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TwoKinds Thread Best Girl Edition Newest Page: http://twok

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TwoKinds Thread

Best Girl Edition

Newest Page: http://twokinds.keenspot.com/index.php

Comic: http://twokinds.keenspot.com/?p=archive

TwoKinds Content Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/0AJ2A5ad

Census: http://pastebin.com/WCY6ayKM

Previous Thread: >>8633333
>post op male
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Why not? Clovis started as a man and still has the mind of a man (he just can't call himself a Prince because Nora fucked with his head so that he'd say Princess instead), also there is this little thing called CONTEXT.

While we are talking about Clovis I should like to add I think people who ship Zen and Clovis are kind of stupid. Was Clovis gay or bisexual to begin with? If not then he isn't going to be attracted to Zen because its literally not in his mindset to be attracted to a male and even find the concept repugnant. Even putting his mind in a female body isn't going to change that, and even if estrus drove him to fuck a guy you could say essentially drugged and wouldn't have romantic feelings attached to the act, he'd be just seeking relief to something overwhelming (So situational homosexual at best)

If Nora altered his mind to give him a fully female mindset then Nora didn't just transform Clovis and make him say he was a princess, she in a sense killed him by literally changing who he was in favor of a sick parody
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This Bob. Bob has bitchtits and no testicles, but he is not a woman because Tits don't make you one, even males have tits.

(Whats screwy is that some males even have the ability to lactate due to hormonal dysfunction [sympathetic pregnancy])
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>what is magic
Thread's off to a great start, as usual
What a masculine breasticles
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This thread has taught me futa can and does easily exist.
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Okay let me put it to you another way, say Nora didn't change Clovis's body female but instead removed his mind from his body leaving it float around as a shapeless ethereal mist capable of speech

Is Clovis in such a form male or female?

By your logic, Clovis is asexual because he doesn't have a body but I'd be willing to bet money you'd call him male.

Lets take it a step further, say Clovis can possess people and he uses this ability to possess say Natani. Is he male or female?
By your logic when possesses Natani he is now a she, but I doubt you'd call the possessing spirit female, I guarantee you'd refer to it in the masculine.

Why are you harping on calling transformed Clovis female again, and can't admit that he is in fact male despite his appearance? Becuase then you'd have to admit you have sexual feelings for a guy.
>thinks a character turned entirely, physically female is male
>a character so altered that she can't even call herself a prince ithout it coming out as "princess"
Quoth the Heavy,
"Cry some more."
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Philosophy of Self motherfucker.
such swap, very cleavage, much fav, wow
That's nice, no one gives a shit.
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You know whats funny? If the gem the Templar gave him gives the power to break Nora's spell permanently.

That happens I bet these same guys criticizing people calling Clovis a guy will be bitching like mad that Clovis would still be a girl essentially turning this completely on its head
Christ, what a great start to the thread, some obsessed dumbass whining about Clovis being actually female and seen as such.
>Christ, what a great start to the thread, some obsessed dumbass whining about Clovis being actually male and being seen as such.

Aww, cute, you think you're the majority.
I don't think I'm the majority, I'm just responding to the shit people post. My opinion is my own, but try to tell me your opinion is fact then you are going to get called out on it son.
You raging autist clovis has been the official thread girl for months now
Ironic since Clovis is a guy and maybe a guy again soon, in which case Clovis becomes Mike Tier

People will obsess over the time he was female while ignoring the current character so they live in blissful nostalgia
You raging dumbass, I'm one of the guys trying to say that, and what I had said before was about some dumbfuck whining ABOUT US. Thus when buddy edited the quote, it looked like he was supporting "Clovis is a guy" guy.

Calm down.
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While I'd love to keep fucking with you guys about Clovis being a guy, I got work to get to and won't be back for four or five hours

In truth I don't really care whether you see Clovis as a guy or girl anymore then I care about Natani being seen a woman or guy (especially since fuck either as guy or a girl)

I just love to troll when people get hung up on the pronouns, because anybody who harps on something as trivial as pronouns is super easy to make blow a gadget by arguing something even slightly more advanced.

Unfortunately I didn't the rant I wanted but meh, there will other opportunities. See you later tonight fags
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Could there not be the possibility Clovis was [spoiler]closet trans[/spoiler] and overcompensating to hide insecurities?
But then why did she dislike being changed?
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today's sketch
Whats going on here?
"Raine caught getting a drink" according to the Patreon description
>(Whats screwy is that some males even have the ability to lactate due to hormonal dysfunction [sympathetic pregnancy])
There is some evidence to support that it is possible to artificially induce lactation in men with a great deal of effort involved comapred to with women. Sadly the only person I seen trying to document progress on such a thing decided 'I feel a little too embarresed about all this' and ceased his self experimentation.
OBJECTION! My dick is in full boner status seeing best girl clovis. It desires to plow into his girl pussy, while I smother my face in his girl boobs.

I rest the case that Clovis is best girl, or do you wish to cross examine that boner!?
how long has your dick been a closeted gay man?
if it gots bewbs and a non surgical vagina, Im game for it. On conditon it is cute
So you'd fuck a hermaphrodite? You're such a fag!
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>You're such a fag!
hmm... nah, I'll skip it if it has a dong.
But if a magically genderswapped grill comes along, I'm game.
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Obviously you didn't get the reference.
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This is Nora we are talking about here, her body maybe asleep but her minds still reaching out as evidenced when Reni probed Traces mind.

Look what she did to Mike when he kissed Evals, do you want to risk fucking Clovis when Nora maybe mentally watching and might find it funny to break the curse right as you orgasm?

Twist it anyway you want, Clovis is A MAN, his body may have been transformed into that of a woman but inside hes still a dude and you wanting to fuck him when you know that makes you gay.

If you are really so confident I'm wrong, tell you what: Go to a bar tonight and throw around the hypothetical situation where you have say idk, Leonardo Dicaprio magically turned into a hot chick and ask the guys at the bar if they'd fuck 'her'. Guarentee you 9 out of 10 people would say no and that it'd be gay.
Christ, dude, you should get a job at IMAX.
>drinking from the pools that you and your friends have been washing their sweaty genitals in
Raine is nasty
that's just some random stream anon
are we back in 7th grade
what's wrong with being bi for clovis
he was already a twink before the transformation anyways
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>what's wrong with being bi for Clovis

Nothing, so long as you can admit what Clovis actually is; and woman is not it.
>mom, why is your nose so short?
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Sexual orientation is actually somewhat malleable and is not set completely in stone. There are a lot of things that can potentially influence what gender someone is attracted to.

More importantly though, the idea of someone magically transforming from one gender to another, especially without consent or foreknowledge, is a concept so abstract that we can't possibly know what the effects on someone's orientation would be.

Clovis in some ways was already a cock-worshiper because he was so chauvinist and male-supremacist. He saw women as play-things and preferred the companionship of men in all other aspects of life besides sex. That doesn't mean he was secretly gay, but it's not that far-flung that as a woman she'd be a little curious about having sex with men, even if it's just fleeting thoughts rather than straight-up fantasizing about it.

Plus, Zen in particular is an interesting choice to pair up with Clovis because of the history Clovis has with him and his sister. Clovis was interested in Natani, but now that Clovis is a woman, it would be hard not to notice that visually Zen is basically a male version of Natani, and in terms of personality Zen might be a lot more compatible with Clovis. The thought just might cross Clovis' mind that if she was going to experiment with dick, she could do a lot worse tha a man who reminds her of a woman she had previously been interested in. If Clovis was planning ahead about how she might make estrus a bit more bearable, it's quite possible she'd have have an unwritten list of "maybes" in her head, even if she didn't act on it.

Changing Clovis' sex wouldn't necessarily change her orientation, but it probably would have some influence on it, and she might be more willing to experiment with one man in particular (who in these threads, we usually want to be Zen). And perhaps after experiencing some of the worst and best aspects of being a woman, Clovis would gain a new appreciation and respect for them.
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Clovis has a lot more than that. She has the whole enchilada (or should I say taco?). Clovis isn't a man with a hormone probelm-- she's got XX chromosomes and a functional (implicitly fertile) set of female sex organs. Biologically there's nothing that can prove that she was ever a man, because she was transformed perfectly through magic.
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>She has the whole enchilada
The gem Clovis got is going to get used on Mike by accident, and then they'll both be stuck as girls. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
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>7 hours later
Hell, she said it herself, she's a pretty princess.

Oh god, PLEASE let this happen.
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>no art of fem-mike and clovis scissoring
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Mike was hit by a glamour spell, and Clovis was hit by a transformation spell. These are two spells with very different functions. A glamour spell is just an illusion and only maintained by magic-- Natani made a crude version of this once, but she did not have the magic to maintain it long-term the way Nora did. In the case of the glamour Nora used on Mike, the easy way to break it was with kiss, which she expected to happen a lot sooner and ended up kissing Mike herself in a dream, so he would be tricked into kissing Evals.

The magic Nora used on Clovis was a perfect transformation. The only thing "magical" that remained after the fact was Clovis' inability to refer to herself as "prince", which is probably a separate spell. There is no magic required to maintain the transformation, because Clovis is a woman now and there's no residual magic there to dispel. The only way to change back is with another magical transformation, which clearly requires some very powerful magic to initiate.
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>Clovis isn't a man with a hormone probelm-- she's got XX chromosomes and a functional (implicitly fertile) set of female sex organs

Did Tom explicitly state that or are you pulling Clovis's fertility out of your ass? Why bring up science in the same breath as fucking magic?! Finally just because he experiences heat doesn't mean hes fertile. Hell my spayed cat still goes into heat, doesn't mean she can still have kittens just that my vet was sloppy. Furthermore and slightly off topic that would imply Nora has power to rival the gods being able to transform a man into a fully fertile woman. If dragons have that kind of power than shit, Kat's problems are solved, she just needs to walk up to Reni and ask her to solve her sterility problem

>Biologically there's nothing that can prove that she was ever a man

True except perhaps his brain but I think he'd take issue to somebody cracking open his skull and pulling out his grey matter to examine it while hes still using it.

>she was transformed perfectly through magic

Obviously not as Clovis realized immediately something wasn't right, if the transformation was perfect than Clovis wouldn't realize he wasn't supposed to be a woman, he'd believe he was supposed to be one and Nora wouldn't have had to tamper with his mind to prevent him from saying the word 'Prince' when referring to himself.
>not shown is the blush is due to natani's giant erection going nuts from that nipstimulus
>The magic Nora used on Clovis was a perfect transformation. The only thing "magical" that remained after the fact was Clovis' inability to refer to herself as "prince", which is probably a separate spell. There is no magic required to maintain the transformation, because Clovis is a woman now and there's no residual magic there to dispel. The only way to change back is with another magical transformation, which clearly requires some very powerful magic to initiate.

Nice head canon, I'd like Tom's word on this please otherwise I'm going to take this in the same light as the millions of Star Wars theories out there concerning who Rey is or Who Snoke is, or Whether Finn is a force sensitive
Now you're getting desperate and it's hilarious.
How I'm not the one making shit up, I'm just pointing out the implications of the shit you've made up
>clovis noted to always secluding herself during the estrus months
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>Did Tom explicitly state that or are you pulling Clovis's fertility out of your ass?

From the actual book:
>particularly absent during the Spring and Fall seasons
The obvious implication is that Clovis goes into estrus. If it was just an illusion this wouldn't happen. Kat is infertile and doesn't go into heat, so if Clovis does go into heat there's a solid chance that she is fertile. At the very least, her plumbing is 100% real and functional rather than being an illusion.

>Obviously not as Clovis realized immediately something wasn't right, if the transformation was perfect than Clovis wouldn't realize he wasn't supposed to be a woman, he'd believe he was supposed to be one and Nora wouldn't have had to tamper with his mind to prevent him from saying the word 'Prince' when referring to himself.

Of course Clovis would realize something was wrong, because Nora didn't change any of his memories. Clovis runs a chauvinist, misogynistic guild that as a man he was largely responsible for, which is why being turned into a woman was a poetically just (and sexy) punishment. A perfect physical transformation has nothing to do with the mind or memories.

The "pretty princess" thing is probably a separate spell rather than being part of the transformation. For all I know it would be within Clovis' ability to dispel, but the change of gender was not because she's still going around with magical boob bindings and other magical disguise elements like Natani does. That was another layer of irony of the punishment, since Clovis was thinking about outing Natani to the guild, potentially getting her raped and even killed. Now she has to live her life the same way Natani does or risk death and defilement herself.
Again just because hes goes into estrus doesn't mean hes fertile. Furthermore it doesn't mean its a real estrus either, it could be another mental manipulation like Nora did with Mike making him say "Nya" or Clovis preventing him from calling him "Prince" and instead saying "Princess". Hell he might not even go into heat at all, and the reason he isolates himself during the spring and fall is because other females go into heat, something which causes males to lose to become irrational at all when around them, he could have been concerned he might get all turned on by some female slave or whatever, strip and get found out.

We don't know the exact nature of Clovis's transformation besides that one vague reference, everything else is conjecture until Tom actually spell it out of us.
>Again just because hes goes into estrus doesn't mean hes fertile.

You're a very special kind of dumb.
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>The obvious implication is that Clovis goes into estrus.

That doesn't mean hes fertile.

>At the very least, her plumbing is 100% real and functional rather than being an illusion.

How can you say when we know for a fact Nora has fucked with his head, his 'heat' maybe another form of mental manipulation. We don't know, its implied but not explicitly stated

>Of course Clovis would realize something was wrong, because Nora didn't change any of his memories

Then it wasn't a 'perfect' transformation was it? If it was perfect, it would also have transformed Clovis sense of self to identify as female as well, yes that would require altering his memories and experiences but anything less would require in an 'imperfect' transformation as he'd still identify as male because he remembers he was male.
Why are you so fucking desperate to convince yourself that Clovis isn't presently female? You outraged by the idea that your man-crush became a woman?
Great illustration of what you are doing. There is a name for what you are doing, its call projection.
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So if Euchre has mastered perfect species transformation, why did he remember he was a Keidran after turning into a human? Shouldn't he have a new set of memories of being a human and no memories of Rose or the Wolf village he was born in? You are talking a whole lot of nonsense.
>Why are you so fucking desperate to convince yourself that Clovis isn't presently female?

Why are you so desperate to convince me that Clovis is?

>You outraged by the idea that your man-crush became a woman?

Nope don't care, I'd fuck as a man and a woman, hell clone him and I'd be the center to a Clovis sandwich.
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>all these discussions and controversies about some anthropomorphic fox's gender on a /trash/ thread
I'm legit impressed, anons, keep it up
>So if Euchre has mastered perfect species transformation, why did he remember he was a Keidran after turning into a human?

Because it wasn't perfect either, it perfectly changed his body sure but didn't affect his mind... something which technically should have really fucked him up badly since losing limbs and organs when he became human; that undoubtedly would make your brain very fucking confused

>Shouldn't he have a new set of memories of being a human and no memories of Rose or the Wolf village he was born in?

If the transformation was perfect yes, he would believe himself to be human and not Keidran because his sense of self would also have been altered. Therefore the transformation wasn't perfect as his sense of self was intact.

>You are talking a whole lot of nonsense.

No I'm speaking logic, word have meaning son.
What kind of logical sense does it make that if Nora changed Clovis' body, he would have a different set of memories?

I get that you are just shitposting loudly but at least try.
That isn't even including differences in brain structure, Canines dedicate 40 times a much of their brain to processing smell than humans.

A canine brain, feral or anthro, would be very different to a humans. If the transformation spell also altered his brain... you'd have to wonder if the Human Euchre was really the same mentally as the Keidran Euchre since their brains would fundamentally different.

Food for thought
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Could be better tho
let's see where it shall go dear apu poster
>What kind of logical sense does it make that if Nora changed Clovis' body, he would have a different set of memories?

Do you want to explain again? Sure.

Because you said the transformation was perfect, however its not perfect since Clovis still identifies as male which is a flaw in the transformation.

How do you get Clovis to identify as female? You alter his sense of self? How do you alter his sense of self? You alter his memories and experiences so his sense of self shifts to him believing himself to be female.

That would be a perfect transformation, not only would he look female, he would believe he was female too.
yeah well I got a day off tommarow, all my shows are off season. Nothing worth playing on PS4... I'm bored, might as well shit post and see if anybody brings up something interesting
Keidran aren't regular canines and felines though. Their brains are actually more like a human's than an animals, even though they seem animal-like compared to a human. Humans have highly developed motion and speech centers to support our sense of balance and our ability to talk. Keidran are bipedal and can humans and keidran can learn to fluently speak each other's languages without an accent, which means that the shape of a keidran brain is probably so similar to a human's that they'd look more or less the same unless inspected closely.
>Keidran aren't regular canines and felines though. Their brains are actually more like a human's than an animals

It's still not the same. Once you start changing brains the question of identity becomes a very muddy topic.
It's a perfect *physical* transformation. Clovis' memories are mental. Memories are external stimuli recorded into your brain cells. Playing with Clovis' chromosomes is not going to change what memories are recorded in her brain.

Clovis remembers herself as being a man, because she was before the transformation. Clovis' goals and plans are not going to change just because she's now XX instead of XY. People are extremely resistant towards unexpected changes, and she just went through a massive change so of course she's going to be upset and angry.

The physical transformation was perfect but Nora did not alter her memories. Nora put a curse of Clovis so that every time she tries to say "I'm a prince" it comes out as "I'm a princess," but that's just a bonus bit of humiliation that Nora added and isn't part of the physical change. Clovis hears herself saying the words but she knows it's not what she was trying to say, like in that movie Liar Liar when Jim Carrey is trying to call a blue pen red.
Okay fuck it heres an analogy

Lets say I want to convert and Apple into a PC.

I change the case, the hardware, all the components incompatible with a PC architecture but leave the OS intact essentially making it a PC running Apple OS

Is the conversion perfect yet?
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Who's to say Euchre doesn't have identity problems though? He's a kind of screwed up person even if he's got some wisdom and a lot of skill in magic. He had a long-term sexual affair with a human woman without telling her that he was actually a keidran, he would have let a member of his own family die just so he wouldn't have his skinfag double life found out, and even though he could make himself physically human he still has to live with Keidran mortality. He's almost completely estranged from his daughter, and the woman he mated with doesn't seem to want anything to do with him. He's also playing both sides of the board and it's anyone's guess as to who's side he's really on.
That's a terrible analogy since an Apple is just a PC that runs OSX instead of Windows or Linux, no matter what Apple's marketing people want you to think. The hardware is all the same and you can easily run OSX on a PC and Windows or Linux on a Mac.
>It's a perfect *physical* transformation

But wasn't a perfect transformation from male to female because he wasn't mentally transformed

therefore overall the transformation is imperfect.

That is all I'm saying.
And yet again you've completely missed the point by focusing on the minutiae and not the whole picture
The transformation was perfect. The transition was not. Maybe Nora could have just wiped Clovis' memories but that wasn't the point. The point was to punish Clovis for fucking with her party, and for being cruel to Natani and numerous other women. Whether or not Clovis will transition into this new life and accept it, or try to keep up this charade at the risk of immense danger and harm, Nora left entirely up to Clovis. Nora changed Clovis' body, and it's up to Clovis whether or not the mind is going to change too.
>The transformation was perfect.

Clearly it wasn't as Clovis continued to identify as male meaning the transformation wasn't complete, and if its incomplete then its not perfect.
You argue that knowing something is a man once in their life makes one gay! I argue that the dick knows BETTER then you! It is not caught up in all sorts of bullshit like transgender, race, so on and so forth. If it is hot, has bewbs, a pussy and makes the dick hard, then the dick KNOWS it must penetrate.
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So does Raine know that Roselyn is still alive? Do you think that if they meet, Raine would refer to Rose as her cousin, or an aunt? In some cultures your cousin once removed is referred to as an aunt or uncle but in others they're not.
Right now this is YOUR head canon that 'perfect' includes overwriting memories and sense of self. In TOM's world perfect transformation might just possibly, maybe, potentially, mean what we all think it to mean. This is a fictional magical ability in a fictional setting with its own rules. Stop inserting your creepy identity death fetish into ours, god you are disturbing man.
>If it is hot, has bewbs, a pussy and makes the dick hard, then the dick KNOWS it must penetrate.

So you'd be okay fucking a post op trans woman so long as you looking at them gave you a boner?

You might be gay.
What part of Clovis' body is still male, not including her mental state?
I find it doubtful Raine would feel any connection to Rose since she seems only aware of her through her fathers backstory and she doesn't even feel all that connected to him either besides hoping her parents still love eachother
the brain, as if the brains been altered than Clovis's personality would have also been altered.

What makes the individual, their body or their brain?
Not to mention that it's the end result of magic and not some medical hack in Thailand. Plus, Clovis was a guy who got turned into a woman unexpectedly and without wanting it, which makes it hotter than if she had been some special snowflake like Natani who wanted to be a different sex than what they were born as.

The reason Natani's situation is still hot is because no matter how hard she tries to present herself as male, there's a sexy woman underneath it all which sometimes quite literally wants to burst free. Clovis' situation is similar although how she got there was somewhat of the inverse of Natani.
You've missed the point

As long as Clovis is mentally a man, the transformation into a female is incomplete. Hes like a Mac running Windows, on the outside it looks like an apple, but the operating system behaves like a PC.
>Not to mention that it's the end result of magic and not some medical hack in Thailand.

Nope, Nora's worse. You go in for breast implants, you exit also brainwashed.
I think Rose would at least be happy to see Raine and give her a hug. Raine might feel happy seeing Rose just because it's the first time she's really had any tangible connection with her father's side of the family, and if Rose is nice to her then it'd be a good experience for her.

Raine might of already met Rose, Rose has been to Lyn'Knoll already, that means she might have passed through Edinmire on the way. Hell Rose might have even helped her and Mary get there.
sorry I mean Raine has been to Lyn'Knoll already, not Rose
It's still a mac if it's got the label and the serial number, even if it's running Windows. It's a poor comparison because computer operating systems are not analogous to gender, unless you're a tumblr type who thinks there's more than two and they can run just fine on any hardware configuration.

Clovis is unhappy about being a woman because Clovis hates women. Compare that to Mike who had a gradual acceptance about his situation, and the source of him being upset was largely because of how Evals was treating him and being scared of how he expected Eric to treat him. Nora's reason for changing Clovis was as a punishment, and it's up to Clovis to decide whether or not he will adapt to being a woman (which means changing his attitude about women) or resisting and trying to keep the jig going as long as she can without being found out (which is what she's currently doing). Either Clovis comes out of it a better person or she ends up sealing her own doom-- in either case Nora gets what she wanted.

The only way out would be if Clovis can actually re-create Nora's gender changing spell and use it on herself. Although it will probably end up backfiring somehow.
I can't help but wonder if when they get ot Lun'Knoll it turns out to to fall far short of their expectations and then the plot takes another pivot. I can't help but expect something frustrating to happen after 13 years watching the characters trying to get to this one little town where they can supposedly be safe and happy.
>It's still a mac if it's got the label and the serial number, even if it's running Windows

Hardware wise, yes it'd be a mac but because not running OSX but Windows instead it doesn't behave like a mac. If it doesn't behave like a mac, is it really a mac or just another generic pc?

That's what counts.
The more you explain it the less sense it makes, because like I said it was not a good analogy to begin with.
its the operating system not the hardware which counts, you focused on the hardware not the operating system. It makes no sense to you because you are looking at my analogy backwards focusing on the hardware ignoring the differences in operating systems themselves.

When most people look at a computer, they tend to identify it by what its running, not what is in the case.
if that pussy was made perfectly identical to a real pussy, and the boobs are 100% natural or at the very least good enough to trick me into thinking they are all natural sexy fun bags, then YES I WOULD HAVE BONER DO NOT ARGUE WITH THAT BONER.

But considering you are talking about surgeries and not MAGIC then no that will not realistically actually happen you silly ninny.

>Clovis was a guy who got turned into a woman unexpectedly and without wanting it
YES YOU GET IT! Boom! instant boobs, instant boner boo yeah.
>if that pussy was made perfectly identical to a real pussy, and the boobs are 100% natural or at the very least good enough to trick me into thinking they are all natural sexy fun bags, then YES I WOULD HAVE BONER DO NOT ARGUE WITH THAT BONER.
>But considering you are talking about surgeries and not MAGIC then no that will not realistically actually happen you silly ninny.

You are being contradictory as you said:

>It is not caught up in all sorts of bullshit like TRANSGENDER, race, so on and so forth.
>If it is hot, has bewbs, a pussy and makes the dick hard, then the dick KNOWS it must penetrate.

If you see a transwoman who gives you a boner you are now saying you'd ignore your dick, so clearly its not your dick in control but your mind, and if you minds in control then you know that Clovis IS A MAN, and you are willingly FUCKING A MAN. That makes you gay son.
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>Wolf Keidran wearing a "Make America Great Again" cap

It's like seeing a JW wearing a sweater which says "Merry Christmas" on it. Plausible, but it doesn't make much sense.

I mean Humans are clearly the Trump Supporters, Templars are the Republicans, and Trace is Trump, Tigers are the Hispanic voters while Foxes are the black to voters

Wolf Keidran are basically the filthy Mexicans Trump wants to keep out but some Americans want to keep for cheap labor (Free in the case of keidran as they'd be slaves)
Boner don't know that. He just saw a woman appear suddenly. He aint arguing with that. Why you arguing with Boner? You don't argue with boner dawg.
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You're overthinking it.
>Mike accidentally breaks Clovis' gender bending amulet, and gets himself turned into a girl
>remembers how he fixed it last time
>kisses Evals without prompt
>nothing happens
>Evals gives Mike a blank stare while her face goes bright red
>"I-- uh, I thought it would..."
>intense makeout session ensues

Heresy, buddy, come draw 2k lewds with me.
I'll argue with my boner if its trying to make me gay, a zoophile, or pedophile because I'm not controlled by my dick
Male, Female... Natani is just plain sexy, she needs to realize that and stop trying to hide it.
This makes even less sense!

Natani is a Trans man and a wolf, Both Trump and Republicans hate Transgenders and to them Natani would be like a Mexican Transgender

Keith is like a Russian Ambassador, A clear ally of Trump but still Loyal to the Kremlin, he wouldn't be caught dead wearing a Trump hat.
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Tom stated in a stream that whether or not Eureche and Rose still talked after the college is a spoiler (gonna go out on a limb and guess no since he did kind of leave her to die) so there's a good chance Rose doesn't even know who Raine is in relation to her, or that she even exists
raine never visited lynknoll did she?
I thought it was just a tale she heard
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Lived there for a bit with her mother
Speaking of which, did they ever say what happened to her? She just kind of vanished after the Neutral fight
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>that makes you gay son

Just popping in to say unless sticking your dick in there also comes with a virus that makes you start fapping to big bara men that's a completely empty statement.
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new page is up
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Are we going to see Natani in black lace panties before she sets the moves on Keith?
you know tom'll never draw it
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Nigga it can be done!
that was tom 8 years ago
he's way more prudish now
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This was Tom 6 months ago
Albeit with some text
Muh dick
>Kat made lingerie for Natani
>Natani actually accepted it

Dayum. I wonder if Keith is going to get to see her in it?

Also, it's nice to see that Natani's character is actually progressing. Before the whole dreamscape arc she never would have accepted something so feminine. Fanservice with story content!
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New drawing of FemMike and Evals from tonight's stream with Seff.
>the story has progressed half a day in six months
We're never gonna see what trace and floras kid looks like are we?
Or Keith and Natanis.
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Trace and Flora's will be a tiger with human lifespan, and Keith and Nat's will be a wolf with a Basitin lifespan. Then the Masks will just say "fuck it, we see where this is going" and just make all races have human/basitin type lifespans because it's going to happen sooner or later anyway.
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>Kat will never sit on your face
>fem Mike will never sit on your face
Out of all the pages in Twokinds I think this one might hold the record for most nuts busted. Anyone care to make a counter argument?
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The previous page had a nice butt shot in it. That being said, you're right, there's a lot more going on in latter page. That whole chapter in general has alot of good stand alone images though
Now I can't help but wonder it those two pages might be canon after all.
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The entire dreamscape arc was quality spank material.
In that case, Raine would probably be the one to hug Rose because she'll know who she is, and also knows the sad history she had with Raine's father. I think meeting Raine would in part give Rose some closure about her cousin, knowing that his daughter turned out to be a kind and loving person. Plus, they'd both be happy to meet a long lost family member, even if Rose didn't know Raine existed before.
Kats face looks weird in that second panel
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Face is still a bit derpy and needs to be fixed, but it's a good start.
What was the address for the twokinds archive with the pages without text?
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thank you m8
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I think Eric is artistically underutilized.
He draws very detailed teeth and mouths, doesnt he?
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>fox female Eric
This shouldn't make this hard
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She is probably on the run and/or in hiding. Euchre (and maybe Edmund but you can't really trust that guy) is pretty much her only Ally in the Templar, everybody else would want her dead because shes a threat to their authority being the Grand Templar before Trace's Coup
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Sure and Trace will cure cancer, Keiths parents will come back from the dead, lollipops will rain from the sky, and hell why expand lifespans, lets just abolish death all together.
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Tonight's other art delivery from me. Have some Roselyn.
>This shouldn't make this hard

It totally should as you know Eric as a Vixen would be a complete Nymphomaniac and whats more an experienced one, knowing things which please a man from experience that no true vixen would know
Rose will always be beautiful
So..... that request I made to have Natani sneaking into Keiths room and climbing into his bed nude

If the guy is still around and thinking about it or taking suggestion still, I'd like to request that instead Natani be wearing the lace panties/lingerie Kat made rather than being nude
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Pretty sure that offer's already came and went
Which makes me wonder why he even bothers to ask for suggestions and references, when he just ignores them and draws whatever the hell he wants using his own references.....

...oh right, 4chan.
Can't wait to see more of this.
Pretty much confirmed that Eric will always want to fuck whichever keidran have the opposite sexual organs from his.

(except in that comic where the pixie put a temporary gay spell on him, but Tom insists it's not canon anyway)
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The guy who comes in asks for names and references saying he'll draw the best one after an arbitrary time frame (45 minutes last time)... but then completely ignores all references and names given and draws whatever the fuck he wants (hes done that the last three times hes asked for names and references). I mean hes the artist so ultimately has the say but its still a dick move to give people the illusion that they can actually suggest what and who to draw.
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Any project 2nd fan art recently?
>As Renamon

Can't furfags think of characters other than Renamon and Krystal?

What about Ink eyes? I'd rather see Natani dressed up as her.
When I hear "Ink Eyes" my first though it Alopex, but then I remember her nickname is Inkface.
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>Any project 2nd fan art recently?

You mean there are people who willingly draw shit from that 'comic'..... without being paid?!

Well there goes my last shred of hope for humanity
comfy pic
brainstorming, basically one gets suggestions and thus ideas spark further ideas. They are basically starting points to get the mind going,
Awh the keidran lifespan is so sad, I want to comfort her
hopefully a cure or solution is presented in the storyline, making them in parity with human lifespans
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Trace and Party are going to have a hard enough time bringing the world back to peace, let alone changing the very nature of what it means to be Keidran

>hopefully a cure

Growing Old is a disease?

>or solution

Is it even a problem? Think about it from the Keidran perspective, to them living 20-30 years is normal and living a human lifespan is freakishly long. Undoubtly there would be Keidran who wouldn't want to live that long, just like if you were to take humans and quintuple their lifespan, there would be those who wouldn't want it because to them a normal human lifespan is long enough to live a good life.

Look at Euchre, hes on deaths door and is upset about it or view his impending death as a problem? No he fully accepts it with a smile on his face regretting nothing.

Your problem is you missed one of the overall points of the story, its about the races coming together despite their differences, Not fucking change Keidran into humans so they get along.
More lewdly drawn comics then
Its Tom, think that is pretty much a given. I think the only reason he hasn't taken the comic full lewd is it'd ruin the comic. People would care only about the sex scenes and ignore the plot, something which is happening even with innuendo and softcore shit, but with full porn it'd be even worse. Once the comics done though, maybe.... just maybe Tom will draw some straight up smut... or he won't. I mean hes going to have to something after the comic.
No he wont his family is stupid rich
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The king is beautiful and I want to worship her.
Any plans on colouring this one, Heresy?
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new sketch.
Not particularly, but I might change my mind.

Hi, yes, I am that guy.

>hes done that the last three times hes asked for names and references

I've asked for suggestions here three times, and ignored the ones posted twice. The first time, I went with a suggestion that was posted (Flora with a dildo up her butt). Second time, there was only one suggestion and the ref provided was too blurry and low resolution to be of any use. Third time, well. The only suggestions were yours and another that was a take-off of some Rosie the Riveter pic. The Adelaide the Riveter idea was interesting, but was kind of limited bust-only practice. So yeah, when I get fuck-all to choose from, I go with and do my own thing.

But why not your suggestion? I gave it better than 50/50 odds that you are the anon that spergs out at me for not shipping Natani/Keith.
> that spergs out at me for not shipping Natani/Keith

Why would I do that? I don't need to, they are obviously official, they've shown they have romantic feelings for each other and both Keith and Natani have expressed them, therefore shipping is no longer required. It'd be like getting pissed at you for not shipping Trace and Flora, it makes no sense.

Do whatever you like, the only reason I suggested Keiths bed was because its falls in line where we are at in the story. I didn't realize you don't consider Keith and Natani a couple.

Anyway back on topic. Fair enough, then don't promise that in an arbitrary time frame you'll pick one as the last three times you haven't and didn't really explain why until now. Say instead something like "I'm looking for ideas" instead of "Give me a name and ref and in x minutes I'll pick one and open a stream" as that so far has been a lie. The fact that you only had two suggestions doesn't matter, you made an offer than renege on it.

Should also like to ask would consider drawing Natani without any reference to Keith, not as a suggestion right now but so I know later if you ask for names and refs again whether you'll even draw Natani.

If not maybe you should also add to your post asking for refs and names, characters you won't draw.

I actually wouldn't really care one way or the other about drawing couples I don't ship, so long as I have a good idea to work with. I mean, the first time I did a request from here it was Flora, and I despise Flora. So it's not really about the characters.

Anyway, from desuarchive.

>Doodle suggestion time again. For great success, post with a character name (greatest success: Princess Clovis, Fem Mike) and a photo pose ref (real photo, not drawn). For less success, post whatever. If there's something worth choosing in 45 minutes, I'll start my stream with that.

Operative phrase being, "If there's something worth choosing." And then I posted the link to my stream when I started, and then later I posted the finished image in the thread. I'd say the safe assumption was that I didn't find either of the two suggestions worth choosing.

I did discuss the one other time I didn't pick something when it happened. That was partly my fault, as I didn't make it clear that I was looking for several suggestions to choose from, and the thread assumed it was first-come, first-served, and so the only suggestion was the one whose ref was entirely unusable. That's why I tried to be clearer this time around.
>I'd say the safe assumption was that I didn't find either of the two suggestions worth choosing.

The thing is the last three times NOBODIES suggestions to you were worth choosing, which is why you only got two suggestions last time. People have wised up to the fact, suggesting anything to you is pretty much pointless, you won't choose any of them because you already have a clear idea of what you want to draw.

>(greatest success: Princess Clovis, Fem Mike)

Which is what you ended up drawing anyway

In short, you weren't looking for suggestions, you were looking for validation.

So why ask for other names or references? Why not just say, "This is who I'm drawing tonight, give me ideas for a pose"
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You keep saying three, and you keep being wrong.
10/10 would worship and die happily in snu snu
If Raine and her mother have been to Lyn'Knoll but they didn't stay there, something tells me that it's going to be pretty anti-climactic when Team A finally reaches it.

It's not like they could just hide there from the Templar indefinitely and all live happily ever after, though. The Templar are going to keep fucking up the world and they're hellbent on not just war with the wolves, but the extermination of all Keidran. Finding and destroying Lyn'Knoll is no doubt somewhere on their to-do-list even if it's low priority (for now). Plus, would Trace and Keith really be able to live happily knowing that the Templar are planning to commit genocide against their loves' people (even if the wolves are dicks too, and the tigers have a treaty with the Templar).

Im gonna comish an artist to do a two girl pic.

I need suggestions on which girls, r63 or normal ones, and the main scene is something very cuddly and vanilla.

Think so cute it gives you diabeetus.
or male/female also works
Genocide was Trace's goal because he was fucking insane, I don't think the Templar have that goal themselves. I think they want to subjugate the Keidran and Basitins, not outright destroy them as if they destroy them outright it'll strike a major blow against themselves given slavery is a big part of their economy. No more Keidran, no more slaves... it'd have as big an impact on the human kingdom as the abolition of slavery did on the Roman empire.

As to Lyn'Knoll, I've said since the beginning that it'll be a graveyard, Templar trap, or not as described because just hearing about it sounds too perfect... there will be more to that place just as there was the Basitin Isles once the story gets there because if not.... the story just ends for Trace and Flora until something happens (Trace isn't trying to stop a war, hes just trying to get Flora and himself somewhere safe)
Then again it could be exactly as described by Trace's reputation precedes him so that when they arrive they end up greeted not be peaceful humans, Keidran, and Basitins but a lynchmob of Trace's former victims or people who heard tales from his victims.

A place where Humans, Keidran, and Basitins live in harmony? All the more reason to keep the former Grand Templar out
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Mandatory thread mascot Princess Clovis x Zen suggestion. Clovis embraces her foxy side and smooches Zen.
It seems more likely that the direction the story goes in is that the Templar and the wolf leaders need to be defeated. Trace is not going to be able to just hide from the mess that he made out of the world. He may effectively be a new person after losing his memory, but he still needs to take responsibility for his past and try to fix it.

Lyn'Knoll is probably going to be a turning point in the story rather than the destination. Can't really see it going any other way. If the town hasn't already been razed to the ground by the Templar, there's no way it can be as safe or as peaceful as it was hyped up to be. Maybe it's been completely abandoned except for a few holdouts who are now leaving themselves by the time the team gets there.

The thing that all the characters have in common right now is that idea of Lyn'Knoll is what's keeping them together and giving them hope. A place like that can't exist as long as Trace's templars are in power though, not unless they were powerful enough to butt heads with the Templar and survive (which a small hayseed town certainly wouldn't be). If Lyn'Knoll really is the place where everyone's dreams can come true, then it probably would be a lot more than some tiny isolated community hidden away in the middle of no-where. After all, who wouldn't want to live in a town founded on the premise of people being nicer to each other?

I think what's going to happen is that the characters are going to have to become a proactive source of change in the world rather than just trying to escape from it, unless by the time they reach Lyn'Knoll tom has decided he wants to move on from Twokinds and finds a suspiciously convenient way to just wrap it all up there, since the comic already progresses at such a slow pace (I kind of hope not though).
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Kat giving Natani a rather sensual sex ed lesson since shes running on instinct with Keith in their relationship, but Kat fucking it up since shes got no practical experience either only theory
>since the comic already progresses at such a slow pace

Believe me there is comics out there with much slower progression, look at Free Fall. It took 18 years to get through a single chapter and its looking like it will be years to move on from the follow up of that chapter as well.
Fem Zen x Fem Clovis hopelessly attracted to each others figures
Seconding >>8730243, Natani and Adelaide would be cute. Especially if it's Adelaide helping Natani be more feminine in some way.

FemMike and FemClovis if you like foxy girls

FemClovis and Natani could be fun since they're both bashful about being girly.

Adira and Iris if you want sexy catgirls who are less mainstream than Flora and Kat. And there's good ol' Tigres 37, who really deserves more art (pic related).

Natani and Raine are fun because visually they're similar yet different.

Then you've got your fairly run of the mill sets like Flora and Kat, Nat and Kat, and Flora and Nat. People draw them all the time though (including Tom) so if you're going to bother commissioning I'd recommend something a little bit less obvious. It's your commission though, so do what makes you happy.
It still amazes me that furfags took 10 years to learn how to troll shield.
Yeah I guess you're right about that. I'm quite impressed that Tom is able to still put out a full-color at the quality level he does every week and still has time to draw color pinups in between. Maybe if he was outsourcing parts of his workflow to other artists he could start putting out pages bi-weekly but I think the comic would risk losing some of its personality.

Penny Arcade started outsourcing its artwork since Mike Krahulik was getting too busy on the business side of things to draw it 3 times a week. It looks like absolute trash now, like some kind of Tumblresque diarrhea dump. I can't even stand looking at it anymore and I would certainly never want to see Twokinds end up that way, especially since the art has gotten so good in the last few years.

thanks for the ideas.

Im thinking a combo of maybe Adelaide x Mike or Rose x Mike. not sure of I should go fem-mike or male.
Thanks for the suggestions, they really helped me brainstorm :)
Holy fucking shit Tom.
Are we breaking him?
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It's an edit.
that is an edit an unknown hero made for us. I salute you nameless Hero!
that's an edit
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anyone know the artist who made this super cute Clovis pic?
I might
I like the subtle indication that lauras afterlife is to wander the earth in ceaseless, unending agony
Rose x Mike would certainly be a unique one. Adelaide's quite common when it comes to fanart. Well, common in terms of side characters at least.
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She fucked half the men in our village the day before our wedding, and ran away. And like a good little cuck I desperately searched for her for days, but she never came home.
Dont forget she got promptly ''abducted'' by a gang of wolf men mere days after and lets be realistic, they all fucked her too
Its just a turn of phrase, mang
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>She fucked half the men in our village the day before our wedding

There is nothing in the comic which suggests that ever happened, not even the hearts desire Laura which we knew couldn't be trusted to begin with since we saw Natani conjure it.

Either way, even if the magic milk story were true (which it isn't because the hearts desire Laura can't know any information the real Keith doesn't already know), its quite the leap to think she took part in a village wide gang bang.

>And like a good little cuck I desperately searched for her for days, but she never came home.

I don't think you know what Cuck means.

>ran away

Yep she did do that for sure but it had nothing to do with her fucking anybody as we learned later.
Keith was surprised by the illusion's story about the magic milk, not the part about her going wild and getting gang banged and/or chain banged. That would imply that Keith already knew, or at least believed, that Laura cheated on him. The illusion gave him a reason to believe that it wasn't her fault, which is what his heart's desire was.
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>And like a good little cuck
I kind of like keith, but I can't ever really look at effeminate or ''wimpy'' characters without thinking to myself 'eugh what a cuck/beta' and keith is undoubtedly one of them.

4chan has ruined me.
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>Keith was surprised by the illusion's story about the magic milk, not the part about her going wild and getting gang banged and/or chain banged

There was no story about her going wild and getting into a gang bang. You are reading that into her lines, what lines we got implied infidelity but not a fucking gangbang

Either way if Keith knew she cheated on him, why is he asking why she left? That would have been obvious. The reason hes asking? He doesn't know and neither does the fake Laura so it made something up based on information Keith did know.

>That would imply that Keith already knew

No it doesn't, I just explained why.

>or at least believed, that Laura cheated on him

Emphasis on believed, he didn't know but surely he had some ideas swirling in his head. That doesn't mean any of them were true.

>The illusion gave him a reason to believe that it wasn't her fault

If that is the case, It failed given what Keith said after the explanation.

>which is what his heart's desire was.

What Keith wanted was an answer, not to place blame and he got one but it wasn't truthful because Keith didn't know why Laura left and so neither did the hearts desire Laura but Keith still expected something so she gave him something based on things Keith did know.

You hate Laura, fine, hate Laura. Don't make up bullshit though to justify it though and expect others to buy it wholesale.

You want to see Laura suffer? Don't justify it with made up canon, just admit you are a sadist. There is no shame in that, hell I'm a sadist. I want to see a scenario where Kat is wrapped in burlap and chains by Natani and thrown into the ocean. Why? Because I fucking hate Kat and want to see her dead and am not afraid to admit it.
Maybe the big surprise is that Keith is a stallion in the bedroom.
I don't hate Laura. She did kind of ruin Keith's life, though.
I meant he is effeminate and a bit of a wimp, or at least he used to be, he's become a lot more confident and assertive in the last chapter or so
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>I meant he is effeminate and a bit of a wimp

First part yes but as we've learned throughout the comic, its dangerous to underestimate people based on their appearance. Second part, flat out no. The only time we see him being a bit of a wimp is after Laura died but can you fucking blame him? He literally lost everything: His home which he spent his life trying to get back to, his best friend who he couldn't save, and the love of his life he just reunited with. Basically he had nothing left to live for until Natani gave him a reason and it wasn't just her.
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No that would Sythe
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Once again, gotta take the bait to correct misinformation. The sleeping with thing came from the illusion Natani conjured up to distract Keith, which, given it's based off Keith's own mind, is saying what he subconsciously assumed happened to her. We get the real reason in Basitin Isles, which isn't as elaborate, but fits her personality a bit better
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We really need a pastebin FAQ for this kind of shit
Sythe really isn't effeminate. He's one of the most masculine characters in the comic.
>Beta and Cuck

Lets look at that:


He's overly emotional
He's got a lithe frame
He's cowardly and not just in a fight but in social conflict between other people as he goes to other people to resolves his differences with somebody rather then deal with the person directly
He couldn't stand up to Flora and let her leave without really trying to stop her
He knowing let his fiance hook up with Trace while they were still engaged, yes he didn't really want to marry her but it doesn't change the fact Flora was technically his girl

Now lets look at Keith:

He is fairly introverted, we only see him get very emotional usually after serious trauma (or in sexual situations which is understandable given his race), the rest of the time he looks like hes wearing a death mask. I can count the number of times I've seen Keith smile on one hand and still have fingers left over.

He's got a lithe frame.... he is also twice as strong as a Keidran and trained for combat, evidenced by the fact he has the most combat scenes of any character in the entire comic and he hasn't retreated from any of them. Yet people call him a wimp... why?

He is definitely not a coward either combat wise or socially nor is he a pushover. Another accomplishment of Keiths? Hes punched each of the main characters in the face, include Flora and hes stood up to every character hes met, including Laura, with the exception of his Basitin superiors which has more to do with his genetics and culture than his personality.

When Laura ran off, he went looking for her until the village drove him out not because he gave up. When Natani fell into a coma, he didn't just sit down and accept it he tried to use his new authority to do something about. If Natani and him become official, what do you think he would do if she slept with someone else behind his back? Do you think he'd just accept it? Clearly you haven't been paying attention.

Sythe is a beta and the cuck, not Keith.
The only reason people call Keith a whimp is because of all the non-canon drawings Tom does where he's being emasculated.
that pic will never fail to raise my dong
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I would love to see Natani dressed as Ink Eyes!
Heresy again. WIP from stream. Natani wearing those panties Kat gave her.
Which shows exactly what tom thinks about him.
Adira loaning f!Mike her clothes
What is that new clothing Katherine gave to Natani?
Black lace panties.
>kat is the one who forced natani into thinking she's trans
>still made her lingerie
>tried to pull the weakest excuse off to give it to her
kat forever worst girl confirmed
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Kat didn't make Natani think she was trans-- Kat thought Natani was like someone she read about in a book, even though Natani's case was actually a lot more complicated. Kat was kind of instrumental in helping Natani explore her feminine side though, because Natani never had a chance to have a meaningful discussion with a girl before she met Kat.

Kat also helped Natani make a moment of discovery by giving her the panties. Besides her chest wraps, Nat has probably never worn women's underwear before. She pretended to be shocked that Kat would give something like that to her, but at the same time you could tell looking at the panties was making her excited-- to the point that she kept them. This is actually a very significant development for Natani's character-- the underwear is very obviously a symbol of her womanhood, but it's also something that can be worn under her clothes and kept private. Unlike the chest wraps though, which are there to suppress and hide her femininity, the panties are a celebration of it. She's not necessarily ready to start living as a woman openly for multiple reasons (one of the biggest being safety due to wolf culture), but she's no longer in a place mentally where she'd deny herself a womanly pleasure as simple as having some nice underwear to wear.

Before the whole dreamscape episode, there's no way in hell Natani would have accepted Kat's gift. She might have apologized for rejecting Kat's generosity, but her previous habit had always been to deny, deny, and deny when it came to anything feminine associated with her.

Maybe Kat's reason for making the underwear for Natani was that she's a ditz who sees Natani as a big pretty doll to dress up, but she ultimately ended up helping Natani reach another milestone on her road to self-acceptance.
>tfw open vest unboundnatani was the hottest she's been in the comic
>tfw we'll never see it again
is anybody surprised there arent any people with basitin murrsonas
ask Leoian
but he's just got that sisterfucking tiger
Mmm true true, what about the other furfag that keep fucking Keith with his Oc ?
you mean that weird fat hyena guy
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We don't talk about him. Doing so feels like we're giving them some sort of contrived legitimacy
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talk about who :^)
I meant more like I find it surprising with how popular the webcomic is that people havent made basitin species fursonas for themselves
Who's to say a volume or down the way Nat won't ask Kat to let out the chest on it a bit? She might eventually come to the point where she doesn't want to hide her that she's a woman anymore. She certainly seems fine with her friends all knowing it, even if she didn't have much choice in the matter.
but she'll have a robe on under the vest
What if it's a hot day?
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male mike a CUTE
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Remember back when feral keidran were still a thing?
robes are actually better for heat dispersion than being nude or wearing formfitting clothing
pls no
Okay that page is actually pretty funny
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4/10 made me look
it's better with sound
>do it
What are you, 12?
I kinda wish someone would edit this to remove the wrinkles beneath their eyes and maybe give evals his abs back
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>Kat was kind of instrumental in helping Natani explore her feminine side though

No she wasn't. One fucking girl talk didn't change Natani, a trip in her own head did and we don't even know to what extent yet.

Now that isn't to say she hasn't played a role, but that role is even less than Adelaide as it currently stands. Will she play a continued role though? I sure has hell hope so since she has to do something to not be a useless tit.
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Something like this? I'm not good enough to edit abs in (assuming one can get good at MS Paint)
I have always hoped someone made an edit of this one, where Evals is female, not the one with the bedcover in the way for science
So you want femMike going to town on Evals with a strapon?
well.... Initally I had male Mike in mind, but fem mike also works very good.
now I have given the comish idea some thought, here is the initial ref pic.
Mike, Rose and Adira.

Thoughts and feedback?
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>an edit of my edit
boi what a time to be alive
I'm guessing Mike is Nik, Adira is Hazel, and Rose is Hunt

meh, actually kind of boring if you ask me. You can do better
I understand, you are right. Then Im thinking this as base for the comish

With Rose in the middle and fem-Mike and Kat on the sides
Introversion is a point against keith, not for him, introverts are always betas
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Page 10 bump
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>introverts are always betas

yeah sure, whatever you say.
underated milf
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How is king adelaide so much taller than other basitins, whats her secret?
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belay my last, I'm retarded
today's sketch is of something called oneshot
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Kat and Adira should be snuggling together for warmth
I'm sure she'd be very good at it, but what does it have to do with her being super tall?
Two of the most underrated girls in the comic.

(still not in the underrated tier of Tigress 37 though)
Tigress 37 is best girl
literally who
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Tigress 37 is her placeholder name. She will probably be the second tigress to be impregnated by a human. Think of her and Daniels almost like the alternative Flora and Trace.
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>She will probably be the second tigress to be impregnated by a human. Think of her and Daniels almost like the alternative Flora and Trace.

Only he doesn't know her name or has shown any genuine affection for her. Hell if she walked up to him after he got back from a long day of patrolling and announced she was pregnant, he'd ask "Who are you again?"
Look at how sweet she is towards him after he's wounded though. Daniels certainly doesn't seem to back away when she gets close to him, either. I'm sure he'd be down with getting to know her better.

Keidran generally make up their mind whether or not they like someone a lot faster than humans, also. Daniels might need a little more time to figure things out but I'm pretty sure Tigress 37 is quite fond of him after just a day.
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>you will never have a tigress gf
I'm surprised Tom has never drawn Master Tigress from KFP.
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Yes sexual harassment sure is sweet. Don't forget her original intentions, just because she fell for her mark doesn't make her any less a bitch.
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Different culture and biological drive. The average Keidran falls in love a lot faster than the average human.

And if Daniels didn't like it, I am pretty sure she would have moved on to someone else. If it was about winning a bet she would have wanted to find someone receptive to her, and
she could probably tell that Daniels is receptive.
Pathfinder is the patrician's choice of RPG.
Nibbly is a dragon confirmed.
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Who knows, maybe after after the story stopped tracking them it panned out like that one green with them getting closer and getting to know each other
I hope so, they'd make a very cute couple.
Best couple so far
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I'll fite u
Zen x most males (and some former males) are a pretty good parring too, but I still root for tiger 37 more
I think he means potential couple in-comic, not ships
Also time for new thread theme

We argue our ships edition
we all fight to the death trying to defend our nonsensical never-canon ships edition
>10 years a ship
>We argue our ships edition
Please use one of these as the OP image
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Fresh bread:

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