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RWBYgt Trash General #189 Lil J for Weiss 2017 Edition Prev

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Thread replies: 307
Thread images: 35

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RWBYgt Trash General #189 Lil J for Weiss 2017 Edition

Previous thread: >>8921109
Archive: http://cuckchan.org/trash/search/text/rwbygt/

CYOA Archive:
(Come relive this thread on its prime!)

Toddquest: http://imgur.com/a/Ov4Gb
Biggirlquest: http://pastebin.com/99ZVwJxF (embed)
Biggirlquest pictures: http://imgur.com/a/JoF8e
Carrolquest: http://pastebin.com/5PCSqu1p (embed)
Grimmquest: http://pastebin.com/NJ2NYxXZ (embed)
J4uneQuest: http://pastebin.com/p3ccTPJ (embed)
AeroQuest: http://pastebin.com/u/Chinote
EvaQuest: (Yes, people do talk about it Kale.)

NEW : IrvingQuest : Still waiting on Dry for continuation.

Current Ocho-CYOAs: (No one uses ocho anymore.)

JasperQuest: res/32254.html
WendellQuest: res/26362.html [Concluded]
MiMiQuest: red/24431.html
AeroQuest: res/22210.html

Rules of RWBYgt threads:
>1. Be comfy
>2. Be active!
>3. This is not the /co/ shitpost thread, keep your cancer to yourself
>3. This is not the /co/ shitpost thread, keep your cancer to yourself

Why'd ya change it?!?
Fuck 'em. They're barely a distant cousin at this point.

Have you tried not being mad at RWBYg?
They haven't done anything wrong.
I'm not mad at them. It's like your parents selling your house, then going back with your children to say "Hey, I lived here." but the house was bought by a bunch of druggies and shitstains. There's trash all over, and it looks like it's about to cave in. You can't look at it and remember the good times you had there, you can only see how awful it is now. The fact that since they got banned form /co/ each hiatus, some of them slip in here by mistake and try to do the same thing they did to their thread. Fuck that, and fuck them. They can stay where they are.

But that has always been RWBYg, it's part of why the threads were so volatile and unpredictable.

No. Fuck any sort of merger. You're literally the only one between both threads that actually wants it. No one there cares about anything we do here, besides you and Dry drawing. And even then, they don't even like it for what you draw, they just want you to draw for them instead of drawing here. They don't care about the writefags. They just want to circlejerk and shit down each other's throats.

If you want to go hang out with them, go for it. But stop trying to force us into one thread. We tried it last year, and no one fucking wants it again.
I want a merger too, though.

Let's just try it then.
I promise you, nobody is going to step on each other's toes, I'll make sure of it.
Fucking why?

We did. It failed. There's no reason to try it again when it won't work.

It failed because you didn't even give it a chance, you just outright kicked them out even though they're the "bread and butter" of the fanbase here.
my vote is: No.

I don't know what's so hard to get. If you like their thread, then go visit it. But don't force it onto us and ruin the little home we'e built up here.
>It failed because you didn't even give it a chance

Were you comatosed when it happened? They came in, basically said "lol u and ur OCs, so faggot", stole our name and number and went off to make their own thread.
I did give it a chance. It was awful.

Who gives a fuck if they're part of the RWBY fanbase? This thread has almost nothing to do with RWBY. If the quests weren't RWBY-based, it wouldn't even be a RWBY thread.

All that's going to happen is the same thing that happened last time:
>hurr muh endless shitposts with shitty memes
>ugh oc fags make ur own thread
>a quest? i vote to jerk off onto weiss xD

Boy, that sure sounds like fun. Again.
I just want us to be together again despite our differences.

Is that too hard?
Probably. Feel free to visit the other thread, but this one is too ingrained with friendship to endure the shitflinging that happens at the other one.
they know we exist. we know they exist.
all the people in their thread that could be in this thread without being shitposting, obnoxious fuckheads are already here.
all the people in here that can stand their shitposting are already there.
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That's no dragon.

I like how not-gay it is here.
don't tempt me bro
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>tfw stuck on my fanfic because I don't know what kind of underwear my character should wear

this is a special kind of hell
What are you going for? I am a purveyor of undergarments.
One of my characters is a tomboyish girl who has a hard, almost masculine appearance. Short hair, muscles, scars all over, that sort of thing.

The idea is that when her boyfriend sees her underwear it clashes with her look so hard that he bursts out laughing.

Compared to this beauty?
That's a whelp.
>The idea is that when her boyfriend sees her underwear it clashes with her look so hard that he bursts out laughing.

well, then google "loli panties".
tho with that appaerance, I'd go with spats, tho that would be FITTING and not clashing with the rest of her.
>another black dragon
man, get your stupid shit out of here

And this twink right here too!


That's just plain creepy, anon.


Kola is cute because she's always angry 24/7 and speaks in lightning!
I'll do that, thanks
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Don't trust >>9017257
He is a cur and swine.

The answer is strawberry panties. Strawberry panties with a bow.
Now we're talking.

Also, she might speak in lightning, but can she lewdly lick one's clothes clean?

I would say that is exactly something lolis would wear, so exactly what I'm talking about.
I'm just dropping this here so it doesn't get lost.

You draw Peng, transforming her into a fishing pole as you take a seat on the parapet.

"Been a while since it was just us, hm?"

"I guess." You cast the line which... Is just more of Peng? Honestly, a fishing rod itself seems a little nonsensical when it's all made of string... Nah, it gives you leverage.

"You guess?" Honestly it's kind of weird having her in your head again. You could almost make out her expression if you closed your eyes. You'd place it somewhere between wistful and relaxed.

It's not quite like before. You can feel a division keeping her from doing anything unseemly with your thoughts. Like a pane of glass stretching around your individuality.

"Yeah, I guess. I haven't really kept track of the time." You let the line drag along the surface of the water, gently trailing under the colosseum as it moves.

"You make it hard to believe I'm ever going to get the wings you promised me back."

"Maybe if it weren't a guessing game of if you were going to kill everyone around me, we wouldn't have this difficulty."

"It's not like it's easy for me either... Besides, don't you trust me?"

[] It's on the fence
[] Yes
[] No

>but can she lewdly lick one's clothes clean?

I don't think Kola has a tongue at all.
And she doesn't take shit from nobody, not even her own clan that worships her!
[x] No


Also you're a faggot.
You'd be fucking wrong. Lolis wear animal panties.

Secret girly tomboys wear sweet treats.
RWBYgt: Panty Experts.

I swear.
and a monologue about how we're trying our best to trust Peng, but the world and herself are giving us reasons not to

Welp, alright then.
Your knowledge of a first-grader's underwear obviously eceeds mine by far ~
It does. I'm a brilliant shining light when it comes to potentially illegal amounts of knowledge of youth undergarments.
Reposting >>9012946
>[] No
"Everything in this world - everything but you - tells me Grimm are evil and stuff. Some Grimm are smart and evil, some Grimm are dumb and evil, but all want to kill and destroy humanity, according to everyone and everything.

And you did have a few slip-ups when I was about to trust you, but then you did weird and spooky shit to me.

But I'm probably dumb and maybe easy to influence via well executed fellatio, so I'm trying to give my best to trust you. It's just pretty hard."
What are you up to nowadays, CYOAnon?
I'll get on the repost wagon.

This, though I'd change it to "according to everyone and everything, including yourself."
All of her actions towards anyone but us have been anti-humanity. There's literally no reason to trust her.
Trying to get my life together piece by broken piece.
You'll make it. I believe in you.
Boy that makes one of us!

Hey, CYOAnon!
(You're pretty cool.)
Run JQ, Thatch.


Answer this riddle first!

I am of no use to one,
but I bring happiness to two.

When you were young,
you're given this; not a few!

And once you grew older, you seek to find the one who would happily give this to you too.

What am I?
I guy who likes dumb riddles?

Nope, keep guessing.
Nah, that was my only guess. I quit.
The heart

Don't quit too early, anon.
What the hell.


Oooh close!
Riddles are stupid, Thatch.

It's a smile.

VERY VERY CLOSE...but no cigar.
obviously anal sex!
Then love, it was a toss up between them.

Very close, they're inter-related with one another.

I'm sure it's at the "tip of your tongue".


Choose your prize, any prize!
Run JQ, damn it.

Ok, gonna run JQ in a few since I didn't think you would even guess it that fast.

You can also subscribe to me making more riddles.

[] Subscribe to more riddles?
>unsubscribe, block number
I fucking hate riddles.
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Hey, sorry I didn't get to post anything again today. Had to babysit three adults.
Hopefully I will get back to the draw requests and IQ tommorow or the day after.
Have this piece of shit as compensation.
It's very nice but who is it supposed to be?

That's Marigold Valken, protagonist of the eponymous MQ written and drawn by Dryden himself.
Some cunt everyone hates from a shit quest I sued to run, which everyone also hates.
Oh yes.

I liked MQ.

Stop saying that, Dry.
>tfw never got to volunteer Marigold to be a test subject for the Doc to use her as a breeding bitch
it's not fair
MQ should have been a eugenics simulator
Welcome back to JQ!

Remember to keep your hands above the table and thinking caps on your head.

>[x] Give yourself a Z.

Ah might as well catch 'em if you can.

You slide back inside the comforts of the bedroll and squeeze your way beside Yulie and as if by instinct, she takes you back in with a strong hug, nuzzling the back of your neck with her nose.

To ease yourself better, you turn around to face her and try to fall asleep with her peaceful sleeping visage the last thing you want to see before drifting away.

Your eyes are heavy and a bit fuzzy when you wake up but you can feel that you're more well-rested.
A yawn escapes you with a stretch afterwards when you see Yulie sitting up still beside you with her helmet on.

She takes it off to greet you a good morning.

"Got a good rest?", her smile is surely the best thing to see when waking up.

"Yup." You prop yourself up to place your arm around her hips and lean against shoulder, "Say, what time is it?"

"Ten forty-five. The others went back to Juliet's room to hang. There's really nothing else to do until the Schnee gives us an order."

"Unless I go looking for something more to do", you say jokingly with a sly grin.

"Please no. I don't want to end up looking for a lost cat in this kind of weather. But if it was a dog... "

She chuckles lightly while giving you a kiss on the forehead.

"Still thinking about that Toby thing, huh?"

With an earnest look of plea that you thought only puppies were capable of she lays back onto the bed as you quickly withdraw your arm behind her lest it be uncomfortable for the both for you.


That's unfair.
How can you deny anything when she says it like that?

You bury your head right beside her neck, "Fine. But you're cleaning after Toby."

"Well, we can take turns."

Both of you share a hearty laugh, echoing around before subsiding into silence once more.
In the deep reprieve of both your laughter, Yulie focuses up at the ceiling, "Do you think Juliet hates me?"

That...was out of the blue.

[] No, at least I don't think so.
[] Why, is she doing her usual thing again?
[] Do you want me to talk to her about it?

>[] Why, is she doing her usual thing again?
Also mention to her the possibility of a solution to her problem. A Final Solution.

>Final Solution

D-...do you even know what the means, anon?
Also let's teach Toby some tricks.

Kek, pretty sure if he's in UK that's not allowed.

>[x] Why?

The question, although catching you off-guard, you meet with some humour.

"Why, is she doing her usual thing again?"

Both of you lie beside one another, shoulder to shoulder, with a few laughs still inside your lungs.
Yulie on the other hand has a more serious and concerned look to her that you've grown to notice in an instant.

"No, it's not....that. It's y'know...", she waves her hands in front of you as if it helps connect your thoughts,

You're never good with guessing.

"Yulie whenever you say 'y'know', most of the time I don't really know."

A pout forms on her lips which is quite adorable, you think to yourself.
She massages her forehead to try to think of a new explanation for you, " Guuuh, you know I'm not really good at explaining things. I need Bee for this."

You slither your head onto her chiseled stomach from the side where it takes you to and fro due to her breathing. "At least try to explain it to me.", you say still smiling.

The side of her mouth is about to crack a chuckle but she holds her self back and sits back up, cupping your head carefully away from her belly.

"C'mon Jasper, I'm being serious right now. "

Arms crossed, she hits you with her patented mud-brown eyes with earnestness.
Great hunter, she's gorgeous.

Let's settle this right now then.

[] Help her get her mind off it (Tickle)
[] Let's go talk to her then (Go to Juliet)
[X] Grab some butt.



Brb, cookin something.
I mean. Yes?
>[] Help her get her mind off it (Tickle)

>[] Let's go talk to her then (Go to Juliet)

Maybe if you can get her mind off that nonsense, she'll feel better.
It's only fair that you do this for her anyways, she's been helping you out ever since this relationship started.

You slyly brace your arms around her strong back and weigh her back down steadily against the bedroll, head pressed against her voluminous chest.
You're kinda in auto-pilot right now, enacting on whatever you think will get a reaction from Yulie.

The quickening pace beats of her heart escape you as you pull away and mount your amazonian girlfriend, legs poised at the sides of her hips.
Her gaze are locked in awe looking up, gentle but filled with lascivious intent examining your raised torso sitting atop her rested pelvis.
Just as you would've expected?
You kinda admit it's also getting to you with the heat building from the back of your neck.

The flushed cheeks on her face tells you all you have to know, "I..uh..I <gulp> Jasper?"

Next step is to tickle her, right.

Proceeding directly as planned, you lean down with both arms stretched. One hand to help maintain your overshadowing position over your stunned girlfriend and the other placed right at the side of her abdomen.

Looking at her this close makes you just want to snatch a kiss but you got a job to do.

You clamp on and knead her ribs in an attempt to tickle her as usual but to no avail, although you did cause a slight jump.

"J-jasper? Are you tr-ying to tickle me?"

"Well, yeah.", you shamefully reply.

Your girlfriend looks away shyly, fair skin now fully reddened.
You can almost hear her heart racing from beneath all those layers of winter clothing, your talent for focus proving their worst possible use.

"You... can't.. do it over my jacket..."

She said it softly but you still heard it.

[] Put your hand under the layers of her top to tickle her (CAUTION: LEWD!)
[] You're not ready for that kind of intimacy just yet. Big sis would be ashamed.
[] Get off her you buffoon!
Yeah. He actually arrested.
Tickle her!
That's why you don't vote when you don't have context (or are not reading properly).

Juliet is not the girl we're talking to, that's Yulie.
Juliet is the grumpy agent Yulie is afraid of.
This vote would lead to Jasper just ending the conversation suddenly, going next door and getting a mouthful of fist, next to upsetting everyone.
>[] Put your hand under the layers of her top to tickle her (CAUTION: LEWD!)
skin on skin tickle is best
But isn't Juliet Bee? I want Bee butt.

And Bee butt would also get you a mouthful of fist and destroy every relationship we so carefully crafted over the course of more than a year.
But I want Bee butt. I don't remotely care about Yulia or whatever.
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Here is Bee, happy fapping.

See this? You want nothing but voters like that?
That's what would happen with a merger.
>See this? You want nothing but voters like that?
>That's what would happen with a merger.
It happened last time too.
Back. Glad to have left that shithole.
Will resuming shitposting tomorrow.
are you the guy that keeps making those Blake posts?
That would certainly explain a lot...

What, anon....
You might need a refresher on who's who.

Daisy "Beesting" Tulips is the designated southern belle pilot of the Sunchasers.

Juliet Amaranth is a stern Atlesian Agent accompanying Jasper in his journey.


>nothing but voters like that?

Why, are you just going to do it out of spite or do you actually want it like that?
At least that guys is being honest on what he wants.


Beesting is also the group's pilot.
>[x] Tickle wins I suppose.

You aim to tickle so might as well.

With a racing heart and the focus to control your thoughts and breathing, you trembly (this time not from the stress) try to sift under Yulie's top.

Two, three....layers...you can't really tell from all the fuzz your mind is getting into.
Focus, Jasper! Great hunter.

People do this sort of thing, it isn't a big deal.

Beads of sweat start pouring down across your forehead as you see your girlfriend below you panting as hard as you are, laying still but shimmying at the sight of your hidden fingers.

You bring up your hand further inside the warmth shelter of her woolen top, feeling each curve and firm muscle on her body but at the same time denting the fabric tenderly with your fingertips to feel around.

The overall sight of your hand under a woman's shirt brings enough lewd thought in your head enough to challenge your indomitable but inexperienced mind.
Especially due to the fact that it's Yulie's, you don't want to ever creep her out unintentionally.

You attempt to break the humid air between you two, "S-sorry, this is weird, right? I was supposed to be tickling you but it looks like I'm just feeling you up now. "
A nervous chuckle escapes you at the end for good measure.

Great Hunter, you're a dumbass for this sort of thing.

You hand finds itself just right at her side as you pinch gently to do what you aimed to do in the first place.
Surprisingly, Yulie lets out a more sensual moan than the usual jerk of laughter. Her whole body shimmies from your touch, eyes looking more fondly at where your fingers are.

Seeing that your whole intention has now been completely derailed from its primary objective, you shamefully apologize and get your hand off your girlfriend's shirt.

"This was stupid, sorry."

You look away, rebuking yourself for whatever it was you were even trying to accomplish at the beginning.


Yes...like I just said on that post...
Are you ok, anon?
Oh wow, it went nowhere. Who would've thought.
You know, it was cute and all at the beginning, but it's starting to just be annoying.

I'm also honest with what I want, but look how much you care. Just stop giving us options that will lead nowhere anyways. If I want to play a game where the choices do not matter, I'd go pick up some Telltale thing.
Considering how Thatch quite often mentions how Jasper is entirely what the voters make him, for better or worse; I'd say what your suggesting is actually exactly what Thatch want
I'm completely okay. Maybe. I probably won't have dinner tonight but whatever.
>I'd say what your suggesting is actually exactly what Thatch want
A bunch of voters that don't care about anything besides booty?
I mean, if he wants me to stop caring, I can arrange that, probably, maybe. Can pretend, at least.

Hold on it's not even done yet.
You'll know when the options don't show up in the end.


But before you can dismount, you feel her arms grip on your flanks to prevent them from breaking free.

The long legs from behind you instantly sprout up to buck you down to meet Yulie face to face, one of her strong arms coiled around your back to push yourself against herself.

"Woah, Yulie. I was gonna get off...", thinking this may be some sort of miscommunication between you two.

She pouts at you, her eyes glued onto your own with cheeks rouged, "Well...I wanna try to...tickle you too."
With the way she's squeezing your body against hers and the determined look on her bedroom eyes may suggest that you aren't going to get off this ride anytime soon.

Her fingers clamp onto your jacket with utmost hesitation and her gasping breath right against your ear, she sultrily whispers, "Can...I?"

[] Sure?
[] No, Yulie.
Yeah sure.

Still prefer Bee butt but whatever.

>won't have dinner

Too full?
In rare days, I eat lunch late so it kinda becomes my dinner as well.


What I want is you guys to enjoy yourselves!
heh, ya got me there, sorry for the useless tantrum

>[] Sure?
>[] Sure?
[x] Sure

I live in a place with shitty rules where I need to get a friend to accompany me to dinner. Instead of seeking one out, I came here. Fortunately I have protein bars and a canteen.
>[] Sure?
B-be gentle

>I live in a place with shitty rules where I need to get a friend to accompany me to dinner

Sounds like you've been set up for a date there, anon.

DO NOT STUFF yourself with the bread/rice for dinner, you DON'T want to feel full at the end of it.

(And make sure to order white wine if your companion likes their wine sweeter (like I do). Otherwise, always pick red.)
>Thatcher giving Chi tips on how to date him
You would think but regulation states that you need a 2:1 ratio if you're going with someone with the opposite sex (i.e. 2 males escort with one female).

I didn't know it was Chi, plus I know Chi has already been accounted for.

>2 guys for 1 girl

Isn't that a bit intimidating for the woman?
Wouldn't you feel uncomfortable with that?
We all have nametapes on our uniforms so everyone knows everyone in some way. Also, it's FastAnon.
I was at work. I don't have time for dating. I'm off again to write a paper.
>[x] Yes.

Where this is going, it looks like you don't even have a choice.

"S-sure?", you say nervously.

With bated breath you wait what she has in store for—!!!!
In a sudden fashion, her free arm shoots right inside your jacket; right through the innermost layer of your woolen shirt and onto your bare skin.

Caught off guard, you jump from the impatient gesture but Yulie holds you firmly down against her to prevent you from moving even an inch away.

"I..uhh..Yulie? "

The fingers then slowly start moving around as if to touch and feel every crevice of your toned torso.
Each sliding and gripping sensation of being fondled around by your girlfriend is shooting thrill after thrill of heated emotion around your body.

"Y-yulie? Agh....agh...this is..."

...Not was you asked for.
This isn't even tickling anymore!

Your words fall into the response of quick pants escaping her rapidly with her head buried alongside your shoulder.

"...Yulie..this..isn't even...ha.."

The clamping arm on the back of your jacket tightens its clutches to apply more pressure between you and your girlfriend.
The very breath in your lungs are being sapped away little by little as the air around the both of you start to swelter and the boiling fever arising in your brain to further daze your concentration.

It's proving difficult to maintain your proper breathing techniques and at this rate...
No, please.

Yulie's fingers gradually find their way down to your back, sliding smoothly at the sensitive scars you've acquired, causing you to groan involuntarily which surprises even you.

Despite this, she continues to play with your arched back, only stopping at the belt buckle just right at your firm butt.

"Y-...Yulie..ha..ha.. that's..."

This is dangerous, it needs to stop for your sake and Yulie's.

[] Draw the line there
[] Let her be? (DANGER DANGER)


Fucking let her. Maybe some sex will fix Jasper's hands.
Or something.
>[] Let her be? (DANGER DANGER)
We're a gentleman. Ladies first.


But Jasper and sex never go hand in hand!
[x] Let her be
Also, keep in mind guys that Yulie is now more forceful and confident so don't underestimate THAT!
Well, in the past I'd blame the meme team that insisted on muh pure boi, now it's almost entire just the Creator pushing it.

I started Re:Creators last night, so now I refer to writers as such. It's an interesting show.
>[X] Let her be
that's the best about amazonian girls.
you're helpless~

indeed it is

>I'm solely pushing it even though you guys established it as character in the first place.

I just can't win with you guys!
>you guys
There's like, one person that was pushing that still pushes it, and I haven't seen them push for it since JQII. I bet most of them left during the Waifu Wars.

Still, it's part of Jasper's character that he's really pure.
And a part that people have been voting against more than for for some time now.
Characters can change and grow as the story progresses.

Wait, there are people that don't want Jazz to be the driven snow that he is?

Am I in the right thread?


Well, they're mostly values and to be fair, Jasper has incorporated some more confidence in his relationship too.

How come you guys don't notice that part, huh?

>How come you guys don't notice that part, huh?
Because no matter how long or good the post is, you always reverse or undo it all at the end, and none of the progression matters.

>none of the progression matters

It does!
I agree. Jasper is very nearly self-actualized.
So "not at all"?
>Wait, there are people that don't want Jazz to be the driven snow that he is?

Yep, me too.

basically, these >>9041308 >>9041367
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Give me an hour to finish this paper and we'll grind some more Mercy's.
>implying I'll get any
I'm just hoping I get 400 coins so I can just buy the damn skin
I need like 50 coins to afford two skins. I'm still mad. 9 legendaries in 50 boxes and all I have to show for it is Mercy.
This is Dryden. Left NYC.

Going to finish that Ochako request tomorrow now that I have some free time.
Made this as a warm up first. Critique to your heart's content.
I feel like her horns have gotten bigger and the scar smaller, tho that might just be me
She looks ugly
Superior genes.

The breeding season has come.

[x] Let her be
I think I actually see an attempt to push through the wall into a new art style.

But yeah, Dry. At least for now you're still in uncanny valley territory where things look a little unsettling.
He really should just give up
That's not how art works, brev.
You really should stop being an asshole.
It is tho
Its been what 3 years that he's been drawing now? He didnt improve at all
I will when he stops being bad
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Odds are because his style is changing, he's currently in a low and is about to get a lot better if he keeps at it.
Let her be.
>inb4 Deus ex machina
source? Feels like you're just talking out your ass

>That doesn't count because mlemn mlemn mlemn

>wanting citations for a claim is mlemn mlemn mlemn
I was just going to say fine but god damn you just manage to say the most retarded things
You're asking for citation on the fact that anyone can become more skilled so long as they put effort into it.

Like, damn, son.

To be fair, practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.
By the way, Dry. On the place of learning, one of the biggest things your style could probably use is trying to step away from the chicken scratch lines.
How about you let him get his 10,000 hours of practice in before you tell him he has no chance.
He does have a chance. Think of all the pitchers who have perfect games.
I should've given up back when I said I would.
But I never learn. And I guess I never will.
Fuck it, going to sleep. Hopefully I'll either suck less or stop drawing after I wake up.
Have fun.
>Hopefully I'll never wake up
And people call ME obsessed...
I shoulda just screenshot DryHater and use him as measurementfor obsession


"Everyone starts off making garbage. If you finally make something halfway decent, it'll be the best day of your life."
-Nehra, Inventor


That's not comfy at all, anon.
Wtf is this gay shit

Kek, in hindsight it is pretty cheesy, isn't it?
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OKAY! Change of subject.

If you could have any CYOA character's Semblance, whose would you want?
It sounds condescending.
Probably Eli's. Become a painless assisted suicide service.
Mayo. Timestop is pretty insane and very useful in everyday life.
I'd favor telekinesis over it, but I don't think any CYOA character has that


It wasn't supposed to be!


It's a tie between Taregan's Omnisight (detecting everything in proximity is handy for a person like me) and Todd's Tool-Assist (since that one is universally applicable)

What was Eli's semblance again?
Closest thing I've got is a yet unintroduced character who can function like a portal.

Object enters at left hand
Object exits at right hand with no effect on velocity

Isn't that Tuco's?
I forget.
Velocity includes direction as well as rate, you're thinking speed.
ty science friendo
Hwacha y'all doing now?
Going to bed.

G'night, anon.
Did you remember to brush and floss?
Trying to deal with an Android emulator with lingering lag that stays a while after being closed
I just wanna play FEH and listen to music on YouTube in peace

Stay comf, anon.
Its Newt and thanks Thatch, I'll try

What timezone are you on anyways, Newt?
U.S Central Time Zone
>U.S Central Time Zone

So it's around 2:40 am there?
Actually yes

You're exactly one hour ahead of me (Mountain Time) just to let ya know.
Oh huh I didn't know that
Drink some Nyquil.
This, except I'd just kill myself.
Okay, I haven't gotten any better.
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look at this old Picture of Ty.
Now look at your new one.
Still not seeing it.
fine you stupid cunt, let me point it out for people with less brain than a dragonfly:

- more details on hair
- more details on horns' segments
- proper shadows on horns
- way more details on face, especially eyes and mouth
- a little better ear-shape
- proper attention to head and neck anatomy

it looks better in basically every regard. the only element that "hasn't" improved are the eyebrows - and that wouldn't make much sense anyways

everything else went from "generic anime drawing" to something with a proper style and/or proper anatomy.
most notably chin and neck

The generic "pointy chin and featureless neck" is something you can find in drawings made my professionals, but here you replaced it with a realistic, soft chin and a neck with tendons and collarbones

like fuck, I get that artists have their downphases from time to time, and no one understands a lack of confidence in the own creations more than me, but you're just on a level of disconnect from reality that's either mentally ill or the most blatant phishing for compliments since 13-year old girls discovered facebook for themselves.

now I want you to piss on the floor and then shove your face into the piss-stained carpet.

if a dog can learn to stop being such a pest from getting his nose shoved into a puddle of urine, maybe so can you.

god fucking dammit, you're one of the most productive members of this comfy dumpster and as a content-creator, moreso a damned-to-hell drawfag, you're basically on the very pinnacle of the RWBYgt foodchain.

everybody wants to suck your feminine little dick and get their ideas drawn because they don't have the talent themselves (or because they like to fellate little faggots, I'm not the one to judge) so START FUCKING BEHAVING LIKE IT YOU TWAT
Calm down, Anon. It's just a drawing.
and a shit one at that
this isn't about a drawing, this is about plain old stupidty and how some people just can't either accept or kill themselves and instead decide to be festering wounds in the thread.

if Dryden would just post his art and shut the fuck up everytime he gets the, apparently irrepressable, urge to say something about his own art - because that "something" is always irrationally self-hating and horribly annoying - the thread would increase tenfold.

DryHater I can easily ignore, because I don't care about him or his opinions, and I know no one else in the thread does. hell, probably not even Dryden, he just hates himself no matter if there's some obsessed little stalker telling him to kill himself or not.

But Dryden? I can't ignore his bitching because I actually somewhat care about him, like his art, especially like to see how he improves over time.

and that's what makes his self-flagellating so ultra annoying
Good Morn—

>This episode again


Can y'all just stop bulling Dry everytime he comes in the thread?
He's already had it bad enough for himself as it is.
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Fuck it, here it is. Probably not gonna finish or try to make it not shit. I don't care at this point.

Damn, you really improved in bounds over the course of the year.
Told ya it would get better if you kept at it and never give up!
Your sarcasm doesn't hurt me.
I don't think that was sarcasm.

It's not sarcasm, Dry.
I mean it.

You should pat yourself on the back once in a while.
On a side note, is it possible to send cookies via mail?
Yep, Greatcow sent me some once. They were delicious.

I miss GC...what kind did he send you?
Chocolate chip. They were delicious.

He's also sent me jerky on three occasions, and we went to see X-Men: Apocalypse together.

And don't be sad, he's still around. Just harder to see because we don't have names.


Aw, that's sweet.

>movie night aswell

Yeah, just one more handy thing about living in California. Population is so dense, there's a good chance the cool people you meet online also live there too.

I saw Kizumonogatari 2 with Xisalex a while back.

>Kizumonogatari 2

I don't know what that is but it sounds asian.

>Xisalex too

Who are you?
I'm Deafdefiler.


Are you still writing as of late?
Hah, I wish. Every time I try, I end up going back to the threesome and remembering I can barely write sex, let alone 3p.

Well, you're always welcome here to start again.
Thanks, but I wouldn't even know where to start.
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Looked through threads. Who's this?


I believe she is part of IQ (IrvingQuest), the latest quest by Dryden.
Oh. Too bad

>Too bad

Dry hasn't completely abandoned it, I hope.
I hope he continues it. I want to see where it goes.

Sorry, anon.
I'm babysitting right now, talk to you in about 4-5 hours?
Put the kid to sleep and do it now.


Kids, anon.
And you do not EVER try to put them to sleep when they're this uppity already.

It will just make things worse or you get a tantrum.
Break out some Nyquil or something.
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Would you marry a hellhound?
Hell yeah I'd fuck that hellhound. As someone who hasn't blown a load in over three months, I'd bury my bone in that pupper.

I have finally discovered the beauty of apple chips


>Over 3 months

That's pretty TMI, anon.
Hey, are you pretending to be me?

I am you.

Also probs gonna resume IQ today at like noon if anyone gives a shit.
Gonna put drawing on the backburner until I suck less.
Sounds good.

I will wait with bated breath.
Damn Dry, nice. Thanks. Shame it won't be finished, though.
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He said probably. There is still hope.
Be optimistic

I don't know about him but I'll never give up on the hope of uniting us once again.
Fuck off, Stalin.
>Harvey's birb waifu
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IQ in 2 hours
Have a Weiss.
She certainly has the flat part down.
I mean she got one of them sleeper asses tho.
Last time on IQ (since no one bothered to include the pastebin I posted in the OP)

> Crashed the plane with survivors.

You decide to go find Carmine first. Heading down the trail left by your crash, you zip up the poofy,over-sized coat you have.

Your feet make crunching noises as they sink through nearly half a foot of snow with each step.
It gets old fast.
You hop onto a tree, causing most of the snow on the branch to fall off.
You continue to hop from one tree to another until one branch finally snaps, and you traverse the ground on foot again.

Taking a quick glance, you can't see any trace of her just yet. Some silhouettes in the distance draw your attention.

You take cover behind a convienietly placed rock, and observe your enemies from afar.
They're moving around a bit, but not away from where you originally saw them.

After a moment, you hear some ruckus coming from the left of you - no the right.
It then dawns on you that they called in reinforcements.

The men with their body-sized square shields and rifle-spears advance on you from three separate directions, before they split off even more until they span a whole circle around you.
Around two dozen men are now closing in on you. They know exactly where you are, so there's no sneaking your way out.

A. Attack from a distance.
B. Get up close and personal.
C. Use your Semblance to turn into a gas cloud to sneak past them.
D. []Write in
No one?
Guess I'll come back another day then.
>C. Use your Semblance to turn into a gas cloud to sneak past them.

Sorry, just got off work.

[x] Sneak!

Their demise will very come soon.
Thatcher here!

Time to practice, giff me a request.

It can even be cheese/beefcake, today's special.
Draw what you think Dryden looks like
If not then draw Marigold and Yulie doing something cute

>Draw what you think Dryden looks like

You're giving me too much POWER.
I mostly just wanted to see how low your opinion of him is since youre too polite to say it
The CQ or NQ girls might be nice, if you can manage it.
so much.
I can get behind this, those quests got some good waifus
Draw me doing anything but writing TQ.
Nope sorry guys, I think imma do the Dryden first.


>Low opinion

My opinion of him is actually higher than some here.
>than some here
probably all here since you're pretty much the only one in here who's actually drawing and can at least somewhat comprehend his issues
But you'll still do the CQ/NQ request second? That'd be cool.

Then I may need refs, my memory is not that good.
CQ is CarolQuest, the one with Alice, the rapey maid, Chester the hermaphrodite cat faunus, and Alice's dragon faunus rival.

NQ was the robot one with Nickel, the bear pun robot girl, A-DIC, and the tiny annoying one.

I know where they're from, anon.
I just need their visual references.
I remember the dragon faunus was based off of a Godzilla fanart piece and Chester's is the purple catgirl from that one Japanese game. The maid, I believe, is from Skullgirls.
Chester was based off of Cheshire Cat from Monster Girl Quest

can't remember most of the rest.
>inb4 Thatch draws Dry as a cuck

I'm actually drawing him half-naked if Dry doesn't mind that sort of thing.
Alright, cancelling IQ due to lack of interest from y'all.
Make sure you remove it from the OP.
You could draw me being hung by my entrails and I wouldn't care.
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Mixup of Maria Renard from Castlevania and pretty much every Alice (including Touhou and SMT)
Sakuya from Touhou with a facemask, that's about it. Also muscular.
Karin from Street Fighter + Luvia from Fate/Stay Night
Nazrin from Touhou + Soviet theme + eyebags
Gaen Izuko from Bakemonogatari. Also weird fashion sense:
>modified naval officer's uniform (Napoleonic?) complete with an appropriate peaked hat
>tie-dyed t-shirt under the waistcoat and tattered jeans instead of britches
>tasteless gold necklace with a giant pendent shaped into letters reading: "R+ H@ER"

Reisen (and Ringo?) from Touhou but a mess:
>mottled hair and fur
>bent rabbit ear, out of symmetry with its companion, looks as though it's been snapped in two
>dopey technicolor mismatched eyes
>multicolored clothes
>might have mange
>fur in odd areas?

Genderswapped Kotomine Kirei also from FSN mixed with Touko from Kara no Kyoukai/Mahoutsukai no Yoru. That's about it.
>White Queen
Aigis, but made to look more like Alison.

I think that's all the CQ girls, or at least the ones that matter.
did you just dive into the archives or...a-are you possibly...?
what about Inaba?


Hello. Hisashiburi and all that jazz.

Fuck. You know, I've never really had a concrete idea as to what she looks like. I'd say Tewi but that's completely wrong. Really just Reisen with white hair and red eyes is the best I've got, unfortunately. Running shoes and jogging gear is probably the sort of thing she'd wear, I guess.

Also Dora in civies is just normal jeans and a dull green hoody she uses to hide her mouse ears and tail. The soviet thing only really applies when she's in Menagerie.
Welp, that just gave her a jump up in my rankings
I'll be damned.
I missed you man.
Ayy welcome back Carol, where have you been?


We call him Lewis, it's just called CarrollQuest
Jesus fuck kill yourself
It's nice to be back. I've been caught up in real life stuff and kind of still am, but I might be able to do a couple of things for while. Probably not right now though, it's kind of late here.
Never did get anywhere with that VN though. Probably would've taken forever unfortunately. And I meant to do a Christmas special for you guys but I got about half way through a parody of The Night Before Christmas before realising I had no idea what to do with it. Oh well.
there are two votes on it, you moron.

that's it.
fuck you.

Are you going to continue your quests (or at least one of them)?
Putting a hold on that Dry drawing.


Lewis, this place was lesser without you.
Hwacha planning to do now?

(I can't fucking contain myself JESUS CHRIST YOU'RE REALLY BACK)
Well I always intended to continue them, so yeah. I've been gone for a lot longer than I originally planned due to real life shenanigans, but now it's almost sorted out. Kind of. I'm hoping I'll have a bit more free time over the summer at any rate.

I'm thinking of booting up the old quests if people are still interested for sure. I was originally going to start something else at some point that wasn't entirely RWBY related, but it can probably wait for another time.
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Stayin' Alive
That's a very nice Penny.
Dry livestreaming his suicide when?
hopefully today. maybe he'll do something fun for a change
>two votes
>on a weekend
>after over 2 hours
Go back to RWBY/RT.
No u
>itt faggots try to defend a shit tier drawfag and his shit tier quest
>itt that one faggot that is thirsty for Dryden's attention is at it again
>that one faggot
you've been in this circlejerk too long
there's maybe just Thatch that still pretends to like him
I like him, and I'm not Thatch.
y'all take the b8 way too easily
Bumnp limit reached.
Should I get the next thread?
If you so desire.
I like him, and I'm Deafdefiler.
Thread posts: 307
Thread images: 35

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