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When did homosexual romances become so important to video games?

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When did homosexual romances become so important to video games?
it's a side effect of the general demoralisation of western culture.
when the western world decided minorities were easy tools for marketing
because there was a whole like 20 years of only hetero shit in video games

yeah they're laying it on thick and plenty of the time it comes off disingenuous but it is actually a big deal for people to be represented in the games they play

/v/ only cares about it because they're dickheads not because they're worried about minorities being used for marketing
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Of all things on Earth, fucking Planet Stronghold got a sequel?
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When the 80s and early 90s gamers became too old to relate to the angsty teenager/20something male protagonist. Combine that with all the MMOs that let you choose a female character and games that feature a woman as the main character.

That opened the door for the lesbian characters as a male fetish (besides the inclusion of lesbian scenes in straight porno for decades), and the gay male equivalent piggybacked on it for gender equality.
>When did homosexual romances become so important to video games?

Never did. Still isn't. Only sjw push it like crazy but then they don't even buy games. So it's irrelevant. Only suckers like EA and Activation fell for the sjw homo meme.
>beautiful hand painted art

It looks like shit.
That robot looks hilarious.
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Because it triggers people like you into generating free publicity for shit indie games.

The cure is simply to ignore it but you have zero self control and play into their hands every time.

More importantly - when did romance at all become so fucking important? Do they really need to shoe horn that shit into every fucking title under the sun?

Why did romance in general become so important in video games?

I mean, Mass Effect added a few romances, and about six years later, if you go to the Bioware forums it's nothing but

>I want a fuckable robot
>I want a fuckable gay robot
>I want to fuck a space mermaid
>I want to fuck a space mermaid with human legs and a fish head
>I want a hairy bear-like alien that I can fuck
>I want to fuck a hanar
>I want to fuck multiple hanar in a polyamorous relationship in which Blasto and his friends probe my every holes with their tendrils
>I want trans romances

>Are there going to be more significant gun modifications?

>I want more romances between black males
>I want more gender options for my character
>Fallout 4 had polyamory, why can't Mass Effect?
>I want a Garrus to come back as a robot and I want robo-Garrus to impregnate me with his nano-seed
>they should make their own games if they want gay sex
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Can I fuck the robot?
lmao, of all the things like boring gameplay and shit art, you decide to hate on the romances?

You can fall in love.
a universal constant is that sex sells.
>Colonial Defense
>on Earth
Ever since gaming jurnos want to be seen as entitled and the avant-guarde of gaming, but they literally are people that can only think of themselves and how to be "kewl" on the internet.
They got you to post a thread about this unremarkable literal who game to 4chan, didn't they?
Do you seriously NOT want them to warn you about it so you get slapped in the face with a cock unexpectedly?

Be grateful it's labeled.
When hetshit became fucking boring.
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Western games are so reggresive desu. Japans has always been much more progressive than those fucks from America.
Name one western game where you can romance a loli character. Pro-tip: you can't. Western games are too scared to do anything controversial and prefere to continue the status quo of shitty games with no substance.
>Do they really need to shoe horn that shit into every fucking title under the sun?

>One major company puts romance options in their mainstream game releases and nobody else does
In visual novels? Since always.
>Name one western game where you can romance a loli character.
Got you right here.
Because people actually get killed by extremists.
That's not 'in video games' though that's 'in Bioware'

Lonely women found a game company that would cater to them, so they're piling in there with "CAN WE HAVE DLC WHERE CULLEN AND MY QUIZZIE HAVE FIVE BABIES?"
Adding in romance was a mistake. I liked it when it was somewhat a hidden novelty in Baldur's gate games, but then as time went on it became more and more of an expected feature, and attracted an awful audience.
Damnit anon. Not again, now I have a hard-on.
Too bad this VN seems to have a timeskip.
>implying homo romance is widespread
You guys realise that 99% of games with romance sub plots are exclusively hetero right?
Having a handful of homo sub plots isn't going to ruin games.
Lavinia in A Little Lily Princess?

Bethesda too has added romance mechanics. And people are going nuts about it.
Fair enough, though that's a VN but I guess that still counts.
You sure that's the right girl? I looked for her infos and she doesn't look like a little girl.
What if the romances were DLC content only? Would that make a difference for you?
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>but it is actually a big deal for people to be represented in the games they play
lol why
Lavinia's not a loli unless by loli we mean "under 18" in which case everyone but Mariette counts.

Lottie is a traditional loli but she's not romanceable, it's a friends path.
When I bought a Yuri VN
Eh. It makes some people happy and some teenagers less suicidal, supposedly, though it's hard to do a good solid scientific study on that

To be fair, OP literally said "when did homosexual romances become so important to video games"

He didn't say any of that strawman nonsense you spouted. Does he believe it? Maybe.

But the example he posted is a collectible card game. I think there's some merit to the question about whether or not a collectible card game needs romance options at all, and whether the inclusion of homosexual romances is intrinsically important to the game or symptomatic of a move toward demographic pandering in the medium.
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I don't really care.
>But the example he posted is a collectible card game.
Not really. It's a game by a visual novel developer who was trying to explore different added-gameplay mechanics. Look at the rest of the things he's developed, it's basically 100% dating sims.

So this isn't a case of shoving romance into a game, it's shoving a game into romance.
Wouldnt be a big deal if there wasnt controversy over desu
>but it is actually a big deal for people to be represented in the games they play

This must be a recent thing. Used to be you could play as a fat Italian plumber or a hedgehog or a fucking earthworm in a spacesuit and not get triggered by underrepresentation. At what point did videogames stop being about escapism and start being about social agendas?
>When did homosexual romances become so important to video games?
It's a winter wolves game

Most of their customers are female so it is a selling point for them
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Romance in games has never been done well. Straight or gay. That said, people who get butthurt over fags in games are fucking hilarious.

Really though? If they're truly minorities then they're a smaller group to seek profit from right? The most generous stat I've seen for gay men in America is around 5% of men
Yeh that makes senses as Hanako Games is against loli after all and they made the game apparently. Sounds like a terrible game.
I fucking hate when VN put lolis who seem like they might be romanceable but they're not actually romanceable. Fuck that shit.
Yeah, used to be you could be a male character or a male character or a male character.

Can't imagine why anyone would be interested in escapist imagining of anything else.
Lol. Hanako isn't against loli, Hanako is against being sued. You should see the shit she used to post on hentai boards.
When faggots started playing them. E.g. you.
I'm still waiting for one of those gay furry visual novels to finally hit steam from Japan.

I wanna fuck that giant judo tiger.
The annoying part is that only rarely do they have male x male romances that have any effort or care. Oftentimes it'll just be your stereotypical gay guy and two actual lesbians romances with effort behind them. It sucks.
I don't object to anything else they say, but the best songs in that entire series are the Imperial March, which is explicitly the villains' leitmotif, and Duel of the Fates, which is in practice a Sith theme. Sorry, but when it comes to Star Wars, the bad guys have better music.
Giant judo bear is where it's at, brah.
/v/ is filled with faggots so it makes sense.
There's a lot of furry work coming out of Russia lately isn't there?
Because gay people exist
That's like saying why does a game have characters with glasses
Hanako harassed people asking for h-patch for Little Witch Romanesque, telling them to stop asking for it. She's a dumb bitchy SJW.
Under-representation doesn't matter in simple cutesy platformers, where only the core gameplay, aesthetic and level design, in which you give zero fucks about the plot.
It does matter in plot heavy titles where having relatable characters decides whether you even care about what's happening in the game or not.

>At what point did videogames stop being about escapism and start being about social agendas?
Video games have pretty much always been about a plethora of different things, they were primarily about competition and fun long before escapism. Political agendas are a part of every medium, including video games.

>Reading Comprehension
First visual novels already featured yuri sex...
It took the West, what, 25 years to catch up?
As a gay dude, I would not romance any of those fugly dudes. Why is the art so awful? Reminds me of that moon over june shit.
Are you high? Hanako BOUGHT the h version and posted about how great it was.
lol faggot
How many games announce
>including characters with glasses
as a selling point?
> card game
> western art

Of course
Best example of this is Bioware, who can't write a gay male to save their fucking life
They just make everyone bi and replace some pronouns and be done with it, and the rare times they do write a gay character he either isn't interesting at all (that guy from mass effect) or he's trying to burn your house down with all the flame (Dorian)

Fucking bioware!
When homos became a different kind of scapegoat.

It used to be that homos were blamed for the degradation of family values and whatnot but now it's all about saving the homos and giving us attention to distract from the real serious issues affecting our country.
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That's exactly what i thought
Proof? Also waiting for proof of her supposedly drawing loli.
Games aimed at otome fangirls who are really into meganes.
*where only the core gameplay, aesthetic and level design actually matter, and you give zero fucks about the plot.

Sorry for the typo, I'm tired as fuck.
>he's trying to burn your house down with all the flame

> implying Dorian wasn't a great romance

His character arc was predictable as fuck, but the romance itself was one of the best ones. The real problem was that the writers clearly shipped him with Bull, and his DLC romance with the inquisitor suffers as a result.
Provide one example, just one, of a game proudly announcing that it features characters with glasses. Either that or admit your analogy was stupid.
I'm not dedicated enough to trawl through years of twitter and tumblr posts to find where she was advertising the game when it first came out but if you read that blog post that fuwanovel got all bent out of shape about, it includes her stating that she bought and enjoyed the 18+ version but didn't think an "all ages" release was a good idea.
Fucking same. How? HOW?!
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The reason why is there are absolutely NO video games that have ever halfway decent romance simulations besides Bioware games. (Titty monster, flat 1-dimensional weeb games that are cheaply made don't count).

It's clearly a very desired genre of game that isn't being made by anyone besides Bioware. If you want to have an immersive experience of flirting with a character, going on dates and eventually your character falling in love with them, they're you're only option. Personally I really enjoy the romance aspect of their games a lot, probably because it's something that I can only get from their games, and the same reason people make such a big deal on how good the romances will be in upcoming games. I still remember all the speculation and shitposting before Inquistion came out trying to figure out who out of the cast was going to be romanceable. It's very obviously something people really want and the industry would be better off for both developers and players if more devs made good romance-focused games.
I just want to see my husbandos beg to being fucked
>I can only relate to people of my race creed and sexuality

What. I'm always startled when people think like this because it seems like a guaranteed way to ensure you can't possibly enjoy like 70% of stuff in any medium.
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>in a few years the word "straight" will be considered derogatory since it implies gay people are not normal
>a transgender man that has sex with another man will not be considered homosexual since he identifies as female
>the word transgender will be phased out since it implies the person was ever the opposite gender that he/she identifies with
>the laws will change to increase punishment against people that are violent towards transgender individuals and will be considered a hate crime regardless of why you attacked
>you will be considered a bigot if you deny a transgender that attempts to flirt with you
His character arc with female PCs was kind of weird, though. "I'm completely gay, so I'm going to MASSIVELY hit on you and tell you how much I care about you and that you're the one person I'd most want at my side, and never mention the little snag."
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>you are born gay!
>Like sexual preferences don't fluctuate
>People are "proud" to be gay
>Proud to be something they are apparently born with that they have no control over
Pop culture survives and persists by devouring subcultures and killing them.

Video games are currently being devoured. Casuals and hipsters enjoy identity politics and getting fucked in the ass.

hence all the gay
He's a fun romance but it's a bummer that his main defining trait is "very gay". And yeah the bit about him and Iron Bull is true.

This is a long way of saying that Bioware can't write for shit
What about the art she supposedly drew?
Also doesn't change the fact her game is shit for not letting romance the loli.
is that a moaning submissive bottom robot?
>>the word transgender will be phased out since it implies the person was ever the opposite gender that he/she identifies with
Except trans people pride themselves on having transitioned. This is why they push the term so hard.
Well, if it's silly for them to complain that they can't relate to a white guy, surely it's just as silly for you to complain that you can't relate to a black girl.

It's stupid to refuse to play a game just because the protagonist isn't you, but it can be annoying if characters like you NEVER exist.
Characters with glasses haven't been vilified or outright refused existence in pretty much all forms of media for the past forever. That is the difference. Although neither will inherit the kingdom of Heaven.
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>being a literal pedophile
Then >>340753809
was a stupid post after all
She's 100+.
But Anon, lolis are the perfect women! They don't have any disgusting body hair or smells, they aren't old enough to play mind games or try to take control of your life, and nobody else has had a chance to use them yet leaving you the opportunity to decide how slutty you wanna make them. Then when they get to reproductive age, you know your kids are yours.
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They generally do so by posting pictures of the love interests front and center so you can SEE that there's a megane. Beyond that, it'll be the fangirls asking each other if one is there.
>and nobody else has had a chance to use them yet
But if you're a pedo you have to imagine that other pedos might have gotten there first
like those guys that used to rape babies to cure aids
pink flamingo game when?
I'm not saying that you can't relate to someone who is different to you, but it's definitely easier to relate to someone of the same orientation/race. It doesn't matter much for white hetero people because almost every character ever is a white hetero, but for everyone else it's kind of nice (but not mandatory for enjoyment) to see someone of the same orientation/race, and it doesn't deduct from the experience of any level headed white hetero.
>/v/ - politics
Why would a card game have romance?
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I knew America is slow, but not this slow. There are literally hundreds of homo VNs and games, so it's fucking nothing and nothing on that picture is attractive
Because it's a dating sim with a card game jammed into it to padd out the playtime
>LGBT people have more rights now!
>this must mean they took away my rights!

Geez, who taught UKIP how to write?
Strip poker
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Female Trouble would also make a rad game.

To me his attitude makes sense until about his loyalty mission - Dorian has has a total of 2 real friends, one of which dies in the course of the game, and he clearly gets an ego boost from being a flirt.

Most characters suffer from not having a good "just friends" plot though, not just Dorian.

I think Bioware got lucky with Dorian having such an amazing VA, it made the faults in the writing less jarring.
>implying Ukip are homophobic
>look up wendig
>celebrates white people being put as the villain in everything
I thought nu-male was a meme.
You'd be surprised how many bisexual women consider themselves lesbians. Christine Love, the creator of Analogue: A Hate Story, is a prime example of this.
i don't see why including same sex romance necessarily negates video games as escapism either. If you're a guy who likes guys and are playing a game focused on romance, you probably still want to date a guy in game. It's also about providing options so people can best enjoy games.
Even memes have a basis in reality. Were reality not a flawed and broken place, we would have no memes.
Ukip are everything-phobic, they're probably afraid of small dogs too
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>media, education and academia are all overwhelmingly leftist and liberal
>scream down anyone who disagrees with them
>they still think they're the bad ass rebels despite being dull and mainstream
Libcucks don't even know what's coming. They don't realize they aren't cool any more. Liberals are the most boring people on Earth, they never have anything interesting to say. They're just background noise at this point.
People want brownie points on social media.
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>there are no cute fembois
Who cares? I'm not gonna buy it, you're not gonna buy it.
People with glasses were seen almost the same as crippled people in the past.
George Washington didn't wear glasses in public until he 'had to' wear in in front of his soldier to demonstrate the commitment and 'sacrifice' he had to make, which make the disgruntled soldiers cry since he had to reveal his 'weakness'.
There's no cute anything, the art in that game is awful
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Glasses boys are so fucking common in otome games. Literally the Sasuke or the scheming sociopath of the female harem

when you know you've got a turd and need to add something to the description to make it sound better.
worked for yugioh

CLove bothers me. I'm not anyone to tell others what their sexuality is, but she clearly finds men attractive (and not even in a a "lesbians watch gay porn" way) yet she has this high and mighty attitude about lesbians.
Yaoi and yuri have been tags for years, anon.
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And as we became less retarded over time, we saw how stupid that was. We also discovered how not to wear powdered wigs and not die at 25. But there is still a great deal of difference between the two, given the... severity of individuals, and in certain cases, societal and even governmental reaction to same sex relations. Therefore, it stands to argue that announcing that your game has fags in it is a little less ridiculous, taking into account the history the ideology comes from, then announcing your game has a character with glasses in it. It's still just a marketing ploy and romance in games is shit.
It is important for dating sims because queer people exist and your dating game should probably include everyone. I can see why it's a bullet point for this game, because it's still not guaranteed dating sims will include any non-het romances.

Why does it bother your booty so much

Let the fags have their husbandos/waifus too
When did romances become important to video games ? You are pathetic girls if you think games should have them. Go fuck yourself.
>But there is still a great deal of difference between the two, given the... severity of individuals, and in certain cases, societal and even governmental reaction to same sex relations.

This is also entirely dependent on time and place.

> be a spartan
> can fuck men as long as I get married and have children at some point
> can't have a physical deformitity or I will be thrown off a cliff
>complains about romance in games being low quality
>refuses to play VNs that specifically focus on that aspect, calling them weeb shit or non-games.
You guys sound as ridiculous as someone refusing to use their keys to open a door and trying instead a banana. 'Dammit, why fruit vendors don't make decent keys?'
but i am a pathetic girl
and I fuck myself while romancing my husbandos
i'm glad i have your approval
Why is he eating his tie?
Is this how gay men have sex?
Have I been doing it wrong all this time?
How else do you strangle someone while also pinning their wrists?
>wanting everything to include everyone
>not wanting some games to be exclusive to one or the other to the benefit of the writing and fleshing out of the paths
I mean fine if you want everything to be saints row 4 levels of shallow romance but seriously, making everything to please everyone is a fucking terrible design model.
lmao get more angry, bigot
When you could make MAD BUX pandering to a very small minority that has been hijacked and soon to be abandoned for something else by Progressiveness and the Left
>making everything to please everyone is a fucking terrible design model
It would be if everyone were doing it. Bioware certainly isn't perfect but they manage to make their romance routes a good bit more interesting than the SR4 'romances'. Although it's fun to have that sort of thing sometimes too!

Honestly I want variety in games. I'm glad a few people are making ludicrous gay-only games that I have no intention of playing, so that people who want that can have it.
When people started saying they wanted it.
>I don't like it so it shouldn't be in the game
You're an idiot, if people are asking for lgbt shit in games, why wouldn't they put them in? Few people are going to complain so it only makes sense from a money making or marketing aspect.
this is fucking pathetic. I wish I could see stats for a game like Mass Effect where male players who played a male shepard character made him have a gay relationship. I'm betting its a very very very small percentage. I'm excluding lesbian female shepard because guys will do shit like that because they think lesbians in any media are hot, but guys aren't likely to make a gay male shepard for any reason other than they themselves are gay.
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One or two examples, when related to the whole, is the exception as opposed to the rule. Still, I would like to see the trend of homo-pandering go the way of the unicorn. It would be best if these characters were more then just marks on a "progressive" checklist for the purpose of acquiring shekels.

> What are fujos.
It's a business. Everything they do is for the purpose of acquiring shekels. The gameplay is also pandering.
>implying SR4 wasn't basically taking the piss out of bioware
They just cut down the number of conversations you had to have before you fuck the character. Other than that they were very similar.
Don't be silly. Women don't play games. They don't even know how to use computers.
White people feel that they need to carry the weight of minorities on their shoulders so when they see games do this they freely advertise the game for being an achievement. Additionally it makes easy controversy for the likes of places like /v/ to make threads about shitty games they wouldn't have looked at otherwise if it didn't have a homosexual relationship to hate on it.
But if the gameplay isn't good, the game won't sell. Unfortunately, gay people are even more easily marketed to then the blacks. Slap a rainbow or bear on it, and a few more zeros, and you're good to go. Doesn't matter if it's shit.
Do you really want to see it? It's not really good.

The one I could point to is Yuri No Yume, which she released under another name. It's hard for me to be 100% sure it's supposed to be loli because her style is a bit weird. Search for that and Hentai Senshi.
You're contradicting yourself there bro
So neo-/v/ would give it free marketing.

SR4 had some really funny moments.

> Kinzie punches the player
> Matt wants to be called NyteBlade
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No, Thank You begs to differ. It sold quite well for a yaoi game.

Read the guy on the right's shirt.
Mangagamer only licensed No Thank You because it was popular with fags on 4chan rather than women
Weeb games don't count because I'm gay and 98% of those games are made for straight guys featuring a full cast of titty monster anime tropes to cater to different fetishes. Also I'm not attracted to 2D males.

So no, they don't count.
>not attracted to 2D
You need to go back.
I thought it was because fujos started to massively post on their forums requesting yaoi games all of a sudden. I still have no idea what caused that.
Not really. If were were judging a game by its gameplay alone, and it sucked, it wouldn't sell. But take that same game and advertise it through a progressive lens, prepare for imminent cash flow. My point being that gameplay is something that has to be imagined, crafted and implemented well in order to be successful. Pandering isn't the same. Not to say that gays in games is bad or could never be well implemented. But if we are honest with ourselves we know that isn't the case currently.
>not attracted to 2D males.
>in a medium that are literally 2D fiction

I think you need either kill yourself or go back facebook
I don't recall there being a massive influx, though it's hard to be sure since they took their forums down and are handwaving excuses about why they haven't brought them back. There were always a small number of regulars on the forums who were into otome and BL and kept asking for MG to license some, and occasionally in the licensing surveys people whose fetishes weren't being met would organise and flood in to request something. It was yuri that got a huge flood of posts as far as I remember.

I think with NTY one of the MG staff members really wanted to do it, and she hangs out on /blog/ on /vg/ and they were all into it too.
The game in the OP still bombed, so trying to sound progressive didn't help it be successful.
Companies want to make money. They will try to tune all the different elements of their products to attract customers.

Now, it's not true that taking a shit game and slapping a progressive label on it means instant cash flow. Many counterexamples exist but you may not know much about them since they were failures and thus didn't get talked about as much.

However, a game that's mediocre gameplay-wise but performs really strongly in some other department, like story or graphics or hot gay lovin or huge jiggly tits, may turn out quite well.
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There is a problem with gay characters in videogames. Also in television and film, but not quite as bad.

People will often claim to have absolutely no problem whatsoever with gay people. They say this to make sure that they cannot be called a homophobe or be criticised in any way when they make their next point.
Then they basically say they don't want gay characters in their games.
Then the excuses come out.
>it's not important
So why does it bother you?
>I don't care about any of the relationships in my games, I just want games!
A little autistic, but okay. I can agree with that, games should be games. However, if a story-driven game like an RPG has a gay character in it, why does that irk you?
>it's just pandering to the LGBT crowd
This isn't fair. You can always just call it pandering and keep gay characters out of fiction forever that way. You can't tell me you don't have a problem with homosexuals if you want to pretend they don't exist.
>I'm okay with gay characters as long as it never gets mentioned
Well then you're not REALLY okay with gay characters, are you?
>the gay characters are always written really badly!
That's the secret, Anon. All videogame characters are written badly.

If your cocky male teammate jokes about having slept with 5 women the night before, you wouldn't think twice. If your cocky male teammate jokes about having slept with 5 men the night before, you're irked by that. Why?
If Watch Dogs can get a sequel, anything can.
There was at least a moderate influx at which the their mods had to tell the regulars to quit trying to scare them off. They turned yaoi and otome game requests into their own thread after that to keep the regulars and them separate.
But that is a totally different thing than what you said before:
>there are absolutely NO video games that have ever halfway decent romance simulations
In general, there are some good romance simulator out there. However, if you are that specific (gay, and non 2D), then you are right, there is certainly not that much.
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Video games are becoming easier and easier for any random person to make and thus are more accessible than ever. Vidya is more mainstream so more people enjoy it/are into it. There are people who like being able to fuck the characters they want to fuck in video games, and they made their voices heard. I don't know about you, but I like romance in video games, and being able to have more sex options is nice. Also romance if someone's more interested in the romantic side of things.

Have you considered the possibility that not everything is aimed at you specifically?
Mario and Sonic are games that have no story. Not comparable.
Some people like being able to do things that are relevant to their interests.
In the 90s, both guys and girls liked confident female characters and other "SJW shit"
During the 00s, after 9/11, all media got more conservative. It wasn't commented on, because it happened naturally. I'm sure you all noticed that media in the 00s really wasn't nearly as FUN as it was in the 90s or 80s. And also, during that time the news was always so serious that nobody would think of making as issue out of the portrayal of characters in fucking videogames of all things. But now things are calm again and people are ready for less conservative media again.
Problem is nowadays there's a whole lot of young people who literally grew up in the conservative years and never experienced those fun decades, and to them, this rise of "the liberal menace" is a threat, something scary and new, something that will ruin all "their" games, TV shows, and movies. The majority of active anti-SJWs are actually under 20.

Don't forget, there are people on 4chan who genuinely seem to think that there was no media ever made that appealed to liberals before tumblr showed up. How they'd react to older Star Trek episodes, I'd love to know.
>Some people like being able to do things that are relevant to their interests.
That's why we need more games where we can date lolis.
>All video game characters are written badly
Play more video games
I agree with you otherwise though
Kirk and Spock were both agents of the jewish conspiracy
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I agree with this notion. Lolis>all
Then why is it a selling point in the OP?

It's because it's a shit game and only the LGBT crowd would fall for such a tactic.

And despite accepting that people are gay, they're still the minority and shouldn't shoehorn their unorthodox choices down my throat.
>Then why is it a selling point in the OP?
Because some people want to know if a game has gay in it or not before buying it.
Do you prefer surprise gay?
>The majority of active anti-SJWs are actually under 20.
That's strange since I keep seeing comments about how oversensitive youths are these days.

Back in the day, liberals were actually against conservative agendas, now they seem to coincide at certain points. Nowadays liberals are starting to become regressive, because they find certain content offensive.
It's all a matter of which liberals and which conservatives. Some conservatives are in favor of freedom full stop. Some liberals cling to their own personal religion. The parties shift and wobble over the years.
I prefer something well written. You name me a good game with a gay man in it that has phenominal writting.
I was with you until that last part. How is a few games having gay people being shoved down your throat? You do realize that all other forms of media have catered directly to you? Them existing isn't the problem.
Why can't it be a selling point?
Tits are a selling point for Senran Kagura games. What's the problem?

Your question doesn't even counter any of the points made by the post you're replying to. You're just another mad faggot.
It was Al Gore's wife back in the 80s and 90s who was frantically trying to censor music. There's always been this strain of repression running within supposed liberalism. Sometimes it's because they're trying to pander to what they think the other side wants, to reach agreement. Sometimes it's because people's beliefs don't neatly align with just one philosophy. Most people are hypocrites, at least a litttle.
You name me a GAME that you think has phenomenal writing and I guarantee that there's a bunch of people on /v/ who will vehemently disagree with you. That's sucker bait.

Silly anon, they were agents of the gay agenda.
Witcher 3

its called fujoshit
Look, don't buy it. It is not for you, nor for me. We are reaching SJW levels of ridiculousness here, complaining about others not making the games we want. Simply don't fucking buy it! That's how market works: if people throws money at it, expect more. If not, it will remain minoritary or die on its own.

And the good thing about giving that kind information ahead (yo, prospect clients: gay romance here) is that you attract the attention of the people who are interested in that, and warn those who are not to not spend their money there.
Them existing isn't, but when magazines and people who call themselves 'journalists' go out of their way to advertise the product because it's "so progressive" , then there's a fucking issue.

>Tits are a selling point for Senran Kagura games. What's the problem?
Why are you saying that like I think they're good games? They're just as shitty because they rely soley on sex appeal.

Because you can't. You can't pander to a singke group and make a good game. It's never been done.
War will break out before that happens.
Wew lad that pretty good bait
Actually, the majority of vocal idiots on both sides are under 20. Older people usually have a more moderate posture, or more important things to care about.
>Them existing isn't, but when magazines and people who call themselves 'journalists' go out of their way to advertise the product because it's "so progressive" , then there's a fucking issue.

Depends entirely on the quality of the product or the issue being reported on. It sounds like you just don't like gay people.
The existence of a single gay man in a game means that it is pandering to a single group, and conversely having no gay men in a game means that it pandering to MORE groups?
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My problem with homose in games is that it's always big burly men with crew cuts and tattoos and shit.

Where are the shota options? Japan is as bad as the west with it's failure to pander.

the fun decades for me were the 80s with machoism movies where white guys on steriods killed third world terrorists and never stop to ask why they became terrorists in the first place and get the woman because she's (mostly) helpless. so yeah there was a time of fun that din't involve confident females or sjws

Virtue signaling. Libshits use minorities as social tokens to indicate holiness.

Remember, there is nothing more corrupt than a man who wants to be holy and for whom the definition of holiness is osomotied from their social milieu.
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>all games have to appeal to me
Its not bait
That's not the point; he's pointing out Senran Kagura because its a game that sells itself in part on its sex appeal, and that this is fine. Its perfectly acceptable for Senran Kagura to do that; the people who like that sort of thing buy it. You think its shit, so you don't buy it. Everyone wins. The same applies here.

> the 80s

so you preferred gays over women? That's alright.
>always big burly men
Really? They seem pretty rare to me. There are a few bara games/characters but pretty boys are more common.

Not much japanese yaoi games get translated but there's always Enzai if you want some young skinny prison rape.
How does something not being in a game pander to anyone?
VN's have no gameplay, do they pander to the most groups of all?
When will we see a translation of the Boku no Pico game?
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>Complaining about bara pandering.
>liking shota.
>Games must be changed because some people don't identify with straight white males or asexual animals! Think of the poor people who are unable to play something that they identify as!
>Some people don't identify with homosexuals, minorities, women, or transsexuals? Fucking unacceptable! Those people don't deserve to play games!
I don't mind any sort of protagonist in videogames as long as they aren't painfully over-marketed. Minority, female, homosexual, transsexual protagonists are alright and can have unique stories. But the hypocrisy surrounding it all is just stunning and makes it often unpalatable to me and I assume many others. Especially when people in support of it shit on artistic liberties for the sake of their agenda but then cry to defend artistic liberties when they want to support their agenda. I've been reading novels, playing games, watching film, etc. for over 30 years and never felt like this was really an issue until very recently. If you want people to accept something, the last thing you want to do is shove it down their throats and insult them.
>How does something not being in a game pander to anyone?
I was being confused at his logic. He was stating that it was impossible for there to ever be a good game with a gay man in it because no game that panders to a single group can ever be good.
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nothing gay about this my friend
>Especially when people in support of it shit on artistic liberties for the sake of their agenda but then cry to defend artistic liberties when they want to support their agenda.

How dare you argue in favor of inserting gay characters into the creator's precious story? That's damaging ARTISTIC PURITY!

How dare you remove the H-Scenes that were shoved into the creator's story against his desire just to sell more copies, weren't even written by the main writer, and the main writer actively dislikes? MY desire for sex is more important!
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>>Some people don't identify with homosexuals, minorities, women, or transsexuals? Fucking unacceptable! Those people don't deserve to play games!

Who are you quoting?
Oh right, absolutely nobody. It's that voice that exists in the head of every retard who thinks the world is out to get them.
Drop the victim complex you absolute fucking moron.

A game is coming out with a gay romance option and this faggot here thinks straight people are being led to the concentration camps. Remember when SJWs were the ones who overreacted? /v/ is a fucking embarrassment these days.
>How dare you remove the H-Scenes that were shoved into the creator's story against his desire just to sell more copies, weren't even written by the main writer, and the main writer actively dislikes? MY desire for sex is more important!
Said nobody ever.

> movies about sweaty burly men killing other sweaty burly men
It's like you didn't read the entire post or something. Fascinating! I won't spoonfeed you though. You have to do all of the work yourself!
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Sorry, I wasn't talking about bara, we just have different levels of muscular acceptance. To me big and burly is shit like Mass Effect and God of War, I'm sure that's small by your accounts though. I'm not talking shit about bara. I know few games with Bara characters, so I'd imagine you're in a similar boat as me.

I used "big and burly" too loosely, I apologize.
>But removing H scenes is censorship and I want the full experience.
Said a shit ton of people on Steam forums.

> nobody ever

lmao, you're not familiar with vns then.
>How dare you remove the H-Scenes that were shoved into the creator's story against his desire just to sell more copies, weren't even written by the main writer, and the main writer actively dislikes? MY desire for sex is more important!

Name 35 games that had this happen to them
You don't hang out on the visualnovels reddit, I take it? A lot of people are pretty butthurt about 'censored' versions even if the original didn't include H at all, or if the H is actively detrimental to the story, and will go on a rage crusade if you bring this up.
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>because there was a whole like 20 years of only hetero shit in video games
>but it is actually a big deal for people to be represented in the games they play

>let's alienate 95+% of our demographic
>to cater to a 5% minority

makes sense, then!
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>tfw actual writer who wants and will include H in his story even if every fucking single puritan in the world scoff and call it unrefined.
You won't spoonfeed me because you haven't got shit to show me. Spare me your /pol/ paranoia.
I was able to tell just from the faces and how they were drawn that it'd be a anybody can fuck anybody thing.
Where's your sources and examples?
>actually mentioning reddit on /v/
Why don't you just stay there if /v/ offends you so much?
The problem with this logic is that it doesn't' alienate the other 95%. Most games with homo options still have straight options. If a game has only homo options, than I'm sorry you can't enjoy it, sheepman.
Check list of vns on Steam that have 18+ versions that exist.

TOS Spock and Kirk were a top tie bromance, more actual homo ships should be written like them.
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Where are all the movies with sweaty burly women killing each other? That's the kind of equal representation I need in my life.
I'm in favor of you writing all the underage incestuous gay rape you like, anon. Though I might make suggestions to see if you're willing to include my fetishes too.
G-Senjou no Maou
Grisaia trilogy
Sakura Dungeon
Princess Evangile
People want the 18+ content.
>Where's your sources and examples?

Why are you even arguing if you are not familiar with 18+ games? Just check the entire SP's steam cataloge.
This. They made a game without having to resort to others to change theirs, if it's shit, it's shit and don't buy it.

Fuck off.
Faggot here. We need fapbait in vidya too. Trying to steal your anime tiddies didn't go well for Anita and this won't go well for you.

The game OP posted is shit though.
I won't spoonfeed you because you're an irrational idiot and spoonfeeding is the last thing that 4chan needs. If you want to be spoonfed and can't read posts logically, there's places like reddit where you belong.
You don't expect conservative kiddies to play games with such problematic and toxic elements in them, do you Anon?

Honestly anti-SJWs cry more about the "gross" content of games these days than SJWs.
It's too hard to compare and actually say which one has the most assholes. Everyone is assholes.
Every vn that releases an all-ages version gets one, or usually several, threads like this. Or people patching it for the 18+ content on Steam.

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>Normies actually think homo butt sex in video games is a recent trend
>white people without responsibility

you mean, people who were born rich or women who married into being rich feel it's the duty of the working class males to take responsibility for everyone else while the rich get to continue buying their 20 thousand dollar sunglasses and not pay taxes and call me a racist and privileged for being born white

I fucking hate being lumped into "white people" as a working class citizen and I know I'm not the only one
>I have no source but it's true
In other words... "Listen and Believe"

Okay buddy, you stand strong as the last man holding the fort against cultural marxism, or whatever it is you like to daydream about. Have fun.
Well, I think that post was particularly talking about hipster white guilt bearers.
Literally just another character. Not much more writing to make a couple gay characters. Hell, make a Bi character that a female and male protag can both go for. It's a terrible "design model" when its simply bad writing. All it takes is good writing and a few gay characters can be introduced.
Lufia 2 begs to differ.
As far as I'm aware, H-content wasn't forced into any of those against the writers' will and was just removed because of Steam's no porn policy. Of course people want the full content that's in the original game if they pay for it. What are you, retarded? If anything, what you're trying to force here is your own puritan narrative.
Refusing to read the source doesn't make the source not exist. It just proves that you are an ignorant irrational idiot.
Sorry anon, but I don't take suggestions. It features loli, incest, monstergirls and harem, all of them diabetes-inducing sweet vanilla. Well, the harem ending might be a bit too kinky for the most conservative ones...
>Some people don't identify with homosexuals, minorities, women, or transsexuals? Fucking unacceptable! Those people don't deserve to play games!
Who were you quoting though?
Let's be honest here, this game will not sell well as you would think, making a big fuzz out of it will only bring attention to it. The biggest thing you can do is simply not buy it and move on.
I didn't refuse to read the source, I asked for one and didn't get it.
I don't see a problem with games in general (I do with PSCD, the art is shit and the story is atrociously written), but I do not like stuff like Herald being marketed more or less exclusively as "this is a diverse game with diverse characters that are diverse colors and stuff".

My issue is that, generally speaking, this kind of game ends up sucking, because otherwise WW could say "This is my game with gay sex, card gameplay and this particular feature that makes it more interesting than other card games rather than just a rip off of Hearthstone with gay butts!". It's like gay relationships are the new chainmail bikini. Or whatever other bandwagon lazy, unimaginative devs decided was easy to put in a description and didn't necessarily require much work (again, thinking of WW in particular, given how they handle the relationships).

My hunch is that when people say "it shouldn't be the focus" or "it shouldn't be mentioned" a lot of them don't mean what you ascribe to them, that they're secretly hating on gays, but rather that it shouldn't be this badge that lazy people use to signal to a certain crowd and hope to get sales. And PSCD didn't even sell well, because it sucks. It sucks because the QC is shit, there's shit overlapping straight in the tutorial that makes it impossible to see stuff that you're supposed to use, there's only a few quirks to the gameplay in a largely ripped off mechanic and the story is devoid of any hook or theme or conflict, it's just a setting that railroads you into one of the routes.

I'm fine with gay characters. Make all the cast gay, if you find a cool reason in the story (or not! make something as outrageous as Katamari Damashi but with a gay emperor), but don't throw blanket accusations of *phobia at people for calling bullshit on lazy developers jumping on the latest bandwagon.
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Can't I just dislike fags being in games like someone not liking escort missions?
I think you're confused. In Japan most vns are only profitable if they have porn to begin with and have to contain it, so people see the porn as shoehorned in against the writers wishes. That's not always the case, people just assume no one likes to write porn.
Where's your source? The majority of VNs are non-H and have mainstream releases.
If that were true then they wouldn't bother to porn vns to consoles since the porn scenes get taken out.
>In Japan most vns are only profitable if they have porn to begin with
That's not even slightly true
The most profitable vns by FAR are extremely mild vns targeted at female gamers.

Go to Japan and game stores always have a massive section of these bishie harem games.
...what the fuck did you just say?
It's a common misconception, so why do I have to source it? Most famous vns start off as 18+ and later get a console all-ages port if they're already successful. The PC market thrives on 18+ content. Key is one of the few exceptions that have popular all-ages vns.
with the rises of cancer
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>Can't I just dislike fags being in games like someone not liking escort missions?

Sure, but that makes you a faggot.
>but it is actually a big deal for people to be represented in the games they play

I'm gay and I couldn't care less.
And to add to that, there wouldn't be anime adaptations of those series if people just read thrm for the porn.
White man's burden.
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That doesn't make sense.
You can dislike something, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. The fact that it actively bothers you is just an indicator that you are an immature asshole.
I've got triple bingo on the oppression bingo card and the only thing that matters to me as far as "representation" goes is personality.
Those other gays don't speak for you
and you don't speak for them
No one can stop you from being stupid anon. Trust me, we wish we could.
Looks kinda cool, anyone try it?
Because lesbians are cool.
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>The fact that it actively bothers you is just an indicator that you are an immature asshole.
I'm a spic and have never given a shit that there were no spics in games. It says more about them not being able to "relate" to video game characters because they aren't represented than it does the rest of the world.
>All-ages into the trash it goes
Is a very common phrase among vn readers. People view porn as a bonus or requirement even if the story isn't the best, because at least they got to fug their waifu.

That's only true for mobile games, and that's more because of the nature of mobile gaming.

Unless we're speaking of something like Fate, anime adaptations are meant to be advertisements.
That has nothing to do with anyone's statements about whether or not adult content is forced into VNs against the wishes of the production team and you're going by "famous for people that don't know shit about VNs" standards. Porn VNs that manage to break the mold and actually get a little mainstream praise get non-R18 versions to make more money from a wider audience. Not in order to fulfill some bizarre orgiastic Western view of how the original product was supposed to be.
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I can post reaction images without making an argument, too.
catering to millennial progressive-regressive culture.
They outnumber us
So if they view it as a bonus, that against what the original argument was. If porn is the only thing they wanted, then the creators would just sell them the cg art.
>The majority of VNs are non-H and have mainstream releases.
Where's YOUR source? That's not what the Japanese release statistics I see looks like at all.
There are a lot of things that bother people. Like furries, blacks, atheists, liberals, republicans, etc

Does that make them immature assholes?
What they want is interactive porn.
Fag here also. Games is the last medium I turn to when I want to partake in some media concerning the issues I (atleast people like me) face, but even then it's something I do very fucking rarely because I live in a decent country. Games do gay people and romance (that includes hetero romance) really fucking poorly, so it's hardly a unique issue. These game dev faggots need to start making better games in general, basically.

Sure it does. Faggot is just a word with negative connotations. Also the irony of calling fag haters faggots is great because there's nothing more triggering.
>It's like Jesus kicking lepers in the throat
So....you're saying fags are like lepers?
If you flip your shit because there's a republican in a game then yes, you are an immature asshole
Publisher uses Vita port, Steam users complain that they're getting a censored version of the game, while others say it's the true version, because the porn must've been shoehorned in anyway.
>american issues

Yeah have fun on your little continent, I guess.
It might be a common phrase among entry level Western readers, but I've never really read anything along those lines from the elevens. Of course if a R18 VN does have original content cut out of the original piece with no bonus content added like in the non-R18 Japanese ports, it can be justifiably called trash. Especially if it's a fucking borderline nukige like the Sakura series.
If you touch them you might catch the gay
That take 20 hours to get to? They could easily get that in other ways for much faster.
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People ask big devs to make gay options
>gays, quit trying to take over our games and make devs pander to you, we don't want you
>If you want gay games so bad, make them yourselves, don't convert our games.

>indie gay game gets released
>OMG why is there so many gay games!?
>It might be a common phrase among entry level Western readers, but I've never really read anything along those lines from the elevens
no true VN fan
Because of lonely faggots.
Unless that Vita port was released on the Vita and not the PC, it is basically getting the censored version of the game. And if I had to guess, you hear Westerners saying it's the true version with the porn shoehorned into the original?
They just bitch about all-ages and give them bad scores on erogegamescape.
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>Also I'm not attracted to 2D males.

Somebody needs to get this guy out of here.
No. But not being able to deal with things you don't like existing certainly does. And assuming all "blacks", "liberals" and "gays" have set behavioral patters with no deviation and your clear victim-complex aren't doing you any favors.
> progressive-regressive

lol is that some new buzzword you faggots have come up with? I bet you dumbasses think that actually means something. The world is lucky retards like you are a minority. If idiots like you had your way you would just shit things up.
>Forgets atheists and republicans

I see where your cuck-ass stands

AKA you're a hypocrite and also a faggot
I want to achieve your level of irony.
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What does that have to do with the OP?
I'm really curious to see where you'll take this.
That's an improper use of claiming no true scotsman. It's a comparison between Western readers following the bare mainstream titles that are translated and Japanese readers that are deeply associated with the titles, developers, and culture surrounding them.
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Same deal with the others. I just left them out to trigger you. I guess it worked.
I'd never like to achieve your level of stupidity.

D man was right.
Keep going, I want to see how far this rabbit hole goes.
Because romances in general are very desirable to consumers and no VNs don't count as games.
Name something like Persona 4 instead if you want it to matter.
>Tomb Raider
>Metroid games
>Street Fighter
Oh look, really old games that allowed you to play as female! What's wrong? They don't count because they're somehow sexist?
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i just want a lesbian waifu why is that wrong
No it can't what the fuck are you smoking?
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Now compare that to the sea of games where you couldn't. Nice argument, ass-hat.
pls dont be some arthouse yurop shit
Oh it is. Water Lilies.
But watch dogs is good.

God you are a faggot
No it really isn't. I can relate to CJ from San Andreas just as much as I can to any other white looking fuck so long as there's a good reason to.
What's up with the angry screaming? You kinda sound mentally ill, my dude.
the same time that having a nigger as mc became common place
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>surprise gay
And who are you quoting? All I did was point out how retarded it is to even claim that females are represented as much or as well as men in games based on three examples out of thousands. The gender of a character should be the gender the creator made them. Simple as that. I don't give a shit about numbers.
>Mario and Sonic are games that have no story. Not comparable

No in fact it is fucking comparable because they have a goal to achieve and the players needs some incentive to do it. Mario needs to get the princess from Bowser, Sonic needs to rescue animals from a mad scientist, got it. It's fucking relatable, just because it's simplistic doesn't change that fact.
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Is /evn/ still here? I thought you guys would've gotten bored by now. I'm sorry I linked this thread in the first place, I thought it seemed relevant to /evn/ discussion.

>should be

Wew lad that's fucking retarded
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Most heterosexual people won't NOT buy a game became of homosexual options.

A lot of homosexual people WILL buy a game if there are homosexual options.

It's just a matter of 95% of media is catered to straight people. Which is fine, and I'm not saying it should change because I get we're the minority. But the chance to be gay in games is more potent than the chance to be straight for straight people because we rarely get such opportunities. Plus as much as everyone hates the 'SJW' crowd if you can do something as simple as change the pronouns in dialogue to open up homosexual romances and it will earn you a loyal following, why the hell wouldn't you? These sort of options have been known to get smaller developers support they wouldn't have had the chance otherwise, so a lot of 'indie' devs make a point to be LGBT inclusive.

Catering to a niche audience is a pretty valid marketing strategy.

How is this any worse than any other VN avaliable on steam?
Apparently not as much as someone who firmly declares that it is impossible for anyone, ever, in the entire world, to feel annoyed about something. I guess they're all liars.
as a Yurifag, I fail to see the problem there.
Look at the poster count, even if we're still here we're dwarfed by the other shitposters
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is it gay to like twinks?
when the fuck did tumblr get here?
>everything is gay now
>every protag is gay now
>sci-fi is on an alltime high with Star Wars comeback and Mass Effect still being strong

Gay Niggers from Outta Space game when?
Claiming that you never exist in a video game is narcassictic as fuck and again, tells more about you then it does anyone else. If you fell so strongly that your retarded sexual preference isn't being "represented", then I encourage you to make a game yourself to appease that minority of people that can't bare the thought of someone showing them in an electronic toy.
When a link to SJW evn devs occurred. There may have been some here before that though.
>then I encourage you to make a game yourself
But that's how this thread started.
Because making your own game is somehow still wrong.
Still here, yes. Well, in both actually.
yes. And I do not regret it for a second.
>When did homosexual romances become so important to video games?
It's about time you "normies" realize that heterosexual relationships actually represent the minority of relationships. 86% of people in the developed world are either homosexual or bisexual.
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>mfw writing a porn game and there is LITERALLY NOT A SINGLE GAY OPTION IN IT
And I have already said that it's fine. I don't give a shit. My point is what type a person do you have to be that you are annoyed at the fact that people are ignoring you, when making a game? It's escapism, it doesn't fucking matter if people like you are in the game or not, that's not what the ultimate goal of games are. A vast majority are there to entertain you and make you feel some semblance of enjoyment. It should not matter if none of those polygons look like you.
>make degenerate game
>no degenerate option
stay poor, 3rd worlder.
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Not that dude but I feel like you're misrepresenting his argument. I mean you're human, I'm sure you can understand how having no characters that represent you could be depressing after awhile.

Obviously it's not the most important aspect of a game, and most of the time you're not going to NOT buy a game because of lack of representation. But it means when a game DOES represent LGBT people, it probably means more to LGBT people than a straight person in a game means to a straight person.

>No lesbian sex

Enjoy your $0 profit
One thing is hijacking stablished franchised, betraying its original spirit and turning everyone gay because lolprogrrrrsivv. Don't expect lifelong diehard fans to be thrilled.

Another very different is making your own original gay IP. In that case sure, do whatever you want.
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i mean that's 95% of porn games so i don't think you're really rockin the boat captain
Surely you can add one lesbian option, right?
He doesn't need to revolutionize the medium.
Thank you for keeping western civilisation safe
Give up anon, you can't win. You just have to accept people are going to find any way to bitch about characters that don't represent them. It's both sides- LGBT people bitching about non LGBT characters and non LGBT people bitching about LGBT people.

This is a thread bitching about the dev mentioning LGBT options in A VISUAL NOVEL THAT REVOLVES AROUND ROMANCE.
No I severly don't. I come from shitty third world country that has virtually no video game characters represented anywhere. That never bother any of the people that went to the local arcade to play video games with loose change, A lot of them didn't give a shit. It was cool to see some person from a country near us every once in a while, yes, but ultimately, that was not an issue and it shouldn't be, and like I said before if it bothers you so, then you can make a game with them, just like these people did.
I wanna fuck that dante
he doesn't need to do anything

whats the victory in not including gay options? its like saying "my porno doesn't have any gay sex AHAHAH!"
Lesbians != Gay
Yes it started that way, but that fag is still wrong. A game not representing someone that looks like you should not be an issue.
>I mean you're human, I'm sure you can understand how having no characters that represent you could be depressing after awhile.
I know that feel. Imagine how it feels to have almost every aspect of the media screaming down at you calling you racist, evil, or going the way of the dinosaur just because of your skin color and orientation. Then having popular media that represents you as a protagonist slowly dwindling away while popular media increasingly represents you as a villain. Then on top of that, the only respite from that get more and more censored or have their imports blocked. It's hell, anon.
For the record. I am not complaining about more LGBT and minority representation in games before people start slinging even more shit at me than the media already does. I'm just giving insight on my situation.
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I'm gonna make a VN!
>Acting like Star Wars is a bastion for gay pride
Hwat? I can't think of a single gay star wars character other than some Moff dyke who likes xeno pussy or something
>its like saying "my porno doesn't have any gay sex AHAHAH!"

Well the way people act, they would say a porn site made for straight men should start featuring gay sex or something.
when people realised you can make money from it?
Even if it's a decent argument, it's pasta.
Making up for all those decades where it wasn't "allowed" into the industry.
It's like when someone finally turns 21 and go out drinking and partying for a few years then it becomes a lot less frequent.

I mean I don't really see an issue with it since the mainstream and "norm" in the entertainment industry is still straight couples, if anyone feels triggered or "attacked" by these games they need to reevaluate their priorities in life.
What country are you from anon?
>wasn't allowed

Is that the industry's fault, or the fault of the third-party moral police that was at its throat for years? You know, like the current one?
In the next movie they are probably going to pull a 'the x-fighter pilot rebel guy is actually gay and homolusts for the BBC'. Or maybe a full 'the Cuckhold' scenario with the two of them and the Mary Sue.
El Salvador.
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"It was cool to see some person from a country near us every once in a while"

but I mean that's how most LGBT people feel about LGBT options tho. It's not the fucking end of the world if they aren't there but if they are it't pretty neato. And its ok to appreciate the fact devs would do that.

Only crazy people pull the whole "IM NOT BUYING THISE GAME BECAUSE OF LACK OF REPRESENTATION" and thats not just lgbt people. and you can't act like there aren't just as many people who pull the same bullshit over race or ethnicity (not sure what country you're from)

I mean I can understand WANTING representation, I just don't get people getting so buttmad over people liking representation? There's a difference between wishing for representation, and getting mad about other people being represented.

a good OST has been part of me liking other games, because it increases immersion and emotional involvement in a game for me. no one thinks thats crazy. but you say the same thing about being able to be gay in a game and everyone loses their minds.
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>a good OST has been part of me liking other games, because it increases immersion and emotional involvement in a game for me. no one thinks thats crazy. but you say the same thing about being able to be gay in a game and everyone loses their minds.
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I thought you were from some shithole that I had actually never heard of once in my life.
Then again, I actually read books every now and then, so I get I'm definitely not a good representative of what gets exposed in popular culture and what doesn't.
If it helps, I have an equivalent of that country in my lore that I'll never share with the world out of the fact I'll never have the money to make use of it, so what's the point...
>but I mean that's how most LGBT people feel about LGBT options tho. It's not the fucking end of the world if they aren't there but if they are it't pretty neato. And its ok to appreciate the fact devs would do that.
I agree, however it's the word "annoyance" that I have an issue with. So what? It's the same as being offended, it's never given. It's not the developers fault that you feel annoyed over somethimg so trivial. And like I said before, if it bothers you, then make it yourself. So you're annoyed, so what, it's a video game, not a history book.
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>watch dogs
>the way people act

Anon where has this ever been the case?

no dev or company has ever been 'forced' to cater to any minority. you can't force them to do anything. you know why they have options for minorities? because the broader the net you use, the more money you make. it's literally just more profitable to have LGBT options in a lot of cases.

Since Americans turned into a "muh feelings" nation. They're not buying anything that doesn't encourage their mental instability.

Even Dark Souls 3 has a ring that turns you into a tranny.
A shithole is a shithole, doesn't matter if someone knows its there or not. If you can find me a salvi video game character, then I'll be damned. Either way, it wouldn't matter.
The Dragon Age series (can play a gay man or gay woman) sold worse than The Witcher series (no gay options, can only play as a man)

Your argument doesn't pan out
I'm not saying it's their fault, but this was the only natural evolution of gay acceptance in the mainstream
Good one. You actually made me chuckle.
I'm just pulling your leg man. Companies are amoral by nature, I'm sure they've had them if it was acceptable at the time.
whether you admit or not anon, that's what the purpose of all 'artistic' aspects of a game do. from writing to graphics to ost, their purpose is to immerse you and evoke an emotional response.

i wouldn't say being annoyed and being offended are the same thing. i mean just because i wish there were more rpg games available or something doesn't mean I'm offended. I just like rpg games. just because something is a positive for you doesn't mean not having it is a negative.

this whole thread is people bitching about a footnote in the description of a game literally most LGBT gamers have never heard of and will never buy.
Dragon Age games after the first one are shit I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. That might be the main problem here.
>I'm not like the other girls! lesbian edition
And the dragon age series sold better the majority of rpgs released at that time despite being garbage in 1000 other aspects- Which doesn't speak to the validity of my argument either. How well it sold has nothing to do with the fact catering to a niche audience is a valid strategy. It's the same reason companies selling "gluten free non-gmo free range salt crystals" or some shit stay afloat. They've narrowed their scope to a specific audience and cater their product to that audience.
>Originally get bent out of shape cause >lol no females in games until recently XDXDXD
>Get pointed out how they're wrong
>Start moving goal posts
Do you enjoy being this retarded?

>So why does it bother you?

Same reason it bothers you. The idea that I must be represented in media is bullshit. People can make whatever they want. Yeah, it's cool to see someone reference your culture, but are you seriously that bigoted that you can't appreciate others without having your own little safe space? For instance, david in fate/apocrypha and fgo is cool and kind of funny, but I don't go around insisting that jews be in games.

Essentially, you've conflated "ignored" with "irrelevant". Just because gay is not relevant to a particular story doesn't mean the creator doesn't see gay people. It simply means gays aren't necessary to his story.
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so fags are a disease and we need a Jesus to cure them? neat
That post had nothing to do with that. It does not say anywere that all games must have a gay character or something.
>When did romance become important in video game that half game is about novelty and romance?
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
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you are missing out

Except that's literally what it said, providing strawman excuses that people provide when gays are shoehorned into media.

>This isn't fair. You can always just call it pandering and keep gay characters out of fiction forever that way. You can't tell me you don't have a problem with homosexuals if you want to pretend they don't exist.

Here's your (you)
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>"The idea that I must be represented in media is bullshit."

Not that guy buy I don't think the majority of gay people are saying it MUST be shoehorned anywhere.

Liking representation != Demanding representation

If they made a badass adventure stealth game set during WWII about a jewish father trying to get his family to safety, I think a lot of Jewish people would say they liked seeing an aspect of their history and culture portrayed. I'm sure a lot of people would say the story meant a lot to them BECAUSE they related to the characters. That doesn't mean they think every game needs a token jew or some shit. And I'm not Jewish but I think that'd be really fucking rad.

If somebody said "I wish there were more games with electricians" or "blind people" or "people who own parrots" my first response isn't to say they're "that bigoted that you can't appreciate others without having your own little safe space"?

I mean I genuinely don't fucking get it.
But that post have nothing to do with devs doing stuff. It has to do with people complaining about gays in already existing things.
And yes, calling it pandering is a pretty bad argument since you can say it about anything with gays on it.
Dragon Age : Origins was actually a solid game

Elves are for faggots anyways and I killed that leather baby on sight
You only notice them because you're a homophobe. Normal people just see it as romances, not homosexual romances.
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To be honest until last year I thought it was a warning for parents.

Like I wouldn't buy them games with gay romance.
but even the quote you posted doesn't say they think it has to be in EVERY BIT OF MEDIA EVER

I don't like the way they phrased it because I agree its strawmanny but I do agree that when it comes to LGBT characters it doesn't matter how you write them because there will always be people who use the same excuses to say it's 'shoehorned in'.

I think they're just trying to express frustration over the fact when it comes to representing minorities you can't win. it doesn't matter how 'well' you do it, unless it's basically hidden or nonexistant non LGBT people call it 'pandering' or 'shoe horned'. then in a case like this everyone bitches about "if you want representation make your own game!" and someone does- I mean look at this game, its not even LGBT focused. thats just an option. and its a ROMANCE game (so LGBT options give the appearance of way more 'paths' than there really are for any player), one that isn't a huge title and will be lucky to make 5000 dollars in overall profits. And then people just bitch about lgbt being shoehorned into the industry as a whole.
Are you bisexual?
People who think like that usually try to avoid homo content in fear of being "converted" when in reality the attraction was there all along.
Why is she so bald?
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I think I liked it better back then when gay characters were more subtle or just a quick joke. Now its flaunted as a feature that makes or breaks a game.

Who fucking cares?
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You're spot on, was honestly just thinking DA:II, which I couldn't even finish. Never bought inquisition. I basically don't even consider origins the same series as its 'sequels'.
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it's a romance visual novel though
No, I just have a kid now.
when the fuck did the SJW crowd flood /v/?
It's just for now, it's an industry that craves as much inclusivity as possible so right now they care because the majority of the people buying the game are progressive-minded and more often than not don't care about gay characters in video games.
Writers don't know how to write gay characters like how they didn't know how to write female characters a few years ago.
You could still be bisexual.
Homo romance doesn't mean sex or eroticism, in any case I don't understand why you'd be buying your kid a romance VN, gay or not gay.
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>Writers don't know how to write gay characters like how they didn't know how to write female characters a few years ago.

thats a pretty interesting opinion anon, never though of it that way
same time the anti-SJW crowd flooded /v/

do you remember /v/ before SJW bullshit was a thing? do you remember, anon?
Did you go looking on steam for indie games no one has ever heard of or cared about just to upset yourself?
the need to self insert is the cancer that killed gaming
What do you mean? Which posts are SJW?
You mean the posts where people are saying they're not fucking furious that a game they never even heard of features a gay romance?
>Writers don't know how to write gay characters like how they didn't know how to write female characters a few years ago.

They can write female characters? When did that happen? Do you think male characters are next?
Studies show many people never identify with videogames characters at all, shits fiction m8. I'd rather most games don't try to involve or make a big deal out of sexuality. If your ability to write is so poor that a point is made out of if your character likes the taste of duck or pussy you are doing something wrong. A bug reason as to why most characters are straight males is because biologically speaking they are one of the most disposable groups of people alive so you don't end up caring as much when your character dies in game.
how would you feel if all your video games only had homosexual romances all the time? Thats how gay gamers used to feel.

Is it really so bad to just want to see two cute girls fall in love and do cute things together?
I mean if you play her games it's pretty clear that she heavily favors women though.

I dunno I just feel like I get where she's coming from. I'm bi and I'm not gonna deny that I find women physically attractive but I don't think there's any chance in hell I'll ever marry one and unless you're a really close friend of mine I'll probably just tell you I'm gay since that makes my life way easier. The other option is to tell people all the specifics of who I might be attracted to and to what level I might feel that attraction and I know if someone told all that shit to me I'd want to cut off their dick and shove it down their throat because that shit is insufferable.
Take your shitty memes back to >>>/lgbt/ where they belong.
This. To think we are even close to expressing a fucking person is retarded.
>talking out of my ass with 0 sources or facts: the post
no the reason most protagonists are straight males is beause they are catering to a certain demographic. Its why they have token black characters in every movie that comes out, its so niggers can connect with someone. Its literally the only reason Samuel L Jackson was even in star wars.
You're playing a fucking visual novel, what did you expect?
No, I'd find difficult that you would know more about me than myself.

We were talking about the way the game labels the game features. This game like a lot other PC games don't have ESRB so the "gay romance" part looked a lot like a warning for me until last year, like I mentioned.
calm down
>has a human face

i hate this shit so fucking much
if i wanted to fuck something that has a human face i would fuck a human
i want a robot that has the face of a robot
emphasis on "a few years ago"
>Studies show many people never identify with videogames characters at all,

actually would like to see those studies, interested in how the hell they'd test such a thing. feels like the concept of 'identifying' with characters is such a subjective thing it'd be hard to pin down to physiological reactions. research around video games is so fascinating.
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>thread is specifically about homosexual things in video games

Nah NTY is like one of the only BL games that caters to faggots over fujos. That's why I love it so much. Shit like muscular older men, body hair, and the game actually having an understanding of how gay sex actually works are normally things that are more targeted towards guys then girls. Most of the fujos I know like it well enough but it's the fags who call it shit like "the best BL game in the west".
nah im all for lgbt representation but i get where you're coming from.

i'd be wary of any game that mentions romance at all, especially if my kid was younger.
>implying you used sources
Literally what I said is such common knowledge even fucking SARGON OF AKKAD put up a summarization of said things on his channel(the vae vitus one). Studies show people on average don't identify with their characters and it's easier to see a man die then a female EVEN IN REAL FUCKING LIFE. Most white male characters are NOTHING but tools so don't act as if they are actually represented as a FUCKING PERSON.
Nearly every meme that has ever been on this site has been a mockery or satire of something else
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my fellow robro
>even the fucking robot has sameface
lmao indie """""""""""games""""""""""
>such common knowledge
not an argument
>sargon of akkad
you mean the cuckold who tackles low hanging fruit with cringe worthy videos? Im not reading the rest of your post. Either provide citation for your claims or you admit you have no idea what you are talking about. "common sense" is another way of saying "i have no way of proving my argument but il pretend like you should just know it anyways"
what game makes me play as a male human that can fuck nonhuman males?
when did any kind of romance become so important
Right, I'm mad because I dislike a shitty meme about people actually being gay because of super arbitrary conditions.
>Getting this triggered
Maybe you should be the one fucking right off. I suggest Tumbler, there you can post all the >you're actually gay memes you want!
when video games became an escape for forever alone beta virgins who will never experience romance in real life.
i wanna know why every game you play has romance options

try jacking off less
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God I love NTY. Such a good fucking story, hot guys, good characters. admittedly wish you could power bottom a few times, but thas jus me.

Might just be me but I like how they actually treated rape like rape, not that weird "no please stop but I actually love it now we're soul mates!" kinda shit I see in yaoi constantly. I was sold on the game when protag actually struggled with what he did to maki even though dude obviously wanted it and they ended up together.

sequel WHEN
>>Getting this triggered
except you are the one getting triggered my good sir. YOU are the one getting upset that people have different views than you and telling them to leave. That is the definition of getting triggered. Im mocking you for your tumblrina behavior.
see >>340774981
This may be it. I remember it being mentioned in this series.
>I don't have to use sources but you do
Then watch it nigga.
Ignore /pol/fags you dumbass. Once it spews buzzwords that's when you start the mental filter.
It's sad how much of a market there is for "let's feel smart by finding fringe retards who are insane and debate them without their input"
I guess the 12 year olds watching get to think they're intelligent, which is nice. Shame the debates are even more fucking pathetic than South Park arguments.
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People were literally begging for a same sex marriage patch for both FE Awakening and Fates.
>>I don't have to use sources but you do
im not the one making claims, you are. What claims have i possibly made other than for the first 20 years or so of video games there were no homosexual romances. Like do you really need a source for that?

Im pretty sure i can go find the year of the first video game and then the first video game with homosexual romances and theres going to be atleast a 20 year gap
>that's literally what it said
That's not true. That's LITERALLY not true.
dude then just link the studies. if they're that easy to find then just link them. its not fair to just be like "STUDIES SHOW..." and expect people to find YOUR sources. I mean I'm >>340774510 and at first I was just interested but what you're doing is what people do when they're talking out their ass. I mean I don't even doubt what the sstudies show and I'm genuinely interested but how your acting actually makes me feel like what you're proposing is less likely to be true. just post the fucking studies and let them argue for you.
>helping me solidify my point.
My point was even a guy with his reputation was able to both find the studies and provide fair arguments. Watch the above video.
>Sargon of Akkad
I wasn't the one shit posting all in caps using buzzwords retard. You were. Actually it's funny. You're the kind that likes going around saying people are secretly homosexual if they act a certain way. I wonder if it's a projection of how you think and act.
Because anyone that's sick of the memes and buzzword like spewing out, it's obviously /pol/. Got any more memes senpai or are you going to start acting like a man and using real arguments?
Yes, video games were shit and nobody but the spergest of nerds cared about them.

I miss it so much fucking kill me already
The guy provides citations in his videos normally which is why I provided the video. It should have a collection of sources.
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>being so new and autistic you cant tell when people are mocking you
you have to go back
> secretly homosexual
oh im openly bisexual, its much more likely that you are the self loathing closet homosexual who gets triggered any time they see gay people in video games
Dude, that could be the case for some people, but most simply don't like gay media and don't buy into the whole meme: "I'm so sure of my sexualty that I go out of my way to watch something I find utterly unappealing just to prove how hetero I am!"
Nigger I'm bi. I was posting in caps to make a fucking point, I'm drawing atention to what I specifically was saying because you can't seem to read.
What claim did they make? im still waiting.
Yeah treating rape like rape needs to happen more. I remember mink's route in DM and just wanting to scream at the MC "He has brutally raped you three times now! Why do you like him?"

I even enjoy that shit in fiction but it just takes me out of it when the victim is like "Oh wow I hated that but why did it make me love him? I guess I didn't really hate it after all."

Like if you're gonna go full sadism doesn't it make more sense to have the victim hate it then force the rapist to go through a redemption arc or something? Not dealing with the consequences at all is just bad writing.
>All this implying
It takes a special kind of retard to make assumptions and then treat them as fact. Typical libtard. By the way if you weren't triggered then you wouldn't feel the need to keep responding with shitposts and memes woudl you. ;^)
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>Haha I was only pretending to be retarded!
>Typical libtard
top cuckold
>using buzzwords this much
>getting mad at someoone for implying when you imply im liberal
I browse /pol/ more often than you and hate niggers and feminazis. Im so terribbly sorry you are so retarded that you think all non heterosexual people are liberals. Like really, do you even leave your basement? do you go outside and interact with other people enough to realize that lots of people have lots of different political opinions?
Read the fucking post I was responding to. The claim was it helps reduce suicide rates, which by that logic the straight male suicide rate shouldn't even exist even though they are the most likely to kill themselves
OK? Why would gay people even play a porn game that wasn't targeted directly at them anyways?

I honestly think a sequel could allow them to make a game that actually uses the premise. Or it could be a clusterfuck
>treating you like a retard is me acting retarded.
No if anything I'm being more inclusive by making my posts easy for even retards like you to read.
>The claim was it helps reduce suicide rate
it probably does
> which by that logic the straight male suicide rate shouldn't even exist even though they are the most likely to kill themselves
False comparison. The reasons homosexuals have for being depressed and suicidal are completely different than white males have for being suicidal. Are you really so dumb and retarded to not realize this?

Gay people feel depressed beacuse they are outsiders, stigmatized, etc etc. By being included in things it helps them feel like less of outsiders and abnormal.

Straight males are depressed and suicidal beacuse they are low testosterone cuckolds who spend all of their time masturbating to chinese cartoons and have no goals or aspirations.
>straight males are culturally treated as tools and most representation doesn't even represent them as being an actual person but rather as being generic marine 5,000 that does what other more interesting characters tell him to do.
>this is actually representing them
>this is what the low tesotsterone beta male actually tells himself
>everyone else is the problem, not you
>it cant possible be that you are a pathetic loser
> I can't argue so I'll resort to ad hominem
Sjws lady's and gentlemen
*tips menorah*
Are you fucking high? I never said any of that shit nigger. Maybe you should start learning to read and stop treating assumptions as fact, retard.
its not an ad hominem if its actually the argument. I dont think you know what an ad hominem is.

My whole argument is that being beta pathetic losers is why males are so depressed. Thats not ad hominem.
Ah so I see, you where actually trying to say you where the one pretending to be retarded. Sorry I didn't catch that.
>I never said any of that shit nigger.
except you literally said
"typical libtard" which means that you are assuming that the person you are talking to is a liberal. I dont know why you bother trying this much damage control when its quite easy to just scroll up and see what you said
>typical libtard
>By being included in things it helps them feel like less of outsiders and abnormal.
But they are abnormal. Why should other people have their entertainment shit on just to allow some fags to feel better?
neither of you are even intelligent enough to spell things correctly, so I'm not sure why you think you're suited for arguments like this
>all men are the same
How inclusive of you.
>Why should other people have their entertainment shit on just to allow some fags to feel better?
if you dont like it dont buy the game. No one is forcing you to buy games with homosexual relationships and the vast majority of them do not include it.
once sawyer said that he hated writing romance in games because the characters are basically playersexual in a lot of cases.
>implying im talking about all men
Obviously im talking about the average suicidal and depressed male, hence talking about why they are depressed. I never said anything about all males.

Most of my freinds are male and none of them are beta cucks who blame others for their problems.
To be fair I'm phone posting so if anything is fucked it's because my phone is shit. Also I'm not treating this as an actual debate or real argument given the arguments are nothing more than insults coming from him, don't treat 4chan as if they are actually talking seriously most of the time senpai.
I wouldn't mind having an homo option in all japanese games
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To be fair anon, a youtube video isn't 'sources'.

I was going to tell you I was reading through the sources of HIS video but I've already read through them... And by them I mean the two papers by the same person. To say "studies show many people never identify with videogames characters at all" and cite this paper is disingenuous. Her opinion is an interesting one but I would hardly call either strong enough to be ireffutable evidence to her thesis or your opinions. I mean read them yourself anon (second paper cited is also by her, I only have access because of my university so I can't link but here's the first http://www.digra.org/wp-content/uploads/digital-library/11313.28005.pdf

I mean her methodology is questionable from the start- She only interviewed 30 people. That's hardly an acceptable sample size to form any definitive conclusions. And she says she used questions in a paper by Cohen (http://hevra.haifa.ac.il/~comm/he/files/yoni/ident.pdf) to test whether or not the participants 'identified with' protagonists. Which I would argue is flawed from the start, considering the questions are for television and film rather than video games which are more immersive by their very nature ( I mean " 1. While viewing program X, I felt as if I was part of the action. " makes sense in film but in video games...Well of course you are, you're playing the character?) so the answers are biased. The rest of her paper revolves around anecdotal evidence.

I mean I was genuinely interested anon. Maybe it's because I'm not a liberal arts major but is this the sort of shit that we're basing our 'evidence' on now? No fucking wonder SJWs have gotten this far. Jesus fucking christ liberal arts academics is a fucking joke.

Honestly disappointed, was hoping for something more. I mean certainly you could find SOME sort of physiological basis for this opinion, right? Gimme a bit, I'll try and find some sort of study related to it. There has to be something.
Keep digging that hole.
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>She only interviewed 30 people. That's hardly an acceptable sample size to form any definitive conclusions.

That's like high school essay-levels of research done.
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But what if it's a really good game but ruined by homo shit?
name a single good game ruined by homo shit. Dragon age was bad even in 2.
Let him be, anon. You can't reason the simplistic worldview out of a 16yo. Only age can
palliate that kind of stupidity.

>Straight males are depressed and suicidal beacuse they are low testosterone cuckolds who spend all of their time masturbating to chinese cartoons and have no goals or aspirations.
Sengoku Rance would be pretty shit if all the rape was homo, while the underlying game would still be good.
Well let's see. In your post you claimed I:
-Was making buzzwords (plural)
-Got mad, when I was point out how retarded you are
-Browse /pol/
-Think that non heterosexual people are liberals
-I never leave my basement
-Never go outside
-Never interact with other people
-Don't realize that other people have different opinions
ALL OF WHICH I never stated, implied, and aren't even true. In other words you're an asinine retard who enjoys making contrived bullshit to validate yourself.
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Also trying to go through the rest of her sources for studies. I mean I just can't believe there's no study ANYWHERE on this subject. If any anon has anything related please link before thread dies.

I feel like I've been fucking red-pilled. People don't just have entire careers revolving around qualitative and anecdotal evidence, do they?

>this woman is a FUCKING PROFESSOR NOW
>someone is paying hundreds of dollars in tuition to take her class

jesus christ
After reading this, I can now relax knowing that you exist.

Thanks anon.
>Sengoku Rance
>weeb shit
i said good

were you trying to refute what i said? because i guratene if you look at the vast majority of suicidal males they are low testosterone.

You would be surprised how much hormones affect a persons mood.
dragons dogma
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>people are liberals
>literally say typical libtard
its time to stop posting. You were completely btfo, get over it.
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>make a waifu quest game
>its bad to give additional waifu routes
>At what point did videogames stop being about escapism and start being about social agendas?
Blame series like Skyrim and Mass Effect. "MUH IMMERSHUN"
stardew valley

i think im just hangin with my bro then all a sudden they give me a backrub and tell me how much they enjoy spending time w me
dragons dogma was not ruined by homosexual romances. They were optional, not forced, and not even close to being the main focus of the game. The main focus of the game is going around fighting monsters
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Considering the state of some american universities, I'm barely even surprised.
>stardew valley
i said good. farm simulators are boring as hell snoozevills
that shit is realistic tho, it's happened to me IRL
>Says the person that was writing out a whole paragraph of assumptions like an autistic retard
monsters that wanna fuck me
>implying you arent a self loathing closet homosexual
im going to keep implying it because i know its true. You probably fap to traps and say its not gay.

I mean really, why else would someone get so triggered over gay characters in games they dont even play?
Please do note I'm not trying to be very argumentative here so I'm not trying to be sooper srs on this subject, I just provided a source when the other guy didn't,but yeah, this is what passes for studys. He did a whole series on this subject so I don't know if he provided any more evidence down the line. Also I was more providing the video because I didn't have the sources he sited on hand.
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>being a closet homo
what shitty third world country do you live in, my freedom hating friend?
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Give it up senpai, everyone can see past your bullshit and memes. You're not fulling anyone other then your problem colored haired friends on Tumbler, and they have potatoes for brains anyway.
the US. and yes, niggers and illegal mexicans have made many places here practically 3rd world.
>colored haired friends on Tumbler
>when im openly racist
Id insult you or mock you but you have already proven you are too retarded to insult. Congratulations
The American education system is a fucking joke from top to bottom. This isn't a meme, it's an international joke. They're so glad anyone even tries or cares at all that they'll make a professor out of anyone who reads a wikipedia article to the bottom of the page.
The unbearable thing is watching these online pissing matches between huge groups of retards on the left and right all insulting each other like they're in a playground instead of anyone on either side doing actual proper research of study or providing real evidence or stats or anything.

America is just a giant playground, and it should come as no surprise at all that the presidential elections have devolved into nothing more than name-calling and shitflinging on twitter. Both the right and the left are convinced the other side is full of idiots. The funny thing is they're all actually correct. Everyone in the country gets the same bullshit "education" so of course neither political spectrum has the upper hand.
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Oh, well. Atleast you don't HAVE to be a closet homo in the US, you got the option to move the fuck away from the crazy religious areas.
>America is a fucking joke
fixed that for you*
Like really, we let in millions and millions of illegal immigrants, we call any and all mexican criminals "white males" so we dont offend anyone, we have diversity quotas where unqualified or uneducated niggers get free jobs or education simply for being niggers. There are so many things wrong with the US its embarassing.
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just to prove some citation, this is pretty common.
>white male
>defending faggots
Christ can the kids who were born after 2000 please fucking leave back to markiplier and not come back
2D lesbians you mean.
oh you
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>hating faggots

Why do you care so much, faggot?
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some 3d lesbians are cool. notice i said some
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I'm honestly stunned. I would say this was her master's thesis but I refuse to believe she could have defended this shit

" I had interviewees play a game that they had chosen ahead of time when possible, or gave them a choice of games if necessary (in their homes when possible, in another location when necessary)."

" While playing Left 4 Dead (Valve, 2008) Ephram and Devon said they only got into the characters‟ heads on the most basic level; the “oh shit, zombies are coming to kill us” level. Unless they had intertextual references, most interviewees felt that video game characters were not developed enough for them to make those kinds of inferences. "

"When Sasha and Hatshepsut played Marvel vs.Capcom (Capcom, 1999-2009) and Soul Calibur (1999-2009) in their respective second interviews, both choose characters based on the fighters‟ abilities. "

Wow are you telling me identification with a character on an emotional level wasn't a key part of playing LEFT FOR DEAD? Or that people choose their character in fighting games based on their abilities? The actual questions she's asked aren't offered, or whether the questions differed from participant to participant. She asked them WHILE the subject was playing the game. Hell, even some of her own results don't support the thesis?

"Devon stressed that he felt an affinity for what little of Lewis‟ personality he could glean from the game‟s short opening sequence. Choosing characters can be done based on either strategic or identificatory reasons. According to interviewees, it seems the latter is more likely only if the former is not an issue. "

Like don't get me wrong I don't buy into the MUH REPRESENTATION shit either, and all the studies she's challenging seem to be the same shit. Reading the articles she's challenging and they aren't fantastic either. Same with her sources. And her conclusion isn't "identification with protagonists doesn't matter" anyway???
>I take things literally
>I don't understand parody or irony
Wow congrats you're legit autistic.
I agree completely.
>i was just pretending to be retarded: the post
>inb4 closet homo meme
Huh what a shocker, lesbians who aren't very attractive.
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My apologies if I came off as attacking you. i'm more baffled at the study than anything. I appreciate you posting the source. youre doing gods work son.
>If I post this meme people won't notice my retardation
Nice try but no.
Fuck me, you're a solid gold retard aren't you
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