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/who/ - Doctor Who General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 335
Thread images: 69

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Logopolis Edition

Last cack >>81470008
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I can't wait!
Logopolis aka The Doctor Falls 1.0
Bidmead was right!
Why was she so bad at acting /who/?
Almost no talent, probably.
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>tfw simmposter
>Why did a hack producer with no budget trying to cast a show with no prestige that his bosses hate hire an actress with no experience?

It's a real puzzle, isn't it?
They eat so much. All that roasting meat, cakes and red wine. Hot, fat, blood, food. Pots, plates of meat, and flesh, and grease, and juice, and baking, burnt, sticky hot skin. Hot. It's so hot. Sliced. Sliced. Sliced. They eat so much.
That wasn't the question I asked.
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WE JUST STARTED MIDNIGHT you need to register to chat
cytu be/r/casualwhostream
New clip just shown on itv. Bill pepper sprays a Dalek.
>not the northern school play Midnight
>Meet Bill Potts. She works at St Luke’s University, serving chips to students, and nothing ever, ever happens. Then, one day, she finds there’s another world beneath the one she knows. A familiar face in a pool of water, and a love that is over before it can begin, will change her life for ever – because this is the day Bill meets the Doctor.

lol they can barley afford the show as it is. It's just London
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>Trapped on a giant spaceship, caught in the event horizon of a black hole, he witnesses the death of someone he is pledged to protect.
>he witnesses the death of someone he is pledged to protect.
>the death of someone he is pledged to protect.

I have never been so uninterested in a companion. I want a finale season of Capaldi-Kino without "huhh wots a durlekk m8"
I bet Bill get killed (converted) and then it turns out to be Bill from Mondas and not Earth BIll in the last ep.
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If she were Bill from Mondas she'd be named Llib.
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>Broken down
>In the middle of nowhere
You're exactly like a younger brother who doesn't quite understand whats funny but he just repeats it louder anyway.

I'm just shitposting at this point.
>at this point
I'd prefer that to an older brother that shits on anyone having fun
Don't cry, Billy.
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>literally linking to reddit
There is no fun allowed on four chan dot com :(
it's jimmy, actually
OK Jason
Your older brother is Jimmy Howe?
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THEORY: What if Episode 11 is similar to the Big Finish Story Masterplan but with John Simm?

Which ends with Simm regenerating into Missy
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We have two episodes in series 10 which have same name as audio episodes. Weird.
First Thin Ice and now this
Thin Ice was originally a title for a Season 27 script.
>Thin Ice was originally a title for a Season 27 script.
I know, but if it would end up on tv, it would've been called Ice Time.
Thin Ice - is audio adaptation.
Why didn't we do secret santa this year?
I am trying to comment on the stream but apparently I am forbidden of doing so? I never spammed nor stirred up shit.
You need to register an actual account of cytube.
It can detect that you're a massive faggot and doesn't want you to coment
The fuck? I have been on the stream for three days and it never asked me to log in.
Just found some mini eggs lads. Anyone want some?
They made it accounts-only to block the simmposters.
They changed it to try thwart us Simmposters
I mean, it's worked a treat.
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Guess which episode we're watching /who/

It's been a while since I listened to Dark Eyes, what happens in that one? The only Master ones I remember vividly are Eyes of the Master and Master of the Daleks.

Moff listened to the first Vol of River Song audios so it's possible he listened to the 2nd and the title lodged in his mind. There's so much fucking Doctor Who content that titles are bound to double up at some point anyway though.
Can all you streamfolk go start a Discord or something, you divert the threads all the time. Clearly you enjoy having your own identities and injokes. Go the whole hog. The only trips that are tolerable here are the ones that actually talk Doctor Who and don't constantly talk about themselves (eg Shelmhil).
I miss prog desu
but shithead is boring af
Stream was fun for a couple of days but then it was taken over by retards and became a complete shit fest.
hi valley
It's calmed down now.
It's inevitable.

Stream requires usernames.

Usernames mean no anonymity.

No anonymity mean people start cementing identities.

Identities mean drama and talking about stuff that isn't Doctor Who.

Which means everything goes downhill.

This happened before, with the Skype group. Edge_lord and the rest of the stream crowd are going to make it happen again. The Foreman recording may possibly do it depending oon how much edge_lord and some others make it about them. Things will improve after S10 ends and a lot of them leave.
people have only gone to the stream cause shit actually happens there
>using the skype group as an example
Wouldn't a better example be the shitloads of other stream channels /who/ has had? Except they didn't start trip drama wars as you claim they do, because no-one uses them unless they're watching things. The skype group was notable for being multiple tripcode users crossing over between the thread and a permanent social area, this isn't remotely comparable. Just admit Edge_lord annoys you and stop extrapolating this out into a crisis.
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>people have only gone to the stream cause shit actually happens there

On-season users folks.
>tfw Edge_Lord already creating "identity"

At least Cats was ironic what have you got going for you?
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edge lord is a literal newfag.
Just saw episode 1. Do we ever find out who the doctor is? Just some genius scientist with a genius granddaughter? Does he ever fix his time machine?
The more you try and 'stop' someone by focusing attention on them the more you create a meme around them and roll up the autism snowball. Believe me I know, it's basically my fault cats12 got started.
The other stream channels don't really fit the example because people didn't start drama there. I've participated in streams before and had fun when it's just /who/ mucking around.

Edge_lord as a person doesn't annoy me, they seem fun, but I've seen this all happen before and they represent the start of it. Whenever people making it all about them and their tripcode and whatnot, /who/ suffers.

This is hardly a "crisis", it's just me pointing out /who/ is gonna be shittier than usual for a while.

Not the problem at all mate, it's neat to see new users and activity, more talking is good, it's just that you're making it all about you. Ask Cloister how that goes.
I love edge lord victorious!
He keeps kidnapping new people as the old ones escape. Then he dies and turns into someone else. That's basically the whole plot.
>The other stream channels don't really fit the example because people didn't start drama there.
How is this different? There's been no drama. In fact, the only thing that happened took place entirely outside of the stream when a wave of shitposting just decided to happen in /who/ after the The Master OP debacle.
inb4 someone thinks this is really him and not someone who took his trip
The shitposting wave is what I'm thinking of but yeah, I might be doomsaying for something that won't happen. Just getting a lot of deja vu here and I do think things will get dramatic. We'll see how it goes. In any case, I'm looking forward to S10 plenty, but it will be nice to get comfy offseason /who/ back after that.
Well I'm with you there.
Who's fourteenth birthday is it?
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Do not speak his name in the event that he shall kill another child
Edge Lord Victorious reply to me

Let's make a baby
Is MrSinxist still here?
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What's /who/ with you?

More to the point, how many people are in here who even understand this question?
Everyone but us two is a newfag here.
Currently listening to Doom Coalition 1 for the first time. Red Lady was good. Onto the third story.

I liked Dark Eyes more than the EDAs but desu I way preferred the higher highs and lower lows of the monthlies than all the later stuff.
Za is no leader
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I'd much rather just discuss/make fun of the show and drawfag for the thread when people request things.
Watched the Web of Fear last night. It was raining. Shit was comfy.
Also I finally got my hands on the Third Doctor Adventures. Gonna veg out on the couch and play a game while listening.
Draw me
Post the image of 5. You know which one.
Draw Sixies penis
what's poppin', lads?
I heard the 3 adventures are shit. Will need some confirmation on that. 3 era is comfy as fuck.
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The last time I drew doctor who nsfw for the thread I got a ban warning, sorry lads.

No, stop attention whoring, ask me to draw something Doctor Who related then we'll see.
real talk I think the real MrSinxist just up and left the second we found his channel
I'll report back tonight then. Only got the first series.
I am in belief that MrSinxist is God.
God fucking damn it the voice is so fucking retarded I lose my shit every time
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Can someone give me the rundown on this frog character?
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hey guys
I don't think it would be polite to discuss this in detail here anymore since that kid died
I blame Cloister for this.
Thanks I will look out for it
hey lads
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Apparently it was born on August 22, 2002.
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Not gonna lie though the intro music is catchy
Draw Eighth Doctor glaring at Clara, please.

THEY'RE BACK https://www.youtube.com/user/MrSinxist
I saw WikiaFrog at the park today, I said happy birthday and he slapped me
This isn't alright.
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Thanks Doctor you did it again
Holy shit is MrSinxist rising from the dead
Happy fourteenth birthday!
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Well this is gonna be hype as fuck
Can you get the gif or webm of that little "it's real!" scene? Simm cracks me up in it.
Redpill me on WikiaFrog. What the fuck exactly is it. I've watched Sinxist's vids and am even more confused.
You've never read the Bible?
Series bible: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r3sks8ZlVEbK_r4cHbI0Iy5HGNokQDQDWChmm73Alhw/edit?pageId=102298721506531547064

>WikiaFrog as WikiaFrog, an average tree frog who discovers Sir Masterful's plan in his forever dream, Fafabooki’s assistant Rezorio, Norm, a news anchor along with the silent Deborah and Sir Masterful, an evil underlord who is planning on sucking everyone into a Dreamland, Fred Masterful, and Darwin, WikiaFrog's neighbor.
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Deep WikiaFrog lore: it's an offshoot of the earlier "Frog-Place" project

See https://thefrogplace.wordpress.com/

"Yes, I know, Frog Place was supposed to be finished three quarters of a year ago. But, many of our developers stopped work and left it all to WikiaFrog. Wikiafrog hired someone else, Ninja Penguins. He said the game will be finished in 2015! So, I don’t know what’s happening. We need someone who could get the game done.. and fast…"
I'm sure that Capaldi is made up to look older in the later episodes of s10.

Instead of silvery gray with shiny darker bits, his hair is a dry dull bland gray.

Just a thought. Or maybe Capaldman is just tired after 10 months of exhausting filming.
The WikiaFrog Movie, also known simply as "WikiaFrog", is an action-adventure-comedy musical film starring WikiaFrog, CustardTheSpeedyBird and others.

"WikiaFrog" was originally meant as a joke when Frog himself made a fake movie poster with himself. He later decided to make the movie, which was originally intended to be released Summer 2014 but was pushed back to Summer 2015. The original film plot was different, it revolved around Frog accidentally wishing he would sleep forever and a magical British fairy, Charlie, making his wish come true and Frog getting stuck in Dreamland.

Every character was originally going to be voiced by WikiaFrog but it was too hard for him to do so he casted some friends from Club Penguin Wikia as characters.
dug around a bit and found out that WikiaFrog started out on the club penguin wiki or some shit and theres a chat.

top kek

It cracks me up that a /who/ trip ended up being this bizarre club penguin frog kid
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twitter DOT com SLASH wikiafrog

www DOT facebook DOT com SLASH wikiafrog
/who/ club penguin memes and tripfag drama
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I seriously hope the Doctor is okay
On season is back baby!
we need to spread this
this needs to become a meme
I struggle to believe more than 3-4 people find any of the wikia frog stuff remotely interesting, it's just not taking off in any way or getting significant reply mileage.

ffs, I'm out
Nice try MrSinxist
***** this. Bunch of *******s.
Who is 6's best companion?
WikiaFrog. Coming soon, from Briggs Finish productions, Colin Baker and MrSinxist in The Sixth Doctor Adventures.
Does Frobisher count as a companion? If so, why not more Frobisher stories?
Of course he counts! He's my third favourite after Evelyn and MrSinxist
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v27rQk0Z9KY&t=4s AHAHAHAH THERE'S A FUCKING DOCTOR WHO ONE

better than justin bieber at least?
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>Colin Baker and MrSinxist in The Sixth Doctor Adventures

IT'S REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is this where RTD got his inspiration?
Evil Evelyn.
I haven't gotten to her yet. I've been finishing up 6's solo shit after Trial. I'm hype as fuck though.
I was a bit shocked when it turned out it was WikiaFrog that caused 6's regeneration
(Over images of people connecting to a red wifi linking the whole planet, via desktops, laptops, phones, etc. is a man on a staticky screen.)
NABILE: Danger. This is a warning. A warning to the whole world. You're looking for wifi. Sometimes you see something.
(He holds up a card with seven strange symbols.)
NABILE: A bit like this. Don't click it. Do not click it. Once you've clicked it, they're in your computer.
(A whole slew of weird symbols in the available connections list.)
NABILE: They can see you. And they can see you, they might choose you. And if they do, you die. For twenty four hours, you're dead. For a while. People's souls are being uploaded to the internet. And some people get stuck. Their minds, their souls, in the wifi. Like echoes, like ghosts. Sometimes you can hear their screams on the radio, on the telly, on the net. This is real. This is not a hoax.
MAN 2 [on screen]: I don't know where I am.
NABILE: Or a joke.
(A Japanese woman on a laptop screen.)
NABILE: Or a story.
MAN 3 [on screen]: I don't know where I am.
NABILE: This is real, and I know that, because I don't know where I am. Please, please, if you can hear me, if you can hear me, I don't know where I am.
(We pull out to a display of lots of screens of people saying they don't know where they are.)
good god

what the fuck drugs is this guy on

You're going to love her.
She is a pirate genuine.

As we look at Earth from above, we see the myriad of networks streaming across the planet.


We see a number of people around the world on laptops and tablets signing onto Wi-Fi.




A MAN is on camera, warning those watching his video.

Danger! This is a warning. A warning to the whole world. You're looking for Wi-Fi. And sometimes you see something... a bit like this. (holds up a sign bearing foreign symbols) Don't click it. Do. Not. Click. It.

We see people clicking on the symbols when looking for Wi-Fi.

Once you've clicked it, they're in your computer. They can see you. And if they can see you, they might choose you. And if they do... you die. Within 24 hours, you're dead.

We see some of the people who clicked on the symbols sprawled out on the ground or in their seats.

For a while. People's souls are being uploaded to the internet. Some people get stuck. Their minds, their
souls, trapped in the Wi-Fi. Like echoes. Like ghosts.

Faintly, we hear overlapping voices.

I don't know where I am! I don't know where I am! (repeated)

Sometimes you can hear their screams. On the radio. On the telly. On the net.

I don't know where I am! I don't know where I am! (repeated)

This is real. This is not a hoax.

(into camera) I, I don't know where I am!

Or a joke.

(into camera) Doko?

Or a story.

MAN 2:
(into camera) I don't know where I am!

This is real and I know that, because... (voice breaks) I don't know where I am. Please, if you can hear me... If you can hear me, I don't know where I am.

The camera pulls out and we see the MAN is one of hundreds as we see a wall lined with monitors, each person pleading for help, not knowing where they are.

I think this might be a video of that club penguin chat

Matt Smith
Jenna-Louise Coleman

“The Bells of Saint John”
Steven Moffat
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Tell me about WikiaFrog! Why does he wear the hat?
Do you guys think Sarah Jane missed 3's cock? It's got to be really awkward for the Doctor when he regenerates in the middle of a relationship and his cock is only half as large. It's not like you can just not acknowledge it.

im gonna go troll the shit outta em
yeah but...

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>here's Samantha, who is, in fact, male
>all the good posters have closed the tab and given up for the night leaving only the people who can't even make funny shitposts
I think I'm going to follow suit.
There's a separate place the old-timers congregate when it gets especially bad.
it might've been half the length, but it was twice as thick


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Sorry this took so long, we're watching Ninth Doctor episodes in stream
What's your favourite Who character to draw. I like your style.
I'm so sorry the thread actually resembles 4chan for once and that actual doctor who posts are still getting replies. Must be tough
posted wikiafrog movie to >>>/co/91435831
Best 6 story?

finally, something that isnt a shitpost about a fourteen year old toad that plays club penguin. i fuckin love your art style.
Draw Colin spanking Clara
Why can't I post in the chat?
Holy Terror, Jubilee, Maltese Penguin are all great. There's plenty more great ones, but most will definitely agree those 3 are great.
anything from his audio range
Because tripfags are gay
is mrsinxist still here
But I have no mouth and I must scream.
oh my god

it's you

ok my question how many stones do you fuck in one day
It actually is me lol

I fuck 80 stones a day
thoughts on thoughts on?
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That art thing at the back of the room, I swear I've seen it before
is it from heaven sent? The wall thing that had clockwork behind it?
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Well, fuck the stream then.
mrsinxist have you ever seen the movie Faggot and the Frog who could
Doctor no more...
>one man owns the entire internet
apj bae
movie about the frog posted to >>81474276
Web no more...
like I said

80 stones
No one cares.
fuck off i'm frog and a legend
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Star Trek is better
hello twinkie
The Christmas special should have a scene like Renton's comedown in Trainspotting
The Time Lords take away his regenerations and he screams "I JUST NEED ONE MORE FUCKIN HIT"
He hallucinates Missy standing over him and she sings "no I've never - met - anyone - quite like you before"
He lies back, rolls over and sees 11 staring back at him
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I love this idea and love Trainspotting.
Pat from the CPWC is a nub
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Ten's wild hair is way too fun to draw, but I like drawing Eight's curly mop as well.

Thank you!
is that a tardis styled blackboard in the university?
tfw Eight cut his hair after Lucie, Alex,
and Tamsin
fuck Seth464786ti
Fuck off MrSinxist. We're laughing AT you, not with you, and your attempts to turn these videos into a forced meme are really cringy.
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fucks sake
Curly mop no more...
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You realise I'm not actually MrSinxist, right?
Still cringy
Go to bed son, and come back once you're over 18
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I believe there's a MrSinxist in all of us.
tfw no Eight's WETA screwdriver in the mug :'(
Is it true that 7 is pretty bad big finish?
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u wot m8.jpg
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>My name's Doctor Who
comfy confirmed
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No, Death in the Family is possibly the best audio there is. And BF did a good, logical, cohesive job of developing his character post-Season 26.
series 10 will be the best of nuwho
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Which doctor has the shittiest big finish output in your opinion?
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Eighth Doctor Adventures are the only good Big Finish audios.
no u
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Four, easily. The FDAs are legit bad.

I'd rank the Doctors BF output as

8>6>power gap>7>10>power gap>5>power gap>4

I legit think they're the worst of Eight's audios. Monthlies>Dark Eyes>DC>EDAs.
The plot is so obvious from all the photos released ffs
Among the early monthlies, 7 definitely has the most bad ones and the fewest great ones.

But he does have some great ones, so unless someone's forcing you to listen to everything instead of cherrypick, I wouldn't call him "pretty bad", or anything near.
Nope, I'd say he's probably the best Main Range Doctor behind 6. In fact, he had a string of stories that are nearly perfect altogether (disregarding some of them). The Harvest all the way through Signs and Wonders, a pretty great run of stories.
So don't look at the photos. You're just asking to be spoiled by doing that.
No, there's quite a bit of great stuff with 7.
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such a comfy costume

Really? I love them so much.
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Anyone else here think FDA's are bad? I only heard the first set and the early specials like Foe From the Future and thought they were a pretty mixed bag ranging from pretty good to bland.
Just my opinion dude, they're not to my tastes but I can see why some would like them. I should say they're the worst TO ME.
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General opinion, even on r/gallifrey and GB, is that they're not very good. Sure there are some good ones but on the whole they're very...workmanlike and uninspired, which are the worst traits of modern Briggs Finish.

Philip Hinchcliffe Presents is a lot better for 4s audios. Doctor Who and the Pescatons is worth checking out.
Can we just go back to all wearing rad/trad and gun/frock labels so nobody has to argue about taste?
Bill looks like a potato with an afro
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Wait, there are people who like Pescatons for non-nostalgia reasons?

(I personally love it, but I was like 8 at the time, so I assumed that was why…)
>baby gremlin Doctor from Last of the Timelords crawls along the ceiling while 12 screams
I can believe that's accurate. I kept thinking when I heard Destination Nerva that "they finally got Tom Baker, and THIS is what they do?"
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Thank you. Your Eight looks cute. Is that Lucie behind him?

How about Martha high-giving Donna?
Are the Early Adventures good? Any difference in quality between the 1 and 2 sets?
Trouble with Drax is good. Plus, it has a qt Drax incarnation.

Nah, I get that it's just an opinion. It's just surprising to me. I think the thing I like most is that there's a solid and coherent throughline from beginning to end. Listening to all the EDAs felt like one long story with a beginning and end, and I really dig that vibe. Characters develop in clear ways, actions have consequences. Even though a lot of it is very episodic the events that take place in each episode feel like they have weight to them. It's just really satisfying to follow from beginning to end and I love that kind of long term pay-off. The standalone stories are good, but I just love the scale of the EDAs.
Fuck I can't make it through Doctor Who and the Silurians. Is Pertwee always this tedious? I just don't care about any of the human villains, why do they get so much fucking screen time argh
Streaming the Runaway Bride. You know where
But what if I don't know?
Yep, it's Lucie.

I'm going to bed but if you ask tomorrow I'll definitely do more doctor who drawfag stuff

>They asked me to stay on. And I love this show. But I began to get worried about my capacity to deliver my best work. The schedule is very intense, and I began to wonder, how many different ways can I find to say, “The time vortex is going to open up and destroy the entire universe as we know it, unless we blow up that model spaceship over there”? It concerned me that if I did more, yes, I’d be able to do it, but I’d just be phoning it in. And I didn’t ever want to be in that situation.
When you come back, draw Eight and Fitz stepping out of Compassion.
He has a point. By Series 4, Tennant is pretty much on autopilot until Waters of Mars.
I getcha. 8 and Charley's audios do the same thing though, and so does Dark Eyes (Doom Coalition says it does too but it bungles it IMO). Storm Warning through The Girl Who Never Was has the solid throughline of 8 and Charley's relationship and what saving Charley meant for both of them and for the universe. The Divergent Arc is more serialised than the EDAs. Dark Eyes too.

My main problem with the EDAs, apart from the general writing, was so much felt like "filler", standard non-arc stories, except I didn't like any of them. I love non-arc stories when they're good but I just didn't get with any in the EDAs. I liked season 4 when it was a much more arc-heavy story.
So where does /who/ get their BF audios from. Are you mostly legit or is BF constant shekeling too much for most?
I haven't bought in a long time, so I've had to sadly resort to audiobookle.
I torrented everything up to Dark Eyes 3. Also, there's that russian vk that has literally everything. I buy something from them every time I feel like I've consumed a fair amount of content. If I couldn't do this, I wouldn't be listening to them at all.
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Okay, I'm twenty minutes into the first story.
Everyone sounds old; even by Big Finish standards.
The narration is a little disappointing too. Why couldn't they have just made it like a normal story?
Also the Pertwee impersonation is odd. He gets the delivery down for the most part, but the lack of waspish gruffness and frequent accent slips are deal breakers.

You've piqued my interest. Maybe I'll have to give those another go.

I torrent a lot of them, from audiobook bay. If there's a new series I really want them to keep making I'll buy some stories until it seems to get off its feet (I did this for Torchwood). If there's a series I really really l love and I can afford it I'll try to buy it when I can. If I'm listening to an old monthly and think it's amazing I'll go back and buy it if it's cheap (did this for a lot of 8s and 6s). But I just can't justify the cost of most new releases to myself.
That's sad to hear. I don't understand why they even need a narrator if they have an impersonator. Sucks about the voices too. I guess it can't really be the same without the brig either. Let us know what you think when you've got more under your belt.
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season 8 improves the pacing
McGannchan is back up for whomever had use for it before.
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>tfw awkwardly turned on by these lesbians
They should do a FDA set with the season 18 people.
Heather should have been the new companion
But JNT's dead, and I don't want Bidmead to write a Doctor Who story ever again.
They should do it without Bidmead or any of that influence. More like a 5 era with 4 in it.
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>go for a shower after Dalek finishes
>come back
>someone's put Big Finish on and everybody has pissed off
So is The Pilot about daleks or the flood?
Bidmead did nothing wrong
He wrote Logopolis and decided that the cast should barely give a shit that a quarter of the universe died.
My quarter didn't die so who cares lmao
Not him but I don't like Bidmead. There's something very stale and bland about his work. Also, he tries the hard science fiction angle but none of his science fiction is really any good. Luckily, season 18 was something fresh. Castrovava was nice though.
So basically, the reason Simm is returning is exactly what you'd expect if you weren't part of a fandom that likes to make up drama and conspiracies about everything.
No The Pilot is about Bill meeting the Doctor
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While moff tries to fit in that no context dalek scene from last year as well as having a plot about bill's girlfriend getting all watery
Sounds like they're going to have multiple different adventures in the one episode, wonder how the pacing will work
So it is a proper multi-master story, not just flashbacks to how Simm regenerated or something. Definitely look forward to seeing how this turns out.
>it's an actual multi master episode
>not just a regeneration scene

According to one review, it's a bit of a slow burning episode until about half way in when it suddenly picks up. Probably a bit like Deep Breath has its saggy bits.
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>saggy bits
The Daleks have probably put their nanobot things in the water.
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Cracked it.
Which era is better 3 or 5?
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You have to be logged in to read that stuff WikiaFrog anon. Screenshots of the relevant material? PS start menu > snipping tool
3 never did anything remotely as dull as 5's worst episodes, but he also never did anything as interesting as 5's best episodes.

And even just comparing best to best, they're so different that it depends entirely on what you like, not which one is better.
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here's one screenshot of chat i just scored, just had to jump out of chat for a minute though. wikiafrog is there
That's why I think it's an interesting discussion. To me they represent completely opposite ends of what Doctor Who can be. I think 3 has some 10/10 stories that could rival 5's best though.
>how many different ways can I find to say, “The time vortex is going to open up and destroy the entire universe as we know it, unless we blow up that model spaceship over there”
moffat BTFO

model spaceship seems like wishful thinking though
3 and 7's eras are probably the opposite ends of the spectrum
>how many different ways can I find to say, “The time vortex is going to open up and destroy the entire universe as we know it, unless we blow up that model spaceship over there”

At least he hasn't had a god-awful catchphrase to say every 10 minutes like Geronimo! Allons-y! I'm so sorry! BOW TIES ARECOOOOL
The Three era's best stuff rarely happened together. Delgado basically saved the UNIT era, but UNIT was much better the previous season. Sarah Jane was the best companion, but Pertwee was at his best with early Jo.

At least the Havoc stunt action was consistently great during his era.
That's true, he probably would've left quicker if he had. He's still had his fair share of dreadful lines to deliver though.
He's not talking Moffat, he's talking about Doctor Who in general, the way it's always been. Hence the model spaceship. And he's being playful, not insulting.

Why do so many Doctor Who fans have to look for drama that isn't there? Did you learn nothing from believing the one time Simm was taken out of context to make it sound like he hated the show instead of believing all the times he said the opposite?
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just grabbed another picture of the chat
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Does he know that /who/ knows what he did to that child?
I thought UNIT was pretty comfy although I watched chronologically. It's a shame that Delgado died though. Kind of fucked up the resolution of the UNIT stories and they just kind of faded out with 4.
You mean you don't know whether he knows that /who/ knows whether he knows that /who/ knows?
the chat's jesus appears to be a man named DarkSoul24 they worship, and he died yesterday
At age 14? What a fucking liar.
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Relax. I know. And I've literally been posting these quotes for years.
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But S7 UNIT feels like a real military organisation that you'd expect someone like the Brig to command. S8 UNIT feels like a military sitcom.

Making everything about Pertwee vs. Delgado somehow makes that work in S8. But when they reappear after that (especially after they throw the Sea Devils naval base in to remind you what UNIT was originally like), it's a different story.
Different anon, but I completely agree

Anyone up for making a new thread? Wikiafrog edition perhaps?
I'm down for that.
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Nice repeating numbers
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>Wikiafrog edition perhaps?

I agree that it kind of falls apart apart after season 8. Season 9 was garbage.
Also, Pertwee is kind of phoning it in for S9-10, and Jo, as good as she is, can't carry the story alone.

Although on the plus side, that does mean that the moments when he really turns it on again (like in Carnival and Frontier) are more effective.
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