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Hmmmmmm. . Looks like you lose again.... pirates .....

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Thread replies: 318
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Hmmmmmm. . Looks like you lose again.... pirates .....
Oh well it was fun while it lasted. I reported that guy who's picture is Calvin. I could use $20,000.
Why bother when the 3DS is going to be phased out in a year or two?
someone is gonna make a lot of money getting most of /vp/ and half of neogaf banned. Serves cheaters right though.

Its one thing to pirate single player games on the pc that dont affect anyone else, but these faggots are usually cheat in pokemon so they can have a competitive edge online. Its fucking disgusting.
They offer UP TO $20,000. Enjoy your $50 and a t-shirt.
Maybe you should make a youtube video about it, verlisify

>but these faggots are usually cheat in pokemon so they can have a competitive edge online. Its fucking disgusting.
>competitive edge

maybe it's not the cheaters fault for nintendo making a caveman approach to making perfect pokemon. there is no excuse for their shit. Also hacking mons for tournaments use is common as fuck.
>implying they won't also give you that one ganondorf statue
i dont watch pokemon youtubers but thx hun
>getting this asshurt you were either banned or going to be banned
Your tears are beyond delicious

see above. sunmo is by far the easiest pokemon game in history to get IV's maxed

>Also hacking mons for tournaments use is common as fuck.
Regardless if its common or not the rules quite clearly state that its not allowed and the people caught doing it will be banned.

Cheating is cheating is cheating is cheating. Trying to justify it is next level mental gymnastics. If you dont like playing pokemon play something else.

You know i wasnt going to report anyone but just because of your post im showing nintendo /vp/ and the 3ds hacking threads on /vg/
How does one find exploits? I need some sweet tuition money
Incase anyone was wondering this is the website


You have to sign up but it doesnt take long
You need to realize /vg/ already knows and is laughing at it. And I've never been banned nor will I ever be. Your tears are delicious.
>Your tears are delicious.
oh and which exploits do you use? If you are so sure you will never be banned why not share them? Oh whats that, you dont want to share because you dont want to be banned? What happened to the 12 year old shittalker who thinks hes invincible.
>thx hun
it's a woman
she won't realize anything
Hey man, calm down for a bit and think thoroughly about what you're complaining about.
don't forget to mail it to nintendo
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get me
>they don't even care about Wii U exploits
It's either that or a child, look at their latest reply

A9lhax and their own eshop. Go ahead and mail that to them, have fun with your 0 dollars since that hack is already known to them
Nigger they don't care about you. They care about future exploits.

More like 10% off a game they never discount and Urban Champion
on it boss
Wow. I could be filthy rich turning all you losers in.
>tfw early adopter
>been using GW since forever
>not even fully updated
>can still just paste roms into MicroSD and they just WERK
>don't even give a shit about online

Jimmies remain unrustled.

Nintenyearolds btfo for the 1214th time
>0 dollars
If you think i care about money you are sadly mistaken. Im just tired of running into full hacked mon teams in online ranked when half the time their stats arent even close to legal.
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>pirateiggers on suicide watch
same here. Been using gateway since 4.1 and still happy
All those stolen games and you don't play any of them for more than 5 minutes before your ADHD kicks in and you need to steal again.
But if the pokemon is in the game and is able to fight online, it's stats are 100% legal
>implying nintendo would go through the lengths of going to a third world country and forcing its corrupt justice system just to sue some teenager for not giving up $60 for a game

I want to give that Nep pudding
>he really believes this
oh you
>You need to realize /vg/ already knows and is laughing at it.
It's a good change for them, as they're usually the ones being laughed at by every other board.

Can't wait to turn one of you dick twiddlers in for some hot vidya money teebeeaitch.
If they can fight online their stats are legal.
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Good job nintendo, now exploiters will actively look for more holes and know they can at least get 20k bucks from chinese sellers.
Who came up with this retarded idea ?

You realize the pokemon get checked by the game for illegal stats before they go online right?
Serves you faggots right, I mean, you're literally stealing STRAIGHT from Nintendo's servers, did you really expect that they wouldn't crack down on it eventually?
It's true though. If a pokemon has stats or moves that are impossible in the game, they cannot be used online. Stop being salty because you suck at pokemon
pc cuck here

All this has done is make me want to buy a 3ds when I never play consoles so I find out what the fuss is about.
i play it all the time, and steal every time
>hes so new he doesnt know they found out how to get around that
>he doesnt realize thats why they are pushing this huge bounty and reward ahead of the VGC
oh you
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>nintendo not aware of sites like GBAtemp and Wololo where info like that is traded for free
Shit like that really makes me wonder.
Would probably be cheaper to just hire an intern to check those sites.
>literally making shit up
3ds piracy. Just wait for emulation and don't waste your money on a handheld that nintendo is about to drop soon
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>release exploit in the wild at the same time as submitting it to nintendo
>easy 20k and e-penis
>this much damage control now that he wont be able to use hacked mons and cheat in a childs game anymore
i use pkhex editor, and i've gotten perfect IV pokemon with it, and used them online.
>up to

They'll send you a thank you card and a eshop game
You can get perfect IVs through in game breeding. Nothing about those stats are illegal
And right when most of /v/ was gonna get their 99 dollar n3ds from mumsie
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Isnt the 3ds almost dead? Why didnt nintendo do this 6 months ago?
Which makes sense, because you can get those playing the game normally as well.
get a vita instead desu
Citra will be up and running in a few months, you can already emulate S/M at a higher stable framerate than the fucking O3DS
That's pointless. This is about offering money to those GBAtemp posters who share their exploits. Give them 20k instead of releasing their shit online.
>has no proof of illegal stats being used online
>says others are in damage control
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Why do they even care anymore?

3DS is soon going to be phased out by Switch
You get your autism bux yet bitch?
>hacking a pokemon to have perfect stats isnt illegal

Holy shit the amount of mental gymnastics that cheaters will go through to justify cheating in a childrens game is beyond pathetic.
nobody is actually going to do this, this has already been a thing since the DS days
That isn't what this is.

Reading the Hackerone page, it looks like this is actually aimed at the hackers themselves, rather than people like us already using existing exploits. Nintendo's attempting to entice people like smea to submit their discoveries and finds to Nintendo instead for a reward, kinda like how Valve gives Unusuals to people who find economy or game breaking bugs in TF2.

You're fine; what isn't fine is that, worst case scenario, the current exploits will be the last.
As long as the stats and moves are legal, what's the issue?
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That's alright, I'm going 100% legit for the Switch anyway.

I'm not an idiot, I know that Nintendo's the only one who values gameplay/music/challenge over grafics/marketing/the cinematic experience.

I'd rather slay a Astalos than lay an Asari. A dinosaur kidnapping a princess is all the story I'll ever need. We're a dying breed, Nintendo and I.
>ray rizzo
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$20k worth of Miitomo coins, tickets and plat coins
>implying hackers would actually submit bug reports when Nintendo has a clause stating they get a license on your intellectual property if you submit a bug report
No its aimed at people who understand how the exploits work you inbred. Read the page.

You're about to submit a report to Nintendo. Please include the details requested in below. All reports should be submitted in English.

State the name of the applicable platform (e.g., Nintendo 3DSâ„¢, New Nintendo 3DSâ„¢, or both)
State the region of the platform you used (e.g., JP, US, or EU)
State the system version number(s) that the vulnerability applies to
Describe all of the steps required to reproduce the issue
Describe the details of what the vulnerability is and, if possible, potential ways to fix the vulnerability
Describe, if applicable, how individuals might be able to utilize the vulnerability information to impair the applicable system(s) and/or game(s) by showing a proof of concept or functional exploit code. You are allowed to submit a proof of concept or functional exploit code later (within three (3) weeks), after the initial submission of the report.
Confirm that the vulnerability is not widely known to the public
They will probably keep that offer up for future systems.
I bet they started this to calm down shareholders who get asshurt over piracy.
It's actually hilarious just how little you get. You don't report people, you report THE EXPLOIT. A stupid NEET like you probably has no clue how it works though, so good luck with that. Plus, if you somehow knew, Nintendo would shill you for 100 dollars then copyright all your work and make you sign a non-disclosure.

VGC checks are so bad every participant can using cloned pokemon from the same clone and the machine won't say shit.

all it checks for is illegal stats, points of origin, moves, etc.

Or are you going to legitimatly claim that all the top teams at the last VGC had had "legit" perfect Celesteele's.
>as long as im using steroids to be as good as the other athletes whats the problem

Mental gymnastics in cheateres are beyond sad.

Who is ray rizzo
They aren't banning people you fucking retards. They want to literally pay hackers to not release any new exploits and tell them how they did it.

You can get a lot of 3ds with 20'000 bucks.
>comparing video games to athletics
manchildren are beyond sad
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>3ds gets hacked
>update firmware to patch
>was easy to get around
>hacked again
>literally no way to stop it unless they change the entire fucking system OS
>this happens
>send in vulnerability to kernel access
>they try patching it
>doesnt matter since its blown open so fucking much
its just like nintendo wants to give people money for something they cant stop like jesus christ

like what is the reason for this when they know they cant fix any of this? is there any gain nintendo gets because i certainly dont see shit
This is just for the 3ds right? The Wii U hasn't been cracked open yet!

>using perfectly legal pokemon is cheating
>"legit" perfect Celesteele's.

i had my gf savescum for me all day yesterday to get a perfect iv cellesteela with adamant nature. Its not that hard.

Plus with bottle caps and golden bottle caps its never been easier to have perfect IV's. Cheaters are the worst and the laziest people ever.
a three time VGC winner who used injections
it's beyond clear Nintendo doesn't give a fuck if you don't have stats or moves that aren't possible
Haha, the smell of desperation.
Wii U has been 5.5.1 for fucking forever.
They don't give a shit anymore. Loadiine still works fine
The only thing I use my 3ds for is playing nes and snes games. You're better off just emulating and mapping to a controller.
>leveling to 100 in sun
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>Brazilian USB method

The Wii u has had its anus blown wide open

Hey, money's money.

Because the 3DS was dead then as well. It's been on the way out the door since early this year.
>you inbred
You didn't have to be rude anon.
>huge competition in front of lots of spectators
>large prize pools
>set of pre determined rules
>meta game

Do you have serious amounts of autism?

>hacking pokemon is legal
nope. Its literally in your 3ds elua and most like the pokemon one too that using 3rd party software to modify games is extremely illegal.

>comparing enhancement drugs to fucking pokemon

false equivalent to the max. please tell me the drawback of using cloned perfect mons since you used steroids as a comparison. the VGC chucklefucks can't detect shit that can be obtained in the game.
The people looking for kernel exploits for the 3DS and the Vita are literally a handful of people.

Look at the PS3, no one ever tried to search for Kernel Exploits and it has remained unhacked in newer firmwares unless you do a hardware downgraded.
the 3ds doesnt have any games worth pirating
Because Sony pays them to release it because Nintendo loses even more money from the lost sales.
For the switch. It uses most of the code from the 3ds.
>implying our fellow cracking comrades will fall for this trick
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>he wastes his time
>i just have to edit a number to get the same result
>piracy is killing gaming
>bounty to stop piracy is only $20000
So at best piracy has done $20000 worth of damage to a multi-billion dollar company?
>being so bad at pokemon you dont even know about the lucky egg

It only takes me about a day to level a pokemon to 100.

>it only takes a day to level to 100

>bottle caps and golden bottle caps its never been easier to have perfect IV's

good job exposing yourself as a fraud. Bottle Caps don't increase IVs. They do not affect Hidden Power for example.
That's not really fair. Most professional athletes take steroids
that still doesnt matter much though since getting the access is piss easy now that its blown open, so whether they patch vulnerabilities they will still get access some other way anyway

its literally free money

ps3 is another story but thats because they stored everything on the system which blew everything open.

only way to jailbreak the 3000-4000 models is bu dumping metldr 2 keys from a dech3000a model (and one is for sale right now no less)
this thread is dumb.

by exploit they probably mean actual exploits, so if you find something on the latest firmware you can tip them off for 20K instead or releasing it for free on gbatemp.

and most of the links here like Plailect's guide are 100% in accordance to the law. and, even if they aren't, all you have to do is host the content in another country, which is what most rom sites already do.
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>extremely illegal
Damage has already been done tho
>please tell me the drawback of using cloned perfect mons
You are literally bypassing the training part of the game to just jump right into the meta game. Its literally no different than someone using steroids to skip training and jump right into competitions.

nice try
>>i just have to edit a number to get the same result
I mean really in the end its you thats missing out because you are probably so bad at pokemon you dont even know how to lvl to 100.

Its like those little kids who use cheats all day in their games thinking they are good when really they are just making things easier for themselves to hide how bad they are. You are a sad human being.
>it takes a day to level to 100
>implying Nintendo will give 20k instead of jewing developers with a $100 reward
The reward amount is completely up to Nintendo anon. It's a shit deal. No one's going to want to submit a bug report if Nintendo can just jew them out and get a copyright on their intellectual property.
>It only takes me about a day to level a pokemon to 100.
where in alola can you do this
name the spot
The game will flop on any system. Its a game from the fucking Drakengard maker.
if someone used steroids you'd know. For all the "damage" injecting has done, if everyone was just silent you'd have no clue.
>Bottle Caps don't increase IVs.
No but they increase the pokemons stats as if their iv's were increased.

Are you admitting you just dont understand basic game mechanics?

Not true anymore. The amount of testing they use makes getting caught extremely likely. Even lance armstrong got caught.
Not true, generally kernel exploits rely in other points of entrance which plenty of developers know of and keep secret, kernel exploit by themselves are hard to come by and most of the are acquired by escalating user privileges from within other exploits, it only takes one guy reporting it for the money to ruin everyones fun.
correction, they set a flag that makes the game act as if the IV is higher. You had two chances and you got it wrong twice, bravo!
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>an ugly tranny trying this hard to tell me he is hardcore at a childrens game because he wastes more time than me
experimenting in preparation for the Switch
Tarofags will suck dick nonetheless. Those fags are almost a bad as the DR shitters.
Imagine spending a fucking day to level up one pokemon with one lucky egg to lvl100

At least gen6 gave you a source of infinite lucky eggs and post game level up spots in the form of blissey bases or the cafe. Fuck gen7's stupid elite4 grind bull shit.
an example would be PSP firmware decryption, the exploit for decrypting firmwares was keep a secret until like 2011.

Someone will, and all it takes is one to ruin it for everyone.
Should i just mail them a power saves machine?
Elite 4 cap out at 65 ish. With the lucky egg and boosted xp bonus it takes me about a day, not 24 hours tho. usually about 13.

pokemon league lucky egg boosted xp bonus. My greninja was 89 by the time i beat the pokemon league just by having it hold the lucky egg all the time.
>if someone used steroids you'd know.
No on knew about lance armstrong using them until he was caught a few years later. Only the people who overuse them are obvious.
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I got this thinking I didn't have to pay a fortune to build up a decent 3DS collection.
I-Is the dream dead?
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shut the fuck up. nobody cares

it has been selling better this year than last year, no one expected it to be selling so good so late in its lifetime.

the only people assravaged about "injecting" are MUH MORALITY normies that wasted a gorillion hours on the Bicycle Simulator getting the perfect mon when Johhny Snotrocket can get the same exact result in 5 minutes.
while its true that steroid use can be hidden, it is also true that steroid use gives an advantage much greater than time to one athlete over another. In a VGC game, injecting saves only time, you gain no other advantage. Injecting can even hurt idiots because they'll make their special attackers take more from foul play
>for future exploits
>emunands and core exploits already up and running
it makes literally no difference at this point
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>Yfw the Switch is hacked within the first year
What's the latest firmware you can mod a 3ds with?
Read the thread or /hbg/, nothing has changed

>usually about 13

I don't have this much autism for every UB. I'll just clone some rare candies thx.
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Thiscan only mean one thing
Switch uses the 3DS architecture
>>an ugly tranny
projection much?

its really not that bad. You kids are so spoiled and have no patience you expect everything to be handed to you right away all the time. Its pretty sad and clear you are lacking some valuable life skills if the idea of legit leveling pokemon to 100 gives you a heart attack.

Should there be more lucky eggs? Sure. But just have your freind get one , trade it to you, and then restart their game a few times doing the same thing until you have enough for both of you. Make freinds.
10.7 realistically

11.2 unrealistically.
11.2 is hard but possible
10.7 and earlier is easy to do
if they have webkit its day0

congratulations you didn't address my original argument which was about Hidden Power usage.
>not getting paid and leaking it anyway
You literally have bacterial vaginosis
OS exploits, They could give less of a shit about AR and powersaves.

I mean, these are commercially available cheating devices. Don't you think they would have already been shut down?
It's the 11.0 so I was waiting for slowhax so I don't know if Nintendo will find a workaround or if those guys will sell out for a bounty.
>implying attractive trannies exist
>Should there be more lucky eggs? Sure. But just have your freind get one , trade it to you, and then restart their game a few times doing the same thing until you have enough for both of you. Make freinds
That's literally cheating.
They won't sell out. Getting 100 dollars isn't worth losing all their hard work and future work to Nintendo under a non-disclosure.
I like the games.
Doesnt change that they wont sell.
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>he's cheating in pokemon he better learn some valuable life skills like not cheating in pokemon!
what do i need for slowhax
they're going to require you to sign in to play BOTW so their only remaining wii U game is safe. at this point the wii U piracy can only help
10.7 if you only have one 3ds

If you already have a CFW 3ds lying around or know someone with it, 11.1 can be downgraded with DSiWare exploit.

If you are past 10.7, just don't update, Wait for Slowhaxâ„¢
sounds like you are awfully salty your exploits are gonna be gone soon.

>being this much of an edgelord

If you arent larping and unironically believe there is nothing wrong with cheating then you are basically admitting to being a sociopath as you fit all the criteria. I shouldnt be surprised tho as this is 4chan.

>t is also true that steroid use gives an advantage much greater than time to one athlete over another

Im comparing someone who doesnt train that often who uses steroids to be as good as people who do train.

People who use steroids to be way better than anyone else are extremely obvious and get caught a lot of the time. See Lance armstrong. He even got half of his medals taken away.

No one told you about the free rare candies from the juice dude in the pokemon center if you just give your pokemon lots of pokebeans did they.
It's already publicly documented.
You can only get money for undisclosed exploits, and even then, Nintendo can just jew you $100 since the reward amount is completely up to them and force a copyright on your intellectual property.
No one smart enough to reverse engineer exploits would fall for this.
Does the current AR have all the not so bad useful cheats form pokemon
IV checking infinite items all that crud
I usually just use it as a tool to train mons as opposed to direct hacking
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>Being mad that people don't want to spend time in the bike/Tauros simulator
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no im more bothered that you're attentionwhoring more than i do with my trip on

get over yourself

besides i dont own a 3ds, its literally irrelevant to me as a whole

The time it takes for an issue to get seen and then resolved is the same as the next 3DS stability patch. It's not gonna end piracy, only make it less widespread, and exclusive, as it was meant to be.
this person is autistic as fuck
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made me chuckle
show evidence it doesnt affect hidden power plox

Why are you so obsessed with trannies anon? That has nothing to do with this thread.

Thats not cheating at all. Its no different than having your freind trade you all the starters a few times so you can both have all 3. Gamefreak literally expects you to trade with the other version to get the full dex. Trading between games isnt even close to cheating. its not even an exploit.

Or maybe the valuable life skill patience?
> tfw want to play emulators but too noob and lazy to hack a 3ds
Why would I replay the game again to get another lucky egg? There's zero replay value and no skippable cutscenes make it painful. I'll stick to infinite rare candies tyvm, just like the true gen 1 experience.
Why did you save that picture in tumblr format?
get started bud
it's a better use of your time than shitposting
>show evidence it doesnt affect hidden power plox
>bottle caps don't change IVs
>hidden power relies on IVs
Get a trip so I can filter you out.
Here's your (You) in the meantime.
the longer you wait, the harder (and possibly impossible-er) it becomes

>tfw i'm literally destroying thousands of jobs by emulating obscure untranslated games
>this much damage control
see above
A tranny being offended has everything to do with this thread.
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>damage control
i own 3 vitas, what reason is there to own a 3ds?
pokemon, bravely default/second, xenoblade chronicles (if you dont have a wii). Thats about it.

Vita has shit all for games tho. Its mostly weeb trash and indie games. I havent touched mine since i beat cyber sleuth.
Monster Hunter 4U a game that vita would Kill to have.
If you buy a 3DS now you're not going to get one with a firmware low enough to hack it. The dream is dead anon.
>tfw 40 hours and rapidly rising in fansubbed mhp3
I feel you nigga

>you're not allowed to even make a backup copy of a game you legally bought because MUH COPYRIGHT PROTECTION HARDWARE

Screw yourself, Nintendo.
>playing fansubbed weebshit
oh you
>Screw yourself, Nintendo.
That should be the catchphrase for this thread.
Pokemon, Monster Hunter, Mario, Bravely Default/Second, a couple of other 3DS games.

But you can also inject any Gameboy/NES/SNES ROM into the 3DS and play them using Nintendo's own virtual console. Which is pretty fucking cool. FWIW Nintendo's Virtual Console emulator is the only one that can 100% emulate games accurately.
Pirates never lose.
Either you get free stuff or you don't use it.

It's not like the shitty average pirates spend money on anything.
You didn't buy a copy you just bought a licence to use a copy which is bound to the said.

Is bullshit but legal bullshit

Then why even put that disclaimer in the back of the instruction manuals that says I'm allowed to create one backup copy for personal use? They can't just change their mind about that without it being retarded.
this isnt enticing me to buy a 3ds.
none of this is worth the money when i can do it on another system

if megaman legends 3 were released for 3ds i would buy it, but that didnt happen

was the only reason i had then and its the only reason i have now
>send exploit to nintendo
>exploit 3ds in the process
>acquire 20000 nintendobucks
>release exploit to the public as someone else

nintendo can't do shit except release a new firmware.
Same I can say about Vita It doesn't have a Single worthwhile exclusive... and I own One woth fucking Henkaku
dont get a 3ds. wait for the switch
What does this matter at all?
I don't even have a 3DS but i'm gonna get one to hack it if i see a cheap one in an xmas sale or whatever.
Then again i might buy a maid costume instead.
Pirating everything is the only ethically justifiable act in the digital age.
and lol get banned from what even, do people actually play nintendo shit online?
lmao are you calling other people spergs then having a fucking huge DURR IV TRAINING I PLAY A KIDS GAME SERIOUSLY spergout? fucking die lol
i got both. love both.
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>>I don't even have a 3DS but i'm gonna get one to hack it if i see a cheap one in an xmas sale or whatever.

>he doesn't know
>mega manchild

Fuck off
This could be most excellent. To send them an exploit that exploits their system.
I know there's a new sploit out soon so it doesn't even matter what firmware I get.
I also know how to get one with whatever firmware i want though so lol whatevvvva.
I also know I look fucking fine in a meido outfit though and I think crossdressing is more fun than videogames.
>come into thread without knowing what hes talking about
>literally admits he doesnt even own a 3ds
>thinks his opinion matters

I lold so hard i think i might have a hernia.
Retard alert.
Considering how much money these companies claim to lose to piracy, 20k is really low for solving Nintendo's issue.
then why respond at all?
i think you think my opinion matters
i hope that hernia kills you, you disgustingly unhealthy fuckman
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>tfw you used the freeshop
>weebshit on the vita
a system seller on the 3ds

always funny to watch this shit
I love my Vita too but being honest is more pointless than my 3DS.

I still buy games for both even when I have them hacked.
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This sounds plausible, tell me why this wouldn't work /v/.
and i own 3 with henkaku and am helping improve it because i have nothing better to do

ill be getting a devkit. still depends on how well it performs at launch

idort answers are common i guess. not my thing but good on you

cant buy a system without a system seller
Same IP address.
best games for vita?
>mega man
>system seller

You have like a hundred of Mega Man rehashes to play already
You won't even need to release it after getting the money since others hackers will "bindiff" it anyway.

smea mentioned it already on his Twitter:

weebshit and ports
shoo nintoddler
What if they use a VPN
It depends on how much of a weeb and how much hormy you are.
What does smeagol mean by bindiff?
>hey VPNfag you want up to 20,000 dollars?
VPN fag gets bribed and sells you out.
>i think you think my opinion matters
No i just thought you would want to know how pathetic you are for thinking you understand something you clearly dont when you dont even own the console.

The vita is like pretty much all weebshit
>10 nep games
>3 SAO games
>100 games similar to this
the only series i give a shit for is X series and Legends series

Legends moreso since it's been over a decade since 2 was released
fuck off

i don't give a shit if its "weeb". i'll play whatever i think is good or if its fun.
final fantasy X/2. Then they ported it to pc :/
You missed my point.
He called Monster Hunter weebshit, then someone else (or perhaps even the same guy) called it a reason to a own a 3DS.

Then they listed Bravely Default.
Legends was always garbage, you nostalgiafag.

I bet you also are the kind of faggot who wants a Sonic Adventure 3
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>still havent piratified my 3DS
>no intention to do so

I just dont know man
> 20 tweets just to state his opinion
god i hate twitter
Compare new firmware/update to the previous one and see what has changed.

bindiff: (see) difference between 2 binary files
monster hunter IS weebshit. Bravely default is borderline
Anon I'm kinda weeb and there are things on the Vita that even I wouldn't play.
>monster hunter IS weebshit. Bravely default is borderline
I don't even need to say anything
heh, neat. Nintendo being incompetent as always.
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Eh, seems like a dumb thing. There will always be pirates and hackers.

Only thing I do with mine is inject pokemon amd gave myself a custom theme.
no. sonic needs to die.

and to give you something to work with - im someone that thinks sonic 06 is a good game.
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Stop responding to me then you male bitch.
god look at the other pathetic-ass argument you're having
Anti-piracy fags, pls kys.
Should've seen his timeline after the election...
the average "I know what went wrong here" monkey
>pokemon sun and moon leak weeks in advance and are pirated heavily
>pokemon sun and moon go on to become the fastest selling nintendo games ever
Piracy costs the industry so much
that's not even legal, moot point.
So what....? We already won.
Common belief right now is that the Switch probably has a lot of shit in common with the 3DS, so any unknown exploits for the 3DS might exist for the Switch too. So Nintendo is trying to find out and fix as much as possible before the Switch gets released.

>Switch could potentially get BTFO by hackers in less than a year
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>there actually exist breedfags
You can make perfect pokemon in seconds and you waste time breeding?
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Just play the fucking games you fucking retards
Thanks man, I've already began reporting everything I've seen.
Time to lurk the homebrew general for sites to report
Like fucking Monster Monpiece, is a shittier EO with x1000 times more fanservice.

Also it has literal kusoge like Umaru VN.
No actual hacker would fall for this since they're not actually guaranteeing the $20k reward.

>disclose actual vulnerability
>$100 reward because no guarantee

They're clearly looking to fuck people over
that would be really retarded, but then again this is nintendo, and the last few handhelds they released have been hacked almost immediately.
i wouldnt play that anyway. what are the best vita games in your opinion
They could make a lot more than just 20k from an exploit, though.

There are even faggots buying cheats for online games nowadays.
>I-it's Nintendo's fault (who didn't even develop the game) for my lack of git gud. They deserve to get hacked!!
>competitive edge
Fuck off sperglord.
Bet you think Melee is a competitive fighter too
>get free money
>fuck over pirates
Win win
I literally just got a new3ds. looking forward to whatever slowhax is later this month.


But yeah right hackers are going to be reporting. they are in it for glory not money
Look at the real world example.

Non-public exploits are used to manufacture some cheap flashcarts like Gateway3DS or that other crapcard...

They sell that shit for a lot of money and I'm pretty sure they earn way more than the $20k
>Nintendo will determine at its discretion whether the vulnerability information qualifies for a reward as well as the amount of any such reward. Nintendo does not disclose how the reward amount is calculated.
he's using "competitive edge" to say that people will have a leg up on others when they battle online (a competition)
calm your "M-MUH PROPER GENRE" autism for five seconds


Jokes on them, I would have sold him out for $5,000 but cash up front and they pay the taxes.
Not like there's anything they can do about freeshop until the Switch.
Should I get Fire Emblem Fates or Awakening?
None get Stella Glow.
Fates, Nohr

You're getting 5-10 in prison for pirating.
>tfw reporting every hacking site and each individual mirror to it and every anon

I'm at $50,000,000 so far.

Feels good never having to work again in my life, thanks Nintendo!
Actually, we won. They're so desperate they're handing out huge sums of money to bait others into giving up their exploits cause they apparently can't find them themselves.
They have to do a lot of work to know if you downloaded it through freeshop.
I still wouldn't use it unless you absolutely have to.
but I'm already hacked and will stay like that forever and get unlimited free games anon
The report form requires that you give everything about the exploit to Nintendo, so that it cannot be distributed. They aren't completely incompetent
cheating in pokemon requires no actual 3DS exploits dumbass, it's all done off system

neither. they're both shit
Which is the least worst

Metacritic's user reviews say that Awakening is better
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It's up to $20,000 and a minimum of $100 and it's up to Nintendo's discretion for how much they give you.

I imagine you'd have to do an entire report on the exploit, how it works, why it works, how to fix it and all the code involved to actually get $20,000(basically do all the work for them) so it's not even worth it unless you found and developed the exploit yourself.
That's not how it works

This is for reporting unknown vulnerabilities in the hardware/system software. All the ones you know about are already public.

conquest I guess. neither are worth wasting your time on though, if you wanna play fire emblem just emulate PoR or snes ones.
Wat? If the pokemon is completely legal, who gives a fuck if the guy spent two minutes making it or 12 hours? The end result is the exact god damn same.
There's no guarantee they'd ever give more than $100 even if you did all that

They're being total fucking jews til the very end. If they actually guaranteed $20k for an unknown kernel exploit, I think people might actually use this, but you'd be a total idiot to expect more than $100 and hackers are not idiots
>cheat in pokemon
Oh my god, the world goes unter.
Awakening has worse gameplay but Fates' localization, story and voicework are so ridiculously horrible that I'd reccomend Awakening over Fates.

Also >>359847573
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>mfw consumer protection laws invalidate almost everything on that

You have no power here, Nintendo.
30,000 for a solution to the fixed exploits.
I swear to God someone can NOT be this fucking retarded. PLEASE be fucking joking.
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Reverse engineering, faggot. If you can't into code then you should try regulsr bounty hunting
>Confirm that the vulnerability is not widely known to the public
>all these tards submitting reports that are
There are 2 generals on /vp/ filled with literal autist dedicated to bitch about pirates and jerking off each other for being legal.
>took 5 years for 3DS to be hacked.

Oh lawly. I knew /v/ had a short memory span, but in the word's of Will Smith....

DAMN! You're either a goldfish, underage, or stupid.
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It's a good feeling indeed.

>mfw Nintendo says I'm not allowed to emulate a game they haven't resold or remade in 30 years, all because it's "hurting muh jobs"
>literally straight up crying

>tfw you put 6 million wagies out of a job just by playing emulated Mah-ree-ohs
Yo-ho-ho, looks like the Nintendo privateer age is upon us
Won't get you anywhere bitch, but good shit wasting your time. Not like you're using it wisely anyway
>Can't beat kids online so he resorts to saying everyone has hacked stats
You can't make this shit up
well this really isn't a big deal.
At all.
What it means is that they will patch in their next firmware.

Any one waiting for a hack isn't going to update to the latest, like me.
Doesn't really matter though, does it? If i send everything I have from an exploit but send somebody like smealum a message telling them how to find it, they'll still be able to hack it.
>No actual hacker would fall for this since they're not actually guaranteeing the $20k reward

I can't believe people are stupid to fall for the bait
I'm convinced they are doing this to scout hackers to help them make sure the Switch doesn't get blown wide open like every other Nintendo console and handheld in the last ten years.
Think about it, the Wii was easy as shit to hack, the DS had flashcards within months of release, the 3DS lets you do whatever the fuck you want with it, and the WiiU is almost as free as the Wii.
It would not surprise me one bit if they are looking to get some talented people on board to dig around in their Switch prototype before they release it publically.
All this does is just bring more ways to shit post.
The first hello world was made in 2012 and the gateway released mid 2013 you moron. Do some research instead of shitposting because you clearly don't know shit.
The fact that they don't even have base checks for things even after dozens of patches baffles me. They attack the source which does help them a bit, but then they have all the people who were pre-patch and have ways around their system but they don't ban them at all. Both Microsoft and Sony literally ban you on the spot if you don't meet multiple checksums and you don't send the right values to their servers. Even the spoofers either don't work or just get you banned months later anyway. Their entire eShop system is laughable as well.
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never fucking trust anything that says "up to", because you're going to get far fucking less than what is advertised.
>Both Microsoft and Sony literally ban you on the spot if you don't meet multiple checksums and you don't send the right values to their servers. Even the spoofers either don't work or just get you banned months later anyway
Has Sony banned anyone for going online with Henkaku on Vita yet?
>Up to 20k also includes punishment such as arrest.
Do you really think sony gives a shit about the psvita? of course they haven't banned anyone.
>from chinese sellers.
pfff, good luck, google been doing the same platform for year and been working wonders for em
No, but they didn't ban you for going online with a CFW PSP either so I don't know what's going on there.
I'm not sure about Henkaku since my Vita is legit and I plan to keep it that way, but in the early days of PS3 hacking they went so ban happy they even hit a couple legit people. If you went online with games running through Multiman you were pretty much guaranteed a ban before all the spoofers came out and even then it was very risky.
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>have a 4gb SD card
>had to delete all games to make room for Pokemon Moon
I just want to finish the game so I can remove it
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>Report exploit
>Got 100 dollars in Mario Runner funny money
>Get thrown in a depleted Nintendium mine for the rest of my life
>Prerecorded messages of Charles Martinet barking over an intercom system telling me that a hard worker is a living work.
Lol most of us already have the ENTIRE .3ds library backed up on our pirated hard drives.

We will NEVER lose hahah~
Why not get a bigger card? 64GB micro SD cards are like $20.
>ends message with wahoo!
They cared enough about PSP to give it a firmware patch last year, and Vita to patch out Henkaku and made new games require 3.61 firmware or else they won't run on lower firmware, even if you have Henkaku.
What can a pirate do to stave off a bounty hunter? Missed that episode of deadliest warrior
Shoot canon balls from afar.
Sales are actually down over last year despite the last few months and Pokemon SM. In Japan alone it's down 300k
wtf i thought sd cards were a lot more expensive.. time have changed i guess
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>so retarded and shit at the game that he actually thinks phex Pokemon used online are illegal
I don't know how you guys do it
>Common belief right now is that the Switch probably has a lot of shit in common with the 3DS
Common belief of whom?
It's going to be entirely different to the 3DS.
If bottlecaps and PKHex both offer perfect stats for the sake of competition, why does anyone care?


Pirates have never lost ONCE

they seem way too interested in a system thats leaving the gaming scene right before another one comes out
>pirates lose

i don't see how pirates lose when nintendo is paying them $20,000 to show them the 3ds exploits.... then they just make more of them afterwards
They might just be hedging their bets in case the Switch doesn't take off.
Sort of like how keeping the GBA alive during the DS launch was to hedge their bets in case that failed.
Make sure to check if your sd card didn't come corrupted or doa anon.
more like testing the waters. as 3DS stands now, likely a lost of exploids are known. so they are measuring if hackfags are more interested in being attention whores with patreons (smealum) or make money


Good fucking luck getting your money.
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