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'Member Gendry? Edition
Previous - >>77148429
haha ebin xDDDD
Is love
Man this scene makes me so hard
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>Thank you, Uncle Stannis
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Literally the worst ship
Strong female character: check!

Thanks OP!
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Oh Sansa got some dogs alright...
>Strong female character: check!
too bad the show has ruined her and turned her into the lame hbo tits and ass quota she was barely in s6 ughh
How come Gendry never been with a woman? he's a fucking hunk. (no homo)
The way I see it there are three different types of strong female characters presented in GoT and ASOIAF.

There are the women who *literally* kick ass such as Arya and Brienne.

There are women who command great power and demand great respect like Dany or Olenna Tyrell. Even Lyanna Mormont while just a young woman fits this bill.

Then there are women who have gone through things that are the worse things a human can possibly endure and come out even stronger such as Sansa. (This also applies to Cercei due to her rape and constantly being told she can not lead because of her being a woman but I can't forgive Cercei for the way she treated Sansa and the things she allowed Joffrey to do to women. Though to be fair that's like due to her internalized mysogeny).

What kind of strong female characters do you prefer? Is there another type I am missing?
I prefer the kind who doesn't act like a cunt just to show off how strong she is.
I think season six should her inner strength more than ever desu
no she was just a plot device for that snowflake faggot snuh
So I'm reading through the books now. I just finished the first, and am about to move onto Clash of Kings.

My fear is, I was told Feast for Crows is shit. Should I just get an audiobook version for that one to save me the time?
feast for crows is the best one IMO. It's slower paced, but it's more to do with politics then the others.
AFFC is great. I used to say everything but Dorne is good but after the show's Dorne plot the Arianne and Hotah chapters seem amazing now.
affc is good because it actually deals with the aftermath of the chaos and consequences of books 1-3 most of the complaints are that its slow and doesnt have X character in it.
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You know what this thread needs?

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what an ugly slag
What episode of skins is this?
Post em
Why should she have to have a political marriage with a small dick manlet she doesn't even like ? Why are you against strong women having agency?
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Had a dream about Bran last night lads

He was climbing some steep cliff, and then someone from above pushed him, but he started to fly, and when he got up he could also walk, and took the valyrian steel sword from the guy who pushed him, and stabbed him with it.
What did my subconscious mean by it?
most beautiful girl in the seven continents
>Had a dream about Bran

means you're a faggot and should start sucking cocks and stop posting on /got/.
Don't think that's it because I'm attracted to girls
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AFFC drags in parts, and there are a couple character's arcs that shouldn't be visited as much as they are Brianne looking for Sansa, but overall it is good. AGOT=ASOS>ADWD>AFFC=ACOK
IMHO none of them are bad, they just have differing faults. AFFC drags where ACOK moves too quickly. Dany's quagmire of a storyline is the worst part of the series.
Fucking autocorrect...
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Am I the only one who always reads ACOK as "a cock"?
Most beautiful sauce of the seven condiments.
No, I think we all do, ACucK.

On which planet ? Uglynia IV ?
Jon and Dany will unite eventually in marriage. Both are key players, Targaryens but can also be viewed as bastards.

Jon has the stronger claim as Rhaegars son and Dany thinks she is a Targ but she isn't.

Jon Snow is a Targaryen and Daenerys 'Targaryen' is really a Blackfyre. Whose family technically had the right to the throne.

And the whole survival of the female line theme is so that the family who had as much right to rule would eventually be absorbed and the two lines united.
How, how is she a Blackfyre?

Also, my phone tried to correct "Blackfyre" to "black dude".
Gendry's member edition...
He's a delusional idiot. As is anyone who believes 90% of book "theories."
The blackfyres survived. It isn't just a theory but very much hinted.

It's very much hinted that a blackfyre would return posing as a targaryen from the black dragon inn tale.

During the blackfyre rebellion the inn keep took down the black dragon ( house blackfyre sigil ) smashed it to pieces and threw it into a river or lake..basically a body of water.

One of the pieces ended up rusting red and washed up on shore back to the land. Symbolic of a piece of the line of the black dragon returning to westeros posing as the blood of the red dragon.

It wouldn't surprise me if she is related to illyrio mopatis, the guy who gives her away to the dorthaki.

And it wouldn't surprise me if varys a life long friend to illyrio and working with him is a descendant of the exiled targaryen aerion brightflame.

There are other things to hint at this but personally I find it awesome that the person to hatch and bring back dragons is a blackfyre.
Also the dragon she rides is a black dragon which is the sigil of house blackfyre. The same dragon breathes black fire.

She has a connection with the Dothraki and horses much like the supporter of the blackfyres was a Targaryen bastard who's sigil was a hybrid of a dragon and a horse.

The same guy came up with the golden company mercenary group who poured molten gold over the bittersteel rivers the founder so that one day he'll be able to return to westeros with a vengeance on the battlefield has a similarity with daenerys 'brother' who also had molten gold poured over him.

Also the golden company who's sole purpose was to return to westeros in support of a blackfyre has handed over their support to daenerys without her acknowledgement nor request. Technically returning west to support a blackfyre.
All the hints are about Aegon you fool
He very may well be but there is more in support of dany being a blackfyre than there is for aegon. They could both be blackfyres or aegon could very well be the son of rhaegar.

End of the day I believe Jon who believes he is a bastard snow is really a targaryen and that dany who believes she is a targaryen is really a descent of a bastard targaryen blackfyre.
End of the day you are an incredible retard like all the "theory" dumbshits.
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he could also be a brightflame. three heads of the dragon. targaryen, brightflame and targaryen.
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what went wrong?
Reminder that Aegon is really a Targ and the reason he dyes his hair isn't to hide his the Targ whites but it is to hide his Stark genetics, he may have inherited his father's eyes but he'll no doubt look like a Stark, I think the lines about people commenting how Jon looks like a Stark are a clue to this. If Aegon really is Lyanna's son then he'll probably take more after their mother like Jon did if they happen to be twins.
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>making Mads Mikkelsen look like an emo faggot is kino.
>muh edgy anime characters

Fuck off George. Write or die.
>It wouldn't surprise me if she is related to illyrio mopatis, the guy who gives her away to the dorthaki.

And why would Viserys have gone along with this for years and Dany's entire childhood from before he even came to be with Illyrio?

>a black dragon which is the sigil of house blackfyre. The same dragon breathes black fire.

So was Balerion and so did Balerion. Is Aegon 1 and the other riders for Balerion Blackfyres and proto-blackfyres?

>Also the golden company who's sole purpose was to return to westeros in support of a blackfyre has handed over their support to daenerys without her acknowledgement nor request. Technically returning west to support a blackfyre.

Are you ignoring that their original plan was to join up with Viserys? Is Viserys a blackfyre too now?
Your subconscious was blessing you with dreams of best character
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I'm guessing Euron drank the blue drink that the warlocks tried to give Daenerys?
That's exactly what I thought

Wait. She was in Fantastic Beasts?
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Dany being a strong woman is a laffo. She gets damn near everything handed to her because she's the mother of dragons.

She's cute.
Literally sucks hodor cock
Fuck off disgusting pedo, Bran is pure.
Well,quite clearly the writing and the decision to not give Euron enough screentime.

While I understand that these screens are often exaggerated as Hell and there's often not enough time in the show to give these characters these long speeches, show watchers have basically no reason to be interested in Euron or regard him as anything but a douche.
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What's the coolest ASOIAF location?
>inb4 The Wall
what is the pic supposed to be?
Sunday, Sunday

Dec. 12th, 2016 at 3:26 PM

Life is magical and full of joy!

(At least where NFL football is concerned. Admittedly, as this crappy year comes to an end, life in general continues to have its warts, carbuncles, and weeping sores).

Never mind about that, however... the Giants beat the Dallas Cowboys last night on Sunday Night Football, breaking their eleven-game winning streak. And for the first time since 2011, the G-Men have swept the season series from Jerry's Boys.
Some city in Asshai, I think.
Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright
He's a peasant who had no money so he couldn't hire prostitutes and doesn't seemed inclined to like them, and he didn't seem very comfortable with girls based off his first interactions with Arya and Melisandre
He had to settle for the other strapping lads at the forge
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Thanks George
>Gendry "The Bull"
>cucks Stannis literally and figuratively

Only plebs don't like AFFC, it's got great worldbuilding and the Jaime and Cersei chapters are some of the best in the series.
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>page 9

Jonsa to the rescue
Show Ramsay > Book Ramsay
Show LF > Book LF
Any other examples where the show outdoes the book or improves upon them?
Show Euron > Book Euron
Show Daario > Book Daario
Show Qyburn - Book Qyburn
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Show Joffery is top, Gleeson's acting is great
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Is a cute
I'm basically done with my re-reading of A Clash of Kings, why did Catelyn's chapters feel like they went fuck all anywhere? I understand a point to show how fucked the Riverlands are int the war and stuff but they weren't as interesting as her little detective adventure in AGOT. It's been about a decade since I read ASOS but I can't remember what happened in her chapters outside of The Red Wedding.
I agree with this. Gleeson was an amazing Joffrey.

I think he was good, but a younger actor, closer to the book version in age would have pulled it off better.
This. One of the best actors on the show and GoT has lacked a compelling villain since.

Show Ramsey is awful. He's just try-hard Joffrey and has luck hax.
With all the webs of scheming in ASOIAF between Varys, Baelish, Roose Bolton, Doran Martell, and even Bloodraven, I just had a thought.
Are there any spies in Stannis' camp? He seems to be the only major player who doesn't have spies trying to manipulate him.

The only thing I can find is Bran and Bloodraven watching them in the tower through those ravens, but I don't think they are trying to manipulate Stannis or anything.
>He seems to be the only major player who doesn't have spies trying to manipulate him.
The Karstarks are pretty obviously spying on him and reporting his actions to the Boltons.
Yeah but he sniffs them out immediately. They didn't really accomplish anything. In fact they'll probably be his ticket into the castle.
and Meera


...you just know
Will stannis win winterfell? What if grrrms gonna have him die stupidly too
This video is so painful to watch, what an awkward thing to ask
I actually feel like D&D explored Bobby B's character a bit more and a bit better than GRRM did.
Also show Tywin was GOAT, obviously.
It seems likely that he will, since he's set up to lose but hints at having a plan. I don't think he'll survive the next book though.
The show's casting strays a long way from the book descriptions of characters sometimes, but in this case, I don't think it really matters; Gleeson just played Joffrey's character perfectly.
He's going to win Winterfell at a great cost, I'd reckon.
I can't tell if you are memeing or not because everyone here shits on show Euron but show Qyburn is objectively better than the book.
Show Euron is nothing like the books, and I hope that was intentional. But, if the leaks are true, Show Euron may become /ourguy/ next season.
That's the way I feel too but he was like the books when he killed Balon, at least he said book lines and seemed insane. I hope we see him like that and he is just putting in a show for the iron born at the Kingsmoot (basically acting like Victarion).
>Show LF > Book LF
This has to be bait.
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someone clearly isnt smart enough to see the true power of the CHAOSH LADDAH
He's a bigger presence in the show, I think that's why people prefer him over the book version. More of those "My head is tilted to the side and I'm whispering enigmatically about true intentions without being upfront" moments that people like. Much more dramatic. Book LF is basically a butthurt weasel bitch while Show LF is going to fuck all of the aristocracy to death.
Show Littlefinger is a fucking blithering retard.
I'm not saying I love how he's written, but D&D have given him much more flair than GRRM was able to do on his own.
So let's say there has to be a new King and Hand by the end of the series and no constitutional monarchy bullshit, who would you think would be perfect for the throne? I'd say Davos would make a good king, especially how he can sway the small folk to his side considering he was basically a commoner and lived all sorts of lives. For Hand I would pick Brienne just because of the Jaime inversion.
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Any answer besides Stannis and Davos is showpleb faggotry
all the characters who would've been good kings are already dead tbqh
Brienne would be a terrible Hand. She's not especially intelligent, she's just strong as fuck and good with a sword. The only plausible Hands are Tyrion or Sansa, and she's never leaving Winterfell again.

Tyrion has already been Hand and he's showing to really hate Westeros by the end of Dance, I doubt he'd want a position of power like that there again.
>pissing himself at the sight of a wight
>that foot game
At the same time, his hatred of it makes him the best candidate. Who is going to love the smell of bullshit and want to flush it out? Nobody. He knows politics as well as the importance of unclogging the Westerosi sewers. Almost nobody else can say that. Dany's no politician, she's a general. She's basically Robert Baratheon with smaller tits.

It'd be pretty ironic if Tyrion's hatred towards Westeros is basically what makes it a better place if he does become Hand again, then again the first time around it was mostly due to Cersei's fuckery and not trusting him completely but if she gets out of the picture I think he could potentially be fine.
Bobby wasn't really a general though, not in the sense of Stannis or Tywin. He was a warrior; he relished fighting and would always be at the front lines and won battles by looking badass and raising moral whilst relying on other people for strategic prowess. Its mentioned a few times that he was pretty heedless and didn't have a particularly good tactical mind. But I guess Dany doesn't really have one either so maybe that comparison isn't particularly off.
Absolutely. Tywin is out of the picture, so he won't be there to swoop in and pretend he did anything of merit. Cersei's not going to survive to the end. I can't imagine anyone thinking in earnest that she will.

One paragraph about one word from someone who perfectly understood what was being said.
This is a joke right?

Don't compare Based Bobby B to that murderous whore
>This is a joke right?
No, she's one of the few people remaining who wants to see the stagnant world she lives in do better, and she's one of the only ones left who can do it without more war. Calling her 2nd place isn't the same as calling her great, you've read too far into it.

I think Cersei or Jaime will be the big death in Winds, perhaps both, Jaime's last chapter certainly seems to think so in Dance from what I remember of how ominous the ending felt. But yeah, Tyrion's chapters in Clash were interesting since he basically knew the ins and outs of how the kingdom was working from his seat of power but he could direct his hate and "drain the swamp" so to speak to accidentally inadvertently make Westeros a better place and people would end up respecting him for that rather than fearing him like before.
He doesn't piss him self he is the definition of based and does not give a fuck and goes home. He will be the last king left in westeros on his safe island doing what he pleases.
Absolutely. I'm still personally unsure about where Jaime's going to go by the end, but the rest I'm totally with you about.
Sansa is one of the dumbest characters in the entire series. She's just like her mother and aunt. Literally Hot Pie would be a better leader.
Oh, you're just crossposting from /v/ and don't want to talk. Got it.
She's never done anything particularly intelligent and all of her "leadership" experience is limited only to looking after the house as is the wife's duty. Catelyn did the same exact thing in the beginning of the series and it didn't make her a super politician.
I read all the books four times and I have my own theory blog. Sansa is objectively one of the dumbest characters in Westeros. The captain's daughter that Theon fucks in season two would be a better leader than Sansa.
Are they still doing dat boi over there? I always liked that frog.
I prefer her face <3
What? I tried discussing it with you and all you did was bring up a meme. Maybe it's you from /v/ since you seem to know about what memes are hot over there.

Jon with Davos as Hand.

Jon because even outside of a constitutional monarchy people would respect his blood and highbirth.

Davos because he's based and even with his common birth he knows how to talk to both lords and commoners and sway both.
>...you just know

Just know what? that they fugged? these two queers are not each others type
How come Stannis is looking good in the books but he got killed off in the show after all that time they spent building him up?
Is it all a ruse and he is actually just chilling with Manderly?
actually the part about lesbians and masturbation was removed by her father because it was too lewd. only the second edited by someone else brings back these parts of the diary
Can't believe people still actually want to read these fucking books

jesus christ, this series is done. move to something better, there are milions of better fantasy books.

D&D are shit writers that's why who don't understand Stannis's character.
because eyepatch is not realistic and goofy in a realistic fantasy like GoT despite the fact we already had an eyepatch in the show

same reason why targs don't have purple eye color, or why daario looks normal. NOT REALISTIC. THIS ISN'T ANIME GUYS IT'S MATURE REALISTIC FANTASY
can't believe GoT is still nominated for best drama on golden globes. and I think hilarious only lena is nominated, I guess still better than emmy nominations

But what do I expect when fucking deadpool is nominated as a motion picture?
its called pegging. everybody wins.
>looking good in the books
jesus christ you deluded stannisfags
go back to where you came from faggot
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>Brienne is not very intelligent, she would be a terrible Hand
>Sansa could be Hand
best ship
Gendry and Podrick become a canon couple in season 7
dead ship
who cares

filler one-dimensional characters. still better than bran though
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thanks for pivoting the conversation back to bestboy anon
bran can't be king

not fit to breed

not fit to lead
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>best boy
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>that ugly mexican
>best boy
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thats really interesting anon
FMK, bastard edition:
Jon, Ramsay, Gendry
Fuck Gendry

Marry Jon and be gay emperors of Westeros

Kill Ramsay
fuck ramsay marry gendry kill jen
You just know.
That Isaac is pure and untouched? Of course!
I may want to defile him haha just for laughs haha
>being faggots
>implying grills don't exist
>implying you wouldn't make gendry your bottom bitch
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t. kristian

kill them all then kill yourself
has /got/ seen this trailer?

Daenerys, Cersei, Yara, Ellaria, Sansa
pick one to be your queen, the rest are out to get you
Dany. Fuck King's Landing, we're burning it

Then I agree to wed, bed, seed and breed Sansa for her too so she gets the North through my kids.
I think I'll take the one who has dragons and a huge army, but even without those things I find Dany less shitty than the others.
Dany is the only one who neither killed their husband or is a lesbian.

I think Cersei is the hottest but survival is more important
>9 million views for a fake trailer
facebook was a mistake
Facebook views are literally fake.
Remember that time in the show when Pod was so good at sex he banged Littlefinger's whores free of charge after it was stated that Littlefinger sells his unprofitable whores to people who mutilate them?

What was the point of making an underage boy into a sex god?
You don't think Tyrion paid the whores in advance to lie so that it would boost Pod's self-esteem?
'Cause that's the most plausible explanation on what happened.
There is zero indication of that happening and Varys and Ros have a conversation in the following episode that actively goes against your theory.
But Ros talks about Pod's rod later to someone
Would you refresh my memory on that?
Either way, one girl loving Pod's cock so much they give a freebie? Plausible.
A multi-girl show that in contemporary world would cost like 10k in monies ?
Not a chance.

>ywn fuck Ros for free
Feels bad man
>Either way, one girl loving Pod's cock so much they give a freebie? Plausible.
There was more than one woman involved. Ros confirms this. You should go rewatch the two episodes.

This is again brought up in season six when Bronn brings up Pod's magic cock.

>A multi-girl show that in contemporary world would cost like 10k in monies ?
>Not a chance.
Oh my sweet summer child
Sansanfags are the worst.

If you want proof, these fags also ship Bronn and Margaery.

Literally how?
Fuck Gendry, Jaqen all the way!

Jaqen is LIFE & DEATH
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What is love? Baby dont hurt me
>/got/ is a safe haven from shitposting on this board now
What the fuck happened?
Newfags too young to remember 2008 and 2012. Election years are always awful.

In addition, 4chan is now normie central and you have idiots spamming the board with Star Wars, Marvel and TWD.
With all the repulsive ships people shill around here I'm surprised people are so vehemently against Sansan of all things. What exactly is so terrible about it?
Creepy and Sansa clearly has mental issues making her romanticize her life to mentally escape abuse but shippers see it as romantic for example that she makes up a kiss in her mind for a guy who held a knife to her throat

I also take a lot of issue with ciansa since he's literally grooming her and displaying sexual predator behavior
Azor Jaqen?

Morghulis Valar.
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Cast him
uses his IT job access to hack /pol/
with no survivors
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>page 9
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Why did Stannis never laugh to Patchface's jokes
>everyone here shits on show Euron

That's just buttmad bookfags. Show Euron isn't an anime character like Book Euron (same as Daario) so he's better.

First, he made the right choice by deciding not to sacrifice his life or his men for Westeros who doesn't give a fuck about them, second he's probably planning on allying with the Walkers.
AFFC is perfectly fine, except for the Brienne parts
But it starts the trend of minor POV's which all are great
Truth be told I never felt AFFC to be such a drag after ASOS had all those Arya chapters, who felt just as bad as the Brienne ones
Arya chapters are great because you can skip every single one of them and it detracts nothing from the story.
Show Daario is better
Show Joffrey is arguably better, just because of Gleeson's acting, although he nailed Joffrey so well it's hard to see any difference in the characters
Show Theon up until S6 was GOAT

Tywin was GOAT in both the books and show
One of the examples of perfect casting
The best King/Hand got a crossbow bolt in his intestines while he was on the privy
Tywin was the best option to run a large kingdom

Of the living, Davos and Tyrion are both pretty good at that. However Tyrion has a large hatred for the whole of Westeros
Why would Davos be good at managing something as large as the 7 kingdoms? Is there anything to suggest that he'd have much skill at it?
If only I knew
Every time I read "Arya" at the top of the page I was tempted to just skip it, but I never did in fear of losing parts of the story
He managed to be a good Hand to Stannis
Anyone else think it was sudden and weird for tywin to fuck tyrions whore?
I mean they hadn't established any romantic or physical relationships relating to him at all, like it was literally never even implied he ever fucked after his wife died. Then he goes off on tyrion about having a whore in the hands the chambers, and he does it himself.
He never once seemed hypocritical or lustful before and I get wanting to show he's really a human and a bad one at that but like I said, very sudden and out of character.
Yeah, although the "my lion" moment was funny as fuck, I did find that whole debacle sort of weird since it seems that Tywin's character was pretty solidly established already and that definitely didn't seem like something he'd do.
>implying tywin hadnt been boning shae since he left casterly rock
>implying bronn didn't stole shae from tywin for tyrion
Read the fucking books, fag
oh so the "you will not take that whore to court" thing was because Tywin wanted to keep his fuck toy around
Very subtle grrm
it's not game of thrones, it's game of cucks, where literally every relationship is filled with cuckoldry

a man writes what he knows, and gurm only knows cuckoldry.

I subscribe to tywin+shae
However, some people like Preston Jacobs think bronn is a varys creature stirring the por to control events and tries to tie a ton of other tinfoilery unsubstantiated claims with this one
His autism knows no limits
What if Euron goes back to the iron islands and after the Night's King decimates westeros and kills everyone Euron shows up in his Valyrian steel armor from the books and kills the Night's King and rules over the wasteland of Westeros?
Could anything be more satisfying?
So what about lady stoneheart and the guy who literally keeps coming back to life and has a flaming sword?
but as soon as Euron takes off his armour LF teleports behind him, puts a dagger to his throat, says something about "chaosh" then becomes the king of the ashes
On a sort of related note, how would the white walkers take crazy OP castles like the Eyrie? Would they just starve them out or are wights really skilled climbers?
What about reading the fucking books?
They are faceless men anon
Ice spiders bruh
They'd have to have a ton though, right? Seems like they guys on the walls could drop rocks on them pretty easily.
Beric dies on the wight mission along with Thoros. But I'm still glad to have them back regardless not to mention having part in the seasons big episode. I really thought D&D dropped them when they decided for sure not to do Stoneheart. Very happy they came back in season six.
Show started going down hill right after Joffery died.
The inbred cucks of the Eyrie will throw themselves out the moon door when the walkers show up.
Besides if the walkers have a tactical via the Wight King they can just leave ye giant rock alone and go after things that matter.
Plus it would make for a great shot of the defenders of the Eyrie looking down at the land around them and seeing nothing but a white sea of undead part around the castle
it was already going downhill after season 1
a few cracks started showing in season 2, 3/4 were still pretty good then s5 set the bar so low that s6 just managed to be better than it
Well of course starving them out was always an option, I was just talking about actually storming the castle.
Now that I mention it though, I'm pretty sure that the books mention that no one lives in the Eyrie in normal winters since its so fucking cold, so I guess once the Long Night comes the guys up there will just freeze anyway.
because d&d realised they could give it all to Jon and ruin Stannis at the same time.
>rest of the story leaked
>it's pretty much everything I don't want to happen
fucking niggers
You know there is another season after seven right? Plenty of time for Dany and Sansa to die.
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>Plenty of time for Dany and Sansa to die.
>he actually believes that
wow the level of depth in this writing really makes u think...
>female characters
Honestly, with the characters that are left in the show, what would you want to happen?
>angle that hides her massive jaw
>she looks absolutely gorgeous
What a waste
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Most of the questions were awkward af.

>Do you know there is fanfiction about Bran and Meera on the internet?

Bran & Meera:
>Nooo...What kind of fanfiction? :/

>Lmao I don't know; I haven't read any of it :^|
>So anyway, did you know that Bran has a major crush on Meera?
They strike me as bisexual more than queer. The way they speak and behave is much like the enormous amount of bi's I'm surrounded with in college.
t. autism
issac is not bi, he's a fucking fag, just like his fag fanbase
>implying that Jon isn't gonna be fucking both Sansa and Daenerys

Kit's already fucking Sophie and Emilia on the side why wouldn't he do it in the show aswell
my life is meaningless without jonsa

jonsa, jonsa, JONSA. best ship. best thing. just the best.


Fuck me, seriously?

I fucking loved that show. Mongol culture is so fucking comfy as shit, I want to see more big fields, harems, horse warriors and shit...
>I want to see more big fields, harems, horse warriors and shit
wait for GoT season 7, that'll be Westeros after Varys' cultural enrichment program.
yes, they cancelled it

apparently 200$ mil loss, I was surprised that it got renewed because it was expensive but I thought it would survive....
I don't get where the budget went, sure there were some expensive battles with lots of horses, but I seem to recall the vast majority of it was just fields with tents and such.

Is it the costumes and weapons and such, getting everything to historical accuracy?

It's too bad things like that cost so much money, just makes you kinda depressed how if we want historical accuracy and rich depictions of culture you need CGI or you'll have to settle for bastardized Hollywood versions...
well Prester John was setting up the show to be full fucking fantasy-tier show. I think marco polo wasn't really historically accurate, which I didn't mind.
That show had god tier battles, scenery, actors, costumes, culture etc.
I always thought Kelly C is because Kelly Clarkson looks like Emilia

now I realized it's because it sounds like khalessi

fuck I'm dumb.
Oh, yeh, it was bullshit, but the costumes, weapons, tents, Karakorum and such really showed a very good depiction of mongol stuff.
Well I don't mind accuracy so I was hyped for prester. Now It's over. fuck netflix, they renew shit like fuller house but not this?
most of the reviews of it that i read were all like hurrr "its not historically accurate." or "its boring." im like wtf since when do reviewers care about anything's source material they lap up shit like got
>are wights really skilled climbers?

really man? rewatch 6x05 when they were climbing all over the fucking place like cockroaches
don't read tv reviews, it's fucking cancer. especially shit like av club, cancer epicenter
Sansan is not that far out there. What Sansan haters always get wrong is that Sansan is one sided. He genuinely cares for her. Re read their scene in the battle of black water. Re read the scenes with him and Arya. Re read his death. It is past the point of pointing out evidence and speculating if he cares for her. GRRM admitted it already. He may not understand or enjoy the fact so many women idolize the relationship and the Hound over nice guy Sam but that's beside the point.

Sansa's mind, like her character is a train wreck. But don't assume she is that far out there when it comes to caring for and remembering the knight who saved her, cared for her, shared with her his fears and sorrows, and cried for her.

D&D neutered the hell out of Sansan. But make no mistake, book Sansan is a wonderful relationship (that is over and never coming back) that actually made me enjoy Sansa if only for a few chapters.
>(that is over and never coming back)
That's the key here. The Hound and Sansa had a great dynamic in the books, romantic or not, they balanced each other out. But it's done. Sansa is no longer the innocent girl who treated wounded Lancel even though he did nothing as she was getting beaten. She's LF's creature now, being groomed to seduce men like one of his whores, an accomplice in her innocent cousin's slow murder. While Sandor laid down his sword and hate, finding peace under the Seven in solitude, labor, and contemplation. They've grown separately and no longer compliment one another. Sansan shippers ignore all that for the sake of their weird sexual fantasy involving a hideous PTSD ridden man an a thirteen year old child.
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I wonder if Sansanfags would support pedo relationships irl.
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what did she mean by this?
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hmmmm really makes you think
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I miss ramsay
I miss hodor
>Sansa's mind, like her character is a train wreck. But don't assume she is that far out there when it comes to

She romanticized the fuck out of Dontos and has told Littlefinger's lie about Lysa so much even she's unclear about it with the real events being a dream. Her mind is fucked and she turns the bad into good or completely ignores the bad to mentally escape

And knife to the throat is abuse faggot not wonderful, and he's much older even by Westeros standards, creepy
*oh, and let's not forget how she romanticized Joffrey even after the Micah thing and demonized Arya. Or how she demonized Lysa so it's okay she died and they lied without thinking of Littlefinger's involvement in what Lysa did to her husband
Yeah he served Jeoffrey/Cersei's role of putting S*nsa in her place
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Reminder that Sansa's a horrible self centered bitch.

1. She lies to cover for Joffrey, betraying her sister and dishonouring House Stark. Why? Because she "loves Joffreey and wants to be Queen and bear him golden haired children". This leads to: Nymeria being banished, Lady being executed and Mycah being murdered (cut in half), of which Sansa only sort of cares about Lady. Oh, and Sansa's lies make Arya look like a liar when she is in fact telling the truth.

2. She is blasse after Ned is attacked and Jory Cassel is butchered (a man she grew up seeing EVERY DAY). She is concerned for her father, but cares nothing about Jory.

3. To prevent separation from her "prince", she rats out Ned's plans to flee Kings Landing leading to the massacre of the Stark host and execution of her father. Note she does this AFTER Ned is attacked and Jory is killed.

4. When put under guard with Jeyne Poole she is annoyed by Jeyne sobbing over her dead father (Jeyne probably knew he was dead and probably saw portions of the massacre). Sansa is relieved when her child hood friend is "taken away" and never asks for her. Jeyne is sold to a brothel and likely sexually abused/exploited for years prior to being delivered to Ramsay Bolton. Oh, and despite Sansa later marrying Tyrion and gaining some degree of freedom and power, she never asks after Jeyne.

5. Or Arya, for that matter. She forgets to ask where Arya is when she meets the Queen after the massacre.

These five "groups" of actions illustrate an underlying callousness or coldness about Sansa, even at a young age. A disregard for other "lower class" people as being equally human. Mycah does not matter. He can die to protect "her Joffrey". Jory is easily forgotten. Arya can be a liar and her wolf can be killed to protect "her Joffrey" None of these people or wolves truly matters compared to what Sansa "wants".
She also bullied Arya, fucking up her self-esteem.
But to be fair, all of that is from GoT, during which GURM was still trying to nail the characters down. Kind of like how Tyrion's acrobatic ability got replaced with joint pains. And even if we ignore that, she went through a lot of character development afterwards.
>wants power
>can't trust or follow Jon
>goes on a power trip
>sends Brienne South because she doesn't trust Jon to negotiate

How should Sansa be punished when Jon comes back?
all of those issues are from book 1. you might not know this but there's been 4 books after that one.
Broodmare for Ghost

She must be used to fucking canines by now
God damn stop talking about sansa this isn't tumblr
I miss Jaqen
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I bet that anon loves Jamie.

Grow the fuck up. She is a MC.

I don't question the reasoning behind the entire female fan base of their series obsession with Sansan. But you can't be that stupid when it comes to the knife scene. Strong men overpowering the self insert female after all that buildup (onto a fucking bed) is as basic as it gets when it comes to pandering to female readers. The Blackwater scene is the conclusion to Sansan.

Just googling Sansan and all you get is images of the unkiss/ knife scene.
Qtst boy that ever lived
some say he's still out there rowing
>grow the fuck up. She is a MC

OK sansatard. Being a POV =/= main character especially with a chapter count as low as hers is. Back to tumblr.
I miss frogfu
I have to agree, tbqh
What? Bright flame was one of Aerion Targaryen's nicknames, not a house or bloodline. Fucking theoryfags spouting nonsense.
>But you can't be that stupid when it comes to the knife scene. Strong men overpowering the self insert female after all that buildup (onto a fucking bed) is as basic as it gets

Just because crazy bitches shlick themselves over it doesn't make it not abuse.

Bitches be crazy.

They fantasize and romanticize all types of bad shit that irl would be terrifying if they were going through it.
Why is it you guys hate female characters so much? Don't you understand Sansa's arc of sheltered young woman who gains he own agency and becomes a strong woman who can play on the game on the main stage?
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>strong woman
I'm fine with her so long as she rides Jon's cock at the end of the day.

What better way to play the game and show agency than by choosing on her own to marry the crown prince and ruling the city she was abused in and made to feel a prisoner and elevate both her house and her cousin's that she used to hate?
We like Melisandre, Margaery, Ygritte, Arianne, Myranda, etc.

We just don't like useless stupid girls who gets called a "strong woman" even though she has only made mistakes throughout the entire series and never accomplished anything.
> becomes a strong woman who can play on the game on the main stage?

I feel like I've asked for evidence that this is even remotely true a million times and have never been given anything other than "hurr she organized a social gathering when littlefinger was gone" or whatever which isn't political and is just the duty of the wife
My issue with her is that her retarded fans think the entire series and everything in it is somehow related to her. They think she's the prophesied younger beautiful queen even though that's clearly dany, they think she's the "winged wolf" even though that's clearly bran, they think shes going to be some great hero after the war whos going to rebuild winterfell because she built a snow castle one time, they think she's nissa nissa for no reason other than having red hair, they think she's going to become the best politician that's ever lived, they think George for some reason spends extra time making specifically her chapters have beautiful prose because they don't read anyone else's chapters and don't realize EVERY pov is like that, so on and so forth.

They think shes one of the most important characters in the series even though she was literally only created to add drama to the stark family and is nothing but a pawn and camera for the more interesting characters surrounding her who's POVs we can't see because knowing the inner thoughts of people like Littlefinger defeats the purpose of their character.
It is political, as it is a way to get a bunch of important people in one place, mingle, make deals, and even procure some willing hostages.

But yeah, I'm not on the Sansa is a player camp either. Bitch just likes tourneys. I don't think she's retarded or anything, she's just not particularly smart either. She's a decent liar though. I liked how she started praying every chance she could in ACOK to make her meetings with Dontos not stand out. People in KL are still talking about how pious she was.
It's not political. It's the wife's duty to take care of social shit while the Lord of the house deals with important things. Catelyn did the same exact thing organizing the feast for the king and his entourage. It's expected of them, it's not impressive in any way
Just because it's expected of them doesn't make it not political. Never claimed it was impressive though.
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They can't take all the blame, they were indoctrinated at a young age.

I enjoy Sansa but I agree, she is not at all a strong woman. I hope to god she never becomes one. Sansa is as close to a damsel in distress as GRRM can create in this world. She is not too interesting as a character and is never really fleshed out as much as the others. However she is essential to the plot. (Like most games involving a princess to save.) She is the key to the north.
I respect George for writing her the way he did. She is probably the most realistic female character in the series. But in the same way "nice guys" can't understand why Sam isn't the female favorite when compared to Jamie or the Hound, most look at Sansa and shrug her off to more heroic characters like Arya or Marg. She can't fight or fuck her way out of events so she is just dragged along from plot point to plot point. She has been through a lot so she is losing her god damn mind understandably. I can appreciate the small bits of storytelling we get from her. She reacts exactly how a pampered princess would but is slowly being morphed because of her soundings. The only way I can see her being "strong" is that she still retained a part of herself throughout all of this While not as fleshed out as others I am invested in her character and excited to see where she ends up.
Sansa = Arwen

Prove me wrong.

Pro-tip, you cannot
I'm starting to think Stannis isn't coming back bros
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>I'm starting to think Stannis isn't coming back bros
>He only realises this now
Christ get out of here tumblr.

>She is the key to the north

No she isnt. Heres a clue from just about every narrative ever: if a character has something like that said about themselves a million times then its not true. The key to the north is Rickon.
Kill yourself, the key to the North is the Prince of the North, Bran
Stannis is gone from the show. We should be happy that DnD can't ruin him anymore. Be happy with the Stannis from the WoW preview chapter
>is a tree
>can't fug
nah son
As much as I hate to say it, it's Jon. That faggot Robb disinherited his siblings in his will and gave the damn thing to his wildling loving cousin.
You're not worth of a (you)

Robb can't disinherit Bran, he thought he was dead.

Bran is thus still the rightful heir because he invalidates the reasoning Jon was made heir on
I'll concede that possibility too though I think in the books rickon might be what sways the battle for winterfell. But the "key to the north" is not the character who we get told over and over in-narrative is supposed to be that.when a character says their plan on screen it will never turn out that way.
he thought his brothers were dead, kinda hard to blame him desu
>they think she's nissa nissa for no reason other than having red hair
desu that part is probably just people who want to see the bitch killed.

FFC focuses on world building and political maneuvering. it's not as 'epic' as the other books, but still a good read as long as you dont have the attention span of an 8 year old
>She is probably the most realistic female character in the series.

She's retarded WAY past the point of realism. No one is that fucking dumb. 10y/o Bieberfans would drastically outsmart her.

>But in the same way "nice guys" can't understand why Sam isn't the female favorite when compared to Jamie or the Hound

Everyone understands that. Everyone but GRRM that is, but he might have been joking anyway. Sam is a useless fat fuck (with random bits of "hurr suddenly I'm a hero!", which make him worse really), of course no one will have him as favorite.
>books rickon might be what sways the battle for winterfell.
>when a character says their plan on screen it will never turn out that way.

But Manderly explicitly says he needs Rickon and the plan for him.

So does that mean Rickon will die or won't sway it afterall?
He didn't disinheret bran or rickon. He possibly disinhereted sansa so tyrion wouldn't rule because of her. Also it's presumptuous the make any statements about the technicalities of what happens when it turns out rickon and bran aren't dead since we don't know what robbs will even says or how he phrased it.
>Everyone but GRRM that is, but he might have been joking anyway.

Not that anon but I don't think he was joking.

He writes Hound as being older, scarred, a fucked up ugly dangerous person and not meant to be attractive or romantic. That's how he wants Hound to be perceived and of course Sansa's views of things to be intentionally wrong hence the unkiss being unreliable narrator and Sansa's other habits of warping events of her life or her views to make things happier or nicer than they really were.

Sam has the positive attributes that George would deem attractive or romantic where even if he's fat or whatever, he's still a true good person.

George is thinking rationally, while a lot of readers, particularly female, are irrational in his mind and not getting what he's writing.

If there's two factions trying to get control of the north using two different starks the obvious outcome is going to be both sides failing desu
>If there's two factions trying to get control of the north using two different starks the obvious outcome is going to be both sides failing desu
not happening
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>not meant to be attractive or romantic


GURM just doesn't understand women very well and thinks they want a gentleman, lmao.
You think stannis is going to come out triumphant? I don't see it being that easy
there isnt going to be a stark civil war imo i think stannis will take wf and root out the boltons before he dies from the others
Stannis will take WF but then abdicate his throne to Jon, after murdering Selyse for burning Shireen
The obvious thing is the faggots supporting Rickon are traitors trying to seat Rickon as their puppet king.

Bran's a trueborn son and older, Winterfell is his BY RIGHT.
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>abdicate the throne
>to Jon

why haven't you killed yourself yet?
>The obvious thing is the faggots supporting Rickon are traitors trying to seat Rickon as their puppet king.
>Bran's a trueborn son and older, Winterfell is his BY RIGHT.
they're not traitors you idiot they only want rickon because they dont know where bran has gone if he showed up they would bend the knee to him
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It's not what I want to happen, it's what I think GRRM will write. Stannis will take the black to punish himself for killing his wife. With no heirs, he has no options but Jon
I didn't say there would be a civil war just that they'd both fail, I don't think they're going to fight each other
They are traitors if

>there's two factions trying to get control of the north using two different starks

The second Bran rears his crippled legs there should only be ONE faction.
I want to see what happens with that since I don't think germs going to go the "lol he's just brain dead don't worry about it" route that d&d are going
New thread
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No there wouldn't.

And if they won't bend the knee, Bran will make them.
Why pray tell would he think the laws of Westeros, gods and men would make Jon fit for the Iron Throne?

If he knew Jon was Rhaegar's kid, he'd consider Jon to be a bastard and himself a traitor if he just gave the throne to the son of the man him and his brother fought to take the throne from.
what the fuck are you talking about there isnt two factions in the book you're getting the stupid show mixed in
If George goes "lol Bran doesn't want the throne uh mystery greenseer responsibilities so he can't take it", I'm gonna shoot someone
Did you fail to read the post I had responded to and was quoting faggot? >>77222822
Don't worry it's just some butthurt autist that spams memes about Bran being not fit to rule.

Don't give him (You)s
jaqen h'ghar and aragorn are both tied together. both had multiple names to identify with and both were lovers of two women. there is more but drunk so cant be fucked.

But strider is jaqen
Me? I wrote >>77223523 and I'm not an autist about bran either way
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