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Zootopia General: It's a Mad World Out There Edition P

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 482
Thread images: 170

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Zootopia General: It's a Mad World Out There Edition

Pastebin: pastebin.com/iYDU8g2T
ZTG Creator List: derpy.me/ztgcclist
Archives: ztarchive.com / desuarchive.org
Previous thread: archive.b-stats.org/trash/thread/7312780
Current TT Theme: Illness (Ongoing!)
More information on TT: derpy.me/trashthematicthursdays
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First for ewe
Anyone else HAGES Zootopia
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>Magnificent aren't they?
>AAAGH! AH oh ohh y-yes, the senate w-will be very pleased.
Literally fuck yourself.
I've read all of it but I don't remember who are they.
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Reshilling for the Friday crowd:
"Stamps", a Illness TT fic by Hasty.
Judy is a heroin addict. SFW.

V2 text here: http://pastebin.com/FKV6embh
Comicanon readthrough of V1 here: https://soundcloud.com/comicanon/stamps

There was a fantastic discussion of the picture attached a week ago, and it inspired me to explore the idea of a disenchanted Judy.
Thank you to all the anons who contributed in that discussion - you were instrumental in helping me write this story!
Any and all feedback, criticism or cruelty against my person is appreciated - and to those who have, thank you so much for doing so! It means a lot to me.
>ctrl+f is hard
You're not worth spoonfeeding.
Depressing and good, Noe take this self deprecating introduction down and you're set.
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it costs $0 to not be a rude cunt to people
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post yfw Zootopia officially NOMINATED for the oscar
>claw marks

You can heard Palpatine voices in the distance saying "Do It"
>lazy anon asks a question that's been answered multiple times since the chart was first posted
>is told to actually read the story
>lazy anon insists he's read the story and replies with "literally fuck yourself" (which isn't being a rude cunt, apparently)
>completely different anon calling lazy anon out for being a rude cunt is being a rude cunt
It also costs $0 to not be a condescending high-horse prick to people, too. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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good jorb!
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They appeared in Pack Street: Chum
(the chapter with the fish tacos)
Don is also called Dontyote (from pic related)
Gotta agree with >>7321747
Story is way better than lots of stuff I've read, and totally not as edgy as them too. Just own that its a sad story
Why does this image arouse me
Gonna say it again, but this one of the best things I've read out of this community. You can tell a ton of thought was put into this story from a literary standpoint- the use of third person for Judy and first person for Nick just being one example. Superb all around, harrowing and optimistic yet melancholy. Highly recommended.
7.5/10 -IGN
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as a lit student and connoisseur of sadness, i suppose i must read this for sure now! sounds like it will make me very jealous
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I feel like drawing some

Request away, m8s
Martina being aggressively hit on by a large wolf
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It's a very grey day today. Raining nonstop.

How about we post some grey music and talk about Zootopia?


Hello Hasty!

I'm really glad your story caught so much attention, especially since you seemed worried the subject matter would turn people away.

A TT Illness submission!

If you don't got an idea, how about your anteater at the doctor saying "Ahh"?
Judy doing push ups with her ears.
Medieval Judy the bun knight protecting her charge, the foxy smugomancer?
It's a rare case of fanfiction that you can actually dissect and learn more about the characters by doing so.
Definitely worth it if you like that kind of stuff.
al giving velvet a facial
I know I can just search it, I was just looking to start a discussion here, but you'd rather see this general dead.

Thanks, I thought they were one off characters, I guess they still are
Hello Comic, chapter 2 of blueberry effect coming in some hours if I don't die

I didn't forget about you too
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Please don't die! Try your hardest!
Judy the samurai please
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>I know I can just search it, I was just looking to start a discussion here, but you'd rather see this general dead.
You asked a stupid question, got a stupid answer, lashed out like a petulant child, got called out on it, and are now playing the victim and putting words in my mouth.
Even Remmy doesn't project that hard.
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Anteater in a business suit?
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Because why not?
>Please don't die! Try your hardest!
Well, I can't die. I ave request to fulfill

And now I know what song I'm listening next

Weaselton strolling along a road
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I think i know now why zootopia gave me so much feels.

Every girl in every movie ever is extremely shallow without any passions or hobbies and only cares about drama and relationships.
Not Judy though. She has a passion. She wants to make something out of herself.
She wants to be the best cop she can possibly be.
Give >her the K.
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>Every girl in every movie ever is extremely shallow without any passions or hobbies
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Otterly here,

Got some Pack Street for ya

This is

Bedridden, starring Anneke and her neighbours

She wants to be the best race traitor she can possibly be.
So, last thread someone asked everyone if they had read fics that "just takes you "suspension of disbelief" in terms of plot logic and just Breaks it over its knee?" Now I am curious of if people have specific tropes that they hate, to the point that they are tempted to back out of the fic/comic the moment they have an inkling of it in the story.

Personally for me, I am starting to get annoyed at stories where Nick is near perfect except for his emotionally setbacks. Generally people try to expand his background, delve into what other skills he may have gained during his days as a hustler/from his childhood, the most common of which being a tailor like his father from the concept background.

It is starting to get to the point where I see stories where he damn master of all trades; he has perfect memory, he is a builder, he has fucking military training (I'm sorry, what?), he can sing, dance, play every instrument known to mammals and some known to man, he can cook five star meals-

Look, I like Nick too, I like his character a lot, but what the fuck?
if dubs ill delete this post
Oh, I can name at least 3 ways in which a funny animal movie hit too close to home.
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thanks otts
Self-inserting, my dude.
Helluva drug.
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Fantastic work and good digits
But what if he finds out its not Martina but Marty in a dress?
Marty's gonna give his sister one hell of a bad reputation around town if this keeps up..
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Pack Street Heights (ft) V1
>Finds out

What do you mean?
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V2 (more accurate)
I can't read this right now bu I'm really excited to! I'll give you some feedback later this weekend, dawg!
who are dewey and don
Cliff and Neil using Remmy as a big fluffy luffa in the gym showers.
Anyone else HATE dewey and don?
Yes, why do they wear ties?
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I guess this is my TT submission then, kek
Dora looks like she crushes men's skulls like sparrow's eggs between thighs. I want to see more of her.
Aka any human/Zootopia fic ever. Except Toga's fic.
I wanna see Dewey and Don lewds
Sup, anons. i lack imagination so i'm going with infected people(see zombies) movies.

The lineup for the tonight is:

I am legend
12 monkeys
28 Days later
and as always to finish the night, Zootopia.

gather your supplies, hunker down, it will all blow over soon.

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Howdy, comicanon! I am overjoyed that people found something good in it. Thank you, again, for the readthrough - they are always avenues for great improvement!

I apologize for the self-flagellating
intro -I just feel bad if I waste someone's time with my writing, especially with a fic like this.

pic related.

This made me tear up a little. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I hope you like it, dawg! If I'm not mistaken you're Finnickfag; your trapwether pics are my jam, thank you for makin' em!
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movies start in 15 minutes. i knew i forgot something
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I actually have a problem with Judy being too fucking retarded in fics, like I guess she can have issues and insecurities but HOLY FUCK she is a character who rushes headlong into saying dumb shit like "really articulated fella" and whatnot without feeling bad later, she isn't going to be moping around over some dumb shit she's going to do something dumb that unless it backfires she'll be happy. I get it you want to make her more emotionally complex but that is possible without turning her into another character, the same problem I have with japanese Judy being basically a cute innocent little girl.
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random thing before I sleep, birthday draw for rose
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and adding stan to little hustlers ref
I can't decide more, the adorably evil look on the main Judy, Nick's face as he looks at the nude hologram of the Judy clones, or the two Judy's just casually talking. Love the coloring! Great job!
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Stan has no right arm?
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I have an entirely different problem - if the mechanics aren't immediately up to my ridiculous standards I drop a fic hard. If the dialogue and action tags are clunky at all, or if the punctuation and spelling and passive voice are too glaring, I just can't stop noticing them. It's hard to read, and more often than not it leaves zero room for imagination. It's okay for a reader to fill in the blanks and come up with their own visualizations! That's kind of half the fun.

On topic, I'd say one of the worst suspension-of-disbelief offenders I come across is AUs that turn Nick and Judy into completely different mammals. I love AUs. I'm writing... four right now. But the characters have to stay in character, otherwise the entire point is lost, IMO. I'm reading stories to see how Nick and Judy react to exciting new situations, because I know the characters and their feelings and aspirations and personalities. If they don't have those personalities, the whole reason I'd want to read is diminished - at that point they might as well be a fox and a rabbit I've never met before.

Example: I came across one a while ago where someone we are expected to accept is Nick got in a fight with a knife-wielding tiger for whatever reason and proceeded to pull out an ASP or something and -kill- the mammal - without suffering a single injury himself, naturally.

To me, that character was never Nick to begin with. The Nick I know is cynical and sarcastic and secretly sensitive. He could conceivably get pushed into a situation where killing someone feels justified, to both him and the reader. But it would take a fuck ton of context, experience and character arc before I'd accept something like that. We're talking thousands of words. Hours of investment.

tl;dr I don't find AUs any kind of excuse to write what one might generously describe as 'generic furry.' And I hold fanfiction writers to professional copy standards, to my own detriment.
>I came across one a while ago where someone we are expected to accept is Nick got in a fight with a knife-wielding tiger for whatever reason and proceeded to pull out an ASP or something and -kill- the mammal - without suffering a single injury himself, naturally.
Let's talk about it for real.

It's been a year and the movie is still talked about, has many fans, even famous actors, and the shipping is everywhere you search for Zootopia. BH6 and Moana can't even compare.
One year ago I'd say it wasn't possible, but now I believe there's a big chance for a sequel in 2 years minimum.
Wait, wait, today is Rose's birthday?
Fuck my break ended but I haven't finished yet. I'm loving it so far, Jesus
The name is sort of familiar, but I don't know if it's the same fic. Do you have a link?
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Has anybody tried making a Zootopia version of this?
I am legend is starting.
Grapes don't grow on trees kek.

Made me drop harder than anything ever, Nick being ultra bad ass, sure. But Nick being able to bring down tigers? Sorry bub, not Zootopia.

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could just be in his hoodie, you never know

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It doesn't have to be Weaver who makes them
ur mom hates u but she still mad u
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He does it every once in a while, and you could always request it of one of the other cool artists or writers who frequently ask for requests.
Thank god, Inky is enough gay shit for these threads.
Oh sweet Zeus, it's a comic, too?

Yeah, that's it.
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Anyone else RATE Zootopia?
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I have a fetish for muzzles
Does that make me a degenerate?
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What was it again?

then ask one of the other pack-street fanartists/fanwriters who does like gayshit.
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>she is a character who rushes headlong into saying dumb shit like "really articulated fella" and whatnot without feeling bad later, she isn't going to be moping around over some dumb shit she's going to do something dumb that unless it backfires she'll be happy.

I think this describes Judy's character to a T. Every time she does something and feels bad about it, she rushes in to try to fix it. She felt bad about profiling Nick, she immediately reprimanded herself and took the first chance to prove to herself that she wasn't "close minded", telling off the elephant and trying to "compliment" Nick. She tries to fix the city for three months before she finally gives up.

It takes a lot to REALLY get to Judy, the only instance we saw her cry was at the thought of Nick hating her. Judy isn't as emotional as she is passionate, she will keep doing what she thinks is right until she hits a wall she can't run through.

>It's okay for a reader to fill in the blanks and come up with their own visualizations! That's kind of half the fun.

I have kind of been a fan of this type of writing, it is something that makes the reader actually think. An example is trying to shy away from describing how the character feels. There is a difference between "Judy shyly/cautiously averted her eyes" and "Judy averted her gaze from the fox's stare", it wants you to think 'why is this character looking away? Is it shyness? Fear? Wariness?'

I feel the same way when it comes to AUs, obviously there will be some changes to characters, but there need to be key traits (Judy's passionate attitude, Nick's slyness and empathy).
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>Judy's character.

This is a great distillation. I've been writing zoop fic since the film came out, and I still don't know if I've done Judy justice. Can I save this?
Any fic where Judy is literally "abloo." She cried once, ONCE, in the entire movie of zootopia, and it was for betraying her best friend whom she had gained trust from. She took down a huge ass Rhino and did not hesitate to fuck up a drug operation.

My point is, Judy is not afraid to back down from challenges, and very rarely cries or feels sadness. If you're gonna make Judy cry, give it a good reason.
I think its an absolute certainty that there will be a Zootopia 2. However, I don't think Disney is looking for a 2 year commitment. Disney would rather move slower and deliberately: they used to be designed for speed, but they're aware of how that damaged their brand name compared to Pixar. They want the Disney logo to be a seal of quality.
I'm skeptical a sequel would focus solely on the relationship of Nick and Judy, too. Like your article stated, Disney didn't just want a talking animal story, they wanted a talking animal story like nothing's been ever done before. That ultimately ended up being the standard held by the message (a very socially conscious and progressive message by animated film standards) and the worldbuilding. Whatever the story may be, its going to emphasize the world of Zootopia.
I sometimes wonder if i was in zootopia what people would think after they knew i owned a muzzle and it was for myself
I would just lounge with it on and feel it embrace my face tightly
And if I felt risque id let my partner leash me in public with it on, imagine a couple in a grocery store and the guy is muzzled and leashed carrying the groceries
Who is best boy of Pack Street and why is it Wolter?
Remmy's gonna get eaten alive.
ayy a poor way for Marty to discover
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Pack Street vore when?
Is Al a quick shooter?

damn. just read this. really incredible stuff.

but you better do some actual anneke/charlie or anneke/remmy lewd and not just teases, you hear?
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The badger, cause he is the cutest. Wolter, Marty and Ozzy are pretty qt too though.
>Requests eh... how about bun bun the shield maiden protecting her very easily defeated fox Smugmancer?
Here you go, I hope you like it
Sorry Comic and other anons waiting for it (if they exist), the next chapter will come out tomorrow.

Poor Anneke, with this she was sent to bed ill two times in three TTs
I agree, I see a sequel in the next decade easily. We know romance is never going to be the next main plot, but I wouldn't erase the possibility of being a sub plot or winked at.
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Look at that smug smugmancer! Its too bad smugsorcery has very little combat efficiency, aside from starting the fight I guess.

Thank you cool dude!
You don't have to worry buddy! Take your time and make an amazing next chapter! It warms my heart seeing people working on the things they're passionate about nonetheless.
Oh I think I can already tell what this picture is based on, and it is both comfy and bittersweet. Considering it isn't the other style of muzzle, I am assuming this is a countermeasure for Nick so he doesn't hurt Judy during sex, with Judy feeling guilty and sad that they need such a thing.
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Fukken finally, gettin' up from my lazy ass 'n got around to startin' the edits.
>kam is getting exclusive art for his fics form Kam in less than 3 months
I should reroll into a a tubedude
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Someone bully this bun, he's grown too powerful from lack of bunishment!
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You can bake a pie in the time it takes to listen to my read through!

You wouldn't bully a pie, though, would you?
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Much better. Hoping it stays that way.

Here's an image I said I'd draw.

It always seems to happen even when I'm not intentionally trying to encourage it.
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Hey guys! Here's my late, creatively-bankrupt TT entry!

With a dash of blob Judy.

Original: http://nedroid.com/2015/11/flu-shot/


wait hold on.

you're not telling me nedroid author is contributing to TT now, are you?

this cannot be happening, can it

no, of course not.

he's saying he copied a nedoid comic.

I'm creatively bankrupt too dawg. I feel you, especially when a certain BUNNY is punishing me.
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I would but I already have, my only bullying weapon is begging for history lessons and I've already done that!

Good to hear pigu! Poor tiny tube, having to settle for a trash can... oh wait I think that's Stink Twink! Is that better worse for her?
Do you think Weird AL writes original songs?

I am fairly certain this is the picture based off of Falke's "Guilt" Story.

Same look of the ring and everything, only thing being is...
Well don't want to spoil it for you.

Just read it for yourself.

are you retarded
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>Is that better worse for her?

Considering she's had a crush on him since she was a kid (and still does), this is legit an ideal scenario for her.

So in truth she just has bad taste.
Poor girl, hes like the ICP of the dating world.

I mean, I have a thing for him too, so it's understandable.
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I honestly don't think he's ever even been on a date so you might be right.

This is fair.
Wait... did she just hire him for the night? Honestly that's not a bad idea, she'll get it out of her system and very likely for a very cheep price.
Stink Twink getting pimped out by the cool lady with the taco hat?
are the two characters even connected? did inky ever draw them together?

like is that canon?
No god no, I just made a joke when Inky dropped chapter two of her comic that Hugh was a prostitute and that the cool old lady was his pimp. I'm just teasing here.
I like her hat
Its a very fancy hat.
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I enjoy the joke.

She's a very fancy lady.

>The door swung open wild, the noise inside enticing Marty to come closer. He didn't know what he would see, he couldn't know.
>Betty had always been going in-and-out of Remmy's apartment, whenever he made a new lock it would be pried open by either her or his vixen roommate. The stoat imagined it would be the ram had said something out of line, though he had never seen her get so out of shape. She couldn't be fighting him inside, could she?
>Avo's retelling of his headbutt surfaced, another noise rushing Marty to come closer and see. He held a book as a shield as he reached the entrance, his eyes shot wide over the horror inside.
>Remmy being held high by some naked furred monster, his legs flailing around as he was forced down the throat of another mammal.
>The ram flawless white wool sheared, laying on the ground, his naked visage reminding Marty of a worm being gulped down. A scream from the desperate neighbor snapped Marty back into reality.
>"What is going on here!?", a yell frost the monster on his track, before they resumed into pushing the tenant down. Its belly bulging and reshaping obscenely to accommodate the new load it has been given.
>Marty tried to stop it by swiftly grabbing Remmy's shaven legs, the saliva making it slippery to the touch. With a light push from the tongue coming from the distended maw, Marty was shaken off.
>He fell flat on the ground, and in horror heard the screams of his friend being consumed whole.
>Quickly Marty stood up and hit the shapeless figure in front of him with a letter opener that laid on the ground, a quick scratch over its knee sending it screaming with its throat occupied.
>Unfortunately that had a different result than he expected, the monster now angrily gnawing the poor prey down. Loud cracks and gnashing noises as the screams went from desperate to guttural.
>Soon it was over, Remmy stopped still while his predator turned around.
>"Please don't tell Al about this", said Velvet meekly.
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She's a cool fancy character, would be nice to see more of her
You should be gassed
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i am and i'm glad someone likes 'em. it's probably my favorite goofy headcanon.

i wish i had less school reading so i could read your fic, i'll make sure to get it read sometime soon.
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hey there /ztg/!
well, today's Friday, and you know what that means, right?


it means suggestions for the next TT are OPEN!
Hey neo-TT anon! How well did your first TT go?
Hey Neo-TT, how yo doing so far?
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Anyone have a decent prompt for like a sleepyhead TT thing? Like differing mammals sleep schedules, how they sleep, where they sleep, how long and often?

Sleepyhead work or something better?
no not rabbit judy ;_;
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I am legend just finished, up next we have 12 monkeys.

movie starts in 10 minutes.

after that:
28 Days later
and as always to finish the night, Zootopia.

gather your supplies, hunker down, it will all blow over soon.


>i got no image for this.
Nice one.

That's silly, anon.

You're silly.
I've read this before, still get amused by Falke being one of the few that points out the stereotype of foxes also being "amorous" and not fucking "mate for life" that EVERYONE loves to do, and I still get hit right in the heart at the muzzle scene. Every. Single. Time.
doing more than ok!
it's nice to see everyone participating again!
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Pack Street: An Eye For An Eye! Remmy may have come from a flock, but when predators start getting mob mentality over the fact that sheep were behind the Nighthowler Conspiracy, things aren't great for prey on Pack Street.


Introducing... Toxocity! One doctor shows her dedication to discovering the true effects of nighthowler, over her assistant's objections. Will she succeed? Or will she fall victim to an experiment of her own divising?


Introducing... Judy Hopps and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day! Judy Hopps is not a bun easily convinced to skip work. But when she's sent home on sick leave, all she really wants to do is sleep... If she can get the chance, that is.


Introducing... A Chef's Pride! The resident mayor notices that his best assistant secretary is feeling under the weather, and sends her home. But now that he's thinking about it... Perhaps it's time that he takes a little break from all that work, himself. He might even get the chance to learn about his ewe underling in the process!


And finally, Pack Street: Sickness. In the latest entry in the Through The Looking Glass series, Remmy learns that his girlfriend is ailed by more then just the sniffles, and her anxieties are just as messy to deal with as her runny nose.


Oh, and I added a little meta-game. Can you spot the two-word phrase I slipped into every fic?
thanks for always working so hard to provide us with good fics!

you're welcome, anon.
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I've heard that today is some cutie patootie's birthday!
Happy birthday and go get those animu eyes checked, it is a serious condition!

I'm loving both of these entries

Same here, Falke's Fic's have always consistently given me feels no matter how many times I have read them.
Final chapter of "Playing with Fire" still makes me feel like my heart is being ripped out, by the end of it. Yet still gives ends oh so sweetly

I can't wait till they won't need it anymore, I swear its going to be one of the greatest moments in an over-arcing Zootopia Story ever conceived.

On the subject of mating for foxes and such, I do believe it's pretty much an even split with if they are faithful or not. At least for me I generally love the "Mate for Life" thing since it's such an incredibly romantic gesture.

But that falls apart since word-of-god, had already talked about Nick getting his heart broken by a vixen before. Unless of course the "Mating" is talking about sexual mating or just emotional attachment is up in the air.
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And time for me to hit the hay, I'm dead tired.
Goodnight /ztg/, make great suggestions for the next TT.
it's not her birthday anymore senpai
Sleep tight tuber
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Have a good night little tube
I'd be fine with foxes mating for life if they also had rabbits mating for life, but they never fucking do. In real life rabbits are more faithful to their mates than foxes are but LOL RABBITS MULTIPLYING MEANS THEY'RE POLYAMOROUS CHEATING WHORES AMIRITE

Every single time I see it, it's "Nick is putting infinite trust in Judy because once he fucks her she has power over him forever because she can leave him, but he can't leave her" and I'm getting fucking sick of it.
The idea of "mating for life" does seem like a romantic gesture, I just prefer it when it is a cultural and individual choice. There have been quite a few times when authors make it not just that but a biological imperative, which kind of breaks it for me. Nick literally can not love another mammal once he is mated to Judy.

It is partially as >>7325882 said, generally the "foxes mate for life" is used to give Judy some kind of power over Nick, even if she would never use it to begin with. It is suppose to be a way to create tension and drama, the idea that Judy can leave him and be fine, but Nick will never be able to love another mammal.
Love triangle fics are inherently terrible as well as fics where two well established characters treat each other like shit for absolutely no reason

It's drama for the sake of drama and I don't know how anyone can stand it
This, in sixty-foot carved stone letters that are also on fire.

I will never understand these stories. Love triangles are just lazy when any actual healthy relationship goes through periods of argument and friction. Nick and Judy are cops. Role models. They work with cubs and vulnerable folk and see other relationships splinter and crack and literally injure mammals in the course of their work. That's going to affect them. How? What do they worry about? How do others see them? There's like four broad ideas for introducing relationship conflict, and not one of them need involve jealousy or a third actor.

And following on that, all of these potential conflicts and any number of others (e.g. treating each other like shit for no reason) can be resolved, helped, or even made worse through communication. Not lack of communication, but adults talking to one another. In the real world, interests and goals align sometimes and don't align other times. Each person is going to have a different idea of how to solve a problem. People talk past each other, or for different reasons.

If you want to add drama, work backwards. Put your characters in that awful situation that will make readers lap it up, but don't stop there. Figure out what they said to each other that put them there, and write that in front of it. Your story will be so much stronger for it.
He actually does write some original songs alongside the parodies.

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she's a goof
Lewds of the new pack street characters when

Foxes mate for life is often used as something to force Judy to act or settle it as "Nick will never move on" trigger. There was a comic that used it to make Judy unable to ever have Nick love her because he had settled with a vixen.

avo is a complete bitch

she's mostly great when she's on your side and mocking someone else, but you never know when she'll turn on you. She's a viper like that.
They don't have enough of a presence in the story to be counted as actual characters yet
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Blugh. Long ass day at work, and I still got about 9,000 words to proofread before tomorrow.
I am beat.

So how was everyone else's day?
Ready for the weekend?

Fic editing. Tedious, but hey, it's fun to hear your mistakes.
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have a slight headache and worrying about my future and whether not I'm fucking up or not.

prob gonna play overwatch and try to get to diamond
Was a decent productive day but now comes the time to be lazy and vedge out playing vidga. Just waiting for NIOH to drop.
I'm about to write a one shot.
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Gonna take a nap, then probably eat something and get to writing if I'm feeling creative. I'm hoping a nap will help with that.

May also doodle some more/take requests later if I have the time and energy. We'll see. Bed for now though.
Not to mention the introduction of a romantic rival cheapens the relationship pretty heavily. Why is this new person able to swoop in and threaten their budding romance in three fucking days or whatever?
trying to decide on what I should draw next
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I hope you have a nice sleep Pigu.
If Zootopia decided to implement transformation in its possible sequel/tv show/whatever they plan if anything... what kinda TF would you like to see and for what character?
watching the streams, maybe going to sleep.
gonna be honest, came for the judy fic. Then i read the Remmy/Carrie and i got curious about the previous fics. I Just finished reading the Eye for an eye, the toxocity and the chef's pride.

The judy one was the weakest.

Chef's pride is the best one. I could hear the mayor's voice. Perfect dialogue and mind-setting, nice and simple, IT JUST FUCKIN WORKS. I feel happy for reading that fic, thanks!
Id play along if you'd used my fetish. Alas, just gonna have to call you a thirsty faggot
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It does 100%

Speaking of muzzles...

Anybody got some good zootopia fan fics where Nick gets muzzled?
what the fuck is going on this week

the past like, four threads have been dead as fuck
it's dead, jim.
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Just let me sleep
what is your fetish then?
Watching Trashy's stream
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i should get back to my fic, but i just can't work up the willpower to write after my classwork. a shame, since i have an idea for a novel i'd like to start.
Exactly this, there is enough differences between Nick and Judy to reasonably cause relationship issues without the use of third parties. Nick might have his emotional hang-ups, Judy might have her overzealous passion where she forces people to go at her pace. We have the older, cynic male who has seen the darker side of the world despite his newfound direction for good, and we have the younger, hopeful female who tries to see the good in everyone despite her pension for breaking the rules. Have their character traits bump into each other as they get more intimate, causing tension and arguments.

I see it more often used as a dramatic plot device for Nick himself rather than forcing Judy to ever commit. The only time I ever saw it used for Judy was an equally dumb one-shot where Nick confessed his feelings for Judy three days before she was getting married to another bunny, and Gideon mentions that foxes can mate for life without sex if they emotionally consider someone their mate.

Generally the romantic rival is partly there for jealousy, but more often used as the "interspecies" issues and usually a bunny rival.

Really? People seem to like the judy one.

It's more akin to a children's book, hence being named after one.

Also, did you like the reference to the 'really jordan basketball grip' meme in the lionheart one?

the thumbnail made it looks like there was a big dick coming outta her ear.
Thumbnail is penis ear

I wish there was a big dick coming outta her ear.
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Oh shit dude, thanks
lol i can see it

i'm thinking of taking this back and painting it up, which seems relaxing but i have promised a sheep ass so
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Best of luck to the lot of you in your creative endeavors.

Hope you feel better soon anon.

I don't know how to tell you this but...
Remember that car crash?
You, uh... You didn't survive.
even if late, Happy birthday, Rose.
Birthday strip tease?
A wild Rose appears!

It's friday anon

People are living their lives
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The dubs don't lie... but if that is true, why am I not in Zootopia? I-is... is ztg hell?
nah, it's purgatory.
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You are a true cutie.jpg
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Happy birthday red fox Rosie! I hope you had a really nice day and that you got to bully the sloth to satisfaction!
No that's fnafg
HAPPY BDAY SKUNKETTE/RED PANDA, hope you had a great birthday.
Bah I meant Rose not Rosie! I blame Zhan, who also drew something cute for you earlier >>7323359
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Wouldn't that benefit you more than me- the belated birthdayperson?

Thanks! I won't drag this on further though, cause that's not fair to the thread.
How good of you to decide that.

Pondering Panda?
Just look through the archive at any one of the number of "who are Don and Dewey?" posts
And I doubt anyone here remembered those gym tigers names before Weaver added them to the roster
That's because the majority of Pack Street's "fandom" is too busy arguing over whether they're going to fuck Betty vicariously via Remmy or fuck Charlie vicariously via Remmy.
it was a nice fic, don't get me wrong. I just find the toxocity and the chef so much better, in terms of dialogues, scenes, actions. I mean i wasn't gonna read them, they didn't look catchy like the Judy one. But it was more easy and fun to read, and really enjoyable. Maybe it's originality.

Gosh dang that panda is so cute I just want to kiss her.
Yeah, but... Uhhh...

You'd get tipped birthday money..?
I too will say happy birthday.
Are you leaning over your chair ?
Learning that writing awkward teenage conversation is a lot harder than one thinks.

i'm sure plenty of people knew all four
Happy birthday, Anon!
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i think i'm turning full furry and i hate how i don't mind it happening
That tends to be one of the signs
So when's your next convention?
Once I realized that I wouldn't mind wearing a fursuit I knew there was no going back.
Well I just got back not too long ago from Further Confusion, so i'm not sure
El Byron wins again.
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Good anon... Just give in to the dark side.
>Lt Judy Hopps struggled, but to no avail. She was strapped down onto the operating table too firmly to even move, the straps bound so tightly they dug into her fur. Standing above her, holding a mallet and a very long, very sharp ice-pick was the crazed doctor responsible for all the reccent grizzly murders (and a few wolves too.) She was utterly powerless now, her earlier defiance melting away to fear. Slowly the pick was lowered towards her face, carefully aligned with her nose and inserted. Confused and shocked she cried out.

>"You fiend! What are you doing?"

"It's a lobotomy Ms Hopps; I'm simply going to jab this into your sinuses and chip out the annoying part of your brain that would get me arrested. Don't worry, it won't hurt, and in a few months, with training, you'll be able to tie your own shoes again! Now... are you alright hun?"

>Her struggling intensified, but it was no use, the mallet was raised up overhead with glacial slowness, pausing at the apex before slamming down to cast her into a brainless oblivion.

* * *


>"I said, 'Are y' alright?' Y' fell asleep on yer paperwork again."


>"Got y' carrot pen stuck up yah nose too, wasn't half funny I tell y' what."


>"How about I carry y' t' bed then?"


>"'Mmm' 'Yes' or 'Mmm' 'No'?'


>"Yes it is then."

>"Sssh. Dreamin'..."

>"Well fine then, I guess we'll jus' sit here till daybreak."


* * *

>"-a frankly astounding effort from the best officer in Zootopia, no, the entire world, ever. It is thanks to her that one again, when all our other officers failed, Judy Hopps pulled through. As such it is with great humility I promote her to Police Commissioner, only she still gets to do all the regular stuff in her job, but without the paperwork."

I never used to have a vore fetish until I came here.
>The applause was deafening as Judy took the podium, accepting the key to the city, a badge of commendation and a lifetime supply of Carrot Crackers for her services to the city in miraculously escaping the crazed madman that had threatened to overturn society itself. She warmly shook the hands of Mayor Lionheart, Chief Bogo and CIA Top Agent Jack Savage, who caused a minor stir by confessing his utter infatuation with her and proposing marriage in a tropical getaway. Sadly she had to decline, for she was spoken for, and besides, the city needed her, she could not rest while evil prowled the streets!

>"That was amazin' Jude! I made my special cinnamon slice to celebrate, only I'm trying a new baking method that makes all slices the center slice, with none of those lousy side-slices or corner ones that cook to much where they touch the tin!"

>"Keep them warm for me, I have no time for snacks now, my highly polished cop intuition tells me someone's going to try and rob the third Zootopian Bank! I shall have one when I arrive home, leave them in the oven and yourself in bed, wear nothing but the apron."

>With that she dove into her newly purchased monster truck and sped off, crushing a few smaller vehicles that were breaking parking regulations.
I've been on this since 11 years already and never developed vore fetish.

me too, i'm scared to embrace it
the only central florida furry convention is in august, but i'm not at the point yet where i'll go to one. about 1.2k go to it each year

but the fact i'm considering it makes me feel gross
My mom taught me early on that once you reach adulthood, birthdays aren't for you anymore. Get nakey
I've been a furry for nearly two decades and I wouldn't be caught dead in a fursuit. Besides most looking fucking stupid, they also uncomfortable as all hell.
Man, I still remember the days when I cared about such things as "feeling gross"

My sweet summer child.
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judy vs mr.gideon.gif
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brain.exe has stopped working
That's what happened to Judy. You know, with the ice-pick.
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12 monkeys just finished, up next we have
28 Days later and after that Zootopia.

Movie will begin in 10 minutes!

gather your supplies, hunker down, it will all blow over soon.

I wish that was my face
The sooner you accept it, the more happy and secure you will be with yourselves
He's scruffy and disgusting how can anyone think he's attractive
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The Berry Crust Attacks! - Secret Technique, Death by Cute Strikes!
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now someone needs to punch the other eye
The same way people can find someone as horrible and unapologetically callous as Bellwether appealing?
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gideon sit.jpg
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close enough
>breaking news
>not baking news
At least Bellwether can fake being likable.
two wrongs don't make a right, beaver
>two wrongs don't make a right

Explains your birth.
If Hitler was a fat gross looking slob we wouldn't have Neo-Nazis
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i'm thinking of switching to photoshop for my art. i find manga studio's tool set is a bit weak for painting and of course there's the crashing problem. anyone here use photoshop?
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh snap
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At least Gideon doesn't have to fake being a soft harmless sweety. ;^]
The only thing wrong about the two characters is Bellwether's beard.
Racism has always been around, anon, if not Hitler, then they'd just find someone else to rally behind under a different name.

Although, could you imagine a world without WW2?


It's actually such a sweet image.
>At least Gideon doesn't have to fake
You're right, nobody would buy it.
to be fair, Judy kind of did with his fake apology
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You're just jealous that Gideon is so sweet and nice and handsome and that he gets to cuck Bonnie every night.
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Well Stu's gotta have SOMETHING to do while Bonnie's out fucking half the town.
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Oh my! <3 Fapping time.
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Preview for fic tomorrow. Doing most of the edits now, and finishing those up, finishin' up story, then final release either tomorrow or Sunday.
I saw Guilt linked earlier, so I'll throw in the other big one, Playing With Fire

Smutfic where the muzzle is a component of the sex. Also a lot of feels, so fair warning. I'd read Guilt first just so you know why things are a big deal.


I'm sure someone will figure out the words eventually. Shoot, I thought I left a really obvious hint...

Also, it's just 'Toxicity', no 'the' in front of it. I think I did very well writing Lionheart. Nobody is the villian of their own story.

the thing to remember with awkward narriration is to not let it spill over into awkward writing

highlight the awful dialogue with clever writing framing it well to make it obvious that it's intentional writing and not just a lack of skill.

>Nick, deeply concerned with this new erection slipping out between the fat fox's cheeks.
Stop doomposting
>Daily threads
>60+ active posters at all times
>Double that for lurkers
>Content still after a year

What else do you want
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>Stop doomposting

Doctor Doom does as he pleases!
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>Stop doomposting
I want a comic where R63 Judy cucks Nick.
Neo-TT anon here?
If so, how long until you stop taking late submissions for this TT?
I think a lot of artists use SAI.
TT has always accepted late submissions. I believe OGTT even updated drunk before they left.
>stop taking late submissions

If you have something to submit, post it! Just be sure to link it to the keeper of the tumblr page if you want it to join the archive
end of times
'bout three fiddy

oh damn, THAT'S what that one pic is a parody of.
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Just want to say that I had a hella week of work, and am now home ready fic.

comf af
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we JAMMIN.png
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>Stop doomposting

make me
You wouldn't happen to have a link to that comic, would you?
before the weekend is over if you can

*reading fic
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>finally done proofing new fic
>going to c&p and save draft to AO3 so I can post it later
>AO3's server goes slow as hell
You ever think of making a story for your sloth or an OC, Nobby?
I usually don't have enough energy to write
if I did, it would probably be with Artemis or some other character. my sloth is really just a stand in for me, I'd really only use him in stories about myself.
There's a story for you right there! A heated and action packed story of your sloth ordering a pizza!

Eyo nobbu, whadditdo my duke?
I'd be down for an Artemis story if you were thinking about it.
Anyway, hope you're having a good one.
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Which fic, buddy? And whatcha think about it so far?

MisterEAnon put the nose to the grindstone and put out 5 for the TT. Just finished this one and it is a good appetizer. http://archiveofourown.org/works/9395555
Heya guys. Wanted to hold off on shilling during TT, which has now passed.


Chapter 7 of "A World All Her Own" has been uploaded. In it, the good doctor comes to understand how deeply Judy and Nick care for each other.
Very cool, buddy! MisterE is awesome for his TT smorgasbord tradition.

Everyone should check this out, too! Renown as the best Human/Zootopia fic ever made!
that sounds like too much work

I'm tired

not really
I'm going to bed


Upgrading the VR?
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Sleep tight, slother. I hope you feel better tomorrow.

Someone made that for me! They did an amazing job with it, too.
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I'm gonna call it a bit early tonight! Want to get a head start on the weekend.

Goodnight, magical and wonderful /ztp/ threads. I hope all of your pictures get stories written about them, all your fics get fan art, and all your discussion sparks an interest in a brand new AU.
Have a good night, I hope the red panda didn't bully you too hard today Slothu.
she is a huge bully and I need all of you to report her to the bully police

I do need to send her a present before I sleep tho
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>Everyone should check this out, too! Renown as the best Human/Zootopia fic ever made!

comic pls

Dic pics are the easiest, and most memorable gifts. Quick too.
Excited, phantom!
You are a very sly sloth, trying to buy some bully points with the panda with lewds.
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Date Night FC 2017_1edit.png
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Hello everyone!

I got some incredible news today. I love you all.

Here's some goofy drawings Lucius did while we were hanging out last week.
The furry virus takes over with Zootopia.

Movie will begin in 10 minutes!

does...anyone have a clear image of bellwether's tail?

Why do you need to stare at Bellwether's ass, anon?
It's a long story but I need charmmy pics. For my non ztg friends
it's reference material, of course
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offisher hoopsh.png
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Hello pupper.
How're you doing tonight?
>There will never be an image/story where a cross-dressing Nick manages to snag Jude.
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we love you too Ms Mayor!
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Hi! Amazing! I did a phone interview and was offered a job a few hours later.


Thank you!
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Avo is the worst.png
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Sorry its all I got, not a ship I have many pics of.
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That's really awesome to hear.
Dang that's a cool pic, when did ABT do it?
>tfw mid-drawing your tablet decides it no longer wants to have pressure sensitivity

Few weeks ago, if I remember correctly.

have you tried pulling it out and plugging it in again
yep, and restarting the service which usually fixes it

then have you tried disabling the service and enabling it again

when my internet acts up, i disable my wifi chip and turn it back on, and that usually fixes it. might work here, too.
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reply to 7322058.png
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why you gotta do this to me man
i ended all wacom processes then restarted the service and that did it!
Oh baby, show me that non-physical suffering you adorable bunny
oh shit, when did reply come back?
fuck off reply, I don't want or need this
Reply, have you read Hasty's story about that image?
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d IE.png
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I usually have to reboot when that happens.

Once or twice I've had to reinstall it, which drives me nuts. Luckily that's rarer.

Aw , you gonna' do it too.
What's she holding, her phone?
Who are the sillouettes? Nick and?
Looks like it, though it's hard to tell.

I think she's casting the other shadow.
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zootopia kiss.jpg
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not sure if you can edit it, but there's a typo on line 67
Ah, you're right. Reply is detailed.
why this :(
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Is this really from Byron?
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yes, he drew it. He's pritty good, how can we become like him?
i would say yax
officer bune doesn't do drugs.
She gets high on JUSTICE
Do you think she called him when she was more lucid and had an intense, desperate moment where she wanted help, and now that Nick is here, she's delusional and flirting with him? That'd be horrifying.
Its okay Slothu, you do whatever it is you need to do to get out of getting bullied.
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Well friends, I went and did that police exam. Couldn't post about it last night because I stayed over at a mate's place, but i got a good feeling about it. Post some comfy music so we can all jam out

Also going to start chapter 7 on Monday (Sunday for you burgers)
You're probably going to give her more bully ammo by sending her your dick

Send her pictures of your toned butt
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The math checks out.png
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What did the exam entail? What did you do? Asking because I aspire to be a cop as well, going to start applying this year.
nobby confirmed for illest /ztg/ villain
We have aspiring policemen in here?
There was a cop that showed his badge on the /co/ threads I remember.
That sounds like a good fic. I wonder if someone has done something similar already
t h i c c

also finnickfag here, just letting people who are excited about the trapwether drawing i am working on...i have made progress, but i can't show it since i'm still not far along.

just to let you know i'm not slacking off!
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Well anon, this pre-entry exam essentially is something you need to have before you apply.

First was a reading reasoning where you were given several scenarios and ask specific questions.

Next was the written reasoning, where essentially you were given a description of an offence and had to transcribe it into a report. That one took the longest just because of the amount of writing.

Next was a numeracy and an abstract reasoning test, you can find them online easy.

Last was a short spelling test, but ironically thats the one i'm least sure that I passed. The whole thing was spanned over a 4 and a half hour period

Best thing to do is contact your local PD, they'll let you know all you need
Oh god, that mental image. Nick walking in, and immediately Judy is flirting and trying to seduce him. Maybe in either the withdrawal or having taken the drugs her mind tricks her into thinking she and Nick are still together. That his coming by a few days ago was proof that he still loved her. Meanwhile Nick has to endure it all, try not to upset the lucid bunny, and wait for her to sober up so they can set up the help she needs.


After ten thousand years, I'm free! IT'S TIME TO CONQUER ZOOTOPIA!
>someone posts KOHH
oh my god
How is it that even in concept art Nick is still so smug and good looking?

To add to this song, a version of the song sung by a Japanese group.
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All the foxes.png
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He was built with concentrated smug-matter, no matter how hard they try to hide it, it will always bleed through

I dunno, anon.

Their first song was better then their *first* song.

source for this seems to have been deleted >>7324328
We had more than a few come on even after the migration. And there are plenty of aspiring types, myself included.
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If I had more confidence that I could do my job,
I would so very quickly fast-track my ass to Internal Affairs.

But blue shield and all that.
Hey Inky. Glad to see you!

>Also skunk is for nerdy bun girl reeeeeeee
Really liked the Madge one!
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Is Max nerdy? Haven't really seen any nerd behavior from her yet. Hell the Stink Twink has the most nerd points for loving The Last Unicorn movie, one of the only strikes going for him atm.
Yeah, I think Max is more of one of those people who just happen to have glasses, rather than their glasses being a sign of them being nerds.
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Sleep tight bunner..jpg
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stream just ended, have a goodnight everyone.

stay comfy /ztg/
There was that Ren Faire thing, right?

She's just as nerdy as Percy is.
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You a true cutie Trashy, have a comfy night!
Tonight I learned that I still openly cry when I watch this movie.

Thanks, Trashy.
Thanks stream-anon. I just caught Zootopia a few minutes in.
Only one peep here looks like they are enjoying themselves and it isn't Percy or Max. Then again they did wear costumes to it...
I thought it was because they worked hard on their period accurate costumes, while Hugh eighth-assed it like usual.

Even Percy is looking at him like "Why would he do this to us?"
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I look I am certain he gives him often.
A look... maybe its time to sleep.
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>Also skunk is for nerdy bun girl reeeeeeee

I think both of them are for whoever they want to be for. Then again I'm not saying they couldn't be for each other either.

Hugh is definitely the nerd of the trio when it comes to interests. Maxine's interests are relatively normal I think. Percy is probably the most normal though.

Percy's interests are in sports, exercise, and action movies, along with reading here and there. He may have gained an interest in historical things from Caitlin, but it's minor if so.

That was just a request (and an excuse to draw them in funny outfits). I think Max would enjoy it the least though.
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Hey its a pigu! You have a good snooze?
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goodnight, bunner, thanks for the stream
2013 info on Zootopia:

Howard and writer Jared Bush did share how various wildlife experts helped shape the characters. They showed concept art of a studious-looking wildebeest in a three-piece suit with glasses, but were warned that those animals are “impossibly stupid,” Bush said. So that character changed into a dopey, slack-jawed yokel named Gnu-pid.

They also displayed concept images of Zootopia’s title city. “One of the key concepts is if you squint at any frame of film you might think you’re looking at an animal in a natural environment,” Howard said.

He then showed a frame of a snow-covered Alpine mountain, which faded into an irregularly shaped white pyramid luxury hotel.

Just like New York has Chinatown and Little Italy, Zootopia has distinct regional neighborhoods like Tundratown, Sahara Square, Little Rodenta (the bad part of town, populated by vermin), and Burrowborough, populated by millions of bunnies.

They also showcased one more character: Gazelle, a creature named after her own species, who is an outspoken mega pop star — depicted in various outrageous outfits a la Lady Gaga.

And the major metropolitan newspaper in town? The Wall Street Gerbil. Obviously.

no pictures though
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I did. I'm feeling a bit more alert right now.

I'm not feeling writing, so I guess I'll take a few requests for the time being. I can't promise I'll draw anything asked of me, but if I like one I'll try to doodle it.
The fancy hat lady standing next to a well endowed mammal trying to teach Hugh how to do a proper blowjob?
>Percy is probably the most normal though.

Considering his issues with human/mammal contact and other insecurities, that really says a lot for how abnormal Max and Hugh are.
>I can't promise I'll draw anything asked of me, but if I like one I'll try to doodle it.

The skunk babies resurrecting RF from the grave.
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foxe is wet
I meant with interests, but even then he copes with his issues way better than either of them do, so I think you might be right.

Oh my god.
I'll see what I can do.

Fox is sad.
Judy the samuraibun getting sweet talked by the silver tongued fox while Finnick picks her pockets please.
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yes, perfect.

start liking men.
If you want something a little less lewd than the stink twink oral lessons maybe just the fancy lady lounging around on some big muscled tiger's shoulders as they are out on the town shopping?

I really like the idea of smaller mammals lounging on bigger ones...
No it's fine, but that one may work too.
By lounging do you mean like, being carried on his shoulders/back or what?
Would you settle for a ronin bun? I don't feel like drawing elaborate armor.
That's cool with me, I've just been playing a lot of feudal japan vidga and am craving some orient zoot.
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Concept 35.jpg
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Agent Wilde trying to put the moves on an arctic vixen at a bar.

Also I just realized how much darker red Nick's fur is in the concept art compared to his final version.
The piggu activating her fujoshi powers

How about a change of pace?

Nick & Gazelle in post-coitus afterglow?

>The idea of a fox on the run from a rabbit police officer is goddamn great. I love what the writers said about the police force multiplying over the course of the movie too.


Hurr durrr, the fox chooses to side with the rabbit at the climax of the movie.

Villain goes "But she's a herbivore!"
Fox goes: "SHE'S MY FRIEND!"

Or vice versa.
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I can't believe I sorta actually did a TT sorta actually on time. Makes ya think.

Hi Inky. No requests, just hi.

I always like seeing that ship for rarity alone.
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>I always like seeing that ship
I see you're a man of culture as well

yeah, but
what if an au where nick went on to become a singer and gazelle became a dejected failure still longing after the voice on the radio
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Thinking about slamming that ram.jpg
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You a cutie Kam, I do really love seeing your stuff. You have anything else planned for us or just kinda winging it?

Oh nice, always did wonder where that toot toot reaction image came from.
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>gazelle became a dejected failure still longing after the voice on the radio
unleash your creativity and let's see how it works
You'll probably not get around to it, but i'd like to see something related to Martina being discovered as a crossdresser, possibly after being taken home by a someone in a bar, etc.

but anon, i need details

like what gazelle would do with her life after her dream crashes down around her

and what kind of genre a soulful fox sings about his experiences being the least trusted mammal in zootopia

she looks like a goat with that hair.
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>like what gazelle would do with her life after her dream crashes down around her
join a biker gang, silly

>and what kind of genre a soulful fox sings about his experiences being the least trusted mammal in zootopia
Nick? He'd be a fucking rockstar and make foxes trendy

>make foxes trendy


like carrotpop, but fox-themed instead of bunny themed
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I like the way you think, friend.
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I'd see Nick as more of a Bob Dylan than straight out rock, personally.

>Later on, Velvet was browsing porn on her phone, touching herself to lewd pictures sent by her boyfriend.

>She accidentally scrolls to this one.

>Before she really realizes it, she's climaxing harder then she ever has before to any of the other pictures on her phone.
There's something about Remmy's submissive position that I really like about this pic.
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sleepy charlie2.jpg
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Gonna be busy for the next few weeks with work but I really want to start doodling some stuff on a daily basis and maybe uploading them if they turn out decent.

Also some more intensive stuff but that's in flux. Oh and I wanted to draw some wolves. Al probably.

I like this too much.
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Wolves are cool and good, I hope things work out for ya.

Al is a master kisser
Who's the wolf with bedroom eyes on the left?
>Be Predophile Buck
>Prey friends are cool with it but still freaked out
>Tell them how I'm into She-wolves
>Tell me how I'm a basicbitch
>MFW I am
Here you go! Or at least something.

Hello Kam!

I'm not super keen on the ship really, but if I'm still in the spirit I may take it on.

Didn't Grivaire do something like this earlier today?
Kam, it's always nice to see your drawings. You make my day when you post new stuff, no exception for these contributions. Hope works not too hard on ya.
Ha! Its good to see that the Fancy lady is not afraid to get her paws dirty. Hugh better be paying attention, he's gonna need every advantage he can get working the streets.

Could use more pre-cum for my tastes, but I think it looks good piggu.
no idea
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Was just going to slip away but I haven't really said goodnight to the thread in months.

So good night y'all, hope you all had a good day and if you haven't read Otterly's new fic then scroll up and do that.

Thanks, I always look forward to the reactions from people when I post something. I keep forgetting to add things to my tumblr though, I'm the worst about that.
Have a good night Kam!
lol noisepuppet
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I suppose if you pay for the tombstone you can put whatever you want on it. Still here's hoping the little necromancers pull this one out of the fire, he is a good badger and I miss him.
Page 10
Anyone got a new thread?

This is where it ends, anon.
I can put one up if no one else wants to.
I'll make one. Give me two minutes.
k, all yours man.

81 existed first; that's the real one.
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Ha, you silly billys
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Hah. Fucking hilarious.

Thanks Inky.
Thread posts: 482
Thread images: 170

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