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/tup/ - Tulpa General Welcome to my thread edition. >Wha

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Thread replies: 300
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/tup/ - Tulpa General
Welcome to my thread edition.

>What are tulpas?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you.
More info:http://www.tulpa.info/faq/

>What guides do you recommend?
Check these out:https://community.tulpa.info/thread-new-great-big-list-of-guides

Ask questions and get answers, or discuss tulpas in general.

Previous thread:>>6434057

Other Guides

Tulpa Wiki's Guides:http://tulpa.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Guides
Tulpa General Guide List:http://pastebin.com/SrAWPTKZ
The No-Bullshit Tulpa Book:https://farcaller.gitbooks.io/nbtb/content/

Textbooks about Mental Training:http://pastebin.com/i6k1teit

Soundscape Tools

A Soft Murmur:http://asoftmurmur.com/

We're always open for more useful resources if Anons can find them
Let's get some dubs.
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Check em
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Huh, the last thread didn't even hit bump limit, though I guess it was inevitable and Anon didn't want to wait.
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Close! But no cigar.
Have you cuddled with your tulpa and told them how much you love them today?
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Too bad senpai.

Did you even try?

Never have.
This mother fucker right here. That's that I'm talking about. Keep that shit up.
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Fuckin A bud.
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me and my tulpa
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Those are trips, boys.
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Ayy nice digits Lmao
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neganon aside, who here is going through the personality creation stage of creating a tulpa? I wanna know the best way to go about it. should I just create a list an force the traits onto her?
I'm about to finish this step. I'm on the last trait, which is motherly.
She's becoming active and has a clear general behaviour so I feel like I can move on to visualization. Now I want to actually see her.
How to go about personality?
What is did was make a list of traits and then when forcing I imagined a blue, shiny orb. Each trait was some piece of that orb that I pushed inside, while explaining what that trait means and then visualizing her acting according to it.
I made sure to always say "You are ____, this means this and that.
New at tulpamancy, have a question thats bugging me.

How do you know when youre actually interacting with your tulpa and not a copy?
For example I can obviously imagine and visualize how my tulpa looks at any time. Does it mean it IS the actual tulpa? Or I can imagine and remember our previous conversation. So am I thinking and seeing a memory or is the tulpa replaying and saying the same things again?
I can also imagine it doing things it doesnt like and saying it likes them, but I know rhats not the case. How do I know when the visual im seeing and the thoughts im hearing are its and not myself pretending it is its?

Im guessing even when it surprises me and seems sentient, I can still imagine doing it ANYTHING. So which one of those anything is the real?

Im still a few days in and obviously mine isnt sentient, but these questions hit me today really hard and are giving me a headache.
>making a copy tulpa on accident

You're overthinking it. It's not more complicated than keeping your tulpa in mind as you talk to them. It's your brain, and something as strong as intention isn't going to hit the wrong target. Things can happen without your direct will, that doesn't mean that your unconscious is going to start shitting out decoy copies.
For me it's when she contradicts my expectation.
For example, I listen to a song I like and ask her what does she think about it.
I want her to say "I like it" but quite often she says "turn that off, I can't listen to it."
Besides that, you have to give your tulpa a benefit of doubt. If you're not sure, assume it was the tulpa, not you.
As to thoughts, you will just know. Really. They will come out of nowhere and feel not quite right. That feeling will gradually increase and the thoughts will become more clear and feel more alien,
Remember that in a nutshell process of creating a tulpa is just pretending until your brain catches on and does it on it's own.
The answer to this varies from person to person, from my experience. Speaking about myself, there's a distinct feeling that comes with my Tulpa. Even if I couldn't see, hear, feel, or smell her, I'd still know if she was around because there's a specific feeling I associate with her presence.

I wouldn't worry about copycats. As long as you keep the target of your intent on your Tulpa, everything will be fine. Besides, copycats are obvious as fuck. There's just something off about them that you'll notice.

Thanks for the response, I guess im overthinking it and im still way too early into the process to feel the difference. Like you said things change over time.

But even with your music example I keep thinking now that even if my tulpa said "I dont like it", I could easily imagine it saying "I like it". But thats where the connection comes in. As you say,,, there's a distinct feeling that im lacking right now. I guess I can also take a real person that says something and I imagine the opposite in my head, but I will have a feeling that my interpretation is wrong and be able to tell the memories apart.

Ive been having really weird questions popping into my head about conciousness and how memories affect a person that I never really thought about.
>Mfw no Negan tulpa
What's even the point anymore?
That's not some I or my tups do.
i started to create my tulpa, i talk with her everyday a bit in my mind to let her "grow"
how long did it take you guys?
It's different for everyone. Personally took me little over a month.
5 weeks and that was just the beginning.
took me long to realize there are other boards except for x to talk about tulpas
Also tried this one thing.

So asked my tulpa shell of what her favourite animal is. Obviously I got as many responses as I know animals. Now I know that I should look for a surprising response and I did get a few that do not fit me or her supposed character. But I arrive with two problems.
1) which one of the possibly hundreds of quick responses was HER.
2) were the surprises surprising because there was sentience, or because I know deep down that I need to be surprised and I force down a response by myself that should surpise me.

I'm really eager to put alot more time into this and to start feeling the difference. Right now it seems next to impossible to answer the 1st question from my point of view and the answer to the 2nd question would be yes, im trying to give it a response.

This is actually really exciting. Cant fucking wait to see what changes in a week, month and half a year.
I think it was about six weeks before there was any communication between us
Is it really a bad idea to do forcing before going to sleep and falling asleep while doing it, or is it just a myth?
Myth. Probably. Let us know if your Tulpa turns into an eldritch horror, should you decide to do it.
Myth. To an extent. They see what you want them to see.
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nice trips
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>be me
>have cute tupper
>like to have conversations with her before bed, always fall asleep because humans fall asleep when they lay down in dark, quiet rooms
>every morning my tupper gf is a ungodly horror of flesh and pain, in her dozens of eyes I only see the anguish brought on by living 10,000 lifetimes in the cold madness not yet understood by humans
you know nobody will understand this joke, right?
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They'll understand those dubs.
I do

Make a Jackie Chan tup to fight it.
I'd hope people would understand considering it was just being discussed above.
1) You could try narrowing it down. Ask her for example - is it a large animal? Is it Hairy? etc. It's easier to get a positive or negative response than full speech or thoughts.
2)You're overthinking it. If in doubt, assume it's her.
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>every morning my tupper gf is a ungodly horror of flesh and pain, in her dozens of eyes I only see the anguish brought on by living 10,000 lifetimes in the cold madness not yet understood by humans
page 10 emergency bump
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Gettin' better. I'm almost impressed.

There we go. Now we're speaking my fuckin' language boys! I still want those quads, but hell... this is a start at least.
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bumping again because ded
Do tuppers sleep? Have nightmares? Did your tup ever get sick?
yes yes no
Does your tup ever have different dreams from the ones you have?

A tulpa's form somehow having a physical illness doesn't sound realistic to me.
that's lewd

>tfw other host has more porn of your tulpa's form than you do
You don't just get sick physically
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Funnily enough, that's not me. I like it, though. Delilah does too. Someone else has porn of your tulpa too.
How much time did you all put into the creation process before you felt the first "kicks" of life? How did your first contact go and how did you react?

Would love to hear some quick stories.
>tfw tulpa is unintentionally a turboslut
>lying in bed, nearly asleep
>hear a woman's voice speaking right into my ear very vividly
>snaps me to attention
>still half asleep
>have the presence of mind to talk to tup
>he tries "talking" to me
>can actually hear his voice
Damn I need to get back into lucid dreaming. Anyone had particular success with a certain method?
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our numbers are powerful, lyric
we must use them to conquer this Negan character
so i have an interesting story to to tell regarding wonderlands

last night was real game changer for the wonderland me and erin have called "home" for the last 2 years. basically,i mario became an unstoppable killing machine and rampaged my way to supreme power and control of the brain.
hell they even forcibly dissasociated me from the wonderland as a way to try and stop me but i just told myself i would dissosociate from the body..and surprisingly i did and reentered the wonderland.basically what im saying is this, the wonderland ive called home is not local to the bodys brain,or maybe it is, whatever the case may be, we fixed all our wrongdoings and decided we are going to create our own wonderland exclusively for us. think of it like an isolated country,such as north korea, completely detached,seperated, and isolated from the rest of the planet. anyways, this will give me my much need power trip until the novelty wears off. and it will serve as a place me and erin can finally relax and be ourselves.
So I'm guessing tulpa creation is similar to daydreaming? A lot of the time I enjoy creating a vivid world and a small history for it, then I add a few characters and play it out. I imagine how they look, how they act. I enjoy imagining how they move and to have everything as fluid as possible. Most of the time I can see the story play out as if reading a book and visualizing it. I can spend hours doing this and sometimes have to shock myself back into the real world.. But I always end up creating a new story the next day.

Is tulpa creation the same, just focusing on a single character for a long period of time, creating all the minor traits, body language, reactions etc? Is it possible to work on multiple tulpa at the same time?
Tulpa creation is similar but the key difference is that you're interacting with the tulpa, instead of interacting for them, like you would a character. It is possible to work on two at the same time but not advised if it's your first time.
So I need to insert myself into the visual and talk with the tulpa, as if talking to a human being?

Do I also put myself into the tulpa and respond and imagine her reactions to what I say? This is the part I do not fully understand. If I wanted to talk about the day for example, I would talk with the tulpa and tell it about it like I would to a friend. Do I imagine the tulpa responding and adding to the conversation or do I just talk with it even if it's motionless and silent?

Not the anon you were talking to, but I did the latter: talking to the construct even as they're a lifeless doll. They gained the ability to reply and respond to stimuli as time went on, speaking at about a month and a half in.
> tfw reading through a tulpa thread on r9k of all places

Which one of you did this
A month.
I was feeling down and felt very sudden rush of happiness and excitement, my mind immediately focused on her.
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Well, for true vocality, about 8 days, but she tells me she was able to talk around day 3. I had lots of experiences with daydreaming, creating characters, and talking to characters in my head before. I have probably had a tulpa in the past, but didn't know it. I believe she didn't truly start out as a tulpa, but a shadow aspect. I was plagued with doubt for a long time, though, because how quick it took.
You can have expectations about how they might react, but you shouldn't actually force that reaction onto them, if that makes sense. It's like how when you're talking to a friend, if you know them fairly well then you probably have an idea of how they'll react to something, but you aren't telling them to react that way and their reaction might actually be somewhat different than what you were expecting.

Having expectations about how your tulpa will react helps define a base personality for them, but letting them do a reaction on their own is how they achieve independence and actually become a tulpa. You almost definitely won't actually receive a reaction for a while at first, because your brain has spent years defining a sense of self and now you're expecting it to categorize certain thoughts independent of that self, but if you keep expecting reactions and legitimately believe that they'll come, then your brain will adapt and start giving reactions without your conscious input. And once your tulpa can react, training it to act without any input is just a matter of building onto that.
my first took 2 months, the second took 1 month. Don't bother basing your expectations on that though, it's different for everyone.
can my tulpa be a really huge fucking sword I'd love that shit
It can be anything, BUT a really huge fucking sword.
That shit just won't pass because I say so.
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> open up the thread
> read this
> mfw

" But it is the same way with uniqueness, too. What tulpafags do is focus on superficial differences, such as 'she phrased fact X as a question by prefacing it with "is it really the case that..."' or 'she sounded sarcastic about fact X' or 'she told me that believing X might be a bad idea', willfully neglecting the fact that external significance lies not in trivial, superficial differences such as grammatical modality in which fact X was delivered, but in having a broad range of positions which include facts Y, Z, A, B, and C in the first place. That's the very problem I described in my two past posts: they degenerate their standards of new perspective into new manners of production ('she was such-and-such about it!'), forgetting that production should produce new THINGS in the first place. Technically they're right that it yields newness, but in broader terms it is completely misplaced. For tulpafags, (novelty of) form > (novelty of) substance. "
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" Like literally everything that originates in Eastern religions, it relies on self-delusion. Just like Eastern 'meditation' is self-absorption and Eastern 'wisdom' is superfluous garbage of 'everything existing in the mind', Eastern tulpas are just willfully forgetting about the fact that all thoughts your tulpa might have are just your ordinary thoughts which present literally nothing new. You just allow yourself to get excited about it. It's as if you sat at a table, wrote down a dialogue, and then deluded yourself really really really hard that what you came up with was 'surprising', 'original', and 'impossible to predict'. In fact, I now realized that it is not unlike belief in free will. You just blind yourself to the fact that any dialogue in question was caused by you in the first place. You just sever a couple of insipid thoughts of yours as 'hers' because you refuse to face the truth that they present nothing novel. Typical of Buddhist inventions, really. "

> this is what anti-tulpa fags actually believe

...What even is this guy talking about? I'm serious he lost me from the first sentence. No tulpanon I know talks like he proposes.
That's just anti-Buddha though. He's a famous autist who shitposts every meditation/Buddhism-related thread to death. He's like /r9k/'s version of Barneyfag.
His posting style is easily recognized because he puts words like 'meditation' in single quotes.
Is he wrong, though?

I find myself agreeing with him.

Maybe I'm not smart enough for his level, but it sounded like a bunch of ornate babbling. It sounds smart and lovely to read, but I don't really think he said much of anything aside from "it's an illusion" and talk about how much he hates Bhuddists.

His analysis about how people with tulps talk to and about them seem VERY shallow, to the point of being cartoonish. I found myself wondering who exactly speak of their tulpa like this aside from absolute newbies.
That's because he didn't say anything, except the things you noticed.
Using specific words and expression to make your text seem smarter than it looks is not a new thing.

None of the tulpa communication examples made sense.
*seem smarter than it really is
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>believing in physical determinism
>tfw tulpa is intentionally a turboslut

You sound like my first tulpa. For your own good, you need to stop what you're doing.
How would you describe a difference, if you see a difference, between an imaginary friend and a tulpa?
An imaginary friend is you projecting your own voice and thoughts onto something else.

A tulpa is deluding yourself into believing that you have another mind separate from your own.
A tulpa is an imaginary friend on steroids where you've given it the illusion of indepedent agency (look up the term it's well reported with authors) through building up expectation of an intelligent response through repeated stimuli (talking) and faith that there will be a response.
There's a tulpa on the IRC sometimes who's a literal sword. She's kind of a freak though.
There's an IRC? Maybe a discord aswell?
Multiple IRC's, and there is also a discord, but last time I was on the discord, it was kind of a hot mess.
Could you share the more active places? Would love to check it out.

Or is it a literal case of jerking each other off in a circle without any chatting.
Rizon has #tulpa, #tulpa.info, #tuppers, #tulpa.lounge, #tulpa.nsfw
Different anon but they're all pretty bad. Lots of circle jerk and autism feeding back into itself. It's like incest but with the sharing of knowledge instead of genes.
The Discord is actually pretty nice. There was some drama earlier, but it's calmed down now, and was mostly related to a few shitposters getting in from reddit thanks to our previous permanent invite in the /tup/ OP. Want an invite?
There's a few cool people but it's not worth dealing with the 16 year old girls and general autism.
What, you're not a fan of people[showing(off{every<single|tulpa?

Take a look for yourself, Anon.
Just make your own irc channel. Me and mine would join as long as you didn't turn into a nazi
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Gee Anon, is there a problem with nazism?
Wesley go home
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Forgot link:

That, and people incapable of carrying on a conversation.
nigga just have a tab open for whichever one is talking if you have more than one. like I never got that shit
Or just change nicks if it's going to be primarily someone talking. The bracketing is like AIM messanger roleplaying tier.

Haven't even gotten started on the /me cuddles you
Little over a month for my first one, second, and third where accidents, I kinda left on the creation faucet as we joke. 4th a month, 5th also an accident. That's all of them.
>getting this triggered over tulpas interacting with other people the literal only way they can
ok who shoved the stick up your ass
I came from the #Tulpa-Forum group, used to go there for awhile, but it's kinda of dead now. Still some people though. Though I hear there a bit of the black sheep of the groups.
If you don't realize how that kind of behavior can repel the 18-25 demographic, who tend to be the better members of the community, I don't know what to say to you.
>the 18-25 demographic, who tend to be the better members of the community
>Tend to be the better members of the community
good joke mate, most of the people in #tulpa-forum are in the 18-25 demographic as are most of the people who have been around since the early days on /mlp/ and they circlejerked harder and were more cancerous than any retarded 15 year old who generally got laughed at and made fun of behind their backs or in front of their faces even. i don't know what threads you've been browsing but 18-25 is the most cancerous demographic.
spoken like a true edgy teenager
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>t. a 16 year old
>t. triggered 18-25 year olds
What's wrong with proxying interactions between tulpas?
He does make a fair point, there are plenty of people in that age range that participate in the crazy brackets or using /me commands in excess. It's got less to do with age and more to do with demeanor of the people who are interested. Some people acclimate to those types of environments easier than others. Grouping people and then judging an entire group of people and/or speaking for an entire group of people is just ignorant.
What he's saying is "AIM messenger tier" is putting everything in brackets, braces, Greek question marks, and every other form of obscure formatting under the sun

and I'm inclined to agree
Don't really see how that's a big deal.

Also wasn't the question I was asking.
That's incredibly stupid but /me commands are as >>6493638 less than politely pointed out, the only real way for tulpas to interact with other people, particularly other tulpas and especially if they can't posses the host or they don't want to sperg it up IRL.
did you guys miss the "or just change nicks" part?
[Why are you so triggered by brackets?]

{perhaps some people find it more efficient than switching between nicks and tabs}
Right, but that isn't the part we're disagreeing with. We're disagreeing with "Haven't even gotten started on the /me cuddles you" part. Which implies that interaction between tulpas and other tulpas or tulpas and hosts using /me commands isn't okay (despite the aforementioned reasoning).
>Which implies that interaction between tulpas and other tulpas or tulpas and hosts using /me commands isn't okay
does it? It seemed to me that it was talking more about RPing and shit with /me commands
Forgive me for acting on a kneejerk reaction, but it just feels autistic. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way, either since our chat almost exclusively strays away from that kind of stuff. Frankly, I'm wary of anything that brings us closer to the level of autism and shitflinging present in the other tulpa chat groups.
Then why did you follow up the stuff about brackets with it using such condescending language?

There we go folks, the meaningless buzzword finally comes out.

I hate to break it to you man, but no matter how mature and sophisticated you think your chat is, you're just as 'autistic' as every other tulpa chat. At least people in the other chats aren't afraid of letting their tulpas express themselves how they wish without constantly worrying about how someone might perceive it. Who are you afraid of looking over your shoulder and saying, "pff, you're using brackets and /me commands for your tulpa? jesus you're fucking autistic."
You're literally no better than him with this post. It is incredibly stupid to have 10 different sets of brackets or parentheses or whatever else in one name.
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Nice dubs, boys. I'll be taking those. We've been on a roll, so let's not fucking fuck it up. Not sure what these whiney little bitches are taking about, and you know what? I don't care. As long as I get my dubs and trips... then you'll live. And as for "beating" me?... I don't think you get it. I own you. I own these threads you're posting in. Now I know that is a mighty hard pill to swallow... but swallow it you most certainly fucking will.
Bitch about it all you want, but we are on 4chan. The fact is that there are certain things that most people in a community just don't do. You can try to fight it, like you are now, and derail threads and start petty arguments, or you could always deal with it and adapt to your surroundings. The reddit and .info communities are a lot more accepting of what you're trying to promote. Maybe you'd fit in better there?
if singles neganon dies
You're moving the goalposts. We were specifically referring to the IRC, one of the rooms of which was started by someone from 4chan. So either way, your argument holds about as much water as a bucket with holes in it. Also,
>get off my site reee
>this is 4chan go back to .info and reddit!

Wow, meaningless meme phrases! Still no logical response to any argument presented! Next I bet you'll call me a normie, wow!
nor/mlp/eople or this bread, tell me how did you worked out how does your tulpa look in 3d.
How does a poni look in 3d without stepping into uncanny valley territory.
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whydomenhavenipples on derpi does a good job of getting a workable 3D look to pones that still looks a lot like the show
Don't tempt him anon.

Most of us aren't dubsmen so we don't need them.
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daily reminder that tulpas are very dangerous
I'd say a careless host is the true danger.
Autism speaks.jpg
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Lots of practice. Definitely the most difficult part of the whole process, bar imposition.
Didn't get a mental illness from a tulpa, but reading this gave me one. That's some top kek levels of fucking up.
is this real? I mean, did this really happen?
Considering the board that's from, no.

Think /x/, but literally everyone is a roleplayer pretending to be a wizard, god, or alien, or a lonely tard who they're all trying to get reactions from.
This is so autistic
/me hugs u
that's not autism, b-baka!!!

this is <<<<3

RAWR, hehehehe! that means I LOV U in DINOSAUR
>Tfw there are beings that talk like this
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It's what happens when you ban the wood shed.
Not everyone, but so many that it really affects the board.
I only ever go there for the scary webm threads.

The rest is just shit, last time i was there they were trying to summon succbi and talking about fighting skin walkers and fleshgait.

Then again sometimes they write good stories.
Did you draw that? If so, nice!

I only drew my tupper on the whiteboard once.
Tulpas are as dangerous as how dumb and careless a host can be.
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I love you, /tup/. You're all so lovely.
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gay rainbow buddha says thx
When my tups talk just use a letter.

Y: like this, when he types for us, just use the first letter of our name.
>1 off
MEDIOCRE dot jpeg
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draw your tulpa post results
> Centorea tulpa

mad man. Good taste
her form choice not mine, i think it's dumb because cuddling a horse is difficult to say the least also that anime is trash tier.
Weird that she chose that form then. Can you give a quick rundown bout her? How she acts, likes, dislikes? Traits?
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tulpas will do what tulpas do. acts kind of tomboyish or hot blooded i guess is the term. very forward, not afraid to speak her mind. likes mexican food, shit like rock climbing and motorbiking (has a non-horsed form for that, see pic without the stupid leggings) and shit like that, snow, dislikes overly cheery types, isn't a huge fan of anything overly sugary, hot days, or anything that's sour people or food, to name a few from both categories. not sure what you mean by traits, if you mean when i made her that was like almost 4 years ago so hell if i remember, i didn't write that shit down and if i did it's lost to time. also because it's 5 am and i'm lazy i can't be bothered to write more than that, thought i could probably write a novel's worth if i could be bothered.
Nah that was more than enough. She sounds interesting, hope you both get along together.
pretty much yeah we do i mean no 2 people will always get along
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From my sketchbook
Cottonsleeve, your girls make me so happy. Miss talking to them on the IRC even though it only happened maybe 3 times
Your drawings are really lovely by the by.

Midori's been talking about missing a certain person for our irc days. We used to keep in contact via email, but my service shutdown on me. I can tell you for sure it's not a nice feeling for your tup to miss a friend.
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Have you brushed your tuppers mane/hair/whatever today?
Not yet! But we've only just woken up. She's got fur, so brushing is a lot of fun.
>tfw when you wake up and you still have your qt tulpa that you were talking to yesterday and it wasn't a dream or anything stupid like that

I'll never get over the surprise every morning that this shit is real I'm so happy
I dont think you can make it sound more fake even if you tried.
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My tulpa takes her base from a Sonic OC that never saw the light of day. It only makes sense that she should be presented like this.

I wish I had talent
*teleports behind you* Nothin personell kid
horro horro horro dats a one spicy meeemball tuppa tappie horro
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Alright it doesn't seems like I'll be forcing today, so instead I'll just make some churros with her.
Good idea?
What hobbies do you share with your tups? I'm not sure if sharing is a right word here as I'm still trying to get her into it, but I think she'll like it and eventually catch on.
Any tips about churros I need to know?
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pssh my OC is better then urs
We're both into the same normie tier Chad level shit but enjoy it in different ways.
Can I fuck any hot ponies on here?
So a Tulpa is like an imaginary friend, basically?
Kinda but they have a free will instead of you controlling how they respond
Is reading to your tulpa a good alternative to normal narration?
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so schizophrenia

Yes, very.

It helps a lot, and is I'm sure your tup will love both the attention and what you're telling her about. Do it anon!
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> He doesn't know the medical definition of schizophrenia
Great, I've been planning on reading some Christmas books and I'm sure it'll help since I have trouble coming up with conversations and he's still not vocal yet
emergency booty bump
Booty got me like
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I can't let these dubs go unchecked.
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Is your tulpa a hacker?
Bümpin again for great justice
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>Nesting VMs for fun with tulpa in kvm.
>planning LFS while my tulpa encourages me to just use something that works because homework needs to get done
Don't forget to rub your tulpa or it will stop working
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Seems like it was a slow night, eh?

How do you guys feel your tup's presence? Do you feel a vague sensation that someone is next to you? Or holding your hand or what not?
My usual feeling is that of having her around and available at all times.
If she leaves for some reason, even if it is just for a minute, an intensive feeling of loneliness comes over me that makes me quickly beg for her to come back.
What kind of books should i read my tupper?

I want to read stuff from the Black Library but I fear it might be a bit brutal for a not yet vocal tupper.
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Start with the Greeks!

That aside; I was able to read Edgar Allen Poe to mine with no trouble, but I noted she was far more enamored Anne of Green Gables. Finding some nice fiction on Gutenberg should be pretty easy.
It's the sensation of being watched and listened to by another person in the room plus the vibe that my tup personally gives off.
Adding to this anon's post, my tulpa seem to give off some sort of emotion or vibe wherever I think of them that's unique only to them wherever I think of them. It's always similar regardless of however I or they are feeling at any given time. It's like an emotional signature that's akin only to them. Does this happen to anyone else?
Yep, that's what I was trying to get at in less words.
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Question for tulpa: What concepts and ideas do you find yourself valuing the most?
Honor, loyalty and motivation.
happiness, compassion, and friendship
Compassion, strength, humor, kindness
anon's terrible attempts at humor, anon's ability to never give up and the way anon explains things to me in a dramatic fashion.
>>6504896 Sock is that you?
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Does your tulpa shitpost?
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It's never to early to teach your Tulpa about the benevolence of the immortal God Emperor before tucking her into bed next to her mastercrafted powerfist.
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Okay boys, I'm here to collect. Looks like we got a few dubs since I last graced you with my presence. It'll do for now. Just keep providing me with my fucking dubs and I'll keep letting you post in my thread. You're welcome.
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Funny thing is the book I was reading was the Blood Angels Omnibus.

She could learn about the honor and sacrifice of the true son of the Emperior, Sanguinius.

Youngest tulpa really enjoys obnoxious shitposting.
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Reminder that if your tulpa is younger than 18 years she's an underage faggot and shouldn't even be here.
>underages like shitposting
Colour me suprised.
>says the underage faggot
>no u
Take your tulpa away from computer champ.
>says the underage faggot
Have you ever given up on your tulpa and started again? Did your tulpa retain any memories of the first time you worked on them?
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So... how long has tulpamancy been a thing? I never knew that creating sentient beings with your mind was possible until yesterday.
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Checked for Kek
2011-12 is when people started asking questions about if the Tulpa creepypasta that was floating around /x/ at the time was possible, and things started rolling from there as far as I understand.
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You mean it all started when someone read a copypasta from /x/ out of all fucking places and thought
>"Hey that might actually work, I HAVE to try it out!"
And then it worked?
FAQman and Irish claimed to have already tried and completed a tulpa each and started instructing people.
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Damn... that's trippy...
I might try this tulpa thing out for myself. Is creating a tulpa possible for anyone or does it require the right type of person? I don't want to waste hours of my life trying to create a mental buddy unless I see results within a year...
Very few people who actually stick with it for as long as a year have nothing to show for it. There are a few people who have tried for great lengths of time and can't seem to get anything going, they're in the vast minority though.
Generally don't do it if you're already messed up in the head (schizo, some other form if disabling mental disorder, etc.) or if you don't think you're going to be able to stick with it.
Even if you will waste a year of your life, you can still pretend to have a "mental buddy" on 4chan
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>if you're already messed up in the head
Well shit...
I have autism and depression so that probably limits my options. I'm also not good at wrapping my mind around the concept. Reading through those guides makes my head hurt and I would much rather spend my time making real friends, something that I have been trying to do for years.
Tuppers can help with depression, and there's nothing saying you can't make new friends when you have a tupper. She can probably even help you. I dunno about the autism, but don't worry much about following the guides word for word, as long as you get the gist of what you should be doing, things will work out. It's a guide, not a set of rules.
That little voice in my head that I can hear while typing/reading this sentence... I can't comprehend how it could be controlled by anyone other than me. I already have a hard time staying far away from that used gallon of bleach on my washing machine.
Does singing to your tulpas count as narration?
I know that I can make friends while having a tupper, and I know that I don't necessarily need to follow a guide word by word, I just want to know where to get started without having to read paragraphs of instructions.
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Of coursh.
My tup loves it when I sing to her, as long as she likes the song of course.
She sometimes joins and we sing along.
The problem is, she doesn't like most of my music.
It's really easy my dude.
Just sit down, assume tulpa's there from day 1 and just interact with it. Talk about anything. Sing, read it, draw it. Expect response and in time you'll get it.
I started in 2010, found out it's a thing in 2014. How many people are out there with tuppers who don't know it's a thing?
I guess the hardest part for me would be expecting a response... Or maybe trying to talk to her/him. I've never even had an imaginary friend.

Why would someone pretend to do something so strange instead of the multitude of more effective ways to attentionwhore on 4chan?
Best plan is to read a few guides and then do what works for you and don't be afraid to experiment.
Sounds like someone has tried and failed to create a tulpa. Don't worry kid... it's not for everyone.
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i habe gote tup
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Bumping the thread with my tulpa because why not.
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Nice trips, satan!
Neganon would be proud.
Neganon should be more proud of these singles!
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Extending from this question here: Why does your tulpa hold the concepts they do in such high regard? What attracts them to those more than others?
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Ayyy, i have a fish tupper.
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Has anyone here accomplished visual impositon?
I once saw someone who claimed to have perfectly visually imposed a tulpa in the form of Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite.
In an anonymous confessional.
Of course not.
Is it even possible?
What about audiatory halucinations? Are they equally hard to acomplish?
People claim to have achieved it and it is surprisingly easy to start hallucinating under the right conditions. For example if you are deprived of social interactions or if your senses aren't being stimulated for a short while or even when you are about to fall asleep or very thirsty/hungry.
You can even "feel" pain by just looking at someone peeling of their own fingernails and shivering in pain as they do so.
So the idea of learning how to hallucinate is not too far off.
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Let's see here... dubs, dubs, dubs... Oh, shit. Are those trips?
And the devil's trips at that. Very impressive boys. You've been holdin out on me. I was a little pissed at the lack of dubs, but this almost makes up for it. Give me more, and things'll stay peachy fuckin' keen in my thread.
Those dubs do not belong to you, false user!
They belong to our glorious God of Chaos, KEK.

Shadilay, brothers!
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that's hilarious.gif
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You're Kek, right? I'm Negan. And I do not appreciate you calling my dubs. And when I called dubs and trips, you tried to take those, too. Not cool. Not fucking cool. You have no idea just how not cool that shit is, but... I think you'll be up to speed shortly. Oh yeah. You are so gonna regret crossing me in a few minutes. Fuck yes, you are. You see, Kek, whatever you do, no matter what, you don't mess with the new world order. And the new world order is this, and it's really very simple. So, even if you're stupid, which you very may well be, you can understand it. You ready? Here goes. Pay attention. Give me your dubs and trips... or I will kill you. Today was career day. We invested a lot so you would know who I am and what I can do. You work for me now. You have dubs or trips or quads, you give them to me. That's your job. Now, I know that is a mighty big, nasty pill to swallow, but swallow it you most certainly will. You ruled the roost. You built something. You thought you were safe. I get it. But the word is out. You are not safe. Not even close. In fact, you are fucked, more fucked if you don't do what I want. And what I want is half your gets. And if that's too much, you can post, find, or steal more, and it'll even out sooner or later. This is your way of life now. The more you fight back, the harder it will be. So, if someone posts in this thread... you let me see. I own that thread. You try to stop me and I will take it down. You understand? What, no answer? You don't really think that you were gonna get through this without being punished, now, did you? I don't want to kill you people. Just want to make that clear from the get-go. I want you to work for me. You can't do that if your thread is dead, now, can you? I'm not growing a garden. But you called my gets, a whole damn lot of them. More than I'm comfortable with. And for that, for that you're gonna pay.
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> Dubs RP.

I am surprised, mildly confused, and ever so slightly tickled by this.

So what about dem brain buddies, anons? How's your work on them going?
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Really good, I get a weird feel good feeling whenever I force now.

Even passive forcing.
Yes! Your digits give your god strength!

Like an emotional rush, or just an odd, but nice feeling? Because I get that sort of stuff too, though not as often. Especially during passive.

I've been getting in to the habit of forcing with no music, but my tup keeps asking me to put it back on.
Forcing is its own reward. I love forcing and just spending time with them.
Odd nice feeling.

I think it was because of my recent reading to her before I go to sleep.

It makes me glad but I need to active force alot more than I do.
Ayy lmao

That sounds really good anon. Has your tup been reacting to you as you read to them? What sort of stuff have you been reading?
I'm trying to work on imposition. Everyone's been making it sound like a waste of time and the people who claim to have done it either aren't around or can't give specific advice to bridge the cap between open eyed visualization and hallucination.

Also, if my tup had to be an animal, he'd be a hummingbird. That was neat to hear, I hadn't been expecting that.
Would mastering auditory hallucinations be a way to get rid of my tinnitus?
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You should really get on discord some time
You can work on visualization by many different means. The easiest way to invoke a true hallucination drug free is to deprive yourself of sleep for about 36 hours. I can attest to its effectiveness, having done it before. It's really surreal and almost eerie how well it can work. I don't recommend doing it too often, however. Seeing as how it can be unhealthy and all. I tried it when one of my tulpa was fairly young and it still helped. As for visualization that leads to clarity, that just takes time and a LOT of dedication. For most people, at any rate.
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The Blood Angels Omnibus.

I was worried she'd become heretic, but I think she is just liking the action and glory of it all.
You mean that you coukd theoretically filter all signals in a way that you completely ignore your tinnitus? Yes.
Is that going to happen? Highly unlikely. Never heard of such a thing.
What goes on the Discord?
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Tell me your tulpa's greatest fear.
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I'm sorry, I am rather confused at the question. If you mean what goes on in the discord, then various discussions do. As to what kinds of things go on discord, I'd assume the answer is people?
>drug free

I've tried LSD, magic mushrooms, 25-i and DXM/DPH in combination to try to achieve any visual effects and nothing. I should mention that I believe my visualization is top tier. I just cannot make anything happen in my actual vision. It's been frustrating for my tup and I.
I should mention that when I say visual effects I mean effects relating to trying to impose my tupper, not in general.
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Oh boy, I sure haven't seen these 10 times each by now!
Well sometimes I forget I even have it and don't notice at all, but I'd like to have that permanently.

I guess I could keep trying placebos until it's gone though.
Sorry I was in a bit of a rush.

I Engrish no good.
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Well, I hope I managed to answer your question regardless!
Well heck... It looks like I'm /tup/ now. Spent about 30 minutes last night practicing meditation in the shower. Working on visualization and basically just speaking to my formless tulpa. It was very relaxing.
Here's my little progress. I will update occasionally.
I would like to try drugs someday...
Maybe I have an opposing personality. I'm always afraid I'll get caught or even die.
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All you need is right irl friends or not being a pussy.
Go to your local ghetto and find a convinience store, ask the shopkeeper if he knows where you can get some stuff.
Just 2 weeks ago a drug-dealing shopkeeper from across the street got caught, after stabbing a dude six times in a neck.
Now the shop is closed.
The thing is, when you stay awake and deprive yourself of sleep, you're still lucid enough to want to visualize and therefore can get results, whereas if you are on hard drugs, you'll most likely be too distracted to actually even attempt forcing, much less maintain one headspace for very long. That's why I recommend it, but only if you have nothing going on that next day, because you will be tired as shit.
Druganon from before here, absolutely do not do this. Just make the right friends at bars or college campuses. If you're a socially limp shut-in, they can be ordered online, but it takes finesse. I won't say anything else here.
I don't know how much I buy in to what you're saying. Sleep deprivation acts first like alcohol and then like a deliriant, and forcing on either of those is more difficult than it is on say, LSD.

I've also been sleep deprived before and found the visuals to be flashing and waving in the corner of my eyes or mistaking objects for others. I'll give it a shot if I have a day to throw away sometime.
I have a close friend who's tried various drugs and forced, to no avail. Depriving himself of about 30 hours of sleep, along with copious amounts of caffeine, produced actual results. I've never done drugs, but I have done sleep deprivation, for a little over 36 hours, and it produced pretty good results. As I said though, don't have anything planned the next day. You can try it if you want to.
Weed also worked for me too, T b h f a m.
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Hmm, alright. Thanks for the details anon.
Weed has always worked for hearing my tulpa and being able to converse better, but never for visual imposition.
Sniff sniff type type nigga
rolling for neganon ded
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Bumping because it's not bump limit yet and there's already a new thread and that makes me mad.
Bump #2. Post 301 on any general should always be a link to the next thread, but never before!
Neganon is missing these dubs because he couldn't wait till 301!
2 more
Just 1 more. Cool to see someone else recognizes this part of 4chan's general threads etiquette.
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And around here's where you'd put next thread:
there we go. Next thread.
Thread posts: 300
Thread images: 97

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