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>final boss has NO WEAKNESS

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Thread replies: 455
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>final boss has NO WEAKNESS
is this a persona reference
>Final boss has an extra 80,000 HP if you cast Knights of the Round on the previous boss
what a gay looking cat
Every JRPG, all those beautiful status effects that don't work.

Also JJL KQ is best KQ
Wait....this must be...hmm..
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>final boss abuses save states
Nigga what?
God I'm so glad this part is over, time for the best one
>he doesn't know
I win.
>Final boss just suddenly starts the fight when you were going through the menu to prepare
Yeah dude I can't wait for part 6
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>I don't know
>stands that can put effects on Sheer Heart Attack also effect the user
>blowing up your victims sure leaves no body left but that doesn't mean no-one's gonna hear the loud fucking explosion followed fire and smoke
>doesn't remember the previous timelines of Bites The Dust
>doesn't have control over Bites The Dust
>"""no weakness"""
Killer Queen's explosions are silent, they're only in the anime for effect.
SBR is years off though...
Shishihishishi died right outside Josuke's classroom and no one heard so much as a balloon popping
> they may not animate part 7
it feels fucking bad.
But part 4 was just animated?
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>Final boss shouts CMERE YOU
It's only silent to normies, regular stand users can hear them.
Part 5 even get announced yet?

I'm so scared of this.
guys im going to go have a quake thread on /a/
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>final boss gives less exp than common enemies
anon that ain't the final boss
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Using KotR on Jenova Synthesis, Safer Sephiroth has 80,000 extra HP. Not exactly the previous boss since that would be Bizarro but yeah.
shit taste famalam
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>Tfw your weakness is koichi
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>not going for top tier doppio
? I played through the weird part.
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ring ding ding
Koichi was an annoying little shit

All his chapters could have been better spent on more interesting characters

Prove me wrong
Boss, is that you?
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Ceasar, Abdul, Okuyasu, Fugo and Sandman were criminally underused for how cool they all were.

What are you doing Araki.
Fugo was a conscious decision because Araki had no idea how a fight with him and Diavolo would play out
You mean the one that made no goddamn sense or had likable characters?
Fugo got his own novel tho
>But Polnareff gets to fight almost as much as Jotaro
I liked him but come on, Kakyoin, Joseph and (especially) Avdol didn't do shit.
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jojo is so fucking stupid

not even naruto or bleach pissed me off as much as jojo with the characters acting like retards.

jotaro has the fucking time stop ability, why didn't he kill kira in the tailor shop.
Koichi represents the golden heart of Morioh, the good youth who goes out of his way to rid the world of evil when no one else can. He went from being a quiet, unassuming person into the most reliable member of the group. If it weren't for Koichi (who acted on his own volition when everyone expected Jotaro stop time and whatnot), Kira would have activated Bites the Dust during the final battle.

Koichi was top tier get outta here with that shit.
Still underused, Araki could've thought of something I'm sure of it. Also the reason for him leaving wasn't even due to his powers being OP, stop regurgitating this meme.

Not canon but it was very good.
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>Protagonist of the sequel is a previous final boss' son
did you read it in the shitty old translation?

Why didn't they ride the eagles to mordor
fuck you, he isn't better than Jotaro and he didn't do shit.
I wasn't defending him being underused
Also Araki definitely has a history of forgetting powerful characters exist in his universe
I'm just starting diamond is unbreakable and I had a feeling they'd avoid using his timestop for plot purposes. That's going to bother the shit out of me.
>Devil May Cry 4
Is Hirohiko Araki a cross-dresser?
Does he live vicariously though his art?
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>Metal Gear Solid
I didn't even think of that, but yeah, you're right.
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she's Ano from Bando Janaimo
He's just interested in fashion
Don't type like that; 根本凪
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>All throughout the part, whatever Kira queen explodes explodes alone.
>No Shockwaves are produced, for all they know it just disappeared without so as much as a trace
>Air bubbles can be exploded and release Shockwaves and can damage things that aren't just the air bubble
The coin was the first thing he blew up and that made a shockwave. I always think Kira's gotten good enough with KQ that he can trigger different sorts of explosions, hell he even slowly dissolves the severed hands
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prove me wrong
not including 8 as it isn't finished
He can change an explosion's trigger (on contact, activated remotely) so why couldn't he change the explosion behaviour as well?
Jotaro uses time stop in pretty much every battle he's in during Part 4 (the only one he doesn't use it is against Kira's dad if I remember correctly). They made it so Jotaro can only stop time for a second instead of up to 5, like DIO could. The reason they give is because Jotaro hasn't been using his time stop, is not used to it and that it's incredibly exhausting. So Jotaro's time stop is not as useful as you would expect, only giving Jotaro a free second.

Jotaro can stop time for longer during Part 6 though.
>Killer Queen has no weakness
>Hirose can immobilize heart attack
>Josuke can put his victims back together if he is in close proximity
>Stray cat's bubbles can be seen through vapor/smoke and manipulated to go in a different direction
>Killer Queen itself can be beaten in physical combat and completely fucked by Jotaro's Star Platinum (ZA WARUDO).

>No weaknesses

The only reason that Killer Queen was formidable was because it's user, Kira, was borderline genius at planning his attacks discretely and pathologically.

Take Okuyasu for example. His stand, The Hand, is arguably stronger and more effective than Killer Queen. But because he is a retard, his stand is never exploited to its full potential.
Actually, Okuyasa isn't so retarded that it's never used, Okuyasa just wont use it because of how powerful it is.
>Okuyasa just wont use it because of how powerful it is.

Give me an example or quotation that backs that up.
Note that it's Kira claiming that Killer Queen has no weakness. He just thinks his abilities have no weakness because he's never met someone who has even stood a ghost of a chance. It's a display of confidence by a character, not a statement of objective fact.
Honestly, how is the Hand powerful? It's slow as shit, and you'd have to be an idiot to not dodge it. The only thing i can do is draw objects closer
>The Hand erases space between Josuke and Okuyasu, causing Josuke to be instantly transported to in front of Okuyasu
>The Hand erases space between Okuyasu and Red Hot Chili Pepper speeding away on a motorcycle, causing Okuyasu to catch up with the speeding motorcycle
Clearly he's not completey clueless as to how to use it efficiently.
>Okuyasu is "slow"
Bravo Araki
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Part 5 is shit
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1.there's a killer in morioh town
2.kira is the killer
3.he has a stand that blows ups anything it touches and leaves no evidence (how convenient)
4.when they figure out who he is he steals a man's face thanks to the stand of some background character (how convenient)
5.they find out who he is again and he gets run over

there, i just saved you from watching this piece of shit schlock. everything listed here is true and I still can't believe there's people here who like part 4, including the author.

fuck anyone who tries to defend this piece of shit

borderline genius my ass. kira went autistic everytime things didn't go his way.
>Speed: B

It's certainly not as fast as top tier punchghosts like Crazy Diamond and SP but I don't think it's as slow as you think.
>Note that it's Kira claiming that Killer Queen has no weakness

I'm responding to the OP's statement.

>Honestly, how is the Hand powerful? It's slow as shit, and you'd have to be an idiot to not dodge it. The only thing i can do is draw objects closer

It's powerful because it grants him a degree of master over spacial dimensions entirely. It doesn't just draw objects closer, he can draw himself closer as well. And more importantly, he can scrape things out of existence entirely. He is about as strong as Vanilla Ice and his stand, 'Cream'.

Okuyasu could literally scrape Kira into the void if he wanted to, but for reasons (mostly stupidity) he never did.
Also meant for:
>you used my reaction image
Feels good
>that shit quality
no wonder you have shit taste
>I can't read between the lines
So why'd the art change so much between parts 3 and 4?
Watching the anime and I'm starting to get used to it but it was pretty jarring.
>I still can't believe there's people here who like part 4

Say what you want about it being not as good as other arcs, but it certainly wasn't shit. It was a novel arc that was slower paced with self-contained stories that flowed like a slice of life. It was cozy and the side characters were fantastic.

Subjectively you can say it's the weakest arc. Objectively you cannot tell me it's shit, because that's just straight up untrue.
>4.when they figure out who he is he steals a man's face thanks to the stand of some background character (how convenient)

That character was well established, though. Part 4 actually has legitimate setups and payoffs (the one-way street) instead of P2/3's asspulls and P5's retardation.
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>or had likable characters?
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>Murder mystery
>Child character cracks the case
>That character was well established, though. Part 4 actually has legitimate setups and payoffs
>literally established for a single arc before she dies and does nothing else worthwhile
>dies a couple chapters after she's introduced

Araki conveniently introduced Aya as a plot device thr arc before Kira's face change.
It's pretty funny seeing fatlus fanboys trying to say that p4 was not a DiU ripoff
>should be older than he was before theage reversal
>still a kid
>Child character cracks the case

No. It was Jotaro who located his first appearance thanks to investigating his suit jacket. His second appearance sure a child was involved, but he didn't 'crack the case', his father was being impersonated and he saw some blatantly fucked up shit that would lead anyone to believe that he was not who he appeared to be.
>well established

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>Insanely powerful serial killer
>Ambulance cracks his neck
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>protag is a FOOLISH SAMURAI
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I love Part 4 not only for the fact that it brings cozy Yusuke and Kuwabara nostalgia.

she was actually cleverly used. if she had appeared much more it would have become obvious that kira would have used her. instead it made for an interesting twist. just be glad she was established and kira didn't just find a stand user out of nowhere with that power.
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(8) > 7 >= 6 > 5 > 4 > 2 > 3 > 1

Gappy > Jolyne > Giorno > Joseph > Johnny > Josuke > Jonathan > Jotaro (P4 and P6 stardust man is great tho)
>human dies from being run over by a heavy vehicle after being beaten to hell and back
Yeah, totally bullshit.
>Joseph that low on your list
>JOTARO that low on your list


7 > 3 > 4 > 2 >>>>>> 1 > 5

haven't started 8 yet
Crazy Diamond fixes something that The Hand scrapes away

What happens?
I don't know but I like it. Really keeps thjngs fresh and I love the use of color in part 4. Every part has a different vibe going and I can really dig that.
>It was a novel arc that was slower paced with self-contained stories that flowed like a slice of life

suuure, because slice of life needs 2-parters for filler episodes

>It was cozy and the side characters were fantastic
this is the same excuse for steven universe and townie episodes AKA shit that doesn't matter

>Part 4 actually has legitimate setups and payoffs
established over a bunch of episode filled with nonsense. you could just watch the first Kira episodes and skip to the last 5 episodes and not miss anything. Kira switching faces doesn't change anything, it only drags the story around to introduce more dumbass characters that won't matter in the end.
Doesn't The Hand's erasure technically "fix" itself by pushing the things outside erased space together? I'm not sure if there's anything to fix
So, when Kira's hand got all heavy and shit, why he didn't use Killer Queen to hold his hand in a more comfortable position?
yu yu hakusho predates part 4 you dumb fuck.
>she was actually cleverly used

It wasn't cleverly used at all. She gets introduced the arc after Kira gets properly introduced then she dies. That's it, nothing "clever" about it at all. You must've watched the anime where they swapped some arcs around because in the manga it was very obvious.
hahaha thatd be p gay bro
He couldn't. Crazy Diamond needs to make contact with a piece of the body to restore it. If The Hand has scraped away every molecule of a body, there's no getting it back.

It sucks because if Josuke had possession of Mohammed Avdol's hands that Vanilla Ice severed after obliterating him using Cream's void, then Josuke would str8 up restore Avdol. He could have also saved Iggy. And Kakyoin.

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if stands technically float in the air, why can't they just pick up their user and fly off ?
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Yeah... I know. What part of my sentence did you not understand?
Josuke can't revive the dead and Avdol/Iggy are fucking dead bro.

Avdol's hands are definitely dead at the point where Josuke is introduced.
t. literal retard
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what? didn't you knew about part 4 or Jojo before the anime?
Yep. Part 2 was godlike as was Part 3, season 1. season 2 just felt like a filler from start to DIO.
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>get the boss down to 30%
>he slows down the time for himself
So you basically expected DBZ? An evil villain taken down by the good guys? Because there is more to Part 4 than that. The town of Morioh is very clearly the focus of Part 4. If you just watch Part 4 for Kira you're missing the point.
fucking hell the body horror in jojo is so unnerving.
because of araki's style being detailed and realistic it doesn't come off as edgy and laughable like other manga it's actually disturbing.
If Kira was such a good killer why didn't he just kill them all? Checkmate stand users.
think they can't carry their own user. Directly or indirectly, because when josuke and okuyasu were chasing shihsihshi, they carried each other's pipes to the top of a building
Its a very popular thing both in japan and outside.
Shit not even Araki has said he's okay with it.
>Part 3 S1 was godly
>Part 3 S2 was filler

t. Literal retard
I'd argue that the first half of part 3 was the worst part in the entire series. Some of the shittiest, most boring monster of the week filler battles the whole way through, the Hanged Man was a good arc though. The second half has actual good fights like the Darby Brothers, Ice, Pet Shop, DIO's world.
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why can't 2 stand users use their punchghosts to carry each other and fly off then
too much effort, he does it in moderation and when he feels like it.
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why are these fags insisting on morioh being so fucking important to the plot? it's not King Kai's planet where Goku learns to adjust to greater gravity for the first time, morioh is just the place where the characters live.
>Okuyasu shows up
>Hey this guy seems neat I want to see him fight people
>Rohan AKA Hirohiko Araki gets more fights
>Okuyasu's contribution amounts to eating spaghetti, learning to teleport and never teleporting again, and then exploding before scraping away a bubble and catching a cat.

SBR is almost up there with 3 in terms of nippon popularity.

However, on the flipside, it's a fucking long part and would be a massive undertaking. They'll probably have a decent break before heading into it. New universe and all.

Honestly I wouldn't expect to see animated part 7 for at least a decade.
>I have not read any other manga
Kira is a retarded lazy ass
Kinda happened in part 3
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>final boss is NUMBER ONE
i hate it when people point to villains making mistakes and call them 'plot holes'

villains can fuck up and make retarded decisions too, especially in the heat of the moment.
well junji ito's work can be disturbing but jojo gives it in doses.
Not gonna lie, the suicide of the dad in uzumaki is terrifying af
>Joseph doesn't just use spirit photography to figure out Kira's identity
To this day I won't know why people shit on 1/2 so much

2 Is still arguably my favorite part
Not who you replied to, but there were bad moments in both seasons of part 3.

S1 had bullshit like Tower of Gray, Sun, Lovers, Strength and Wheel of Fortune.

S2 had obvious horse shit like Oingo/Boingo, Mariah's Bastet, and I'd even say Atum (D'Arby younger brother). And of course, plenty of ass pulls against Dio.
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Mariah was hot though so it was okay
>2 Is still arguably my favorite part

A-fucking-men. There has never been anything that comes close to the hype I felt when reading/watching Joseph take on Wamuu in the Colosseum. In fact, there has yet to be a villain that has my love as much as Wamuu.
>That's going to bother the shit out of me.

get used to it
Jojo was still finding its identity in those parts, and its defining feature, the punchghosts, didn't show up til part 3.

So basically you have anime Castlevania , then proto-jojo, then finally stando powah.

Personally I like 2 better than 3 because it's much more concise and Joseph is just a better character than Jotaro. Practically every significant character in part 2 is a ton of fun, although that may be in part due to part 2 being much shorter than 3 so you don't have a dozen episodes of Avdol doing jack shit.
Sure. But she was nothing but a boring 'femme fatale' character with no real substance. She used a fucking electrical outlet, man. C'mon now.
Asriel also uses savestates.
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>tfw own physical copies of Part 4, 7 & 8.
Feels fucking good man
>final boss is deceptively easy, let my units run down to low HP
>defeat boss
>he has another phase
>anime Castlevania

But that makes part 1/2 sound even better
Fuck it, I'm coming out.
I thought part 2 was worse than part 1.
There, I said it.
>part 3 is monster of the week trash
you missed the point. first half of part 3 was all about introducing the protagonists and their roles, and also to introduce the new power system, the stands. it's not filler but more like world building and set ups. when you get to the egypt arc the heores spend less time together and have to fend off for themselves while meeting greater challenges. TRUE FILLER is what Kira's dad did after his son got a face change.
My man!
hopefully people will like it more if there's a better translation

if not fuck them, still best part
S2 also had N'Doul, Anubis, Pet Shop, Vanilla Ice, and of course D'Arby and DIO.
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>tfw can't read japanese
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>final boss is you but better
Explain yourself right fucking now.
The setting is very important to any given story. It wasn't just picked out a hat, there was a conscious decision behind placing out sightseeing tips in the story and making arcs about oddities in the town. They went from going halfway across the planet to all of it taking place it the same town, why would they do that if the point wasn't to tell a story about that one town?

sun was intense with a hilarious finale
Joseph is insufferable.
nazi was boring
bubble man was boring
hamon girl was boring
nazi part 2 had some charm
the only good thing are the pillar men.
>the only good thing are the pillar men.
There's hope for you yet
Is there a bigger tone whiplash between OPs than between part 1 and 2?

Part 2's OP is the second most homoerotic anime opening I've ever seen.
Is this a jojo reference?

that and he's insanely OP

Green Day was a nerfed version of Purple Haze and it's still one of the strongest VA stands

>naked spinning Lisa Lisa
Is number one part 4's second opening?
I know everyone loves to say "Read the manga" but the anime version of part 1 is a straight upgrade from the original manga, in my opinion.

Mabye I just enjoyed the super fast pace, very rare for anime.
Going from Part 3's 2nd OP to Part 4's first is pretty jarring
S1 had Ebony Devil, Hanged Man/Hol Horse duo, High Priestess, and Death Thirteen. Not to mention, most of the party were together, so S1 had more wholesome comradery with Avdol/Kakoyin/Polnareff/Joseph/Jotaro all together. In S2 they were often split up for various reasons, making it feel a bit more empty.
>literally 2 chapters adapted into an entire episode

Fuck off m8
>Green Day
>literally has the range of an entire fucking city
I hated how dishonorable joseph was in fights, when he first pulled out the tommy gun I said "Jonathan would never do that!" and the narrator got obnoxious and the asspulls were out of control.
That was during my first viewing (yes I used to be an anime only fag, I read the manga now) but going through it again after part 3 and 4 makes me appreciate more than I did after part 1.
I really liked part 1 when I first watched it.
>hating on Oingo Boingo
It was awesome having a fight where the Crusaders didn't even know they were in one. It was proof that Araki knows very well how to mix things up and it was fresh to have a more comedic battle amongst the ones that had come before it.
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>Final boss is FUCKING RAW
>Joseph is insufferable
Fuck off.
>Nazi was boring
Somewhat agree
>Bubble man was boring
Fuck off.
>Hamon girl was boring
At first, yes.
>Nazi part 2 had some charm
Nazi part 2 had a LOT of charm
>The only good thing are the pillar men
Rephrase that statement and I'll agree.
I agree, but Part 1 is so short that's not exactly saying much. Part 1 anime tells the story better but the Part 1 manga has charm that the anime doesn't have, like the weird faces and fucked up body proportions.
>sightseeing tips

oh boy did you fell for that meme hard. how important to the plot is to know about the rock face and the spring rock? and don't fucking tell me that the sightseeing spots make the town feel more real because there's nothing real about a rock face and a spring rock.

I'm not that anon, I'm someone else who thinks part 2 is fucking trash, but it's not the abomination part 4 is.
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Just keep practicing dude and you'll get there.

>watches his 'dad' murder someone
>figures out he's a killer

not exactly brain surgery
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>pulling out a tommy gun against a fucking undead vampiric master of hamon

And I assume you would rather fight fisticuffs with Straizo? Get real. Joseph was pragmatic, he knew when to punch below the belt and he knew when to run from a fight. He was much more dynamic and fun than Jonathan.

Jonathan was extremely one-dimensional, he was pretty much the male equivalent of a Mary-Sue. A goody two shoes fuck boy who just happened to have shit handed to him at every turn.
> just so happens to be the most observant 7 year old kid on the planet
> has cameras set up all over the house for some reason??
come on, some of that was bullshit.
>J-Joseph is not an insufferable cunt who acts like a retard to get laughs reee
you must like deadpool and low hanging fruit comedy

bubbleman died like a bitch and a shitty friend, he's like krillin if krillin was unlikeable

what the hell did you watch that trash for if it wasn't for the pillar men? they might just be the most creative jojo villains, everything else is just a fucking overpowered stand.
But Kars and esidsi is boring as fuck
I know this, that's why I said reading part 3 and 4 made me appreciate part 2 more.
With part 2 I didn't really 'get it' until it was already over, and yes going back to part 1 made me realise how bad it is compared to every part beyond.
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>Part 1
Kill yourself
Jonathan is a true heroic type character, put him up with goku and superman.

you are like the stupid meddling executives that think superman shouldn't dress in red underwear and save lives. he should fight monsters and cause as much destruction as possible
>mary sue
>constantly fails
>>I hated how dishonorable joseph was in fights
Did you not remember the fight against Wham?
>J-Joseph is not an insufferable cunt who acts like a retard to get laughs reee

He's not though. I don't know why you perceive him as Jojo's Deadpool, but you're clearly not understanding why he is often called the best Jojo. He wasn't retarded, he was underhanded. He was a smarmy bastard who hit below the belt and out-witted most of his opponents. He is loved by fans because he was heroic but never afraid to be unheroic. Like I said, he was more dynamic than Jonathan by miles.

>bubbleman died like a bitch and a shitty friend
He carried Joseph to Hamon mastery, he's not a shitty friend. He secured the antidote that saved Joseph even moments before his death. He didn't die like a bitch either, he almost obliterated Wamuu single-handed in a close quarters fight.
>stuff in a story called "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" is bizarre

Easily countered by being high though. Fugo can just chase you down and once you're close enough, you're dead
just because i said they're the good thing about part 2 doesn't mean they're top shelf character types.

kars and esidisi are mustache twirlers, the only one with some depth is whammu

He's just a male Tomoyo, loves filming shit
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I liked the small scale and slice of life aspects of it.
Character interaction is a strong suit of jojo so it was nice to see more of that in between the non-stop fights of parts 3 and 5.
>kars and esidisi are mustache twirlers
Esidisi yeah, Kars no. Kars was motivated by a cultural ideology that his people should conquer their physical weakness to the sun. His intentions were noble, but the means in which he employed to improve his people were evil. He wasn't simply a mustache twirler to be fair.
>Easily countered by being high though
And what are you going to do if they just rode off in a helicopter so you couldn't reach them? O wait, that's what happened but luckily Giorno caught them. Green Day is much deadlier than Purple Haze who has shit range, only can attack 6 times per day and whose powers are weakened by sunlight.
Josuke used CD to catch himself from falling out of a window.
It wasn't "his people" that he wanted to improve, it was himself. He literally killed his entire race except four people. Kars was simply a selfish villain that wanted God status for himself.
>oingo boingo
Star Platinum shielded Jotaro from a fall when fighting against DIO.
by your description of bubbleman's feats it seems like he deserved something better than getting crushed, but he didn't so his importance and contributions didn't amount to much.

>all that joseph damage control
none of those traits are admirable, Jonathan took it upon himself to end Dio's evil because of how noble and selfless he is. joseph acts more like an anti-hero so when he says that he's gonna avenge someone it doesn't feel genuine thanks to his behavior.
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Jotaro dies in Part 6.
>Part 5
>better than part 4
>turning Polnareff into a fucking cripple and a turtle
>main villain is absolute fucking shite with a retarded stand power that's poorly explained
>Gold Experience is the ultimate deus ex machina even before Requiem
>can retardedly torture and damage cast members with little fear of death because GE can just regrow fucking limbs and organs and shit
>that horrendous final fight and sudden ending
>most boring protag in the entire series

Yeah man, part 5 sure is the best.
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>implying death matters in an anime
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Everyone dies in part 6
If the Pillar Men were Aztec in origin and crafted the masks, would that mean that hamon originated in ancient Maya? Throughout Part 2, Kars, Wamuu and Esidisi reference a 'tribe' from 2,000 years ago who used hamon and mentioned previous wars with them. Hamon is similar to the sun's rays, which is why it was effective against Dio. The Mayans worshiped the sun arduously. Though the Aztec and the Maya never existed in the same time in history, is this what Jojo meant to convey nonetheless?
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Polnareff becomes shell shocked
Avdol gets handsy later on
Cak o Ween stops for a drink of water
Old Man Jojo sucks, but then gets better
Jotaro is slow
woah what a smart cookie you are
Hey, it's that guy with his regurgitated meme opinions again.
jojo and everything dies in part 6

nobody dressed like in sbr in the year part 7 takes places

a groupd says that it takes place in an alternate universe or that this is the same universe reset, make up your damn minds, it's still not gonna chnage that jojo is a constant "fuck you" to the readers.
"Okuyasu is a retard"
there's some to start off with
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>final boss can be beaten by simply sidestrafing
It can very well be that Hamon was used by the Mayans, but there's no conclusive evidence of it originating there. Also, Hamon is abandoned and completely irrelevant after Part 2, it's clearly not important and doesn't matter.
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>it's clearly not important and doesn't matter.
just like joseph
Dario Brando dies ten years earlier

How much bullshit is avoided?
You're over a year late.
He actually says something like the Hand is quite a strong Stand but he isn't smart enough to use it properly.

It's when it's revealed he didn't actually die during the final fight with Kira.
Chase was absolute garbage.

Looked like your run of the mill flavor of the month crap. God bless Great Days for redeeming that shit.
All of it
Okyasu had one of the most powerful stand abilities that could have solved most of the problems they were with. I mean the fucker can essentially fly with it. I get he's kinda retarded, but c'mon.

>chase Shigechi or bring him closer that one time
>erase Sheer Heart Attack and pull Kira toward them when he ran off
>pull whatshisface down from Supafly
>flat out murder Kira in the final confrontation

Also, his theme was criminally underused in the anime.

Best JoJo opening, coming through.
Exactly how I felt. Didn't even bother learning the name but now I know it. Only jojo OP or ED I do not enjoy.

I meant the second version of the first OP of part 4 though. Similar to the first version but I think the more aggressive beat pushes the homoerotic scale over the edge.
>the best one
>MC has 2/3 of his powers forgotten in the first 10 chapters
I will never not be mad at that.

Best song in Jojo, also coming through.

Admit it fags, Part 4 was incredible.
Jonathan never has to learn hamon, never passes it on to his grandson, pillarmen awaken and kill/enslave everyone with little resistance (or the Zeppeli family finally gets to be the heroes.)
the mask is still out there
and the arrow
Well it's a meteor at that point
this is the worst, every other OP has a distinctive style but here comes [Chase] with it's fucking naruto rock.
Why didn't they just destroy the stone of Aja?

You chose the worst possible jojo song.

>Dio never becomes a vampire
>Jonathan never dies on the boat
>George II never dies in the air force base
>Elizabeth doesn't need to change her identity (Also, would never have been adopted by Straizo and may have never met George II)
>Assuming George and Elizabeth remain married, Joseph has a normal upbringing and Straizo doesn't go crazy
>Speedwagon never met Jonathan and may never follow Erina to America and make his millions
>No Speedwagon Foundation, no research into Pillar Men, no Pillar Men awakening
>Stardust Crusaders remains as if it never happened
>Dio never distributes the stand arrows to Okuyasu's Dad and Yoshihiro Kira, Yoshikage is just a regular serial killer, likely caught a long time ago
>Vento Aureo would proceed as normal, but Giorno was never born
>Diavolo would win as without Gold Experience, they'd all have died before even getting a chance to Requiem one of their stands
>Also, no Requiem stands as Polnareff wouldn't be investigating Diavolo
>Stone Ocean doesn't happen, Jotaro might have been a better father so Jolyne doesn't go to jail

So everything would be fine until Passione controls the world
ha. no.
A lot of the imagery is cool though.
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>best song in jojo
hey buddy, i think you got the wrong song
Okuyasu was criminally underused all along part 4. Then again, every part has a guy like that

Friendly reminder that the only thing Kakyoin's EMERARUDO SPURASHU hit was a fucking clock tower
>No Speedwagon Foundation, no research into Pillar Men, no Pillar Men awakening
They'd eventually wake up on their own.
This was the cheesiest shit at first but it grew on me.
Diavolo would still had gotten his hands on the arrows though.
Oh and it was the Nazis researching them.

Let's just hope King Crimson can save us all

I'd be down for Diavolo and Passione vs Pillar Men side story
Kakyoin slipped his appendages into a baby and then fed him poop.
I wish they used ASB music in the series.

Kakyoin's theme is great.

>bubble man was boring
Gappy isn't boring.
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So what you're telling me is that the Aztecs and the Mayans civilizations were the first recorded Jojo reference?
Araki does this a lot.

Both Kakyoin and Avdol were absent for a lot of Part 3 because their Stands were overpowered and people kept asking why doesn't Kakyoin use his marionette power or why doesn't Avdol just melt everything and Araki didn't have an answer so he wrote them out for a bit.

The most obvious example is Fugo who Stand basically gave people leprosy, Araki straight up put that dude on a boat and fucked him off.
Holy shit dude, read the post again. Fucking american education, man.
>Nazis end up being the ones who defeat the pillar men since Speedwagon Organization has less influence due to being nonexistent
>Hitler is never recognized for having saved the world
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Alright faggots, it's time to decide who would win in the following fight:

>Full power Dio from Part 3. Vampire strength, The World, fully head/body compatibility after having absorbed Joseph's blood.


>Full power Kars, immune vampiric power after having equipped the Red stone of Aja mask, Chimeric transformation of all matter, with full mastery of Hamon.
wow its another shitty offtopic thread created by jojofags with 10+ year old shitty recycled memes. /jojo/ containment board when. we made one for mlp and pokemon.

Would have to see what Tonpetty, Zeppeli's, Dire and Straizo do since they'd be the Hamon practicioners now
>boss has an ability that is unexplainable
(kokoroni ni~~) TOKEKOMU
>>Full power Dio from Part 3. Vampire strength,
Dio loses.
>>The World,
Dio wins.

Kars would have no fucking clue how to deal with a Stand, much less DIO's.
Kars, obviously. Nothing Dio could do would even phase him, and he could just hamon him the fuck out. Or wait until morning
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>OP is tasteless meme loving fuck
how would dio get kars into space?
Part 1. Dio kills Jojo's dog, dad, William Zeppeli, and Jonathan himself.
Part 2. What does Caesar Zeppeli and a can of soda have in common? They both go flat when they run out of bubbles.
Part 3. Avdol dies first, twice. Iggy gets kicked in by Vanilla Ice Cream. And Kakyoin gets turn into a doughnut.
Part 4. Yoshikage Kira kills Pineapple head, Aya, Yoshihiro Kira. Then the true hero comes and kills him. Ambulance.
Part 5. Dio sticks Jonathan's dick into everything and Giorno Giovanna is one of his many kids. Bruno is killed but becomes a zombie. Best girl Narancia dies, GioGio goes god mode and kills Diavolo multiple times. Polnareff becomes a turtle.
Part 6. Everyone dies. Even Jotaro.
Part 7. The President kills Gyro Zeppeli. Johnny kills the President in all parallel worlds.
Part 8. Gappy is the new Jojo and he has four balls because he's made of two people, Yoshikage Kira and Josuke Higashikata. Johnny kills himself to save his child and wife.

Here are some spoilers for you. Help curb the cancerous fanbase by deterring new people from watching it.
The acoustic version is god tier.
Great days remain the best
>would that mean that hamon originated in ancient Maya?

Unlikely since they worshiped them as gods so there was no need for them to device a counter against them. Besides is not like the pillarmen stayed in mexico, they went to roam the earth in search for the red stone and left Santana behind because how much he sucked.
>implying Kars wouldn't get a stand
Is Dio aware of how badly he could get fucked up by contact with a pillarman? Even if he was, I'd say that Kars' would pull out a win, unless Dio was able to acquire a perpetual time stop.

Kars has superior intellect, crazy durability, regeneration, and shape-shifting skills that could be utilized in tandem with hamon. It's unknown HOW durable he is exactly, but he was played up as being unkillable. If Joseph could figure out the time stop, then I'm sure Kars would have been able to as well.
Ultimate Kars is still bullshit and practically invincible.
Only reason he lost is because of the ultimate asspull (Joseph even admits it was BS).
Time stop ain't gonna help if you can't hurt him.
It depends on how long DIO can stop time. I know it's implied that because of DIO's vampire strength, he can stop time for extended periods of time and he believes himself to able to stop it for as long as he pleases (as opposed to as long as he were able to) if he grew more accustomed to Jonatha's body. Still, that's DIO's own theory and there's no telling what would actually happen. Even with time stopped, what could DIO even do to Kars?

If they were to throw hands in close combat, Kars would destroy DIO in a single punch due his Hamon being incredibly potent. Taking into account Kars high IQ and his long experience, Kars would on paper be the better fighter.
Great indeed, it's a shame it was followed by such a lame opening later.
Hey guys!!!


Have fun!! Also kill yourselves on the way there!
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Superfly would still be able to defeat Kars
I'm more of a bloody stream man.
But what's that final ep version called?
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The Lock would be able to defeat Pucci
If kars is the perfect creation then it stands to reason that he'd get a stand.
Exactly. Fuck that movie too
Link the /co/ and /mlp/ threads. Jojobronies literally have 24/7 threads there.
You think he feels guilt?
couldn't he just take the tower with him and eventually bring someone else into it
>having any guilt
>implying Pucci feels any guilt for what he does
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Kars is literally the ultimate being, you literally cannot kill him, Joseph won only beacuse he was asspull the character (and that's why I still like him the most).
If I remember correctly Pillar men could just absorb any vampire so this includes Dio.
Kars could also use hamon, so Dio would be gone in one succesful punch, on top of all that Kars cannot be killed, the only way to stop him is to incapacitate him somehow.
The only advantage Dio has is his time stop but even then no matter what he does he won't be able to do anything.

>Can absorb Dio
>Can use hamon to kill Dio
>Can kill Dio with his bare hands
>Can wait for a daylight that will kill Dio

>Timestop that won't really give him any advantage if he can't even scratch Kars
not only that, but you gotta understand the implications
kars can turn into everything, so that would also mean kars can get access to every stand imaginable
kars wins everytime
>Then the true hero comes and kills him. Ambulance.
Just goes to show emergency personnel are truly the greatest heroes.
He definitely feels some for his sister's death.

Pucci felt no guilt

Echoes Act 1 and Heavens Door would work

>Echoes writes 'Dio Sucks' on the wall
>Rohan is standing there holding his manga
>Pucci looks at who dares insult Dio
>'I will Kill Myself' writes Rohan into Pucci
>Stone Ocean solved
why does everyone die though? is it at least coherent in some way or just some "the universe ended" kind of shit and it's never mentioned from then on?
your part 8 spoiler is wrong
Could he just create a body double and walk out? Could he manipulate his matter to not be metal? Could he just cut it up, and either avoid, or tank the counter attacks?
There is loads of Jojo vidya, one is even a muh /v/ culture classic.

The latter, but they're all killed off before the villain wins
True but her rationalizes the fuck out of it with "MUH HEAVEN"

End justify the means.
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Oh Pucci
You let Dio die.
>Game ends after final boss still drops exp and cash
cool except no one's talking about the video game. there's a home improvement game on the snes or die hard on the ps1 but that doesn't justify discussing them on a video game board.
He knows he'll be absolved in 'Heaven'.
Remember he doesn't even have to show the manga anymore. He just draws Deaven's Door in the air now.
does the author have any plans on going back to that/expanding in any way or did he just say "fuck it everyone's dead, next story"?

i'd imagine the fandom made a shitstorm if everyone just died.
>Thunder Cross Split Attack
That's just overkill
The video games follow the same story as the manga ohher than the very latest one.

Are people only allowed to discuss game play and not characters and story for vidya now?
Those games are fine but it's not being discussed. This is like discussing the DmC vidya on /a/.
>Tubular Bells
>Not the raddest stand ever

fuck off
that's profoundly fucking retarded and you know it. hush now and wait for this to get deleted.
They are brought back as happoer versions, but yeah then he moved on to a whole new universe and setting
This is very clearly an offtopic thread. Don't make up lame excuses for it. Just enjoy it till it 404s.
It happens.
>the villain wins
Emporio kills him, and the universe resets again, this time not according to the will of Pucci. Emporio even survives and stumbles upon everyone's counterpart in the new universe. How exactly does Pucci win?
Kill yourself that is dogshit reasoning. You can't just bring over anime discussion on /v/ unless it's about the videogame, you might as well discuss on /a/.
>was aah I only want vidya that I like being talked about on MY board
/V/ truly is the best board to descuss enithing but videogames
Fuckin phone posting kill me
It's the same story. Have you even played the games?
By this logical you could just bring over every shonuenshit series over to /v/. Heck might as well make 5 eva threads per day like /a/ since there's games that arguably tie into the story.
>, it's a fucking long part and would be a massive undertaking.

It only felt long because it took 8 years to write a monthly manga with a large scope like JoJo. As a secondaryfag who only marathoned JoJo in less than two weeks because an anime was announced and /a/ is ecstatic about it, the only long part is Valentine final boss, and even then, it took me around less than 6 days to finish the whole part.
Another example of how underwhelming seeming stands aren't necessarily weak, and that just about every stand is good in one way or another.

Like Dio said.

Even Hey Ya!
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>They are brought back
"They" are a completely different people in a different universe. The actual characters are dead.
If the thread triggers you so much just hide it nigga.
Nope, same universe just different names for a few
Everyone not affected by Pucci is the same.
No I like this thread and this series but your an idiot who can't see that this shit is clearly offtopic and is not video games.
I hate his hair
Part 4 and 6 is the only good parts.
Rest is shit.
What stand is worst stand?
Not an argument.
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Man, Killler meme definitely killed part 4 for me, everything before the killer shit was kino
Then bring up how some of this shit relates to the many JoJo games
Notorious B.I.G.

Can't do shit until you're already dead.
>Great days
>not Greatest of the arc
Grew on me hard, especically this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oItlCGLgbqQ
>disliking part 7
Jesus Christ, you're a gigantic faggot.
>so autistic he thinks everyone is trying to argue with him.

Just close your eyes nigga walk away
>just different names for a few
Because they literally aren't the same people anon.
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Go check the catalog. There's much worse shit on /v/ right now than a simple Jojo inspired /v/ thread. A thread can still be directly /v/ related yet still be fucking garbage.

At least in this thread we're consistent in discussing the plot behind Jojo which subsequently were adapted to NINE video games.

Fuck off with your high-horse bull shit.
When it finally activates, though, it's pretty sweet.

How about Hey Ya! or Cheap Trick?
You double nigger why are you putting 2 above 1? 1 at least had more risk to the main character than 2, with 2 once you saw Joey JoJo pull his "you got me but not really" trick once you knew he'd just spam the shit out of it.
So other threads aren't video game related and/or are shit, which makes this thread video games related?

Go discuss the series at /co/, /mlp/ or reddit if you like dicussing the series so much. They are always welcome and have 24/7 threads. Thank you!
They are the same other than how the timelines diverge. So Jotaro is the same, Irene has lived a different enough life to be considered different, it's all down to your personal definition of identity. They have the same ''soul" as far as Araki is concerned.

Gyro best Brojo.

Joseph or Jolyne best Jojo.

Although I quite like Johnny, too.
Liking part 6
Yeah but I'm just thinking from the perspective of actually having the stand.
F.F. is best Brojo.
This is my exact taste in everything.

Truly you ate the greatest brojo
Because a million orc archers would make a pincushion out of overgrown pidgeons.
What has Valentine wrought?

I hope you live far away from me, I don't much fancy being annihilated.
>So other threads aren't video game related and/or are shit, which makes this thread video games related?

That's not the contention, asshole. The point is that whether you like it or not, Jojo is a franchise that has many mediums, including video-games. The OP itself references video-games. There are posts discussing the games here: >>367401818 and here: >>367400084 for example. In fact, you are helping the thread by further invoking discussion of the video-games, too.

Refer to the image in my previous post; even if it's directly /v/ related, it can still be far, FAR worse than ITT.

Fuck off already anon.
They'd fly higher than the orcs could fire.
>Plankton is best anything
Yeah and I'm sure you thought Iggy was cool.
>That's not the contention, asshole.

Yes it is.


because Filthy Joestars all died
F.F. is not a brojo
Is a pet
Not an argument
>so autistic he thinks everyone is trying to argue with him.

Just close your eyes nigga walk away

Cheap Trick is worse than BIG, because you have to live with that stand with no actual advantages. BIG's user could lead a normal life before he dies
The ones who wanted the Joestars dead in the first place are dead too so I'm still not sure how they won.

it's a pyrrhic victory
Have to land sometime. Or send the nazghul drakes after them.
>he secured the antidote
While it was a nice gesture Joseph didn't even take it until after the fight right?
>conceding defeat
I'm glad you finally acknowledged your mental inferiority, and surrendered.
Pucci barely even cared about the Joestars beyond Jotaro's memory of Dio's diary. They came after him, not the other way around.
fight me
Yeah good point.
>While it was a nice gesture Joseph didn't even take it until after the fight right?

Sure, but I don't see how this discredits Caesar as a friend to Joseph.
They are shown being able to land near Mount Doom without problem in the movie. Also they outnumber the nazgul drakes.
>Koichi saves Jotaro from being blown to pieces
Except Koichi is the prime reason Jotaro gets rekt during that fight. If he had fucking listened to Jotaro and kept his stand close to defend himself, Jotaro would have been in top condition during the whole situation and finished Kira off right then
Not an argument.
God taste
It was more or to honor the duel between himself and Wham. Even if Joseph had taken the antidote before the fight, it wouldn't had mattered if he had lost the fight anyway.
>so autistic he thinks everyone is trying to argue with him.
Just close your eyes nigga walk away
>conceding defeat
>I'm glad you finally acknowledged your mental inferiority, and surrendered
>Joseph losing in Part 2
>Implying the Super Ripple Handshake didn't add like dark matter to Joseph's plot armour
But yeah I get what you mean, shame Caesar did fuck all when it came to winning fights, especially when he was stronger than Joseph.
>6 being better than 3DCG.

Fuck off.
You're not supposed to quote the second part, darn it.
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>stronger than Joseph
He wasn't. He just took shit seriously and didn't fuck around
I dont' get why so many people in this thread like 6, it's slow, fights make no sense or are boring af and it's set in a fucking prision. Maybe the ending redeems it a bit but that's about it
I love Pucci.
>But yeah I get what you mean, shame Caesar did fuck all when it came to winning fights, especially when he was stronger than Joseph.
Caesar would have won against Wham though, if it weren't for the fact that Wham managed to make the best use of a single moment where he wasn't being hit by sunlight. Caesar clearly had the strength and ability to win, he just underestimated Wham's genius and experience.
I always thought it was Lisa Lisa > Caesar > Joseph > Useless hamon dude, but Joseph had bullshit power so he was automatically the "strongest"
Final boss negates your status immunity then abuses chaos/confusion/whatever
Caesar was stronger than Joseph due to him having more training with Hamon. Joseph's resourcefulness beats Caesar's strength though.
>Caesar would've won
>except for the part where he didn't

I would've preferred if Joseph and Ceasar defeated ACDC together. This would make Ceasar feel like less of a jobber and give him a stronger reasoning for being cocky and charging in alone, since he had already defeated a pillarman earlier.
The way he died made no sense anyway, why would you jump in front of the light keeping your enemy at bay? It's infuriating to think about such an old part.
I mean, Pucci is fine but it doesnt fix the terrible pacing that part has
Anime was pretty fun, guess I could check out the manga.
Where can I find a proper translation for parts 5 and onward?
I miss hamon.
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>loved yu yu hakusho when I was a kid
>got into Jojo recently
>tfw I realized that the whole territories part was a straight Jojo rip-off
I don't. Fuck it. God damn.
>missing generic animu power nº929293874
Wham was attempting to cloak himself in wind to escape the sunlight so Caesar had to act fast. This led to an opportunity presenting himself to Wham and because Wham is a fighting genius he took advantage of it. It makes sense and is consistent with how Wham is otherwise portrayed. No one would expect someone to take advantage of that small window of opportunity, but Wham does because that's how he rolls.
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>when someone says Jojo is a parody or "deconstruction" of the shounen genre
>part 5

Parts 6 through the currently going 8 can be found fuckin anywhere.
look up jojo's colored adventure
they're still working on part 5 translations since this part is completely fucked, but you should be able to read all of 5 until the last 3 volumes + full color part 6 and 7 + the first few volumes of jojolion
other than that, you're gonna have to look for other sources like bato.to and those shitty scanlations of P5
>I would've preferred if Joseph and Ceasar defeated ACDC together.
I would've liked this too. It would also feel like Caesar's training paid off too. Right now it's like "Joseph proved himself by defeating ACDC oh and by the way Caesar finished his training too good job".

I guess they did technically defeat ACDC together.
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>tfw all the body horror in part 6
I'm not ready for the eventual anime

>he doesn't know Part 5 is 95% translated with good scans
>the rest have full colour scans which have been available for a year, albeit with shitty translation

Stop regurgitating the same memes.
Stop this meme.

Staking originally planned for Fugo to betray the crew and fight them later on but Araki was suffering from depression at the time and he found that idea too depressing.
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End of THE WORLD > Great Days > Bloody Stream > Stand Proud > Chase > Sono Chi No Sadame > Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town

Great Days UNITS ver. is the best song.

This is indisputable.
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Don't worry, it'll all be blacked out anyway.
Prepare for this.
Switch 4 and 5.
gonna take the bait here, Jotari can only stop time for 2 seconds, nothing more nothing less, as it has a somewhat unwritten rule of taking a toll on your life force and accelerates aging, as to why DIO could spam it and lenghten it indefinetly, because hes a vampire.
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I don't think any of the villains could beat ultimate Kars, except for Valentine and MAYBE Pucci

>Gets absorbed

>Time stop attacks can't do shit
>Gets absorbed

>Kars regenerates faster than KQ can blow him up
>gets absorbed

>King Crimson helps him survive for a while but he lacks the power to land a killing blow
>gets absorbed

>Accelerates time infinitely and slaps him with his horse cock so hard he flies into the sun

>Dojyaaan's him into an alternate dimension where he collides with another Kars
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>thread almost over
>no references of the emperor

what happened to v?
Meant for >>367400553
>not being able to see that this was a thinly veiled JoJo thread from the beginning
How new?
>watching homo animes
at least im not gay
But Sun, Lovers, Strenght, Oingo and Boingo, and Mariah were all great.
Has part 4 never been translated in physical form? Is part 3 the only one available in paperback?
To make this more vidya related. What are advantages of choosing Kira over Kosuke in ASB other than Heart Attack having more range than Bites the Dust?
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>his heterosexuality is threatened because of fiction!
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>you must like deadpool and low hanging fruit comedy
If you are going to be so pretentious at least capitalize and punctuate, you illiterate fuck.
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go back to your closet faggot

Foo Fighters is a contender for best Jojo girl in general.
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araki likes drawin peeled skin

did dio really turn a baby into a vampire
How is this allowed? This isn't videogames
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>Stand Proud is better than Sono Chi no sadame
>CNBT is absolute last

At least you acknowledge Great Days UNITS is GOAT.
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Shut up. Cunt.
Where you people are whenever someone posts Toddposting or waifuthreads?
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>that jet set radio feel
honestly, who hasn't had the whole "universe reset" thing spoiled for them by now?
it just makes me more hype to see how it gets to that point to be honest
You just made me imagine the squad smoking weed to stay safe from Green Day.

Almost, but no
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It's the best part tbqhwy
At that point Kira was just a suspect, they didn't know for sure he was the killer until he attacked them.
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i guess you're gonna love part 5
>it just makes me more hype to see how it gets to that point to be honest
The first woman jojo fails so hard at defeating the bad guy the universe is reset. That's how.
She didn't have last minute Stand upgrade hax like Jotaro and Giorno against a tremendously powerful and resourced opponent, she did the best she could.

Well, to be honest, they all failed. Bitch ass Jotaro couldn't do shit even with fucking Annasui and Diver Down entering their body to absorve the blow.

Pucci is trully the Gay Priest we all needed.
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8 = 4 > 7 > 5 > 3 > 2 > 1 = 6
kira shouldn't have survived when jotaro beat him up and josuke found out he was kira. But okuyasu is mentally handicapped so have can't just pull kira back to him
In the end, despite everything, Dio still won. Well, to a point. The Ireneverse is a semi-win, I guess.
I'm still in part 6 so idk about this but if this "reset" actually just renders the previous parts useless and cuts ties with them then this would be a terrible move
Gappy's pretty interesting, seems to have more personality than most jojos.
kak becomes donut
It's not that it makes the previous parts useless. Part 6 was supposed to be the last part until Araki figured out that he could make more money from Part 7 if he made it JoJo.
I don't think it's actually been explained yet, we know the universe reset but we don't know if part 7/8 are causes of it.
Part 7/8 are either new universe or alternate universe, they certainly don't follow the originals.

As the other anon somewhat said, part 7 was meant to be a spinoff, then part way he made it a proper jojo part.

It's an entire universe in itself, with no conections to the previous parts except for characters names and what not. It's not a reboot or anything of the sorts.

Part 1-6 > Universe A
Part 7-8 > Universe B
Araki forgot.

The rules regarding stands are very inconsistent. Why does Star Platinum have occasional intangibility powers (stealing the bracelet for Steely Dan, restarting Jotaro/Joseph's hearts, etc), but no other stand does? You could say that's yet another power exclusive to Star Platinum but it still doesn't make sense.
>Araki forgot.
Araki forgets a lot doesn't he.
>The guy who saved Josuke as an infant
>most of Gio's stand (remember when it rebounded damage and dizzied the people it punched?)
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