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Anonymoo thread. The Cow is Love the Cow is Life. Anonymoo

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Thread replies: 298
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Anonymoo thread.

The Cow is Love the Cow is Life.

Anonymoo Fetish Fuel Story #1:

Previous thread: >>10561160
Honestly I'm not sure the whole Anonybull thing is such a great idea, it seems to split people apart as far as its rendition goes.

Anonymoo everyone can agree on what she looks like, what she does, etc.
Except maybe the "Does she talk or just moos all the time" part, but that's a minor detail.
Its a thing, it happened, you don't have to like it if you don't want to
There was a vore story, a rather vanilla story, a weight gain story and the femboyification story all last thread, Anonymoo can be used in a lot of ways and there's no reason to say one should go. People were totally fine with it.
Trust me, that's not a split, that's no where close to a 'split' lol
Anonybull is fine. I like the dick growth thing quite a bit, even if the boobs aren't real great.
We'll see how it goes. The last thread ended up kind of shitting itself up because of it, though.

I'm just hoping the thread doesn't yet again sprout a subset of itself just like Anonymoo used to be part of the huge boobs threads initially and now they're sort of fighting over whether that was a good thing or not.
My friend, if that was shitting itself up to you, you need to get around to other boards more
>Majority of people either said it was great or stated they didn't personally care for all parts of it but still enjoyed the story or just didn't reply
>One or two people got pissy about it but only for a single post or two
Be honest anon. Do YOU just not like the bull stuff and want to try and keep people from talking about it in a seemingly clever way?
>TFW trying to write things from the point of view of a green waterbed of meat
>While also catching the /v/ermin tourney on tonight on channel /v/
This is stressful.
>There are 4 IPs in thread
>I didn't reply to your post
>3 other people did
Someone's samefagging.
You're just delusional if you believe that.
Alright fine, jeez. I guess I'll just take my concerns and leave, then.
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it was these 2 >>10597587 >>10597600 based on post timers
The thread was fine, relax

Anyway I'll probably do a beefy and lean (and maybe an extra chunky?) version of anonybull at some point anyway
I'd rather not point fingers. I don't much care who it is. It's just a fact someone did. I'm gonna shut up now and get back to writan.
Muscly please.
Bless you immensely
Fuck yeah.

Fuck yeah.
Now everyone else chillax, aaight? Everything that needed to be said has been said, and repetition does not strengthen a viewpoint.
Looking forward to all three! Especially an extra chunky booty version
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Whatever happened to Baanonymous anyway
Side-character that gets used once and a while

pastebinned the story from the last thread for posterity
>That highlight on line 69
Double audible kek.
Whoever makes next thread, add that shit.
THat's definitely gettin saved
Here's the other story about Anon being the personal trainer for Anonymoo. Doesn't seem like this one will get many (You)s until it starts getting lewd.

We need to compile a paste of all these pastes.
Yo dawg, I heard you like pastes
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I had time for a quick one but I don't think I made her big enough
Yeah her ears are definitely too small
Minor moos are good too.
That situation is adorable too.
That just means this is the first picture in a progression of weight gain.

Your linework is really good.
No way anon, that's adorable. Very cutesy!
I wanna stick my finger behind her dorito
Same guy from before.

Had some time to think of another story today, equally steaming.

Small question though, any preferred/disdained fetishes in this thread tonight?

The chef is cooking up a twist on dish.
I am literally down for 99% of any fetish
I particularly loved the booty/femboy stuff but whatever's clever and looking forward to whatever
I got a hankerin for some big thick cowbutt facesitting whatever kind of anon you come up with
Meant for >>10600549 obvy
The only thing I don't wanna touch on is vore in any semblance of the word.
I'll tentatively request some light to moderate slob
But if people don't want it then it's fine
Actually, you know what, nevermind. Go nuts. I shouldn't stifle creativity just because I want something I can fap to. Go nuts and IMO, don't listen to anyone. Write what you want to.
Moo's nipples are somehow clamped shut, and even though she doesn't think much of it at first, she eventually becomes backed up to an absurd level
Anyone got a paste of that vore story?
Alright, story is getting posted. I think I overdid it on the first bit, as I wanted to build it up.

>Somewhere in Nevada...
>It's summer, hot as fuck, and more importantly, you're in a bet worth 5k-40 days, 40 nights, no sexual activity. Just like the movie, said one of your friends.
>Your peers ditched in the bet and the cash since you won a local sweepstakes, and everyone wants to see how it will go down.
>But of course, there are catches to it.
>Someone has to be with you at all times.
>So, to your behest, a Femanon friend of your friend gets hooked up with you, and she's doing EVERYTHING she can to drive you nuts.She was never into you, but this was too good of an opportunity to pass up to her.
>She was well known for her acting skills, which inadvertedly led to asking her out once. Everyone heard about it later on, and you were forever marked as "THAT guy."
>But the shit she's started to pull, this is a whole new level of fuckery you didn't think she had the power to pull.
>Getting other girls to ask you out awkwardly, leaving porn printed on the walls of your doorm(turns out even your roomate was in on this, and he's NEVER around.), to skimpy/unbuttoned clothing whenever you're near.
>Finally, after about 4 days of constant harrasment from not just her, but her female friends as well, you decide to pack up and head on over to a small ghost town you had read about online.
>As per the agreement, femanon, begrudgingly follows you. "This should stop some of the shenanigans," you think.
>Arriving there, about 60% of the buildings are nearly empty.

>Few people wander to and fro, but one building stands out in particular.
>It's a giant plaza, multiple stores mashed side by side, with one huge store in the center.
>The concrete beneath the stores is cracked and filled with growing weeds, a rusted out car is parked in front of one of the smaller sections of the building, and tumbleweeds travel along the wind.
>You can see the logo on the front, somewhat dilapitated and broken down, reading "Gona D.'s gym."
>Strange name, but hey, hopefully it's still in buisiness and cheap.
>A few days later of constant bullshittery from Femanon such as upskirt shots, "accidentally" forgetting to put on clothes when walking out of the shower, and the like have put you on edge Ron Jeremy would be proud of.
>It's your nut, and you want it NOW.
>While exploring the town, you come across a couple of old people talking about the surrounding area.
>"Yeah, some of these buildings...I remember back in 93' when that poor girl died...you mean at the gym?..."
>You manage to eavesdrop on them and gather some info, but Femanon is with you and does the exact same thing.
>She giggles quietly and starts sensually teasing you, telling you "if you're man enough, why don't you check out that gym anon?"
>She keeps goading and goading and GOADING until the next day, you hop out of bed and rush to the gym.
>It's only been a week into the bet and figuring blowing off steam by alternative means was your thought process at the moment.
>Amazingly enough, it's not abandoned.

>A short, petite caramel-colored cardio bunny is at the chipped, old, decrepit front desk.
>One eye is covered by a jet black bang, while the rest of her hair is carefully cut down to the neck, curving downwards.
>She's wearing a neon blue sports top with her exceptionally toned abs exposed, and neon blue short shorts to match.
>Her face is hidden by a newspaper she's reading, with her white sneakers propped up on the counter.
>You feel a tug on the back of your shirt, and Femanon stands there with a sultry look on her face.
>"Feeling...a bit 'sprung' anon? Bet that itty bitty waist she has is just the icing on the cake!"
>Cardio bunny's eyes sharply dart up to Femanon, you, then back to the paper.
>But you never noticed, you were too busy trying to keep the spaghetti from blowing out of your pockets at Mach 5.
>"N-no. Christ, Femanon, you're just here to watch me, just PLEASE stop this madness."
>"Sorry anon, I'm getting a share of the dough if you blow it. Literally and figuratively."
>Well, that's a bind if you've ever heard one. You knew something was up, but this explains more than enough.
I wonder where this is going...
>Turning around, you walk up to the 4'2 caramel candy manning the desk.
>Noticing your approaching figure, she lets down her legs, folds the paper, and stands up, barely able to put her arms on the desk.
>"Welcome to Gona D.'s Gym, you guys new around here?" she squeaks in a moderately-accented voice.
>"Yeah, we're from out of town. How much is it to work out here?"
>She eyeballs you up and down, then does the same on Femanon-who visibly stiffens and adjusts her posture, her pokerface on display.
>"Well, normally, it'd cost you about 50 dollars a month for the first 3 months, then drops down to 20 after 6 months."
>"After 15 months of 20 dollars, it's a lifetime membership."
>"Alternatively, you can pay for the lifetime membership right now with a 30% discount."
>She continues with the technical pay jargon, her squeaky voice droning on and on. It's clear she's bored out of her mind.
>"So, what'll it be new guy? And gal."
>The last part is puncuated by her eyes lazily drifting to Femanon.
>Femanon returns the favor two fold. You might have to break up a fight if this keeps going on.
>"Alright, calm down ladies, I'll subscribe to the monthly fee. I dont expect to be here for long." you quip in.
>Caramel bunny's eyes light up. "Good, good, alright, sign here, here, aaand here..."
>As you both finish up your papers and hand them over, the brown-bunny quickly snatches both papers of your hands.
>You don't feel it at first, but femanon does.
Here it comes
Not quite what you're thinking, but do stick around. I'm gradually writing this out as I go. I know I should prewrite it all, but I can't stand having all that text on the page when I write.

>She reels her hand back, a small cut on her finger. One on yours too, when the stinging finally catches up.
>"Bitch!" Femanon hisses under her breath at the smol woman.
>You simply wrap your finger in your other hand, waiting for the cut to stop bleeding.
>Cardio bunny rolls to the back with papers in hand, and returns with two keycard passes.
>"Despite how it looks, the keycard reader at the front door DOES work. And the name is Gina. Not 'Bitch'."
>Femanon is at a loss of words, and you're just stunned at the no-shits-given attitude Gina sports.
>Notcing Femanon is starting to shake, you grab her and rush over to the main gym.
>She whips your hand off and rushes over to the locker room to change.
>You're about to do the same, but figure why not take a stroll around and see what equipment is available.
>Suprisingly, there's a lot of functional stuff in here. It seems that it's mostly the building that's crappy, not the equipment.
>Taking your time, you head on over to the locker room, but not without passing by a 6'3 ripped redhead dressed in black sports clothing, with a moderate-sized brunette spotting her.
>You pass by one or two more people, and finally reach the locker room.
>It's a mess, tiles uplifted, other parts busted here and there, caution tape around certain areas.
>Fortunately, there's some part of the showers and lockers that do work, it appears to be a work in progress.
>Stashing your stuff in a locker, you walk over to the shower and turn it on, waiting for the water to heat up.
>As it does though, you notice a HUGE hole in the wall covered by caution tape and some wooden boards.
>It appears that there's enough space to squeeze through without disturbing the blockade, but do you really want to check that out?
>After thinking it over, you decide against it and start showering.
>Whilst cleaning yourself off, you can't but help feel as if you're being watched.
>Turning back to the hole in the wall, you see a dark mass suddenly move out of sight soon as you laid eyes on it.
>Freezing up a bit, then finally snapping out of it, you wash off, grab your clothes and phone and prepare to investigate.
>Diving through the small hole proved to be easy, but nobody told you it would be a straight drop down, about 5 feet.
>Slamming into the ground after tripping through, you brush yourself off and get up.
>It appears you're in the basement of the complex, somehow.
>Walking around, rusted pipes, old tools, broken down gym paraphenalia lie everywhere.
>You keep exploring the underground area, until you find IT.
>A skeleton, or more specifically- Bones from a skeleton, under a noose.
>A broomstick has gone through the ribcage, some of it completely shattered.
>Questions, horror, and adrenaline fills your mind and body as you inspect the accident.
>Suddenly, the floor creaks.
I apologize if it's taking too long to tget to the good parts, it seems the background/backstory turned out longer than expected.

>Well, creaks isn't exactly the word to describe it, more like "groans", and the kind of groans that you hear from a fat person when they have to exercise on my 600 lb life.
>Part of your weight shifts as the floor suddenly dips to the north-east of your direction.
>You look up only to see a hulking, black, gigantic mass staring back at you.
>Freezing up, thoughts race through your mind as to what the hell is happening.
>Suddenly, without warning, you get an idea.
>It's a stupid, crazy idea.
>But it's stupid and crazy enough that it might work.
>Having spent enough time on /x/, you remember that one story where an anon jerked off in the presence of a ghost to assert his dominance of the area.
>You come to the conclusion that if you die by whatever the hell this is, that doing anything, and ANYTHING to survive is now a legitimate strategy.
>Dropping your shorts, boxers, you whip out your Johnson and start spanking it to perform the Ex-succ-sism.
>Fear pumps through your veins, dick included as you try to wank one off in hopes of survival.
>Finally, you nut after a week of abstinence.
>A moderate amount spills out on the floor, and to your horror, the bones.
>Stopping midway, you look up to the mass in general.
>It fades away back into the darkness and the floor returns to it's normal height level, with your weight as the centerpiece.
>You jack it on out of there in a flash, scrambling up the wooden planks to the hole in the wall once more.
>Finally making it to the toilets, you dry heave over the porcelain throne.
>Calming down and walking out of the stall, the mirror displays a moderately built man, white in the face, hair scraggled about.
>Dirt all over you shirt and pants from climbing earlier, and a small cut on your arm fom trying to escape the nightmare that was the living "NOPE."
>Cleaning yourself up, you remember what the old folk were talking about earlier, and realized you may have just nutted over a dead chick's bones.
>And to top it off, possibly her ghost.
>Grabbing your shit, you rush out at the speed of FUCK and-
>Woah, woah, woah, what the fuck.
>What the fuck is going on, you think to yourself.
>Sweat beads your forehead, goosebumps rise on your skin as the somewhat crappy structure of the gym looks like a normal one.
>Confusion, then fear grips you once again.
>Is this like silent hill? Did I slip into some weird world or some shit? What in the FUCK is going on?
>You creep around silently, hoping that you won't get spotted by some Van Gogh'd looking-motherfucker.
>Finally, you reach the front desk.
>You haven't seen the brunette, the titantic redhead, and Gina appears to be missing too.
>Pulling out your phone, you try to dial for 911, but nothing works.
>Looking across from the counter, the door would be the best-
>Where the fuck is the door?
Slow burn a best. Keep on trucking.
No dude, I'm digging it. Makes it all the sweeter when it pops. Keep going!!!
My sides have transcended this mortal plane. It is a good pain.
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I want Anonymoo to guzzle my dick!
(lolspoiler)While Anonybull sits on my face!
>The door to the outside is gone, the glass doors leading to an indoor empty swimming pool.
>Moving on, you sneak to the best of your ability around, searching for Femanon.
>Suddenly, you hear giggling and laughing.
>"Here, try this flavor, I call it 'Honey and Milk!'"
>"Guys aren't the only ones who can bulk up to gain muscle hun."
>The first voice, you barely recognize.
>The second one though, it has to be the redhead. A slight irish accent tinges it as she continues.
>"Can I have another bottle?"
>"We gave you the whole case, go on and enjoy it so you can try out the REAL thing."
>Turning your head around the corner, you discover what's really going on in this strange, surreal, event.
>A woman, tall as the redhead is chugging away at what looks like a protein drink.
>She's somewhat chunky, skin spilling out over waistbands and straps, wearing almost too small clothing and-
>Oh fuck. That's Femanon.
Oh no oh no oh no.
Oh yes oh yes oh yes
>The realization hits you like a brick, but your boner would've hit the wall harder at what happened next.
>She finishes chugging the drink and throws the bottle behind her, and as she lets her arms down, her chest starts to expand.
>The front of her red sports bra is already wet with something, her skin glistens as her tits jiggle and fill the already strained bra.
>Thick nipples begin to pitch a tent in the cupholders, finally before bursting a seam on her back.
>Milk spills everywhere on the ground as the bra falls off revealing darkened nipples jetting milk out underneath, and Femanon's eyes roll back into her head.
>Her once thin physique is now plumper, softer, larger. The same could be said for your dick, only the last part applies though.
>You watch in perverted horror as her ass blimps up and out, gradually turning the shorts into panties, then thongs.
>Meat cheeks jiggle back and forth as her whole body shakes from the pleasure of getting bigger and softer.
>She's drooling an unusual amount, and the saliva spilling out is webbing everywhere and everything.
>Her lower maw does the same thing, it's pushing outwards slightly, but ever so visible. Puffy and plump, her sex drools with the same viscocity as her spit.
>Bottle after bottle, she keeps downing each one until she's gained a quivering muffin top.
>The top spills out, her shorts and panties finally rip as her thighs billow out like fluffy dough.
>Her ass is no joke either, easily 80 inches across, completely smooth.
>Shoes weren't an exception either, she's shredded them to pieces.
>She giggles and chugs the last bottle, her body bloating to and beyond MILF level proportions.
>Though something is off...MILFs can be chunky, but the way her arms were proportioned, the fat distribution...is that possibly muscle underneath? If so, how much?
>She's not overweight, the chub on her belly might be a bit much, but she's no butterball...more like a butter golem when you really think about it.

>The others are simply staring, waiting, as if this had happened before.
>Gina finally pipes up "I think she's ready Anna."
>"Really? What about the other guy?" replies the redhead.
>"THAT guy? I..I honestly don't know what to think really." quips the brunette.
>"I mean, I TRIED to scare him off, but...listen, you won't believe this."
>"He stands there as I pull up the illusion, and then he starts..he just starts.."
>The brunette dressed in the green tank top and orange shorts waves her hands around in an attempt to describe your...uh...
>"He just starts fucking jacking it with this Gary Busey look on his face. I mean, he was afraid, then confused, and finally he starts smiling like a madman, drops his fucking pants and starts whipping the giraffe like he's seen his fucking sex dream or some shit."
>Butterflies roar in your stomach, blood gushes into your face, and upon hearing that you were smiling, you shrink back around the corner and continue to listen to the brunette describe your incredible act of self-preservation.
>"...and when he finally finished, I pulled the illusion and he's tripping over shit, almost as if Mr. Bean just raped a girl for the first time and tried to escape."
>All 3 of them bust out laughing while Femanon bulges out in all the right directions.
>Gina finishes laughing, wiping a tear from her eye, "Hooooly shit Ada, I REALLY hope you're not serious. You know SHE won't let him go if that's true, right?"
>"Remember what happened to the last guy? Dude couldn't make the cut, she was pissed beyond no return...I'm still sore from that punishment."
>"I know, I know Gina. But...I think I have an idea. I have some of his spunk with me, we can make something out of it with HER permission and power."
>"Are you...no, that wouldn't work, I mean it'd have to..."
>"I don't think...really?...we should...SHE will know..."
I don't like this style of writing and I don't know what's going on.
>Hushed whispers are exchanged, and at this point, there's no point in sticking around.
>You stand up, attempt to wrestle your bone zone back to smaller sizes, and start looking for an escape.
>Time passes as you quickly discover a set number of facts-
>There are windows, but they're reinforced. Outside you can see a restored town, people walking abo-
>Wait, why are most of them wearing barely anything?
>Wait, why do they have horns.
>Something is VERY wrong.
>So, so wrong.
>You duck back down and head back to the bathroom you recently NOPED out of earlier.
>Inside, it's completely restored. The hole in the wall is gone, and you slowly begin to realize that there might not be a way out.
>Clutching the sides of your head in your hands you groand and reel back..
>...looking at the ceiling.
>And then you get an ever so brilliant(in your mind) idea.
>Grabbing your bag, you climb ontop of the sink and push out a ceiling panel. Climbing upwards, you hope to whatever forces out there won't let this ceiling collapse in on you and have you subjected to the same fleshy madness(no matter how hot it actually was) Femanon went through.
>You lie up there for some time, shifting, trying to get a secure hold. Finally, you managed to lay properly without compromising your position, and even found a hole to peek through.
>"...in the bathroom, right?" It's Anna.
>She walks in holding a huge fucking drink bottle.

Sorry about that, I'm still getting used to the whole writing schtick. I figured greentext would be better than normal paragraph structure due to the fact that greentext can be a bit easier to read. Sometimes.
I'm digging it so far and have my rapt attention!
I actually think the writing is quite good. Bout time to get it cranking up a bit though. Greentext doesn't lend well to things taking TOO too long to set up.
>TFW was just lazy today
I got no excuses this time. I was all set to get today's update done and.. I just didn't. Sorry guys.
Moo-PoV update eventually.
Sall good. Looking forward to the MooCP.
yeah, two more posts and that's when it starts.

Looks like I"m gonna have to plan the plot out better next time.

>She's more muscular than before, and her ass sticks out as much as her gut does.
>Downing part of the mega bottle, she grunts and moans and finally goes silent as she starts going through the motions.
>Her arms are rippled with muscle, like a bodybuilder, growing thicker and wider with each moment.
>Her toned thighs bulge outwards, tearing the shorts she was wearing.
>Her ass once more balloons backwards in tandem with her thighs, her gut rapidly expanding.
>Milk gushes from her tits, saliva, drool, the works. You begin to realize whatever is in that bottle, it's causing them to become like this.
>Your mind kinders the thoughts of what Gina and Ada might end up looking like.
>You snap back to reality as you witness the already large redhead, bulk out even more.
>Longer and thicker hair flows down her shoulders, she quickly ties it up in a knot in the back as she zeppelin's to amazonian proportions.
>The same could be said for Richard downstairs-well, at least that's how Richard feels.
>Fatter and bigger, she's got a physique you'd only seen once or twice around the net. You never understood the appeal until this very moment.
>Her once muscular arms are covered by a half inch layer of fat, the rest of her body jiggles like flan on a plate as she moves around.
>She's easily topping the mirror in the bathroom, which you estimate to be seven feet or so.
>Two horns sprout out of her head, and in a matter of seconds, they're a good 3 inches or so out.
>Come to think of it, it looks like a cow's horns...
>She starts to sniff the air.
>Oh shit.
>Looking upwards, a massive arm comes straight up and punches the ceiling to your left.
>In that moment, the part of the ceiling comes down with your weight added to the destruction.
>Hitting the floor, you don't even feel it as the adrenaline rushes through your veins.
>Bounding out of the room at incredibly hihg speed, you rush around and over the equipment.
>You turn around once to witness the gigantic Anna bellowing and jellowing out towards you.
>She easily tosses the equipment aside, even bending some of the metal.
>Summoning your inner autist, you use the sperg-like strength to break the previously locked glass doors open wide.
>At this point, you're in the indoor pool, the only area you've not explored.
>Sweating, tired, and high on liquid "Get me the fuck outta here: AMPED Edition", you frantically search for an exit.
>The ground trembles beneath as Anna storms towards your location.
>Finally, you spot an exit to escape from this surreal nightmare.
>Rushing towards it, you force it open with little effort and tumble right into-
>Another room.
>Your despair is quickly replaced by confusion, lust, horror, burning loins, fear, horniness, absolute confusion, and wanna smash.
>Femanon is drinking from a gigantic, I mean we're talking HUGE...woman?
>Her skin is green and shiny, she's wearing a bikini that barely covers up her nether regions and her nipples.
>In fact, that's ALL it covers up. The rest jiggles and shakes like concentrated world-star booty.
>She looks up, a question mark replacing the eyes on her face, and looks at you with a quizzical, suprised cry of "Moo?!"
>Something lands on top of your back and you're pinned down on the ground.
>You try to get up, only to find yourself engulfed inside two soft, plump arms.
Enter Moo.
>Ada coos at you quietly as you struggle to escape her grasp.
>Her entire body feels like a water bed, and it's made you so erect that it hurts.
>She effortlessly spins you around in her grip and looks you square in the face.
>Her lips are plump, shiny and soft.
>"Keep struggling hun, and if you start talking, I'll-"
>You're silenced by her lips filling your face.
>Her entire body is mashing you, and you feel another body press against your back.
>"That's it, calm down, we're not gonna hurt you, we're...getting you hooked up."
>Gina coos into your ear whilst Ada's tongue swirls around in your mouth.
>Copious amounts of fluid fill your mouth, except...it's not spit.
>It's honey.
>Excessive drool and saliva, also flavored
Fucking based, I like your taste

>Or you think it's honey, it's delicious and the best thing you've tasted in forever.
>She continues the french kiss as you calm down, and ada begins to remove your pants.
>"Moo!" cries the gigantic green cow woman, as Femanon pops off her incredibly thick nipple.
>Femanon has bloated beyond and out of control, she's like a minature version of the cow.
>Your eyes are locked onto the event unfolding before, until Anna speaks up.
>"Alright, I'll cut to the chase. Your original girlfriend, we didn't like too much. So we turned her into one of us."
>"We were going to send you off, but when Anonymoo heard about what you did down in the basement...well..."
>"We're her servants, and we do her will, bidding, yadayada. Males can't become servants, because the milk turns them into women 90% of the time."
>Anna shifts her enormous body, it quivers and bobbles in all the right places, especially that delicous gut you could just bury your face in.
>"So as a result of this, and Anonymoo being anonymoo, along with..."
>Anna continues to drone on and on, until finally Gina, who finally grabs you from beind whispers in your ear-
>"You've been chosen sugar. So enjoy the ride, you won't want to leave after having a drink or two."
>The struggle becomes real as you try to escape, only to find your dick being gripped and slowly aimed into the bellybutton of ada, whom is still in control of your face.
>She moans a bit, then both women start moving, grinding their bodies against you.
>Your dick is being massaged by the soft folds and smooth skin of Ada's belly, her gut engulfing your manhood.
>The warm hole rubs against you, encasing you like a soft, doughy, onahole.
>You barely can hold it back, struggling, and finally giving in.
>Managing to get two thrusts in, Ada releases you and effortlessly rips your shirt off and pushes you into Anonymoo's soft, bloated thighs.
>Pvt. Johnson stands at attention as you attempt to regain your traction until there is none.
>Anonymoo has picked you up, settling you into her lap.
>Your heart beats in fear of what might happen as your face contorts into one of fear.
>"Don't worry, you won't turn into a chick. You'll be a bit bigger, but it's all in the right places. Promise~."
>Before you can ask what do they mean by that, your head is gripped and turned towards a gigantic teat.
>As it would turn out, the beginning of your questioning proved to be your doom as the first nipple was shoved deep, deep down.
>You slightly gag on it until the milk starts flowing.
>Then the gagging stops.
>Then the fear melts away.
>Then Pvt Johnson goes AWOL.
>Each gulp of milk feels like a ball of warmth passing down your throat, down to your gut, and finally your crotch.
>Your hard dick gets harder with each warm ball of pleasure passing through your body.
>Suddenly, you can feel yourself being gripped tightly by a large, green, soft hand.
>"Moo~" she says to you as she jerks you off.
>Slowly, rubbing the thickening shaft, veins bulging under the skin, supplying nutrients to increase size.
>Her grip gets tighter with each gulp, she's speeding up as her fingers slip and slide all over the precum spiling out of your dick.
>Your balls thud with pleasure as they gradually fatten and bloat up, small gonads turning into golfballs, then grapefruits that suddenly surge with warmth.
>Ropes of cum pump out of you as you grunt with intense pleasure, and finally she pulls the swollen teat out of your mouth.
>Rolling down the thighs of the female Green Giant, you nut several more times until you're on the bed, splayed out breathing heavily.
>"Wow, it actually worked."
>"Oh shit, we're going to have fun with this."
>"Not before SHE gets her fill first, remember your place!"
>All 3 of them argue over you until Femanon reappears with some folded clothes in her hands.
>"B-brought them l-liked you asked me t=to mishtrussh." she slurs near the end of her sentence, speech impared by intense pleasure.
>A pair of pink exercise shorts, and a top to boot.
>All 4 servants move your body around as you experience your first monster-sized orgasm.
>Finally, Gina pipes up, "All yours boss."
>Anonymoo easily picks you up, placing you down on the ground, holding you up by the side.
>She kneels down, peeling off the bikini.
>The green peach is plump and plentiful, drooling like crazy.
>She's gushing like a waterfall.
>She places the other teat in your mouth this time, and you've given up on trying to resist.
>You give into the pleasure, and the pleasure grows in you.
>Milk warms your body as your thighs start to thicken.

I'm gonna need both hands for this
>The spandex sport shorts stretch easily as you fill them out.
>The fabric runs over your increasingly smooth skin as it bubbles outwards.
>The bulge in your pants tightens, and your hardon becomes harder, a mixture of cum and precum leaking and drizzling through the front of the shorts.
>Your balls tighten and fatten, and that's when you feel it.
>Gurgling, blorping, all manner of submerged wet sounds occur in your balls as the both swell up to a nice 8 inches in diameter.
>At this point, production has gone through the roof, the front of the spandex shorts pumping out a stream with every pulse of your kegels.
>More and more milk flows in, becoming increasingly thicker.
>Your ass begins to gurgle too as both cheeks fill out and turn the shorts into thongs, rounding out and bubbling underneath in all of it's doughy glory.
>Tighter and tighter the spandex gets, but it's not ripping, shredding, or coming off.
>Your hips widen out faster than your waist, which almost stays the same, save for the excess padding that's forming on it.
>You shift around, trying to grip the gigantic teat better than before.
>Anonymoo cups a cheek and shakes it, watching it wave and flow like a waterballoon.
>She giggles a bit, then with the same hand, glides it over your man-pack.
>What feels like an unending erection is actually you just growing longer and bigger.
>Constant orgasms wrack your loins as you try to suckle and drink more milk.
>Moo grips your shaft once more, causing you to involunatrily thrust forward.
>A thick rope pumps out the front once more, splattering the floor with a heavy thud.
>More, you think, if I could just get more, I could smash this cow and those other three over there.
>And more you recieve, as your pseudo erection finally topples out at one foot, and 4 inches in diameter.
>Underneat the log, fruits of your labor are hanging heavily churning and gurgling in gusto to produce more cum.
>You're much denser than before now, they'd have to be at least 20 lbs, but Ada holds them up to support you, while cum dribbles, pools, and runs down, inside, and down her lactating tits.
>Finally, Moo pulls out with an audible 'pop' from your mouth.
>You grunt and try to reach for more, but Anna walks up and places a hand on your shoulder to calm you down.
>"Alright big boy, here's the deal- You're not erect at all."
>Anna's biting her lower iip as she stares at your crotch, she's clearly in heat.
>She clears her throat out once, and then burps, causing her gut to jiggle and fill outwards a couple inches.
>Her breast swell and lactate even thicker milk as if in tandem.
>Gina is next to you massaging your gigantic assets in the back, making sure there's nothing wrong.
>Her hands travel all around, suppling shaking and the occasinal smack to keep you on edge.
>"Hell, y-you haven't actually, uh, cum yet."
>"Your balls are just going haywire right now, so it doesn't matter how much you push out, it's not going to leave you satisfied at all."
>Anna's body is steadily, but surely getting bigger.
>Femanon stares with an intense lust nearby, you're not sure if she's going to eat you or fuck you.
>But it's exciting you. Your cock starts to "harden". Bigger and bigger, pushing the front of your shorts-thong hybrid outwards.
>Your dick is 1 foot 4 WIDE
Holy shit.
>Thicker and thicker but shorts stay on
Fat and wide > long and thing
>Big ass femboy with a hyper dick and balls constantly leaking gurgling cum even when not erect at all
Take me now
>At this point, the spandex is stretched so much that it's not being held up by your waistline, but by your bulging telephone pole and the twin bubbles that are your ass.
>Anonymoo intervenes once more, and you watch in amazement as she grips your meat and pulls it out of your pants.
>She bgins to stroke it once more, but this time, the milk isn't there to help you out.
>Anna leans over and positions a leaking milk jug over your face and you take the whole nipple down into yourself, sucking on the fertile nectar.
>Within seconds, your body feels lighter. Muscle pumps underneath the layers of fat and chub, your arms wider yet still soft, your ass and thighs tougher yet still doughy.
>The man meat below surges forwards as it's widening and lengthening out of control. The mixture of pre and cum spills out of control, spurting thicker and thicker ropes, some of it having the consistency of oobleck.
>Anonymoo's smooth, but frantic stroking turns you from a 1 foot monster to a 3 foot legend. it's not touching the floor, but it's large enough to make a stable horse blush.
>She finishes you off as your erection finally completes. At the end of the completion though, you can feel it.
>It's huge, it's the wad that's been backed up inside. You're not sure how it's even backed up because you've been leaking so much, but you know it needs to come out.
>Ass spilling over and out of a tight thong, your balls propped up and stretching the front of the panties as if they were some kind of bra, thighs and hips that scream THICC, your entire frame shakes for the coming flood.
>Turning towards Anonymoo, you squeal "I-I need it, I'm-I'm-I'm gonna-gonnaaaaaaaaaaHNNNNNGNOOOOHHH-"
Wew fucking lad indeed.
>Anonymoo smiles and pushes her servants out of the way as you stand there spasmosidcally splattering jizz everywhere, finaly shoving you to the ground and mounting you.
>Sliding inside of her, the walls of her vagina shake and vibrate, undulating and writhing, coaxing a gigantic cumshot out of you.
>She vigorously rides you like a gay biker late to the weekly orgy meeting on rough road.
>Finally it hits.
>You can feel it snaking through your tube, the knot of a torrential flood ready to fill her.
>It's so slow, pushing through your urethra, widening it and fattening it out to make room for the rest of it.
>At the base of your cock, the wad slowly squirts, squelches through-
>Moo tightens on you.
>Like, vice grip tightens.
>It was so sudden and fast, that any remaining liquid was flushed out between the walls of her vagina and your meaty mast.
>The wad stops at the base, and steadily begins to pack itself denser and denser.
>You scream out in ecstasy, pleasure, pain, and worry at the same time.
>Pleading with the green mistress above you, you moan and grunt as you try to cum.
>"Hold up buster, this is a little payback for wrecking our gym's ceiling.
>Gina walks over, wobbling her massive gluteus maximum-fucking-thicc-mus over your face.
>Adjusting her stance, you realize what is about to happen.
Holy shiiit.
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>91 posts
>12 unique posters

I know the greentexter is taking up a lot of posts, but samefagging seems to be afoot here.
And? It's a captive audience of a handful of very happy anons listening to storytime.

Seems logical to me.
Well, if the same posters get commenting on each story chunk as it happens, that's pretty reasonable. It's also not the worst numbers for a thread, to be totally honest.
Don't know what to tell you man. I'm hype.

>As she lowers down, you scream for it to stop...
>...and your screams are muffled by the shortstack sitting down on your face with her enourmous fat ass.
>Barely able to breath, just barely, you can SMELL her.
>Scents of milk and honey drift through your nose, maybe rosehips, and something like vanilla?
>You barely have time to contemplate as Anonymoo lets up a little pressure, and the wad travels up even slower this time.
>You grunt underneath and try to push her off, but both of your hands are suddenly encased in what you think are ass cheeks.
>Immobilized, pinned down under a fat ass, with your cock tied off by pure muscle leaving you with a long, drawn out, and what could possibly be a denied orgasm, you squeal underneath the buns for mercy.
>"Moo." Anonymoo says flatly.
>"Say Mama." Anna replies curtly.
>"Anonymoo said if you want to breathe, you better say 'Mama'"
>It doesn't matter at this point.
>You're too far gone.
>There's no point in turning back.
>She's in control now, and there's nothing you can do about it.
>"Moo?" She coyly cups a hand over her ear.
>"Try again sucker. Actually, hold up, Gina, give the guy some room to speak."
>Gina's fat ass lifts up slightly as you take a deep breath and scream in the girliest voice ever-
If the views on that one story in the OP are indicative of anything, we got almost 100 users in traffic through here in the past 2 days. That's not bad.
Kinda nice not having a tonne of lurkers chipping in and just having storytime.
Especially when IM CUMMING BUCKETS >>10605758 HOLY SHIT
Pastebin bots scour that shit, and there's probably some number of people that check out the four most recently made pastes, depending on the time of day you'll get 50 to 70 'free' hits.
It's Unlisted.
Also, what's y'alls opinion on donut assholes? Not prolapse, I'm talking about bonified asshols puffing up, puckering up into plushy gates of NUTT.

And those same assholes being on boys too?

Someone give me a quick answer.
Not my things, but not a deal-breaker. Do what (You) want.
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Absolute delight and love them
Can't speak for everyone though
>>10606021 Here
Think its possibly even more arousing as part of being on the boy in question too
Not a fan personally, but not a dealbreaker unless it goes WAY overboard.
Well never mind, that's pretty good
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Alright, i've seen the replies, and I'll keep it..moderate.
>Gina stands up, and positions her cunt over face, the jiggling, dripping, pie splattering you with liquid honey and ambrosia.
>She slams right down and to avoid drowning in literal pussy, you start eating.
>The incredibly dense load of cum is given more leeway to move up through your dick, but it's not even halfway finished yet.
>Screaming as you eat, her pussy looks more like it's frothing than it's leaking profusely.
>Anonymoo playfully laughs as she teases you, and starts to gradually tighten and loosen herself.
>Slowly but surely, the wad travels up your pipe, the meat pulsating, your hips frantically trying to thrust under the thousand pound mistress that's taken total and absolute control in this insane fever dream.
>Finally, you're halfway, but it's not enough.
>Gina gets up, you've eaten enough of the thick liquid spilling out, and you hastily cough, spitting up caught ropes of her nectar,
>"W-why is it NNNNGH....why is it so SWENNNNNGHEET?!"
>Moo contracts and releases again and again in quick succession laughing all the way. Her curt frame jiggles with each hearty laugh and giggle, milk spilling out of control.
>"It's literally honey. As per being servants of Miss Moo here, we can take on certain...attributes."
>"One of the ones we found that worked quite well was using a special form of honey that would act as both a lubricant, stimulant, and a nice snack."
>"It can come out of any part of our body, tear ducts, saliva, cunt walls...Hell, if you like armpits, you can lick mine as I work out and suck whatever honey is secreted."
>"But, if you want us to change flavors or swap to milk instead-" Gina grunts and a thick milk spills out of her cunt, gushing, torrential downpour on your face"-go ahead and ask."
>Your sputter a bit, but your lips respond differently. Plumping up, nice and soft, you lick your lips with your slightly longer tongue, tasting the warm milk on your face.
They're gross.
Not really my thing, no.
Just some comments on the turn of events:
>The events through the story thus far have featured a very strange curve
>Starts out extra-slow
>At the turning point, blowing a hot load all over the Moo's Corpse, things very quickly turn from kinda bland, but pleasant to insane, and fetish-fuel made manifest
>The slow parts were enjoyable
>So are the fast parts
>Your sentence structure is good overall, lacking in error
>Your characters are all consistent, Moo being a dominator, while her minions (Sans Femanon who is mostly in a daze) are very.. matter of fact and Anon is Anon, the absurdist who comes up with the most absurd ideas and thoughts
Your descriptors are also quite enjoyable.
9/10 overall thus far.
Ah, that's not actually Moo's Corpse. I'll get to that in a bit.

>You're too far gone from asking once more, as Moo continues to tease you to an edge that would cut diamond.
>Then something starts to burn inside.
>You don't know what it is, but it's rough, mean, aggressive, it's something that was never a part of your personality-until now.
>Helplessness turns to annoyance as it turns to rage, and you start flexing your Minotaur-level kegel muscles to get it all out.
>All of it.
>Your urethra builds up in size, the NUTT becoming incredibly dense. More and more cum packed tighter and tighter, but it no longer hurts.
>Moo continues to keep a tight grip on you, her warm lips shafted around the base of your Buster Sword.
>Your balls, which are currently carressed by the gigantic ass that belongs to Moo, gurgle and surge violently, growing larger, heavier, denser in size.
>A moment of clarity comes to you in the midst of the girls rotating rubbing themselves all over you to keep your horny.
>Anna's swollen gut brushes your soft belly and she's pumps you full of her milk.
>Ada's forces you to deep, deep, passtionate french kisses. Each time she rotates out, she sucks on your tongue, making it longer, fatter, a little more mobile and robust,
>Gina's ass continues to smother you and she forces you to eat out both holes, with her cunt dribbling pure honey, and her ass pumping out the thick milk she greedily consumes from Anonymoo's breasts.
>By now, you're just waiting for a tongue to bust out of either one and start doing an Ada on you.
inb4 anon was dead all along and accidentally went to lewd heaven by cumming on his own remains
And just to confirm, the girls rotating on poor Anon have also been getting steadily more massive, chugging Moo Milk, hence the rotation?
>It's been 5 rotations so far, and your nutsack has bloated to twin basketballs underneath. Your cock can't even grow out anymore, the pressure caused by the white bomb inside and Anonymoo's kung-fuck grip has stopped any growth from occuring.
>You're so hard, at this point, there's no MOH level to measure you to. You have become the hardest metal in the universe.
>Suddenly, without warning- Your nuts surge and violently shake. The feeling is pleasurable, making you grunt, huff, and moan as primal, animalistic instincts rise to the surface.
>Deep inside the highly overdeveloped testicles, something takes place-A syntheseis, cells secreting and creating new hormones not seen before.
>One of them being a form of a myostatin inhibbitor-that is, muscles.
>Meat surges throughout your body as you pull off the GOAT crunch with your fat covered, hyper-dense abs.
>The servants tumble and jiggle around before getting back up, only to witness the impossible.
>The growth spurt dumped an extra 5 inches on you, but blew up your ass and thighs into funbags.
>80 inches across, you've caught up with the rest of the group, but are still behind in size.
>Your calves are thick, loaded muscle covered in softness.
>"MOO?!?!" the green giant squeals.
Gradually more massive, not much of a change, but poor anon is having it quite rough...for now.

>Everything jiggles and trembles as you PICK UP Anonymoo.
>The servants simply stare in awe at the insane act, fat rolls being gripped underneath by your thick, but soft arms.
>Your breathing is ragged, but way more different than before. If you've seen the movie Split, imagine hearing the beast breath, now multiply it by 2.
>Steam vents from your nose, your mouth, internal body temperature risen higher than before.
>Smoothly, without a hitch in your words, your crystaline, not-nearly baritone feminine voice rings out "I'm going to come, and you're going to take it. All of it."
>Standing up, your nuts would have almost hung down almost past your knees, but thanks to the spandex and additional muscles, everyting is compacted tight a little bit above.
>Your muscled layered ass tightens, and your asshole puckers, almost feeling a bit fuller, though not much. You shrug off that thought and focus on the real goal at hand.
>Everything is crystal clear, it's almost as if you've had a reboot in your brain or something.
>Gripping moo, you carry her out on your giant tree trunk of a dick to the pool outside.
>It's empty, but that's what matters.
>Walking to the edge of the deep end, you position yourself accordingly.
>"If what I feel is what I think it is, then I HAVE to do this..." you grunt underneath the green mass.
>She continues to frantically squeal, wondering what is happening...
>Then you push.
>And again.
>And again.
>And agian.
>Each push making the thick wad tigher and more compact, each push causing your nuts to surge and gurgle violently, and each push gradually adding a couple inches to your cock.
>She notices what's happening and her face is a mixture of excitement and confusion.
>It begins.
>6 foot wide ass and thighs
Aww man, I wish you'd go more into that doughnut, but understandable. Still, holy shit
I have been keeping this hardon for a long-ass time. You best deliver, my man, for this is a nut of ages.
>our face when we are just as backed up as the anon in the story

>how fucking meta is that

>holy shiiiiiiit
Whoops, I meant 80 inches across as in circumference. Though you're free to think 6feet wide.

There's a limit to when thicc becomes too thicc.

Well, it's not really a limit, more like a problem with proportions and dimensions really.

I can if you want, I'll write a revision later of that part.

>Your dick wins out in the competition of pressure, and the walls of your urethra open up.
>The thick load bubbles out to the tip, gradually filling her.
>It's so dense and heavy that you struggle to push it out in go, but instad focus on getting dollop by dollop.
>The consistency is beyond thicc.
>Moe comes out, and finally, the big one pushes upwards.
>You roar in relief as you pump her full of the monster wad, finally free to let loose a less denser torrent of cum.
>Femanon is eating your ass hout as this goes on, Gina's been behind you the entire time pinching and playing with your thick nipples under the sports bra they put on you.
>The other two are aiding you in holding up Anonymoo's increasing weight until it's too much.
>Falling back, she almost falls into the deep end of the pool, save for your enormous overgrown dong plugging her up and holding on.
>Her womb suddenly bloats and expands, gurgling sounds underneath.
The summation of all of our semen is not even 1 tenth that of the Anon in this plot.
>There's a limit to when thicc becomes too thicc.
>As it would be, because your cum was so incredibly dense, all the molecules and shit were pushed together, not too different from a neutron star.
>Different from a neutron star though, they needed an external force to keep them compressed.
>The inside of Moo that's not her vagina made a poor replacement for that.
>Flipped upside down, you dump and pump as hard as you can, as she continues to grow.
>Her gut reaches down into the floor of the deep end, and you're howling and crying at the same time, dopamine flooding the brain, receptors firing off so much that you're seeing colors and stars.
>Suddenly, you feel yourself being lifted by the green growing mass.
>Pulled into the pool, you continue to bestially nut and cream your way to what might be Sex Vallhalla should you die of pleasure here.
>Skin prickling, tingling in extremeties, goosebumps, slurring of speech, you're lost in this Ascendant Boar-Like orgasm. (Fun fact, IRL, some Boars ejaculate/orgasm for up to 15 minutes.)
>You're drunk in the pleasure, high on your own blood, and unaware of your surroundings-
>Yet, you know there is one thing you must do.
>You must SMASH.
And smash you do...
Good god.
>Poor Anonymoo's tummy fills half the pool, bloating out of control no longer from the unfolding of the hyper compact cum, but from your incessant jizz storm.
>Roughly grabbing both of Anna's tits, you mash yourself into the strongfat woman as she encapsulates you.
>Both nipples fit down your throat, she's gotten bigger again.
>Milk jets and burbles as you swallow and cum at the same time.
>Ada's thick tongue is massaging your prostate, provoking orgasm after orgasm after orgasm.
>Femanon and Gina are both squeezing and masssaging your swollen gonads in an attempt to end the monster cumshot.
>Finally, you slow down, and after 5 hours of constant filling, you walk off the bloated mound that is Anonymoo's womb, filled to the brim and beyond with your superhuman spunk.
>"Alright ladies, that was fucking AMA-"
>You stop midsentence as your incredibly dense, but flaccid cock pumps right back up to a 2 foot by 5 inches.
>"Half-chub needs a half-chub... GINA, get your fatass over here!"
>She simply walks over to you, her will no longer influenced by Moo-as long as she is sleeping, and she's snoring a storm up.
>She walks over to your towering 7 foot frame, and bends over.
>You pick her up with one hand and impale her on your pole, stretching her out.
>It's not long after a couple hundered wet thrusts within 3 minutes that you start blasting out the baker's icing.
>She fills up instantly, her squeals cut short as she's pumped full of your seed, and it comes frothing and gushing out of her mouth.
>You continue to pump, relishing the pleasure of turning the caramel bunny into an cake decoration funnel.
>Finally, you slide her off, and she stumbles and slumps on the ground, giggling, devoid of any rational thought for the moment.
Considering Anon was just sexually bullied by these 4, I don't see a problem.
I meant it in the Teddy Roosevelt sense.
Anon's doing a bully job bulling those bullies up.
Oh. Lol, agreed.
>Anna's grips your dick with gusto sucking and slurping with an exceptionally long and rough tongue.
>The friction it causes rubs and slips around, wrapping and tightening, gripping and slipping, every trick in the book.
>Finally she takes the head in her mouth.
>Without warning, she starts sucking.
>You nut without hesitation, but find yourself in a battle to dump more than she can suck, and soon you both are working in tandem as you lean back on her massive gut dumping load after load.
>Her asshole puckers before blasting out a batch of thick, creamy, and healthy gunk into the pool.
>You shove her hard as you can in the pool, now filled with a mixture of cum, breast milk, and honey, all stupidly dense and thick.
>The redhead is gone, she's drunk on your cum and her musclegut isn't muscley enough to handle the addiontal padding that came with your white whirlpool.
>Sliding out and off of her, you stomp towards ada and Femanon.
>Ada's tongue, while not as rough or large as Anna's, moves faster by a HIGH margin and flicks and goes inside your urethra to stimulate.
>Seconds later, you're latched on femanon pumping away, filling her up to the brim.
>Finally, you grab both of them, mash their bellies to gether, and start working the gut-zuri until you start dumping like crazy.
>Balls surging, producing more and more of that fresh thick batch, your cock working in and out, urethra pulsing and glorping to eject the white-hot seed, your slaps and moans are theh only things that fill the room.
>Your ass claps with each thrust and you finally finish, feeling yourself go flacccid for once.
>Lying one of the benches, you turn your head to look at Anonymoo's mountainous form.
>It's not there.
>Neither are the servants.
Oh no.
Time to wake up in Slaneesh's realm
>You shoot right back up, grunting, wondering what the hell is going on.
>Suddenly, the spandex melts off of you.
>Looking down, you see black straps rising from the cracks in the floor.
>Your attempt to run is blocked, feet strapped down to the floor.
>More straps, rise up, wrapping around your legs, your chest, your ass.
>Everything bulges outwards as the straps melt and form rubber and spandex clothing.
>Assless short chaps display your burgeoning buns to the whole world.
>Your chest is wrapped by a spandex top, jet black, but your nipples are thick and erect, poking through.
>You feel everything...condense...and tighten.
>Looking down, your balls have been compacted to the size of grapefrutits once more.
>Your cock is the size of 2 soda cans put together.
>Moaning and grunting, you grope at it trying to get your meat out, but sits there, ridgid, a package tied tight.
>You jam your hand in your ass trying to hit your prostate only to find it covered by the chaps.
>Sexual urges overtake you and you bulge outwards in an attempt to find release.
>Collapsing on the ground, everything shakes, jiggle, and gurgles as your form becomes even more feminine.
>Looking down on the grond with tears streaming down your face, you see your reflection in the tile floor-
>A smooth, feminine face looks back. It could be mistaken for a boy, but it's soft, the features are pleasing to look at.
>Your lips are plump, dyed jet black and the eyeliner and make up is mostly different hues of pink and black.
>Your hair is blacked out as well, some tips of your bangs covered in pink.
>Suddenly, two green feet in cowprint sandals obscure your view.
Also, Damn. I'm gonna miss that pink spandex shorts/thong. I'd grown quite attached to it.
>You look up, it's...Anonymoo.
>Except she's smaller.
>Like, fuck, maybe 1/2th of her original size.
>Everyone surrounds you, and Anna chuckles quietly.
>"Not bad laddy, though I would've peferred you to dump your load in my belly button."
>"Don't worry, it won't hurt anything, everyone's got,,,attributes...yours included."
>She lightly presses her foot into your meatpack, and you grunt sieze up.
>Anonymoo picks you up with suprising ease despite her size and locks lips with you.
>Her arm wraps around your head keeping you in place, while she snaps the strap on your ass, causing you to squeal a bit.
>She gropes and smacks both cheeks while Gina and the others massage your bursting crotch.
>Finally, she looks at you, deep into you, you can hear a voice.
>It's sweet, warm, and more than enough to make anyone's heart melt-or freeze up, depending on the tone.
>"Today, you're working here. No if, ands, or buts."
>"Today, you're mine."
>Gina pipes up-"This is the REALlifetime subscription bud."
>Going limp in her arms, I simply drift off to sleep, despite by intense urges.
Well, at least we're fuckin hot.
>Closed with an I
You were so close.
>"Not bad laddy, though I would've peferred you to dump your load in my belly button."
I smell a sequel
>Time passes.
>Weeks really.
>As things are now, I'm Anonymoo's mate for life.
>That was the first thing I found out.
>The second thing I found out was that the dead chick who died in the gym?
>That's actually Anna, she was in a near death state, slipping between the world of the living and dead.
>And in that empty space between worlds, she met Anonymoo.
>Deals were made, and she..."survived" for a lack of a better word.
>Technically, she and the other servants are part of Moo, but at the same time, they aren't.
>I've become the muscle around here helping Anna rebuild the gym.
>Turns out, Anonymoo wants to use this gym as cover for helping people relieve themselves-For free...if you can call it "free."
>So, I get a call from some of my friends about how the town is, I simply text back to come on over.
>When they arrived at the door, there were so many boys and girls, my former friends, that the servants were absolutely delighted.
>I could only feel the bulge of my crotch tighten, the shifting of the pink spandex as my cock filled out, balls expanded, and ass jiggling out.
>The sweat and spunk building up underneath, I was dripping like crazy.
>I purposelessly pushed my pants down a bit, ad snapped my fingers.
>Fatter and thicker, my thighs and ass billowed out once more to their original size.
>Even to this day I'm still wearing those clothes they gave me, despite being given the threads woven by the madam herself near the end of our first encounter.
>They couldn't see me, thanks to Ada's illusions.
>But man, I could see all the possibilities of them.
>We're going to have so much fun with these new friends.


Whatever,I can barely seen the computer screen as it is right now, everything is really blurry.
And my eyes are swollen, so good night after I post some revisions.

But yeah, I'm not used to writing in 2nd person, so that's probably the only real slip up. Oh well.

Doubt it.
Well done anon.
4 times. So very well done.
Solid 8/10 now that it's done.
As someone who enjoys this content yet laments its lack of, uh, content, thank you again for contributing.
>Reunited with the teeny cute pink spandex
You guys who asked for the Donut, you get it because you didn't steal it.

>>You're too far gone from asking once more, as Moo continues to tease you to an edge that would cut diamond.
>>Then something starts to burn inside.
>>You don't know what it is, but it's rough, mean, aggressive, it's something that was never a part of your personality-until now.
>>Helplessness turns to annoyance as it turns to rage, and you start flexing your Minotaur-level kegel muscles to get it all out.
>>All of it.
>>Your urethra builds up in size, the NUTT becoming incredibly dense. More and more cum packed tighter and tighter, but it no longer hurts.
>>Moo continues to keep a tight grip on you, her warm lips shafted around the base of your Buster Sword.
>>Your balls, which are currently carressed by the gigantic ass that belongs to Moo, gurgle and surge violently, growing larger, heavier, denser in size.
>>A moment of clarity comes to you in the midst of the girls rotating rubbing themselves all over you to keep your horny.
>>Anna's swollen gut brushes your soft belly and she's pumps you full of her milk.
>>Ada's forces you to deep, deep, passtionate french kisses. Each time she rotates out, she sucks on your tongue, making it longer, fatter, a little more mobile and robust,
>>Gina's ass continues to smother you and she forces you to eat out both holes, with her cunt dribbling pure honey, and her ass pumping out the thick milk she greedily consumes from Anonymoo's breasts.
>>By now, you're just waiting for a tongue to bust out of either one and start doing an Ada on you.
Someone else will have to do it.
Stop being as madman as VFC Host and sleep, nyugguh. We're not going anywhere.
I think that's the same from above
Okay, seems Lke I forgot to clear out the piece of text in my clipboard.

Here's the ALTERNATE version, not the repeat.

>Anna's swollen gut brushes your soft belly and she's pumps you full of her milk.
>Ada's forces you to deep, deep, passtionate french kisses. Each time she rotates out, she sucks on your tongue, making it longer, fatter, a little more mobile and robust,
>Gina's ass continues to smother you and she forces you to eat out both holes, with her cunt dribbling pure honey, and her ass pumping out the thick milk she greedily consumes from Anonymoo's breasts.
>By now, you're just waiting for a tongue to bust out of either one and start doing an Ada on you.
>Gina goes for the 6th rotation, and this time you notice something is different.
>Milk and honey pours out of her backside, and her asshole puckers up and plumps up, fatter and fatter, almost resembling a large bunched up doughnut.
>She plants it down on your lips as you proceed to eat her out once more, but something is amiss.
>Moo lets up the pressure on your cock and roceeds to milk you intensely.
>Some shuffling around later, and Anonymoo is now on top of you, straddling you in the mating press.
>Ada and Anna go for your backside while Moo pumps you dry.
>Their tongue flow and fatten out of their mouth,then connect as they spiral towards your puckering asshole.
>Gina merely wipes her hand on her cunt and slathers the thick slop onto your asshole.
>You feel your bumhole pucker then fatten, bigger and bigger until it's pleasurably rubbing together.
>Suddenly, something large inserts itself inside.
>You gasp, inhaling some honey dripping out of moo's skin, and cough as you feel your prostate being pushed and prodded by the massive writhing twin-tongue assault.
>Somehow, some way, you continue to start nutting again.
>It's starting to slow down, so Anonymoo becknos over Femanon.
>Femanon plugs herself on both nipples, bloats up and lays her gigantic ass on your face once more.
>The same thing happens again, pucker, puff up, and soften. Thick milk pours out of her ass into your mouth, rebuilding your pumping session and your immense concrete pillar of a hardon.
>Bucket after bucket of cum, swalling gallon after gallon of milk, Anonymoo plucks Femanon off once more and pulls off of you.
>The tongue team in the back stops, and as you lie there, Anna walks up with her massive gut.
>You can hear a sucking, slurping sound coming from her belly button and a gurgling sound from her tits.
>Suddenly, her breasts expand slightly, the nipples opening up to reveal fat lips with tongues running around about.
>Her belly button sucks inward before forming a plump soft mouth, a wet hole that would soon encapsulate your cock.
>She dives down, belly first and engulfs you.
>Instantly, the vacum does one of two things-
>Drains you of any seed you might have.
>Fattens your cock up even further, reaching the width of a small tree.
>Anna simply smiles as her belly swells with seed.
>Gina reseats herself on top of you, and proceeds to feed from the Moo Madame again.
>Milk pumps down your throat once more, there's no end to it.
>But at least Anna has stopped milkin-
>No, she swapped to her titties.
>They engulf and slupr and suck away, causing you to grow even larger and harder.
>The cumshots are too much, each and everyone causes you to squeal and cry in pleasure.
>Finally, all 5 of them surround your thickened mast.
>You can feel someone standing on your nuts, but your're lost in a chemical paradise.
>Licking, slurping, and finally, the ejaculation follows up.
>You stare at Gina's plump butthole as you feel yourself nut so hard that you think you hear screaming from somewhere, only to realize it's coming from you.
>harder and harder, the cumshot keeps building in size and rate, you think you can't keep up but it turns out you can.
>Looking down once more, Moo has engufled the tip completely, wrecking the room in the process.
>Her ass legs billow out and bust down the walls with ease, her tis lactate thick milk, longer than normal.
>You try to get up, but can't.
>Overszed meat pins you to the ground, even after she's done slupring on you.
>6,7 feet, and only the void knows how thick the mast was.
>Your nuts are the size of beach balls, and your ass is nothing more than a plump set of buns, 2 feet sticking out from your waist.
>Suddenly, the gigantic Anonymoo reaches forward, lifting your balls and fitting an exceedingly large nipple into..
>Uh oh.
>Your stomach bloats as gallon after gallon of milk is pumped into to you.
>Endless nutting occurs, and you watch yourself almost reach the ceiling before Gina walks over, and sits right backdown on your face.
>Lost in the madness, you embrace the warm bakery and proceedt to eat away the honey pumping out of her, while your arms flab up a bit.
>You swallow one last thick wad of honey last time before feeling and exceedingly large pair of lips wrap around the tip and slide down.
>Passing out from the resulting orgasm, they would later tell you that it was like you had a seizure crossed with a night terror.
>You didnt care though, you took your chubby, jiggling, self to the front desk and sat your pink fat jelllo-ass down to wait for the customers-a young lady and her brother to walk in.
>Buisness is going to be good you think to yourself, as your crotch fattens and swells up, staining the pink spandex with copious amounts of pungent spunk.
Holy fuck this is even better, you went fucking ham
I have literally never cum so hard than in this moment.
>>You didnt care though, you took your chubby, jiggling, self to the front desk and sat your pink fat jelllo-ass down to wait for the customers-a young lady and her brother to walk in.
>>Buisness is going to be good you think to yourself, as your crotch fattens and swells up, staining the pink spandex with copious amounts of pungent spunk.
Fuck dude I know you're going to bed but this is fucking amazing, wish there was a bit more but thank you so much
This isn't even my final form.

You haven't seen me write futa or even go REALLY all out with this.
Okay, so, I managed to finish a part of what I wanted before passing out, so for you late-nighters and Euros:
>Be Moo
>Be an 8 foot-tall and some-odd inches of corpulent mountain of green jiggling flesh with a conscience
>Your new boyfriend, can you even call him that? You haven't even discussed it...
>Anyway, your roommate is a total fucking idiot who never pays attention and missed all the important stuff you told him about your job, pouring your heart out about your love of science, advances in medical research, and "advances," in genetic alteration and so on and so forth, and the drunk bugger wasn't paying attention! He was probably just thinking of your tits, again
>On top of that, you told him you had to be in a certain weight-class for Monday's testing and he still stuffed you so full of greasy pizza and booze!
>Okay, fine, you helped out a lot, but it's still his fault for suggesting all that!
>Then you are so soft you can't even stay mad at him the next morning, bugger's just too cute
>Although chugging your milk may have some ill effects on him come tomorrow...
>Oh right, it is tomorrow
>Finally opening your eyes, your tits engulfing the lower eschelon of your vision, you rise from slumber, the scent of coffee rousing you
>It's clear your tits need milking, the poor things are still dribbling and have increased in size further from your all-day binge yesterday
>Hefting yourself up, your entire body feels sluggish, severely so and you know why
>Even so, you still rush in a blur of sloshing mass to the coffee pot and your flagon, this shit's the only thing that can get you up and about
>Picking, pouring, filling...
>Picking, pouring, filling...
>And with a shock, your system comes alive and you can reasonably gauge your extremeness
>Tits so excessive, they actually sink almost to your belly-button, not from sag, but from sheer, spherical mass, semi-taught still, they still have room to fill, but that thought isn't a good one at the moment
>The nipples are comparable to a shotglass as they continue to ooze forth a steady stream of milky goodness
>Stomach is a bloated mess, empty and gently growling, but still standing out and gently aproning, compressing gently against the underside of your titanic bosom
>Hips are comically wide, you approximate they're just short of being able to jam a set of double-doors
>Now that you think about it, your tits would pose the same problem with doors
>Anyway, your ass juts out majestically, like a jumbo serving platter, fit to crush a man betwixt the cheeks
>Your thighs mash together so heavily, that you'd have to do the splits to properly separate them
>And every inch of you is just so damn jiggly, more-so than usual, that is, giving your arm a test-smack as it bobs for a good minute and a half
>God, Javert is going to lay into you so hard for this
>God, the sheer volume of teasing Millie and Sylphie will throw your way..
>But you don't regret it, honestly, the look on Anon's face this morning is so full of care despite the fact he's now sporting a 9 inch meat stick, it's clear he's worried about you without a word spoken
>You smile and moo gently
>Before long, he's out the door and you're in your bathroom, eeking out as much milk as you can from your backed up teats
>It's a slow, arduous, and squishy process, but before long, you're finally running dry
>The next step is quite simple as you whip out the sewing kit and start tearing apart your bikini to get a bit more material into the poor thing
>Despite your excessive new size, doors still aren't too bad of an issue, taking a bit of wiggling and butter, but you can do it
>A quick call to Millie to open the back-door and you're out and about, an extra piece of buttered toast in your mouth, like some anime schoolgirl
>Out in the halls and down the stairs, the main lobby is busier than usual today...
>And now all eyes are on you.. fuck
Moo's in quite a pickle. Which is also green. Which is probably her favorite color.
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>You heave your bulk through the crowd, moos of "excuse me" as best you can before shoving off through the double-doors of the front hall, needing to duck, same as always
>You can hear whispers of "Even bigger..?" behind your back, but suppress them and focus on walking despite the endless grinding between your thighs, it's the one thing you've never given up on, waddling is out of the question
>You are a strong, semi-dependent Jumbo Green Cowgirl and nobody can take that away from you
>You hope, anyway
>The walk to work is pretty bland, the usual catcalls, jealous eyes, greedy eyes, that one guy who always offer you free shit from his butchery..
>Crack dealers, hookers, strip clubs, falling-down bars, and so much more passes by as you pace through the wrong side of the tracks
>The city gives way to motels, small parks, restaurants, and private buildings
>Steering your jumbo jet of an ass about the corner of Callaway and 9th and slipping into the space between the first and second buildings, you find yourself in the Courtyard of the Minds as it's been locally dubbed, due to being totally enclosed by research labs of all kinds, this early in the day, everyone's working or not here yet, so it's dead, even the fountain is turned off
>Well, except for Millie and Sylphi who are chilling on the loading dock of the SMP Lab, grinning and laughing at the giant mass of green coming their way
>Coming into view, the twinned powder-blue Loli Moos are sniggering uncontrollably as you meander closer
>This is going to be a LONG day
3/3 more sooner or later
>You are a strong, semi-dependent Jumbo Green Cowgirl and nobody can take that away from you

>Blue loli moos
>bloated with milk to fullest extent and beyond

Stuffing/force feeding is my jam yo
Moo has a cute PoV, so chipper
Thanks anon
Also if some anon ever animates and of these I'm going to super nut
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Any time. I'm gonna pass out now.
Powder Blue too.
Night man. And night other writefag as well.
You're both awesome.
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>tfw finding out someone made an anonymoo character on f-list
Two have.
Really now
>0 hits
For shame, the obvious thing to do with with Anonymoo is breed her, extensively.
I need me some Anonymoo x Bull Anon nipple fucking
The keyboard is mightier than the pen. Use your tools and take what you truly desire.
Surprised that hasn't come up myself
I amaze myself sometimes.
>1.5 hours and finished another portion of the far-too-huge section I had planned for
>Finally within earshot as a soft snowfall begins, the jokes begin
>"I don't think I've ever seen a green-painted barn before!" Jeered Sylphi, the one with a white ? upon her face
>"I think she's cosplaying one of the slaughterhouse cows." Millie confides just a little too loudly, her black ? going extra-smug
>Either way, they did their part and opened the back door, lord knows you don't wanna get stuck in the front door, those sliding doors hurt
>Heaving yourself up the few stairs at the side, you're sure to give Sylphi a full hip-check that could kill a man, knocking her and Millie to the lightly snow-dusted grass below
>And you tell them "Still better than the veal-chops you kiddies are cosplaying." on your way through the storage rooms
>As you meander on through, the few humans on staff pay you no heed beyond a curious glance at just how huge you've gotten
>So you take the time to prepare your apology statement on your phone, explaining how you got way too drunk with a roommate, ate way too much.. and after a full page of spaces, the line about spending the next day drinking from your own teat
>It's probably outright unacceptable, but it's all you got
>Passing through the last of the rubber curtains that separate the storage rooms from one another and the lab, you find yourself in the familiar sanitized halls, Millie and Sylphi are barreling down the hall behind you
>Probably cause they know they're gonna be late if they don't hurry up
>So you plant yourself just in the center of the hall so they can't pass
>Despite cries of "Mooove fatass!" and "What did we ever do to you!?," you budge not, savoring their annoyance
>Seeing Dr. Arkengarth round the corner, you slip to one side and let the two ruffians past
>You wave, Arkengarth waves back with his bionic claw, gently tanned face mostly obscured by his huge goggles, but you think he's smiling, unfazed by your size
>And now you're in Javert's office
>Just like most doors in the facility, it's double-wide for cows such as yourself
>He's at his desk, filling out some paperwork
>Hearing the rumble of everyone's *favorite* lumbering titan, he looks up, face as unreadable as a blank stone tablet and probably as cold if you had to fathom a guess
>You place your phone in front of him and the gaunt man reads it
>Handing it back, he states "Normally, I'd be furious, but I am only fuming over your inability to not act the part of the aspect of gluttony.."
>"Your Tests have been postponed to this Friday due to Allison blowing up the room. Again. I can't fathom why we keep her on staff when all she does is leave slime trails everywhere and explode, causing such a mess..."
>You let out a singular moo implying that you keep Allison is on staff because unlike other facilities, yours doesn't turn away the genetically damaged, but instead figures how to fix them or at least help them
>"Yes, yes, I know. It's just tiresome when the ones you want to help make it harder to help them and everyone else. Either way, today's a normal day for you as are the next 4. So you know what to do."
>Well, that makes your life easier for a few days, so you slip back out and up to the 2nd floor to inform the lab-techs of your new volume
>The halls are dead now, so you jiggle in peace
>And as expected, Jasmine is on-staff for keeping the control room while it's not in use and she jumps up when you heave your bulk into the room
>"Woah woah woah! Moo? How the fuck? Nevermind, I'm sure Javert told you, so it's fine.. damn.."
>No more words transpire as Jasmine takes your measurements, gasping in shock repeatedly, the biggest one being when you step on the scale, which puts out a reading of 520 pounds
>"T-thanks Moo, we'll have testing ready for you by Friday, it'll probably take that long to clean up Allison and prep the room anyway
>You smile and pat her on the head, eliciting a mew of discontent and a "Stop that, I'm not a child!"
>Back out in the hall, Blaire the Anonyrat is waddling down the hall, which is comical considering she's not even half your size, even if she's quite bottom-heavy and short at only 4'10
>Coming up behind, she doesn't even bat an eye with a "Hey moo. Looks like you had quite a feast. Should've saved some for me."
>You smile and respond that it was a spur of the moment thing and there wasn't a drop left from the 78 pizzas
>Her eyes boggle a little at the prospect of that many grease-laden pies, but continues meandering in front of you
>So the two of you head to the Barnyard, which is what everyone calls the below-ground floors, since it's where most of the animal Anonymous Girls live and work
>The freight elevator audibly groans as you get on, something else you'll have to ask the Techs to deal with...
>The jostling of your tits in the descent is a sight to behold as they try to flop into your face, to the point Blaire begins chortling
>Down two floors, the fence door rolls back, opening out into the Barnyard, which is mostly the same as the rest of the Facility visually, but with enclosures, large glass panels with side-doors that lead into each girl's room or a communal area
>Excluding the dangerous specimens and the antisocial ones, everyone's milling about in living area, which has been done up like a jumbo barn, milking machines along the walls of the 80 foot square room, fenced in, the central area is piled full of hay in bales and loose, a half-floor in the back raised above the main floor houses most of the vidya, as voted on by the residents
>There's a few up there, but most the cows and others are just chatting and chilling on the main floor of that room
3/4 (tiny overflow)
>Either way, it's time to whip these girls into work, your added bulk should help keep them in line
I really like the facility you've developed here. Sounds quirky and comfy in a strange way. Feels good to read about.
Arkengarth sounds cool.
I'm glad, that's what I was going for.
Side content:
>The SMP facility is funded by the American Government, along with myriad other similar facilities
>SMP's funding is primarily towards taking in Anon half-breeds who don't make the cut for other facilities
>Unlike the SCP foundation, they have an open-door policy about their patients and should they wish to live out in the world, they are free to do so
>Allison will be revealed shortly, at least part of her
>Moo is the head of the Barnyard due in part to being the biggest one on-site and because she's one of the oldest patients of the Facility
>Anonymoo is part of the SCP universe

Nah dude, keep anonymoo her own thing, don't shoehorn in other lore from other crap. It's not needed.
It was a reference, not an in-world thing.
They are NOT in the same universe.
Anon, we have very dangerously similar fetishes
It's almost uncanny
Giant moo?
Anonymoo innocently sitting on your house, but her weight flattens it a bit?
Anonymoo lounging in the streets, her building sized tits gushing milk down the roads?
Anonymoo tenderly treating cities and countries like tiny gardens, crouching down a lot?
Anonymoo moving people to live on her while she chows down on the earth?
Anonymoo making an entire galazy from a tiny bit of lactating?
>Anonymoo putting you in her cleavage and having it feel like you're stuck between two giant sloshing milk silos reinforced with layers of soft fat
>Anonymoo filling up an entire empty swimming pool with a single quick squirt for you to spend hours swimming in her warm milk
>Anonymoo grinding against mountains when she's horny and turning them into canyons
What if Moo lactating...
Cottage cheese?
Still cold and fresh, obviously. Just nice and savory and filling.
I proofred and compiled the fetishy gym story from earlier (not the author, just enjoyed the story).
Alternate ending is included in there as well, just at the bottom with a direction to which line it's supposed to start at.

>That alternate ending
Only know a small handful of people who are into lipples and even fewer into belly-lips.
Anyone done anything with or talked to those moos on f-list?
>lactating cottage cheese
Fuck yes
>Be farmer working on the farm. (What else would you be doing?)
>Enjoying a tall glass of cold milk, watching the cows play and talk with each other.
>A rainbow of multi-colored anonymoo cowgirls are all enjoying themselves...except for one.
>Your "green" ribbon, you like to call it.
>Hooked up to a special diet, her milk refined, you purchased her from a different farmer at the time who had completely blipped off the radar.
>Seriously, he just up and went.
>Oh well, good deal at the time, only left you with one warning-
>Unsure of what he meant by that, you decide to follow the orders and hook Anonymoo up to the milking machines as you perused the catalogs for a good refinery.
>Weeks later, you're rolling in cash for some of the healthiest, best-tasting, milk in the state.
>Of course, running this jig doesn't come without a catch.
>As anonymoo girls are a little bit bigger and tougher than the average human, despite their docility, they'll hold you down for days at a time if they become sexually active.
>Hence why you've sealed the house airtight and tinted the windows so nobody could see inside, as you choked the rooster.
>Seriously, their bodies were something to look at, like porn stars but all the fat went to their ass, hips, and breasts.
>But Anonymoo took it even farther.
>She was ostracized by the others for being so large and being your favorite, so as a result she's always by herself or with you.
>Wondering if that would cause any major problems, you begin to spy on her.
>For the most part, she was extremely docile, but unlike the other girls, she was...curious?
>You hadn't heard of a cowgirl exploring herself until now, and the only reason that it was happening is because of her immense girth.
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Just some doodlin
Ooh baby, I like where this is going.
Ooh baby, I like where this went.
Also, I've been meaning to ask this-

How hard would your boner explode if you found out, note, FOUND OUT, that some of the stories in here would be converted into hentai by the artists JADF, Piyokorota, Double Deck, and Teterun all working together?

Honestly, I don't what would happen. I'd assume my boner would take direct control and it'd be a constant battle until it was released.
Anon, do not even joke about that madness.
What a strangely specific post
no dufel/LK/Kip/ishibu, don't care
It's a recipe for all sorts of shit, I know.
4 of the best artists I've seen
and some Artists I'll have to look up.
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Now the waiting game begins.
You're right. It does.

>So fat, all the curves in the right places, it appeared that the two-pieces she came with, no matter how stretchy they were, also doubled as being incredibly uncomfortable.
>That was the first sign, you took heed of that.
>The second sign was something you completely missed, and would lead you down a rabbit hole that only someone with olympic-strength legs could climb out of.
>Waking up one idyllic morning, you move the curtains to the side to discover a surprise that rocks your world.
>She's socializing. Or attempting to socialize, despite the rest of the rainbow angrily mooing at her.
>Her entire body shimmies about and she looks like she's about to cry.
>Rushing outside, you scold the girls and listen to them through the electronic translator.
>There's too many of them to talk to at once, and without warning, loud crashing sounds can be heard coming from Moo's shed.
>You quiet down the rambunctious skittles and rush over to the shed.
>Inside, Moo's shaking mass is nowhere to be found.
>That is, until the door closes behind you.
>Somehow, someway, Moo had managed to hide most of her mass behind the barn door and stacks of hay.
>She's knocked the hay bales over, and is hurriedly stacking them in front of the door.
>You're about to scold her for doing so as you look around the room and your voice drops midway when you see the state of the other door.
>A metal bar is warped and bent around, grip marks embedded into it.
>You can only begin to get an inkling of what might be going on.
>Slowly turning back around leaves you face to belly of the Green Behemoth.
>She's sobbing and crying, but it's slowly turning from a frown to a content smile...and back to a smile/frown which you've only seen from the other female farmers when they planned to "knock you out" of the competition last year.
>With incredible grace and agility, her giant body heaves forward as she picks you up and hugs you.
>The soft skin mashes into your body, and you can't seem to get out of the teddy bear hug.
>Stuck like that for the next 30 minutes, you quietly talk it out with the gigantic cowgirl, trying to reason with her and whatnot.
>Finally, resting your head against her bosom, you hear a violent, deep, gurgling sound.
>It's like someone's stomach was rumbling with bubbling liquid, except this liquid you're hearing moving around is quite unusally thick.
>Normally, the milk is thick, but thins out later in the process. The girls outside are also quite normal too, but this is something that's putting you off a bit more than needed.
>Her inverted nipples begin to poke out further, the areola widening and darkening as she begins to secrete the life-giving milk.
>It's thick, heavy, dripping to the ground in syrupy slaps.
>You look up to let her know it's milking time, but her face is blank, devoid of any emotion.
>Suddenly, it adds up.
>The tight clothing.
>The incident outside.
>The locked up barn.
>She wanted you and nothing else.
>"Now, Anonymoo, I don't know what you think you're up to, but you need to stop it."
>She continues to look at you, the corners of her mouth turning up into a small smile.
>You reinforce the last bit of your command in hopes that she'll listen, but it's too late.
>Before you can cry out a yell of help, she's pushing your head closer to her nipples.
>Remembering the warning of the original farmer, you do everything in your power to keep your mouth closed.
>The stiff, but plump rod presses against your face, splattering you with churned milk, dribbling down your clothes, and splattering Moo's arms.
>This goes on for a couple of seconds before she gets the idea of drowning you in a white tide.
>Shifting her grip around, you find yourself face to face with both overactive nipples.
>But you're one step ahead. Sucking in the largest breath you can take, you hold your breath in for the coming wake.
>She sees this and angrily, but in a cute way, begins to moo at you.
>It would be cute, that is, if she wasn't hellbent on making you drink her raw milk at the moment.
>She starts to shake with increased fury, her entire body wobbling.
>Finally, the sweat from her body has built up enough for you to attempt to escape.
>Tossing and turning around in her slippery grip, you're tumbling about in a green storm that is Anonymoo.
>She's furious, quaking and jiggling the entire time.
>This goes on for hours, with you even managing to escape her grasp and run around.
>Like a game of Cow and mouse, you dart between wood pillars and equipment in an attempt to avoid the Breastly Beast.
>She narrowly gets you at times, but as time goes on, she begins to slow down.
>Not from the constant running though, that's your end.
>Her mammaries have stopped leaking, in fact, they look inflamed. Tight. Swollen.
>Have they shut closed?
>She heaves around the globular blobs of milk-flesh, slowed down by them, trying to catch you.
>Finally, she gets and idea.
>Swinging down to her knees, not because they sag, but because of the sheer size, they are, she jumps.
>You're caught out in the open, and you have no idea what she's trying to-
>Oh shit.
The only thing this cow is good for is GRN_Steak!
>Coming back down from the small leap, she leans forward pressing her breast as hard as she can.
>The nads swell up, veins bulging under the skin, goosebumps rising like rubber grips, and milk beading out on the tips.
>She continues to bounce two more times on the waterbed in short succession before the explosion hits.
>Thick, gooey, cold...it splatters you, filling your mouth, eyes, nose.
>It's all around, the torrential wave filling the barn, barely able to escape because of how thick it is.
>You swallow, the taste lingering like that of sweet, sweet cottage cheese.
>When the wave finally finishes, you're sitting in a mound of cheese, almost unable to get out of it.
>Wriggling back and forth, you finally get up and get a move on, only to discover that Anonymoo has blacked out from the resulting explosion.
>You wipe the gooey concotion from your oversized lips and move forward to investiga-
>Wait, what.
>Your hands shoot back up to your face, touching it, wiping it off.
>It's considerably more plump in areas, almost like it's swollen, but it's not hurting.
>You can feel the skin on your lips stretch a bit before you start to feel a wet sensation in your pants.
>Trying to unbutton your overalls in the slippery mess proves futile, as they start to tighten.
>You start to realize that the wet feeling is followed by an intense warmth and tightening in your crotch.
>Your nutsack fattens and tightens as your nads swell in size.
>More and more cum is produced on demand, and it induces the start of a sizeable, growing, leaky erection.
>Tighter and tighter, you can feel your ass filling out the back of the once-loose overalls.
>Your facial hair is gone, falling off, and smooth supple skin is all that's left.
>Thighs chafing against each other, your load thickening and spilling out down your pants legs, you lean against a pillar for support.
>You know what's happening, but you can't stop it.
>You know that you should get help, but you don't want to.
>It's so good, that filling feeling as the threads begin to strain against your boy booty.
>Rounding out in the front, a fat, wide, erection pushes forward underneath a churning, vibrating, spasming set of balls.
>It digs into you, the once blue denim tightening around your package as you begin to nut.
>Spilling through the fabric, you can smell the pungent aroma of your spunk. Only one word can describe the scent wafting from below.
>More is produced and you stand up, rubbing and massaging the swollen appendage beneath, flexing your kegels, clenching your now plumped up asshole.
>Each contraction is met with a spurt of thick gunk into the cheesy mess below.
>*BLORP* "Hnnn..." *GLORP* "Ahnnn..." *SPLRT* "G-guhhnnn..." *GLORBLE-SPLURTTT* "NNnnnFUCK.!"
>Your voice becomes increasingly more high pitched, more feminine sounding. You still sound like a male, but more...feminine and younger.
>Breathing heavily, you push with all your might the thick flow of cum through your flesh canals.
>Finally blowing your wad, it gushes out in contracted spurts punctuated by your moans and yells of pleasure.
>It covers the haybale in front of you, dripping down into the muck below.
>Letting your tongue fly out of your mouth, it's thicker, longer, and wider than before, you easily wipe the remaining cheese off your neck and face with deft, wet, slurping movements.
>No amount of drugs or jerking off could get you like this, you're insantly hooked.
>Finally, your johnson pitches a tent against the overalls, you can feel the tightness of your pants digging into your pillowy ass.
>Turning to the mound of cheese you just escaped from, you waddle over to it, eliciting jiggles and grunts out of you as your meat brushes against the slippery insides of your heavily stained underwear.
>The whole barn has a sweet, aromatic smell intermixing with an almost stinking, yet desirable odor.
>The air is almost humid with sweat, milk, cottage cheese, and spunk.
>You grab a handful of the cheese and shove it into your mouth, savoring the dollop of nectar.
>Your weight starts to increase as more and more of the lumpy mound is consumed.
>On the contrary though, you can feel the excess jello, but it's quite light.
>Muscle forms under the fat, burning it for fuel to become denser and tighter.
>Supporting your growing frame, threads begin to pop, ripping sounds resonate with your smacking, swallowing, drippings of cum, constant giggling, and grunts of pleasure.
>Your cock has finally pumped up beyond all expectation, pointing downwards spurting out full-flavored load down your soft legs.
>Your coconuts have become somewhat soft, yet incredibly dense sacks of meat which only serve to produce more of the thick seed.
>Straining and stretching, you're constantly jiggling and growing, masturbating between your soft, slippery, cum-coated leg and
>The finale is reached when you feel a dull pain on the sides of your head.
>Reaching up to rub it, two knots are forming on the sides, and steadily pushing out.
>Several minutes later, they're fully grown horns, sticking out at almost half a foot.
>Sharp at the tip, somewhat misshappen, you recognize the texture to be similar to horns found on a bull.
>Pushing past your knee, you involuntarily squeeze and dump another thick wad of cock-cream before the fat snake it came out begins to thicken.
>Fatter and fatter, the veins pump blood through increasing the size, the meat expanding outward against the restrictive clothing.
>Your dong finally pops a thread and rips open part of the pants leg, skindentations forming as the meat bulges out in various torn holes.
>Your balls follow suit soon after, gurgling and growing to epic proportions.
>Your ass on the other hand has bulged and surged outwards, meatier and thicker than ever.
>Putting the rainbow girls outside to shame, the overalls snap and rip, bulging in various places and openings similar to that of a fishnet stocking.
>Your thighs catch up and inflate your hips past your shoulders, widening you to a modest 100 inches in circumference.
>Boy buns, thick thighs, bull balls and your animal appendage all finally rip out of the denim prison.
>Finally letting out a gasp of breath, you easily bend and break the metal snaps on your overalls, letting the top rest on your hips and cock.
>Notice how much the air graces your excedingly thick and darkened nipples, the areolae puffy and bigger than before.
>You squeeze one as you run your hand down your shaft, pulling a squeal of pleasure, and some milk.
>He actually did it
Damn, I'm sure glad I made that random offhand comment about cottage cheese now
>Biting your lower plump lip, you can feel as your left hand is no longer able to grasp all the way around the grundle.
>Finally stopping, you can tell you've gone beyond the one foot mark, but the girth is out of control. The only thing comparable to it's thickness is your arm, and it even out does it on that performance.
>Turning around, you find yourself being looked at by the entire barn.
>Red, blue, white, orange, all stare at you with blushes on their faces.
>Orange in particular is unconciously rubber her nether lips.
>The other girls, unaware to the small band in front of you, are greedily feeding off of Anonymoo.
>Asses bloat, thighs grow, tits swell, heave, and jiggle, blob, and quiver about.
>Their bras fill up with lumpy, sweet cheese and your erection suddenly shoots up, the head of the beef crane slapping you in the face.
>You absentmindedly rub your lips against the taut skin, before finally wrapping your hands around the shaft rubbing it and slurping in the sweet spunk.
>The texture is thick like cream, the taste similar to cream with sugar, but a meaty aftertaste left in the back of your mouth.
>You feel another wad building up, and it pumps upward without warning.
>Falling backwards, you can feel your stomach distend forwards, pressing against the bridge o' beenis ever so slightly.
>Finally popping the head out mid-spurt, you lie there in bliss, nutting over and over again.
>Red towers over you holding the translator, still dry.
>You roll over in the thick cream and stand up, the remains of your overalls forming a sling holding your gunk factories in place, and straddling your fat-ass in an accidental thong.
>Shimmying all over, you can feel your chest slightly move with each motion.
>Not exactly breasts, not enough to warrant a bra, but the excess fat going down to your plump mini-gut you find as the culprit.
>You steadily walk over the broken equipment, mass lumps of cheese and cold puddles.
>Finally getting outside, you can see something similar to an orgy/argument has broken out.
>Walking towards it, each movement calculated and contained, you flaunt yourself around, only to find the exposition arouses you.
>Red is following you, and she gets a good look from behind, something like this-
>Anonymoo is in the middle of the circle yelling at everyone else, while the others argue with each other as they touch themselves.
>"Girls, girls, calm down, I think I have a way to make the best of this situation."
>"Moo?" "Moo!" "MOO?!" "Moo~ Moo~"
>Everyone is arguing, masturbating, slapping, teasing, yelling, and all sorts of stuff.
>Your presence gradually calms them down, and then you start giving out instructions as the translator spews out the girls' problems...
>Severl weeks later, you're rolling in cash.
>And cheese.
>Lots of it.
Ahem. I said- "UNF"
>Turns out, the original farmer had exposed Anonymoo to something, whatever it was.
>Caused a lot of changes in the poor girl's metabolism, but for the most part, the biggest change was the thick cheese created when she's highly agitated and/or constantly moving her breasts.
>Loaded with hormones, it promotes insane growth in all the right places for both sexes, leaving the only downside as more fat cells being produced.
>You walk towards the living room door, your monster junk packaged tightly behind custom-made, denim boyshorts that double as a ball-bra.
>Opening the door and getting through, you find, was originally thought to be a problem.
>Now, it's just another added plus as you spend a minute or so pushing your wide frame through the now narrow doorway.
>Inside, it's a party.
>Thicc femboys and plump, chubby girls bump and talk about.
>Some are having sex, others are masturbating, and some expose and put on shows for attention.
>All you do is simply fatten and harden, moistening the front of the stretching pair of boy shorts into booty shorts.
>One woman is on her knees, while the bulging shafts of two other femboys are mashing her face, she's holding onto their bloated sacks, caressing them with care.
>Load spills over the bottom of their rubber panties, you'd like to stick around to see this, but you have a new contact to meet.
>Walking into the hallway across from the room, you travel down the walkway of your new mansion into the specially-made teflon-coated room.
>She sits on the bed, tits too large for her own good.
>A small crowd, about 10 people watch as you grunt and bust your rod out of your pants, cum spilling everywhere on Anonymoo's thighs.
>"Moo~" she replies, simply beckoning to come to you whilst leaning on her side to lie down sideways.
>You gave her a bit more freedom with her life after the discovery of her unique gift and as a result she started to get...modifications.
>One of them being fuckable nipples.
>That's right, they started out as rings of muscle that would contract and expand to aid in milk drainage, but some of the other cowgirls made a suggestion.
>She leans forward and you thrust your hips, jiggling your wide ass around for all to see, you stick your tongue out and suckle on one teat while fucking the other with gusto.
>Catcalls, ropes of cum, jets of milk are all aimed towards Anonymoo as you cream and fill the green eclair that is her right breast.
>Continually thrusting, she takes a fat, but soft finger, and gently presses it in your plump donut, going past and pressing your prostate, letting up, then pushing forward, letting up...
>The cycle drives you nuts and in response, you buck your hips even harder, ramming into the thick nipple while moving backwards, impaling your ass on her finger.
>Your vision explodes with stars, and tears roll down your cheek as you begin to pump out thick, viscious, white gold.
>Shaking like a jellow mound on a washing machine, your entire body writhes and spasms to the contractions, each load blasting into her.
>By now, the patrons are close and watching intently as her nipples fatten and engorge in size in tandem with the bloating teat.
>Pulling out mid orgasm, you coat some of the women in your seed, and they happily lap it up, their lips plumping and filling on their face.
>You finish off in the other breast, and while still panting, the effects of the cheese hits you once more.
>The specially made denim stretches as your new makeshift-panties accommodate the swell of your ass, the bulging droop of your balls.
>Your cock is no exception, going further outwards, lengthing to a rigid, girthy, sweaty, pungent, and humid 3 feet.
>It would almost touch the ground, but it's wider than your legs, that is before you became Femboy supreme.
>It's groped by all your patrons, they mash and rub the head, coaxing out more slick seed.
>But you're far from done yet, a second wind is rising, and you know exactly where to place it.
>Crooning out orders, they let go of your mast, and you walk proudly behind Anonymoo.
>With some help, they lift her leg up as you penetrate her impossibly moist fruit.
>It sucks you in without warning, all the way up to the base.
>You regain control, and find her leg locked around your body as you begin to pound away.
>Minutes turns to hours, you edge over and over again, while everyone watches.
>The crowd has grown from 10 to 30 sweaty, plump, tight strapped, oiled-up bodies stuffed inside of a humid room.
>The constant stare of lustful eyes pushes your sex drive far past what would be normally possible for a human being.
>But you're no normal human being.
>Playboy, but massive and orgies
Neat. I'm also surprised you haven't done anything involving grinding.
>You and Moo mashing together to get your cock off
>Fountain of semen
Its a living, eh~?
>When you reach your peak, you let loose a roar of pleasure, dumping what could only be described as "World Guiness Records Lagest Creampie"
>Her womb bloats, fatter and fatter as you release yourself in her.
>Time passes, and the bed finaly creaks and breaks under the combined weight of her body, your body, and your cum.
>Slipping out, you head on over to the showers to clean up, your people in tow.
>4 months later.
>Anonymoo is getting used to the new scooter you had bought for her.
>She's bloated up with a bunch of small, one HUGE, or several large offspring.
>You're not sure which one it is, the ultrasound doesn't work on such dense and thick fat.
>All you can do is keep her milked daily while you invest in stocks and sell the new products you call "Aphrodite's Yogurt," and "Bull Bulker."
>Underground buyers pay big for the raw stuff, Big Pharma is paying bigger for it, and others just want to constnantl be in heat.
>You've got the best body, a balance of man-meat, muscle, fat, and UNF, with a mate that's way too clingy on you, and possibly several large kids on the way.
>Life is good, you think to yourself as you casually blow a load into the maid's mouth, distending her already plump gut, downstairs.

Fuck, I never thought of that.
Oh well, I'll leave someone else to write that one.
I can tell I'm repeating myself over and over again with certain elements, and to me it's getting old.
That and I'm having more trouble coming up with synonyms.

And it's a living end my friend.

Originally I was planning on a sequel to the horror gym story involving a giant orgy and femboy/hourglass corruption involving anon's friends and town residents, along with exploration of the world seen through the window at the beginning, but I decided to start on what I would hope to be a short story about the cottage cheese.

So much for that.

Anyway, night guys, take care.
You're a blessing and blow me out of the water in my opinion.
I'm very grateful. Night man.
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>linking to a picture on an imageboard
Maybe so its easier to pastebin and see later.
Well this is a fantastic thread
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I have a short giant cowgirl story, but not Anonymoo, sadly.
gibs me dat, man of taste
I have no qualms over some side-cow content.
No feral tho.

Alright then. Don't judge too harshly, I wrote it quite a long time ago.


Also have another cowgirl story if you'd like. I can't take credit for this one, but it's a good one nonetheless.

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1st story had some pretty good dialogue

Pastebin was really fucking good though, well blended combo of dialogue, plot, and description.
Great shit

I don't mind feral that much, so I wouldn't object to macro feral cow stuff
>First step of the day, rouse the NEET/shy Cows and company from their rooms for today's duties
>Starting at the far end, your ratty friend has joined her people in the Barn, lounging in some straw watching whatever on one of the TVs nestled in the center
>Jane is mostly too lazy to be bothered, hell too lazy to even notice you're in her room sneaking up behind her as she lazes in her beanbag
>And without warning, you give her a jumbo boob-hat as she freaks out at having her vision blocked "Shit, fuck what the fluuu-"
>Removing herself from between your tits, Jane, the soft-red cow of average (average for anonymoo) proportion audibly gasps at the hugeness of Moo
>You tell her plainly, "I'm not in the mood for any shit, so please, join your sisters in the living room."
>Jane, regaining her composure, nods with that odd smirk of hers, one sharp tooth on the left side of her mouth
>Onto the next one a few doors down
>Octo is in her enclosure just bathing in her pool like usual
>As her name implies, she's an octopus girl, lower extremities a mess of tentacles attached to an ass that almost rivals yours, skin of a regal purple
>Wiggling through the door, Octo spies you with one eye before waving you off saying "I'll be there in a minute, hon. You go do your thing~" in that gentle southern drawl of hers
>Which just leaves Carys and Jesse
>Carys is in the kitchen, which might as well be her home as far as anyone is concerned (Hell, she sleeps in there half the time)
>A tan horse physically, she's more like a pig given the obscene spare tire she's been packing on over the years, she's done nothing but fight her metabolism and just can't stop herself
>As expected, she's baking cookies, boiling ramen, and icing a cake almost simultaneously and is absorbed in her work, half of which is re-icing the spots where she licks off on the cake
>"Going to save some for us?" you inquire, lumbering into the room
>Carys looks up and goggles at you like most others before mumbling a half-assed "maybe..."
>So you pat the 6'4 cutie on the head and tell her it's not a big deal, but to come to the living area when she's done and to be done *soon*
>And lastly, Jesse, the black sheep of the Barnyard, both literally and figuratively
>She's meditating in her room, which is pitch-black because she had the light in front of her room taken out for focus purposes
>You can't tell, but her skin is an onyx black as is the wool that grows atop it
>The figurative black sheep was because of an incident a few years back shortly after arriving:
>During one of the many cuddle orgies that happen around these parts, someone wanted to get frisky with Jesse, but cried out in shock when she went down
>Cause in addition to a vagina, there was a dick atop it, rock-hard at 6 inches long and as thick as a soda can
>On a regular farm, this would be met with a cow sucking their dick dry, but around these parts, everyone acts a little differently to things and a dick on a girl was just "too weird" for some of the girls
>Jesse, more out of shame than anything, began cloistering herself in her room along with the aforementioned changes, just trying to find something within herself
>So you knock out of courtesy
>Opening her ? face, which is an alluring white color that almost glows, Jesse sees you standing there leaning against the outcropping of wall separating her enclosure from the first of the Hazard Ward
>She says nothing, vanishes into the back of her shadowed room, and comes out the door in her floor-length skirt + bikini top, concealing the entirety of her lower body, which is pretty lithe today, seems she's been fasting again
>Either way, you got her and wander back to the Living Area
>Joining them, you mash the intercom by the doorway and tell Arkengarth that everyone's in with a singular "Moo" of boredom
>As usual, the whole room begins to judder in place before descending to the lower levels of the Barnyard
>To a newcomer, the sight of the area beneath the complex would be awe-inspiring, it certainly is to some of her sisters still, but to you, it's the same old control room flowing by followed soon after by the great reveal:
>Underneath the entirety of the Courtyard of the Minds is a massive room with rolling pastures and a modest forest, hemmed in by blue-steel walls, it was built to simulate a home-grown setting
>And even before the room has touched down on the landing platform, the thinner cows and company, including the sugar glider, are jumping/flying off to go enjoy themselves
>As they all get off, you make sure to take head count that everyone is present and accounted for
>Thankfully, they all are, so you don't need to take the stairs back up
>Paula's soothing voice comes up on the intercom to announce the weather for today's simulation, the slightest Gaelic lilt always finding its way in
>"Today's weather includes sunny with a few light showers. Humidity, 14%. Season, Spring. There are no abnormalities in today's forecast."
>With that, your duty is done and you join the others to frolic, eat grasses, explore the forest, and do whatever the hell else
>So that poses a question: Where do you want to go today?
Your choices:
>The pasture to graze like some base cow-creature
>Hunt about in the forest, there's always fun stuff in there
>The "beach" front, which is more of a pool with one side being hemmed in by sand, could be fun, you suppose
>There's also that one cave off in the corner that Jesse always camps out in so nobody bothers her
3/3 Input time
It's rare for us to need a bump...
Not really
The forest sounds like the most interesting, give that a look-see!
Lets check out the cave, see if we can help jesse.
Did we reach bump limit? Also:

The forest sounds fun, but the cave....
Tough choice.
No, Bump Limit is 300.
>1.5 votes cave and forest
Check out the cave
Cave it is. Have it done whenever,, my men.
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Thanks guys.

And yeah, I know there's not a whole lot to the first story. Like the description says, I wrote it back when /a/ was still having regular monstergirl threads, so I think the whole thing fit into like one or two posts. I wasn't trying to make anything super involved then.

Been thinking about other stories and working on a few, though.
Mattie will always be my favorite cow girl.

I just wish the guy who drew her was into macro stuff.
Is a new thread going to be made soon?
Bit slow today.
The bump limit's 300 you goon.
New thread won't really speed us up. And 44 posts from this post for new thread.
I see.

Also, does anyone have the pictures from pillowknight in the last thread?
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Oh dear
>Years later, your teenage daughter comes into show you her report card.
>All As, flying colors.
>Anonymoo is happy, jiggling with joy.
>Your daughter does the same, if not more jiggling.
>Unfortunately, your face is white, because you know what's going to happen next.
>"MOO! MOO!" (Translation: Group hug!)
>Stuffed between the warm bodies of mother and daughter, you struggle to hold back incestuous urges borne of your decisions.
>Graduation is going to be hell.
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Ooh baby. That's a lotta smish. (Imagine 20 years from now, your wife, three daughters, and their kids)
So much smish and not enough energy to smash it all.

Such is life in cowgirl county.
>this picture of Anonymoo was taken at her smallest size
>up to date images are impossible thanks to her current size
I need her on my face asap
Is that a challenge?

>old bearded married man Anon, who is still quite healthy and beefy due to a diet of anonymoo milk
>enjoys sitting around on his porch of his massive home in the countryside
>sometimes plays checkers, reads, or sits around with grandma-nonymoo
>she's still a giant of green quivering flesh, pumped full of muscle, fat, and love, just with a lil pair of tiny glasses over her ?
>less bikinis, and more big dresses
>play checkers w/ her, eat, read, occasional gardening and milking
>have had a good three litters of only duaghters, all of which are a rainbow of colors and varying shapes and sizes
>they take care of the farm and business while Anon gets to enjoy life with his anonymoo (and occasional giant teat cuddling and long feeding sessions)
The surprise is old Anon could probably still power-lift his wife.
[spoilerslol]With a couple of his daughters stacked on top of her.
Isn't that Toriel?
Monster goat mom.
nigerian u dum
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this story was fucking weird dude
There's clearly 2 protruding metal rods coming out of that back wall that it's settled on.
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save rave
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Update soon fellow Moo-fuckers.
Now. (dull chapter imo)
>You decide you should see how Jesse is doing, she seemed a bit more out of it than usual
>Your rainbow kaleidoscope of sisters call out for you to join them in grazing as you tromp through the meadow, but you pay them no heed, since they are content in their ways
>At the south-eastern edge of the forest and the north-eastern edge of the fields, the Cave rises up slightly, but mostly slopes down into the earth, a natural formation that the SMP decided to just keep an eye on instead of seal off, since it added to the area's aesthetic
>Beyond the entrance, the cavernous space is pitch-black save an electric torch at the far end, glowing a hard blue and flickering gently
>You can just make out the lithe sheep-futa's shape against that blue glow, poor thing's just meditating, different place, same problem
>This time, however, she seems utterly unaware of your presence
>Meandering up, Jesse seems lost in a trance, blissfully unaware of the grassy-green boulder meandering up to her with every quivering step
>Plopping yourself down just in front of the sheep-person, snapping your fingers, and even clapping your hands in front of her face, Jesse doesn't react in the slightest
>Repositioning behind her, a devious thought comes to mind
>You spread your legs out, thighs pressing a good bit into the fuzziness of her coat
>And your tits smoosh a good bit into her slight back, oozing off to the sides as you lean down
>She is utterly unfazed, but something curious does catch your eye
>She's hard, that little rod sticking straight out from her crotch-region and tenting her skirt
>Perhaps she's aware, perhaps not
>The prospect of jacking off another cowgirl comes to mind, but you suppress it, it's a sensitive thing for her and you'd never do that to one of your herd unless they wanted it
>So you start whispering sweet nothings in her ear instead while lovingly embracing her with your meat
>Finally after almost an hour of teasing, Jesse finally says "If you can't tell, I'm quite busy, Moo. I know you care, but I want to be alone, please."
>You sit back on your ass, mashing against the cool stone floor and mutter "Okay.. I'll be in the forest if you wanna talk about it." before getting up and retreating out of the cavern
>The air is sweet with the scent of lemon-scented rain on the wind, a light shower probably just went by
>Striding into the thicket, your world is once again wreathed in shadows, but judging by the giggling flowing about, some of the girls are playing Tag or hide and seek
>So you take the opportunity to scale a tree towards the center of the forest, an arduous task for one of your girth, but far from impossible
>Lying in wait among the lower branches, you hear your prey, Sylphi and Millie giggling and fleeing from Autumn, a soft-brown Cowgirl with exceptionally large horns and a sizable backside, but with a washboard torso
>And you pounce with a "Moo!~," soaring through the air like a majestic eagle, piloting a blimp, before crashing down atop the twins in a squishy, impromptu glomp
>Their giggles are replaced with cries of shock before being replaced with laughs and insults as Autumn looks on, laughing her sides clean off
>A few of the other Moos and company gather round to see what the fuss is about before joining in the laughter everyone is sharing that the biggest cow of them all managed to ensnare the two smallest beneath her cavernous cleavage
>Heaving your bulk back up, you decide to join in the fun for real
>It's not long after that it seems like your time in the simulated habitat are over and you're riding the Living Area Lift back up with everyone in tow
>Of course, as you take a head-count, you realize one little black sheep is missing, which is not only surprising, but also agitating since now you have to go retrieve her manually when you get back up
>Nobody pays you much heed, lost in a giant cuddle mass in the center of the room, boobs, ass, heads, arms, and legs splayed out and sticking out of the mess at all angles as everyone gets comfortable
>The room settles, the glass door unlocks, and you make your way out and down the Hazard wing
>As you pass, you count out the rooms and the occupants to make sure everyone is present
>Bessie the zombie-cow is locked up tight and gnawing on what appears to be a pile of raw pig (regular, not pig-girl)
>Ash the Fire elemental is smoldering in her kiln, working away on her pottery, she waves as you pass
>Allison the slime-cow.. girl is in her enclosure just bubbling about rolling up the walls, there's only about half of her in there, the rest is probably still being scraped off the test room's walls
>You stop and tap on the glass to get her attention before asking her what happened
>Through the speaker on the opposite side as her sealed door, Allison informs you that it turns out she's allergic to napalm before going back to rolling around at the speed of snail
>There's Bertha, whose body is literally that of a regular cow, you never learned what her problem is, but she makes great tea
>And lastly, Dusk, whose body is in constant flux, sometimes she has long silky-black hair, other times more tits than you, ass, belly, etc. Sometimes multiples or everything at varying degrees of HUGE
>She's actually out right now, however, probably with Arkengarth today, like most Mondays
>And at the end of the hall is the set of double-doors that give way to the stairwell connecting every level of the facility
>By this point, you're already worn out and just wanna go home to Anon, but you gotta bring Jesse back up and ensure she doesn't do this again
>The trek downward is an arduous one, tits constantly flopping into your face as you take each large stone step down, ass jiggling like a cup of gelatin in a bounce castle
>And on top of that, you're actually quite hungry and didn't grab any snacks from the kitchen
>But at last, you reach the bottom floor which opens out into the simulation area
>Heaving open the bulkhead, you start lightly sprinting towards the cavern
>Sure enough, Jesse is just sitting there at the bottom exactly as you left her
>The only difference, as you draw close, is the fact there's a bunch of candy wrappers and other stuff strewn about
>Seems she planned to stay here literally all night
>"Yeah, no. You're going back up whether you like it or not. I get you don't like most of us, but it doesn't excuse breaking the rules."
>She doesn't respond, so you just pick her up as is, shoving her head deep between your tits, careful to turn her around so she can breathe a little, and make the journey back
>She doesn't seem even the tiniest bit moved, annoyed, or changed emotionally in anyway except for a slight sigh she lets out
>By the time you finish heaving your bulk back up the dozen flights of stairs, the two of you are drenched in sweat, both from the volume of the stuff coming off you of course and Jesse's skirt is soaked and clinging to her bottom
>Which also shows off her still-erect cock
>Setting Jesse in her room as is, you tell her to get changed and that this is her only warning
>She responds "Yes, warden..."
>The fact she's being so disrespectful when you went down and CARRIED her back up no less is enough to get you steaming, slamming her door, locking it, and stomping over to the kitchen
>As always, Carys is there preparing dinner for everyone
>You pay her no heed and raid her stash in the crevice next to the fridge, despite her complaints
>Stuffing the contents of a dozen Nutty-Sputty bars, some 3 Musketeers, and a jumbo bag of M&Ms into your maw, you stomp out, slightly less pissed and head for the freight elevator so you can go home
4/I can't count
>Sylphi waves good night with the usual "Sleep well, fat-ass!" Millie is already asleep, worn out from a long afternoon of playing in the fields
>Pretty much all the scientists have left for the day, so you make your way out through shipping after a bumpy ride up and lock the cover for the truck loading area up tight before stowing the keys in your tits next to your phone
>And you head home, worn out and ready for dinner and maybe some cuddling, Anon is good at that
What has Anon been up to since he got home?
>The usual
>Testing out his new dick on various fruit
>You forgot to drain the tub and he used it all in tonight's meal
>Oh god, more beer
>>Testing out his new dick on various fruit
>>You forgot to drain the tub and he used it all in tonight's meal
>>Oh god, more beer
no duh
This will be the (1) bump I give you.
Those last three just sound so good....
You drive a hard bargain Anon, but okay. I'll try and incorporate all 3.
I went ahead and made a general story Paste.
It has only just begun!
Don't 4get to bump.
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