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Thread replies: 313
Thread images: 60

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DC btfo again!
post your beard then cuck
Man I really want to watch this, but he reminds me so much of Trump that I automatically hate it.
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Let me guess, they're going to sell this dork as a real badass alpha male who gets all the ladies.
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>one shitty low budget tv series

>can't even get a movie right
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to this :/
he's a little faggot liberal
Jesus Christ..
Did he get buffer than he was in GoT? Someone do a comparison.
His powers are magic based and he practices kung fu.

His powers aren't magic and he's a boxer.
Jesus he's so scrawny. Is that what they think a martial artist's body look like?
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I'm sure if I read an Iron Fist comic I would find out that he still needs to be in top shape to do the fighting he does. In fact I might just read one so I can shut you shills down in the future.
Both look gay AF
go home https://www.reddit.com/r/Defenders/
ever since they announced this shit, the only two I wanted was daredevil and ironfist, its gonna be fucking great
>Learn all the bad reviews are just SJWS raging that Danny is white even though he was white in the comics, think fuck them I'll watch it

>See Danny's actor fucking blame the reviews on evil drumpf

fuck this faggot, he actually managed to make both the Left and Right hate him
>how do you go from one skinny dyel manlet to another skinny dyel manlet
really gets the ol' noggin joggin, innit?
Before this I only knew Daredevil.
After reading about it a little bit I thought I would like Iron Fist the best but man is this going to crash and burn.
/fit/ please.
>caring about reviews
don't give a fuck, the show already exists its not like its gonna be canceled
He could easily be the "when you find out your firned is racist, etc." guy
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>le you have to be buff to fight good meme
A good ol trainweck can be even more entertaining than an actually good show.
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>caring about the actors personal life
really fgt?, /celeb/ board now
oh shut up, there's no reason for superman to be ripped either. they're superheroes, part of the conceit is the muscular, hyper-masculine bodies.

apparently loras didn't care enough to both learn stunts and choreography, and get in shape. instead he's going around signaling virtue with RTs of sjw nonsense and blaming trump for his shit.
or maybe its a good show, and all these reviews are focusing on stupid shit, like the main character is the correct race for once, it looks great.
I dont care about his life, but knowing the actor of the main character is a huge faggot irl is a bit off putting when watching a show
or just works for marvel, you'll notice they all say stupid sjw shit, like its in their contract or something
I wouldn't know, I haven't read any reviews.
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shut up
If they gave this fucking idiot a costume they could've had an actual martial artist do most of his scenes. Then again, it would be jarring seeing a buff guy in one shot and a fucking holocaust twink in following shot.
why do you think it will
>crash and burn
The OP photos?
Looks really dumb
as opposed to who?, JJ? DD?, their both fucking tiny, rdj is like 5 ft, what about superpowers is so difficult to get?
if its a part of their contract then they are still a faggot for even agreeing to all that shit
nailed it
ah, OP is butthurt and chose the absolute worse promo pic available, is it your first time here?
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Sorry kid but Charlie Cox has the body that Finn Jones should have. Cute that you're trying to use a girl to prove some point.
meh, all actors do it, might as well stop watching everything, if your letting some actors politics dictate what you watch you've left yourself with nothing, cause their all dumb attention whoring faggots, who don't really believe in anything except getting moar attention. all of them
Luke isn't as big as I thought.
for you
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The physical manifestation of a beta numale cuck. Can't wait to see him watch Misty Knight fucked in the ass by Luke Cage.
damn, he ripped, still your just being contrain, danny has superpowers, DD needs to be strong, danny doesn't, its more like pai-mei, or bill, if your having trouble with this then your just being contrain for the sake of it
why so butthurt?
>this is your iron fist for tonight
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What the hell I feel lied to
I want to kiss him.
Believable weeb
no you don't your just meming shilly
Who is buffer?

This guy, or Topher Grace in "Spiderman 3"?
/fit/ pls go
That numale would probably beat the shit out of your fat basement dwelling ass
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>looks like one of those backpackers burnouts you see trekking through SEAsia that even the locals don't want around
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took me a minute to notice there was a black guy in this photo

I'm having fun at the actor's expense. It's pretty embarrassing to be out-buffed by Topher Grace.
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use this in the future
don't know who that is, don't really care, pls go >>/fit/
pls stay in your containment thread
He has magic powers but he had to earn them by fighting a literal dragon. He wasn't some pencil necked geek that somehow got powers, it was years and years of intense physical training.
>it was years and years of intense physical training.
you mean like cumberpatch? cause he was buff af yea? no? maybe just magic?, fuck its like you people don't even watch the shit you shill about
He hasn't read the comics he's only read a generic script of responses. You'd think they'd give the shills half a day to read a few funnybooks.
Didn't watch that because it looked shitty. Not as shitty as this but still shitty. I just know Iron Fist better than you do.
shills cant actually read books or even comics anon, they dont have the attention span
It looks like how Shaolin monks' bodies look. What's with y'all's autism today?
Imagine him fighting a heavyweight though.
yea ok, he should be more buff, dismissing the whole show that isn't out yet, cause shill OP chose shitty photos is tarded, and u just meming, wtf says this will be bad? cause he's not ripped in OP pic?
That's why I said half a day to read a few. If you're not a retard you could read a whole run in less than half that time.
imagine if he had the power to punch a building down, its fucking Ironfist u dumbshits, even if you know nothing about the character, the trailer should make it fucking obvious
A trained heavyweight? Of course he'd get his shit pushed in against a trained heavyweight fighter. He'd never be fighting a trained heavyweight fighter though.

Some regular muscular guy who would be classified as a "heavyweight" if he fought competitively though? He'd kick the shit out of him.

Uh, Venom from "Spiderman 3".
ah, ok so? is this some /fit/ meme? don't care pls go the fuck back
Why bother with something that's not even going to put in a modicum of effort?

My point is Topher Grace was mocked for being miscast as Venom, partly because he wasn't exactly big in terms of muscle.

Yet Topher Grace looks massive compared to the dude here.
>haven't put in effort
why do you think thats the case? you've said cause of OP's pic? really? cause again that sounds fucking retarded
ok, ? have you just ignored every post ITT? danny doesn't need to be ripped, why sm3 is relevant only you know but here Danny not being super sayian buff is fucking irrelevant /fit/ faggots please for fucks sake go
looks like me desu

He also looks ridiculous with that haircut and bargain-bin chest tattoo.
ok, how desperate r you, do you earn commission or something?
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Why couldn't he be something like this?
because the creators weren't gay, pls go back >>>/fit/
Ohhhhh it's supposed to be the guy playing Loras.

I thought that was the guy playing Euron based on how fat his face is.
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Uh huh.

? do you not watch tv?
marvel really knows their audience
and 4chan really knows its shills and false-flagging shills.

faggot shill
>be a British leftist actor who supports Jeremy "America shouldn't have killed Bin Laden" Corbyn
>get cast as a white character
>SJWs bitch
>show gets poor reviews
>blame Trump?
t. triggered nu-male

chill dude, just get yourself a frappoccino and watch your mom fuck tyrone, sweetie.
k, bbc poster, just know your a literal faggot, rope day coming for u brah
>inb4 homosexual DC posters post their giant muscled men

This is what monks look like, he wouldn't make sense as some roid monster
Look at that fucker, he might be small but he's dense as fuck. Iron Fist doesn't even look remotely this powerful.
this, he looks perfect for the role
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stop projecting and keep watching your marvel cuckery
wat do I mean by this?
Too big. Finn is a monk; they're very lean.
and like 5'0"
That guy looks as muscly as Daredevil. Iron Fist looks like a bottom bum boy.
MC movies are boring af, DC to mostly, like the shows tho, some of them, you shills hammering Ironfist is bad really doesn't matter, looks good will watch, Danny seem like exactly what he's suppose to be.
This is what a monk who has trained his ass off looks like. This guy broke a world record in agility and speed by an insane margin. This is what Iron Fist should look like roughly.
Oh I agree that the actor is too small, but to make him as big as >>80435077 would just be retarded
ok, so? better acting is way more important then being buff, method acting is fucking cancer, but u don't even know what i'm talking about >>>/fit/ go back
But every other capeshit actor did it. Fucking Paul Rudd and Chris Pratt did it, and they got in fantastic shape, much more than they needed too.
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What's going on here?
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I can't wait until Friday when everyone realizes how boring Finn Jones is and wants Punisher to be the 4th Defender instead.
same, except I can't grow a beard
Even the Jokester could kick his ass
>/tv/ complains about that
>but this is ok

She's also super strong.
>muh cash
getting ripped like that costs money, you think some 2-bit nf tv show can afford that shit? nah, it was either teach him stage kung-fu or get him ripped not both, doesn't matter he's got superpowers, as long as he can pull off fancy looking kung-fu shit it'll work
>you think some 2-bit nf tv show can afford that shit?
Like Arrow or Daredevil?
>t. neckbeard
lol, skinny af chef my man, kinda like danny tbqh, i'm wirey tho, prob destroy u in a brawl, one last time pls go back
Are they in character or does Finn actually dress like a trustfund kid who never shuts up about how "volunteering in Indonesia changed him"?
>but this is ok
said no one, well played
Jessica Jones would never dress like that so he must just be a fucking asshole
Arrow guy was pretty buff to begin with to be fair
hahahahahaha...i never thought of that.
yea, Danny be3ing ripped doesn't matter see >>every other fucking post ITT and the last one, how many fucking times do we have to regurgitate the same shit?
>skinny af chef my man

ah that explains the jealousy of real men. i bet your boypucci has been destroyed by bro's many times over.
>Show gets terrible ratings
>Blame drumpf

In a world where it is the orange fuck's fault, take that away and this show would perform marginally better. Talking a 5% increase in ratings. It's terrible
I mean, if we give Gal Gadot constant shit for being a spoopy skellington, there's no way we're going to let this faggot off the hook. He could have trained, whatever network produces this could have paid a personal trainer.
>Daredevil and Jessica Jones get rave reviews
>both are decent
>Luke Cage gets good reviews
>it's pretty bad
>Iron Fist gets horrid reviews

It must be the worst show of all time.
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>Jessica Jones
>Luke Cage

nice one pal
Gal tried, like she did put some muscle...this dude i don't get how he didn't even tried.
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Frank doesn't do play well with others.
lol, keep trying kiddo, and then pls just go the fuck back >>>/fit/
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And just think the two shittiest characters/actors are supposed to become best buddies and probably carry a spinoff.
>like she did put some muscle
No she didn't.
She barely put in anything. I'm betting they need a double for her out of fear a simple physical stunt would break her.
Luke Cage could have been good had they kept Cottonmouth as the main antagonist through the entire series instead of replacing him with... I don't remember anything about the other guy, but he was terrible.
Yeah, she did.
Not in any actual capeshit way but she doesn't looks as skelletal as in F&F.
>muh villains

fuck off back to /co/

JJ was terrible and the villain was the best part, but it still was a garbage show
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iron twink
Is that why DC has montages of buff dudes doing crossfit?
Is there a worse fate than being a twink with thin bird lips?
Villains matter when they're the most interesting part of the series: Kingpin, Kilgrave, Punisher, Cottonmouth; they're literally 4 for 4.
That's CGI ya mook.
Too bad they replaced mah nigga cottonmouth with that goofy negro with the janitor jumpsuit.
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>muh money im da king nigga so BASED

cottonmouth was great but he was not the heart and soul of the show. we get that you're sick of marvel movies killing off villains so they dont have to pay more actors but kingpin complemented daredevil. JJ was trash. cage was pretty fucking good
Wow i guess i am fat
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Finn Jones might actually be as weak looking as Gal Gadot. Holy shit that's screwed up.
Yeah, it's what killed the series. Frankly it had too many damn episodes to begin with, all the series do, they're too stretched out, it's not enough content for 13 episodes.
Dude I skipped all of the days lmao
Rudd looks like a sickly skeleton who happens to have abs.
oh right now get it, you sf underage faggots are triggered cause you think if Ironfist is successful then they'll make heroes for hire, with the *can't be killed nigger*, jesus fucking christ you paranoid fucks need to learn where the battles r, this is a win you dumb fucks
Jessica Jones and Luke Cage were both the same to me. Both were pretty boring honestly, not good at all but bearable enough to watch. I would say i enjoyed JJ maybe a bit more purely because kilgrave was actually really fucking good and interesting, but that's it.

Obviously i don't trust reviews at all, i think Iron Fist is going to be fine. I feel like it will be better than JJ and Luke at least, but will not reach anywhere close to DD. The reviews for this show are such a joke and meme. It's literally "oh i didn't like this show because it's a white guy learning asian stuff" and the actor replying with "w-well these people can't just be retards so i-it must be trump that caused this hate!"

What a fucking joke.

That's a perfectly healthy body weight. Considering his background as a thief, it's perfect.
This is ok
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could finn take gal in a fight?
Stop falseflagging, DCuck, it's embarrassing.
He did actual natty on a film schedule. All the others did roids. That's why Rudd doesnt look like them
this, kinda, it'll be fine its other
>we've got no new click bait this month: episode
>What was your diet to prepare for this badass role, Finn?

>Mimosas and soy milk!
Chris Fatt doesn't look roided, they probably got him a personal trainer or something.
nah really don't give a fuck about either, its just what I said >>80436729
IronFist will be great, u paranoid fgts need to calm the fuck down
>I feel like it will be better than JJ and Luke at least
Show me 1 trailer. 1 still. 1 review. ANYTHING that should make me think this won't be the worst show out of them all.
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Charlie is more ripped than the chubby negro who's supposed to be a powerhouse.
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>Show me 1 trailer. 1 still. 1 review. ANYTHING that would make me doubt this will be the best show of them all
HGH gives much cleaner/natural looking gains than roids

all you have to deal with is the fact third world babies had their pituitaries removed to make it
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https://youtu.be/gSgB0KYH8ew Defend this, Defender
>i called u kiddo and to go back somewhere so that means i win dont reply to me or else im gonna keep repeating myself

top kek
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2 weeks of pushups the figure
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>it's a /tv/ doesn't understand the difference between an aesthetically pleasing and strength efficient body build episode
perfect example thx. hadn't seen that, she obviously has superpowers he punched her in the face and broke his hand, she didn't bleed, barely reacted, superpowers, how many fucking times do I have to say that?
>dumb brawlers vs a martial artist
What's the problem?
t. newfag
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should've casted noomi to be iron fist
it would have been more believable
she looks Asian while being white. it could work.
>actually resorting to criticizing words used

>its a /fit/ newfgts invade cause they've shit up their own board to the point of being permabanned episode
>using kek unironically
kys nigger
I don't think the orignal character has superpowers though
Ghost in the shell remake when
but this one does, thats really blatant, maybe watch the vid that you've posted, dumbshit, its almost a rip on wolveys cage fight in xmen1
>pulling out the rest of his 4chan buzzwords

>dope in op
>aesthetically pleasing
This tbqh
k, end of the day is it? shift almost over?
Is he gay in real life, or just in game of thrones? Is he gay in Iron fist?
nah just you shillbrah
Nah he just looks gay.
He's white trash buff, the man can scrap
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you tell me
Watching DD made me want to lift
you're all gonna watch it anyways and you know it
How does a blind man perfect his lift form?
reading through this thread made me want to permaban all /fit/ posters
Dr.Strange power isn't a martial artist
holy shit I started working out last year and I look better than him
>he punched her in the face and broke his hand

Look closely. She angled her head so his knuckles hit her forehead, the harder part of the skull. Even people with hardened knuckles can break them on a hit like that. In general fight choreography is a bit sloppy, but that part is legit.
He had to take acting lessons on top of the gym
this is really pathetic but please keep replying
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Even the guy responsible for Daredevil Season 1 could knock Iron Fist the fuck out
They should cast noomi in everything, she's wonderful.
It's hilarious because the autist itt defending the Iron Twink is a twink himself
I think you might be thinking about the term 'Martial Artist' wrong, its more like monkey king, or the one from kung-fu hustle, actually ability to fight is irrelevant, its fucking magic
Rudd got Fightclub tier
sure thing stshill bud you seem to need the (you)s, commission?
>knocks down buildings with one punch saitima style
>trains actors
who wins?
>Scott Buck as showrunner


lol. its yet another /fit/ is nothing but literal faggots looking for bumbuddies on other boards episode
>you need the (You)s?
>he says as he keeps responding so he gets his own

lmao if you didn't care you'd stop replying but here you are

inb4 he repeats the same thing i said back to me like an unoriginal fag
Dexter Season 8 is rated higher than Iron Fist...
fair fight
>tfw you're probably right




but it isn't out yet? so whos makin those um...ratings?
>tfw your in a thread with a bunch of blupilled fgts
Do you think Scott Buck is scared? I mean he went from Dexter straight to Iron Fist. That's gotta hurt his future prospects, right? Finn Jones will be fine especially if Defenders is good.
>permaban /fit/ posters
>you're the only one saying /fit/ like a triggered autistic snowflake

We get it, you're insecure because you look like a skinny faggot like Finn
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CTRL-F "DC" in a Marvel thread
>hey ma, I said /fit/ again xD

Pathetic you twink cock sucking faggot
k, bud, don't give a fuck, your pure unadulterated dedication to shitting on this show is weird if you don't see that, your either
>a shill
>a st shill
>a blupill faggot who believes shitty pre-reviews just cause
so keep on being tarded, but its kinda strange
what did iron fist mean by this?
ok /fit/ buddy learn to meme u creepy fgt
Do you think you would autistically defend this abysmal piece of shit if you weren't such a skinny sack of shit like in op?

Sad, hit the bricks kid
He's also directing Inhumans..

Yah that's why I said probably.

Wtf I love Iron Fist now
k, pls just try sffaggot, pls? or maybe go?
but she's a woman
>k bud don't give a fuck
>has been responding relentlessly and acting like an autistic sperg

i wonder what it's like being this delusional
>I found another conspiracy, brothers!
Go take your ritalin.
Is the little faggot snowflake triggered? Do you need a safespace for you and all the other skinny faggots?
>Dexter Season 8 is rated higher than Iron Fist..
>Yah that's why I said probably.
no you didn't
Go see your doctor because your lack of test makes you an unbearable faggot.
lol, its like you just have a list of stuff to post you really don't belong here eh?
this is literally the best show ever.

How can marvel and netflix constantly surpass themselfs?

only faggots and shills would critize a masterpiece as grand, artistic and culural diverse as "Iron Fist" a netflix original show.

if you dislike this piece of art i recommend you shills to fuck off to reddit or the "/b/ - Random" subchan

this is a show just for true (nerdy) fans and old school annons
>your lack of test
wat does this tourist mean by this?
Iron Fist Up That Twink's Ass, the show
Charilie Cox looks like THAT?!
Charlie is literally /ourguy/

t. Faggot whose every other posted included /fit/
I think Charlie Cox could take everyone on that stage on at once. Especially if he was actually trained to box.
people can write out all sorts of things without being overly engaged, you'd understand this if you weren't overly invested cause your, paid to post
>the twink redditor trying to fit in by DUDE MEMES LMAO AM I FITTING IN YET XD

How pathetic and transparent
>people can post without being engaged in what their posting

pls go >>>/fit/
even you fgts must get it sooner or later yea?
Marvelkeks on suicide watch!
Well over half the stage is women and what's a black guy going to do without his chimp mates to jump in when he's getting stomped?
You sure have a hard on for /fit/, you skinny low test numale faggot. How about you pop on over and stop being so insecure?
>can't differentiate between kek and kek

This is how we know you're a redditor
sure thing newfags, cry moar
>i'm not the newfag you guys are!

Seriously? "I know you are but what am I"?
Imagine being Luke Cage in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Jessica Jones, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Luke Cage and not only sit in that chair while Jessica Jones flaunts her disgusting feet in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JESSICA JONES LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Africa. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Luke Cage. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
How? Is Trump an orphan, was raised to adulthood afterwards by monks, and fights thugs with mystical arts learned from them? And since when has Trump not cared for profits from his family corporation? If anything Trump would be the villain. Corporate asshole doing anything for a buck.
>"I know you are but what am I"?
>tfw your the one who brought this back
u kids annoy me sometimes
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>oily gay homosex freaks talking about bodybuilding and what bronze powder is the sexiest
not even once

i prefer gender neutral marvel numales, at least they don't challenge my sexuality
>tfw your the one who brought this back

But that was you? Are you legitimately retarded?
imagine working over the same pasta gain and again and again, imagine desperately trying to impress st'bro's with this shit, imagine being super fucking excited when a new capeshit comes along so you can start posting again. Imagine the feel when no-one but one drunk anon pissed off at shitty kiddo invasions cares? just imagine all that work, only me, feels bad eh?
Dan Stevens made the right decision to go with Legion instead, but fuck if he wouldn't have made an awesome Iron Fist.
yea, fuck I ignore these shitty babby threads mostly, but here we are, me shitposting with a bunch of u pathetic newfgts, meh its kinda entertaining I guess
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What is the criticism of him being white even? I don't get it. The character in the comics is white. It's not like they took an Asian character and whitewashed him.

How is it even cultural appropriation? Martial arts isn't something made by fucking Asians, every society has it.

I don't get it man.
>I'm too old skool for school
I think you've lost your mind
cool, does that mean this >>80438972
false-flagging cringe poster will stop?

>I'm false-flagging because I am confused and want answers

kill yourself unironically
probably, its hard ruling a shitheap full of degenerates
so new so fucking retarded, pls stop
you sound mad, sempai

don't forget to take your meds, cuz I'm worried for you :>)

I recommend a rusty spoon to scoop out your eyeballs with, the pain will be excruciating, the process slow as the diseases from the rust set in, and the screams quite exquisite.
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Lol. Every time
then be worried for /tv/ without me your nothing
meh, theirs nothing like the feel of a rusty spoon over my _______ finger
>Like seriously imagine having to be Luke Cage and not only sit in that chair while Jessica Jones flaunts her disgusting feet...
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This fight triggered me so fucking bad. I do MMA for reference
best show this year
No because she bites foreskins off.
It's not about cultural appropriation, the "tropé" they are referring to is something like a "white savior", in which the white man comes among the natives and has to save them from their own silly savagery with his superior white powers.
Of course since Danny does his heroing in New York it kind of makes me wonder what they mean by this.
what a cuck-fu
we need this guy to play inuy-asha
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>69 posters
>279 replies
>30 percent one-note replies on same baitfagging tune as OP.
>Op's image has been out for months, just now tries using it after controversy.
>Tired old controversy from liberalcucks.
It's as if some little kid took up his keyboard to fight in some imaginary little culture war.
Probably the single greatest series, of this decade.
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>that shitty tattoo
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>numale fist
I can't believe this is a person. He's such a joke, more than any other joke, that he looks like an actual cartoon. He isn't human. He's like a parody of a Duck Soup character.
Is he blocking my path?
you should know chris pratts abs in that are CGI. sorry.

Is that sarandon? What does she have to do with this shit? Why is her left hand in the pocket in the exact same pose in both photos?
>marlel makes yet ANOTHER piece of shit but this time critics judge it for it's merits instead of giving it a pass (((for some reason)))
>"w-what about DC though??"
Oscarlets, when will they learn?
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>it's just SJW bitching the show is fine!
Best variation so far
>the only decent stuff in Marvel Netflix universe was made by a self-proclaimed Snyder fanboy who is probably kinoposting right now
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Fuckface, DeKnight's Daredevil rapes Nolan's Batman
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>tfw not only Leto's Joker could pulverize this little bitch, but Gal Gadot and JK Simmons too
>curlgirls think this looks good
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Even a certified dandy like Ezra Miller could fuck Iron Fist's life up with 1 jacked jab
It's an old man who bothered, at least. Finn Jones didn't even try.
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somebody skipped torso and leg day
But >>80431385 skipped all the days.
Is this shipped? His torso is hella short
>masculine penis
that's one dark ass nigga

one of those shadowniggas
>they didn't hire Antony Starr from Banshee to play Iron Fist

What did they mean by doing this?
The absolute second they said they are dropping the lore I left any hope behind.

wtf is ripley doing in that image?!
Dude, they kind of left the lore out of DD too (he may, or may not, have powers now).

I'm not surprised they won't do a proper IF series.

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Being flat is never ok.
Thread posts: 313
Thread images: 60

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