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/got/ general

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Thread replies: 309
Thread images: 77

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Joanna Lannister Edition
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who would you include in these tiers?
previous >>84218558
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Leakbros konw if m'lady the best girl will make an appearance this season?
The guy on the right is a big guy.
Only Aisling
Reminder Joanna loved Aerys
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you rang?
reminder that burning people alive is fine if it's daenerys doing it
You know what's funny?

Seeing jonsafags on tumblr think Dany is a terrible person and that Jon should hate her for burning people alive when Stannis did the same thing and Jon respected him just fine. And at the very least Dany does it because the Tarlys for example turned traitor and helped murder thousands in the name of a woman who killed their pope, seized power by force and killed her kin both by law and blood

Sansa can feed Ramsay to dogs just fine. Randyl and Dickon need to get a proper execution. The sheer hypocrisy
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I see some of y'all like to link to r/freefolk, but I'd like to just REMIND y'all that if you want to do that in this thread, YOUR MOTHER WILL DIE IN HER SLEEP
GTFO with that cancer tumblr-tier place
Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright
white walkers are god tier

everything else is low or shit tier
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Off-topic but I think I gonna binge-watch Fargo Season 3.
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first of all: any anons living in santa fe that are construction workers? please why don't you work on his office and leak some WOW info for us :^)

second of all: television and film
grrm is /ourguy/ now??? we did it reddit?

pic related: relevant parts are highlighted
LF is shit tier
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>the gold yields to the coal

Well the only difference is that Dany is an arrogant, entitled, incompetent tyrant whereas Stannis would've probably been the best ruler out of any of the possible candidates. I don't care about jonsafags but I'm suprised anyone actually likes Dany when she literally acts like Hitler.

What gives her the idea that she can rule seven kingdoms when she can't even rule one city?
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You just KNOW she gave him a handy at least.

Or are 13 year olds even having sex now?
I-i loved you...once
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>Jon Arryn faked his death, he is actually still alive and behind everything that has happened in the story so far
>literally acts like hitler

Sounds like tumblr speak anon.
Jon did not respect Stannis on the show.
Well he sure as fuck didn't hate him or oppose him, especially enough not to ask the guy for ships to get the Wildlings
My boy Bran is Elder God tier villain.
I need a fantasy war epic with fun armor like this.
he sure as shit didnt give a fuck that Brienne was going around castle black (which wouldnt be standing if not for Stannis) gloating that she executed him and threatening to kill Davos and Melisandre if they said anything back to her and he didnt let Davos kill Melly when he was moaning all season that he didnt want to be bought back
Cute family. Be a shame if a midget were to ruined it.
Why is it with Roose you always loose? Also why does Roose keeps Ramsay around when it's easy just to kill him?
house stark
And this means what?

No one gave a shit about Jon abandoning the Watch or having Wildlings on his team (except Glover) or that Rickon was back and alive and a prisoner, just means the writers are hacks. But in the books, Jon sure as shit didn't hate Stannis and that was translated enough in the show
Emilia,kit,kit's gf and the true kingindanorf were all spotted at a festival but weren't seen hanging out together

>But in the books, Jon sure as shit didn't hate Stannis and that was translated enough in the show
No book jon and Stannis's relationship is completely different to the show.
Only thing I'm getting at is that Jon didn't hate Stannis who also burns people
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And eats rats
He was trully disgusting
There is nuthing wrong with burning people. Especially if kings do it.
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Ramsay is the only other member of House Bolton. Before he knocked up Fat Walda Ramsay was the only chance for the Bolton line to continue. Which is why Ramsay took out Roose before he could get loose.
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Daenerys burns people and Tyrion doesn't hate her
Tyrions kills relatives and Daenerys doesn't hate her
Match made in hell, don't ya think?
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reminder jon is going to wed both sansa and arya like aegon and his sister wives
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sansa will be his rhaenys and arya his visenya dark sister
kys sansafags
Imagine how old and smelly his work space must be
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>secret 2nd wall
but the five forts being the 2nd wall on the other side makes sense reeee
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>a fucking stableboy is wearing more colourful and arguably better clothes than a high lord's daughter
dumb phoneposter selfieposter
Why did Rheagar name one of his sons Jaehaerys?
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I wish I was that young, I could hang out with these boys
You just know
He looks like a feminine Rachel Maddow
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the five forts are the only access into the grey waste. the long night was caused in the east via the bloodstone emperor and was a celestial event caused by the destruction of planetos' second moon. hence the stories that spawn from the east.

the long night isn't tied to the others. the others just appeared during the long night most likely as it was more hospitable and advantageous during this period of time.

the long night was a planetary event that fucked over everyone and was not restricted to westeros.

the five forts were a defence against different non human entities that fell upon humanity from the eastern front. they had zero relation to white walkers
top swordsman/fighters in got?
Will they use "What is dead may never die" theme again?
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>Post yfw the leaks are true
Post em
>tfw surrounded by casualfags, summerfags and newfags
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Here comes the train! Choo-choo!
why thank you :3
is S6 worth a free download? I forgot how shit it is.
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who is he aiming at /got/?
Do you like Dany, Sansa and Cersei wank?

Then by all means download it
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This S U C C ?
>ignoring the Jon wank, which was the most consistent and egregious of them all
We see you Jonfag.
Hopefully kelly c
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>being a manletfag

lol no.

But the season was 100% more focused on those three than on Jon, except for the parts those faggots decided to waste Bran's storyline on. I hope D&D burn in whatever hell the Old Gods have
if you just turn your brain off season 5 and 6 can be quite enjoyable i've found
I guess you haven't read the BoTB script where Dany and Sansa were portrayed as some sort of goddesses that everyone was scared of.
so olenna and LF killed joffery?
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What character do you want to return for S7?

For me, it's pic related
that supposed to be cersei and jaime?
not accurate. jaime should have long hair.

Jaime and Cersei were indistinguishable in early age.
>tfw lyanna could probably beat you up and use your body in any way she likes
>please why don't you work on his office and leak some WOW info for us :^)

I can repost the twow teasers if you'd like (that are most likely just scrapped ADWD stuff) but there's nothing else.
well there's like 50 characters on the show. can't really kill hundreds per book like gurm.
the directing/writing team, to end this nightmare

Her and Mero tbqh. I ship them hard.

And it'd be nice to have an actual man on the show, not just a manlet/midget or a walking meme. n-no homo
>our guys are the ones who get BTFO at the end
Really made me think
officially yes... there's other theories of course.
Preston thinks it's just LF, but brought in Olenna in to Sansa for some reason. Not his most solid theory tho I'd say.

Some people theorize that Tywin knew too. Either knew and did nothing to stop it, or was actually in it, part of the deal for the Tyrell alliance (tommen and not joffrey).
i just watched the ep and olenna fiddles with sansas hair while they talk at the start (presumably taking the thing off her necklace which she uses as the poison, little finger later talks about this with sansa and notices the bead is missing and says it was the poison)
game of thrones = closed time loop

my heart :3
Yes, Bran time wargs into Jaime and pushes himself out of the tower window in order to cascade the events of the series.
nobody in this reddit general was in that thread because they were too busy circlejerking in here
>i just watched the ep
in the show olenna admitted to it later on. not much to theorize about.

these theories are about the books.
>making GOT threads outside of /GOT/
please kys yourself
If you don't believe LF was trying to kill Tyrion you are pleb tier
that thread was dark and full of terrors
maybe he was happy to have tyrion as the fall guy, but the main goal as tyrions death? why?
Bran warged into the pigeon pie and deliberately choked him out.

Problem with those 2 theories (LF acted alone, and LF wanted to kill Tyrion) is that the Olenna/Sansa scene makes no sense.

It was all random? "Oh lets just ask Sansa if Joffrey is a monster, apparently he is, well, sucks for you Margaery, enjoy your life!"?

Olenna is a no-nonsense kind of character. She didn't set up that meet for no reason at all, not buying it. Much as it's fun to dig deeper into stuff sometime, the LF/Olenna story makes perfect sense. with LF saying he make rumor spread in the Tyrell camps about how Joffrey was a monster, and then Olenna going on about how she heard Joffrey was a monster and stuff..

Sure it's not absolute proof, LF might have been lying and Olenna might have just had her own spies/contacts... But I'll go with Occam's razor here.

As for LF kiling tyrion... sure he tried to kill him on the blackwater, and could try again... but the same problem remains, lots of useless scenes from characters who are NOT doing useless shit.
why does LF want tyrion dead of all people

why would a kingsguard take orders from LF
Because Tyrion knows LF lied about him/the dagger, which could really well have gotten him killed.

LF almost certainly tried to get him killed once in the battle of the Blackwater.

Tyrion thinks it's Cersei or Joffrey, but it's 99.999% sure it's LF. Mandon Moore came from the Vale, "recommended by Lysa Arryn". Which really means "Recommended by Littlefinger". Which really means that Mandon Moore was just one more LF's agent and tried to kill Tyrion for him.

It's just like the Kettleblacks. Cersei thinks they are hers, Tyrion thinks that they are his because he had bronn pay them double, but they were LF all this time anyway ( until shit hits the fan anyway, now they're pretty much just in for their own skin).


jonfags on suicide watch
>why does LF want tyrion dead of all people
he is married to sansa
he is LF's biggest political rival
etc etc
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>jonfags on suicide watch
see >>84255433
ooh, I thought about watching it later, but if it's anti-jonsnu I'll do it now.

Hope it takes about other stuff tho, on my last reread I saw a few weird things happening in the NW, people seem to be lying at times/pulling strings...
But I'm not smart or autistic enough to figure out the big schemes.
Your filename's the wrong way around samefag
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accurate filename and definitely the correct way around
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Who was Ned's favourite?
it's hard to say because the way the chapters works... We don't see/hear much about him interacting with Robb much, but that's probably because he's not a PoV. We know Eddard had him with him for councils&stuff, but was it only because he was his heir, or because he love dhim? It's hard to know without actually seeing them interact to judge if it was only lordly/business conversations, or father/son stuff, etc...

If you go strictly by the story and don't extrapolate... Probably Arya Jon Bran 'powergap' Robb 'massive powergap' Rickon 'powergap and also probably hodor' Sansa
Ned :
1 Jon
2 Arya
3 Bran
4 Robb
5 Rickon
6 Sansa

1 Bran
2 Sansa
3 Robb
4 Arya
5 Rickon
6 Jon
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>we're the last Lannisters
what did she mean by this?
Will you masturbate the night before your sentence?
this is the gif i was asking for in the last post
thank you based branbro
I would masturbate and cum on the wall, the bed, anywhere.
It'd be a freeing experience.

Would probably finger my ass too.
thats valyerion steel
When was the last time they introduced a new character to the show? Was it Euron? Seems kinda weird that the show is running out of characters because people are dying without really being replaced.
>number one for Ned

Stop right there jonfag
NED was a huge jontard...
He was protective, but Jon was not his favorite of the kids
how would you rank them? or who was his favorite?

>Hey Ned I'm gonna kill the last of the dragonspawn before they become a problem
>Hey Ned Robert just died and we can make a move to secure his kids. You wanna do that? Or maybe get your own kids out of the town safely first?
its robb
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Reminder that Jaime is our guy, and through our superior intellect we have aknowledged him as the best character of this franchise, which makes /got/ far superior to any other asoiaf/got discussion boards
Arya, she reminded him of Lyanna
literally never did anything right
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Has anyone ever noticed that REM's album Green seems to be the inspiration for Bran's story? If so there are lots of hints on this. Even the album title makes me think Greenseer.

Let me do a run down of the tracks.
>Pop Song 89
This seems to be the inspiration for his visions of people at different times, as well as people and the weather changing
>Get Up
This focuses on Bran's dreams and visions and in season seven he seems to be unable to awake most of the time so it's spot on
>You are the Everything
"All you hear is time stand still in travel"
It's about something Bran can't do
>World Leader Pretend
"I raised the wall and I will be the one to knock it down" Bran is Bran the Builder AND The Night's King
>The Wrong Child
"A late long march into spring, I sit and watch the children" this one is obvious, Bran surviving the winter, sitting because he is a cripple and seeing the children of the forest at Bloodraven's house
>Turn you Inside Out
"I believe in watching you" a reference to the weirwood
"Divide your cultured pearls and paste" a reference to Jojen paste

There is more too but I am running out of time. Is this album Bran's album?
theon is the best character
Edmure is the best, followed by yezzan
A father being protective of his daughter is quite reasonable. Even if it's an incest-born daughter.
Is this the worst post on /got/ ever?
Any post that talks about Bran in a positive way is the worst post on /got/ ever.
Damn I put a lot of time and thought into my post and all I got was a rude (you)
Ned + Lyanna = Dany?
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well it's surely not Ned + Brandon
>having a Targshit baby

lol, I love incest more than the next guy but just no.
>not reading between the lines
>not figuring out Benjen is actually a girl
>history repeat itself, Benja is Danny Flint come again. She wasn't lost north of the wall. She was raped&killed by her NW brothers
>ascended theories
>Dan(n)y flint come again
>Mother of Dany

Onto something there.
And she was sent to the wall for supporting the Targaryen.
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What book is it?
The Whites by Richard Price
white supremacist book?
/pol/ needs to go
she is not
>R'hllor wanted her burned alive just so she could join him in the afterlife
Goddamn it I hate the fucking wait for TWOW!

When will fatman Georgeman release TWOW to our local bookstores? While he is at it, should release ADOS a year after TWOWs release!
>anything that's not /pol/ is tumblr

You're literally arguing like a tumblrina who thinks people judging women are misogynistic shitlords trying to mansplain
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There's only one Night's King I mean to bend my knee to.
Why did they get rid of this design it was way more menacing
What does the Night's King think of his White Walkers? Does he care for them?

Also, Night's King PoV when?
New actor is a renowned stuntman

and still pretty menacing
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It's just cause he can epic dual wield.

They want action sequences with the manlet that was promised
what is the picture for elder god tier from?
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>be me
>love robert baratheon
>hate targshits
>wish i could smash rhaegar into pieces like bobby b did
>get ck2 and play as my idol killing every dragonshit i can
>get bored of hunting down and killing all targshits
>decide to play as aegon
>curious about dragon mechanic
>swear to stop after i win 1 battle with 10x less numers
>keep playing
>conquer westeros
>continue a dynasty for 266 years
>this was a week ago
>i just finished reading all of aerys ii's asoiaf wiki page
>tfw i finished reading the history of every targshit ruler
>tfw i think i may be a targshit
>tfw aegon i is my favourite character
>dont even think about robert anymore unless its how i would get revenge for ending the dynasty
A-at least i dont root for daenerys r-right guys?
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Nothing wrong with rooting for the original they'll bend the knee or I'll destroy them
>Elder God Tier
Night King

>Great Tier
Stannis Baratheon

>High Tier
Daenerys Targaryen

>Mid Tier
Night King

>Meh Tier
Fookin Legend

>Shit Tier
Ramsay Snow
Cersei Lannister
you must be a special kind of retard
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Both in the books, AND in the show.

He will successfully defeat Jon and Daenerys after their forces are depleted fighting the White Walkers.

He will double cross Cersei. Expect a scene where he turns out to be the Valonquar...HE IMPREGNATES CERSEI AND SACRIFICES HER AND HIS CHILD FOR BLOOD MAGIC!

He'll kill of all the normie fan favorites -- Jon, Tyrion, Dany. D&D will want to end the show in an edgelord trolling fashion. They're sick of the show, why not end it with the new character being the victor?

>Catelyn knew that Edmure had a soft heart; sometimes she thought his head was even softer.
Edmure BTFO
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it's an interesting correlation you've found there but probably just coincidence
>calling anyone dumb
>after kid napping tyrion
>trusting little finger
>releasing Jamie
they have to save money for the ebin battles and cgi somehow
lady zombifu
I'd probably watch that season.
but her motive is being butthurt her side got rekt by the based triumvirate
Edmure just wanted to save his smallfolk ;_;
Am I the only one that thinks the design change for the Night King from season four to five is a way bigger difference than the actor change from season five to six? Season four Night King was creepy as fuck.
He doesn't since he's the Queen Bee, head of the collective conscience.
nobody likes show jaime except contrarians.
Damn dude when are you gonna finally wank out your massive hate boner already
Is there a song on that album that references becoming King? if not then NO!
a stunt man that never does any fucking stunts?
Oh yeah, because the Night King will never have any sort of battle scenes in the final conclusion...
>wew sitting on a horse and swinging a sword

thats not a stunt dipshit
> in the final conclusion
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You gonna watch this, /got/?
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Why is the Night's King so fucking based?
>in the final conclusion
did you need to samefag the exact same post you faggot?

and unless the night king is going to start doing parkour in the final season there was no need to recast him with a stunt person. he's likely not going to do anything harrington or clarke don't also do which is sitting on dragons, sitting on horses, swinging a sword and running around like a retard.
the scene with oberyn and tyrion in the cells where he announces that he will be his champion is pure kino
hes cool and all but he literally looks like he has downs here
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>oh shit i got btfo....i-it was just bait bro
Yes, everyone talks about how bad the Jaime and Tyrion dungeon scene is and never mentions how fucking good the Oberyn and Tyrion dungeon scene is.
I love how Pedro delivers the "that's just a baby" line.

Ofcourse D&D are going to have the Night King fighting like a Jedi, that's the exact kind of crap they would pull.
>Ned had more screen time than Stannis

Top fucking kek
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well yeah its based on a book scene so its hard to fuck it up
don't get salty with me

regardless of what its based on it was immaculately acted
just realized the reason why d&d are shoving sandra down our throats so hard this season is because theyre trying to get her an emmy nomination
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>mfw reading her wiki page and seeing all the awards shes won for her great """""acting"""""" as Sansa
fucking how?
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because tyrion was married to his waifu 2.0
its truly 100% because they feel sorry for her beause people were big meanies about the fictional character she plays in season 1 and the project that onto the actor who in reality has no right to claim sympathy points for anything
they project that*
that's fucking retarded.
that's like saying Jack Gleeson shouldn't get any awards because Joffrey is a complete fucking prick or Charles Dance because "muh tywin is a lannister, lannisters are evil!!!!11!"
her motive is eliminating all the lannister, bolton and frey shits who betrayed her and getting her girls back which is objectively better than brienne's motive of "muh jaime" and jaime's motive of "muh redempshun"
To be fair, there's a major difference between hate for a character and sympathy for the character.

Sympathy is much easier to project onto the person too and vice versa especially based on how the actor portrays themselves and their views in interviews.

All sansafags are also sophiefags for example.

But no one really hates Jack because of Joffrey because Jack acts completely different, doesn't defend Joffrey and no one cares enough about Joffrey to study his character, what social justice cause he advances, etc.
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I love Joffrey
>no one cares enough about Joffrey to study his character
I find it ridculous that someone would decide to study one of the most useless and shittiest Starks (which tee bee haych is all of them save for Ned/Robb/Bran)
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Season 7 premieres in
21 Days 21 Hours 48 Minutes
There is an absolute shitload of articles, meta and discussion about Sansa out there.

And not just on tumblr though they are sites that pander to that demographic or have writers that do.
just hype my shit up
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I only recently got into GoT but already the majority of the fanbase (of the show at least) seems filled to the brim with retards
>reverse image search

Google knows!
I don't know, what is it?
And judging by the recent trend it's only getting worse
>Why is the Night's King so fucking based?
probably by comparison to the other characters.
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Yes, hearing people constantly go on about "muh Daenerys omg can't wait for her to burn kings landing!!!!" when she's literally getting closer and closer to becoming more like Aerys yet retards don't see that.

And then they say Stannis is one of the worst characters because he burned his daughter for no reason (when it was for a reason and it worked) yet it's fine for Daenerys to just burn people with her dragons
Majority of the fanbase is normies.

You'll only see them give a shit about the show when there are trailers out or the episode, rest of the time they don't give a shit.

They don't get into metas, online discussion and articles about this or that.

Though normies do love Dany and Jon
why did jaime rape cersei
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Reminder that Davos Seaworth will be the one to sit upon the Iron Throne at the end of Season 8. Screencap this fags.
it wasn't rape.
that picture is a pretty accurate representation of my reaction to your post
It'll be Jon and we all fucking know it.

Too much king foreshadowing and everyone knows that will Robb wrote isn't what George was talking about
he didn't

the editors just fucked up
they merged Jaime with S2 saladhor saan
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Best character
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They should make an awards category for Best At Playing a Plot Device imho
their safe word is banana
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Whoops sorry posted the wrong picture
Why does Stannis killing his daughter make people dislike him?
Stannis killing Shireen is the only reason Jon resurrected. Few understand this.
this was literally confirmed in season 4
she meant they're not the first lannisters
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post yfw you realize Euron is literally Enzo
Because they don't appreciate kino
The audience
Because he didn't do it
>why does a man committing Filicide make people hate him
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Best recast

3rd Mountain is a close second
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Beric had some rough years after this photo was taken
Nell "muh dick" tiger free
*throws 7 year old out of window*

S1 will always be prime-Gregor. You watched the Tourney ep and believed you were seeing a character that was cruel and angry and vicious.

S4 onwards has the bulk but he looks too affable. Even when he's killing peasants there's just something cuddly about him.

S2 Gregor was just a tall ponce. I just thought he was a regular Lannister goon on my first watch-through.

This is best character
Ned is the kind of father who loved all his kids equally.
>sends jon to the wall which he knows is a shithole with high desertion and incredibly high death rates
>haha yeah he was his favourite
You're both wrong
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click gif to reveal best character

>Joining the NW relinquishes all claims on the Iron Throne.

>Sends Jon to the wall understanding that if R + L = J is ever revealed he won't be murdered by a Bobby Baratheon hit squad. In fact in this scenario, the Wall might be the only thing that saves his life.
Why click a gif when it's obvious already?
>not marrying Jon to Mya Stone so Bobby would be a kinslayer to kill his good son and his grandkids

Honestly Ned should've done this. Jon could've been kept safe in the Vale cause Jon Arryn isn't gonna let Bobby spill that blood and Bloody Gate keeps people out. Joining their bastards seems kind of a nice bro thing to do too besides marrying their "trueborn" kids
You posted the same character as him though
nah he's clearly an enabler for arya who he likes better
t. rickon stark
jej the fuck is this
Robert was already a kinslayer. Rhaegar was a cousin, by blood. Do you think he'd give a shit about relatives by marriage.

Though now that I think about it, as Rhaegar's son, Robert and Jon are cousins as well.
WW armor is so fucking gay
That's way too distant though.

Biologically they might be closer than what their official cousin whatever removed/third whatever the fuck says but they weren't considered kin. No one calls Bobby a kinslayer.

Killing your own grandkids and most likely your daughter too is a lot different.
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Woops, wrong pic
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>gifs of NK on a blackboard existing

Not that guy, but the NW is an honorable station for Ned. He asks knights to join and is kinda baffled when they laugh at him.

Ned wouldn't see sending Jon to the wall as a bad thing. Plus it was Jon's decision anyway. Eddard's decision was to have him stay in Winterfell, regardless of Catelyn's objection. If Luwin doesn't come forward with the NW idea, that's how it ends.

Saying that sending Jon to the wall means anything about him being a favorite or not is (for Eddard) the same as implying that (if it happened) him bringing Robb with him into a war means he doesn't care about him given he's willing to risk his life like that.

Ned holds the NW in the highest regards, and love his brother Benjen who's first ranger as well, and grants Yoren an audience anytime he asks... It's not negative for Ned.

Don't put yourself in the story; Ned doesn't think like you. Just like some parents are OK with their sons going to the citadel, and some chained their son to the wall when he mentioned the idea.
ice dragon when

Are people even aware of Mya Stone? I mean it's pretty obviously implied and blatent to the reader but I'm not sure if people even know or care about her.

Besides, sending bastards to the Wall is the North's 'thing', and Benjen was already there as First Ranger. It was probably clear in Ned's head what he had to do.

If we're making shit up, Ned should have just told everyone Jon was Robert's bastard by way of Random Wench No.500. He's got the black hair and in a fucked up way Robert gets a son via Lyanna that he always wanted.
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Trying to set up a marriage between a royal bastard and a "random lord bastard" would be mighty suspicious.

Unimportant people marry for love. Arranged marriages only happen between nobility.

Oh sure, some shrewd man might've just tried to give the luck a hand "Hey, let's our friends in the Vale again, Jon you coming - Well, we have to discuss business, can you stay here with the mule girl? wink wink"

But Ned isn't exactly clever and mostly just not a schemer.
>Ned wouldn't see sending Jon to the wall as a bad thing.

Ned basically says that Jon is fucked if he goes to NW in one of the first chapters in GoT. Pretty sure it's the Catelyn PoV where Luwin deliver's Lysa's letter
They do address it
>Prince Rhaegar shook his head. "My royal sire fears your father more than he does our cousin Robert.

Steffon and Aerys were close enough that they entrusted him to help find Rhaegar a wife in the free cities. Presumably if any of Steffon kids had been female they'd marry Rhaegar.
Moreover they are certainly closer then Starks and Karstarks, yet we are expected to treat this as an act of kinslaying.
we all know the best character is my nigga salla
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>Are people even aware of Mya Stone?
Cersei and Varys officially know for sure, but probably everyone knows; Robert was playing with her after she was born.
>Starks and Karstarks, yet we are expected to treat this as an act of kinslaying.
No, that's just Karstark trying to scare him more for the execution.

Shit I need to reread those books. I just assumed she was on the same level as Gendry, or that random whore in Stoney Sept.
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Tullys are SCUM
catelyn did nothing wrong.
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I just reread it, there's nothing like that...
Only thing he doesn't like is that Jon is only 14, but he implies that if he was 15-16 it would be perfectly fine.
kek tullyfag could you be MORE ass-annihilated?
bran stark is just a common misspelling of best boy
please don't mistake that hothead for me I am simply discouraging bullying
Wow, even the Wights wear shitty off-black leather
I can't find the line about Robert playing with her, but here's the line from Cersei talking about (robert talking about) her

>Her husband's by-blows had his look as well, though at least Robert had the grace to keep them out of sight. Once, after that sorry business with the cat, he had made some noises about bringing some baseborn daughter of his to court. "Do as you please," she'd told him, "but you may find that the city is not a healthy place for a growing girl." The bruise those words had won her had been hard to hide from Jaime, but they heard no more about the bastard girl.
damn it can't find the line I was looking for, did I dream it?

anyway, here's 1 more from Ned :
>Ned remembered Robert’s first child as well, a daughter born in the Vale when Robert was scarcely more than a boy himself. A sweet little girl; the young lord of Storm’s End had doted on her. He used to make daily visits to play with the babe, long after he had lost interest in the mother. Ned was often dragged along for company, whether he willed it or not. The girl would be seventeen or eighteen now, he realized; older than Robert had been when he fathered her.
that is the line about robert playing with her?...

I suppose if Mya was Robert's first then it makes sense there'd be a connection. It's not like she was fathered in the Rebellion or during his kingship where Robert was slinging dick to every Tavern wench or camp follower that blew in with the wind.
the girl ned's talking about in that line is obviously mya
Yes, but there was one more, from Cersei, can't find it. It was about Robert putting his finger in her mouth, she was giggling and stuff, and Robert only wanted that from everyone, smiles and laughs. Hence why he didn't like Joffrey, who only cried when Robert tried to play with him as a babe.

Oh well.
If they had crowned Tywin after RR, when he died years later, would the kingdoms have been better or worse?

He would most likely try to get Jaime off the KG... Or would he recognize Tyrion's skill and Jaime carelessness and go with Tyrion as heir?
>go with Tyrion as heir?

I've always thought that if I was Robert's heir I would have had Tywin as Hand but as a sort of compromise I would've invented a new position and made Tyrion 'Master of the City', effectively the first "Mayor" of King's Landing.

Tyrion seemed like he was in his prime in ACOK when he was walking the streets with Bronn and Ser Bywater, killing singers and sending crooks like Jason Slynt to the Wall. Let him deal with the corruption and the Gold Cloaks and Flea Bottom.
tyrion was a shit hand who spent half the time ignoring the real threats, needless in-fighting with cersei when they essentially had the same goals and feeding his ego

Exactly. Keep him out of the Red Keep and fuck him off into the city proper where he belongs.

Send Cersei to Casterly Rock for good measure.
Cersei's ineptitude is somewhat interesting in the sense we don't really know when she became insane. Though out both Got and CoK she seems rather rational, even clever at certain points. By the time we actually get her perspective she's already begun the decent into madness due to Tywin and Joffs death. Was she just really good at hiding her nutty side, or did this only begin later?
Tyrion literally spent half of his time doing shit for Shae. When the war was at his doorstep and literally every Lannister/Lannister loyalist might really well have been killed.

For all his "cunning", he's not serious one bit. How much time will he devote to random whores in peace time, if he spent so much time with her in this terrible perilous situation?

sure, "he" defended KL...
But he had the wildfire. Sure he came up with an idea on how to use it, but just like Dany, when you have the WMD your victory gets you less credit.

Plus, like poeple often mention, how 2 of his team were trying to overthrow the Lannister while he was in power and he did nothing/saw nothing... Despite him knowing one of them was a liar and a big threat. And thinking the other one was too.

All in all, Tyrion wasn't the worst incompetent in the story... But not that far. I don't know a thing about war but give me a thousand guy with heavy machine gun and I'll defend kingslanding too.

The wildfire/Tyrell won the battle, not Tyrion. Saying "Hey we could use the wildfire to kill our enemies!" doesn't make it a great strategic mind.
also the chain was initially a bit of a dumb idea since stannis and ships wasn't the main threat to the city; he was needlessly diverting production to something that would barely help - he just got lucky that the battle eventuated in a situation where it was useful
you guys are boring.
what exactly were you looking for in this thread?
waifu feets
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rightful king and queen coming through.
looks like /got/ isn't the place for you, pal, we're nothing but quality discussion 24/7 :^)
they look like they'd own a vegan bakery in Portland.
New thread
Too much baits but no fish

You dumd fucking cunt!
>early thread

What is up with this autism?
You got that all wrong
Arya is his favorite
Robb is her favorite, mothers only love their firstborn
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