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RWBYgt Trash General #59: Fly on, gold brah Edition Previou

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Thread replies: 502
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RWBYgt Trash General #59: Fly on, gold brah Edition

Previous thread: >>2617218 → →

Archive: https://desustorage.org/trash/search/text/rwby%2Frt/type/op/

CYOA Archive:
Toddquest: http://imgur.com/a/Ov4Gb
Biggirlquest: http://pastebin.com/a61skWC0
Biggirlquest pictures: http://imgur.com/a/cwtJr

Rules of RWBYgt threads:
>1. Read the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UmEaBVGW
>2. Arguing about the thread isn't discussion.
>3. Don't believe their lies
>4. Be comfy
Fly on, gold brah
For easier organization later on (so Dry and CYOAnus don't have to delve into the archive):

>{MQ ended on:}
Marigold : I think he should be in the know. Might help if he could convince the police not to shit Jack down. Adn intervene if we're not around.
Rufus : Alright, I'll go over it with the others. I'll call them. and let Laurel know you're back. She was worried about you.
Marigold : Yeah, that sounds like her.

You plop down, reflecting on how the week has gone. While Rufus makes the call.

>{I'll jump over the attribute vote for this recap}

Hawk : You may also wish to better your Soul Arrows. Would you prefer them to track targets well, or shoot mutiple ones at once that track less well?

A. Homing Soul Arrow (Tracer).
B. Multi Soul Arrows (Flock).

>{With votes being:
"Can we use a favor to get both?
If so, that.
If not
"Homing Soul Arrow was a great spell in DkSII"
>is that even a vote?}
>{TQ ended on:}
"Fine. Whatever. Don't tell me."

"Of course I'm not gonna." Jill barks back.

You feel some weight lift from your side. Mel's legs are off the ground. Something fuzzy is near your leg. It looks like a cow tail, though a good deal better groomed than what one would see on a farm.

She's holding Mel mostly on her own now as you enter the camp however she makes no effort to move her away from you.

You lead her to Valentine's area.

"This is the medical wing?" Jill is apparently not asking you, just idly asking nobody.

[] Call for Valentine
[] Just get Mel into a cot

>{With votes being:
"Porque no los dos?
Get Mel down first, if we can't."
2 for 'Call for Valentine'
1 for 'Just get Mel into a cot'
>fucking faggots.}
>[] Just get Mel into a cot
Jill said she just pushed her semblance too far probably she just needs to rest.
Sleepy here, resuming WQ soon.
How was it so far, anons?
pretty good, though you made a few mistakes. like chili and chilly.
Well, thanks for pointing that out. Hopefully when WQ is done, I should get a few people to revise it.

>Murasa x Jasper
Spaghetti Squisher
I want to revise it as much as I can, but I'm afraid of making a mistake and fucking it up.
You know what I wanna do?
I mean, it'll e impossible and dumb, but still...

Tie and gag Jill up, stick a TC9000 on her face, throw her in a room, then blindfold and handcuff Deery and then let Deery go into that room and tell her Todd is in there somewhere, waiting for her to have her way with him.
Well that's fine, we could take our time pointing out my shit english.

Oh yea, made two more characters, a throwaway villain, and a Vale Academy drop out.
I was there. never had a better laugh in my life when I figured out who you were referencing.
and everything is archived, Sleepy.
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I wanna do this to Mel.
I want to do this with Gumi.
>implying they would be so calm
Deery would likely be able to tell pretty immediately. Jill and Todd have very different builds.
Also poor Jill... She'd see everything.
do you really think Deery will be interested in anything besides the TC?

That's the point!
Do I? Absolutely.

Will she? More than likely.
That's actually kinda cute.

I always thought Deery was just about the bullcock, and not about the man behind it.
>do you really think Deery will be interested in anything besides the TC?

I volunteer as tribute.
I'd have less of a problem with Deery if she hadn't tried assaulted Ironwood
Take advantage of me? Ciel, I don't care.
Basically rape me? Doc, I don't care.
Try to kill me? Jill, I don't care.

But try to hurt Irondaddy?
Bitch, you're gonna have to live TCless for the rest of your life.
>Murasa x Soap
Devilish Purple Haze
Irondad is love

Irondad is life
When was the last time Soap actually got some after his quest?
>When was the last time Soap actually got some
At the very beginning, before Sao saw our dick, when we took him out of that one inn with the whores.
>reminder that Sao is gone
Fluffy fox deserved better
>reminder that I still don't believe she's dead
I still bet she pulled a Sherlock
Reminder that Thatch is being super vague and evasive about her status.
How the fuck do you survive getting stabbed completely through the chest and getting your blood sucked out of you to form a husband?
Pterodactyl magic.
You can't logic with waifufags, anon.
Just look at all the Pyrrhafags.
By not getting done that.

Don't forget what Sao's (dustcharged) semblance is.
Don't forget that everything we think to know about her semblance we know because she told us.
Don't forget she lied to us before.
Man, Fugo dresses like a fucking asshole.
MQ/TQ today?
MQ, later.
About two hours from now.
Then it'll go on for about four or five.
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I don't see it
Purple Haze is a creepy stand when you know what it's ability is (Purple Haze Distortion even more so), but Fugo wearing a Swiss cheese suit was never not funny when he showed up.
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How's it going?
So, if someone wanted to start their own CYOA here, when would be optimum time to run it? Assuming that clashing is a problem.
Well TQ and MQ are infrequent and sporadic.

I'd say just jump on Ocho whenever. AFAIK Jasper Quest is the only one there.
according to my experiences, the times between 9am and 5pm GMT are pretty empty on here
Jasper Quest is probably the longest one out of them all which is why maybe thatch moved it there
Also Aero and Wendell
and RASS
That works pretty well for me. Late evening gmt would be better though.

Not going to lie, I'm new to the trash threads and I don't know what that is.

Eight chan.
>That works pretty well for me
now I'm either never gonna get some sleep or miss some Quests. SHIT

Ocho is:
8ch DOT net/rwby/
4chan's evil cousin, 8 Chan
4chan treats the website's URL and name as spam, so you gotta get creative with it
Isn't it just 8ch net/RWBY?
That's the RWBY board
It's a whole site with user created boards, many of which are dead
Yea, but links like google.com work. You have to take the 'dot' out.
Resume MQ?

I`m going to be a lot busier than I expected. So I won`t be here as frequently as I claimed before.
Thought you were starting in ocho?
>Gumi x Velvet
"Rabbit Season"
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my dick isn't ready yet

(I really should talk to her...even though it's very dumb...)
>Gumi x Aero x Sao
GAS the faunus
By the faggiest namefag.

Level : 12
Current Chapter : 11

Resume Game?


You are Marigold Valken, a Huntress in training.
And your eyelids are feeling heavy.
But you've got to stay awake and get through this meeting.

Leroy : ...and that concludes everything that hapenned this week.
Tyria : Got it. I'll make sure to tell my dad about "the unidentified flying object."
Leroy : I thought we agreed to drop that. The joke was bad enough the first time.
Tyria : Right ,right. Sorry.
Rufus : Anything you want to tell everyone else before we leave?

[]Well, do you?

I just said that hoping that guy would leave.
Who's the faunus in this story?
Known to be faunus : Tyria

Strongly hinted at being faunus/near guaranteed to be : Morrie.

Faunus in hiding : ?
"How about unidentified flying ob-JACK-t?"

Also, are we allowed to tell them what we found out about the killer via our question game?
(Would that be a dumb idea?)

Also also, weren't we supposed to meet up with Laurel?
Did you skip the cute? Never skip the cute man ;_;
Ded thred.

I want Snails to have her way with me.
>Snailsfags lost the war
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>I'm now free to waifu Snails and have her to myself.
not really, no
Is your name Jasper Greene?

I wish I had a name that cool.
So does Hawk I bet.
>tfw Raye isn't your big sis

Marigold : How about unidentified...

Your grin widens as you think about what you'll say next.

Marigold : flying ob-JACK-t?

All of "Mystery Inc" turn to face you as those words leave your mouth.

You can almost feel the cringe that Rufus is feeling.
Tyria snorts a little. Holding in her laughter so as to not laugh at such a lowly pun.
Laurel just hides her face in her sweater dress as her face's usual porcelain color is replaced by a bright red.
Alban... doesn't react at all. If it weren't by the fact that his face had that same bored look on it, you'd he he disapproves.
Leroy is trying to be polite about this, as you can see that his features as visibly shaking, forcing them to say immobile and not reveal what he thinks of this.
Bertilak's silently chuckling, eyes set on the floor to avoid looking at you. You can faintly hear a slight bit of his laughter as the air escapes his mouth.
And Morrie's burried his face in the palms of his hands.

Gull : Alright, time for a tally :
Influence lost : Leroy, Hawk.
Influnece gained : Tyria, Gull.

Leroy : That's... a very creative way of naming it, Marigold. We're all very proud of you.
He and the rest of ALBM leave, but not before Bert turns to you and tries to say something, only to have laughter come out.

Rufus : Well. I guess that's that. Here's hoping the killer doesn't try anything new.

He yawns, as does Tyria.

Tyria : I think I'm about done for the day.

Gull : Psst. Hey. Pumpkin. I just thought of something.
Marigold : What?
Gull : Weeeell... The kid's not into girls, right?
Marigold : Right. And?
Gull : And the three of you are more than familiar with each other's bodies.
Marigold : What are you getting at?
Gull : You can go back to your lifestyle of casual nudism! Isn't that great?
Hawk : Even if there were no problem with having him see you naked, that would be a waste of a nightgown.
Gull : Man, you're always such a spoilsport.

A. See if everyone else is okay with it.
B. No, Hawk's right.
>B. No, Hawk's right.
We did pay money for it.
can't wait for thatch to draw the whole cast
Gotta leave.
Have fun.
While Hawk IS right,
We don't have to do it, but I'd like to know if we've got the option.
So do the CYOAs get posted on both boards? Or are people just leaving for Ocho?

Also, how do people feel about a CYOA with a character who is already partially written? I wanted to retry the one I originally planned on RWBYg a while back, but I'd either have to rewrite everything or give you guys a more-or-less premade player character.

I mean, the more superficial aspects could be modified pretty easily, but personality and backstory would more or less be set in stone, barring slight adjustments and character development. Would people just prefer a complete fresh start?

Some here. Some there.
>Also, how do people feel about a CYOA with a character who is already partially written?

I have no problem with that. Currently, RASSQuest on Ocho is doing the same with a whole team, and in summer Newt said he's gonna run PRSMQuest, which will also have pre-made characters.

You have to take into account that voters are unpredictable and your character might fall out of his personality occasionally (especially when waifus are involved)
Is there any real reason to post on one over the other?

Well that's a relief. But in terms of OOC majority rules, I've tried taking slight liberties with choices so that the desired end result occurs with minimal character breaking. Hopefully that won't annoy people.

It all comes down to preference. Ocho has a one time captcha.
>Hopefully that won't annoy people.
It might, it might not. But it's worth a shot.

>Is there any real reason to post on one over the other?
>more centralized
>usually bigger audience/more attention
>stable website

>no fighting for time with TQ and MQ

You're also forgetting that 8ch doesn't have an archive.
>Not having a cool name that fits the colour rule
Ha, look at this loser

Please don't bully.
Well I don't mind sharing time with the other CYOAs, so long as no one else minds. I'd rather not do it all the same, but if working hours in GMT are open then I can probably work around then just fine, at least for a while.

>It might, it might not. But it's worth a shot.
Noted. I'll try to be flexible, but OOC stuff tends to make me lose track of character development. That's my problem to sort out, though.
I'm glad my name does that, albeit most people wouldn't know that it does.
Did you mean to put your first choice at the last position?
Since you used the less than symbol.
Doesn't really matter since threads stay up for years.
well we lost a bit of the first JillQuest because mods tried to make it cycle but failed.
Yeah, it's gone forever unless someone capped it
well I don't care, Jill transformed from "That girls seems kinda crazy, but hey maybe she's interesting" to "Holy fuck chill you fucking Bitch just go away please" in my head over the course of her appearances in TQ.
I've wondered, did Todd ever met Velvet before during TQ?
Yes, we met CVFY during the mission where Naise died and we got lost.

We were so close to banging her...
AAAAHHRG. Makes me angry just to think about it. FUCK YOU.

We need to go to Beacon and right this wrong.
What do you mean by "before during"?
He was from earth and was in Atlas prior to arriving in Vale, where he met CVFY during the mission that left him in the woods for a few days.
Not if I bribe her with Schneekers bars first!
Oh no.

Stop trying to take away my fantasies!!
>Todd is innawoods ready
IIRC Jasper said the Schneeker bars taste bland
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Is it time to love fauna?
I fucking hate this.
Faunus is obviously latin, so it would be impossible for the plural to be fauna.

The plural would be either Fauni or Faunus if the singular nominative is Faunus.
I just consider the plural of faunus to be faunus, like deer.
>TFW I did this same research for a stupid song...
Fauni sounds nicer
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>inb4 aura
No research, I got latin in high school.
>Got a dead language in highschool

U wat.

Also I'm off loads for the moment. Run TQ?

>Yes please

Dog deserves some pats for protecting us from cow
Dog deserves a bone, if you know what I'm sayin'.

And yeah, in my country the "highest level" high schools give you the option of learning either Latin, ancient Greek, or both.

Latin is cool to know though, it helps a lot when learning other European languages.
What kind of dog was she again?
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whatever Polt is supposed to be, I think?
>inb4 Polt isn't even actually a dog...
That ain't a dog m8

Dog faunus girls a cute.

Faunus girls a cute.
Polt's not a dog. She's a gnoll.
I know:
>inb4 Polt isn't even actually a dog...

although I'm pretty sure she gets called a wolf Kobold, not a gnoll, in the manga.
Gnoll's straight up have dogheads though.
This is correct. That's her official species.
Fox terrier.
Smooth or wire?
Wire, but she brushes her ears smooth.
[x] Call for Valentine
Ay yo, got two more for the Harem. Time to work your magic Doc
>two more
Slow down, bro. Let's get Jill to "not completely hating us" before we even try to get her on Team Harem.
Hate is just another form of passion
I'd be okay with "hating us, but not actively trying to make our life harder" for now.

Also I'd even think it's going to be harder to convince Mel of the harem than Jill.
Jill was confirmed to be in the "is okay with Harem" group by CYOAnus iirc
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How true ~
I know. But that doesn't mean she'll go from "absolute hatred of all men besides her sperm donor" to "on the harem train" in a day.
With a little help from Peng, she could.
Peng, get offline.
a) Nah.
b) Would Peng even do that? She already seemed kinda jealous
is there anyone who could give a torrent of the ost pls
So I may have slacked off to watch WWZ

Starting in a bit.
Hah... So remember when I said "starting in a bit"?

The wifi here is down.
Why must you toy with me?
Hey. The Vol. 3 soundtrack is now on Itunes. Anyone here want to be a top-tier bro and link it for those of us hard up on cash?
Because life toys with me.

WiFi came back up and is blocking 4chin again.
Some it is on here actually: http://fuffy.co.vu/tagged/rwby-soundtrack
>TQ pushed back
>MQ only posting twice this thread
>JQ waifu wars resume
>AQ discontinued because the writer drank himself to death
Tumblr has already uploaded all of the main songs.

But it's missing the episode scores.
What an unexpected place to find Ray
I hate myself for loving the memecat's song.
I always did.
oh thank the gods you guys are still here
what's up my dude?
Sleepy here, might resume WQ soon. I'm willing to make Gumi a teen loli. Smol teen loli anyone?
Just pls don't make me wanna bang someone too illegal.
Not that Wendell would care about laws...
Say CYOAnon, I was wondering:
Does Todd's semblance work with dust too?
So like, Todd uses fire dust and gets...more fire? Or something?
Alright, WQ is resuming. How you anons doing?
>MQ only posting twice this thread
Priorities changed.
Hello, Dryden! Please update the pastebin.
I will. Eventually.
I won`t.

Anyone up for MQ?

Tyria : But before we hit the hay?
Marigold : What is it?
Tyria : Really, Mari? An unidentifiable flying ob-JACK-t? That's the best you could come up with?
Rufus : I think I may have lost a handful of neurons, thank to that.
Marigold : W-well I... don't see you doing any better.
Rufus : I wasn't doing any worse.
Marigold : I- no, you're right. That was bad, even by my standards.
Tyria : Hey, don't sweat it. I've said plenty worse.

A. Ask about just how worse it could be.
B. Don't. Go speak to Laurel, who is still hiding her face in the sweater dress.
I want to hear "The List" again.
Give her a kiss
Don't bully me like that, I thought it was neat...
>Wanting a bully to stop.
I'll bully you more for that, nerd.

Marigold : Oh? And just how much worse?
Tyria : Wh- I just said that to make you feel better. I-I didn't mean anything by it.
Marigold : Uh huh. Sure. Let's leave it at that.
Tyria : ...I'm gonna get you for this.

She steps through into the bathroom before you have a chance to say anything.
Well, you figure you should probably talk to Laurel.
You walk over to her, but she keeps her head buried in her dress.

Marigold : Hey, got room for one more in there?

Laurel pokes her head out, peering at the outside before fully letting her collar down.

Laurel : Mari, that was embara- mm!

You interupt her with a quick peck to the lips, and sitting down next to her.

Laurel : ...that's cheating.
Marigold : But you'll allow it, won't you?

She doesn't say anything.
She simply wraps as much of her tiny arms around your gargantuan body.
You choose to reciprocate.

Laurel : I was worried sick about you the whole time, and you're- you're...
Marigold : Laurie, it wasn't that bad. I still had-
Laurel : Yes it was that bad! You went to deep into the red with that match. What would've hapenned to you if Maya finished that attack!?

A. 'I would've been fine.'
B. 'Wait, she used an infinished attack?'
C. Say nothing, just her her tighter.
D. 'Well, I'd have you to put me back together.'
>C. Say nothing, just her her tighter.
If I may voice a wish:
Pls no lewd for the next two hours, Dry. I don't want a boner on the train without any option to hide it...
>Was going to tone down on the lewds for the next couple of chapters.
Now you're tempting me to write lewds just to bully you.
But I'll refrain for doing so.
Thanks mate, but you don't really need to tone it down for chapters, hours is enough ~

Also, bullying is bad.
>Also, bullying is bad.

only if you're the one getting bullied~
Oh. So the Jill tailjob scene is a bad idea?

Marigold : Well, I'd have you to put me back together.
Laurel : That's not funny, Mari.
Marigold : Oh come on, Laurie. I still had 11% left.
Laurel : Promise me you'll try to be a little more careful next time.
Marigold : I promise.
Laurel : ...that didn't sound very convincing.

You let go of her to get a good look at her.
You cup her face with your hands, and kiss her forehead.

Marigold : I promise I won't get myself blown up into hundreds of little pieces.
Laurel : ... good.

It's now that you remember that Rufus is still in the room.
You take a look at him from the corner of your eye, and notice that he seems to be already asleep.

Laurel : Well, goodnight, Mari.

A. Go sleep in your bed.
B. Sleep in her bed.

Add-on :
Ask her [] beforehand.
[]Being anything.
>People not wondering how unstable a girl who has never lost losing might be

You guys don't know me at all~
>Cuddles in her bed.
Especially if you've got a fetish for it and don't want a public boner.

...you're all mean.

>In her bed, ask her beforehand
We're a big girl, maybe Laurel wants proper sleep instead of cuddling
>people not caring about the most unlikeable character in TQ so far

You get up, change into your nightgown, and invite yourself into Laurel's bed.
She doesn't say anything about it, instead opting to turn herself away from you.
Just as you're about to ask why, she takes one of your arms and places it over herself.


You are awakaned by the sunlight seeping into the room from the crack in between the curtains.
It manages to fall right onto your eyes.
Perfect. Just perfect.
As you try to get up, you feel Laurel's arm still clinging to yours.
But that's not all that's keeping you here.

Tyria : Mn... Morning, pumpkin.
Marigold : Morning, Ty.

She wasn't there when you went to sleep.

A. Roll with it.
B. Flirt.
C. Ask her why she's invited herself in.
D. Ask her kindly to get off your back.
E.[] Write in
Rufus! Come too! Team bon(d)ing

What about that one guy who waifus her?
>Rufus in the cuddlepile

No boys allowed!
Personal responsability drags me away yet again!

How can the beds hold all three of the girls?
Will Rufus join the cuddlepile?
Would the bed be able to handle it?

Find out next time, folks!
How can any bed handle Mari's gjrth?
Sleepy here, still running WQ on ocho. Right now, I'm trying to find some errors I made throughout the story, updates are going slower now for proof reading.
TFW no buttslut sneakdoge gf
TFW no super clingy mulatto officer gf
TFW no less than honest cinnamon roll gf who needs help working out her issues
TFW no socially retarded super soldier gf
>tfw no redhead muscle gianteess, and smol girl with pile bunker and lewd gazelle girl in my bed for a cuddlepile.
I hate you sometimes, Dryden.
TFW no insecure assASSin gf who is overly promiscuous to compensate
TFW no cock thirst doctor gf with problems letting go
TFW no gf bf with no idea who they are
TFW no salty caramel widow gf
Should I keep going? This is actually kinda fun for me.
>Tfw no smoking hot blue haired gf that could tie you like a pretzel
is that 3.14?
Is it?

I dunno~
Don't stop now! Kick it up a notch, bro!
Well, after all we know about the genders of the people in the CYOAs, it's either Pi or the killer.
Implying they're different people.
More like...

And Tyria said MY joke would be bad...
Yknow... Looking at my Pi notes... She might be more broken than I intended...

Really depends, I guess.
broken in which way...?
TFW no morally questionable genius gf
Would you guys consider aura separate from the body? Atlas science can generate aura and move it from body to body so I would think it can be copied, but what do you guys think?
Well... That kinda is a spoiler.
+1 SP then~?

I mean like... You mean Gold, ye?

Emilia is neither as smart nor as morally questionable
I would, considering people die when you take their aura out.
well, aura conductivity is a thing, iirc most of the weapons work with it.
Alright, with that in mind, do you think semblances can be copied.

Not taken, but duplicated.
By a machine? Possibly.
By another semblance? That's absolutely going to be a thing eventually. I can almost guarantee it.
That I'm pretty sure of.

We know semblances can be heridetar, we know aura transfer is a thing, we know semblances are meant to represent the 'soul' of someone - so with a combination of genetical engineering, indoctrination and aura infusion, it should be very possible to copy semblances.

with considerable effort though.
I uh... Well it might already be a thing...
Isn't that HNTR's Reina's semblance?
Pi has a... Very interesting semblance...
I meant in RWBY itself, not the CYOAs.
CYOAnus pls.

that grade of teasing should be illegal
It's probably close, but if it can happen is specifically limited to if the semblance is linked to the physical body.
Aero's resuming btw.
I am very sorry for what happened.
I guess in the end it's my decision... Imma flip a coin on it.

Someone call it.
Please don't be stealing semblances, that's absolute garbage, even if it's just one at a time.

About the one at a time part...

Really someone call the coin...
On the side.
Whatever we get from Mel this night
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>mfw I thought Pi's semblance was Schrödinger's genitals
>mfw Pi's semblance is actually Schrödinger's EVERYTHING
It'll land perfectly balanced on it's side.
It will land on it's side and spin infinitely.
Then, I'll need you to [spoiler]wake up.[/spoiler]
Wait, I only just thought of this, but isn't it really ironic that the main general moved to /trash/?

Finally when autismo gets what he wants, all the shitposting his reporting invited makes the entire general move to /trash/, instead of just the green. And now he can't report shit anymore.

I wonder if he's mad now.
Do you want semblances linked to physical body?
He was already here and essentially said
"This was my goal. On to the next /co/ general."
He played us LIKE A DAMN FIDDLE.

Resume TQ?
Then it's a good thing it landed on heads.
Yes, please.
Who cares
The real question is, which ToddQuest girls have no gag reflex?
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I don't care aside from the annoying refugees
>Those times
If such a thing is possible, then yes
Pretty sure cows don't have gag reflexes. So Jill and Lyn probably.

"Hey, doc, you here?" You call out into the office.

"How did someone who has to see a doctor become an operator." Jill attempts to be snide.

"I don't eat a lot of apples." You pipe right back.


"You're not good at banter, Jill."

"Shut up. Don't use my name." Jill looks away from you.

Can't handle the bantz.

"Yes, T- You know, the amount of work I have to do since I met you is starting to irritate me."

"She just needs rest, doctor." Jill is lacking the spite on her voice that she directs at you. "She pushed her semblance too hard and tired herself out."

Valentine sighs. "And how did that happen?"

Jill flashes a look at you. "She had to save this idiot."

"From what?" Valentine slips a cot under Mel.


"Ms. Boveen. Are you trying to hide something from me?"

"N-no ma'am."

[] Cover for Jill
[] Let the Doc 'interrogate' her
[] Tell Valentine what happened
>[] Let the Doc 'interrogate' her
It's not like you'd need our help, would you Jill?
[] Let the doc interrogate her.
Block the exit of the room just to be sure.
No way in, no way out.
[x] Let the Doc 'interrogate' her

Why do I have the feeling this is going to end with sex?
Because you're a good for nothing pervert.
Jill is like Eiger from Shadowrun Dragonfall in my head.

Trying to be nice and soft to her isn't gonna cut it, we want to earn her respect by being an asshole.

You slowly slip in front of the door.

"You know how I feel about having my patients lie to me." She is not looking at Jill at the moment, double checking Mel's condition.

"Because I've only seen Ms. Hunter this worn out once before. You do remember what I told you then, don't you?"

"I wouldn't do that..." Jill is frantically looking around the room.

"Really." Valentine slowly straightens up, turning to face Jill who immediately tenses.

Valentine walks up to her. They are the same height, yet Jill seems very small before the doctor.

"O-of course..." Jill's fingers are fumbling around at her sides.

"You know it will be worse if you don't tell me the truth."

You see a shiver run up Jill's spine. "I-I'm sorry... I just..."

"You what?" Valentine's expression is entirely neutral. You have no idea what's got Jill so spooked.

"I-it's his fault! He wouldn't listen to reason!" Jill points at you.

Et tu, bitchus?

Valentine looks at you, then back at Jill. "You mean to tell me you went after your junior serious enough that your team mate had to step in?"

"I-it's not like that! He seduced her, I know it! I was just... Gonna rough him up a little..."

"A little."


"I'd like you to wait in my office."

"N-no, I'm sorry, I won't do it again, honest."


Jill lets out a diminutive squeak.

"Office. Todd, please move aside."

You do as you're asked.

Jill doesn't even look at you as she passes. You can see she wants to bolt.

You hold a poker face as she exits the room.

"Now. What did you do?" Valentine asks, just as cooly.

[] Same story about the sword
[] "My sword looks like hers, so she got pissed"
[] Dindu nuffin
>[] Same story about the sword

Damn, everytime we see Valentine she becomes a bit more awesome.
[] "She might have been right about the seducing part"
[x] Same story about the sword

You tell Valerie exactly what you told Jill.

"Is that supposed to be a joke?"

"Yeah, kinda." You shrug.

"I get you're related, but you shouldn't tease her like that."

"Say what now?"


"I'm not teasing anybody. I just thought it was funny."

"...So... Wait... Hold on." Valentine pinches her brow. "You just made that up by coincidence?"

"What coincidence."

Valentine pinches harder. "I can't tell if you're lucky or unlucky. Honestly you must have a very indecisive guardian angel."

"Haha... I think so too sometimes."

"Just... Go get something for Ms. Hunter to eat. She's going to be hungry when she wakes up."

[] Cafeteria
[] Find a restaurant
[] Snack machine
We did not actively seduce Mel...yet.
We just..uh...stripped in front of her. And maybe we licked some cheese off of her and gave her a yip. And promised her to show her our dick.
>Run back to that snack thing where we got something to eat on patrol

You know what I wanna do, right?
...You uh...

I mean yeah, great non-seduction.
>"I was only gonna show it to here platonically, I swear! What's a couple of dicks between bros?"
You're a monster.

I like it.
>"Ah, I know. Like you showed your dick totally platonically to your partner, right?"
>tfw Jill overhears that
>tfw "What could be so good about it?"
If possible then >>2665103
>I think you have a very indecisive guardian angel
Don't call us indecisive nigger.

Snack machine.
>getting raepd by Supercow because she's curious
>in the moment she climaxes, we whisper
"You're just like your mother."
Jill would explode with anger at that point
When did we promise her to show her our dick?
No doubt, but she'd be exploding with something else first
She would try to stop her orgasm in its tracks.
She would probably succeed in doing so, even...
While preparing dinner for Mayo.
She patted us, we got hard, she wanted to see it, we told her later because we didn't want to do it in Mayo's house.
It doesn't have to be intentional to be seduction. I'm pretty sure the girls we've actively seduced are in the minority
of course only if we can make it in a reasonable time

You nod, jogging off. Oh the plans you have.

You manage to find the same elderly man working the snack stall.

"You're just everywhere, huh?"

"I have thirty six children to feed. You try that with just one or two stores."

"Huh... Good luck with that."

You hasten back to the medical tent to find Mel sitting up. "Oh. Hey." She greets you quietly. She seems tired, but otherwise unharmed.

[] Offer her the snack ( ) Tighten your grip if she tries to use her hand
[] Ask what happened
>She clenches so hard we permanently have a small series of indentations in our dick
>Jill's orgasm cessation creates the TC9001 "Ribbed for her pleasure"
>make sure we won't get disturbed by Jill
>[] Offer her the snack and Tighten your grip if she tries to use her hand

I'm not sure whether to wear a smug grin or a heartwarming smile while doing so, but I think the smile is slightly better
Could you perhaps link me to the thread on desustorage? I can't seem to find it.
This is definitely a smug grin situation.
I think we seduced not a single girl actively.
The only girl where we came even close to seducing was Deery, and that was more of a persuasion than anything else.
[x] Offer her the snack (x) Tighten your grip if she tries to use her hand
>I have thirty six children to feed.
Behold Todd, the Harem Route
Look upon your future

[x] Offer her the snack (x) Tighten your grip if she tries to use her hand
You fed us, you cooked for us, you helped with Mayo and you saved us from Jill; This time it's our turn.
What exactly is going on with this snack? What's special about it?
>It wasn't even meant an insult
>Anything that's half Auntie Lynette is just good by default
Fuck no.
But Ctrl+F for "beer" should get you there
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Since we got no names allowed on /trash/. Can i get a list on any of the confirmed KIA/MIA namefags?
How did they go out?
That's good enough, thanks a lot man.
We went on patrol, Mel got us snacks, she held it in front uf us, we ate it from her hand, flustering her.

Cheese dripped on her fingers.
We licked it off.
She gave us headpats and whispered us a "good boy".
and after the rewind, we gave her a little yip for it ~
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Try the thread that actually values the namefags.
You decide to shut the door first. You hear rustling and stifled sounds from the other room.

Go Doc...? For some reason, you feel somewhat sorry for Jill. Maybe just the idea that if Valentine can give you multiple orgasms, what could she do to a girl...

Not important right now. You've got a dog treat.

With the door shut and Mel giving you a slightly confused look, you extend the snack to her.

"Ah? Oh. Thanks." She moves to take it.

You don't release it when she pulls. "Uh... Todd?" She takes another look at the snack.

"Is that... No. No, Todd. I'm not doing that." She tugs again.

You don't release. The snack is tearing a bit. "You're gonna make a mess." You tell Mel.

She looks from side to side, then around you to the door before slowly opening her mouth. She has healthy teeth.

She leans forward, her eyes locked on your own as her tongue takes hold of the bottom of the snackfood, followed by her teeth taking a cut of it.

She's... A lot better at seductive eating than you are. Or maybe more used to being fed?

Either way, she finishes the treat without smattering your hand in any filling.
Todd, stop drooling in front of the doggie!
>We practically fed Jill to the Doc
Valentine is a dangerous, yet powerful ally
>tfw the Doc uses the TC9000 on Jill
"Well, he used a copy of your sword, so it's only fair if you use a copy of his."
Best in Show!

That's a little disap-

Her tongue lolls against your fingers suddenly, teeth grazing your skin.


"...Hweaning the gweath..." She defends her actions as completely normal.

Her tongue is darting around your hand, from your palm to the tips of her fingers. Her eyes still distinctly locked on your own. It's actually... A little bit intense how she's staring at you.

She blushes in response to what must be going on on your own face.

"D-don't expect me to do that ever again..." She moves away from your hand.

[] Scratch her ears ( ) Call her a good girl
[] You did promise to show her your penis
>[] Scratch her ears ( ) Call her a good girl
I wanna reduce her to a quivering mess before she gets our bone ~

(Also, I'm bad at reading muffled writing. What is 'Hweaning the gweath' supposed to mean?)
This is the hardest choice I've ever encountered
[] Scratch her ears ( ) Call her a good girl
We promised, and we're gonna show her eventually... but turnabout is fair play
Cleaning the grease.
thanks my dude
Scratch her ears.
And give her an extremely subtle raincheck about the dick thing.
>[] You did promise to show her your penis
I don't know what will happen; but I want Doc and Jill to walk in on it.
[x] Scratch her ears (x) Call her a good girl
>[] Scratch her ears ( ) Call her a good girl
Scratch her ears and call her a good girl.
>Off by one
Only bakas, etc.

You step in closer, moving your other hand.

"Todd, don't you dare!"

You take ahold of one of her ears.

"Stop right now!"

You press your thumb down against her, rotating your finger at the base of her ear.

"Sssst-nnnnnnnnmmm..." Her face reddens deeper as her head immediately starts to press against your hand.

You follow up onto her other ear, massaging her head effectively.

Her face turns from pleasure to downright nothing. There is no thought in her head at the moment.

"Haauuu..." Her tongue is drooping mildly from her lips.

"That's a good girl."

You see thought snap back into her mind and she stares up at you again, face still red, but a fair amount of determination in her expression as she jumps out of the covers against you.

You're knocked off balance, catching yourself on the cot behind you. A dog clenched to your abdomen.

"Excuse me?" She's bracing her arms on your chest, staring down at you.


"Uhp-up-up." She interrupts you, putting a finger on your lips.

"You're getting mixed up, Todd." She's staring at you still. "I'm nobody's pet."

[] Try to re-establish dominance
[] Guess this is happening her way then
>Molests the cute boys
>Tests oversized dildos on the girls
She must be a damn good doctor to still have her job
>[x] Try to re-establish dominance
>[] Guess this is happening her way then
YES. We need a proper dominant girl, and reverse pet play a BEST.
>[] Try to re-establish dominance
[x] Try to re-establish dominance
[] Guess this is happening her way then

Femdom GO!
>[] Guess this is happening her way then
"Neither am I, but I don't mind pretending when it feels good, and there's no hiding how good you were just feeling"
She can still be on top though, switch master race
>Guess this is happening her way then
We can reestablish dominance later ~
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"I think you're the one mixed up, Mel." You twist, planting her back on the second cot. "You 'were' nobody's pet."

She Presses back, this time the two of you are on the floor. The eye contact thing is honestly new. Usually girls will look away at least once, but Mel is locked onto you. "Being someones pet would need a master." She pushes your shoulders down, clearly not afraid at all of using her superior strength to make you go where she wants. "And a master sometimes has to force things." She moves her hands aside, locking your arms to the floor and leaning against your chest. Your faces are close to one another now.

Another thing to note is her legs are not around your waist anymore, they're sitting in front of her. She's practically between them with the way she's sitting on you. "You can't force me to do anything..."

She leans in closer. "But you've been a bad boy lately." Her eyes reflecting softly in the dark as she takes in a deep breath. "I wonder what Jill would do if I told her about her sister."

Well... Mel's pretty different in bed. Maybe that's a faunus thing? Lynnette was really aggressive in bed... So was Deery.

Well, that thought just pushed Todd Jr. along. You can feel yourself against Mel's backside.

She's noticed as well, lifting herself from her arms, her backside looking to be floating above your waist as she looks down. "Does this excite you?" She grins. "Were you expecting a treat?"

[] "I mean... Give a dog a bone, right?"
[] "Yes, ma'am."
[] Say nothing
>[] "I mean... Give a dog a bone, right?"
[x] "I mean... Give a dog a bone, right?"
Say that with a big stupid grin on our face so she knows we mean it
>[] "I mean... Give a dog a bone, right?"
"Well, I did promise I'd show you. and I owe you a favour for the dinner..."
Goddamn do I love aggressively competitive flirting
I wanna provoke her real good.

>"I wonder what Jill would do if I told her about her sister."
What does Mel know? She wasn't around when we stuffed the cinnabon.
You stink like Izzy, anon.
She can smell her on us, and she could smell us in her
>[] "I mean... Give a dog a bone, right?"
This will provoke her, which will create the ultimate fandom.
Fuck, I meant femdom.
I'd assume we always do, since we're partners and around each other a lot.

does that mean Mel is okay with us fucking Izzy?
atm I'd say 'she's in TC-trance', but she must've noticed the smell when we arrived for patrol, and she didn't make a scene back then.
Todd always pays his debts, almost entirely with his dick
>and she could smell us in her
Mel eating Izzy out when?
Because the last time she overreacted about us sleeping around and nearly neutered the TC we told her off about how we aren't in a relationship with her so she didn't have the right to control who we sleep with.
The dog learned a new trick, which was self-control.
You stink like Izzy and /fish/ anon.

You give her your biggest shit-eating grin.

"I mean give a dog a bone, right?"

Mel's face deepens, but she plants herself back down. You can feel her butt pressing tightly on your manhood.

"Is that so?" She starts shifting up and down against you. The fabric of both of your clothing limits the sensation, but she's being pretty vigorous about it. "Well what if I don't want your bone?"

"You probably wouldn't be trying to undo my pants with your butt in that case."

She pauses. "...Mh... Suppose that's true."

She's distracted!

[] Pants her
[] Kiss her
[] Do nothing
>does that mean Mel is okay with us fucking Izzy?
Not necessarily, maybe she's just changed her approach. You're not gonna smell like Izzy anymore when she's done here
>Mel's basically marking territory

>scratch her ears
(what does 'pants her' mean?)
>[] Kiss her

Was it Mel or Jill who had a really good butt?
Pantsing someone is tugging their pants down.
>[] Kiss her
alright, thanks.
staying with scratching tho
[x] Kiss her
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>[] Kiss her
As the probably only Melfag, I'm glad my day has finally come
It could be worse, at least she's the silver or bronze medal for quite a few people here.
[] Kiss her.

We all know that this will end with the struggle of who we should choose again, but it's worth it.

You snap your head forward, planting a kiss on her lips.

She freezes for a moment, releasing one of your arms to touch her lips. "That's cheating..."

She's still staring at you, her free hand slowly moving between her legs, fingers glancing the top of your tool, inspecting apparently.

"..." She presses on it from several angles before starting to unzip your uniform.

She moves down from your chest, still maintaining eye contact, until she draws you from your pants. Her eyes finally move down to your manhood.


"How what?"

"...Nothing." Her gaze now locked on your cock, her other hand wraps around it. The two gently tugging at it. "...I thought it was big before... But..." She's just idly stroking it now.

She suddenly looks back up at you. "It's nothing like a bone... This..." She looks back down, slowly lowering herself. She's breathing on it now. "There's no way I could ever put my mouth on this..."

[] (someone) could do it (Who?)
[] Just let her keep entertaining herself
that struggle is far, far, FAAAR away man (if we don't push it, at least).

26 girls, 4 boys, according to CYOAnon.
I doubt that the girls are all patient enough to wait until we get to the last girl.

I'm guessing that routes will start falling off the wagon at some point.
>fingers glancing the top of your tool
>the top of your tool
>your tool

Everything makes sense now
If I'm remembering right, you've met 10 girls so far and 1 of the guys.
>Let her keep entertaining herself
She didn't like us sleeping around before, so I doubt she's gonna like us comparing her to the others.
>"I'm sure someone taught you to always try to push your limits ~"
>[] Just let her keep entertaining herself
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Holy shit.
Heh. Wow. I didn't even intend that.

I wish I knew what pottery meant.
"All that posturing, and now you're telling me you're all talk Mel? And here I thought you could handle being on top"
>tfw that wasn't even the case
>but now that we've realized it, our semblance works on it
>Todd realizes he's a total tool
>Becomes Superman
>when Todd dies the remove his dick to keep it for research
>it turns into a chode
>Because of the sheer power and ability his dick is capable of, it drains his Aura almost instantly
>But if he times it right, for a single brief moment, it is the perfect dick
It's how we're gonna beat the last boss: Doc Valentine in her final form
>Because of the sheer power and ability his dick is capable of, it drains his Aura almost instantly
The better a tool is, the less taxing it is to use with his semblance.
every time a girl enjoys it, we tell her they should thank Jill.
>tfw everyone bullied Jill while I was away

Feels bad man.
Ah, Doc is givin her a good treatment, I'm sure of that.
You decide to let her be.

Mel is quietly trying to talk herself out of putting her mouth on you, but she keeps getting closer to it.

"W-well... Maybe just..." Her tongue slides out, touching the underside of the glans. It retracts immediately. "You still taste like girl parts..."


She leans back down before you can finish responding, licking again, this time along more of the shaft.

Mel doesn't seem to really know what she's doing, but she's definitely trying to imitate pornography, the way she's changing sides often and kissing on your cock.

"Haah... I-it's so big..." Even her commentary is dropping to something out of a cheesy porno.

[] Tell her to relax
[] Play along
>[] Tell her to relax

>tfw Mel knows what girl parts taste like
[spoiler]And I thought it was a stupid child belief that dogs eat pussies[/spoiler]
I mean just a little peanut butter and...
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embarrased Polt.png
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>[] Tell her to relax
I bet it's sweet, because that's what Izzy's virginity tastes like Mel.
>[] Play along
We handled Deery's commentary, this is nothing

I think we should keep pushing her and play to her pride. Sure, lesser girls might not be able to handle it, they might be intimidated. But Mel isn't a lesser girl, she's a BTCH; and this dick was made for BTCHs
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>I wish I knew what pottery mean.
So do I anon, so do I.
>tfw Mel knows what girl parts taste like
Well, what did you think they got up to in the BTCH dorm? Why do you think Chloe is the sister fister?
like cinnamon?
would be neat:
>soon, new in the meta shop: make your favorite girl taste like your favorite gum!
(please don't try to allegedly chew on your girl though.)
>tfw Mel knows what girl parts taste like
did you forget she's a dog?
she can lick herself.
>[] Play along
Any minute now Valentine are gonna finish up with the "physical" and they're gonna walk in on this.

I aim to make a show of it
I'm actually surprised that didn't already happen.
But I suppose Jill really is OP and lasts a bit longer than a normal human.
She'll last as long as Valentine wants her to last.
All of Jill's ability means nothing on THIS battlefield~


Her ears perk, but she doesn't look at you, quietly licking your manhood.

"You don't have to impress me, y'know."

"...Mm." She starts to stroke it while licking it. Her saliva has gotten you slick enough that it works pretty well. She's better with stroking than her tongue play, but stroking isn't all that hard.

"No really, you don't need to be a pro or anything."

Mel glances up at you, but returns to her self-set task. Now that you're slick, she moves even closer, opening her mouth a bit at the tip, eyebrows furrowing as she attempts to take it.

She hasn't stretched her jaw this far before it seems. Her teeth graze against the base of your glans and again on your shaft. She barely got you into her mouth, but her tongue is trying its best to make up for it, rotating around you rapidly.

The teeth aren't comfortable, but the tongue is nice enough to make you forget that.

Mel doesn't look particularly comfortable though.

[] Tell her to stop
[] Try to change position
You knocked her aura down to effectively zero and she was up and about less than a minute later.

Jill's recovery time is yes.
>scratch her ears
she's overthinking it.
we need to empty out that pretty head of hers.
[] Don't do something you're not comfortable with.
Did we bring it down to 0? We just kept shooting until it actually started hurting her, but you still feel pain through Aura. I don't think we exhausted her Aura, just her Avalon
She's in Todd territory now, just let go and feel good
She made her own bed. She couldn't justify her actions, the Doc is just disciplining her accordingly.
Maybe we should do it too some time
I'm kinda curious how those disciplinary measures look..
They look a lot like a floppy, pink, full scale replica of Todd's dick; and the Doc thinks Todd is into pegging

Now are you SURE you want to be bad boy?
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(I might be in the minority though.)

Also, how did the doc discipline Jill before she got her hands on the TC?
You know I hate doin this, but I've gotta get back to the terminal. I've got a load to work on. Driving tonight to get to a place with wifi would most certainly mean not finding a parking space and fuck that. Thinking if I leave at like... 3/4 AM, that'll give me a perfect time of arrival at a place to stop so I don't have to worry about parking, then I can shitpost in peace.

Hopefully I'll cover 430+miles in 8 hours so I can shut down earlier and still have time to write shit while waiting...

Delivery's at 10 AM... 1 hour timezone difference backwards away... Fuck me, that's gonna put me in the middle of nowhere 8 hours in...

I guess I could try to shoot for Pendleton, but that's risky business bein damn near 600 miles out.

I'd have to drive my full 11 hours and if I can maintain 50 mph throughout, that still puts me at 550 miles... It's 566 miles away...

With the weight... Fuuuuuck, I dislike going into washington from the 84.

Beautiful scenery, but shit man.
drive save, we can't have you dying at a scene like this.
None of that is a matter of safety. All of that is considering a controlled speed of 50 mph. The question is if I can actually make it.

My top speed is 62 mph... I mean... I could go tonight if I can make it... And goin through the night would be my best shot at maintaining higher than 50mph.

If I maintain 60, that's 540 miles in 9 hours.

(It is impossible to maintain 60 through the 84 with the weight I'm gonna be hauling. My best scenario average is 55, putting me there at ~10 hours.

Pendleton is NEVER crowded, so I can do that shit easy, the matter is GETTING there. Also I need to go or I'm gonna be stuck walking back to the terminal.
Make haste.
Show them the meaning of haste.

Hmm... Thinking now... Assuming a full 10 hours and a minimum hour outside of driving... If I left at 9(8) I'd get there at... 7 AM... probably sleep until 5 PM... Then I'd need to leave at... 270 miles... 10 AM delivery on the 6th... Assuming I have to stop for fuel after Pendleton... Probably want to leave at... 4 AM...

What time would you guys want to start? Is 5PM pst too early?
What time is it now where you are?
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Sharing cute from ocho
I included PST. The time it is for me doesn't matter. If I left at the time I said, I'd be ready at 5PM PST and would have to be done before 4AM PST.

SO 8-10 hours. The time I stop doesn't change.

If it's too early, I leave later.
What's that supposed to be?
Well, I'd be ready at 5PM PST
RASS got cutes
RASSQuest cuddle pile
RASS cuddlepile

http://8ch DOT net/rwby/res/16033.html
Oh. That's the only one I haven't followed.
>Everybody's faces when Pi can get multiple animal traits

[spoiler]Everybody's faces when Pi copies Jill's physicality[/spoiler]
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I don't fault you for that, I'm not a great writer.

It's kind of fun though. Drawing was fun today too.
I'd be ready probably.

also, I already said:
this level of teasing should be illegal.
Who knows.
>CYOAnon still trying to get us interested in Pi
isn't that enough attention for her for like...several years?

just read the TQ archive in the OP, man.
Pi has been a thing since the first few realtime days of the quest.
I don't understand.
Probably just some nobody back in Atlas.
>Topless faunus up front
This, we've probably left a few routes behind like poor MillyTilly
MillyTilly is a go as soon as we're back in Atlas!
>Todd will never bang Milly and Tilly
>Todd will never have the twins squabbling over whose turn it is
>Todd will never experience them playing King of the Hill with his Dickinson
>Todd will never watch them using their Semblance to steal his dick out from inside each other just as they get into their position of choice
You guys wanna resume MQ?
Man proposes.

God spits in his face.

The trailer I'm picking up doesn't get here for minimum 2 hours.

So I might have managed the all nighter before, but I doubt I can do it from 11...

It'd be... 10AM... Most I can promise if I can pull a rabbit outta my ass is 8 PM PST start time...
What's that mean?
Does that mean I should take a nap til you're done?
But wait.
If you could post that, why can't you write normal shit?

He uses speech-to-text on his phone
File: distressed best girl.png (273KB, 661x697px) Image search: [Google]
distressed best girl.png
273KB, 661x697px
>Most I can promise if I can pull a rabbit outta my ass
Yeah sure
Huh? No. I'm done for the night. Talking about tomorrow.
Alright, but before I start. I need you guys to each give me one word. Any word at all.
I need it.
>One of the twins manages to trick the other
>Positions herself just right and times it so the other twin tags in and accidentally takes it in the ass
>Todd is just a bystander is this escalating arms race
>Not that he's complaining
(I'm sorry)

Englert–Brout–Higgs–Guralnik–Hagen–Kibble mechanism
Time to let her rip.
Be back in 10.

In the meanwhile, some words from our sponsors :

forgot the last dash:
>After a lot of slow progress and stretching, Milly manages to to deepthroat the entire TC, or at least as much as anatomically possible
>Switches out to give the unprepared Tilly a sudden throatfull of cock
>Tilly strikes back by hang in there and bringing Todd to climax, then switching back out to make Milly take the load
>It doesn't matter who loses; Todd wins
Why did we leave Atlas again?
Cut a kid's foot off
He got better.
Besides, faunus don't count

Also, I want
>It doesn't matter who loses; Todd wins
on a shirt.

Also also, we're gonna go back to Atlas anon, and we will right this wrong.
anon no
>Drawing smut that never happened
Even if this is some pretty crazy stuff that may have awakened some obscure fetish in me; I'd still rather we conserve our drawfag's efforts for actual CYOA content
>tfw thatch will never draw these
>but a dryden is fine
Remember kids ;
Stay active,
Stay connected,
And don't bully redheads.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.


Marigold : You're looking awfully comfortable.
Tyria : I should be, with a pillow as big as that ass of yours.

She punctuates her sentence by reaching under your nightgown and taking hold of a butt cheek with one hand.

Tyria : Like, goddamn. What do you eat?
Marigold : Wouldn't you like to know-

The door to your dorm slams open.

Tyria : Huh? What is it, Rufus? We're in the middle of team bonding.
Rufus : We've changed nothing.
Marigold : Whaddaya mean we changed nothing? I'd say we tested this bed's strength pretty well.

He sighs and walks over to you, showing you an article on his scroll.

Rufus : What does it say?
Marigold : Umm... "Man's Resolve Transcends-"
Rufus : No, the other one. The headline in bold red.
Marigold : Oh, that's easy. Sixty Faunus Found Dead-
Marigold : ...Swimming in Pool of Own Blood.

You and the other girls read through the article together.

The headline said it all. Sixty faunus were all found dead yesterday night in an old unused warehouse.
All sixty of them were put into one big pile in the center, and of course...

Laurel : ...all of their throats were bitten out.
Rufus : Yeah. It only got noticed because of the smell.
Tyria : Says here the warehouse was located-
Marigold : At the docks.
Laurel : So, we can say almost certainly that this was our culprit's work. Right?

[]Do you know what this means? Is there anything you think of this situation?

>Drawing smut that never happened
It will not happen.
Canon or it never gets accepted.
>But what about that other request with Mari Ty and Laurie?
I lied.
>But what about that other request with Mari Ty and Laurie?
>I lied.

We're simply gonna MAKE it canon!

Also, gimme some time to think about this.
That's some pretty heavy stuff man, I prepared for cute team bonding, not this.
It must be the work of a copycat!
How do you figure?
>Tyria : Like, goddamn. What do you eat?
"Smol girls and lewd gazelles~"
Well, the murderer always leaves its work in broad daylight for all to see. Why now store bodies, sixty of them, in a warehouse?
And lots of milk.
not necessarily.
maybe he just leaves them where he kills them.

unused warehouse, just faunus - could be he had fun with a White Fang rally.

although the pile does seem untypical.
Next thread gonna be "Cuddlepile Edition"?
Seems a bit tasteless, don't you know cuddlepiles kill 60 faunus a year?
>Seems a bit tasteless
I know someone who thinks otherwise...
chomp ~
So much of a cuddlepile that sixty animals joined in ;^)


Marigold : It's gotta be a copycat. The murderer always leaves its work in broad daylight for all to see. Why now store bodies, sixty of them, in a warehouse?
Tyria : I don't know which is worse. The idea that the killer's gotten more prollific, or that now there's at least two of them. No, wait. Come to think of it. How would he even get that many bodies in a week? And how would no one have noticed?
Rufus : Well, whatever it is, I doubt geting there will be as easy as the last three cases.
Tyria : Yeah. And I doubt you'd want to, or be able to, check the memories of sixty people.
Marigold : It took everything I had to be able to get answers out of just one bloodstain. Sixty of them? Hurts just thinking about it.
Laurel : We're not going to get much done here and now. We've gotta talk to the rest of the group.

A. Call a meeting immediately.
B. Call for a meeting for today, as soon as they're available.
>B. Call for a meeting for today, as soon as they're available.

Is 8ch kill for anyone else?
I just wanted to ask the same question - so probably yes.
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Running late.png
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I'm just going to post this last doodle on here and go to bed, then.
>'borrowed' Simon's boxers
dammit Selena!
60 victims is a big deal, killer just upped the ante

Could it be that the killer kept all the death hidden in a warehouse because the sight of our glorious golden sentry drove him to greater levels of caution. They seem to have a connection to us and our associates, they could very well know that golden aura bird means someone is watching.
Rowan wears boxers, Simon is a commando kind of guy
>mfw I confused them since the beginning of RASSquest

this explains a lot.
and it needs dotted shorts to make me realize it.
Was it the character swapping?

Sorry if that's confusing, I just wanted to try something different.
nah, just me not caring as much about the guys than about the cute girls (yet)
that'll change once we get to know them all a bit better
>He sighs and walks over to you, showing you an article on his scroll.
Poor guy. He just wants to help his friends and solves this case; and his teammates can't stop boinking each other
Alright, you indecisive fucks, B it is.


Marigold : We should talk this over with ALBM. Make sure we get this done sometime today.
Tyria : Right. I'll call them.

You hear Rufus let out a drawn-out sigh.

Tyria reaches for her scroll and takes a look.

Tyria : Well, that's unnusual.
Marigold : What is?
Tyria : Dad called. About three dozen times. Usually it's the other way around.
Laurel : Wanna keep him waiting as retribution?
Tyria : That's tempting, but I'd rather not.
Rufus : Then I'll see if ALBM are around. You two get yourselves ready.

Tyria gets up, her boyshorts strecthing out over her behind, barely able to cover any of it as most of the fabric sinks into the crack.
You get distracted by this as she quickly gets dressed and walks out of the dorm.

Gull : Hey. Don't you think it's a little suspicious that she immediately decides to leave just to make a call?
Marigold : I mean, just a little, I guess. Could be that she just wanted to go somewhere else.
Gull : Well it's broad daylight now, so I'm sure that scout of yours will be a lot less noticeable if you decide to use it. What with the lower contrast. And besides, if it's nothing harmful, who cares if you listened in?
Gull : But, what if this is improtant? What if there's just that one bit of useful information she might not be willing to share that could change everything?
Marigold : What could she possibly have to hide?
Hawk : Don't say it.
Gull : I won't, I won't.

Should you use Jack to eavesdrop on Tyria?

A. Yes.
B. No.
Respect your team. She probably just doesn't want to get flustered in front of us when he brings up The List again.
>Three A's to two B's
Indecisive my ass
I read that one later, dickwad.
Ayy jk, I didn't mean to call you a dickwad, baby.
Love you too, man.
Don't touch me you slut
>I have to write it for Dry to draw it.

Peng vore scene incoming.
Alright, done with that.


Marigold : No, I'm not spying on my own teammate.
Gull : Oh. So that's how it's going to be. Alright. If you want to lose THAT badly, you could've just said so.
Hawk : What he means to say is that well-intenionned actions might only make it worse on yourself and the people you seek to protect.
Gull : I mean, think about it. If it's something benign, why would she care? And if it's not, then you've got to seriously reconsider your who you get as allies. Or who knows, you might even be able to help her.
Marigold : Enough. I'm not spying on her.
Hawk : Very well. We can only propose.

And with that sentence, you and Laurel finish dressing.

Rufus : So, Bert and Leroy are on campus. I called Morrie and he's headed here.
Marigold : Did you manage to call Alban? Where is he?
Rufus : He hasn't answered me. And the others don't know where he is.

Does this warrant trying to find him? If so , where should you check?
It's half past noon, if it makes a difference.

A. The library.
B. The gym.
C. Teacher's offices.
D. Nurse's office.
E. ...team LIME's dorm?
F. Split up to look.
G. No need to worry.
>call Maya
other than that
And I'm getting sleepy.

Our heroes are faced with an ever-rising level of danger. Can their resolve rise to the challenge and put the killings to a halt?
Has the killer stepped up the game, or is the massacre the work of someone else?
Will they ever find Alban, and will he be alive when they find him?
Why is Gull such a massive wanker?
When will the Ichtiyaar chapters resume?
Who is the father?

Find out next time, on BigGrillQuest.
Sleep tight
Page 10.
I'm on mobile
Barfs edition next please
I'll get it and fix the previous thread links since they got fucked in this thread
>Barfs edition next please
Time for a new thread:
Thread posts: 502
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