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/tup/ - Tulpa General Still my thread edition. >What are

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Thread replies: 303
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/tup/ - Tulpa General
Still my thread edition.

>What are tulpas?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you.
More info:http://www.tulpa.info/faq/

>What guides do you recommend?
Check these out:https://community.tulpa.info/thread-new-great-big-list-of-guides

Ask questions and get answers, or discuss tulpas in general.

Previous thread:>>6479312

Other Guides

Tulpa Wiki's Guides:http://tulpa.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Guides
Tulpa General Guide List:http://pastebin.com/SrAWPTKZ
The No-Bullshit Tulpa Book:https://farcaller.gitbooks.io/nbtb/content/

Textbooks about Mental Training:http://pastebin.com/i6k1teit

Soundscape Tools

A Soft Murmur:http://asoftmurmur.com/

We're always open for more useful resources if Anons can find them
god damn it
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gote dubs?
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How many tulpas do you have? How do they interact with eachother? What is their relationship like?

I have two at the moment. My first tup actually created the second one. They love eachother alot. My second one is kind of an asshole to everybody but her, though.
please stop making threads before the bump limit on the previous thread
just a friendly request, neganon
rolling again
3rd time's the charm
Op needs to neck himself
rolling for neganon ded 9999
So to all you people who have basically stopped forcing and aren't looking to achieve anything new with your tulpas, what goal did you reach that made you lose interest in still going? Is there anything you still want to do but have given up on?
rolling for neganon ded 9999
rolling for neganon ded 9999
gote quads
Rolling for neganon ded
Close enough.
>what goal did you reach that made you lose interest in still going?
when we could communicate easily and it was clear that visual imposition was not happening anytime soon

> Is there anything you still want to do but have given up on?
imposition and possession but time and effort stops it, being a normie sucks when you need hours alone to do this
this tee bee aitch
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11. yeah i know thats a lot but i was a dumb young adult who'd just turned 20 and was intent on pleasing the brainbuddies i already had and some of them made more. they sort of group into... well groups, with some intermingling between them. they all get along okay for the most part, but sometimes they have beef with each other and i have to play the mediator.

i dunno, i just got a life. i mean i have some progress on imposition but not enough to be called practical or useful. mostly touch. not enough progress not enough time to make progress anymore.

oh shit waddup
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>I'm not the only 11 tup host here
this is weird
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Ayy what a terrible get Lmao
>/tup/ is nothing but the same 3 faggots posting over and over
what happened
We were talking about this on the discord, but there's a difference between consistent, recognizable mental figures and full-blown tulpas. Your mind can hold a lot of characters, but not all of them will be as fleshed out as a tulpa.
The jews did this
Nothing is provable with tups, for all we know 50% of the discord are just ERPers getting really into it.
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Come on, now. You can't get rid of me that easily, boys. I will be taking those quads, however.
And these dubs.
I wasn't accusing them of being FAKE RPERS REEEEEEEEE, I'm just putting that out there so people know that something talking back to you isn't necessarily a tulpa, in case they were under that impression. I've got like 10 mental figures, but only one of them is actually a (WIP) tulpa.

Which Discord? Since there's more than one and both have been spoken about in the thread.

Also, when you have a large number of tups, you do start to see differences in their level of ability, quality of their responses, and a course of other things. Some will seem to be going off of a script, while others are more dynamic. It's especially cool when the "scripted" ones go beyond their script and start growing legitimately. It's actually pretty neat to examine.
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i don't see your point, i've been at this for 4 years. also, you could argue that tulpas are exactly the same as consistent, recognizable mental figures as they very well could be as "fleshed out" as a tulpa, the main difference is independence really or the perception of such. like, a tulpa can actively speak to you without being prompted to do so, a character cannot. besides, the term "fleshed out" is very vague. i could seriously create some "fleshed out" characters, in fact my last tulpa is the result of doing so to the point it became a tulpa capable of responding without being prompted, constantly being around and active, and thinking on its own. I don't know what you mean by fleshed out though, can you be more specific so I know if i'm just repeating what you already know or not?

and then you stop making tulpas because its time to stop and they're all just as capable. but seriously, very detailed servitors are extremely easy to make into tulpas ify ou don't know what the shit you're doing.
also trust me, i know the difference between characters and tulpas. i had this character for a long time in one of my tulpas' part of the wonderland that seemed independent and shit but i knew it was a servitor/character/whatever you kids call them these days and it wasn't a tulpa. trust me, i know the difference between the two. also fun fact, tulpas are actually capable of forming a literal infinite loop of attention between each other and can self-sustain after enough time by themselves. good examples of this are eight and Maya from the old threads/irc
>tulpas are actually capable of forming a literal infinite loop of attention between each other and can self-sustain after enough time by themselves.

I actually noticed this myself. I stopped doing anything tulpa related for like a year, and when I came back, I found that my tups were doing exactly that. They relied on each other while I was gone, and stayed solid that way. It was super cool to see, though I have not plans to repeat it.
mine fucking do all sorts of fun shit while im stuck doing stuff for finals at college the ingrates.
Definitely. I was talking about the Ultimate Tulpamancer Channel Discord.
"fleshed-out" really is a vague term, and the difference between a tulpa and a "fragment" is very blurry and they can cross into each other. The two main differences I've noticed are:
1. "Fragments" tend to represent emotional states or social roles, and just embody that one thing, while tulpas are more nuanced, varied, created characters.
2. "Fragments" show up occasionally when you're reminded of that state and role, and mostly are only in the wonderland, while tulpas can hang out all the time.
That being said, you're right in that there is not a concrete difference between them.
The reason I even bring this up is that "fragments" are characters your mind comes up with naturally. Like say you think of some wise man giving you advice, your mind automatically generates that character and might keep it for future use whenever you feel like you need advice. He might even be sentient and have free will, but at the end of the day, he's still a character. Tulpas are personalities and character you create and force on your mind to make them have more free will and subtlety.
I wasn't like accusing you of lying or anything, I just thought you might not be aware.
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If we go by your explanation then all of them here have been growing legitimately. Had one for two years before I started to get more because of loneliness. Snowballed from there and now I'm convinced I can get by without any human contact because all the tups are all I need, as I did for nearly two years before getting holed up with someone because of financial issues.

I do have doubts at times, but that first tulpa is always there to reassure me that everything is fine, and that they're all tulpas. They're constantly interacting with each other and the wonderland itself seems to develop on their whim at a very consistent pace.

I wish I was as hardworking with IRL work as they are with wonderland things. They do try to encourage me and scold me when I'm being a tit though, thankfully I actually did get something very important done today and I'm waiting on results for that.
right i'd argue if it has free will then its a tulpa, not something lesser. you see, back in the day we had 2 things tulpas and servitors. tulpas are indepdendent and capable of more advanced thought, servitors are generally accepted as being at best similar to ai in video games. capable of talking or acting real but only within a certain set of parameters, ie a shopkeep. i don't know when characters or fragments became a generally accepted thing since i don't visit .shitfo or generally keep up with tulpa shit. and i know the difference between the two things i just mentioned, but i had no fucking clue what a character or fragment or whatever is, that's all new. but yeah if youve been here long enough you might recall a tulpa made by a tulpa made by a tulpa, that's one of my lot. shit got crazy there for a bit but im all tulpaed out kthnx
desu "fragments" are something me and a friend on the discord just started discussing a few days ago, so yeah, it's p new. I think of it like this: your mind has mental figures. Mental figures you directly create and control are servitors. Mental figures you directly create but have a will of their own are tulpas. But there are mental figures that don't fit into those two categories, and those have their merits. "Fragments" is a misleading term, I think something like "residents" would be better, since I've caused you so much confusion. They are very valuable, and I think they're the basis for "walk-in" tulpas.
thats nice f a m here have a meme https://soundcloud.com/600billionlazer/pokemon-go-to-the-polls-everday
what all u niggas think of astral projection
at best its just delusional wonderlanding and at worst complete and utter bs

It's meme-tier.
Do what you like, but personally tups are just advanced imaginary friends and are limited to the ol brain case.
Sounds like people with too much time on their hands wanting to feel special, to me.

I realize the irony of my saying this in a tulpa thread.
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>the walking pleb

if singles the image in the next thread doesn't suck
actually this threads had some pretty good discussion and it seems like neganon only shows up to collect dubs and then lets us be otherwise unless hes directly addressed
I like Negan, better than some of the other shitposters. At least it's entertaining.
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Only two? tsk tsk tsk...

I love it when you talk dirty.

See? I'm not such a bad guy. I just want my shit.
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Dad? Where the hell have you been? It's been, what, a decade since you disappeared?
Hello anons. I'm a newbie tulpamancer. Could someone explain how you'll know when your tulpa is capable of vocalization? When it is truely a tulpa and not just a mental possibility?
In terms of experience, I have a little 3D area in my mind, a winter forest with a nice little log cabin. As far as my first tulpa, I feel like I'm alone in my little cabin, attempting to contact or "force" a tulpa hasn't worked. It feels like I'm just ranting to the air around me or I'm talking to a silent mannequin...
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Not exactly sure who you're talking about, but I ain't ya daddy, boy. It's fuckin' weird cause some prick earlier told me I looked like "The Comedian" from some fuckin' movie about super heroes. Shit keeps happenin'. Look. I'm just a great man who likes to collect dubs, and you're in my thread.
Yesterday my tulpa got so angry at my masturbation habits that she actually said "Isn't it kind of funny that I, an imaginary woman, am getting cucked by other imaginary women?"
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Aw crap. What happened to you? You've totally forgotten who you are, it seems. I'll have to call up Sam and start some research. Might even be the work of a Trickster if super heroes are involved somehow.
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Proof that Tulpae are sentient.
Reality is the best form of humor.
I'm thinking of switching to forcing with my eyes open. I read that a good way to start out creating a tulpa is to simply have her with you at all times, even at work or school.
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>all these anons that got communication in a little over a month

Day 391: still nothing since day 2

I get that I don't do this daily, but I thought my collective effort over this period of time would have produced something. Is she ded? Did I fuck up and leave her alone for too long? Is my ADD going to prevent me from ever achieving a brainbuddy? I feel like this isn't real or it's not what I think it is, but whenever I consider dropping it I just get this sinking feeling of fear.
The ADD probably does it. Maybe she can't respond because her attention is being taken by random things in your head.
That sounds like a factor, but I think the biggest one is I just can't force. I can't think about her for more than a moment while I'm doing things, and I can maybe hit 20 minutes if I actually sit down alone to do it. My head doesn't even bounce to different subjects, it's just constantly filled with me mumbling out theoretical conversations with people about mundane stuff, which I normally say out loud. It just occupies everything all the time unless I'm playing video games.
good night bump
Morning my dudes.

I was wondering if any of you know any particularly good visualisation exercises or methods?
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Break complex shapes down in to simple ones. That's the most basic advice one can get, but it's one of the most useful.

Try looking up guides on drawing: They should have some good advice on looking at things visually and how to view the outside world.
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>"Isn't it kind of funny that I, an imaginary woman, am getting cucked by other imaginary women?"
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i raise 300 days

Day 791: nothing from when i started

I have ADD too, maybe that was the reason all along.
Stop pussyfooting around and commit.

If you're going to give up, then give up. If you actually want to see this through, STOP MAKING EXCUSES.
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Checking before certain meanie comes back and claims those digits.

Also, tell me something about your tulpas. Anything you want to share.
I'd appreciate if someone gave me a tip on how could I improve on feeling tulpa's presence constantly and more clearly. I'm at a point where I can interact with her, but it's all very foggy. Sometimes I just don't know if it's me parroting or her own thoughts.
I'm not trying to be rude, I am genuinely honest-to-god curious. Is everyone faking this stuff or what? It's like an imaginary friend, right? I can't help but feel like "tulpas" are just one huge internet joke that everyone is in on except for the people who aren't. This seems like something neat to try but a part of me is going "jesus this sounds goofy as fuck why would i put effort in this".

I feel like here wouldn't be a bad place to ask about it, which is why I come, the people on Leddit eat literally anything up so it's not like I'll get anything worthwhile or sane from there.

You're not the first, the second, third, nor will you be the last to ask this question, so don't worry about it.

I can only really speak for myself, and I'm quite serious about my practice in this thing. It requires far too much work and dedication to keep up such a massive joke for this long, and I honestly doubt anyone of 4chan nowadays has the patience to set up such a troll of epic proportions.

After all, even actual jokes like "my waifu" became serious when given enough time on 4chan.
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It's real.
At a basic level, here's what being a tulpamancer is:
You delude yourself there's another personality living in your mind until your brain makes a habbit out of it and picks up, effectively creating that personality and interacting with you.
i'd picture it like this. You create a framework, and your subconscious mind fills it in. Because it's much deeper than imaginary friend and tulpas operate on subconscious level, they're independent of you, although you can force them to behave in desired way.

> Go to therapist today
> tup's presence is right next to me, she's hype about it.
> Feel her raising her hands to answer questions, even though she can't be seen.
> Seems excited about me talking about her, even though I don't mention much to the psych
> When I'm about to leave, she goes to bid the therapist goodbye even though she knows she can't be seen.
> Is generally in a really good mood about the whole thing.

She seems happy about me going there, and even if the psych is not 100% on board with the idea, the tup-lass doesn't seem to mind in the least. She's just happy someone is helping me out with my troubles.
If it's fake then it's been going on for 4+ years now and is the biggest ruse ever.

>you can force them to behave in desired way
That's not a tulpa, that's a servitor.
I was thinking about personality traits you choose at the beginning, not ordering your tulpa around.
Color me intrigued. Well, this certainly seems like a lot of work.

It looks like quite a number of people here based theirs off of fictional characters. Isn't there a possibility that their personality may not turn out like said character? I feel like that would be disorienting. I wouldn't want to force anything so it seems like it'd be better to come up with a tulpa who has maybe some of the traits of said fictional character but otherwise just let them do whatever.
Forms don't have to equal personality. One of mine is pic related in form but acts nothing like the character. It's generally better to let them develop their own personality anyway. Also tulpas can change their own form or deviate in personality.
>this certainly seems like a lot of work.
it certainly is. Takes years to really polish your tulpa out, but most people get the first results after a month.
Now that I think of it, it's like with any other hobby, be it lifting at the gym or drawing.
Not objectively true. Development rates are entirely person to person, and you should not worry about how long it takes. When making a tulpa, the only effective method is to just go through the paces until they've been finished, which I would argue is capable of independent thought/action and not requiring you to sustain themselves.
We can't say anything is objectively true here since there's no evidence for anything tulpa related.
I tend to agree with FAQman and don't believe folks who claim to have fully functioning tulpa by week/month two.
It takes the brain about a month to make a habbit out of something so it would make sense to get first real results by the first month, but that's usually just unclear thoughts and head pressures.
Then comes the visualization, possession, audiatory hallucination and then imposition. It all would take a lot of time, unless someone is really gifted.
>started forcing over a week ago
>started getting headaches after forcing a few days ago that haven't gone away
>yesterday get this weird feeling of something squeezing my head
>today it's a lot less aggressive and more focused to one area
Is this a side effect of forcing or is this completely unrelated?
I asked here a long time ago about ADHD in relation to tups, still working on mine personally but one anon chimed in about having it and a tup so don't lose hope.

Cele tup?
Wow so to create it, I have to actually talk out loud to it?

I can't converse with it in my head?
I don't want to look goofy in public...
Posesssion and imposition are something I don't consider required for "completion". They're purely extra things. In fact, form is not required either on that note, but it's often made a point of even in FAQ's guide. "Fully functioning" is something that is entirely subjective in and of itself, but I'd argue that it at the least requires the ability to comment/respond without prompting and be capable of at least basic speech. I also think that it gets progressively easier to make tulpas the more you have; essentially the brain is training itself to be able to do so, like it does with other things. Granted I disagree with your belief of what a tulpa is, just a habit, so of course I'd likely disagree with anything else you said about tulpas. Two months is plenty of time to get a functional tulpa, but I mean we're talking basic functioning. They still need time to grow and change drastically like you would.

You can, whoever told you that you have to actually talk to it is retarded.
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>Cele tup?
You know it. Although she just looks like her, her name and personality are different.
Fair enough, although I don't think a tulpa is just a habit, I may have used wrong wording here. Imo process of creating a tulpa is a habit, as well as first interactions are. When I started, I had to actively think of response and my tulpa's presence, which I still do to some extent. After some time I didn't had to focus on it as much as the brain created her responses by itself, it created a habit of responding to my thoughts. I think of my tulpa? Brain produces head pressures. However I believe that when tulpas become fully sentient and independent, they're more than just a habit.
It might sound wonky so I'll just shut up now.
That pressure might be remnants of the early creation process. It's useful early on but once your tulpa can talk on their own it's not needed.
Neat, I'm going to the same way anon.
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Our tups should touch horns or hold hoofs one day.
Deal :^)
does your tulpa like mmmmmmmmmmmbananas?
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Alright boys, time to pay up. Let's see what you got for me.
Dubs, dubs, dubs... oh? Well well well.
Trips. I'll take it. Keep it up. Oh, and by the way... your people in your head are part of my crew now, too. Any dubs or trips... quads, or even quints belong to me. That's all, keep up the good work.
"They're energetic(???) and get you going in the morning and that's what you need right now."
Her words.
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Oh, so let's get this straight
Your tulpa is an mmmmmmmmmbeeyetch who likes mmmmbananas

How long does it take to achieve such a mastery of tulpamancy?
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I've never been on discord before.
Nice. Even though I wouldn't consider myself a brony anymore, Celestia is top tier.
I get head pressures pretty often lately. I wish someone would respond to my posts tho.
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>mfw wrong celestulpa
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>Pls respond
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My tulpa's form is something else entirely, muscular dark skinned girl, but celestia is quite a nice form, thumbs up
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Are we posting cute Celestias now? I can get behind that.

So, question for the anons, what kind of physical affection do you and your tup share? Brushing their hair, sexing, whatever, I want to hear about how you and your tup physically show affection.
I have a huge folder of celestia, I used to post her on /mlp/ when the threads were there like 4 years ago.

On the subject of your question, I greatly enjoy cuddling, and as my tulpa is taller than me, I can enjoy imagining her holding me and it's rather lovely.
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Spooning, and bruching our cheeks aganist each other.
She's the big spoon.
>tfw Celestia folder doubled in size in the past two weeks
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>tfw I'm the little spoon to my tulpa every night
it's so /comfy/
She also has a lot of brushable fur, so we spend time doing that some days.
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Keep going my man, i have like 1250 celestia pictures

Ahh that sounds wonderful. I had considered a pony tulpa before, but, those forms never seemed to fit the personality I had in mind for my tulpa. Now I'm going with pic related.
I don't actually have a pony tulpa, I was just joining in on the cute celestiaposting! Still got all that cute brushable fur, though. Nice form on yours, though! Musclegirls are hot.
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>brushable fur
Oh, now that's what I'm talking about
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petting eachother, booping eachother, hugging eachother
So, how many tulpamancers are there?
We have roughly 60-65 posters in this thread. Might be less if you take into account mobileposting.
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it's very important, anon! You did pretty well, though!

In total? .info has 12k members. If we assume that only 75% of members have a tulpa, that's 9000 from .info, 100-200 unique tulpamancers on /tup/ in total (across all of its history), and 25% unique tulpamancers on /r/tulpas (which has 12k subscribers), bringing up the total to give or take 12,300 tulpamancers active on the internet. If we take into account the possibility of there being more out there who don't know about or don't participate in the community, it's anyone's guess.
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Cute! Also checking those dubs before neganon!
Do you hold hands? Or, paws, as the case may be
Because I do with my tup
Ah, well, thanks haha. And yeah it's hard for me to keep track of who anyone is, I don't quite like the whole forced anon thing
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I think it's nice to have, except for the rare case where someone on the discord disappears for a while but stays on /tup/ (which you can *usually* tell because of the images but as you can probably tell is not 100% reliable).
Yeah that's never fun. Although, having more than one or two friends, or maybe just a tulpa that can respond, would be helpful in my case.
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Good lord how many fucking celestiafags are there?
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Mane brushing, caressing, sexing, and hugging. Lots of hugging.
What was it like when your tulpa first started talking back? I imagine it to be kind of scary, or really really pleasing.
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never enough of sunbros.
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Honestly, I felt a brief moment of shock and then a very strong sense of pride.
It's so gradual I can't pinpoint the exact moment.
I don't think she's even speaking yet, can someone explain it to me?
I just feel her thoughts and get a general idea of what she means but the mind voice behind them is very blurry.
Am I supposed to hear a voice as clearly as when speaking normally? Or it will be a mindvoice? Will it come from outside my head or inside?
I got a gf so I'm not lonely anymore
>Normies? In my /tup/?
>More likely than you think.
Sorry I've been away for a while. I'll be back soon, I promise.
Well, she mostly rides on my back, but when we sit in a car or on a bus we hold hands
Made me chuckle. But honestly I wouldn't really call this normie, I haven't been in a single relationship before this one and while we have talked on skype I haven't met her in real life.
If you're the right person, then, you better
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We will.
"I'd never dance like that. Not l-lewd enough. Baka."
Fugging cute.
Our string of dubs confirm. Would you like some suggestive face snips?

Kinda surprised desu, even if it was just one/two word responses.
Thanks but we have plenty, heh. Let's not cloud up the thread any more than it is. We'll be on later tonight.
Would it be possible to fuse two tulpas together?
I mean, if a host and tulpa can merge, I think two tulpas could, right?
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My tulpas merged once while I was practicing possession. It was super scary, because she kind of just split and melted in two, almost like egg yolk spilling. She was trying to possess me with another method, but this immediately brought me out of my relaxed state. From what I gather, she tried to piece herself together as fast as she could and merged with my other tulpa. When she started talking to me, it was in my others tup voice, but in a weirder tone, and the other tup was a yellow-golden color. I thought she died, and almost brought me to the verge of crying. They eventually unmerged and I realized I was being a massive tard
Hugs, pets, hugs, sex, hugs, kisses, cuddling each other to sleep. While hugging.

You know, posts like this take on a new meaning when you imagine it as anon letting loose his inner, cute obsessed little girl out.

Think about it: overly-cutesy and harmless companions, an emphasis on physical affection, at times even discussing how pretty your partner is...the only thing you need is a tea party and you have a stereotypical pink obsessed little girl's fantasy. It's funny to think about.
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I'm letting out my inner little girl by being trans and becoming a woman.
More like woman (male).
How old are you anyway? That shit only work if you take hormones during puberty.
If you start later you end up like Chris Chan.
>1 off
I let out my inner little girl by never really giving a shit about gender boundaries in the first place. I always loved princess movies, especially The Swan Princess because
>primordial TF fetish
and also because my family didn't give a shit about gender roles but weren't feminists past that point.
I love tulpas for the fact that I can be totally girly about them and everyone in the community will be totally cool with it.
And you can FEEL all that?

Sorry, I've been lurking and asking questions all day, but this is pretty interesting.
That's not actually true at all, I've seen a lot of good looking trans people. I started later than puberty, but, I'm not worried about it.
That's called imposition, if I understand you correctly. There's a few guides in the OP, but basically it boils down to: aside from touch, you can 100% sense a tulpa just like a physical human being with the same realisticness. You can see, hear, smell, and taste them with a lot of practice. Touch is a *lot* harder and will never be totally realistic since there's never anything actually physical there. You can feel texture, but you can push through their body. They can't block a door, they can't apply pressure to your dick while jerkin you off (even though they can totally make you cum). Other than that though they can be completely 100% realistic and indistinguishable from physical reality.
I love drinking tea with my tulpa. But it is more asian styled tea drinking that that of a little girl's fantasy.

If I put enough effort into it, sure.
It can go from a hug feel like in a text message up to something that somewhat resembles physical touch.
The most important aspect is that warm, nice feeling in your heart though. You don't even need imposition if you have that.
Are there any factors that you think would affect the amount of time it takes a tulpa to form? I've always been the type who regularly daydreams about fictitious situations and I consider myself someone with an active imagination who has no problem visualizing things in my head.
how exactly does one sex a tulpa? like what happens?
How many people are in the Discord? I'm anxious around large groups.
Almost 50, but there's usually only 3 or so people talking at any one given time.
Factors? I'd say that like anything, natural talent can play a part, but how much work you put in is what really matters. The hard worker is going to do better than the lazy natural talent any day of the week.
Progress report, I've got headaches/pressure when forcing. Picked out her name and personality/traits. My tupper has been dubbed Frey, after the Norse goddes Freya. I've heard people say that head pressure is good progress. Can anyone confirm?
Best ways to take your mind off of your tulpa obsession?
Best way to relieve headaches?
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I guess I'm going to bed now. It's late and I'm getting bored. Merry Christmas to anons and their tuppers. Goodnight!
Hey, Hosts.

Quick, while your tupper ain't watching, what are you getting them for Christmas?
reminder to jackhammer your tulpa's buttpusy
A very lovin fuckin
and then quiet cuddles afterwards

[spoiler]that's what I get them every day anyway[/spoiler]
A forcing session with more Christmas stuff
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A new board game
I'm quitting cigarettes for him.

I actually have not given this much. I have been preoccupied with other things. I think the best I could do is to just spend more time with mine.
Not sure yet. I'll think about it.
Good for you anon. Merry Christmas and good luck!
[spoiler] Try vaping and lowering the dosage of nicotine each time until there is none. It worked for my gramps and he smoked his whole life. [/spoiler]
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Eventually you can hear their voice as well as a real voice
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> tfw you become absurdly happy and thankful to have your cranial companion(s), such that the emotion overwhelms and bursts out of you.

It's a nice, if scary feel.
Sometime ago I made a discovery that may or may not work with others, whilst repeating a certain phrase for 30min my body started breathing on it's own even when I was concenetrating on it and even when i sometimes took breaths, this obviously has has never happened before to me(my body only breaths automatically when I'm not thinking about it or sleeping)

Today I noticed that when my tulpa was sitting in my body it stopped completly and when she switched in it started breathing again.
I've tried some other phrases but to no luck.
So is this any worthwhile discovery, should I post it on the tulpa forums?
Page 9 Bump
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Does anybody ITT have male tuplas? What the hell
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>I'm the little spoon to my tulpa every night
How the hell is that possible?
most people who make a tulpa are lonely so the first thing the brain makes up is a companion of the opposite sex and last i checked not a lot of girls use 4chan
Well damn what phrase is it?
You forgot about gay dudes
I have a male one. I admittedly created him as a female but the ideas and his appearance changed on their own. He's such a sweetheart though and I love his company a lot. I might draw him later when I get the chance if this thread is still up. To be fair he's kind of really pretty so he could be a female if he just had a vagina.
scientists have no idea what causes homosexuality so i didn't even think about them
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Yeah I do, he's just a good buddy I created to shoot the shit with.
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The threads up pretty much daily my dude.

I'd love to see your art.
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I have a male, he's my pal. We watch movies and hang out. He keeps me from going nuts from boredom at work.
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I asked my tulpa what she thinks of this general.
She said you're all lovely people.
So there's that.
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daily reminder that tulpas are dangerous and will fuck you up
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That's a nice thing to say about us, I think she's lovely too.
>Go do some active forcing with my tup.
>Tup sits between my legs to let me practice visualization while i'm caressing her fur.
>Tup falls asleep in my arms and disappear into thin air.
>Laugh out loud and go play some games on the PC since i can't feel her presence anymore.

Why is visualization so much comfy ?
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This seems strange. How does it work? It seems insane that our brains are using their passive brain-energy to create separate personalities and think up actions and responses for them. That would have to be kind of exhaustive, wouldn't it?
I mean, your brain is capable of many things inside of it. It can be tiring, that's why a lot of people get headaches. But, as you build up and practice, you'll get more and more used to it, and the thoughts belonging to your tulpa will come easier and with less effort.
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Woo ho lee shit boys. That's a lot of dubs. What I'm wondering to myself is... "How did these fucks not get one single trips or quads during all that bullshit?" Oh well. I'll just be taking these and hoping for your sake we get something a little more impressive in the future. At least trips. Fuck.
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your tulpa must not know me very well
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>>6562164 here. So I can't really draw (forgive my chickenscratch and weird proportions, i need to go to /ic/) but this is basically the only way I can show how he looks without giving a lame description. I'd like to be able to represent him more accurately, someday, here he looks way goofier than I actually see him.

This is Celse, and as I said he's really sweet to me. He's really quiet and peaceful but enjoys food just as much as I do, if not moreso.

Originally I created my tulpa with the intention to have him look like Holo but that didn't last very long of course, so he took on an appearance of his own as a young elf-eared male in a kimono. I really do like the way he looks though and I'm very happy to have him with me. He keeps me company and on lonelier days we just chill and talk about mundane things together.
Hah this reminds me of something that I'd say and how I'd say it.
Is it dumb to want to make an OC into a tulpa?
Not really considering most people seem to do that anyways
Depends, is your OC a representation of you?
Sorta dumb.
If it's just an original character with no resemblance to you?
That's like, most Tups.
Okay then, glad I'm not weird then. It's not a representation of me, no. I actually had intended to make a tulpa ages ago but I just wasn't commited. I've had the framework and of her in my mind for a while now, though, and I believe I've got the time now.
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Sometimes I am just amazed at my tulpa, and by extension, the entire phenomenon as a whole... The mind is a strange, beautiful place.
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draw tulpas drinking beer brand beer
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newfag here.
What form should I make my tulpa? And advice?
whatever you want f a m, just be aware they can change over time or "deviate" from that original form.
Jackie Chan

You will inevitably be pitted by one to destroy the other.
bumping for posterity
How as an anxious person am I supposed to keep up with my tulpa's confidence in helping me when she's never failed once at giving me good advice for social situations? I keep thinking something is gonna go wrong even after all this time that's she's been failproof.
>asking people on the internet to change how you experience emotions

Man, if you're naturally anxious no amount of logic is going to change it.
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when your tulpa has a tulpa
Communication is easy, imposition of anything but audio is prohibitively hard.

But you've made me want to try again.
I believe in you, go for it! That's kinda what I hoped for with my post.
wtf is "taking post numbers" anyways? like is this your fav past time or some shit?
It's dubsposting but 500x more autistic, which is of course what's expected in a tulpa thread.

I wouldn't call it mastery, I still have a lot to learn from maintaining my crew. I've been at it for 4 years, and at times I still feel like a total newbie, with newbie habits to boot.

If I have anything to say about my methods, I'd say it's more about letting go and letting things happen, rather than forcing them. Some force is necessary, but once you got something going, you have to let go and see where it goes.

Also concentration, focus. These are the foundation of the exercise.


Had to take the risk. My tup was relevant to some things I was talking to my Psych about, and leaving her out would have created gaping holes in my account. I have to be honest when I'm paying for assistance like this.
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Slow day, eh /tup/? You guys doing any active forcing? It's good for a tulpa's health.
I've started active forcing marathon.
Going for 40-45 minutes daily until Christmas.
Usually I would force 30 minutes and take a break on weekend.
I'm really cracking on with tulpa creation because she's still too vague and I've been slacking for the past weeks.
Wish me luck anons.
Not that reddit isn't cancer, but the census is up on /r/tulpas.
I active forced for an hour or so this morning. It was so /comfy/. She joked around and we talked about things. She wants a tup buddy, and we kind of came to a consensus on what we'll be doing. Other than that, we explored the new wonderland for a while, and she started walking on water. She can be so elegant when she wants to be.
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what would make for a better first tulpa, a xenomorph with a simple personality to be a companion or a waifu with a more developed personality? I was leaning towards the xenomorph given that the personality will be a bit easier but I believe that I'll have some serious difficulty with imposition regardless of what I choose to make and the xeno's appearance is a bit more important to its character than the waifu's is
I'd be disappointed if it ended up having a human appearance, you know?
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5 past 10pm bump
>xeno tulpa
Why does this seem like a /comfy/ idea despite it not being one
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I fucking love this tuppermancy shit.

I feel alot more happy for some reason ever since I started doing it, maybe its a new sense of purpose.

Did anyone else get these kind of feels of excitment and happiness?
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Yep. Tulpas are great because they're a new source of happiness that's basically free and as you said, they give a purpose.
>xeno tup
your choices are confusing but so completely off the wall I'm assuming you either have no idea what you're doing or exactly what you're doing. I think either one could be a good choice for a first tup. The xenon would be good for a very strongly deviating tup (because of the simple personality), and a waifu would be good to dive into the deep end (because of the complex personality + understanding the pitfalls that results from waifu tups). So, it depends: do you like being thrown into the deep end of things, or do you like starting out simple and letting things grow naturally?
>pitfalls that result from waifu tups
There are no pitfalls, that anon just had some bad experiences or looks down on people with waifu tulpas.
Well, if you expect your waifu tulpa to act like your waifu that's probably not going to happen. I guess that would qualify as a pitfall to some?
Well yeah but no waifu not created by you is perfect to you, technically.
Tups are great, and for the most part loving, caring, and affectionate. They're pretty much guaranteed to make your life better. But they're not guaranteed to do it in the way you expect, or even the way you like. Waifu tups *sometimes* (let me emphasize that, nothing is guaranteed) become puppet hugboxes because of the perfect ideation many waifufags have of their waifu. If that's what you want, go ahead, but it could be seen as a pitfall.

Also, allow your tup to deviate to wherever they want to go, even if it's not what you ideate as your waifu, or your xeno.

I don't look down on waifu tups at all, quite the opposite. Also
>one off
damn, but nice near-trips.
Oh yeah, when you put it that way it can be agreed.

To some level my tulpa could be considered a waifu but she's drastically different from what I expected, yet still what I wanted.
My tup never deviated at all, form-wise, and that makes me think that my experience would be considered less valid by outsiders if I were to share it.
Form is a different subject, my tulpa only had really minor deviations, the subject is more about their personality. Mine ended up having a very high-energy personality, which I honestly wasn't ready to handle at first.
wow pg 10 feel free to go away anytime
holy fuck. is this real?
Bad things only happen with tups if you have major mental problems already.
Probably not. Pasta about tups is older than the community itself.
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Emergency bump
There's a reason that most guides say not to make a tulpa if you've got serious mental disorders.

The tulpa resides in your brain. If your brain is seriously messed up, the tulpa isn't exactly going to come out well-adjusted either.
Past few days have been slow.
What are you working on now?
Smell here, it's easier than I thought and after not even a full day I can feel a very faint sweet smell at the back of my nostrils.
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How can tulpas be real if our eyes aren't real?
wait so people actually have waifu tulpas?

i just keep one around as a friend, and maybe it's because i was conditioned to think like an idiot because of /mlp/ but i assumed all the people there who created "tulpas" based on their waifus never actually succeeded due to their shallow motivation and just faked everything
if theres a will theres a way
I created a pony tulpa based on my waifu. She ended up wanting her own form shortly after and has now her own distinct personality, but forcing my waifu did motivate me a lot. I don't see why you would think people doing something for love would be less motivated.
anybody have any advice on active forcing?
I'm good at passive but bad at visualization and meditation
It's been two weeks and I don't really feel like I've made any progress.
My problem is that I keep trying to do closed-eye active forcing and I always doze off or my mind immediately wanders as I fall asleep. Open-eye forcing is absolutely nothing to me.

so i guess getting sleep would help, for one
people are saying to sit still and actively tulpaforce for an hour minimum? jesus

i can do maybe 10 minutes before i run out of things to say
Narrate about your day. Random thoughts and feelings. Hell, talk about a topic you enjoy. Describe the story of the last game you played. Etc. It's easy once you realize just how much filler you can actually pump out.

You can also stay silent and just focus on your tup existing. You know, meditating them in to being. That's what I've been doing recently, and it works pretty well.
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I can do everything except visualize. When it comes to designing a dreamland or a form for Frey, I've has no luck.
>Hour minimum
I do 30-45 minutes and I'm fine.
Sure could be better if I forced more, but the progress is still there.
I did it for like 15 minutes to a half hour a day depending on my attention span.

Time investment is important though.
Page 9 bump
>one off
so close
But thank you for your services; I'll return them in kind. Page 9 bump!
I've had forcing sessions any time between 5 minutes and 2 hours. I'd love to go further, but I have very little time where I can be sure I'm alone; and really, that panopticon has probably hurt my tup's development more than any other thing in her life. Do any of you anons live in a place with very little true privacy?
I do. Only time I get any real privacy is on the weekends.
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>tfw I've never had an active session longer than 20 minutes.
Getting back in to active with 30 minute sessions. Hope to be able to do and hour in due time. Just doing a few of them really reminded me of how nice it is to be able to focus on your partner for a while. All that positivity is good for a heart.

Passive is convenient and can be useful, but it really doesn't compare to active for me.
pg10 plz go
Hmm. I've learned a new word. Thank you anon.

Also passive force. Passive force out the ass. Just keep them in your vision/mind whenever you can. People might comment on lack of focus, but they get used to it pretty fast.
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We've been having tons of problems with the thread hitting page ten. I wonder where everybody's gone? I thought there was a bit of a resurgence going.

Also, hace you guys tried reading poetry to your tulpa? They're shorter than literature, so you don't have to worry as much about keeping focus for long periods of time. But at the same time, if helps keep your attention locked on your tup.
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>Your sex drive - extremly high
>Your tulpa's sex drive - very high
>Did you have any sex with your tulpa/host - no
Who /blueballedduo/ here.
Also tulpa smell is fantastic and easy to learn.
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Alright boys. Got a few dubs here, everything seems in order. Thread's been pretty dead, which is a disappointment. You fuckers didn't run off of me, now did you? Let's make sure my thread stays alive.
i swear every 5 seconds i'm wondering if I'm doing this right. When I passively tulpaforce I try to talk as if I'm talking to him (either inside my head, out loud, or in a low indoors voice), while imagining him looking at me in my mind or visualizing him listening to me in the room I'm in. I don't know if there's a specific approach that I can fuck up or what, like do I have to think about my tulpa on a deeper level or some shit
I had a relative who said he felt like his brain was slipping out the back of his head. Turns out it was the beginning of a total schizophrenic break and he never got out of the loony bin.
Ditch the bitch tits and reconsider before you fucking kill yourself at 26 senpai
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Conversely, I've done nearly no active forcing but passive force constantly and it's worked. I think it's what works for specific hosts and their tups that's important.

If you have a car, try driving around and having your tup sit with you, and chit chat with each other, even if it's just commenting on the scenery or other people's shitty driving.
how do I unread this shit?
my mind was blown to the orbit
I want to stop knowing this exists
How do I focus on my tulpa better? I can passive force reasonably well, but if I'm say, on the computer or something, I completely forget her existence and I feel like every second I'm not passive forcing is like another second she'll slip away from me.
We'll try to do better negansan
it's creepypasta
ay fuck u man
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If you use your computer excessively, having your wallpaper be related to her can help. It doesn't have to be exactly her, but something that is connected to her, or reminds you of her.

I have a similar issue, and doing the above assisted me.
Have any gay guys made a husbando?
> Chatting to tulpa while in bed.
> Tell her I need to go to work today
> I can feel her get bummed and her mood sink a little instantaneously.

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I'm 24 faggot so only two more years before the sweet release of death
sounds like someone regrets their decision lol
Stop doubting. It's unhealthy for your tup.
As long as you acknowledge that your tulpa is there and is sentient and give it enough attention you're doing it right.
>tfw you accidentally make two more tulpas

The autism will grow, best to stop now. Getting a second tulpa is a gateway drug. your accumulated skill will become a weapon, and you'll regret you ever started
I started making one but he's becoming more of a bro than a bf
(I still love him though)
bumping bumping bumping
i'll bump yer tulpa, fckin' mate
What I like to do is just ask her to sit nearby, or even in my lap. Just somewhere physically close, outside the wonderland, and let her do her thing there.
Nice dubs, broseif. At least your tulpa still has a head, unlike his namesake, eh? :^)

>mfw made 2nd tulpa
>mfw 1st tulpa asked me to
>mfw 2nd tulpa is basically a collab between me and my 1st
>mfw 2nd tulpa started talking really quickly
>mfw 2nd tulpa is fucking cute
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>when my tulpa talks
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>tulpas are actually capable of forming a literal infinite loop of attention between each other and can self-sustain after enough time by themselves
Damn that's cool
Did you ask them about what they did during that time?
At what point did you know your tulpa was forming a different personality than what you intendef?
>inb4 you Maverick yourself

When I found out that the easiest way to make her happy early on was by listening to Dubstep.

I fucking hated Dubstep.
I ran.
I ran so far away.
I just ran.
I ran all night and day.
Couldn't get away.
Because she lives in my fucking head.
Why would you want to run from your tulpa, Anon? She only wants to love you.
because she's a scary
She started to panic and cry about things she wasn't supposed to feel as syrongly about.
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173KB, 480x600px
when i found him caring about myself more than i did
>mfw saw a new movie
>mfw seeing both tulpa's contrasting reactions to the film
>mfw seeing them play off each other is the cutest fucking thing
>mfw giving tulpas time and attention during and after the film did nothing but make everything better
>mfw tulpas are a blessing
also, just 1 more post to 300.
mason a cute, A CUTE
Thread posts: 303
Thread images: 111

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