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EDH/Commander General /edhg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 328
Thread images: 69

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"Something Completely Different" Edition

Previous: >>55071411


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Horrible place with primers, access at your own risk.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

Thread Question:
Thread Question: What's your favorite board wipe?


>tfw I can only play edh at most once per month
child of alara, with this out

wipes for everyone
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What did tappedout mean by this?
At this stage, pretty much nothing.
So, what should i do to the new wizards deck without emptying my bank account to make it a bit more... focuses on winning and a bit less of everything
Feed me staples

Sol Ring
Commander's Tower
Reliquary Tower

Token decks? lol
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What do you guys think of this in a Sidisi, Brood Tyrant deck?
That you're an asshole but not self-secure enough to enjoy it.
>bought dragonlord dromoka for 5$ a while ago
>suddenly worth 25$

Well. Is she even good in edh?
Wow, that's pretty good.
Make sure you tell people you're playing with a Grave Order Matters deck.
>C17 on MTGO will be in treasure chests mid-November
>already had a 99 made up for Licia
Kill me now senpai.
In response I heroic intervention
docent of perfection
Tappedout's competitive scores are funny.
Where is this even showing up for you?
She's just good in general. Also there was a buyout, so take the new price tag with a grain of salt. Demand's gonna be high but her price will probably come down sooner or later.
It shows right below mana curve, but you have to do weird voodoo to make it show. Sometimes it just doesn't wanna. I found the sequence of Edit Deck and Save to force an update > Image Export and close it > Reload page typically conjured the dial.
Docent of Perfection
Trinket Mage, Treasure Mage, and/or Trophy Mage depending on the type of artifacts you want to run
Anathemancer to bomb someone out of nowhere
Dualcaster Mage
Profaner of the Dead (note that you can sac the copy to the trigger to bounce a bunch of things)
Ashnod's Altar for the Bloodline Necromancer combo
Paradox Engine because Wizards like to tap for effects

A bunch of instants and sorceries so that you can copy them/cast them from the yard with your other wizards:
Rapid Hybridization
Dramatic Reversal
Hero's Downfall
Swan Song

Some game winning big spells like
Blatant Thievery
Disrupt Decorum
In Garruk's Wake
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For Vela, is it best to build up flicker effects or sac effects? Or both? Each leaves open the possibility of "when X enters the battlefield" or "when X dies" effects. For either case, any recommendations?
I'd say mostly flicker, but some sac would be worth it to include, especially when you get something you can loop or potentially infinite.
Opinions in her?
Golgari are spoiled for choice.
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>and the gods cursed the two brothers for their greed
>and even as they were cast into the void they continued to fight for their fathers crown
This one.
Decree of Pain or Sudden Spoiling
For noncreature Ruination or Shatterstorm
My favorite is this one.

It is phenominal.
She's alright as a friend but the moment you get her in bed things get weird.
A bit prudish but surprisingly worldly
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I wish she didn't go infinite so easily. Adding the most obvious cards from Shadowmoor block just makes you win immediately.

She singlehandedly spiked Blowfly Infestation's price. Admittedly, only to 5 dollars since it is an uncommon, but still.
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Do you like this?

Something you would change? Is a prototype but honestly seems preety fun
God damn, it seems everyone is just building a ninja deck with her. I really don't want to do that.
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For Mairsil, which of these you think is the best option?

I got the Harpy already, but I want some more.
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Gitgud dredge with $1100 mana base
That's because she was the head of the ninja Planechase deck. You can do whatever you want with it, but people don't have a better commander for Ninjas.

I'd do Devoid and Artifact creatures, if I were you.
Thalakos Scout. There's little jankier than Shadow.
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Pat Sajak's Wild Wheel
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Silas Renn UB Stax
Scout has the best chance of connecting if you actually end up needing to cast and beat face.
do people do anything with Vela or Sygg that isn't unblockable ninjas?
UB Sygg is basically babby Edric.
I've seen Sygg Merfolk but they have an islandwalk theme so it's the same general idea.
Yeah, I guess chumping shouldn't be the top priority for this.

I think I'm gonna go ahead with the energy subtheme. It'll keep my list focused. I just need some decent selfmill. Probably just Fact or Fiction variants.
So how exactly does it rate "competiveness"?
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>bought wanderwine prophets earlier after that tolarian college video for $1
>hours later check the price again
>its now $20

my seller better not cancel my order I swear to God
I wanted to try all the effects that activate when a creature enters or leaves the field followed by flicker, pillowfort, and just wear them down. But that may not be so effective.
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Should've paid your rent, Jace.
Pretty neat with Spy Kit.
Where's the option to see it anyway?
Sorry, anon. We miscounted out stock and have to cancel your order. :^)
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This is Karlov.
Following this >>55081059 for some absurd fucking reason did make it show up for me first try.
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There'll be hell to pay if that "occurs"
I tried to research that and the devs have been kind of tight-lipped. The closest guess based on what they've said is that it's measuring the similarity between Your Deck, Decks Flagged As Competitive (Increasing score) and Decks Flagged as Casual (Reducing score). So a true "Rogue" deck would have a very low score as it wouldn't resemble flagged competitive decks. Similarly, anything that people do a lot in casual would get marked down even if the staples are just fine for competitive. (Or you know a casual deck with competitive staples but missing key synergy pieces might be marked far too high)
I use her to make my artifact creatures and eldrazi mostly unblockable, myself.
I'm inclined to believe it's something related to this, I flagged my Karlov list as competitive and that's the only way I can figure it would be that high. It has some tryhardy stuff in there but due to how Karlov works there is a ton of jank too so.
None of those, just use Aetherling and Harpy. If you must have a third option, I like Deepwood Ghoul/Skeleton Scavengers for the free regen.

I fucking hate the MtG financial community so goddamn much. c17 has triggered something in them that was dormat before, and they're ravenously trying to rip every possible tribal card they can think of from the market. Mana Echoes, Patriarch's Bidding, Urza's Incubator and more are being consumed and it's fucking over everyone wanting to get into this format. It's happening quite literally as you read this with Wanderwine Prophets. Who the fuck actually thinks attempting to play stock market with children's cardboard is a good idea for anyone?
damn that's spicy

just noticed this myself. apparently my krah deck i'm working on is terrible.

i hate how they used to word cards like this. but this is cool.
10 days ago the foil cost $2 and nonfoil was less than $1. The magic market is so retarded, there aren't THAT many people trying to play the Inalla combo and the price will have to come way back down. Speculators should kys.
>Mana Echoes
>Dragonlord Dromoka at $22
>Foil Dragonlord Dromoka at $24

The funny part was, I was wondering how much it was and saw it was $1 at that time, but I noticed everyone had a tacked-on shipping price of it for $3.

My speculator senses tingled at that point and secured my copy of one.
New Modern deck or something?
Legacy Nic Fit + dragon tribal deck wanting uncounterable fatties + people being fucking faggots and trying to screw over fellow players
>Nic Fit + players being faggots
Talk about redundant.
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It's like autism incarnate watching people try to make an ACTUAL couple dollars like this. I mean seriously all the "profit" you make on that card is nothing in the face of working for McDonalds for a fucking hour.
play 5 color creature
>pick up 10 Dragonlord Dromokas at $7 dollars each, flip them for $25 each
>do the same for Patron Wizard, buy at 6 sell at 30
>costs $130, make $550, subtract shipping, over a week of work at minimum wage for an hour of effort
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>and just like that, U/G was dethroned by a single card
Like I said, autism incarnate.
And you can't guarantee that a nobody like you can move that product reliably, especially coming hot off the trails of a spec buyout that people aren't going to be as trusting about due to counterfeiters. Hope you've got a very high-rated eBay account or you're fucked beyond belief.
I already have those. But even with Buried Alive, Entomb and Corpse Connoisseur or whatever, I can't seem to reliably hit bounce. I mainly want more bounce to get more cage triggers, as Conjurer's is very removable.

Also, Mischievous Poltergeist, man.

I'm going with Scout.
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>being this mad he didn't get with the program
>Have a couple of premiums like EXP Godless Shrine, Scalding Tarn and some Masterpieces & Invo's in some of my decks.
>Guy at "F"LGS always asks whether if the card in my literal deck is up for trade.
>Always flips them and will not trade for anything unless he's on the up.
>Literally does this with anyone that plays with Premium cards.
>Will take Premium cards out of people binders AND THEN ask if they are for trade.
>Some guy told him to fuck off, acted like he we was being victimised.
>Is a friend of the store's owner, who doesn't have the balls to tell him that he's actually hindering his business

I get where you're coming from.
>chain of vaporing your own board away while floating all of your mana from you rocks and lands to cast this then replay your hand and win
What does the F even stand for?
Currently brewing a Ramos deck, looking to fill it with tons of three-color cards. What's the most efficient way to find/make a list of all cards with three colors?
I figured this out the other day.

c:m -(c!wu or c!wb or c!wr or c!wg or c!ub or c!ur or c!ug or c!br or c!bg or c!rg)

This will get you everything with 3 colors or more.
Sauce on pic? Searched "rape and release program" and got government program stuff.
>replay the hand you discarded
Pardon my derp, where do I search for that? Gatherer? What field do I put that into?
Inb4 someone suggests deleting system 32
Oh, sorry. That syntax is for magiccards.info
Lookup for the artist named China on sadpanda. Its on English and your search term is on the right track.
I had to pay $50 for the vampires deck because I live in thirldwordistan and we don't get this shit in Wal Mart.
Imagine living in a world where every store is run by a wannabe "investor" and everyone uses SCG as their price referential.
Ignorance is Bliss :^)
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Man, fuck you. I hope everyone you ever care dies horribly and your pets get tortured by hobos. You're the cancer killing this game.
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I feel you, fuck investors.
>everyone using SCG for price reference

You have my deepest sympathies, Anon.
Fair prices for trades or in-person cash transactions are 2/3 SCG.
I ironically tag my maximum jank and trash flavor decks as competitive
>check european market
>price: 0.50 £
>increase in the last week: 0.20 £

I really wish there were Vampire versions of Fleshbag Marauder, Mesmeric Fiend and Shepherd of Rot.
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is this just a "jam combos" commander?

I get into commander and Marath visually looks really cool, but I don't know how to deck build and not have a pile of shit
>Will take Premium cards out of people binders AND THEN ask if they are for trade.

this triggers me hard. i have unwritten rule for myself which is to always check the price of something before even touching it or asking if it's for sale.
I keep thinking there IS a vampire fleshbag marauder even though there isn't.
>is this just a "jam combos" commander?
>I get into commander and Marath visually looks really cool, but I don't know how to deck build and not have a pile of shit
This is my list, and it's pretty powerful and consistent. Combo Marath kinda gets boring though, so I haven't played it much recently.
What kind of House Bans / Rules do you guys have for your playgroups?
Infinite combos are considered degenerate.
Infinite combos that only need like 2 or 3 cards are outright banned, you can have the pieces but can't have the whole combo in your deck. (Sanguine Bond / Exquisite Blood)

Armageddon is house banned.

Other than that, we just follow the official banlists.
You sound like a BITCH NIGGA.
2 card combos are SO EASY to counter. If you don't run removal or counters, you are bad
Don't you love orcs? What are you racist or something?

Seriously it hurts that Ixalan had to have a Conquistador Vampires faction and an Orc/Human/Siren faction. Vampires could have been Pirates AND Conquistadors but nope, we need more fucking orcs and now I think there wasn't even a single mono-black rare Vampire in the sheet that leaked.
See, I'm fine with them in other games but the other person was asking about playgroups. I only have like one consistent playgroup and it's a group of friends who I've played magic with forever. The ban rules came from the fact that we aren't playing to win necessarily, but to just shoot the shit and do the political game for a while. Two card infinite combos that end the game immediately have a tendency to make people check their phones and say "Well darn the wife needs me, gotta go guys", and it just ends the evening early since my playgroup tends to like to play one big long edh game and then call it after that.

As a result, we also have particular decks we play where we all kind of intentionally underpower our decks to make the games last long.
People who run no interaction are the bane of this format.
There was the flash guy that got counters for everything that died that turn
>I play these cards that mean you automatically lose regardless of board state just because you never drew any counters (if you have access to any at all).

Good thing you aren't forced to play with every other person who plays the game.
>I literally am bad at the game
>let me prove it without doubt
Wow what a great argument, you really COUNTERED mine. xd

Don't you have some tendies to eat?
Yeah there seem to be 5 vampires in the rare sheet:
>Bishop of Rebirth
>Mynea Frian, Dark Apostle
>Bloodstained Paladin
>Some guy from XBB with a triggered ability
>A WB Legendary that taps to vindicate.
In fairness, at this point Im like 90% certain Ixalan is a bottom up tribal set, which means they probably statted with "we want vampire tribal" and came up the idea of different races being factions afterwards which means it makes sense the vampires were the conquistadors, since they had to be a different faction than the pirates.
>we aren't playing to win

Maybe you should play a different game like Minecraft then shitter. You and your friends can hug it out somewhere else
I would argue they took away our chance to a sexy pirate vampiress but SJWotC wouldn't have printed a titillating female character anyway.
>I think there wasn't even a single mono-black rare Vampire in the sheet that leaked.
yeah because what we need now after 25 years of magic is more rare black vampire cards. the previous 61 aren't enough.
When was the last time wotc even printed a "sexy" female card? I honestly can't remember.
Would be great in a clone deck.
I love the huge price differences on europe and america. I travel between both alot because my work and i make a second paycheck with selling cheap in europe cards that go for huge price in na.
The thing is Zendikar was meant to make Vampires the black's signature tribe so we were meant to be getting less Soul Collector/Mephidross Vampire and more cards that could compete with Merfolk, Goblins and Elves. But like everything else WotC the idea was stillbirth and the most competitive non-rotating Vampire Tribal deck is still 100% ZEN-Standard creatures.

Since then Merfolk, Goblins and Elves have all gotten new Legacy-level cards but black can go fuck itself since Zombies have never been eternal-competitive.
Legacy doesn't need more tribal decks.
how do you see this? i need to see how my decks rank
I think it's more interesting that Orcs have been so underused in one of the biggest trendsetters for fantasy in recent history. Why has WotC shyed away from the creature type so much when settings like Jund and Lorwynn seem so fitting for more traditional portrayals?
Beast within
Wipe away
Cyclonic Rift (not overloaded)
Hero's downfall
Fate forgotten
Forsake the worldly
Tempest of light
Back to nature
Viashino Heretic
Devout Witness
Acidic Slime

Get creative
Arguably Asylum Visitor/Liliana the Last Hope.
It's like Cynthia Sheppard still cares more about beauty than politics but Dawn Murin is a sex-negative feminazi and Mark Winters is a pleb.

So all our chances of seeing sexy women in future Magic cards depend on Cythia directing Villenueve, Nielsen or Ortiz and the hag or the faggots at marketing not getting to mess it up.
That's not the point retard.
The point is they promised we'd be getting Vampire cards on the level of Priest of Titania, Cursecatcher and Goblin Ringleader but shit never happened. Vampires don't even have more than two no-nonsense Lord effects while Merfolk are getting their 6th in Ixalan.
Maybe because they're pretty much Tolkien's creation and too similar to goblins. Same as with kithkin and hobbits.
If anything dwarves are the fantasy race they've slighed the most.
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They NEVER EVER promised cards on that power level. They just said that vampires were giving zombies a break from being the small black tribe.

Plus, they stopped printing cookie cutter 2/2 for 3 that grants a keyword ability lords. Notice how they've been making shitty, more expensive lords. Regal Caracal, Midnight Entourage, Liliana's Mastery.

They got bored of the same old same old.
They were cut because they essentially were identical to goblins. Dumb idiots who only served as less funny goblins.

Dwarves were cut because they weren't really red outside of "lives in mountains". They tried to make them really creative and free-spirited to justify the Red in Kaladesh, but we all know how that went.
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Pretty well.
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>get into EDH by getting the Saskia pre-con
>she's not very fun to play
>decide to cut the black, get Gahiji
>only play <5 games with him, doesn't do much
>decide to up the power, get Marath
>get incidentally hated out every game despite never winning

I'm going to give Marath a few more goes once I have a full suite of tutors, and maybe it'll turn out I'm a combo degen but I doubt it

I think I want my deck to be U/x, capable of answering all kinds of threats while doing janky stuff. I was thinking Rashmi for jank or Sygg for murdering creatures. Who are your go-to "everybody is in for a fun time" commander?
Maelstrom Wanderer.
Under the criteria presented to me, I would choose old Marchesa or Sydri.

Fun build around me generals that are not strong enough to be hated off the table.
So what exactly is the Wizards deck supposed to be doing? I know how the commanders are supposed to be built, but the actual precon makes no sense.
How to deal with an overly competitive player in an edh game? He doesn't want to do pacts or even do smalltalk, just draw and go
It was supposed to be the "tribal deck for people who don't like tribal."
All the legendary creatures want to do something different, and none of them have enough support to be effective. It's a mess.
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>mfw being Europoor
>mfw having MCM

Silly Americans.
Good, so I'm not going insane.
>10/32 creatures are legendary, in a deck meant to be cloning creatures on cast.
>Maybe eight of those 32 have a useful effect that justifies making a clone of them.
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anything that isn't constant wheel/board wipes, nothing kills the game like constantly having everyone at the table start at square one
Show him the futility of his playstyle. Resolve Whims of Fate.
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what's a good way to build aggro edgar in a wrath-heavy meta? do you just not do it or what?
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Use cards that punish board wipes.
Aaaand Urza's Incubator is $18 now. Any other price spikes happening besides Dromoka?
Does Magic even have any good waifus?
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Definitely wrong, I also didn't update the deck in years.
Purphoros, Impact Tremors, Athreos, Blood Artist, Phyrexian Reclamation and Elixir of Immortality.
Maelstrom Wanderer ramp up and jank.dec
a bunch of wizards spiked as well
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Still playing with the old legend rule where they kill each other.
Not anymore fuccboi :^)
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>aura of silence
Oloro or Locust God? I have had a few good token draw board wipes with locust with my friends but lately with my giant friend I have enjoyed life gain stuff, based on friends feedback I need bigger creature spells

What is the average anons experience between these two commanders?

Card draw or life gain?
oloro costs 0 mana to gain 2 life each turn

it's basically FREE life
seems very strong.
a dude in our group gets 20+ snakes early as hell thanks to the green token package.
with cards like coat of arms, craterhoof and eldrazi monument his snakes are nothing to mess with, he can easily swing for 30 per snake
Bugman for infinite hasty, flying bug army.
im not really feeling a 6cmc commander, and oloro is 2passive4me. so i'd try the god
topkek i bought Patriarch's Bidding a few months ago for cube, paid maybe 8 dollars? im europoor.
has it really spiked to 24 bucks?
we get pretty girls every now and then, but actual sexualized sexy? Roilmage's trick from BFZ is the last one.
Patriarch's Bidding seems like kind of a dumb thing to actually be playing when everyone is playing Tribal.
>and it just ends the evening early since my playgroup tends to like to play one big long edh game and then call it after that.
This is the problem. Try to get more games in. Aim for 2 or 3 and go from there.
I feel like there are maybe some sexy Vampires. Asylum Visitor maybe.
She's ok, Stensia Innkeeper is potentially one but there is like no full art of that piece.
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>tfw no more bikini armors
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Any advice on my seemingly bad Spirit deck? I haven't made it or tested it, it's just in it's concept phase and I am a pretty bad brewer.

404 deck not found
Try now, I had it set to private initially.
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THere was some cute merfolk in zendikar2, too bad they had almost no focus, despite some of the biggest battles being near water.
what a qt
I thought it was some kind of armor, but looking it up this close, it's actually a "swimsuit" and a fishnet, that's cute in it's own way.

Godamn, I need some kind of mtg art booru, I can't believe I missed so much cute art on Zendikar, when handling the cards, I never gave them a good look because I thought the roilmage cards were about Noyan Dar.
>every single tribal card that could potentially be good gets bought out

What the fuck is wrong with this game
The chinamen are calling
That's what you get when you turn the game into a stock market. Price memory also makes sure the prices won't go back to normal for a long, long time.
Heirloom blade + ashnod's altar is infinite mana and infinite draw in rakdos lord of riots.

1: have rakdos with a cost reduction of 10
2: equip heirloom blade to an eldrazi and sacrifice for mana. Draw an eldrazi.
3: repeat until you hit butcher of truth, draw four cards, shuffle your grave.
4. Repeat and then pick your favorite wincon.

Going infinite may not be necessary but these are the minimum pieces. If you have more pieces a cost reduction of 10 right away may not be necessary.
WoTC's failing 'reprint equity' got caught up by the real world.

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>play cats
>friend playing superfriends gets his nut draw enchantments
>play a leonin relic warder
>2 turns later its a 12/10 in combat and its indestructible
>superfriends player spends whole rest of the game trying to get his dackfayden to stick and steal my hammer and just dies to 1 cat
>replace warder with khemba who starts giving me more cats
>quietus spike leonin shikari and miri help me close out the game
>mfw anyone tied to interact with myboardstate
played a bunch of games with all 4 out of the box precons yesterday.

Inalla and Edgar do seem quite useful, and their emminence provides quite a bit of value.

Ur-dragon seems strong, but slow.

Can anyone tell me what the fuck you are supposed to do with the cat deck? By far the worst of the 4 it felt like.

I'm always baffled that there is no one who just copied the mcm concept and started it in 'murica. Are they afraid of communism or what?
Favorite one drops /edhg/?

I picked up a Concordant Crossroads the other day and put it in my Prossh deck. After five games last night I'm in love with it.
ha, i have a foil one i pulled back when its was in standard
get a 1 or 2 cmc cat, then get sword of the animist. Pray that your draws match up with the table, because you're playing white.
serra ascendant
authority of the consuls
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>Favorite one drops /edhg/?
ur dragon just needs more ramp and a better land base. the rest of the deck is pretty good on its own but a few dragons could be added to make it amazing. basically if you want a functioning ur dragon deck you are going to be spending at least $50 on upgrades
>tfw buying Wanderwine for a dolar today
This is a nice feeling, I think it means that I should make Inalla borderline cEDH to fight the tryhards in my Meta abd turn my Breya into full Battlecruiser.
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kird ape
Over here in Europe it as 5 cents this morning, now the lowest items get bought off and it's at 10.

Faithless Looting.
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>turn 1 sol ring
>turn 2 Thousand-Year Elixir
>turn 3 Mairsil, exiling Tree of Perdition
>entire table stares at me
>Mother of Runes got qt3.14 new art
Academy Rector reprint fukken WHEN?!
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Ant Queen is cute! Cute! Still run her in my UG durdle city decks because no one gives a shit about her until I fart out a billion tokens.
Play cat, slap a stick on it, slap people with it. Fuck Arahbo, he doesn't come with the magnet hammer.
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do i just make storm with kess?
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It kills so many things for the cheap, cheap cost of a single R.
>draw it on turn 15
>can't do anything with it
>turn 15
God bless I never see games last that long.
Was Glissa 100% loyal to phyrexia so far, or is she some sort of new version of Belbe?
Shes totally phyrexian. She is Vorinclex's attack dog.
Direct contact with Oil and the fact that the people she worked so hard to save literally drove her underground because they hated her.
I don't see her coming back.
I'm not gonna feel bad for you guys. Once they announced that C17 was going to be tribal it should have been obvious that tribal-related cards were due for an upswing, especially old ones and reserved list cards.

Granted, I didn't speculate so much as I bought personal copies for my own decks before they spiked, but still.

In any case, give it a year and things will settle back down a bit when the next commanders get announced.
I'm partial to Toxic Deluge.
>look at my totally unwarranted advice
>turn 3
This is getting insane, if WotC doesn't work to change it with aggresive reprints (and they won't) it could potentialy kill the game. Players want to play the game, not be a pernament source of income for some asshole scalpers.
Or spellslinger
The combo isn't even that amazing. You still need some way to make sure Wanderwine gets through, and if you don't reanimate him you'll need at least 9 mana to hard cast and combo.
I just get chinaman proxies and double sleeve them.
The lowest english one is 4.50, EU is not as bad, but it still happens here.
Yeah, I can do that, but it's just the modern/legacy staples and stuff like that. There are no proxies for a random merfolk spiking up to 30$ overnight, because buyout. It's annoying regardless.
Everyone here knew that the prices were going to spike, but that doesn't stop us from getting mad at pseudo-stockmarketers. Their sole reason of existing is buying out cards that actual players might buy later, the only ones truly affected by this are the new players that didn't know that their $20 deck upgrade now costs $100.

I wish, these spikes always go with a more than a 1000% price increase. It will go down, but it's annoying that every card that has a slightest potential to be playable in something and wasn't reprinted to oblivion is unavailable for a few months.

Remember when Steamflogger Boss was 10$ or more, because they announced Kaladesh as an artifact set? Maybe it's a bad example, because noone actually needs Steamflogger Boss, but it really shows how insane the current market is.
>tfw bought all of my Wizard stuff weeks ago as soon as the first picture of Inalla's art was leaked
>reserved list
Does the legend rule use the stack? Been a while. Picked up the inalla precon, wondering what kind of wizards I should add.

Could I say... Play arcanis, pay one for a copy, then tap it for draw then sac the copy to the legend rule?
list some of them, I want to see.

Patriarch's Bidding seems to have been stable all summer but I see that Riptide Lab, Patron Wizard, and Wanderwine Prophets spiked. Riptide Lab and Patron seem like organic ones though, obviously the demand for them rose. Wanderwine Prophets went from 1$ to 20$ in a day so it was a buyout.
>TFW when European and all the staples were relatively cheap already and won't spike
6€ Urza's Incubator man
>a random merfolk spiking up to 30$ overnight
Annnd it's already back down to $11.

Here's a small white pill, /edh/, the store owners hate speculators too and counter them when they do buyouts. If Channel Fireball has had 10 Wanderwine Prophets listed for sale all summer it doesn't mean that they had only 10 in their inventory. They list 10 and probably have at least 100 in reserve. When someone starts going through the stores and buying every copy below a certain price, the stores react and increase their prices to keep selling to that guy and his followers. Stores are smart enough not to get destroyed by this though and usually their inventory eventually outlasts the person trying to buyout.
Nope you can't do that. You could play Arcanis, tap him in response to Inalla's trigger, then sac the original Arcanis, and tap the token to draw again if you have a way to give haste.
>tfw I nearly didn't want to spend $1 on a Wanderwine Prophet because the combo isn't that great
I guess it's a good thing I went with it anyway. I don't see how anyone can justify buying it for the spiked price.
I'd bet it will drop down to below 5$. I have the card in my Inalla deck and after playing it's clearly not the strongest combo. 9 mana and an open opponent is very specific even if it is a 1 card combo.
>picked up wizard deck at lgs when meeting with friend
>looked for any wizard goodstuff uncommons and junk rares to pick up for the precon
>ended up walking away with nothing from my list
Fuck man, i didnt expect it to be this bad
>buying Wizards
Got what you asked for, famalam.
Vamp Pride Worldwide
Cant say no to double wizards and legardary snapcaster. I dont have much interest in maricel though
No one is saying that the card will be $30 forever from now on(since price is not only limited by offer and demand, there is also how much people are willing to pay for it, and it is not $30). But the fact it spiked to $30 shows how much they are thirsty for profits. And even when it goes down to around $6 in a week or so, it still is a $5 gain per card. If a single buyer managed to get 20 or 30 of them, it is a $100 minimum profit for an hour at max. If you count in other cards that he might have gotten that also spiked, I think we can walk about an easy $200 even if he sells some of his stuff by a low price.

I guess my only consolation is knowing that some of them bought them at $10+ each when the price was spiking, and now they will taste bitter loss.
Alright /edhg/ I have my collection all dished out right now. I have a super fast Prossh, a Blue Braids combo, and a Queen Marchesa token aggro built. I need a fun, but decidedly weaker, deck and I have all the commander precons from this year.

Should I shoot for Kess control/interaction, Ramos multicolored tribal (door included for jank) or Licia Voltrons (including Zurgo and Double Strike Cat man)??

Any other suggestions?
the token gets haste
>not reanimating it
Arcane Wizardry is good only for getting parts for like five different decks. The cards provided are great individually, but the deck as a whole is hot garbage. It's split between three different commanders, all with very different and specific strategies, and in the end none of them really work as the precon is constructed.
Yeah but I was talking about tapping the original. The only way you're going to activate both Arcanises is if you have something granting haste to the original.
Ramos. He's the jankass 5C commander the world needed but never really had.
this, price spikes are normal due to demand but when staples are bought out by douche bags who have not bought a sealed product or cracked a pack in a decade wizards should do their absolute best to fuck them over as hard as possible with reprints
>regurgitating what you hear from youtube faggots
>sit on a metal horse in a field of spikes with no clothing
It's not an hour of work though. You see this dumbass assumption all the time with magic "investors" where they think owning cards that are worth more is profit. You've got to sell them somewhere and that takes time. I think they're rejects from society and possibly unemployable because it's not more profitable than McDonalds for the average retard driving up prices. The stores are making money and have much more power to effect the market.
Yeah, i gutted all the legendary wizards immediately after the first test run. So counter productive to inalla's ability. I think kess and azami are the only ones that survived the chopping block. Snapcaster is still as expensive as ever and my foil torrential gearhulk isnt a wizard. I fucking swear that gearhulk is still looking for a place for synergy until i actually start my roon decki really should have traded it but it just looks so good
Ramos either does jank or just punches you in the dick.
>it takes a youtuber to teach you not to hardcast a 8 mana creature

It's better than Worldgorger combo for Breya, it's a killing machine they are just stating the obvious.
It's not better though. It's much more fragile and loses to an untapped Birds of Paradise.
Just remembered i still dont have a mutavault. Fuck
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Sorry, anon. The buyout already drove the price to $500.
>owning a card is profit
That is a loss. This is why I said words like "thirsty for profit" instead of actual profit, because I don't think anyone bought that card at $30, and that is the reason why it went down to $11, those are "investors" trying to underprice one another to get the maximum profit before the cards get to a stable, low price again. And nowadays you don't need to be a big store to sell cards, there are many options online, even person-to-person auctions and such.

I agree that stores have much more power to affect the market, but spikes like these shows that the power of the "investors" are growing each day, and wizards knows that, this is why they changed the starter deck format after the Silverheart buyout.
You also just missed $15 off ebay, anon.
I got 6 of the filter lands that I haven't been able to get for $66.
Yeah because you're out by turn 7 with a burn deck in EDH.
They stopped reprinting cards because people hoarded them? I don't get it.
God, why are wizards such assholes?
>be a warrior
>honed by a life of farmwork and humble lifestyle
>joins militia for the sake of his fellow man
>wizard comes along
>scrawny, never worked a day in his life, blames others for own shortcomings and bends the rules of reality to compensate for it
>burns down village crops just because he can, makes bad oneliner and laugh at it himself
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>getting mad at Commodore Guff
Wolfir Silverheart was priced over the price of the intro deck that contained it. So a lot of people bought out Silverheart decks and it was gone off the shelves, after that wizards did a quick-fix by adding a second booster pack in each and increased its retail price to prevent it from happening.

After that, the sales of the intro packs went down a lot, since it was more expensive with the same shitty cards, so they decided to put premium foils with art you wouldn't find in boosters in Khans, and now they decided to straight out print cards that can't be gotten except by buying the intro decks.
iirc, since the Wolfir in the intro pack was foil, the nonfoil version was actually more expensive than the foil one at the time.
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True this, i want to build dino tribal (with grimlock also) and all the tribal staples are gone with the wind.

Unrelated, is there an way to instatnly Mill everyone to death in one go?
Was thinking of combining Curse of Echoes/ Hive Mind with and Enter the Infinite
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Worldgorger is a 2 card combo because it depends on Animate Dead/Dance of the Dead.
Wanderwine works with those and Reanimate, Flash and any other reanimation spell you might have.
I'm seeing Mutavaults for like $11-$12 on eBay.
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Leveler and the copy thing that gives everyone a copy of the target permanent.
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Awaken my false prophets!
What is wrong with wizards? Selling too much is a problem?
any other things i should include? i ahve all of these on me save for dualcaster but that i can order
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>Unrelated, is there an way to instantly Mill everyone to death in one go?
People have known about the Wanderwine combo since like the first day Inalla was revealed. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to know that reanimating it is easier than hardcasting it.
Sidisi's Fathful
Equilibrium (easy to reuse etbs)
Sage of Fables (works great with Marchesa, and Puppeteer Clique from the precon)

It costs 10 or 15$ but Intruder Alarm is very good like Paradox Engine is. It lets Inalla quickly win 7 life at a time.
>Unrelated, is there an way to instatnly Mill everyone to death in one go?
Temple Bell + Mind Over Matter
Selling to the wrong people is a problem. Intro packs are meant as a way of trying to attract new players, rather than trying to appease existing ones. Selling out everything you're trying to hook players with is profitable short term, but isn't as good as getting an entire new player that will later go on to buy more product.
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Inspired by the token anon, I have started a project. 200 hand-made tokens for my two decks, Newzuri and Locust God. I decided to share the template I created, so here it is. I also think I'm going to make tokens for my friends decks, too.
exellent thanks, this pleases me greatly
>RW Equipment Voltron Question:
I have already SFM, Stonehewer Giant, Godo, Leonin Shikari, Puresteel Paladin, TokenAxe & Meme Hammer. Should I still include Sigarda's Aid?
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You all are wussies
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>$15 superfog
What a world we live in.
Depends, how many equipment do you run?
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I love this card for two reasons.
1. Sometimes you need to go take a leak
2. It means that anything up to 9 on the Storm Scale is fair game for coming back
The KoЯn song plays in my head every time I see this card.
Shit. that's exactly what I needed for my Jhoira Myr Incubator deck. I was looking at stuff like Urabrask and Fervor when the answer was in a Red Concordant Crossroads all along!
It's a really cool card, but not $15 worth of cool. I just got one with the precon.
Licia sounds really boring, go with Kess or Ramos. Also post Braids list.
Is Smuggler's Copter a good card for EDH? I'm thinking of buying a set now while they're cheap since banned artifacts in standard can end up pricey later on.
Most Vehicles are bad in commander unless your deck is specifically built for them.
15 (5 Swords, Jitte, Sunforger, Batterskull, Skullclamp, Greaves/Boots, Basilisk Collar, Hammer of Nazan, Bloofforged Battle-axe, O-Naginata)
It needs at least a little synergy with your general strategy. If you're running King Macar and need it to tap, or Jor Kadeen and need to turn on Metalcraft, or Depala and just like Vehicles then it can be fine, but there are normally better options.
It's great for turning Mairsil into a helicopter.

I'd go ahead and add it then. I only omit Sigarda's Aid when I only run a few key equips to arm a couple voltron targets.
>t means that anything up to 9 on the Storm Scale is fair game for coming back

That is the point of having a 9 on a scale of 10.
Oona + infinite mana.
>Ur-dragon supposedly worst commander
>One of the most expensive cards in the set
So do dragonfags just eat this shit up or what?
I was using it as an example of the buying power of the players. Many of those intro packs were sold to "investors" who wanted to make profit, not actual players trying to get into the game/getting cards for his deck.
Just by being there he makes every single relevant dude in your deck cheaper, guy is in no way bad.
Timmyfags are literally retarded.
See that's the problem, we shouldn't have to do that. And sometimes even assholes start the buyout minutes after the announcement. Current MTG model promotes and encourages that attitude.
Hey :(
And yet phasing came back because it did what they wanted it to do for the Vampire deck. If something else with a 9 (or any other arbitrary rating that is lower) fits what they envision for a set, they can just as easily bring it back because they have precedent for it. I doubt we'll see anything 10 or higher coming back, but if Phasing can come back, we can see something like Suspend or Cipher as well.
You and your quints can fuck right off dragonfucker.
Its fucking awesome in sram
Literally cyclonic rift levels of auto include for any deck that has white. Your deck is just strictly worse without out it. Cards like this are why i hate the commander products
>And yet phasing came back

You seem to misunderstand.
I was saying the point of having a 9 on a 10 point scale is because a 9 isn't a 10. It always meant "we could theoretically use this again in the perfect storm of opportunities" and this just shows one of those perfect storms.
WotC should just pull a konami and do reprints until nothing has any value.
It can't save you from Laboratory Maniac, so it's not an amazing god card.

Hell, it can't even save you from >>55088268
Ah, I misunderstood your meaning.
They really should, i own a decent ammount of reserve list cards for legacy and modern cards and i would much rather have people to play with instead of jerking off to my 5k legacy deck no one can afford to play against
>who would win?
>a fully tuned mill deck or some random eldrazi
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So do you think these decks will sell out as fast as the 2016 decks? Will the dragon deck drop in price? Is Wizards gonna print the ever loving fuck out of these things?
Storm scale is only for standard legal sets
Not exactly. The numbers are only truly accurate for Standard sets, but they're still a hell of a lot more likely to print more Scale 3 mechanics in a supplemental set than to print more 9s.
>who would win?
>a fully tuned mill deck

The answer is never the fully tuned mill deck.
Leveler exiles the Library, so Eldrazi titan graveyard shuffle effects will not proc.
No it's not.
2016 decks were better for multiple reasons. Not only it had a good value, but it had fun commanders and mechanics.

I think that they thought that the eminence commanders would be the new hotness everyone wanted and it would increase the value of the deck, so they didn't put in relevant lands and shit.
I for one welcome our Vampire overlords.
New thread
I think the prices will be relatively stable for the next two weeks and then drop like usual. The cat deck is already below 20 Euro so the other decks probably need make that up.
But in the US things probably look different, over here Spain is generally the cheapest but the shipping makes the few bucks moot.
1) the printrun is already done, if theres another wave it will take up to half a year
2) no, because the decks have no actual value in them
have fun getting focused out of the game after you show them what you do every single time.
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>tfw I remembered I have a chinese fake of it
>Last year, I introduced you all to something called the Storm Scale. It's a tool I invented on my blog to explain how likely I felt a mechanical element is to return in a Standard-legal set. (And let me stress, the entire Storm Scale is my and solely my opinion on the topic.)
Just print more if it is selling.
It's just a fog combined with a Ghostway effect. Fog + sweeper protection for 3 mana is fine. I think you're going to be disappointed in the card.
When you print into decks or commander decks or whatever, you print the other decks in the series with them. Continuing to print more sets of four or five barely helps the problem, since when you buy a case you buy them all.
what's the problem
did they go up?
i have one for zada
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>reverse image search
What do you guys think of competitive EDH?
Have you guys played games where everyone was playing really competitive decks?
Did you have fun?
I'm pretty sure Mana Echoes was just as expensive when I checked a month or two ago.
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>SJWotC wouldn't have printed a titillating female character anyway.
So I made a yisan decm for shits and giggles and fuck me it's strong. I feel kind of bad slamming out turn 4 wins.

What other decks can I play that utilize BIG MANA VALUE! Like yisan can
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