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RWBYgt Trash General #156: Eventide Edition Previous thread

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Thread replies: 319
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Quiltic Quest.jpg
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RWBYgt Trash General #156: Eventide Edition

Previous thread: >>6180422

Archive: http://cuckchan.org/trash/search/text/rwbygt/

CYOA Archive:
Toddquest: http://imgur.com/a/Ov4Gb
Biggirlquest: http://pastebin.com/99ZVwJxF
Biggirlquest pictures: http://imgur.com/a/JoF8e
Carrolquest: http://pastebin.com/5PCSqu1p
Grimmquest: http://pastebin.com/NJ2NYxXZ
J4uneQuest: http://pastebin.com/p3ccTPJ
AeroQuest: http://pastebin.com/u/Chinote
EvaQuest: soon (?)

Current Ocho-CYOAs (8ch DOT net/rwby/)
JasperQuest: res/27568.html
WendellQuest: res/26362.html
MiMiQuest: red/24431.html
AeroQuest: res/22210.html
Thread theme:

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A discarded whip from an enchanter's workshop you've found long ago in his garbage.
You do not of it's properties but the strange purple glow it emanates when lashed.

Is this your weapon?

This will take one slot in your inventory.
>[x] Enchanted Whip

...your whip.

You do not know what it can do or what its actual intended purpose was but a weapon is a weapon.
But still, there must be a reason why it was thrown out.

A short wooden dock reveals itself through the marsh's thick fog.
The screams get louder and are still consistent in their drilling of your ears.

The boat halts, "That's as far as I can go."

You climb up its mossy foundations and view yourself of the obscured path that lies ahead.

"Through Shrieker Bog is New Yohan, that is if you can survive the way there. Hehehehee."

The mysterious ferrywoman slinks back into the abyss, leaving you to your own devices.
The shrieking has mysteriously stopped.

[] Look around
[] Start walking into the fog
>[] Look around
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hod speedrun.webm
2MB, 480x320px
>Shuffle-walk into the fog
With >>6227268 playing in the background.

If there are any candles somewhere along the path for some reason, you know what to do.

Tear planks from the dock if don't find anything
>But still, there must be a reason why it was thrown out.
Perhaps it was just fated to fall into your hands.

[] Look around

== Shrieker Bog ==

>[x] Look around and Tear planks?

You look around meticulously, your bare feet sinking into wet and muddy soil of the swamp.

The sound of buzzing insects and croaking frogs hum into your ears as the thick fog ahead obscures your path forward.

You then try to pry some of the wooden planks off the dock.

Planting a firm grip on its grimy and moss ridden foundations riddled with crawling insects and slimy worms, you then pull hard and long with little to no effort.

You try to find a weak spot around it but it still proves fruitless.

There must be a reason why it has stood so long in here.


A glint catches your eye from below.


A frog with a crystalline skin had made its way out of the murky water and into dry land, unaware of your presence.

[] Start walking into the fog
[] Do something to the frog (What?)

Well shiny monsters drop cool shit from my experience.

Whip the SHIT outta that frog.
If souls games taught me anything, things with crystals have loot.

if something bad happens book it out.
>[x] Whip the shit out of it

You brandish your weapon and lash out at the elusive frog.

A crack hits the soil inches from it as it tries to scamper frantically around.

It's pretty agile, you admit.

Wailing and flailing around you try to get at least one good shot at it before you see it leap into the fog ahead.

Mud has been thrown and flung everywhere due to your thrashing but you can still see a semblance of it's glint fading into the mists.

You are now [DIRTY]

[] Chase after it
Damn it anon you made me shoot a chunk of bacon out of my nose
Is that your mutant power? Are you an x-man?
Eh. Nah. Giving chase never ends well.
I have an explosive giggle, and it's easy to make me laugh.

It's led to many awkward situations.
>[x] No chase.

You decide not to chase the creature.

Those kind of things never end well you think.

Now you stand here cold, muddy and a bit tired from the whipping you gave to the earth.

Another one of those shrieks can be heard from a distance

What do you do?

[] Traverse the fog

Thatch Assist: You can check your inventory, skills and codex anytime you wish but this does not pause the game!
>Explosive giggle

>"In my youth, the adults would call it the chuckle factory."
>"Of course they didn't want us to know what it really was..."
>"...A slaughterhouse."
Traverse the fog gate.
Check our skills before traversing the fog
Fucking shit anon let me finish my bacon

>[x] Traverse the fog

You continue on.

The ground feels like it is getting softer with each step you take further.

You start take great care of where you tread on lest you sink into loose earth.

It is also getting more difficult to lift your boots with each stride.
In a faint echo, you hear growling from a few feet away from you.

[] Walk away from the noise
[] Walk towards the noise
[x] Walk away from the noise
>[] Walk towards the noise
Check EVERY MENU before approaching the noise
>[x] Approach noise

You take a deep breath and proceed to investigate the noise.
Closer and closer with each inch, you can hear it getting louder.

With enough slow vigilance you find a giant albino wolf, about the size of a merchant's caravan, fending itself off from some creeping creatures that are clawing at it and trying to push it further down, producing the same noise you've been hearing.

They weren't women in distress after all.

The large animal's paws are stuck within the tar pit so it is using its teeth to ward off its attacker's long hands
You can see its pristine hide sticking into the black glue it is trapped in.
Behind one of its haunches, an arrow sticks out with red running down, intermixing with the color of the black soil

[] Help the beast
[] How?
[] Leave the beast
>[] Help the beast
>[] Fend off the creatures
[x] Help beast by whipping the evil creatures
D: Why didn't we check our menus first?

This tho.
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>[x] Help it

You dash towards the ongoing melee with your whip drawn, carefully though as to not topple your paper hat into the thick mud.

Once you've come to some distance, one of them takes notice of you and screeches to warn the others.
There are three in total and they are trying to encircle your position.

(You are now in combat, the choices will change accordingly.)
(Combat is in a turn by turn basis)

[] Attack
--[] Whip

[] Special
--[] (You have not learned anything)

[] Items
--[] Hip Flask
--[] Whip (Unequip)

[] Defend
[] Wait
[] Flee

I tried to make the Banshees as creepy as possible.
Sorry if they look kinda stupid, I think they're real eerie.
Whip it
Oh shid forgot

Health: 19/19
Aura: 3/3
Fatigue: 0/20

and there is one more option

[] Observe
got to find out what they do first

[x] Attack
--[x] Whip

(Lash out at a direction, deals lesser damage to one adjacent enemy)

Attack which one?



Observe costs a turn

Depending on how skilled you are in observation, you can get vital stats from your enemy.
Does observe grant an intuition bonus to our defense rating?
The second one.
Smack him in bitch face

Nope, it reveals things about the enemy and how you deal with them
I'm in the minority, but I still want to observe.

Better to get it leveled up now than to get bodied later.
changing this to
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>[x] Observe.

You take a keen look on the Banshees and see they are hard pressed in protecting their entrapped prize.
You also notice one of them has been wounded by the thrashing beast.

Banshee extends its tongue at you and licks you , getting a good taste of your flesh!
It assumes a more dominant stance.

Banshee extends its tongue at you and licks you , getting a good taste of your flesh!
It assumes a more dominant stance.

Banshee extends its tongue at you and licks you , getting a good taste of your flesh!
It assumes a more dominant stance.


Banshee: HP 25/25

Banshee: HP 25/25

Banshee: HP 19/25


[] Attack
--[] Whip

[] Special
--[] (You have not learned anything)

[] Items
--[] Hip Flask
--[] Whip (Unequip)

[] Defend
[] Observe
[] Wait
[] Flee

C'mon guys, get creative!
attack weakest banshee

Not much to get creative this early, unless drinking from our flask grants us a bonus
If they like to taste so much throw some alcohol in their mouth. It could confuse them.
I don't really know us the character's limits, so I can't really say what would be creative and what would be trying too hard to be cool and failing miserably.
this p. much
This try to use our whip to break it's stance, or bully it back into the wolf's biting range

>trying hard to be cool

Wait, we aren't cool?
I'm sorry anon
We didn't know how to tell you
okay, I have time, anyone wants a double feature of EQ and Eventide?
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>[x] Lash at 3rd

You quickly flog the wounded one and due to its immense size you can easily hit it. The purple glow of the whip sparkling at it whips at its warty hide (3)

1st Banshee lets out a terrifying screech, akin to what you heard earlier.
The others and itself feel much more confident

2nd Banshee lets out a terrifying screech, akin to what you heard earlier.
The others and itself feel much more confident

3rd Banshee flinches from the hit!


Banshee: HP 25/25 (Morale ++)
Banshee: HP 25/25 (Morale ++)
Banshee: HP 16/25

[] Attack
--[] Whip

[] Special
--[] (You have not learned anything)

[] Items
--[] Hip Flask
--[] Whip (Unequip)

[] Defend
[] Observe
[] Wait
[] Flee


Aaand Eventide concludes for today!
Oh, Goodnight then.

When's EQ gonna run?

I ended Eventide just for it.
EQ pls.
Please don't end stuff for me. I want to see Eventide continue

Also 2 things

1) I need to figure out how to move the plot fowards, and make it feel organic
2) I have this poutine trying to crawl out of my stomach and it's cramping my writing abilities

EQ is coming! in about 20 minutes or so!
who is best GQ waifu?
Good luck with that poutine.

>Everyone else
Pyrrha for now, though Nicole's easily best girl. She just isn't best waifu yet.
Not until she turns, both physically and mentally.

Why are you eating poutine?

It's literally disgusting.
>Fries and gravy with cheese curds

You take that back you uncultured swine!

that's it, EQ is cancelled

Story's over

Eva died while browsing on the internet

Tuco impregnated Junko and went to Vacuo in shame

I'm done

it's over

go home

[spoiler]Jk, altough I'm keeping up with the elections so the update might be a little later[/spoiler]
McFucking kill yourself.
>Tuco impregnated Junko
best end
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Jill Critiques your waifu.jpg
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I've never had poutine, but here's your (you) because everyone else is quoting you.
>Eva died while browsing on the internet
I KNEW those chain letters were the real deal.
Shut up Jill, your waifu is a slut
What do people like in Junko? she seems like a Heidi lite to me

Are you kidding me?

You alll hate spicy mayo (at the very least) but absolutely adore putain?

I'm dead.


It's disgusting and you'll get sick of it real fast if you ever would try it.
I like spicy mayo.
Spicy mayo's okay.
>such shit taste form Thatch
I should have guessed.
Why haven`t you handed yourself over to ISIS yet?
Spicy mayo is okay, what's shit are sweet potato fries

stop talking thatch, otherwise I'll have to classify your actions as heretical and send you to the nearest inquisitor
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>Spicy Mayo
poor Todd
Reminder that Mayo a shit
here's the true tier list

>Tartar/ranch sauce
>Everything else
>No Blue Cheese
>No Horseradish
>No Teriyaki
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5 out of 10.png
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>BBQ that low
>Mayo that high

>everything else
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2MB, 350x266px

Is there some kind of joke here I'm missing?
The joke is your shit tastes.
>Mustard is a character
>One with two lines of dialogue that appearance wise is somewhere between McCree and Tony Stark

Anon, I have feelings too you know.
“Umaga hotel…” Lilith mutters as you look behind her shoulder, it’s this 3 floor building that’s on the outskirts of town, it doesn’t look that pretty, nor it has that many luxuries, but you’re not looking at luxuries at this very moment

“There” You say as you point the place

Lilith looks at the screen for a second then back at you, somewhat surprised “There?”

“Yeah, it’s on the outskirts and it isn’t that shitty”

“Well…I mean, we could get a fancier place…right?”

“Lilith, we’re in the middle of a legit terrorist conflict, luxuries are not something we can just find” you say as you rest yourself on Lilith’s shoulder

“I know…” Lilith grumbles, ultimately sighing as she starts typing on the computer “This place better have a suite or a riot will be the least of their problems”

“C’mon! you’ve handled worse! You did sleep on my house”

“okay, one, your house is only good if you’re in it” she says while giving you a peck in your cheek “two, I didn’t amass a fortune based on my looks just so it turns out I can’t spend it in fancy shit, and three, we don’t know what the hell has slept on those beds, I’d prefer if it’s cleaned at the very least, now pack up your stuff”

“This is everything” you say pointing at yourself “Rubble destroyed everything else” You say shrugging trying to smile it off

And you swear to god, Lilith was just seconds away from getting a heart attack

>one or two hours later

“AND YOU BETTER FUCKING HOPE IT’S SANITIZED!” Lilith shouts out of the door as you sit on the bed of your new room…

…It doesn’t look that different from the motel…at the very least there’s a minibar and the beds are comfier

“So…whaddya think?” Lilith says as she puts her hands in her very expensive pockets “Anything you need just tell me”


“Up to a laptop…I’ll buy you a very cheap one” Lilith says correcting herself

And they don`t matter.
>”Nah, it’s okay”
>”…Could you get me…” (Specify)
>”Well I want some cuddles”
>”Could you…just hang out for a while?”
>”Could you…just hang out for a while?”
Could you just wang out for a while?
>>”Could you…just hang out for a while?”
>”Could you…just hang out for a while?”
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"It's nice. Thank you, Lilith~" Hug her. Eva could use a good, long hug after all this shit.
seconding the hugging, adding it to >>6231424
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>Watching the election memes
>Getting 5 votes since forever
>Got praised in college for work

It's like my fucking birthday in here
iktf my man.
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I'm happy for you
”Could you…just hang out for a while?” You say as you sit on the bed, looking at Lilith

She doesn’t hesitate to sit next to your bed, right next to you

Your heart takes over as you hug Lilith for a while "It's nice. Thank you, Lilith~"

Lilith says nothing as she hugs you back “…Everything will be okay, this is just bad luck”

“Sometimes it feels like my life is nothing but bad luck” You say hugging her tighter, you don’t have to put a tough act in front of her, so you just say things as they come out of your mouth, you could show yourself as the weak girl you are in front of Lilith

“…Don’t say those things…” Lilith says hugging you back “You’re the nicest girl I know…You got the best friends someone could ask for…You’re smart, determined…” Lilith slowly rocks you left and right as you burrow your face into her, sniffing a little”

“…I’m nice because it’s the only way I’ll get people to talk to me…I-I-I almost got my friends killed because of me…” Your voice starts to crack slightly “I-I-I’m weak, I can’t do anything right!” you grip Lilith harder than before “I’m born like freak! And now I’m going to be killed cause I look like a freak! A-a-and I try to be tough! But I can’t shake the feeling that the longer I stay alive, the worse things are going to be for everyone!” Tears start to come from your eyes

“…Eva…” Lilith says as she hugs you tighter “stop saying stupid shit that isn’t true!” Lilith shouts…is her voice cracking as well? “Stop scaring me and just shut up!”

“I…I just need to cry…I-I-I just n-n-need t-to…”

And then you cried, hell crying is an understatement, you wailed like a goddamn child in your big sister’s arm, both of you stayed hugged on the bed until you night fell, and then you both when to sleep on that Queen sized bed, Lilith had a room of her own, but goddamn it, she’s probably never going to use it

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You wake up tiredly, seeing Lilith’s face on the next to yours, she’s sleeping soundly, your arm is crushed under her weight, but her eyes are red (10000 Lien that your eyes are red as well)

You check your scroll and apparently, you got some calls from Jade and some messages from Ada…

…But you don’t really want to check them…

…You just want to stay here, sleeping…alongside your sister…You just want someone to keep hugging you until everything is alright

>…Just keep Hugging your sister, filter out everything else
>…I guess you gotta come back to real life at some point, Check Ada’s message first
>…I guess you gotta come back to real life at some point, Call Jade and see how she’s going (Switch to Tuco)
>>…I guess you gotta come back to real life at some point, Check Ada’s message first
Just wanna check in on them before switching to Tuco.
>…I guess you gotta come back to real life at some point, Check Ada’s message first
>hugging for a little while longer, then Ada
>…I guess you gotta come back to real life at some point, Check Ada’s message first
Trump won Ohio.

That's it, folks. Pack it in.
Trump cyoa when?
>…Just keep Hugging your sister, filter out everything else
But California
Doesn't matter. If he gets the states he already leads in, he wins.
And the lead isn't shortening.

Are you looking Florida or Michigan?
Already won that. Can't tell sgit on this tiny map now that my eyes are tired.
Blue states sinking into the ocean when?
Sorry folks

election night is too hype

Writing now tough, please excuse the technical difficulties
Irving Quest starts/resumes tomorrow.
Adding to this : How opposed would you be to lewdness in the quest?

A. Not at all.
B. Kinda.
C. A lot.

What was IQ about again?
Just ended character creation after a quick medical inspection by the doctor from MQ.
So far nothing else has been said or done.
A. Not at all
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Ada in her most gun light outfit.jpg
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…I guess you gotta come back to real life at some point…

You take out your phone and Check Ada’s message

>Ada: heyy
>Ada: g to my house
>Ada: hv smthin prep fr you
>Ada: ill b waitin

After a while a deciphering the message you sigh as you get up, Lilith is still asleep, and you don’t have any clothing with you apart from your hoodie and your jeans, so you might as well don’t even try to shower, just…move along…

>a while later

You arrive next to Ada’s bunker, getting out of the cab and heading to her back yard

Ada looks at you as fit as a fiddle, smoking a cigarrete with sunglasses on and a fisher hat, covered in guns and sitting on a collapsible chair

“Uh…what is it?” You say as you walk towards her

“Training! I heard that you tought you were weak! Which you aren’t! You just have low self esteem!” Ada says as she takes off her hat and tosses you a machine gun “So I’m gonna make you strong like a log, don’t you worry about it!” Ada gives you a smile as she takes out the safety of her machine gun “We’re hunting grimm! And hopefully terrorists!”

“W-wait what?”

“C’mon! you’ll love it!” Ada says smiling!

>”I dunno…can we do something more…normal?”
>”…You’re right…let’s go”
>”I dunno…can we do something more…normal?”
[x] Can't we do something more normal? Like strength training?
>Let's go

Make Eva anime, Ada.
>”I dunno…can we do something more…normal?”
also, remember to text Lilith where we at, don't want her to worry
okay, I'm sorry, Gonna call it for a day

the elections were too much, I'll try to continue tomorrow in the morning
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anybody wanna build a RWBYgt-Bunker?
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>google for Trump memes
>find this
god things do happen
TQ a shit
Yer gosh-darn right it is.
>Black Blake
She's inherently accepted as one in the community, get over it.
>She's inherently accepted as one in the community, get over it.
But she's pale as dicks
>Inherently accepted

Uh, no, it's fairly obvious that she's white to anyone with functioning eyes, senpai.
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I'm fairly certain that's only so she can fit better to Scar, like they did with her arm.

Well, people are gonna do it regardless.
Nothing we can do about it.
We can idly complain about it and tell people that it's not factual.

Clearly it's triggering the people who defend it, so that's something.
nah I like it


I've never seen anything like it!

Is the thread dead?
Continuing EQ shortly
You can't imagine how huge my grin was when I woke up this morning and read the news.
I can.
probably as huge as my frown.
Aww :(
Are you sad that you couldn't shill hard enough for the authoritarian left?
not really, I'm sad there are still 2 days to Dishonored 2 and fuck knows how long until Mon Musu Season 2
>Dishonoed 2
>Mon Musu Season 2
Never ever. And that makes me sad.
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Neato vidya.

>never ever
Mon Musu's big man, season 2 gonna come eventually.
and then it will have this scene in it, and then I can die happily.
welp, I'm gonna go to sleep, till in 8 hours Kale
yeah, this took longer than expected, I'll post the update later tonight hopefully


----Irving Quest----



Last time on IQ

>Finished customization.
>Got out of the office with Doctor Aiden.
>Received the documents to confirm our health status.


You take in a long breath of air, taking a whiff of the light scent of antiseptic.
You'd think the old man bathes in the stuff.
But anyhow, you've got the papers you needed. And with a whole day to go, no less!

"Oh yeah, you must be soooo proud of yourself. Way to do something any fully functionning human could do."

Shut up. I'm narrating.

"Oh, that again. Why are you referring to yourself in the second person anyway?"

As I was saying.

You're walking down the street, your mind at ease, knowing that you've got a whole day ahead of you with nothing to worry about.
Or at least your mind would be at ease if it weren't for SOME people interupting you.

"You still liked it though. Among other things I do to you~"

A-Anyways. You've got a day in Vale where you can feel free to faff about.

What do you do?

A. Head over to that one club you saw.
B. Deal with your imaginary friend.
C. Head to the commercial district.
D. Shitpost on ValeChan.
>Deal with your imaginary friend.
And fucking hell something came up again.

This session was really short lived.
Thatch pls
Darn, best of luck with whatever.
Oh but while I'm gone : Your imaginary friend can take on just about any form. So just uh... fill in the blanks where there are any.
Tulpa-chan best waifu
Sleepy here, I might return home soon. Wanna finish the fight in WQ?

>inb4 Halo 2 ending
Shitpost on ValeChan

>Tulpa thread
>Samefagging again
No one?
Okay... I'll just wait and resume normally on Ocho. ;_;
Sorry man, I'm just not here often enough to participate in WQ. I know diddly about what's going on.
Fucking dead in here.
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>Go to options
>Activate autoload
>Then load game
>[] Power Button

New Game

Load game
>write "Thatch succs" on the game cartridge/disc

[s]>load game[/s]
What is with the bullying?

Rough day?
Because apart from Eva, thatch is the second pick for biggest desire to bully

also, posting the title card everytime and waiting for votes takes about 15-30 minutes of wait, unless thatch starts to automatically continue the quest nonetheless, which is okay then

Now start drawing you sexy pterodactyl
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Thatch, the more time you take, the less time I have to enjoy the quest



Banshee: HP 25/25 (Morale ++)
Banshee: HP 25/25 (Morale ++)
Banshee: HP 16/25

[] Attack
--[] Whip

[] Special
--[] (You have not learned anything)

[] Items
--[] Hip Flask
--[] Whip (Unequip)

[] Defend
[] Observe
[] Wait
[] Flee

Health: 19/19
Aura: 3/3
Fatigue: 0/20

Would you like to enable Thatch Assist?
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What is thatch Assist?

also Attack weakest banshee with whip
>What is Thatch Assist?


It is a toggle that helps the player if they are ever stuck and can't figure a solution to a scene.
Thatch assist on
attack weakened Banshee
>TA on


And attack with what?
Fine, activate thatch assist

Also draw a small map of the landscape to see what we could use of the enviroment for our benefit, doesn't have to be detailed, just showcasing the important stuff
with the whip

what happened to you, man?
out of yogurt and going insane?
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Got ya covered!

It's just because people don't ever want Thatch Assist.
I meant of the current battlefield, maybe we can pull some sort of strategy or something

Wouldn't that cost an observe?
But we already observed...

If it seriously costs an observe then just attack with whip

I don't know.

I'll just write the scenery down since I don't to be drawing the landscape EVERY single battle, could I?
well don't make it TOO detailed I said

just show the important stuff that we could use
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The area around you is foggy but the enemies in front of you are clear.
The ground has been considerably softened due to the moisture of the swamp and if you can, possibly sink nearly all your foot under.

Behind the screeching creatures, is a giant struggling beast caught inside a pit of black ooze.
It's fur is ivory white if you don't consider the tar stuck on it; an arrow sticks out of its right haunch.

There is a large rock a couple meters behind you which you can climb onto but you are not sure if these creatures will let you do that.


1st Banshee courageously lunges at you with its claws! (5)

3rd Banshee courageously lunges at you with its claws! (5)

You quickly flog the wounded one and due to its immense size you can easily hit it. The purple glow of the whip sparkling at it whips at its warty hide (3)

3rd Banshee flinches from the hit!


Banshee: HP 25/25 (Morale ++)
Banshee: HP 25/25 (Morale ++)
Banshee: HP 13/25

[] Attack
--[] Whip

[] Special
--[] (You have not learned anything)

[] Items
--[] Hip Flask
--[] Whip (Unequip)

[] Defend
[] Observe
[] Wait
[] Flee

Health: 9/19
Aura: 3/3
Fatigue: 0/20
>Shit this fucking hard
>Whip does piss all damage

Can we spend a turn to help out the beast and take it out of the mud?

also what does Thatch Assist says?

Thatch Assist is just me trying to help you ingame.

Like this.

Thatch Assist: Sometimes a direct confrontation is not the best course of action, especially when outnumbered.
>Can we spend a turn to do something else

Yes, you technically can do ANYTHING other than the choices.

Even draw faces in the mud, it's all free-will.

Just remember of consequences.
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You attempt to flee...


The three crawlers still have their gaze locked on you, opening their wide maw in dominance.
Some of them screech while others thrash about in the soil.

The one you've wounded takes a more ferocious roar than the others, discarding the womanly scream into a more guttural sound.
They continue to raise themselves a bit from the ground and stretch their jaw in a taunting manner.

[] Run!
[] Prostrate yourself in submission
[] Nobody taunts Quiltic like that! (Engage again)
>[] Run!

sorry beast
Thatch Assist:

Some enemies are more akin to not attack when on shows a non aggressive stance towards them.
This of course works better if you have not done anything to aggravate them first.

Thatch Assist:

[TASTE] is one of the few moves most animals/creatures with a mouth use to get an inclination to their target.
It will be harder to the victim to run away completely and depending on your state, will cause the animal to attack you more aggressively or be repulsed.

Thatch Assist:

Relentless aggression can work to break enemies, sending them fleeing from the fight.
But only if you can actually dish it!

Thatch Assist

Sometimes a direct confrontation is not the best course of action, especially when outnumbered.

Are these enough?
jesus motherraping christ

change >>6249205 to
>[] Prostate yourself in submission

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>TA in Eventide is 'helpful' hints
>TA in JQ is "Oh, you guys voted for something dumb so here's 10 posts where you follow through with it and end up in a life-or-death situation because clearly no one would see the plan failing and back out before it's too late."

In the same concept it works as it forces the player to rethink their choices.

I can't offer hints on how to play a novel.
>[x] Prostrate yourself

You take a humble knee to the creatures and dig yourself into the wet mud.
Around your exposed limbs, you can feel things crawling around your limbs, sending a cold jitter to your spine.
But that does not compare to you dying to these creatures and ending the adventure so quickly.

Their yelping ceases to a low hum and leave you be to yourself and continue their way back to beast.

In their usual reveling selves, they try to push the beast further down as it tries its best to stave them off.

[] Help the beast?
[] Leave it
[x] Leave it.
>Leave it
>[x] Leave

That beast has met it's demise, why should you?

You think it best to leave them to it as you venture onwards into your own business.

As you walk further the shrieks of the Banshees grow dimmer, you can even catch a lasting wolf-like howl before everything falls silent once more.

The marsh's fog has grown thicker, leaving you very little room to see almost anything in front of you.

So it's all random here on in.

To your east there is a hint of that same wailing the Banshees would do except this time the screeching is much sharper.

To your west, you can feel the soil sink a little deeper as you extend a foot towards that particular direction.
Must be near waters.

To your north is nothing but silence accompanied by the occasional crickets.

Where do you go?

[] North
[] West
[] East

Thatch Assist:

Trust your gut, it'll often lead to beneficial situations you would least expect.
>Contraction of "it is"
>That beast has met it is demise
Rest a little and see if your health goes up

No, senpai.
>[x] Rest then West

You take a breather and try to rest from your previous battle.

Looking at your wounds, you see that that they are not too grievous or serious but sitting here won't make them go away.

You continue West.

Each step you take sinks your feet deeper and deeper into the mud, making it even harder to trudge onward.

You then see a pool of water which extends to a bigger body of water further in.
Colossal trees overshadow you which looks endless from your point of view.

If you go advance any more, you would be wading through the swamp water.
And you do not know how far this thing stretches until you find land.

[] Wade into the water
[] Head East
[] Drink?
[] Take a short bath
[x] Take a short bath.

I'll call it in today.

Disappointed on nobody running tonight.

I'm looking at you Kale.
And you too Sleepy!

need to get better at my wrting, so I'm method acting as CYOAnon

plus I got writer's block, sue me...

[spoiler]or you could draw some Tuco X Eva~ that ougtha put me back in action~~[/spoiler]

>Method acting CYOAnon
>Kale bullying Thatcher into drawing for him
>only because he loves him
I might be slightly aroused

I want some Kale x Thatcher

I maybe a shipmongerer and advocate of CYOAnon x Dry but I don't want to get involved in any shipping.

It's hypocritical but whatever.
speak for yourself, I want to get shipped
>implying you get a say in this

Then why not CYOAnon then?


I do.
Dry X Dryhater

>Dryhater hates Dry because he can't express his feelings for him and his autism only allows him to spew insults and slurs at him
>Dryhater needs Dry so much, that even when Dry leaves, his hater still acts like he's still in the thread, insulting him even tough he's not there
>That's his way of saying "I miss you"

Kale X Thatcher

>Kale is usually a nice guy, and Thatch defends him when people bully him
>What thatch doesn't know is that Kale loves bullying just as much and teases thatch whenever he can, trying to manipulate him into his personal drawfag [spoiler] and lover[/spoiler]

CYOAnon X Everyone

>Everyone loves him
>Perfect relationship
>He said he'd be back for cigarretes
>Now he only comes home once a month and throws up a little on the floor

Admiral X Nero

>Both are linked by MiMi
>Both are linked by their love of traps
>Nero even created a thread on 8ch just for Admiral to be with his MiMi
>Admiral doesn't get the hints at all and Nero just accepted it fully

I told you not to ship me with anyone, but you still did it.


What do you mean maybe?

Dammit, CYOAnon.
Is that you?

So I've heard you haven't ran TQ in a while.
Still roughin' it?
Hiatusing, anon.

Really just BULLYING ME.
>Just get here
>Someone's already memeing as me.

Well, I guess I'll go then.
you say that as if I was CYOAnon

Dry, no.


Oh yeah?
>Nero even created a thread on 8ch just for Admiral to be with his MiMi

but it's not just for me!
Kale likes MIMi too!
h-he just forgot to vote on the last vote!
that must be it, yeah!
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>Arslan teaching Todd some "techniques"
>Reese walks in
>Spaghetti Intensifies
Irving becoming a serial killer when?
Why would he become a serial killer?
Everyone eventually becomes a serial killer eventually. Look at CYOAnon and his 'financial difficulties.'

That guy's a fucking supermurderer for sure.
Is the thread dead?

I think he'd be doing better for himself and would be more free to run if he'd started murdering people.
Should I start murdering people too?

Will that takr me out of this writers block?
Well, you'd have more material to write about, and a rare insight into killing that may bring more realism into your work. Depending on how you go about it, killing could significantly decrease the stress in your life.

On the other hand, murder is wrong.
I'd be too busy burying bodies.
that's why cannibalism is a thing.
Cannibalism literally causes mental deficiencies.

Depends what you eat.
>You can't insult your way to the WhiteHouse!
-Jeb "Guac Bowl" Bush.

>Just watch me, bitch.
-The "grabe de pucci b0ss" Don.
/pol/ is this way >>6256284
Your point being?
To contain your /pol/ shitposting to the /pol/ thread.
Cenk "We're going to war" Uygur

Listen, I've gotta ask. Are you gonna be doing that every time I do something?
"Sure I am" your imagination says. "It's not like you're doing anything important."

Well it'd still be nice if you wouldn't keep cutting in like that-
"And it'd also be nice if you made some friends so i wouldn't have to bother with you. Or if you had a girlfriend. But that's never gonna happen, now is it~"

Sh-shut up! I have friends!
"Alright, you know what? Let's make a bet."

"If you can prove me wrong, I'll stop being such an ass. But of course we both know you'd never want me to leave you so it'll never happen."
Wha- I don't have to justify myself to you. You're not getting a rise out of me.
"Alright alright. Sorry. I'll admit that was a little mean spirited of me. But please do try to talk to other people..."
Huh. Thanks.

You can feel the presence fade away, and you're left all alone in the streets again.
That was easy.
"Oh I'm not gone. I'm just waiting for you to do something marginally more interseting than just stand around."
God dammit. Why couldn't Doc just give you some medication for this?

A. You know what, that sounds like a swell idea!
B. Go get wasted. You'll need it to cope.
C. Work on your weapon for a bit. That should help pass the time.
D. []Write in.

He's just salty, anon. He'll get over it eventually.

Hi, Dry!

Here for a longer run or just a short one?
Can't tell.
>A. You know what, that sounds like a swell idea!
yep, Tulpa-chan is cute
What is option A supposed to be?
The medication.
>head home and work on one of your hobbies

Someone with no friends should have a good amount of them
>C. Work on your weapon for a bit. That should help pass the time.
Changing this to>>6257834
You figure you can put off trying to socialize for another night.
Providence requires your attention.

You trot along, walking past some angry mob with signs, yelling incomprehensibly.

The not so starry sky above drapes the city, and all manner of fold run along the streets busily, late for one thing or another. Some of the people you pass stick out more than others.

Among them are a young couple heading off somewhere.
A couple of faunus teenagers trying to act all stealthy, spying on the previously mentionned couple.

A group of what you think are supposed to be faunus hooligans (or terrorists) shouting at the police and some purple-haired, horned faunus girl as they're being taken away.
Guess some of them were bound to get tired of their shit. It's good to see the faunus clean up after themselves.

And a seven foot tall, red-haired woman, buxom woman.
You wonder for a moment what people that huge must eat.
Probably other people.

You finally come up to the place you've been renting out for a while. The lock creaks slightly as you present your key and the door opens up.
You enter the code on your safe, keeping your sweet sweet Velma away from prying hands. Or eyes. Or bull cocks.


You take a good look at her. The two ends of the shaft connected by a segmented blade, acting as both a guard and a weapon. The foldable frame gives it a whole new form ; a rifle that can be mounted on to the forearm like that one cannon from that video game you found so shitty you threw it out the window.
Fucking Mistralians. They ruin everything.

And of course, your side arm. Which you haven't named yet since you only recently pried it off of another Huntsman's corpse.
Hey, if he didn't want to die, he just had to not be in front of you when you used your semblance.
Anyway, the gun.
It looks like an ordinary pistol that's been made just a tad too big for normal people. But the potency of each shot is actually frightening. Unlike most of the pea shooters your compatriots have.
You know what, you should give this thing a name.

[] And it shall be...
I'm bad at this.
If one of them if Providence, the other should be Extravagance. One's good for attack and defence, the other is boom boom.
changing >>6258574 to >>6258654
Third. I like it.
Extravagance. You quite like it.

May as well get to wokring on these weapons of yours.

You undo the hinges holding together Providence's blade, then deatach the segments one at a time with a satisfying "click" with each one. You lay them across the workbench before moving on to inspecting them individually.
You start cleaning the shaft with a cloth, removing dirt that's accumumlated in the seams before moving on to the intricacies of the weapon.

"Sigh. I really shouldn't have expected any different out of you."
"I mean come on. You chose this over doing literally anything else with the last day you have before heading out?"
Yeah. I need to be prepared. Wouldn't want to make this the last day I have before kicking the bucket. Weapon malfunction are an easy way to get killed, you know.
"You literally checked on these things thrice already."
I have? Huh. How did I miss all of this dirt then?
"Is there really nothing that interests you besides this?"
"Not even T&A? I saw the way you were staring at all those girls on your way here. Especially the bimbo -"
Which one? You ask, trying to be cheeky.
"...Although I guess you'd rather 'stroke the shaft' all by your lonesome~ Oh! if tits and ass won't do it, maybe you'd prefer big, stong men?"
Don't make me get the doctor. I'm sure he'll get you out of my head if I pay up enough.

You can feel it resting its chin on your head, its body sinking into your back.

"Come ooooon. You never do anything fun."

to be continued (mayhaps i dont know I have to leave in a hurry)
>Jasper goes on a blind date with three girls
>Marigold, Gumi, and Mayo
>They try to seduce him
>Still had no clue
What's their trump card?
Mayo has access to an h-token
Mari could just force him with her slut-strength, Mayos got time-stoppage, Gumi doesn't have a chance though.
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>Eva gets to have a date with all CYOA MC's

Who would actually be willing to take the bug freak to a second date? Considering she's naturally prone to be bullied as well as being freaky as fuck
Jasper because he sees Eva for her cute self.

Todd because she's a human bei-...
because she's got two le-...
honestly, what DOESN'T Todd fuck?

Jefe, because he can be a gentleman if he really wants to, and raping Eva would just be too easy

Wendell, because buglove

honestly, the only ones not taking her on a (second) date is 4non/4dmiral, because he's way too loyal to MiMi
>jasper sees her for her cute self
You trying to give me diabetes?
>Eva is bullied for looking weird but looks cute to some guys.
>Mari is ugly piggu that some fetishists like
>Eva feels umcortable at a fancy restaurant with Jasper, Jasper takes off his shirt to attract some attention and get the gazes away from Eva
>he mainly catches one gaze
>everyone finds different things attractive
wow, what a discovery
>taking off shirt in public
Is he trying to call for Soap?
>shirtless Soap comes in
>Eva now has two sexy shirtless men to look at with her mantis eyes
>All the other MCs take off their shirts to compare bodies.
Who's got the most solid abs?
>Jasper being a surveyor agent is good with his eyes
>Eva's defining trait is her eyes
>Sleepy prefer Mari with softer abs and average breasts
>He has a thing of /fit/ grils
But then that would be Smoke
I mean Mari's really into bodybuilding; she could easily lose or gain lots of muscle mass quickly. Same with fat.
And considering that 5 foot tall girls can throw around cars and shit I'd say body composition doesn't affect performance too much for Hunters.
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>Marigold could be the new Zarya
>Her pussy can destroy their cocks
wait, how buff is jefe now that hes human?
Alright gonna resume the WQ with the Helen fight. Any takers?
He's somewhat buffer than the mountain from GoT
It kind of saddens me that this is the only thing people remember about Mari.
Probably should have made the break up with Eli over something else.
>tfw Eli will never put a baby in her because the people in control of her a faggots
I dunno anon.Her ovaries might retake control if they keep it up for too long.
Don't underestimate the power of the desire to make babies.
So... Next edition?
Not it.
I'll get it.
New Thread.
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