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/Gfur/ - Suns out Guns out edition Vanilla (no bara, no gir

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Thread replies: 314
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/Gfur/ - Suns out Guns out edition

Vanilla (no bara, no girlyboys) Gfur and gay chat thread.

Let this be a thread where we post our favorite gay furry porn in peace without alternative niche side-fetishes involved. Post male solo or gay anthros while keeping fetish to a minimum. Talk about things like being gay in general, your ideal relationship or partner, and all sorts of other gay shit.

Romantic pictures of cute loving gay couples cuddling together are greatly appreciated as always.


here are both discord servers to make it fair to the other posters in
the thread and the owners of each discord

The orginal https://discord.gg/QZhmXjP

The new one https://discord.gg/TZntqG6

Join either one and pick one that you feel most comfortable with

regardless of the servers enjoy the thread as it should be, with cute gay animals
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Nest time add "No Fursuits" to the OP.
wtf is this? get your ass back in here. No one gave you permission to leave
No need. They know they're not supposed to be posted here and so does everyone else but they do it anyway. Like cuntboy-guy and other people like that.
More smooches please.
go reel your lover back in here
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He's too busy posting feet in the autistic scalie thread.
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Right, go retrieve him. Tell him to come back. We need this
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He'll find his way back home eventually.
He had better, this meme is too good to die
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well now we know if you ever meet all you have to do is shove him down and step on his face and he'll melt for you
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Speaking of, whatever happened to that fic that one anon was writing?
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I don't know but it better be a lengthy novel by this point.
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While we wait, let's brainstorm. We know they're gonna meet up irl at some point some how and fall in love. How is it gonna happen? How will their first kiss with each other be?
I like to imagine after a night of passionate sex, junkiefag awakes to dragonfags naked body clinging to him. Junkiefag makes some joke about him being a little slut and an autist before trying to get up and do his drugs, while dragonfag would call him a stupid jackass before pulling junkiefag back down into the bed and pleading with him to just stay in bed and cuddle and reassure him that he didn't need drugs anymore.
It would be sooo cute
Got any more snuggling in bed stuff?
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Newfag here, who are those two?
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Two sand niggers from opposites sides of the US. One is a stupid junkie, the other is an autistic dragonfag.

They are in love.
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>Guns out edition

So where are all the guys with guns?
Is there more of them?
(Sorry, new PC since the last one died, so I need to rebuild my gfur collection, so no pics)
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They're two anons who usually frequent the thread. A meth head obsessed with lemurs and an autistic footfag with a dragon fetish. They claim they hate each other but really they're in love and one day they'll meet up and finally be happy together in their own autistic bubble.
Neither of them actually have fursonas tho. But they're basically both avatarfags by this point so we picked what we felt best represented them
How autisticute.
Is there more of "them", like >>8339894 and >>8339894 ?
Fuck I'm retarded, I meant >>8347032
Not yet. Someday though. We have a writefag making a novella about their love. It'd be nice to get.more greentexts and such from other people. The cutest thing is that dragonfag always likes to pretend he doesn't care but he always ends up coming back and begging junkiefag to stop doing drugs and try to live healthier. It's so cute. He's like an anime schoolboi
More hairy furs would be nice
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>hairy furs
You need to be a bit more specific than this.
Agreed. I also wish guys irl would shave a bit less.
I hate hair on my bod, but I absolutely adore any hair on any other dude. Even when it's just thin tuft on the shoulders and belly. Feel like a hypocrite and it sucks.
I love when guy's have a happy trail. And uh... I like when they have a bit of bush because I like to... well I like to put my nose there and sniff while I'm sucking the guy.
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Manmusk is GOAT
Kind of embarrassing to admit but a friend of mine let me blow him after he came back from the gym and I came just because I liked his smell so much
My best friend since 8th grade only recently came out to me (he fucking told me he was ace when I came out to him that fucker), and now I'm at the same time kind of get the feels for him, but at the same he's kind of in a "so much of a friend it's iffy" territory. Really tears me inside especially since dating here is hard
Dunno why I shared that friend bit, heh.
Don't be embarassed about your friend tho, it's really fucking hot when a guy cums from having no stimulations
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I have a sort of similar problem. My friend and I fool around a lot by he prefers women. But I really like the times we fool around together. Makes me feel warm inside. One time we were watching a movie and he let me take off his shorts and lie my head in his lap. I really like his smell. It gives me butterflies. I fell asleep on him like that and woke up with wet shorts. It was a good time
He does not strike me as a particularly stable individual.
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>he fucking told me he was ace
>best friend
>tumblr orientation

You must be at least 18 years old to post of 4chan
I wish I didn't live in a homophobic and reserved culture, because honestly I could settle for what you have. Lack of intimacy, even just being close to another dude that smells nice, is killing me oftentimes.

Nah, dude, he is a very collected and smart dude, all the while I'm kind of a bipolar hypeball that's too emotional. I'm pissed he didn't tell me, but I honestly see me fucking up our friendship if he did.

Come on, asexuality as orientation (or lack of one) makes sense. If there is a definition for attraction to opposite/same/both genders, it makes sense there are people who aren't sexually active at all.
Of course, since he turned out to be actually gay, that disproves the point, but w/e.
Calling it "ace" is pure tumblr kid faggotry.
> it makes sense there are people who aren't sexually active at all.
Yes, and it implies some kind of physiological disorder rather than a preference.
Well being gay also isn't a preference.
You know what I mean.
A lack of sexual attraction is far more dysfunctional than homosexuality.

Referring to it as being "ace" also means too much involvement in the shittier parts of the internet.
Go get your boi toy for us
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I think the only thing that will bring him back is foot faggotry. Even though I share that kink, I'm not going to ruin the thread with it.
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can some tell me why do people like this because i really want to kown
yo I need that pic with the deer and the wolf

>that pic with the deer and the wolf

Could you be more specific?

Deer are handsome.
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mind being a bit more specific anon?
It had multiple deer, one wolf, and a tree.
boy, get your ass in that scalie thread and ask him to come back, he loves you. He'll understand
Any other details?
I assume he wants the one with a gang of alpha deer and one deer is fucking a white dogger against a tree
It's a fox.
I also want to be be fucked by a buck innawoods.
I commend your top tier taste in species and setting.
Funny how that artist spends so much time with realistic shading of mathematically perfect butts but draws terrible animu faces.
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At least they're not actually flat.
No, but if you made a 3d model of them according to the lines and shading you'd get an unspeakable abomination of a face.

This is just my art autism talking though. Carry on.
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You people take this stupid meme to seriously but fine.

I don't hate you
Am I done now?
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>You people take this stupid meme to seriously but fine.
Being lonely and love starved does that to a person. Well either that or turn them all bitter and /r9k/-esque.
Well if this quells their intense autism I'll stay, for awhile anyway
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That's nice of you. Autists deserve to be happy too.

Not that I'm not a hopeless romantic with emphasis on the former, but with all respect I don't give a shit about you or junkiefag on a personal level.

I didn't even know that there was a pseudo SFW version of this pic.
There isn't enough snuggling and cuddling art.
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That marshmallow is going to get crisp
Who cares about marshmallows when you've got an outdoorsy buck bf to pay attention to?
>I don't hate you
hnnng those bedroom eyes
When is a guy to feminine for you, /gfur/?
Is it just when he wears women's clothes, or does he have to have feminine hips and/or facial features, too?
> women's clothes
Not a fan.
>feminine hips and/or facial features
Fine by me if not overdone.

Women's clothing does not necessarily make one feminine.

Personally I think it's more about the body. Also child bearing hips on a guy is disgusting, which seems to be a common thing with "femboy" shit.
>me and friend out hunting doves

>really into him but he's straight and I ain't said anything

>Still having a good time shooting birds n shit and just being with him in beautiful snowy weather

>his girlfriend appears and starts tagging along, being loud and spooking the birds, and otherwise absorbing his attention

Should I have just shot myself back then for being a jealous bitch?
>being loud and spooking the birds, and otherwise absorbing his attention
Why are women actually the worst?
Sometimes I get similar thoughts. I went on a camping trip for a week with my bi friend and we fucked like rabbits. Now he's seeing a girl. It hurts but they're happy and deep down I know it's for the best.
To answer your question though, no. It happens and it's unfortunate when we let jealousy worm it's way into us like that but shit happens. Just try to appreciate the company while you can. I know it hurts but it's better to have had at least some time with him and then have it ended then to have never even got the opportunity at all
While we're talking about camping. Does everyone in this thread like the outdoors? I know junkiefag and dragonfag are city people but do you guys ever go camping?
I like the idea of camping.
Spending time with someone outdoors sounds super romantic but then you actually get outdoors and there's bugs and it's humid and cold at the same time and you have to walk into a forest in the middle of the night to piss.
So I just stay at home.
>Like to go hiking and the like together

>Have plans to climb a 14'er one summer

>Hurt leg and have to scrap plan

>never got to be alone together with him on the top of a mountain, just like my furry comics

Worst part is he's since separated from that one girl and it's a struggle to not let my thirst show when talking to him

So many other men just aren't right for me. He'd basically be perfect if he liked dick

Maybe too good for me even if he was, who knows
>So many other men just aren't right for me. He'd basically be perfect if he liked dick
Sounds like you got a bad case of oneitis there, anon.
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I genuine like the outdoors, camping and hiking.

It's key to not go to the fucking wilds unless the weather's going to be reasonable

But a good start is just heading out early so that you have the day, when it's most likely to be decent weather, and the light makes everything navigable and less spooky, and then being able to head out once it starts getting late

Maybe if some of your are rich niggas, you can look into getting a decent camper or a cabin

>go with friend's family up to a cabin their relatives let them use at several points during younger years

>with limited space, whenever I stayed with them at places, I'd share a bed with him

>even in more recent times, sometimes crash on a pullout bed or next to each other on floor

Don't like sleeping real close to other people most times, like my space

But damn it, just feels right next to him

Except he snores. Like a fucking machine
Can't wake up
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Camping helps calm me down. It's nice to just get away from it all sometimes
>I know junkiefag is city people

Woah there, I'm from the sticks. California is a big state.
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Woah, really? I assumed you lived in a city, but wrote you living in a small town for the plot. Wild.
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lol, I actually live in a small suburb an hour away from Boston, but saying Boston is just easier
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>When is a guy too feminine for you, /gfur/?

When they're more feminine than masculine. Flat chested chicks with dicks are way too feminine.

Inland socal is weird and shitty, but in a good way.

Still retahded. Maybe he should write in some foot stuff to get you back on board with this romance.
>and the light makes everything navigable and less spooky

I find woods at night to be supremely comfy and a bit exciting at the same time. Can't see shit and what light there is plays tricks on your eyes, but the smell of earth and plants and the sound twigs breaking and underbrush rustling under one's feet in the relative lack of sensory input is great
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>those lips
stop, it's like a botched tranny. awful
we don't have a romance, at best. only because you're also a furfag, if we were watching a movie I'd be willing to rub your feet during it. As like a ceasefire. But that's it.
>if we were watching a movie I'd be willing to rub your feet during it

Can I rub yours too?

Can we play footsies during a dinner date?
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Fine, but you have to stop doing business with illegal immigrants
But they bring in all the good drugs!
I don't care, they have to go back and you need to stop doing drugs anyway.
what the fuck was with this shit anyways

wasn't it on the cover of a legit publication?
Yep. Onta got ol' fishlips published by Image.

Furries were a mistake.
why does he look sad
He's a bit quick on the draw and his partner is teasing him

Or so I like to think
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Because he's not actually gay and he's only doing this because he lost a bet
>your resistance only makes my penis harder!
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>forced gay
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it's a fun fantasy since people can't actually turn gay irl
Not with that attitude!
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>it's a fun fantasy since people can't actually turn gay irl
I did though. I was into chicks in my early to mid teens (25 now). Not at all now though.

Homosexuality is a pattern of behavior that can be cause by both nature and nurture or a combination thereof. Don't let the one side say "hurr you chose this" or the other "durrr born dis way" since it differs on an individual basis.
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Just to clarify: I didn't turn gay because someone molested or forced me (which no one has) I just gradually shifted towards it on my own.
allow me to clarify then, you can't just 'convert' people to a different sexuality.
Any change at all has to come from within
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That I can agree with entirely.

Sorry for blowing up about it. It's just such a politicized issue, and I have hair trigger when people include me in definitive statements like some are wont to do.
Same, actually. I wonder if Alex Jones has been right all along and there was something in the water that turned me gay, because that's honestly what it felt like.
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alex jones is right about literally everything
>ywn be as good at irl shitposting as alex jones
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Xenoestrogens will not turn you gay.

The human mind is incredibly complex and can direct natural urges and instincts in a wide range of directions. Just don't worry about it - its an old cliche, but life really is too short for that.
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Oh, I don't care.
If anything, I'm happy, because I don't have to deal with women.
It's just weird, is all. One minute I was checking out asses so often that I actually started doing it instinctively and the next I want a strong bf with muscles (but not too many, bara is gross) to dom me.
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They do feminize fish and amphibians though. So, he's not wrong.
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I still instinctively look at girl butts if they're in good shape and wearing tight or revealing attire. It doesn't do anything for me and I don't feel like fuckin' them though.

>I want a strong bf with muscles (but not too many, bara is gross) to dom me.
Now this on the other hand - you know those slim but fit guys who do manual labor for a living and have those strong, wiry lower arms? That makes me week in the knees.
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>I still instinctively look at girl butts if they're in good shape and wearing tight or revealing attire.
Same thing for me with yoga pants. It's the damnedest thing.
>slim but fit guys who do manual labor for a living and have those strong, wiry lower arms
And then they also have pecs that are just large enough to be seen through a shirt but not large enough to be man-tits?
>Same thing for me with yoga pants. It's the damnedest thing.
I don't really care much about it honestly.

>And then they also have pecs that are just large enough to be seen through a shirt but not large enough to be man-tits?
Yesss, and a bit of stubble on their jaw that makes you want them to wrap those arms around your waist from behind and press their face against the side of your neck.
>Yesss, and a bit of stubble on their jaw that makes you want them to wrap those arms around your waist from behind and press their face against the side of your neck.
And a slight six-pack, the outline of which you can trace with your finger when you're cuddled up watching a movie together and you've got your head on his shoulder.
>you know those slim but fit guys who do manual labor for a living and have those strong, wiry lower arms?

Lean and toned is best. Far more manly than some /fit/ faggot who goes to the gym just for looks.

I still find a guy's personality to be his most attractive feature.

I'm a romantic, and women do nothing for me in that regard. They're repulsive.
Now you're just making my hear ache.
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that's because women are self centered and egotistical
>Lean and toned is best
All those guys go to the gym though. And lifting feels good, coming from a skinnyfat loser.
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I know. My heart, too.
Why do I have to be so lonely?
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>Why do I have to be so lonely?
Can't speak for you, but my problem is that I lack social drive/instincts and have a very hard time connecting with people despite desperately wanting it. Reasonably well-liked by coworkers and such, but not someone anyone really wants to spend time around.

With the exception of one friend, the only one I've had since I was a kid.
if you can, try building a circle of close friends.
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My main problem (of many) is my crippling lack of any self esteem. I feel like everything I do makes me look autistic to everyone around me, despite the fact that quite honestly to an outsider I probably just look like a slightly awkward introvert.

I try to, but I'm paranoid that they think I'm an autist and they just hang out with me out of pity. This fear isn't helped by the fact that they do a lot of shit (go to bars, have skype calls and do late night gaming, etc) without me.
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How do you know that they do all this stuff without you? Have they really never offered you a chance to tag along? In my circle of friends we had a guy who drifted away from the group a bit because he was worried we didn't like him and thought he was annoying, autistic. He was so worried that we barely tolerated him. It was so hard to finally convince him that we actually enjoyed his company and did our best to try and drag him along with us.
My advice is, try talking to them. No one's a mind reader. Actually in the case of our group, we didn't know at first that he was worried we disliked him, we actually thought that he found us annoying and was trying to put distance between us. This may be the case with your friends, I don't know.
But, even if you feel worried you should push through, make an effort to spend time with them. If they really didn't like you why would they bother? Nobody just hangs out with someone out of pity, that's a meme. People don't act like that, the fact that they're spending time with you at all in the first place means they must like you on some level.
Don't worry so much. They're your friends, go have fun with them.
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>How do you know that they do all this stuff without you?
They've talked about it in front of me

>Have they really never offered you a chance to tag along?
Only on the occasions were it's been all like "we have to have EVERYONE there"

>It was so hard to finally convince him that we actually enjoyed his company and did our best to try and drag him along with us
This isn't something I could see them doing in a million years, unfortunately.

>My advice is, try talking them.
If my self esteem is so low I have trouble believing my friends even like me I definitely don't have the guts to talk to them about something like this.

>In my circle of friends we had a guy who drifted away from the group
I haven't quite reached that stage of alienation yet. I stick with them because I don't have anyone else.

>If they really didn't like you why would they bother?
I feel like I'm just there to be a punchline. I don't even know how to properly describe the feeling other than that. I feel like I'm just there to be the comedic relief, but not in a "wow you're so witty and clever, anon" sort of way.

>Don't worry so much.
I can't help it. Worrying's all I know how to do anymore.

>They're your friends, go have fun with them.
I try, definitely. But it's hard when I've got all this doubt floating around.
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>I feel like I'm there to be the punchline. Like I'm comedic relief
I actually do understand. When I was in highschool I was with a group of people like that. When high school ended though, most of the people in that group just left me, except for like one or two others. Luckily for me I had one close friend and he pulled me into his circle of friends and, well... I realized all those wasted years with those other people weren't happy years. This new group of friends. My current group, well I'm actually happy to be around them, we actually like each other.
I doubt this is helpful for you and I'm sorry. But, in your case I would recommend trying to find the people closest to you and just trying to do stuff with them. Try and find people who actually want to do stuff with you. I dunno. I hope you find people to have fun with.
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>I dunno. I hope you find people to have fun with.
Yeah. So do I.
Maybe one day.
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Hey all! I'm new to drawing this sort of thing so I'm gonna be drawfagging a bit tonight and doing requests for anatomy practice in between commissions, post em'
Could you draw a gay rat and ferret couple.

Doesn't have to be lewd.
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Oh fuck, MyPaint crashed right here, I'mm asee if I can recover it but this is what I had up until it did :/
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Fuckittyfuck again with the crashing, at least I was able to get furhter this time. I should switch software but this one is so good for quick sketching
>having a meal together

I love it.
Any new gay comics?
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the bath.png
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It may be easier to associate said friends with a unified hobby, getting to known someone is easier when you have shared interests. I play magic the gathering and have very similar problems to you. Anxiety is my most felt emotion but when I'm playing that game with people I know it helps alot.
Say, dragonfag. What would you do if junkiefag had a really shit day and really needed some emotional support? Would you be willing to cuddle naked together, would you be willing to slip into his arms and press tightly against him? Placing your head underneath his chin and gently stroking his bare hip has he told you about his problems? Would you be willing to comfort him like that, remember it's either this or the drugs
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Well chances are, a "really shitty day" for junkiefag probably involves drugs. I wouldn't think that some faggy cuddling would help with an OD or a gunshot wound.
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Hugs always help.
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Fine, if he had a really shitty day, fine. I suppose I wouldn't say no if he asked for a hug.
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>I suppose I wouldn't say no if he asked for a hug.
[Incoherent girly squealing]
Been stretching with muh blugs, gonna get my GF to ram my ass tonight with my dildo, can't fucking wait
>my gf
you stumbled into the wrong thread
eh, male bottom buttfucking is way more popular in Gfur tho, so i thought you'd want to know, still can't wait
Dildos ain't shit. Take your heterofaggotry to a futa thread where it belongs.
>having a gf
>being interested in women
>Support topping
This is wrong by every definition of the word. Only support players that deserve to be top are medics in tf2. moba supps are 100% bottom
>Implying underlord isn't a top
>Implying Abbadon and Tidehunter aren't tops
>the bath.png
You made me laugh out loud in bed

You haven't played Dota recently have you
why are tigers the best
I want to get ravaged by Underlord so much
>tfw he will never be real
>Implying dazzle isn't a top
Also, offlane underlord is a still a type of support. As is Abbadon they sure as shit aren't carries. Certainly not zero damage Abbadon. You should be rushing aghs
Tidehunter is a clear bottom. Kunkka hatefucks him regularly
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>he will never impale you on his vile girth
You have a point... I was mistaken. Supports are tops.

>Hard initiators, directing the flow of the game
>Serious lockdown, holding the poor guy down while you hit him
>Babysitting the carries while they dick around in lane
>Online and terrifying at 5 minutes

I think d2g clouded my judgement.

[Observer]I main Dazzle and Underlord, with a hint of Wraith King if I feel like memeing. What about you?[/Observer]
>You will never be OD in this situation

Enjoy your financial and emotional parasite
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Bedroom Eyes.webm
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Quick, give me your opinions on facial hair
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ruined by hipsters and nu-males

I hate hair on my neck. Even when I don't shave, I shave my neck at least every couple days. As a bonus to feeling more comfortable, I think the couple day stubble with a smooth neck looks fairly good.

On a regular day I shave my entire face though, because military regulations and I'm not a fan of mustaches.
Too many variables. Could be good depending on the guy's face and the style. Could be shit if it's done wrong.

Hipster and Muslim facial hair is always a negative.
Got any more sexy anthro military guys?
I always cum when I read this story. Hot as fuck
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Try as I might, they're rare to come by... combined with the fact that I'm a really picky faggot when it comes to furporn sometimes, and a weapon missing a decent amount of detail is a boner killer as well.
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>Letting your /k/ommando side overrule your furfaggotry

I know that feel.
Here are some things I'd like to do:

>Cuddle with a cute furry.
>Enjoy being in his arms.
>Put my face in his underwear.
>Tease his dick until it's hard, then suck it.
>Get sucked off.
>Go to sleep with him.
>not enough detail on helicopter
>don't see any impact of the firing pin on the spent casings
>how the fuck is that weapon attached to his back
>where do you even put the extra mags in that tac vest, let's just ignore the tac vests actually

Boner thoroughly defeated.
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Sorry for ruining your boner. Please accept this melty fish as an apology.
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Sometime the best way to include /k/ into the furporn, is to just have the /k/ detail off camera.
>mfw weapon unattended and out of your sight

Fug, even out of sight has it's problems.
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With the huge number of /k/ommando furfags out there it's a shame that there aren't many good artists among them.
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If I was to hazard a guess as to why this is, it could be due to
>/k/ furfags already have a hobby, so having another hobby of making art is less likely, as prolific art producing furfags' hobby is making the art
>/k/ furfags are going to be autistically picky about details, making it almost impossible for furfag artists with no gun experience to be able to put in enough detail
Oh well, at least maybe one day I'll have a husband to shoot off loads with.
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And if they don't start off with much knowledge of weapons, it can always be easily taught.
>maybe I can be your RSO tonight, mom and dad will never know
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Teach your bf how to shoot.

Marry him when his groups are tight enough.
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I like it.

>practicing marksmanship principles with bf
but u aint a frog, nigga
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Have either of you read Malcolm Cross' novel and story collection? They're about anthro /k/ommandos and pretty well written
authoritarians will go in the gas chambers right after the mudslimes
That's definitely you clockwork.
You fell for the b8 harder than the twin towers, furfag. Thanks for the keks anyways.
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i have no idea who this is and i'm not libertarian.
Nevermind then. Carry on with your degeneracy.
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Never heard of it.


This d e s u, how can you complain about mudslimes and leftists (which are massive authoritarians) and then not also dislike authoritarianism itself.
>Never heard of it.
First one, a story collection: http://www.mediafire.com/file/62ws3bg0jre7ttq/MalcolmCross-WarDog_MarginalizedPopulations_PavlovsHouse.epub
Second one, the novel: http://www.mediafire.com/file/vfiqaap32abc670/MalcolmCross-DogCountry.epub

>This d e s u, how can you complain about mudslimes and leftists (which are massive authoritarians) and then not also dislike authoritarianism itself.
The state and the people need to be in a circular relation of power. The state needs to be there to keep citizens from abusing each other, but collectively citizens should have the democratic power to keep the state from abusing them. In a developed western nation at least, since democracy isn't necessarily workable or even wanted in everywhere else.
Big deers are hnng-tier
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Bucks are best.
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Also here's a moose.

thought: e621 has the best tagging system by far, but I'd actually would like it to be improved even more, with the ability to tag the positions, e.g. what can be said about the top, what can be said about the bottom.

I know it'd probably be hell to implement, but that'd be so freaking dope I'd never leave that site.
>with the ability to tag the positions, e.g. what can be said about the top, what can be said about the bottom.
That's already there.

Cowgirl_position, on_front, on_side, missionary_position, power_bottom etc
Nah, I meant an ability to look up definition of participants, e.g. if you like to go against the grain and like foxes topping, you type in "gay fox" and have to sift through thousands of bottom foxes, until you find the right one.

Something like "gay (top:fox big_size) (bottom:dragon small_penis)", but the edge cases would be ridiculous to handle
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>there's no tag for foxes topping
it's one of my top fetishes but it takes ages to find
Basically right now the only way is just to flood the system with more tags, which actually makes it worse, since as thorough as people on MSG are, noone can put every related tag on a picture.

This kind of system would eliminate some redundant tags like big_dom_small_sub, when you already have size_difference.
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Glad to see gfur getting back on track.
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was there ever a time we weren't on track?

Are you saying that /k/ husbandos are not on track?
When /lgbt/fags, bara autists, and trannies invade.
Cervidae is criminally underrated desu, why does everyone insist on making sparkledog canines when deer caribou elk and moose are far superior
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Deers and otters are lowkey best species.
/k/ husbandos are absolutely on track, they're just too damn rare.
Mustelids are underrated. Tube dudes are top tier.

Horses and cows are garbage disgusting species that only overcompensating fags like.
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Otters are my jam.
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>Bovidae is shit
fite me u nerd
It's true. Cows are ugly and smell like shit. They're also retarded.

Guys with bull durrsonas are always little bitches or fatties who try to compensate by making an overly masculine murrsona.
>They're also retarded

If you're going to use that as an argument, then might as well just expand it to all herbivores.

I always get the feeling that furfags using these not so common terms are the types that just look up the term on wikipedia and use it in order to try to sound smart.
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I wish i could just go to sleep and not wake up tommorow
I'm not one of those, but they're actually neat as basic umbrella terms, biological classification and all. Like no one is pissed off if you say canines or felines, so cervidae are fair game.

The only one I don't like is avian, since it's really just birds, there is no subspecies of avian that you wouldn't call a bird, so why not just drop the pretense.

Hang in there, dude, at least you got trips. Do some dumb shit just because you can. Fantasize about getting your mouth full of cum from a sexy tiger.

I was about to tell you to GET OUT REEEEEEEEEE.. but then I noticed the nice trips. Maybe it's a sign that you should take the jump.

I understand and like your thought process here, but the fact is canine/feline are common terms everyone is familiar with, even the most normie of the normie. Saying cervidae makes you sound like a hipster... hell, even spellcheck thinks I'm making up shit when I say cervidae/bovidae/mustelid.
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Hello, it's me, drawfag ! I'm dumping the new stuff again
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And the other one. Maybe i'll dump another one a bit later in the night involving some fucking against a wall, we'll see !
Dope. The curly hair reminds me of Anakuro.
Doing dumb shit is the only thing that i can enjoy without feeling bad for it and not even always.
How can i make myself not feel bad for everything i try do
Try to do*
I'm tired
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Self-esteem is a real bitch, especially if you are a bit late in mental development, which happens a lot to gay guys for obvious reasons.

Thing is, at some point you have to catch up and start to get your feet on the ground. I try to do it piece by piece but I'm still fumbling in any social situation and am afraid I'm doing things suboptimally which leads me to fumbling even more.
If you feel like everything you do is dumb, or like it isn't significant enough, just try doing something for the sake of it, because doing something insignificant can still teach you more than sitting on a chinese rice market reading a shitty pep talk from the same broken 21yo furfag.
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Hey, a character looking at something behind them by actually turning their head instead of growing flounder eyes and looking through the back of their own skull
I'm usually pretty good with social situations, people like me in general, and sometimes i almost feel like a good valuable person.
Not now tho, now I feel like thrash and I have reasons to feel like that.
I mean I know these reasons are dumb, but its enough to make me unable to sleep.
Have you had sex recently?
I feel that when I don't engage in anything sexual/talk sex with dudes for a long time, my brain starts to get into this vicious cycle of self-hate then being too easy on yourself and doing anything in the end.
Just chat up a dude on /soc/ or hell, even go for a hookup. Maybe a release of sexual energy would help you. It certainly helps me.
The worst thing is that every single time i almost reach a state of feeling good with myself, I somehow manage to ruin it, just like i did today
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forgot to attach a pic that everyone here has already probably seen
I dont even know if i am gay and where i live its not very common to be gay.
I havent been with anyone for a long time but i dont feel like its that important for me.
Thanks for the advise though, I appreciate it
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You do you dude, in the end you and only you are the most important person to yourself.
Don't worry if there aren't many gays where you live. Even if there isn't a scene, the apps probably have some people. I know, since I live in same kind of place myself.
I just want someone to care about me at least a little
I dont care if its a girl or a dude
I'm just gonna sleep now because I'm fucking dying
G'night guys
Well I am majoring in zoological studies with a focus on herps, what do you want me to say; deer and other unglates with complex antler formations are hot? Weasels ferrets stoats and other predatory mammals are hot?
Well yheres falconiformes and passerformies, but that's a little mich and possibly mildly autistic
Any new pictures of gay weddings or guys out on dates?
I would lick his armpits
I'd sniff them and bask in his man musk.
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Post hot, sweaty guys.
>Not going straight for that musky bulge

Shiggy diggy do
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I'd bury my nose in both, but you gotta work your way down. Smooch on the lips, on the neck, then down to his pits, chest, and crotch.

Goodnight, I'll see you faggots in the morning.
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Dubs will it, you must start at the top and work your way down
manmusk is top tier
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The new music vid is meme central
>It's spring, are you going to get a girlfriend soon?
>Actually only had sex with other men and dream about being cuddled by a buff guy
I'm so sorry
Men are cool, aren't they?
Being a powerbottom guy is annoying, I just want a cute passive guy to let me bounce up and down on his cock, but they're pretty rare, people either want to get aggressively fucked or aggressively fuck others.
Why can't we both be versatile
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Versatile is master race. Exclusive tops or bottoms are garbage people.
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I think it's fine to have a preference, but making it this part of one's identity is stupid
But what if I'm a weak sub that doesn't get much pleasure from fucking but really really enjoys being fucked?
Why wouldn't that be covered by what I just said?

I don't like the whole sub/dom dichotomy at all
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t b h I could get pleasure out of either, but I find guys assholes kind of gross. In porn the artists can draw them as perfectly smooth and clean, but real life is a different story. By bottoming I can take a "see-no-evil" approach.
I'm extremely passive in sex, though I prefer bottoming but I'm sure a dominating powerbottom would do it for me too.
I enjoy it when it's confined to sex and doesn't bleed into the actual relationship.
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>getting progressively more bitter over >tfw no bf
>especially when one of my best friends is a 6'3 8/10 qt
>also might fail senior year of high school, I have ~20 failed exams I have to rewrite until mid-May
>thinking of ordering a .25 sampler of meth
>I don't like the whole sub/dom dichotomy at all

Do it faggot!

Smoke meth, pass tests.
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>thinking of ordering a .25 sampler of meth
Remember this handy acronym every time you feel the urge to smoke meth!
It stands for DON'T DO METH
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post some juicy bulges

I just might
it's so goddamn hard to find good irl porn
what do you guys use?
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Yeah and I feel like absolute trash every goddamn day but I still don't do drugs. Shape the fuck up you faggot
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Do you really think that somehow makes you better?
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from an objective medical standpoint, yes.
>I know I'm committing a felony and slowly killing myself but do you honestly think not doing these things would make you better?
The answer is yes, moron
Then enjoy your struggle.

Also, a felony? Since when is owning a quarter gram of meth more than a misdemeanor?
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the standard for possessing meth is typically a felony. Though if you're in commefornia where they're laxer you might get a misdemeanor. That doesn't make it better. Not from a medical standpoint anyway. But you know what? I've stopped caring. Go ahead, kill yourself with drugs, it's your life to waste and if anything it would be for the betterment of society if you were just gone
The only good gay porn is amateur stuff that real gay couples film and upload themselves.

Finding it is the hard part.
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>check the mail today
>two wedding invitations, one I was expecting from my sister and one I wasn't expecting from a friend
>missed two different weddings this past year due to literally being out in the woods doing army training
>was able to make two other weddings a couple years before
>last week another friend told me he got engaged last week

wew, all these normies

Sucks being a (mostly) closeted faggot who's been too busy for the last year to really make much progress on >tfw no bf. That's 100% of my close friends who are now married or at least soon to be.

What did they mean by this?
Be glad you aren't marrying a woman like those poor, miserable bastards.

If it makes you feel any better their marriages will end miserably.

Don't think so, all but one of those couples have been together for at least five years already, and the short one was two years.

But yeah, not marrying a woman is a plus.
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Cocks peeking out of sheaths are hot as fuck.

Five years ain't much. Bitches ain't stable.
>high school
Dude, that shit aint that hard, stop day dreaming of cock and focus on yourself
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>Cocks peeking out of sheaths are hot as fuck.

Why can't humans be aesthetic when not fully erect?
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Source, please.
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Holy shit I am gay
..did you just realize?
It's embarassing really

and you
>encouraging a high schooler to do meth
you're fucking vile you know that?
Not at all but every time I see that picture I just wanna hug him
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yea me too it's weird
man furry porn truly is a slippery slope, first it was fembois now i want to hug this chubbyish fluffy dude with a tight embrace.
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I know I know, something about him just seems so pure and huggable and asdfghjkl

new thread
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