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RWBYgt Trash General #157: Second MiMi Edition Previous thr

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Thread replies: 370
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RWBYgt Trash General #157: Second MiMi Edition

Previous thread: >>6227226

Archive: http://cuckchan.org/trash/search/text/rwbygt/

CYOA Archive:
Toddquest: http://imgur.com/a/Ov4Gb
Biggirlquest: http://pastebin.com/99ZVwJxF
Biggirlquest pictures: http://imgur.com/a/JoF8e
Carrolquest: http://pastebin.com/5PCSqu1p
Grimmquest: http://pastebin.com/NJ2NYxXZ
J4uneQuest: http://pastebin.com/p3ccTPJ
AeroQuest: http://pastebin.com/u/Chinote
EvaQuest: soon (?)

Current Ocho-CYOAs (8ch DOT net/rwby/)
JasperQuest: res/27568.html
WendellQuest: res/26362.html
MiMiQuest: red/24431.html
AeroQuest: res/22210.html

Rules of RWBYgt threads:
>1. Be comfy
First for ded
The First MiMi thread was #107
Happy 50th Anniversary?
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Those arms look fucked up
[s] Resuming WQ in a moment's notice.[/s]
Not quite, MiMi was longer around than that.

did you guys realize we're getting closer and closer to the thread's anniversary?
who would've thought that we would ever live this long.

As such, a little premature thanks to every writer.
You're litereally the heart, brain and balls of this thread, and even though it's obvious we will all have to go back to a RWBYgt-less life at some point, I don't want to imagine it.

Thanks for giving us all slices of your life, even tho we are way too ungrateful most of the times and even tho those slices ofttimes are not all that pleasant and just torture us.

I'll be off for the night.
Sleep tight, dream creamy, wake up smoothly and always remember that no matter what happens to you, you will never be fucked by Todd AND Jefe at the same time in the same hole, so everything could always be worse.
Sleepy here, and cheers
[s]I beg to wonder if my slices of life were that bad? Anyways gonna resume WQ right here so brace yourselves.[/s]
so it seems that sleepy did fuck all to deliver, pity
Just a change of plans, I'll be resuming this in about nine hours.
[s]Feeling tired, yet terribly sorry[/s]
Which one?
Right one

I like shy girls

one of the reasons Jade is best girl
I'm not a big fan of minotaurs anyways, but I guess the second one from the last, the smallest one.
She seems cute.
Second from the left
second on the right.
Muscular woman do it for me.
Alright resuming WQ soon, gonna set up...
[s]How you anons doing?[/s]
Resuming WQ!

She staggered back, only for the slash wounds to set in, yet she stands there... As if she brushed off the pain like it was nothing, yet you already knew she isn't human.

With the Estoc at hand, she whooshed towards you with a diagional slash...

>Helen attacks

Shit, she got you good by the shoulder. As you feel the aura inside of you wither from the attack alone. Now's might be a good time to think up a plan...

You see that she is going for another slash, with your splitsecond decision you need to think about this.

What now?
[Block the slash]
[Parry it (Dice Roll)]
[Dodge it]
[Write In Action]
>[Dodge it]
>[Dodge it]
[s] Writing...[/s]
>[x] Dodge

You go what is reliable to you... dodging, and you take a quick step out from her range.

>Counter attack oppotunity roll

You failed to see the opening gap to get some hits in as she goes for another. Crowds stood silent, as they watch you go about through the ballot.

She follows up with a thrust...

>Helen goes for a stab

You felt a sharp pain coming through your stomach, as if your belly was turned into a pin cushion. Your aura is almost about to shatter if you keep this up...

Looking around you, you only see White Fangs, Fruttas, and nothing else. The cold air lingers, as white snow drops.

You step back just to get some breathing space and you have to act quick before your aura is shattered...

What now?
[Go all out aggressive]
[Keep your distance]
[Look for some improvision weapon]
[Write In Action]
[Look for some improvision weapon]
>[Look for some improvision weapon]
>[x] Search for something...

>Wendell check his surroundings

You see nothing that could help you, but there was one thing you find. Rocks, varying sizes of rocks...

You might take the biggest rock you can find, hopefully this could help. On the other hand Helen is keeping her distance staring you down.

The determined look of her eyes, she must've know what you're up to something with a big rock. Hopefully I could put this to good use.

What now?
[Throw rock]
[Wait for her to attack]
[Go in hard]
[A different stradegy?]
[Write In Action]

>Currently holding Saber to your right and a dusty rock to your left
Charge her with the sword, but at the last moment dodge and throw the rock at her.
Alright gonna write.
[s]Got Bloodborne, now the toughest fight I gotten so far was Father Gasco[/s]
He's on the low end of difficult boss fights, Sleepy.
Papa Gazzer was ezpz m8
Oh god what is wrong with her arms?
Oh my god! What's wrong with your face!?
Grimm here, bad news.
I have a lot on my plate right now, so i might not be able to run GQ this weekend.
Is k bb stay safe and happy
>[x] This >>6271557

You know this might be a good idea, but you gonna try. Raising your blade, you charge at her with your saber at the ready. She goes in her reposte, readying to counter

>Helen needs to roll 15 or above to punish his roll
>Just barely with 15

"Predictable!" She yelled, dodging out of the last moment. Her estoc nicked your shin, only feeling a warm wetness from your leg.

You skid across the road, only for the crowds being drowned out by Helen herself. Red streaks came out, seeing her dashing out readying for another attack.

>Wendell throws a rock

You throw the rock, but it flew over her head. Only for your face to meet with her knee, as you flew back. You landed really harshly from the cold hard stone, no broken bones, but your aura is ready to break.

You tighten your weapon, but that leg is causing you to stagger. Helen walks towards you, with the cold dead look in her eyes. Snowflakes starts to fall, as you feel the ground grow even colder.

"Wendell, I may ask you this..." She said, as she points her sword. "Why would you bother to go rouge in the White Fang?" Questioning you, as you get up.

You got your footing back, and you're ready to fight back. This question is asked frequently in your head, you wondered if it's even worth leaving the White Fang over this?

[Write In]
[Say Nothing]

[Go on the defense (Riposte)]
[Go on the offense]
[Write In Action]
>[Say Nothing]
>[Go on the defense (Riposte)]
Pretty fucking empty in here

Okay let's do a questionnarie

>Jade or Tuco
>Izzy: Waifu or dirty liar?
>Would you a Harvey?
>Pyrrha or Nicole?
>Which one seems more interesting IQ or QQ?
>With or against Shota/loli?
>Would you bully an Eva?
>Would you Bully an Admiral?
>Would you bully an Thatch?
>Steak well done or medium rare?
>is Yuri forbidden love? or is it the purest form of it?
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Steak only comes in rare. No medium bullshit.
>[x] Riposte!

You decide to copy what Gumi tends to do in battle, going for the riposte. Taking your nicked leg forwards, putting your saber towards her, and not giving her a response.

You looked from the crowd, Gumi is at disbelief from you taking her riposte stance. She must've knew that you learned her techinque.

Now she looked at you, with her glassy dead eyes, her cold stale grey eyes. 'Nothing... Then your death shall be quick!" she takes a familiar stance of a schnee, and goes for a lunge.

>Helen needs to roll 15 or higher to beat the riposte
>She rolled a 7

You swipe at her estoc with your dagger, it was a successful parry. It was enough to send her sword flying, now you had the advantage.

>Wendell counter attacks
>Rolled 13, Barely

You go for a counter attack, but it only ends up in a close shave for her. You see that there's a little cut on her cheek.

Now, you're back to neutral...

What now?
[Find another rock]
[Go for the high grounds]
[Riposte again]
[Write In Action]
[x] Go for the high grounds
>Dirty Liar
>Fuck No
>Both Seem Ok
>Neutral leaning towards against
>Already Do
>Medium Rare
Hmm...I think I got something for EQ

Continuing shortly
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”I dunno…can we do something more…normal?” You say as you check the machine gun

Ada just turns her head towards you like if you just turned into the biggest party pooper ever “Fine”

You sigh in relief

“We’re going bear hunting then! much easier” Ada says as she slungs the shotgun on her back

You sigh again, not much relief this time

>A while later


“…it’s too far”

“Bullshit, you have good eyes, that means you have a good reach”

“It doesn’t work that way…”

“Just take the shot”

You take a deep breath and pull the trigger…

The bear falls on the ground limp as a massive hole on his head appears

“FUCK YEAH” Ada shouts as she pats your back “Good one!”

“H-how big of a caliber is this thing?”

“Just enough to kill animals!” Ada says smiling “Altough it won’t do much to pierce Grimm or other stuff”

Both of you start walking towards the dead animal, Ada’s rifle slung in your shoulder while she herself is carrying her basic set of weaponry

>”So how’s Heidi?”
>”Just wanted to say I’m sorry about the injury”
>”Do you hunt for food every day?”
>”Anything happening around?”
>”Thanks for the training…”
>”I still don’t think I should be doing this”
>Stay silent
[x] I just wanted to say "Thanks" for saving me the other day.
A double feature is fine...

>[x] It's over Anakin, I've got the high grounds!

She could give you some trouble, you take this through the roof tops. As you attempt to go for the roof, you spread those wings. You're ready to jump on top of the building...

>Wendell takes a jump
>He rolled a 12, but he made it

Taking a big ascension, you landed without any trouble. The crowd themselves looked at you, as Helen scoffs at you. "How foolish of you..." Helen said, you can see that she is following the same thing you did.

As she takes a jump into the roof, now you can see that she has her weapon back. The roof, slowly coated in white fluff. Now your leg starts to shake, as the cold is making it worse for your condition.

She slash the roof, and launched the tiles at you. Now's the time to react...

What now?
[Reflect the tiles]
[Dodge, and counter]
[Tank through the tiles]
[Write In Action]
>”So how’s Heidi?”

>[Reflect the tiles]
>For birb seed
>why not both?
>If I can sink a ship
>I'll bully him by requesting Lancaster cuddling
>Medium rare

Now the question is... Does any CYOA character has a fetish for floor tiles?
>implying IQ will ever run again
Some times.
Well done.
It depends on how well it's done.
>>implying IQ will ever run again
It will saturaday. Assuming I don`t die by then.
Oh, someone stole "IQ" from me while I've been busy with class/work.
Never mind then.
Consider Isa dead.
Alcohol poisoning?
Tell me why I should watch RWBY.
Do or don't. No one's going to claim it's great or convince you to watch it.
I didn`t even know there was an IQ before the one I started.
It ran in short bursts for a week or so, then they doubled my work hours, which pretty much killed the last of my free time.
Nah, I bet you have something better to do with your time
>[x] Throw em back

You had an idea that you'll reflect those tiles from her, having to avoid getting shredded by this. You swing your saber from the barrage of tiles.

>Wendell goes for the reflect attempt
>4, if it's a natural 1 he would've been dead

To your best efforts, you are overwhelm from the amount she thrown at you. Leaving yourself at a disadvantage.

-- Wendell's Aura is shattered --


You needed to be extra careful otherwise, they'll leave you for dead. Your status is going alright, but that nicked leg said otherwise. Helen, must've took a couple of good hits in, even if she never felt pain.

Now the snow falls continues, as your visions gets blurry...

>End of session
>Transferring these to Ocho
>all these rolls
I swear my rolls are not helping us.
The dice gods are displeased.
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Would any CYOA characters buy Neo's Neo?
>Jade or Tuco
>Izzy: Waifu or dirty liar?
Neither to me, tho rather waifu than liar
>Would you a Harvey?
No, I'm all about cute faggots, but not about animals
>Pyrrha or Nicole?
>Which one seems more interesting IQ or QQ?
>With or against Shota/loli?
With shota, against loli
>Would you bully an Eva?
>Would you Bully an Admiral?
Probably? I do a lot of self-ironic jokes.
>Would you bully an Thatch?
YES, but only friendly
>Steak well done or medium rare?
>is Yuri forbidden love? or is it the purest form of it?
purest AND forbidden

It's like you don't want a cutie shy mechanic girl that is up for anything, loves to do stuff for you, would probably do anything you tell her, AND is possibly a body switcher

meanwhile what do you get with Tuco? Assassins/terrorists coming for your ass, a scarred guy thats ugly as sin, and the looming threat that one day you'll find him dead in a sewer, plus the fact that he's a CRIMINAL

C'mon people
I have an argument.

Yuri a shit.
the question doesn't imply it's for Eva herself, it reads more like who is best boy/girl overall
Tuco may be a murderhobo who tend to be pretty much unreliable by definition, by he's also a fictional character. Things with him will only ever be as bad as Kale let's them be. So chances are everything's gonna work out just fine with Tuco lest he lose more voters
>Tuco lest he lose more voters

i-is this a threat?

I don't know if feel complimented for making a character good enough that warrants one, or scared
Honestly, it's just more a statement of how things tend to work around here

it's the sad reality of Waifu Wars - they always leave casulties.
It's like you don't want a confident, nice assassin guy that is up for anything, loves to do stuff for you, would probably do anything you tell him, AND is possibly rich.
Sooo...mortality only affects those that aren't waifu material?

>*Ada sweating profusely*
>Possibly rich

When was this said?
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Mortality, consequences, etc.
In a way it's kind of a reasonable situation. People will participate in quest because they like something, or want something or expect something; or multiple somethings in most cases I'd imagine. So in turn if the quest ever stops appealing to them in those ways, they'll probably stop participating even if it's kind of a bummer for everyone else
>that is up for anything

Unless he's out killing every mothefucker that wants to get your head in a chopper with a robot girl, ALONE, FOR WEEKS

>loves to do stuff for you

He only knows how to kill, and maybe cook if you're lucky

Jade on the other hand can do pretty much everything you ask for her if you give her enough time to learn

>would probably do anything you tell him

Okay, this one I can concede, he's probably willing to do as much stuff as Jade would, even more with his ridiculously warped moral compass
>implying you can use logic to explain affection
>having such shit taste
Jade's just completely unlikable.
>turn on Extra Life stream
>they're already doing shots of Cholula

Oh boy.
So nothing much is going on, kept dying to that Undead Giant [s]Swords for hands[/s] now I took a steep dive on using up blood viles.

I might think of resuming WQ soon, maybe here as usual, and update the Ocho more.
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GQ is shit
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Yes. Go ahead. I'm watching the Extra Life stream and Notch donated $17k to mess with Burnie.

You enjoy watching charity streams?
I enjoy watching other people do horrible things to each other for the children.
Quiltic Isotope
[Shrieker Bog]



>[x] Take a short bath.

Feeling enticed by the calm water, you strip off of what clothes you have.
All two pieces of them.

You dip a toe first to test the temperature.

It feels strangely warm as if it has been heated by a bath servant.

You quickly sink in, feeling the therapeutic water wash away all you dirt and grime away.


As you scrub yourself away, you notice an odd swashing off from a distance.

You freeze in an instant.

You try to hear what it was again.

Bubbles start surging a few meters from your vulnerable body as heads pop out from the under to stare at you.

The rest of their bodies are sunk but their prying eyes are fixated on you.
Their frog-like unblinking eyes.

And dear god, there are alot of them.


Caught with your pants down (or in this case out) and faced by their menacing numbers, you are frightened.


[] Attack

[] Special
--[] (You have not learned anything)

[] Items

[] Defend
[] Observe
[] Wait
[] Flee

Health: 9/19
Aura: 3/3
Fatigue: 0/20

Thatch Assist:

If you are scared, the best course of action is obviously to flee.
Unless of course you are [COURAGEOUS]
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fuck that flee
>[x] Fcuk that

You immediately rush out of the Grimm-infested waters and pack your things .

Your long, treelike legs carrying you as fast you can go until they all disappear in the fog behind you.

Putting on your sack and paper hat you try to calm yourself from shaking...

The Banshee shrieks coming from the east not helping your cause.

Where do you go now?

[] North
[] East
[] Back into the Grimm
>[] North
>Thatch is running QQ.
Sweet, now I have an excuse not to run.
Later, nerds. I'm gonna finish off my old man's alcohol cabinet.


Grammar : "Dry run" would be a run characteized by Dry (be it the adjective "dry" or the noun "Dry").
With a comma it would be asking "Dry" to "run", since you can switch the two around and the meaning stays the same.
Edumakhayte yrself an anglish ,snpai.

But when you run it's called a dry run though.

New WoR about life outside the Kingdoms
heading to seven eleven

if I survive, then expect EQ
To the Weary Traveler!

EQ resuming shortly
“I just wanted to say "Thanks" for saving me the other day.” You say as you look at Ada

“Hehe, don’t worry about it, I would’ve done it either way” the Girl says smiling as she grabs the bear and lifts it

“Woah, isn’t it heavy?”

“…Yeah…” Ada says before she throws the bear at you “You carry it! It’ll make you stronger”

Naturally, you’re crushed under the weight


“C’mooon! Don’t be a pussy”


“Party pooper…”

>A while later

You’re sitting inside’s Ada’s bunker, Eating bear as you already wrote to Lilith about your location

>Lilith: Okay I’m sending Salt towards you
>Lilith: Here’s her contact so that you can talk to her

You know that it’s better to let her have the security that there’s someone watching out for you

“So what do we do now?” Ada says as she eats her meat with gusto

>”Let’s go see where Heidi is”
>Go search for someone (Specify)
>”Let’s wander around and see what we find”
>”Let’s just stay here for a while” (Switch to Tuco)
>”I think I can do some more skilled training”

>>>Wait for Salt to arrive? (Y/N)<<<
[x] Let's just stay here for a while.

[x] Wait for Salt to arrive.
>Michael's bartender story about his shirt
I don't know why I'm dying of laughter.

It's funny because the bartender was drunk.
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>that picture of Jon Risinger
>tfw a freak like that got a 10/10 to go to prom with him
She saw what he could be someday

I'd fuck a a Jon
“Let’s just stay here for a while” You say as you sit on a wooden chair “You got something to drink?”


“Couldn’t ask less”

>Back to Tuco

“So apparently our helicopter is getting searched for” You say as you search on the internet and look at Junko

“What the what now?” Junko says surprised holding a submarine sandwich on her arms

“Yeah, the folks from the recruitment center just put a bounty on the chopper, think we can get another?”

“Hmmm…We can build another, but that’s gonna take time” Junko says pensively, and to be honest, we need all the time that we can get”

“I see…How long would you be able to get another helicopter working?”

“1 or 2 days maximum” Junko says


>MISSION LIST (All missions become harder the more you ignore them)

>Change choppers (People are on the lookout for it, but nothing else)
>Go wipe out some BF cells (Rumour of your deeds is starting to spread, they’re starting to get ready for you)
>Check on the nearby WF cell and try to fissle things out (Tensions are rising and people from the other side are getting ready to fight)
>Check out on the riots that have been going on for days (The riots are getting much larger and much more violent)
>The main supplier is probably underground by now, you’re gonna need some outside help if you want to catch him
>There’s a new shipment arriving once again, time to check what it is about
>Hit the main HQ (Danger!)

>Do something else? (Other)
[x] Change choppers!
>There’s a new shipment arriving once again, time to check what it is about
The less arms they have, the easier it'll be in the long run, and potentially contain a lead to the main supplier so we don't have to dick around with a third party.
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>tfw Arryn never got this far
>Michael and Lindsay are having a baby
>"I fooled you! This wasn't a story at all! This was a story about my dick making a baby!"
Happy for them.

Kid's fucked though.

>"That kid's gonna be a fucking stillborn now."
Jesus, Michael.
I just realized Michael might vomit in the paintball mask.
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>Ryan the "I only showed up for the free food" Guy

Pic untrelated

tho I get the increasing feeling of being totally and utterly worthless, obviously
what do you mean?
No matter how much damage we've done to them, they just continue to operate in increasing fashion. It honestly appears as though we've had no effect on their capacity to wage terrorism.
Give it some time, it's only been half a week since you started operating

plus here's what you've done

>Killed the one in charge of torturing
>Killed the one in charge of the explosions
>Killed the one in charge of getting the new recruits

No matter how dangeous you are, it's still 1 against a whole underground army

If you had another army with you then that'd be a different thing

the changes right now are small, but with time they're gonna get bigger, it's just gonna take a while

anyways, writng
Hmmm okay, here's a thing

>activate Grimm mode? (Changes will happen much faster than normally, but the difficulty will be amped up considerably)
nah, that doesn't sound like a good idea.

>If you had another army with you then that'd be a different thing
>ask Junko if she has anotherbody with faunus features
time to get another army.
“Let’s get the shipment they’re getting” You say as you put the laptop away “We can change chopper later”

“You got it boss” Junko says nodding as the chopper starts once again

An idea comes trough your head

“Say…do you have a body with faunus features perhaps?”

“What are you talking about?” Junko says as she pilots the chopper without turning your head, but her voice just cracked a little

Well the idea kinda passed trough your mind…

>”C’mon, I already realized it a while ago…you’re Jane right?”
>”I mean if you had any other SISTERS that had faunus features…Slip of the tongue”
[x] I mean if you had any other sisters that had faunus features...
>”I mean if you had any other SISTERS that had faunus features…Slip of the tongue”
>”I mean if you had any other SISTERS that had faunus features…Slip of the tongue”
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How baby Jones was made.png
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His abdomen appears to be kissing his bum
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Concern level 4.png
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”I mean if you had any other SISTERS that had faunus features…Slip of the tongue” you say



“So? You have one?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact I do, we can pick her up after the mission” Junko says flatly as both of you head to the docks where the transaction is going to happen

>Junko stayed surprisingly silent for the whole trip to the docks

you zoom in to your helmet at the docks, you’re far away enough that people won’t notice the chopper, so you don’t have to fear that much, problem is that you don’t know which shipment it is, so you’re gonna have to find out

”…Tuco?” Junko says somewhat weakly “I’m not feeling my sharpest today, I think I’ll sit this one out for now, don’t want to endanger anything due to me” She says while piloting the chopper

If she doesn’t call you boss, then it seems serious…

“Was it because of what I said before?”

“What did you say before?” Junko says looking at you, jesus, she seems pretty tired “Best I can do is do is drive the chopper…sorry”

“Don’t be” You say as you give her a thumbs up

Junko gives you thumbs up back, as she keeps the chopper stable

>”Leave me here, I’ll infiltrate stealthily”
>”Can you still pilot under fire? If so then drop me on the middle, I’m going loud”
>”Do we have a machine gun in here? We could do an aerial assault if you’re up for it”
>”…Let’s go to a safe place and keep watch of the docks, get some rest as well, we’ll need it”
>”Leave me here, I’ll infiltrate stealthily”
>”Leave me here, I’ll infiltrate stealthily
Would you date a CYOA character?
“Leave me here, I’ll infiltrate stealthily” You say as you pat Junko’s back “Get better okay?”

“Y-yeah, just need a little rest” Junko says as you drop down from the helicopter and start to hover towards the place

You think of your ways to get in…

You could grab the ID of someone sneak in as another person…The armor looks casual enough for walking around, and you could invent an excuse for the helmet (Or just not use the helmet at all, the only people that know your face are either dead or not here)

You could infiltrate properly and stealthily, hopefully nobody will notice you and you could stick in the shadows for a while…

And once you get there, how do you know which container to use?

You could threaten the guy that works on checking which boats go where…but what if he doesn’t know? I mean, it IS a terrorist organization…

You could ask around and interrogate any deckhand to see if they know about the shipment coming in, maybe there’s people that are in cahoots with the BF…then again they wouldn’t be many…(Or maybe they’re too many for you to handle)

Or you could just find a vantage point and wait for anything sufficiently dangerous to appear…but you could get confused over which shipment if you’re not careful

If you're lucky, maybe you'll find some info about the main supplier...

>>Secondary objective: Find out who’s supplying the goods<<

>How do you infiltrate?<

>By disguising yourself as someone else?
>By infiltrating trough the shadows
>Some other way?

>How do you find the cargo?<

>Interrogate the guy in charge
>Interrogate the ones working on the docks
>Find a vantage point and wait for the cargo to get here
[x] Infiltration
[x] Find a vantage point
>By infiltrating trough the shadows
>Interrogate the ones working on the docks
gonna call it for now, but please vote if you haven't

if no one else votes then I'll just flip a coin
>Interrogate the man in charge
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what happened to Deery after Ciel snapped?
Pregnant with generic Atlesian Soldier babbies
>implying she didn't scratch some of Todd's cum off her back or out of her hair and fingered herself with it
She seems almost obsessed enough to do that.
Almost, since she's not Ciel.
I was hinting toward all the rape she had to go through
can't rape the willing, anon
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Man, NDGD'S art is so good.
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Lemme just place the cartridge in for you...
^ ^ v v < > < > b a start
>New Game
Quiltic Isotope
[Shrieker Bog]



>[x] Fcuk that

You immediately rush out of the Grimm-infested waters and pack your things .

Your long, treelike legs carrying you as fast you can go until they all disappear in the fog behind you.

Putting on your sack and paper hat you try to calm yourself from shaking...

The Banshee shrieks coming from the east not helping your cause.

Where do you go now?

[] North
[] East
[] Back into the Grimm
North to Alaska.
One day we will return and kill everything. Oh by the way do we have any matches?

Matches as in matchsticks?
>[x] North to Canada!

You head north, seeeing it as the only reasonable option as of now.

Searching for any sign of a town or anything that isn't a frog-monster, you start to notice the mists getting thinner.
More of the swamp's trees and vegetation become more visible in further distances.

You come across a walled fortification, stretching miles from one end to another, disappearing into the horizons at eachside.
The walls are old and have been crumbled due to age along with greenery and vines and moss that have grown around its crevices.

In front of the entrance is a hulking stone statue, with arms the size of kegs.
It lays in a relaxed seated position barring the steel gate entrance.

The colossal statue's framework is dilapidated, worn out and decayed with what you see are weaponry sticking out of its interior.

[] Inspect
[] Turn away
[] Just walk past the statue, there's nothign stopping you from walking past the crumbled walls
[x] Inspect
>[x] Inspect

You go to investigate the derelict foundations of the wall, most importantly the hulking golem blocking the portcullis.

On your way there you managed to trample something underfoot.
It doesn't feel like a rock nor a plant.
Something more rigid
Hunkering down to inspect further, you find a glass bottle sorts.

When you pick it up you find a skeletal hand still grasped around it tightly, broken in many places as the rest of its lifeless body lay on the soil a victim to nature's cycle.
The clothing around it has long since rotten and the metallic parts, rusted.

You take a look around and you see that they are littered everywhere in these parts.

With much more rubble of rock and rebar, similar to that of the guard of the gate, some flattening other bodies, some stuck with so many lances that it has surely collapsed from the foray for its insides.
Particularly the odd metallic sphere within its frames which you've seen have been smashed and broken to pieces.

All but the one propped sitting from a short distance from you.

The weapons and spears you've found scattered has long since been beaten to brittleness.

[] Take Bottle
[] Leave it
> Take Bottle
>take bottle
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>[x] Take Bottle

You take the [BOTTLE].

A bottle you found on your way to New Yohan. It can hold some quantity of liquid inside.
Presently it is FULL of an unknown substance,

You place it in your inventory, now FULL.
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Careful of tripping of the remains, you carefully continue to creep your way through the old battlegrounds.

Once you've reached the colossal and rusted stone giant, it starts to rumble, causing you to back away from it.

The gnashing of stone rips itself out of its slumber to echo the words,"INTERLOPER"

Its crumbling self rises as bits and pieces fall of its body as it thumps and booms at you.



You ready your whip, crackling with whatever magic it has.

The battleground is not sparse of the fallen, both of its and your people.

Thick trees are around you with the eternal fog resting as an arena's walls.

[] Attack
--[] Whip

[] Special
--[] (You have not learned anything)

[] Items
--[] Hip Flask
--[] Whip (Unequip)
--[] Bottle

[] Defend
[] Observe
[] Wait
[] Flee

Health: 9/19
Aura: 3/3
Fatigue: 0/20
sip bottle
flee like a motherfucker
Whip at the knees, make him fall
[x] Whip its knees. Whip it good.
Sorry, was watching the Crown.

Will resume.
What's the crown?

A show in Netflix .


You lash out against its shambling knees, erupting bits and pieces of stone and metal outward (9)

The Bog Guardian creaks down and kneels in recovery from the previous hit, trying to gather back its own fallen pieces to no avail.

[] Attack
--[] Whip

[] Special
--[] (You have not learned anything)

[] Items
--[] Hip Flask
--[] Whip (Unequip)
--[] Bottle

[] Defend
[] Observe
[] Wait
[] Flee

Health: 9/19
Aura: 3/3
Fatigue: 0/20
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[x] Whip it harder. This time the hands
Whip the hands
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You reel the whip further and thrash against its colossal but dilapidated hands, erupting small bits and pieces of stone and metal outward. (5)

The Bog Guardian bellows deeply.

It starts charging at you, thundering its way past through any obstacle in its path, collapsing many fragments off its crumbling mass. (15)
[] Attack
--[] Whip

[] Special
--[] (You have not learned anything)

[] Items
--[] Hip Flask
--[] Whip (Unequip)
--[] Bottle

[] Defend
[] Observe
[] Wait
[] Flee

Health: 9/19
Aura: 3/3
Fatigue: 2/20
[x] Flee. The colossus is crumbling so we could probably outrun it as it turns into dust.
Dodge to the side.

How's it going so far?

The Bog Guardian fight wasn't there back in the initial demo.
It's going well, I think.
Its going good, but i feel we are underestimating it.

I;m going to wait for more votes if you don't mind, gotta see if we hit majority.
Continuing EQ shortly

Did no one else vote on>>6298073? otherwise I'll flip a coin
Okay then >>6298109 won

writing now
Better infiltrate…

You take your jacket and turn it inside out, the usual white now a black color from the inside

You do this with your pants as well on a safe spot where nobody will find you pants less with only your incredibly shameful undies (They’re ridiculously comfortable, only reason you use them) before drifting close to the ground and into the shadows of the docks

Entering is ridiculously easy as you just float atop the fence the moment the guards turn their heads elsewhere

You’re going close to the ground as you move towards the roofs of the buildings, making sure nobody notices you, you could wait here…but it’s not enough you gotta find a better place…

You look until you find a massive crane, used to move containers around…

Yeah that works as a vantage point

You start floating across the roofs, traversing the gap between them as fast as you body can take it, making you disappear in the blink of an eye

“What was that?” Some guy says as he starts wandering around looking for the sight of you, but you’re already away by the time he gives up “Must’ve seeing things”

You keep floating until you reach the massive crane, looking at the man eating his lunch, you float silently towards him before grabbing his face and smashing it against the window of the cabin, you do this some more times, cracking the window a little as the guy tries to move

You toss him out into the floor of the cabin and stomp his face a few times until he’s truly knocked out…

>Do you do something with the knocked out man?<

Okay…now to wait…

>A while later

…man this guy had a good lunch, kudos to whoever cooked this

Oh…wait…You can see it now…

Two boats land in the docks with two shipments appearing…

They both look indentical…and it’s the hour where the shipment is supposed to arrive…but it’s only supposed to be one

>Wait and see what they do with them
>Take the red container
>Take the blue container
[x] Snap neck
[x] Wait and see
y'know it just dawned on me

>Every main character in EQ is female except for Tuco

Tuco harem when?
>every CYOA MC gets to date team RWBY for a day
>how will it turn out?
You grab the man, barely hanging onto life

He tries to scratch your face with his hands to no avail

“Don’t worry buddy, this is gonna be quick” You say before snapping his neck like a twig, making his body completely limp as he falls to the ground once again…

Aw fuck…you got blood on your jacket! You’re gonna have to clean it later…

You keep a look out as both containers start to open…

From one, crates of ammo and weaponry start to being dragged out from small carts, it certainly seems like it would be a shipment from the BF…but these days, it could be anyone, White fang, Mistral itself, some other faction?

Point is, that’s a lot of guns

You then turn around to see the other container be opened…


A girl, no older than 18, is getting dragged out of there, she has a hunter uniform and her hair is completely black, she’s not completely unconscious, trying her best to move, but any sort of sudden action is quickly snuffed out by a slap to the face from one of the men carrying her

One of them enters the container as well and takes out a katana, dragging it around like a baseball bat…

Well…that’s just plain wrong! she’s just a young innocent (hopefully) girl, she shouldn’t be treated like cargo on a boat! Life is precio-ppffffffhahaha

>Still, you’re not gonna let a little girl get killed (and probably raped) in your watch
>Sorry lady, you’ve got some weapons to intercept

>>There’s a third option, you just gotta think about it<<
>Still, you’re not gonna let a little girl get killed (and probably raped) in your watch
[x] Rescue girl
>Save the girl and intercept the weapons!
Swtiching to >>6308473
but intercepting the weapons first to create a distraction while you go save the girl.

Okay then, if you're gonna try that then think of a plan

>>There’s a third option, you just gotta think about it<<
See if you can throw a gernade in the weapons crate silently.
While the guards are distracted grab the girl.
Well I guess writing
You guys heard that Rubes's VA is pregnant?
[s]>inb4 Ruby gets impregnated by CYOA MCs[/s]
You take out 1 or 2 grenades, you’re not really sure what they do, but, the must do some form of damage

You take off you helmet and pull the pins with your teeth as you fly towards the container and throw both grenades at the weapons

Before long bullets are already landing on your aura, eating it up, of course, the bullets subside as a massive explosion of ice and lightning destroys the crates, you can see more people appearing from different buildings already armed as the sound of an alarm appears

Ah poop

Before you do anything, a rocket comes from the smoke and hits you, throwing you towards the ground and to the girl, guarded by several men, you stabilize yourself in midair before ANOTHER rocket launcher impacts you, sending you skidding towards the ground

Where the hell are they getting this weaponry?! They’re dockhands!

>”Some weapons still work! Use them!”<


“There! Get him!” One man shouts as you clothesline him and use the friction of the concrete to brake your movement

Without stopping, you drift in a curve back towards the group holding the girl hostage at high velocity

Only before getting clobbered by the sheathed katana one man was carrying as if it was a baseball bat, sending you to the ground and in the middle of the group

You look up as you see people walking towards you, pointing at your face, about 3 or 4 of them in a circle

Of course, things can’t get bette-

The sounds of dakka muffle any previous thought you had
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>Aura broken!
>Thankfully your armor still works to protect you

“Is he dead?” One man pokes you with his machinegun

Okay, time for a comeback baby, just like in the movies

Before anyone says anything else, you take out both your lighting and fire swords and do a breakdance motion, cutting everyone’s legs in one single move

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZotFNHt7Z4

All of them fall down clutching their new stumps as you get up and admire how well your armor is working, you gotta pay Jane back for this stuff…

You dust yourself off as the boat carrying the weapons start sinking, explosions coming soon from it

…Well you certainly made a mess

In front of you, the girl from before is slowly crawling towards the Katana, grabbing it and trying to escape as hard as she can (And by that you mean at snail pace, poor girl can’t even stand)

>Try to help her, she needs some
>Sorry girl, you gotta get out of here pronto
>Try to help her, she needs some
>Try to help her, she needs some
then find some cover and recharge your aura
She might need some help

You jog towards her as she looks at you, it is now that you can actually see her face, completely pale with a pair of broken glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose, her eyes look at you like a cornered feral beast, unsheathing the blade of her sword, telling you to back off

“Hey now, you shouldn’t treat the guy who saved you like that don’t you think?” You say raising your hands at her in sign of peace “C’mon, I’ll help you get out of here”

The girl still has a hard time thrusting you, backing off a little as more people start to see you

“There he fucking is!” someone to your right says in the distance as you turn quickly to the origin of the sound

A man holding a massive rocket launcher with it sights right on you…

Aw fuck that’s a lock on missile!

The man shoots as the rocket head straight towards you

You grab the girl by pure reaction and dodge as the missile almost skims you, flying off in the distance…

Before starting to lift up and aiming back towards you

“fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck” You mutter in between breaths as you carry the girl and start running away into the building into the storage building in front of you

The rocket destroys the roof of the building, caving the part from where you came from completely

The girl is adjusting herself in a piggyback position, holding onto your chest with both of her hands

You can catch the picture of a map of the dock area, as well as this building in specific…
You could get towards the roof, there’s a fire escape that leads directly towards the forest where you came from, but it goes trough a massive open field where you’re essentially open game

There’s also the back exit that keeps going trough the docks, but there’s plenty of buildings in between, giving you lots of cover

You check on the enemy comm lines

>”The fucker is hiding inside the building, go and weed him out!”<


>Go towards the fire escape
>Go towards the back exit
>Hide here and give these fuckers a counter-ambush
[x] Go towards the back exit but prepare for a fight
>Alina wanting the D'Arc
>Alina wanting the JC
>Why not both?
This for a lack of a better plan
You start heading towards the back exit, unsheathing both of your beam swords, preparing yourself for anything

The girl keeps grabbed onto you, her katana grabbed tightly on one hand as you keep walking

“So what got you in there?” You ask as you keep walking

She doesn’t answer

“…It’s okay…you don’t have to tell me, the important thing is your okay” You say as you walk towards the back exit “what’s your name?”

No response

“Are you going to speak at all?”

No response

Welp, fuck me then

You finally reach the back exit, before you kick it open, conveniently slamming the door into a guy that was about to open it

“EEEE DON’T KILL ME DON’T KILL ME DON-“ You ignore him as you impale him in the forehead with your sword, can’t never be too careful

You see the girl turn around, but she doesn’t react negatively at all

>”What was that noise?”<

>”He’s already moving! Get to the back!”<


You start running in between the alleys of the docks, chopping the head of anyone that you find in front of you

>”Don’t let him get away!”<

>”Boss! I found another weapon! I think you’ll like this!”<

You paid too much attention to the conversation as the girl grabs your chest and pushes it back, you finally end up noticing the squad of people that just found you on the maze like structure, one of them carrying the same lock on missile as before

You understand the girl stating a retreat would work, and you comply, she turns her body around, checking on your back, as her body is now in front of you, bullets start whizzing as you book it, but strangely enough, none of them seem to hit you, that and the sound of metal clashing behind you, different from the sound of bullet hitting against concrete that you normally expect


Wait what was that noise?


Your brain starts going trough the catalogue of weapons that do that sound, but you don’t really need to think about it as the weapon itself is already heading towards you

Another missile…

Mind you this one is remote controlled instead of lock on! Big difference

“Why the hell do these fucks need so much missiles?!” you shout as you turn around to run away again, but your escape route gets shut down by the group of people, on of them making a clearing in between them and having the biggest grin in his life as he pulls the trigger and the new rocket throws itself towards you

Semblance isn’t active yet, Aura neither…

...you can do this Tuco…just…

>Adrenaline mode activated!
>Rule of cool is now active
>Time is starting to slow down for you
>You can control the Girl as well if you so want


One missile towards you, one behind you, the girl clearly did something to stop the bullets...

The walls to your sides are just narrow enough for you use them for manouvering…

Now…how do you deal with this?

>Write in
Shoot the RC rocket with your gun while the girl does the cool-guy-chops-the-missile-in-half thing.
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>runn across the walls in the very last moment so the rockets hit each other, make sure to be on one side of both rockets (so we ran on the walls towards were we already facing) so when the rockets connect, the blast accelerates us into (throug) the crowd

prepare for the blast so we don't ragdoll around and, as evil as that sounds, use the girl as a shield for the explosion - she still has aura, we don't.
what the hell is that picture supposed to represent?
gonna wait for a while then I'm flipping a coin
the red eliipses are the enemies, the green boxes the rockets and the black circle is tuco and the girl.
admiral pls

you don't have to draw a schematics of your plan every time
I-i just wasn't sure if it was clear what "one side of both rockkets" meant.
Your senses sharpen as you start to run towards the lock on missile, putting one foot on the wall as you propel yourself over the rocket, before it can turn you shield yourself and prepare for the blast as both the RC missile and the Lock-on missile collide with each other, the blast throwing you towards the crowd, almost ragdolling, but you’re used to this kind of momentum, and easily position your spinning body towards the group, that’s currently getting their smug grins wiped out of their faces

You can already hear the girl unsheathing her sword as you do the same


You land like an airplane arriving on the runway, kicking up smoke as the concrete breaks your momentum

The squad behind you stands completely still as both you and the girl start to slowly sheathe your respective swords

“FUCKHEADS” You shout as you finish sheathing, heads flying into the air as a pressurised stream of blood goes flying into the air, making it seem as if it’s raining blood…

You look around, not everyone here was in on the thing, most of the people you see now are innocents running for their lives

You finally get up as you start towards the fence

Almost instinctively, the girl flickers her katana and in the blink of an eye the fence you were walking trough gets a hole about your size

You don’t even flinch as you walk trough it and into the forest, heading trough the direction of your chopper, might as well start disappearing, you can head there once your aura recharges
>A while later

“You’re free to go y’know” You say, sitting on a rock in front of the girl

You both sit in a couple of rocks, the girl hugging her Katana like a teddy bear and shaking her head

“So you’re following me?”

She nods, her eyes don’t seem like she’s trusting you, more like she has nowhere else to go

“you have a name?’

No response from the girl, she just looks at you wearily

“Look I’ve got to call you something at the very least”

The girl only hugs the Katana (Mind you is about as tall as her) while she looks away and shrugs

>What do you call her?
[x] Hellen Keller, the Wandering Swordswoman
“I’m gonna call you Myrrh then if you don’t mind

Myrrh just shrugs as she tries to get up using the katana as a cane, but falls down on the floor

“Hey, hey…you okay?” You say as you take a look at her legs

They seem completely normal, in fact, it’s strange why she can move her upper body perfectly but her legs can’t seem to hold her at all

Myrrh just looks at you before sighing, as she starts to take off her socks, then her shoes…


One foot is missing almost all it’s fingers (The ones that haves them has their nails removed) and she’s just straight up missing the Achilles tendon on the other

You say nothing as you help her up, your semblance has charged now, and it isn’t long before you find the chopper sitting on a clearing in the forest

“Hey Junko! I got you a new friend!” You say dropping down as you see the chopper is turned off


You walk towards the chopper Myrrh already unsheathing her katana, as you take out your revolver as well

You say nothing as you peek into the chopper, Junk sitting on the main part, her hair covering her eyes, as she just…slumps there…unmoving

“Junko!” You shout and grab her shoulder, shaking her a little

The moment you release your hand, She falls down to the ground outside of the helicopter, drooling as her eyes are open, but almost looking like if they were dead…

Aaah shit


And that’s it for now folks
She was in sleep mode, right?
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Roado rolla da.jpg
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So my ban's up.

Who wants some Mayo?
What did you get banned for? Also, it's too late at night for quests.
Nobody because no one's here.

Nah. Nah, that's cool.

Here's this while I'm just looking for more Karen pictures because she's actually a qt patootie.
I might have asked about cannibalism on /ck/

It's not like I was really considering it, but y'know... Hashing out all my options.
Just more for the people who somehow haven't watched the monogatari series yet.
I want Mayo to be on my face.
I wanna swirl my finger around in Mayo.
I want to make a mess with Mayo ~
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>Implying CondimentQuest isn't shit
I only watched Bake, Nise, and Neko.
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Mayo is for platonic hugs and arm wrestling.

Maybe some friendly brushing of teeth.
>teeth brushing
Stop, I'm on a train, mustn't get a boner
Get the boner anyway.
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Well I'm into it if there ends up being enough
What the fuck was Mayo doing anyway, aside from being a thorn in the side of Todd's libido
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What do you mean what was she doing?
I mean it pretty literally
Like, what were we doing last in condiment quest, it gets hard to keep track of things sometimes
Working through being grounded and getting ready to pull some relativistically high speed bullying on her little step brother/cousin.

The main activity were avoiding plot hooks and stretching """seductively."""

So what if she can touch her ear with her knee? That doesn't mean you have to be lewd about it.
In what quest can we lewd Mayo?


TQ, I guess... But she's a little young, isn't she?
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I guess there's this.png
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Well I mean even in condimentquest, she's just a budding flower...
Old enough for her brother tho.

HueQuest when?
HueHue's /ss/ Adventures
H-Hue is ten...
You do know what the second s in /ss/ stands for, right?
I'm doing that shitposting in the wee hours thing again.

Goodnight, Irene.
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Here's my assumption of Hue based on your perception.
Only blonde and with horns
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Done and done.
yeah, that's hue.
see, he's perfect for Mayo, Valentine and the rest of Todd's harem.
maybe not Lynette.
but definitely Jill.
Sorry, still up. Havin a giggle.

Hue's hair color is a lot lighter than that.

Why am I still awake? Fuck.

This time for real.
The purest /ss/ is between mother and son.
>Hue is a small child anyways
>even the good milk he always gets couldn't change that
>he can disappear completely in Lynette's bosom
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Stickler ass mother fucker ass with the ass ass, I'll do it better later.
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>So what if she can touch her ear with her knee? That doesn't mean you have to be lewd about it
There's nothing wrong with a couple of purely athletic stretches, she's merely pushing what her body is capable of. It's only lewd if you make it lewd
"High Impact Sexual Bullying" with Mayo
"Family Bonding" with Lynette and Jill
"Medical Examination" with Dr. Valentine
"Faunus Appreciation Day" with Mel
"Dr. Strange-Love" with Dr. Valentine
"Is It Your First Time?" with Deery
"Don't Tell Your Uncle" with Izzy
"The Fires of Youth" with Chloe
"This Will Only Hurt a Little Bit" with Tangerine
"That Weird Stranger Stalking Around Our House" with Pi
>The Fires of Youth
That's how little Hue learned to love the wonders of inverted nipples
Have a bug
>tfw the only thing he inherited from Todd was his confidence and his penchant for dressing up with women's clothing
>tfw no gypsy cursed super boner
>Cinder taking the CYOA MC cocks
>Mostly Jasper being tied down
>Jasper in bondage
>and his penchant for dressing up with women's clothing
[Admiral's and Nero's qt shota trap senses are tingling]
>Jasper has always been captured and tied up before.
>But not like this
>Can his RESOLVE last?
>tfw Cinder was the only villain to manipulate resolve
>Cinder can take resolve powers
>Punished Jasper
>A defeated man
Jasper's RESOLVE is absolute.
the only persons that can fight against it are the Sunchasers, because they confuse his RESOLVE
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>implying he won't fix his spaghetti
What kind of dicks would the female MCs have as futas?
>Futa Yulie vs Futa Mari
Who wins?
No one, futa a shit.
>the reason why juliet is so angsty is because she's a futa.
>Futa Yulie
>Urge to peg Jasper Intensifies
>Futa Jill
time to take revenge on the Doc...
>Hue is more popular than Mayo
>In Condimentquest

Wow. How much harder can one girl be bullied?
Would she even try to corrupt her husbando?
Makes me wonder what how all of her other siblings would go over.

Let's find out!

>Chloe's daughter: Easily flustered girl who is coming into her 'assets' far too early

>Mel's son: Piss & vinegar runt of the litter who gets bullied into cross dressing by his sisters

>Mel's twin daughters: Fraternal triplets to Mel's son. One is a pack leader, the other would prefer to cook, but does think her brother looks cute in a skirt.

There are a few more, but they're not at the dinner table in Condimentquest, so I'm not gonna tell you guys just yet.
I want to jack off a big grill
So that's four kids plus Mayo, making it five. Where are the other 25?
I bet youre one of thpse biggots that voted for Trump
Maybe they're gestating at the moment, anon.
>overpowered Mayo isn't the THE STAR of her quest
>"How much harder can one girl be bullied?"
>meanwhile Eva has nightmares of that one time they stole her new, stylish hat, telling her it was too cool for her, and throwing into that weird hole behind the school that was only there for the basement to have windows
>you almost couldn't see the floor because of all the spiderwebs
>"Go and be with your kind" they told her as they watched and laughed as Eva slowly lowered herself through the spiders, not being able to ignore them running angrily around and onto her
>having to watch every single spider slip into the folds and openings of her clothing
>the hat was a gift from Lilith
>when she came home, mom punished her for having dirtied her clothes so badly
>Lilith shouted at her for not taking care of the hat she gave her
>she never came over the fact that after she ascended out of the hole and shook the spiders off, she counted less spiders as had marched on her...
*Ahem* ...
[s]That includes me, yet I might not do WQ due to celebrating Trump's victory.[/s]
>spoopy spiders
think she read in too much of what snails read.
tfw voted Trump for the memes

Did you guys know the DOW just happened to jump to its highest point a little while after he was elected?
I voted for Stein, actually.
The amount of crossdressing little boys in Todd's family is concerning and arousing.
>People LIKE Eva
>Muh racisss

>Mayo is the black sheep of a wealthy family with literal LCK 0.

Anon, pls. Suffering does not always have to be directly stated.
Guys, no politics, that never ends comfy.
One is alarming?

Or are you alarmed because the sample size equates to 1:5 where Todd mentioned wanting hundreds of kids?
Two, Hue and Mel's son.

Also, yeah, one is already kinda concerning.
>Eva and Wendell making bug love
>Post sex he felt something biting into his head
>It's Eva trying to eat him
>"We should see other people."
Supported Trump and even changed people's opinions to vote for him. Didn't vote (Canadian) but I could've if I drove to NY. Their ID law states that they can't ask you for ID.

Also futa top tier.
Like father like sons
Who said Hue cross dressed?
>Even in love
>Eva can't have qt bug babbys
>Forever bullied sexually
>Chloe's daughter: Easily flustered girl who is coming into her 'assets' far too early
This really depends on how old you mean by too early
The older ones are off at Valentine's harem protagonist boot camp. (Which involves surprisingly little diddling, she takes the job very seriously)

Chloe's daughter is that one girl who's getting boobs first in class.
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Poor girl
Keep Grandpa Marius away from her.
That's just honna make it even cuter when we have the Tuco sex scene

>Eva fucking up everything
>Tuco is just jelping her go trough the motions, forgiving her fuckups
>Eva starts biting him to the point of drawing blood
>Tuco is so goddamn tough that he hardly cares
>Eva is crying due to the fact that she finally found true love as they both huh each other in the missionary position with the lights truned off with the full moon on the window
Then Eva eats Tuco's head.
>/ss/ is okay
>/sl/ is not
Silly anon, Eva just has a subconscious vore fetish, she can't actually eat someone's head
>Soap finished fucking Eva
>He's immediately weirded out by Eva's instincts
>He interpret this as she wanting a kiss
>Round two occurred
>She does it again
>It repeats
[s]Just echoing that one green text of Eva's incest relations of mantis instincts.[/s]
Time to learn some safe and healthy binding from aunt Izzy
/ss/ isn't okay though
>worst girl gets worst fetishist
Fitting, I suppose.
Wasnt it soap that said that he wanted to fuck a faunus? Or was it grimm?
>You will never suck off worst girl
>You will never get to hate fuck her
>You will never hear Juliet to go gentle on her
That makes me wanna fuck her more
>tfw you found out that she's has a cute interior hidden by her hardass personality

Who wants some Evaquest? (Now with 50% less Eva and 100% more Tuco)
>she will only ever show it to you in private
>Juliet trying to confess her feelings to an Atlas soldier in private
>In a closet or shower room
>"Anon, I l-"
>She gets cut off by Ironwood paging her
>Juliet gets annoyed for not confession to someone
>to an Atlas soldier
>implying all of them dont hate her or arent scared of her
>except that very one guy
>but he's already taken
>She will never give you a quickie
>You will never knock her up while you're on duty
>You will never take responsibility to Juliet's kids
[s]>You will never expect Juliet to go easy on you since you're the father of her babies[/s]
>tfw you will never take responsibility to a CYOA Waifu
>Valentine's harem protagonist boot camp.
>Valentine in a skimpy drill sergeant costume
>Making them run obstacle courses and shit
>"I did it!"
>"Absolutely terrible, run it again!"
>"But I did it perfectly, I didn't make a single mistake"
>"Exactly, you didn't trip once. How do you intend to accidentally grope girls or get a face full of cleavage if you can't trip and fall on command. Run it again!
Everyone knows tripping needs to be 100% accidental, anon.
Okay, fuck it, continuing EQ
That's just how good their training is that you think that
>tfw no JulietQuest
>ywn know why she puts such a hard front
>no qt Juliet just for me
Hey. So I know I said I`d run IQ this week-end, but got more work thrown at me at the last minute.
Hopefully no one really wanted it that much.
I mean, I was interested.
>Back to Eva

Sitting on the chairs in Ada’s bunker, You and Ada sit around the TV watching the news with intent

Ada has the chair opposite to the her, sitting like one of the cool kids you would see in school, having a bottle of whiskey in her hands

You’re sitting normally, drinking a beer with a gloomy face plastered on you, 50 percent scared, 40 percent worried and 10 percent curious

Salt on the other hand is standing beside you, her petite figure making her look unfit for the job of protecting you, but then again, hunters look like princesses sometimes, so whatever

“Hey, maid girl, take a seat” Ada says looking at salt

“…Very well, thank you madam” Salt bows as she sits on an extra chair lying around, sitting regally

“Want some?” Ada says offering her whiskey bottle

“It would be a pleasure” Salt says as she lightly takes the bottle and takes a sip from it

“You can have it, I have more” Ada says as she gives Salt a thumbs up

The bodyguard bows as she starts downing the bottle completely, making both yours and Ada’s eyes widen

You’ve only seen Heidi drink this much!

Salt finishes the bottle quietly in about 5 seconds as she bows once again and keeps the bottle with her “Shall I clean this Madam?”

“Um…sure…go for it” Ada says with a smile as the girl takes the bottle with her (As well as any garbage she finds around) and disappears from your view to another room inside the bunker

“Heh, I like her already” Ada says softly at you

>”Well I don’t know her enough to make a choice…”
>”heh, she seems fun”
>”I dunno, the butler is always the guilty one y’know?”
>”heh, she seems fun”
>I wonder if she'd be against butt play...
>Always wanted a buttler.
>What a sorry bunch of recruits Valentine has to deal with
>They're all sorely lacking in density and obliviousness
>Not a single one of them has accidentally walked in on her changing
>Not a single one of them has accidentally stripped her
>Not a single one of them has snuck away to spy on the cabins across the lake at Camp Waifu
>Their luck stats are average a best, but by god Valentine will turns these boys into men
>just noticed Admiral used the MiMi pic for the OP I did for him.

God dammit.
That wasn't supposed to go outside 8ch
>Jasper's kids were the only people in the group to have resolve, and literally P U R E
>Marigold's kids are too slutty to try
>Wendell's kids are too shy and austisic
>Todd's kids never know how to make an accident
>Snails infiltrates the camp as one of the kids to watch over Jasper's kids and no one is the wiser.
>All the guys go to Harem Protagonist boot camp
>The girls go to Camp Waifu
>One girl want to be a harem protag and disguises herself as a boy to sneak in
>Reverse trap ends up being Valentine's greatest success as her clumsy attempts to hide her gender always end up tumbling down into perfect sexual accidents
>Also Valentine's greatest disappointment when she find out reverse trap doesn't actually have a cute feminine dick to molest
>Alison is so fed up of getting lesbian pussy that she just wanted to hang around cute boys for once
Huh? Hue's got a solid LCK stat.

I mean it's not "The gun jammed three times" luck, but it's decent luck.
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>Neo taking the TC
>Todd taking responsibility for qt Ice Cream babbys
Hue is still at home, he's too young for Valentine's camp
>Jill has Hue
>Chloe has little girl with tits
>Mel got triplets
Well now we need Tangerine to complete the set
“I wonder if she'd be against butt play...”


“I always wanted a BUTTler! Eh? Eh?” You say with a grin on your face as you nudge Ada’s shoulder

“…oh my fucking god Eva” Ada says as she nestles her head in between her arms in shame “Why”

“C’mon! it was funny”

“It wasn’t, it actively hurt me, I’m dying now, this is what you caused” Ada says in pure shame with her face hiding from you

“Eh, you love it” You smile as you keep watching the TV

>In other news, Riots have been increasing as more people start realizing that neutrality, might not be a choice, let’s go to Tom live on the news chopper
>Yes! Police has been dispatched to the scene, but they seem unable to control the situation!
>I’m currently below the epicentre of a 100-men fight as men and women are fighting tooth and nails against each other, We do not know who’s winning, but we certainly know that there seems to be some sort of “equalizer” on the streets!
>The camera zooms in to show…Heidi?

“Holy shit!” You say as you almost drop your beer “What is she doing there?!”

>Yes, Sharon! It seems that a lone shark faunus is beating down to a pulp both pro and anti faunus members, let’s try to get a bit closer!
>you can hear her shout “I’VE GOT ENOUGH FOR ALL OF YOU JABRONIES!!” as she knocks out people cold, one punch each

"She just got out of regrowing her goddamn arm" You say sighing, massagin your temple

“Should we do something?” Ada asks somewhat worried

>”There’s really not much we can do right now”
>”Well…you got a plan?”
>”Well…you got a plan?”
When new thread arrived, wanna skip the fight with Helen in WQ?

[s]I'm sure it's going so long.[/s]
>Reverse trap goes to boot camp so she can get lots of girls
>Out of all the girls in camp waifu, she ends up attracting the attention of the one trap
>Disappointment all around when the clothes come off
>The luck stat giveth, and the luck stat taketh away

Wouldn't that be the truest love?

The only kind of love that can handle a feminine penis?
>>Marigold's kids are too slutty to try
How? Mari is in a relationship with MQ's smolgrill. And sometimes lets gazelle in on it.
Man, I'm trying to find that one comic of a prince and a princess about to do it, only for them both turning out to be a trap/reverse trap who thought they were in for some gay sex and are dissapointed
It's a matter of expectations.
The reverse trap thought she was in for some sweet lesbian sex the the shy, mysterious flower from the girls camp, while the trap thought he was gonna get hot gay sex with the cool, yet sensitive ace from the boys camp.
When is GQ?
I want to meet best girl nightshade.
She adopted
It's not like sluttiness is hereditary anyways
So who's got next thread
I can't, I'm at work without my image folder
Thread posts: 370
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