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/got/ general

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Thread replies: 312
Thread images: 47

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When was the last time show was good edition?
Previous - >>77108563
Mid Season 3
The Purple Wedding minus the whole of season 2
who is /got/ best waifu now?
>one even looking like Arya, but where the fuck is the one that looks like Ned/Jon? BITCH

haha why would anyone want a kid that looks like that gormless halftardaryen mexican.
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where can i get one of my own
Season 1 episode 1, objectively
Cause in the books he looks just like Ned, her dead father.
I don't know, but you should be careful, there seem to be a bunch of cheap made in china, discount, knockoff Brans around. Except nothing but the real deal.
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Is this accurate?
When Stannis was still alive and at castle black. Though most of the rest of the show was weak at that point, the last time the majority of the plotlines were good was season four.
Almost perfect except trump isn't a cuck, and unlike LF will, actually succeeded.
A white male isn't gonna come out on top of the game of feminism.
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>The delegates, hand them over
Everything is right except Bernie and high sparrow. In what way are they similar?
>The top 1% of Westeros controls 99% of the gold.
>We need a revolution
>Getting BTFO by Cercei/Hillary
It was never good you cucks
When you make a next thread, make theme like these.
Next Thread:
Jaqen H'Ghar Edition #
Euron Greyjoy Thread #
CleganeBowl Edition #
Braavos Thread Edition $$$
#WesterosLivesMatter Thread

Please make this happen in this order.
I think that the Hillary -> Cersei things doesn't make any sense?

Also, this isn't /pol/.
Memes and biases aside, how would you literally and unironically rate Game of Thrones compared to other tv shows ?
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fucking queers
Kek this match works so perfect. Not only because of the relying on religion to bring them their victories but both of them had people like Mel and Glenn Beck and Raul who kept telling them it is their destiny to win.
Why don't you do that on r/gameofthrones
Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright
who is talking this?
did they?
hahaha maybe dean even jerked off through facetime you know just as a prank hahah
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Baelish's plan to marry Sansa to Harry the Heir isn't going to happen.

There's a rule in fiction: if a character tells the plan before it happens, it never happens that way.

Baelish isn't going to tell Sansa his real plan. I don't know exactly what his real plan is, but it definitely involves marrying Sansa himself. He may temporarily marry Alayne to Harry, but his end game is to marry Sansa himself and probably unite the Riverlands, Vale, and North. But there's also a debt scheme and a connection to Braavos so his full plan is pretty unknown.
>He's in my heart

I know what else he's in
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and Meera


>ywn have Meera awkwardly put on a pair of fake eyelashes to try to seduce you.
>but it definitely involves marrying Sansa himself.

That's obvious as fuck.

But it'll never happen
It might. Everyone expects Sansa to "outplay" LF like in the DnD fanfic and kill him. Sansa falling for him in an creepy daddy-daughter way would btfo normie readers and fulfill one of the fat man's many fetishes.
westworld and sherlock are 50x better than this piece of shit
>creepy daddy-daughter way would btfo normie readers and fulfill one of the fat man's many fetishes.

Fat man's fetishes are incest and cuckoldry, Baelish is a cuck.

And it won't happen not because Sansa will outsmart him but because he'll make a mistake in unfamiliar territory or get BRAN-ed
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purest ship
Do you talk about your bros like this /got/?

This is the one true ship, the many faced ship

It can take the form of any other ship.
Perhaps the ship you favored was not the ship you believed it to be

It was just another form of the many faced ship
No more dead /got/s
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top kek
>still pushing the alt right meme
will they ever learn
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yeah it does
No. But I do think about them that way.
>that one guy expecting a release date for TWOW soon

Wild Cards Take Chicago

Dec. 11th, 2016 at 1:08 PM
New York City has been the center of the Wild Cards universe since 1946, when Dr. Tod met Jetboy in the skies over Broadway, and the Takisian xerovirus was unleashed upon the world. It's past time the Second City got its due. So I am thrilled to report that I've just turned in the latest Wild Cards mosaic novel: LOW CHICAGO, set entirely in the city on the lake.

This is the second book in what we're calling our 'American Triad' (MISSISSIPPI ROLL was delivered in October, and we're still hard at work on TEXAS HOLD'EM), and the twenty-fifth volume of the overall series... but no, it's not necessary to have read the first twenty-four to enjoy this one.

And it's a helluva ride, I think. The cast includes old fan favorites like Mr. Nobody, Double Helix, Abigail the Understudy, Golden Boy, Natya, John Fortune, John Nighthawk, Hardhat, and the Sleeper, but some exciting new characters will be on hand as well. Wait till you meet Meathooks, Birdbrain, and Khan.

The table of contents:
John Jos. Miller "A Long Night at the Palmer House"
Kevin Andrew Murphy "Down the Rabbit Hole"
Christopher Rowe "The Motherfucking Apotheosis of Todd Motherfucking Taszycki"
Paul Cornell "A Bit of a Dinosaur"
Marko Kloos "Stripes"
Melinda M. Snodgrass "The Sister in the Streets"
Mary Anne Mohanraj "A Beautiful Facade"
Saladin Ahmed "Meathooks on Ice"

I had a great time editing this one. Hope you'll all like it as much as I do.

And if you've yet to try Wild Cards, the world's longest-running shared world anthology series (thirty years and counting!)... hey, what are you waiting for!

No publication date for LOW CHICAGO yet, but you'll know as soon as Tor tells me.
Current Location:Santa Fe
Current Mood: accomplished accomplished
anthologies, editing, wild cards
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>Tags: wild cards
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I've noticed you posting lots of Alex Jones lately

What's up with that?
i think his nuttiness makes for good reaction pics and gifs i made a folder just for them.
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Are you European?
quite possibly the worst list i've ever seen. Even compared to the bullshit ones on here. Barbie sure. but the others???
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>Robert drinks and bangs big titty hoes
>Renly eats good food and parties with lords
>Ned plays with his kids
>Doran plays chess/cyvasse

So what does Stannis do for fun?
>>Doran plays chess/cyvasse

You mean watching children play in water all day like some fucking pedo?
Kill usurpers and traitors
Last time the show was good was probably Hardhome ep.
Maybe model trains? He likes order and efficiency.
it was a good episode, but was the show good at that time overall? I would say no

5 and 6 were pretty much seasons with one good episode, which was just an action spectacle
"You are not the only turncloak here, it would seem. Would all the lords of Westeros had but a single neck." - Stannis to Theon



The closest he had to having fun was fucking Melisandre.
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>Would all the lords of Westeros had but a single neck.

Never go full Aerys
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That's actually Caligula.
>NOTE: FAN-MADE, not real, all made for fun
Why the fuck do you redditors never leave?
but this is all old shit and other shows
I'd say the show hadn't yet killed Doran and Trystane so it was still okay.
If at that point they were already then then I retract my statement.

The three big things that overall fucked ass were the Dorne plotline when the Sand Sneks killed Doran and Trystane, Dany magically getting a new Khalasar and the whole King's Landing plotline disappearing in a giant explosion.
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>Would all the lords of Westeros had but a single neck.

Kek GURM literally lifted this quote from a serial killer
Cersei doesn't have anything in common with Hillary, aside from being crazy and having a vagina.

Dany is way more similar.
I've been reading the books and Wyman Manderly kinda reminds me of the Donald. Pretending to be less capable, 3D chess and all that.
>So what does Stannis do for fun?
if Stannis gets the throne he'll outlaw fun.
>I'd say the show hadn't yet killed Doran and Trystane so it was still okay.
i had almost forgotten about that
that was episode 1 of season 6, actually
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I enjoyed this episode because smirkfags GBTFO
now that's no nice
be nice cersi
writes songs for minstrels about how scary he is

>Jon Arryn
no free time, had to clean up robert's messes like an old chambremaid - gave lysa and petyr plenty of time for cuckoldry

>Mace Tyrell
probably throws feasts like every single day and invites every lord in the Reach, who come because they have nothing better to do because nothing bad ever actually happens in the Reach (Battle of Ashford and the invasion of the Shield Isles/Oldtown notwithstanding)

>Leyton Hightower
canonically just sits up in his tower talking to his crazy daughter about prophecies and magic all day. Hasn't come down in over a decade.

>Roose Bolton
embroiders patterns onto the flayed skins of Robb and the northern lords who died at the wedding

>Euron greyjoy
probably has sick cunt orgies with all his mutes and dwarves and people with birth defects and shit
>Rich political establishment
>Completely cucked over the Sparrow/ Bernie
>Constantly cucked by her husband, an actually popular charismatic king
>Its her turn to be queen
>makes decisions that bite her in the ass
>Cersei wants to keep foreign horde out
>Hillary, 'nough said

I wish we got book Doran on the show. He would definitely be /tv/'s one true /ourguy/
"it's her turn" fits dany much more than cersei.
cersei let joffrey rule, then let tommen rule, etc..

dany began wanting to rule about 3 minutes into her story, even tho viserys was still alive. She think it's owed to her, just like hillary.
does she want to keep out foreign hordes?
daenarys isn't even a blip on her radar, she just wants power
The Wildlings are white tho.

The others and the wights are more like illegal immigrants and apparently in season seven Cercei wants to sabotage the fight against them.

Cercei is Hilldog.
>let joffrey rule
she didn't really have a say though, the king is the king
>she didn't really have a say though, the king is the king
on the show yeah
The Dothraki Horde are trying to take her ass down, fuck yeah she wants them out, or dead
The Dothraki aren't white.

And she wants Dany/Jon and the Wights/Walkers to kill each other because they're both her enemies
she doesn't even know that at this point
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>muh 25 year plan

Dorniggers out
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She does in season 7
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>Barb above Pokemon
What the fuck
Serious question for /got/

Until we found out last year that Euron was no longer cut most posters were ok with Aegon being cut but were mad about Euron and Vic being cut.

Now I don't mind show Euron but I get why most readers hate him. So my question is: would you rather have the show Euron or have him be cut and get a book accurate version of Aegon and JonCon?
Book Aegon pls.
Muh Big Cock Euron has been shite.
honestly, I couldn't care either way. They have ensured that there is so little time left that they can't do any justice for a character introduced in season 5 or later
red wedding
Show Euron was awful and the Kingsmoot scene might be one of the worst scenes of the season. I'm fine with him being completely dropped.
ugh how is dany influential, I hate her spoiled character... literally does nothing yet gains everything..... i want her to get BTFO, maybe varys will do it for me
well yeah, but that's the piont, she only became queen when everyone else was dead.
after joffrey, myrcella and tommen, she's next in line, unless she wants to send a raven to Stannis to tell him to come rule.

She went with the rule of succession. There's like 13 characters on the show, it was ACTUALLY her turn.

Dany, on the other hand, just pretended it was her turn just because she wanted to, even tho she was NOT next in line and she knew it, and she knew that's not what the people of westeros wanted (from jorah) or the lords, no one gave a fuck but she wanted it.
even in season 1 she talks about btfo'ing them if they try to come in.

I suppose, but has she ever brought it up outside of robert speaking of it
She loved being Queen Regent though because she hated the idea of Marjorie becoming the real queen and controlling Joffrey/Tommen with her puss.
doran dying with no consequences in dorne is fucking outrageous but dany needs dorne so all logic goes out the window
>after joffrey, myrcella and tommen, she's next in line, unless she wants to send a raven to Stannis to tell him to come rule.

Not that anon but Cersei has literally no claim to the throne.

She's not a Baratheon, you can't marry into the royal family, she's not even Lady Baratheon. She has no claims to the throne.
>do ridiculous bullshit to get Dany both Dorne, the Reach and Dothraki
>do more ridiculous bullshit to make Dany lose Dorne, the Reach and a lot of Dothraki

seems like your trying to find some sense into a show that has been nothing but "because plot" since season 4-5

Wait, how is she going to lose the Dothraki?
I was pretty unsatisfied with season 5, but when this shit happened in the first episode of season 6 it was basically over for me.

I didn't even rewatch 6 as I did with every other season, sometimes multiple watches.

I'm just here for the laughs now mainly
and yet people still root for dany, her plot armor is fucking ridiculous

>captured by dothraki
>dothraki savages who kill, rape and pillage villages do not harm her due to the fact that she is a widow of a deceased khal
>clearly they are savages but also follow tradition
>dany burns their leaders
>no questions asked by any of the blood riders or warriors, she is now in charge

fucking danyfags are the worst
same here m8, only here just to see the endgame
Lost a lot of Dothraki.

From the ill advised fight against Lannisters as they come back.

From how either lads or 4chan leaker described it, she wins but loses a good number of dudes
>>dany burns their leaders
>>no questions asked by any of the blood riders or warriors, she is now in charge
that subtle acknowledgement that brown people only follow power
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The Kingsmoot was still better than what they did with Dorne in season six. Atleast it boiled down to the elements of Euron winning because he wanted to ally with Dany even if that never happens.
Dorne made a mockery of Oberyn and Doran's goals.
Atleast it looks like Euron will be in season 8 so he may amount to something.
But I agree with the rest of replies I think the show should have atleast done JonCon right
Never mind he would have just been all about being gay
lol how, she has like 100k guys, and how the fuck are the Lannisters even a strong force after they've been fighting since the first season?

Such a joke. Remember when the Lannisters needed the strength of the Tyrells?
Jets just won.

Fat man won't write through New Years
And brown people were too stupid to figure out democracy, thank goodness a strong white leader came over and wrecked them with dragon fire before moving on (after taking all their food and supplies).
>Never mind he would have just been all about being gay

I don't know, from how they handled Loras I get the feeling that the writers are pretty homophobic when it comes to gay men.
they've written themselves into a corner.

daenarys has OVERWHELMING numbers and should just win inside of an episode but they need to strech it out.

which is ironic considering how rushed the show has become
>lol how, she has like 100k guys, and how the fuck are the Lannisters even a strong force after they've been fighting since the first season?

Because D&D.

As of season 6, the Lannisters somehow have the largest army in the seven kingdoms.

Then Randyl joins them because Cersei, who killed his liege Lord and their family, is convinces him that she's the rightful Queen and can give him Lordship over the Reach.

Then Euron singlehandedly takes out the Snakes and Dorne.

Then Tarly-Lannisters take out Highgarden, the Reach and Olenna.

Then Dany attacks their victory train back to King's Landing
>Then Euron singlehandedly takes out the Snakes and Dorne.


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who nose man, who nose
fucking hell, Dunk is like 7 feet tall, how tall is Lyonel Baratheon?
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>dothraki savages who kill, rape and pillage villages do not harm her due to the fact that she is a widow of a deceased khal

actually the most sensible part, in the books it's a big point of why the Dothraki are mad at Dany after Drogo dies that she won't come quietly and go join the Dosh Khaleen

every other point is salient of course
Jon captures a wight in episode six and shows it to Cercei and heads back to the wall in episode seven. Time means nothing now
I think you missed the whole "there's like 13 characters on the show" part.

Stannis is dead or tainted anyway, no one has any family...
There isn't anyone who can claim to be above Cersei and isn't an enemy ( stannis, Daenerys ).

There's no minor branch baratheon, no lannister cousins, no one has any family outside of those we see on the show, there isn't even any legitimized bastards (edric) or recognized ones (mya stone).

Even if she has no actual claim, it's the logical choice for the power in place to hand her over the crown. No one else has any claim anyway.
Wouldn't the wight just rot south of the wall? Like the hand?
Heh, there was a time I thought the show might have some epic worldbuilding

What a fucking moron I was
I think they take it 'alive', but if not, ya just more bullshit from dnd
If Dany was a man the sjws would be super assmad with her
>white savior saves dumb desert folk
>dumb desert folk don't understand that they were liberated and want to get back in their chains
>dany literally stomps over their traditions and defaces their monuments just to piss people off
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They follow her because she's a powerful wizards.

Dothrakis watching her being immune to fire were all WTF I LIKE MAGIC NOW
Didn't they have corpses in the ice cells?

I just don't understand the necessity of an expedition to get a wight.
It's the coldest Winter in a thousand years so it shoukd be fine now and the hand rotted away in the weeks Tyrion kept Thorne in the cells, was fine when he first got there
>It's the coldest Winter in a thousand years
That explains all the snow we saw in season 6.
That's only a book thing, but yes, the principle still holds.

The smart thing would've been to take dead bodies or bring and then execute a prisoner North of the Wall and keep the corpses in a cage for easy transport for when they turn.
That's true but I don't remember if that was specifically addressed in the show
Thank R'hllor and Stannis burning Shireen for the snows melting as of season 5 episode 9(?) or was it 10?.

Is the wall the comfiest place in Westeros?

>comfy brotherhood
>never have to worry about money, habitation or food
>job for life
>beyond the reach of cruel Lords (ironically more free then the serfs)
>comfy winters, roaring fires, ale and hearty cheer
>no women or roasties
>no homo bromances or Satin's boipucci if you prefer
>the weeks Tyrion kept Thorne in the cells, was fine when he first got there
I mean
They made the Reach pay for it
The corpses don't turn into wights unless there's a white walker nearby raising them. And if there's a white walker nearby, there's an army of undead instead of just strays.
How close do they really have to be though?

Night King raised all the dead at Hardhome but there were obviously some far away seeing as how it was a big camp.

Put the cage North of the Wall but not far, less than a mile and then just wait. Maybe even keep it in a cage on ship North of the Wall or stay near the coast for easy extraction and evacuation
>surrounded by traitorous murderers, rapists and dumb peasants
>the food tastes like shit
>never get vacations or days off
>it's always cold as fuck, ale is piss
>no pretty women to fuck only unwashed assholes

let's not forget, we're talking about jon "i'm told it's a trap so i won't fall for it, oops im charging into it" snow
>never have to worry about food
Kekkeroni, do you think they never go on long raids north of the Wall?

>beyond the reach of cruel lords
And instead you'll have cruel officers of the Night's Watch who get personal benefit at being shitty to their men.

>comfy winters
Freezing your ass off in some god-forsaken shithole and potentially losing members to frostbite is not comfy.

t. actually served in an army and would still consider my service easier than it would've been in the medieval French Foreign Legion that is the Night's Watch.
>job for life
The thing with jobs is they usually earn you money.

I can find you something to do for me for free for the rest of your life if you feel like it.
If they don't earn pay then what do they pay the whores in Mole's Town with?
He knew it was a trap but that he can't avoid it.

You wanted him to let Rickon die while he does nothing?

At least he didn't charge the army, blame Davos for that one
>no pretty women to fuck only unwashed assholes
this is medieval era, everything you fuck is unwashed.

Ok she's not exactly an example, but Arya reflect on how she doesn't need a bath because she bathed less than a fortnight ago.

And she's the daughter of one of the top 20 powerful man in the world. Sure she's wild, but they could force her to bath. They don,t care.

Sansa doesn't even bath on a daily basis,and she's THE girly noble princess archetype.. She mentions of a few times bathing for special occasions.

She probably does it like twice a week when nothing important happening.
good question. mole's town seems like it exists to service the night's watch
>You wanted him to let Rickon die while he does nothing?
eh, he was already told he is as good as dead

gotta have muh heroic charge though
>He knew it was a trap but that he can't avoid it.

>tfw that's how I feel about qt traps
Apparently they trade and barter with the Wildlings so they might very well just trade and barter with dudes in Mole's Town or sell what they got off the Wildlings
that's a good question, but they actually don't get paid...
I don't know, some fuck-for-protection racket thing?

Or maybe they just trade shit, like they do with the wildlings.
He got told that literally the night before. He's not some cold sociopath like Sansa who can stop caring like it's nothing.

And Rickon was the entire reason he was there fighting in the first place, all Sansa's talks about revenge, getting their home back, and Wildlings being in danger of the Boltons meant nothing until he knew Ramsay had Rickon.

He's not gonna let his brother die or be seen doing nothing as Rickon runs for his life towards him
The Reach, the guys who ended up betraying the Lannisters and going to war with them.

>people have no genital hygiene because muh medieval era
Pretty sure that at least high class prostitutes would keep themselves as clean as possible.

I'd rather stay around King's Landing and visit a nice brothel, treat myself to a nice restaurant and drink fine wine while you're in Castle Black while you're reaming some bearded guy's butthole and the entire sleeping quarters smelling like literal shit afterward.

If you fuck someone in the ass without them gaving had enemas or something first the shit's gonna shoot out after you're done fuckin'. That's why prostitutes want to know in advance if you're ordering anal because it definitely is not clean and is even less so if you don't prepare for it.
Night's Watch has to have some shitty fucking food.

Normally in the medieval era peasants ate shit like beets and mostly vegetables or tripe/other low quality meat while the actual meat was sold to people who could afford stuff.

The Night's Watch while in garrison eats like absolute trash and while they're on patrols they probably either eat animals they've hunted or they don't eat period.
S*nsa isn't a cold sociopath, she just literally doesn't care about anyone but herself.
It was a joke, m8

Flew right over your head
Goes hawking.
Not to mention they eat people when there's no other food, which happens frequently beyond the wall
its because they cut out Aegon and watered down Euron.
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Cleganebowl is canceled.

Lose the hype.
>be a night watch man
>get a shitty training that's still harsh because you get beaten
>food is shit and you barely get enough to eat in garrison let alone on patrols
>most of the time there is no point to standing guard
>have to do long guard shifts on top of the really tall Wall
>it's cold as fuck on top of the wall as well as slippery and windy
>if you fall asleep during a guard shift you'll probably get executed
>on a patrol you might get ambushed by wildlings or zombies
>or you might just freeze to death
>back in the garrison you have latrine duty
>your only entertainnent are the whores in Mole's Town
>the world considers the Night's Watch a total joke
>nobody respects the Night's Watch or takes their mission seriously
>if you try to run away, honorkeks like Ned Stark will behead you
We Are The Watchers on The Wall!
The sword in the darkness!
>If you fuck someone in the ass without them gaving had enemas or something first the shit's gonna shoot out after you're done fuckin'

this isn't actually how anal sex works
The shield that guards the realms of Men.
>get BRAN-ed
So Littlefinger will get cucked by another Brandon Stark? Like pottery.
He plays with birds.
hows it going
Pretty good, just finished watching Walking dead
jailkeeper at the eyrie is objectively the comfiest gig in westeros
any good negan memes from tonight's episode?
Lucille memes about praying for strength
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>cucked by a Brandon
>"Edd" aka Jon gets the Tully girl

It's like poetry
season 5, when there was no bran

easily the best season.
>literally does nothing yet gains everything
that's every woman in the nutshell tho, so it's a very accurate realistic character
jonsa - synonym of the word "perfect"
>comfy brotherhood
it's not comfy and it's Brotherhood only in name
>never have to worry about money, habitation or food
you got no money from them, you have to work around that, and foot tastes like shit
>job for life
there are many definitions of that word, must of them agree job is something you do for payment
>beyond the reach of cruel Lords (ironically more free then the serfs)
is somebody wants you dead, you will die, just like jon did.
>no women or roasties
well that's true
>no homo bromances or Satin's boipucci if you prefer
there is homosexuality at the wall, only nobody talks about it and only people who does that do it because they can't afford at the mole town or because they're away beyond the wall and they have urges so they have to fuck each other in the ass
Not even remotely comparable.
trump's son is fit to breed, unlike bran the tullyshit. So it's false.
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Is there any plan for any a song of ice and fire movies?

Will they remake the entire series in a more closer adaptation to the books? (a song of ice and fire being the whole thing and each movie named after it's equivalent book)

The whole dance of dragons is good movie material. Things like the battle above the god's eye is something that I wish to see being adaptated on a better budget.
why would you want to see the same shit twice? I don't get it

It's not the same shit. Thats the thing.
We won't be watching the same thing, and lets assume George makes it to a Dream of Spring, AoSOIF will be something else completely. Everybody knows that. That's why I'm asking if any big studio bought the rights to produce a Octalogy.

Well, there's a huge amount of characters that are dead in the show and are not dead in the books. The show is more trigger happy than George himself.
>and lets assume George makes it to a Dream of Spring
we don't have to assume, because it's not going to happen, ever.
>if you try to run away, honorkeks like Ned Stark will behead you

desu they only have to be smart and they can leave after a few years.

they only need the trust of the NW to be sent on recruiting missions.

Then you drop your rags somewhere south and you're a new person.

and it doesn't take much to earn the trust of the NW under the new lordship by Jon. Dareon, some singer who spent his entire time on the wall saying he doesn't belong there, was sent away on a mission... and of course, he deserted (for a few minutes before memeninja killed him).

Oh, thank you fellow greenseer. I will ask your mother tomorrow for the lottery numbers.


Oh, makes sense. Well, will they just let this money machine slide down after/if the series conclusion?

I mean. JK is killing her own franchise because warner wants more harry potter meanwhile HBO will be sitting on top of this gold mine of fresh, author content and won't do nothing with it?

I mean, yeah there is bound to be cuts but I think the whole thing could work better as a movie. A more accurate adaption not a from the book to the screen.

Hell, they could make a trilogy only with the dance of dragons alone.
it will not come out, it's just a simple truth
and even if it comes out, it will have the same ending as the show. I already deal with that fact a long time ago
cast her
she can be my bone drone
Slippin /got/
JONSA is life
slippin bran, the infertile tullyshit
Ned actually beheads people for fun and takes his kids along to mentally scar them for life
Did you really think jonsa would ever let you die /got/?
>season 5
>no bran
>universally considered worst season of all time
Literally nobody noticed Bran was missing until at least halfway through the season.
>did they?
yes they did
really makes you think
Reddit you mean? No thanks.
Memes aside. Average, every tv eventually gets shit after a while, it's with the medium, the first few seasons are normally very compelling and the show receives critical aclaim, and normally after that the show jumps the shark and gets worse. Game of Thrones has gotten worse pretty much every season since the end of season 3, and season 3 wasn't as good as 2 and 1 anyway. The fact that Game of Thrones is visually amazing and structure of the original story holds it together, despite all the shit ideas the writers seem to come up with.
Glad that i'm not the only one to believe in AryaxJaqen ship.

Blessed is the many faced god.
That's a pretty fucking awesome picture.
this internet sexism meme again
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>as she charged towards Westeros, the oppressed but resilient star of Game of Thrones (played by Emilia Clarke) felt like a heroine worth rooting for-and her revolutionary style of destroying the patriarchy drew comparisons to a real-life would-be ruler: Hillary Clinton
why is he so triggered about his forums? it's literally a bunch of neckbeards posting retarded shit.
can't spell baratheon without bane
he's clearly a pretty big guy
Big aswell I guess, must have been an awesome fight. Shamethe show doesn't do armour like it's described in the books.
the most hilarious thing is that this pretentious lardball screens his comments. As in, he deliberately chose to publish that persons comment just so he could berate them in an unnecessarily antagonistic reply.
Yeah, the costume design is pretty garbage. Everyone seems to be wearing boring black and brown leather and not much else now.
I guess D&D had to cut costs somewhere to pay their main cast of shitty actors $1 million each an episode.
Is it true that Meera is done on the show?
Until season 8 when she brings Howland so Dabid can make it even clearer to normies that Jon is Rhaegar and Lyanna's kid.

And make even more characters revolve around the gormless half-wit
Will she at least show her pubes?
gregor's armor in his fight against oberyn was the worst.

What's the point casting a "worst strongest man" guy if you're gonna have him wear a chain main and small cap with a few bits of steel here and there like the rest of them? Just hire a tall actor.

They had THE guy who could wear a massive motherfucking armor like he does in the books, and they passed. Same thing for the shield.

I hate this fucking show and its fanbase that enjoy shit like that because "something happened!" when all I can think is that it could've been much better if they just put in slightly more effort to have it make sense and not just look exciting.

Same shit with Zombie gregor. In the books qyburn commands an armor so fucking heavy that the armorer is worried about doing it in fear that no one would be able to use it... On the show it's the regular KG armor.
At least they gave him a helm, but the only reason they did it is to spook people with his dead eyes or some shit. "Hey look everyone we have a zombie on the kingsguard!".
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not done, she will have a bigger role in the show unlike bran the infertile cripple
This tbqh
Can we all agree that Sandor Clegane is the most interesting character in both the show and the books?
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>Gregor Clegane with same armor but a better much stronger helm for a joust with blunted lances than he is for a fight to death against an actual deadly spear

bravo D&D.
Post your unpopular opinions /got/
Maisie and Sophie are treated too harshly on here
I don't mind Jonerys becoming canon
and not unpopular in general but unpopular on here I don't just watch the show to hate watch even though it's got a lot of flaws
I actually prefer the turkish broad than pig face
he had a few interesting bits, the stuff that makes him a character, but most of it (mostly in recent seasons) are just meme scenes.

he's a joke now, like the rest of the show.

D&D just can't into characterization, but they think they do a good job at it anyway so they refuse to just adapt GRRM's stuff.

The worst case of it was the farmer guy stuff. It's like they do it on purpose.

>Books : Sandor wants to settle, he does honest work for a few weeks for a farmer village. He even offers to help them against outlaws. But THEY kick him out once he's done building a palissade because he worries them. He takes his pay and leave. Shows how hard it is for a man like that to come back to a normal life even if he tries.

unpopular in general : The show is fucking terrible now

unpopular in /got/ (or everywhere): All 5 books are enjoyable.
>All 5 books are enjoyable.
Books 4 and 5 are kind of hard to sit through on first read, but now they're kind of a breather that just lets you go into the character's heads for a while. The most frustrating part is probably that there's no follow up yet after two books and a decade of build up.
It shouldn't have won CCA Best Drama Series. It's an adaptation that stopped being best anything the second it deviated from the source material, which was three season ago.
Littlefinger would fit the role of Soros, desu.
Based Stannis would be more Trump.
Varys - mayby Kissinger or Brzezhinsky.
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ueens of Love and Beauty:

>Ashara Dayne (Has 40% chance of killing herself for no reason) [Ned Stark]
>Margaery (pancake tits) [Septa Unella]
>Sansa (Already Broken by Ramsay) [Ramsay Bolton]
>Lyanna Stark (Wont approve of you sleeping around, this includes your priestess) [Rhaegar Targaryen]

1st Row: We'll known legendary fighters and Robert

>Prime-Dayne (Show): Dual Wielding; no Dawn
>Prime-Barristan: Longsword
>Prime-Jaime: Both Hands
>Prime-Robert: 1 hand on 2h Warhammer

2nd Row: Next gen's greatest fighters

>Hound (Very Healthy): Longsword
>Oberyn: Poison tipped Spear
>Brienne: With Oathkeeper
>Mountain: Un-armored, 1 hand on 2h Greatsword (Mountain takes up 2 slots, cant choose 3rd row KG)

3rd Row: Loose cannons


4th Row: Priests/Priestess (Note you must sleep with your priest to activate their abilities)

>Melisandre: shadow babbies (can kill 1 kg)
>Red Nigress: Can resurrect 1 fallen Kingsguard
>High Sparrow: Can summon 30 fodder Sparrows
>Kinvara: can coat sword of 1 kg with flames

Claim a Queen
Claim 3 Kingsguard
Claim a Red Priest/ess
1 from each row
You can't pick the guy directly below them
(You cant pick Ashara>Dayne>Hound>Bronn>Melly)
Pick 1 specific KG from your roster to beat suitors of your QOLAB

The rest is out to get you
>Littlefinger would fit the role of Soros, desu.
if you go with /pol/'s soros...
That's 100% varys.

Varys is actively trying to ruin westeros. Even killed Kevan because he was about to get it back together.

LF is merely using the chaos to his benefits. Varys is CAUSING it.
>You're dropped off in Westeros
>Nobleman's son/daughter, heir to the house
>War of Five Kings breaks out
be honest, /got/ who would you have sided with? How long would you have lasted?
>turkfu instead of show!Lyanna

The point still stands: Littlefinger is not Trump.
>Stannis would be Trump

Trump is the usurper in this story, and Hillary is the one thinking the presidency is her by right, and (Stannis in the show) fails miserably. I don't like it either anon, but that's how it is.
depends on where my house is
If I was in the south, I would obviously declare for Renly since, at the time, it was definitely the safest option and he'd be a better king than stannis tbqh
After he gets assassinated, IDK, would probably try to lay low like everyone else unless Mannis came knocking in which case I'd probably join him.
Vale is safe AF so I don't do shit if my house is there.
North/Riverlands, I'd just follow everyone else, although if I was in the council at Riverrun I'd try to convince everyone not to create dakingindanorf since its diplomatically a pretty retarded move.
West/Crownlands just do whatever the Lannisters tell me to.
Basically I'd just take the safe options.
If I was in Dorne I'd probably kill myself for being such a disgusting sandnigger.
>Trump is the usurper in this story

That's the point. He is considered an usurper, while he was right about incest and bastards all along, while Cersei is the reptile in a skin of a woman (So is Daenerys, yes, but she is more of spoiled little shit, whose whole claim on throne sits on three flying nukes)
>Margaery (pancake tits)

So if we pick Margaery we actually get Smirkfu, and not just the actual margaery?

Then I take Queen Ozge.
Kingsguard : Barristan, Brienne, Drogo.
The first 2 have undying loyalty (Brienne isn't a top tier fighter, but she's 100% loyal and would die for me, really makes up for the rest).

If I had to pick I just wouldn't take a 3rd kingsguard. Bronn would sell me to anyone who offers better, Jaqen lolno, he could kill me at any time to fit whatever his agenda is, and Daario is either like Bronn, or like Jaqen if Eurio.

Khal Drogo... well if he enters the KG willingly I guess he's gonna be loyal? Or why would he do it? And he's certainly a good archer, I'd probably just have him use a bow desu. Selmy and Brienne can defend me well enough against a melee attacker.

But yeah, again I'd rather just not have a 3rd. No good picks.

Red priest : Melisandre
Best waifu, and decent power.

Selmy is my main guard, obviously.
This, Varys is /soros/ as fuck.
>I serve the realm
>So I'm going to flood the realm with a horde of 100,000 shitskins whose lifestyle revolves around raping and pillaging
Who is real world's Aegon then?

Why are all the 3rd kingsguard more liekly to cuck you than protect you lmao
We either go with killing Kevan (as in books) or flooding with shitskins (as in show). Choose one.
Bronn's a good lad, he wouldn't do that unless she paid him a lot of money.
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>open tv on history channel
>see Shireen, princess of the barbarians

>bristle bones disease
Barbarians would have dashed her head against the stones at birth.
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>open BBC
>out of nowhere Maester Luwyn
I'd dash her against the stones if you know what I mean
Hightower tbqh

Be a fucking sorcerer general
>When was the last time show was good
>ywn smear that paint shit all over her body
>When was the last time show was good edition?
waymar royce
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I might pick this show up now that everything else has ended.

Is it more than tits, blood, and dragons? when does it jump the shark? I heard recent seasons where mediocre.
Yeah, it had a real Rome vibe with very very subtle fantasy elements. After dudes started showing their girlfriends and sisters, every normie was on board and HBO weren't so content with tickling our balls anymore.
>The HBO is all tits meme

What's the deal with this bullshit. There's about as much nudity per hour as a lot of movies aimed at older audiences.
1 is great, 2-3-4 is ok, 5-6 is mediocre

but as you're probably an average showfag you're probably gonna enjoy all of it anyway like the rest of them.

nothing makes any goddamn sense in s5-6 there's like 18 plot holes per episode and the characters don't behave in characters anymore, do things that goes against their character or just doesn't make any sense whatsoever, but showfags still like it because ZOMGEPICBATTLES AND BADASS SHITS AND MEME LINES!
Sometimes it's shoehorned in just to create buzz around the show, like the play with her arse scene.
mediocre is a generous term for S5 and 6
it has to do with history m8, american history

americans had always had controversy in nudity. up until the 60s you couldn't show a fucking nipple in the american movie. then the hays code was abolished and the mpaa rating was introduced

the problem though, movie/tv is a separate thing and tv evolved differently. you couldn't just show tits because you know, how do you control that? you can't, you can control it with cinemas but not tv. so nudity in tv was a big no-no, until the Pay television was introduced. back in the days before internet it was "cool" to have shit like that because pay television had "booobs". HBO was one of the first to start this "mature television" thing with original programming.

so yeah, blame puritans influence of american society for this shit. It still exists to this day, although it's disappearing slowly
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No. Because breera is endgame.

Bran was crushing on meera since the first time he saw her and keeps crushing on her throughout the books. they'll be married in the harry potter style time leap epilogue with a kid named Jaime Theon Stark.
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>y-you want to see my WHAT, Mr. SS officer?
Your natsoc party card.
And Jon and Sansa will be married with kids named Eddard Aemon Stark Targaryen, Brandon Grenn Stark Targaryen, and Jeyne Ygritte Stark Targaryen
you obviously didn't get the reference.

Thats ok I expect literally nothing less from a jontard.
Golden Globes nominations are out, guess who got an acting nomination kitfags and maisiefags?

nobody except lena, the only person that deserves it
I saw harry potter and read the books m8.

Giving kids retarded names after people you knew or really that were just important to one person (Harry)
lmao no
lol wew
utter cancer
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nice bait
nobody is going to spell a meme out for you dumbass what are you, 40?
>>Bran was crushing on meera since the first time he saw her and keeps crushing on her throughout the books

>Jon and Sansa have never interacted in the books and dont give a flying fuck about each others existence

Jonsafaggoty will never be on breera's level.
you joke, but her diary literally mention her masturbating and having lesbian sex.

unlike gurm, she completed her magnum opus

anne frank > fat fuck
Also ellie >> everyone
is sherlock really like that?

I only watched one scene randomly on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Feb_ufxhwXE and it looks ok...

Ok he looks like an absolute genius detective like he's in the top 0.000001% smartest in the world, but that's who the character is : One of the smartest people in the world.
It doesn't feel like "wizard" levels of intelligence. It feels like an extremely smart person is by hollywood standard. And by that I don't mean "by a non-smart person" standards, I mean... A movie/show character always has to be a bit above the rest.

I mean if the character is a fighter and he is attacked by 3 (competent) fighters at some point in the movie, he should lose/die. No fighter could ever win a 1 vs 3 against competent opponents. So you kinda accept that it's a standard of "elite" fighter.

It gets ridiculous in movies like I don't know Rambo or some shit where the hero kills like 250 by himself. But you accept the (althought just as unrealistic) 1vs 3 and shit like that.

That's the way I see Sherlock, at least that scene. It's the "genius" equivalent of a fighter winning 1v3's and shit like that. Not like a 1 vs 250.

Maybe the other scenes are worse tho I don't know.
Ha, that's season 1, episode 1, which is the tamest the show ever is.

It gets much, much worse.
its literally tumblr the show
Her dad wrote the diary though. So if it has that stuff in it it came from her fathers imagination.
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Can the next thread have a female theme?
Waifu threads not allowed (unless it's ellie)
what little enjoyment are people who still watch looking to get out of the show now?
I don't mean a sexualized thread just a thread featuring a strong or important female character. Any of them it doesn't have to be any in particular GoT has many such characters.
Laughing at bookcucks as they rage over what D&D have done to the books, fattie not finishing the next one and the show spoiling the ending
>got has many strong and important female characters

But the only remotely good one is Cersei
You don't like Olenna Tyrell?
>But the only remotely good one is Cersei
Can we end this shitty meme? Shes just as much of a shitty pleb character on the show, shes d&ds golden girl where they bend over backwards for her and throw alot of her bad tendencies out or onto Jaime
So wheres this leaked pic of Masie?
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here u go fampai
Awesome! Now can I see the new one with her tits please :)
why do you want to burn your eyes out?
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You're early, faggot.
Season 6 episode 10 was the last good episode imo.
That kid is gay af
You are gay and you eat shit.
Really there isn't a Trump equivalent, although Robert's rebellion come's close

>House Bolton
Literally incorrect tier
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