fully functioning job, stop being lazy and move the fuck out.
this desu, move out already. Then your gf can barge into your room and hurt your feelies.
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Die you degenerate Barneyfag
Maud Pie as Frisk
There you are, my boy
How have you been?

>GR15 ban is only 15 minutes now
your dads a man teaching a boy to drop out fantasies and to get to work

and what you did is go post sad kittens online like the faggot you are. what are these bitch threads anyway, some 15 year olds whining?
Ow the edge
Yup brah.
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>mfw I got my parents addicted to mindless facebook games and now have a gambit that I can use any time they comment on my gaming activity
>graduate last year, somehow find a well paying job
>job is in one of the most expensive cities in the world so I live in a shoebox apartment
>live alone for the first time in my life, had house mades in college
>my coworkers are for the most part 15+ years older than me, the ones my age despite also being tech people don't share any hobbies with me (not a single person who games among the 20 or so new hires that came in with me)
>they pressure me to go out drinking with them
>when I drink I have a hard time hiding my depression and tend to just start sobbing so I refuse
>become social pariah
>occasionally go out to try and relieve this, it gets worse because they can tell something is wrong with me
>living alone makes my depression, anxiety and paranoia much worse
>begin seeing a psychiatrist
>talking about my issues doesn't seem to help much I just go to the appointments and get talked down to for an hour (the psychiatrist is an older man who seems to be of the position of heavily medicating me is the answer)
>refuse medication because I saw what it did to my mother (I am the one who discovered her after her suicide attempt)
>constantly have nightmares about my grandparents
>depression getting worse, having a difficult time even getting out of bed to go to work

My aunt died recently. I had been holding it together fairly well but her funeral did not do much good for me. I feel like I'm drowning.
Go stretch your legs
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Kill him. It's that easy.
You sound like an ungrateful bitch. My mother was nice enough to let me live back at home when I finished my degree and was looking for work. Most parents will just say that when you're 18 "get the fuck out of my house." Nut up or just jump already.
fuck off already normalfag, 4chan is not your private blog
ebin sibllllyy ebin
*chews on hotpocket*
>age 24
>dad is 49

What fucking cunt has a kid at 25? 1 in a fucking 100 people have their life on track and stable at 25, who has the disposable income, house, money put aside for education and ability for one of the parents to not work/money to hire a nanny at age fucking 25?
>Good education
>about to move out

Literally no reason to complain about you, your dad is in wrong here.
I have never seen a person older than 40 capable of empathy. Most parents just had kids by accident, or for a bullshit reason like continuing their line or so they don't wind up in an old folks home. I could go on listing reasons but none of them are because they want kids. It becomes a lot easier to understand places like sweden or germany where people care more about being seen as racist than stopping mass rape when you see how these people treat their children. My parents kept me from the hospital for days with a burst appendix since they thought our insurance didn't cover hospitalization. I had to drive myself to the ER and was admitted for weeks because the infection spread and nearly killed me. They left for vacation the day after I was admitted swearing I would pay every penny and that I was faking the whole thing for attention.
Why is this blog shit thread still up
>most parents
only asshole parents
>Not wanting to be 15 again
go call him a cuck when he's watching tv then fuck his gf to establish dominance
Just laugh and tell him to fuck off. Jeez you guys are so insecure.
>tfw my parents wanted kids and kept trying
>tfw had 6 miscarriages before me
>tfw I was born 7 weeks premature
I barely managed to exist.
>tfw my father plays games
>tfw he basically only played World of Warcraft and Minecraft
I mean I'm glad he's ok with my gaming habit but I wish he wasn't so casual.
poison womb
explains why you're here
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>40 years from now when all the old people are dead
>we can finally play vidya in peace

Always remember we are the new adult generation which means we get to decide what it means to be an adult now.

My stepdad is an old army engineer and he has always played vidya, BF1 is his shit these days.
I'm glad you exist anon. It's good to know that not everybody's parents would watch them die a slow painful death to save some money
Weird thing is my younger sister was just fine. There were no miscarriages between me and her. She was born on time, no health issues (unlike me who had some serious shit wrong with him), and went home pretty quick (unlike me who had to be in a box for a few weeks).

ow the edge
>not being so vital to your company that the entire company, let alone your boss, would be completely fucked if you left

I want brainlets to leave :\
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what did he mean by this /v?
Its okay, my dad just talks about me wasting my nights while he goes outside and drinks all night. They're either jealous or just retarded.
>boss = guy who use you and wont mind fucking you over
>tfw contract protected
Hope they like my settlement fees.
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why didnt you save her
It's only really become unusual for people to have kids so early with Millenials, who mostly wait until their late twenties and thirties now. The norm up until about twenty years ago was late teens to early twenties.
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>25 year old perma virgin
>no fun allowed turbo jew
>at family party last weekend
>aunt's sister proud to announce that her hamplanet daughter got a bf
>she call him harry potter
>a skinny guy who's never seen the sun
>they met online playing minecraft, how crazy is that?
>when are you going to get a gf, anon?
>everyone looking at me
>once i find a girl interested in only seeing each other 2-3 hours a week
>uncle says there are girls you can pay for that kind of service
>everybody laughs
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would you help a starving elf
post more of that elf
tell him you will change your last name and never let him see your children and he will never become a grandfather and his legacy will never be carried on
or just move out
i sure love blogs
just be glad you haven't fallen so low that nobody even thinks to ask you anymore.
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>>waaaaaaah my daddy said something criticizing my hobbies, and I'm upset even though I have a GF, a master's degree at a young age, and a nice job with the ability to move out on my own soon. BUT WAAAAAH my daddy said one smarky comment to me!

You're not getting any sympathy from me. How about being in my cold family where I talk to my cat more than both of my parents combined? How about having a job where you can't afford to move out without having to eat RAMEN all day everyday. How about being unable to find a good job or wanting to study anything to be able to move out of your parents house in order to be comfortable with even attempting to have a girlfriend?

BUT WAAAAAH my daddy made fun of my hobby.
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post games with pancake cats
Have you tried not being poor?
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elf v2.0
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Yeah and my mother said playing video games I wouldn't do anything with my life and here I am after finishing a successful period while in the service and I just got accepted into a prestigious college. Just because your parents say something to you doesn't mean it's right. Enjoy being you and the things that make you happy.
this. It isn't that hard.
lol my dad finished RE7 the second time last week
Feels good to have a dad who doesn't hate vidya
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>many teens struggle admitting they are gay
what does nakadashi mean?
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>Have job
>Have car
>Have home
>Been getting in shape and lifting as well
>Lost 38 lbs so far
>Still no GF
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My dad used to tell me shit like
>you just keep playing these games all day
>why don't you go outside more?
>you will not get anywhere in life if you keep playing those games
ultimately he started saying shit like
>you will end up a fucking beggar
>your marks are absolute shite it's because you play all those fucking games
>your computer is not going to feed you
Except he was wrong. So fucking wrong. No, not about the marks. I was a pretty bad at school, but that wasn't because of vidya but because of him fucking coming home drunk every other night and being an absolute douchebag.
Going out for fucking what? I hate football and there were some fucking bullies in the neighbourhood, so I preferred staying home, at least when he was fucking sober, which started to become a rarity.
Eventually I would go out more. To fucking drink and smoke and stay away from this faggot. I fucking started smoking because I couldn't cope with stress and anxiety. Then I moved out and later somehow got accepted into uni. With my marks it was like a miracle, but I was actually doing well. So 15 years after I moved out later I now have a fairly good IT job and get £65k a year. An amount my father could only dream about because he is such a gormless tosser. I never stopped playing games.
So yes, in the end the computer that I liked so goddamn much is now providing me with a fairly well paid job and quite secure future. Yes, faggots - it's because of my interest in computers and video games I now have a pretty good job. Took me a lot of time and effort, while also fighting with anxiety and having self-esteem issues. Go fuck yourself with a rough stick if you don't believe me. I don't give a shit.

My advice to you, OP: fuck what your father is saying. Keep doing what you like to do, no one should be telling you what to enjoy. It's your life, not his. If you like video games no one can force you to stop liking them. Your life belongs to you and you only.
why does best girl not have a new game
>first episode have nice buildup and tension
>amazing sex as reward for keep watching
>later episodes are just lol sex from the get go
Still elder god tier series.
>I want to move out next year and live with my gf

I'm happy for you and all but studies have shown people who live together before marriage have a higher break-up rate. Their quirks get on each others' nerves and you don't have marriage to fall back on as a way of forcing you together.
Do you go outside and interact with grills?
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elf slave wat do
What an unenlightened savage.

My dad is in his 50s and he plays GTA5 and Burnout Hot pursuit While he have drinks and shoot the shit.
obviously because it's a nigger, how is that even a question
>Leave room
>follow him
>stare at him
>"What's up?"

Just fuck with him. Not like you need his ass anymore.
>boo hoo
et al
>tfw can easily afford to live alone
>tfw now have something like 90k in savings now
>tfw just buy what I want when I feel like it
>tfw don't want to because after living alone for two years I realized it's mostly unpleasant and having someone make dinner for me is great

I'll just purchase a house when I decide to get married and just transfer dinner duties to my wife. Living alone meant using a coin-op laundry machine in a crowded room, cooking all my own meals, being alone almost all the time, having to grocery shop myself, and a bunch of other shit. Could I do it? Yeah sure I did for two years, but I realized living at home is a lot more comfortable.
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It's hard to be unpoor? Oh shit! I just became unpoor! You're completely right anon; you just changed my life! Thanks man, I'm forever in your debt.
do you like watermelon /v? this elf likes watermelon
Dude just win the fucking lottery, it's not that difficult. Gosh.
Been a while since I jerked off to this. Thanks for reminding me about it.
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Wow, so hardcore, picking on a guy with depression, i guess empathy is just some alien feeling to you.
ITT: People who don't realize how much money you can save by living with your parents

I have like $130k banked after 3 years with them
have you been having pain lately?
>WAAAAAH an anon said one smarky comment to me!
I work so fucking much i never have time to.

I have no idea where to look either without finding a bunch of basic bitches.
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>I was so desperate to shitpost about how this was found and copied from reddit that I actually searched for it in an attempt to mock this user's posting habits for not posting exclusively at this website

>"I know, I'll mock him for NOT posting there instead! HAHAHA! I'm such a genius!
And you really typed all that out, too. Sad.
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orc slave wat do
>being this much of a fucking newfag

congrats you now have all the info you need to get free money for life to pay your bills and still have enough extra to afford things you want if you budget properly, this guide has been around since 2004

if you don't live in america, the country that document applies to, then you shouldn't be on 4chan in the first place
Imagine being so sensitive that you take it up the ass and post about it on /v/ when your father makes a dumb snarky comment about your fucking after work hobby.
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>why don't you go outside, anon?
You realize up until the past couple decades people got married and had kids right out of highschool, right?
Same here. Rent and food ate up easily 2k a month because I live in San Francisco. Living at home and commuting into the city meant and extra 24k a year in my pocket. I have next to no expenses and can just buy as much as I want for my hobbies.
>>>/r9k/ is where you bitch and whine about how hard it is to be a normalfag
Don't work your life away, bruh.
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>dude just pretend to be retarded u nu feg
>lol how long have you been posted her wat r u dumm GO MURIKA
yes it literally is
Seriously. After college I lived with my parents while working for about 2 years. Made starting my life so much fucking easier it was ridiculous. Now that I have my shit together, if they ever need me to return the favor I am more than capable.
everybody has depression nowadays. these kids need a kick up the ass, not empathy.
Smarky was your spelling mistake in the first place
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>Been back in school, at it for the last 2 years part time
>Will have a networking cert next month, could transfer most of my credits to a Comp Sci associates and be done in another year
>Lost job over some bullshit
>At home with mum
>tfw she doesn't give a fuck what I do, as long as I give her some cash and cook dinner for the senpai

Tell your Dad to fuck off or you'll put him in a home at the first opportunity OP.
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>no qt3.14gf to tuck you in at night and feed you cookies and milk before beddy bye story
wat do /r9k/?
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>master's degree
>lots money you would never otherwise have because your parents let you live with them
>your own room even in this place you live for free
>one offhand comment is enough to ruin your entire day and send you crying to a video game board

What's it like to be such massive faggot?Your dad was right.
>given guide on how to get free money for life and never have to work a single day
>respond with reddit-tier "intentionally misspelled" shitposts
enjoy being a normalfag then i guess
>kind of want a gf
>trying that sex thing would be cool
>but don't want her to hang around afterwards
Need to find a fuckbuddy somehow.
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>get bullied
>cry about it on /v/
>get 400 replies
why cant you fucks just stay in your /r9k/ containment board?
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I get shit like this all the fucking time. I long for the day I finally move out.

Honestly, if I can manage it I might move to another province and cut ties with family for a while. I'm so sick of them.
nice blog, fag-a-roni
>mod the board
>do it for free
>daddy says something mean to you
>post on /v/ about it
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you can stop using 4chan now
We can all stop using 4Chan right now, but let's be real none of us will.
>29 years old
>shit education
>shit job
>come home with some garbage fast food and a soda
>start playing some games
>dad walks in
>"shit is that Donkey Kong? when you gonna let me play boy?"
>he's playing donkey kong while I call him a casual for looking up LPs to get everything
My old man is alright, in fact my family has never really gotten on my case about video games
Any wizards that can make a reverse version of this?
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He actually did it!
>be 26
>have a bf
>parents don't know
>they fucking love me and give me anything I need because I am their only son
>"anon when are you giving us grandchildren"
>my mom really miss having kids to care about and really wants me to have one

I am scare of lossing everything I have if I told them the truth.
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Lower middle class feels anon, we essentially have to do the Chinese thing. Live at home, inherit the household, and if we have kids, try to give them a better shot than we got.
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How dare you speak to me.
What the fuck is this? The person who wrote this advise to a minor should be fucking jailed.
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t. normalfag
lol I'd say you're worse by getting actively mad about someone else's shit posting.
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part of growing up is knowing old people get out of touch, and their reality is not the same as yours. I know you must look up to them but it comes a time in which you realize they cannot comprehend the now as you do.
Just get a baby momma arrangement and have some girl inseminated. That'll likely be close enough after they get over the initial shock. Or adopt if you don't want to go through the trouble.
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>I guess I'll move out just to stop hearing this shit.
Honestly, I wanna move just to stop hearing all the fucking nagging. Like christ, can I just live my life when I have free time?
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so much this
last year I was in Paris, I was thinking
>damn I cant wait to go home and raid all night long
would you a cat girl

>People always ask why I don't go on trips to other countries

Because I like to camp, it's nearby, it's comfy, and i don't have to pay an arm and a dick to get there. Only places I plan on visiting are Finland and Japan, traveling abroad is too much trouble if you're just a regular dude making regular money.
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grow a thicker skin you absolute bitch.

And just to salt your wounds, yes, they wouldn't have a problem if you played soccer instead because it's actually advantageous for your health and fitness.
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no one asked you in particular, fucking faggot
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must be bait, nobody fucking uses origin.
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Do they inject you with a rabid bitch disease when you get a degree? I've met a shit ton of university kids in my life and they're all extremely sensitive and easily bum flustered.
I would berate my son too if I saw him using Origin.
My mom does the same shit, it's annoying. I'm in college right now doing well in classes, and I have enough of a social life to go out with my friends every week or so. But playing video games apparently means I'm a shut in doing nothing with my life. I know that feeling of one sentence from a parent fucking up what was a good day, and you can't even do anything cause they're letting you stay in their house. You just have to persevere OP.
>masters degree
>wants to move in with gf

Enjoy your ruined life, normie.
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Don't let boomers get to you. In their free time they just sit on the couch and watch sportsball or even worse some retarded TV show.
I also had to move back with my family after Uni and the nagging is constant, they'll never be happy with you and they'll always try to run your life.
Soon you'll move out and not have to deal with their shit.
because university kills your willpower
You are such a pathetic, weak little shit that if i was your dad nothing would make me more happy than making you cry like a faggot by making fun of something you enjoy.
That doesn't actually work.
Same here. I've never been out of the US, I'd rather just vacation here. Camping is great but my friends refuse to go despite never trying it, so usually my extra cash goes to a hotel somewhere. I do wanna go to Japan soon with friends, and I also wanna visit France. I'm not really sure why.
Not an option when your mother is jobless and lives with you and you've not seen your father since you were 13.


Ehhhh....maybe the countryside, I'd definitely avoid most of Paris. I'm looking to hit Japan next year though, maybe 2-3 weeks, but I haven't really convinced any friends to drop that kind of cash to go with me, so it looks like I'll be going solo. I started learning the language maybe 3-4 months ago, so I have some basic phrases down, hiragana/katakana down, just trying to chug through some Kanji before I focus on grammar. Shit sucks, but I figure I'm already deep enough, might as well go for that JLPT-5 cert eventually.
>be me
HeIIo reddit!
Oh cool is this a list of ways to exploit those ad viewing things until I get my life together? Oh no it's just a shitty guide on how to be a NEET, it's useless to me.
all my siblings before me were heavy into gaming, so my parents are comfortable with it
So are my parents the ultra rare breed of parents that prefer their son to be home and play viodegames instead of being a drunk piece of shit bthat only goes out to see if he can fucks anything as it is the sole purpose of life?
Not them but adoption process is complete and total horseshit. Way too expensive and they scrutinize you for every little thing.
I don't know why France, I just wanna go. But yeah Japan seems fun. I'm not a weeb but the place seems pretty interesting overall. My biggest interest is actually the suicide forest. I'm slightly /x/ and the idea of it interests me, I wanna see it, and feel the energy of the area. I know a friend of mine is really interested in the maid cafes so we'd probably hit some of those. Oddly enough my weebest friend wants to go but I don't know what he wants to see. How are you learning Japanese, self teaching using those Genki books?
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>24 y/o with Master's Degree
>everyone on this board has parents that are almost in their 60s
makes sense why everyone has boomer parents and are autistic because of decrepit DNA
feels nice that my parents fucked at 18 and had me so there's little to no generation gap and my dad is super proficient with computers and plays vidya like me
>Master's Degree
in what?
Well, he refused to bang his hot sister, so the assumption of his faggotry is pretty spot on
Anon I was born when my mom was 18 or something, it's only recent tha people are actually trying to not have kids before being 25 or at least have a career

And even then most people feel the need to have one just because of society pressure
>father is 55
>is an old school computer engineer who got educated when comp sci was still a branch of mathematics at colleges

The guy is old but still gets my hobbies. Better than to be a poorfag because your parents fucked their lives royally at 18.
Having kids at 18 must fucking suck unless you have nothing else going on in your life.
university is the center of demoralization. even the doctorate stem degrees aren't safe. academia is quite depressing, especially since you have far more free time than you ever did before.
What the fuck my dad was a software engineer for fucking Boeing and Northrup, but he can barely navigate a Windows computer let alone a smart phone. He's adamantly against video games, too. If my parents hadn't divorced when I was a kid I doubt I'd have ever played them.
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>Ctrl+f "Kill him"
>One result
Get it together, /v/.
fucking die faggot
your dad is just a job monkey
of all the things that are filtered, it's quite surprising that this isn't, especially outside of r9k
You're lucky OP, my dad just tells me to live at home as long as I want, sometimes I wish he'd motivate me like yours
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neck yourself
you do have a job, right?
Your dad is right. You should kill yourself.
Yeah, but it's only part-time, I also have an internship that I'm hoping will become a full-time job
Next time he's watching TV or a movie say something similar. He sounds like a cunt though.
>be me
>letting that get to you
I wish I lived at home fuck, life is expensive
My father calls me a virgin nerd all the time but we still get along fine because I don't take dumb shit like that seriously.
Don't move out. I moved out and now I have bills upon bills upon bills to pay. Only way I'm getting out of this hell alive is if I kill myself.
Damn bruh, how much do you save, how much do you earn? If anything?
Save maybe a couple grand a year
Earn over 50 grand
Big costs are mortgage, tax, insurance, maintenance (condo)
Other not-so-big but still essential costs are internet, mobile phone, gas, utilities, groceries

And then plenty of other non-essential costs.

Had to pay none of this when living at home
just end me famalam.
find a wife
do you feel alone in your condo? i would
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This can't be real.
Job and hobbies keep me busy that I don't feel alone often.

Finding a wife is difficult now because it would mean either she drops everything to live with me here or I drop everything to live with her at her place. And, obviously, she'd need to be doing well herself because I don't want to be paying for 2+ people when it sucks enough paying for one.

So, yeah, not looking to get married any time soon.
Will probably get a pet, though, if I can find a
neck yourself
neck yourself
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Please end yourself.

You're fully capable of getting out on your own, you have chosen to further burden your parents for selfish reasons, and then you get so btfo by the world's most basic Dad-banter that you turn to your secret club to bitch and moan.

Get the fuck off /v/, get the fuck out of your parent's house, and get your shit together you pathetic bitch.
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So what? Just flip him off, tho there are some things you can learn from your old man. My daddy taught me not to be ashamed of my dick
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... Sorry I'm still trying to wrap my head around how such an insecure faggot got a girlfriend.
so what
in my experience your father has a 100% rate of dumb opinions, so you should ignore those dumb opinions

you were supposed to be saving the money to move out during college

now you dun beefed it
Next time you see him reading HP you should quote this copypasta to him:

The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
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Anon if you play games and can't articulate why it's fully understandable to play them as an adult to your father you shouldn't be playing them as an adult, because you're treating them like a childrens toy, which is exactly what your father is saying you're doing. He's right completely.
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anybody can settle anon
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This is such a delicious review.
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My dad hates most of my hobbies and I don't get along with him very well on most opinions but that doesn't get to me or make me love him any less.
yeah well my dad raped me

beat that motherfuckers
Nothing's wrong with sticking to your hobby you grew up with.

It'd be odd, if you rather stop an enjoyable sparetime activity, just to fit in.
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>not taking your dad for din din
My dad won't even come into my room anymore because of the times it smelled like pot, haha. He's 82 and I'm 26. His fault for impregnating my 40yo mom with his senior autism seed
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