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RWBYgt Trash General #190 Adolf Hitler 2020 Edition Previou

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 324
Thread images: 52

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RWBYgt Trash General #190 Adolf Hitler 2020 Edition

Previous thread: 9013790
Archive: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/rwbygt/type/op/

CYOA Archive:
(Come relive this thread on its prime!)

Toddquest: http://imgur.com/a/Ov4Gb
Biggirlquest: http://pastebin.com/99ZVwJxF
Biggirlquest pictures: http://imgur.com/a/JoF8e
Carrolquest: http://pastebin.com/5PCSqu1p
Grimmquest: http://pastebin.com/NJ2NYxXZ
J4uneQuest: http://pastebin.com/p3ccTPJ
AeroQuest: http://pastebin.com/u/Chinote
EvaQuest: (Yes, people do talk about it Kale.)

NEW : IrvingQuest : https://pastebin.com/jQDiDwWH

Current Ocho-CYOAs: (No one uses ocho anymore.)

JasperQuest: res/32254.html
WendellQuest: res/26362.html [Concluded]
MiMiQuest: red/24431.html
AeroQuest: res/22210.html

Rules of RWBYgt threads:
>1. Be comfy
>2. Be active!
>3. No bullying, and no bitching. No ones likes a bitch, Dry.
Also, if the archive doesn't work : http://cuckchan.org/trash/search/text/rwbygt/
I like his drawings and quests, tho admittedly I've been to lazy to read through the IQ pastebin, but I don't like Dry
i hate Dry and wish him the very worst
>No ones likes a bitch, Dry.
Sorry. It's just hard not to get discouraged when almost everything I see directed at me is "Kill yourself" and "Everything you make is trash".
I guess the fact that IQ got so few votes on a Sunday of all days over the span of nearly three hours isn't very emboldening either.
But hey, if hating me keeps the threads alive, I can at least be useful for that.
Post dick pics
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More pls
>when almost everything I [WANT TO] see directed at me is "Kill yourself" and "Everything you make is trash".


when told that you were improving, you shrugged it off.
when explained WHY you were improving YOU DIDN'T EVEN REPLY
when someone literally told you that they care about you, your art and that they like to see you improving, YOU DIDN'T CARE EITHER

and. EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. Dryhater does his old "hurrdurr everybody hates Dry" routine, there are people
who defend you
and you just don't give a flying fuck

and, for the nth time:
either, you're a shitty bitch phishing for attention in the most annoying and obnoxious way possible, or you're MENTALLY ILL.
and I don't mean that as an insult.
I mean that as

having low self-esteem is one thing.
having mad illusions about some phatansy world of yours were nobody likes you is a not-mild psychological condition that should be treated ASAP.

but hey.
why am I typing this? why am I trying to help you?
you won't care anyways.
Nice bait.
In what fucking way is any of that bait?
yer overreactin fer no reason lad
That image is from the second persona game where they for that Hitler. Btw
Are you okay, anon? I think you're missing a word from that sentence.
Alright, I'll admit I might be a tad pessimistic. And I sometimes occasionally maybe overreact a little.
Is that what you wanted to hear?
>Is that what you wanted to hear?
fuck you
just kill yourself
LITERALLY kill yourself
no, I want to hear "maybe, just maybe, I truly am becoming better at drawing"
and I want to hear that for as long as you need to actualyl realize it's true
Double dubs wills it
Pls Dry, just motivate yourself, pat yourself on the back every once in a while, you know, just be happy
Let's not get carried away here.
Babby steps.
Oh so that's where it comes from
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'S true.
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I want to buy Snails' gravure DVD.
I want to put a baby in Snails

Snails is for cuddling and admiring not sex!
Snails is for coital relations based on mutual love and respect.
Snails is for raping while the guy she likes refuses to open his eyes.

Delete this.
Gouda morning!

Cheesed to meet y'all again.

How do you think JQ would've changed if Jasper picked Snails (or Beesting or Soap or maybe even Juliet! OR ACHIEVED ALL-STATUS?)
Probably not that much at all since the only thing we do with Smoke that's any different is we hold her hand some times. It's a pretty boring relationship, but I guess that's just how you want Jasper to be, so.

It's not boring, it's sweet.

Y'all voted for it and I appreciate it.
Harem a shit

Yeah, never really understood the intrinsic basis of that idea other than seeing the other characters as objects to own.

Harem is for people who can't make decisions and take responsibility for their actions.

Also what those times where Jasper and Yulie went on that festival?
And their mini-dates?

That's boring to you?
I doubt the Ottoman Emperors were particularly indecisive, mind you. Or at least some, like Mehmed II and Suleiman I. Others I suppose were easily manipulated by their own harem, on the other hand, so you may have a point.
Outside of the hot chocolate thing and the rare kiss, nothing Jasper does is any different than how we treated her before or how he treats the other two.

I always thought I've made Jasper and Yulie (and especially the others) more confident and used to their relationship especially in the midst of all that's happening around them constantly.
>How do you think JQ would've changed if Jasper picked Snails (or Beesting or Soap or maybe even Juliet! OR ACHIEVED ALL-STATUS?)
How about instead you answer the question since you would decide what happens. What WOULD it be like Thatch

>I decide what happens

Dammit, no.
I provide "scenes" based on the voter's decisions along the lines of the overall plot.

The choices are purely made by the voters on how they interact with the problems, situations and consequences of their actions.
Sorry Thatch, but you need to take responsibility for your role as the writer. What happens is based on YOUR interpretation of their desires; with YOU making the decision of what will happen based on YOUR understanding of the characters and plot. If that wasn't the case you wouldn't get people complaining about the pacing, or the role of characters, or how relationships work out.

Are you trying to say that you're dissatisfied?
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True endgame
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Soooo is IQ canned now?
Admiral, if you see this, get back on steam you cunt.
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Already wrong.
>He thinks Vol.5 is endgame
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Anyone remember this?
Nothing's certain.
Seems vaguely familiar.
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Which CYOA girls have the best abs?

What's up, RWBYgt?


Debbie Pearl.
Oh you know, just being dead

Hwacha wanna do, anon?

I'm free right now, was thinking of starting up Late Night if y'all are already going to bed.
Its Newt and I'd appreciate some late night

Ok, lemme finish up my dinner and let's start up in a couple minutes.
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Alright, Newt!

Hit me up.
Fuck you Debbie
Yang and Ruby in swimsuits at the beach

She can't hear you through the chewing of her endless supply of gum.

Is this a cheesecake request or comfy?
Why not both?
Uh cheesecake I suppose
Teach me that term
I always think she's talking about/to me when I see the thumbnail.

Do an Akko from LWA.
Bump, Thatch still needs to deliver the results

You can go to sleep, anon.
I'll stay up and try to figure out how to pose for cheesecake art.

I'll post it tomorrow for you, get some rest.
It's me, Newt and I'm still a little curious what you mean by cheesecake
By what metric? Size, definition or symmetry?
Cheesecake is now known as a catch-all for the female body.

Some people say it is specific to the derriere and thighs. However, because of its still relatively ambiguous nature, it's come to be more
To understand the term a bit more easily.

Cheesecake is to woman as beefcake is to man.
Ann didn't really interest me much. I don't dislike her or anything, but there were much better girls to hang out with.
already went to sleep.
for not much, as I would see when I woke up 13 hours later, having missed two classes.
but yeah I know, Blizzard dun goofed
What happened?
well I went to sleep.
my alarm went off this morning.
I thought "do I really HAVE to get up?"
I realized I don't so I went back to sleeping.

this was repeated a few hours later when my alarm for the second class went off.

and then I woke up because I was well rested.

I mean, it's not terrible. I only missed a cute tutor and recaps of the lectures I missed last week, and I can just read the script for that lecture
I figured, thought I'd try. You missed an intense grind fest as Blizzard didn't announce when it would actually end until about 2-3 hours after it went back up.
well it's still around for a few hours, so we can grind some when I get back from my last lecture today (I'll get back in about 3 hours).
I'll be leaving in an hour and won't be back until after it ends.
well then I'll grind on my own, or grind some on Mosin and Xi.

I mean with. ~
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Did Yules proceed to fug Jazz yet?
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Forgot to submit kek.


Heya, Newt.

Cheesecake/ Beefcake means erotic art of a female or male respectively (basically softcore pornography).

I call it that anyways.


Jasper is just letting Yulie feel him up even though it makes him uncomfortable.
Jesus tits that looks amazing.

[spoiler]And you got the correct robot arm this time, haha.[/spoiler]
>Jasper is just letting Yulie feel him up even though it makes him uncomfortable.

but it doesn't make him uncomfortable.

Thanks, anon.

I was hoping people don't get put off me using a new kind of "style" and I guess it worked?
It's very western comicy, I feel. I can't really put it into proper words because I'm bad at art, but it just feels western.

It's good.
Nice. Any progress on the Dry or CQ thing?
Would you make a doodle of Smoke and Marigold flexing?

>It's very western comicy.


You may not realize it but I've been trying to convey that for years, anon.
Thanks you so much.


I'm halfway done on the Nude Dryden but I don't think I can do CQ's characters since I still have other ' unfinished requests' (there's a lot!)

Doodles are for Late Night, anon.
it's 11pm here tho, that is pretty late
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But it's still 3 pm in here.
dry livestreaming his suicide when?
when Snails stops loving headpats
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CarolQuest when?

I want to comfort Snails and ask her out.
I want Snails to stumble into a cloning vat, accidently creating a perfect clone entirely indistinguishable from Snails prime in every way.
And then they go on zany adventures

Gold already has 'cloned' herself four times as hunters.
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Fair enough, who was best girl tho?
But Gold is not Snails
Are her clones are pretty unique

Not all clones look exactly alike, anon.
That's a hard call. Makoto was cool but I feel like some of her potential got wasted after her awakening. Futuba is also great, but strays into daughteru territory and should be protected and not lewded. That leaves the Doc as best girl for me.
Prolly not. Though I did get a paid internship over the summer, so I can't be here as often. Doubt that will matter much.
Conglaturations on your internship.
i hope you hate every last second of it
Thank you.
Also IQ tommorow.
That's why I specified that I wanted a perfect clone. You're trying to sell me something I never asked for
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Somebody wanted a Ruby+Yang only pic, so here it is.
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And if anybody wants the opposite, here you go.
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Please don't kill me Dry.
Aw. Dryhater is a qt

Dryden too!

In an aloof sorta way.
Holy FUCK you could not have been more wrong about how I look.
I appreciate the effort though.

Well, at least you liked it.

Now it's my TURN!
DRAW A [spoiler] THATCHER[/spoiler]
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>I managed to miss an entire thread since I last posted TQ stuff

Failure as a father, a son and a holy ghost.


"If I answer that honestly, are you gonna throw another temper tantrum?"

"I make no promises one way or the other."

You take a breath. "Well no. Obviously no. You've been actively making things difficult in one way or another since we met. Literally every one of your species has a single-minded resolve to kill all humans and your whole shtick of 'let me be nice until I get what I want and secretly plot shit but also drop pseudo-intellectual stances on good and evil to try and garner pity' is frankly starting to grate. I'm a pretty open guy. I understand you're not quite the same as other grimm and I have been trying to come to terms with that. You certainly don't make it easy and at this point, I really don't trust you as far as I could throw you."

"I... Wow, okay. A simple no would have sufficed."

"It's been a long time coming."

"I guess I earned some of that."

"Yes. Yes you did. Though you're taking it pretty well."

"What else am I going to do about it? I'm stuck bouncing on your ass most of the time."





I gotchu, senpai.
>"What else am I going to do about it? I'm stuck bouncing on your ass most of the time."
No way could she have lived in Todd's head for any amount of time and still not be aware of what she just said.
If I'm remembering properly, that's actually the first archer reference I've done.
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>A helicopter


I am dis.
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So....thread's not really been busy as of late, huh?
I blame TQ.

It doesn't run often enough. I blame CYOA's crippling addiction to gambling.

CYOAnon likes to gamble?
Well he's surely gambling on my affection towards him :c
Who needs some nerd's affection when you're one good hand away from drowning in boose, blow, and hookers.

But none of those things can like you back.
And you have to pay income tax on it.
A hooker can love you, but you must never love them back

Are you calling me a hooker, CYOAnon?
The fuck?
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I don't really think that's the case, Thatch
Could be wrong though

I can't believe you're even doubting it.

Anyways, so hwacha all wanna do now?
Idk man
Also, I'm probably not who you think I am
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Good Luck out there Chi.png
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Wrong, its Newt
Who's here anyways?

Might start JQ if y'all aren't too busy.
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Alright! Let's get started then.
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I'm here, my senp- I mean senior.
Last time on JQ III

Yulie and Jasper have some alone time like usual but this time things get a little more heated

Now back to JQ III.

Her fingers clamp onto your jacket with utmost hesitation and her gasping breath right against your ear, she sultrily whispers, "Can...I?"

[] Sure?
[] No, Yulie.

already voted, "Sure" won
>[] Sure?
Just be gentle, yeah? This is uncharted territory.


Well well well.


I feel like that's wrong, but I'll allow it for the sake of Archer references.

You always think I'm someone else until it's actually me.
Here's where we actually ended, how come you guys didn't call me out?


Yulie's fingers gradually find their way down to your back, sliding smoothly at the sensitive scars you've acquired, causing you to groan involuntarily which surprises even you.

Despite this, she continues to play with your arched back, only stopping at the belt buckle just right at your firm butt.

"Y-...Yulie..ha..ha.. that's..."

This is dangerous, it needs to stop for your sake and Yulie's.

[] Draw the line there
[] Let her be? (DANGER DANGER)


we also already voted on that,
>[] Let her be
won, tho turn the tables also had one vote iirc
I mean, this guy >>9125842 did.

This guy is also right.

>wanting Jasper to take control
>knowing Thatch will go "Oh, but the voters voted Jasper to be pure in the second vote of JQ, so I'll just write two posts about how he takes control then ends it because he's pure."
Tables, get turned!

>knowing Thatch will go

What is it that you want to happen?
I want Yulia to take his purity in her hands and crush it like a week old cookie.

Jesus Christ, anon.
this, kinda

give us Yulia unbridled

You know that I can't write smut....
I need Sleepy for that.
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>implying Sleepy can either
Erm... I know Sleepy is gone to have some bonding with his waifu.
We're not actually going for smut, right guys?

Y'all wouldn't do that to me.
You can imply that Yulie and Jasper fugged. [s]Maybe some Snails intermission?[/s]
BRB guys.


I made a rule upon myself that things will always be in Jasper's persepctive unless the audience picks a choice to be in another person for the sake of being more in-character.
Thatch, there's a long road between feeling your significant other up and fucking him.

but maybe NOW you realize that you were in fact pushing Jasper in a direction on your own disregarding the voter's choices?

I wasn't disregarding anything, I've been faithful to the character ever since the first voters gave him those values to live by.
>[x] Let her be....

Yulie has become more feisty than your usual tickling ever since you and her woke up this morning.

Still, it's both endearing and strangely appealing as if you want to see how far it will go despite her not saying anything any words at all save for some heated panting.

Amidst all this sweltering heat and moist touching, you're trying to control in your body is injecting into your haze-filled brain.

Each sensation transferring into your blood-boiling veins and into your endeavour below.

"Yulie...can you.. *ha*... at least say something?"

Her caressing hand, almost finding itself burrowing into the back of your pants, halts itself , "Fuck...*ha* sorry,.."

The arm on your back eases its vice-like grip to at least give you some more air in your lungs against Yulie's pillowy bosom.
She takes a good look at you, eyes gleaming from the only light source coming from the dimly lit hall outside, "It's just..that..remember last night when you...", Yulie purses her lips with a gulp while looking away, "...groped me?".

Shocked, you hastily reply, " I-I didn't mean to...It wasn't what I meant to—"

Great, now you can't even form your words right.

"No, no...I know. Because of that... I couldn't really get much sleep last night and...now with you doing all that..."
Her torso rises, sliding you down to be seated on her lap, legs around her torso like a child.

"My point is...", she breathes out a long exhale, "My point is...you drive me crazy, Jasper, and I'm sorry if I'm such a fucking—"

You jolt yourself forward, connecting both your lips together.
When you release yourself a string of saliva trails from both of your lips, vying for breath.

"I just wanted some... *ha*..communication is all."
A self-assured smile combined with the shrug of your shoulders brings together your snarky comment.

That was smooth, right?, you think to yourself.
No it wasn't you shit!
Fuck FUCK!
Keep going...
Just let it go Jasper...
[s]soon you'll drop your anger[/s]
Did you ruin the mood?
Please don't ruin the mood.

"Oh, Great Hunter.", Yulie forces herself to fall towards you, bringing your back on the bedroll.
Her legs swipe out of the way once she has you down, fingers clinging onto your rumpled jacket at an attempt to take them off whilst depriving you of air with her slabbering mouth.

Her overwhelming moans are ruffled within the confines of your wet kissing; blood rushes straight into your head at a blinding fever, hitting you like a truck when you feel your girlfriend seemingly grinding her groin up against yours.

Normally, she would warn you if this were ever to occur but her very much bolder self proves to be quite intimidating in a way.
In a sexy way?
You don't know.

She resurfaces back for air, "I'm gonna...*ha*... take it off, alright?..."


Yulie keeps your legs at her flanks as she uncovers each piece of top right off your scar-ridden upper trunk and you've noticed that every time a layer comes off she quickens her pace, carelessly discarding them to the side.

The cold wispy air of the room dances around your now bare chest, heaving rapidly as if you've just ran a marathon.

Your girlfriend however is looking at you like a wolf eyeing its prey.
It's almost frightening to be at the receiving end of that.

[] You better have a good idea for taking my tops off in this weather (Jokingly)
[] So...what now?
[] Rein her in with your legs
[] Don't say anything.
>undress your girlfriend

You got to state where, anon.

Yulie already took off all of your top layers for that trademark Jasper look.
Remain your cool, remove Yules' clothes
well let's take off all of her top layers
equal treatment and stuff

Tit for tat?


Remove kebab!
Anybody want some Jasper body pillows?
They're fleece!

And only at 20 Thatchers, what a steal!
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Writefag problems.png
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>When you lose all of your motivation in the middle of writing.


I'm sorry to disappoint you guys so often.
>[x] Yulie too.

Fixed eyes on your abdominal muscles, she snaps from her trance and giggles blushingly, " You know, I never get tired of looking at you like this."

"Topless?", you reply jokingly.


You've already seen Yulie naked so it isn't going to be anything new but it's only fair...right?
You prop yourself up with both elbows and , "Can I... also?"

"Oh, right. Shit, yeah yeah, of course.", snapping herself off from the obvious gawking.

Carefully, you lift and shuffle each article one by one, awkwardly and clumsily you admit.
To be fair you've never undressed a woman before let alone one between your legs.

Fuck , it's harder than you've come to realize.
"Just...yep...lemme go under the collar..."

"Is this right?"

"Yeah, yeah...O-...ow! OW! Jas-Jasper, stop! Stop!"

You freeze yourself from the entangled mess around Yulie's head, "Shit, what's wrong?!?"

"The teeth of the zipper....ah shit..I think it got caught in one of my braids..."

"I am so sorry, Yulie.", you lean closer forward to examine the problem.

Kill me

"<chortle> It's fine. It's never even done that before."

Fucking hell, Jasper.
Good fucking job on that shit.
You're a real piece of work.

After a few seconds of unlooping some strands of hair and repeating apologies, you neatly place each one of her clothes at the side of the bed.

Which leaves the amazon in front of you down to her bra, exposing her curvy muscular features for your eyes alone.
Each crevice glistening from the beads of sweat formed with a pinched bump pushing behind each cup of her brassiere.

"I shouldn't have just fucking have thrown your shit right there... I'm dumb, let me just—"
"Nah, leave it...", you nervously chuckle thinking to sort your next dilemma.

Also, Yulie's gotten a lot more vulgar you've noticed.

[] Remove Yulie's sports bra (How do you? c:)
[] Leave them on. Don't want to embarrass yourself again in a short amount of time.

I mean... I haven't been gambling since I lost my job drivin trucks.
Probably should have stopped a little sooner, eh?

What's the continued appeal of gambling anyways, CYOAnon?
I did? Mostly because I didn't want to not be able to afford to eat, but it wasn't long after that in which I lost the job. So it's not like I had anything saved.

There is no appeal. It's a sinkhole that you fool yourself into digging thinking that you can use what you dig to get out of the metaphorical hole.

'Chasing money' I believe it is called.
Remove Bra
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How you doin'?
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Would you date one of your OCs? I'd date mine.
Closest thing I have to an OC is a trio of semi-random rapists I thought up for stories, so... No, I probably wouldn't.
I'm pretty certain my MC is just a warped view of how I see myself mixed with a specific set of personal fetishes. I can't imagine we'd get along very well.

All the other characters are all varying degrees of insane, so probably not them either.

And then there's also the age gap to consider, I suppose.

I'm going to say no. Just because huntresses in training are like, 17 tops. 6 years isn't much, but it's still statutory rape here.
>Todd is 22
>Nobody talks about how almost every girl in TQ is definitely a statutory case

Crimeboss Todd arc when?
>implying "on the brink of extinction" can worry about age of consent when every baby counts
I thought Todd was 20?
Oh. My bad. That's still statutory, but whatever.
Maybe here, but I feel like Remnant might not have an age of consent law, just like.. Consent laws.
I feelthat would definitely lead to predatory relationships
I want to see Ruby's panties.
Of course it would. But it's not illegal.

Why do you think Valentine still has a job?
Huh. Fair enough.
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My OCs don't even have that much to them so I wouldn't unless I had a good idea of who they are
Morning, thread.
Anyone here up for IQ?
If not, I can wait.
no one wants your shit quest
just go back to crying
I'm kind of around
Sorta around, sorta fucking with hots for the ow gubs
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Oh, sorry. I left after an hour.
Well, too bad.
Daily reminder: Dry a cute!
There not for me, they're for relationships with each other
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How come y'all keep letting the thread die?

Explain this to me.
Because I have better things to do than sit here all day posting by myself.

>By yourself

I try my best to respond from time to time.

But you do have truth in what you wrote.

It pains me to ask but, should RWBYgt threads just be limited to a new one every week?

That way we can get the most activity concentrated in one go!
Or it'll fade away which will suck but if it happens it happens.

What d'ya say?
It takes little to no effort to keep it bumped and alive. So I don't see any real problem or cost to it sticking around for the occasions when people do actually have something to post about

Your optimism is infectious, anon!
Nah, fuck that. If we can't get more than two votes on quests that run weekly at best now, why would we get more by not having the thread up 24/7?

I was just thinking about how a thread I used to visit (before jumping into the RWBYg thread back at /co/) used to function.

It was the /co/ creation thread I believe, making all kinds of stories.

(Even I made one kek)

May I ask if you were already given a name, bumpanon?
Noramigo, by Noranon two years ago. But I have a name I go by.


I miss Noranon....

>I have a name I go by

Tell me!
I must know for great posterity.
You already know it.

Is it.... [spoiler] Newton?[/spoiler]

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You know you can just tell it to me to save the disappointment.
How else am I supposed to tease you?

Goodnight, birdo.


But you didn't even tell me your name yet.
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Might I offer you a Penny in these trying times?
Thanks, pal.

Mojo strikes again!
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A fine gift, I'll put it with all the others
Well yeah, RWBY CHIBI season 2 is happening

The way how Ruby interacts with Penny is one of the few things this show perfected in my opinion.
It's really lovely and endearing.

>season 2 chibi

And to be really honest, I kinda like these better than the show since I wished it was more shorts concentrating the fight scenes with subtle world building and plot meshed within. (like the trailers)
It's Chi.

See that picture?
Look at the drawing style.
Does it seem familiar?

That's Okayado's style. It's a picture from Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou.

And there are only two people in this thread that post pics from Mon Musu:

Chi and me (Admiral).

And I'm easy to distinguish from Chi.

...I'm the smart one.
Horse pussy.
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Sure anon, sure
We need to have a serious talk about Dryden.
we already had a handful of serious talks with and about Dryden in this and the last couple of threads.

I don't think there is anything left to say that hasn't been said already.

unless, of course, you're just a frustrated DryHater testing new ways to get your precious (You)s after you've been denied it a few times
And clearly they weren't enough. We need to get the guy to open up.
sure, but pushing somebody is never a good thing.

like Thatcher said:
babby steps
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Afternoon, everyone.


Snails has definitely become the mascot of JQ with her definitive goggles.


No we don't, stop bullying him.


>babby steps


Go outside.
Is Dryden out there? I won't go anywhere I can't stalk Dryden.

Hi Dryhater.
Wouldn't it be funny if Dryden's den wasn't dry at all, but was in fact very moist?
Okay since y'all are letting the thread die again.

Here's another funny riddle!

What is the longest word in all of the english language?


It would be MOIST-DEN.
That's not a riddle and I think it's the fear of long words.

Just try and guess, anon.
There's a prize if you guess it right!
I'm guessing Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphioparaomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon.

Nope, guess again.

Here's a hint: The Schnees can use more of this in the show.


Nope, it's even longer.
A mile longer.

Nope, refer to the hints here >>9156912
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Y'all give up?
>A mile longer


Fuck you.
I can't really think of anything the Schnees really need besides humility and some sun.

You got it!

Hwacha want?


Maybe next time, anon?
A drawing of Todd with a yellow humvee dick proudly displayed.

Not this again...

Can you at least explain what a "humvee dick" is?
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A literal scaled down yellow humvee where the penis should be.
Why should "Smiles" be the "the longest word in all of the english language?"

Also, why even let us vote on if we want more riddles (where "No" won, to remember you) when you're just going to do more anyways?
Seems like it's not a problem of JQ, ALL your votes are severely lacking in consistency
Smiles because there's a 'mile' between the s's.

Because there is a mile between the two s.

>No won

It's because the thread keeps dying and it's a quick way to breathe some life into it.
>Because there is a mile between the two s
Goddamn it Thatch
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So you could say there's a mile between the /ss/?
Yes, that's exactly what he's been saying.
Funny how few people liked Beesting until that show comes along.
Is it really? People naturally like things they find attractive physically.

Like I haven't watched that show, but I know for a fact that I'd fuck that weird haired lady with the big titties.

I haven't watched the show either but it was just an observation.

Anyways, anybody got a ref on how Todd looks like?

I drew him before (stripper clown attire, remember that?) but I don't know what his canon look is.
I just applied Dry's drawing as canon along with Izzy. I don't have it handy though since if you recall, my HDD failed.

Where is Dry's drawing, do you have it saved?
I... Wha-

I just said...
Why would anyone save garbage?

Oh, right.


Just kidding but it's part of the namesake.
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>You will never live in a comfy Animal Crossing style town with your favorite RWBY and RWBYgt characters.
nice try SwanboatAnon, but still almost nobody likes Beesting
I mean I do.

Southern belle + Curvy is my jam.

That was actually me Thatcher.
I miss SwanboatAnon though, his undying love for Daisy was the purest form of tenacity against all odds.
So, I need physique, how does Todd look like?
Give me some time and I'll go look for the picture in the archive assuming it still works.
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He's pretty much just a younger Todd Howard, IIRC.
RWBYgt's theme:

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Kek, that was so far off from what I had in my mind.
>Hello, is this the Krusty Krab?
>No, this is Snails.
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Alright got it
Jesus Christ look at that jaw.

You could break a steel beam on that.

Yeah, I gave him prominent sharp features to highlight dominance and aggression (since I remember him being like a rapist?)
How dare you.
Todd is a feminist.
Valentine's the rapist.

My bad, my memory isn't as good as it used to be.
That's technically not canon.

Unless you count statutory by American standards.

In which case, it is SUPER canon.

Another question, how tight is his red shirt?
That's just street clothing. He doesn't always wear it.

Also you're missing the point of him being naked with a yellow humvee penis.

Wait what?
He's supposed to be naked?
You do know how human do, right?

The penis goes INSIDE of the pants.
If you want to see or use the penis, you have to REMOVE the pants.

Wow I was just thinking he unzips his pants or something.
You don't have to be so condescending.
I didn't want to sound condescending, just exaggerating stuff to sound funny, sorry Thatch

Aw yeah.
Damn straight, CYOAnon, apologize to me!
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I'm not CYOAnon, sorry.
Meanwhile I'm over here wondering why Thatcher thinks everyone who responds to him is secretly me wearing different wigs.
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I thought I finally got you under my heel, CYOAnon.
And you will eventually for all what you've done!

Anyways here.
I feel like he looks older, but yeah, that's about right.

>You will eventually for all what you've done

I apologize all the time for assorted things I do. What would make that special?

Even older?
I already gave him the young daddy look.

>I apologize.

Can you repeat that again?
Will Jasper's parents approve of Yulia once they get to meet her?

[spoiler]Will Jasper's dad give him a thumbs up?[/spoiler]

I'm sorry for whatever wrong you think I've done or whatever.

Also I'm sorry for 9-11.
No no, I meant to say the picture looks like he's older than how I see him, but it's close enough.

Again, again!

This time to the whole thread.
ay bby u want sum truk
The real question is "Will they be home to meet Yulie?"

Is this going to be a thing now?

I, the autistic nerd behind the cool facade of CYOAnon apologize for everything wrong with your lives and I hope they all get better and also you guys are all pretty to me and I want to kiss all the boys.

Oh, and I love smelling farts?

Anything else?
How do you feel about ribbons in your hair?
[Honk Honk]

/o/ pls.


They've been off in their own arc if we ever get to explore that.


Pleasure's gone.
You ruined it once you made fun of yourself.
No stylistic choice compares for my hairs.

But I've been making fun of myself since day one...

I've always been a joke.

>I've always been a joke

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