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Twokinds Thread From the beginning you know the end Edition

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Twokinds Thread

From the beginning you know the end Edition

Newest Page: http://twokinds.keenspot.com/index.php

Comic: http://twokinds.keenspot.com/?p=archive

TwoKinds Content Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/0AJ2A5ad

Census: http://pastebin.com/WCY6ayKM

Previous Thread: >>8568688
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best edition
Yay we opened with a sweet GET!
Is sythe a virgin?
While Keidran are a lot more liberal about sex than humans are, Sythe did spend a lot of time among humans and it probably made him unpopular among his peers so I think its quite possible hes a virgin even if he is an attractive guy.
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I'll try and find a good one
which part of the paw is most attractive?
and who has better paws, keidran or bastins?

Here have some Basitin paws, unwrapped and extra lewd
>you will never smell a Basitins footwraps after a long day of them being worn
Toss up between Snow Wolves and Forest wolves, there are big and so would have little problem wrapping around her dick, their huge pads pressing to the most skin of any of the races, and their toes aren't too small to curl around the curves of your shaft, plus they have dull claws unlike Tigers which won't tear into your skin if they rake over you
>thread is already footfag circlejerk
Shut it down
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Needs more cats
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It IS one of Tom's fetishes
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Maeve is a cute kid and she probably going to grow up to be a gorgeous Keidran too like her mom
I liked basitins better when they were dog-like people.

Don't be ridiculous, Sythe isn't a virgin. Every night he would share Keidran culture with a new human woman that he met in the tavern.

>"And at the end, we Wolf Keidran like to do something we call knotting."
>"What's that like?"
>"It's something you really have to experience for yourself."
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Iris drawing is done.
Very nice!
When you're a snow leopardess being gorgeous comes with the territory.
Usually I hate dreads, but she manages to pull them off rather well. Hope the daughter takes better care of her hair tho
What if Adira is Kat's lost half-sister? I could imagine Kat working well in the tavern, either as a server or as entertainment.
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Maeve will no doubt be a knockout in a few years.
but adira isn't trash
Oh man, Maeve is my new wifu.
Both Kat's parents were selectively bred like she was and if Adira shared a mother or father in common with Kat you'd expect her to have at least some hybrid traits, but she appears to be a purebred Snow Leopard, same with Maeve.

Then again its Tom we're talking about here, huge coincidences are a dime a dozen in Two Kinds, so it may be possible.... though very unlikely.
I hope not, that would be super disappointing for any hope of an interesting back story for Adira.
Won't lie, when she was first teased (she looked a bit more like Kat back then) I almost thought she was going to be revealed to be her mother. Ages don't match up (10+ years her hair would be grey) so that theory died fast
Kat's parents couldn't have been hybrids though, because feline / canine hybrids are not fertile. One of Kat's parents would have had to be a feline and the other a canine (most likely a snow leopard and a wolf). Suppose Kat / Adira's mother was a snow leopard and she escaped after Kat was born, and then had Adira with another snow leopard? Maybe their father was the snow leopard and had an affair with a free snow leopard (Adira's mother)? Basically, one of Adira's parents would have been a pedigree snow leopard bred for pleasure, whereas with Kat her other parent was also a pedigree pleasure slave, but of a canine species. This also means Adira (and her daughter by extension) would have inherited the sexy purebred pleasure slave genes.

At the least I think it's a safe bet that Kat's feline half is snow leopard since she doesn't show traits of any other feline breeds. It's possible that she's more meant to resemble the coloring of a gray wolf with spots from a regular leopard, but her resemblance to a snow leopard is pretty uncanny.

(Please don't take this all too seriously, it's just bored fanwank.)
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So what's Clovis' end game with the enchanted amulet? The most obvious knee-jerk guess is that it's an amulet that will disguise her as a man, but it seems like an awful lot of hassle for just a glamour spell-- not to mention Brahn said it took a whole team of top mages to create it, and I have a hard time imagining Clovis would trust that many people-- let alone Templars, who are quite likely planning to double cross her-- with a secret that would see her possibly killed and even raped by her own wolves if it got out. And even if it's a flawless glamour charm, it wouldn't truly reverse Clovis' transformation, because if Clovis were to lose the amulet somehow, she'd still be a woman.

I don't think Clovis would settle for anything less than a spell that could permanently change her back, and such a thing is unlikely to come in the form of a trinket. If it's a magical artifact that can permanently change the sex of whoever it gets used on, then Tom will have pretty much opened the gates of hell in regards to what kind of absurd wank would be possible within the universe. It's one thing for an elder dragon (essentially a god) to have that kind of power, but for mortals to have that power would kind of be a can of worms.

So, ruling out the possibility that it (directly) has anything to do with Clovis wanting to become a man again, what could it be? It's something Clovis could only get from the Templar and it's something she thought was worth risking a war over. Maybe it's something that would allow Clovis to use mana without needing to burn through mana crystals but that seems unlikely, and a bit anticlimactic.
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>Maybe it's something that would allow Clovis to use mana without needing to burn through mana crystals but that seems unlikely, and a bit anticlimactic.
Don't be stupid, it's exactly that. The Dragon Masquerade was about him trying to steal a similar one and he didn't care one bit who he had to step over for it.
Do we even know what the mask did
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Maybe it does both. He gets the power he wanted AND the ability to counteract the dragon curse

The mask wasn't important, it was the gem in the center he wanted, apparently it was a flawless mana-crystal that could be used over and over without breaking if I remember correctly
An unbreakable mana crystal would obviously be useful in maintaining the magical elements of Clovis' disguise, although its usefulness for a keidran mage is pretty ubiquitous. Clovis wants more power and that's exactly what this sort of artifact represents.
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After longer than it should have taken, here's the next bit of Clovis
I apologize in advance for any gratuitous spelling errors
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>Kat's parents couldn't have been hybrids though, because feline / canine hybrids are not fertile

Not always, the fact Kats value deprecated significantly when it turned out she was infertile implies its not a guaranteed thing among Feline/Canine hybrids but a risk of breeding them together (One which was known to the breeders as implied by Kat). Why would breeders intentionally depreciate their slave offsprings value when they can breed fertile slaves of much higher value?

Either way who said they were Canine/Feline hybrids, they could have been Canine Hybrids and Feline Hybrids since there are multiple breeds within each. Kat had said she was the result of multiple generations of cross breeding, its pretty unlikely either of her parents were purebred.
>And even if it's a flawless glamour charm, it wouldn't truly reverse Clovis' transformation

That's your assumption, however you forget most magic crystals are one time use only, they can be recharged afterwords but become incredibly fragile as a result. We haven't seen many magical artifacts in Two Kinds but the ones we have we learned have a shelf-life or could break easy. They are very temperamental objects, losing their enchantments even if dropped accidentally and made of wrought iron.

Clovis would know this, hes a proficient mage himself. Why would he request such a gem if he knew it wouldn't last long? Answer it probably is designed to something more, something which can be done in one casting or a few before it would wane or break.

>I don't think Clovis would settle for anything less than a spell that could permanently change her back, and such a thing is unlikely to come in the form of a trinket

One word objection: Euchre.
Explaination: He's gifted with flawless transformation but hes still a Keidran and can't cast magic without a gem (Raine can Transform without gems because the spell is literally part of who she is and not just an inherited gift). Hes changing his entire species to something completely different so perfectly he can reproduce with otherwise incompatible species with the same gems that Natani uses, its conceivable the same could be done with sex with the difficulty depending on ones knowledge of the spell and innate gifts with transformation.

Clovis obviously doesn't have an innate gift, but he has had time to master transformation spells, half a lifetime in fact.

>It's one thing for an elder dragon (essentially a god) to have that kind of power, but for mortals to have that power would kind of be a can of worms.

Too bad we have three characters which do, Trace, Euchre and Raine.

My guess is that the gem does exactly what people think it does, but needs to be powerful to counter the magic of a Dragon.
You might be on to something, I've wondered why the wolf and tiger clans were so invested in marrying sythe and flora if their lines would have ended after one generation.
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I was avoiding that line of reasoning as it was clear Sythe and Flora were just being used as pawns towards unity but when you really think about it the arrangement doesn't make sense if their offspring can't have offspring to keep the races linked as they'd have to basically sacrifice one or two highborn members every single generation to maintain the peace... something I'm sure a few of the highborns would object to since it reduces them to potential bargaining chips
I've found this webcomic online and it's quite similar to Twokinds. Is Tom aware of it ? Is he related to Tom ?


It really looks like 2008 TK art.
Here we go again...
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>>8645003 (You)
There is only 3 weeks between these two pictures, how the heck is this possible ?
I wonder...
Basic rule amongst the TwoKinds fandom is not to mention Project 2nd or Leoian if at all possible. Real shit went down a few years ago.
What happened ?
Long story short, Leoian used to be pretty active on the old TK forums before creating 2nd. He got called out for plagarism and started attacking Tom directly, with death threats and such. He continues to plagarise TK and for whatever reason is getting away with it.

There are some people who believe that the infamous TK "porn cache" was created for him by Tom before everything went nuclear. He's not exactly an upstanding citizen.
He also frequently (or at least used to until recently) commissions Seff and other FA artists for explicit stuff based on his "characters".
Death threat !? Really, wow any screen of them?
This happened years ago and was done privately through Tom's personal email, so no. I'm fairly certain the mods nuked any evidence of his meltdown on the forums.
Any more Basitin paws?
This seem weird, whatever. Any way to confirm this ? Because if it's true this is serious.

How the quality can change so drastically in 3 weeks ?

I've heard he's a high school dropout and he's a fat fag who live in a basement is it true ?
Like I said, it took place years ago. I'm talking 2009. You can piece together exactly what happened from discussion on the current forums, but the mods lock any thread dedicated to talking about it.

Just search "Leoian" and get ready to get angry.
The guy is a legit autist with rich parents and an unhealthy obsession with twokinds to the point of stalking Tom at cons.
Shit went sour for Tom after that crazy fucker commissioned him to draw Flora with his keidran tiger OC. The faggot got all delusional saying shit like his OC was canon Flora's brother to the point of getting really creepy. All went downhill when people started calling him out on his bullshit and crap ripoff comic.

A fun episode was when he commissioned Strype to draw one of his OCs, which was basically Flora, and a shitstorm brewed in the comments section which led strype to change the description to reflect the character was Flora from twokinds, making that autistic faggot sperg really hard.

>for whatever reason is getting away with it
Can't blame Tom for not wanting to deal with such a crazy individual anymore. It must be draining and stressful as fuck, not to mention scary.
Death treats and stalking Tom at convensions, it's weird Tom hasn't called the cops on him yet.
The guy is from some country in Europe if I recall correctly.
Any pics of him stalking Tom at cons, I'm pretty sure I've never seen any of them posted around.
Pretty hot nonetheless.
Pretty sure there are pics of him with Tom at some con in EU. They were posted on the TK threads over at cripplechan years ago. I remember the guy being a skinny fucker with blonde hair and eyeglasses.
Don't know if they were from before or after shit hit the fan.
Always happy to have more ZenXClovis!
Tom went to a con in the EU ? When?
So basically is this whole saga the reason why Tom doesn't do commissions?
Like fuck I know. Ask him I guess.

Don't know. If I recall correctly the whole thing was a one-time auction kind of deal for the TK forum.
Hmm... Why does 4chan show this as a comment written by me, when I was not writing it.
IP fuckups?

Here's a pretty good summary. The guy shits on TK as well though, so be warned.
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>They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, but I have a feeling this won't end until Loick Fahl kills Fischbach and wears his skin.

This one line made reading the whole review totally worth it
Does anyoneone know his adress or any way to contact him ?
Don't. Just don't. There's no reasoning with that kind of crazy.
Well I'm kinda curious now, and it'd be nice to be able to send help at his adress.
Anyone tried to speak with him lately ?
>only just learn about this project 2nd fiasco
>see the creator has an encyclopedia dramatica page
>read it
holy kek
Beside encyclopedia dramatica and badwebcomicswiki , is there something else ?
This is without a doubt terrible but, they're not great sources. Both are trashing twokinds pretty hard too. I'm curious to see the more acurate truth behind all the stories.
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>Both are trashing twokinds pretty hard

It's almost like they were designed specifically to do that with literally everything they mention by name

I agree though they aren't good sources since they are at their heart a parody of wiki, and wiki shouldn't even be considered a reliable source
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>Flora is the romantic interest in Twokinds. A complete whore, she spends 90% of the time not wearing any clothes as well as randomly humping the characters. Because of this, she is arguably the biggest attraction to desperate furry virgins who read this bullshit

This is by far the best summary of Flora I've even seen.
Change it to 100% and you perfectly describe kat
To be fair, TwoKinds is a shitty fetish comic made by a weaboo furfag.
hey, I dont come to TK for the deep story, I come for teh arts and sexual innuendos.

in-your-endo hehehe
BWCW is kind of in the spirit of Encyclopedia Dramatica. There is some genuinely useful information to be found, but you have to accept that it will be through the lens of roasting the subject of each article.
Besides Leoian any other infamous twokinds fans?
Tom is streaming now
You'd think it with how much he plugs his brothers comic out of the blue, but I don't think hes a fan because when he talks about it he clearly has no idea what the comic is about beyond 'weird furry shit'
I'd watch now but I'm being sociable right now and it would be pretty spaghetti if I were to pull it up on my tablet with other people in the room.
anyone got screenshots of the sketches?
I get the feeling not all of them gets posted, even though they get made during the streams.
When does he plug twokinds?
I occasionally watch his gaming channel (pls no bully) and i've never seen him mention it
reminder that tom's stream is going on

Can either of you tell me if he ever makes racy jokes about furry characters in the games he plays? If he does then he is probably in the closet.
Mark doesn't plug it on his main channel but has in a few of his live streams (usually with humorous anecdotes attached or because people prompted him to death to talk about his furfag brother) and events, and has gone so far as to drag his brother out in front of a crowd who didn't even know who he was at the time. He's also shown up numerous times at his kiosks at conventions but most of the time just because he was there to promote his own channel at his own kiosk or whatever.

Mark is supportive of Tom's endeavors but he doesn't really understand it, to him its just furry weabo crap but he isn't about to shit on his brother over it for cheap laughs.
I almost want to compare Tom and Mark to Natani and Zen

But that brings up a whole bunch of screwed up connotations
I'd read my brother's fucked up 15 year long comic for sure though
He must be aware of all the cheesecake and fetishy stuff though?
I don't doubt it, I mean search Tom you get more suggestive stuff than tame.
Hey Seff maybe your ship doesn't have to involve Keith committing suicide or resigning himself to the bottle after all.
Tom Fischbach*
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Paybacks a bitch ain't it!

I don't even like Kat but I love this picture.
wrong guy dude, I'm not seff.'
Im just a lurker.
Oh wasn't meant to be at you, just quoting the image for when and if seff reads this thread
They replied to you because of the image, not because they thought you were Seff.
copy that.
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Ear rubbing is considered an intimate gesture to Basitins...... so what is sucking on their eartips considered?
Probably comparable to kissing someones crotch through their clothes
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My Keith x Suicide comment was meant to be pretty tongue-in-cheek. I actually ship him and Maddie. Just their ship is more of a rowboat compared to the Clovis x Zen cruise liner.
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>I actually ship him and Maddie

WHY? They literally have nothing in common nor any connection aside from both being Basitins. You are as bad as Eric Cartman shipping Token with Nichole just because they are both black!
>They literally have nothing in common nor any connection aside from both being Basitins.
they share a father
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Jesus! That actually makes sense!
wait what?
Keith and Maddie is siblings?
Ah yes, the seminal time-travelling alaric chapter.
100% canon right out of Torm's mouth
anymore to that statement from Tom? Like was Cornelius just doing his duty and being a concubine to the King or totally romancing and cheating on Cathleen?
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No but when you think about it it'd make sense

>Maddies father is curiously absent
>Keiths father was the Arms general meaning he was close to the King, he was also a known drunkard so its possible there was a night of indiscretion during mating season
>Cornelius and Maddies fur colours are very similar in the latest sketches
>Keith and his father never were close, maybe because Cornelius was ashamed and Keith reminded him of the betrayal of his first love
>Cornelius was drunk the night he was to run away maybe due to regret of abandoning Maddie and Adelaide

Or I'm just being intentionally silly
well I don't know about Tom but Torm straight up said "yeah just mix adelaide and cornelius's fur colors and you get maddie, plus didn't you notice how similar she and keith look?"
thx. I gotta sleep now, but I would love if someone could post scfeenshots from the sketches later on
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.... I don't get it.

Also this is why you don't teach useless sex slaves how to use magic
she was gonna get kat to cast a disrobing spell on keith with both keith and kat thinking kat was trying to knock an apple off his head but kat being the useless ditz she is thought of natani and this happened
In the picture where Kat is learning magic, he originally wrote the runes as "spell of disrobing, magical striptease"
>tom got wasted with mark and the game grumps once
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wait what link please
Mark has had Tom on his stream a few times as well, if I've read correctly.
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he was just talking about the 3 times he's been in a bar because of pic related and that was one of them
Whose knocked out on the right?
Dammit this is too cute. (And the implications are quite lewd.)
Well this turned out to be an exceptionally good day for Keith.

Looks like Evals.
I dunno, a strip tease spell seems like a no brainer for Kat (although it would be more practically applied with her on the receiving end, at least if she wore clothes).
I think we all know what will happen when Mike goes into heat if Evals is around.
Either nothing but good or bad things
It just hit me that Raine is now wondering the same thing about herself, hence the face.
[heavy breathing]
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one of today's sketches confirms nora is in fact a pedophile
Oh? Didnt see them yet
had a friend over so I couldnt get a snap but it's her molesting a dragonform trace
As in a full dragon or an adrakist?
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Nice, full dragons lewding helpless humanoids is my favorite!
She looks like she's going to eat me.

>Mike's biggest worry is no longer that she's naked and getting drunk as fuck

Ah, well, at least Reni's still a good contender for Perfect Waifu.
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It's a double standard.
full dragon trace, not adrakist
>kats feet
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>not liking hooves

I was implying Nat,Kat,Keith threesomes actually
Oh she's definitely legal
>do you risk getting your throat torn out to kiss her snoot
It'd only happen to blueball Keith yet again

Here's how it'd go:

Keith and Natani are wandering off their adjoining rooms

Both lay in their bed silently feeling uncomfortable because its the first time in forever they've had a room to themselves

They start think about each other with Keith especially pacing around his room and Natani simply not going to sleep

Keith contemplates tossing out the rules for a night and goes to open Natani's door but hesitates with the knob

Natani is in her room awkwardly brushing her fur since she can't sleep, not exactly used to the activity but feeling a strange desire to ever since waking up from her coma

He hears her door open but relaxes figuring its Keith

Without skipping a beat she asks for help with her back and quickly arches as she feels a pair of hands stroking her back with a brush

She tries to play it cool but the act is turning her on, she debates with herself whether to spin around and pull Keith into a passionate kiss but doesn't want to the feeling to stop

Eventually she says to hell with it and her hesitation and spinning around and locking muzzles with..... KAT!

Wide eyed and confused she looks into Kats eyes which are just wide eyed. She blushing something furious just as the door cracks open and Keith walks in immediately shocked at what he sees

He leaves slamming the door behind without a word, Natani shoves Kat off and frantically goes after him with Kat still sitting on the floor stunned by just what happened but lingering on the kiss
Kat is a cock blocker, not part of a Trio
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Did you ever colour or continue this one?
That sketch was basically a prototype. I decided to start over rather than just ink and color that one because I was having problems with the pose.
Can someone tell me what the appeal of this comic is, other than naked fluffy anthros with big tits?
It started during the golden era of anime and the Lord of the Rings trilogy had just come out, so that cross section between those and furry was probably a major factor for its popularity.

In terms of the appeal today, I think it's as simple as people liking the characters and art.
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I have a great idea for an edit of this but I'm going to wait until Tom releases the HQ version.
It's keith with boobs isn't it
No. My edit idea is far more patrician than that.

Let's just say, there's something else Natani has two of that Keith and Kat would like to give a good nomming.
>futa hemipenes
Sounds great!
but natani doesn't share keiths foot fetish
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It's Keith and Kat suckling on Natani's tits isn't it. I was thinking of doing that edit myself but decided not to since it makes no sense, Natani has no milk to offer and probably has no feeling in her nips due to her wrapping her tits tighter than a corset for years meaning she'd get zero benefit out of it.

But when has edits needed to make sense, you want to do it go for it.
Keeping her tits wrapped wouldn't stop them from being an erogenous zone. Plus, tit sucking is a thing whether or not a woman is lactating.
>Keeping her tits wrapped wouldn't stop them from being an erogenous zone

Years of pressure and grinding against tight fabric might, its not like she was wearing a bra she was actively compressing her breasts to be near flat (retarded magic enchantments aside). That kind of abuse does bad shit to the nerves plus they'd be constantly stimulated resulting in them being extremely desensitized.

>Plus, tit sucking is a thing whether or not a woman is lactating

Yes but Natani wouldn't benefit from it because she would barely feel it
>(retarded magic enchantments aside).
I think you're missing a big part of this, her breasts aren't being crushed for hours every day they are just displaced
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Is this the "Nora's a pedophile" thing people were complaining about? This looks like present-day Trace, who is most certainly legal.
no it aint what they meant
somebody needs to post the thing they meant
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its not out yet
then how do people know if it's pedo-y or not
somebody must've screenshotted it or whatever
He's French
Why is every Frenchman I have encountered online so far either a retard or otherwise deranged.
most of them keeps to themselves on frenchfrog sites.
because we watched the stream
then why not screenshot the stream
I had company over so the stream was on my phone
>implying phones don't have screenshot buttons
I've yet to find out how to screencap with my galaxy
hold the power and home button at the same time for half a second or so.
Nora isn't a pedophile but she has done some extremely questionable shit.

She picked on Mike making him look like a woman seemingly for jollies with no thought to the consequences for Mike.

Clovis is another matter entirely, she didn't just make Clovis look like a woman, she actually turned him into one complete with the biological quirks such as estrus. I realize hes a villain and Nora was trying to dish out some poetic justice..... but then she went too far by also altering Clovis's mind. How is Clovis supposed to learn anything when Nora is fucking with his head literally? Clovis could shrug off any epiphany's he may have as Nora's mental manipulations rather then his genuine conscience (if he even has one).

She mentioned contemplating eating Natani and Keith, she could have joking but with Nora you never know.

She's shown herself to be wise... but completely undermined it two minutes later by turning in a complete voyeur by watching Trace and Flora have sex

All and all, I wouldn't say shes bad but she needs an ethics refresher as clearly 2000 years of life has dulled her sense of empathy for mortals.
whys it gotta be so annoying
>1st world problems
>that booty cleavage
>that sideboob
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Doodle suggestion time again. For great success, post with a character name (greatest success: Princess Clovis, Fem Mike) and a photo pose ref (real photo, not drawn). For less success, post whatever. If there's something worth choosing in 45 minutes, I'll start my stream with that.
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what about one of the adelaide girls posing like this?
Nude Natani climbing into Keiths bed in the ajoining room in the middle of the night

But what if it was Kat climbing into Natani's bed instead? :3c
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>But what if it was Kat climbing into a dumpster where she belongs instead? :3c

Getting started like an hour late. It's what I get for cutting my daily caffeine in half.
They look like they're still pretty sensitive to me.
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She also fucked a cat. Not even a Keidran-- a literal house cat.
Kinky, Nora seems like a fun gal!
I'm not sure if this raises the bar for "are you this autistically obsessed with Twokinds?", but it's certainly up there. Getting characters from a furry web comic tattooed is in the top echelons.
I cant think of anything currently more autistic in this fanbase than tattoos
even cosplaying twokinds isnt as bad because it's not something permanent you've done to your body
I think making a bootleg version of Twokinds so Flora can be one's waifu might be a little more autistic than tattoos...
that's pretty bad but chances are itll never come up in that guy's actual life
the tattoo guy can never go swimming or get a physical or go to a gym without those tats out for the world to see
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>I think making a bootleg version of Twokinds so Flora can be one's SISTER WHO WANTS TO FUCK HIM AND FOR TOM TO MAKE IT CANON might be a little more autistic than tattoos...

god that scene
Wow so Leoiand got tattooed
Changing Clovis was poetically just and I think there's an outside chance that Clovis may emerge from it all a better person, although obviously hasn't gotten there yet what with all the scheming and the false-flag terrorist plot. Clovis has been very careful with the secret so far though, and hasn't had to experience the real consequences of being a woman in wolf society (yet).

I'm still scratching my head as to why Nora turned Mike into a girl (as an illusion) though. Maybe to Nora it was just a sexy prank, but Mike seems to have had confusion about his gender and his relationship with Evals ever since then, to the point that it might have been less cruel if she had just changed him physically and permanently like with Clovis. And then Nora initiated dream sex or something with Mike right before changing him back, so was she ultimately just using Mike to satisfy some kink of hers, not caring at all what it would do to Mike's poor little virgin mind?
she sensed mike not being honest with himself about being gay and that's why the dream had her goading him into kissing evals
The dream sex thing was because it got Mike and Evals to kiss just as the spell was broken and Mike looked male again. Motivation? Because to her it was probably funny.

As I said, her empathy for mortals appears stunted at her age, but what can you expect from somebody who basically dealing with fruitflys which are born, live and die in a blink of an eye from her perspective.
Evals isn't gay though and he's only attracted to fem-Mike. If she was trying to teach Mike some kind of life-lesson about "finding himself" then she probably shouldn't have done it in such a way that Mike would kiss his best friend who isn't gay. Plus, Mike himself at most is only bi, because he's attracted to females (although he's been a bit confused about Evals ever since the whole female episode).

This seems to make more sense. If the spell is some kind of practical joke, then it makes sense that the only way to break it is with a kiss, if you have a twisted sense of humor like Nora.
mike is 100% gay
he just gets flustered around naked women and bouncing tits like anyone would
Because it's Leoian ?
thats not actually him is it
It's him.
it need a special kind of person to get tattoos like that.
/wfg/ here

Why are you surprised by that.
It's Leoian.
shouldnt keith be way more excited about finally not being a femboi
First of tonight's sketches in the multistream with Seff:
adira proving that chest tufts are forever the best
The face of pity
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A bump
Nah he enjoys being a sub and having his prostate beaten up by his huge black girlfriend
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She wants the D.
I wanna see Mike play with her boobs.
How do I learn to draw good like you seff?
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Speaking of Leoian

>Page Visits: 45170
>Favorites: 16836

As an artist myself this fucking depresses me. I've spent well more than ten grand of my own money getting my BoA all while working my ass off doing piece work in a shitty factory to pay for it, I've been on furaffinity longer, I draw all my own art from scratch with much more skill then this fucking hack who traces everything or commissions other people to draw his shit... and somehow he's stupidly popular with zero effort because furfags are fucking morons who like anything with tits and/or a dick and don't care if its original or not.

Fuck this community, fuck it right up the ass.
Who are you ?
Nobody of importance here, I don't even draw Two Kinds fan art, just wanted to vent about how working in this world and actually putting an care and effort into it gets you less then some autistic tard who hasn't worked a day in his life and steals everything.

Well, for one, being an artist to be popular is probably just going to make you miserable. There's definitely a feeling of validation you get from seeing one of your pics do well in views/favs/comments, but if that is all you're chasing, you're never going to be happy.

But as for comparing yourself to leo, don't look at the sheer number of favs. Look at average favs per submission (it's ~46). If you dig down and start looking at favs on his own work, you can see that he's got ~120 updates that are just him posting a notification that his comic was updated, and these mostly receive less than 5 favs. Other standalone pieces are generally in the 30-40 fav range. So, the majority of his favs are on commissions that he has uploaded. Even then, if you browse some of these commissions, they're not getting that many favs (majority less than ~150, compared to average of 300+ for other comission-whores like Artica).

View count... I wouldn't put much stock in it. Lots of views and very few favs mean people are seeing his uploads in the recent subs, or they're following source links on e621 or whatever to his gallery and realizing he just commissioned a pic and didn't make it. His view to fav conversion ratio is really pretty shit. Like his most recent standalone pic has 259 views and 23 favs. One person out of ten that was foolish enough to click thought it was good enough to fav.
I made a 4-page Twokinds comic after some prompts from users in the stream. Kat wants to get a job at Adira's tavern and tries to audition her skills to Adira.

Dumping, and then sleep.
Last page. Time to crash,
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Nice. You actually make Kat kind of likable while keeping her a complete ditz
If a character is built around fanservice, making her comedically clumsy / happy-go-lucky is sometimes a good endearing trait to avoid mary suedom.
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Wonderful stuff, thank you for sharing
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I'm gonna tell you a story that may or may not help.

A couple of years back, leo got around to commissioning Strype. It was his usual form of uninspired creation; his OC and Flora jerking/fingering themselves off (seriously if you got them in the same shot, have them do it to each other or something). But that wasn't what got people's attention, it was the fact that the description had Flora listed as belonging to Leo and not Tom. And that's when the shitstorm rolled in.

Folks chimed in the comments and called out the bullshit taking place, that this particular character belonged to someone else and not frenchie here. Now normally, Leo's response to any criticism was to just hide the comment and maybe leave a passive aggressive message in your shout box. But this wasn't Leo's gallery, this was Strype's, and he couldn't hide away the big mean comments this time. So instead, he initially just resorted to telling people to go fuck themselves in broken English.

It didn't take long for Strype to catch wind of the problem and was getting ready to change the description to acknowledge Flora belonging to Tom. So here we have leo, unable to censor away the opposition and about to lose his weird fantasy. So what does he do? He reaches into the farthest confines of his ass and pulls the excise of "Oh, that's not Flora. That's my totally original character, Fauna". Naturally, people once again called bullshit, but Strype accepted and changed the description to reflect this new OC. Either way, he couldn't get the majority to buy into his bullshit.

What I'm going around the word to say is; he might get views, but he's got more people against him than backing him.
holy shit it's really a thing http://www.furaffinity.net/view/10133080/
Kek almighty
I don't read this comic, but those all seem like pretty typical dragon things. Or rather, typical dragon things when the dragon is nice and interested in mortals.

Judging a dragon on morality is like... judging an attack helicopter on ethics. If you're lucky enough to find one that has anything even remotely close to them, they're still going to be vastly different from yours because it's all based on a perspective of raining down death/justice from above while being so much more powerful and advanced than anything but your peers that any honest comparison is laughable.

I think you are elevating Dragons beyond their actual worth. Their power is based solely on magic, remove their magic and they as weak as kittens so to speak, hell look at Nora she had to put herself into a self-induced coma just to survive being drained of her magic.

Human Templars can drain magic from any source, Dragons included. I think part of the reason they work with humans so closely is because humans are the one race which can literally exploit their one weakness with ease, so best keep on their good side.

That aside, being a different species with a longer lifespan and vastly more power is no excuse for apathy. If that were the case you'd never expect humans to feel empathy for Keidran
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Huh. Natani really is only good for punching in the face.
I'd much rather pound her pussy
I don't read the comic. I'm not aware of any specific, little details that should or could mutate their behaviour.

What I'm saying is that dragon behaviour in general Fantasy has been largely laid out, and that this behaviour does not deviate that far from it. Hence, expecting this particular dragon to act differently (and according to Western standards, at that) is kind of odd.

>being a different species with a longer lifespan and vastly more power is no excuse for apathy.

It is, though. We have the same compared to that old standby for this comparison, ants. And whether you realize it or not, you are apathic towards the suffering of some lowly species, and most likely you are so because you don't even realize it. Your point of reference is so far away from theirs, that you can't even conceive of it, let alone think about it. And maybe it would even be pointless, because I'm sure ants don't really care about themselves, either.

>If that were the case you'd never expect humans to feel empathy for Keidran

Wasn't that a rather central element to the comic? I did read the early pages, years ago, and it definitely had that bog-standard "humans are racist against furries" thing going on.
Some puppies are born for the pound.
>if that were the case you'd never expect humans to feel empathy for Keidran
Some and possibly many would, but there would also be several who would see them as mere tools or playthings - and that's the case; there've been a few characters who, at least until a Keidran proves useful or interesting, treat them as little more than pests.
Plus, the age and power difference is significantly larger for Nora -> humans than humans -> Keidran. As such, it affects her more, whereas a much younger dragon, Reni, still sees herself as relatively equal to humans.
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Fuck Trip 4's beat Trip 3's
What spell is she casting?
Don't the crystals just glow a bit naturally?
Speaking of glowing crystals, whatever happened to that mood necklace Trace got Flora?
She probably still has it but it's most likely an inert crystal now since she would have had it on the Basitin isles when the tower exploded
Bumps with lumps
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And now bump with bumps
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Today's sketch.
Kata face looks kinda weird here

I'm probably not the best role model, cause I got my own whole set of bad art habits that I have picked up. But if I had to say anything, it's that you have to practice and keep trying new things. Don't be like me and get caught up in trying to make each pic 'perfect,' because perfect is out of your grasp. Sketch and draw, don't get bogged down, just keep practicing. If a pose or whatever isn't working, put it down and start a new thing.

As for what to practice, start with proportions. If you don't get the proportions right everything you hang on top is going to look off. A good handle on proportions will also help you with doing fast, quick sketches, and open the door to anatomy study. Proportions are usually measured to/from different anatomical landmarks, and when you learn those you can start connecting the dots with the anatomy that's in-between.
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And now, the edit.
>The guy shits on TK as well though
and why wouldn't he? I am under no delusion TK is some perfect or even 'good' webcomic. It has way too many faults to it. But regardless I still enjoy reading it.

Wouldn't surprise me that Tom does not want to risk things turning into a massive financial and legal undertaking if he were to press charges. To start with it would be a goldmine for the media of cringey stuff on both sides of the battle, the guy apparantly has rich parents so he can pull a nasty legal battle, and if that dude was really the source of the porn cache Tom drew, who knows what else this dude could dredge up to make Tom miserable in court.

It is easy to say 'why not go to the authroities' until you actually have to deal with a real weirdo yourself.
to add to what he said, I seen my greatest improvements once I focused on speed instead of quality. Keep pushing yourself to get something done quick with a deadline that you will stop working on it once you hit that. You will find yourself steadily able to get more detail in a shorter time frame
I can second this. It's good to learn to do things the right way, but there is value in practicing for speed. If you have an hour to draw and you crank out 10 bad drawings and one good one, your tone had been better spent than if you spent an hour on one drawing and realize you hate it when it's done.

Every good artist has a thousand bad drawings in them, and the only way to get them out is to put them on paper (or a .psd file).
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If Tom sees this..... who am I kidding, he'll probably add it to his folder of material to beat off to

Nice edit but you should either smudge or draw in the gap on Kat and Keiths upper lip as it look a bit awkward, like their lip has merged with Natani's tit flesh
>I seen my greatest improvements once I focused on speed instead of quality

There is a reason for that, less hesitation and focus on possible mistakes. You're spending less time focusing on what could go wrong and just letting it flow resulting in you actually getting shit done and blending things together rather then spending a ton of time erasing.

In college my professor was big on teaching us to sketch without erasers and sometimes in ink (which was a pain because we were using inkwells not ballpoints or felt tips. Too little pressure lines too thin, too much and you've blotted the page), he said if we made mistakes we had to learn to live with them or more specifically work it into the piece. At first I bitch like a little girl but after a week I have to admit my confidence tripled and I was getting a lot more done and the quality was increasing faster too.
Drawing with pens is a great exercise. It's great the amount of control that digital media affords us, but practicing with real pens will help you avoid using the undo key as a crutch.
>Natani's greatest assassin ability: boob vore
That's how it was in the original pic but I fixed it anyway.
Yeah, in college our excercises were to use a massive ass skecthbook, and draw lines on them in various directions using the entire arm. Then move into circles and figure eights with the goal to limber up the muscles and get a more steady.

Then to force us to draw fast he had the model change poses every minute for about 15 mins. Goal was to get use in the mindset on focusing on form not details and get that done first.

Then the time extends to a couple minutes, ten and eventually a half hour. over the weeks I noticed a massive improvement far greater then I ever had in the past practising figure drawing
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scarred girls best girls
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Tom's a paw man first, a gender-bender second, and a butt man third
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>Clovis participates in a false flag attack against the humans for the Templar just to get her hands on an amulet that can change her gender back permanently
>it accidentally gets used on Mike and breaks
>now the wolves are curious as to why Clovis was so interested in gender-bending magic
>one yank of the robes later, Clovis is now a fugitive and needs Zen's protection

Kill two birds with one stone.
stop tryin to get rid of the only chance of a gay relationship in this comic
No one would have paid attention to Mike and Evals if not for the gender bending angle. Plus, there's no evidence that Evals is gay-- he's only attracted to fem-Mike.

Mike is attracted to women but might be attracted to men too. If anything is going to happen between Mike and Evals though, Mike is gonna have to magically swap that Y chromosome for another X.
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How come these threads are always so dead on weekdays lately?
I wonder if clovis constantly lives in fear of being found out and gang raped by his men, TDM seemed to imply they're all rapists and clovis was planning on ''throwing natani to the wolves''
We're slowing down in general.

(Spoilers)enjoy it while it lasts(/Spoilers)
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I have little doubt that Clovis lives in fairly regular fear of being raped if her secret is exposed. It's kind of her own fault because the guild is what she made it as a man, and Clovis even toyed with the idea of "claiming" Natani, which sounds kind of rapey. Wolf culture was kind of fucked up regarding women before Clovis anyway though, and Clovis is partially a product of that culture.

No doubt throughout his life Clovis was picked on for being small and slender compared to pure-bred wolves, and especially for being half fox. This is probably where the obsession with magic and controlling people came from, because Clovis was too small to have physical control over his circumstances as a child. Magic is the great equalizer of the TK world, and for Clovis it represented a chance to get the upper hand on his physical superiors.

And then Clovis was turned into a girl, and despite all those years of scheming and mastering magic, she is potentially only one wardrobe malfunction or voice crack away from being humiliated in ways far worse than anything she experienced in her youth.
Tom needs to really shake things up with the next page so that we'll have some more shit to discuss and speculate wildly about. Or introduce a new waifu.
Now, someone requested zen to be in the background of this pic, but why did tom add natani too?
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to inspire this pic
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Because she'd want revenge too
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Seff persuaded me to stay up late and doodle again.
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>No doubt throughout his life Clovis was picked on for being small and slender compared to pure-bred wolves, and especially for being half fox.

I think the complete opposite. He doesn't strike me as a Wilson Fisk type of character, I think hes naturally manipulative, cruel, arrogant, and narcissistic with a huge sense of entitlement and inflated sense of self worth. Hell he calls himself a prince for Christ sake, I think its all because hes never really tasted defeat until the DM, his good looks and wicked smarts mean more to thim than physical strength as they have always kept him on top, magic complimented his natural gifts not sublimated any shortcomings.
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One mans trash maybe another treasure but a woman who was bred and raised as sex object who has no ambition to be anything else after being freed is forever worthless garbage, especially since she doesn't even put out.

Kat is forever worst girl
I don't think kat is a good character either, but its been hinted a few times that she wishes she could have kids, so she does have more ambition than just being a cumrag
if they use their magical connection during something like this, do you think Natani would actually 'feel' like the strapon was a real penis?
the dialogue seff had on that pic when he was still working on it alluded to that
>I don't think kat is a good character either, but its been hinted a few times that she wishes she could have kids, so she does have more ambition than just being a cumrag

Given that shes sterile and she knows shes sterile, that isn't so much ambition as wistful fantasy and/or delusion. The only way shes going to have kids is by adopting, and I don't think Kat would make a good mother considering she acts like the whore she was bred to be

Either way what I mean by ambition is Kat actively working to be something other than a sex object, whether it be something simple like a seamstress or something complex like a mage.

I've criticized Kat being shown learning magic, but it was all for shits and giggles. In reality I'd love to see her show an interest in magic, as it has nothing to do with the purpose she was bred for meaning shes starting to think outside the box she was born and brought up in. If that happens there would be a real possibility Kat could become a more complex character than what shes been portrayed to be. Right now, every time she stick a toe outside the box, within the next page shes retreating back into it. As long as Tom keeps doing that to her, she'll be nothing more than another background character serving no real significance to the plot
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>male pronouns
Thread's nearly done, so here's the next one:

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Well, lets at least get this one to the bump limit first
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And done
Goodnight get thread
Thread posts: 300
Thread images: 103

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