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Desktop Thread MANDATORY ENTRY FEE: 1 (one) cute anime ima

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 302
Thread images: 164

Desktop Thread

1 (one) cute anime image for each desktop you post
you are more than welcome to post more if you desire, but you MUST post at least 1 (one)

(You)s are very precious resources, please don't waste them

>Windows guides
http://pastebin.com/CL7HyL3V(embed)(Windows10) (embed) (embed)
>Linux guide

>etiquette guide
- pretty much we just post anime now
- we are in charge
- please do not use hate speech in the desktop thread
- don't reply to her posts

Last thread summary:

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
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hey guys I just went on another thread and farmed 3 (three) yous but it's still displaying null, what should I do desu?
get good im at 248 now
mine went back to 9

desu i have an idea to get yous easily
replying to urself is cheating btw dont do it
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I installed the all time you count but now it's blocking my thing :(
never mind guys i fixed it
idek if my you counter is working desu

forgot you can reply to urself, my idea was creating a certain thread on /a/
did that work?
its works ty

it showed null for a bit then updated
I think you'll make them mad with that one lol
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didnt even work desu


tfw okusama s2 starts today
qt butt
Pantsu, why did you start doing drugs?
depends, which drugs are you talking about?
I was asked if I wanted to try it and I said yes and I liked it.
why do you ask?
4chan is dying lads
how so?
>1 volume of manga and a forty
this should be the desktop thread slogan
Just wondering
I think that only applies to like 2 of us
morning lads i got 21 yous while sleeping
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Why is there a date?
4/19 is makis birthday and she's obviously waiting for a happy birthday message from her gf nico
tfw thighs to ur face
tfw it was only the first ep

qt pantsu
such a qt
the question is are the nails cute?
the way she bites that pillow is super qt
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post the gif pls
tfw more oppai lolis
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want to grab her soft qt butt
this girl is p cute
more cute butts
qt lolis
You will never be this comfy.
Not even one minute in on the first ep and I'm already like wow
have u watched the first season of okusama
That's the one I'm watching now
what about this comfy

there was a certain episode in the first season that had me triggered for a little bit desu

because i didn't expect what happened
I like cute anime girls
I really want to finish up on durarararara but I forgot what episode I left off on.
this was r cute
wow 2 shooting in like a week in the city I live next too.

One of them was pretty close to where I use to live.
*used to
I r r wish I hadn't realised the EPs were only half EPs.
I miss ben it's so weird with him not here
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i r need put more effort into studying japanese desu

i keep getting busy with animes to watch
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hi lads at Starbucks rn internet any day now I hope probably only 1 more week of this at most
I probably learn more Japanese watching anime than I would studying it
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check out this crazy house I found on the beach today

It has an electric fence and tons of cameras
not v. Cute I know
I bet acbn would appreciated it
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I got stung by a bee today never had that before it was way more painful than I imagined but got it pulled it out witbkur squeezing the poison part ty

Apparently theres a 1% chance ur allergic and u immediately go into siezures and die
wasps hurt even more
Lol this guy got his Prius lowered like when you can't go over speed bumps
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I gor stung by a wasp once I think ( In the exact same spot too!!!) Because I felt a buzzing and it was stinging and swolen there but I think this was much worse

Idk else it could have been
No stinger left behind that time
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Kuriyama 98.gif
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on the palm of my hand both times
Idk how pretty sure my hand was in my pocket

Or maybe it was chilling on my hand and bit me right when I put it in my pocket

Coincide bc I saw a bee earlier today, and I was in a completely different part of the island then and I barely ever see bees

Maybe bc I went outside it.multi plied both events times 1.million
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tfw no access to my desktop for 3 days
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Found this really old c book thatsnalways talking about asseblmbly and how different ncompiters have different sizes. Of ints and stuff to rewrote all mt dumy scripts in c

Alsonl found that meme one on bookshelf that's in the anime pictures
Also the c one
tfw no mikan gf
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Kantai 150.png
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Travel blog; Hawaii has a secret cowboy part that's like very cold ranches
Cowboy statue here

U know that Japanese americanphile meme
Its EXACTLY like that
All the ranches have tori gates or w/ever they're called as entrances
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Kantai 154.jpg
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Hawaii is more traditional Japanese then Japan bc everyone kept traditions to stay Japanese rather than change like real japanese metropolitan young people

All the Japanese people that lived here for generation s are like the super country character s from.anime's.like. daichis dad from dennoi coil
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Bye bye bye bye bye bye
bye :<
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saved & nn
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>p much a nap
guess ill sleep during the day time desu


also, cant wait for her pantsu scenes to be animated

r freaking cute
what manga/show that's ultra kawaii
this one

i posted alot of webms from the new season earlier
tfw slow hotel wifi took like a whole minute to load that
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hotels have r good breakfasts
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going to watch spice and wolf finally
qt butt
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fall is probably the best time to watch spice and wolf.

also gm
tfw pass banned already :<
only one day though
>banning a paying customer
yeah ikr
definitely gonna download okusama when I get home
How to get a qt 3.14 gf like Kaicho?
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desuku toppu, desu ne
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So which is it?
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the "it's a boy" meme needs to stop
Desktop thread mafia
tfw picked up the show and expected cute girls and r good butts

i was right
mune mune senpai~
cute ed desu
I'm at the airport lads


Picking someone up
oh well that's not too bad then
>windows 10
who are you quoting?
Cute girl though
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they should have made windows 10 that cute by default
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hiya hiya!

got a final tomorrow

going to bed early
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Acbn here,

this anime stuff is gross
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nora was also a qt
>want to support amd
>also want all the cool stuff nivida has
Why must this happen to me
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support anime and get the cute stuff instead imo
What if I wat to watch more than one 10 bit 1440p anime on 3 4k monitors at the same time?
hm bad idea because u wont beable to pay attention 100% to one

thats like having 3 waifus and while u pay attention to one the other two are going to end up jealous & yandere; u die

Is having a yandere waifu r that bad?
have u seen the ending of school days
I'll get right on that
I have nothing to watch and wanted to watch it anyway
no u shouldn't watch it, it sucks
the ending makes it worth it though.
if u want
but it r is bad
Its just the first ep and the writers are already playing with my feelings. Will this ever stop?
No, its a drama.
barely pantsu
Varona is a qt
i like how she's so tsundere for shizuo
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i will never understand the appeal of fursuits
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how about now?

this doing it fur you?
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MY thread!

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get out, weeb
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no ty
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y not?

u should listen to cute anime op and eds instead
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but I don't want to
sure she has good taste desu, would like the harddrives and douins
Finally going to start on the latest season of durarararara

I didn't realize I was so deep into the series already.
where did u leave off?
I'm not sure, I'm watching s3 of X2 and I've seen this episode before. Probably left off somewhere on this season.
Check your last access time in your file manager if you haven't opened the files yet.
I already watched everything I had in my anime folder. I pretty sure I left s3 in a download folder that no longer exists.
shizuo is my fav character in drrr desu

besides the r cute girls
him, izaya, erika and walker are my favorites.
I got a fighting game for the ps3 that has shizuo as a playable character. It also has kirino for OreImo and Misaka from raildex. But I haven't played it yet because i have noone to play with.
Shinra also, he's r good and his relationship with Celty
he' also super cool.

drrr just has a really good cast IMO and I think izaya is the perfect villain for this type of story
that dengeki game? I wanted it but haven't bought it yet
yea that's the one
r good last episode, now i can sleep

putting on a pair of nice pajama pants fresh out of the dryer is so comfy
I'm listening to k-on at college rn
Reminds me of high school desu
i should listen to that music more
It's pretty good desu
Download the k-on history music box, it's literally everything they ever released
yeah 12 cds of great music
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well boys im free once again of my un just banishment
is this pic cute enough to save or is it problematic
i saved it
very problematic if u dont have it saved desu


did you watch and/or like "Active Raid"? Going to watch it probably
i watched like 3 eps of the first season and forgot about it desu

will finish it sometime though
i saw some picture of a very qt girl and theres robots and i like both of those things

about to watch soushin shoujo matoi ep 1 have u tried that one
was going to watch it rn

just watched the first ep of natsume s5
hm 33 seconds in, four people are dead and a MAN is shooting an assault rifle not sure this is a good anime
the character designs are all over the place and i didnt know what i was watching at first because of the beginning, p unexpected but im going to keep up with it and see

these two girls are qts though
>yellow subs

also, butt
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Why is this a thing
all I see is some blurry alien text
Its Russian
thats what happens when u stream
I know and I don't care
that was at ##5620787
You know i have no other choice but to stream
why can't you get better internet?
kind of want to resub to ffxiv because wow doesn't have any qts
Found a rare pepe walking to work
please don't talk about that hate symbol
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Forgot the picture
you should of thrown a rock and broke the window
Y u mad tho
memes are supposed to stay on the computer
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>walking on air

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expect a r good cute webm today
waiting patiently

also stop posting scream
No I can't

Toy can't make me
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Is Acbn cute?
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No, this is though
hes a baka
the one on the left is
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How am I a Baka?!
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best girl.jpg
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You don't have to force yourself to say that

That show is pure trash
I've had to hide a lot of posts this thread
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It's a show?
Yeah I came on Cartoon Network after I got very bad
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4 U


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gonna see Sam Hyde live tonight


tfw theres apparently a sort of NTR arc next episode i think

r dont want to see that desu
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there is no ntr in spice and wolf. Holo and Laurence are OTP but I think I know what arc you're talking about.

also how are you liking it so far?
I really want to have a fire but I don't have anyone to chill next to the fire with.
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Left or right?
I can't tell it's too blurry can u post a better screenshot
the amarty arc

also its p good, might be something i can rewatch and holo is v cute. Reminds me of Maoyuu Maou Yuusha a little bit

but lawrence is an idiot sometimes desu
Left. Left so hard OMG. I cannot be left enough. I couldn't be anymore left.
Starlight open wide!
Is LoliPantsu here?
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LoliPantsu reporting in
tfw waiting for next thread already because i have images to post
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desu we could make early new threads since this is just /trash/
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avant garde 7.png
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I have a question if you wouldn't mind getting on #lovefort at some point, doesn't have to be right now
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hey you just reminded me that I haven't installed a irc client yet
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Did ya get a new machine or just a new OS?
My hard drive shit the bed so I had to get a new one. I lost all my anime images and have to rebuild my collection now.
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RIP. Have an anime.
my cousin is in a pretty cool band
finally finished that arc, i already knew how it'd end but i still dont like episodes like those in romance desu
somebody should send me a pizza
i like anime
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thats not anime
[peering through loupe]nope definitely not anime[flips up headset]definitely some weird beardy guy whose probably got bad opinions
I've been playing falcon BMS alot lately. I might make some anime liverys and try to rice windows again.
Good night desktoppers and desktopettes
nun is a qt
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are these nails cute y/n
Early for anyone to be up.
new thread
Thread posts: 302
Thread images: 164

[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y] [Search | Top | Home]

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