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Post vidya related opinions that get you crucified outside of

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Post vidya related opinions that get you crucified outside of /v/.

>there's nothing wrong with the objectification of women in video games. Whatever goes on in the world of a video game does not necessarily reflect real life.
>i love the fact that there are no fat or ugly women in this (video game) world
The Last of Us is ok, nothing special.
RWBY is garbage.
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No video game is worth 60 dollars
Fucking hell, your right.

Everyone i talk to about this outside of /v/ make it sound like it was literally perfect.
I play video games as a hobby
I sort of liked the 3rd season tbqh

>I think this character is actually really cool and badass, and having a skimpy outfit literally doesn't make her any less so.
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>doesn't even bother posting best girl
what's rwby?
>the 90s sucked
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RWBY is embarassingly bad MMD shit and, as a result, Monty Oum left a sour taste in my mouth before he died.

Forge World was mediocre at best, and its existence was more of a curse than a blessing as it gave Bungie an excuse to not allow proper Forging on the other maps. This set a precedent for 343 to fuck up ALL the Forge maps in the next game.
Women suck at video games and 99.9% of the time only play them for attention and only play casual AAA games
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I didn't like the music in Undertale.
$60 is not even a lot of money
lolis in vidya aren't problematic
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PS4, Wii U and Xbone are all shit.
LoZ is a completely mediocre series.
Bioshock infinite was bad.
DayZ standalone is shit.

The more popular tracks are the worst by far. Megalovania is really shit.


I'm not a MGTOW or anything, but women that play games irk me to no end. I've never met a single one whose favorite game wasn't "Zelda" or Pokemon.
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Here's best girl.

Fallout 4 was mediocre
Fallout 4 and Borderlands were both garbage I know a lot of normies
stop trying to make threads for this shit when you already have /co/
Those are some great opinions.
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>corgi name is zwei
Oh come the fuck on
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You're right, here's best girl
It is for a bad video game. I doubt even spend that on good ones. You can get any PC release that is 50 or 60 dollars for 30 or less at release.
Jesus, is this RWBY general on /co/?
MGSV was mediocre and definitely one of the biggest disappointments in vidya history.
A show about waifus and fighting that manages to fuck that up.
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Fallout 4 was one of the worst AAA games of that past 6 years.
There hasn't even been a AAA game in the past 6 years worth full price.

Well it is Rooster Teeth.

The only good thing they've ever done are the early Drunk Tanks with only Burnie, Gus, Geoff and Joel.
I played it at a friend's house and it was cool I guess. Everyone hyped it up so much and it just doesn't seem like "GOTYAYEY LITERAL AND FIGURATIVE CITIZEN KANE OF GAMING AND HUMANITY'S FINEST CREATION"
Difficulty doesn't make a game good/bad. Dark Souls is 'Difficult' but if you take your time you can easily never die, it makes the game a lot less fun too.
yup just dont be a retard and go buy from g2a
plebs buy retail price
No shit?
Well now the animation is getting better and the writing isn't as dumb as it was.
It actually feels like the first three seasons were that lead up tutorial of a JRPG now.
the almost infallable main characters are fucked up beyond belief (Catgirl is now actually a terrorist or something, the actually invincible girl got fucking incenerated, Yang got her arm chopped off, and now Ruby's teaming up with the team Phyrra was on before she got fucking destroyed.
VR is just a pie-in-the-sky dream of science fiction writers, and we're still decades (at LEAST) away from ever experiencing it. These headsets coming out are just fancy monitors, nothing more.

Ha. She got her arm cut off.
I shouldn't have to download a bunch of patches or mods in order to get a game to work.
Man, that shit went full edge.
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Everyone working in the Treehouse in NoA should be fired and replaced with competent people who actually know what localization actually is.

I've had legitimate debates with people saying that they're thankful for them removing all the 'problematic' content in Fates. Even when I explain how the game is basically the textbook example of what not to do when localizing a game. It's a mad, mad world out there.
na abame ga kill is edge thats not
I wholeheartedly agree. Treehouse needs cleaned out and replaced with a whole new team.
Dark Souls is the new Call of Duty
and /v/ has become what cod kiddies once were
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I read all this.
If this is the fandom around here, they're real close to being worse than the shit /mlp/ writes.
These opinions aren't that unpopular you know. You guys really need to stop thinking that tumblr and game journalists are the same as the average consumer.
The overall animation is getting better, but all the fights in S3 were incredibly dull, with the only exception being Crow fighting Snow Angel's sister(?)
Someone post the fucking rooftop running webm.
You know the one.
You can't cause progress on what RWBY was without some people getting fucked.
plus it explains why Jaune's team was such a major focus while RWBY was kinda left to do their own devices for a good half a season.
Now Jaune's got pretty much nothing to lose, Ruby's got shit to settle, Yang's gonna come back at some point once she gets her big girl panties on and fucking destroy some bitch ass niggas Possibly with some kickass kinetic dust spurs or some shit, or maybe even a ROBO HAND, and maybe Blake can stop being the world's equivalent of an SJW with stockholm syndrome.
I'd like to add to that that not every game needs to be Dark Souls. That article about "The Dark Souls of X" comes to mind.
Though the Dark Souls game are fine, they put too much emphasis on the fact you die a lot.

OK, we get it you die so many times. Games like Super Mario Bros have you die from a single touch and starting over from the beginning of the level, I don't see everyone praising it for that fact.
Is this a cartoon?Looks more like scenes from a outdated game.
I think if a game designer wants to put fictional girls in thongs in their games and can find a team willing to do it and a company willing to publish it, they should be allowed to do so. I don't even buy those games but I think it's childish to get upset over it. It has literally nothing to do with me. It's kind of like strip clubs. Those women are willing to objectify themselves to anyone willing to pay, I don't necessarily agree with that choice but I respect their desire to make it because it has nothing to do with me.
You (we) are the minority here. NoA isn't going to turn it's ears in our direction at all when they're still getting plenty of $$$.
That being said, Treehouse backlash gets a little bigger and a little more attention every year.
Maybe he just made it sound incredibly edgy, I stopped watching somewhere in S2. Wonder how I even made it that far.
how do you know what /mlp/ writes, horsefucker?

Its a CG cartoon on some website. The girls are the only thing anyone ever cares about, pretty much.
Hows RWBY without Monty? I had left right after the end of S2 because of Miles and Kenny. And then Monty died. Is the action guy who replaced him doing the action scenes some justice?

also is /u/ ded? WR? BB?
Don't you mean best corpse?
I pretty much only play games with little girls.
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>those animations

Directly into the trash.
Monty did the fight scenes.
Early season three REALLY suffered without him, but they're hitting a stride.
Give em a bit to get everything sorted out and it'll get better.
What corpse?
Absolutely retarded argument. Portrayals of women in movies and books also do not necessarily reflect real life, yet those mediums are criticized heavily whenever women are objectified.
The first few seasons of RvB were good.
Every Pokemon game has been the same fucking shit since the dawn of civilization
Capcom should find herself decent and talent designers instead of keeping a team of keyboard tapping resident apes that cannot relase a fucking decent resident evil game. Or any megaman game at all.
PS4 is a fucking scam.
Xbone is a fucking scam.
PsVita is a fucking scam.
WiiU is a fucking scam.
The NX will be a fucking scam.
The 3DS is the best new gen console. And it is a fucking scam too.
Smash Bros is the only good WiiU game.

I enjoyed Duke Nukem Forever.
its still good
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So who bought the game?
Season passes are bullshit that just locks away existing content instead of adding new content. It punishes the consumer for not wanting to spend more to have full access.
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>every single good character of RWBY is now either dead, crippled, or MIA
>the team the show is named after is broken up
>going to be following the adventures of the 4 worst chucklefucks of the main two teams
>Other mediums do it so that means it's okay
Terrible argument.
Early RvB was good until they went action comedy. The last two seasons are pure trash.
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fun but it's basically an overglorified flash game
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More modern games need an offline mode. Ditch the "always online" model.
You gotta realize that RWBY is still RWBY.
the show'll probably focus more on all four girls in their adventures now, rather than just Ruby doing her fucking around.
Plus now they can actually apply some character development
Who got incinerated? dont tell me its Weiss! Jesus. Are they going full Madoka Magica on this?
So the fact that people bitch about it in movies somehow supports the idea that people should bitch about it on vidya too?
>he likes Blake
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Safe to assume only team RWBY members are playable
Fucking this.
Also couch co-op and splitscreen.

Thats the catgirl, right?

I don't watch the show, but she's hot.
JNPR was already confirmed DLC IIRC
Phyrra got shrekt
Penny's dead
Torchwick is dead
we gotta give Yang a hand
Blake ran away
Ruby's fucking around with the remains of JNPR and going of on some sort of a soul search and has magic silver powers or some shit.
best snob is perfectly fine, though with her family.
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>Ruby adventuring with whiny bitch, literal retard, and dead author insert
>Blake being a brooding terrorist in the shadows
>Weiss being a brooding teenager following her daddy's orders
>Yang being a cripple in a hospital, because jesus christ fucking why
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>RWBY has threads on /co/ /u/ /aco/ and /trash/ and has permission to have threads on /a/ and /v/
It's so much easier and relevant to post the opposite of this thread. Of fucking course you have this safe as fuck "do i fit in yet guise" mindset.
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Is that RWBY game any good?
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mah niggah

It still hurts
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>This thread is now /co/
>Yang being a cripple in a hospital, because jesus christ fucking why
This is what pisses me off the most
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Buy it and we can play together anon
FFVI is a terrible game and is one of the first JRPGs that can be pointed to as the poster boy for everything wrong with JRPGs.
You can bet your sweet ass Blake's gonna get her shit slapped around by the fang or turn it out from under Cinder's control.

Weiss I dunno what's gonna happen with
Yang is probably gonna end up going full on badass once she gets her obligatory new weapon or replacement hand.
>has permission to have threads on /a/ and /v/
Is this for real?I literally never seen this shit on /a/
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Opinions that would get you crucified are not necessarily rare opinions.
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900kb gif prejudice
Fuck off
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It has a manga senpai
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all this mad
>Whatever goes on in the world of a video game does not necessarily reflect real life.
just because you don't think all women should be kawaii retards in bikinis doesn't mean that enjoying the objectification of women won't influence your thoughts outside of a game

>i enjoy the objectification of women but i don't think women should be objectified
right, makes perfect sense
>putting words in my mouth

That's not what I said at all. I was merely redirecting you to the arguments already made in television/film/literature against the objectification of women. OP was talking about videogames as if it was the sole medium, but in reality criticisms against the objectification of women are present in EVERY medium.

The real reason against the objectification of women is that just because it doesn't reflect real life doesn't mean it won't affect real life. People who are constantly exposed to films that objectify women will also begin to objectify women, consciously or unconsciously. Film-affecting-real-life is a phenomenon that's been documented countless times. For example, gun purchases in the US rise significantly after a popular film depicts guns favorably. The purchase of Ray-Bans sunglasses also rose significantly following Top Gun.

The same argument can be extended to violence in media, smoking portrayals in media, etc. Of course people know it's not real - only a complete retard would confuse fiction with reality. The danger lies in the fact that just because you know the difference exists, it doesn't mean you won't be affected.
is that that kickass AU thing that literally predicted what would happen to Yang and Blake and sorta called that Phyrra would get her shit stomped?
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seeing /a/ rage over rwby is fucking funny
It's fine if you watch it, everyone has guilty pleasures. But if you think it's good then you truly have shit taste
Oh, that's kindof nice. I was rather hoping for gunchucks, but JNPR is cool too.
>It looks better than the original product
Was gifted to me, think an Arkham game but easier combat and there you go.
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It has a manga.

The first season is also in theaters for God knows what reason so it's also /tv/.
>tfw /u/ is a hollow corpse now that /co/fags outnumber everybody else
>mods refuse to do anything about them
Speaking of which, anybody decide to watch the Japanese dub instead? It fixes the horrible voice acting of the original at least.
I don't even know what this show is I just kept seeing meme on the front page, did rooster teeth make it?
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Donald J. Trump would be good for video games. Hillary would be the death of it.
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Don't forget /h/ and /d/.
Can it be on /tv/ since its coming to theaters?

Its the official manga
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A villain is allowed to say "Rape all women and hang them on trees", the protagonist is too: You should be the one to realize what is wrong from what is right. Having a character in game that bring forth those things do not endorse them, just as women bringing up the problem of rape and murder doesn't. If anything, someone who plays and is shocked by such commentaries is the best reaction you could expect.

Though please for the love of god don't make every villain a pseudorapist like shonen animu.
[clipping intensifies]
>I'm dissatisfied with the PS4
That's cool.
is the art better than the show?
Project Justice is better than any version of Street Fighter
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>mfw some fat autist wearing a RWBY shirt with his dad came into my store the other day
>Thread was derailed by /co/ shit
Only acceptable answers for best girl are Blake or Yang
yeah >>332367073
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By a country fucking mile.
> OP was talking about videogames as if it was the sole medium
>bla bla bla
So fucking what?

A man wants to smoke, he'll smoke.
A man wants to play mortal kombat, he will. Despite turning into a spine snapping, heart eating, face melting son of a bitch.
Some crusty old hag wants to write out her rape fantasies, she does, makes millions. It's none of your fucking business.
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people have the same fighting stile ok next time post the full fight


was rvb going to shit before the dbz fights or were those the official signal of it going to shit
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When will we get a cute dfc tomboy

Also is Jaune x Ruby supposed to be a thing now
I dont know if I should be amazed or what. Didnt RWBY also have a JP dub over at Japan? How was it? Did the nips like it? I had a fingertip feeling that RWBY would crash and burn or die a slow end after Monty's death. Well look at that.
This is why you fucking stay contained.

You can't OP with a RWBY image and not expect immediate derailment.
looks more like a nautical mile desu
what do you sell?
Those flaming eyes look so stupid.
Adult diapers and prescription grade laxatives

Computers and computer accessories
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/co/ are much better at shitposting than /tv/, /sp/ or /b/
This isn't a very difficult thing to achieve but yeah, it is.
Fuck off Boco.
I have no interest in a PS4 because there is still nothing on the system that makes it worth buying when I have a PS3, a Vita, a 3DS, a PC and a Wii U.

Eventually that will change because Western developers have started to become smart and are not releasing shit on ps3 anymore though.
is it caught up with the show yet?
who's the artist
is there still cute?
is best girl still best girl?
/sp/ literally stands for shitposting

have you ever been in one of their gamethreads?
RWBY was never good though.
There's not much variety going on though, just tips and meme, C- grade
Morrowind is garbage, specially with mods
To be fair, the lead animator fucking DIED through production. Not surprising they'd just reuse some of his assets instead of risking the third season being subpar.
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Thanks for reminding me to download all the podcast sponsor only post shows before my sponsor trial runs out
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>Not into traps
>That doujin
Asanagi you bastard!
Not enough OC memes either, it's all repurposed material.
Its only done the red and white trailer so far, Blake is next.
First DLC was lackluster as well, but it gave me some hope.
It's fucking insane the talent they put behind the japanese dub. Almost every one of them is a AAA VA.

The nips love it for some reason.
/co/ is the worst board on 4chan along with /r9k/, and /soc/
Vidya that has homosexuality as a selling point is destined for failure.

Any game that makes a character's sexuality their only redeeming quality is grasping at straws to make a point that doesn't even need to be made in the first place. There can be well-written gay characters in any form of media, but they aren't used as soap boxes to preach social justice.
I need more bait pictures, would you mind posting the rest of your collection? Here, I'll even give a negative opinion on RWBY.

RWBY is fucking dogshit.
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>They all fucking freeze once the one on the left rips off that other one's arm
>fucker just turns and is like "why"
The next chapter is going to be Blake.

They also pushed it back an entire month because Blake is the ultimate shit and even the Japs have a sense of irony.
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Guess I'm going back to reading about the real best girl in my heart while I wait then.
This, i love comics and /co/ is easily the worst board, only saving grace are their storytimes
>I'll post some shitty reaction image every time someone criticizes the garbage I like
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Stop it. Every time there's a RWBY thread you're in them using the same old tired shit.

It may as well be avatarfaging.

The show doesn't know what the fuck it wants to be. It swings between lighthearted and grim, and it has neither the writing nor plot to make either work.
>The nips love it for some reason.
RWBY appeals to just about every single popular japanese tropes out there with better fight scenes than 50% of average shonen shows on television. That, and it's foreign made but obviously Japanese influenced, which I guess increases how exotic it is to them.
The single player was really drawn out and boring. Had a blast with the multiplayer though.
D-did it just fucking rip off and eat that other croc's hand
thanks nips.
I just hope the yuri scene explodes even further with the manga.
I'm actually enjoying the jap cover, they have some really damn good VAs playing in it.
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Like it was pushed on episode 1 or 2.


I really wonder why people are still hyped about the show after the revelation that grims are just a witch plaything and ozpin and her are just on their own war.
>there's nothing wrong with the objectification of women in video games.
Very few women are truly objectified in video games, even fanservice ones.

Sexualization is not the same as objectification.
Oh shit that's some fine taste in manga right there
>That, and it's foreign made but obviously Japanese influenced, which I guess increases how exotic it is to them.
Do you know if Nips like Avatar?
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way do you try to hate the show so much are you one of those idiots from /a/ that hate when someone call it a anime
Some time ago someone posted a photo from comiket, there were like five or six RWBY hentai doujins for sale.

Probably none of them will ever be scanned or uploaded, much less translated.
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>Sexualization is not the same as objectification.
Japan hates Avatar because the Fire Nation (the WWII Japan analogue) is the bad guy
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bait w.webm
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fuck off merkfag
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You know it.
Plus a fucking goldmine of reaction images, if you're into that sort of thing
How do you link not liking something with being salty?
Are those people jealous they don't like RWBY?
I'm not a fan of Code Geass, does that make me a salty faggot?
I've played worse. But it's trying to be some fucking weird musou/MOBA hybrid instead of a solid action game.
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if you didn't see JaunexRuby coming from the first episode he was introduced then I dunno what to say
Oh my god, thank you! Please, more!

RWBY is awful, and is only being kept afloat by Tumblr shippers. It deserved to die with Monty Oum.
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and this is all i>>332368823
sounds like something I need to plan a trip to nihongu for.
Thank christ for rich grandparents
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Yeah, the rest of the show is just as bad. The story isn't much better.
Video games are for children

>fallout 4 worst game in 6 years

Man I would love to see you in the 80's
You'd be pissed every week
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Every time.

You're so predictable shitposter-kun.
Kek, as expected of Japan.
Spoil everything for me so I don't have to watch this.
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Has to have "Made in Japan" Plastered onto the side of it otherwise ITS NOT ANIME. ITS NOT, ITS SIMPLY NOT EVEN IF ITS A CARBON COPY GTFO AUTIST.

So annoying.
JaunePyrrha was pushed hard as fuck man
>I'm too stupid to come up with a counter-argument so I'm just going to say who cares?

I don't give a shit about objectification of women in any medium. I'm just pointing out the stupidity of OP's argument because it gives me a break from studying. I'm glad you're so stupid your best comeback is 'lol who cares'
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nice edge
Top kek
Well now that theres no more /u/ and my best girl Torchwick's also gone, I'm glad I left right before S3.
After Monty died they're actually getting better both animation and plot-wise.

If only they could hire the people who sing in the vocal tracks as the voices for characters.

That said the fanbase is cancerous roosterteeth fans and edgy teens.
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I have a bait folder with 268 files, step up senpai
yea fuck you and your shit assassin that got beat up by daddy
you ain't ever heard of "first girl wins"?
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>RWBYcuck in this thread

Back to /co/.
That wouldn't get you crucified outside of /v/.
Unless you live in Toronto or California.

I agree that it can be anime even if it's not from Japan, but this shit looks like someone made it in a cheap game engine, i love a lot of the stuff roosterteeth does but come on
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He never asked to be the best guy anon.
Anon, please stop eating the image limit.
There could be so much /u/ being posted right now.
Skyrim is shit
Mass Effect is shit
Witcher 3 is shit
Dragon Age is shit
Bioshock Infinite is shit
CS:GO is shit
Assassin's Creed is shit
Ubisoft doesn't make good games
Handhelds are awesome

I've got a couple of "gaming friends" and whenever some new "gamer" joins our group they start saying stuff like "dude, anon thinks that Skyrim is a bad game! Hahahah!" like it's a good joke or a funny story
Does the general on /co/ like it ironically or what?
na he is shit and just a one note shithead
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Jesus fucking Christ what the hell is up with the lighting?
no some say its good and some say its bad
It's like the ultimate guilty pleasure. Everyone understands how shit it is, even if some are in denial.
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I'll delete them later I promise
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Not every opinion different from your is bait, dumbass
some guy got so mad at this and made a lot of fan art of yang getting killed
they did actually

till recently the OP read "do not try to convince anybody that the show is good"
And your argument of "because films set fashion trends, I'm sure after a rapey film everyone will exit the theater in a craze and start raping everything nearby" was absolutely brilliant.

And I did have a point, what the fuck are you going to do about it? Start shoving your morals down other people's throats and dictate what they can consume and create?
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Are you already out of shitty reaction images anon?
They removed that?
And here I thought they couldn't sink any deeper.
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its going to be fucking funny when he gets BTFO next
I was in co rwby threads during the first seasons and even during the times when only tge trailers were released, so basically the first hundred generals and the lone discussion threads before that. At first, it was both shitposting (lots pf shitting on) and some people wanting to give the show a chance. Theres also curiosity. Basically a mix of ironic and non ironic.
Liking shit ironically led to /mlp/, why do people still do it?
nice slippery slope, fuccboi.

You did have a point and I dismantled it completely, I don't even know what you're trying to argue any more. I'm not shoving my morals down other people's throat for the simple fact I don't give a shit about the objectification of women. I'm playing devil's advocate with you because I'm bored and your argument was so incredibly easy to break apart
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and nothing has changed
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You can't BTFO one who gives zero fucks.
name one game
I thought you liked that character, why would you plaster her face on the shittiest character to be shoe horned into the halo universe? Is that how your waifu works in the show?
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/co/ pls kill yourself
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>How do you link not liking something with being salty?
Possibly the fact that someone would bring it up for no real reason, and then keep on going on about it rather than moving on.
Instead of being mad about it, could have easily moved past it. This kind of thread derailment is extremely common precisely because this kind of thing happens every time and people continuously allow it to.
he gave lots when he got his legs got cut off and fighting amber
Kind of. One quick look at the general and it seems the namefagging has stopped now.

No more Blakeanon, Rags, Pennyanon, Drawfriend, etc. Dont know if it became better. Probably it did.
This looks like some mmd tier animation
back to /tv/
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I'll take "things that never happened" for 1000 shitposter-kun.
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have you done it for her lately?
So maybe by season 7 this show will have a budget large enough to make it watchable.
It's worse than mmd, because they animate using Poser.

As the fucking name implies, it's for posing models, not animation.
We removed it because all it did was make asshats come into the thread and ask 'if you know it's bad why do you watch it?', which is a question we're honestly just fucking sick of answering.

Nobody thinks it's good.
>You did have a point and I dismantled it completely
You called me stupid and said there wasn't one.

Great job ignoring the counter-argument, again, and opting to deflect. Some devil's advocate you are.
so way dose he have robo legs and shit his pans when he saw crow
Clearly you weren't around for the Fluffy Pony Generals.

but why do you watch it then? genuinely curious
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Crow's actually a fucking monster.
That should have been obvious when he fought Weiss's sister
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I only do it for pic related.
>here's my argument on why I think objectification of women in vidya is stupid
>here's why your argument is wrong
>lol who cares xD
>you're stupid
>wow you called me stupid without answering my argument!

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>implying he wasn't shitting because Qrow could ID them, not because he was scared to fight a guy he had never seen fight before
>Fluffy Pony
top kek. Oh /mlp/.
Various reasons. I can't speak for everybody, but for me it's because I like some of the characters, the fight scenes are better than what I'm used to, and the world has potential. Also helps that the show is improving season by season; it's still not good, but it looks like it might get there.
how the hell do you expect me to believe Yang can snap Tifa's neck when she can't even snap her own fingers now?
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Pretty much this. It was a good game that tried really, really hard to pull on your heartstrings, to the point where it felt forced.

Take the first 30 minutes, which were literally:
>Spend 5 minutes interacting with a house going "When is the apocalypse going to happen?"
>Oh boy, you're a daughter who isn't the girl on the cover. I wonder what happens to her!
>Spend 15 minutes watching a car ride while shit happens out of your control
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ok thats enough.gif
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this is what mercfags belive
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Final Fantasy VII wasn't actually all that good. Most of the other games are better
SpaceChem and TIS-100 are fun puzzle games.
German boats are NOT boys!
because it was made before V3
>He can't snap his fingers with his thumb
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Nice tumblr gif faggot.
>films sets fashion, therefore, films set crime rates
>that's dumb
>I-I'll just deflect and hope he forgets about it!
swing and miss
Is this thread video games?
>tumblr gifs

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yea ok
>yet those mediums are criticized heavily whenever women are objectified.
They shouldn't be criticized for that either though. Real life is real life, fiction is fiction.
Film doesn't 'set' fashion. Film influences fashion, thus it's not unreasonable to extrapolate film will also influence other aspects of life, and from that, extrapolate further that video games (and other media e.g. tv and books) also influence other aspects of life.

>that's dumb
that's just a claim with zero evidence or even any reasons. not an argument at all. This shit is basic, like middle-school-debate-team basic
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Ok the rooftop thing you might not notice, but how did this get through?
The game is actually worth the $15 even if its early access
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Shit nigga you're so easy.
With the program they use, you can't avoid that kind of clipping.
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shit always gets through in RWBY's Poser animation. Theres even one time when a green circle thing thats used in animating ended up still in the show atrached to a character. And a frame where the characters were wearing their battle outfits instead of school uniform.
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Can it really be called bait if there's a 100% chance of the same fish biting every single time?

That's either some magic fucking bait or a stupid fucking fish.
You're comparing the purchase of a pair of sunglasses with violent crimes. That's what you'd call a false equivalency.
>that's just a claim with zero evidence or even any reasons
Yeah, you can go back and read the actual post to nitpick if you're out of ammunition for your brilliant strategy of deflection. The devil's really scraping the bottom of the barrel here.
Was an accident, probably. But yeah that's what happened.
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I think we can at least agree who the best girl is tho amiright
Dont bully people with disorders.
You talking about the cookie scene where the hook is visible on her hand?
I dont remember. Maybe its that one. Your favorite early jap fanartist even drew it stuck to ruby.
Faunus should be gassed.
is this game even good? i've heard its a shitty dynasty warriors clone
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>just binged Vol 3 and finished today
>still kind of on the high from that wild ride
>suddenly thread on /v/
Yeah sure okay.
>You're comparing the purchase of a pair of sunglasses with violent crimes

No I'm not. FFS I didn't mention video game violence at all. The entire argument is about objectification of women. And even if it WAS about violence it's not a false equivalency. I'm extrapolating.

You have yet still to give any ANY counterarguments to my main argument. I'll even repeat it for you: fiction has been shown to influence real life, so it's reasonable to assume fiction that depict objectification of women will also promote said objectification in real life.
They probably should of let her hold onto her sword
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If by best you mean worst. Worst on team RWBY at least.
Maybe you're just shit? I beat darksouls 1 with only dying 10-15 times.
>Improved animation wise
>Limbs still breaking in back shots
>Stiff as hell combat
>reliance on flashstepping to avoid animating running

Literally nothing except facial animation improved and that's because they now have one dedicated person, and honestly it was kinda jarring how different the quality in face and body was.
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Dark Souls also wasn't ever about being hard.
The whole Prepare To Die thing was nothing but a (confirmed) marketing stunt for the PC edition which people latched on to.
Miyazaki has gone on record that the games aren't simply about being "LE HARD XDDD", yet retarded normies perpetuated the trend anyways.

These retards fail to realize why Dark Souls has mastered it's genre - and I tell you, it isn't for vapid reasons like it being hard like muh peanus weanus.
>The same argument can be extended to violence in media
>FFS I didn't mention video game violence at al
>And even if it WAS about violence it's not a false equivalency. I'm extrapolating.
Yeah, ok buddy, if that's what you want to call it.
Literally all Monty's Weeb dreams cand true a month after his death.

Hell it's funny but the Japs even sub the episodes
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The good news is that Treehouse has started losing employees.

Nice memes. Here's your (you)
>Post vidya related opinions that get you crucified outside of /v/.
In other words, just another fucking /v/ thread.
okay, I honestly forgot about that example I made. But the point is that the entire argument is about objectification of women. Why are you latching onto a throwaway comment like it's the entire argument?

and you've STILL yet to give a counterargument beyond "no you're wrong." Any retard can make baseless claims. A good argument gives reasons

man I am bored as fuck to be arguing about this shit
I straight up don't like the Legend of Zelda series I find it to be so boring
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Blake a 2nd best.
Yang a best
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At least you understand, sempai.
The fucks I call my friends literally only played the games because they heard they were hard, and one of them struggled days on Taurus Demon.


It is amazing to me that he actually beat the game at all without realizing that he completely missed Artorias of The Abyss AFTER beating the game YES I AM FUCKING MAD.
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>without realizing that he completely missed Artorias of The Abyss
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>All of these faggots that think RWBY is a good show

Man, I knew /v/ had shit taste, but holy shit you guys, I hope the day of the rope is imminent.
>Why are you latching onto a throwaway comment like it's the entire argument?
Because it's the most ridiculous thing you said? Well, at the time it was.

Same thing goes for the main argument. It's still a false equivalency, just not a very funny one.
> Any retard can make baseless claims
And that's your main argument. Because movies make people buy sunglasses, they must make people objectify women! What do you mean they're different things? They're both real, so it must have the same effect. I'm just extrapolating.

Here, limited time offer, just for you buddy.
The Weiss rape doujin was
Thats actually pretty funny. >>332370154
since you seem to love logical fallacies so much, I'll just point you made strawmen, slippery slope, and straight-up adhominem fallacies while all the meanwhile STILL not giving any evidence/reason to back up your argument.

I'm still waiting for reasons, fuccboi. Gather up the rest of your elementary school debate club cuz you seem like you need them

I don't understand it, it's literally like The Asterisk War, or any other number of shitty seasonal shovelware anime shows - except somehow with an even worse story and worse animation.

How the fuck can people enjoy this garbage, did the creator's death just create a huge influx of viewers?
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Well, Sword Art Online is pretty big too, and I am sure we can all agree that it was utter tripe.
>back to deflection
I'm gonna have a wank. Should be enough time for you to come up with a response. I might read it.
Show was popular before Monty's death.

The difference between RWBY and other harem battle tournament anime is that there's no male protag in RWBY - the protags are 4 cute grills, which means there's even opportunity for waifufaggotry even without going into the side grills. AND you get shitloads of /u/. Seriously just look at the fanart

The OTHER reason people watch RWBY is for the fight scenes. This was why I originally followed the show. I love Monty's choreography. Fight scenes took a dive in quality after his death but strangely enough writing got better, so it's so-so right now. Now I'm following it for the /u/, the fight scenes are still alright, and I've already watched 3 seasons what's 15 more minutes per week
I thought there was no more /u/? Arent the girls separated now and Ruby's with Juan? So confuse.
There isn't a sliver of /u/ content in the entire show. In fact, the only romance shown so far was between the blonde idiot and >>332366583.

Other than that, nothing. Not undertones, no teases, nothing. I think there was a quick dance between Blake and Yang but there was no /u/ undertones there.
Eh, it's not really good nor it's bad either. It's mediocre. I watched it because I was curious and didn't see a reason to drop it later on as the battle scenes entertained me, but I wouldn't ever recommend it.
>Nobody thinks it's good.
>Makes a general for it anyway

and I thought /v/ was the king of shit posting.
>I thought there was no more /u/
there is ALWAYS /u/

Each of the main girls are still single without clear male love interests, which means they might as well as be tribbing by /u/ standards

4 girls are split but again that means nothing to /u/. Ruby is traveling with Jaune's team but there's almost no possibility of romance between them because Jaune's actual love interest got brutally murdered less than a week ago

lack of /u/ has never stopped /u/. /u/ will exist as long as females are within spitting distance of each other
I love Inferno Cop.
The absolute pinnacle of comedy.
I did. I knew I was getting into early access but I can't stand it anymore it's so repetitive and it feels like I'm just mashing buttons. It looks nicer than the show though visual wise I'll give it that
I pirated it, then got bored of it within like 10 minutes.
Is RWBY general on /co/ their equivalent to Katawa Shoujo General? They're not even on topic.
/co/ died for me when generals became really popular. I don't know why people treat 4chan like a forum these past years.
After a while I was happy Monty died.
Shame he didn't take RWBY with him.
Nigga I'm into /u/ but I sure as hell don't watch it, I just look at the art.
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There is a RWBY video game ergo RWBY is /v/ related
Weiss > Ruby > Nora > Yang > Catgirl

Pyrrha was best but she's ashes now so Weiss gets bumped up.
To be fair, the process of getting the broken pendant makes no goddamn sense.
I feel RWBY should have made it past Volume 1 and only did because of RT's shilling and how their fan's will accept anything they put out.
I'm just glad all those Bros at RT felt sad.
God it must be a treat to be absolutely so useless but still moderately successful.
My friend really likes RWBY. She said I'd probably like it because I like watching action-y animes. We watched an episode of it together a few days later.

>"So anon, what'd you think? I think it's awesome."
>sitting there thinking it was fucking awful
>"yeah it's not my cup of tea, but you like what you like I guess, haha"

I never watched a RT show before RWBY. I watched it because I saw a fight scene one and I liked that it looked like a cel shaded video game.

I think the art style has a charm to it, like Tales of Symphonia or something.
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I see about 0 talk about the game in this thread. In fact this thread wasn't even made to talk about RWBY, In fact i'm pretty sure this thread was just bait to get /v/ to talk about it.
You mention it about a few times just to so you can remind people you're mildly /v/ related.

Honestly I feel if it Originated from /v/, or has multiple games over the years then it's /v/ related.
One game shouldn't be enough to have it be /v/ related, especially when it early access.
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str vs dex and int.webm
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Actually it looks a little more like this
I agree with this.

Just because there's a Samurai Champloo game on PS2, doesn't mean that talking about the show means it's a /v/ related discussion.
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>Fluffy Pony General
Nothing derails better than "best girl" or "worst girl" shit

The game's in early access. I'd play the game but not in early access.
i hate smug faggotry fighting styles like this
Choices really don't matter, expecially in games where "your choices will affect the world". They give you linear, A&B bullshit. And games with the fucking Mass Effect dialogue UI seem to have this habit of cornering you into making a decision the game wants to you make.

>> We really need you to fix the windmill for us, can you help?
> Y: I'll do it.
> B: I'm really busy and this is a waste of time, but sure.
> A: How much will you pay me?
> X: You must be dreaming. No.

In which X gets you an "Okay, but here's how to do it if you change your mind" and a fucking quest marker for it.

Honestly it just feels like all recent games are their effects, graphics, UI,& features, all the cool stuff, without the FUCKING PLOT. WITHOUT SHIT THAT CAN MOVE YOU.

Much like all media nowadays. But good indie plots will start to take off and then devs will realise what's loved, and it'll evolve. It'll just take forever.
i love how you retarded fools get so mad about what other people watch
fuck off Yang
My normal fag brother and his friends say it tries too hard on its story and the gameplay is mediocre to bad

The over the shoulder shit in games where guns exist has to stop. It's so fucking annoying. At least take Bethesda's route and allow the player to switch perspectives based on their preference.
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>That feel when RWBY is utter shit but the porn is pretty good
I hate to break it to you guys but this is actually the best girl. I know she made a few mistakes but no one is perfect so you have to forgive her.
oh god that line work
how is it shit
A cuck i'm friends with gifted me it. It's fine playing for ten minutes and then leaving it for two months.

>cremated actual best girl alive.

no thanks, worst girl
I think the fighting has at least gotten better

Pyrrha vs Cinder was really good

Even if the idea that she could fight cinder was really stupid
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you are fucking sad
>Actually liking people from jnpr

Sorry anon, they're all going to die
All of them are based off people/legends who died in some terrible way. Achilles, Jeanne D'arc, Hua Mulan, and Thor
Yang is the worst RWBY.

I was so smiling when she get fucked up
S3 starts off like a typical anime tournament saga

and then everyone starts getting horribly injured or killed.

and apparently monty planned it all before he died and everyone at RT knew it'd be happening despite the sudden drastic shift in tone.
After watching almost an hour of only the action scenes, its honestly... not bad. Did Monty did it all before he died or did someone made the rest? I cant tell. I was told he only finished a few so I assumed it would be horrible since a new guy would be filling in. Unless by few they actually meant fight scenes upto season 5 or something. Who knows. Monty is insane about work.

The weird weeaboo cat skater girl is best.

That's true, but that doesn't mean I can't think Pyrrha was best and Nora is qt as fuck.
They have some new animators, there's a few of them doing rwby stuff now. I'm not sure if they did the stuff for season 3
i haven´t watched the show but i like the coreographies, way more interesting than many shonen anime and that´s surprising since haloid and dead fantasy were damn floaty
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It's nothing great, but I find it entertaining. Some of the characters and their interactions can be pretty funny, plus some of the fight scenes and weapons are decent. I don't know what they people that hate it so much are expecting. RWBY doesn't look much different from Monty Oum's other stuff.
V3 uses animation from earlier monty stuff >>332367165
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I kind of like it tho
well from what i see thay dont even watch it thay watch it for the porn like idiots
the pacing of the story is so bad

Killing off chracters in the last episode is the laziest way to progress the story or keep it interesting.
Gen V was the worst pokémon gen

Blake is worst girl right now. Literally every girl is best except for Blake until she redeems herself.
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Blake didn't need this finale to get the position of shit.
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so flat
I dont remember much anymore because I left a long time ago, but I remember some entered RWBY with no expectations and still ended up disappointed. Famous discussions were about how Miles and Kerry made their characters too important. Well, I can understand Jaune, but one of the biggest issue was what does "oh look hes so cute and dorky and scared of funny stuff xD and stylish" Neptune bring to the table. It also struct a lot of nerves when he made a move on Weiss. And before that, around S1 maybe, many didnt like the pacing and didnt like how JNPR was given spotlight. Some were happy, sure, but some also wanted it to be about the four main girls because thats whats the title of the show. Theres also the OP power levels. Personally, I'm willing to go back to try S3 after doing this >>332385460 . I hate M&K with all my blood and soul and I laugh at Miles' envy at Gavin, but I guess I'll be naive and bite again this time.
shit. I meant heart and soul.
just watch volume 3 got a lot better but it feels like thay shit on yang too much at the end

just one split second moment single handedly took Yang pretty much out of the story.
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Well that was a sick burn. Not as bad as what Pyrrha got.
but the animation is trash senpai

Pyrrha's end was quite inflammatory. I couldn't believe they built her character up so much just to smoke her like that. I've been smoldering about that for weeks now
kill yourselves
Fucking this.
It's why I hate hamster girl threads being made here sometimes and people giving the excuse "but it has a game!"
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thx bby
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I don't see how different platforms hurt each other and can't understand console wars. Consumers shouldn't have to protect their products it's the products that have to protect themselves in order to get customers. We live in an era where Capitalism has perfected itself so much it tells us what we should and must buy, and we defend it no matter how shitty it is because it's the thing to do in modern society.

Platinum games are shit and I can't fathom how a person above the age of 15 can enjoy them

I'm 35, and I still enjoy Cuhrayzee.
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Saying something inside /v/ gets me crucified anyway
>I dont like darksouls
>I dont like undertale
>I dont like mobas
>"you didnt like them cuz you probably sucked at them lol!"
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another day on v.jpg
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To be fair, I missed it too on my first playthrough, and I'm quite proud of it and I was quite happy with it, because it gave me enough reasons to play a second playthrough.

Playing without any guides nor playthrough is the only way to play these games anon. I see way too many people using a drakesword in the parish, using pyromancy, or a zweihander at this point.
I got through half of the game with a Balder Sword. And really had trouble against Nito and Gwyn. Now people think these bosses are completely free, but can't fight them without a heavy armor and parrying.

It gets me mad every time.
Actual reaction to any of these opinions outside /v/: "huh? ok..."

True, a better challenge would be posting opinions that would get you crucified IN /v/

For example:

>Obsidian is a shit studio that churns out half finished garbage that is buggier than a Bethesda game and worse written than a Bioware game.

/v/ dickrides the shit out of Obsidian, and they're basically the ONLY people who do.
>a better challenge would be posting opinions that would get you crucified IN /v/
That's easy:

Undertale is good game
Fallout 3/4 is bad and new vegas is GOAT.
I agree. Too bad we have /co/fags shitposting about it tho.
You can try to post RWBY on /a/ but unlike /v/ they don't tolerate shit over there and you'll just get banned.

The multiplayer tho. Boy was it fun, stressful, strategic and rage inducing.

The singleplayer is a snorefest.
nope the manga gets posted all the time thay just need to stop spamming loloi porn now go back to /a/ and stay weeb
>The manga gets posted all the time by one troll autist and his thread gets hijacked
Yeah okay nerd. Also work on your grammar and punctuation lmao. Watching RWBY probably made you a borderline retarded faggot too.

Man, poor fella...

Mother nature is a fucking bitch.
That's the worst excuse and waifufags always use it.
>Imagedump threads are /v/ related because it's about a videogame character and 4chan is an imageboard!

At the very least discuss the videogame or the characters themselves and posting LOL I WANNA FUCK THAT CHARACTER XD is not discussion and neither is RP which most imagedump threads devolve into.
Not him, but you appear to be missing a couple of commas in your sentences. I also notice a lack of capitalization on one of your "expressions".
Normalfags know its an average game, its sonyggers who will crucify you.
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Whatever nerd.
Epic fail, noob!
Psssh, nothin' personnel there Chad!
fuck off phone user
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I spend upwards of ~40 hours a week roleplaying in MMOs and I genuinely love it.

/v/'d probably crucify me for it too, but so would a lot of other forums.
>Psssh, nothin' personnel there Chad!
Figures a faggot /r9k/ user would like RWBY.
I don't even own a phone lmao. Go watch your stupid youtube show with shitty animations faggot. Don't forget to thank Roosterteeth-sama for the daily shit in your mouth.
every first letter is capital letter you are ether on a phone or you are trying to be fancy being this salty over a anime is sad
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What? How?
Anon, I'm asking as kindly as I can. Why are you so asinine? Are you agitated that someone said a negative opinion about your board or show? Or actually mentioned something that you or your board hates?

I don't go on /r9k/ or watch RWBY.
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>a anime
>every first letter is capital letter you are ether on a phone o
Pressing shift is hard, okay. I get it.
Holy shit kid, kill yourself, are you actually underage or something
Is that the only defense you /co/fags have to protect your shitty pseudo-anime? Is that how you cope with reality?
Now I think you're just baiting. No one can be this perturbed over a web-series.
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so sombody that dose not agree with you is underage ok kid now fuck off with that dickgirl shit
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lmao, only underaged faggots call others underaged
>This samefag
Holy shit kid, you are pathetic.
I guess that's just RWBY fags in general.
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I wish, that would have been an easy 2x (you) combo
My bad I didn't notice the comma in your post, that alone should have been enough to differentiate you two.

this fucking guy
I don't know if RWBY is more pathetic than you sperging out against a low-budget cartoon and people watching it.
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i love seeing sperging out about RWBY its the funnest shit ever
It is fun.
So what's the deal with this show? It looks like animu shit but made by westerners. Is it good? Are the waifus good? Will I like it if I like cool fights?
I watched the first trailer when it got released and then gave the show a chance like a month ago
I watched it all at once and I had a lot of fun

Ruby is best waifu and all the other characters don't deserve her

It looks more like a video game than an anime.

The waifus are good, in fact the main protagonists are all waifus.

The fight scenes are choreographed well but sometimes the animation leaves something to be desired.
Worth picking up if I shamelessly enjoy F/SN shit and melee choreography?

Yeah, I'd say so.
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>Blake being a brooding terrorist in the shadows
Except not, she left because Yang got her arm cut off because of her abusive ex-boyfriend deciding to hurt or kill everyone she cares about.
Are the S2 costumes going to make a comeback?
I hope so.
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