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Times /tv/ has been BTFO. I'll start.

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Star Wars is a girls franchise now, misogynists. Deal with it.
Ok, that's fine. I'll go watch something else I guess
Star Wars is a kids franchise
Well, Anakin's dead, what's the problem here?
Don't lecture me Obi-Wan
I don't see the problem. It belongs to her now. The the headline is just saying who it belongs to in-universe chronologically. Quit trying to stir shit out of nothing.
Why does this matter again? It's just a prop, autismos
>Don't mansplain me Obi-Wan
Why are you leaving out the part where it's only for marketting toys?


>“In general,” Hidalgo explains, “a lightsaber belongs to the person who constructed it.” Obviously not the case here with Rey. “In The Force Awakens, Maz says that the saber is calling to Rey now. Whether or not it’s literally calling to her to become hers or it’s calling to her because she knows it will be taken back to Luke—we’ll see,” Hidalgo hints.

>Either way, the blade is no longer considered Anakin’s lightsaber by the Lucasfilm marketing department. It has now officially been dubbed “Rey’s.” As for that green lightsaber Luke made for himself, it has yet to resurface in any of the marketing materials surrounding the current trilogy. Has Luke abandoned it along with, potentially, his faith in the Jedi way? Will we see Luke wield it again in The Last Jedi?

>Hidalgo says vaguely yet reassuringly: “We take to heart the lesson that Obi-Wan tried to impart to Anakin: ‘This weapon is your life.’ We’re not ones to lose track of lightsabers.”
From the article:
>Either way, the blade is no longer considered Anakin’s lightsaber by the Lucasfilm marketing department. It has now been officially dubbed ‘Rey’s’.
oh look, it's fucking nothing.
Oh, so now lightsabers have minds or something. Idk, I think I'll just stick with the originals when not everything had to have a backstory
>women and SJWs are big fans of simple, pandering franchises with clear good guys and bad guys like Star Wars, capeshit, harry potter, game of thrones
>these shows are the ones discussed most here

really gets the old noggin' churning.
doesn't mean we can't enjoy its innocence.
Its like a Harry Potter wand now.
The lightsaber chooses the Jedi.
>simple, pandering franchises with clear good guys and bad guys
>like game of thrones
wew lad, why'd you have to go for a fourth example?
>It's another women complain about men for having childish interests but feel the need to use those interests to empower themselves only when it became acceptable and trendy
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>That smug sentence composure
>That shitty so randum avatar

I guarantee you he's a balding bearded baby face cuck who wears glasses. Hands down guaranteed. You'll also find him posting on Twitter about his every bowel movement and entire blog posts on there about the most stupid shit imaginable, as if he actually thinks he garners respect from anybody.

Also, he is either friend zoned by some 2/10 looking STD riddled dye-haired women with glasses, or he's being pegged by a feminist white hating womyn.

>Yfw you realise that's the kind of people Star Wars is made for now

Danny ruins GOT. She doesn't have nearly enough moral complexity to her character and gets magically bailed out of any bad choices she makes.
Wow as a woman it's really sexist for star wars and Disney to suggest that another girl can't create her own success, but has to rely on the man that came before her
I mean, it was also Luke's Lightsaber at one point. I see no problem with this aside from all the click bait headlines and shit. I don't see how anything can belong to a dead person anyway.
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That's lame. If I was playing a Jedi I'd want my own unique hilt.
Women aren't creative. Get over it

I wish Martin killed her off like he planned but at least we've got based Aegon, does what Daenerys did in a single book that is taking her seven.
This shouldn't trigger anyone, there's literally nothing to this article that we didn't know already
Shouldn't she get her own eventually? Isn't constructing your own lightsaber like the Jedi final exam?
There's so much wrong in this pic
>Isn't constructing your own lightsaber like the Jedi final exam?

Yes but Rey won't have to do that because she's speshul.
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>tfw no Ben Kenobi ghost to tell Rey about his good friends
Qui Gon's hilt made the most sense out of all of them. The rest have too many buttons and knobs to comfortably hold.
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>Teddie avatar
Further proof P4 babbies are inferior
But Star Wars is happening in the past. Rey is also dead. So it would belong to them both from contemporary point of view.
Feminists would be excited to get a tool used to kill a lot of children.
He is right normies love Danny the mary sue with deus ex dragons, and hated Stannis the mannis
Obi-Wan's TPM one is fine too. No idea how you're even supposed to hold Vader's.
For god's sake, doof, how many stories have there been with some kind of psychic telepathic connection to a physical object? Why wouldn't the force be any different?

Family Guy even made fun of it one episode.
>Man creates something
>woman takes ownership of it
Sounds about right.
I really don't give a fuck if Luke gave his lightsaber to Rey. What's with the weird smugness about it. Trying to shoehorn some weird feminist statement into it? I'm not buying it. Fuck off retards.
Star wars isnt even that good tbqh
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Luke didn't make one at first. And force users easily use other light sabers.

I'd just as soon they skipped "making your own" as, unless they reveal something new, there's nothing to be gained from wasting time on that.
Why would you want that saber in the first place?
It was used to murder countless children and Luke got btfo while using it.
One of the many terrible plot points of TFA, it fell out of cloud city into what fucking space?
Should've used Luke's green saber instead.
Actually a raunchy sex scene or two would liven it up no end

it's the stark trek problem of bland sterile sci fi where any claim of any characters having genitals is dubious
Ironic women are flocking to it when lightsabers look like dildos.
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Star Wars was always normie le nerd shit just like Star Trek post-tos.
>it fell out of cloud city into what fucking space?
Nobody knows where it fell, probably down into Cloud City somewhere. But it did not fall out of the same tube Luke did out into the air.
Alice Eve proves Star Trek doesn't have that problem.
yeah so females.
they skipped Luke though ;_;

Who fucking cares.
This is nothing new. For years they've been selling both "Anakin Episode III" lightsabers and "Luke Episode IV" lightsabers despite those being the exact same thing.
>That shitty so randum avatar
It's Teddie. He's a fairly well-known video game character. That's not to defend him, though. If you knew who the character was, you'd think even less of him than you do now.
bert, probably
>Alice Eve proves Star Trek doesn't have that problem.

And their grovelling apology for showing her in what amounts to a bikini shows it actually does.
>he thinks GoT doesn't have good and bad guys
Anakin killed children with that lightsaber.

Let her have it. Its tainted by pure evil.
>rey cant even make her own sabre and needs to rely on a man's already made one

seems like they overlooked something here
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get into it before they ruin it too
Finally found a character flaw
Feminism 101 : What belongs to man belongs to woman

Try and take Jin-Roh from me ;^)
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>mfw they insert some bullshit harry potter wand lore into muh lightsabers
isnt it lore that a jedi is to complete training by making their own saber?

having said that, would this mean that the lightsaber remains fucking anakin skywalkers, and not this fucking meme..

i sware on me mum, they do this to troll people
>the wand chooses the wizard, mr. potter
Can't ruin it if it's shit already
False. You make your own lightsaber. The lightsaber belongs to the one who made it. For example, that was never Luke's lightsaber. It was his father's.

It's just for marketing purposes, anon. Actual fans and characters in-universe know it as Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber.
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Those fucking people bitching about the best scene in that movie. People don't know how to have fun.
Holy shit half of them are like 18
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>misses the obvious problem with this image

holy shit, none are black
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women can't do anything by themselves. the female character has to rely on the tools that men before her time created. just like in the real world.

it's like pottery.
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>girl on left
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I need sauce on left
What did they mean by this?
I made this.
You made this?
I made this.
>wanting super saggy tits
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men getting absolutely BTFO itt
"I set about making my own lightsaber. I got the help of two boys and told them I wanted a blue one and soon, I had made it."

>Yoda was going to have a yellow/orange lightsaber in TPM

Damn I wish this happened
>Write obvious clickbait article just to stir up shit
>Post it on 4chan for more clicks
>Makes 300 replies
>Make the same thread just worded differently, Apologize, It's Rey's sabre, ect..
>Even more threads at 300 and even more revenue from clicks
>ad infinum
>thing exists
>people accept thing or don't care
>women get involved
>suddenly thing is about gender

every. single. time.
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is this only meant to be held one-handed like some limp-dick frenchman?
I don't understand why they wouldn't have rey make her own lightsaber though just so they could sell toys of it. Unless they didn't think boys would want to play with a sword used by a girl unless it was previously a man's... But still..
Oh. Well I'm not one to usually care about that one way or the other. More just pleased it explains the quality of Huffpo
>Official journalist writing in formal capacity
>Avatar is Teddie from Persona 4
What did professionalism standards mean by this?
They're all way too young. Meanwhile at my job all the women are in their 40's.

t. Eldar

>Feminists take obvious capitalist ploys as victories
It puts the blade at an angle to throw off the average lightsaber wielder. It's some mad Count Dooku kung fu shit

They could make something on the vein of the red ridding hoods and it would still be awesome though.


> Implying the trend is going to hold and Rey will EVER be as iconic as Luke or Darth Vader


If Anakin made it, yes. Even in lukes hands it was anakins. The original creator and owner is why it gets the name attributed to it. If Rey made a lightsaber, everyone would call that one Rey's. even if luke or kylo ended up using it.
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So Rey doesn't have her BBC staff anymore? Did that thing have a canon name?
Sweet vape, brah.
>man makes thing
>woman claims ownership of thing
>woman ruins thing
>blames it on man
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Lmao. Close.
I don't get it.
Why post that?
Did he decide to beat a dead horse to stir shit up?

Lucas managed to gather some of best silverscreen swordsman of the age and liam "Rob Roy" neelson knows his shit, his hilt is pure utilitarian.
It is not her saber any more than it is Luke's. In order to claim the lightsaber as yours you must build it. In building it you infuse a portion of your force powers into it binding it to you.
Whats wrong with it?
who cares? The franchise is shit anyway.
fuckin hate women lads
>game of thrones
>no clear good guys and bad guys

roastie detected
Ah yes, the old "you built the infrastructure, but don't you dare raise complaints when we parasites wipe our asses all over it and claim it" argument.
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>still falling for western movies
>still falling for western games
>still falling for western shit

admit it, the Japanese have won. Its time to tunr away from western culture and fully embrace the Samurai.

But the Japanese turned their back on the way of the samurai, twice, thanks to merkuh.
Perfect platform for females then

literally a sexist, racist girls club

how do they sleep at night

Whatever else you might say about it, this advertising program has been successful: I am fully convinced that I the new Star Wars films aren't for me, so I won't be going to see them.

Now all Disney has to do is convince women that they want to go see a dumb action sci-fi flick and not whatever rom-com or horror movie is playing opposite it.
I got some
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>survey of 2000 redditors

Hark, tis naught.
not him, but it's not just one object important to a central character. that's fine.

everything in Star Wars gets way too wanked over. random dudes appearing in one scene have to have a backstory. there's no good space combat miniatures game out there so i picked up x-wing on a whim (game's alright), and after a bunch of games I start looking up who these pilots are and they're a bunch of people who appeared in The Force Awakens for five seconds - the asian girl X-wing pilot and the fat dude from Alias, as extra pilot fillers and they have fucking pages of backstory.

the goal here is to make a stupid, 'progressive' statement, get called out for the stupid part, and write futher articles about the supposed "backlash against muh progressivism" by a bunch of strawmen.

for fuck's sake you're on /tv/, you should be familiar with the ghostbusters marketing strategy by now.
>isnt it lore that a jedi is to complete training by making their own saber?
Attack of the Clones disproves this by everyone using manufactured ones.
Can someone explain the significance? I really don't get the issue? Wouldn't anything passed down become theirs? If Luke had it, wouldn't it become Luke's?
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Anyone else feel like Disney did you a favor by making you retire from this franchise? I'd rather spend my time in a gym than put up with this shit.

To be fair you'd write pages of backstory for characters who barely appear, in case they do need to be used. It's decent character creation/writing. Even if it's not used right then, it can be later. Maybe those characters had more lines or something else to do on various iterations of the script, you need characterization (backstory, mannerism etc) written to hand to the actor so they can act.
Are you joking?

Guaranteed good guys forever no matter what
>Jon Snow
>Brienne of Tarth RIP
>Dany (Guaranteed to win because there's no way in hell he'd spend 5+ books following the story of a single person halfway across the world with the single goal of taking the throne only to have them fail)
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