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Anonymoo thread. Touch the green cow. Do it green now. S

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Thread replies: 318
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Anonymoo thread.

Touch the green cow. Do it green now.

Someone's doing some groovy greentext about the mammoth moo made of green and unregistration. Check it.


Previous thread: >>10506889
And remember kids, if you think you know how thicc anonymoo is, you are always underestimating her.

Her Thicc is undefined.
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Indeed. Her thiccness is transcendent.
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End this memery at once
Imagine if Moo just automatically increased in size if you thought she was thicc enough?
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A dangerous prospect with some individuals.
no I want more fat green cows
Moo isn't fat!
She's REALLY fat~
What's Moo's FAVORITE food?
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I don't understand the question.
In her mouth.
All of it
>Anonymoo but every time she says moo she gets thiccer
>any house she can squeeze in has to have been built around her to account for her tremendous girth
>at the end of the day she still outgrows them
>Moo occasionally has an embarrassing wet dream where she's lazing back as dump truck after dump truck of burgers, pies, pizza, fries, shakes, cakes, tacos, nachos, cheese, peas, ham, flan, soda, mamosas, oodles of noodles and plenty of strudels endlessly drop their load right onto her willing and gaping maw, forks replaced with shovels to keep gorging and gorging on every last scrap of food imaginable
>Only most recently the dream, in which she's usually alone, had someone helping bring the food to her, pampering her and rubbing her ever expanding tummy
>End up having to use forklifts and eventually semis to bring more food to her
>Climbing expeditions to reach the top of Anonymoo just to chat with her
This image hits so many fetishes for me its not even funny
The incredible thing about anonymoo biology is that all those calories are only going to do her good.
Her belly, thighs, boobs, and butt will all get bigger and softer to a degree, but the majority of her gorging is going straight to milk production.
Within a matter of hours, her belly will have processed all that food and her breasts will have started swelling to absolutely obscene sizes.
Come tomorrow, she'll be asking you to drain her engorged mammaries.
Preferably with your mouth.
No one can hold all that milk, best to bottle it for her own consumption later (or have her just drink from the tap while she's still able)
What effects does drinking Anonymoomoo milk have on an anon?
What happened to our protagonist after drinking it from the tap during that pizza bender night?
>on an Anon
Hmm. Would it enhance their manly bits or turn them girlier? Both?
>Hyper femboyification
While that is VERY relevant to my interests, probably not for the greater canon
But hot damn would that be fantastic
Moar benis is good, that's probably how anonymoos can get somebody to pleasure them at such huge sizes
I'm all for both.
>Inb4 Trapification, but with jumbo dick
Something along these lines >>10564286

Although getting a bigger butt, more feminine skin and smoothness alongside a massive dong and balls is tempting
Something like that.
>An Anon subsists of a diet almost entirely of his Moo's milk
>Ends up looking totally gorgeous with an ass that would make any other human woman seething with jealousy, wide hips, thick thighs
>Only his dick is so huge even his Moo screams in rapturous pleasure when he slams the back of her womb even hitting it from the back
>Not to mention his balls that fill her nearly as much as her meals
Don't have to drink all of it. Hell, get wet and wild with it! She can always make more.
Plz no.
>Moar benis
> that's probably how anonymoos can get somebody to pleasure them at such huge sizes
>enhance their manly bits
Plz yes.
(lolspoiler) Maybe this.
this is where we start a civil war and divide the thread into two separate ones
I'm fine with it just giving him a hyper dong and balls, the femboy stuff is just a personal taste
her own breastmilk
One boob is girly, one is manly, and they randomly change. So one day the left one could be manly, and then the next day it could stay that way, or switch. And you have to drain the whole one, you can't just have a taste and see what happens.
Seconding >>10564446
ITs all good
Why not just say it depends on the person?

For some, just gives them hyper dick. For others, just femboys them.
And then, some get both and become hyper futas with big milky tits.
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Yer too smert for us anon
That's the response I was hoping for, thank you!
This one is okay too.
Good thinking.
>Don't have to drink all of it
>get wet and wild with it
>She can always make more
Anonymoo loves to stuff herself, make several gallons of milk, and then just get wild with it.
Spraying milk everywhere, guzzling it, filling any containers she can get her green mitts on, and especially soaking her boyfriend.
Sounds like a terrible mess to clean up
An extra hedonist moo who enjoys just always having fun and getting wild and enhancing both herself and me with her milk is the one for me
Dats my moo
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Part of the fun!
>Sweet + Charming + Motherly + SUPER hedonistic = Perfection
>Moo nursing you to her massive gushing tit as her other hand jacks off your hyper cock all over the room
>Just smiles and coos and pulls you in deeper before sitting you down and riding you while chugging alcohol and shoveling in food, her milk raining all over you and the room
Perfection indeed anon.
>And it's all state-funded "research" at her job
>not sticking your hyperdick in her navel and thrusting away to help her digest and get even bigger
someone get LK and/or Eikaga on this, STAT
The icing on the proverbial cake.
>pounding at her navel with your increasingly massive hyperdick
>you can feel it slorsh and gurgle around you as you cum load after load, spraying out all over her
>She's panting as she continues to scarf down food, in her hedonistic haze dipping her handfuls of foodstuffs into the pool of cum forming on her stomach before bringing it up and sloppily eating it
>All while her tits surge bigger and milk flows out more and more intensely
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Imagine... (Minor edit of something else)
I like. Keep em coming.
Just a recolor of the first panel from this sequence of events.
Nah senpai

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Good shit.
This is dedicated to you, Ed.

>It's morning and the sun is streaming in through the window
>Your head is screaming at you to go back to sleep
>And the sun is streaming in...
>Your bed also feels way softer than usual..
>Looking down, you realize just why:
>You're on the couch
>In just a t-shirt and socks
>Well, you're on top of Moo, who is on the couch and you can't even tell if she's wearing anything down below, but she certainly doesn't have a top on
>It then strikes you that you're atop a topless Moo
>An exceptionally large one at that, pulling yourself up betwixt her titanic bosom, hemmed at the back by her now heavily engorged stomach
>As you survey the environment, you get the feeling you may have overdid it last night
>Beer kegs and cans all over the living area and part of the kitchen
>Pizza boxes overflowing on the coffee table, which is gently shoved into Moo's hip
>And there are milk-stains, at least most of them seem to be milk, judging by the rivulets of the white substance flowing all over Moo from her still-erect nipples
>Settling back on her bloated belly with a soft smishing sound, you also note her belly button is also full of white stuff, crusting the sides and pouring out along her rotundness
>And that the couch is more of a bed now, the back being pushed to the floor by Moo's other titanic hip
>Scrabbling off from atop your meat maiden, you finally get to survey just how HUGE she is
>No taller than before, but clearly having put on a few, Moo's stomach rises above your head whilst asleep on the couch
>Her ass has just about totally compacted the couch, taking up more than the whole thing if she was centered in it
>And her miraculous, heaving tits, now in eternal jiggle mode, are each about as big as her stomach, perhaps a bit larger and spilling off to the sides greatly, yet not losing their spheroid shape
>It would seem Moo has graduated to Mega Moo.. or something like that

>Beginning the usual morning coffee brew, the scent seems to lure a Moo out of her sleep-cycle
>Pushing herself into a sitting position, she moos terribly sluggishly as she puts herself upright
>After a few minutes and a gallon of coffee, she seems to come to, looks down, and, it's hard to describe a ? going bug-eyes, but she did, begins letting out little panic-moos
>You share some glances with her and nestle yourself atop her right hip, taking sips of coffee as she continues to freak out
>Finally, you set the mug down and rest a hand on her extra-doughy arm
>"Moo, it's fine. We'll get through this. If it's a huge deal, we can put you on a diet."
>She just slaps you
>Spending a good minute or two fishing in her cleavage, she procures her phone and types out a paragraph for you
>"This is BAD. I'm not supposed to go over a certain weight at this stage of the tests and I am WAY over, that's obvious! Do you not remember anything I told you last night!?"... It peters off into the Gorilla Warfare Pasta and then picks up down here. "FUCK."
>She's mad now and looking right at you as her tits continue to pour moo milk all over the carpet
>So you do the most sensible thing, reach out, and tilt her right tit up towards her mouth
>Angry-faced, she takes her tit and looks at it
>As you watch, her face softens as she latches on
>You scoot into her lap and take up the other one
>You aren't entirely sure, but you have a feeling you messed her up for her job unwittingly
>Either way, you know how to calm her down and forget your worries in the milky embrace of shared milk-drinking

Short update tonight. 2/2
Tomorrow night, you find out what happens at Moo's job in a special Moo-vision segment! Which is why I'm tossing out a short one today.
Aha, so she's soothed by the milking. Nice
I love all the little details too, like what was going on with that bellybutton...
Lovely anon. Thank you for continuing. I'll keep reading.
That said, I do need input on one thing while I storm out details for tomorrow's posting:
What kind of coworkers should Moo have?
Obviously scientists of the human and Anon varieties, but other Moos? Other worldly oddities? Both? Etc.
I can safely say we won here.
Maybe a couple of other moos. And a couple of other strange yet nice things. Keep that part of it lighthearted and silly.


Mostly humans. A couple other moos.
Settle town tiger! There's places for it, hang out in the hyper dick thread and sometimes some of it gets posted.
Maybe some other moos from that text in the prior thread, with various experiments going on to see what effects different body types/fat distribution does
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>other Moos
Of course. An entire herd, at least.
Little moos gotta come from somewhere.
Thanks man.

Still, it's rough finding shit like that, so many fetishes smashed into one.
My brother
Night, y'all.
Night boss.
Dream of your chosen form of fetish from a big green moo.
with a nice cumcrusted bellybutton~
Blasphemy, moo's belly button should only ever have fresh cum pouring out of it.
>Gentle tandem milk drinking calms Moo down
So relaxing.
Oh and 1 last thing:
Pick 1-3 of the following,
>Different species of Moo (like Cat, dog, bear, etc.)
>Different colors
>Different body-types
Colors and body types, when's the last time you heard a cat/dog/bear/etc moo?
You get the point.
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>>Different species of Moo (like Cat, dog, bear, etc.)
>>Different colors
>>Different body-types
>Dark gray/grayish blue wolf
>Somewhat thicc but mostly floof
Different body types.
>>Different species of Moo (like Cat, dog, bear, etc.)
>>Different colors
>>Different body-types
Even taller than anonymoo, but sticc instead of thicc. Also, a really long neck.
Think that solves the question of whether Moo and Anon are gonna build a Relationship
>A relationship built on a mutual love for milk
Works for me.
And snugglesmothering.
And feeding Moo.
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I'm new to the anonymoo thing, why do people hate her ?

also here's a picture.
Those that love the cow love her for her meme-potential and absurdity.
Those that hate the cow usually hate the people who lover her.
Also nice cow.

Some people don't like her because other people do, and they don't see why. And some people (or possibly just one loud guy) like just being contrarian.
cause dey're GEY
Fuck every time I see this image I wish it was me.
Does Anonymoo enjoy shitposting about her milk?
Who do you think has been making over half the replies in these threads?
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Wouldn't you?
>she will never manifest irl
>and even if she did
>she'd be taken by Chad Bullhorn

Basically why I gave up pursuing thicc girls irl.
M-Maybe she prefers nice guys??
i like cowgirls but anonymoo is garbage
>M-Maybe she prefers nice guys??
I know man, it's what you're told your whole upbringing and them BOOM, 27kv who prefers to jack of to escapist fantasies and make-believe-thicc-gfs.

Had a shot once or twice, but got outdone by dudes who would just grab them with no hint of "Wait, shouldn't I do unto others as they would do unto me?"


Just giggles as their body language slowly turns away from you with every passing syllable.

Can't even pay a sex worker as there are none in my area who are even remotely close to shortstack, etc.
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Boo hoo cry about it.
Shut the fuck up about your pathetic life and let us ogle cow tits in peace.
Where did moo's belly button go?
>Boo hoo cry about it.
I have.
Past four years in fact.
I'll leave now.
Enjoy your cowtiddies.
Because she's a dumb meme-character with a dumb face
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It would seem there are many moos, one for every kind of anon.
>implying Anon wouldn't become fat as fuck
I mean you're wrong but okay
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>Moo wears a itty bitty teeny bikini everyday just walking around
>go to the beach with her expecting a string/ultra lewd thing
>it's a big 'modest' one piece
Cute! Though her ass probably devours it from behind.
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>her ass probably devours it from behind
The best.
This is such a cute moo
Incidental sexuality is a huge fetish of mine and Moo fills it to a T with these greentexts
Would love to have her accidentally slip and sit on me at the public pool
>Let's rewind time in a manner of speaking
>It's high-school
>Your school is a 3-story-tall complex like out of some anime
>You're meandering down the halls to class, same as usual, but there's a new girl in front of you
>Green skin, tits you can easily see from behind, and a rump to match
>You fall in line behind her, just to ogle that ass in a mini-skirt, the lower-edge of it on full display, bouncing and jiggling
>Her carrying a few books and such in her arms, hefting up her tits, which you can clearly see the pale-green flesh of, sticking out the bottom of her uniform shirt
>Suddenly, she stops to check her map and you don't notice
>Plow right into her and fall back on your ass
>Looking up, you see this cow-girl, you didn't even notice the horns, ears and tail earlier, teetering trying to retain balance
>Before falling backwards and planting her ass firmly on your torso, sending you sprawling on the floor with her huge, jiggling form
>Miraculously, there's nobody around this hall this early in the morning cause the regular people aren't here yet and the early birds are already in class
>The thud she makes isn't even that bad, somehow
>She turns her head and looks down at you with a perplexed "Moo?"
While I'd be absolutely smitten, the lack of airflow may force me to just wave a weak hello then try and push that huge ass off of me. I can claim self preservation if she gets offended by me desperately shoving at its immovable bulk.
Fuck that's good though. Would be friends with and hope for similar scenarios.
10/10 would let her sit on my face with a cute question make abovebher head
>High school Moo trying to stuff herself in a miniskirt and white blouse
God I'd pay to see that
Even when she's sitting on you due to your own ineptitude, she asks if you're okay.
The truest love.
>getting crushed by green assfat, the floor around you cracking and indenting from the incredible weight
>hear an adorable, inquisitive '...Moo?'
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I just got slammed with a huge pile of extra study material, so I may not be able to finish today's update and may or may not push it back till tomorrow. Have this while I do shit.
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Ah yes, the Foundation
It's all good.
If you get bored of studying write a daydream about the Moo.
A few threads ago some anons were talking about Anonymoo and vore
I thought about it for a bit, and I thought of the following
>Endo is probably best. Anonymoo is too nice, pure and kind to digest people
>However, Unbirthing could be an option: Perhaps any Anon who enters Anonymoo and stay in long enough becomes a Moo themselves?
Might write a little endo story soon too
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Who's the artist for these? Blurrieness aside, they're quite good.
Those pieces are Pillow Knight. He did a ton a while back.

Is he just a tripfriend by that name, or does he have an actual art site?
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>Perhaps any Anon who enters Anonymoo and stay in long enough becomes a Moo themselves?
Anons are human-anonymoo hybrids.
You have no idea how much of a craving for macro, unaware, full tour endo vore with anonymoo. Just thinking about looking into her mouth before she unwittingly eats you up, being forcefully kneaded by her sludge filled innards, all while the inevitable, embarrassing way out is approaching is just fucking unf
Pulling Anonymoo's panties down under her belly so she doesn't develop rolls!
I'm on board with the first half, just not the second one.
>Be roommate with Anonymoo
>Also be huge vorefag
>You consider yourself more of an observer, but the idea of being a predator or prey has waft into your mind every now and them
>you keep these thoughts completely to yourself. Never mentioning it to anyone or even daring to think about it in public.
>Only your internet browser knows your inner most secrets
>This secrecy was easy to keep until Anonymoo moved in with you
>It's not that she's nosy or anything. The two of you get along really well. You're dating.
>The thing is, she eats so much food.
>And every time she does, she fuels the fetish like no other.
>She doesn't measure her food by calories. She measures it in pounds.
>she absolutely tears into her meal, shoveling whole pizzas, pots of soup, platters of sushi down her throat at a time
>Every meal extends her belly out. She has four stomachs, and takes the time to fill them all to capacity.
>Her digestive process is intense. The times you've cuddled with Anonymoo after dinner you can hear her belly churning, slopping and bubbling within her. She lets out the cutest, yet loudest burps you've ever heard.
>The most memorable moment came when two of you went to a BBQ place, and she swallowed a suckling pig whole
>The pig's figure was visibly traveling down her esophagus. Her mouth suckling the meat down, dripping saliva down her chin in shallow beads.
>The sounds of her body's lubrication and peristalsis were heard across the table. Her body splashed itself and writhed in anticipation
>You watched every inch slip down, hidden briefly by her powerful ribcage, squelching into the fluids of her stomach.
>You couldnt stand up to use the restroom like you wanted. Your boner was too solid, any sudden movement could have set you off.
>People around you felt differently however
>Anonymoo was thoroughly embarrassed by the reaction, and despite your best attempts to comfort her, she was depressed.
Very nice start, even if I don't know what peristalsis is.
the pulsing action of your throat when swallowing
>>10579519 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peristalsis)
>You managed to negotiate her into a calm state, all the while watching the meal's shape slowly melting into a beautiful, noisy soup.
>After you two said your good-nights, and went to your own rooms, you leaped to your computer
>In a flurry you pulled up as much vore porn as you could reach before fapping like a crazed man.
>Nothing compared to the real deal sleeping only a few feet away. The memory was greater than any illustration or audio-clip online could re-enact
>The orgasm was one of the strongest you ever had. You fell asleep shortly after.

>The beaming sun woke you up
>Your sloth-like movements reach for your phone
>It's 9AM
>You're late for work
>You dashed out of your room, scrambling to throw your uniform on
Brb dinner
>dat pig eating
Mor plz
Man I love pillow knight's stuff
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>Be looking for new apartments to rent out.
>Notice one ad that stands out from others.
>Huge amounts of square space for a great deal.
>Figure it's worth it, you mark it down for later.

>A week later, you're moving into your new dorm.
>Notice that everything is almost..plus-sized, as if it were meant for someone who was 3 feet taller than you.
>As if on cue, she "walks" in. Okay, more like lightly-stomps in.
>Each step causes her curves to jiggle like a 20 lb. mass of jello on a bass speaker at full blast.
>Her smooth rump spills over in the back of her jeans, her belly blobs out a couple inches of her waistline.
>Shaking like mousse, juggs larger than your head sway to and fro with her movements.
>Each step is punctuated by a slight shake within the house, it's like a miniature timed earthquake.
>Her lips are plump like two fruits mashed together, glistening like the summer dew.
>Her entire body is jiggling like she ate 10 Brazillian booty dancers and converted them to pure jiggle.
>Walking up to you, her frame fills your view, her smell fills your nose, and blood fills your dick you so desperately try to hide.
>She pulls out a small tablet and begins to type on it hastily, then shows you the screen.
>Reading it, she introduces her name and a bit about herself, along with her nickname, which was Anonymoo.
>Strange, but you've seen stranger.
>Thinking you're in the clear, you smoothly move your bag over the crotch of your pants, hoping that it would hide the growing rock formation.
>You introduce yourself while trying to make sure your boner doesn't assume direct control.
>Some conversation passes a bit up until you've managed to move everything inside.
>All is well for the next couple weeks, you get to know each other, shared chores, etc. the usual.
>Though, you did find ONE thing out. She's "allergic" to soy. Anything soy, really.
>Well, allergic is a stretch, it was more like she put her foot down on bringing anything soy-based in the house.
>Alright, easy enough.
>2 weeks later...

>Order some pizza to the house, 2 large double pepperoni's, garlic sauce, the works.
>Decide to order extra for Anonymoo, hope she doesn't think it's too little.
>Boot up Netflix, wait for Anonymoo to get off of her shift.
>As roommates, you both have grown on each other a bit, so things are bit "closer" tonight.
>She rumbles the entire complex running to the apartment.
>Finally, after getting inside, she plops down next to you, absolutely tired.
>The couch sinks slightly, the custom hydraulics struggling to hold the load that is THICC-Incarnate.
>Some of her moo-meat spills over on your side, and simply being polite, you move a bit to the side...
>...only to be pulled back by a plush arm wrapping around you.
>She smiles and giggles, she's clearly bubbly about something tonight.
>"S-so, what's got you all giggly?"
>Typing furiously on her tablet, she replies "I'm on vacation, I'm off for the next two weeks!"
>"That's wonderful!" TRANSLATION: "BONER PLEASE"
I am curious based on what you replied to.
Curious and very ready for more.
Stick around, that was the beginning. Also, sorry for typos and grammar, I'd been thinking about this story all day and haven't had time to write it down until now.

>Something is off though, she's being unusually touchy-something that you didn't experience for the past few weeks.
>Your stomach drops as you begin to think of all the times you've jerked off to her when she was gone, dreading that she might have found out something.
>The movie begins as her body is mashing all around you.
>Smelling her musk, the scent of fresh milk with flowers, you feign a sigh in order to draw in the sweet aromatic ambrosia without alerting her.
>After almost dozing off in the living green waterbed, you wake up to loud grumbling, so loud in fact- that her belly visibly jiggles.
>Realizing you had ordered several pizzas, you let Anonymoo know about it and jump up to retrieve them from the kitchen.
>Walking back, you drizzle your pizza with delish garlic sauce, relishing the savory flavor that is the local pizzeria.
>Settling down back into the half-couch half-cow combo, you both go to town on the grub.
>Not more than 10 seconds later, she grabs a piece of your pizza and swallows it whole.
>And another.
>And another.
>And another.
>Grumbling at the fact that you're out of sauce, you reach over the boxes to see if you can scrape the bottom of the cup for more.
>Whilst handling the dipping cup, your eyes glance over the label and you quickly begin to read it, as you had completely forgotten to check the ingredients.
>As per the rule goes, the first ingredient is the majority ingredient. And as it turned out-
>Soybean oil.
Oh shit!

>You whirl around to Anonymoo, who has stopped eating, and started to pant.
>Before you can say anything, she grunts, moans, and begins to bloat.
>More specifically, her breasts begin to bloat, and the rest of her just jiggles.
>Nipple quickly becoming erect, going from 1 x 2 inches in diameter to 3 x 6, milk leaking from the tips.
>Veins pulsating all across under the skin, some even beginning to raise through the skin, as if a muscle was pumping her up.
>She shakes, writhes and finally cries out in a jolt of pleasure as she unwittingly points her gushing milk cannons at you.
>The entire time this has been happening, you simply stood there with your mouth agape.
>Your inaction proved to be a blessing and a curse at that very moment.
>Gallons of moo splattered you, some of the stream crossing your mouth, forcing you to swallow the thick, sloppy, nectar.
>Thicker than normal milk, but just as soft, you find yourself being covered by nothing but warm and white.
>Standing up coughing, a burning feeling develops in your gut as you begin to realize something.
>You're hard.
>Unusually hard.
>In fact, you've NEVER been this hard before.
>Wait, are you-
>Before you can check your nether regens, a plush, but strong and firm arm grabs you.
>It's anonymoo, and you can tell she's beyond pissed at the moment.
>She raises her hand to slap you, and you close your eyes and brace for the mother of all slaps.
>Instead, the back of your head is grabbed and pulled forward.

Double nipple deepthroating?
>Her other arm picks you up, but she slips off the couch and on the ground, pinning you underneath her enormous teat.
>Shifting around, she finally manages to plant her nipple into your mouth.
>Milk gushes once more and to avoid drowning, you start to chug.
>The sweet, warm, milk flows through you, her breathing starting to slow down to a steady rate as she attempts to relieve herself in you.
>Finally, after what seemed like forever to you, she swaps you under the other boob.
>Minutes pass as you greedily feed on her bloated bosom, until finally she pushes off and lets you up.
>You lie there with a distended potbelly, with an even harder boner underneath.
>Trying to roll over, you slip in the milky mess and land on your side.
>She chuckles a bit, and looking up you can see she's got a devious smirk on the side of her face.
>Before you can even begin to ask, your stomach grumbles-Hard.
>The burning feeling intensifies, and you scramble to get up to figure out what is going on.
>Your boner picks up where it left off, and continues to go even farther.
>Pants feeling tight, you look down to see that the potbelly is shrinking, but feel other parts of you growing.
>Harder and harder, you reach down to soothe the aching in your crotch, only to discover that it's not getting hard.
>It's getting bigger. And bigger. And bigger.
>7 inches.
>8 inches.
>10 inches.
>penis growth

yyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssss my nigga
We have to go bigger.
Please, continue. Also a note, use of the > constitutes a substitution for the final period in a Greentexted sentence.
>I saw her butt.
>I saw her butt
This rule doesn't apply for quoted periods (If it is the closing of a quoted sentence or spoke words, but does apply if it's a partial quote with a cut-off)
/lit/ 202.
>The jeans finally rip as your monster dong fattens beyond all recognition of it's former self.
>Veins pulsing, precum draining out of the tip, you involuntarily flex your kegels and it sets off another growth spurt.
>From broomstick handle Dr. Pepper, the meat pole widens out to an impressive 5 inches in diameter, jetting off thick rope of precum.
>But wait, there's more!
>While your dick decided to free itself of the white and tight prison it was kept in, your balls were inspired to do the same.
>The left testicle surges with a primal jolt, expanding and filling what's left of your underwear.
>The right begins to follow suit and catch up, causing more pre to spill out as you go from marbles to potatoes in 6 seconds.
>Thick veins rope and branch out all over your ballsack, the bags growing bigger with each pulse.
>Loud moaning escapes your throat as your manhood turns into monsterhood, and while all this is happening, your ass bubbles and gurgles.
>Bigger and bigger, your thighs ripping blue threads, tearing them apart, skin becoming smoother and supple.
>Shredding the back of your jeans, your ass jiggles out to world-star, kim kardashian, then finally Miss Pebblez.
>An inch layer of fat covers the rest of your body, definition becoming softer, hips widening, B-cup tiddies forming.
>Your facial hair falls off, facial features softening, you look years younger but highly androgynous.
>Hair flows over your shoulders, while it falls off underneath your pits and crotch.
>You suck in some breath to notice that your lips have swollen a bit, softer and fatter than before.
>Even as you ass slows down in the growth process, you can feel your butthole puckering...getting thicker too?
>Turning around to Anonymoo to ask what's going on, you trip over your first word by the increasingly longer, thicker, tounge in your mouth.
>All this time, Anonymoo returns to her waterfall state, except this time she's furiously masturbating at your transformation.
>Her fingers mash and massage her growing peach, fattening before your eyeS.
>Her clothes have shredded as well, she's well beyond the normal size that you've been used to, and now her hands are gone, sucked into the meaty maw below.
>Boner has assumed direct control and initiated SMASH.exe
>You jiggle towards her, almost a mini-thicc male version of her, and she slumps to her knees groping the air for you.
>Her cunt drools with syrup, the musky scent overpowering any reason or rational thought.
>The milk spilling out is even thicker now, taking the consistency of yogurt.
>Gripping both nipples and latching onto them combined, your hips begin to pound one of the fat rolls that grows even tighter and softer with each passing moment.
>She grips your shaft, and it responds with another growth spurt followed by another blast of insanely thick precum.
>She begins to stroke you as you greedily feed, growing bigger with each gulp, taller, stronger, muscles becoming denser and denser.
>5 minutes of soft, slow, and sensual stroking combined with frenzied feeding later, she pushes you off and falls back as you grunt and moan for more.
>Fortunately, she gave you not more, but something different.
>Her sex is oversized, pushing her legs apart.
>Her asshole underneath is donut sized, puffing out as if it was screaming for help.
>You can't decide which one to fuck, instincts simply tell you to move forward.
>She cries out in ecstasy as you push your still-growing tool into her, stirring her insides up.
>The walls of her vagina quiver violently and grip you tighter and tighter with each wet slap.
>Your mind is lost in primal lust as you pound away. Meat against meat, slipping and sliding like an orgy at a waterpark.
>You've gone beyond the normal size limit for a human, somewhere in horse territory now. Probably past that.
>Speeding up gradually the entire time, your nuts slap against her asshole until finally it gapes and swallows them whole.
Anon I want you to listen very carefully. I need you to keep going. And keep going after that. And after that even, go a little bit further.
I need more growth. And more of all of what you're doing. Please god, please.
>Hyper anus and vagina
Eh. I'll keep fappan if you keep writan, but eh to that
So far so good but moar
Pumped up vag is aaight, prolapsed hemmorhoidanus is maybe not so good.
Nah you lost me there.
Not prolapse, but imagine the soft outer ring of flesh being pumped up.

Now imagine that 3x the size, and you'll see where I'm coming from.
I get ya, I just don't like giant anuses and vaginas.
>They continue to churn and pump out more precum until you feel something snap.
>Something deep.
>Something...you can't really explain it, but it's like a drug high.
>Not even the molly you scored once at that club could compare to this.
>Tears streaming down your eyes, tounge flopping down to your jiggling, fattening chest, you let loose a cry of pleasure as you turn from human to cum-pump.
>Each and every thrust is puncuated by a spurt of doughy, extra-thicc, jizz.
>Anonymoo's green belly begins to swell up slightly with each spurt, the rate increasing over time.
>Gallon after gallon blows out of you, the rate of cum increasing with each spurt until it peaks 30 minutes later.
>Lost in animal lust, you've become nothing more than a bull impregnating a cow, thick load spilling out of the sides of her pussy as you thrust in and out.
>Finally, you dump your last spurt into her cunt with a grunt of relief, only to be replaced with another grunt of "oh shit"
>The minotaur inside roars as your mast is raised, signaling for a second round.
>But you've regained some of your sanity back from that destructive act.
>Looking around you, you easily shove the busted couch and various other furniture around and head over to your room.
>Rummaging through the equipment bag, you grab the tarp and walk right back out.

Seems a little too nasty for sweet lil anonymoo. She's not a porn star after all.
It's too late dude, you blew it.
Eh, I knew I was taking a risk. I won't mention it again, but I will continue.
There's a Moo for everyone. -Anon, 2017
And more Writefagging is always good in my book.
Yeah, I'm down with that. It's just a little off-theme.
I'll take that into consideration next time I do writefagging. I had a feeling you guys liked the "lighter" stuff, moreso than those small details I wrote in. Again, sorry if I ruined it, just trying to figure out how to make it as juicy as possible.
That guy who is doing the long, drawn-out one here.
Dow whatever the hell you feel like. I've been enjoying it overall. About the only major turn-off I have is vore in any context.
Last bits, then I'm heading to bed.

>Unfolding it, your monster-meat reminds you with a hefty surge and a bucket of cum spills out the tip of the 2 foot donger.
>You grunt, moan, and hold back the other one, knowing that you'll get kicked out if the whole place gets wetter than it already is.
>You crouch down only to find yourself sitting on your massive nads, they're slightly larger than a basketball, actively churning, producing more cum.
>Seminal vesicles backed up, gradually swelling, you can feel a dull thud, some pain, but you know it's nearing time.
>Your prostate has become incredibly dense, somewhat swollen, producing more and more fluid that's part of your penis potion.
>Finally, you get the tarp down and look up at anonymoo.
>She's eyeing you crazily, mooing at you desperately.
>She needs it man.
>Give her the D.
>Wait, it's more like a DDD now that you think about it.

>You waltz over in all of your jiggling glory, and without even thinking about it or breaking (another) sweat, you pick her up.
>That's right, you pick her up, and place her down on the tarp, ass up head down.
>She looks at you greedily and grips your dick with suprisingly strength.
>Swallowing the head whole, she begins to slurp and drink the elixer that bloated her womb.
>Trying to mount her face and facefuck her proves difficult, as she suddenly surges on top of your legs.
>Falling back and denting the floor with your head, you feel no pain, but ecstasy fills your world as she rides the shaft balls deep.
>You desperately try to push or pull, but she's in control now.
>Suddenly, your cock is stuck in a vacum, as she begins to drain you of whatever seed you might've had left with incredible sucking ability.
>Writhing and shaking from the orgasm, she drinks you like a fat chick at starbucks downing an epresso as you scream and cry in ecstasy once more.
>Her fat lips and tongue caress your shaft and milk you to the last drop, leaving you on the ground in a pile of pleasure.
>Vaguely, through teary eyes, she absorbs you under her, and mounts a teat to your lips.
>You drink even more this time, your body reacting even faster to it.
That may be the wrong work there.
Hot damn

>In a blur, you're out from under her and running back once more.
>Lost in heat, you simply move forward as before and begin to mash that sweet, sweet, booty.
>It jiggles, loud cascading slaps as you conduct a symphony of moans, squeals, and moos out of her.
>Finally, nearing climax, she tightens down on you once more, but it's different-
>The grip is so tight that she's actually squirted out any remaining fluid between you and her, effectively creating a seal.
>You blow your titanic load several times within the hour, each white flood filling her belly up more and more.
>Load spills out of her lips as she struggles not to hold it in.
>The couch is covered by a green ball of flesh.
>The floor sags underneath her massive hulk.
>You finally finish off dumping whats left of your baby batter into her.
>Sleep overtakes you.
>The next morning, you awaken to a swollen, hard, erection.
>Moo is fast asleep next to you, she looks like a gigantic moon-bounce structure stuffed in a house.
>Heading to the bathroom to clean up and hopefully jerk off this monstrosity, you're greeted by a suprise.
>The mirror displays a wide hipped, monster-dicked, jiggling, unusually tall femboy with C-cup breasts, perky and somewhat dark, thick nipples.
>Hair flowing down your shoulder, your face is softer than ever, no blemishes, nothing like that.
>Reaching for the faucet, you realize it's much further beneath you than before.
>Taking a look back in the mirror, you turn yourself around and boner-up once more at your gorgeously large, quivering ass.
>Finally, you take a good look at your height, and estimate to be about 6'8 or so.
>Still a bit small, but better than nothing.

Well, being dragged under the quivering mass of THICC while it's bloated with cum, I mean...I couldn't think of any other word to better describe it.

Then again, sucked into, pulled into-

Fuck, I shoulda used "sloppily sucked underneath her" instead.

You're right on that part.
>You walk back into the room to see Moo rocking back and forth, trying to get herself up-At least the part with legs...
>She looks at you frustratingly, then humphs as she beckons you over.
>As you walk over, you try to apologize, but are stopped by her soft hand over your mouth.
>She motions to the phone on the other side of the room, and you grab it for her.
>Furiously texting away, you can only wonder what she's putting down.
>Finally, she makes a call, and you wonder if you're about to be in deep, deep shit.
>Finally, she finishes, and shows the phone to you.
>Your face whitens in horror as the screen displays a barn is set against a picturesque sky, green grass, rolling hills...
>...hay bales, pitchforks, and several other different colored moo's dressed in overalls too tight for their figure.
>They're smiling at you, winking and laughing, and one of them holds up a sign saying
>She draws the phone back as the characters on screen laugh and giggle at your suprised expression.
>Laughter turns to gasps as Moo aims the camera down to your plus-sized dick.
>They squeal and giggle, then finally huddle around each other.
>After what seems like forever, they hold up a poster saying:
"We're coming to pick you up Mr. Bull!"
>Butterflies fly around in your stomach and you know this was the beginning of something absolutely wonderful.

I can do a part two ("can" being the keyword here) but I'll need a black/white-list of fetishes to be included.


Well, the rest of it was all right I reckon.
I thought futa was hermaphrodites?
Femboy hyper dong with a huge ass? Fuck I'm glad I started coming to these threads
Futa on female is fine, IMO. Just no Futa on Male. That shit's gay.
Eh, maybe technically or whatever. The MC has a dick and titties, which is futa as far as I'm concerned.
I'm a mediocre writefag who's fond of Anonymoo. Thing is, I mostly dig weight gain (both male and female) and expansion stuff, not including expansion of genitalia. Stuff like transformation/lactation is fine for me as long as it leads into weight gain. Would you guys like if I did something, provided these restraints?
More importantly, the big gigantic ass.

What if

>futa-Anonymoo on male trap
Gay is okay tho
I'm fine with or without a part two, I personally loved it anon. Femboy stuff of this particular kind is ultra rare to find, you've done a great service.
Works for me. Personally I don't like genderbend stuff. What you've mentioned seems p. gewd.
Okay okay but the real question here is: Where's the vore?
Yes, please.
Not for me, no. But you're entitled to your opinion too.
People are being shockingly civil here even if fetishes they dont like are being posted.

Few threads I won't say the name of could learn a thing or two from yall.
Dick growth was amazing, bravo friend anon. Not too fond of the boobage, makes it hard to focus on the dickage.
We come together for the love of Moo. Nothing more. Such a spirit overcomes differences in fetishes.
I come from the far-off land of /tg/, where puritanfags endlessly complaining about lewds they don't like killed all our board's good creative producers many years ago.

Only a total shithead goes postal over things like what people do or don't like. Fuck that noise.
I figured a bit of gyno would happen, considering that soy has quite a bit of phyoestrogen.

So in turn drinking her milk, you'd be drinking loads of both male and female hormones, idk.

Threw a little bit of biology in there because why not.
But I do appreciate the criticism and will take it into account, and
> Femboy stuff of this particular kind is ultra rare to find, you've done a great service

Has given me an idea.
Feed me some ideas, then. I have trouble thinking about this stuff.
How about Anonymoo enters a vicious cycle where the more you feed her, the larger and thiccer she gets, which in turn makes her more and more hungry, and so on?
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I'm glad y'all like it, this thread is actually making me want to draw more of her

(especially that greentext story holy shit)
Petite Anonymoo is working at the local farm.
Milk machine breaks down and she attempts to milk herself, against the farm owner's warnings.
Finds it incredibly addictive and goes ham(literally) and starts to secretely milk herself until anon accidentally walks in on her and proceeds to bloat up to block the doorway so he can't escape.

Could you draw some various expression panels? Just for the heck of it.
>You become manager of a fat-camp
>An Anonymoo has been sent here for reasons
>You become her personal "trainer"
>By the end, she's BIGGER than she was
>Score the digits and continue this after the fat
Great to see you man
>Pillow's back
Bless, my man. From one Knight to Another.
>Bigger and bigger, your thighs ripping blue threads, tearing them apart, skin becoming smoother and supple.
>Shredding the back of your jeans, your ass jiggles out to world-star, kim kardashian, then finally Miss Pebblez.
>An inch layer of fat covers the rest of your body, definition becoming softer, hips widening, B-cup tiddies forming.
>Your facial hair falls off, facial features softening, you look years younger but highly androgynous.
>Hair flows over your shoulders, while it falls off underneath your pits and crotch.
W-why am I finding this so immensely hot
Because boys with massive dicks, but the hips and ass to match are blessings.
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This, amen.
Because you want a thick, juicy, immense slappable ass to go with your titanic balls and gargantuan dick
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Bless this bot. Bless this blessed bot.
>doing loving things to your Anonymoo
It's ok anon. I don't like it either, but that one story is not the only story which will ever be written. Someone will cater to our fetishes eventually, never fear. And in the meantime, those who like the currently written tales can have fun and enjoyment!

Just like Anonymoo would want, I'm certain.
>Your bank account's diminishing and your wallet is going to be empty soon. The NEET life is soon going to have to come to an end, and you're going to have to fetch yourself some kind of crappy job to earn the video game money and paying the electricity bills for your shitposting needs
>You scan for job openings online, and considering your lack of skills, it could be difficult finding something that you could be hired for
>Suddenly, you find a listing for a job that you could be semi-decent at: a personal trainer for a company that supplies them.
>"Whatever pays the bills," you mutter to yourself. Thankfully you yourself are in a decent physical condition, and could probably help some fatties shed those pounds off. You shed your old pot belly a while back, how hard could having someone else do it be?
>After submitting your half-assed and embellished resume, much to your surprise, you're hired! You're handed over a slip of paper that details your client's status. You only hope they're not going to be too difficult to manage...
>NAME: Anon E. Moo (prefers to simply be called Anonymoo)
>AGE: Not given
>WEIGHT HISTORY: 294 lbs, has been steadily gaining weight recently
>WEIGHT GOAL: Not given
>HEALTH STATUS: Besides the standard size-related issues with obesity, alleged breast hypertrophy(?), unknown lactation-related disorder(?)
>Among other pointless details, a photo is attached, in black and white. All you see is some sort of zoomed-in question mark...did they even supply a photo?
>"They're mysterious, what with the lack of details and those strange disorders I've never heard of...but at least they're kind enough to give some contact information." the higher-up tells you. A phone number!
>You decide to text this mysterious client about her new personal training regimen. An hour later, you're sent a message of gratitude, along with a place to meet up.
>Anon E. Moo
Wow, same first name and middle initial!
We oughta get along just swell!
>Anon Emo
>I can feel the darkness rising
>and also my dick
>it's still rising.
>someone call a ceiling repair specialist, there's too many goddamn green cows around here
>Still want a scenario like this
>Fully aware that it puts 99.9% people off
Oh well
To be totally honest, I'm fine with the centaur config. The udder and super-immobilization are my issues.
I'm just not a fan of taur stuff.

udders I can SOMETIMES deal with, but they're not my cup of tea either
>Attached to the message is a picture of a park you're familiar with, thankfully. More specifically, it's a photo of a park bench you've jogged by on the occasion.
>You head back home and walk out with nothing but you, that paper, and your phone. Thoughts of who this client is flood your mind: have you met her before? Why does she choose to be so mysterious? Is her name some kind of pseudonym?
>Finally, you spot the bench. It's located by a small park fountain that contributes to the park's wonderful ambience. You lounge on the bench for a moment, imaging that she's going to come by soon.
>Doesn't seem like that, though. Over the park's atmosphere, you hear a subtle, peculiar noise that stands out to you.
>"What the..?" you tell yourself, questioning if you're hearing some sort of nearby bovine expressing themselves. Was it some kind of event going on in your town? Are cow festivals even a -
>The noise is coming from behind, but nothing's there besides some shrubbery and lofty trees...that's what you thought anyway, before you spot a bush rumbling with some massive green object behind it.
>To satiate your curiosity, you hop out of the park bench, and step through the grass, wading through the pond of undergrowth.
>But as you near, the image gets more and more obvious - it was a person, no doubt, or at least some kind of humanoid. A few steps more and the image is clear.
>Beneath you was a quivering female that stared at a phone with great intensity. You couldn't get an ideal view of the image on her phone, but what was more significant was her size.
>That paper didn't lie - if this was the "Anonymoo" you were looking for, 294 lbs was not an unreasonable measurement to describe the chubby mass you were gazing at. Her upper body was clothed in a white tank top with mulch scattered upon it. It did a terrible job at covering the rest of her girth - her bare, green gut pancaked itself upon the ground
Oh shit, continue.

Dis gun b good.
>This was nothing compared to her breasts, though. At this moment, you realized what the hell "breast hypertrophy" is supposed to be - massive, swollen mammaries. Even that XL tank top that she was wearing just barely managed to contain those massive things. Judging from their squished size on the ground, those milkjugs seemed to be as big as her head itself - maybe even bigger
>Stuck up prominently was a pair of heavily stretched out sweat pants, imprisoning such a gorgeous pair of buttocks with immensely wide hips that would make any perverted jogger stare for days on end.
>From her buttcheeks were two chunky thighs that most likely chafe against each other with each step that cow would take. Even as she sat in a still position, you could swear that they were jiggling.
>All of this perverted viewing would soon come to an end as the cow's gaze on her phone twisted towards the sneakers you were wearing.
>With a surprising agility, the fat bovine girl twisted her body completely around and saw you standing above her. With this sudden burst of energy came the results - her breasts slammed against each other in her tank top, causing it to shuffle side to side. Her exposed belly jiggled about carelessly, and at their side was a sizable pair of love handles that...well, would function perfectly as handles for love-making considering their softness
>"M-mooooo!" she desperately cried out. You could see her "face" now - a question mark. The picture didn't lie, but in addition to that, two big floppy ears and a pair of small horns complimented it well. The color of her face was a mixture of a rose's bloom and its stem.
>Judging by her inability to express how she feels, she hastily scrambles towards her phone and scribbles a message out in some sort of sketchpad app.
>Even with her pudgy fingers upon a small phone screen, her handwriting is neat and tidy. "Are you my personal trainer?" the message asks.
>Finally get around to reading
>Moo is starting pretty small, huge by human standards, but small by this thread's standards

Also, we obviously respond "Affirmative, miss Moo." or somethin'.
Welp, new fetishes acquired.
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moodnight bump
Got any moore?
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I really want more breastfeeding and moo feeding.
Don't try to fight it anon.
Good work, drawfag!
>Hermaphrodite half-moo Anon by Pillow
now THAT'S what I'm talking about, good shit
...Ok. I won't.
>Huge dick + balls for oozing cum and getting massive orgasms with
>Nice pert titties to feel up to stay horny
>Gigantic slappable ass to grope while you're stroking one out
>Can even play with your puckered doughnuthole to get even bigger cumshots
At last I truly see
thick, hyperfemboyism is the way of the future
I like how you've been clever enough to put that line through the drawing such that people who don't like futa can MSPaint it out and it looks perfectly normal.

Well done.
Pillow's smart.
Now that's an Anonyboi/Anonybull.
Ready to stud up the farm.
>Anonymoo will never sit your fat plush ass in her lap and happily jerk off your massive drooling femboy dick all day long as you gasp and spasm in her grasp
>macro, unaware, full tour endo vore

Fuck that's such a hot combination.

Imagine having your phone with you while you get swallowed so you can still post from inside her massive gut, maybe even tell her you're in there just to see how she reacts.
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anon thick no dick.png
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You're probably giving me a bit too much credit, but here's a female (?) version anyway
Now we need an erect/morning wood shot
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anonymoo expression1.png
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What sort of expressions do you want to see?
Feels Good Man Moo
These are fantastic
How about a smug or seductive moo?
>female (?)
He's just a master at tucking. It comes with becoming a moobull. He could grow out to a 3 footer and still make it look like just a slight bulge when fully clothed.
I'm in favor of any expression, as long as it's on an anonymoo whose ass is wider than the average Escalade.
If we got a comparison shot between Anonymoo and Anonybull I would die happy
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>Dat horny squee
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anon moo and bull.png
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Too big?
>That expression on Anon
Holy kek, that's beautiful.
>too big
>too big
>too goddamn big he says
boi i swear to anonygod....

She could be twice as wide and I'd only fap harder. :D
Twice as tall too and I'd cum buckets.
Well now I can die happy. That's just dandy and fine, thanks Pillow!
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The perfect couple!!!
That's super cute.
Thanks, Pillow.
>dick still not touching the floor

>you still have much to learn, padawan
Seriously, this is like my new top tier fetish right now, hot stuff
Hopefully we see more of the Anonyboo on occasion in the future, though it sounds like its hard to find people who draw this stuff
So thanks Pillow!!!!!
>"Jeez Moo, how'm I supposed to walk with this log and beachballs stuffed down here?"
>"Moo moo~ (That's nothing~)"
We need to see her in many poses wherein the fats are squished, kneaded, prodded, pushed.

Being large and spherical is all well and good, but you don't get a sense of the *weight* of things until you see her stuck in a doorway, or when she sits down and her asscheeks spread out further than you ever thought possible.

Or when you give her a tummy rub and find your hand can disappear into her bellybutton up to the elbow.
Juuuuust fine
I wanna stick my face in (lolspoiler)Anonybull (lolspoiler)'s ass!
Milk cannons
Not of fan of his tits and huge ass, but big old dong and balls is perfect.
>Your eyes battle over whether to look at her swollen breasts or her embarrassed, punctuated face, and your mouth is left agape watching this rotund woman make even the slightest movements, due to how much her body jiggles.
>The situation grows more and more awkward, but you realize that your pay is on the line, here. You snap out of your perverted trance and scream out a stymied "y-yes!"
>"Moo!" the cow-woman replies, leaping off of the ground while she brushes away the mulch against her body. Along with her sizable proportions, this "Anonymoo" character towered over you in terms of height. She was a big girl, in many ways.
>Once more she writes something on her phone - gosh, you can't keep your eyes off her - and on the screen is another short and simple message. "Sorry about that. I was scared."
>You tilt your head, wondering if that's all she has to say. Communicating with a practical mute would be difficult, so you decide that adapting her way of talking would be in your best interest. You pull out your own phone and type something into the messaging app - "Scared about what?"
>The two of you are buried in your phones, quickly typing whatever comes to mind.
>"People may see me like this..."
>"I know about your weight, Anonymoo. I'm your personal trainer, I'm here to help you."
>"Oh, thank you so much!" she replies with her sketchpad app.
>She tucks her phone inside her tank top, placed in between her breasts. Her jugs were so large, you could probably lose small objects within them. Afterwards, she spread her arms wide, and squeezed you as hard as you could. You're not sure if suffocating in a girl's colossal breasts was a blessing or a curse.
>It was time to begin, and you didn't know exactly how to get started. Maybe you should go to a place where people won't see a man jog alongside a humongous, green blimp of a person...if she was a person, anyway.
>You had a good idea where the both of you can work out in peace.
Yeah, a version without the titties would be hot. Ass is... neutral.
Both of these.
Woo, welcome back and please, continue.
Casual seconding. At least especially the +booty --boobs version
These are both seriously amazing
I'd say -booty -boobs
Why would you want a male with wide female hips? It makes no sense.
I don't like the hips, except for one *crucial* point.

If the hips are wide, it is much easier to fit a gigantic dick and balls in between them, for the same reason wide hips on a woman allows them to fit babies between them.

Cause it makes my dick feel good
That's the whole fetish, or at least the one utilized in said image
It's just a thing, but nothing wrong if someone wants a regular guy with massive package either
Because you get a cute male that's easy on the eyes in your straight porn, without having to resort to strapons or futa
Not a bad explanation.
Anything which reduces futa is 100% approved by me.
But that's the thing. Why would you want a feminine male but absolutely despise futa? The both are barely any different.
See >>10596588
Part of it I feel is the "forbidden fruit" aspect of feminizing a guy, but also males are better for self-inserting I guess? Wide hips look nice in general and futa is a plague.
Yeah, I like my hipboys flatchested.
I prefer them flatchested with extra+ booty, but don't mind and still enjoy them with a bust as well.
>put that line through the drawing
Thats the edge of the counter.
Why is that a problem for futa, then?

And honestly, if we're going the large shlong route, I'd rather it be a more athletic type or something. Femboys, aka traps, are supposed to have tiny wieners so they can hide them, hence the notion of trap.

I dunno, might just be.
Its not a trap, its an entirely different thing.
I abhor traps, no interest in them, but femboys I love.
Probably just haven't seen it before.
Femboy ≠ trap
Understandable, straight femboys are fucking QUALITY
>might just be me*

And what exactly is the difference between a femboy and a trap aside from the fact that one is hidden and the other isn't?
I think the point is that a femboy is just an effeminate guy, but still identifiable as a guy in some way.

A trap is 'Are you sure this isn't a girl'. Often seen in anime as 'draw a girl and call it a guy'
I'm already fat, so I already have a fat ass.

However, I do not have giant titties.

This makes it easy for me personally to self insert as a fatboi with a huge dick, rather than a futa.

Being fat is very different from being futa, you see.
Femboys are typically in more shy or cute positions. They're still fully a guy and want to be a guy and all that, just have very feminine qualities, and often times still have large male parts too.
Traps are all wanting to be a girl or pretending to be one and stuff, and hide their male parts for some big reveal.
There's more nuance to it but that's the gist.
One gets me horny and the other is at best annoying
File: thickboi2.png (77KB, 571x584px) Image search: [Google]
77KB, 571x584px
I'd rather +booty +boobs
I love pillow's stuff
That's kinda what I said, then.

I'm not sure that plays into the femization aspect of it, but I guess I can kind of see it?

I'd still rather identify as a proper bull-type male instead of this weird in-between mix of neither too masculine or feminine.

Fair enough.

That's just futa, though.
That's just futa, dude. You show that to a thousand anons, nine hundred and ninety nine of them will call it futa.
I guess what I meant was, if there's big hips in the drawing no matter what, then I can live with it. Big titties on the boy though, that makes the fapping difficult.
Went ahead and new threaded since we're on the way down. Probably a bit premature, but whatever.
It was another good day.
>caring this much
I need that crying laughing emoji for meme reasons
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