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/sug/ - Steven Universe General And again Edition Previous

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Thread replies: 569
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/sug/ - Steven Universe General

And again Edition

Previous: >>3943699

>Steven’s Summer Adventure begins with Steven Floats/Drop Beat Dad on July 18, continuing “every weeknight through the summer”

>misseps leak thread

>International airing schedule

>Steven Floats

>Episode downloads for Seasons 1 to 3, plus comics and shorts
720p: https://mega.nz/#F!Y5E0BKjK!UsE19rOYDa5Ttl5QRFwgtw
1080p: https://mega.nz/#F!a9ojCZCT!SLfX7l7inSHdvd7hrf5LLA

>Soundtrack downloads
Show: https://mega.nz/#F!M4tE3YLb!9oBoy3l9CtQ3VK9F2bHlUA
Attack the Light: https://mega.nz/#!skFhlLLL!j4TvEr4CTLTUQpaI8IAZX3ttcEYP6xNKypW7Bbusyrw

>Listen to the soundtrack

>/sug/ writebin

>Crewniverse Tumblr

>Archived threads
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First for Amedot
I hope she realizes how autistic she looks with that tablet on her wrist and takes it off.
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Fuck you just because you got trips doesn't fucking mean shit.

Lapidot will be canon I don't give a fuck what you say. I am not losing this fucking bet.
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>thinking this is the end of the leaks
>Lapidot shippers thought Too Short To Ride would be a Lapidot episode
>It's actually an Amedot episode
LITERALLY on suicide watch
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She's too autistic to stop wearing that, anon.
What'd you bet? Are you going have to eat a belt?
Here we go.
I mean missep's profile page outright says that they'll be leaking stuff starting on the 15th, so I doubt it.
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Be civil. No need to be petty.
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>tfw leaks won't stop
>tfw CN won't stop spoiling the story

W H Y ?
I bet that if the episode made Amedot canon or if they even so much as blushed at each other, I would dress up as Trapis and find a big bara Greg cosplayer to fuck me and share video of it with everyone.
But it's just so hilarious.
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Oh, you're that guy! Well, I hope you're cute.
>two girls can't be friends they have to fuck
shippers are literal cancer
They probably know that images are going to be leaked anyway. So they are trying to control the leaking so it contributes to the hype, not producing a backlash. Remember the YD leaks? Yeah that didn't go very well
Anon they HAVE TO FUCK.
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Anyone else notice Lion in the leaks? I think it's pretty clear Bismuth is in his mane.
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Never go onto /u/. Never, ever.
too easy/10
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Any predictions on Bismuth's weapon?
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>Tumblr gets upset if you edit art or any picture of the SU character white
>But it's perfectly fine to edit them black

Please remove SU from tumblr please.
A glock
ape rage
A hammer maybe? She looks like a smith, and you can argue that Sardonyx' weapon is more of a mallet than a hammer outright.
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>new gem
>it's literally a black person

How does Sugar keep getting away with it?
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Fusion when?
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someone edit this
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3 minutes of CN promos
Ame is just friends with Pearl, Garnet, Ruby, sapphire, vidalia, lapis soon

So she can fuck peri
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Steven is pretty angry here
Not really
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>Bismuth looks super lame and not even remotely compelling as a character, both in design and personality
>Apparently she shows up really late in the episode list, yet Jasper still isn't there
>Which means we're gonna go the whole fucking month without seeing Jaspdemption

I haven't been this deflated since I played MGSV.
So do you think that Bismuth's more of a smith, builder, or both? A while back I suggested that there must be a type of gem that built all of the gem locations, and Bismuth seemed immediately interested in what the base was built out of.
I was really hoping the dreadlocks would give us a jamaican gem
But no, generic blackwashing
I hope we don't lose out on Jasperedemption because of the big blue ape. It isn't fair at all.
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>implying she isn't in the fuck barn which they'll visit in part-two of the episode
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Here's to future development.
She's probably an artisan character (hence the hair being the most expressive thing on a character we've seen so far). But she's also beefy, hence the whole 'poofing Lapis' thing.
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Who would win in a fight, Jasper or a Khorne berzerker?
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>yfw Jasper is chilling with Lapis and Peri in the barn by then
They couldnt have made him look more fucking gay?
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>Bismuth clip pretty much kills any hope of Jasperdemption by the end of the season
>Musical clip shows Pearl can't even dance with someone because she's so hung up on Rose still- something that will HAVE to be addressed for her to move on

So basically 50% good news, 50% bad news for Jaspearl fans.
>Bismuth relieves emotional and spiritual isolation, facilitating the meditative state of oneness, connectedness and serenity.

>Bismuth is useful when experiencing change, providing for calmness, vitality and orderliness.

>Bismuth facilitates the enjoyment of travel, and stimulates group and relationship cohesiveness.

>Bismuth can be used to help lessen fever. Bismuth is helpful in reducing catatonic states.

>And any time with Steven makes for a delightful evening
What did she mean by this?
not what you're thinking faggot
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hay kid wanna ss.gif
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>copying from the /co/ thread

Shitposting. Discuss.

Muh Dick!!!
>it's from /co/
>it must be shitposting
No anon
Holy shit..... I look forward to the video Trapis anon
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>this image again
Hammer, clearly a smith
You may (not) fuse with pearl Greg.
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Evenin' kind of rhymes with Steven
That's all there is to it, you mongoloid.
Bezerker. I love jasper but a bolt weapon would just wreck a gem even before hand to hand
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can't possibly be the only one that thought that
half rhymes with Steven?
I don't even.

>With its packed schedule, Cartoon Network has tons of special panels lined up to whet the appetites of their fans. Most excitingly, the network has announced they’ll be hosting a Steven Universe sing-along panel. That’s right, the hit series' stellar soundtrack will be coming to life on July 22nd as the show’s cast and crew will be in attendance. And, as Grammy Award-winner Estelle voices Garnet on Steven Universe, the panel is guaranteed to sound amazing. A Q&A will follow the live musical so long as everyone's voices stay in-tact and all.

But will something be revealed?
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>July 22nd
Beach City Drift airs later that day.

How early were Sugilite and Sardonyx revealed (SDCC '14 and '15 SU panels) before their respective debuts episodes came out?

So we can better guess which episode the new fusion will occur in.
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Alright, let's make it more fair.

Who would win, Jasper, or 100 guardsmen armed with sharpened sticks

Gem Hunt almost certainly sounds like it's going to be about either hunting down Homeworld Gems or hunting down Jasper.
I heard they might show off a new character called Bismuth.
They would too, fuck this I want a cool fusion
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Here's Amethyst.
I want to smash Amethyst with a big Gallagher mallet.
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always nice to have some amethyst.
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i like pearlmethyst
amedot is shit in comparison
Are they holding hands or is Amethyst slapping Pearl's ass?
>People still ship Pearlmethyst
>shipping wars
just off all of yourselves so the rest of us can enjoy everything
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>people don't polyship every gem in a big sticky pile
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>Enjoying Pearlmethyst
Maybe you should off yourself instead, my man.
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pearlmethyst is cute.
not sure what to make of amedot, but some is cute too.
holding hands I think
>trying this hard
right, whatever Brad
Daily reminder
See, look at this. They're like sisters, not meant to be shipped with one another.
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explain the meme
>ship war goin on
remember the traditional color wheel theory bitchez
(((Gems))) are the enemy
The fact that people think they're entitled to Jasper getting redeemed (among other things, but at the moment this is the big complaint) and will drop the show if the plot doesn't go exactly how they want it to go shows how shit of a medium TV is

Art (and I mean art in the general all-inclusive sense, before someone calls me a faggot for saying a children's cartoon is art) is not a whore, it does not have to satisfy your every whim
End yourself.
Some of these just have to be played on the same day besides Bismuth
So worst possible pairings between gems, I'll start:

Garnet and Peridot.
Lapis and Peridot
Had that capped, holding on to that theory.
>color autism
end your life
Peridot and Peridot
(You) and Life
Flushed one out.
I support both but believe Amedot is more likely to happen. I usually am nit fond to multi-shipping but this is an exception.
It's OG
Fingers crossed for Too Short To Ride to chug the two gemlets along
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I honestly don't read too deeply into ships. Can we agree Opal is great?
>Adam Sandler
>Cancer with arms and legs
made the entire thing worth it
Anyone with Garnet. Three's a crowd.
I like the idea of both poofing together at some point.
Amy still has her old outfit in what looks like the Monster Reunion preview, they're not fusing
Opal is great, best fusion after Garnet.
>Fusions are their own gem
>Oh wait, they're actually not
t. square hypocrite
Wasn't implying on Too Short to Ride.
How does this at all confirm Ame and Peri aren't fusing
Garnet is ace/aro you fucking cunt
A fusion is possible, but both probably won't poof/ get an outfit change.
Maybe yet again X saves Y by pushing them out of the way (Amethyst saving Peri this time), but shit gets fucked anyway and they both poof
What are you listening to /sug/?

mic check mic check?
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So, when it comes to the gems, who's a "pitcher" and who's a "catcher"?
>forge hammer
When will Bismuth molest Steven?
When Pearl shows her how to.
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somebody asked me to draw the gems as fast I could

pearl didn't survive well
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Pearl is the Batter
and purification is in fucking progress
Lapis x ruby
Pearl is retarded now

Well, she's still cute
Back to tumblr
Is she a .... black-Smith
Amethyst is turning into Greg
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Where the hell did Greg get all of that money?
Since we are speculating that Bismuth is a blacksmith gem. I can't help but wonder if she made the Gems' weapons like Pearl's spear, and Rose's sword.
Greg is actually a hitman
She didn't want the shit that she can conjure up, but she very likely made all the solid mass weapons like Rose's Sword
>*didn't make the shit they can conjure
I think Sugalite was revealed a month before her episode aired and Sardonyx was revealed the week before
writefag requests.

I work twelve hour shifts for the next four or five days.
Codename: Murdercock
Man, I hope Snowflake Obsidian, Crazy Lace Agate and Bixbite aren't as big a letdown as Bismuth is
Peridot exploring her masculine sexuality
lewd or non?

If lewd, anon receiving a blowjob from sapphire and they both realize her lips are stuck to his cock. Until ruby has join in to make the save.'

Ends with garnet sucking so hard his legs give out.
Steven convincing Jasper the Earth isn't a shithole.
But Earth is a shithole.

I prefer non-lewd but even if I ask for non-lewd people give me lewd requests so I just open it up and if a lewd request really speaks to me I at least give it a try.
No it isn't.
My guess?
I think the premise will be that Steven needs money for something and asks Greg for it.
Or, possibly, GREG needs money for something, and he needs it fast (like, say the car wash blows up or something).
With no time/option to get a job, Steven goes to Pearl/the gems for help. Pearl gives him some relic pointless to her to sell for cash, and it winds up being obscenely valuable.
This would explain Greg & Steven going on a spending spree and bringing Pearl of all people along.
Steven finds a very drunk and very sad Pearl who can't stop crying. He tries to help her.
>Peridot exploring her masculine sexuality

What does that even mean?
I think it means her fucking Lapis or Jasper in the ass.

The desire to shapeshift a penis and rub it against her weird alien shorts.
Who's hyped to meet snowflake?
should i draw bismuth lewds? :^)
ew, no
Sure, I guess
It's very conspicuous how money has never really been mentioned as a problem for Steven or Greg even though their circumstances would suggest that they'd be running on a fairly tight budget (especially since it's confirmed that the gems don't contribute to the finances in any way)
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Jasper? I hardly know her!

Ha ha ha
Greg lives in his van, I think it was pretty obvious.
do it
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I too am excited to meet SU's first (second?) trap.
Where the hell is this coming from?
rebecca accidentally posted it on her tumblr
I'd fuck him
she posted that?
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I haven't heard a joke that is just funny enough it makes me smile before, but there you go
Is Bismuth a male gem? im so confused about it him/her [spoiler]What would happen if you came into her hollow gem[/spoiler]
Of course she did.
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Be brutally honest, /sug/:

Does Jaspearl have any chance?
She's female. People just wanted her to be male for years because there was a big headcanon about a race of all-male metals
No, she isn't. She's just a Gem.
Steven would get a buff black little sister.
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I don't get it
none. zilch. nada

The only one I think likely is Jasperthyst
>Is Bismuth a male gem?
She is so obviously a "sassy black woman" type that I don't know how people can think she's male
She's too obsessed with Rose, so no.
Nope. But I still like the ship.
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>tramp stamp gem
No, I really don't think it does at all.
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But, I'm sure you already knew that.
Does she still have a vagina?

I can pair shoes but I can't peridot!
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What's wrong anon?

Don't want GREGG on your face?
I take it English isn't your first language.
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as a german I like that pun garnet.
i'm only one of those guys

maybe you can tell me what an "eedot" is
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You can net a fish but you can't net a gar!

... wait.
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blue diamonds confession.png
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So, been a while, and considering the leak I guess I should ask.
Any new edit requests?

I should be able to do bismuth ones with what we got. Her hair isn't taht bad to make since it's kinda play-doh like and makes more of a blob shape than Ronaldo's tangled mess.
It's a joke, nigga.

I think it's when you fuck your stepmom so good your dad kills himself.
a hammer?
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If they go down the Jaspis route then no.

She must tell the truth, we wouldn't want nothing but THIGHS
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that's a pretty neat fish
okay, have a pun I got from another anon bringing it by accident. How do you call PearlxGreg?
Not that anon. But did this really happen for a split second in the episode or was it an edit? I'm never able to find it when watching Catch and Release
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Bad influence.jpg
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Does Pearl ever get possessive of Steven?
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I'm not really sure which gem. Blue Pearl maybe?
all the fucking time
It only appears to you if you've committed a mortal sin.
which one are you talking about
I don't know about that.

But that design makes me want to pearl!
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this thread has turned out to be a real gem
Yes. She seems to like being around him alone, at night.
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It's bad to the bone
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it's a diamond in the rough
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Can someone draw gems like starfox?
I hate you /sug/
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It's a party, a celebration, maybe even a Gemboree!
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Do we know what episode this is? Like how many do we have left after it?
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pearl molesting steven.png
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I love you
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They make the family jewels rock hard!
Yeah but which of those is the bismuth clip from
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ending verses.png
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this finale is gonna be fucking great
I haven't showered in more than a week

Should I just stay another week without taking a shower
this seems to be her first appearance, so probably that 2-part TBA special. can't really see it being bubbled+kindergarten kid
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and a very commendable one at that
when it's about keeping up a good mood people are quite adamant around here
Go take a shower, nasty.
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oh, ok...
I don't know man

Staying another week without taking a shower wouldn't be that bad
You are sitting inside a week's worth of dead skin, go scrub that shit off.
It's my own dead skin, it's not like I'm disgusted by it
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There you go.
anyone else not think smoky quartz is the amedot fusion? those marathon blocks are either 4 or 8 episodes long, i really doubt they'll have enough material to name a block after the fusion. if it has episodes like too far then they could've just called it "amethyst and peridot" or something.

what if bismuth is disgusted by rose's creation of steven and turns on the CGs along with jasper? they'll fuse to become the villain of the season finale in their attempts to alert homeworld and/or destroy earth
so we have another new member added to the crystal gem sentai

White - Pearl
Pink - Steven
Red - Garnet/Ruby
Orange - Jasper
Green - Peridot/Centipeetle
Blue - Lapis/Sapphire
Purple - Amethyst
Rainbow - Bismuth

we still need a yellow, a black, and maybe a brown.
There's a lot more fully modeled blue gems than any of the other colors.
you fucking cunt
Yellow will probably be Citrine or Topaz I imagine. There's a ton of options for black and brown though, and maybe even a grey or clear gem, given how common those colors are to minerals.
Thanks for the new picture, Indexer! You always bring a smile to my face. You're so helpful.
Was this before or after Zuke got the job
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>Gem versions of Rachel and Penny

Hi, sunshine.
After I think
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Steven rose stunned.png
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>Rachael and Penny as gems.

Oh Zuke, I love it.
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she's in the ground
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She's in my ass.
Her entire being
sorry if i live under a rock but who are Rachel and Penny?
>I'm sorry Ruby, but I love it.
matt burnett's jewish boyfriend's sjw webcomic
AKA Zuke's sjwebcomic
Why would Ruby care about Jasper?
Can we please bring back that troll tumblr that recolored SU characters?
It's meme
Tumblr is a necessary evil, if they stop watching it the show loses half its ratings and gets cancelled
Do we even know that for sure?
I doubt tumblr constitutes even 1mil of views
shit my negros i was out for like a month and the first thing i see is bismuth
any other leaks that ive missed?
This one.

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Someone give me 1000 dollars so I can be happy for a while. I need to buy a plane ticket for another sugfag and also lots of cigs and candy.
Get a job, nigga
Cut one of your fingers, record it and upload it to the internet

If you do I'll give you the money
File: 2015-10-27 19.44.55.jpg (90KB, 640x552px) Image search: [Google]
2015-10-27 19.44.55.jpg
90KB, 640x552px
I've been trying for 2 years to find one. I'm too autism and tranny to get one.
Just kill yourself

That will fix everything
can i give you friendship instead?
I don't have that money but I hope you can come up with the cash. I wish the best for you two.
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163KB, 524x810px
Post ways to escape /sug/.
>French Foreign Legion
>Go live on a mountain hundreds of miles from civilization
>Go to space
>Buy so much cocaine you can't buy internet anymore
>Go blind

Any other ideas?
This is a long shot but
>get gf
>Get a life
i'll come to your house and play video games with you and then touch you while you're sleeping for free, think about it ;)
File: It's over.png (59KB, 213x224px) Image search: [Google]
It's over.png
59KB, 213x224px
I can't get a job
What makes you think I could actually manage suicide?

I've already tried a couple times, anon. It's no use.
>get a job
File: 14(1).png (237KB, 475x698px) Image search: [Google]
237KB, 475x698px

Deal, but only if it's non lewd touching.
>buy a plane ticket for another sugfag
gonna fugg?
Get your head out of the sky anon
exclusively lewd touching, what's the point otherwise
File: big eyes.png (250KB, 441x434px) Image search: [Google]
big eyes.png
250KB, 441x434px
Try again, anon.
Go into the water.
You'll finally be free.
Can I also give you friendship instead?
What methods did you use

I can give you some advice
are we friends now anon?
Given that the sharpened sticks would be 200% more effective than their guard issued flashlights, I'd say the guardsmen win by a sliver.
nigger gem
>Overdesigned anime fapbait
Baleet this
File: 2015-09-17 19.49.21.png (82KB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
2015-09-17 19.49.21.png
82KB, 640x480px
Alright, but only a little.

>tfw live near the ocean


Pills, hanging, and probably the least successful would be when I tried to jump off a building. Was to scared to break into one tall enough.

destroy 4chan
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Come into the ocean, anon. Drowning is such a lovely way to die! It feels like falling asleep!
Come to bed.

Bad methods

Well, hanging and jumping off a building would work if you did it correctly

Do you have access to firearms
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Yay friend!
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>listening to lapis "wear these chains or feel the pain" lazuli
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real friends?
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Tumblr is a nightmare.
>I can just post small versions of images I've saved and get the full version from some bitchmade idiot without doing any work
Feels good man
If you want to kill yourself, and have a enclosed room, you can build an exit bag or a dry ice fan. Those are the nicest ways to go.
/sug/, I hate my job.

The actual work is tedious and not programming at all. The contributions I make are never noticed, and when they are they're immediately shut down despite working perfectly. Meanwhile, the guy who started a week after me created something that barely works and takes 20 minutes to set up, and everyone loved it so much he's basically my boss now. It's only been four fucking weeks!
File: smoking.png (292KB, 490x916px) Image search: [Google]
292KB, 490x916px
I hear drowning is actually fucking awful. It's not a bad idea though. No body, just missing. No family members blaming themselves, just ended up missing. Hmm

Fuck no, not after my past suicide attempts. I cant legally own em. No money for illegal ones either. No family gun nuts, not cruel enough for blue suicide.

Try adding me using Jillybean on skype.
Big character
pulled up floorboard: possibly careless in her methods
Probably prone to fits of rage
I imagine an axe or a flail. something that would play well to her big build. something she can swing around with reckless abandon.
Do you have a degree? Do you at least get paid well?
Kill yourself

That will fix everything
File: bigger ol face.png (461KB, 1366x768px) Image search: [Google]
bigger ol face.png
461KB, 1366x768px
No, you heard wrong. It's so nice, anon. You'll hate every second you didn't do it. You'll be so much happier. Come into the water with me.
Since its coming after drop beat dad, maybe all of his music was some kind of global hit and greg never found out. He finally got his royalties after so many years.
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290KB, 1000x1200px
You dummy

Well, as this guy >>3955277 suggested, you could use an exit bag, it's a pretty good way to kill yourself
Where can I buy one?
I mean, I'm making 60k out of school, but that's the baseline for my career and city and I'm devoting 9 hours a day to a job I don't enjoy whose whole purpose is firing people and replacing them with an AI that does their job significantly worse
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2015-10-04 13.49.33.jpg
75KB, 640x872px
It's fucked up how much this is convincing me.
You don't, you make one

Search for instructions on the internet
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134KB, 314x600px
thanks for the images, image-bitch. youre a good image-bitch arent you? i dont have any more images for you to find right now, image-bitch, but i know you'll always be here to serve me, because you have nothing better to do.
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>when you can't help people you care about
Just fuck my life up
At least there's gonna be a Pearl ep soon
It's a vicious cycle.
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291KB, 540x690px
Oh wow, you found an image for me that I didn't even realize! Youre really vigilant, arent you? Good to have someone like you as my bitch
How about this one?
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54KB, 656x530px
boy these /co/ threads are a real shitstorm
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857KB, 626x800px
all the images you're posting were replaced multiple times months ago
that said
If only people would actually kill themselves
These are still just discussion threads.
Those ones are absolute cancer.
General threads are much more contained and calm.

For /co/ standards anyway.
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263KB, 1280x1085px
Haven't been keeping up with these threads my loyal bitch. Please, how about this one? I know you'll do it, little bitch of mine
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2015-07-02 15.37.57.png
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Send me cigarettes and I'll feel better.

or just actually talk to me, all I hear is clicking senpai.
But I don't know what to say
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306KB, 1280x1380px
Aren't you glad you have someone around to keep you busy, image-bitch? What would you do without me? Passive-aggressively saging threads on /jp/? Calling people cucks on /pol/? I'm your savior, honestly. Now fix this one up for me, image-slave.
File: images (2).jpg (7KB, 259x194px) Image search: [Google]
images (2).jpg
7KB, 259x194px
indexer will be known as the image bitch now
Why are you sad, faggot? I can try helping with words.
I like it
It's like I'm reading some bizarre /sug/ fetish fanfic
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71KB, 547x175px
Would you kill me, indexer?
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1MB, 768x1024px
Lady of the sea
happy as can be
sometimes I wonder
if she'd be happier with me
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3KB, 99x124px
who's a good bitch? you are. yes, a good image slave. here's your prize
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55KB, 497x501px
Ooh, is this the full one? Silly me. I'm sure that really frustrated you even more. I'm sure being an image-bitch gives you some kind of release, so not being able to act like one when you think you have the chance is probably like the worst kind of blueballing. Here, I'll throw you a bone, eager image-bitch. This is a really good one, so tiny, and poorly cropped with that black lining on the edge. Do me proud, image-bitch
She wouldn't

She wouldn't

Now go away with your tranny boyfriend
She would.
File: goodbye.png (137KB, 1000x1000px)
137KB, 1000x1000px
not quite but i like your take. i'm gonna miss her
[spoiler]and it's actually making me hard[/spoilersontrash]
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194KB, 500x500px
I just realized the three gems mentioned by bismuth fit the theme song rhyme scheme

>That's why the people of this world believe in
>Crazy Lace
>and Biiiiiiiix
>And Bismuth!
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35KB, 500x278px
Never, you loser
Fatten up for me
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187KB, 500x570px
stop having autism indexer for your sake
k, I'm gonna stop for now cause you're a good bitch
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13KB, 1215x972px
There we go! I knew you could do it. Here, as a treat, I'll share this amazing fanart of Sardonyx with you.

But, wait, what's this? This isn't the full image! Far from it. I do have the full image, mind you, but I decided to share this one with you, image-bitch. The one I pasted into MSpaint, scaled down, flipped 90%, and filled the negative space with black. Good hunting, image-bitch.
kill yourself
syllabic meter, but yeah that's pretty amazing
Not him but do you have a better version of this, indexer?
File: tumblr_o9yr5aEICL1sjp4xbo1_1280.png (439KB, 1280x1575px) Image search: [Google]
439KB, 1280x1575px
You didn't post the image? A mistake? Were you just too excited by this all that you forgot the image in your stupor?

Or perhaps, you failed? Maybe you're not a good image-bitch after all.
a shit
/pol/ poil
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219KB, 500x735px
How pathetic. Looks like you're useless to me, then. Bye bye, image-bitch, fade into obscurity for ever.
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You suck
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Amethyst seduces Connie.png
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I wonder if they'll get their own version of the song.

Also, I wonder if they're supposed to be counterparts. Crazy lace is microquartz like jasper, so with that and her name she's probably the group's amethyst. That would make Bixbite Pearl and Snowflake Obsidian their Garnet with a dick

I wonder if snowflake is a fusion of obsidian and cristobalite
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Would you?
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Someone send me dank weed.
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>post number 420

Just kill yourself
hot desu, i want the angsty asshole fusion soon
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89KB, 640x640px

>i cant believe people already hate bismuth.



Apparently you're not allowed to dislike designs according to tumblr.
It's kind of boring now.
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Tumblr can be really fucking dumb when it comes to some things.
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what exactly am i looking at?
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Pearl does this with her fingers before she shouts "NO"
File: armstrong mistral.png (729KB, 1000x962px) Image search: [Google]
armstrong mistral.png
729KB, 1000x962px
Armstrong trying to fight Bismuth since some of his shards recognise her as the gem that shattered them? Ending in Armstrong being tired and poofing after she held him off effortlessly?
Tiny hands
The new fap material tumblr has generously provided us with.
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womp womp.png
123KB, 340x318px
Sure, not like you could make her appealing anyway.
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1MB, 1000x1348px
You belong on a stake
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i'll hook u up homie
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Mayor Dewey?
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I hope Pearl get over her thirst for Rose
Oh thank God! Indexer is back, save us from this drab hell!
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204KB, 438x515px
anon, don't take this away from >>3957040
it's all he has
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Damn you indexer! Damn you, you bastard!
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Usually you're more creative with your insults, did you shit your pants and now can't think of anything other than killing yourself?
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222KB, 1920x1080px
I'm busy watching this trainwreck right now
Get fat for me, Indexer
File: HoloPearl_Joins_the_Fight.png (161KB, 500x288px) Image search: [Google]
161KB, 500x288px
>he plays TF2

Holy shit, I thought you being autistic was just a joke.
Did I miss any drawfags delivering in the last 8ish hours?
I think I'm going to punish you for being such a bad image-bitch for now, since you failed to find the previous Sardonyx pic. Yes, naughty image-bitch, that means no images from me for a while. Sure, you'll be able to pick on scraps from the rest of the thread, like you were doing before I came along, but you won't be a truly pampered little image-bitch, no no no! This is what you've brought on yourself. I hope you're happy.
He comes on a Steven Universe general every day just to give people larger versions of images that 90% of the time they don't bother to save. How did you think him being autistic was a joke?
nothing aggressive about consenting adults bench pressing each other
File: 18s67.png (648KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
648KB, 1920x1080px
Another day, another thread...
cheer up buddy, your husbando is getting lots of new episodes in 11 days!
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Hey Greg anon, Love you.
So was it ever confirmed that early humans worshiped gems as goddesses?
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156KB, 886x546px
I don't understand the line around bis's face/hair
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29KB, 245x184px
Wait a second.

Amy has a new costume?
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837KB, 1372x771px
Yeah it's also a completely different color than here, not the same skin color as well, the gem is a different shape too.

Maybe it's not the same Bismuth that poofed Lapis?
It's the edges of the mask she's wearing.
Took you long enough
yeah, I wonder how she's going to poof and whether or not it will be dramatic when it happens.

The last time a poof was startling was when Jasper sucker-shanked Garnet

>yfw her weapon is a mask and not a hammer
Maybe she changes color depending on the lighting or something like that? Would explain why her Gem was pink inside Lion's mane even though we know the bubbles don't change the color of what's inside them
amethyst's first on-screen poofing was pretty surprising, we just don't think about it because the episode was pretty light on plot/feels
They sometimes do, especially when they're part of the background. Coloring doesn't have hard rules in this show.
I think it's some sort of circlet.
I think the design looks alright. I think what makes her look odd are the big wide eyes on her face.
File: tumblr_o9yvd0xmTs1ui8t7uo1_1280.jpg (324KB, 1280x1009px) Image search: [Google]
324KB, 1280x1009px
Yeah and I'm so happy! But pretty exhausted now...
What makes her odd is that she's not a violent psycho like we expected
We don't even know if that's a bismuth.
Now commence the great debate..

who is best gem?
>pro tip, it's peridot
File: 1458336822404.png (76KB, 393x391px) Image search: [Google]
76KB, 393x391px
>it's peridot
Oh shit I know what's gonna happen

Lapis WILL flip when she sees Bismuth as everyone is anticipating. People also have been suspecting that Lapis wasn't telling the whole truth in the SOW flashback. I don't think Lapis was just "visiting" Earth (what kind of phrasing is that anyway?), she was there to do something very bad to the planet in favor of Homeworld which she loves so much.

The Bismuth punch may have been justified. And if it was and Lapis was about to turn the tides on war- Lapis will go all out lying/manipulating Steven and co. to get the gem who not only hurt her but could out her as a bad gem to probably the only person she cares about, Steven.

Bismuth will rage at her loyalty/word being questioned, and either try to hurt Lapis or simply fuck off indefinitely. If she goes for the pain route, Steven will not tolerate that and all the gems will probably take her down.

Note: even if Lapis wasn't lying/telling the whole truth, this situation could still occur with Lapis merely wanting Bismuth to fuck off for the punch.
File: lhg.png (18KB, 341x312px) Image search: [Google]
18KB, 341x312px
Lighthouse gem.
Nice headcanon.
I still like the theory that Lapis was something like a wartime reporter.
One of the titles leaked was Bismuth.
Why would she be a violent psycho? It makes no sense that Rose Quartz would put her in her Lion with all the things she expected Steven to find.
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Armstrong of course.
What headcanon? It's speculation
Psycho as in literally insane. Rose's tears may not heal mental illnesses
Yes but we don't know if the gem that punched lapass was a bismuth or not.
your waifu is shit if it is not peridot
That doesn't answer the question at all.
Don't mind him, he's just a butthurt lapisfag who can't accept anything other than his waifu being a precious angel who can do no wrong.
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How is it that people can watch this show and still be homophobic and/or racist?
Easily, you nigger faggot
Sorry, it's a little hard to tell with the amount of people acting like headcanon is fact.

Fuck off, dipshit. Lapis is horrible.
She sucked at her job then. Deer in headlights out there
>Having a waifu
Pretty cringey.
It was her first day.
Because it's a show, not real life

>people who say they like the show and the characters
>want the show to get edgy and the characters to act OoC
>not having a waifu
that's twice as cringy
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god I just want to hug lars and slip my hands under his shirt and into his pants.
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Bismuth looks so fucking dissapointing in terms of character design, what the fuck. You have a whole rainbow pallet to work with and you only make the hair a dull rainbow? What the fuck is this shit, YD looks like utter shit too. Did their character designer quit after season 1?
I like YD's face
Literally me

Someone kill me
I liked YD up until they decided to make her a joke on her first appearance.
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Her actual face looks fine, but the head gets oddly thin towards the top, and her clothes are way too plain for the leader of an intergalactic empire. They don't flatter her body at all, she looks like a god damn bell. Don't even get me started on her neck
The only real issue I have with yellow diamond is her dickneck
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NNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno, good sir, my waifu is strictly peridot. she is mine to both fug and hug. to hell with you sir, i spit in your general direction.
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Character design is always simple to a T, no real detail half the time, easy to draw and all that
Although I did love the fun designs before she was taken out of cardboard palet


It's symbolic
this new monstrosity of a character makes me hate everything
oh damn
thats incredibly cute
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For what?
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Hey, stop! He belongs to Ronaldo already.
It's true that it should be simple and easy to draw, but the character should still look appealing to the eye. Not necessarily pretty, ugly characters are important for diversity, but the design shouldn't look "lazy". Can't think of the right word, but hopefully I'm making sense.
jaspearl fans getting miffed I see
Imma sit this one out desu
I see I'm not alone
>big gem has 15 seconds of screentime in a promo
>there's already at least 3 pieces of porn of her with pearl
>about a dozen other non-porn of the same ship
Good thing Bispearl will actually be canon then
Yeah you frazed that really weird, but I 100% get it, if it wernt for her big mama personality id kinda dislike her to be honest.
She needs that little 'pop' all the gems have and im not seeing it through all the worn out color pallet
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I hope bismuth replaces garnet. Garnet a SHIIIIIIIIIIIIT
Not that anon, but the big mama personality is one of the reasons why I dislike her
Sweet but I'm sticking with Pearlmethyst.
I can understand, but Im a sucker for the big huggy momma type, good for moral
If you like it that's fine, I was just giving ky opinion

She isn't gonna stay for long though
YD is a big yellow dick
thats fine too, it would be kinda nice to see new gems come to light, and exploring the world to find their new purpose
People thought there was a less redeemable gem than Jasper, Bismuth the psycho

Now we see she's super friendly and a Crystal Gem
There's gotta be a reason Rose bubbled her though.
we see Bismuth for like a minute

yup I can judge based on this extremely small amount of interaction that Bismuth is definitely not a dangerous war criminal who needs to be locked away for all eternity
You see how very close she is with Garnet an Pearl? Did she turn into a psycho that needs to be locked away in a short time?

And Rose bubbled her in her secret place for Steven to find eventually (the videotape addressed to him was there)
I mean people can still have friends even though they are monsters

I think its likely that Rose kept what Bismuth did secret from the other CGs and had her locked away secretly because she didn't wanna demoralize them
because this is a fantasy realm where faggots and nogs are civilized human beings and aren't degenerates. we live in reality where this isn't the case you silly cunt
do you know many people or just the people that like to embarrass themselves on the internet or in the news
degeneracy comes in many forms
another thread dead before page 10
im shocked

Lapis is an edge lord
Bismuth is a good for nothing nigger
Greg is going to rape Pearl
Connie is best everything
Centipeetle before Jasper
Bismuth before Jasper
Jasper never
Peridot will never fuse
Steven will only fuse with Connie
Stevonnie has a cock
The Government uses chem trails to make you watch the show
Kill yourself save the planet
>Greg is going to rape Pearl

No, it'll be the other way around. In the promo song, Greg says one of the same lines to Pearl that Jasper said to Lapis: Just say (yes).

And right after that, Lapis trapped Jasper in a rapefusion at the bottom of the ocean. Pearl's going to rape Greg, there's no way around it.
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