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Desktop Thread: Roll Call Edition everyone has to actually post

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Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 129

Desktop Thread: Roll Call Edition

everyone has to actually post their desktop in itt thread
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on a scale of 1/anime how much do u want me to post my desktop
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3MB, 1920x1080px
u have to post it it's the rurus
Freaking on my phone desu senpai
my only recent desktop desu
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834KB, 3840x1080px
I like cute anime butts
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also a ruru
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want the new season to start already desu
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2MB, 2560x1440px
hello this is my desktop
qt miyuki sticker
behave lads
by behave she means "do a post" omg
get a screenshot from the archive or something then
tfw literally incapable of posting on /g/ without getting banished
Remember to use the secret anti-ban technique
how do u feel about qt dullahans
I use to watch that on [as], never liked it.
i r like it

its a little bit like 3 of my fav shows together
Nah senpai
I only want to post fresh desktops
The second season of seven deadly sins started BTW

What three shows?
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celty is cute especially her voice
what does your desktop look like now
it looks like that, i haven't changed anything in a while
an actual s2 or do u mean signs of holy war?

also its a bit like k, monogatari & maybe a little bit like Hamatora

tfw celtys va is one of my favorites
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me right now.png
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any of you lads play overwatchu
no i'm waiting for it to go f2p
Bit late to the thread. Gomenasai.
can u post that miku
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Miku 302.png
2MB, 1600x1820px
bet u expected another desktop

but its actually rikka
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tfw ur tricked again
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Good morning
I play it sometimes
can u post the Ilya render
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woah is that a pantsu phone case
didnt notice that desu
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Trinity Seven 2 when. I just rewatched the ova, and I DO NOT RE WATCH EPISODES.
theres a movie coming for trinity seven

not sure when though
It needs to come quick. I'm running out of anime I'm willing to watch.
watch abenobashi mahou shoutengai

i was going to watch that before but i think i remember seeing something bad about it that happens, so i put it off
nothing bad happens?
if you're talking about the childhood friend moving away


that doesn't actually happen, she ends up staying at the end

May you please post that wallpaper?
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ok but u gotta post ur desktop
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What's with the weeb shit.
anime website
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i think i read that she died or ends up with someone thats not the childhood friend

maybe it was that she moved away that i read, don't remember

guess I'll watch it after drrr
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does anyone itt thread like anime
i like anime
2 questions:
Is this where the /g/ threads ended up?

Is it even about desktops anymore?
do u have anymore question
what the fuck is she wearing?
It can't be a skirt
It can't be a pair of boy shorts because they are too baggy
what the hell is that?
Her face looks weird desu

I love anime
theyre skirt shorts

skirts that are connected in the middle so they dont fly up with wind ; makes u unable to see their pantsu
They're skorts!
i was going to say that but it sounded p lame so i didnt
that's actually what they're called lol
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ik but dont like the name desu

no show pantsu skirt would be better
no-woosh skirt
i remember trinity seven
i like the ninja girl
Why don't you guys quote posts?
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Hello resident anime experts I would like to ask you a question

Why would anyone be too fucking dumb to know that sayaka is the mest meduka? Would they just be joking or are there really people that retarded?
sorry lad this is a k-on thread
k-on is garbage idiot
i thought sayaka was in last place
you were in last place when we all fucked ur mum
Homura was best girl and k-on is very good
see it's not just us you're actually retarded tl;dr shut up scream
Its just that one guy that hates anime on a anime website
Btw this was yaged under fighter_jet. Tag abuse is real
shut up scream
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video games are making my laptop light on fire
what time zones do you guys live in
are you all amerika jin
I live in nz, nice to meet you all
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Pure love
Look what I found
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a wild kanbaru

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How do I install the all time you tracker
install greasemonkey/tampermonkey, make a new script, paste it all in
i'm at 173 yous rn can anyone beat me?
tfw ugly subs
well it's either that or this lol
but if u use mpv u can override the style
I don't get why those ugly yellow subs are what most dvds use for their official subs
how do you override it?
press u
idk if it works for those yellow ones though, p sure it's only for ASS subs
oh thats p lame

going to try e-d subbed one then
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cute no pan
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passing by coffee shop again
Hope to grab the rest or rezero maybe
idk how you can survive with no internet lad
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made a small
it takes screenshots but opens them exactly where u took it
its for keeping diagrams and stuff from pdfs open
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is illya season 2 better than 1 or worse anyone?
how is that useful? doesn't it just go behind as soon as you click on anything?
no u move it to the side of the document
it only appears inthe same place because its cool
what's the folder with every frame for nichijou about
i was thinking of making a folder with every single frame of nichijou in it as a joke but I bet it'll be humongous
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so when are u lads going to switch to the world's most advanced operating system
Not even installed for 6 hours and already bsod'd
why can't it be a skirt
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this coffee shop is so small and everyone knows eachother, its a bit awkward desu
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toyota girls
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are u using it efficiently using it by watching alot of animes with ur world's most advanced operating system
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n-not yet...
i had to backup and format my anime drive which took absolutely forever due to some problems and i just finished moving everything back earlier
game development girlz
lmao wtf
she's saying 'lets smoke weed and have sex'
tfw i saved a r cute image earlier but i forgot what folder i saved it in

too bad u guys couldnt see it
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wth that needs editing
what did the iamge look like atleast we can imagine it
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tfw too dumb to learn stuff
tfw the liquor store closed 40mins ago
tfw no anime gf
these are all very similar tfws probably
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Ranked Elo 1338 points.jpg
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one down, let's see if they find the other one
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i dont remember desu

maybe i actually never saved it but it was r cute like this one
wow saved
wow really makes u think that theres like 1 mllion images even cuter than that that we dont even know about yet somewhere in the internet

we need some kind of deep web ai neural network searcher
doujins are a r good place for that desu

but u have to crop the qt out and fix it
should i make a 'WOW' tag
lol nice idea
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Ranked Elo 1219 points.jpg
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lol butts i still have more (yous) than you even without internet i have 82

i have 180 on firefox and 34 on safari what do i win
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the anime picture ^
no one else can look at it pls
wow lame i already had that one
@5544206 thats because of your anime technology thread!! also i keep getting banished
ok here u go
(the same picture but inverted left 2 right is attached to this post)
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>Nozoki Ana
This is some next level wew

thats BAD

check this out instead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XK5-n4rR7Q
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bye bye everyone
coffee shop has been closed for like 30 minutes now
nozoki ana is r bad especially the manga

the girl that lives next door is a qt though
bye ben come back soon
when u come back I expect u to post the 5gb qts folder
I dont know man, I haven't read the manga. I wanted to but never got around to it.
i havent read it either i just know what happens and how it ends
-_- scream -_-
oh my god scream
imagine a qt image im going to post next
i imagine pantsu
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2MB, 5733x4086px

tfw want to cuddle their qt butts
Well I'm going to watch flcl
why is it so blurry
suppose to be like that maybe

tagged as official art, might have been a low res image that was upscaled alot
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optimal qt storage method
thats p cool
I will always be waiting, knowing it will never happen.
is this about ur bf again
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That hurt to read
u just got a taste of what it's like to read every single one of ur posts
I can make good posts. I'm just lazy and try to do as little work as possible
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abenobashi was only okay desu

was hoping it was going to be cuter and go more into the romance part

also gn
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2MB, 8000x4500px
I'll finish amanchu tomorrow, I promise!
>tfw you haven't been watching anime and ended up just playing video games all week
>tfw I still haven't turned in a single job application and my phone time is about to run out
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tfw new animes start today

me rn
wow it's October now

also goodnight
new monitor
Aw man I haven't been home in like 2 days but I r want to post my desktop itt thread desu
post pic/screenshot
Flcl just night be the best anime I ever watched.
FLCL is pretty cool.
u must not have watched many animes then
>her anime isn't in the four digits
tfw thought it was just going to be a r cute mahou shoujo

>first the scene after i start it
Every one likes something different. I dont understand the point of you're post.
character designs are freaking cute and it might actually end up p good, i liked the first episode
of course butt shots also
r cute nails
tfw i knew you'd say that
thats why i posted if for u to see
u aren't talking to who u think u r lad
theres like 3 or 2 who like nails itt
I like anything as long as it's cute and on a girl
even a penis?
if its a cute girl then sure
qt witch
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nice games
r cute start page
How good is working. I might watch it now
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this season is just a spin off, but the original is r good

girls are super cute, especially
original has cuter character designs desu
I thought that was the new strike witches at first and got excited.
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postan in itt roll call edition
freaking finally back home desu
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what happened to the entry fee?
I don't want people to make fun of my desktop :(
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hahahahahaha well okay
p good last episode

hopefully theres an s2
how's your weekend going lads?
stuck @ work :<
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3d is good
tfw no charger
theres a 3d girl and a qt anime girl hanging off a cliff, u can only save one from falling

which do u save?

i choose qt anime girl btw
Wouldn't they technically be both 3D or 2D

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
I dont know how to feel about that post
someone reply to this i want to test something
shut up scream
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mfw i'm not scream
if u don't delet i'll be forced to use my 4chan pass powers to ban u
tfw 4chan x notifications + os x means i get to hear this every time i get a you
too bad you won't get a you
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hmm i think im p good @ getting yous desu
damn i only have 71
i gotta step it up
too bad it doesn't keep track of phone yous i have a lot of those too
plus these on safari
>stop watching a anime on the second to last ep.
Why do I do this to my self
where do I get the script for the all time you count from
>Konjiki no Gash Bell
My childhood is about to start flowing back to me
lol wtf that anime sucks
Wow, you need to leave DESU.
I never really watched that anime.
are we allowed to post on other boards to farm yous
duh not like ur getting any here
Well you better get going
the zach bell anime seems like Beelzebub desu
they ran it on cartoon network daytime if that tells u anything about it
I have Beelzebub qued up next
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should i post this image
I need to find some good horror anime, manga, games and movies to watch to get into the October mood.
play silent hill 1-3
I never did finish silent hill 2. Better get on that.
u should check out ghost hound, not r horror but the genre are " Mystery, Psychological, Sci-Fi, Supernatural"

Also ghost hunt, or shiki
Just watch love livr
have you ever played FEAR? it's kinda spooky and it's a really good shooter game
just play the first one + expansions though, the second and third aren't very good
I recommend S.T.A.L.K.E.R nodded to the point to were it crashes every few minutes.
if she's going to play stalker she should play it unmodded first
but yeah the shadow of chernobyl and call of pripyat are good and very spooky
I played the first fear. It was cool but I'm not looking for a spooky action.
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>unmoded S.T.L.K.E.R
>modding a game when you haven't even played it to know what the mods do
retard alert oh wait everyone already knew that tl;dr shut up scream
so far silent hill has been the only actual horror recommendation
have you played white day? it seems super spooky
penumbra overture and black plague are p good too
havent played any of those
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> caring what the mods do and not just wanting the true S.T.A.L.K.E.R experience the way its to be played
get out of my thread scream
i know you've played yume nikki, what about .flow?
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You can't make me
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scream you're posts are getting dumber and dumber every day.
and yume 2kki, I think .flow was my favorite
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Just late at night
.flow was basically yume nikki run through silent hill
even more reason for me to play it.
lmbo nerds

i think my you count broke, it was at 9 and now it's null
tfw ur so bad at getting yous ur counter goes backwards
how good can you hear?
I got 17500
who's gonna make a new thread

it cut off at like 13k but i'm p sure that's my cheap speakers and i don't feel like plugging in headphones

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
>4chan Pass user since October 2016.
what a useless feature
what's the matter too poor for a pass?

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
I refuse to buy another 4chan pass since the mods got rid of desktop threads and won't make 2d/random

also yes, I'm running out of money and still haven't looked for a new job
just look at it this way: 4chan won't get any less shitty regardless of whether you buy a pass or not, might as well get out of filling out captchas

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
I'd rather spend the money on booze and manga
i don't think you can get much of that for $15
I could get one of of them.

or like 1 volume of manga and a forty
plus don't they ban your pass if you get banned now?
haven't they always done that? it only lasts for as long as the ban
I think they did it around the same time they started to ban your tripcode
new thread lads
Thread posts: 314
Thread images: 129

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