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RWBYgt Trash General #60 Big Girl Edition Previous thread:

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Thread replies: 348
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RWBYgt Trash General #60 Big Girl Edition

Previous thread: >>2638827

Archive: https://desustorage.org/trash/search/text/rwby%2Frt/type/op/

CYOA Archive:
Toddquest: http://imgur.com/a/Ov4Gb
Biggirlquest: http://pastebin.com/a61skWC0
Biggirlquest pictures: http://imgur.com/a/cwtJr

Rules of RWBYgt threads:
>1. Read the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UmEaBVGW
>2. Arguing about the thread isn't discussion.
>3. Don't believe their lies
>4. Be comfy
Will there ever be a nude Laurel picture?.
Well. TQ plans officially dashed.

Trailer JUST got here. I'm not gonna start now. Forcing it at midnight is a cool way to die.

So... Maybe Friday.
Is anyone here?
I am
I'm confused, but drive save any how.
Man, we are dead as fuck today
Sleepy here, gotta resume WQ soon. How was the waifus so far?
Look at the time man
>How was the waifus so far?
Fuck you man. Fuck. You.
I wanna get to know Gumi a bit better, and she's cute, and I know the other votes would be angry at me if I did...

Do you even know how much self-discipline I needed?!
>Murasa x Gumi
Opposites Attract
Next thread we should change something in the title so we can tell this one apart from the other one.

They refused to change their number to like 7 or 8 for some reason (since that's actually how many threads they had, they for some reason insist on carrying on our number).
The archive will be a mess if we don't change something.

Like, put cyoa in the title or something.
>full caps
>Fuck. You.

I mean, I know it's /trash/, but could you please tone down your tumblr/youtube comment section/facebook a bit?
It's an eyesore.
We are RWBYgt, they are RWBY/RT

>for some reason
I'm pretty sure they want to bully us like the syrian refugees they are
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting anon, please stop.

Ah, thanks, didn't notice that.
>please stop
I just wanted to be funny.

Have some icecream as apology
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I know that feel, but now's not a good time to lewd the Bun.

Bun thirst for CYOA Protagonist Ds continues.
That girl has no idea how to ice cream.
but more than the bun
I dunno, that just looks like she didn't like the flavor.
Who'd you wanna bet, Velvet takes one of the CYOA Protagonist's D?
I'm going to win either way, so I don't care.
(But probably Wendell. Todd is too distracted with others to pursue Velvet, and Velvet probably isn't going to pursue Todd it seems.
Even though she saw the TC.

I bet Mari.
>yuri faunus loli with bigrill
I'm sickened and aroused.
More like time travel bun yuri
>Wendell stole her number
>Jasper too busy with shit he has to handle
>Todd is still distracted
she gave it to us!
OMEGA Satan has spoken
too busy playing overwatch
Shipping Murasa when?
Murasa x Todd
"Flirt Battle Royale"
Murasa x Sao
Kinks and Strokes
Murasa x Japser
Sunset Dweeb
Murasa x Drei
Above the Law
>Murasa x Hel
"Sleepy Dopes"
>Murasa x Abelard
"Lightning's Bitch"
>Murasa x RASS
"I thought this was gonna be an orgy"
>implying RASS doesn't do team orgies
Sure, I bet Alina sleeps through most of the fun, but still!
Murasa x Evolution Bros
"Vacuo Gangbang"
>tfw you'll never be balls deep in sleepy sheep pussy
>tfw you will never see Alina's face flush the next morning, wondering if she just had a naughty dream or real sex
What happens if we ship
Todd x Snails
Jasper x Jill
We end up with dead sunchasers.
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>Todd x Snails
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Well, Snails would be awfully interested in the TC, but we know she doesn't know what sex is so...

Todd could teach it to her.
But I doubt Todd would want to. Even if she's legal, I don't think he's into that kinda thing.

[spoiler]But would she be able to pull the Izzy and take it all on her first go?[/spoiler]
Update the Mariquest pastebin faggot.
>hfw she notices the creamy white seed dripping from her pussy
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The TC would hit her lungs, anon
Because I've got nothing better to do, let's talk about all of the bad end that you guys avoided recently.

>Choosing to fight Jill immediately
>Choosing any combination that pitted Caliburn V Caliburn
>Ratting on Jill
>all the way through
what would've happened if we hadn't done those?
>Murasa x Todd
This could be interesting.
I mean, we know WQ and TQ are in the same universe and around roughly the same time, since Velvet already knew Todd...
Okay okay, hear me out
Todd x Aero
Jasper x Regalia
Todd x Regalia
No, you did not do those.

Baaaaaad things.
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>Todd x Regalia
I'll take 20.

[X] Touch fluffy tail


fucking english subjunctives man, it's the hell on earthI swear.

anways, you said you wanted to talk about them.
well... talk?
How about
Aero x Mel
Brace yourselves for impact:

Mari x Snails
Okay, but imagine JasperXValentine
I blame Debbie, that fucking
Okay so
Aero x Mel
Aero x Valentine
Gold x Jasper
>Gold x Jasper
gonna happen.
Oh wait, I meant Gold x Todd
sadly never gonna happen

>inb4 surrogate EmiliaxTodd
>tfw Emilia is either dead or very old
>Murasa x HNTR
>Murasa x AERO
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>Murasa and Regalia teaming up on Aero
wew lad.
So how about
Regalia x Mel
Aero x Jill
Izzy x Jasper
Izzy x Gold
Snails x Valentine
>Regalia x Mel

Walking the Dog
>Izzy x Jill x Todd

Daddy's girls.
>Snails x Valentine
Yes anon
Quick, think of some random CYOA character that hasn't been mentionned in this game.
Now pair them with Snails.
Wendell x Snails

"Wah! What are we gonna do in this pond?"
Sarge x Snails
>Leroy x Snails.
French Delicacy.
All or Nothing
made me laugh/10
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Don't forget your yogurt anons.
He just needs to fall in love with someone outside the team
Murasa x Snails
"Devilishly Headpats"
Gumi x Snails
"Headpats United"
I wanna solve:
Who is bestsnek.
Naja x Murasa
"Purple Haze"
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Why is our thread so dead today?
CYOAnus is driving and Dry is...being Dry.
(Still studying for finals, probably?)
That explains a bit I guess.
Sleepy here, might gonna make this interesting. Scenarios when you take others to Junior's club.
He might know Junior, and tells his past crimes with Tamgerine. He tries to be suave to Yang but ended up busting his jaw.
She'll try to seduce Wen by giving him strong drinks, and talk about her personal life, and why she dropped out. Picks a fight with Yang, because she thinks Yang is hitting on Wen.
He'll try to drown his past away, tells his story about his men back in Atlas. Almost accidentally picks a fight with Yang.
>Picks a fight with Yang, because she thinks Yang is hitting on Wen.
Holy fuck Murasa, calm down. Surprised she didn't fight Gumi yet...
Alright, done with circuits for now.
What should I do first?

A. Make the chapter 9 pastebin already.
B. Resume MQ.
C. Dick around some more.
D. Draw [whatever the fuck it is I'm supposed to be drawing that isn't for the VN]
D > A = B > C
oh right, forgot:


Also, what I think you were 'supposed' (I think tat word sounds unrespectful) to draw:
- shower lewd of Izzy
- Regalia
- Doc Valentine

and what I'm not entirely sure of:
- kissing Laurel & Mari
- kissing Jasper & Smoke
- tickling Tyria scene

might also forgot some.
Alright, trawling through desustorage to make the pastebin it is.

Oh, and out of curisity, which of these would you rather use in a fight?

A. Spear and shield.
B. Polearm (Glaive, Fauchard, Halberd, Lucerne, whatvever the fuck.
Defense is just as important as Offense
>tfw Dry comes back
>still no MQ
hello dankness my old friend

Depends. Spear/Shield is only good when you can get a shield wall going. Polearms are generally good for 1v1 or large melees where a peasant can sneak up and kill the Duke of Burgundy.
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Regalia in a maid costume when?
I guess we'll just have to make a mess.
Or wait for the Vacuo equivalent of golden week and we team up with PINK to do a maid cafe.
they have a few special offers:
- touch fluffy tail (IT'S FREE PLEASE DO IT PLEASE)
- make spider tease the fox (100 Lien)
and overnight, someone (now, we have no idea who it was so don't judge Aero, yeah, there is no evidence!) added:
- make spider kiss the fox (200 Lien)
>Forcing Oliver into a maid outfit with the rest of the team
>Putting a smaller maid outfit on Floof
>Raye x Aero x Juliet x Alina
"Evolutionary Superiority"
>Murasa x Jasper
"Creamy Regrets"
What's with all those guys wanting the pastebin?
It's important; I never would've gotten into MariQuest if not for the pastebin logs
Shit happens.
Because I want to catch up with the last 7 or so chapters.
Finishing up chapter 9 now.

Did you guys came with the refugees?
Just curious.
>Aero enthusiastic and excited, her adorable demeanour at odds with her outfit
>Crystal rolling her eyes and exaggerating sighs, her sassiness actually fitting quite well with the ensemble
>Regalia is owning the look, this event was made for her
>Oliver looking grumpy, but mostly more because he isn't allowed to have any of the food he's serving. The dress doesn't bother him that much
>Despite a great deal of over-the-top advertisement and a rather forceful attitude, none of the customers seem to want to touch fluffy tail
We need to make this happen so we can get art of it.
Nah, I've been here since the start. I just dropped Jasperquest because I think the writing sucks dick, and Mariquest because I lost interest, but I regained my interest in Mariquest.
Nah, I've been in /trash/ at least as far back as before TQ. I was in the initial votes to decide MQ's protag. I just wasn't feeling it after the first chapter and I dropped it, but I gave it a second chance later
I've been partaking in MQ but things happened and I don't want to sift through the shit in desustorage to catch up.
I guess when JQ2 is done, Thatch is gonna make a straightforward version. Just to trim all the fat.

>Suddenly Captcha gave me spaghetti

Now do chapter 10 you little bitch.
But did Captcha give you traditional Vacuo spaghetti?
jk, who wants to resume it?
I'd like to resume MQ.
I want you to resume updating the pastebin :^)
Hi, my name is CYOA Knoxville and this is "Fuck Sleep"

[Energy Drinks Intensify]

TQ? Spoilergame?
Another one of those hours where you scream crazy stuff and I giggle like the 12 year old I am at heart, humor and herectionrate? (I wanted an alliteration...)
Well that sure sounds like a good sign if I ever heard one
But really I gotta go take a shit and get some groceries.

Definitely in that order, I have been driving effectively 9.5 hours straight.
So... cancel MQ?
D: What?

Oh no. Now we have to fight to the death.
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If you don't post within the next twenty minutes, I go.
>20 minutes to shop at Walmart

give him a little more time Doctor.

I wanna see Mel getting the bone and when you continue on the pastebin you're gonna make your unloyal readers happy.
Very well.
For CYOAnus' achievement of dubs, I shall concede, for now.
I'll have to use 'that'...



You roll forward a little, digging your fingers against Mel's ears, immediately rotating them around, even tugging at them a little.

You feel Mel's mouth slacken, effort turning to idle lapping at your tip.

Soon enough, she's moaning against you, suction coming naturally. She clearly isn't trying to take more, but the gentle way she's moving her hands and the lazy rhythmic motion of her tongue finally gets you to climax.

Mel suddenly shoots up, cheeks puffed a little, looking around almost desperately before finally putting her hands under her chin. "Buuueeeeegh...." She lets your seed out into her hands, scraping at her tongue with her 'clean' hand. "It's bitter..."

[] Semen will do that.
[] I'll eat more fruits

Well there's that too.

Guess I'll be back.
[x] Semen will do that. Now lap it up off the ground. Seed shouldn't go to waste.
>[] Semen will do that.
>[] I'll eat more fruits
poor Mel, it's gotta be extra bad for her

however, now it should be her turn ~
>[] I'll eat more fruits
[] I'll eat more fruits
I don't know what you were expecting
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>mfw /v/ is making fun on us even more than before because we got moved to /trash/
Wrong thread.
We're the ones who moved to trash willingly.
>we got moved to /trash/
We're RWBYgt, we all more or less chose to come here after the the greentextening started way back at the beginning of this year.

I wouldn't trade RWBYgt for any other board on this site.
>caring what /v/ says

Get the corn out of your ass, Anon.
Hey I remember this shitpost, shouldn't you be in the other thread, the one with the memes?
>the one with the memes
We have meme too, anon.
[spoiler]ours are just more dank and comfy and overall better[/spoiler]
okay, we need to talk about Gumi's kiss.

I don't have enough experience to assess that situation properly.
drunk girl whose big love got killed a while ago and who was falsely charged guilty for it kisses us sloppily.

what should Wendy do?
Enjoy the kiss but don't take it further.
> I'll eat more fruits.
Do any of you boys know the keys to staying awake?
Fries and large Dr. Pepper or soda of your choice.
what if she regrets the kiss on the next day and clamps up (ruining our chances with her, maybe?)?
that's my main conern
doing something fun, not getting bored.
Body temperature and hydration.

>Those bitch-mode niggas what do this for vidya
I wish I knew the keys to falling asleep.

Insomnia is kicking my ass.
That is a real concern. I do believe we have enough charisma to loosen her if she does clamp up.
"Uh... Sorry, I'll eat more fruit."

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"It makes the taste different."

Mel raises her eyebrow before recognition hits her like a slap in the face.

"Oooohhh no. I'm not ever doing that again."

"Don't you want it to taste like candy?"

"No! I don't wanna do it ever again. It was gross!"

She is now wiping her hands on a napkin she managed to tug down from the bedside.

"Just because the shape is... Interesting... I don't wanna do it again."

[] Try to convince her
[] Save it for another time.
[x] Try to convince her
We've gone this far, let's keep going
>return the favor
your turn doggie.
[x] Save it for another time

We know how to control her.
>[] Save it for another time.
Your turn.
>[] Save it for another time.
She didn't seem to enthusiastic about it the first time either, yet she still couldn't resist.

I'm sure if we leave her in the good doctor's capable hands, they might come to discuss the finer points of sucking dick... Or the doc might just molest her, who knows.
that is an "and" my dude.
I think the Doc is unable to do anything without molesting somebody.
>Doesn't want to be called "Good girl"
>Doesn't want to lap up semen
What is this doggirl even good for?
She just needs to be trained.
>doesn't even dominate properly
Clearly Mel wasn never build with sex in mind, she's just a wife...or, rather a maid.
(depends on who you're asking whether the wife or the maid is for sex...)
It's concerning how often I'm starting to see Valentine as a solution to our problems. I may be becoming dependent on her talents
Multiple orgasms will do that to you, I'd imagine.
I mean, we could have Peng "re-calibrate" Mel but everyone gets up in arms over doing anything with Peng.
>over doing anything with Peng
Nah, but letting her fuck with other people's minds takes it a bit too far.
Sleep tight, CYOAnon...
Coffee if it has an effect on you, going outside for a walk without a jacket so you'll feel a bit cold, cold shower or just straight up willpower.

Or you know, cocaine.
[] Save it.
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What if I told you Dry got rid of him, permanently?
Then I'd go to hell and drag him back up here.
No way he's going to get out so easy before I had a chance to shag Pi.
Don't do it Pi will steal Todd's dick and fuck his harem
She only copies, she doesn't steal.
(And I don't think she even needs to see or come in contact with something to copy it, if I interpreted CYOAnon's savage teasing correctly.)

Also, after we fuck her, every girl she fucks will be ours by right. So it's okay.
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We choose our fate because we are the makers of our destiny.
Speaking of which, where would each of the CYOAfags end, assuming there is an afterlife?

[Others I might be forgetting]
I dunno about the others, but I'm certainly going to hell for...reasons I will not mention over the internet.
Nappy times.
CYOAnus: trucker hell where there's nothing but 6% grade hills
Nah, because we wanted comfy

Hell (eternal trick driving with no wifi)
Earth (so he can never live without consequences)
Hell (listening to the cries of those he wronged - but he'd enjoy it)
Heaven (but he'll find a reason to dislike it)
Hell (full of alleged cannibal teen lolis and slipping english)
Heaven (infinite cuddlepile)
the second part obviously for >>2687842
>Hell (listening to the cries of those he wronged - but he'd enjoy it)
What does that mean?
soo...will Dry take over his arch nemesis' now empty trucker seat, or should I go to sleep?

Dry likes to make people sad, and he likes to bully people, and he likes to be a little cocktease ;_;

"Alright." You prop yourself up from the floor and sit on the bed.

Mel is watching you warily. "You're still..."

"Well yeah. Didn't you want to do the real thing?"

"What!?" Mel bristles a bit.

"No! I don't want to encourage your sleeping around!"

"But you just..."

"That's not sex!"

Mel turns her nose up at you.

[] Attack her ears
[] Let her get some rest
[x] Let her get some rest
I meant eating her out, but let her get her rest I guess.
>attack her hears
>go down on her
that's not sex either ~
>[x] Attack her ears
>Knowing grade % and what it means for trucks

I just went down a 6% grade with a speed limit of 18 mph.

[spoiler]I went 60~[/spoiler]
Attack her ears, then return the cunnilingus favor on her.
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>memebase font
>spelled wrong
This better be coming out of your cringe folder.
Sleepy here, pretty true. You should've added cross references too as part of hell.
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Do you mean that one?
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Remove bun, remove fauna.
Best three girls of each of the CYOAs?
I need a list now.
>Cheated my way into heaven with shitty doodles
My dad would be proud.
"Well me returning the favor isn't sex either." You slip off the bed, approaching her.

Mel takes a step back, but doesn't say anything against you.

You slowly reach for her head.

"H-hey... Don't think I am just gonna do whatever ya want if you keep scratching my ears..."

"Of course not." You pinch the corners of her ears. Mel's legs wobble a little immediately.

"N-no sex... I mean it..." She slowly lowers her pants. She's not hairless, but...

"Mel... Did you stencil trim the letter M into your pubic hair?"

"C-chloe has an A! It was just a thing!"

You hold back a laugh and help Mel onto the bed.

Mel's legs are open for you...

[] Cunnilingus
[] Put the penis to her
>[] Cunnilingus
[x] Cunnilingus
>[] Cunnilingus
Izzy > Ciel > Valentine

Laurel > Beth > Ty

Gold > Naja > Smoke
(I'd put Raye on place two and Naja on three, but since we haven't actually met Raye yet...)

Regalia > Regalia > Regalia

Gumi > Murasa > that blonde from the prison showers

Alina > Selena > Simon
Jill has an S and the fourth member whose name I forget has an L.


BTCH dorm activities...truly a mystery...

Also, why the fuck has Chloe her last name's initial, and Mel her first name's initial?
Because morning butt bumps?

[spoiler]Get it bumpin in the AM?[/spoiler]
"Hey, hey,hey Chloe. I wanna sing you a song from earth. But I need you and your team to do something for me first.
It's gonna be weird, but I promise it's worth it!"
the lady who is so good at milking Lynette is called Cecilia Tangerine, irrc

You stay true to your word and take a knee. Mel suddenly puts a hand on your head.

"You know how to do this, right?"


"I mean you're a guy..."


"Well... I don't want you biting me."

You blink before jamming your middle finger into her, hooking it up immediately.

Mel's head shoots back, what might have been a moan instead a raspy escape of air.

You feel a thick fluid dribble down your palm.

"Any other questions?"

Mel is simply shaking, her insides tugging at your finger. Her hand since fallen away, you start at your work, outside first, down into her folds, a quest for the clitoris first thing.

Mel's hands weakly lay atop your head. You can feel her hitting number two already.

"Stoh... Oh- oh.... St- Mnnnnn!"

Mel curls up towards your head. You feel her bust graze you lightly. Her chest is heaving.

[] It was fast, but she's pretty done
[] See how many you can get out of her
>[] See how many you can get out of her
She's earned it.
>[] See how many you can get out of her
Let's see what a BTCH is capable off
[x] See how many you can get out of her
>[] See how many you can get out of her

And tease her with the number ever after.
>"Hey Mel."
>"S-shut up!"
>[] See how many you can get out of her

You decide to push Mel, just to see how far she can go...

Half an hour passes.

You're pretty lucky your uniform resists staining.

There is a puddle at your knee. Mel is twitching, laid fully back on the bed, drooling slightly.

"Hey. Mel."

"Nn..." She responds, not even looking at you.

"Sixty seven."

"Gghh..." Mel twitches again.

That's probably it... You might cause brain damage if you keep going. She was at least responding at the last two.

You stand up, brushing yourself off.

"...What are you doing?"
>Bitch and moan about waifu wars
>Finally reach the last romance reset to end waifu wars
>People take it
JQ voters everybody
"She's a "Who", not a "What" Jill. Don't be so insensitive"
Repaying favors owed.
>Cock block police are late
>sixty seven orgasms late
What if it isn't Jill?
Sometimes you roll the dice and you lose
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haaah ~.png
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>Sixty seven.
Is this the power of a BTCH?

>"...What are you doing?"
"...without inviting me?"
sixty eight overall, including ours.
speaking of which, did we get rid of the Caboose Condition yet, since we came?
I really wanna have that INT back.
Enhanced senses semblance.

She's really good at feeling.
I'm not surprised by her experiencing the sixty seven, I'm surprised by her having that endurance.

also,I just noticed, two more and we'd have a 69.

You look over, still erect.

"Oh... Uh... Hey, Chloe."

"Why are you doing that to Melanie?"

"...Because she wanted to?"

Chloe is just staring at the two of you.

"Did you-"

[] Want to join in?"
[] Want to double check how she's doing?"
[] (Other)
>[] Want to join in?"
>[] Want to double check how she's doing?"

Chloe isn't ready yet.
We need Mel to tell her how great it was first.

Also: Where were Jill and the Doc that whole time?
>tfw Jill laid in the other room, broken
>tfw the Doc came in to get some water, nodded approvingly of our technique and went back to work on Jill
[] Want to join in?"
It's a risk with someone like Chloe; but she can always just say no
[] Want to double check how she's doing?"
Officially, Todd's rape record is spotless.

The darkest timeline is a myth.
>[] Want to join in?"
Actually, imma change >>2689044 to [] Want to double check how she's doing?"
I do so very dearly want to get in on the Chloe route, but I'd rather do it carefully and right
Double check.
>He thinks they stopped at all.

JV are still going, senpai.

Jill has MAXIMUM endurance.
[x] Want to join in?"

"You want to see how she's doing?" You quickly tuck yourself away, backing from Mel. "She got kinda worn out sparring with Jill.

"..." Chloe eyes you for a moment, but moves to Mel. "Is Jill alright?"

"She's fine."


"Why would you be worried about Jill?"

"Because Mel is the only one of us who can beat her."


"Her semblance and Jill's..." She pauses. "I shouldn't be telling you that. I am sorry for bringing it up."

[] Push, you know Chloe won't lie if asked directly
[] Let it be
[x] PUSH
>[] Let it be
>[] Let it be
We already pushed too much when we made her tell about Izzy
>Let it be
We can just ask Mel
>[] Let it be
If Mel is still cognizant after tonight.
Ah, in a few days, sure

Unfuck sleep. I'm dun.

I downed two energy drinks, two bottles of water and two gatorades.

I am /still/ exhausted.

Fuck bitches, get Monet.
You uh... You know what's happening in a few days...
Sleep tight my dude.
You did good today.

We should get Mel a shirt with a 67 on it.
We fuck the dragon grimm?
>Get a Griff ball league going back at Atlas Academy
>Team Jerseys
>Get BTCH to join because Chloe and Mel will and Jill/Cecelia will just tag along.
>Jill insists on #1
>Chloe gets 88
>Cecelia gets 3.14
>Mel gets 67

>Mel is just constantly blushing during games, nobody knows why.
We're...not THAT far into the story yet, are we...?

>We need to fuq Penny, Yang and Velvet FAST
>Tried to fug Penny when we had the chance
>Everyone said she was '2innocent4me'
Feels bad

Can someone explain to me why TQ voters, who voted for sticking our dick into a lifeforce sucking sword grimm thing, are SOMEHOW more reasonable than JQ voters?
>Heaven (but he'll find a reason to dislike it)
I was told you can't get in if you kill yourself, and I'm certain that's how it'll happen.
Chi, please.
Wait until I'm over there, so we can do it together, I don't have it in me myself.
>still thinking JQ is just a game
It's a relationship simulator and we're bad at it
Could it be we're just bad at relationships?
>tfw we're method acting Jasper
We're technically Jasper so he's method acting us
>tfw I am Jasper
>tfw we are Jasper
>implying I'd prolong my suffering for strangers
Nah. Good luck.
Yeah and Jasper's girlfriend lasts more than a day
What's you name again? 3.14 or something?
Alright then.
Aero's tail is named 'Floof'.
Should we name the tails of the other CYOA characters with tails as well?
Nah, Aero's tail is special. Other faunus traits aren't quite as important.

We could try naming Lynette's udders though
I'm making a joke about the girl in TQ that we essentially denied the existence of until CYOAnon forced us to interact with her.
Cute girls are for loving not bullying unless it's bullying out of love!
>all this hate on Pi
I just want to play peekabo with her genitals ;_;
I don't hate her. I just thought it was funny.
>mfw instead of doing my fucking homework I'm coming up with OCs based on the 4 fundamental interactions in physics
what am I doing with my life.
>"For this magic trick I need a volunteer from the audience!"
>'Is.. Is he talking to me? Is he really done ignoring me?'
>"Tonight I make this cock disappear!"
>Doki-doki intensifies
Time to level up prestidigitation
could someone nice cap the 67?
What's in it for me?
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my gratitude [spoiler]and erection[/spoiler]
Everything gets capped
I was going to do it, but I find your offering of Nora to be sub par.

Mediocre Morsov.
It's simple! I just need to go 300 miles in under 6 hours with an average speed of 50 mph
Well if I were you, I'd gobble down some more cheeseburgers to get some time dilation on your ass...

Other than that.
Good Luck. Drive save.
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Fly on, gold brah
Sleepy here, guess the tie breaker has broken. Resuming WQ soon albeit slower.
Good morning, Sleepy!
80 miles left because fuck physics
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lesbo physics.gif
2MB, 360x202px
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>It's another Smoke and Jasper episode
we just had a cathartic speech and an asthma attack in front of the whole team while analyzing it
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>It's a Soap and Jasper episode
Aero resuming on Ocho.
Now we unload.

My boss asked if I wanted a cookie for working literal magic.

Long story short, he sent $2 to me to buy a cookie.

Also, if everything works out today how I want from here forward, I'm gonna catch a movie then get the weekend off.
>2$ for a cookie
that better be a good fucking cookie
Anyone still around for MQ?

I don't enjoy other people's suffering. I only grow stronger when I suffer.

>Dry likes to make people sad, and he likes to bully people, and he likes to be a little cocktease ;_;
Okay, those first two are just your assumptions, and when did I ever act like a cocktease?
I'm around.

of course, I'm not you, so I can always just assume.

>and when did I ever act like a cocktease?
When you go for lewd but stop before it gets really fun ~
Technical difficulties,
MQ will start in 10 minutes.
Please understand.
Context : After reading the headlines, you decided to call the team to assemble for a meeting. No one knows where Alban is and he isn't answering.

You call Maya, using the student directory.
Laurel : Any luck?
Marigold : No. We should split up to look for him.
Laurel : Alright. Where will you go?

A. The library.
B. The gym.
C. Teacher's offices.
D. Nurse's office.
E. The caf.
F. ...team LIME's dorm?
G. []Elsewhere.
F>D>E>The garden from the date>The docks>C>B>A

Marigold : I'll go check on team LIME's dorm.
Laurel : Why there?

Gull : Figures she'd ask questions.
Hawk : Choose your words carefully. You might say something you won't be able to take back.
Marigold : What? How could I possibly screw this up?

[]Well? Why do you want to check there?
I thought maybe the rest of Team LIME knows where Maya went, and Maya probably knows where Alban is since they're hanging around a lot.
Don't scare me like this Dry
"Maya and Alban have been spending an increasing amount of time together. If his team doesn't know, she's the next best chance of knowing without starting a manhunt."

Marigold : Alban and Maya have been spending a lot more time together. At least recently.If his team doesn't know, she's the next best chance of knowing without starting a manhunt.
Laurel : Oh. I... didn't notice that. Well, I guess I'll go check the library. He seems like he'd spend his time somewhere quiet.
Marigold : Make sure to keep in touch.
Laurel : Got it.
Marigold : Rufus. Did you catch that?
Rufus : Yeah, heading out now.

You part ways, heading down the corridor to reach LIME's dorm.
It's all the way on the other side of this floor, But that shouldn't take long to reach.

You arrive at the doorstep and knock.
But the door wasn't locked, and so it opens partly.
You look towards the floor, and note that a shoe kept the door from closing.
You look through the crack and you can just barely see a figure lying in one of the beds.
You can't tell who it is though.
You also hear the shower running.
But you can't see much of anything in there. At least not with so little room to peer through.

A. Look inside, by openning the door a little.
B. Knock again, and ask if you can come in.
C. Leave.
D. Step in.

also, ask Hawk and Gull if what we said was okay.
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RASS Outfits 4-4.png
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Finished Team RASS

r8 OCs plz


Cute faunus.
9/10 would cuddlepile
You step just past the edge of the door, and knock on the wall inside the room.

Marigold : Excuse me. Is there anyone here? Can I come in?

It takes a moment before you get an unenthusiastic response.

??? : I dunno, can you?
Marigold : What?

You hear a sigh turning into a groan answer your question.

??? : Whaddaya want?
Marigold : I'm looking for Maya, and she hasn't answered me. I Thought she might be here.
??? : Fine, come in. Just don't turn the lights on.

You step through the door and nudge the shoe aside to keep the dorm properly closed.

Your gaze shifts towards Phina Ecru, the figure you saw lying on the bed.
Her back length, orchid pink hair is a mess, and her eyes are just barely opening enough to see you.

Phina : So, whass... what's the matter? You didn't pay at your deadline? You owe her something?
Marigold : Owe her? I don't owe Maya anything, I just came by to talk to her.

She rubs her eyes with her hands, and takes another look at you.

Phina : Oh. Right. It's you. She'll be outta the shower in a minute.

She turns her head towards the bathroom door.

Phina : Maya! Hurry your ass, I need to use the shower too.

She then drops back on to her bed.

Hawk : This may take a while.

A. Talk with Ars'Moor while you wait.
B. Talk to Phina while you wait.
C. Take a better look at the room. while you wait.
D. Play Quadris while you wait.
E. Knock on the bathroom door to get Maya to hurry up.
>C. Take a better look at the room. while you wait.
I figure Phina doesn't really want to talk to us.
I mean. If Phina can shout in, so can Mari. We don't really even need her to get out. Just knock on the bathroom door and say "Hey, Maya! You seen Alban lately? His team's looking for him."
Wait, we /rektthread/ now?

You walk over to the bathroom door and knock on it.

Marigold : Hey, Maya! You seen Alban lately? His team's looking for him.

You don't get a response.

Phina : S'no use. She's not gonna answer you.
Marigold : Then why did you try it?
Phina : Cut me some slack, I'm dead tired. I forget things.

Gull : Hey, what did you mean, a while? At most this'll only take-

You no longer hear the sound of droplets inside the other room. You hear some noise or another, and then the bathroom door opens.

Before you stands Maya, towel covering her body to about mid-thigh, and another one wrapped around her hair.

Maya : You seemed pretty eager to talk to me, Marigold. Now, what was that you said? I didn't quite catch it the first time.
Marigold : Alban's not answering calls, and his team's looking for him.
Maya : Well, whatever it is they need him for must be fairly urgent if you got involved too.
Marigold : So? Do you know where he is?
Maya : No, but I've got the day to myself, so I'll go look for him.

Accept her help?

A. Yes.
B. No.

the more, the merrier.
I like the blonde guy's belt
Well, they're all neat.

Marigold : I'd apprecite your help, but don't you need to dry off first?
Maya : That shouldn't take long.

She walks over to a desk with her brush ,book, and vials on it.

She takes the brush,which already has the hairs in it as opposed to the first time you saw it, then dips it into the red vial, and draws up something on a piece of parchment.
A drawing of a snake then comes off the page and on to her skin, quickly making a pass over her body her before to the page.
You note that the snake was fairly flat. About as thick as the page, from what little you could tell.

Maya : There. I just need to get dressed. Let me know if you find him, okay?

A. "I was actually hoping you could help me look."
B. "Alright. know anywhere he might be?"

Marigold : Alright, you wouldn't happen to know of any places he might likely be?
Maya : Hmm. Do I?

She puts a finger on her lips and looks up, raising an eyebrow.
A moment passes, and you can hear a faint "Oh!" escape he lips.
But rather than saying anything, she just puts her hands together and rest her cheek on them.

Maya : No, I can't think of anywhere in particular.

If it weren't for the fact that she has that odd smile of hers on at almost all times, you'd think that she's lying to you.
Really though, what's that smile supposed to convey?

Marigold : Alright, well, good luck.
Maya : You too, Marigold.

You open the door.
Gull : Get on the floor.
Hawk : Everybody walk the dinosaur.
Marigold : Now's not the time.

[You] : Hey, any luck finding him?
[Lil'Grill] : No. The others haven't found him either.
[Mr. Croissant] : I'm keeping watch over the hallway. That way I can see the courtyard if he gets here. Assuming he left in the first place.

Alright, you have a few options left.

A. Check the teacher's offices.
B. Check the nurse's office.
C. Check the cafetiria.
D. Check a location in the city. [determine later]
Cut-off... is whenver I return.
Will return eventually. Don't hold your breath though.
I liked Civil War.

I'd also fug Aunt May.

Ocho doing that thing were it doesn't work for anyone else?
>Just got here.
>Dry is gone before I get to vote.
Next Thread Edition: HerrenRASSe?
I'll get it.
we're page 9, we have some time.

Just proposing an idea for it
I'll do it. I'm just saying it early so we don't get two threads, or even three like what happened a while ago.
Alright, thank you kind anon.
May prosperity and 67 orgasms come to you.
I don't get it

>If it weren't for the fact that she has that odd smile of hers on at almost all times, you'd think that she's lying to you.
She knows where Alban is, doesn't she?
Or doesn't she?
Dryden, you've got me worried.

New thread.
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