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Zootopia General: Thanks Doc, I Needed That Edition Pastebi

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 433
Thread images: 200

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Zootopia General: Thanks Doc, I Needed That Edition

Pastebin: pastebin.com/iYDU8g2T
ZTG Creator List: derpy.me/ztgcclist
Archives: ztarchive.com / desuarchive.org
Previous thread: archive.b-stats.org/trash/thread/7307021
Current TT Theme: Illness (Ongoing!)
More information on TT: derpy.me/trashthematicthursdays
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Pack Street: An Eye For An Eye! Remmy may have come from a flock, but when predators start getting mob mentality over the fact that sheep were behind the Nighthowler Conspiracy, things aren't great for prey on Pack Street.


Introducing... Toxocity! One doctor shows her dedication to discovering the true effects of nighthowler, over her assistant's objections. Will she succeed? Or will she fall victim to an experiment of her own divising?


Introducing... Judy Hopps and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day! Judy Hopps is not a bun easily convinced to skip work. But when she's sent home on sick leave, all she really wants to do is sleep... If she can get the chance, that is.


Introducing... A Chef's Pride! The resident mayor notices that his best assistant secretary is feeling under the weather, and sends her home. But now that he's thinking about it... Perhaps it's time that he takes a little break from all that work, himself. He might even get the chance to learn about his ewe underling in the process!


And finally, Pack Street: Sickness. In the latest entry in the Through The Looking Glass series, Remmy learns that his girlfriend is ailed by more then just the sniffles, and her anxieties are just as messy to deal with as her runny nose.

I'm not caught up on Pack Street, did his eye get clawed out? What happened with that? Or is it something I can learn about in the fic?

You'll just have to read and find out, won't you?
it was an image edit i made :v
KK just wanted to make sure I wasn't out of the loop on weaver's stuff. Love your Pack Street stuff.
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>a e s t h e t i c
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>Judy Hopps and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day!
this sounds interesting...
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Just repost this for like two days and let the stragglers/sick people catch up.
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t-that's not a case of the flu she has... right?
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What are the masks and the pill? I don't know anything about vaporwave.
Would Moana have performed better if it really WAS Meowna?
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I would have gone to see that...
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>shilling at this time
>when most of Burgerland is asleep
silly MisterE, that's not how you get (you)s!
it would have been another billion baby
It couldn't have saved the writing. It wasn't bad, but the main protags didn't have a lot of chemistry as friends and it felt overly by the numbers. Not a bad movie by any means, but not as good as it could have been.

Them being furries wouldn't have changed that.
It would have been more visually interesting outside of SHINY.
>You've already started, Slick.
Damn. That's good.
its just a e s t h e t i c dude
This is also true.

im depressed and have given up on yous at this point

i just kind of want to make sure people see them so it wasnt a complete waste of a week.
Thanks for writing so much, you always go above and beyond!
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First part of my TT entry
The blueberry effect - Chapter 1

Next chapter coming soon(ish)

You damn bun, I guess I have to crank up the chapter making to eleven to come close to this

Surely this is aesthetic

Love the fox tail in the back

Also I'm being super busy in RL so I can look at the old thread only now, so CCs consider another +1 to (You)s in there
heya /ztg/!
hope everyone's feeling better tonight!
remember that late submissions are accepted, so don't feel discouraged and participate!

is that you MisterE?
you shouldn't feel sad, your fics were most entertaining!
and seriously, Judy's bad day was a riot!

oh my!

giving this a read too!

btw, please tag your works with "TT", not a must, but will make it easier to keep track of everything before collecting everything and posting it on the archive!
whoops, I meant tag your POSTS, not the files themselves btw!
>>>7312960 This group of characters has yet to stick with me.
Still enjoying the chunks of greens.
If you happen to look at the hit counters on your fics, you'll notice there's a whole lot of people reading your works. You're getting a whole lot more reception than the lack of written response would indicate. Your stuff was well written, and lots of people like it.

i guess.

most of my week was spent struggling to work on these fics. there was a lot of anxiety trying to come up with something good enough.

...oh, yeah. i also included a little meta-game. All five fics have the same two-word phrase in them somewhere. Can you find it?
I think you underestimate the reach your fics are getting.
A lot of people aren't going to just stop everything to read a bunch of fics and respond on the spot. Generally I'll open them up in a new tab and take a look once I have a quiet moment to really get into them.
So all I can really say at the moment is thank you for giving me so much material to carry me through the rest of the week.
I'll try to find it! Keep up the good work!

it was 8 pm on TT. I waited until the burgers were free off work on pretty much the most anticipated day we have as a community. (yous) and views are okay, but they weren't what i was looking for. but everyone's sick of hearing about it, so i'll stop.
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Ok I'm sorry I'm not letting this slide:

It's not "Justifying" anything.
When a scientist studies a disease that kills hundreds of thousands, if not millions each year,

Is he justifying it and giving it an excuse to do so?

No. Because the point of trying to isolate how & why a disease functions is to neutralize it's threay. If not with a cure, then at least a vaccine.

Trying to understand why the world around us works in the way that it does is more than just a survival technique or a means of dealing with the world.

It is the fundamental basis of science & knowledge.

Why are you refusing to let me apply this to a person that isn't real? I'm not even talking about a real life serial killer or genocidal dictator, here.

It's just a fucking disney character and my own headcanon.

You have no reason to be this bent out of shape over this. You're so out of line it's not even funny.
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>most of my week was spent struggling to work on these fics
We are two then!
Sadly I couldn't make the big dump in time and now I have to trickle it bit by bit.
Again I'm sorry anons it has been like this, I'll try to make the next chapters as fast as I can.
And I forgot the link to Comic's blind read!

its me

i think that anon is triggered that you're trying to explain the negative traits of a character away.

usually, when this is done, it's by autistic tumblr people who want to justify it all as okay, rather then just agknowlaging the source of the issue.
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>You have no reason to be this bent out of shape over this.

Maybe take your own advice. Leave things like your headcanon about his damaged a character is to tumblr and deviantart.
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>An Average Day At The Naturalist Club
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I know nothing justifies his actions, and we don't know anything about his backstory, but from his own words that he had "self-doubt" and his very specific words when attacking Judy, I always speculated that Gideon's issues came from him being almost the complete opposite from the stereotypical fox.

Think about it, for the most part we know foxes as "slim, sly, and smart" if Nick himself is a clear example, and Gideon is "big, blunt, and dumb." He doesn't even need to have a bad household or anything, he knows how the stereotypical fox is suppose to be, and he doesn't fit it at all. He even tries to sound smart, while getting annoyed when corrected.

This would also explain why he attacks Judy's dreams so specifically, where he has self-doubts about his traits as a fox, Judy embraces doing something bunnies just don't do. So he wants to hurt her, bring her down to his level, and make her feel as uncomfortable in her own skin as he does his.

Personally I still don't care too much for Gideon as a character, I still see him too much of a Chekhov's Gunman that is, at times, unneeded. And I'd rather not use too much of our own universes issues to explain why he is the way that he is, I just thought it would be better to use what we do know to try to form some reasoning.
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...and last one for now.
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Nick best doctor


I need your love, I've been so sick?
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>"Nick. You're being ridiculous."
>Judy's stern, imperious air was ruined by the hearty sniffle that followed.
>Nick huffed. "Judy. You're sick. I can wait."
>Judy shook off part of her cloak of blankets and leaned into Nick's side.
>He couldn't hide his groaning whine at the contact.
>"You don't have to wait. You shouldn't. You're in heat."
>"I'm not in heat, Judy."
>"In season. Whatever. It's winter. You're about to burst, I can smell it."
>"You can barely smell anything."
>"Well, I can smell you. That should tell you something."
>Nick glanced at Judy, her ears flushed and drooping with fever.
>He shook his head. "You're exhausted."
>"That's never stopped you before."
>Nick had no idea how she could sound so sultry while so stuffed up.
>She was right, of course. She'd been sick for days and Nick, normally cool and patient was in overdrive and that wasn't changing any time soon.
>But she was still sick. Sex was most definitely NOT what the doctor ordered.
>His restraint was admirable, and lasted right up until she slipped a paw into his shorts.
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well, i am working on something.

it's not much now, but perhaps it will turn into a painting.
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Wow, let me back-pedal something fierce right now.

I was very out of line and nor did I really need to get so out of shape because of that. Even when I was talking about speculation and what have you, I still fell to that when I shouldn't have.
Since, within my mind, when you started to talk about rape, torture and what have you.
It felt like to me you were talking about those exact things would happen to Gideon thus, what he has been through.

I stopped reading and wrote up what I ended up saying, when you started talking about that correctional guard within your life. Not reading it until the end, like I should have. But once I went back and read it to the end, I more then understand what you are trying to say.

I was pretty much going "Your opinion, thoughts, and ideals are wrong! And my own are truth!"
I thought I was above such thinking, but I was wrong.

Once again, I apologize.
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>remember that late submissions are accepted
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continue, friend
Fuck yeah. Call me hyped.
Thank you for making my evening, dawg.
Ooh, I do like where this is going, even if it feels just a tad bit awkward thinking about having sex with a sick partner. That definitely isn't good for their health. Please continue.

Also, on the filename, pretty sure that isn't Nick's shirt.
can someone call NASA?
I need to know where my sides are!
i just hope i don't let you down. luckily the weekend is soon so i will have time to at least get some progress on it.
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how do you do it reply?
Would have never thought this was going to be continued.
>All those Blob bunnies
Reply has good taste.
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I need a kick and you're so big
Fuuuuuuuuuuuck, best thing to end the night on is more Scoutmaster. The fact that another anon is writing a goddamn story about this is the best. You made Rosie look so damn sad too.

I am rather pleased for the direction you are taking this instead. honestly the previous 2 sentences had a rather questionable undertone to it.
Almost like, "Nick really wants her but just ignores her protest's" or something.

I have got to give Judy some major respect and props, for doing this for Nick. Even if Nick is unwilling, at the start at least.
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>"J-Judy," he groaned, even as his hips bucked forward into her touch. "You're supposed to be resting."
>"And I will. I'll lie back and let my big bad predator have his way with me."
>Nick kissed her hungrily, and her paws slid out of his clothes and up to his chest, grabbing weakly at his shirt.
>He was ready, more than ready, but he let her down to the bed gently, and slipped a pillow behind her back.
>She laughed, but he didn't care. He shucked his shirt off in one smooth motion.
>He really didn't have time for his shorts. They didn't come off, but he got them out of the way.
>He slid forward, sneaking his paws under Judy's top, running his pads slowly up her stomach, and brought them to a rest on her chest.
>He ghosted his claws gently through her fur, and her breath hitched--
>and she coughed. Then coughed again, and again, hacking coughs that left her a little short of breath.
>His ears pinned back, Nick started to withdraw. "Judy--"
>"Nick, please," she whispered, and trapped his paws under her shirt. "Keep going."
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Will you submit this as your TT entry?

There is so much I love about this pic, but tail-munching rabboots takes the cake
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Nigh, Magical /ztg/ threads, I'll try to read anything I didn't today tomorrow!
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Good night!
While I know I will love it either way, I'm hoping this is Sharla rather than Dawn.

Black sheep superior to white sheep.
Source image?
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>"Bonnie Hopps uses her MILF-y wiles to seduce Nick" comic/fic when?
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>For a moment, Nick was torn. He wasn't ashamed to admit that he coughs made him nervous.
>But her eyes were begging and he was throbbing.
>He pressed forward, and she raised her arms to let him slip her shirt off.
>Judy was always warm. He joked about it, sometimes, saying that she just had too much energy for even a rabbit body to make use of.
>Now, though, she was like a small furnace. Even topless, he swore he could feel the heat coming off her in waves.
>He marveled at it even as he hooked a finger under her waistband. She was getting medicine after this whether she liked it or not, he decided. That would be his payback.
>She didn't resist in the slightest as he disrobed her, which made him swallow a bit.
>While Judy wasn't dominant in bed, exactly, she was energetic. She was vocal and responsive and met him at every turn. Matched him, passion for passion.
>This new side of Judy, quiet and demure and completely at his mercy was electrifying for Nick, if he was honest.
>He'd decide how he felt about that later.
>Judy couldn't contain a groan when he grabbed her legs and spread them wide open so he could sidle up to her. She was slick, and ready, and apparently he wasn't the only one enjoying this new dynamic.
Bonnie cucks Stu is my favorite Zootopia headcanon.
She's just helping her daughter by showing her how to please males, anon
Does anyone else HATE Zootopia?
He'd get off on it.

He's always watching mammals fuck his wife senseless while he masturbates furiously in the closet.

While wearing a Mighty Mouse costume.

anon, that knot is rediculous.

can you imagine that fitting in anything?
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>While wearing a Mighty Mouse costume.
Oh my, I can't get the image out of my head
Did Inky do that Hugh lewd someone requested yesterday?

Anon, Inky's dead.
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I thought that Captain Carrot was too obscure, so I went with the next best "animal Superman" candidate.
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Inky was too tired to draw after doing some work. She'll draw and post it tomorrow ASAP.

You're talking about the Caitlin ones, right? Or did you mean a different one? I'm getting them all muddled up now.

Oh shit. Then maybe I won't!
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>Captain Carrot
>Look up who he is
Great, now the image is even worse

RIP, Piggu
Yep the Caitlin one, it sounded nice.
Bunnyburrow underground tourism stop is the Buck's Inn Does, an event held in Buck's Inn where willing does will pleasure random mammals for free. Bonnie always went there, Stu demanding to have the tapes to see what his wife was having that night. Zebras, Kangaroos, Bears, even other rabbits. Sometimes she'd later conceive her lovers seed, her favorite being a certain kit. Two decades and a half later, said kitten would come to her to relax after a fight with her best friend. And Bonnie was more than happy to show the ropes around. Even after she got back to the city and made her best friend her boyfriend, she still comes monthly to enjoy Buck's Inn hospitality.
It's alright.
I fucking love how civil this thread can be.

i mean
superman is the ultimate voyer
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>He pressed into her, and let out a gasp.
>Judy was tight. She was always tight. It was a given when she was so much smaller than he was.
>But she was hot. Even hotter than usual. It was a little overwhelming, and it took Judy squeezing him with her thighs to get him moving again.
>He grabbed a leg with one paw and her hips with the other, and finally gave up control.
>The bed rocked with them as he slid himself in and out, his panting mixing with Judy's meek, tired moans.
>His paws roamed, unable to get enough of the submissive doe under him, moving to her hips, to her shoulders, up her arms and finally pulling her paws away from the sheets to grasp them tightly.
>Her legs swayed to and fro in the air as Nick hunched forward, intent on the release he'd been craving for days.
>He pulled her closer, ignoring her squeak of surprise, and pressed his knot in.
>Judy's body tightened and his breath turned ragged
>He slipped the knot out again, and her body went limp for just a moment, before he pushed it back in again
>and again, and again
>He snarled and pressed it in one last time, pressing in as deep as he could go.
>Judy shivered as he filled her, his knot swelling and orgasm refusing to end.
>Long minutes passed before Nick nuzzled into her neck and spoke.
>"You were right. I needed that."
>"You're not the only one." Judy hadn't exactly been lively before the sex, and she was even less so now. She didn't bother to move.
>Nick moved up to gently lick at her face. "What you need is more medicine."
>"I disagree."
>Nick looked down at her with a single raised eyebrow. "And why is that?"
>Judy pressed her face into his fur and took a deep whiff, totally unhindered by congestion.
>"Looks like a little exercise was exactly what the doctor ordered after all."


That was more difficult and took longer than I expected. Hope you guys liked it anyway.
heading off to bed; i hope you continue this
Dang, that was quick. Thanks, CapAnon.
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>I made a typo in the third post
>He wasn't ashamed to admit that he coughs made him nervous.

Should be "the coughs"
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Oh shit. Love ya, mate, thanks.
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Not the green writer but, damn Capperanon, you're a goddamn hero
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someone name my latest WIP green; i can't think of shit :v

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reposting for the new thread

the gang's all here

Cliff and Neil are goddamn enormous. Pandora too, but I never stopped to think about how much bigger they'd be than Remmy.
So when is Cliff gonna hit on Dora, who waves him off because she's already getting slammed by the ram?
Fortuitous search

Weaver, Charlie's height was similar to Nick, right?
Actually Pandora's entire reservation about Remmy seems to be that he's too short. A guy Cliff's size would probably be much more her speed. It's irrelevant though because Cliff is gay and dating Neil.
Hmmm, I dunno. I might. I was thinking of doing a more longform thing but this really grabbed me by the balls, and is probably more in line with the spirit of TT.
Remmy is just a nice fluffy luffa in the gym showers..
>Weaver, Charlie's height was similar to Nick, right?
Pretty close, yes.
Do both! More is better!
Ah, good point. At least I don't have to beat myself up for being late on the long form story, as I still technically have a submission that was only a couple hours late at most.
Didn't Avo call them excitedly after finding out she was no longer the omega though?
Oh no, not again, I don't want my daily dose, Dr Piccolo
Not him but I figured that was just the set up for 'omegas can't mate' prank. Still, we have little enough to go on with those two, maybe they're just good buddies or swingers or whatever.
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Damn, Pandora is really BIG
Poor Rex, even with the box and the hat hes just soooo tiny. Still lovable but oh so short.

This was very comfy and different, I don't ever think I have seen a green and/or a Fic like this.


Well depending on if this entire green is going to be Judy masturbating and Nick with those 2 dingo's.

How about "3 Backs and a Fox?" or Making the Fox/Beast with 3 Backs?"

I can't really think of anything when it come's to using Judy within it.
Fringe stuff seems to be my forte.
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>there was a Nick is a pornstar green and I missed it
anon, forgive me ;_;
Maybe one is gay and the other is bisexual? Or they both are? Who knows.
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Or maybe they can only come to terms with their feelings when they're balls deep in a devil's three way, their eyes lost in each other's as they bend over the fem between them, arching their necks as they go for kiss, their lips quivering with excitement...
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I based it off of this size chart, which has Nick at 3'6"
Charlie is probably a touch shorter

Rammy is an unusually short ram
something of a lamblet, if you will

But yeah damn
Apparently tigers are nearly as tall as fuckin' Bogo

he's not as short as dawn, though.

that's a real lamblet.
What is /ztg/ listening?
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Triangles I can take or leave, but I'm absolutely digging that tie pulling.
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But Betty and Al were also mentioned to be bigger than most wolfs. Remmy is probably somewhere between that ram and Nick.
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Using Charlie as a ~3.5' scale. Forgive the distortion, it's a sloppy edit. Tried to put everyone's heels on the starting line and adjust accordingly.
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Has there been any new wildecest lately?
I wish.
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Ah, ok, I used the film's height of 4'. It seems that they touched the heights a little in the movie production, making the smaller mammals a little higher. Still, I'm a sucker for content shows Zootopia in a realistic way.
The way you remain consistent with the heights in all of your Pack Street comics is the second best thing that I like about your drawings, right after the facial expressions, because I know firsthand how difficult is to draw with so many different size scales.
Also Don is a little cutie patootie.

Thanks anon, you saved me an edit. And it is not so sloppy.


If you want I can dump some images from my tie pulling folder

gotye does incredible music

Somebody That I Used To Know is okay, but i think most of his other songs are better.
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tie tug.png
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Nah, that's cool, I'm just a bit of a connoisseur.
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Great taste, anon
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Good taste, one of the things that I prefer in pics (at least in the Top 5)
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i'm sorry, honest.png
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Giving a read right now, i'll try to find those words, thanks!

I was still practicing, when i got struck by unknown forces and did this, my first TT entry.
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Kek, saved
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the fuck.jpg
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Okay, /ztg/ Have you ever encountered something in a fanfic that just takes you "suspension of disbelief" in terms of plot logic and just Breaks it over its knee? I have. Was reading Wilde Heart on fanfictio.net. Okay story,, but the characters are entertaining and plot isnt superbad. Theres a tendancy to use RP speak, like *Sighs* and shit, but whatever i can dig it. Im all set to enjoy this romp through the world.. until the last fucking chapter they posted. Now, bit of a summary. Nick actually gets hit with the nighthowler and has to learn to control himself and his emotional states. Finick helps using a steel cage and all goes well.Later on a triangle forms between nickxjudyxOC with OC being female cheetah friend nick made int he academy. Long story short judy goes to nick mother to ask about past, more angst is revealed etc etc. Normally, im perfectly fine with angst, the more angst the more catharsis there is at the end. But ths... this one fucking detail. Basically after the Ranger Scout incident, but before the movie, Nick gets the shit beat out of him by his schoolmates, intercrainial hemorraging and lots of other injuries occur. He gets better, but the downside is he has lost the ability to feel emotions... any of them.. at all. Upside is, he can no longer forget anything either. Nicks mom basically tells Jusy that hes no a computer with nicks face.. and That, /Ztg is what brought my enjoyment of the story to a crashing halt, because that basically invalidates ALL of the ... emotional resonance? Well it invalidates all of Nicks emotions, in the movie, and cause it turned him in to a high functioning sociopath with a really good imitation of emotions, and that just ...its just a wtf moment for me. Has /ZTG ever experienced anything like that when reading fanfics?
This needs to be drawn at some point.
Hello musical bun.


I read a *lot* of fanfiction (as it's the only kind of ebook i can freely load onto my phone whenever through an app), as a result I am fairly adept at sorting out the good from the bad.

basic tips:
-sort by favorites or follows
-set a minimum word-count if you're looking for something common enough. Most bad fanfics don't last very long in terms of words. This'll cut out short good fics, too, though.
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Well, there are various fics that have completely OOC characters, sometimes for the sake of drama, sometimes because the author is searching for a cheap way to convey the emotion that they want, many times for both.
I usually try to stay away from fics like by principle.
Also, please, use paragraph breaks and a little spell check, what you have thrown here is a hard to read wall of text that, at first glance, seems like copypasta.
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I once read a fanfic where there was a human name Kaz and he got with Judy the hole time im reading it i keep thinking about MGS5 because the humans name was fucking Kaz
Kimi <3
it's like a "it was just a dream" concept, but closer to "IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO" ending
Welp, might as well have yet another "former brony confession" before I head to bed.


So, back before I realized that most "Human in X" stories were shameless self-insert masturbation, there was a story I was into called "The Lost Element".

Long story short: humans used to live with ponies, even creating a complimentary element to match their six, but they were kicked the fuck out because of fears of war, etc. So the leaders decide to randomly pick a human as a test and, if things went well, have them act as an ambassador as reintegration started along.

So of course they picked upper-middle class white boy who hates his family and everything on our world despite never getting worse than a scraped knee.

I was willing to overlook the sudden "one week" romance he started with a main character, his entitled misanthropy for no real ass reason, his ability to be Jesus to the point he rediscovers the titular artifact and redeems an old villain. Shit, despite the fact I complained about it to the author, I largely stayed silent about him buying shit with a credit card he brought with him.

What finally broke me was when the Q-Discord guy did the exact same thing he did on the show again, the main character fucking killed him. Brutally with no punishment. Then proceeded to undermine the whole reason he was an ambassador as he basically said "fuck humans and Earth".

Dropped that shit immediately. Made worse that the author was just as big of a douchebag as his main character, JUST to make the self-insert OC cycle complete.
Was never a huge fan of the FNAF franchise, but I liked seeing people LP it and even don't mind Game Theory, so I watched one of their earliest livestreams where they had all the theorists talking.

Then Scott decided to basically tell everyone that because he couldn't come up with a straight story, he was going to St. Elsewhere the series and make the then four games a dying dream of a brain damaged child.

The fact that he later backpedaled on this HARD doesn't change that he tried it in the first place.

As said, I was never more than an observer, but even I felt like that was a fucking slap to the face.

That's one of those Fic's that I wanted to get into but I just cant, all I really do is just skip through it and read a passage every so often.

Since in the most recent chapter, Nick finally realizes he is in love with her, so he has already retconned his own lore. Good Job, Author!

Constantly, anon.

"Nick, wake up." Is another one that is so awful, at one point Nick gets punched in the face by one of Judy's family members, not only does he just cower and do nothing, Judy also does nothing! Just an "Eh." from her, almost like she doesn't even care.
And now in the most recent chapter Nick decides to go out drinking with some of the other bucks that are strangers to him, and they all decide to muzzle him and get out a fucking gun to kill him, so they can then dump his body somewhere.

Because, he's a fox. You know? Not like killing an officer of the Law, means anything, right?

You just need to revel in the suck, then laugh at it so you can move on with reading better Fics.
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This isn't a specific story, but whenever a fanfic comes up with the idea that Judy is "pred-sexual" or however they want to call it, it kind of breaks me out of the whole thing.

I am not an expert on mental trauma or how it effects the mind, but it would seem strange for Judy to be attracted to only predators, especially given her family's, and her own, fear of them. Especially if it is a childhood thing, and makes her fear of predators all the more confusing.

It also kind of ruins WildeHopps for me just a tad bit; I like to think WildeHopps is about Nick and Judy being attracted to each other despite, or even for, their differences as species and individuals. A lot of that gets tossed out the window when the author decides to come up with the plot device of "oh they are pred and prey sexual!" Meaning they are SUPPOSE to be attracted to each other, rather than it happening because of their own feelings.
>"former brony confession"
I have strong opinions about a number of early MLP:FiM fanfics.
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How did Clawhauser pass Academy's tests while being so fat?
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a a a a aa a a a aa
He got fat later.
>Nick finds out a few months into their relationship
>confronts Judy on it
>Judy just says it's a cultural thing from her home town
>she doesn't see why Nick's so upset
>Nick tries to explain to her that cheating isn't okay and that he's not a cuck
>Judy just brushes it off as a classic nick smug joke
>Nick tries to pretend everything is okay
>he loves judy
>it hurts every month when she comes back
>now now notices the smells of the males she's been with very clearly
>he needs to hold on
>for her
>she saved him from himself
>he loves her
>doesn't he?
>not enough to be a cuck
>Nick leaves Judy
>Abloo bloo bloo sad bun
>Nick ends up dating all the police wolves in a polygamous relationship that all parties talked about and agreed on before committing to.
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fuck it's literally me.jpg
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5:21am we aesthetic hours now
I like the idea that he was very fit when he entered, then he got fat when he assigned a desk job (or because he was shocked from a case on the field and he asked to stay away from action)
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open relationship 2 nick's guilt.png
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ass thicc
Still waiting to see a "Judy cheats on Nick" story where Judy ends up emotionally destroyed, just for the shits and giggles. The fan continuation of "Old-Fashioned Disaster" copped out in the worst way, Mistakes was everyone being complete and utter idiots, Consequences is currently dead, and...Huh, aside from a few greentexts and one-shots I think that is all the "Judy cheats on Nick" stories out there.
ciwi lives and what a beautiful draw
Is there a clean version of this?
"Brush the Dirt Off" ended like that.
I'm the one that made the first one, give me a minute and I will give you the new corrected

You know it's kind of funny that there ain't a whole lot of "Judy cheats on Nick" out there. Its almost comedic about how much that meme has taken off after so few things have been made with that.

Still it's a horrible thing, no doubt about it. But it's to the point that it's played for laughs now a days.

And in the long run, Consequences was shaping up to by the one and only that was going to ruin the both of them in the end.
It it was going to be one of the most violent and awful train wreck's you could have ever witnessed.

I don't know about you or anyone else, but reading the few chapters that it had, had me RUINED for days. Like that was the only Fic, that made me physically ill reading it, thinking about what happened within it and what could happen later.
I mean like the original, without the hights.
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Without the numbers?
Without the line scale, anon.
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open relationship.png
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True enough I guess, even if it seemed less for Judy's own feelings for "cheating" on Nick and more of him actually having sex with someone other than herself. It is up in the air if she truly realized, at that moment, what she was doing to Nick emotionally.

I think it was because of the infamy of "This Is What True Love Looks Like" bleeding into "Old-Fashioned Disaster" that really got the ball rolling for it. Along with the massive amount of "cucking Nick", even if Judy isn't necessarily cheating on Nick, it just became a meme even if there isn't that much content about it.

Personally for me, the part that hit me the hardest in Consequences was Judy's thoughts right before she cheated. It was a horrible train wreck that just started with one angry thought that should have been controlled, but wasn't. It is also very much unlike the rest of the cheating fics out there; In OFD Judy had gone to a bar assuming she'd have her sister watching out for her, even if she still should have watched her own drinking, and Mistakes, while everyone were complete morons, was Judy's own frustrations and being left with someone who didn't respect boundaries and got her drunk.

In Consequences, she purposely went out to a bar to get more drunk, and she had her chance to back out when a buck hit on her. All she had to do was say "Sorry, I'm taken" or just even leave; yes she was drunk at that point but she also THOUGHT of Nick right before she made her choice and figured "Hey, it is just flirting, nothing wrong with a little fun right?" and went down that slippery slope before she could stop herself.

With the hints of Judy possibly becoming pregnant from the encounter, the buck being a cocky shit who for sure is going to be telling the story to anyone he knows, Nick no longer feeling as if their apartment is "home" and having seemingly bought a fucking ring before all that, that story was going to crash, burn, blow up and light up the entire place.
>It is up in the air if she truly realized, at that moment, what she was doing to Nick emotionally.

Since she started really breaking down when he threw the dirt comment back in her face, it was clear that she knew.
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Sorry if I don't understand, English is not my first language. If you want without numbers and words here it is. The clean clean one is here >>7314076

Well I meant the original picture without the hight comparison, if there is one. Last update I saw to this was the one adding pandora and velvet. not this one with the rest.

Oh yeah this one >>7314076
Thank you, must have missed it.
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gonna work on some commissions and gift art, gimme some warm up requests
Al and Velvet doing cute things together, please.
Pandora and Remmy fucking.
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these two kissing

velvet can be filming and cheering them on


Velvet doing striptease for him.

Pandora, Velvet and Al have a threesome.
Artemis being maximum nervous as a girl he really likes checks out his fangs and asks why he has 'em.
Velvet eating fish/chicken meat and liking it.
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Just gonna repost this drawing real quick.
I'll catch y'all later.
Draw Dewey and Don >>7314076
>I don't even fuckin know this chick
Artemis and Bunner smooching :^)
Judy and Nick crashing the thread with no survivors


Musk deer grow their fangs during mating season, so I imagine it would be a little nerve-wracking to have your crush asking about them.
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>"use the pinky. the WHOLE pinky, Judy!!"
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I like that pic for some reason that I can't fathom.
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cosy slether.png
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good shit anon
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Need more Bonnie milf...
...for uh reasons.
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>Artemis? Isn't that a girl's name?
I like artemis, very fun character concept. Draw more of him whenever you feel like, nobbo, I really enjoy reading about this little guy
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>Composure by Varanus
>Crucible by Luminary
>Growing Pains by Karrakaz
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Since nothing is happening, let me share an article I found interesting. Perhaps not explicitly zootopia related, but an interesting read


>In dark times, cynicism seems a safe bet. There is a strange kind of comfort, even catharsis, in letting go or wallowing in dystopian visions. It lets us off the hook. Utopia gets a bad press, much of it justified; it’s impossible, even undesirable. Yet abandoning the utopian impulse is arguably even more naïve and ultimately self-defeating.

Also, if anyone wants to play, I'll have a go at analyzing your handwriting, I have time for a 1 or 2 today.
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Seriously? I put hours and days of work into my writing and get maybe 2 (you)s at best on the first post and zero on the re-shills.

There's something very frustrating in seeing a writer like you take the level of response you get for granted.

I can appreciate the fact that maybe you're just feeling the downward mood that comes after the high of completion wears off, but you really should look at the low-key reaction other writers get here and realize how good you have it.
>Composure by Varanus
I don't remember much about it, other than that it was one of those fics that just stopped updating. Chapter 7 was released after I'd quit paying attention.

Apparently it didn't leave much of an impression on me.

>Crucible by Luminary
Never read it.

>Growing Pains by Karrakaz
Never read it.
Dick the Nick, do it quick!
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Homosexuals are predsecuted in Zootopia's society, which is good.
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This art is excellent. [spoiler]and the writing too[/spoiler]
this counts for this one, right
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remmy mad.png
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Drunk, ok I can accept that.

Now give us Velvet stripping for Al.
But he is Nicks slut
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Who are you quoting you gay?
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No but you are
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Either Remmy accidentally seeing Velvet completely naked when he's in Al's apartment


Lionheart and Bellwether thinking sexy thoughts about the other and trying to hide their arousal from the other since they're in the same room.


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any anons who have their zootopia reaction image folder organized that would be willing to upload it somewhere?
Snow leopard girl shouldn't lick herself out. I should be doing it.
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Is that Zistopia comfort vixens?
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I miss zistopia
it got a little fucking weird there in the later parts but it was fucking good
and these two will always be the cutest shit
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I wish I was half as talented as FtK
it's 99.7% purely hard work m8t. And no, it's not a meme.
I'm sorry, let me rephrase it:
I wish I had even half the skill FtK has
Practice is key anon.
thanks, anon, my autism needed that because I sort of feel people who dismiss themselves by stating someone "has talent" are less likely to start doing something creative

that sounded so condescending
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This was interesting. Thank you for sharing this.

This is something I read recently that reminds me a lot of Zootopia's architecture.


I remember your handwriting analyzation posts. If it's okay with you, I can post it later today. The Quick Brown Fox Jumped Over The Lazy Dog, right?
>Checking out CC list
>Everyone marked as dead
Okay then
>Illness TT submission is the Plague of Beasts
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Oh man I've wanted to have one of these done for ages! Have a go at my scribbles whydontcha.
You messes up homie. Should be jumps, not jumped.

My petard, it hoists me!
Your a is an upside down e
>>7317723 >>7317750
No doubt those are both salient points for the analysis!
>Could have just made a cute story about Nick and Judy overcoming prejudice while showing off cute couples


ay still streamin with bunner

just gonna do >>7315917 and maybe one more for zoot stuff
Getting too worked up about a series that won't even come of hiatus anymore.
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Look man, the author had something nice.

They then fucking turned into to shit. I can be mad.
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Coloured - Underdressed.png
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Another quick colour edit.
Oh no, I agree on a lot of what you said, I don't particularly care anout Gwen or off-comic rants they did, but I hated how it went obvious evil government plot while predators are basically every sufferer ethnicity combined.
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real shame no one asked at that Zbrush presentation

"what were you fucking thinking?"


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I've always been curious about this.
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>sickened but curious
I have to ask
who the fuck is artemis
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someone asked me to make a Musk Deer awhile ago

decided to keep drawin him

he's a cute boy who likes big girls
Inthe classical period of Greek mythology, she was the Hellenic goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, virginity and protector of young girls, bringing and relieving disease in women.
Woah, didn't expect to see this colored! Really liked the colors on this one!
oh, cute
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jud cucc nike wen
Stop being so adorable I'm a grown up man
>Her winter wear is still ZPD blue
I always forget how orange Nick actually is until I see one of your colors
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>eating lipstick
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Now that is a SMILE.png
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... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmX0wRODV1A

>That's this? What's this?
>There's something in your pants!
>What's this?
>It's widening your stance.
>What's this?

>There's zeros for my eyes,
>And my mouth's a pair,
>Of Us, since I spared a glance...
>What's this?

>What's this? What's this?
>It's gotten very large.
>What's this?
>I'm no longer in charge.
>What's this?
>I feel a something,
>Swelling up within your briefs,
>It's got me hot and bothered,
>I'm feeling just so awkward!
>What's this? What's this?

>My hand upon your trousers,
>Is making somethign rise,
>You say it's just for me,
>I think that I'll enjoy my prize.

>I've glomped you till I'm happy,
>But it has been so long,
>And what you've got for me, I think,
>My hunger is so strong.

>What's this?
>I'm pulling off your belt, and I,
>Can feel the thing inside.

>And I think I snuck a peak of what,
>Looks like a snake, one eyed!
>What's this?

>What's this?
>It's huge! And such a shade of rouge!
>Is it just for me,

>You're giving it a rubber coat,
>And you're slipping it inside my throat,
>And you're lubing up my butt,
>And I'm licking on it, yum!

>It feels so good,
>It feels so good,
>The snake's giving me a kiss!
>What's this?

>0w0, what now?
>I'm falling on your bed,
>0w0! Is it time to make me bred?
>Your finger's pressing on my asshole,
>And pushing it around,
>There's something deep inside of me,
>That wants to make me move my hips,
>I cry out with pleasure,
>Because I'm a huge furry!

>Your cock, inside
>You're making me your bride.
>I've never felt so good before,
>The empty place inside of me is filling up.
>I simply cannot get enough,
>(You see these lines are perfect,
>And I did not need a change)
>I just want more,
>I just want more,
>What is this thing inside of me?
>What is this?
>A cock, 0w0?
the ram
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About five hours later to respond but what the hell.
Perhaps Judy knew what he was going through then, but I still doubt that she regrets it other than the fact she will probably lose Nick now. She already knew he didn't want the "open relationship", she just didn't care. She wanted her cake and eat it too, and figured their "love" for each other would be enough to counteract any negatives as long as she kept the true reason a secret. This isn't even considering that she actually cheated on Nick before they agreed to the open relationship...

Granted this is also a greentext not meant to be taken anywhere near seriously so either way.

You know, normally I don't mind this artist's Judy, but in this picture the eyes are unsettling...

I really like how Nick's fur is a lighter color here. Not sure if that was your intention or not, but it would fit right if his fur changed to a lighter shade during the winter.
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How do you guys have such legible and pleasing handwriting while I'm stuck with the hand of a filthy scribbler
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i bet you cant even draw,

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i guess this is specifically for japanese market.
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Masturbation ruins handwriting.
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law of the jungle.png
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>Betty x Remmy
>Charlie x Rex
>Avo x Wolter
>Anneke x Marty
>Pandora x Ozzy
>Velvet x Al
>Cliff x Neil
>Dewey x Don
>Martina is pure
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Sheepdog Xmas.png
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I'm glad you guys like it!

Here's an extra Gerardson one I did a while ago that I just remembered I did. Not quite happy with how I coloured it though, I might re-do at some point.
Heil Nobbo
>Zoot 2 is announced but with an unprecedented lack of detail surrounding it
>The only thing said about it is its "a reimagining of what the original movie could have been"
>Even Moore's Twitter is dead silent
>Movie comes out
>its exactly the same as the original Zootopia
>but Judy is bigger than Nick

Trump is cleaning out the garbage.
They're being harvested for dog meat at this moment.

>The Weaver LITERALLY left 4chan for a months because he can't deal with Trump winning after dropping off that new Pack Street picture

>Zoot 2 is announced

in your dreams, maybe.
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Best AU
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Special feeling tr.jpg
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This picture has EXACTLY the same text, word-for-word; the only difference in the one you posted is that top left says "In front of the Downtown Zootopia Train Station" and top right red font says "Blizzard in Downtown"

As for the text in your post, says something along the lines of "Sometimes, when I have a reaction like this, I think to myself that it must have just started snowing somewhere."
And the strong should praise the lord

>Final boss
>Anneke x Marty
>Charlie x Rex
>Pandora x Ozzy
w h a t
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reply to 7318081.png
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>Betty x Remmy
>Charlie x Rex
>Avo x Wolter
maybe, if Avo was plastered
>Anneke x Marty
maybe, if Marty was plastered
>Pandora x Ozzy
>Velvet x Al
>Cliff x Neil
>Dewey x Don
who knows, they referred to each other as "partners" but it's unclear as to whether they meant "life", "business" or both
>Martina is pure
100% canon
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they just dont give a fuck.
I can no longer have any expectations about what I'm going to see in these threads.
Totally understand your anger, it went really well in the beginning. The tumblr was just about the comic with new pages every week and questions from fans being answered.
It's understandable that a comic of this size requires time, especially when you've got to take care of life. But after the first hiatus the tumblr turned into a personal blog. With more personal opinions and reblogs cluttering up the page, it somehow lost its focus.
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>No doubt those are both salient points for the analysis!

Indeed! This is a really fascinating example, though, so let's give it a spin.

You are an introverted person. While stable and loyal, you are reflective and withdrawn - you feel quite lonely as well. I think you also have a good ability to judge human character, is this why you're so reserved? Your decisions are primarily guided by intuiton over logic.

There is a decent amount of self-restraint and sense of responsibility, you're also extremely guarded in dealing with your fellow humans; my guess would be even your close friends are unsure what you feel or think because of how distant you seem to be.

You prefer being approached rather than approaching people and appreciate the warmth, and while polite and courteous, almost never respond in kind. This is not to say you're cold, it's probably you don't tend to openly expressing yourself.

Further, you can objectively look at criticism, are self-conscious and have the ability to look into the essence of things as well as the desire to simplify things.

I'd love to write more, but I'm already running late, so that's the short of what I read from your handwriting. I know it's a bit chaotic, but hope it's been fun!

I need to run (inb4 Friday night), but I can do yours in a couple of hours today or tomorrow if you'd like. Take care!
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i am super late to this party, but i got one

I don't remember what it was called, but basically the plot was:
>nick gets hit with night howler
>feral nick escapes somehow?
>months pass
>judy, antidote in hand, goes looking for nick in the woods, using blueberries as bait
>eventually finds him
>turns out nick did the dirty with a feral vixen in the woods and they have a bunch of feral kits
>abloo bloo bloo nick found tru wuv
>judy leaves him there

what the fuck? unless the vixen was also nighthowlered and somehow the toxin can be passed down genetically, the fic implied that zootopians live alongside their feral counterparts AND they're biologically compatible. And even if the vixen and/or kids were feral, judy could have gotten more antidote and then everything would be all good but noooo, nick found true love while he was medically insane and it's not her part to intervene
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hit me senpai
I'll add it as the last to my weekend to-do list.

man, you're flamboyant and sassy as hell.
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Oh my word!
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remember the Carrot King?
I remember...
>Betty x Remmy x Wolter
try not to think about it, he doesn't like it when mortals focus his attention on him.
We need more girls kissing women
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you're welcome by nobby.png
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>Girls kissing women
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What we need are more eyes.
i-is that Bonnie?
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I needed to post this.
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No anon; it's Cotton, Judy's mother.
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>it's Cotton, Judy's mother.
Is this a dank meem? Am I being meemed right now?
Yes and no.

You see, Nobby made a deal with the devil, and as his payment was asked to draw a pic of a threesome between Nick, Judy, and Cotton.

Nobby didn't know who Cotton was, and thought it was Judy's mother.
Ah yes, Bunnilingus, or some say Bungina
Do you hear our prayers?
If you do redo it, I would suggest making Nick a darker shade than Gideon, because Gideon seems to be more of a brownish-red than Nick's orange-red fur.

I remember that fic, it made absolutely no sense what so ever.

Even ignoring everything you mentioned (the feral counterparts and biologically compatible), if Nick went feral no fucking duh he is going to try to mate with another fox. It is biology, but not his choice since he was robbed of his sapience. Just cure him and get him back to normal.

I didn't know wether to facepalm or laugh at the story.

I got another one, I don't remember the name either but it was partly based on "True Love" comic. In this case Jack was helping the ZPD (not specifically Nick and Judy) with a case, they invite him to drink afterwards, and he meets Judy there. They get drunk, have a one-night stand, and Jack leaves without saying anything.

A bit later he finds out that Judy is pregnant, but he is too scared and busy as an agent to go back. He finally gets the courage to go find Judy, and Nick greets him at the front door. Nick tells Jack to fuck off, that Nick was there for Judy, married her and signed as the kits' father, and basically tells Jack he is a piece of shit. Jack attacks Nick, but Nick defends himself, twists Jack's ankle, and Judy comes out and tells Nick to go inside.

Judy tells Jack, despite everything, she doesn't blame him. What happened was both her fault and his. She mentions that Nick is still her kits father, but Jack can see them if he wants. Once Jack leaves, Judy tells Nick, having not seen Jack attack first, that if he ever did something like that again she would file for divorce and kick him out.

Everyone pointed out to the author how stupid and extreme that last part was, and he made a second story to correct it, with Nick being nervous after that event, scared of Judy leaving him, and Judy having been "kidding" and didn't realize how serious Nick took the threat.
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Is Martina a confirmed character or still unknown?
:^) is the best answer i can give you
>Is Martina a confirmed character

>Sometime between now and when I first got here, Martina's arrived with her snack stand and cash box, raising money for the library again. Looks like she's got her own paws full, with several eager customers lined up to buy granola bars and sports drinks. I slip a five dollar bill into her donation box on my way out, and even though she's looking a little frazzled with so many hungry patrons swarming her stand, she still takes the time to give me a grateful smile and wave.

She's shown up twice now.
>Nick has to sit on Judy's lap when they're being driven to Mr. Big's
What Anon means is that if she is a real person or Marty's costume.

Marty was not at the library and when he returned home (with some bags and boxes) he said he returned from his job, where he wasn't.
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bitch please

We ride this train down to image limit or page ten, whichever comes first.
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"Rawr" x3 *nuzzles* "how are you" *pounces on you* "you're so warm" o3o *notices you have a bulge* o: "someone's happy" ;) *nuzzles your necky wecky~* "murr~ hehehe" *rubbies your bulgy wolgy* "you're so big" :oooo *rubbies more on your bulgy wolgy* "it doesn't stop growing" ·///· *kisses you and lickies your necky* "daddy likies" (; *nuzzles wuzzles* "I hope daddy really likes" $: *wiggles butt and squirms* "I want to see your big daddy meat~" *wiggles butt* "I have a little itch" o3o *wags tail* "can you please get my itch~" *puts paws on your chest* "nyea~ its a seven inch itch" *rubs your chest* "can you help me pwease" *squirms* "pwetty pwease" *sad face* "I need to be punished" *runs paws down your chest and bites lip* "like I need to be punished really good~" *paws on your bulge as I lick my lips* "I'm getting thirsty. I can go for some milk" *unbuttons your pants as my eyes glow* "you smell so musky" :v *licks shaft* "mmmm~ so musky" *drools all over your cock* "your daddy meat I like" *fondles* "Mr. Fuzzy Balls hehe" *puts snout on balls and inhales deeply* "oh god im so hard~" *licks balls* "punish me daddy~ nyea~" *squirms more and wiggles butt* "I love your musky goodness" *bites lip* "please punish me" *licks lips* "nyea~" *suckles on your tip* "so good" *licks pre of your cock* "salty goodness~" *eyes role back and goes balls deep* "mmmm~" *moans and suckles*
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still better than that guy who broke his legs twice in a row at the first time, and then right after he healed.
What guy?
that guy, you know
Forgot to post my illness TT submission yestetday.

>Bellwether goes to confession
>Says she is sick
>Says she has sick thoughts about predators
>The priest is Nick
>He fucks the sickness out of her

is this SAI?

>nick as a wizard

...well.. he's over 30..
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thanks anon i really enjoyed it
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>priest Nick

but anon, Bellwether isn't a little boy.
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>...well.. he's over 30..
Nick strikes me as the kind of fox that has hustled a few bitches out of their panties before

>that image
i miss those innocent times.
Yeah, it's SAI
Was it made before the film's release?
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around it, i guess. you can always browse desuarchive to check.
Damnit I missed the Nobbo show again!
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It's gotten to the point where browsing these threads after I nut is just me scrolling past 75% of what's posted

as it should be. then it all went downhill, happens with everything "popular"
Foxbutt you a treasure
Honestly, I prefer the Discord.

what's happening there lately?
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It moves so fast and talks about a bunch of shit I just don't give a fuck about. The funny people always seem to get booted too
Nothing zootopia-related, if that's what you're asking
It's late, and it's weird as fuck, but I have an /illness/ themed TT piece here!


Title is: "Nick Wilde's Special Sauce".

Enjoy! Please let me know what you think!

is there still a guy who smears pencill all over his images?
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this guy?

Hi Discord leaker,

I'm gonna' skullfuck the shit outta' you 'till you're skullfucked. :3
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no, themechanic
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oh, this faggot? R.I.P.
good for him.
When are suggestions for next TT open?
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>no sfw content is being done anymore!
>abloo bloo bloo
well? BE the change and make sfw content then
You are very much right that it is weird as fuck, I am currently trying to understand what I just read and what exactly happened.
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They should have opened today
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Comfy ride home.png
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I want to snuggle that bun and stoat, the bun's badger too.
Ayo, whadditdo /zoot/? 『f』『a』『n』『t』ô『m』『e』 here. Tired, hungry, and tired.
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>Indefinite hiatus
So is it safe to say Zistopia's finally dead?

You know my pain dawg.
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it was supposed to end in november. she ran it into the ground.
Yeah blame patriarchy.
It's been dead, they're just finally stopped dragging the corpse around.
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>after I nut
Can't do that to sfw boy
I never hop in the VCs. Are those lit?
I don't understand what happened. Was it vore? Mpreg? What?

Yer a leaker, figure it out cumwad.

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they could at least put some effort

member bernielover? now that was 'porn"!
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His snout's a bit wonky actually, so I could
I legitimately dont know what the fuck I just read
Yeah, I miss when these threads were good. I don't even know why I browse them anymore at all, it's just worthless garbage day and night. TT was the slowest I've ever seen, CCs are realizing people don't even care about Zootopia anymore like yesterday discussion. I feel like if someone forgets to make a new thread nobody else will bother after it breaks down, moving their own merry way. I think it's time to let go to be honest.
So, uhh, what do you think?
if you're tired of it you can leave but you dont have to whine and doompaul about shit every thread
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we'll return to /co/ when Zootopia will be snubbed at the Oscars, to complain about it.

I think TT was slow because Illness was the worst fucking theme we've ever picked.
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A mind-fuck was somewhat the thing I was going for. I was thinking more likes 'prey acts like a predator reverse predation', if that makes sense.
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funny porn, best kind!
I think TT already ran it's course, we should probably lay it to rest before people pick even worse themes and we end up with no-submissions TT down the line.
I think there needs to be more hints on what exactly the fuck is going on. It is extremely vague to an excessive point; at best we have the hint that maybe it is cannibalism or something where Nick is served pieces of rabbit (the name of the place being "Reach Out and Lunch Someone", all the other rabbits disappearing, and Judy being taken to the back). Judy clearly isn't dead, as noted that Bonnie refers to Nick as her "maybe future son-in-law" so who knows what the hell happened to her.
Otherwise, if it is none of that, it is a lot of drugs. Not sure exactly WHAT relates to Illness in this other than Crosby's clearly unstable mental health.
I'm going to get more artists to participate in TT just to spite you
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>fuzzy fox abs
Yeah, that's a good point about hints and context. You can have some mystery in a thing without being too vague about the actual events.
>Still not story about Judy following Nick's treasure trail.
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sweaty wolf dicks.png
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I wasn't sure if I was going to finish up my entry but now I will
That's not "noir", anon.
>Dewey and Don

Literally who?
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literally read the story and/or the threads

Pretty dope, and that video is pure evil.

Not a single hint about canibalism, except for the restaurant's name. I can feel that Judy made the call to the zpd but got minor injuries, she's the safe one i think.

It looks like the main event and the most dangerous thing in the place is the special sauce. Crosby seems to be more like a molester or a pervert. Nick getting the wilde ride was perfect.
hahahahah isn't michael the humpable rabbit dude ?
indeed he is.
Thread posts: 433
Thread images: 200

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