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/trash/ 4chan cup thread Let's get our shit together edition

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Thread replies: 192
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/trash/ 4chan cup thread

Let's get our shit together edition

Info: implyingrigged.info/wiki/user:kitfag//trash/

News: I have recently found out that it is said that potentially new teams, "such as /aco/ and /his/" may participate in the Lark's Madness II tournament, if they can get their team organized by then. The tournament Lark's Madness II will happen some time after the Winter Cup is finished. As there has been much noise on the board about having a team recently, this should be our chance. Let's not fuck this one up.
Go away page 7
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Cebruz and his friends should dom the team
>nobody cares so he has to self bump
pretty pathetic
We already have a team and managers.
They're just being quiet and working to follow the rules and not make idiots of themselves like /his/ did. Give it time.
What did /his/ do?
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Cebruz and more Avatarfags!
They hopped into /4ccg/ with what looked like a team with no bench and with a silver goalkeeper of all things. It looked horribly pea-brained for a supposedly more-intelligent board.
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this team is kinda meh
the names are meh and the actual players are meh
>rarara not a player
shit tier team
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good point

seriously though too much hunger games
Ok people, question time!
What aspects of /trash/ is out team lacking?
I know that its kinda pointless to do this that far from spring, but as OP said, there is this Madness tournament or whatever.

So list what /trash/ consists of right now.
Ill start.
>hunger games
what else?

Just something to see how much it would deviate from what was before.
dank memes
>not paying attention.
>who is Horse Pussy?
>What will her blender look like?
>what is the back of her shirt a reference to?
Pay attention, anon.
the team seems fine as it is 2bh
I personally think the names are uncreative but hey this is /trash/
And I personally think that its to much of things relating to trash, and too little of things relating to /trash/.
Basically, I see almost half o them as placeholders.
the tupperware community
I'd say
Hunger Games
are staples of /trash/ and should be included and/or expanded for this team
The names can be changed, that's no problem. Several names at placeholders such as junkman and Frank Reynolds and quite a few others and will be replaced later as board culture settles in.
More noun and cebruz!
>No trish
Erotic Role Play?
gay fur?
straight fur? Why differentiate?
they differentiate here and both have large bases
Rum Dumpster here.
we do have Trish, as well as /avatarfag gen/ for the hunger games group. We have Horse pussu and Fur Shit for clop and furry, respectively. We can throw in GayPop for Kpop. If we can get a pun out of ERP, that'd be perfect.
I'd love to add them, we just need a name that is not Jackie Chan Tulpa because /mlp/.
We have Trish.
Horsefuckers get one, furries get one.
also yes erotic roleplay
or maybe just roleplay in general but both have strong bases here as well
why the need for puns?
seems like it's trying too hard
They aren't necessary but I find it boring to list thread names. Either way, names will be chose like always. Through popularity with the thread.
oh you know it may not feel like they belong but this is an inclusive place and I think it'd be a laugh if we had a /sug/ player
setting up Strawpolls may be a little work but seems like a good way to get opinions
don't think anyone would be autistic enough to rig one of those right?
Believe me, I have no qualms with them being on the team. We have to keep in mind that /co/ has the player "lesbian space rocks" for them as well. We just need to keep this in mind.
Sure we can do that for the thread. But It won't be the end of discussion for the names. We have almost an entire year until the next autumn babby cup to join. We'll probably discuss names later on again.
the one thing on our side is certainly time
but yeah /sug/ is on /co/ too though we're their adoptive home
Janitor here
pretty much nailed it on the head.

the only things we're doing are finalizing kits, deciding on formations and letting the board develop its culture a bit more so we can rename some players that are just kinda filler at the moment (Junkman and Wall-E for example)

as soon ans we finalize formations we're gonna start doing as many fucking friendlies as possible. experience is a must and one of the few things we're actually missing and we'd like to fix that before autumn
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glad to see a thread that brings the broader /trash/ community together

you 2D porn fappers are still fuckin weird tho
>It looked horribly pea-brained for a supposedly more-intelligent board.
Isn't just /his/ an off-shoot of /pol/ though? /pol/ loves to be retarded.
OP here. You two showed up really late. But you're here now, so I'm not too upset...
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I work slightly long hours, I worked 13.5 hours yesterday and have another 12 hour shift today. I browse the catalog as often as possible, though. Also this was me. >>398432
Damn bro, what hellish monster do you work for that could eat 13 hours
Whataburger :^)
But seriously, It's a medical company. I pick and ship out parts.
Oh, das cool mang
yeah, sorry bout that. had a few things going on irl. currently in the process of getting a job at the airport
>/pol/ loves to be retarded

durr I hate juice
You could call it something like Brain Demons or Self-induced Schizophrenia
Would just Steven Universe work? It is the name of the character.
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Self-Induced Schizophrenia
Fuggen yes. I love it.
That's painfully boring, Tbh.
What would the kit for SIS look like? Jackie Chan Tulpa is already a floating shirt.

People in the current /sug/ >>421393 suggested Sucrose as in Rebecca Sugar, the showrunner.
Probably yeah.
I was thinking more about '/sug/alite', hinting both at general and a gem existing in the show itself, but yeah, 'Steven Universe' being a player is also a good idea.
A bit....lackluster? But still breddy gud.
The best would be to ask /sug/ directly.
Proposing few names for /sug/

The Stevens

yeah I'm this much of a faggot, bite me
You forgot Laptis
no I didn't you cheeky cunt
Would a man with his hands pushing into his temples with a pained expression work?
But that actually is an inside joke from /sug/, unlike the three you listed. Personally, I'd prefer /sug/ilite from the list you gave, but it still doesn't feel "right", like there's still some name out there that would fit better.

I don't think you can affect the limbs like that in PES.
A man with a second face at the back of his head, like in first H.Potter?
Im trying.
This is a good one a man with 6 different faces on one representing his many tulpas sounds cool
SES would have the same kit as the team because that's the uniform. But the blender could be something along the lines of a floating anime girl/pony or both around their head.
I kind of like Sucrose, myself. But I also think that "/sug/ summer home" could work.
Sadly, the models can't be modified like that.
>SES would have the same kit as the team because that's the uniform. But the blender could be something along the lines of a floating anime girl/pony or both around their head.
I meant skin.
>inside joke

no it isn't, it's just a forced meme.
but yeah I agree with you
It's just the closest thing I could think of.
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Asuka from the Hunger Games communuty. That the hell is this?
>What the hell*
Fuck off newfag. This has been going on for years.
lurk moar
Fuck off and no, newfag.
As long as you're here, can you explain what the hunger games threads are and how they work? Is there some external site for it or what?
tell me how new you are and i'll explain it
It's autists avatarfagging over a randomly generated game. They already have a player on the team and they're not getting anymore. That includes individual players.
You newfig :^)
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RNG generated games, we RP, and shitpost.

k thnx
its too bad schizo's name doesnt fit, unless the /4cc/ dlc for pez16 changes that. and ideas on how to shorten the name down to 15 characters?
So we doin this for realreal?
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Can we steal Safest Hooves from /mlp/? Also what will we name the players?
we already have the names, but some are subject to change atm. the link in the OP was the most recent roster list, though a few changes have been made to it
Swear on me mum if you take our safe hooves, I'll rek u m8
Go back to your own kind, Shitwitted son of a homosexual nigger


If you want a clever name I nominate Donuts
he'll be like our Crotchtits
For realreal.
/pawgen/ for a GK.

Do you guys have a set list for GKs right now?
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Fuck Asuka

Long live Mumen Rider.

Mumen Rider
so far we have confirmed GreatMightyPoo and An Hiro as GK's
Brain ghosts or brain demons works.
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so pes16 has been treating us pretty well, pic related
I really hope that pes doesn't make a habit of this
only if you look really close in the replays. most of the time its unnoticeable.
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>Self-Induced Schizophrenia doesn't fit
Shit, I had such high hopes for that player name.
We already have Fur Shit for the furries. Also, straight up putting the name of a general as a player is lazy and autistic. Let's avoid doing that at all costs.
Should we ask /phgg/ if they want a player on the team? They seem to be sticking around on the board and they're fairly popular.
That reminds me of the /sci/ vs /ic/ game.
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Hot glue is a motif of /toy/ in their logo but if they can do a decent name, I'm all for it since it's not a player for them.
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Is there set tactics for the team already? I was willing to send you guys a "trashcan" wing formation just because. 4-2-2-2 with 2 LMF/RMF for setup and then an open lid striker formation up top.
the funny part is that he actually made a goal in that replay, volley kick from outside the box, thats just him landing
Rum Dumpster here, We're still trying different things with out formations and layouts. Janitor tends to employ wings better than I do, though.
I'll see if I can try a formation like that for fun and post one of my usual formations when I have a chance.
the results have been pretty satisfying to say the least.
i like the formation, but the lack of actual center midfielders makes me slightly uneasy.
It can always be changed to a 3-3-2-2 or a 3-2-3-2 depending on where you want the CMF. Maybe the trashcan setup can be made so the players are closer together.
i like where you're going with this. i have my custom set to 3-4-3, so maybe i'll play around with that idea of yours. just for some reference, my primary offensive formation is a 4-3-3. works fucking wonders
We have Penn who puts stuff in the trash. We have Oscar who lives in trash. Do we have a guy who collects trash? Specifically for the threads that are moved here.
The mods. The mods are the ones who move threads to the /trash/.
We could call him The Scruffening to make /mlp/ fags mad.
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>forgetting pic

We have a player named Scruffy already, actually. He fits the role nicely.
>no sub CBs

Why is this so?
Ayy, cousin vinny 'ere
kits looking rather dapper.
what ya think?
fuckin oscar and his shitty non-blender'd hair
Rum Dumpster here
We been working since only about November 8. This team has been a work in progress for only 4 weeks with 3 people working together and have 2 finished kits, a roster awaiting name-changes as the board grows, height-regulation players, pre-set tactics, and the okay from those in charge that we've been doing everything right.
It's honestly a decent start so far but blenders will have to come later when someone with the talent and know-how can step up or we learn how to make the blender models ourself.

Tl;dr, we're working hard but that'll have to come later.
>rum thinks im just an anon
on that not tho we could also use some help with the icon for our team
Also, how about asking for Rararas blender?
how bout making it a literal horse pussy for her blender instead?
What's the roster look like now?
the positions arent dead set except for the 2 gk's i have set
Nothing for /sug/, tulpas, or the other things discussed earlier?
Don't worry, we'll change that up in time. That was just a quick screenshot of right now.
we have them planned is all we can say atm
Why the cloak and dagger?
its not that we're trying to be secretive, its just that thats all we can say and not be lying to you guys. they're almost guaranteed to be on the team, we just have a few other things to iron out first before we move on to that.
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>Actually believing that it's hot glue in /phgg/
How the fuck did he end up landing like THAT?
Or a white fleshlight. That could work too.
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a backflip kick like thing. real acrobatic
The point of the hot glue gun on their logo is the hot glue fetish. it's in /toy/'s rules that it isn't allowed.
That's common sense, anon. No one would think otherwise.
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Hello, anons. I edited this picture to be a bit more accurate to what the uniforms and logo look like. Whaddaya think?
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it's good but it should use these colours
oooh I love this idea
Sooo,a darker shade of green?
And a darker shade of yellow. I like it.
Well, I'm using the shade of yellow that is the official primary color of the team. But I'll do it anyway.
Official primary colour? From where?
>see link for info provided by OP
The point is that the official primary color of the team should be changed.
...Okay then. Took me awhile to get that. Oh well.

Boy I'm glad that I have a wiki account for implyingrigged. I can go take care of that now...
Update on that

does e6af0f(this is the hex code) look good as the primary color?
update on the wiki page
how do the new colors look? should I change them again?

Also, I added RumDumpster and Janitor's names for managers
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Soccerfag from hungers games here.
Can't wait to see /trash/ play.
>ps slippy g in team?
Could you try a strikerless formation? 3-2-3-2-0 when?
slippy g has been /sp/ for years
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okay anons... how badly did I fuck up?

Janitor here
Almost nailed all of it. I went and fixed the last few things you missed
It sound interesting. I'd have to change all the players' set positions and edit my other formations tho. Mostly because our 3 strikers are all medals. I'll give it a try eventually
>sees Fur Shit
>almost got away with it
other than that, I was updating the roster based on what was posted on >>449540, so thanks for fixing the whole thing with the striker sub. I usually get upset when my favorite teams in the cup never plan for when their star strikers are in shit condition... (see /mlp/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auYXQH1hR_w)
Yeah, I honestly hate subbing out medals, but I need a back up in case purple medal conditions decide to shove their arm up my anal cavity. I might make a second ss sub just in case I have 2 shit condition strikers, but I'm gonna wait till after we finish initial testing and get into doing friendlies to decide whether or not it's necessary
Okay, good to hear. I'm watching some of mulp's old matches to see if I can figure out just how they fucked everybody's shit up.
It's cool to see that there is actually some hype and that we're not just doing this without support. Thanks guys, means slot to us
Fucking auto correct. Posting from mobile
Tip #1:
Make sure that our best striker (whoever it may be) doesn't repeatedly fuck up easy shots in the beginning of the game
>Gold medal CF fucking up shots
Pls, that's >the flash's job
Do you know who [lol]>rape[/lol] is friendo?
Nope, never heard of him before. All I know is that he's definitely not mulp's main striker/goal scorer
>not mulp's main striker/goal scorer
Not sure if bait or serious
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>rape chokes, but he tends to pull though when it really counts
exactly why he is somehow their top scorer, yet fucks up so badly early in games
Gotta get that warm up in, ya know?

Inb4 >AI warming up
oh, and don't forget that http://youtube.com/watch?v=31p9sasmcQk is the alternate anthem for when Horse Pussy scores

Can't wait for Boris to have to play that one *insert evil face here*
It's on the wiki page calm down
NO. The vid got deleted from youtube. Oh fuck.
I found it. Let me fix the link on the wiki
And fixed
Hold on... It looks as if tumblrshits got at it again. Found another vid... thank god for this guy.
I just fixed it
also, the vid features ponka poe getting keked on the counter at one point... *insert evil jewish grin here*
You say that like its a bad thing
All these new boards keep popping up, and all of them seem to have an immediate, massive interest in the cup. Be wary of who you put in charge of this team, as these situations are very attractive for ex-managers banned from involvement in the 4CC to try and sneak back in under a different alias. It would suck for the people who were legitimately interested in seeing the team play to have all that work amount to nothing because of the ego of one or two assholes, so make sure to keep one eye open and an ear to the ground.
Why were they banned?
Technically it's "a lot" :^)
I can happily say for the three of us that we are just three semi-competent idiots who haven't goofed up big yet in leading us. You'll see we hardly know what we're doing when we test on a small stream later on for the thread. There will be spaghetti for days :^)
We've done well to pool our collective skills together to take care of the team in terms of following guidelines, keeping base with those in charge and generally not making a fool of the team on my end, having some actual soccer knowledge and good tactics on Janitor's end, as well as aesthetics that are already in place thanks to Cousin Vinny's hard work.
I try to have a decent level of knowledge for the 4cc but the only banned users I know of is the most noteworthy one. Dragonfag was this one guy who acted as the manager for a ton of teams all at once. It gave /sp/ their second star among other stuff, the first time in cup history for a board to win two elite cups. They got the star taken back and a lot of team's match history were Greyed-out. Now /sp/ is one star again.
Because of you, we will allow Dragonfag on as a co-manager. This is now your fault.
Janitor here
What do you guys think of our motto being "Bold and Brash" instead of the current one?
What's the current one?
"Into the /trash/ it goes"
Kinda boring to be honest
Oh yeah, Bold and Brash is better by a mile.
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I thought we were going to go with "Reports, Reposts, and Retards" thing on the logo.
That made me remember how I wanted to rewrite Oscars 'I love trash!' into new and improved 'We love /trash/', talking about whole board and what it consists of.
I've newer done anything it this direction tho, just trying out few verses to see how it would go.
Kek, that'd be funny to hear anon.
Bold and Brash is the only possible answer for /trash/. I even think it should be the board-tan if you have to make one.
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Already got a board tan.
there was even a separate pony-tan created for this board. Gonna have to go archive-diving to find it, though.
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Yep. I may be a horsefucker but I like Trish the possum more.
Hey, we can then have a slogan

Bold and Brash, we're taking out the trash
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Fuggen Yes.
Bold and Brash is fine.
Is this anon >>471058 around? I'm curious to see if you learned anything from watching the matches
What if we used one of the Penn & Teller's Bullshit theme songs for Penn's goal horn? Or maybe this extended vereion that has both versions of the theme?

Also, we should be watching /vr/ during their Spring and Summer matches. The one important thing is that we need to get elite status and keep it. Best way to do that is to see the 21 point master race team at work.
Some form of collusion in pretty much every case from what I can recall.

Out of curiosity, have any of the three of you tried to get involved with your old board's teams? Do you know when/where you'll be streaming yet?
Janitor here (fuck not having a name field, sometimes it's useful)
To answer your questions,
1. I was a bit late on the 4cc, so by the time I got wind every board I visited regularly already had everything set up
2. I'll give it a month at most before we start doing small streams here and there
Well, why not just use a timestamp or somethng instead?
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