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HG thread

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 405
Thread images: 251

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HG thread
It's Friday night. Everybody's out kissing girls on the mouth.
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If I cannot write my manga, I cannot spread my ideals, beliefs, or even simply my creativity to the world.
A mangaka is truly nothing without his manga.

>You're a good one babe
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... knave?
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'Sup, dudes! What'd I miss while I was gone?
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Thank you for the thread.
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J-Just lower me already! D-Don't sweat the details!
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Nah, mine is less than superb.
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>>3978045 (Kaito)
Yeah, but...still. Charity's not somethin' I care over-much for on th'recieving end.
Gods, you sound like one'a those religious sorts. Guess I misjudged ya a bit there.
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You missed your chance to purchase an autographed copy of my manga.
I think it looks neat.

That'd be a 10 if there was a way to get the text to work.
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>slowly lowers her
>can't go any lower and just lets her go
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A manga, huh? What's it called?
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Religious? No. It's commonly known that I don't care for religion.
I simply wish to spread my way of thinking to everyone. It doesn't matter if they agree with me. I wish for everyone to read the works that I pour my heart into. That is all.

Pink Dark Boy. I can tell by how you speak that you're American. It's no wonder you haven't heard of it. Your country has such horrible taste that they refuse to publish my manga with English translations.
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Ya know, for your sake, the answer better not be too long. Welcome back, kiddo.
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No no, think of it like you did something for me so now I'm repaying the favor, don't be stubborn!
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>Plops to the ground.
Y-You are lucky it was just us two in the vicinity...idiot...
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Sure, but...th'way you word it, it's...oddly-similar.
>She offers an awkward shrug
Alright, then...thanks, though. The hard part'll be getting it 'ta the person in question.
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Now, that's just rude, dude! If I haven't heard of it, then it mustn't have been that popular in the first place!
...On that note, what's it about? Usually I'd ask Japan, but he's not here at the moment...
Thanks, dude! What's your name?
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I actually knew that, I wouldn't have done it if there were any guys around. I'm not a baka like you after all! Go grab something to eat, see you
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>Pirates start surveying the area for treasure
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>another shooting in the USA
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Coincidence and nothing more, I suppose.
I didn't see it in your memories, but.. there's no harm in asking, to be sure.
Have you seen a woman named Reimi Sugimoto in this place?

It's the best-selling manga in all of Japan, Italy, and China. Its sales nearly double the second best-seller. It's a thriller and mystery, set in many different time eras and following many main characters over many plotlines. You'd have to read it to find out.
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>is in the area
>saw everything
>got some nice shots of your ass
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Okay one more
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There is nothing to be had here, humans.
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>He carefully folds the parchment and puts it into his right coat pocket.
Well, you'll figure it out by the time I give it to you I think.
You think we keep all these rad guns around just to NOT shoot people with them?
You need some AMERICA in your life, Oce.
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Its the start of the racewar, baby
Post pictures of your ava that you never use
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B-Bye then, fool...
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That's a good one
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This wasn't a shooting. It was a targeted attack on police officers.
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>Saving this one for a future prom
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>Right after the fourth too.
I have several
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>tfw no Shima to shit all over.
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>He pauses a moment before answering, lips slightly parted, gazing downward. His shoulders bounce once in a silent laugh, eyes shifting sideways to face you. Almost playfully, he asks

Which one do you want? Got a lot of em.
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Good guy Shadow.jpg
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disrespectful ass
>pats head
Don't worry, when Hill-dogg defeats Trump in the Pokemon Championships and becomes God Emperor, she'll be too busy "fixing" healthcare to worry about gun ownership.
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Er...closest I've heard is someone called Reimu, but I'm willin' 'ta bet it's completely different. Sorry, but I don't think so.
Well, she doesn't come around often, and I'd just rather give it in person, y'know?
>I have never posted this until now. There's also others like the kimono, maid outfit, and pretty much any of the more fanservicey ones
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I'm fine with not fearing for my life at each corner of the street
You should come to France, you'll love it
Keep it in your country then
That was still a shooting
Yeah, I forgot about your 'Independence Day'
That was a shooting
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Here's another because why not.
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>I'm fine with not fearing for my life at each corner of the street
Me too, because I have a fucking gun. You'd be surprised how cordial people can be when you're strapped.
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>maid outfit
Post that shit right now.
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So it's set over many time periods with loads and loads of characters? Sounds interesting, but can you summarise the plot in about five to ten words so I can get a basic understanding of what it is?
The one that people call you the most, please! My name's Alfred Jones, also known as the United States of America! It's nice to meet you!
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>he will come back though
Well, they were shot, sure, but we usually associate that term with something a little more chaotic and random.

This was more of a deliberate move to cause civil unrest between two already divided social groups.
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The funny thing is that you find this situation normal and you should not.
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>There's also one of an apron and like I said other, more fanservicey stuff.
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>I honestly don't know why I don't use this one, I've had it for the longest time..
Ah... I know how you feel, but you have people to wait with you ya'know?
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and this
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I'm sure she'll come around...eventually.
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It's not.
That's fine. It's not that I particularly care, I suppose I was simply curious.
>He digs into his pocket and shows her the picture in image.
This is her. Please inform me if she shows up.

Two boys and an ancient mask that alters the fate of their bloodlines.
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This as well
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winter months.jpg
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Really I have a lot of good pictures in my folder, but don't use them since they're hardly appropriate.
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Yep...definitely not familiar. But hey, no problem, I'll keep an eye out.
>I've also only used like two images of her from this little thing
In sure I would, but that doesn't change the fact that my homeland is dying a slow agonizing death.

There's no hope to be found anywhere.
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What's her name? In case she shows up when you're not here.
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So is it like Back to the Future but with more time periods? Sounds cool, dude! But if that's true and it IS famous, then how come Japan hasn't told me about it, dude?
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Happy as can be.png
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>Jack is never happy
I don't think you've ever actually been to America, Ocelot. It's not like France where everybody sits around under the Eiffel tower, sipping coffee, eating baguettes, seducing women, twirling their mustaches, exchanging beret fashion tips, and welcoming the Muslim insurgents.
Annnnnnnd one final one
Boomer over here
Don't be retarded, the only time you shouldn't find it normal is when you live in one of those ghetto as fuck places where the only guns there are the illegal ones niggers carry.
>Kohina is fucking adorable.
Spitter most likely.
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Nobody does that
Man, if all frogs are like you, Paris deserved what it got
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Your cooperation is appreciated.
Again, it's nothing urgent. Simply someone I would be somewhat interested in seeing again.

Possibly because we know that your country has horrible taste in manga.
I've tried multiple times to have my manga published in America.
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Which is it?
Bad pictures never have me in them, ace.

Around where you'll usually find me? Sam. I'd echo the sentiment, but I think I met you a long time ago, champ.
All three of them!
>Spitter from the acid
You forgot the Jerry Lewis movies
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I want that Tsun booty.gif
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I'd say you're a dragon
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>There's never an event to relate to the cute Envy pictures I have in my folder.
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>Being right after a holiday is a punch in the gut, even though I live across the country
I may have been misinformed by Hollywood, but I certainly wouldn't want to make light of a country's situation when I've never set foot in it nor know anything about the current sociopolitical climate.
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Is that good or bad?

But the tongue and the tumors are a Smoker thing.

Please don't.

Really? Well, that's a surprise.
And the cigarette smoking. I need to watch Team America again.
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But you have to agree that your country is the cancer of this world
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You didn't know? that's odd, I didn't take you for a forgetter.
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Eh, I see a lotta folks come and go, so ya never really know for sure 'round here. I'm gonna assume your reasons're personal or somethin'.
>Aussa can actually be cute for once
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You sure, dude? I know France personally, and he does a lot of those things often...
Well, to be honest, at this point I wouldn't be surprised that we do have horrible taste in manga. The only ones that I can remember are Pokémon, Hetalia and One Punch Man, and I don't even read manga that often.
You have? I think I must've met you too, but I can't really remember you at all... Either way, it's nice to meet you too, Sam!
Actually. Just to clarify some stuff. I've worked in Disneyland Paris as a summerjob for like 3-4 months. Paris is one of the most dangerous cities I've ever been in. If I'd walk into the wrong neighbourhood my chances of survival would be close to 0. I've also been on the other side and visited Miami and that place is pretty much the same. Two same sides of the coin really.
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Yeah, the Paris attacks were deserved, fuck you and your cancerous country
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Well, it's just not something I'd think to check.

That's a little harsh, don't you think?
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Don't you feel like terrorism is the fault of the USA?
But we're not talking about Australia?
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How different in age do you suppose this woman is to me?
>He shows you a different picture.
Two, three years apart?

My manga, Pink Dark Boy, is rated as the greatest manga to ever exist. I believe it should be read by everyone.
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Hanzo, HanNo.jpg
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Well aren't we glad I told you then, you would of thought yourself as a lizard or a alligator instead.
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I'm triggered by the fact that there's no Survival Game going on.
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Is it perfect? No, of course not. No country is. Our leadership is fucked to high heaven but that can be said about any first world country these days.
Am I being fucking baited right now?
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...Uh. I don't like guessin' stuff like this. I've met people that're in the thousands that barely look 20, after all.
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Uh huh. I totally believe you, dude. It's not Pokémon or Hetalia, it's Pink Dark Boy. No, really, I believe you.
>In the immortal words of Al Murray; the US is a good idea that's gotten out of hand
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Like shit games are the reason for shitposting, yes.
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We're the worst, aren't we?

Well, the wings were always a bit of an oddity.

Don't confuse the politics of a country with its people or identity, buddy.

That's just the world right now. Every nation needs to take steps to stabilize.
Is that why sandniggers are deliberately attacking France instead of America?
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This thread needs more mei
Yeah, I bet you didn't know you can fly.
Who is this bad recoloration supposed to represent?
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They're waiting for you to rebuild the Twin Towers
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Throw a little fire, get tough. A little spirited discussion never hurt anyone, kid.

Well, not too badly.

I don't mind being a little forgotten in a story, ace. Try not to think about it too hard.
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>implying it's not the fault of radical muslims who shouldn't even exist in the first place
This better be bait
Sandniggers can't swim, silly. Plus they manage to crash almost every plane they steal so they're pretty hapless.
Well, that would've made shopping easier.
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>rebuild the Twin Towers
>still no games
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W-What do you mean, dude?
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>He retrieves yet another photo from the same pocket, showing that one to you as well.
Reimi was my childhood babysitter. She was murdered in an attempt to save me from a serial killer.
The last time I saw her, it was a few months ago. She was a ghost. I helped her pass on by bringing that serial killer to an end.
I haven't seen her since. I was somewhat.. Interested, in if she would appear in this place.

>He pulls out an old-fashioned phone and presses a few buttons, pulling up an outdated internet browser and loading a very slow list of manga. "Pink Dark Boy" read at the top, just above One Piece, with 640 million sales.
The numbers don't lie!
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>Doesn't mean they will though.
>Anyways, I'll be keeping quiet in case this discussion gets out of hand.
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He's not totally wrong. Iraqi and Afghani civilians were subjected to inhumane treatment under US occupation which in turn fueled the desire for compensation by means of revenge, as expected by the culture cultivated by Islam. War is an endless cycle.
>still not satisfied with mine
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no it's because terrorists don't want to be raped by TSA agents
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How much games in a day?
This thread needs more hunger games
Which was spurred on by the gigantic clusterfuck that was The Cold War
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Holesy Donut Holes!.png
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Yeah. wait are you joking with me?
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speaking of war crimes
>swings in and kidnaps sunset
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I respect your desire to not get mixed up in a political discussion on 4chan of all places. Things seem to be pretty civil, though. Which is nice.

Just a little.
What kind of shit filename is that, Crusty? you fucking shitter.
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I know, right? He got lazy.
>yesterday's post-midnight games were comfy as fuck, but with shit being posted it seems like comfy hours are ruined
t. literally everyone
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Oh, gods...but there are people that're supposed 'ta be dead here, after all.... Anythin's possible.
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...Shit, those ARE pretty convincing numbers. But what exactly are you trying to prove here? That your manga is the best?
Post more qt Mei and less gaping asshole Mei.
Not me

you fucks can burn in hell for all I care
Blame that jew Ocelot and his love of sandniggers
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No you do it
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Fuck your safe space.
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No burgers, only tacos.jpg
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How mean! if I didn't convert from evil to good, I would of done something heinous, like take your toothbrush-paste away from you.
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Anyway, it was a pleasure talking to you.

Goodnight everyone and try not be killed in your sleep, we never know what could happen in your shithole
t. Hoshi
Which obviously came about in the aftermath of World War II, so on and so on. I don't mean to offend, stop me if I start treading in that territory.

Don't hurt me too much.... A little is okay.... I-I guess.
Drink bleach kamina
I hope you get bombed next faggot
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dubs thread
You wouldn't dare. My dental hygiene is second to none.

Sleep tight, Ocelot.

Even if we don't agree on everything, I still love ya.
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Sometimes, you'd rather be the man in back, not the focal point.
Oh because your country's so safe, right? Quit deluding yourself.
Nah, I gave up on mine.
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fuck you
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I'm not working on my games at all.

irl and FF and stuff.
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Au revoir.
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>Getting murdered in your sleep isn't that common in Vermont, but OK. G'night.
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>The photos only keep coming, like a proud father that won't stop showing you pictures of his family.
If she appears then she does, though I won't hold high hopes.
I'm aware of only a few that are meant to be dead, though it seems that they were more "pulled from their places in time."
They think they're from the past.

No. I, Rohan Kishibe, don't draw manga for fame or wealth.
I draw manga so people will read it. That is all. So people will read it.
i don't blame him.
Nighto, you jew.

well, shit.
Factually accurate, non controversial history hardly offends.
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I love the bacon.png
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I will, just you wait!
and please wait, I have to ask something.

Hey sunset, do you know where Spike's bathroom is?
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Uh, alright?
On an unrelated topic, who here has Pokemon GO?
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Seeya 'round.
>That would imply that Pasadena actually has anything happen
You might be more hopeful than you're sayin'.... And I've seen people that said their last memories were kinda, y'know...gettin' killed. So there's that.
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check em.png
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>down and right keys don't work
send dubs
I don't want to die like that
My phone literally didn't have an alarm clock function preinstalled. I had to download an app for it.
It would explode in my hand if I tried to use it for GO.
aww arnt you just the cutest~

>steals dubs
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But being the focal point is one of the best things ever, dude! People would regard you as a hero like me!
...But you literally just said a few minutes ago that your manga was the best? Or did you say that to coax me into reading it? You're sending mixed messages here, dude.
I'll try not to, goodnight
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>STILL not released in Canada
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>Not me, unfortunately. My phone can't handle it, and I'm not upside-down
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Also why do neefags always have to shit out new ways to say the old shit?

>It's an _____ episode

Oldfags who pick it up are just as pathetic imo.
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I'm much cuter in handcuffs.
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>tfw you get pulled over by the cops because they think you're high but really you're trying to catch pokemon at 40 mph
>Only smart device I have is a Kindle
>tfw missing out on a lot of decent mobile games.
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>Pokemon after G3
Fucking kill yourself, manchild.
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Yes, just wait right there.

I am his....uh...Plumber! yes!
I hate the faggots who say they're better than everyone because they got up and started playing pokemon go for exercise, even though they never played or heard of ingress (which is practically the same damn thing made by the same damn company.) other than that, game's pretty alright for crashing every 2 minutes while walking downtown.
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>You expected the photos to end? No, there is no end to the photos. Even though the topic of conversation had already passed, Rohan continues showing you photos.
Interesting. It's possible that this place could be an afterlife of some kind. Us "coming here" could just be an illusion, to cover up our deaths. It's very possible that everyone here has already died. Very interesting.

My manga IS the best, that fact is undeniable. You will never read a manga as good as mine. However, I don't write it for wealth or fame. I simply write it to entertain people.
Does that not make sense to your American mind? The love for a profession?
Hot opinions as usual.
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Do you need help with the whole 'kidnapping' thing, or are you good?
>not liking all pokemon
Kill yourself, hipster
>a lot of decent mobile games.
>a lot
Eehhhhhh there's a few but you're not missing much. It's irrelevant anyway because the greatest mobile distraction of all time, Snake, has already been released.
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Come on, kid. We both know a lot of your big moments the past hundred years or so weren't exactly put on display. I think a few countries in South America might have some words about it.
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>playing vidya while driving
Are you stupid?
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This tastes good.jpg
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so did you do anything interesting these past weeks?
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Back to reddit.jpg
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>says the FFag
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>Fatass neckbeard anon mad as fuck at fit causals XD
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>Pokemon Go is Gen 1 only right now.
I'm, er...pretty sure I'm alive right now, considering I walked through a portal here. Not 'ta mention the people that manually leave and go an' such.
...I think I know what she looks like by now.
>Liking FF after X
Same to you
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Well, Sunset and I got together, but I think that's about it.
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Its pathetic to say memes in a place that always had memes?
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Yeah but I wanna catch the good shit.
Well it's about time you showed up.
> Points in the direction of the bathroom door.

I guess we'll find out.
Any pokemon game released after Gold/Silver/Crystal/Stadium 2 is garbage
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>The hottest
I'd say after X-2, but X is the better of the pair.
If you played pokemon after R/B/Y don't even talk to me.
>nostalgia-blinded retard
189 at 6'3 isn't fat.
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Suck my Final Dick.
Alright then. Right here if you need me.
>using ooc for something that's never been ic
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2MB, 480x360px
Awwww, that's cute, how was the wedding? I bet the children will look adorabl-

>Sonata runs towards the bathroom and starts emptying all the Toothpaste onto the floor
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Yeah, I somewhat understand it now. I resent that shit taste in manga comment, though. Not my fault the government doesn't like manga that well.
>He coughs nervously.
You know what I mean, dude! People regard me and Russia as the turning point in World War Two!
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Pics or it didn't happen.
Pokemon Black/White was pretty good.
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I did nothing but be a lazy piece of shit all day, so I figured I'd do it here too.

Hello everyone.
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>Already being halfway through unearthing another photo from his bottomless jacket pocket, he blinks, realizing that he'd gone overboard with the pictures and aborting mission, tucking them all back into his coat.
As I said, that could simply be false memory. It's very possible that you died, though in a defense mechanism, your mind overwrote that memory with an explanation as to how you arrived in this place.

Oh, then allow me to rephrase.
Your country has shit taste in manga.
Nevermind, it's impossible to rephrase.
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You fiend!

Oh, and we're not married yet. But it's definitely been on my mind.
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>Talking about Pokemon and Terrorism on an HG thread
>/pol/ jr.
Nah, I'm good.
Pokemon puzzle league > Everything else
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I'll give you that.
>using ooc for something that's never been ic
>not Pokemon Snap
I will literally fight you barefisted in the street.
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Is there a pokeman generation worse than G2?
>i-it's okay when we talk about pokemans
Pokemon go > the laws
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Ha! I told you I would do it! and I did! I'll even throw your soup onto the toilet!
>grabs the soup and throws it into the waters of the toilets, while trying to flush it down
oh and you two should get married, I heard they give cake when you get married, it's awesome.
Hey You Pikachu! > literal shit > everything else
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>I don't even have the thing, I just stated a fact. Hell, I don't even own something that could use it.
>Besides, it's /vp/ you should probably be pointing us to.
>She grins slightly at the reaction, before returning to a more neutral expression
And that still doesn't account for th'folks that can come and go at will.
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You chose the wrong time to make your entrance, because there's nothing Survival Game related going on here.
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D'ya need a toothbrush too or nah? I could probably find a new one around here somewhere.... You know, just gotta... Look.
Pokemon Picross > Puzzle League > Stadium's minigames > main series games > Pokemon Ranger
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Nice RP.
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Yeah, we do have shit taste in manga... But our taste in anime is undisputedly the best, and you can't deny that.
Yo, dude!
Pokemon Channel > Every other game in existance
Pokemon Showdown.
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Oh no, Spike tricked me, so I'm paying him back, by being very evil.
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Not the soap! Whatever will we do!?

Would you come to the wedding when we have it?
I would have agreed with you if you linked /vp/ instead, but no, you had to link to one of the most shit boards on 4chan.
>Pokemon Mini > Life itself
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You'll uhm.... Clean that up right? Because we uh.... We share a bathroom.
This is as bad as HGA.
Fitting for a game like pokemon
how do i git gud at arr pee?
>Pokémon Channel
That game unironically triggers me it's so bad.
Talk about your taste in Pokemon.
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Any game where you can't just buy currency with rwt is bullshit
>digimon fanboy
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Rah rah.png
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You will bow down to your overlord!
oh and yeah, I'll definitely come. unless it's on a weekend, then kinda no, because usually I go fu- find food.

Oh. can I have a towel or three?
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Nothing wrong with taking credit when it's due, but you'll attract a lot of prying eyes too. Didn't Russia have a few of those on the formerly esteemed Dr. Oppenheimer? That big show you put on in Japan must have gotten a lot of attention, after all.

That's no way to live, champ.
talk about fucking pokemon

thats it
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It's possible that those people have some sort of relation with death beyond our understanding.
I'm simply trying to theorize, here. Would you rather we never found out what this place was?

Really? What are the most popular anime in your country? Let me guess, Strike Witches.
Any other game franchise > Pokemon
Found the /v/fag.
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>digimon fanboy
Is that really the best you can do?
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What a tragedy. I'm not going to be killing anyone anytime soon. I'm sure it's horrible for you.

Yo ambassador. Nice to see you.

Hey! I beat Kingdom Hearts today! I accomplished som- ah you're right. I'll try to go outside tomorrow.
>being this wrong about vidya
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medium (9).png
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>Clears throat.

Yeah sure right under the uh... Sink there.
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You find food on the weekend? Like, do you hunt, or is that just your shopping day?
Souls Series > shit from a dog's ass > other games > the flies buzzing around the dogshit > death > hunger games
Anyone that chooses a fucking cat or that sea lion over based Rowlet is a degenerate

A-Am I doing good?
Are you clinically retarded?
Nice RP.
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Whoa, take it easy, ace. You might actually expend a little effort at that rate.
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Souls series had better mean Soul Calibur, faggot.
>Souls Seires
Patrician taste
Slob on my knob
Like corn on the cob
Check in with me
and do your job
>not wanting to cause mayhem and do social experiments with based sea clown
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Eh, I wouldn't know. It's not something I care 'ta think of too much. Though, if I am a ghost, I'm feelin' awfully solid and spry.
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Excuse me?
Sorry, I don't play shit so no.
Wut? Stay out of my fucking forest.
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Yeah, and they won't stop asking me to apologise even though they committed war crimes as well... Oh well. What's done is done, right? And they rebuilt it eventually, too!
How's it been?
Dragonball Z, Yu-Gi-Oh, Sailor Moon... Yeah, we do have pretty good taste, dude.
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Of course it is, but even in hard times we have to stay strong! We can't let this momentary slowness, slow down our passion for Survival Games!
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite = Dark Souls 1 > Shitborne > "dungeon crawlers" > FaPS Games > end of the world > ET > TF2
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>goes under the sink and grabs all the towels and begins rubbing them across the floor
To be honest with you Sunset, I think I made it worse.

No, I have a independent job, I make serpents appear from men and take their magic away, in wrestling! or if I'm lucky, I skip all that and try for running with the papers.
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>Sorry, I don't play shit so no.
>He says, as he puts the Souls series on the top of his list
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>HG more like /pol/ at this point with all these shitty opinions flying around.
M-Men's serpents?


What does this magic look like?
A-Asuka are you alright?” She immediately froze as the sound of Shinjis voice pulled her from her fantasy. She looked up into Shinji’s eyes and nodded.

“Fine.” She shot back sharply.

“You looked like you were thinking about something.”

‘Oh you have no idea.’

She took another look along his body again. The bulge at the front of his plugsuit had mostly gone but that was easily remedied. The fact was that she wanted him right now and she might not get another chance for a very long time.

When they returned to the Wunder it was likely that Shinji would be taken into the cells for some time and she wouldn’t be able to visit him for this purpose.

“Shinji.” She whispered.

He turned to meet her gaze, “Y-Yes Asuka…”

“Do you want to kiss me?”

“K-Kiss you?” He stammered in his reply.

She nodded, “Yeah… you know kissing.”

Shinji wasn’t sure if this was some fort of trick she was playing on him. Asuka had been acting weird for the past couple of minutes. Her face had turned red and her attention seemed to be elsewhere. Not that he hadn’t been acting strangely himself. He had been trying to angle himself in such a way that she couldn’t see the little problem he was having at the front of his plugsuit.

He was certain that if she had noticed that any good will that had been made between the two of them would have instantly evaporated.

He finally replied nervously, “I… I know kissing.”

“Well… do you want to kiss me?” She asked again.

Shinji still didn’t know how to respond, instead he just let his body do it for him and nodded dumbly. He brought himself closer to her to a point which their heads were level. Both of them were kneeling and gazing at one another. Slowly she reached a hand up and placed it softly onto his cheek. It made its way around to the back of his head and pulled him closer towards her.
Majora's Mask > Literally anything and everything that could or ever will exist
Apparently this is a tale of souls and shit taste.
Don't make me pick Kilik nigger. I'll whip your ass without even trying.
Back off geezer, I'm allowed to take a break every once in a while. Just because I'm younger than you doesn't mean I have to do more than you every day.

It's been alright I suppose. Pretty calm, I hope it stays that way.

Help me stay strong Otori, I just don't know if I can do it.
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>Implying the DMC series isn't the greatest game series to have ever been conceived
Soon they were nose and node and Shinji watched as her eye closed and her lips pressed up against his. He opened his mouth ever so slightly to match hers and also nervously moved his hands up against her sides.

Moments past in their kiss and he heard a small moan escape from Asuka. He felt her tongue start to probe itself way into his mouth. He allowed it to do so as she started to move her hands along his side.

Finally she pulled away from him and their eyes opened once again. Both were now blushing at the events that had transpired and much to Shinji’s embarrassment his problem from before had now returned.

“Asuka…” He started but trailed off, unsure of what to say.


He realized in horror that her gaze was slowly turning downward, she placed a hand on his leg and slowly trailed upwards tracing its way over the bulge that had formed. Without any warning she pressed her lips against his again and pushed him back onto the top of the sleeping bag. She mounted him and whispered into his ear.

“I want you Shinji.”

He was frozen in place yet again and had nothing to say in response to her. What exactly could he say to that? Instead he allowed his body and hands to take over as he ran them along Asuka’s, side. She sat above him, he legs straddling him as his hands started to trace the front of her plugsuit.
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>Screams internally.
Y-you better just let me.... I mean, you're guest after all.
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This could have been prevented.jpg
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>all this shit taste
>not playing Crab Nicholson's Extreme Sleepover Text Adventure
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Cute CUTE.png
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it looks like hugging, sometimes choking is involved, ask Sunset, she should know what I'm talking about.
I tried to get into MH, I really fucking did. It came highly recommended by some friends and I tried my best to enjoy it. It felt like an offline MMO with no story, I couldn't do it.
Sshhh. I actually really like SC but as a Dark Souls fan I have to shit on anything that isn't Dark Souls or they'll think I'm not gud.
>oldies over refined and better gameplay
Spotted the cringeypasta faggot
Finally they came to her breasts. He lightly touched them before cupping them slightly. Asuka let out a soft moan as she felt his thumb rub across her erect nipples. Even through the plugsuit she could feel his warmth and she was starting to become desperate to feel the real thing.

Suddenly he stopped, “W-Wait what about…”

Asuka smiled, “Wondergirl? We still have hours before her guard duty is up and I don’t think she’ll be bothering us as long as we don’t make too much noise.”

She tilted her head, “You do want this right? Your body seems to imply you do.”

She ran her hand across his erection again eliciting a soft moan from him, “Y-Yes but… I’ve never…”

Asuka raised an eyebrow in surprise, “Not even with that Kaworu you mentioned?”

Shinji shook his head, “No we… didn’t, it wasn’t like that I… have you… ever done this?”

“Not with a guy.” She admitted.

As she said the word she was almost certain she could feel his erection twitch within the plugsuit. It was exactly the response she wanted.

“Me and Mari might have been there for each other a few times over the last fourteen years but you’re going to be my first.”

“Y-You mean you…”

She nodded, “I want all of you Shinji. No in fact I don’t just want all of you. I need all of you, right now.”

She threw her hands around the back of his neck and pulled him up towards her thrusting her tongue into his mouth. She scrambled around the back of his plugsuit desperately looking for the release switch. Finally she found it and watched as it slackened around him.

She pushed him away, rolled off of him and commanded him, “Plugsuit off now.”

She watched eagerly as he began to remove his plugsuit, awkwardly fumbling as it fell away to his crotch. He looked around nervously, “Uh Asuka…”

She smirked, “I know. Here, will this make you feel better?”
It's just best to fuck off while the infamous man himself and that other faggot start jacking off from their high horses.
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I know the exact method that can help you keep that spirit burning inside you!
Do 50 push-ups right now!
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What do you want.jpg
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Oh, okay. I'll just sit in the living room.
>goes to the living room
You sound like a redditor

do u praize the sun bro???!!!! XD
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The hell is that?
DMC2 is a thing and completely invalidates your claim.
4 is in my all-time top 10 though.
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Sonata, I think you should talk to Sunset about this magic. She's a u-unicorn after all. She might be able to help you find a better form of income.
>Not playing Army Men
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Regardless, I don't think that's the case, either. I'm still publishing my manga regularly, so unless my mind is continuing to fabricate false information, I can't see this being any sort of afterlife.
Do you have any ideas of your own?

Passable, at least.
>the infamous man
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I hope so, too! Did anything else happen lately?
It'll pass, always does.
Calm the fuck down, holy shit.
Asuka got onto her knees and reached around to slacken her own plugsuit. She started to slowly and seductively remove it fully aware of Shinjis mesmerised gaze. She brought it down half way exposing her breasts to him. She looked over and smiled seeing his eyes fixed on her and his mouth slightly open.

“Like what you see?”

He nodded again and continued to remove what was left of his plugsuit. She could finally see his exposed erection. She didn’t really have anything to compare it to but it seemed to be a decent size, it wasn’t too big or too thick. Shinji had a minimal amount of pubic hair, similar to herself.

Without waiting for him to do anything she dived forward and eagerly grabbed hold of him. She wasted no time in running her hands all along his exposed body before firmly grasping his hardness in her hand. She felt herself get wetter as a gasp fell from his mouth. In response she ran her hand along the shaft and her finger over the tip feeling all of the wetness that had formed along it.

His hands started to make its way up and over her body too, exploring it freely and of course stopping at her breasts. One of his hands completely cupped it and finally she got to feel his fingers trace their way over her nipples. She moaned in pleasure at his touch.

“Mm Shinji.”

Again she playfully pushed him away and took up a position onto her back. She grabbed both of their plugsuits and tossed them over to the side of the tent and pressed her legs together. She beckoned Shinji over towards her, he complied until he was beside her. With both of them lying on their sides and gazing at one another she took his hand and slowly guided it downwards towards the growing wetness between her legs.
Sunset, I'll gladly do the cleaning if you'll go talk to Sonata about her 'magic' that sounds an awful lot like prostitution.
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...are you saying she might know how I can do it to the women too? maybe I should.
He's probably referring to BEN.
Every day, brother. Praise it!
I like to pretend DMC2 never happened
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Just.. Tell her what you told me.
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Point is, that got your old friend Russia's attention. Suddenly, they've got themselves a shiny new warhead, one you weren't going to give them.

Kid, if you manage to do more with a decade than I get done on a slow day, you'll move mountains.
She parted her legs ever so slightly and allowed shinji to run his fingers along her opening for the first time. She pulled him back into a kiss again and used her hand to grab hold of his hardness once again. Just as she started to move her hand up and down to jack him off she felt his finger insert itself into her.

“Mm Shinji…”

“Aaah Asuka.”

Shinji worked his finger into her as deep as her could. She was so wet that he had no difficulty in sliding it into her. Once in as far as her could he pressed against her and slowly started to move it. He could feel her shudder and hear her moan as he continued this motion. He himself unable to stop himself moaning as her grip tightened around him.

She continued to move her hand up and down speeding up as she did so. It took barely any time but he could already feel his orgasm beginning to build within him. If she kept on going on like this it wouldn’t be long.

“Asuka, I’m gonna…”

“Cum? Go ahead but let me do this first.”

She instantly took her hand off of him and pulled his finger out of her before rolling him onto his back. Within moments she had positioned herself between his legs, her mouth hovering over his erection and her eye fixed on him. She put out her tongue and gave the tip of him an experimental lick before opening her mouth and taking him fully into her mouth. Immediately he moaned out.
The plastic army men games were the fucking shit.
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Are you triggered?
>“Mm Shinji.”
Was this written by local typefuckers?
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Okay, why are you sweating? I didn't even knew dragons could sweat.
Uncle ben?
“Ahh Asuka.” He struggled to keep his voice down.

Responding to his moan of pleasure she began to bob her head up and down faster.

“A-Asuka I’m going to…”

He could feel his orgasm building quickly inside him. Waves of pleasure ran up and down him as Asuka continued to suck on him. With each movement up she’d sweep her tongue across his tip.

“Asuka I…”

She went down again.

“I’m cumming! Ahh Asuka I’m cumming!”

More waves of pleasure shot through him as his orgasm finally took hold. He felt her mouth clamp tightly around him as he shot his cum into her waiting mouth. She swallowed it down until he had finished riding out his orgasm.

“Mm Asuka…”

She crawled over his body kissing her way up his chest.

“Mmm, you came a lot and you’re still hard.”

“A-Asuka…” He looked down and saw his erection had not gone down at all. Asuka was now looking at him very eagerly. Without any warning she placed her lips against his again and their tongues met exploring each other’s mouths. Shinji could taste himself on her tongue, it was a strange flavour, not exactly pleasant but not awful.

He certainly wasn’t bothered by it and besides Asuka had just swallowed all of his cum so the least he could do was kiss her.

Within moments he found himself the other way around, Asuka on her back with him on top.

She looked up at him eagler, “So Shinji, are you going to fuck me?”
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.....Real combat plastic men?

You just make yourself right at home, don't worry about this, I'll take care of it.
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>MH requires you to either have friends that are really into it too, or you love/don't mind grinding for exp and materials in games
>Fortunately I have both so MH is fucking amazing

Ok, I'm not sure if that'll do it for me. I'm a support character right? So me doing physical training won't help much. How about you do 50 push ups for me?

Not really, I mean I was just playing videogames the past few days. You'll have to ask someone else for recent events.

Ah, you're one of those. Ok old man, what do you do that's so amazing?
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The black guy with the ready-rice?
Yeah, let's go with that. Still blows my mind they followed up a genre defining masterpiece with that piece of horseshit.
I liked the DMC reboot okay but I have no desire to ever play it again.
Are you?
Ever tried MH4U?
Shinji looked down at Asuka’s body taking in every detail of it. His eyes wandering past her breasts, along the curves of her stomach and hips. Stopping at her vagina, he could see how wet she was. He slowly positioned his erection above her entrance before looking back at her.

Sending something was wrong she asked, “What’s wrong?”

“W-We don’t… have any, what if you?”

Asuka laughed, “Oh, don’t worry about that. I have an implant. Akagi fitted me with it, it’s not strictly for that but it means there is no risk.”

Shinji nodded before slowly positioning himself at her entrance again. He could feel the heat coming off of it and slowly he began to insert himself into her.

“Mm Shinji.”

“Ah… Asuka.”

Asuka threw her hands around him as he continued to push his way inside her filling her up completely. She moaned loudly as a strange mixture of pleasure and pain surged through her, it was not like anything she had felt before.

Her own fingers didn’t feel this good, Maris fingers or tongue certainly didn’t feel this good, they felt good sure but this was different. Shinji was completely inside her, filling her up and completing her. This wasn’t just something she was doing because she was turned out, Shinji was someone she loved.

Finally he came to a stop inside her having inserted himself fully. The pleasure and pain she was feeling still rushing over her.

“Mmm Shinji, just… hold there for a second.”

“A-Are you alright?”

She nodded, “Fine just… getting used to it.”

“If it hurts I can stop.”

She snapped back, “Don’t you dare, it’s just… a little bit of pain. It’ll pass.”

Shinji waited for a moment and took the time to lean in and kiss Asuka. He allowed his hands to explore her body once. Running their way over her stomach and breasts. He heard her moan and tighten around him in response to his hand going over her breasts.
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>MHX hype
>I'm gonna play the shit out of those aerial dual blades
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I just know that there's some sorta portal or whatever back 'ta my world that people've been going through that I can't find. Otherwise...eh. I'm guess it's th'creation of some bored god or somethin'.
>I feel bad that my only real experience with it is Sarges Heroes II and Air Combat (or whatever it was called)
>eyes the kitchen
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Oh, no reason. Just a hot day.
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Have you seriously not heard of it?
This shit's old as fuck.
Is that the one with the big guy in it?
i'm sorry but no wonder you guys are trash, holy shit. all you do is bitch and argue over pointless shit until a new game pops up
Aside from absolutely raping Dantes character to death I thought it was a pretty fun game, the Definitive edition fixes a lot of the original problems too, so that's nice
He repeated the motion, taking care to not hurt her as she got used to him being inside of her. He could feel her around him as he thrust inside her again.


She reached her hands around his back running them along as he began to pick up speed thrusting in and out of her. With each time he thrust back inside she would moan out in pleasure. Asuka lay back allowing her hands to take in and explore Shinji’s body.

She glanced downwards watching as he continued to thrust in and out of her, she caught a glance of his erection just as it moved back inside sending a wave of pleasure throughout her.

“Oh god Shinji, fuck me.” She moaned out loudly.

He responded by starting to move faster within her. She could feel every bit of him as he moved in and out of her. One of her hands gripped the material of the sleeping bag as he increased his pace, her other hand placed firmly on his backside, her fingers trying to part it to get at his anus.

He moaned as her finger slowly traced its outline.

“Mm Asuka…”

Asuka made a note that she would have something to try when they returned as she continued to allow herself to be made love to by Shinji. He thrust in once more and she began to feel him suddenly get harder within her. It was just like he had done when she had him in her mouth earlier, his orgasm was approaching.

“Oh god Shinji, please cum for me.”


Shinji was moving a lot faster now, thrusting in and out of her quickly sending wave after wave of pleasure throughout her body, spreading from her most sensitive parts upwards throughout her. He moaned loudly as the sound of his flesh smacked against hers. She began to raise her hips to meet his feeling her orgasm building within him.
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See? My taste in anime is pretty great, dude!
Me? Russia? Friends? I'd sooner die than be in the same room as him! But I do see your point...
And who would this someone else be, dude?
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The thought that you didn't expect me to already be done with my warm-up exercises, long before arriving here, hurts me.
You should get a fan.
The "Ben Drowned" creepypasta of old. Look it up.
With her climax approaching she continued to moan and hold onto him tightly. Sweat covered their bodies as they continued to make love to one another. For that moment nothing existed but the two of them, the outside world completely forgotten about. There was just the two of them, entwined in the embrace. Shinji moaning Asuka’s name building up to his own release. Asuka receiving him, trying to stop herself from screaming out in pleasure as her orgasm approached.

All the pain both physically and mentally was gone for them in this moment. There was nothing but the smiles they shot each other, the sweat on their bodies and the feel of their skin against one another.

Asuka moaned out again, “Oh god Shinji, I’m going to…”

“Me too, I’m gonna…”

He continued thrusting, she could feel him stiffen more and more. She could feel just how close he was.

“I’m cumming Asuka!”

With a loud grunt he thrust one final time inside of her and she felt him stiffen one more time and begin to cum deep inside of her. In response she screamed out.

“Shit, Shinji I’m cumming! Oh god I’m cumming!”

She felt her orgasm rock through her body as she wrapped her arms and legs around him pulling him towards her. Spasms of pleasure shot through her as she tightened her grip on him and bit down on his shoulder trying to stop herself from screaming out too loudly.

She could hear Shinji next to her moaning, his erection still twitching inside her. With each twitch and load it shot out it’d cause another ripple of pleasure within her.

Finally their orgasms started to subside. Panting heavily they gazed at one another before Shinji finally pulled himself out of her causing her to moan as she did.
Hello new friend.
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What big guy seriously.
Great idea. I'll look right into that.
It could be worse.

At least it builds character

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I don't think so. I'm not sure what you're talking about? Give me a second and let me google it.

No u!
And you're here why? Just to remind us of what we already know?
“Mm, Shinji.”


Still naked he rolled onto his back allowing Asuka to rest her head into his shoulder. She was aware of the mess that would have formed in the sleeping back by now but she didn’t care. It could wait until later, for now she was content to wrap her arms around him and plant soft kisses on his chest.

Their hearts pounding in their chests they turned to meet each other’s gaze. She was certain now of how she felt about him. After a time he spoke the words she had been wanting to hear for all that time.

“Asuka I… I love you.”

She smiled, “I know, I love you too.”

If we have a daughter, I'm keeping a very close eye on her around you.
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Alrighty Spikey Wikey.

I wasn't eyeing nothing. I mean yes?
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Oh okay. I never heard of it. I'm not really into creepypasta. I'm gonna give it a quick peek.
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Let's just say I have my fingers in a lot of pots, ace. What about you? You at least have ambitions of accomplishing something?

Friend isn't always a literal term, hotshot.
The push/pull mechanic with the grab tools felt like a good evolution of Nero's arm mechanic but yeah, I hated new Dante. I'll keep an eye out for the def edition.
>biggest Zelda fan
>have never heard of fucking BEN
Well this is surprising.
Look up the whole thing, back in the days it had a pretty huge notoriety.
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That's absolutely possible, as well. I'm aware of the presence of a few "gods," here, though can they really be considered gods? None of them have a religion dedicated to them. I'm made to believe they're simply incredibly strong.

Great? No. What you named are all classics. I wouldn't call your taste "great" in the slightest.
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Statistically speaking, nobody loves or knows you exist.
Nice feeling, isn't it? Almost makes you want to bask in your irrelevancy.
>implying it's not just two guys CJ'ing with each other
Anyone can get into MH, if you REALLY try. Fortunately for muy, i'm a pretty patient person.
>arial anything
Come on and slam.
Ever heard of a robot named Blanche who nearly plays in every hour of every waking day? I'm not her, but she's pretty fucking into it.
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Says the literally Hoo
Considering the biological differences that'd be one unfortunate looking kid I'll tell ya that much.

How's work goin'?
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I know, I know... It's just that I can't stand even being near Russia. Even Belarus is more friendly than he is, and she stalks him for God's sake!
Well, at least you said it was passable at best... That has to count for something, right?
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>The aerial style isn't even the one I'm most interested in, I want to Bushido the fuck out of everything, but aerial dual blades are just too stylish.
From the very beginning, Tony knew his crush on Steve was hopeless. The age gap, different value systems, Steve's opinion of Tony... As much as he wanted the tension between them to be of sexual nature, he knew the Cap was exasperated with him, regardless of what he was doing. Poor Steve, he had to put up with not one but two Starks, both highly annoying.

Still, Tony didn't suppress his feelings. All the heartache, longing and sexual frustration, he almost forgot how bittersweet and painful unrequited love is. He would let his mind wander off into the fantasy land, where Steve loved him as he was, with all the imperfections. Much better than the harsh reality.

In everyone's life there comes a time when the wildest dream come true. Stars align and gods grant the boldest wish, causing the lucky one to wonder if they are dreaming. After months of glancing at Steve and creating ridiculous metal scenarios of how they would get together, it actually happened. Tony pinched his arm the whole time, asking himself for the hundredth time if it was a date or if he misinterpreted Steve's motivation. They were at Steve's, emptying the second bottle of wine and talking. Just the two of them, Steve did not invite anyone else. Despite being a playboy, Tony was clueless about the meaning of that evening. Two friends chatting about work or an introduction to something far more exciting? Steve did not confess his passionate love or Tony, just topped his wine glass generously and smiled warmly. What did that mean? Steve's attitude towards Tony changed that night from constant disapproval to... something akin to friendship, perhaps. Steve either lost a bet or that sudden change of heart was a side effect of getting defrosted.

'I should go now,' Tony said firmly, hoping to hear 'stay'.

'If you have to,' Steve nodded and gathered the glasses and the empty bottles.
>that joke is old as the comics itself
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>Someone else who uses dual blades
>Holy shit, there's only 10 of us in existence I never thought I would meet a brother in arms

Uh, I dunno, there's a few people here. I could talk about past events I guess, those can be interesting to some people.

I did my warm up exercises too, these push ups are to keep me from falling asleep. So get to exercising Otori, we don't have all day. I'll even cheer you on~

I do, I plan on becoming Japan's prime minister and changing our complacent outlook on the country.

>Yeah, I remember 2 or 3 hour grind sessions where I was ready for death
>When you reach unique monster hunts though it's all worth it
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Yeah.. I guess.

Not like it's possible anyway.
You fucking got me.

But seriously. There's a big guy in Dundorma.called the Great Elder.

The only Blanche name that I ever heard was from A streetcar named desire mate.
But that's a lie.
Tony frowned behind his back, disappointed and took his jacket. He was about to awkwardly thank for the wine when Steve caught his wrist and pulled him close. The kiss was exactly as sweet and deep as in Tony's dreams. His heart raced, knees shook and his mind was on fire. Steve did like him or at least desired him. He clung to the serum-enhanced body, just like he always wanted and palmed the rock-hard muscles. In return, Steve's hands slid from Tony's back to his ass and squeezed it with a clear intent to leave bruises.

'Captain, you're full of surprises,' Tony grinned, hardening instantly. Steve knew what he was doing, against the odds. So he really was not a virgin, who would have thought. Certainly not Tony, even though Steve's tongue was half-way down his throat and his jeans were impatiently yanked down.

'Take off your clothes,' Steve demanded and moved away from Tony, who swayed without the support of Steve's solid frame.

'Is that an order?' Tony asked teasingly while fighting with the buttons of his shirt. 'What if I say no? Are you going to punish me?'

'Maybe,' Steve narrowed his eyes and undressed quickly. The sight of that perfect male form on full display could give Tony a heart-stopping orgasm. The serum made everything bigger. Tony prided himself on his control over his gag reflex but the cock he was staring with a mixture of lust and worry would certainly choke him. He wanted it so badly.
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Doesn't make it any less applicable
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I managed to take someone's car keys and wallets last time I went to work, he was a good dealer.
say do you know how I can do it to the women too?
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Well, I've seen Suwako, who's one'a the gods of th' Moriya Shrine back where she's from. Weirdly enough looks like a...I dunno, 10-year-old or somethin', funny hat with eyes on it. And some folks just don't care 'ta be worshipped, though it could happen anyhow.
If nothin' else, god or not, they're probably awful strong, anyhow.
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Sure, I don't see why not! It'd be interesting to hear what someone else does for a change!
Did you only read half his post?
'Oh, Captain. I've been bad,' he giggled, wondering if Steve could actually spank him. The innocent, pure cupcakes who are secretly disturbingly kinky had a special place in Tony's heart.

The bedroom was dimly lit, yet one thing caught Tony's eye at once. Two sets of handcuffs, attached to the bed frame. Bondage? Steve and bondage? The shock of a lifetime. Tony wasn't interested in those things, although he had nothing against restraining his bottoms if that turned them on.

He gasped, falling onto the bed, Steve had pushed him. Tony landed on his front and before he managed to roll around, Steve lay on top of him. Whilst the proximity of a nude Captin America was all that Tony desired, he couldn't shake the feeling of disquiet. He had to clarify what he was comfortable with. Preferably without delay, as Steve's cock was right between his ass cheeks.

'Let me turn around, I need to tell you something,' he asked and Steve flipped him over. 'I don't bottom. I'm serious, it hurts like hell. I can suck you off or give you a handjob. And don't not tie me up, ok?'

Steve kissed Tony again, more frantically this time and ground his hips, sliding his erection against Tony's. Was the lack of verbal response concerning? Tony scolded himself for focusing on less pleasant things than Steve's tongue pushing between his lips but the cuffs were still there behind him. A large hand stroke down his thigh, cupped the back of his knee and lifted it. Within seconds, Tony's legs were parted and Steve nestled between them, the head of his cock rubbing against Tony's opening. Was he deaf? Tony's hard-on softened and he had a sudden urge to stand up and go home. He crawled backwards to get away from Steve until his hands were gripped tightly and forced above his head. The solid weight of Steve's body kept him in place while he was being handcuffed.
If you just don't want to fall asleep, that means you doing the push ups would be the best option, no?
Yes, that's right! So get to it! I'll even cheer for you if you do it perfectly!

>Otori Mio
>Aerial Hammer, SNS, IG, GS and DB are all fucking beautiful and I'm going to main the fuck out of them while being a supportive itemslut by bringing along lifepowders and traps for capturing in nearly every quest
>dual blades
>Mah nigga!

>But then again... my favorite would always be
>Long Sword and Insect Glaive.
The same way you'd do it with a guy. Basically you'll want the element of surprise, this is key.

I'd host, but I have work early tomorrow. If it's like this by this time tomorrow, I'll definitely intervene. Good night, friends and fags.
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