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/bb/ Big Brother 19

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Thread replies: 321
Thread images: 75

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RIP Ian Terry, We will always have you in our hearts.

HOH: xmas
Veto: paul
Nominations: jason/kevin

previously on /bb/ >>87284120
Alex best girl

Post Alex
im hearing rumors that the dr is trying to turn josh against paul
is it true?
nah we'll use the other one
What happened to Ian?
he drowned in the flood
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i love watching girls crying on feeds
That's just a bad angle, she isn't fat
need some shelby on this thread
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this OP autist might be the funniest thing of this season
paul's plan isn't that complicated, even a total moron like josh can see through it

unfortunately everyone else is apparently even dumber than josh, so it won't get anywhere
hi bad poster, nobody cares about this season, stop posting about it
RIP in pieces
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RIP in peace Dan killer.
I love how this poster has given us a meta commentary on how the houseguests feel every day living in the BB House. S/he makes our lives hell with every post because its exactly what Kevin feels right now and s/he wants us to feel like that with him.

Imagine being Kevin, having to watch Alex's smug smirks he didn't even know existed saying things like "damn girl you so competitive" and wow look at your statuesque (for that is what she calls herself) beauty, I would take you to Final 4 than kindly bow out without any fuss, both my character and the real me.

When all you really want to do is mock her wildly overrated self-esteem, seriously believing she is just attracting millions of fans with her Paul coattail riding and hideous monster face stuck inside two couch cushions waiting to scare the bejesus out of you. Which she does every day. Every goddamn day and your doctor didn't approve of you doing Big Brother because of your heart but your doctor didn't know was, nobody has a bigger heart than Kevin.

And you know you could kill every last HG in there before production could clear out the cereal boxes in the way and finally pick you up and give you a penalty nom. But you grit your teeth into a makeshift smile whenever anyone looks at you so nobody suspects you aren't the pawn you say you are and you just go find a place to hide in the have not room and bear it.

Because you know deep down that your daughters deserve 500K so they can go to an overpriced college and get some job slightly shitter than yours, so they don't need to do this bullshit when they grow up.

So you bear it Kevin. Hide your face laying down on that weird corner mirror room bed and bear it.
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please save us jeff probst
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what should i watch now that this season is utter shit

/bb/ is the only thing i look forward to every year
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gtfo /a/
>kevin wins /bb/ without a single comp win
Would it redeem the season or cement it's place as worst ever?
Panda's fat volcano nigger ass is gonna need a couple of those if she doesn't stop pushing food into her face. Her hat used to say "PRETTY" till she got so fat the rolls folded the hat over the "R".
1 cool day doesnt make up for the rest of the season being absolute dogshit
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Cool blog post bro. Thanks for posting your shit in every fucking general.
I didn't watch the episode last night. Did they all really throw the hoh comp to christmas, or did they all false start or some stupid shit?
they alll threw it one by one. Even josh who was told to go through with the race
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is CBS trolling us?
Are there /bb/ Threads when there is no season going on?
what a retarded question
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so i've never saw OTT, missed out on the shelbys. I started watching it the other day.
>mrw i hear shelbys voice for the first time
you guys are funny
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>Gummy Cripple Riding away on Gramma Scooter
Yeah Anon Christmas is way hotter than shelby...kek
britney is perfect
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>shrimpman will never be on a real season

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Shelby /ourgirl/ Confirmed
>Josh- I'm not going to turn on them (Christmas/Paul) now or ever, until it's Final 3. At that point, I'm playing for me

Really made me think
Josh, you are retarded. You are going to choose paul no matter what.
i'm still waiting for the vegas trip from these 6
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i thought bbott was comfy just because it was in october and november, but i think the way the house split, how simple the comps were and how good the cast was all contributed to that. i fucking love shelby also.
Jesus christ, it's almost embarrassing how much better the cast was on OTT than on 19. at least they always got along and had interesting and comfy convos on the feeds.
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she's in italy attending a friend's wedding. meanwhile danielle is in the shithole of visalia, ca. if you want to see "a tale of two cities" compare morgan's instagram to danielle's. i guess that's what happens when one father attends college and the other stabs a guy and is now serving 10 years in prison
Just stumbled upon this and its pretty awesome lol... he kind of rambles at first but this guy is a bro

Agreed. Morgan is vastly superior
Skip to 3 mins and its great lol
"Vote for Cody over Kevin because Kevin ruined the season"
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And the grocery store boy called Shelby a loser
I love watching gummy get manipulated by Paul
He's so right. Everyone left confirmed they are playing for second.
please announce ott2 on finale night.
Not going to happen. Just give it uo.
wasnt it gona start in jan or feb?
yeppers you got it dude
why do you guys think this? is there any rumors going around at all?
stop posting
Alison Grodner here, if you fucking faggots don't start watching the shows every night and getting our ratings up you won't get your precious over the top show ever again
Now go vote paul AFP you fucking puppets

You get the world you deserve for rigging a season this badly.
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this leaked a few days ago
Why are they calling her Tiff and not Tiffany?
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Morgan is superior when it comes to looks. However, Shelby has an autistic cadence that makes her very relatable and more enjoyable to watch on feeds. Because of that, Shelby is therefore superior overall.
it must be a lesbo thing
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I love when Natalie BB9 likes my tweets, she has good taste in BB.

Also heh at people talking about my waifu
I miss BridgeBro. I'm going to go watch every single one of his youtube vids so I remember what it's like to actually enjoy livefeeds for more than 10 minutes
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>Shelby has an autistic cadence
tiff did it better
>autistic cadence

is this some meme i am unaware of? she is just goofier
your posts have it too
Tiff lost her fucking mind in there.
Yes, but we are comparing Morgan and Shelby here. Tiff was more of a sociopath than an autist anyways.
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shelby is an unattractive girl that got tits and anorexia late in life so she now fucks anything she wants,morgan has always been hot and she takes care of her body so she's superior. that's as far as the discussion goes, stop trying to force it
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no tiff's autism levels are almost as bad as steve's
thanks to da'vonne, statistically the worst player of all time, who grodner called "the star of BB18"
Guys, can we have a moment of silence for Alex Kidwell?
personal issues? his boyfriend left him?
shelby was hot get over it. morgan was as well, but shelby was more popular on /tv/ because she also acted like a 14 year old and well... it's /tv/
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he fell for "Morgan is better" meme and got kicked off podcast
didn't he move to LA for the podcast?
hey guys where is kidwell
>but shelby was more popular on /tv/
yeah in the same sense that panda is more popular, some autist spamming
this season killed him...
can't blame him
i can fill the bad hairline autist role the lfc needs
i'd vote for you
i'm ok with this
where did Kidwell say he was leaving?
you gayfags wanna watch b14 now?
>move to california for a podcast
>quit job months later
shelby won every poll, alex never has
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>Kidwell's dad died
if you stream the rhap shit rn i will watch
but what about melissa?
that bottom row is qt control hq
I just about never watch that shit, is it any good tonight? when will it end
looks like the kidwell bloodline has ended. there's no way alex can ever get a woman

was he good or not all you do is talk shit about bb
bb14 streaming here if we get enough people

/ourgirl/ is safe

He can easily find an Asian wife
i had a dream is code word for production leaked it to them
I'm glad Raven is making it to final 2 too!
come watch faggots
Raven will never make f3 she is like that irrelevant jew girl they keep because she can't do shit lol
watchin rhap
when's it gonna end you loser
Raven and Xmas should have been pulled from the game prove me wrong.
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hell yeah, she will
best social game in the game (after Paul)
Dr Will was hated by America in BB2 too
I genuinely didn't? lol
Where did you see that?
>Raven- I have thrown a lot of competitions, plus I am playing a hell of a social game. It was my idea to throw it to Christmas
Weaker bait than pandafag
in another hour
Do you guys think possibly this season sucks because it actually IS a season where production is entirely interns and new people?

What is OTT2 is the greatest season ever because people will generally pay for it? I think CBS will make it up to the fans with this season.
production is enjoying this season
Are they getting out Kevin this week? Or are they still making the smarter more entertaining decision and splitting up Jalex?
enjoy hearing about paul you fucking loser
jason has been the real target since last week
they are making the more entertaining decision and playing infomercials
I haven't watched the feeds in almost 3 wks. This thread is my updates source. When I saw the pulled Alex down, I wasn't sure if they changed the plan.

You fuckin' tard, you post your long boring-ass blog entires in every fuckin' general like any of us (a) gives a shit or (b) wants to read a fuckin' book.

I hope someone shoves your phone up your ass so it causes you physical pain for every word you post.
Paul and Panda voting Kevin, Raven and Josh voting Jason, Christmas will break the tie to boot Jason.
bad poster
So is paul going to do a tie vote and make xmas vote out jason to loose her jury votes. Paul has literally stuck his hand up josh and xmas's ass and is using them as puppets.
how many weeks behind are you
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Alex will lose her shit. I'm ready.
0 I stopped watching this season. Is paul doing the tie vote?
does xmas know Paul is going to vote for kevin?
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season so bad it killed the kid
She is incapable of loosing her shit sperg more
Yes, everyone knows except Alex and Jason for obvious reasons, and Kevin because they treat him like a leper
If I do that I could at least get on BB, I'll say I have rectal phonatosis and the iPhone could keep me alive.
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>brent supporting /ourgirl/
Did you know she got gassed and survived ww2?
he's shitting all over her
Worse samefagging than pandafags
jesus, did this not raise any kind of flag for her? What was pauls excuse for making her be the deciding vote
she's retarded
there's a bunch of retards here that watch a podcast that tells them watch they just watched so it's not that surprising
ever since she broke her foot she has been working to be paul's runner up
did someone tell you that's how you're supposed to feel about my post?
o baby u r mad
paul will never take xmas to F2
maybe if it's a choice between raven and xmas and he is confused who is more dangerous with their sympathy jury votes
where the fuck is this live feed update? rob doesnt have it on his website
so who will replace alex kidwell? that chick with the moustasche?
they are coming to /bb/ for tryouts
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we should nominate pandafag
So raven is a liar?
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who do you think?
>So Alex said some more terrible things about Kevin this week. Your thoughts pandafag?
>Best tits in the game
>we lost alex instead of taran

oh well, at least parhar quit, that useless unfunny fuck
kidwell, taran, and brent are a good podcast trio
So full newbie seasons are basically never going to happen again, right? I don't necessarily have an issue with that if they pick quality vets and not Paul-tier choses.
wasnt bb 17 an entirely new cast?
I hope it's that guy with the beard, Booya or some shit
thanks kidwell. did you quit so you could shitpost with us more?
it's going to be another chick, taran and brent are both fags so they aren't awkward around females like kidwell was
taran was super awkward with melissa on his interview with her
podcast fags are the worst
Technically they were all new to BB, but you had Jackie and Jeff from TAR. Plus, it had Vanessa who is pretty famous in the poker tournament world, and also the twin twist. BB18 obviously had the four returning vets AND the sibling twist. BB16 had Frankie. BB15 was the last pure newbie season with no extra "twist" casting. Just seems like they are through with casts that don't have some sort of twist built in.
so just go back 2 seasons for a newbie season. there will be another in the near future
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>tfw we are at least 2 seasons away from an all-newbie cast
do you actually think bb20 will be all stars
you should apply for bb20 then
ott will probably always have at least one returning vet because production doesn't think casuals will be excited about a bunch of houseguests who have never even been on the "real" tv show (probably true).
they'll try, but they'll get marginal stars
Doubt it but it will almost certainly have returnees.
casuals dont pay for feeds
All Stars 2 will never happen. It would cost millions to make a full cast of vets play again. CheapBS will give you a Fans vs. Favorites instead.
I pay for cam girls
>tfw you will never be Madrose's Houseguest of the Day
is kidwell going to make his own competing podcast?
16 returning vets + all of them asking for Frank Eudy treatment = $800k cast = CBS saying go fuck yourself right to Grodner's face
really doubt it, they barely found two players willing to return just for $1000/week stipend money and they were grocery stockboy basement dweller and famewhore week 1 evictee.
although somebody like Tiffany, which is doing shit like Sequester, might accept.
It's sad I don't even have the urge nor the patience to open the feeds anymore, I just know I'll be greeted by shit
Is this the /tv/ equivalent of MODS MODS MODS??
>Devin comes back
Lol I just realized today was the veto replacement right? I imagine nothing interesting happened regardless and won't til Thursday if anything even happens then
>/tv/ equivalent
do you know where you are kiddo
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>although somebody like Tiffany, which is doing shit like Sequester, might accept.
plus her daddy is rich money is nothing to her.
t-thanks I will!
>tfw Maddie will never sub in for Kidwell on RHAP
The Kidwell Show Podcast
survivor pays out $1m for 1st and they all get $10k to appear at the finale

the best we have right now.

Winner: $1,000,000
Runner-up, $100,000


+10k for everyone except winner = 1.6m total

they can easily afford it
>I imagine nothing interesting happened regardless and won't til Thursday if anything even happens then

Just this

is there a definitive rankings for the rhap podcast qts?
will tranny do that irl sequester again? that was kind of fun.
>You'll never watch brent and maddie bond by shitting on houseguests and watch taran awkwardly try to flirt with her
infact just raising the winner prize to $1m for all-stars would get most of those scrubs to come back for regular stipend
Melissa > Rob >>>>>>>>>>>>>> everyone else
what about the one with the PhD? and the other one?
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Glad this season is getting shit on in every corner of the internet and bad ratings. Hopefully production will see this as the "anti-BB16" and try their best to never make anything like it again.
i accidentally clicked on a rhap video they did this morning and she was on it and showing some boobage
Did /tv/ like Dan when he was on /bb/?
at least the football game is getting good
>rhap podcast
>rob had a podcast podcast
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relevant video and playlist
everyone loves Dan but I was rooting for Ian
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i had no idea what rhap even stood for LOL
oh i didnt know that was what rhap meant
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the youtube channel is LITERALLY called "Rob Has a Podcast"
i only watch the podcast when i am very bored so only about 2 or 3 times a season
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ive never watched a second of that sorry shit

i only know it exist do to you guys shilling it here
yeah but i didnt know what rhap meant
I never put two and two together I guess
fuck RHAP. this is all you need

its probably too normie for a tifftist
Sorry I dont follow fake ecelebs
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>Someone posted my video
Thank you!
thats not you
Those feet are all the convincing a lad could ever need
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tiff is the best
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post your feet NOW
i run so my feet are busted. tho maybe footfags like that idk
Why is Paul pushing this monday show meme so hard?
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post feet
ott isn't in the budget anymore
They only got 10 episodes out of it
uh oh.

Why wasn't Matt expelled?
Good to see you made it out of the storm ok, Ian
needed an odd number for jury
Why is there one guy who likes to pretend that the girl from the jokersupdates posts here?
>may be removed

it isnt automatic, lern2read
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what shitty music did she get
The anal with her on tons of oxy must be great
Production had the opportunity to expell
they have the opportunity every season
Shelby > Christman
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You serious?
why is there no bb fanbase actively trying to ruin pauls life like all the other HGs?
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Lol Christmas looks like a Dr Seuss Character in that picture.
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Yeah she does haha :D
I'm no shelbyfag but anyone is better than Xmas.
>game winning fg blocked by paul bane
truly /ourguy/
we are shelbros or huebros
you get to be in the fag category with the rest
Nope I'm the pandafag
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really makes you think
those are all fags
are huebros shelbybros? Where is the connection there?
>the only one putting bros after it
Makes me think
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its devinbros and markyposters and the rest are fags
The correct term is friend. Please go back and edit your posts and alter all future posts to reflect this change. Thank you.
huebros are caitlinfags?
Either b8 or redditor
The correct term is bait. Please go back and edit your posts and alter all future posts to reflect this change. Thank you.
You have to go backk
go away
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hue is the sound shelby makes when she laughs

we were calling her hue on before season started due to her intro video alone
are bridgefags even still a thing?
Triggered >>>/r/eddit happens when ever I go on >>>/tv/. Why are redditors so sensitive.
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we thought she might be a tranny back then too, wew
Hey guys I'm ridiculously new so I respond to every post by saying "bait or redditor" because I'm incredibly new and I can't tell but I hate things that make me mad so I rage about them every single time. I am why 4chan sucks
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Lol thats hilarious. thanks for filling me in
>when ever I go on >>>/tv/. Why are redditors so sensitive.
yep I was right this is you >>87336981
Projecting this hard. Look at this faggots meltdown lol
I don't get it! Are you guys homophobic and racist?
yep got you, and I called that I got you, and then I got you again. >>87337035
Redditors can't detect samefaging go back faggot.

kevin is going to win AFP
go back where? to here? >>87336842

how old are you kido
The correct term is plebbit. Please go back and edit your posts and alter all future posts to reflect this change. Thank you.
>I was pretending to be retarded
Go back to where you belong
you seem obsessed with something, strange. if you've been posting here since Ian's season then why do you care about why sites? if you haven't been posting here since then, why are you posting here?
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i know people like to meme but she really is the most beloved female character to appear on /bb/ even if that one guy claims OTT sucked

we will never get another one like her. part of me thinks CBS fucked up by not putting her on the big show but i dont think she would have lasted as long on the regular format.
Who taught you how to write sentences fag?
so you haven't been here since Ian's season? then why are you posting here?
Because I want to see ian get his delicate little boi pucci blacked
calm the fuck down she is not that great
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she hot too
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>this thread
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>Literally the best
>Not great
You're dreaming buddy.
waifufags need to stop posting
Being this new lol

new thread
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samefag and newfag. got it.

>inb4 hurr durr they're not both me
go on /pol/ that's where you can be mad at nothing while sitting in your bedroom, this thread isn't for that
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even jason roy admitted in an interview recently that after going back and watching the show and feed stuff that he understands why she was so loved and was the main character and thinks shes hilarious

if someone like him can admit it, so can you
Your such a whiny faggot it's absolutely comical gas yourself
t. phonefag
I only clicked this thread because of the picture of dan,
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