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/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General

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Thread replies: 376
Thread images: 82

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no pastebin its gone forever sorry
lads i want to dick coop
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Reminder that Jane-E literally just raped Dougie
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how did you guys like all the fucking in this episode?
>I nominate Vladimir Putin
WTF is his problem?
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Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Agent Cooper never gets his mind back. (Pic is evil Cooper)
Listen https://youtu.be/pXth84G7dkM
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I didn't
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>the CUTEposters memed Laura into every episode this season while Audrey will probably show up as a comatose body for 3 mins in the finale

I'm switching teams, stop deleting my fucking post audreyfag mods
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>multiple scenes of women getting abused
>multiple scenes of women being incompetent/clueless/irrational
>"""rape""" used as both a joke and titillation
This week is going to be a doozy. I can't wait until people start talking about protesting Twin Peaks at Comic-Con
Was Laura trying to communicate with Cole? Or did he just have a vision that's going to lead him back to Twin Peaks?
I want to know if that shit was for the audience or if Cole saw it, because he seemed to have little reaction to it
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the fag who keeps leaking stuff on his shit forum commercialsihate
him giving EW his "theory" when he actually knows lol
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Does anyone else get the feeling that shit is about to go down? This episode had the most various plot lines yet, the whole thing was kind of frantic. Plus the log lady's "the circle is almost complete". I feel like the pace is just going to keep picking up steam and there will be a race to a bang of an ending
It's only the worst episode because the rest have been so good.

Log Lady's message was basically how what we've seen before was only the beginning of how crazy and surreal and intense the next parts are going to be. But we're also going to get Dale back to normal and back to Twin Peaks and the FBI and Dopple Cooper.

The circle is almost complete.
If this show remains consistent to the end and has at least one more part 8 tier episode it's going to be unironically GOAT
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david lunch lol
this was nice, classic Lynch garage art
Who will be the first major character to die?
I think it'll be Andy, just for the shock value.
He definitely saw it. Lynch showed it to us from two different perspectives on purpose and he stares away from Albert who then looks at him strangely
has EP10 been uploaded yet?
Why does Dougie get all the women?
How do I get women like Dougie?
Terrifying scene.
dumbland reference was neat
Andy is pure.
Does anyone remember that interview where Kyle or someone talked about Lynch shutting himself away to put together some kind of prop for a specific character?

It had to be this thing.
no fucking way lynch would dare kill andy
Dumbland confirmed canon
I'd say more just unpleasant
This show is for people that like to feel like they have better taste than other people by liking a bad thing.
Be Special Agent Dale Cooper and get sucked in the Black Lodge for a quarter of a century so that some evil spirits supernaturally influence attractive ladies to lust for your cock.
I agree with everything except that this was the worst episode. How do you figure? Ep 9 felt much slower and less important to me. This one had not only lots of progression (which in my opinion had, up to this point, actually produced some of the weaker episodes) but had such a strong vibe of impending chaos. Plus it had more Dougie
I have a feeling it's going to be Cole and possibly Bobby (but he'll be reunited with his father)
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why do people think this was the worst episode? apart from that shitty song at the end it 8/10, especially that scene with johnny horne
I hope it isn't Cole unless he continues to be a character as a spirit.
so far

8 > 6 > 3 > 1 > 10 > 7 > 4 > 2 > 5 > 9
>liking a bad thing
Well that's like, your opinion, man.

Nikola Tamindzic.

Song at the end is glorious.
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that font coloration
I think you're projecting your contrarian bullshit on to the millions of people that are actually enjoying it
Red cup reminded my of inland empire
>It's past midnight
reminded me of inland empire. And the song at the end makes me want to watch mullholland drive again, bravo lynch.
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Why is the thinkpad guy the rival of those two other casino guys? IIRC the casino guys gave him his position after the jackpot stuff. Aren't they his bosses? Do I misremember things?
Hopefully this episode being so short means the next one will be wall to wall content.
That whole scene just made me sad cause you know cummy mummy is gonna die :'(
He works for who we can assume is bad coop, no prior relation to the casino guys
>Someone is checking their mail as soon as they get it
That's odd...
But why is Laura the key?

Also, Red River Valley makes me cry.
Here's the pastebin since the OP is a cuck https://pastebin.com/Zi0MW4bz
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>get women

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>Cooper remembered everything back when he got attacked by Ike
>he's just pretending to be retarded so he can live the comfy Dougie life
FUCK THIS SHIT this is fucking worse than sweeping, 9 straight minutes of Senorita Dido fucking wailing at me instead of actual content? WORST FILLER EPISODE EVER holy fucking Jesus shit Christ I can't even believe this, goddamn 9 minutes of SHIT instead of actual Twin Peaks. Things almost happened on this episode, FUCK.

We lost 9 minutes to this titcow wailing at me in Spanish like a bloated banshee. Picked a great way to go up against the premiere of Game of Thrones.
Someone standing right in front of the mailman and searching through the mail instead of walking back inside at the same time is pretty odd, yeah. Especially since he's just a normal cop that has never done this before.
>the charm of the original show is gone
>watching all the actors now being walking husks out of some reteriment hose is extremely depressing
>everything looks cheap and with no budget
>special effects are on par with youtube videos
>writing is abysmal
>people still pretend it's good
At least this show stimulates some controversy. Everyone seems to be of the opinion that GoT has gone to shit.
What the fuck am I watching
AUDREYFAGS BTFO for all time in perpetuity throughout the universe. Face it, you're never getting your bald schizophrenic mutant ever again. Just as much screentime as in FWWM. BTFO.
Also made me think the fat chick may have told the post office the importance of the letter, she seemed to know she was gonna get Lynch'd.
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Those things you just said?
None of it is true
Yeah you're right, I just checked the wiki and apparently I mistook him for another character the wiki refers as Warrick.
It's being shown at Comic Con with Everett McGill (Ed) and a bunch of others on the panel so it's pretty much confirmed it's going to be big. This episode felt like the "over the hill" moment before shit kicks into high gear
sonic the hedgehog
is this what lynch thinks of us?
The last episode had a lot more exposition and gave more information and clues whereas this episode cleared up some loose ends, started some news ones, and moved us toward everything coming together. The progression in this episode was just the bridge from important events to whatever comes next.
Where can I get Johnny's bear?
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>we finally have in-universe acknowledgement that Cooper is a qt

Sherylposters fuck off, Kyle is the ultimate CUTE.
this pic is the best tpg meme, even better than cooper never gets his mind back
>1080p AMZN copy up before episode even finished airing
>asks if it's been uploaded yet
did not expect that reference at all. pretty cool.
Dougie is so ripped.
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Animal life
link bruh
She was confirmed to exist in this universe ITE. I'm not one bit BTFO. Explain yourself. t. Audreyfag.
naomi watts > every other TP girl at any point in time
people are retarded the shows are up literally right after they get done airing they act like it takes hours or something
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Yes, please.
Janey-E's scene with Cooper outside the house the morning after their sex scene was a HUUUUGE red flag. Like, you could see it from outer space.

>Cooper remarking that life is "wonderful", when we know he's living in a figurative/literal dream that he'll have to wake up from sooner or later

Combined with airing at comic-con, I am expecting some SERIOUS shit to go down.
literally where
>tfw ate cheeseburger while reading thread XP
Why do people think this? They're showing it at Comic Con because it's the biggest event of the year and Twin Peaks is so celebrated, it'd be stupid of them not to show an episode.

Do you seriously think they planned this out so that the episode where Cooper finally comes back would fall on Comic Con weekend? That's autistic.
Literally just stream it then retard it's been up for hours
this scene was shot so much like inland empire it was wonderful
Janey-e and/or Sonny Jim
Didn't this premiere with like half a million
And I'm the one that's projecting and a contrarian?
She is a SLUT.
now i have to wait for the subs
>finally acknowledged
>when Cooper had women throwing themselves at him in the original series with one of them constantly drooling over how hot he was

Cooper was always cute, you dingus.
he's turning into that thing the ghost morphs into from Beetlejuice
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>literally no one has remarked on the drugged up ginger's Christian Bale Batman voice

Based Nikola, he knows it before all.
no she isn't you fucking bastard take that back
for fucking her husband?
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I really hope Harry Dean Stanton ends up at the Roadhouse and some "it is happening again" vision shit goes down. It'll be a huge missed opportunity if Lynch doesn't subvert the only predictable part of the show so far
Plebs. I watched the time bar when I went to pee all my beer out and was surprised that 1/3 remained. It was 'short' in your minds because a lot of things happened.
Protect douggie!!!!
got you my man
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my nigger

Harry Dean Stanton singing Red River Valley was the best part of tonight's episode
No it was short because the ending music number started 13 minutes before the end of the episode. I checked what time it was when it cut to the Roadhouse.
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It's really obvious that the casino guys are going to show up next episode and make their move. Janey-E, Sonny Jim or both of them will either be killed or hurt, and if Cooper himself getting threatened isn't what jolts him back to normal, seeing his family get fucked will.

It's so fucking obvious and fits in with the theme of every woman Cooper loves dying or getting fucked over horribly that's been a thing since the show's beginning, and even in the expanded universe material.
I just want muh Philip Jeffries there ;_; Is it CGI-able?
because she enjoys having sex with her husband...?
Why would they bring in actors that haven't been on the new season yet if theyre not going to be in the episode they show beforehand?
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>David, why did you write me getting raped, having an insane murdering son, and then delete my scenes altogether?
Who are these other two faggots

she might be the one who holds the key to resolve the entire mystery, having been reborn again - she's one of the bubbles created by the Giant and the fat lady to response to the evil bubbles launched by the "Mother" in E8.

Who is her host currently remains to be seen of course. My $$$$ is on Becky Burnett. Otherwise, why don't they show her long stare in the car that looks similar to Laura's long stare in FWWM??
4.7 million for the premier and a steady 2 million for every episode so far. Also the most subscriptions Showtime has ever had. Also you don't know what the word contrarian means apparently
Who's the bald guy?
That's Moby.
there's only one

who took a picture? i guess albert
Strange that there's another person behind the bald guy then if there's only one
Where are those numbers coming from? Everyone was memeing about the show only drawing in 300k viewers per episode.
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>Season 4 full of Dougie episodes confirmed
mace and obi wan
>Is it CGI-able?

Yes but there's no way in hell Showtime could afford something like that without him looking like a very early PS2 character.
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Her hips during the sex scene
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looks like a vampire or something desu
>Blonde bimbo character
UGH. Sorry but I am not a fan of this blatant sexism.
This desu. Naomi Watts is a GODDESS.
I'm pretty sure the premier only had like 1 million viewers even with streamers.
Do we know if Bowie died before his scenes could be filmed?
I never said that they weren't going to be in the episode, but the idea that huge serious shit will happen in it like Cooper getting his memories back is stupid. There's no basis for it other than "it's at Comic Con".
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song at the end was terrible autotune. it was BAD
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>Raped Dale Cooper

Poor acting.
He could easily pull a Bob/Major Briggs and use just his face but that would have to be allowed by Bowie's estate
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Lord have mercy.
Calling it, one will be Heinrich Viegel
Her husband is a golden ball. Face it Naomifags, your waifu is a slut taking advantaged of a retarded man who she knows is not her husband. She is the reason why he will never get his mind back & why he will never go back to Twin Peaks. She wasn't even that offended at finding out her husband was fucking another woman. So I hope you're happy that you RUINED this show AND its best character
are you retarded
can you make webm of her looking at Doug e ? thanks based anon
>all these questions which people would have answers to if they read the book
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>forgetting beating Sonny Jim
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Someone already did
Lynch was retarded not to go with Netflix, especially since they already have the original seasons on there. They probably would've given him more of a budget than Showtime, the show would be getting more exposure and views, and I bet they would've signed him on for a season 4 without even worrying if 3 would do well just based on prestige alone.
>literally automated cameras all over the place
lol, stay LYNCH'd kid
Who the fuck sends a letter in the year 2017? Is fatty retarded?
There's a slight possibility Lynch might have some unused footage from FWWM or the supposed Phillip Jeffries movie thay got canned

fuck off
He's irish
wrong, their fucking netflix originals are really suffering from a lack of budget, even the marvel shit
>tfw no girl will ever look at you like that
I disagree, ever since seeing the picture I immediately and perpetually assumed that it would in fact be Heinrich VOGEL.
There was supposed to be a Jeffries movie? What the fuck? His scenes are my favorite part of Twin Peaks.
don't like the bands at the end
unironic filler
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>mfw we have gotten no Audrey Horne, no big Ed, and 20 seconds of mute James, but have had to sit through episode after episode of Laura Dern playing a character that was by design never supposed to be seen, just so Lynch could throw her into the show

I really don't consider myself among the cherry pie & coffee nostalgia crowd, but it is deflating to see Lynch go out of his way to establish brand new characters that offer little of interest when there is an entire corral of characters critical to the original show that have been dumped

It's not like Dern is giving some kind of amazing performance to justify sitting through hours of her saying "fuck you ____" instead of moving the plot forward. Just give me a little fan service, watching Dr. Jacoby yell incoherently isn't doing it for me
Well considering she called first and they never did anything says a lot about Twin Peaks.
What the fuck is she saying to him?
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>muh patrician secret club

No, you fuck off. It might be normie, but it would've been the best shot at success and chances for a season 4 we could have had. Nobody owns Showtime, nobody gives a fuck about Showtime. But just about everyone has Netflix and you can't tell me they wouldn't be thrilled as fuck to have something as prestigious as Twin Peaks to add to their lineup which would give them a reason to give into all of Lynch's demands without question.
What a faggot kek
"Coop, you never had the makings of a varsity doppelganger"
I'm starting to think that these are actual opinions of real people and not just bait. Why would there ever be a season 4 and who gives a shit about exposure and views besides executives
Do you really think netflix would fund a show with Richard Horne in it?
good call
>this is really what 15 year olds make up about events that happened in the 90s
lol you are trolling so hard faggot, there's no supposed phillip jeffries movie that got canned
>and I bet they would've signed him on for a season 4

I unironically don't want this. I want this one to have a great ending and that's it.
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Uhhh, m8
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I'd rather watch Dern doing whatever than Audrey doing whatever retarded shit she'd be doing.
Holy shit, did not even notice that before...
FROSTED (Dr. Amp is all Frost)
No exposure means no awards. Emmys are a popularity contest now. Do you really think Twin Peaks is going to beat Game of Thrones in any category, or even Better Call Saul or Fargo?
Everyone seems to love this, but I hate it. The magic of Twin Peaks was always that it was about weird shit happening in a normal world. Sure, the original citizens of Twin Peaks were eccentrics in some cases, but Lynch is really muddying the waters by adding LOLSOWEIRD stuff that should be normal stuff. Nobody, not even a fucking 40 year old retard, would own this. It's just Lynch doing weird for the sake of weird, or worse, shoehorning his "artistic" visions where they shouldn't be.
Looks a bit like David Duchovny in drag there desu
She called Chad
>Not liking the jacoby scenes
That's not a person, it is just some cables
Who the fuck cares? I just want more Dougie.
I got LYNCHED hard with the scene at the doctors ngl

they built it up so much in the preceding episodes and I thought for sure the doctor would HAVE to realise somethings up with dougie, but of course maclachlans tight bod saved him
This episode was kinda weird in how much they wanked Dale Cooper. He was never meant to be this peak human sex bomb like Batman.
who gives a shit
Doguie get ride from jennn-EY.
Do you know what supposed means faggot? Here I'll teach you
>generally assumed or believed to be the case, but not necessarily so.
It's a rumor that was floating around for a while.
this desu
Jeffries is behind the bald guy, just so you know. That's black-hair-Bowie if I've ever seen him.
2 rides?
Uh... haha heh uh L-Lynched! Hahaha, boy I really showed y-you...
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>that qt Kyle

Is it normal to have feelings like this for a man who hasn't looked like this in 25+ years?
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>being this jealous of pumped Dougie
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both are for me anons you're welcome
it's not that weird for a retarded person to become fixated on something like a broken toy, though. dude just broke his face and is being comforted by his teddy.
Candy, please explain this season.
How is it filler? He's under no obligation to have each episode be an exact length. He could have left them out and just had shorter episodes. They set a tone, and filming music is a part of Lynch as an artist. It's not like they're hard to skip if you don't like them
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That's where you're wrong.
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So Richard is Audrey's son, right?
Oh no, my favorite show might not get any awards at the kike circle jerk ceremony! How am I suppose to enjoy this now?
It's filler because it's 13 minutes of a fat titcow wailing at us like a banshee when we could be watching 13 minutes of the story progressing.

That's what filler is, a way to fuck over the audience with useless material in order to not have to show things that the audience likes.
He was ripped in the original series, too. Women wanted his dick back then too, only difference was he was quirky enough to tease them with it.
No, it's Donna's.
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Yeah, but it HAD to be a completely out of place David Lynch art project teddy. I know, I know... LYNCHED. But it's really self-indulgent, in my opinion.
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Amanda Seyfried's boyfriend. The spastic hick in the trailer. He was straight up doing the Baleman growl.
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Why do you even think there'd be a season 4? Lynch is finishing his story, and if there was one it could end up being without him and tarnishing the show. Showtime gave him total control and that's all anyone could hope for
This is valid
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This guy is so fucking ugly, especially that moustache
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I agree Dern is terrible and her scenes aren't good/ overdone but I think every other introduced character is well worth it
if anything it's better he isn't working too much with older characters, a lot of them seem past their prime. harry goaz feels old and tired
I'm getting bored now, to be honest.
when did this meme start?

why would Donna suddenly take the Horne name, after considering Doc Hayward her father for 18 years?
no, it wasn't dude. give it a rest. I've been on twin peaks message boards since 99 and there's never been any such thing, I've heard every shred of rumor about the sequels to FWWM and NONE of them had a Phillip Jeffries fucking spin off. I hate this god damn ironic misinformation bullshit. I know about the cockroaches on the table, the creamed corn planet, the I Love Lucy episode. Show me one fucking quote from Bob Engels or whoever that proves you're not fucking trolling SPOILER ALERT YOU CANT
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>you will never have this

fuck i got lycnhed

>living in a trailer
>abusing his wife for not keeping it clean enough
>Shelly's daughter
Is it kino or is it the sign of a hack writing team?
>Twin Peaks competing with GoT now

RIP. They'll pull this off air before it even ends. Mark my words, tonight's ep will get the lowest ratings in Showtime's history.
Jacoby's scenes were enough for me lad. It's clear that they're trying to do something different from the original anyway. If Lynch went the direction of coffee-pie episodes we'd basically get a new version of season two.
>RIP. They'll pull this off air before it even ends.

That doesn't make any sense.
Game of Thrones is literally Shadman: the Show. Only plebs watch it over Twin Peaks.
It's been confirmed. You'll see…
Why don't they just change timeslots? Have it be on at 10 or 8.
Not who you're replying to, but the Twin Peaks films were originally supposed to be a series until FWWM flopped. There were supposed to be more films focusing on Cooper, Briggs and Jeffries.

This is common knowledge, you fucking fraud.
>Can Die
I hated them at first until I realized every episode would have one. Then it just made the episode 10 mins shorter. They might as well just start rolling credits the moment they show the neon sign.
>You fuck us once... Shame on us.
What the fuck does that even MEAN?
>Comparing Twin Peaks to Gamel of Shekels

Oy veh!
What the fuck is shelly thinking desu
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its like poetry, its supposed to rhyme
It's not like Lynch took time away from plot to include the music. We're getting all the story he has to tell, and it would be the same with or without the music.

And why on earth would an artist strive only to "fuck over the audience"? Lynch isn't out to get you, he's creating what he wants and it's up to the viewer to interpret and like or dislike
They pulled out the big guns though. 13 straight minutes of horrible shrieking while the Fatleesi landed at Dragonstone and fire began clashing with ice in earnest, with the horde of ice zombies on the move.

How can that even hope to compete with a fat woman singing a terrible song full of autotune? Face it, Game of Thrones is DONE.
I just got here. Has the quality of these threads improved with the Game of Thrones premiere? Were the faggots filtered?
You stupid nigger, he's saying GoT's popularity will fuck it, which it will.
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wtf was her problem?
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because you're the bestfu and only the most dramatic scenes are good enough
Shelly was never very bright. For fuck's sake, she married LEO JOHNSON.
I just watched the GoT episode, it was trash as expected
bit of both tbqhwy
Isabella also raped the Coop.
You mean like how they're changing the night to Saturday? I'm sure that's just a shit troll meme from these threads, but still.
Why did they mix upbeat freestyle jazz with the slow foreboding music layered on top of each other for the whole scene?
What the fuck?
She hates them but is pretending just to be dumb.
There's an old saying in Tennessee. I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says, fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me... you can't get fooled again.
If Andy was going to die, it would have been when he tried to meet with that guy on the side of the highway
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Well it was improved until you came back.
yeah i know dude, that's why i referenced "the sequels to FWWM"
i was talking specifically about this dude saying there was a phillip jeffries spin off planned
>save shelly
based leo, he just wanted a clean house but he loved her really

Dude, Disney failed to create a CGI character that actually looks like a human being in Sar War Rogue One, you think they gonna manage it on a made for tv budget?
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Was it rape?
He didn't consent, so yeah.
You can't take time away from plot since plot is the order in which elements of the story are arranged. The disgusting music at the end of this episode took away from the STORY. It took over 10 minutes of the story away from us.

We could have gone to Jack Rabbit's Palace, or to The Zone with Hastings and Cole. Nope. We got to listen to an autotuned refugee from Jenny Craig scream at us in Spanish.
yes what was that from again? I remember that line, just forgot where it came from
Happened throughout season 2 too. Worked much better here imo
>nobody can get the upper hand against a raging, ferret faced faglord without an inch of fat or muscle on his body

Fucking ridiculous. The only one who's managed to put him in his place is Magic Kung Fu Hands Man.
The lighting in that scene made Coop look young again.
The music in that scene was SO good.
president bush. you know, before you were born.
yo give me them subs please anon
If you love it and consent - clap your hands.
You seriously watch that shit? I turn it off when I see the sign.
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But he was a pretty boy in Antiviral :(
To be fair he was going against an elderly woman and a tied up retard.
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>discriminating against bimbos

No, anon, you're the sexist. Aside from having shit taste.
You might be the biggest autist on /tv/ right not. The musical number was 6 minutes long.
I was born in 94, anon. dont bully
Glad I'm not the only who thought that. He genuinely looked like Young Coop in a couple shots.
Oh, and a dumb, fat woman.
why don't you own a gun?
srsly though why do people always insist on subs before they watch
is it just a meme?

best musical performance scene so far desu. great to see Lynch bring her back from Mulholland Dr.
>The musical number was 6 minutes long.
>6 minutes

Oh, that's much better.
Figured since it began 40 minutes into the show and the episode was 54 minutes long then it would have important Roadhouse stuff going on, or have the music and then we go somewhere else. It's done both of these things before. This was just a giant ass fucking.
Okay so you have autism. Plot story whatever my point is the same. Lynch could remove the music, but it wouldn't get you any more story. The songs aren't stealing time from the story lynch has to tell, they're simply signifying the end of the episode. Stop watching as soon as it starts if you want. But if there was more story to tell, lynch would do it, how do you not see that he's not "wasting time" with the songs?
Perhaps you should go see someone about that ADHD, kiddo.
The new episodes are a full hour and the original show was 40 minutes when you took away commercials. 6 minutes is nothing.
No. Only faggots say it's rape.
>Ike the Spike finally stepped on his own dick
At least we can agree that TP success was all thanks to Frost and now that Lynch has more pull things are falling apart except for people born in the mid-90s that jumped on the Lynch/Twin Peaks badnwagon
Richard Horne character was created specifically to go up against Game of Thrones since all those plebs need a new Ramsay Bolton to cheer for / hate.
Perhaps you should see someone about your shit taste in music, knacker-nuts.
>Well done Bobby. We will go there and you will show us the way 2 episodes from now

Wow both autist AND pleb
>Shelley eternally having such shit taste in men that it passed down to her daughter
Becky is a red herring, she's way too similar to Laura.
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Post yfw David Lynch Lynched himself
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>met Jim Belushi last year
>forgot to ask him about this new season
>this was made too late and we won't see Kyle at his prime getting fucked by a young Naomi

>starts at 45 minutes
>episode ends at 53 minutes
Yeah that's 6 alright. Bozo, you don't have to be autistic or some savant to realize that's more than 6 minutes. And you have to be autistic to think that it's a good amount of content to excise from the most important and precious show to ever air.
The music in this episode felt like old Twin Peaks the most t b h d e s u
lads is he right?
Not like he could say anything anyway.
To be honest I couldn't catch all the dialogue while I was watching the stream, I have fine hearing, so I don't know why but I much prefer having them on

Outside of the scene with Richard in it, nothing important has happened at the road house, (yet). I dont consider James being cool important.
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>"D-David can't I be on the police force or something? I want to help Hawk, Bobby and Truman find/save Cooper"
>"Nope, I just needed you to stand there for Shelly to say you were always cool. Here's your paycheck, and I hope you enjoy the scene where Michael Cera makes fun of your performance in the original."

get your memes over here
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tfw you will never spy on a sexy italian older women then get caught and get your dick kissed
I'm almost certain Frost had more of an impact on this seasons script than you're giving him credit for.
So he'd make 45 minute episodes to fill an hour time slot on a commercial-free pay network? 18 episodes contracted for, and Lynch would say "listen here, Mr. Showtime, I'm going to make these episodes 45 minutes long and there's nothing you can do about it. Enjoy your 15 minutes of dead air every night, I refuse to make more content."

Seriously, how the fuck is every thread not about how Twin Peaks just featured a brutal rape scene played for comedy?
>le hidden secret mysteries of Twin Peaks revealed!
get fucked
Nice try Mark.
>Michael Cera makes fun of your performance in the original."
lies, that wasn't the point of the scene
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>having sex with a mentally handicapped person is rape
>mentally handicapped people aren't allowed to have sex
Pretty fucked up mentality T B H.

Consent can be implicit. It's not like married couples ask each other if it's okay to touch each other's genitals every single time they have sex.
I dunno he seemed chill enough in person, my dad talked with him for a good ten minutes about drinking with him in Bermuda.
did no one else notice it was the Club Silencio singer at the Roadhouse tonight? did Lynch mean something by this?
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T-t-they don't?
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>starts at 45 minutes
I mean legally he would get fucked in the ass if he told anyone anything.
>Michael Cera makes fun of your performance in the original."
This is what Redditors think the Wally Brando scene was.



new thread ( digits )
Finding out that Chad is in on the drug running is unimportant. Ella is clearly never going to appear again. Rash not important. Finding out Richard Horne is a violent sociopath unimportant.
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holy KEK
brutal rape played as uncomfortable and bleakly comical is as normal for lynch as using roads and flames as visual metaphors. nothing is out of the ordinary.
this post makes me want to just get on my bike and go

>having sex with someone who isn't your husband but doesn't know he isn't your husband and isn't in a mental state to consent to anything is rape

yeah, it was rape

Cera did a Marlon Brando parody. I don't think the intention was to make fun of James. "Dorky kid acting like a badass biker" isn't necessarily that specific an archetype.
Get a real copy and check that one, streamfag.
Telling him where the cameras are, maybe?
She doesn't know he isn't her husband. He DOES know he isn't her husband, on some level.

It's called rape by deception, and Cooper is guilty of it.
how can dougie have boners if hes so out of it
Sure, why not? Some episode have been 57 minutes, some 52. He didn't refuse to make more content, he filmed the music, which I reiterate is something Lynch as an artist has always enjoyed. Jesus, would you really prefer he forced some more story in that he didn't want to? If you don't like it then you don't like Lynch and that's fine, but it's not like he set out intentionally to "screw viewers out" of anything
Doesn't matter. Still shows that the scene was only 6:56 including credits. Not the 10-13 minutes you're bitching about
If every musical performance were 7 minutes long then we would lose over 2 hours of Twin Peaks.
I've been listening to the Au Revoir Simone song from last week a shitload desu senpai
yeah, it usually takes a lot of mental work to muster up an erection.
Little fucking bitch showing the final frame of exterior of Roadhouse even though the music was playing long before it appeared. Congratulations, you avoided having to say it's a 7 minute scene.

Autistic faggot.
Carl's rendition of Red River Valley WHENNNNNNNN
he just likes to recycle old actors he worked with in the past
The white male is always guilty on tv. Save time and don't analyze, just enjoy the situation.
You caught me. I left out that shot of the moon that goes on for 20 seconds
nigga hasnt ejaculated in 25+ years. As soon as Janey-E put her mouth on it, shit turned into diamond
then how did he last so long, is he a mutant?
He was cumming that entire time.
babies and retards get erections all the time
>nigga hasnt ejaculated in 25+ years

The Giant and his fat FG are looking in the other direction
>based Lucy is going to save everyone from Chad
/tv/ was wrong
fuck chad
He did put hit letter in his right pocket and not the left pocket and not take it to the brown phone, the brown phone that was right beside the black phone but that we put in the corner of the blue flower

If she's not I'm quitting the Return.
Why didn't that idiot just call the police? Who the fuck sends a letter? Shouldn't she have a gun living in twin peaks to shoot bears n shit?
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Name one thing wrong chad did?
anyone have a link? mega one doesnt work.
showtime is only $9 a month through amazon prime
The quality is fucking horrible desu. You literally get a higher quality product by pirating.

The only reason I'm paying is because I'm too lazy/anxious to set up a proxy/VPN.
ily thanks, your a damn fine anon
Where do you record a higher quality version? from a cable subscription? quality looks fine to me.
>They're showing it at Comic Con because it's the biggest event of the year and Twin Peaks is so celebrated


thats why it had shit amount of viewers?

its a niche thing.
>from a cable subscription
I think so. The video quality through amazon is 720p at the absolute best, more likely 480.

It wasn't as noticeable this episode, but in a visual-heavy episode like 8, it was fucking awful.
Do you have a really bad internet connection? Are you not using Chrome to watch it? I stream it to a 1440p monitor and don't see any major issues.

pretty much. it woulda been perfect if she came and rekt that fags shit up. pretty much confirms she is still in a coma or awake but another johnny.
My internet connection isn't amazing, but it's solid. I use firefox, but I don't see why that would matter.
Try chrome
I guess it can't hurt
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Well that was a fucking abrasive episode
>posting in a ded thred
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