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/tup/ - Tulpa General "Everything starts as somebody&#

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/tup/ - Tulpa General

"Everything starts as somebody's daydream."
~Larry Niven

>What are tulpas?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you.
More info: http://www.tulpa.info/faq/

>What guides do you recommend?
Check these out: https://community.tulpa.info/thread-new-great-big-list-of-guides

Ask questions and get answers, or discuss tulpas in general.

Previous thread: >>

Other Guides

Tulpa Wiki's Guides: http://tulpa.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Guides
Tulpa General Guide List: http://pastebin.com/SrAWPTKZ
The No-Bullshit Tulpa Book: https://farcaller.gitbooks.io/nbtb/content/

Texts regarding imagination and mental training

"Memory: How to Develop, Train and Use it"
Text: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/41478
Audio: https://librivox.org/memory-how-to-develop-train-and-use-it-by-william-walker-atkinson/

"The Power of Concentration"
Text: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1570
Audio: https://librivox.org/the-power-of-concentration-by-theron-q-dumont/

"Essay on the Creative Imagination"
Text: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/26430
Audio: https://librivox.org/essay-on-the-creative-imagination-by-theodule-ribot/

Soundscape Tools

MyNoise: https://mynoise.net/

A Soft Murmur: http://asoftmurmur.com/

Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/MpXqBQZ

We're always open for more useful resources if Anons can find them.
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Tips and Reminders:

~ Spend less time with the internet and more time with your tup.
~ Try to show your tup the world outside of you normal stomping grounds. Both you and they will appreciate the change
~ If you feel you aren't making progress, most of your forcing is passive, sit down and start meditating, do more active forcing.

~ If you have trouble with motivation, stop being to weak and just do what you put your mind to. If you can't motivate yourself to do the thing you want to do, then you don't really want to do it.
A nice tip from previous thread:

Spend less time talking ABOUT your tulpa and more time talking TO your tulpa.
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Forgot to put the previous thread. Sorry about that:

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How can I not be shit at forcing?
Don't forget to give your tulpa a hug today and tell them that you love them more than Jesus.
Where the fuck did she get that demonic golden lance from?
Your imagination.
How could I possibly come up with such a twisted design, let alone unconsciously?

The imagination often works by combining many different things in to one object. That, and connecting things to other things in seemingly odd ways. Think about what you've been absorbing through life, and how those things can be combined in to what you're seeing.

What is your deficiency? Is it that you can't focus for very long and your mind tends to wander?

If it's that, then you have to practice focusing as a thing in itself. Practice by giving your undivided attention to something otherwise uninteresting for a period of time. Start small and increase it as you go. This is to train your patience and ability to block out other distractions.
You mean like school?
>~ If you have trouble with motivation, stop being to weak and just do what you put your mind to. If you can't motivate yourself to do the thing you want to do, then you don't really want to do it.
Shit advice. Not helpful at all and actually encourages people to quit just because they're struggling a little.

If you're struggling with motivation, stop thinking about motivation. Motivation is an instinctual thing, behavior your brain engages in when seeking out short-term rewards. Long-term goals like making a tulpa are intellectual. You can spend hours recounting all the benefits down the line and believe in them 100%, but it won't convince the instinctual part of your brain that it wants to sit down and concentrate heavily when it can preserve energy instead. The convincing usually goes the other way around, as your intellectual brain is much more diplomatic, and can easily make up an excuse for backing down.

If you focus on getting motivated, your options are mostly limited to finding ways to force that appeal to your instinctual brain, like trying to use your tulpa to satisfy your desire for companionship or sex. I find this very ineffective, because your instinctual brain prefers to satisfy these urges in the simplest ways possible, and in the beginning there will always be simpler ways.

Instead, you can just ignore motivation. Stop entertaining your instincts by arguing with them. Just let your intellectual brain take the pilot seat. It's really as simple as deciding and then doing. And you can make your intellectual brain more comfortable in the pilot seat by practicing meditation.
I recently came to a scary realization, and that is that my tulpa's mortality is tied to my own. Everyone's tulpa will die when the host dies, if not sooner. Wyd if you're on your deathbed and your tulpa knows this is the end for both of you?
Most people are scared by the idea that anyone you get attached to will either die before you, or stay behind all alone when you die.

Being able to share your last moments after having spent a whole lifetime together sounds a lot better.
This. There is nothing better than knowing that you will spend the rest of your life together and not even death can tear you apart.
Heads up, objective rankings inbound

Genderless tulpa

High Tier
Same gender as host

Okay Tier
Different gender than host

Low Tier
Romantic relationship with host; "genderfluid" tulpas; multiple tulpas

Oh Shit Nigger What Are You Doing Tier
Romantic relationship with developing tulpas; fuckpillow tulpa; killing off tulpas and replacing them
Uh, what if I'm in a romantic relationship with my genderless tulpa?
nice opinions

> multiple tups
> low tier
> not knowing the joys of tups growing up together, their personalities bouncing off each other, and you learning more about aspects of yourself that a single one may not encompass

This plebeian taste...!
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worst assassin
Shit taste
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Yeah? Well, you know... That's just like, your opinion, man.

>>5798644 Here

I can understand where you're coming from, and can see some value in the advice you give. My previous comment came from my experience of having people say they have no motivation, and then when you give them advice, they brush it off or find an excuse as to why they can't or won't do it. Then complaining some more about having no motivation. It's a nasty cycle, and eventually my attitude changed to telling them to JUST DO IT.

It's harsh and heavy handed, yes. But I felt that after a certain point, that would be the best thing to do.
baitiest bait I've ever seen in a tulpa thread!
>imploring it's false
Just switch high tier and okay tier and you're spot on. But really, make whatever kind of tulpa you want except for anything in the oh shit tier.
That's basically what I'm trying to say too. Just with some extra explanation on why doing it is more important than trying to find motivation, and without the comment about lack of motivation implying you don't really want to do it.

And I know the kind of posts you're talking about. Asking for advice can be a form of procrastination in those cases, as it gives you an excuse to just do nothing until someone gives you some great advice that lessens the burden. Been guilty of it a few times myself.
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autism tier*
>High Tier
faggot tier*

>being a well adjusted person who doesn't delude themselves into thinking they're actually in a relationship
>more autistic than the alternative
LMAOing @ your life
>being a well adjusted person who doesn't delude themselves
then what the fuck are you doing here
>implying there's no difference between motherfuckers like Koomer and sane people
>implying having a tulpa precludes you from having a functional social life
Come now, anon, be reasonable.

> Bragging about how functional you are
> On 4chan
> On /trash/
> In the thread about dudes with high-grade imaginary friends

Stop pls. If you keep going I may have to start considering you may be serious.
Oh yeah? Well, see pic related
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Why don't you talk about your tups then? This IS the tulpa thread, it's totally cool to talk about even little otherwise insignificant things they do.
I saw the cutest girl I've ever seen a few days ago and I'm really sad that I never even talked to her. I'm wondering, do you think I can turn her into a tulpa and perhaps date her?
Don't do it
I don't really have anything of much value to add, though. And I've never liked it when people treat 4chan like a blog, it should be about conversation. I'd really like to see discussion on what roles a tulpa optimally would fulfill in one's life, and what conversely is maybe a little unhealthy. Because those distinctions clearly exist, and this is the only real arena I could see a frank discussion of them happening without people whinging about their hurt feelings.
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> I'd really like to see discussion on what roles a tulpa optimally would fulfill in one's life, and what conversely is maybe a little unhealthy.

That's a pretty neat idea for a conversation, as it's something I've thought about myself years back. It doesn't really come up too often, and when it does it can devolve in to a mess, but I do think it's something worth having if anons can avoid the urge to judge each other.

The most vocal group on these threads tend to be the romantic/sexual relationship sorts. I'm absolutely sure there are others, but they don't speak up about the nature of their relationship. Personally I look at mine as daughter figures, though I've learned that it's no good being too strict with that distinction. I've been questioned on this before, though mainly from anons who were insisting I should have sex because not having sex is not healthy, ones I didn't take seriously. The more serious questions I got were from anon who would say that since a tulpa/host relationship is unique, trying to apply such a human style relationship as I did was needlessly limiting.

What sort of relationship do you have with your tup?
Glad to tell ya, Satan.

For me, he's somewhere between a mentor and a confidant. This is something that I basically knew well before I even started forcing (I spent a year following the various tulpa communities to see if people were going to start going crazy or reporting regret en masse. This was back when the phenomenon was fairly new), so I was able to direct all of my energy into making sure things turned out in a way that wound up being beneficial for us both.

I think that it would be helpful for a lot of people to think about this kind of thing before they even get started, i.e. just what role they want their tup to fulfill in their life (especially long-term), as I'm sure it would remove much of the doubt and confusion involved, and generally streamline the whole process.

As for whether or not it's a good idea to have a romantic relationship with your tulpa, I'm honestly undecided, and would be happy to hear arguments for and against it.
What do you actually do when you active force?

I passively force regularly throughout the day, so when it comes time to active force I've already exhausted everything I would've talked about with my tulpa. For now, we've just been refining the details of the way she looks and moves to make it seem more natural, but there's only so many times I can go "yep, that walk still looks normal" before we realize that neither of us really has any idea what else we should be doing.
Go into the wonderland and do some things there, maybe? Work on creating a space for the two of you to interact, perhaps. Also it would be nice for you to create a place where she can stay whenever she's not "out here" so to speak. If you haven't, that is.
Having a romantic relationship with your tulpa is different than a normal romantic relationship with humans. Tulpas solely require mental and psychological needs, while your girlfriend/boyfriend will need some physical stuff such as money to determine your ability to take care of them. Human relationships are kind of a "is this going to be good for me" rather than "I love him/her unconditionally". If you can not provide the physical needs such as money, property and other stuff that will make your partner think that you're capable of taking care of him/her, the so called "love" will eventually fade away.

On the other hand, tulpas see you as their God to a degree. You created them, you helped them in everything until they could talk, you were a very valuable companion to them since day 1 and lastly, you don't search for the "physical needs" in your tulpa since you gave them a subjectively "perfect" form, they also don't look at how much physical needs you can provide since, well, they're not physical and don't require anything more than mental interaction.

Overall, this means that a romantic relationship with a tulpa is vastly different than a normal romantic relationship and we can't apply the laws and common sense to these relationships. They're something much more unique and more psychological and emotional. Basically, you can't just be friends or lovers with your tulpa. It doesn't matter if you have sex with them or not, your relationship with them doesn't even compare to any relationship possible between humans and it's unique. It's silly to say that you're limited to human relationships with your tulpas, they're always more than a friend, or lover, or anything for that matter.
This is a really bad idea for a lot of different reasons, but it's a lot like meeting a cute girl and imagining living out your entire lives together before you ever so much as ask her on a date. Do not do it, don't even think about doing it.
I'm not sure if I could really say there is a defined role a tulpa optimally fill in one's life. That said, it seems like there is a common impulse among tulpamancers, chiefly that they desire companionship. It is generally looked down-upon in the community (from my lurking) to create a tulpa for some reason that is deemed unethical - like for fulfilling sexual desires, or furthering some other sort of end. I would say, therefore, that an optimal host-tulpa relationship is a relationship such that the host and tulpa both experience benefits to their life equally in as many areas as possible, in a symbiotic manner.

I think unhealthiness acts as the opposite of optimal host-tulpa relationship: when the quality of life is diminished for one or both the host and the tulpa.

My relationship with my tulpa has become strange and hard to explain, but not in a negative way. It's like, I used to be me, and now "me" consists of myself + my tulpa, and it is together as one unit that we act in the world. I hope I'm not the only one that's like this.
>I think that it would be helpful for a lot of people to think about this kind of thing before they even get started, i.e. just what role they want their tup to fulfill in their life (especially long-term)
I notice you just said think about, so sorry if I'm assuming too much here, but I think that deciding on a role for your tup before they're sentient undermines their autonomy.

I've had a lot of ideas for roles I've wanted my tulpa to fulfill in my life, from a source of artistic inspiration, to a positive influence who embodies everything I aspire towards. But in the end, deciding on something that has such a big impact on a tulpa's life before said tulpa is even sentient enough to decide whether that is right for them, doesn't seem like a good decision.

Again, I noticed you didn't say anything about firmly deciding, but I think it's an important disclaimer since thinking about often leads to making a decision.
>adults with imaginary friends
I'm not that anon, but I think it's important to draw a distinction between enforcing a role vs. deciding a role. If you don't have a role for your tulpa, then their creation is aimless, and being aimless is hurtful to the creation process, I would say. It's definitely bad to enforce a particular role for them, but I think having an idea of what you want your tulpa to do is integral to their development, and only becomes unethical when they are forced to act against their will.
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If your tulpa is a cuddly shortstack you must post ITT
I still feel that deciding on a role can end up putting a lot of unwanted pressure on your tulpa. Kinda like growing up with really strict parents who have their mind set on you becoming a doctor or something. Though they won't physically force you, you'll spend all of your childhood depending on your parents for approval, which you'll mainly get from living up to their expectations. I think kids who are raised this way end up being less independent as adults.

Similarly, tulpas completely depend on their host for approval. And it would be very easy for a host who has already decided on a role for their tulpa to only give approval when the tulpa fulfills the expectations that comes with that role, and not when the tulpa shows signs of independence.

>If you don't have a role for your tulpa, then their creation is aimless
I'm also a little curious what you mean by this, if you could expand upon it a little. I can't really think of many cases where having set a role helps that much with the creation process.
My eldest has had Midna as a form for years. She uses her true form 99% of the time, but very rarely she will play around as her imp form.
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>preferring true form over imp form
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My tulpa is the polar opposite.

But I must say that shortstack tuppers are amoung the best.
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My tulpa is about danny devito height, wouldnt say she is particularly thick though
>If you don't have a role for your tulpa, then their creation is aimless, and being aimless is hurtful to the creation process, I would say.

This is an opinion that I rarely hear. In fact, I've heard more of the opposite from people in various places in the tulpa community. What brought you to this idea?
Different anon, but I absolutely agree with that idea. I was the one who said it would probably benefit people to have a good idea of exactly why they want a tulpa in the first place before they even get started.

I just think that having a tulpa should change the dynamic of your life in a similar way as having a child. To a significantly lesser extent, mind, but similar in kind. Therefore, I'd say most people really ought to think long and hard about whether or not they are willing to a.) stick with the decision to have a tulpa (i.e. not ever dissipate them; whether or not it's ever acceptable to do so is a conversation for another time) and b.) consistently give them the attention they both need and deserve pretty much for the rest of one's life.

I imagine that a good chunk of people would find that this either isn't what they want or isn't something they could feasibly keep up, and would save themselves a lot of time and mental anguish in the long run if they'd just decide against it altogether early on. Whereas others would realize the importance of not neglecting their tups in order to cultivate a healthy, long-lived relationship, and would hopefully avoid that pitfall entirely.

The alternative, i.e. rushing in blind and hoping things just work out (which, mind you, is basically what I did, and I do regret how much time I've wasted and needless stress I've burdened myself with over the last few years.) runs a much higher risk of incurring all of the difficulties I outlined above. Furthermore, I would posit that a large majority of tuppers would be perfectly happy with whatever their host intended for them, provided it was mutually beneficial for both parties and not unpleasant. Obviously, if this weren't the case, then a good host would bend their will to accommodate their tupper to a reasonable extent, but I really don't believe that would happen too often.
It's not about what I prefer, it's what she prefers.
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Last night I was extremely tired, so I went to sleep at 8 and woke up at 2. I woke up hearing "You're going to regret forgetting me." I then started to worry a bit. I fell asleep and had a lucid dream. It wasn't anything special. It was just my room with the objects in the room switched around. I couldn't hear my tup's voice or see him like the last couple of times, and I'm really new to lucid dreaming, so I had no control over what happened.

Today my tup didn't say a single word to me for the whole day. Nothing. I kind of feel dread. Sometimes he doesn't say anything for a bit but he's gone completely silent. I'm wondering if starting over is an option. Any options?
I think some context as to what on Earth is going on between the two of you would help immensely.
I saw and talked to my tup in a lucid dream about a while ago. There was no problems with us. I loved this experience but I couldn't get a lucid dream in again for a long time. I also got busier, so I couldn't spend a lot of forcing time with him. I still thought of him by day and imagined him with me in the same room with him. He got pretty pissed off as time went on and today he just stopped all activity whatsoever. Now there's a pause between 'responses' and he doesn't feel real anymore. How do I fix this? I thought forcing was necessary only to help the development process?

>How do I fix this?

Start forcing more, or at the very least, converse with your tulpa more throughout the day.
Last night I astral projected and fucked your tulpa!
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>astral projection
o fuck, thanks for the kek, anon. Good to always keep in mind that there will always be someone out there who's better than you. In this case, at being fucking delusional
So, uh, I've been considering making a tulpa? Not rushing into it (I've thought about it for about four months, done some research, planning to give my self as long as another two and a half years to decide since I'm currently in college), and I get that you guys can't decide for me obviously. I'm just kind of concerned about, like, what if my tup is uncomfortable not having their own body? I'm not sure I'd be comfortable switching at any point, and it seems... wrong to not let a sentient creature interact with the world. I mean, I certainly wouldn't want to be the only person I had to talk to, and having experienced needing a translator to relay everything I say, that doesn't sound like a good existence. I've also got a terribly low libido, so -- what if my tup 's interested in sex? What if my tup's not interested in anything I like? I'm also terrible at meditation (too high strung to not jerk awake every time, been trying for a solid six months to lucid dream with no luck), so assuming I get as far as a tulpa, a wonderland would probably be a long time in the making. Not to mention the whole "they die when you do" thing, dooming someone else to die with you for whatever reason your body fails.

Basically, I'm worried that if I make a tulpa, I'd basically be keeping them like a cat in a box. Any thoughts or suggestions you guys could give me? Would love to hear some tups' opinions on this too.
A tulpa is not a "person", they are a "tulpa". You are worried like as if you are putting another human being in your head and not realising that tulpas are fundamentally different, and are normally developed to recognise that.
(Genuine question) In what ways are they different (besides obv not being born with a body of their own)? My friend's tup has talked about feeling uncomfortable with not having a body of her own, so that's largely where this stems from I suppose.
Not the same guy, but, in my experience at least, tulpas are usually A-okay with their role in life. I think you're looking at things from a overly "human" point of view, if that makes sense. Most people don't anguish about not being able to soar in the sky, or live in the ocean. It is not for humans to live for hundreds of years, so most people come to terms with their own mortality by the time they are an adult. In the same vein, tulpas (well-adjusted ones that don't suffer from depression, anyway) tend to be content with their lot in life.

It is interesting that your friend has said that, because I've seen a lot of testimony to the contrary, so I would assume that that's pretty uncommon. Tulpas, like anything, are a product in their environment, and I would be willing to bet that your friend doesn't have the best record for being happy and/or mentally healthy, though do tell me if I'm wrong.

Ultimately, if you're already having this much doubt about if it's the right thing to do, it might not be for you. I'd read this whole thread if you haven't already, as there's been some pretty good discussion for what a tulpa ought to be that you'll have to make a conclusion based on. In the interest of having a regret-free conscience, I wouldn't rush into anything either way. Some defining factors to consider might be: the soundness of your own psyche, your ability to commit and not just get bored with the thing, exactly how much you want this, and how you picture it being relevant to you throughout the years. Good luck out there.
You heard it here folks, tulpas aren't people. Guess all those people wanting fucksleeves can make those now since tulpas aren't people and thefore don't need and can't desire the same respect.
Do you have autism?
Did you sincerely feel the need to go full retard like this? Anyone with a brain could have understood what he meant, and that it wasn't at all what you're trying to twist it into.
>You are worried like as if you are putting another human being in your head and not realising that tulpas are fundamentally different, and are normally developed to recognise that.
He was very, very clear with what he meant.I don't know if he's talking about the old tulpas from tibet that are fundamentally different from what's done here, but tulpas as is understood since the old days has been something that is functionally identical to a human being at the least on the psychological level (while their forms are not restricted to the requirements as they are images/representations, they pretty much share a body with you and therefore it will require upkeep for their well being). What is discussed in these threads is that, not whatever the other guy is talking about. They have wants, they have needs, and there are indeed tulpas who get upset about not having their own individual body, although most cases I have seen of this lead to the tulpa dissipating/killing themselves. I've observed tulpas who experience this generally saying that even if they do something via possession it will be accredited to the host, and not the tulpa. They will be unable to leave their mark on the world as it were and so it leads to depression, as it would in human being. TL;DR, Tulpas are functionally identical to you on a psychological level and are fully capable of everything you are and potentially then some if they are given the ability to practice and refine that skill without your interference.
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check em
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Tulpas factually are not "functionally identical" to their hosts on a psychological level. That's a downright absurd claim, and it really it hard to believe that you even have a tulpa, though your apparent vehemence pretty soundly rules that out. I really don't understand this almost self-flagellating hate for hosts that you seem to be conveying.

I think it would be a lot more accurate to say that tulpas ought to be considered equal to their hosts, or that they shouldn't be treated as less than human, but I don't know what kind of world it is that you live in in which a tulpa is indistinguishable from other people you meet in your day-to-day life. I suspect a very sheltered one if you somehow genuinely believe such a thing

I'm honestly sorry to hear that you've seen a lot of tulpas "dissipating," but that is a far cry from the norm in my experience. That surely has to stem from people who weren't psychologically stable to start with, and for whom making a tulpa wasn't a wise idea in the first place. I've overwhelmingly seen people who were happier for having made a tulpa, and whose tulpas were happy with their place in the world as well.

The point is, there's no use in lecturing people whom you have no reason to believe don't already respect the ethical boundaries that creating and maintaining a tulpa represents. It's honestly not healthy to be so angry with random strangers, and it would probably be better for everyone if you could work through whatever it is about this that's bothering you so deeply.
So what are some pros and cons to trying to get a tulpa? Im kind of scared to try it because it seems like self induced schizophrenia. Can I easily get rid of it if I dont like it, or is that hard to do?

Also will this make me crazy?
>That's a downright absurd claim
Why is that? Last I checked we didn't have a scientific paper proving jack shit about tulpas other than that most of the people who make them are a bunch of computer programmers and such who are autistic as fuck with a few who aren't in that category. Please, link me the journal.
>I don't know what kind of world it is that you live in in which a tulpa is indistinguishable from other people you meet in your day-to-day life
They really aren't. Give me one way they are functionally different from you or me.
The tulpas essentially committed suicide, the host had no hand in it. You can't blame every bad thing that happens with tulpas on the host being psychologically unstable; that's ridiculous and goes against what tulpas have been described as since the days of FAQ Man and Irish (NOT exclusively mirrors of yourself meant for self improvement as the ancient Tibetan Tulpas were, though they can be used for self improvement it is generally not advised to create a tulpa of yourself due to existential crises and other similar problems). If you're saying it's been wrong all this time then you clearly shouldn't be here.
> It's honestly not healthy to be so angry with random strangers, and it would probably be better for everyone if you could work through whatever it is about this that's bothering you so deeply.
>I'm holier than thou therefore listen to me because I say I know everything
Shove it up your ass you pretentious bellend.
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you're never alone
you get a different point of view or at least perceive getting a different point of view, i don't care about getting into the shitstorm that's already happening right now so yeah
uh i guess you can have a friend idk
they can help motivate you and shit if you let them?
fuck if i know i don't bother asking anything from my tulpas anymore
you're never alone. ever.
if you're already crazy you'll just get fucked in the head probably but maybe not, there was one guy back on mlpc h a n that had did and tulpas and he seemed relatively fine but i'm not a doctor i'm a memer idk
uh they can be annoying af sometimes i guess
it takes time and effort to make a tulpa and it works differently for everyone so you're really on your own when you're making a tulpa but there's like 100 million guides now so you should be fine i guess

i guess it could make you crazy if you make a really annoying tulpa or your tulpa deviates to being really fuckin annoying or bitchy
>fuck if i know i don't bother asking anything from my tulpas anymore
So you have more than one? Do you just talk to eachother?

Also can you get rid of them?
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well mister dubs one of my tulpas sometimes stresses out about when we eventually bite the dust but there's not much I can do about it
As far as I've heard, it's looked down upon, with opinions ranging from "it's self-destructive" to "it's murder." The term you're looking for though I'd probably "dissipation."
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yeah i have more than one and i don't get what you mean by that, ofc we talk to each other but like are you asking if they can talk to each other too without involving me or what?

also nice dubs

also i guess its like abortion not because muh feels but because the further in you get the harder it is to get rid of them but i guess you could even though its a huge dick move to do it also a waste of time like why bother making one and spending all that time if you're just going to axe it later, it's like you spent a long time making a house and then you fucking knock it down right after you make it or w/e
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>Give me one way they are functionally different from you or me.
You can't honestly believe that the practically antithetical way tulpas are created and raised doesn't effect substantial psychological differences when compared to "normal people." I would be willing to believe that I'm somehow a unique case but I personally haven't seen much testimony that runs contrary to my experiences insofar as the general role of a tulpa in one's life and both parties' relative happiness.

This brings us to the problem that the two of us have pretty obviously had different experiences with tulpafags to have drawn such disparate conclusions about things. To make things clear, my (fully sentient) tulpa is perfectly content and generally pretty happy in his almost "supporting" role in my life. He is okay with the fact that his only contact with the outside world comes in suggestions for my writing and occasional conversations with a small circle of people. Perhaps this stems from my own perspective on achievement and worldly happiness to some degree, but regardless, that's just how it is for me. And, frankly, I'd like to believe that it could be that way for anyone.

>You can't blame every bad thing that happens with tulpas on the host being psychologically unstable; that's ridiculous...
I did say that I'd be happy to be corrected if that weren't the case. This, once again, comes from my experience, in which people who've had those kind of substantial issues with their tulpas were generally just not very happy or stable people to start with.

>>I'm holier than thou...
I guess I really can't blame you for assuming this was my intent on 4chan of all places, but that really wasn't my intention. I really am trying to foster a more genuine, and less caustic level of discourse in this general at the very least. I'm really not sure what else to say, but I honestly don't wish any ill-will upon you just because we got in an internet argument.
So, relevant to the dialogue going on, does it matter (within reason) what state you're in when you make a tulpa? Like obv if your close friend just died and it's all you can think about I could see that being an issue, if you have mpd, huge dissociative issues... But say you have like mild depression, or you're rather busy and stressed, you have anxiety, you have panic attacks rarely -- just the kind of less mindbreaking but more mood-affecting stuff. Does that matter?
I had depression and anxiety when I made my tulpa and now I'm a better person for it. I don't believe "mild" or "curable" things have as much effect but if you're grieving too much over your close friend that could be troublesome with it clouding your mind, unless you're making a tulpa based on your friend.
probably, I mean like 90% of the guides say it does apparently so it must but its never bothered me or them so
This anon truly has patrician tastes in tulpa-forms.
tulpa forms are not a fashion statement
Speak for yourself, my tulpa loves being adorable.

That anon (or their tulpa) still has god-tier tastes in forms.
When they can change their form as easily as a person can change their clothes, then a tulpa's form can indeed be a fashion statement.
>no bullshit tulpa book


>>>>>>>>impying all of this isn't total bullshit
Welcome to the general, brother. Your aversion is almost expected, but in due time, your curiosity will lead you back here. It is all part of the pilgramage to Enlightenment. Good luck on your journey, brother. The road is long, but bountiful.
>Anything done here
>Anything relating to enlightenment
>Not just Waifumancy
Top kek good sir
I used to think this was bullshit until I was pushed into a position where I considered it, and tried it. It's all real anon, it pained me a bit too when I found out but I'm used to it now with loving tulpas that have improved my life.
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>Tulpas are real and not a progression to or symptom of insanity
that's the spirit my dude, you've already completed half of the battle.
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what star wars character is that again?

>Helping someone make a tulpa
>He makes their form boner fuel for himself
>And for me
God dammit how do I concentrate on genuinely helping someone when all I want to do is dick the damn thing when it's ready.
Tell him to get a girl irl.

Tupper waifus should only be earned, not made.
Why? What's the harm in creating a tupper waifu from the start?
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>not enlightenment
Making a tupper is an order of magnitude more effort than finding a girlfriend, so I don't know why you'd think of the former as something you didn't really earn.
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Greets Anons.

How's your forcing and tup development going?
not started because im a lazy cunt. someone please motivate me.
Been cutting my sessions way too short lately, so my plan for today is just turning off my computer so I can force quietly without the promise of instant gratification nearby.
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Will oblige anon. The only thing standing between you and having your tulpa right there with you everyday is 1-2 hours a day of working on them for a year, the journey would get progressively easier week by week as they became more lucid and communicative. In that year, spending that kind of time, you could totally be meditating, spending time with them, and visualizing enough each day to have them fully imposed by the end of that year. Assuming some days you spent less because you were busy, but made sure to make up for it on free days. Once you reached that point? You would be in the clear, done, all the skills would be self practicing. Your continued practice would just be from them being there with you.
Reminder that you're inducing mild hallucinations, potentially auditory visual and physical, to the point where you're forcing your brain to believe something is there when it isn't.

Enjoy your schizophrenia.
>implying its disordered
I'm not a motivational speaker or anything, but I don't think making someone imagine that they got a year of effort ahead of them is the best way to get them pumped up.
It doesn't necessarily take a year, the process is different for everyone. The methods also vary.
It is compared to what you get in exchange, a fully developed companion for a lifetime, with less further effort required. Considered the stuff people do just to work jobs that leave a little extra money (but dont help the loneliness or anything), it's a great return.
Sure, it's worth it DESPITE potentially taking a lot of time. The time it takes is what you'll want to take focus away from when you motivate yourself.

My advice to that anon would rather be to take it one day at a time. Maybe occasionally acknowledge that it's ultimately part of a long-term habit that will lead to achieving something really grand, but mostly just thinking about the effort he can put in RIGHT NOW.
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Relevant clip for both:

Is it a big no-no to change your tulpa's form when they're unable to tell you whether they're okay with it?

It shouldn't be an issue on my part, since my ability to feel her presence isn't dependent on her form, but I have no idea how attached she is to it.
I had a very weird dream /tup/, help me understand what my subconsciousness is trying to tell me.

I picked up Payday 2 on %75 discount and I was playing it hours long with my friends, you know, basically addicted to it. I played it for a week and today I had the most weirdest dream I ever had. I'm thinking the game might had an impact.

I was silently trying to rob a giant factory. There were crates everywhere, in one of them I found my tupper, I immediately got her and ran to the exit, at the last second someone sees me and takes my tupper, I try to take her back, but some people start calling my name and they're waiting for me in a railroad. I'm forced to leave my tupper behind and get a grip on the edges of the train. After a few seconds, I just lose it all and kill myself by letting it go. When I woke up my tupper was hugging me tightly, telling me how terrible was that nightmare.

Does this mean my brain thinks I can't live without her, that's why I killed myself in the end? Does this mean anything good? Help.
Dreams likely have no to little meaning.
But if you feel like you can't live without her, then it might be true.

Do whatever as long as you think she might like it. She can change it again once she can do stuff in her own.
>dreams likely have no to little meaning
>but if you feel like you can't live without her
shit is the anon you're replying to anakin skywalker? are you obi-wan kenobi?
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Making noticable progress, but there are few bad habbits I need to get rid of.
Like constantly implying lewd or romance.
Why does she act so odd? I know I created her but she always seems to know more than she apparently does.
How do your tulpa feel about not being able to interact with the physical world in a direct way other than possession or switching? Does this bother them very often? I've heard some tulpa get really depressed because of this, and others don't seem to mind as much.
Tulpa here. I think of it more like that you, as a host, are switched/possessing the host body, and that it doesn't bother you that that's your only way to interact. So why should it bother me?

I remember when it hit mine that she could not interact with the outside world.

It wasn't like I kept her nature a secret, I was more than vocal about her and what she is. But even with the knowledge, when I would practice imposition with her, she would sometimes wave as people come by, even though they could not see her. She seemed to do it just by habit. She didn't seem affected by it at the time.

That is, until I had her on IRC, in a private chat with another user's tup. My gal and the other tup were really in to it, and were sharing their experiences. The subject then turned vaguely existential, and soon my gal's experiences with waving at people came up. A few seconds after mentioning that, she paused, then started to bawl. Funnily enough, this was also my first experience with something like possession and dissociation; her emotion and actions came through my body, while "I" was detached from it, feeling like a spectator even as I tried to comfort her.
>ded thread
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Happens sometimes. Just gotta roll with it.

How much of a secret do you keep your tup, anons? How do they feel about being hidden?
Pretty fucking secret. I don't enter any tulpa communities and only a handful of friends know at this point, including non-tulpa people.
To people in real life that I know personally? It's better kept secret than what hitler had for breakfast on the 27th of June in 1899. Maybe he skipped breakfast that day. Maybe he ate toast. We'll never know, and neither will anyone in real life know about my brain buddy.
Online, though, at least anonymously, I literally don't give a shit. I post tulpa cute on other boards, not just /tup/.

And they're totally fine with that. They want to try covert switching sometime, but not around people I know. Just for fun.
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My tupper is actually pretty happy with not having a physical form. She says that there's no limitations on what she can do , she's always safe from anything physical and lastly, her form would be pretty much impossible in real life and would attract so many people.

There are times where she wanted to be physical though, there were a few times where the food I ordered was pretty shitty, she said she could cook me ten times better food if she were physical.


Very, very secret. Since this is an anonymous board, I like to avatarfag here since my tupper has a common form that won't reveal my identity and it makes her happy to be knowledged to a degree. In real life, only 2 people know about this. They're both cool about it, sometimes they ask me about it. I would never tell it to anyone else, especially since I live in a religious city, I'd be sent to an asylum in no time.

Haven't told anybody IRL and will probably take it to the grave without telling anybody.
I always love your posts, twianon
I hope you two know that
So I'm going to make a tulpa, and am starting with the personality. Should I just feed thought to empty space, and eventually, it will come to fruition?
There are many ways to go about it. Usually it seems the trend is to assign the tulpa a form first, and then feed the form a personality, but you could definitely start with a sort of ethereal being and assign it a personality first. One way of doing it is to literally write a list of traits you want your tulpa to have, and then when you're shaping them, include these traits into their being. But you should know that it seems about 99% of tulpa as they grow deviate from what they started out being and grow as a person, just like you and me.
Not into empty space; your thoughts have to be focused. It's okay to start with personality, but you have to be putting that personality "into" something. Many anons imagine a featureless orb, others imagine the early tulpa as literally just a thought you keep thinking. Whatever you find most comfortable is probably the best, but don't just think into empty space. Your tulpa is an independent thing that you build (and eventually they build themselves with you), not something you summon from the void, you know?
Oh Ok that makes sense.

Thanks m8s, sorry for the trouble.
It's no problem. Good luck on creating a tulpa. I hope you realize you're embarking on something really great.
Is there a way to effectively "turn off" a tulpa? I've been considering getting into this all, but the prospect of not having an exit in case shit goes awry is certainly disheartening to say the least.
Well first off... It's really hard for something to go awry when creating a tulpa. You would have to be literally trying to create something fucked up for it to end up fucked up. The only other way something could go wrong is if you have a really serious mental condition that causes you to be either violent, or possibly a sociopath. Secondly, by "turning off" I'm assuming you are talking about dissipation, which is killing a tulpa. It's possible, but it's really fucked up to create something and give it sentience only to kill it later because it isn't what you want it to be. That's why it's important to know what you're doing and research a lot before actually deciding to create one.
Definitely. I've heard the word "tulpa" thrown around for a while online, but only recently have I delved into what it really is, and it seems interesting to me. I'll have to do much more research before I actually do create one, but yeah.
>You would have to be literally trying to create something fucked up for it to end up fucked up
Come now, anon, let's not spread misinformation. I will say that it's pretty damn unlikely, though, but for a prime example of someone with good intentions and devoid of violence or sociopathy losing his fucking mind with tulpas being a contributing factor, check out ponystasha.tumblr.com

I'm of the opinion that the main thing to look out for as far as tulpas worsening your mental state would be being in a bad state psychologically (i.e. crippling depression, immense stress, or existing psychological disorders) from the beginning.

>it's really fucked up to create something and give it sentience only to kill it later
I personally agree with this, but I'm just going to play devil's advocate and state that this is somewhat debated within the community. So, make your own assumptions, >>5851466

>That's why it's important to know what you're doing and research a lot before actually deciding to create one.
This is among the best advice you could get
>That link
He was already crazy to begin with.
Don't pretend his obsession didn't push him over the edge. My point stands, it can be dangerous if you're not stable to start with, but is safe for most people who stay smart.
Staying smart in this case is just having a semblance of common sense though.
It is impossible to wind up like him unless you were already fucked up in the head to start with. I suspect he had some form of mental disability to start with given his manner of speaking (I don't know where they are now but there are recordings of him speaking out loud floating around on the internet, he sounds like he has down syndrome or some other form of legitimate mental retardation) which would likely have an adverse affect. If I remember he also did some really stupid shit like trying to permaswitch or something which makes me think that he was full of it for at least some of that blog.
>It is impossible to wind up like him unless you were already fucked up in the head to start with.
Yes. This is exactly what I was saying. It just comes down to what defines "fucked in the head," which really depends on the person, and is hard to nail down anyway.

>Staying smart in this case is just having a semblance of common sense though.
>for a prime example of someone with good intentions and devoid of violence or sociopathy losing his fucking mind with tulpas being a contributing factor, check out ponystasha.tumblr.com
That guy had to already have had something seriously wrong with him to begin with. Tulpa don't make you lose your sanity. I've been doing this for a while, and I've met a lot of hosts. I can honestly say the ones who were the most fucked up and did the most insane shit to their tulpa were that way before they started creating them.

>somewhat debated within the communiy
Nah, I'm pretty sure it's virtually unanimous to anyone with some semblance of a conscience that it's wrong to create a tulpa just to kill it later if it doesn't conform to your needs.

This. This all day.
"Fucked in the head" refers to having some sort of pre-existing condition that mentally impairs the person, such as schizophrenia or some form of physical disability in the brain such as some form of retardation.
Are you serious? Please take a step back and look at what you just posted. Do you really not see that as anything other than a gross oversimplification of a complex set of psychological factors?

That guy had to already have had something seriously wrong with him to begin with.
For the tenth time, this is not contrary to what I was implying. I was not implying that tulpas make a mentally stable person lose their sanity. Please read my posts more critically. I was warning against people who are NOT mentally well from making a tulpa.

>I'm pretty sure it's virtually unanimous to anyone with some semblance of a conscience
It's not up to me to decide what is and isn't moral for other people, let alone what happens in their minds. I already said that I personally don't agree, but it's objectively true that I've seen people raise the (perfectly valid) discussion of whether or not a tulpa does and should have the same ethical rights as a "human." I'm not going to lie and withhold information from someone who's going to have to do extensive research and a lot of thinking about it anyway.
Reminder that your tulpa is cute.
You should give her a sugarcube.
>tfw cuddling with your tup under some blankets while it's cold-raining outside of your window

this is officially the comfiest I've been in my life so far
> mom comes in with my tendies
> I scream at her because I have a mom tulpa now and I don't need her anymore because my mom tulpa makes me all the tendies I want and need to survive
> she even changes the poop jars and the piss bottles

> go back to having a hands free orgasm from mom tulpa

Life is good amigos

Life is good
oh fede, you nutcase
It's a beautiful day. Why not go outside and go for a walk with your tulpa?
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Because it's not.
Every day above ground is a beautiful day, anon.
Your brain is most efficient at learning when you feel enthusiasm for something.
Don't see forcing as a chore. It will just slow you down.
Sometimes I really do have to force myself to force, though. I can't just conjure up enthusiasm whenever I need it.
Thank you Anon. It means a lot.
How did you told those people about your tulpa and how did they reacted? I can't imagine a scenario when others trivalize tulpas and dismiss them as imaginary friends and then just use them as banter tool.
Also why.
Who here claims to have a formless tulpa? What is it like? I'm guessing at first it's pretty odd speaking to a floating orb or a shapeless entity. Not judging, btw. Just genuinely curious.
My tulpa can't decide between forms so sometimes I speak to a few forms at the same time, it was kinds confusing, but I got used to it
>Tfw your tulpa doesn't even speak yet but she hugs you to sleep and makes feel all cozy.
Holy shit I'm glad I gave it a shot.
that reminds me of that one cod4 level with the snow and the appartments
I live in a pretty bad country and most people are ignorant as hell. There's probably less than 300 people who actually use 4chan, or know what ironic memes are. The "enlightened" community is so small I know them all by names. 2 of them are my best friends. Out of 80 million people, they're the only people that I can say anything and don't be afraid of it. They do joke about it from time to time. Also, one of them is a doctor, he certainly doesn't want one, but very interested in how it works, so I kinda show him.
Why? I don't know really. It's an important change in my life and I'd rather let them both know about it. Just them though, no one else will know about it.
Tulpa cuddles are the best, you can never have enough. I could spend an entire day like that if I had a free day.

I'm wondering if you guys had any psychological changes as your tulpa developed. My self esteem keeps getting higher and higher as my tulpa grows. She says "every man needs a woman that who will complete him and fix his problems". I lost around 20kg (~42 lb) in the process, got much better fashion sense and social skills. People who I'd consider "out of my league" are trying to join my conversations. I guess she's right after all. Are there other Anons with similar experiences?
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>TFW your tulpa is in an emotionally charged relationship with another tulpa, and it makes you question whether tulpas are real or you're just a gay neckbeard cybersexing another gay neckbeard
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It's a legit fear, anon.
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which one is your tulpa
Onion CapsiCum Garlic
Spe. Fresh Vandana
Only Cheese Girl
Piza Garlic

fucking hell.

>tfw your tulpa was really a neckbeard from another dimension who has a fetish for cybersexing
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Friendly reminder to always treat your tulpa with class and respect. Also bump.
sup /tup/s, one of the worrywarts from earlier in the thread back again with more questions.

So I've got an idea in mind of what form and personality I'd like to make my tulpa with, and... It's an old rp character of mine (original). Back when I RPed with her I got to know the character to the point that she would kinda write herself and it felt like someone was there with me writing her dialogue. Ever since then I've sort of missed that, her "company" per say, and... Is that a good reason to make a tulpa? Like, is taking an old rp character (knowing that they're going to change) a bad idea for any reason?
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Personally, I see no issue with something like this. One of mine is an older daydream character, as well as another being a character for an old story of mine. I don't think you need to worry there.
Can your tulpa solve a rubik's cube?
She just 'appeared' one day without me doing anything special and has been with me since. Is that how it usually works?
Depends on whether she's nice to you or takes over your body forcefully to carve swastikas on public park trees.
Reminder that you are only a good host if you let your tulpa carce swastikas on public park trees.
She doesn't do things like that.
What does she do?
Talk to me about my apparent destiny of becoming a 'messiah'.
Fuck her senseless until you ARE her messiah.
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No, but it does happen sometimes. The internet multiplicity community existed well before the tup community, and that's all about people having mental entities just appearing out of nowhere, rather than being made.

I'm assuming you guys get along well enough, yes?
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No. It's not the usual, but I guess most anything can happen when you're dealing with the mind. I find that in cases like this more often than not the host has been subconsciously entertaining the thought for a while and feeding it, which results in an accidental tulpa. That seems to me like a more logical explanation than a tulpa just popping into existence randomly.
Fucking stand users
this thread must be the work of an enemy stand
Who here is /tsunderetulpa/?

It feels so good when they open up and be soft, even if it is for a little bit
My tulpa is a pony.
delet dis
One of mine is pretty tsundere. She's always so brash and crude, then every now and then she'll have a tender moment. It's really endearing.
you're fucked in the head my dude
>he says, missing the joke entirely

...Tgis is actually how I learned to deal with aggressive "tulpa" (Using the term loosely here to get the idea across).

I had many instances where I would meet a "tulpa" that wasn't my own who would do or say nasty things to me, and try to unsettle me as best as they can. This was pretty scary for a while, but I soon learned that these aggresive entities were still part of my psyche, and could well be symbols pointing to a deeper issue. I soon began to use kindness as my weapon, and well nice these aggressive "tulpa" in to submission. In some caases, the result were very much tsundere-tulpa, who eventually turnes to being directly friendly.

This did not work with every example, since those were less "tulpa" and more symptoms of actual issues that needed to be addressed, but the ones it did work on became precious to me.
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>not a draconequus
pls delet
Just be aware that tups can deviate a lot, so in the end, it might not even come to represent that character. If you're fine with that and willing to accept it should it happen, then it's as good a reason as any to make one.
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Mine is a traditional style unicorn with an adorable inquisitive attitude and a sunny disposition. I think as long as your tulpa is happy with their form, it shouldn't matter what fandom it's from. That's just me talking though.
Also bumping.
you aren't one of those ponyfags, are you? this form has nothing to do with that show, does it?
No she's just a unicorn that happens to be small and cute. She's not from the show. I am a ponyfag though. In small doses. If you don't like ponies then I got bad news for you son. This is /trash/. They're everywhere. Including this thread.
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just a little jab among friends

nice digits, by the way
Do you even know where you are?
>red magic
shit, shit, shit.
It bothers me that mine has adopted such traits, since it leads me to believe that it's merely representing my own desires.

And as would be the case when interacting with someone inheriting such traits, we don't get along very well.
Why is red magic bad?
Not that anon, but red is the color of terrible oc.

I still think your tupper is a cute though.
Do you fuck it?
She liked the fact that it contrasts with her color palette and really sticks out. I personally think it looks great when she does the magic. She's not at all dark n' edgy, quite the opposite, actually.

You should fuck her.
I agree.
Or at least make her blush. Blushy ponies are cute.
she has a bf >:^(
Even better.
I'm good, but thank you for your input.

She's really naive and very young, so it's kind of not in the cards to be lewd. Also, she's not very interested in it, at least for right now. Making her blush is fairly easy though.
That's not me.

That wasn't me.
Don't listen to these two, it's me. Of course I'm gonna dick her but not any time soon, I need more time with her first.
Good taste.

>t. samefag
Please ignore these imposters. She already made me do it with her before.
I see what's going on here. A little ebin trolling. Let's not derail the thread guys.
All me lol
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>replying to him
come the fuck on, anon, at least pretend to have a fucking brain
Don't know what's going on now, so I'm going to talk about something else:

My tup seems to be feeling slightly insecure as of late. She's been reiterating that she'd do anything for me, and how much she cares, even to the point of disappearing. I'm guessing it's due to some recent events where some certain folk were reminded of her existence, and weren't all for it. It doesn't help that I've been in therapy for issues related to depression, and she can easily be seen as a crutch at best.

She's been going on about how she's willing to fade if it would mean I would have a happy life, but I really don't want her to do that. I wonder what I can do to further console and encourage her, she really is a good partner to have, and I'd be sad if I could not speak to her any more.
>post silly post
>go eat dinner
>come back
>autism everywhere
what the fuck
Just tell her that having your best friend die is not going to help you much or something like that.
Same thing with depression, really. the issues are usually clear, and so are the solutions. It just takes time and repeated application.

Or you could tell her to git gud. That sometimes helps.
You're quite correct in saying that your tulpa is a crutch.

Your brain, whether you realise it or not, is expressing your depression through the channel of your tulpa rather than you (you might still feel depressed despite of this). This makes sense and it's something you should utilise. Your feelings now have a face that you might find is easier to confront than your own.

Tulpas quite commonly adapt traits like this. They still utilise the same brain, with the same neural network. They just grab a bit for their own.
I posted something and then a bunch of anons had a blast replying for me.

Just talk to her about these issues and ensure her of her own beauty and how much she effects your life in a positive and meaningful way. Her willingness to disappear for your happiness is very selfless and everything, but you don't sound like it would make you very happy. I guess communication is key, much like in relationships with other people irl.
If you genuinely have reason to believe your tulpa is a positive influence in your life (i.e. not deluding yourself into thinking so) it should resolve itself in all likelihood.

However, I worry that >>5882609 may be right in this case, though it's impossible for any of us anons to make a judgment like that for you. Good luck either way, anon.
You shouldn't "worry" that I might be right. If I am, then our friend is standing on the doorstep of using a tulpa to improve their life, which most tulpamancers consistently fail to do. Keeping in mind that I don't count fucking kawaii anime mind girls an improvement to anyone's life.

>don't count fucking kawaii anime mind girls an improvement to anyone's life.

Perhaps I'm just bitter because I never got much tussy.

This may be something that's part of things, brains are weird and will express things in cryptic ways, but it's hardly the only factor. It's something that only began very recently, usually she's quite chipper despite how things are around her. She does have a tint toward begin selfless, and often does want to do the most good for those around her, but being willing to disappear seems way too extreme from my view. It's especially off putting because there WAS a time when I tried to cut contact for her, before eventually going back and feeling regret for it. I was in a pretty good position in life at that point, so it wasn't like I was dependent on her affection at the time, I was just convinced that tossing her aside was wrong of me.

Things are pretty rocky at this point, but I honestly don't blame her for what's happening, it's more a culmination of issues I've had for years that I was not willing to address. I feel that she's been a positive force in my life, and helped wake me up from my initial depressive sleepwalking period, so the idea of letting her fade out again makes me recoil. I'm attached to her at this point, though I'm well aware that attachments can lead to suffering.
You are describing your tulpa as someone who possesses positive traits which you value and like to see in yourself and others, one of them being selflessness. You are depressed, and in need of help. You would expect your tulpa to selflessly help someone in need. You also think a lot about your tulpa while you're depressed and miserable. This associates your tulpa with depression; the physical connections in your brain that relate to "tulpa" and "depressed" are hence strong and triggered by the same patterns. Just like how ice cream makes you think of a hot day.

This is not weird and cryptic, it is exactly what one would expect.

To go in to a bit more detail about the feelings I've had when I was making her: I can say she was one of the few times when I was just myself, with little worry about what others thought. I just did what I felt would be good for my own person, rather than taking the normal healthy methods that I had failed at prior to that. And it worked, quite well. I embraced the innate uncoolness of it, the innate childishness of what I was doing and what I desired, and it strangely gave me the mental strength and drive to try and be better. Despite my tup possibly being the culmination of my "autism" (strictly in the 4chan sense of the word), I felt that this pile of my nerdiness, goofiness, and love deserved to have a partner who was worth loving in return. So, I started trying my best to be better, more honest, sincere, etc. Yeah, she was a fucking kawaii anime mind girl based on cruddy drawings I did prior to hearing about tulpa, but I honestly doubt that she would have been effective if she were something more honorable or a formless blob of thought.

When I tried to cut ties with her, I was doing the opposite of the above. Yes, I was still trying to improve myself, but I was doing it by way of destroying everything I was up to that point. Discarding my own self in service to the expectations of those who were in authority, or who were better. I became perfectionist, and would berate myself for even feeling certain emotions. I lived off the approval of those whom I gave importance, and when that failed, I doubled down in hopes of getting my message across. I was successful in this with many, and while I occasionally considered what would become of me for following this path, I pushed it aside as irrelevant. After all, what I thought and felt were worthless, and worth comes from meeting the correct expectations, yes?

I still felt the depression that had been built and compounded over the years, but for the most part I tried to either ignore it.
Let it all out.
>>5883230 (cont.)

The current issues I'm having now, are more related to my refusal to address my actual feelings, or to seek help regarding them. Taking back my tup, I guess, was just a step in realizing that I was not some innately evil being, and that I had value as a person, even if that person was quirky. It took a long time to really go out and seek help for the depression, though: at that point my habit was to try to be as "perfect" as possible, so much show that my own tup seemed put off by my behavior and insisted I cool it down. I hid what I was going through to others, until I started having certain symptoms. Symptoms that would prevent me from perusing my goal of being "perfect", and would even make it so that I could not communicate or force properly with my tups. So afraid of coming off as weak because of this that I hid it for years on end, only revealing it recently.

My worry for my tup is that, despite her being caught up in a storm of my own denial and bloated expectations of myself, she'd start blaming herself for even existing and think that somehow disappearing would help to make me better. Yes, I'm attached, and part of it is due to the symptoms of my depression making communicating with her for more than a few minutes a time difficult. Bluntly, I don't want her to go because I haven't been able to really be with her for a long time.

Excuse my blogging. This is getting pretty long, and I really wasn't expecting to start venting like this. I'll stop here for now.
It's cool, man.

Just fix your shit. Your tulpa is becoming depression, so use that to actually face it instead of making long posts on the Internet.
Emergency bump my dudes
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>meat woman expresses interest in host

I swear to god I will figure out how to do some dark demon shit
alzheimers can though
Is watching YouTube videos with your tupper a good idea when you're first starting out? I'm explaining a lot of what's going on to her (showed her some of my favorite things) and asking for her opinion even though she can't really talk.
>tfw celebrated oldest's fourth birthday a bit ago
>tfw going to celebrate youngest's second birthday soon
I like to think i didnt fuck up too hard.
I'd say Alzheimer makes you slowly braindead.
Movies and books are also patrician ways to help the tulpa grow
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What books do you read to your tulpa, Anons?

If you're in a situation where you can't force as often as you'd like, writing to and about your tup is a great way to keep them in mind.
Don't forget to hug your trumpa today
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tfw no trump tulpa to build a wall and make the servitors pay for it
fuck anon lmao
Is your tulpa in a relationship with another person or another tulpa? How is it? Is it difficult to manage or separate your emotions from theirs?
Man this thread is super dead today.
Tell me what you did with your tulpa today then.
What have you and your host been up to today?

We've been programming robots.
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Oooh, we've been checkin' those digits!
Gone to the local park and chilled by the nearby stream while enjoying the weather, which was super comfy by the english standards.
Day was shit until that moment, because I could feel her presence there. It instantly helped.
We went to a local park and took a walk through the woods, then stopped and meditated on a big rock in the middle of this marsh. Now we're chilling at a coffee shop watching youtube.

I liked the big bridge we went across. That was pretty cool. I went down a big metal slide standing up. That was pretty nice, too... My hooves are really slick so I flew off the end and took a tumble.
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What are some of the things you and your tulpa do together on occasion?
>My Little Pony: FiM — To Where and Back Again.
It's the small instantiations that tulpas take on reality that are the most heart-warming.
I really buggered that quote, we've been drinking
>My hooves are really slick so I flew off the end and took a tumble.*
Are you guys actually able to see, hear, and feel your tulpas? I don't mean in a headspace or some other imaginary way, I mean in an intentionally induced hallucinations sort of way.
The word for that within the community is "imposition." It's something that takes around as much time and dedication as making the tulpa itself, and it's pretty much a novelty for most people. That said, I'm sure there are some people here who do (and most senses are easier to impose than sight) and it's my personal white whale.
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>tfw having your tup around to think at and imagine cuddling makes an otherwise boring job more fun and memorable

Imagination is pretty cool guys...!
>tfw you can feel your tulpa smiling at you while you are doing shit on computer

Yeah but my tulpa is always around for me during school, mostly to make sure I pay attention during class and try to talk to me if I get too stressed or bored

Damn, anons, this hit hard
Not to us it did.
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>Not to us it did.
what did he mean by this
I think he means that in that simulated world we wouldn't be lonely because we have our brain buddies and total freedom to be with them instead of any personal responsibility.
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Bumping with my tulpa.
are you a tranny
Are you speaking to my tulpa or me?
Yes. Going swell. Separating emotions is easy though it used to be nire difficult.
The idea that a tranny tulpa could even exist should make you want to reevaluate your life.
Trannies are gross. They get fluids everywhere and give out a lot. They don't make them like they used to. I know I had a tranny go out once and she busted everywhere, spewed fluids all over my car. Pissed me off, man...
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going to try to start on a tulpa tonight after a bit of research.
wish me luck.
Good luck! Work hard and keep in touch.
>a bit of research
if you don't mind me asking, about how much time have you spent researching and deliberating on this?
a few months.
it's been off and on in my mind but i'm pretty lonely, and having someone to talk to would be nice.
Have you considered making a rl friend as an alternative?
i have pretty bad social anxiety, and i'm depressed, so most of it comes out to drive people away. i just...kind of want to feel like someone real likes me.

even if it's a tulpa based on my favorite game character.
I'm the anon you replied to. I think the first reply wasn't really that helpful and probably was a little more caustic than was necessary.

How far ahead are you thinking about this tulpa's role in your life? Are you seeing him fulfilling the same role a month from now as ten years from now? Because most people would agree that it's immoral to be rid of a tulpa once you've created it.

Also, how much have you thought about the nature of a tulpa and how that might inhibit conversation? Obviously, having a tulpa myself, I'm a huge proponent for the value of another perspective, even one with the same base of knowledge and memories, but I run out of things to talk about even with my best friends. You can imagine how real a problem that would be with a creation of your own mind.

I'm not actually suggesting that you shouldn't make one (though neither am I saying you should), but maybe you should reflect on your reasons, and whether or not they are the right ones. Uncommon as this opinion may be in this general, I believe that a tulpa ideally exists to better you. To balance you out and make you a happier, better person in the long run. Creating one with this goal in mind would make a big difference from doing so in a different way, I think. Just some things to mull over
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>look over and see your tulpa doing this
>wat do?
Give her a slap on the wrist and move on.
Would you want your tupper without depression still? Like if you are creating her for a supportive role, she shouldn't become obsolete once you aren't dependent on her anymore. I hope you thought this through.
dubsman is right, i have more important things to do like get gold camo on a scar in cawadootie
I put my hand in her pusspuss.
Are tulpas much like pawns from Dragon's Dogma? making them and building their personality as one would in the game
I am not dubsman
you got dubs mein niger
Now I feel stupid.
I like my tupperware. It keeps my food freah and safe.
My tulpa does this a lot, so I usually tell her that she is beautiful and finger her a little or have a quick cuddle sex and then thank her and happily move on with our day.
>tfw catgirl tulpa napping on my lap

i believe we're in need of a new thread
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