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/Gfur/ - You missed a spot edition Vanilla (no bara, no gir

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Thread replies: 277
Thread images: 189

/Gfur/ - You missed a spot edition

Vanilla (no bara, no girlyboys) Gfur and gay chat thread.

Let this be a thread where we post our favorite gay furry porn in peace without alternative niche side-fetishes involved. Post male solo or gay anthros while keeping fetish to a minimum. Talk about things like being gay in general, your ideal relationship or partner, and all sorts of other gay shit.

Romantic pictures of cute loving gay couples cuddling together are greatly appreciated as always.


here are both discord servers to make it fair to the other posters in
the thread and the owners of each discord

The orginal https://discord.gg/QZhmXjP

The new one https://discord.gg/TZntqG6

Join either one and pick one that you feel most comfortable with

regardless of the servers enjoy the thread as it should be, with cute gay animals
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Gay love is the purest love.

Why are relationships involving women so terrible in comparison?
Why do you keep spamming those shitty discords?
Just to make sure the autists from any of the servers don't come in here and stir shit up

I just copy it from every thread
I hate having to sift through a bunch sparkledogs when looking for romantic furry stuff.

Natural colors look so much better than any of that special snowflake shit.
This desu, I never understood the appeal of neon fur either. You have any clues about that?
Hot off the presses
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Its hard to make an original looking dog and a lot of kids aren't creative so they just add cuhrazee colors.
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Would you fuck?
I'd make him leave everything on. His dick straining against those panties would be hot.

Post more guys with abs.
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It's like copy pasting a sonic sprite then just changing the colour.

>check my fur folder for sparkledogs for a pic related
>hardly anything
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Here's one you can use for a pic related later

That is of lower quality than I would save onto my computer. There's a reason why it was difficult for me to find a good example of the discussion topic.
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Fair enough.
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There are few non fetish pics on my computer but I really like this one.

> gay chat
> Talk about things like being gay in general

I'm incredibly uncomfortable with my sexuality. I never sexy or RP and if I try to flirt with someone I write it of as a joke immediatly. I've never had any bad experiences but I don't want to be 'that faggot'.
What do I do? I'll never find a partner like this. All previous relationships were just furfag degeneracy master/pet kinda relationships that didn't last very long.
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Also I just realized a horribly sad truth. I keep romantic / cute pictures very much seperated from the smut to not ruin my image of real furry man. This is how far I've fallen.
Oh and here's another picture I think qualifies for normal fur romance.
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half of my files are corrupted. haha. that's not good.
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I always brush my asshole before meeting friends in case they suddenly start liking dick.
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lol jus b yurself bro

[Hiroshimoot]I'm not really one to offer advice on this subject, but I've found just relaxing and shitposting with people about stuff you like is tremendously helpful. Don't immediately jump in with the "I'm gay" line, let a friendship develop, and go from there. I personally shitpost ironically and crack bad jokes. Listening is also a big skill to have, if you can listen to someone and empathize (not sympathize) it's a big help.[/Hiroshimoot]
Step 1: Realize all furry bfs are shit
Step 2: Find a normal bf and be happy
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>tfw you will never make out in a party
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come on don't mock me. you're bringing my mood down, man.
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cause there totally is a chance and it will happen someday.
someone post that fluffy barista from last thread, and while your at it post more sfw cuties.
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Any cutie that listens to Radiohead is a keeper in my book
same here my guy, nearly to a T. Shit sucks.
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Not what you're asking for, but I really like this one
>tfw Kenket only draws feral animals nowdays.
Nothing NSFW anymore :(
Haha, I just checked what e621 has of her, there is an anthro NSFW picture from a month ago, and it's a crossdressing coyote-dude
She posts some on an alternate twitter account, the name of which escapes me.
Any more cuties in kitchens?
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>Anyone that shares my shit taste in music is a keeper
Kind of cute actually
Rat guys are underappreciated.
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Ah, Looks like You got lucky
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pics in kitchens aren't particularly common so beggars can't be choosers
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Thread Theme:
You feeling alright man?
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Yeah, actually. I had a pretty good day today. Why?
Wouldn't your day be better if you had a nice boyfriend to cuddle up with and give foot rubs to?
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Funny you mention that actually. That may be something that happens soon. Things have been going quite well lately
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I am both incredibly happy for you and saddened that the meme ship has taken a large blow.
Do elaborate.
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He literally encouraged a teenager to do meth. A part of me thought the meme ship was kind of funny but that's just indefensible.
Anyway, I've been sort of seeing this guy for a few days, not really an active attempt at dating. It was more like a casual friendship more than anything. Mostly just getting lunch and talking and shit. Turns out he's a furfag too. So after that cat was out of the bag we started talking more to each other on the whole romantic side, turned out we had a lot in common and he said he'd like to see a movie with me sometime.
So I'm happy
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But will he treat you as harshly as you crave?
grow up
>turned out we had a lot in common and he said he'd like to see a movie with me sometime
Holy shit dude fucking congrats. That's awesome.
Millions of parents force amphetamines down their kids throats.

Desoxyn (Meth) is prescribed for ADHD and is better for your body than the racemic garbage in Adderall. Kid said he was bummed out because he was failing tests. Why not recommend a study drug?
>He literally encouraged a teenager to do meth.

Underaged B& shouldn't be on niggertits in the first place.
you seem to be glossing over the whole "crippling addiction" part of meth.
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Yeah, I'm pretty excited. I feel really great actually.

>speed is the same as meth
>what is dosage
and lastly
>two wrongs making a right
get out of here

>two wrongs make a right
I'm not even upset at this point. I'm just...disappointed.
>>two wrongs make a right

That wasn't implied. Personally I don't think I've ever said anything nice or in support of junkiefag.
in which case. While your post did indeed make me laugh. Saying that he shouldn't have been here in the first place if he didn't want someone to encourage him to do meth implies that the fault doesn't lie with junkiefag for suggesting it but the kid. When in reality, they should both leave 4chins forever.

Still doesn't stop the fact that he shouldn't be here. Next thing you know he'll be exploding yellow vans, in which case a bit of meth will be the least of his concerns once someone buys some curtains.
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>ruining an otter with shitty piercings

Shameful. Otters are already perfect the way they are.
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oh my god yes, i need more cute fluffy guys.
Fluff is love.
fluff is life
Because they involve women.
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I want to snuggle an otter bf.
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i want to pet a fox
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Post more cute fluffy guys.
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Yooo I was the one who posted him last thread. Hensa is the queen of SFW art (IMO).
>Hensa is the queen of SFW art (IMO).
I think lofi and kenket are both contenders for the number one spot, and their collabs are even better than either of them on their own.
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i love this goofy face
none of those names are Falvie.
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Tube dudes are perfect for cute goofy fun stuff
Falvie is absolute top tier as well, but she has a more narrow style range from what I've seen. And I'm a sucker for traditional media.
>more narrow style range
I don't care how narrow her range is if it's right on the fucking money.
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Neither do I. I just think kenket and lofi are overall slightly better artists. Falvie does have the best unique style of them all though.

Caraid is bretty gud too by the way.
I asked for this last thread and I am sorry for asking again but i need that pic with the deers and the wolf
This one?
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can some tell me why do people like this because i really want to kown
lad, it's a fox
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>tfw no water based bf
tell me about this obsession of yours
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you wouldn't understand
tell me anyway
why post "that feel when" if no one knows what you're talking about and you won't tell?

stop being a faggot and explain it. can't be weirder than floor tiles-guy
Considering he's talking about Morphling, it could get pretty fuckin weird
I can't really tell the difference desu, I'm not even very into furry stuff I just really really like that image
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just save it then. don't be ashamed of what you like, it's ok
>not into it
>asks for it
>browses thread for it

Underlord > Morphling in all aspects
fite me u nerd
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Fuck both you autists and your shit games with shit characters.

Post cute gay faggots or fuck off.
>Dota 2
>Shit characters
You have made a powerful enemy this day
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He's right though, DotA 2 and all the other DotA clones are shit, they got nothing on DotA and the other AoS's from WC3.
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Although I have to admit, Gondar got a massive upgrade as far as sex appeal goes. Would not fug Gondar from DotA, but would fug the hell out of Gondar in DotA 2.
WC3 dota was total garbage, and I played it. Thr keybinds were a literal nightmare, if you even considered picking riki everyone disconnected, you had the tryhard servers that would kick you if you were new, you didn't have any item assembly guidance and had to figure out how to build your items yourself. Take off your rose tinted glasses and realize WC3 DotA was horribly unbalanced, had a logrithmic learning curve, and some of the most asinine players known to man.

I haven't played AoS yet, so I can't speak on that one.
There have only been two Dotas to come from All-Stars; Heros of Newerth, and Dota 2.
Same, a lot of the old All-Stars heros were absolutely disgusting, and Dota 2 did make them fuckable.
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And Gondar from DotA 2. Otherwise DotA Allstars > DotA 2.
That's what he said...

Basically your complaints seem to boil down to Quality of Life adjustments, which I don't really consider a criticism of the game. Of course after 10 years there's going to be more user friendliness.

High learning curves appeal to some people, so that's purely personal preference, therefore not a valid complaint. Some people would say one of the things that makes modern games so shit is that there is too much hand holding.

The balance was pretty good, yeah sure it was bad at the low skill levels, but game balance shouldn't be balanced around beginners.

The community is what trained me to be such a good shitposter, and gave me the mental fortitude to have immunity of petty criticism and personal attacks.

AoS is the game mode, based on the first widely known game of that style, Aeon of Strife on Star Craft. Nowadays shitters call it "MOBA", which sounds like someone about to vomit.

But yeah, dat new Gondar booty is nice.

You mean that's what (You) said? I made both of those posts to show the comparison.
I am familiar with AoS, I just haven't had an opportunity to try it [spoiler] mostly due to me being bad at Starcraft, and having an illigimate copy[/spoiler].

The moba title was league being a special snowflake, so of course everyone and their God damn mother started using the term.
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All MOBAs are shit

All characters from MOBAs are shit.

All people who play MOBAs are shit.
>no big wolf bf to go to concerts with

It isn't fair!!
They're called assfaggots you league babby.
They're called "shitty games", you autist.
Assfaggots are comfy with a group of friends. Have fun playing alone, nerdo.
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I despise the existence of LoL. All it is is a DotA clone but dumbed the fuck down so much that retards can master it.. so of course the casual hordes lap it up. The only single good thing about LoL is Rengar porn, everything else about the game is contributing to why games are such casualized shit nowadays.
MOBAs, MMORPGs, and all japanese games are garbage that only autistic faggots play.
Same, it sucks too, because Dota has so many better husbandos. Brewmaster, Tidehunter, Tusk, Slardar, Ursa, Magnus, Jakiro.
It hurts that League of Shitters got to the limelight first

Autistic faggots are only some of the people who play those games.
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I think you misspelled Renekton. It's okay, a lot of people make that mistake
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I agree besides dark souls and metroidvania games
>Japanese games
Found the assblasted CoD kiddy
Not him, but I like western rpgs and arena shooters
That's some real shitty taste in games you've got.
Witcher or Morrowind?
Morrowind was the best TES game.
Haven't played The Witcher series yet but I love Morrowind. Other than that I like FO 1/2, BG1/2, PS:T and such, as well as FPS-RPGs like SS2 and Deus Ex
We need more guys with abs like this.
Deus Ex the first one, or Deus Ex the /r/Im14AndThisIsDeep one

[spoiler]judging by your excellent taste I already know which one you're talking about, I just couldn't resist taking a jab at Human Revolution and Mankind Divided[/spoiler]

Have you tried Theif 1 and 2?
>doesn't deny being a CoD kiddy
underage b& plz go.
Off of this site, outside and right over a bridge into a lake
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You guys have got good taste in games.
CoD was good until it became console garbage.

All MMOs are trash.

CS 1.6 and GO are the only exceptions.
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>having a normal boyfriend that will never understand why you jack off to fox people

Yeah no thanks
We already know you have shit taste, no need to keep saying it.
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t. triggered pleb
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>playing anything other than rougelikes
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I meant the first one of course, but I actually liked IW and HR. I mean relative to the average FPS of their respective era they were both good even if they didn't measure up to the original. Not played Mankind Divided yet though.

>Have you tried Theif 1 and 2?
I played Thief 1 up until halfway through Thieves Guild where I got frustrated for a bit, then I got a new PC soon after and didn't keep my saved games. I plan to play both of them at some point though.

>what is Team Fortress 2

They're both fantastic, and quite immersive for being entirely made of triangles.

HR was okay, but it was honestly a dissapointment after the first Deus Ex, and MD was just a complete mess. Didn't know what to do with itself, it set up interesting politically charged dialogue, but didn't go anywhere with it.

I miss the early 2000s.
>Team Fortress 2

A shitty game.
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>A shitty game.
I seriously hope you're baiting.
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>They're both fantastic, and quite immersive for being entirely made of triangles.
Yeah they're atmospheric as shit. I really like the lore/setting too.
Not that guy, but tf2 is pretty shitty now. It was really good when it was a balanced team game now it's just shitters with better weapons than you and zero coordination.
It was always shit.
It's the same now as it was seven years ago. Only difference is that the interface to get into a game in prettier now and we have badges for casul and comp

I'm talking about pre-item drops and the only weapons were default.
It was ok at first, I think it started going downhill after the soldier update I think
Hard to pinpoint when it all went to shit I just remember liking the game less and less as new weapons were added.
imo it was good up until around Mecha, or maybe even 2 cities if we're being generous.
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Post more cute otters and their cute butts.
Sure thing.
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Squirrels have cute butts too.
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Cute tails as well.
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who gives a shit about his shitty cry for attention, I missed the floor tiles guy. Tell me more.
Someone on /v/ shared their floor tiles fetish. He had folders of different designs and patterns and everyone bullied him for multiple threads.
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Cute and fluffy, perfect for cuddling.
dota 2 more than morgoth sucks corpse cock
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Oh, fuck, does anyone remember a dude that drew horses with hyperrealistic dicks? Style kind of similar to >>8474842
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Horses are ugly and so are their dicks.
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This d e s u
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Squirrel butt
>Guy tells you he's a furfag shortly after meeting him

A junkie is better than an autistic furfag flamer.
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Jesus christ dude, it was a meme ship. Don't be jealous
Oh man I need to get one of those shirts for next thanksgiving! x3
Hahah greater than colon three lowercase c!
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It was a good meme while it lasted.
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it barely started and died quickly, I'm thankful for that. and now that writefag can delete that stupid story he was writing. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll forget it in about a month
>and now that writefag can delete that stupid story he was writing.
Hey now, the ship was kinda autistic but don't discourage actual content creators ITT you dick.
Nah it's fine.
My life got hella busy literally a couple days after I started so all I have is a messy outline on some pages of loose leaf and 2 or so paragraphs actually typed out.
It's been what? over a month now? more? If it was going to happen ever it would have. I can't discourage the non existent.
If the drawfag once to come back and do something he's free too. You know, since he actually makes content.
Feigning anger or disgust is his way of being affectionate.
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Oh, alright. Have you written anything else previously by the way?

It's about the principle.
I haven't written anything since a creative writing class I took senior year, unfortunately. I started writing the JunkiexDragon thing because I had just lost my job, and I thought I was going to be without one (and therefore have a lot of free time) for a lot longer than I actually was and figured it would be as good a time as any to get back into writing. (Un?)fortunately I got a new job pretty soon after I lost my old one.
>(Un?)fortunately I got a new job pretty soon after I lost my old one.
I *hate* being unemployed so I'm happy for you.
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Thanks, anon.
Have the cutest thing I have saved on my computer.
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Can't even remember the last time I had take-away coffee, and I've never tried starbucks coffee.

I love the whole set.
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>take away
Brit bong?
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No. I'm not a native speaker so I guess I use a stupid mix of American and British English.

What would a murrican say?
take out. but we don't usually refer to drinks as 'take out' just food usually
I don't even get why coffee on-the-go is seemingly so popular elsewhere than here. I mean sure, if you're waiting at train station or airport or stopping by a gas station on a long car ride, but not the inner city.
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Gross. Love is for couples.
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sometimes relationships end badly and you need your friends to help pull you out of the dark places. but whatever, think what you want.
>sometimes relationships end badly

Usually related to one or more partners wanting to fuck someone other than their partner.

Relationships without monogamy all fail horribly.
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>if you're alone and depressed your friends are not allowed to help you
t. autistic basement dweller. Maybe go have an interaction with real actual people before making assumptions. I never advocated polygamy. I was broken up with, there was no cheating involved but I still felt awful. I was in a really really bad place and two of my friends helped make me feel like I was worth something again.
So fuck right off. You don't fucking know me yet you immediately make some awful assumption.
Would peopel want drunk doodles if I made some?
Sure, why not.

Draw a cute squirrel and otter.
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>Sure, why not.

These are going to have a bunch of errors in them.
If you base your self worth on being fucked then you've got problems.

If a couple fucks a friend of theirs to cheer them up, that couple has problems.

Sorry you're a shit person with shit friends.

Shower stuff is nice.
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I wish there was more quality furry stuff in media today. Zootopia was a step in the right direction but there isn't really much that isn't either really obscure and foreign or old as hell.
>Base self worth on being fucked
You know how when you're feeling down in highschool you'll play videogames with friends. Oh wait, you wouldn't know because you'd have to have actually had friends in the first place. Sorry you're eternally bitter over never having had human contact so you lash out anyone who's even experienced the tiniest bit of affection.
Sorry you need external validation from others in the form of meaningless sex.

Your ex was right to dump your ass.
>this bitchfest

Who would have thought that gay furries would be such faggots, and excessively romanticizing romance.
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The main reason why anthro stuff was so popular before was because it's easy to animate. Nowadays computers can handle a lot of the animation work, so that need for anthro art styles isn't needed for cartoons and other animations.
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Post fox.
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Too many tails.

Any new romantic stories or comics?
Good night gay fags
>playing anything besides Dwarf Fortress and obscure DOOM wads
get on my fucking level
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>obscure DOOM wads
>Check /chubby/
>They are literal cucks
>>Check /chubby/
Why would you ever do that
lol who the fuck let you in here? He didn't post any fetish pics and you're still jumping down his throat.
>sorry sometimes you need help from friends, that makes you worthless
I can't even breathe I thought the foreveralone thing was just a meme
>corpse cock
morgoth is a degenerate who only fucks female corpses. there's a reason he's literally in a mental hospital now. It's also why he's so angry all the time.
Those guys are autistic beta manchildren.
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Guys with weapons are more appealing for some reason.
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I can't speak for that Anon, but sometimes I just fucking love to see some cringy shit... although usually I'd prefer to do so second hand.
>Guys with weapons are more appealing for some reason.
As long as they don't have a punch-inviting cocky sneer plastered on their faces as they usually do in furry art.
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There needs to be more furry /k/ art in this world.


Like this?
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>There needs to be more furry /k/ art in this world.

Indeed. Are you the army fag?
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I haven't noticed anyone else even make subtle hints to being military, so I suppose that I am "the".
Do people really fuck each other in the military or have a dedicated ''''stress reliever''''' or is that just a porn meme?
Did you remove any kebab?
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>Like this?

Only been in for just over a year. I've mostly just been doing training, which is probably an even shittier time than you'd imagine. Think Full Metal Jacket, but fewer murder-suicides and more traditional classwork (while sleep deprived, and you'll get in fucking shit if you even show signs of nodding off).



"Stress relieve" is called "wake the fuck up you shitpump, and be respectful".
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What do you think of Generation Kill ?
Describe to me in lurid detail. How does a person find themselves in that situation
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Have yet to see it.


Graduating university, but no degree related jobs for young white men in sight. This was pretty much the only option for my degree where the job advertisement wasn't prefaced by an exhaustive list of everyone except for white men for who was the preferred job candidate. Well that's only part of it, I have quite a bit of family history in the military, and it's always been something that was in the back of my mind for careers.

Some of those days out in the woods in the middle of an exercise though..
>what life decisions did I make to lead to me to digging a trench in a treeline at 3am in the morning, in the freezing cold, without any light source except for when we come under attack, with literally no sleep for the past 48 hours... only to have another ruckmarch tomorrow before we finally get to have a few hours of sleep tomorrow night?

It's actually a great career if you have the mental and physical fortitude for it... with emphasis on the mental fortitude part.
And what about sex and such? does everyone jack off in their bunk alone or does someone lend a helping hand? again, please also in lurid detail

ur srs?

Gay stuff is just bantz (even if it might look a bit suspect if taken out of context, like basically cuddling up to share body heat when wet and/or cold). Besides, a lot of the time you're so stressed that your sex drive is non existent anyways.

>laying in your trench in the middle of a freezing cold night, manning the machine gun with your fire team partner pressed up next to you while manning the radio

Look at this, plenty of ideas for fantasy gay army shit that actually happens IRL while completely no homo.
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> Besides, a lot of the time you're so stressed that your sex drive is non existent anyways.

It's the saltpeter they put in the food I tells ya
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I've only heard about that conspiracy theory after finishing two courses. I eat the same food now as I had during those courses, and I'm definitely capable of being a horn dog now.
>it is full of /pol/tard drumpf supporters
I was just making a joke. It's an absurd conspiracy theory.

get out leftcuck
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>furfags like freedom and want to be left alone

No shit? "Degenerates" that aren't fundamentally pro freedom and liberty are working against themselves. Not sure what triggered your post though.

On a slightly unrelated note, what the fuck is the etymology of "drumpf"? Usually I can tell what play of words is going on with these sorts of things, but I'm completely at a loss here.

I'm sorry?
The only thing getting freedom in your shitty country now is big business.
>On a slightly unrelated note, what the fuck is the etymology of "drumpf"?
It's what his family name was in the past. It was anglicized to "trump" many generations ago. There's nothing more to it than that it's a funny-sounding name.
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>people having the freedom to live as they want and do business as they want is now a bad thing
lmao you lefty hypocrites are always a riot. why don't you go to one of those tolerant muslim countries you people always love to shill for and find out just exactly what they actually think of gay rights

Step up your game, or gtfo faggot.


Oh, well that's lame. It seems to be used as an insult.. but if people called me by a pre-anglocized version of my last name I would just be confused, and/or not even register it as someone addressing me.
are you nincompoops seriously debating this shit here
like the fuck man
get your shit together
gimme some good scalies
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In the minds of the leftists, one person's success elicits anger, jealousy and hate, because they project their own failures on those successful people and think that they must have cheated their way to success. In the minds of real Westerners it elicits good feels and hope at best, and self reflection at one's own faults at worst.
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I'm russian, so I actually know what it's like, thank you very much. Now please stop giving a bad example for the rest of the world and fucking over your already fucked poor.

Modern day Russia shares almost nothing in common with any Western nation when it comes to political corruption and screwing over the poor. Trump isn't Putin, and the president's powers are limited... he couldn't turn the USA into a modern Russia style despot even if he wanted to.

Sucks about the Russian thing though, from the outside Russia looked like it was about to become a Western country back at the start of Putin's presidency.
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>I'm Russian so I know what it's like
to be... poor and uneducated? in a muslim country? this is a big non sequitur, maybe try forming a coherent response next time, kay?
Because you have absolutely no fucking clue just how awful things can actually get. You don't know so don't pretend to.

>fucking over the poor
>jobs are already starting to come back
>fucking over the poor
Oh wait, I forgot, liberals don't live in reality.
always nice to see another scalefag
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indeed, not enough of em
The dream is dead, unless you're south Korean
>trying to impeach a president elect

This is why no one takes you seriously.
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Hey armyfag, do your army buddies know you're gay?
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I have a hunch that the "out" lesbian army buddy I have might suspect it (and >women, so I'd assume that our mutual female army buddies might be in on any of her theories). Pretty sure no one else would even guess it though, since I'm pretty much the opposite of an obvious faggot IRL (completely different story with the anonymity of the internet), and keep that shit private and on a need to know basis.

Not that that would change anything if people knew, as everything is a lot more pragmatic in the military: if you make the effort to do a good job, if you're dependable, no one cares about anything like that (at least from my experience with the younger generations). One of my FTP's actually got into a bit of an argument with a member of our platoon over the issue of homos (the FTP has a gay brother, and the other guy was an exchange program from a muslim country, you can guess their positions on the matter).
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Exchangees from a *muslim* country? Wasn't a combat engineering course I hope?

This was basically a catch all army course for all army officers, he's infantry.

Exchange programs like that are very useful for a number of reasons. The obvious is so that we can give better training to some members in our ~allied~ countries' militaries. The other benefit is that it makes connections... which are very important (especially so in corrupt countries). Let's say in the future I'm over in or near this guy's country, I have a direct connection with a junior officer who got his job (and could only keep his position in our training program..) because his father is some important general in his little corrupt country. "Hey buddy, can you ask your dad something for me?", or "Hey maybe you can drop your dad's name and help me get this thing sorted out".
Yeah by corruption

I'll take Hillary Clinton for 500.
>that thick muscular neck that i want to grind against is this weird
>is this weird

No, muscles are good so long as it doesn't turn into bara autism.
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Charr have the biggest, thickest, most muscular necks.
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Necks are for nuzzling and kissing and maybe gentle loving biting.
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Last bump for the NA night.
Is rimming actually good?
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Not him, but I imagine it would feel reasonably good physically but that mostly it's a psychological thing that'd make both participants more eager if they're into it and a great amount of preparation and hygiene precedes it.

Not something I particularly wish to do or have done to me though. I could acquiesce to the latter if my hypothetical bf wanted to and told me in advance.
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Yeah, it's not that good and it's fucking retardedly expensive. It's a just a normie status signalling thing.
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You're really that assmad? Jesus
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are you referencing the muh Russian hackers meme, or the muh popular vote meme?
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