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/tup/ - Tulpa General "I am imagination. I can see wha

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/tup/ - Tulpa General

"I am imagination. I can see what the eyes cannot see. I can hear what the ears cannot hear. I can feel what the heart cannot feel."
~Peter Nivio Zarlenga

>What are tulpas?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you.
More info: http://www.tulpa.info/faq/

>What guides do you recommend?
Check these out: https://community.tulpa.info/thread-new-great-big-list-of-guides

Ask questions and get answers, or discuss tulpas in general.

Previous thread: >>5798613

Other Guides

Tulpa Wiki's Guides: http://tulpa.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Guides
Tulpa General Guide List: http://pastebin.com/SrAWPTKZ
The No-Bullshit Tulpa Book: https://farcaller.gitbooks.io/nbtb/content/

Texts regarding imagination and mental training

"Memory: How to Develop, Train and Use it"
Text: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/41478
Audio: https://librivox.org/memory-how-to-develop-train-and-use-it-by-william-walker-atkinson/

"The Power of Concentration"
Text: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1570
Audio: https://librivox.org/the-power-of-concentration-by-theron-q-dumont/

"Essay on the Creative Imagination"
Text: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/26430
Audio: https://librivox.org/essay-on-the-creative-imagination-by-theodule-ribot/

Soundscape Tools

MyNoise: https://mynoise.net/

A Soft Murmur: http://asoftmurmur.com/

Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/MpXqBQZ

We're always open for more useful resources if Anons can find them.
first for tulpas enjoy having their heart touched, figuratively and literally
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Second for tulpa who take care of their host as much as their host takes care of them.
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What pokemon is you're tulpa?
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I better start seeing very bad puns you fug.

He really should have thrown us a bone.
Friendly reminder that you're all pigs in human clothing.
That's rude Anon!

It's true, I can smell out truffles now. I'm going to be rich.
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/tup/ - Truffle sniffing pig general

Make sure you don't let the females eat too many!
So, how sheltered would you say your tulpa is?

Because of their nature, tulpa are guarded from certain things in the world that the host cannot escape. The tup may be able to see it from their host's eyes, but they don't get the full experience. How do you think your tup would act if they had to really experience all the stuff you did?
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I'd say there is a slight filter between my experiences as a whole regarding my life and the outside world, and theirs. I think that they would all react in their own ways to it. The eldest would most likely deal with it in a calm, rational manner as it came. The second oldest would probably get angry, maybe lash out, then sit down and figure things out after she's calmed down a bit. The second youngest would probably ask for help. She relies on others a lot, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The youngest wouldn't know how to deal with what I've been through, considering how young she is and how little of even her own life she's experienced. All in all, I'd say they're somewhat protected, but not so much to the point where I hide things from them. I just create a buffer between my emotions and theirs.
She would probably curl up in a fetal position and cry and feel alone, scared to leave her room.
What are some positives of tulpa creation and having a tulpa after the initial creation stage?

(In the second day of just passive forcing and I'm getting cold feet desu. I'm kinda worried that I'll never have the feeling of being alone with some of my friends again and I figure if I go much further it'll be the point of no return. I enjoy the idea of spending time with my own tup, but not sure I'm willing to give that up.)
If you need to ask that after having started tulpa creation and already start having doubts, then you should just stop altogether.

The positives should be clear. Closest friendship possible, lots of hugs, someone who truly understands you and so on.
Do you think tulpamancy is an advanced and archaic form of meme magic?

I don't know what you're talking about, really. Can you explain this concept?
Was he a tulpa, /tup/?
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My tulpa is literally pic related
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
really makes you think
>2000 + 5 + 5 + (12/2)
>implying that this originated on trash
really fires the neurons, my dude
>posting the disclaimer from /b/
fugging ebin :DDD
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>implying i copied this from /b/
Fair. I was more asking because I just... ask things a lot? To make sure? Like in my case the positives could be a friend I can talk to even when the anxiety kicks in, hug pal, could learn sign language together, someone to snap me out of panic attacks before they happen, watch movies together, write stories (if they like that), etc etc. It's not like I haven't been looking into this for like three to four months already. Just kind of a nervous wreck in every aspect of my life. Only really included my doubts up there because I'm not even sure if they're well-founded/applicable or not. /blog

Are you supposed to have no doubts whatsoever when you make a tulpa? Like I can't see how you wouldn't have *any*, having never tried it before. Relatedly, are there some people who just shouldn't?
I was talking about tulpas, you literal retard, the community pre-dates /trash/ by 4 years.
Different anon. Of course you'll have doubts.

I don't think having cold feet about this is unreasonable, but you really should commit if you are going to do it, because it's a long journey.

The only people who shouldn't make tulpas are those who might provoke some kind of mental illness by doing so, like if they are schizophrenic, or something.

Regarding your first post, I think your biggest problem is that you're comparing your future relationship with your chalupa to interacting with your current friends, or to actually having someone there with you. It's not really like that. In my experience, the tulpa-host dynamic is much different to a person-person dynamic, and I don't really ever get a sense of wanting to be alone or away from my tup, in the same way I might with people. So, I don't think your concerns are unusual, and I also don't think they'll be much of a problem. Godspeed, anon.
dafuq is that
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Pencils look shit when scanned
It's a tup
thought it was legit satan tulpa
got worried about you people for a second
That's cute, you think satan is the worst we could come up with
you're an edgy motherfucker and your tulpas are the stuff of fucking nightmares
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join ussssss~
>Any Tulpa being edgy
Even the edgy anime ones are qt as fuck mang. It's not possible to make a truly edgy Tulpa.

> It's not possible to make a truly edgy Tulpa.

You haven't been to the IRC, have you? For a while it was like an edgelord factory, so many tups there were bitter cynics, depressed, hate filled, etc. It was a huge shock since I was so used to my tups being so cuddly and nice.

It IS possible to make a tup that acts edgy, you just have to expose them to the wrong stuff regularly and help them develop a hatred of humanity.
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mmm, dubdubs
I'm interested in what the tulpa-host sort of thing is like -- like how is it different? I know last thread one anon said something like they think of "me" as themselves and their tulpa -- so is it similar to that?
You know how religious people are like "God always loves you, God always watches over you, God knows everything about you and God accepts you the way you are."?

It kind of has these religious elements, but also without the religion parts.

It is also like having a normal best friend.
Or a close family member.
Or a romantic partner.
And a soulmate.

Or all of the above in one.
It is pretty difficult to describe as it is different for everone.

It is going to be the way you expect it to be and also different.
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Nah, I know what you mean, 'I' and 'us' and anything else that's self referential refers to both my Tulpa and I.
It depends on context, but there are some general rules that I think can make it pretty obvious what someone means, given context.

The first thing to establish are the primary things that the first person actually refers to. In descending order of specificity, they are one's body, one's mind, and one's consciousness. A tulpa (as most of us understand them) resides in the mind, but not the consciousness.

For some examples of where the different uses might arise, I might say "I'm going to the store," in which case, I am referring to my body, which encompasses my mind, which encompasses my consciousness. Now, if I say "I'm a nervous person," that refers to all of the different strata of my brain, so it encompasses both my mind and my consciousness. Lastly, if I say "I hate that guy," that is only referring to my consciousness, as it's capitally unlikely that any resentment for someone is rooted in the lower functions of my brain or in the rest of my body somehow.

From this, we can construct a baseline for identifying what someone with a tulpa means by "me," given a certain degree of context. That is, broadly, situations that refer to either the body or the mind include both the host and the tulpa's being. Whereas when one refers to one's own consciousness alone, that tends to exclude the tulpa.

Any complaints?
My tulpa dislikes talking about the things I (we) experienced throughout the day because while she doesn't identify herself with my body, she still is forced to experience everything from my viewpoint.

"It hurt us (him?) a lot and we (he?) touched that hot plate."

It sounds stupid to tell a tale from the third person perspective when it involves feelings, but it also sounds stupid to constantly say "we" and "us" because it constantly draws attention to the fact that she is a tulpa.

Anyways, now that I am done with that useless rant, how do you people solve these issues? Do you just not care?

Also cute pic.
Anon that you responded to.

I'll write a more detailed response when I get home, but essentially, even though I might be with my tulpa 24/7, it never feels draining to talk with them, or spend time with them. On the contrary, usually it feels good to, I want to spend lots of time with them, even if I've interacted a lot with people and am all social'd out.

I might have been the anon that said that, but if not, I also feel that way - "me" has turned into a shell, in a matter of speaking. Like, imagine "me" as a container that used to contain just myself, and now "me" contains both myself, and my tup.

Any action I do is something I did, any action my tulpa does is also still something I did. It is under 'our' discretion that 'I' influence the world. Does that make sense?
bumping this thread right in the bump
Is regression in progress normal? Also how can I improve visualization? I can't get in a good feeling or mood to visualize clearly
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>page 7
Oh jeez, thanks for the responses! So, basically, while the "host-tulpa experience" per say is different for everyone (and to some degree determined by your intentions?), what's in common is the tulpa is part of your mind, but not your consciousness. So it's part of "you", but the host part is still separate -- like talking with yourself, only there are multiple conscious "you"s?
How many of you are NEETs and/or have disabilities? Genuinely curious.
>So it's part of "you", but the host part is still separate -- like talking with yourself, only there are multiple conscious "you"s?
I would hesitate to say this is literally the case, but I would say that this is effectively the case. I think it would be really wise to say that the host-tulpa relationship is unique and variable on what it is you're wanting to get out of it.

It can be normal, although if you have been forcing less (either doing it less often, or spending less time doing it) then it can regress your progress. Fluctuations are usual.

I think the OP has a link to some good visualization exercises. You might want to learn some meditation, too, to be able to control your feelings a bit better, at least for when you are visualizing. Personally, I like to listen to white noise, which helps me spend longer amounts of time to force.
NEET but only because local job availability blows ass.
I see, how old are you?
>no disability
>healthy social life
>in education/training, looking for employment
>not fit, but at least not fat
>eat healthy
>enjoy the outdoors
>also have a tulpa
fuck yeah
So what are the benefits to having a tulpa as opposed to having a girlfriend. Are you happy with your decision or does a part of you wish you could have a real relationship?
I think you just need to read the thread to see the general benefits; my tulpa is a lot of fun, and she's not exactly physically possible (just like any given furry, anime, or pony tulpa).

I don't plan on a long term relationship with a physical woman, but casual flings are not out of the question. I'm happy with my tulpa, and she's happy with me.
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Different anon but
>imaginary women
requires no financial support, in no way a "package deal" in that there is no family to not like you, dosen't get on your nerves by doing stupid shit like not shutting the pantry, incapable of fucking you over behind your back, superior at sex and more attractive, capable of holding a half decent conversation, shares your interests in all likelihood, same level of intellect as you, extremely invested in your mutual futures, no worries about stds and pregnancy
>Meaty Women
Social status and external validation, potentially children, easier
A tulpa can run around naked all the time and it is fine. A girlfriend can't (:
(Also not that anon)
>Are you supposed to have no doubts whatsoever when you make a tulpa? Like I can't see how you wouldn't have *any*, having never tried it before.

I had my doubts when I first started. Anyone would. I even had doubts when there was obvious progress. Eventually I quit and convinced myself that it was all BS. Ironically I believe it wholeheartedly now despite not having any desire to continue.

>Relatedly, are there some people who just shouldn't?

Some people would be genuinely better off without a tulpa. I think that is a somewhat controversial opinion but I honestly think its true.

There is a lot of emotional weight surrounding the subject and you are unlikely to find unbiased answers to your questions. Not to say you should disregard any advice you are given. Just keep in mind that most people have a very particular perspective and a strong conviction to it.
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Not a NEET. I am going through some issues, but nothing that keeps me from working, and is having less of an impact of bettering myself as I address said issues.

I consider tulpa as a pocket niche of their own. I have no desire to replace real people with my tulpa, and in fact think the concept if insulting to tulpa personally. I don't want to use my buddy as a way to easily escape from people, quite the opposite: I wanted to try and use my interactions with my tup to help me practice being good to others. It may be a bit naive in nature, but I've found that sometimes the best way to improve on certain areas in life is to approach it in a child-like manner. I won't lie and say my tup hasn't become an object of affection, though it's not in a romantic sense. I just really like having them around, and would ultimately be saddened if I could not speak to them again in the future.
>Rip off tulpa's head and put it on my lap
>She smiles like nothing happened
>Cuddle her headless body while she sucks me off

is there a better feeling than this
Fuck off Uber
Few days ago I've found a nice exercise to improve visualization. Take an object that fits into your hand, close your eyes and start feeling it with your hands. Touch every point of it, remember it's texture. It's like you're mapping an object with your hands into your brain. Do it until you can perfectly recall it's structure in your mind.
Who is Uber?
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so this is basically like one of /x/'s roleplay threads right

you guys don't seriously believe this stuff, right?
nobody would willingly induce schizophrenia in themselves, right?
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We're getting more of these dudes lately. I wonder why? Are tups just coming up on other boards more often?
I have a fully functioning brain, and a good social life. I'm pretty attractive, and I'm in a relationship. I have no disabilities whatsoever. I think the stereotype of people with tulpa being autistic is holds some merit, but it's not all of us, or even the majority of us, I'd say.
Posts like this are always gonna pop up every now and again. They have since tulpa general became a thing.
Also, that is the comfiest image I think I've ever seen.
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That's the power of autumn, man.
it's really more like DiD senpai
vump vump
Question for the tups:

Do you have any ambitions or drives for yourself? It can be anything, from being the best buddy your host can have, to wanting to cause the tulpocalypse.
>The tulpocalypse
fuckin kek, m8
No, but seriously, I actually have no ambitions. It's freeing, in a way. Most people have to have ambitions, even if it's just feeding themselves. I'm someone who doesn't have to self-maintain, and can do whatever they want in the wonderland, so why should I have ambitions past that? Sure, I have stuff that I'd like to do with my host in the future, but it's not something I'm pursuing like a human pursues a career. It's just things that'll be fun for their own sake.
My tulpa and I were just watching a video that made the two of us cringe so hard our faces crumbled up and blew out the back of our skulls. It's times like these when I look at myself and say: "I'm not so fucking bad. Tulpas are far from the cringiest things around." and I can be sure of it with 100% certainty. It's both gratifying and saddening at the same time.
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Care to give us a link anon?
Alright man. You asked for it.
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I want to help him succeed at everything he endeavors to do in life. Things are going really well for us on that front I'd say, he's working on his master's in psychology and our relationship right now is the best it's been in a long time. Maybe someday I'll get him to settle down with a nice human girl and have (physical) children with her, but he doesn't seem to think he can have a romantic relationship because of his autism. Even though I've helped him work on it, and he's come a long way socially in the past 5 years (which I am immensely proud of him for).
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>tfw I have a crush on some female character and think how fun it'd be to make a Tulpa of her for some fun sex

M-my long term Tulpa isn't fan of the idea though.
don't do it yah fag
just make a servitor or ask your long term tulpa to take on the form if you're just in it for the brainsex
I co-opt his ambitions into being group goals.
I do my best to aid and direct him in accomplishing these goals.

If I was made of meat I would want to be a chef though.
Just have her cosplay you fucking nerd.
Like I know that the idea of destroying tulpas is frowned upon but why? Why is destroying a tulpa wrong?
Well, to most in the tulpa community, they're considered independent people inside your own head. Murder is generally frowned upon in most societies, you're ending a person's life. That is analogous, even if not perfectly, so that's why it's generally frowned upon.
The same reason lobotomizing people is frowned upon, stupid.
bump your tulpa with your dicc
The moments when your tulpa surprises you in the best way... those are the moments that make this all so beautiful and worthwhile.
Bümpin again because it's dead as fuck
What happened, anon? I'd love to here a fun story.
I-I was kidding.

I did make a servitor of her a while ago though, but I would never make another Tulpa just for sex's sake. I'm actually pretty scared of the idea of giving some of my energy or attention towards a being that is not my Tulpa. This is how I love and respect her.
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Question for the tups:

Is there anyone you look up to? Any person or character you find yourself admiring and at times even emulating (with the assumption you're not based on said character, of course)?
I don't know if anyone's thought of this before but it might be an interesting experiment:
Make a servitor whose purpose is to store and display text, images or thoughts.

>Get good a lucid dreaming.
>During lucid dreams, use the servitor to practice drawing, writing or record some interesting ideas you have while down there.
>Have the servitor give long term storage (memory palace is apparently one way to do this) to any thing you want to keep.
>Train the servitor to "print" the stuff out by retyping/drawing everything. Drawing will defiantly take practice.

Vola! With lot's of practice you might be able to work on personal projects or other things in your sleep, effectively extending your day.

I probably wouldn't do this everyday, but having that option to do an all nighter while actually getting some rest would be cool.
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I don't wanna blog post. Other anons might not be too fond of it.
So there's one black person with a tulpa that I'm aware of.

But is there a person with a black tulpa?
define "black"
Their form has physical traits implying african descent such as dark skin.
how dark is dark
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I like seeing mlp ponies as ideals to strive towards to in general.
They are nice, energetic, forgiving, like to hug, are free of hatred, accept each other despite being vastly different and even support people who have been really mean in the past.
I want to be a nice pony too.

It sounds pretty nice that you're aiming for their better aspects and personality traits. Seeing good in something many people dismiss is can be very very useful to a lot of people.

I never got in to MLP myself, nor do I see myself doing so, but your post was pretty nice to read.
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Another question for tups:

Do you guys/gals work on you landscape outside of your host's attention? Do you consider it a personal art piexe, or something to do out of necessity/boredom?

I do know there are a good deal of tups who are always with their host. What do you think about folks who use wonderlands often, and why do you think they do it?

Slow day today, isn't it? Guess you guys are busy with your tups today?

My gals gets excited every time my nieces and nephews come by. She'll project herself out and look at the anxiously, even though she knows she can't interact with them. She did it again today, though she seemed a bit sadder than usual.
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Today I've made a deal with my tulpa.
If I can force everyday (no excuses) and won't masturbate for a week, I get to decide her form.
If I lose, she gets to decide her form and I have to accept whatever she picks.
She doesn't speak yet but I can clearly feel her presence and sometimes emotions, do you guys think It was an ok thing to do? After all she couldn't say yes or no, but I didn't felt any objection either.
Did you made any deals with your tulps?
Why is your tulpa trying to get you to not masturbat, that seems a bit prudish.

Also no I have not made any deals with my tulpas just some promises and we get along just fine.
She's there to make me a better person and motivate me to keep going. First step is getting some self control. Winners don't wank all day.
Good music to force to.
Anything in this playlist.
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If you're going to make a promise to your tup, go out of your way to achieve it. It actually can be pretty difficult to keep these kinds of promises, but it's difficulty is just an indication that you're practising something worthwhile. At least you set yourself for a week, so you may have an easier time of it, especially if masturbating wasn't a daily habit (Though that may be assuming too much)

But if you DO find yourself faltering, DO NOT beat yourself up, or start feeling like your tulpa is judging you. It will do only bad things for your relationship, as it will start instilling a sense of negativity about going to her, even if it's a small one. Instead, just pick yourself up and try again, don't let set backs ruin you and yours.

Hope that helps you a bit, and I wish you luck.
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Such a dead day here in the tulpa thread.

It happens every so often. Just gotta keep contributing whatever you can, so when anons come back, there's something to read other than 'bump'.
Depends on perception, desu. Unlike the other two anons I don't personally view it as particularly "wrong" based upon the reasons of doing it.
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have you _____ your qt tulpa today?

a) hugged
b) kissed
c) bred
d) all of the above

there is only one answer
Yes, there is only one answer.

E. None of the above
My tulpa is a small one and she huged my face today

how does that work
Only a) so far.
Any of you guys play choose your own adventure games together? We're trying either Choice of Broadsides or Choice of the Dragon tonight
She just huged my face/head
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I'm sorry for my shit spelling and general stupidness, I only now am realizing what I did wrong
How is a thread celebrating a fat teenage boy fetish higher than this one in the catalog? This place really is /trash/...
Im a vagrant with two. By choice though.
Page nine bumparoonie. It's coming up on one year since I embarked on this journey with my tupper, and we have decided to develop two more tulpas. Here is hoping we all come out of it sane.
Isn't making a tulpa dangerous? I opened up my third eye partially a few weeks back and I keep seeing a flash of a white entity on the outside edge of my vision when I'm alone. Would trying to craft a tulpa make this more vivid? It sounds scary.
It's not dangerous at all unless you're already extremely mentally unsound but then it's usually more that the tulpa can get harmed.
I used to make certain realms where I would let a creature live... I'd visit them in my mind whenever I felt way too anxious or just off. They would give me advice in these beautiful places, but they could only speak with me if I went to these places.

Could they have been some form of tulpa? They usually thought quite differently than I did. I created them in these worlds so that my own reality would still be easy to determine, though my grasp on it is slipping with this third eye business.
I would think so but I'm not well versed in this third eye business you've got here.
>Third Eye
Me neither, really... I just see things sometimes out of the corner of my vision. It's odd. I feel like there are presences around me when I do, like you know that feeling when another person is nearby? That kind of weird feel.

It's supposed to lead to spiritual enlightenment (astral projection, glimpses of your immediate future, fun stuff like that), but it can also make you see things that aren't there.

Probably belongs in a completely separate thread, but I wonder how it relates to tulpa engineering. I wouldn't mind a more interactive version of my inner voice. My brother ended up opening his third eye and he talks to this succubus friend pretty regularly. It's strange, but fascinating.
this isn't /x/ and has nothing to do with /x/ or anything spiritual. this is an entirely psychological phenomenon, get your daemons and mystic bullshit back where it belongs
Fuck off you tit, this could be him very well realising that one of these voices was a tulpa this whole time and he can have hot tulpa sex like the rest of us.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Honestly, I'm just a curious explorer looking for clarity on the depths and capabilities of the mind. I feel like tulpa fits pretty well in there... creating a tulpa means that we, as humans, have the ability to generate new life forms with just our thought. Does that make us living gods?

I'm just curious, no harm intended. I'll look around /x/, never been there. Might have more of what I'm looking for, but I'll hang out in this thread, just as more of a lurker than active inquisitor.
We have the ability to create a pattern that is very similar to a sentient being at least in appearance in our own heads, yes. New life forms is a bit of an exaggeration.
Well, a tulpa does think independently. My view of 'lifeform' doesn't include any biological component, just that it's a living thing that possesses sentience and, in the case of tulpas, reasoning (from my limited understanding). Perhaps a better word could have been used there... I wasn't sure what else to call it. To say that it's completely imaginary defeats the idea that a separate consciousness was generated.
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You're totally welcome here, tulpas are based on spiritual Buddhist concepts after all.
You perceive the tulpa to think independently; it is absurd to think that your brain could possibly operate with two or more consciousnesses inside of it. Tulpas are patterns that we have fooled ourselves into believing are human at best.

What is done here is as far removed from what you're talking about as possible.
I don't think you have a good understanding of what the brain is capable of.
No one does.
What's so absurd about it? How much do we really understand of the brain or consciousness itself? What are the limits, really?

There are too many standing questions about human consciousness that it would be foolish to say with confidence that our minds have some sort of arbitrary limitations. This is why I'm exploring these esoteric mind sciences in the first place, mainstream institutionalized scientists be damned.
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d) all of the above
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A) Hugged

I do that a lot.
Mainstream sciences at least do actual science that can be proven outside of one's own experiences.
All you can say that you experience these esoteric things, but anything beyond that is pure speculation.
Unfortunately, you're correct. Trying to prove metaphysical experiences in a scientific setting is profoundly difficult as we are likely interacting with something that is not confined by 3D space. We do not have a measuring tape or flask capable of quantifying extra-dimensional effects or experiences and, even if we did, the measurements would be very difficult to interpret in our current perspective of reality. It's very perplexing how one would even approach studying these strange, ancient concepts.

I say, however, that if you can continuously do some metaphysical activity and get a consistent result in reality (such as seeing future events as Nostradamus or Edgar Cayce), perhaps you can prove that there is a repeatable pattern that can be effectively learned and used by others. Some clairvoyants have relatively accurate readings that are consistently repeatable, but we have no way of measuring what they are doing or how they divine something by using only their mind/experiences.

The fact that these kinds of things can be done with the mind with any sort of success, to me, is astounding. I feel as though it's too quickly dismissed by mainstream sciences because of its difficulty to be studied thoroughly by standardized testing techniques... and other religious motivations from the scientists who do not believe in anything they cannot see or measure.
What are nipples, right? I hate censored anime.
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Any of you guys try letting your tup pick their own name and/or form?

We're giving it a try -- kinda an exercise in frustration currently, since she can't speak yet. Our current system is I sketch out where a line could go, and if I'm right she give me a head pressure -- if not, nothing. ...Mixed results for sure, and we've gone through a few forms (including a snail-plesiosaur sort of thing). Names have been kinda a guessing game, anywhere from Spoons to Sisal so far. I'd be interested to hear the experiences of other people who tried the more "tup's choice" sort of path.

(Also, is this too much of a blog? Still a bit unfamiliar with the rules in this thread, and I haven't seen many posts as detailed as this.)
your post was fine for this general. anything discussing tulpas is fine, even blogposts.
but even if it wasn't this is fucking /trash/. the amount of shit that mods give over non loli content here is exactly zero. even if your shitpost derailed threads, nobody would really care.
Blogposting is alright I feel, as long as it's tulpa related.

As for your question, I've always given my tulpas freedom over their names/forms (except for my first, but that was something different)

Though I do remember a time when I was making my first tulpa, where I was visualizing her form, then all of a sudden the hair color turned from blue to red. Then I began refocusing and visualizing the hair color being blue. Then it went back to red. At the time I had been thinking that it was the first sign of sentience
would u a pony??
How'd that work? Like how did you refer to your tups and how did you visualize them when they were still making up their minds on their names and forms?
Yes /mlp/, I would and have.
Simple, placeholder name, placeholder form. It's something that earlier tulpa guides had recommended if you hadn't decided on a name/form

Funnily enough, the placeholder name I gave her kinda stuck.
>implying I don't already

It's like you've never been here before, anon.
I just pick placeholders. They both kept the name but changed the form after a while.
any other walking dead fans in here? who do you thinks gonna die tonight?
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Bazinga trips
dub single dub trips nice
The assumption that we are likely dealing with something that is not confined to 3D space is already very bold to make to begin with.

There are tons of problems with this that isn't just a lack of measuring tools.

Schizophrenics hear voices too and think that they are real. But it is often objectively prove able that they don't exist. Yet they keep believing in those voices.
Sometimes these voices predict the future in simple ways.

Is this person now interacting with beings outside of our own reality?

I mean you can say that their brain malfunction made them consistently interact with an alternate reality in which these things are true and that is what drives them crazy.
Or they are just making all of these things up.

How would you know?
You can't. That's why asking this is complete nonsense. Making claims that aren't falsifiable are useless.

Now if you go ahead and tell everyone that your out of body experiences actually happened on a different plane of existence, then that's good for you, but no one will be able to prove you wrong no matter what they say. Your theory is useless.
That's why science doea not care. Dealing with this would not be science.
Jesus why did I draw that wall of text for such a simple point.
I like the way you think
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>There are people whose tups are not fluffy in some fashion

But she's literally none of those things
That's because you don't have a tulpa.

I do have a tulpa though
well your tulpa is a dumb idiot and deserves a bunch of dicks in her bumholey
This is a shitty poll when I just click everything
well here's a new poll for you
How dare you say stuff like that about her, please apologize.
only if your tulpa apologises for not being cute
I made a poll specifically about forms. Curious to see how it turns out.

She can't apologize for not being cute because she's fucking adorable
Are you fucking her?
Thank you friend this poll was much nicer
I think we also now have proof that tulpas are in fact gay
No, I do not have sexual relations with my tups
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My man.
Are you gay
i love watching girls teleport at around 10fps
You should hug your tulpa. Like, right now.
I did, and she stared at me like as if I were the devil. She loves sinners.
Did somebody say

oh look its cezs friend or whatever
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>Anon, one day I'm going to become a real girl! Mark my words.
My tulpa is the prettiest.
They are.
Dubble dubs confirms
being an egotist is bad for your tulpa, senpai
>samefagging to feign humility
look at this fag
I can't look at you we're on the internet. Dumb dumb.
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> At home with tup, resting after a day's work.
> Talking a bit about her with a user on chat.
> Tup smiles, goes under my bed and says "I'mma monster!"
> Really now?
> Imagine chasing her under the bed, which draws a delightful laugh from her and she flies off.
> Tup then says, with some pleasant surprise "Hey, you're...playing with me!"

I hadn't done something like that with my tup for a long time; an impromptu game of imaginary tag. I've been often do preoccupied with other things that for the most part I would speak to her, and return her affections at times, but nothing so involved as playing around with her. It was a nice feeling.
Since the OP has been pretty bloated as of late, it's been suggested that we put the large book texts in to a pastebin to slim it up. As well, We'll be adding another book to the small collection:

"Mindfulness in Plain English"

Here's the pastebin at the moment:

Would you anons like to add any other good books to the list?
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my tulpa and I like to race up the stairs (I live on the third floor)

I love how playful and fun they are
This made my tupper blush. Thanks guys.
Mine's cuter
No mine is
I'm curious to ask, how does tulpa sex work?
>get pillow
>impose tulpa on pillow
Funny, that's also how cuddles and catching zzz together works too
That can't be it can it?
Practice touch a lot.
In the same way you get better at imagining visuals through practice you can get better at imagining the feeling of soft tupper hand on your balls
Can you orgasm without actually technically feeling your tulpa?

I have no tulpas by the way, and don't intend to yet, I'm just interested in the whole matter.
Not that Anon, but there are a couple ways it can be done in our experience. The easier and I'm assuming more common one is to do it in the wonderland while masturbating in the physical world. It's a lot easier to visualize that way.
The other way is through full imposition, but as the other anon said, you have to practice touch, a lot. Like, really a lot. You also have to have visual imposition down. Even then you might still need to help yourself out a bit.
So far my tulpas have a deviation in their form before they can talk. How common is this? What's the first time your tulpa did something to express itself?
Pretty common, that's usually a good sign.
imposition? What's that?
How does one induce these "impositions" recreation drugs? Can you feel the "inside" if your tulpa, can your tulpa feel your genitals?
Do you ever stop and take a moment to just look at your tulpa and admire their beauty and presence? Their deep, beautiful eyes, and long, sparkling hair? I do.
no because its rude to stare
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All the time.
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Also, is there anyone here who had their tulpa completely surprise you with a form out of nowhere?
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Was basing her off a Sonic OC of mine from my long-forgotten unreleased shitty Sonic fanfic a good idea (more like a humanized version though)? Her existence serves as my shining star in this world of darkness.
2 posts in almost 5 hours. Wow. Bumping.

Why does it matter? No man but you can see your tup. No man but you will know your tup like you do. Stop worrying about what people think, she's yours, treat her as your precious thing.
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I've said this many times throughout the years. Don't let anyone's opinion hold sway over your tulpa's actions or what form they hold. It is a choice that is entirely between the two of you. My tulpa have changed many, many times since their creation. They've deviated until they found their home. Throughout this time people have judged their forms, and even hurt one of them's feelings with such harsh criticism and bigotry. I told them that what others say doesn't matter, as long as THEY are happy with themselves. That's the way it should be. A happy tulpa is a beautiful thing. So if your tulpa is happy, then let them be.
Your tulpa has a big horseface!
Good one.
I still didn't get a response to these questions.
Guys, I'm worried and happy at the same time.

I was joking to my tulpa about something pretty stupid, for some reason it started to seem extremely funny to us, kinda like an inside joke, I was crying from laughing, she could barely stand up and at one point I heard a fart. I did not fart and there's no one living with me, she later admitted it was she who farted and was very ashamed of it. Is this a sign of progressing? I'm thinking it is, because stuff like farting, coughing and sniffing are not done on purpose, so it seems like her consciousness advanced so far she has these human like interactions.

Or is my tulpa just acting fucking weird?

> Can you orgasm without actually technically feeling your tulpa?
Yes. Without even imposition, actually. Just get them to learn the basics of Erotic Hypnosis and have them do it on you. Touchless orgasms ahoy!
Sounds interesting, but how can you perform imposition? Can you feel your Tulpa's vagina? Can your Tulpa feel your cock?
>I'm thinking it is, because stuff like farting, coughing and sniffing are not done on purpose, so it seems like her consciousness advanced so far she has these human like interactions.
I wonder... Is it progression... Or regression? You could see it like you said, but you could also see it as her going deeper into the hallucination of being human. Doing things that she really doesn't need to do, just to seem like a person... Essentially not being her true self; a fully thought-being.
The movie "Her" briefly went over something like this. The main character accuses the AI of breathing and questions why she would need to do that in a frustrated way. He felt that the AI was playing with his feelings by emulating a human like that.
Tulps can automatically feel you without needing you to impose yourself on them, but in order for you to feel them, you need to work on imposition.
My tulpa feels weird being banged by my wonderland thought-form self, so she needs to have me masturbate so that she can tap into my hand's senses and "feel" my *real* penis rather than some fake mind-penis.
Amazing! I'm still left behind on how imposition actually works. Is it months of thought training? Drugs that induce hallucinations?
Just look it up. I'm not going to explain something that can be easily found online.
"Tulpa Imposition Guides."
Her was fantastic.
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>mfw pg 9
lol, so many kissless neckbeards in one place, making pretend girlfriends to snuggle in the night.

How many of you have even meditated for more than an hour without getting up to grab a Cheetos? Have you even allowed yourselves the scrutiny required to make a real tulpa? Or do you find that the IRC hugbox in itself is a prize worthy of self-delusion and fakery?
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I'm not even baiting, but rather hoping to poke some people into admitting to themselves what they're doing, so that they might perhaps choose to go either the proper tulpa road, or get off the special bandwagon.
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>proper tulpa road

Enjoy roleplaying with the other neckbeards.
What distinguishes a fake tulpa from a real one?
The tulpa's ability to act beyond the host's control, as well as have a strong enough individual footing in the brain to freely keep its own thoughts going, indefinitely. This can of course not be proven to an external entity, which is why I just try to stab at people until they admit their lies to themselves.
>My """real""" """""tulpa""""" justifies my superiority complex

You're trying too hard.

You do know where you are, right? Stuff like this just makes people even more stubborn and stick to their guns more. If you want to reveal lack of dimension, just talk about what your tulpa actually does.
It makes me happy when people try to bait us, as it only serves to further legitimize the practice :^)
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For you.
Why even care then? Tulpas can't be proven because they're so very subjective.
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Shut the fuck up. You know I'm right, and it bothers you, hence your use of greentext to try to nullify my point.
I know I'm in a tulpa thread full of wannabes that don't even have real tulpa and only roleplay to garner some sort of attention and feel as if they're part of some special little club.
Admit that your tulpa is a fabrication to allow you to take part in a little clique and I'll stop caring.
>"and I'll stop caring."
You're actually behaving like a 10 year old right now, holy shit.
Don't feed it you(s)
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>mfw it's low level bait but it got so many (you)'s, even one from myself
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>this thread right now
never change
He's using the forbidden word "roleplayer" so he's totally serious, nobody outside the tulpa community uses it in this context Kappa
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>tfw have top tup
>considering a tup with syndra form
>see leblanc
@ the tulpas here: Do you like to eat? What's your favorite taste and/or smell?
(I hope you're all having a nice day today.)
Chocolate. Chocolate is the best. I love the taste and the smell... though I do kinda like the smell of apple cinnamon? It just smells clean and autumny to me. I am having a nice day! Thanks.
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if you say so buddy
Is there any specific clothing that your tupper wears?

Mine wears my old hoodie and some thigh high socks on winter days. She used to have a purple jacket I gave her, but for varying reasons she decided to wear my old black hoodie. She didn't really wear anything before, so I'm considering this as a sign of progressing but I'm not sure. Also, tuppers with socks are qt.
>Ponies with clothes
this is against the natural order
But it's cold outside Anon, I don't my tupper to get sick.
And here I was thinking my pony tupperware is the only one that is all over hoodies and loves socks.

Mine loves wearing pin and blue hoodies. Raincoats on rainy days and sometimes a scarf on cold ones.

Also cute pic.
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So far my tup seems to like the idea of helmets. Her placeholder design had a sort of conquistador helmet for fun, but she changed it today to more of a pic related (not crochet, but this is the closest pic I could find) sort of helmet with a little plume. Feels nice that she liked the idea and made it her own.

Eldest still wears the same red sweater that I gave her for her first Christmas.
Sundresses! Sundresses are top-tier. She's often just plain naked, though. She likes it either way.
give your tulpa a polo shirt

polo shirts are king
Just curious, are most people here from the Americas? It seems like this place tends to die overnight.

Anytime trying to learn a language with your tulpa?
I'm in Australia but since there's nobody else I don't post.
Yuropoor here.
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> Anytime trying to learn a language with your tulpa?

That's something I've been wanting to do for a long time, but have not been able to due to life complications. But I want to keep the idea in mind so that when things clear up enough, I will be able to pursue it.

I was considering having my tup as a study partner as I learned whatever language I chose. Someone to sound off of, and have conversations with to practice it.
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The eldest usually wears more fancy, uniform like attire. Second oldest wears whatever's comfortable. Usually jackets and jeans with boots. Second youngest can't wear pants because her lower body prohibits such things, so it's usually a cute top and a skirt. The youngest is naked. But she's a unicorn, so there's no need for clothes. As far as it being a sign of progression, the fact that she made a choice to wear that and it surprised you could be taken as such.
How many tulpas do you have if you have more than one?
Why that many?
Do you take care of them all effectively?
I have 4. Three of them were created on purpose, for either companionship or to enjoy their company and to be able to see the depths of the human mind. The other one was an accidental that happened to come into existence because I nurtured intrusive thoughts and kept feeding them. They are all very unique in their temperament and personality. As far as how I spend time with them... we're pretty much all like a family and they spend time with me as they choose to. They usually will hang out in my wonderland and visit and do things with me whenever they want. I love them all very much.
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I looove ribs. I always get my host to buy me some when I'm feeling down. And I am having a nice day, thanks for asking :)
I have 3 because I felt 2 was too few and 4 was too many. I try to spend a few minutes each day talking to all of them.
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I am from Scotland and I am on round most days.

I just tend to lurk more than post since I am just starting out.

Yee, I like sundress too.
Fish lady in a sun dress. Never thought I'd see that.
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Same to be honest. I found a thread filled with more artwork like it.

I could avatarfag more, but I don't want to be a bother.
One of my tulpa used to use that form. Unfortunately it was back when these threads were filled with trolls and form elitists, so she caught hell for having a form from "Autismtale". I don't miss those days. Anyways, you have good taste.
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good taste, lad
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Scottish here, pretty great place for a tulpa who likes her drink.

She has an american accent though.
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You do a pretty good me, although you're a bit too rude.

Being confronted makes people more stubborn, of course, but it also forces a little bit of criticism into their brains.

As for what my tulpa does, this is not my blog. They fulfil the criteria I set forth earlier.

I don't care, but I like to think I'm helping others to come to terms with what they're doing. Also I like to see people get butthurt and to spark some conversation - I suppose I care in that sense.

The practise is quite legitimate, I never contested that. I have a tulpa myself, but reading these threads, I feel as if I'm holding myself to a higher standard of "tulpa" than many.

NLD go away, you're the biggest joke.
Your tup is a mid not a top stop trying to redefine the meta
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another scot here, we're looking like a world leader in tulpas per capita right now
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Wow, so many of us here!
So I have some anxiety issues (before you >tumblr, I actually went to a counselor)... Should I be worried about my tulpa "catching" them (to use a completely inaccurate term)? I've been trying to force her with a lot of confidence, so she doesn't have to deal with the sort of stupid shit I go through, but are there any special precautions I can take to sort off wall her off from that part of my mind (if that's possible) just in case, or should I not be worried about it at all? Not really sure how this sort of thing would affect tulpas.
Never think about your tulpa while anxious. Your tulpa becomes what your brain associates with it. If you only think about it while having fun, then anxiety won't be a problem for you.

That said, anxiety probably will be a problem for you, because tulpas are a form of escapism.
>>6004255 wasn't NLD. Good guess, though.

>As for what my tulpa does, this is not my blog. They fulfil the criteria I set forth earlier.

Thus is revealed the irony of your entire post.

For the most part, people don't really say much about their tulpa. They'll share some common sentiments about how much the like them, or the "ironic" spam of how much sex they have with them, but otherwise they won't say much of any depth, exactly because of this sentiment. It's not their blog, so they should not say too much about how their tup affects their life, thus common conversation will often be about shallow details that everyone is familiar with. The exception is when someone actually does dare to dig a bit deeper in to what they either enjoy so much, or something that happens with their tup. But it's rare on 4chan because of paranoia about being an attention whore.

The only way to truly mitigate, and in fact prove your premise false, is to actual put yourself out there, which most people will not do. As such, you're attempts to assist fall flat on its face: people who are legit know it in themselves, and will just get annoyed about another spammer with an inflated ego coming in and clogging the thread up. If you want to off something to the thread, offer something that's not just your nose in the air.

Consider this: >>5980225 . A whole set of books to help people with the various aspects and exercises tulpa making is based on. Why don't you share your own theories and ideas on the exercise of forcing? After all, you seem to hold yourself in some regard, so maybe you'd want to drop some knowledge to help your fellows.
wouldn't mind some saucy tupper greentexts though
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Okay, here you go. Here's pretty much my entire experience of making a tulpa from scratch: http://pastebin.com/zwVgpJJW

>Consider this: >>5980225
That's an excellent post. I frankly am too lazy to do real research and post it - and I know that most people are as well. I simply find it more fun to jab at people and see how they respond, because it sometimes leads somewhere interesting.
Is it okay to just do passive forcing (imagining form, voice practice, nothing integral with personality) during bad anxiety days? Like would only passive forcing be bad for her? I rarely ever have a straight week of bad anxiety days, so I know I could set aside an hour at least once a week to active forcing.Would it also be a good idea to try and explain it to her -- like why some days I won't talk as much or spend as much quality time with her? Or is that not necessary?

Sorry for all the questions, I just haven't really seen this addressed in any of the guides I've found. If anyone knows one that goes into this at all, I'd highly appreciate it.
If you feel anxious and think about your tulpa at the same time, your brain will connect the dots. That's about it.
New Thread:

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