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Pathfinder General /pfg/

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Pathfinder General /pfg/

Does /pfg/ like elves, or is it all about the animal races and the tieflings around here? When was the last time you saw an elf in a /pfg/ game app?

Unified /pfg/ link repository: http://pastebin.com/hAfKSnWW

Current Playtests: https://pastebin.com/quSzkadj

Old Thread: >>52441521
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Dragons 2 was last night. Here's a more detailed recap of the last part

>Shitty memedog attempts to move plot forward by talking with not!Jessica Rabbit's rival
>Gets annoyed with all the barbs and insults being thrown
>Gets REALLY annoyed when a quarter of the session goes by discussing Calsica's tits
>Annoyance level reaches MAXIMUM when they get ambushed
>And nobody was on the lookout
>They were all looking at Calsica's tits
>Memedogs face when they're surrounded by dragons with axes and fireballs all ready prepped

How have your sessions gone, /pfg/?
I like the elves. I play a lot of half-elves with cute elf parents, like a Qadiran Bloodrager whose mom owned his elven father, or an Andoran cleric whose elven mother abandoned him because she was a murder hobo who wanted to go fight demons.
The half-elves from BF:I basically sum up my opinion from them. Racist shits who need to remove the entire uprooted trees from their collective assholes.

What's your opinion of Half-Elves who are the children of Half-Elves.
There are half-elves in Battlefield I?
Cashmere and Gloriana are gunna meet a river monster tonight! That might be several monster statblocks stapled together! And they're only level 3!
My ex-wife liked them, but I find them less compelling somehow. I've always gravitated towards the human/elf couple, in varying configurations. Another I used was retired adventurer's elf buddy pays him a visit years later to hang out, and falls for his cute daughter. The child grew up to become an earnest, Torm-fearing Paladin of Devotion with a loving noble family.
I've got my own 'original' idea for elves which I might use for some future setting.

High-magic, super advanced as usual, but with one difference. Due to some 'they delved too greedily' shit, they all got mind-blanked, and are now cared for by their legions of leftover automaton servants- almost a Bioshock Big Daddy relationship.

Means that when you see an elf, in ten minutes one of two things are going to happen- a drop of spit is going to spill down its mouth, or a brass metal man is going to appear and knock you into the next state while gently leading the elf back to its rocking chair.
Stealing the fuck out of this.
Is one of those monsters a Dire Octopus?
Nice to see some PF/FR, anon.
He was from Tethyr. It was pretty fun.
The other one is on the limit?

Anyway, 2 (out of 4) of my players were captured during a raid on a lair of some smugglers. Their ringleader, a mage, will put a geas on them.
What should I have them do?
Have them try to expose a rival company?
Some sort of tentacled monstrosity, no doubt.
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So RotJR is tomorrow. Will Ameiko be having a litter of fluffy abominations now? Will her future subjects ever be willing to listen to a bunch of noble brats that bark?
My last campaign was in and around Tethyr. FR beats the piss outta Golarion, you ask me.
>Does /pfg/ like elves, or is it all about the animal races and the tieflings around here?

Elves are a pretty shit race, but most races are. Like all Tolkien races, they usually accomplish nothing that humans can't already do and generally just serve as a stereotype crutch, instead of allowing players to create characters with actually non-human alien traits. If an animal race is played like an intelligent animal that walks upright, you could probably create some interesting scenarios. That said, most people are too terrified of furries and just "Refluff" them as anime girls wearing animal accessories.
Half-gnoll? Not sure I've seen that. Bloodforge?
>the she's a trap
She has tits.

What do you mean non-human alien traits? Give an example. In the end it actually comes down to the setting. Angels can be made alien as fuck but most people don't want to play angels that act alien.
No one but Vult knows

>imagine their disappointment when nothing lewd happens
part of the HRT treatment.
if she's on HRT it's not a trap, it's a trans girl. traps have to be guys, that's the POINT.
So what's the detailed recap that isn't entirely focused on how important Rory is?
>What do you mean non-human alien traits?
At the very least, a race that isn't just human with a weird skin color. In a high magic system I feel like all races should be four-legged/ooze/plant/construct/swarm of bees/whatever balanced for lvl 1-20. Shit like vishkanya, gillmen and fetchling just seem really boring to me.
Or even full blooded. Getting gnoll-knocked in an AP with Lamashtu around seems likely to do that. Maybe fiendish too.
But why?
Generally what they accomplish is to be a peaceful society in harmony with nature...something humans can't accomplish and that's why elves lose and die out vs human societies.

Or elves are represented as just being pointy eared long lived humans.

Ameiko didn't get penetrated in FotJR, and if she did the gnoll didn't finish in her. You're thinking of SotJR.
Right, which is tomorrow as stated in >>52445417 and then SotRL has Quinn pups, maybe. Depends on if the gnoll finished at least once before it got killed.
Wait strike that, read it all dyslexic and fucked up the days. My bad.
>How much of a shit show do you guys think it would have been if I had said the girls in Vanaheim (Titania's influence) are like russian roulette except with penises instead of bullets?
>t. Vult
Playing blingmaker. Two player party. Last character died in a random encounter with a whiptail on plains that rolled a nat 20 for initiative.

25 point buy at a flat rate (5 for 15, 8 for 18, etc)

Lv 3, can include up to a +1 template.

Was considering were-tiger beastmorph vivissectionist, but the wife's playing a shadow halfling rogue and I really want to give her room to shine, so what's the best support character?

Wizard with a template that gives int would probably work, but what else is there?
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Man, that guy just keeps getting worse and worse.
Forgot to mention the template is free of cost.
>How dare he include [kink] in his smut gane!
So rolling a cleric for a 20 pb paizo only game of hells vengeance. Not sure if I should grab an archetype or not. Any suggestions?

Ecclesitheurge is pretty great if you need to buff party members without expending spell slots.


It's pretty shit, but it's flavorful. For broken stuff, consider a Theologian with the nobility domain, if your GM allows leadership.
>You’ve studied the methods of both elven and human spellcasters. Pick two classes when you gain this trait—your caster level in each of those classes is treated as 1 higher as long as this doesn’t raise your caster level above your total Hit Dice. This doesn’t stack with any similar increase from traits such as Magical Knack.

Does this work with a Prestige Classes? Say you pick Arcane Trickster and Wizard. Do you get 2 caster levels? RAW it seems pretty obvious to me.
Are they feminine penises ?
I was kind of leaning to that, the lack of armor is making me hesitant though.
I took a look at that, unfortunately I want to pick up undeath domain so I can channel heal my party in a pinch.
btw, it's called Bifurcated Magic, half elf only race trait.

I would've been more excited if he also said the men from Vanaheim occasionally sport members of bestial proportion, or even design.

But nah, gotta put dicks on the girls. That's the good stuff.
Not unless your prestige class has a caster level, such as red mantis assasin.
>the lack of armor is making me hesitant though.

Consider the fact you shouldn't be on the frontlines in the first place!
Can I trust my party to not get me killed though?
They need to have their own caster level? Isn't it enough that it applies caster level from a different caster class?

I don't know, can you?
No because they do not have a caster level they add +1 level of an existing class.
If he had said that, all of the apps would have been from there.
I just feel weird putting that much reliance on my party to keep me alive early game, I guess once I hit level 3 it will be better, but 10 ac and 8 hp scares me.
Hmm, I guess that makes sense.
Have you never played a caster before
Ranged attacks son.
Not him, but 10 AC HP 8 casters fucking die in real games. pretty fucking fast too.
If you have 10 AC and 8 HP then maybe you should have 20 INT for boatloads of spells
Yes and cleric seems to lack a lot of the low level spells to keep shit near you shut down or unable to act against you.
you should have more than 10 ac...

Shield, Mage armor, and some dex should all boost it up
Won't save you from a stray arrow knocking you int negatives.
We are discussing cleric with one of the Archetypes that trade away armor and weapon prof.
Sleep / Color Spray / Daze + Magic Missile lad
and every single level 1 character can die fucking fast
If only there were spells to do that!
Shield and Mage Armor don't require proficiency and don't interfere with Blessing of the Faithful.
If you're using an archetype like that, chances are that you won't be making attack rolls anyway, so non-proficiency penalties don't matter.
So how does acid pit work against items? Is it 1 at a time until they're broken or does the GM use the chart to figure out what he rolls first before rolling everything?
So, what's the final judgement on Monster Hunter's Handbook? It can't be 100% shit right? I know there's got to be a couple usable things in there, even if it's just spells.
Sheild and mage armor are not on the cleric list.
There is divine Sheild but that is only two ac.
Armor turns off a class ability that can hand out +2 basically everything for a round to an ally in close range.
wands nigguh
its 100% shit
Wands that require the spell to be on your spell list?
yes, because no one in your party has any arcane spells and none of them pack UMD
Even the feat that gives characters Favored Enemy, and the Psychodermist?
My party is an antipaladin, a cavalier, and a slayer.
Than the party was a ticking time bomb anyway.
le Fireball Faec
Maybe playing an ubersquish backliner isn't worth it then.

Play a fucking bard, you'll support better and be more durable.

Paizo has lost even the ability to put gems in shit, it's just shit now.

MHH was wasted potential and we both know Ironfang Invasion is going to be atrocious.
quads of truth.
We did class selection in a weird way. So I am stuck with cleric.
quit the game then, if you can't play whatever character class you like then its trash anyways

>Amber Scott leading Ferric Onslaught

>bad wrong fun
I am fine with playing cleric I am just getting ideas for how to play it.
I like getting put out of the comfort zone of what I usually default to.

Fuck swimming eagle for ending apps early.

I hope this salty post brings SOMEBODY some enjoyment because I sure don't have any.
this has nothing to do with badwrongfun and everything to do with a party that is headed for disaster with no arcane caster

Don't play an Ecclesitheurge, its going to get you killed and its shitty little buff won't help you at all.

Play an Evangelist Cleric instead, you're a pseudo-bard at least and you'll be able to buff your party from the backlines better and safer.

Let the campaign burn, anon. This is the bed SwimmingEagle made, I'm sure he's loving it.
Nobody playing is actually upset.

Why is everyone so salty.


over who
>thread discussion of hunter builds a while ago
How the fuck did I miss this. Rocs are the fucking coolest shit, I want to ride one and have my party HALO jump off it with featherfall into mobs of enemies. Too bad I never get into games that aren't generic dungeon delving. Wanting to ride the fantasy equivalent of a B-52 is suffering.

The complete non-characters that are Rorymei and Liozis. What the fuck have they been doing these past sessions, nobody's mentioned them ONCE in a greentext.
what makes you better than the shitty memedog

I want to Roc. Can't stop the Roc.
Rorymei and Liozis just aren't LOUD personalities like the rest.
Uh, just because you're taking hormones doesn't mean you're magically no longer a guy.

Like okay it's one thing to accept it if they've gone so far as to get that plastic surgery and change the outtie into an innie, but until then they're just someone who *wants* to be a girl.

I want to be an astronaut, but it would be inaccurate and somewhat decietful to start demanding everyone call me one when I've never gone past the stratosphere. As much as I want to be one: I. Am. Not. One.
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>Nobody here likes anything Paizo puts out
>Nobody here likes anything 3rd party pubs put out
>Nobody here likes the system it's based on
>Nobody here even likes the system
>Nobody here likes the crowd Pathfinder attracts

So why does any of you even play, want to play or pretend to play Pathfinder if none of you can be satisfied with anything that is even remotely associated with the system, it's publishers, it's 3rd part pubs and especially anything related to anything that has come out of /pfg/ in the last....how old is the general again?
What the fuck does RotJR even stand for?
>all of /pfg/ is one person
I S C O O K I N '
/5eg/doesn't host games.
Because Roryplayer only got in because he refused to shut up about his character during the app process and samefagged mercilessly. When people called him out on it he made up some shit about trying to "overmeme" the character to kill the meme (as if that would ever work). The player's a shitter and he'll keep being a shitter. The private ERP logs he posted in the general are proof of that. He may be better for the time being, but he's going to eventually slide back into his shitty ways and make everybody regret him being allowed to play.
>>Nobody here likes anything 3rd party pubs put out
Not true, we like Jolly's stuff and most of us still like DSP stuff. In the latter case they've just been dropping the ball like fucking mad because it becomes more and more obvious they just stick with cribbing good 3.5 shit.

That being said, I'm begining to wonder if it would be easier to port the good bits of PF into 3.5 as opposed to the other way around.
So it's just one person who always replies to things relating to Paizo and just one person who dislikes PoW, SoM and others and only one person who has said that they only pirate because they don't want paizo to get money?
Rory on the Journey Radical

We're here for erp dude
It's almost like /pfg/ is 90-100~ odd posters all with differing opinions on the game and balance.
Its almost like its a bunch of different people with a bunch of different opinions, not a singular person with one opinion
To add to this, they were also the only people who were keeping the party at attention without being overly antagonistic like the pupper. Lio in particular was the only person trying to mediate all the conflicts that were going on.

Also, it might've helped if this weren't a quickie session on account of one of the players having a computer essentially nonfunctional and needing to phonepost. Would've padded out some of the more bullshit moments.

Admittedly, it does raise some questions on how to improve the party dynamics for the other DragonGroup...
Are you trying to pretend that everyone is secretly 2hu
Yes because it gets ,e (you)'s. My quota is now full and can return to my regularly scheduled suicide attempt
Rise of the Jade Regent. Book 1 of Rise of the Runelords leading into Jade Regent. The DM is running two games of it on Fri and Sat, recently had drama over raping an important, romanceable NPC with no warning.
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There's 1-3 with every opinion.
There's some who utterly despise PoW, some who love it. Some who hate SoM, some who'd do anything to avoid vancian. Some love psionics, some still say it doesn't belong in the setting. Some deny Numeria and Alkenstar exist, others if asked to base a character off someone from a game or anime would post a fucking starship*.

And every one of them has opinions on each of those subjects.

*Hey, it's better than basing it off something out of bleach.
Paizo releases a lot of shit. Like, A LOT of shit. A book or three a month. There's usually cool shit in those books, like how blood of the beast had loads of awesome options, or how the vigilante was genuinely a good class. This month, the "cool shit" was a single feat for Slayers and MAYBE that cavalier archetype in the mountain of rotting feces that was MHH.

3pps are hit or miss, but have more opportunities to make cool shit. Sometimes they hit gold (Jolly with legendary Kineticists/Vigilantes) and sometimes they just fall face first.
yeah, its one of those things i'm sure will normalize once the party has been together

And fighting together usually brings a party together.
Oh no you're going to trigger the guy about cha based catfolk inquisitors
They also have a lot of shit, as in a lot of SHIT.
Is the first dragon group not doing so well?
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When your party last stopped by in a city, did your character and your party share a big hearty laugh and a good meal it a slightly more high end tavern or restaurant?
Seriously, both dragon games are a case of 'garbage in, garbage out'
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What are my race options for playing pic related?
Any 3pp is fine, including homebrew. My GM has a lenient "if it looks balanced and you really want it I'll allow it" attitude. Even 3.5 content is okay sometimes.

I'm struggling to find even one bug race, right now.
No my character would not be caught dead eating with her party.
Stop being a salty shit
Are you implying I am ever NOT triggered by that? Or everything about the catfolk section in general?
Every fucking time I go to make a character I look at catfolk and realize Kitsune are just straight up better for everything I want and it makes me mad.
See! See! I knew it would happen!
Catfolk have the superior natural weapon options.

Of course! What kind of man would I be if I didn't host a dinner for the party whenever we went into town? In fact, since I've got lots of points into Profession (Cook) I might as well stock up on herbs and spices for our next foray into the wilderness!
s-s-s-shitseeker thread
nice meme dude
>posts in a meme thread about a meme game
>complaining about memes
My chaotic good half-orc barbarian ensures that the party always goes to unwind at a very specific tavern. A tavern that mostly patrons Hellknights. He also always kicks the door real hard and makes a grand entrance. He's paid to repair it once already.
So far, we've gotten into two bar brawls, gotten locked up for three days for "disturbing the peace" and caused about 12 Hellknights to break their oaths by getting really fucking drunk. The owner went from "Ugh, these peasants again" to "Oh, it's my favorite customers!"
Overall the tavern went from "High-end Hellknight Hangout" to "that place those adventurers crash every evening"
It's been great.
It's not that they're not doing well, so much as they're doing TOO well together. Everyone settled into their roles rather quickly without any conflict at all.

>Zev and Celisse act as the faces, with the latter being the casty support as well while the former issues class and combat.
>Lameeka is the sneeky explody bootybold. Sort of a nerd.
>Atolm is the utility knife with timefuckery powers. Also, he gets to act as a familiar and sneak peeks.
>Astarte...well, she's looking for a way to be a dragon. Trying to find ways to develop her further besides that and being a nerd.
>Freyda is the super-alpha-ultra-turbo-championship-edtion+ nerd and top-tier caster.

As Celisse's player, I'm kinda remorseful because I feel like I haven't given the others a lot of room to develop more because I got an entire country, a husband, and a royal family to use as backstory. And last session I went on explaining some of this a LOT while the tinyfolk went out sleuthing. Granted, nobody's holding it against me, but it's still something I've noticed and I want the others to have a similar chance.

Hopefully they'll have more opportunities to build something more with the upcoming royal ball.
You guys reckon it's bullshit if I just use the Non-Human Aasimar rules and play that as an Aasimar?
It's actually a really good mechanical fit for my class choice.
Kek you are autistic as FUCK
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> cha based catfolk inquisitors
It's not as bad as what they've done to kitsune.

> So why does any of you even play
4th doesn't exist, 5e is too gimmicky, and PF (corebook itself) is an improvement over 3.5

Hence PF rules and 3.5/homebrew/3PP classes. Spheres of Power are quite good, for example. Spheres of Might - not so much.
Also, a question to everyone: is Path of War better than ToB or not? I tried taking a look, but wasn't impressed.
Having claw blades does not excuse everything else. I suppose Catfolk do make good Decisions, at least. Maybe I could give that new swashadin a try?
I wish the claw blades had gotten more support overall. I also wish rogues weren't shit, so maybe I just have shit taste.
Sorry to break it to you, but there's no salt here. I don't apply to obviously shit games, so I didn't really care about either dragon games.

I know that feel.

Playing an actual person when others are playing family-free orphan loners is rough. You always feel like a ham.
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>mfw Dragon 2 are innawoods while Celisse is the adorable Disney princess of Taldor with Faceless Anime Husband
>Do make good decisions
>I KNOW I typed paladin

The fug
really because you seem might booty mothered.
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Alright anons, name one Paizo splatbook that was consistently good enough for you to consider buying, had you the money for it.
Hard Mode: No WMH
Dante Must Die: The book must be from 2015 or earlier.
booty bothered, fug

Wait, what did they do to Kitsune that's worse?
Go back to tumblr if you're so triggered by someone with a different opinion that you have to call voicing that opinion being 'booty bothered'
don't you start
Catfolk aren't a real trope. Kitsune are. They are foxes (four legs and a tail) that can turn human. Furries of Paizo made them into hybrid fox humanoids. Which is retarded in the extreme.
Fuck off to reddit if you don't realize that booty bothered is literally chanspeak
>tfw you were gonna make a character for Estervale, just to find out it was deleted like the bamboozle it was
inner sea faiths
>Alright anons, name one Paizo splatbook that was consistently good enough for you to consider buying, had you the money for it.

Land of the Linnorm Kings Campaign Book.
whatever it was that had the harrow deck attached to it

harrow deck is great
>Fuck off to reddit
Says the guy accusing people of being salty because they don't like his game
You seem salty that other people are in a game they're enjoying, its completely irrational.

So yeah, I'm not sure why you're so triggered


And the response is for you to fuck off then
i know /pfg/ is sometimes higher quality than you'd expect but please try to remember what site we're on
>Also, a question to everyone: is Path of War better than ToB or not? I tried taking a look, but wasn't impressed.

There's more combat styles supported (like Ranged), and it looks like they fixed the really stupid stuff like IHS and WRT, at least.
>here is the thing that hasn't changed since the race came out

Aaaaand? I agree that is some bullshit, but mechanically the race is good. That is what was being bitched about. Kitsune are just BETTER mechanically most of the time, save for certain niches cases, like Paladin or a pouncing TWF Slayer.
>Also, a question to everyone: is Path of War better than ToB or not? I tried taking a look, but wasn't impressed.
It's a big improvement overall. Way less abuseable, generally more balanced, focus on cool shit rather than BIG NUMBERS, etc. It gives you narrative power in combat like you wouldn't believe, but not because you can slaughter anything without taking damage. You get to do shit like save an NPC that was meant to die for certain, rally troops that were meant to lose morale and run, etc. ToB was far more about "I AM SO FUCKING STRONG AAAAAAAA"

Most female PCs with decent STR scores have good booties, it's a consequence of working out.

That said, it's possible to have too much booty, or the wrong kind of booty, so it does depend a lot on the type of physique your character has built over the years. Onryou for example has a lot of STR but is built like she's been chiseled by some Galtian artisan, her booty's all rippling and gross. Meanwhile, Aurora has a fine-ass gym bunny physique, so although her STR is identical her booty is bubblicious.

Makes me wonder about the state of the booty for the rest of the SotJR/FotJR cast.
Aurora is also flat! Flat! Flat as a BOARD.
The Alchemy Manual. That book is fucking great.
It was also published in 2014
The DM probably deleted it after everyone shat on it
Also I mean it would've just been a Wizardfest.
Bit of a difference between being an astronaut and being a girl. Someone without training working as an astronaut puts lives in danger - why the hell does it matter so much to you what's in their pants?

Boobs are just chest butts, they're a poor imitation of the genuine article that Aurora has perfected!
then why is she so jealous of them!
Considering the ability scores of FotJR? The nicest butt is Rubio's, as it is all natural

t. Local Expert on posteriors
>Someone without training working as an astronaut puts lives in danger

He's not saying he wants to go work for NASA, he's saying that since he believes he's an Astronaut that society should treat him like an Astronaut.
Who is gonna have the nicest butt in WWW?

The envious flat-chested girl is a staple of anime, and Aurora is pretty fucking anime. More importantly, you can't "work out" your chest to get bigger tits, so they're the one thing she can't get through hard work!

Don't see why she hasn't embraced her S-class booty, as a dragon-girl living in dragon society I assumed she would prefer being fucked from behind, as that is the way dragons typically breed.
There's not a damn university you have to go to to be a woman, is there? Literally all they're asking you to do is change their pronouns and use a different name. Why is that such a big deal for you? It's not like they want to fuck you anyway.
i've always thought that this shit's much like respect
you gotta earn it

go through years of grueling physical and mental challenges and i'll call you a woman
if you truly need that change in your life and you accomplish the arduous journey to get there, i'll play by your rules

but if you put on a skirt and lipstick and demand to be treated like a pretty princess i'll call you a fucking faggot

is this really such an unreasonable stance to have?
can't you just enlarge your tits with magic at like level 1
just get a fucking ring of change appearance: bigger tits for 2500gp
At least she can feel superior to the 7str 7cha 10con rat in the booty respect.
but i am a pretty princess anon.

>Men have to go through a lifetime of labor and work to be considered a "man" by society
>Women just have to exist to be considered a woman

I can see why so many men are eager to become women, especially men from the fringes of society to begin with.
>just get a fucking ring of change appearance: bigger tits for 2500gp

>Spending 2,500 gp for tits that aren't even fake, they're glamered.



Decaying corpses probably have better booties than Rinka, that girl is Skaven-tier hideous.
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Maybe because she wants to hug her partner during, like they do in the Tian sibling love novels she reads.
> Aaaaand? I agree that is some bullshit, but mechanically the race is good. That is what was being bitched about.
What _some_ people are bitching around. I wouldn't have cared if they called it Vulpinal or whatever. Even WotC managed to pull off hengeyokai. But - no. Instead they had to use the name "kitsune" and stick it on some furry mutants.

> It's a big improvement overall. Way less abuseable, generally more balanced, focus on cool shit rather than BIG NUMBERS, etc.
It seemed (when I checked it first time, and seemed now) to be more fiddly - more bonuses to keep track of, etc. That was a deal-breaker at the time, since ToB was around anyway. Now it seems I need to take another look.

> ToB was far more about "I AM SO FUCKING STRONG AAAAAAAA"
I didn't really mind. That's what Fighters are for.
But it's only an arduous journey because you MAKE it one. Why can't it just not be a big deal? They're not hurting you and they're not demanding anything different from you.

But anon, isn't she "hugging" them already?
>But it's only an arduous journey because you MAKE it one
do you understand at all how difficult it is to literally change your gender
just the shit your brain goes through puts a huge toll on you, and then you have to nuke yourself with drugs too
please anon
Not him but -
Identity may indeed be a matter of social construction, but the identity of anything at all is in fact not meaningful to the thing being identified. The identity exists for the benefit of the identifier, not the identified. This is the reasoning behind the concept of 'looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck'. When someone says someone else is a girl, what they mean is that there is a hole at their crotch biologically made for taking a meat rod and delivering children. They are not commenting on their mental state, nor commenting on their personal feelings, because the identity of something is not pertinent to the identified, much like names. They are merely labels that are useful for people to catagorize and identify other people. Now, you might argue that a person always has identity of the self - he idenfities as something. But you see, their identification as something is not in any way higher priority than what others identify them as.

And literally all I ask them to do is ignore it. People like you fail to understand that when I say someone is a He isn't not about what he thinks he is but what I think he is. A Spaniard deluded into believing himself is Brit is not going to be called a Brit by me when he shows me his Spanish passport and birth certificate. That is what identity is, that which others believe you are. Not what you believe you are, nor what you wish you were.

>there's not a damn university
No there isn't, but there's a procedure. In the same way you aren't a professional football player until you're on a professional team, you're not a woman unless you were either born one or made one.

This is the path you chose to walk with those abysmal ability scores.

At least you have explosions!
I want /pol/ to go
We had a decent debate about Valeria's butt last week. The consensus was: she got da booty.
>It seemed (when I checked it first time, and seemed now) to be more fiddly
Oh, it's definitely more fiddly. One of my main complaints with the system, really. Tons of tat to keep track of. But the pros outweigh the cons, I think.
Anon, the furry bullshit had been bitched about endlessly, why bring it up now when the anon was mad about actual mechanics? She individuals refluff anyway, but redoing mechanics is a harder sell.
once i hit around level 6 i am going to nuke fucking everything.
Yes but not like they do in her sibling love novels.
He's saying that the journey should be over as soon as they insist they're a pretty princess.
gender actually refers to what your brain is, sex refers to what's at your dick
that's like saying the journey to becoming a scientist should end after you read the wikipedia article for "physics" and put on a lab coat
fuck right off my man
It's not like it matters, she can cast alter self (or should be able to soon) so she can make herself look however she wants. Even like Casimir's dead wife, if he's into that sort of thing.
>dead wife
Not cool bro. Not cool.
No, but Lysander's is
My character's, of course

Anon, now you're beginning to see why so many people despise tumblr-style saccharine acceptance culture at an almost instinctual level. It's treating people like they're the coolest, most amazing thing in the world for simply existing, or saying a word or two.
>tfw you will never watch Casimir and Sigmund's dead wives scissor

why even live
I think that the doll is a nice candidate for a good butt!
Anon, by that reasoning insults don't exist. Calling someone a shithead doesn't comment on their mental state or personal feelings, it's just something I'm using to identify you!
just play a necromancer and rip their souls out of whatever demiplane they're at, resurrect them into homunculi that look like perfect replicas of what they used to look like, and force them to do it
you lack ambition, anon
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>mfw it really was Sigmund's wife that turned into the tree
>mfw the daughter is still out there
>mfw they reunite
>mfw the daughter is just as willful and headstrong as dad
>mfw she makes Lysander her bitch.
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>good butt
>good rack
It's not fair!
>Not doing whatever it takes to get him stiff
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There ain't nothing plain about this doll!
>i've always thought that this shit's much like respect
>you gotta earn it

Wait...respect for other humans is an earned trait? I thought that was supposed to be the default.
That's why she has the Impossible bloodline!

Valeriya's a beautiful young woman with nimble fingers and a friendly relationship with him, I'm sure she'll do just fine.
basic respect is a given
anything above that is not

if you respect a frycook at wendy's the same amount as a doctor something is wrong with you
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Reminder that Shalelu is a better girl than Valeriya is!

Thaw the elf's heart, not the slut's!
Kitsune aren't kitsune mechanically.

They are humanoinds who have to take feats to turn into foxes, and have to be homeruled to look human.
"You need to earn my respect" is code for "I think you're a lesser being."
Preferred gender is basic respect.
>Preferred gender is basic respect.
Calling you something you're not is not basic respect.

>if you respect a frycook at wendy's the same amount as a doctor something is wrong with you

Sure. They are both human beings so they deserve respect. It's also not like 'Food' is less of a basic human requirement than 'Healthcare'.
>Preferred gender is basic respect.
no it's not, fucker
In fact, in many ways, Food is a MORE basic human requirement
i'm not saying they don't deserve respect
i'm saying the pimply-faced teen gets the base minimum and the wise professor gets more
Non-trans people don't have to earn the right to be called by their gender. It is basic.
No-one DESERVES respect. It's given by choice by the one giving respect.

If someone gets up in my face and starts ranting about their pronouns, they're not getting my respect.

I may choose to give respect to people doing hard jobs, like a poor sod on a telephone centre trying to answer calls, but I'm not going to be obliged to.
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Has Shalelu even shown up in either campaign yet? It feels like she needs to have a really cool introduction!

So you'd give a nurse less respect than a doctor?
>wise professor gets more

Have you *seen* the types of professors they have in Universities now?
As a trans person in this very thread: Can you guys shut up and get back on topic?

We're here to talk pathfinder (and apparently fetishes) and I'd like to get back to that.
Anon, this is so easily houseruled as to be a non-issue for any but the biggest, most unreasonable autists. Yokai is commonly accepted as the standard here and it fixes that problem. You can get Fox Shape at level 1 with an ART if you're trapped in a 1pp hell, meaning you slap your GM until he rules that form is your true form and that all Kitsune must have the ART, and then be done with it.

Kitsune, outside of that one houserule-fixable quirk, are mechanically sound and versatile. A little weaker than tieflings, but not by much.
Being called by your sex has nothing to do with respect.
Everyone deserves a level of respect. They may earn more or lose some but to say you start with none is absurd.
yes anon being called by what you are is a good thing
if you want to be called something else you must become that thing
you don't get to call yourself Big Dick Steve if you have a 4 inch pecker same way you don't get to call yourself Jenny with that thing down there either
But anon, someone is being /wrong/ on the internet!
I just want headpats
depends on the circumstances
at a base level with no knowledge of the situation, i think i would
if it turns out the doctor is a pedophile and the nurse works unpaid overtime out of the goodness of her heart, then it would change, obviously
Then they can trade usernames on Skype or whatever and hash it out there. This isn't the place for it.
This thread's already burning. Let's just make a new thread and leave this one to the /pol/tards and celebrity game fetishists.
You mean normal?
Whether it's mental or biological, either way trans people have a defect, considering the highly increased suicide rates, effectively 0 biological fitness rate, etc, transgenderism fits all the parameters for being a disease.
I call males he and females she because that's what they are. I don't care about what someone thinks they are. I care about what they are.
that's why i said wise, anon

I'll give you a headpat!

>at a base level with no knowledge of the situation, i think i would

Technically, someone can have a doctorate in nursing. They are two different medical degrees, not 'Lesser Doctor'.
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You might say

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I'm not sure Shalelu is better, she's a sociopathic hate-elf with a lust for gratuitous goblin murder.
You do it too, it's human nature to give deference to those in authority over their subordinates, the difference is that >>52447997 is self aware enough to recognize it and self assured enough to talk about it freely.
No. In a vacuum, there's no such thing as respect. If you're on your own, there's no-one to give you respect.

Respect is something given for things that are respectable, and that is something given as judgement by others.

Simply surviving is worth a smidgen of respect, depending on what someone's been through. Having a gender? That's not worth shit.

This doesn't mean I'd actively disrespect people, but that doesn't mean I have to actively salute "thos fien ladybois who wear them thar thongs round their feminine pensises and call themselves women you transphobic h8rs"
Imagine you have reach from retributive reach and you try to trip without having the feat, do the target of this maneuver have option to AoO?
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Fuck off /pol/
>If you're on your own, there's no-one to give you respect.
Then what's self-respect?
Which is hilarious since one of my RotJR player is a goblin
a fabrication of your mind to make yourself feel better
Something that's not going to matter much if there's no-one to see it. Feel free to not shave and eat a bucket of icecream if you want.

>it's human nature to give deference to those in authority over their subordinates

Have you actually been in a hospital ward? Nurses are not just the minions of doctors. They serve an entirely different purpose and in the area of long-term care doctors will often defer to the judgement of nurses.
>SotJR busts open the door
>Finds Shalelu being gangraped by goblins
Seems like a regular way to introduce her
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>mfw I had an idea for a connection to Shalelu
>mfw I didn't flesh it out because I already had something else set up
>mfw I never got around to doing any writeups of what the PC thinks of various NPCs because I'm a lazy fuck and "hah, who would want to read a page or two of autistic rambling"
>mfw all this wasted potential

I could have had something cool, gone for something unique, but instead I squandered it because of some no-ass tian chick hogging the spotlight.
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No seriously. Fuck off.
How the fuck did we get on this discussion?
Perception is also important. Even if the king's the figurehead of the cabal, if the cabal isn't known about the king's going to get more respect than the cabal.
How many of your characters have died?

Hey now, Ameiko's got an ass!


Wouldn't be goblins, they don't find humanoids attractive at all. It'd have to be Orik and that wizard chick, if anyone.
All of them are lost forever in the ether, anon.
It hurts so much.

Just one actually.
Dude, we've gone from transgenderism into a discussion of the matter of respect and perception of authority. While the tangent was briefly /pol/ it's moving onto interesting new ground. As long as it doesn't actively sway back INTO /pol/ stuff through people screeching about it might actually produce interesting discussion.
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You know what that discussion isn't

Anything to do with /tg/, let alone /pfg/

So fuck off.
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My half-giant fighter in a Kingmaker game died several times.

I wish he stayed dead, but they kept bringing him back.
Magical Marketplace
you know the person being rezzed can just choose not to come back
just be like "you know it's pretty cool up here i just get drunk with all these war heroes perpetually i think i'll stay"
> Anon, this is so easily houseruled as to be a non-issue for any but the biggest, most unreasonable autists.
So are catfolk.

Also, not an argument. Anything could be houseruled. The problem is that it has to be houseruled and people informed that "our kitsune are different".

> interesting new ground

It would've been good to know this when I was in that game!
What do you think Orik will be in RotJR? Myrmidon with Iron Tortoise and Mithral Current?
>Ameiko's got an ass!
Just ask the gnoll!

>wouldn't be goblins
Unless the RotJR DM makes an exception. Maybe all the NPCs can end up monster pregnant for extra difficulties on the journey.
Sounds about right. In my RotJR, Orik actually ended up being one of the choices the party could get as a Caravan guard.

I think he'll be a simple Diplomacy check.

The guy's one of the most genre-savvy characters in the system, he's not going to throw his life away for some half-mad tart in the basement when he's facing a bunch of decked out badasses with glowing PC tattoos.

And then he goes back to Sandpoint as an NPC the players can employ or woo!
it says that stuff right on the spell, anon
how did you even miss that
>how did you even miss that

I was playing a half-giant fighter with a bastard sword, take a wild guess.
Two, though if you want to get technical only one, because a homunculus is in fact a companion creature.

>easily houseruled

There's nothing there to serve as a basis for houserule, though. The only thing you're houseruling about kitsune is the fluff, because the mechanics to make them not be shitty are right there. The closest thing catfolk have would be the stuff from Bloodforge Infusions, which falls under the 3pp umbrella.
That sounds neat! Hopefully he stopped being never lucky!
Sure, but if the PCs decide to be right bastards FotJR said "No survivors." then he needs to have stats.

Do you think Orik would beg for his life?
I'm a little dissapointed that the Aasimar are rarely shown to look as weird as a well designed tiefling.
It's not like angels weren't some scary sons of bitches in all 3 of the Abrahamic holy books.
Orik totally would beg for his life.

He actually just throw his weapon down and surrenders once beaten up, ready to give you what he was paid
He ends up being the butt of many situations, but I end up being sad for him more and more, so I throw him a bone occasionally.
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Sure none of them are as tentaclefacey as a qlippoth-spawn, but they are kinda weird sometimes.

Orik would totally beg for his life.

I mean, consider the circumstances of him being there; he's just some random schmuck that was hired on to work with an ugly black wizard chick and some creepy goblin vermin by a lovely young Aasimar who's got the crazy eyes and spends her nights getting fucked by a pair of hellhounds right next to his room.

Do you think there's anything about that situation he should take pride in?
Angels are only one type of good outsiders and they are not even that strange as portrayed in Bestiaries. I've seen some random tables with interesting traits for aasimars, though.
In your mind, what would be the ideal "final campaign" for the pathfinder setting?
And I'm talking an end campaign. The last chapter. Right after you finish it, the credits start rolling. What do you think the campaign to end all pathfinder campaigns would be?
>What do you think the campaign to end all pathfinder campaigns would be?

Rovagug is let loose from his cage and the final battle destroys the pantheon and Golarion itself.
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> The only thing you're houseruling about kitsune is the fluff
1) Change creature type.
2) Change "change shape" ability.
3) Change size, bonuses, natural attacks, movement, ability bonuses, etc. to make "base creature" to be tiny fox, rather than medium/small humanoid.

Okay. That is known as "trolling".

>Garuda-blooded Aasimar have feathers for hair

It would involve Rovagug in some way, and Norgorber as well I feel.

Maybe something about the Beer Hall Putsch

>This shield is heavy
>The goblins smell
>Why is that sorceress always giving me the stink eye?
>Nualia's kind of a bitch
>Her hounds are treating her like one too, that's really weird
>I wish I was in Sandpoint, having a bowl of curry shrimp
You fight the DM himself.
Now you just try to tell me that these two guys kicking back at a tavern trying to look like normal guys, just leaning back in their chairs with frothy mugs in their hand, wouldn't look terribly weird and out of place.

Your typical, uneducated commoner might even think they're actually full-blooded outsiders. "I swear on me mum, Fred, there was an angel in the Raging Linnorm just kicking back the drinks! And he must a' been one of Cayden's, because he was sure knockin' em back like they were nothin!"
Your characters have to travel from Golarion to Earth to find a strange temple called "Paizo Aech-Kue" where Aroden, who had never actually died but in fact been imprisoned, is held. Terrifying outsiders have besieged the temple, however, because they all seek to prevent Aroden's return.
>Your typical, uneducated commoner might even think they're actually full-blooded outsiders.
Of course he would. Your typical commoner might have Knowledge (Local) but there's no way he'll have the Knowledge (Planes) he'd need to identify them, unless you're in Tianjing.
>My feet hurt
>Now you just try to tell me that these two guys kicking back at a tavern trying to look like normal guys, just leaning back in their chairs with frothy mugs in their hand, wouldn't look terribly weird and out of place.

I never said anything of the sort!
The final boss is Ya Mes Yakubs. If you're a paladin you can't fight him, you're not allowed at his table.
that shit triggers me so hard
>It's basically a Gurren Lagann finale fight
>"Why can't you understand the pathetic limitations of the Martial classes?!"

Well, yeah. What else would a magic fox do all day?

>The hidden condition to win his encounter without initiative is for the most attractive female PC to use diplomacy on him
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A genius planar scientist proves that the Abyss is truly infinite in it's depth. However, despite that fact, that same researcher finds something that shouldn't be. What he finds is Sheol, the final layer of the Abyss.
Within Sheol lies the 10 first Qlippoth, said to be the first things to ever live, and born from a speck of primal filth. Awakened by the scientist's intrusion, they put their unholy powers together and break Rovagug from its prison.
Instead of take revenge on the gods, Rovagug instead frees the 10 Qlippoth from Sheol, who promptly tear it apart and feast on it's flesh.

A wave of Qlippoth unlike anything ever seen descends on the planes, and put of desperation all the worlds ally with each other. Demons work with angels, daemons fight alongside archons, and the whole of the universe unites simply to survive.
The only thing that would be able to cease the Qlippoth from devouring and regurgitating reality is to kill the 10 originators. Are you a bad enough dude to do it?
And then you have 3 different endings, Destruction, Control and Synthesis? :^)

Indeed, and you fight a cyborg Tien ninja who is destined to defeat you in every encounter you challenge him in, except the last one.

Years later, Paizo will release a *new* AP in a system that supposedly ended with The Final Chapter where you play a band of Chaotic Neutral alt-men and alt-girls journeying to a new world where Halo wants to beat you up.
it hurts

It's okay, you'd be shocked at the number of people who think Mass Effect is a franchise still worthy of respect, Bioware is a company that deserves your money, and Andromeda is actually an incredible game "the haters" only hate because they haven't bought the $60 game and tried it for themselves.

It's okay! Just wait a year and you'll see the hate die down! They only hate it because they aren't playing it!

Woah, this ties into the previous discussion too. This is a perfect example of a company that should deserve respect isn't getting respect because they're full of bullshit.
What if I think things are just ok and i'm ok with that

I just want to be comfy.
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>implying this is at all complicated
>"the mechanics are right there, use them" is trolling

The fuck are you on about. The mechanics are right there for you to use. Your only valid point is creature type, but that's such a minor detail as to be a non-issue at this point.

What is your malfunction, anon.
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There are better ways to be comfy, cheaper too.

You shouldn't be paying $60 for an experience that is just "okay."
man why do you care what i spend my money on

if i enjoy it why does it matter
I mean the thing is that just because something is infinitely deep doesn't necessarily mean there can't be a 'last layer'.
Meant for >>52448608
What's the naming scheme for Rostlanders?
Title-First name-possible nickname--Family name-possibly second family name
1) Take a Slavic name
2) Misspell it based on phonetics
3) Add the suffix "-poop" to the end

For surnames, take your favorite word and spell it backwards.
Any real world analogue? I hear polish every once and a while.
We just want you to be more comfy! Do you need anything else? We can make recommendations!

They're Polish and pretty regimented in regards to social class, so you'd expect [Title] [First name] [Last name] [Honorific]. Women take the name of their husbands.


Yeah, the Rostlands is unabashedly Slavic with a distinct tilt towards Polish, while Issia is more tilted to Lithuanian.

An example of a full-name would be Stanislaw Restovski.
Slavic, more or less. Refer to non-Russians mostly, since that is taken by Irrisen's natives
>since that is taken by Irrisen's natives

Not exactly! Irrisen is Fairy Tale Russia inhabited by all the horror and whimsy that comes from classic Russian stories.

Right next door to Brevoy is Iobaria, which is brutal post-plague, post-Golden Horde Muscovy with a heavy dose of STALKER-tier post-apocalypse. They're also Russian.
Will Bioware ever recover from this debacle? ME:A was basically their last chance to recover from ME III, and to make it worse, the AAA titan studio with a 10 year development time and 150 staff released it right next to Yoko Taro's 10 man staff shoestring budget game.
i am ok at my current comfy level

I hope not, I hope they go the way of Westwood and release a wet, smelly fart of a dating simulator before finally getting subsumed by EA.


But are your legs okay?
Have you actually played the game or just watched gifs on /v/ of some bad animations

honest question

If you're certain.
Well let me put it this way:

Irrisen is the Russia in it's civilized form during the 13th-16th century

Iobaria is the Soviet Union without communism if the Mongol horde came through every few decades.
i am certain
Lysander is the party bicycle!
NieR or ME:A?
I'm not really talking about how I personally view either game anyway, just the actual public reception.
Doctors are always assholes. Some fry cooks are kinda nice.
Does everyone in Restov have a title?

My idea was to have a Half-elf with the sword scion trait. He'd want to become a sword lord, but feels the need to prove himself in more than just dueling, maybe because of his heritage. He'd likely not know who his elven father is, and is mal-adjusted to life from not growing up with a father.
3 days left for Legacy and maybe less than 10 apps are actually complete! What are you waiting for anon? 50/50 chance!
Does it matter

Honestly this whole ME:A thing reminds me of Battleborn, which is a pretty good game that just got smoked by awful PR and a shit release date.

I can tell Automata is an excellent game just by watching the occasional clip. I can tell The Witcher 3 is a great game just by watching the occasional clip.

Why is it suddenly loud, angry screaming that I'm just an idiot who doesn't know any better when I say Andromeda is shit based on the occasional clip?
>ugly black wizard chick
That Orik wants to bang.
>Westwood and release a wet, smelly fart of a dating simulator before finally getting subsumed by EA.
What game are you talking about?
/v/ please go

I preferred having /pol/
Isn't the black wizard chick actually pretty cute in her art, it's just that her personality is that of a raging psychotic bitch?
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>does it matter
In terms of the commercial future of Bioware? I'm not sure anything matters more. It's not like pic related where it's about shutting down discussion, I'm just talking about the general reception i.e. the loss of public credit among the "gaming community" suffered by Bioware after this.
New thread imminent anyway, just let them talk.
Rovagug and Sarenrae die, Punished Iomedae becomes the new Sun Goddess

Westwood's last game before getting really consumed by EA was a half-assed shadow of an RTS that sloppily tied up the Command and Conquer series.

Bioware has gone from "titan of the industry" to being known primarily for how extensive their romance dating simulators are.
i don't think i can tell anything about a game from a gif or a short clip, gotta get hands on and play it awhile

But whatevs, i'll keep enjoying myself

Bioware lost its credibility after ME3, if you're just now 'losing faith' in the company i question your sanity.

>Pretty good game

Yes! Yes! It's not the game's fault, they're blameless!
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How to go about homebrewing the kingdom building rules into a merchant "empire" (as in a monopoly) building rules? Aside from altering the leadership role's names, population changed to "employees" and instead of having a single country to build stuff in into "you have a brewery in Magnimar and a gold mine somewhere in Irrisen".
Post art
Well it's about the failure to recover. If they released ME:A and it was good, people would've looked upon ME III as simply "oh they had a hiccup". But you can't have two hiccups in a row ten years apart.
Oh no, There's plenty of blame to go around for Battleborn, the marketing was god-awful, Randy Pitchford needs to be taken out of the public eye (preferably out back, and shot), and it was obviously forced out by the publisher before it was 100% gold.

But the game itself is pretty fun.
How about looking up actual historical merchant republics like Carthage, Venice, Genua, etc instead of doing some random corporation shit
You're acting like Mass Effect is the only Bioware property

Dragon Age games are awful too

Not really? She's got a puffy face, awkward figure, and her boobs are basically small bananas.

She's also incredibly insecure about her body and kind of a bitch even besides that. Orik wants to stick his bastard sword in her because she's the only woman in 50 miles that is passingly desirable and doesn't fuck her dog.
Dragon Age Origins and Dragon Age Inquisition were relatively well-recieved. DA II was less well recieved.
I think she's cute, but she is described as frumpy. And she is pretty psycho, she collects tsutos toenails.
He needs to man up, kill the dogs, and fuck Nualia
ironically I think DA:O is easily the worst of the bunch, that game is a garbage fire.
>Does everyone in Restov have a title?


It's also worth mentioning that those who join the Swordlords must change their last name to Aldori.
Battleborn had very little hope from the beginning seeing as Overass was right next to it.
Is that after joining, or when still a prospective lord?
Done that and it's mostly corner conquering and trying to either get in kahoots with a prominent political figure that is not a merchant as you are or finding a way to pocket the said prominent figure into your vault of "people who are dependent on me and therefore are effectively my property".
I think he needs to man up, kill Nualia, and fuck the dogs.
Welcome to kingdom building as a merchant kingdom
Oh yeah, I think the moment Overass appeared, the Blizzard hype machine spelled death for Battleborn

I think Battleborn is a better game conceptually and mechanically, and the design of individual characters is much better mechanically, but Overass has a better aesthetic

After joining. If you're a common bastard your last name will probably be the city or region you're from, like "Restovski."
Wasn't Inquisition considered pretty terrible because most of the game's quests are worse than MMO fetch quests?
Is it worth trying to argue for the Seneschal archetype on a Cavalier? I'm quite fond of Order of the Cockatrice as it is, and I feel that getting Dazzling Display for free might actually be worth more than maneuvers, at least for my build.
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Lyrie's original art, from when everyone was a creepy gremlin.

Yes, but it was still so good it won Game of the Year three weeks after release.

It's so good, you still see people talking about how great it is and how they meme the LEGENDARY characters and their awesome interactions with the Inquisitor.
Yes, Inquisition is garbage, its an MMORPG with all the problems that entails without actually being an MMO
Honestly, she's not so bad, comparatively speaking. Ameiko, Niska, and Jubrayl were the worst.
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Lyrie art from the anniversary edition, when everyone is pretty.
>preferring constant political baitposts
At least /v/ can sometimes bring interesting mechanics discussion in or worldbuilding, the best thing /pol/ can contribute is "kill all elf" memes.
Look at it this way anon
The number of people in China and Korea who play this thing casually (paying, not pirates) is insane
Most of them only care because of D.Va, Tracer, Widowmaker, etc.

It's pretty fucking bad but it still had amazing reception and hype
You'll realize that the actual quality of a game is not always in line with its reception, although most of the time a game with shit reception (as in, not ignored, but actually outright poor reception) are trash.
So if my character has the attitude of "Fuck this, I'll start my own sword school, with blackjack and hookers", would that be too much for Blingmaker?

She's still pretty ugly in that art, which stays true to her character.

Sure she's not as knobbly, but her face is still gross and puffy.
Oh yeah, i'm aware.

Its just a bit annoying.

Overwatch is a pretty bad game all things considered

Well, Battleborn really hit every misstep and bit of bad luck possible. It ended up perceived as a direct rival to Overwatch, got released during a free Overwatch weekend, released with a number of serious performance issues on PC, maintained a misguided belief that PC and console versions should have the same update schedule (meaning said issues wouldn't be addressed for a month at least), and kind of screwed the timing on the whole micropayment thing.
looks like shit
Man, original Ameiko was fucking hideous in the art.

You could totally do that, but I guarantee it will be one hell of an uphill battle since the Swordlords aren't actually uptight assholes about who they accept, and you're basically trying to shit all over them with a lazier product.
I like Elves, especially Aquatic Elves.
>caring about Overwatch's gameplay instead of Hana's ass
OW's gameplay is objectively trash.
I like the old art better, honestly.
Would they accept half-elves easily into their ranks?
Oh yeah, Battleborn is an absolute disaster in a lot of ways, lots of missteps

The core game behind those problems is really good though. Not much can be done though. Such is life.
I haven't seen it! Show me!
it pretty much is desu
It had a style to it the new art doesn't. The reason so much shit looked hideus was because the author disliked the idea that some of the NPC's were PC's from old campaigns.
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Are we talking about good games with horrible sequels
I hate AoE III with all my heart.
Should critical fail be used? Do you use it?
Looks cute for the dodgy art style, but too stylized. Once you get past the face, her body's skeletal and janky.

Looks like she's actually from Garund, and for that matter, her outfit looks like it's not going to fall apart in a light breeze. Her cat looks like a real animal, and her top gives easy paizuri access.
It's not even an optional rule in Pathfinder, and for a good reason.
>Once you get past the face, her body's skeletal and janky.
I mean that's the point of the style.

You mean nat 1 is an automatic and extreme failure? Case by case basis. Generally I only use it (and crit success) when it'd be entertaining.
Your funeral, bro.
Probably. As long as you have the talent, the dedication, and hate the crown, I don't think they care who you are. You give up your name to become a Swordlord. Where you came from doesn't matter.

They don't accept anyone *easily*, but they're not going to turn down someone that can wield a Dueling Sword.

Allow me to frame this with some perspective. Brevoy is a nation of traditional gender roles, where the man is the patriarch and lead the family, with sons being the continuation of your line and women, while certainly respected, are ultimately expected to support their husband. Every noble family for example is led by a man, and the only noble family with a woman leader is simply regent while her son grows up.

The Aldori Swordlords accept women into their ranks.
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Don't say I didn't warn you.
I've only played 2. What else do you need but wololo?
Never. I might describe a nat 1 as more embarrassing when someone fails a roll, but if they nat 1 and succeed for some obscene modifier then what the fuck ever. It's not going to carry any more actual penalties failing on 1 than on 15.

Never played it-what's your issue with it?
II is not the one with Wololo monks
What better way to support your husband and lord than on the battlefield?

Didn't the artist draw her like this specifically to piss off JJ?

Anon, she's SUPPOSED to be ugly, and her breasts aren't supposed to be that nice and round.
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Neither art actually makes her look particularly ugly. The artstyle for the original is janky as fuck, but that's how it was for everyone. Is she some paragon of beauty? No, she's at best average looking and in dire need of an actual meal, and the way she acts and carries herself is probably the antithesis of charming for most people, but she's not actually "ugly". Maybe the nose in the second art is a turn-off, but I'm pretty sure that's just a regional thing and I've seen way worse noses. My sister in law has the weirdest fucking spear for a nose, thank god my nephew didn't inherit that.

I guess that's just how cartoons are though, I mean, just look at pic related.
This burns my very essence to look at. I hate skunk hair, but this is just painful.
The fuck is up with this table, is it really tall or is she really short?
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To be fair, Tomoko is probably one of the more realistic depictions of an awkward Japanese teen than you'd usually get in anime.
She ain't my empress.
Really? I mean, obviously it wasn't as good as 2, but it's not as if it was a terrible game.
And yet people still find her endearing, adorable even.
Ugh, the Gnoll can keep her.
>cards and a fucking LEVEL UP mechanic, like CoD shit, where you get more and more bonuses, and this is in both singleplayer and multiplayer
>active abilities for units
>scouts are immortal and get magic abilities like being able to cast Power Word Kill once every 5 minutes
>maps are fucking tiny
>balance is a mess, even 1.0 China in AoE II wasn't this bad compared to III France
>zero replay value

What the hell is this garbage

Anon the lack of random maps ALONE ruins the game.
Suddenly that RotJR gnoll makes a lot of sense.
>this thing gets raped
Who in their right mind would even WANT to rape it?
I heard somewhere that the original artist went out of his way to make her and all the good NPCs look ugly because he was pissed off at the devs in general and JJ personally.

Can anyone confirm/deny?
So maybe he should be trying to become a swordlord to make a name for himself, since without a father, he'd basically have none? Can he still be a gambling, hedonist?
>more realistic
She's still pretty fucking diluted for better waifu potential.

The world ain't ready for an anime about ACTUAL disgusting fujoshi and otakus.
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So I'm building a cult leader who worships spirals. I was going to make him a Elder Mythos Cleric, but I was wondering if people thought there were better classes/archetypes for driving people insane with shapes and patterns (sacred geometry doesn't count, I want to drive characters crazy, not players.)

My thoughts on am illusion wizards was that it wasnt quite weird enough and more like hypnosis than actually driving people insane.
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FYI, this is what she was supposed to look like.
What is so worship worthy about spirals
I want to hug Tomoko and be her friend!
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She still kind of looks like trash, to be honest with you.
someone get the drawfag's interpretation of the three kaijitsu sisters
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That may be, but there's only so much you can do with Wayne Reynolds and a JJ waifu.

Honestly, I'm partial to this bit of...I think it's just fanart?

Anon, there *are* better ways, by staying at home with the children (including the one hopefully in her belly) and making sure the family finances are in order. Being on the battlefield is a swift way to leave your kids without a mother.

That's why the whole Swordlord thing is so surprising - they're actually willing to accept women, elevating them to noblewomen. It's part of why I said the Swordlords are kinda seen with the same sort of love and admiration as Jedi, since they hold a lot of the same duties too (a Swordlord is, first and foremost, an exemplar of Rostlandic justice and tradition.)

Another example of all this is the sole female bandit employed by the Stag Lord, who is a wild bitch who threatens to give Svetlana over to her men to get gangraped and only became a member of the Stag Lord's retinue because his men tried to gangrape her and she bit off the cock of the first man that tried to jam it in her mouth. The Stag Lord found that fucking hilarious and awesome.

Kingmaker is absurdly raw about a lot of this shit, like with the ex-Paladin of Erastil who (I think) killed his fiance and a bunch of guards because she accused him of rape so she can run off with a wealthy merchant that showed up in town a week before.
They'll probably make it in for how few apps there are.
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>Can he still be a gambling, hedonist?

And this is sad as fuck because this legit looks better than the canonical art.

I've seen some lovely drawings of Ameiko on Deviant-Art!
>local drawfags better than "professional artists"

what a shame
>one feat
>better than three disciplines
Why is the one on the right all ahegao? Does she have brain damage?
Rolled 11 (1d20)

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Silly face quota or pic related.

Your choice.
>when Shalltear gets useful and Cocytus becomes 100% trash
I rather like the prestige class in the second book. Not 100% shit
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Does your character have tan-lines?
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Blingmaker apps are EVER-EXPANDING.
It gonna be yuge.
I was having trouble finding /pfg/ in the catalogue, and I didn't feel like searching for text. Then I decided to just look for the most degenerate image, and there it was.
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Post character art
pic unrelated
>he hasn't read Uzumaki
Sure ya did buddy


Must have just missed all of these.
He's a bit of a minor villain who's supposed to start out as a joke because of his beliefs, but he's in possession of a mcguffin that's a piece of paper that writing appears on, wrapping around as a spiral. It allows you to use commune at the cost of some wisdom damage. So really I guess he's worshipping the mcguffin more than anything.
I double checked and not only does Blingmaker have more apps than Shardwalkers already, but it has more ready apps than Legacy which half of the players already forgot about. It's closing in on WWW, which people're already forgetting. I haven't even seen that panty poster post recently.
It's nice to have something to rely on
Those weren't before /pfg/ in the catalogue when I was looking, but I'll give you they're bad.
That's a lot of /pfg/ threads, wow.
I feel bad for WWW
You said "most degenerate" not "first degenerate".
Is it a good idea to have an 'insurmountable' foe in your games?
If you're going to feel bad for a game, feel bad for one of the others. Blingmaker might've overshadowed it but WWW is still doing better than Shardwalker and LoBaF. The DMs of those two games might not even have to make decisions once they've cut out the incomplete or inappropriate apps.
New Thread
>2 threads with 150+ replies
>Basically all of the OPs were created before your post, most by 12+ hours.
>"B-but those weren't in the catalogue!"
Nice try faggot.
I just don't understand the sudden blingmaker hype
I guess I misspoke, jesus Anon you're busting my balls over a shitpost. All I was saying is /pfg/ always has really degenerate OPs.

Wait are people actually buttmad over this?
People somehow think Kingmaker's system won't be a pile of shit this time because "muh comfy" retards.
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Personally, as someone that's applied to WWW, I'm content with the lack of attention. Less competition!
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>nigga gets caught lying through their teeth
>"o-oh man, people sure are buttmad, hahalol."
As a tradition I always have a way over CR Black Knight in each of my games that serves to threaten railroad players until they confront them towards the end of the campaign.

My personal favourite was the talkative Black Knight who just never shut up, making a big discussion out of everything from the nature of warfare to the proper method of washing vegetables. The players got a lot of mileage getting him ranting to escape him or tricking him into revealing information until they were strong enough to actually fight him.
Seriously is Kingmaker ever not a disaster
>Overreacting to a shitpost
>Not buttmad
Okay mate, I'll take your word for it. Just seemed really defensive over what I thought was an obvious joke about our OPs
I don't care about getting into games, app periods just excite me. It's disappointing seeing any game with weak casts.
But I think WWW has some of the most solid apps I've seen for a game!
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I'm tired of the degenerate OPs too, man. Feeding the OP trolls is only going to make it stay longer. Joking about it, especially when it's wrong, just perpetuates that.
Not sure about that myself, but the app period still has like, 2 weeks to go for people to finish and revise. Doll-girl is probably a shoe-in for the game though.
Which do you like best? Which do you not like?
WWW seems fine to me, not amazing but solid and you can picture a few decent parties. Shardwalker is thin on apps but the ones that are there seem like they have really interesting concepts, which is especially nice for an original setting.
LoBaF is the game with the most disappointing turn out in my opinion. I think it deserves way more than it's getting. Half of the apps appear to be abandoned, and from the ones still standing the quality is pretty poor. It got a lot of hype right after it landed so I don't know what happened.
Well, there's still about 4 days or so until the apps get picked for LoBaF, so it's not too late...I guess?
I'd be hyping LoBaF to shit if I HAD TIME TO PLAY IT, FUCK. I'm already in two games, I don't want to pick up a third and fuck up my chances of escaping NEET-dom even more.
I'd love to be scheduling conflicts.

LOBAF was poorly advertised, isn't lewd, and had its thunder stolen by rapegame shilling.

Also after the initial 8 reviews in which no characters came out unscathed, everyone lost interest.

It doesn't help that it's a homebrewed setting rewrite and that only a minority of characters want to play natives.
Well, when you've got a campaign trait that rewards being a foreigner with an Initiative boost...

But yeah, fucking Pissing Limp Dicks stole the thunder from everyone else. LoBaF was just another casualty and the GM was too nice/too much of a pussy to dispute that.

It's also just game overload.

Too many fucking games, all the same people applying. Except that this game dropped after most of the hordes got depressed and fucked off.
If the GM disputed that then everyone in /pfg/ would just tear him to pieces and shit all over the remains.

Speak for yourself: vult is a piece of shit who constantly falseflagged his own game in the thread and on discord to choke out all other talk.

t. Vult

You aren't as popular as you think you are.
How do you false flag in Discord, where you've got a specific name and identity attached to your posts?
Step 1: Shitpost on /pfg/
Step 2: Change to discord tab 3 minutes later, "Someone else is complaining about my game lmao"
LoBaF GM already got shit on and accused of shilling for politely answering questions about his game.

Not sure how sticking up for LoBaF GM makes me Vult but whatever. I'm sure he's flattered by your attention.



He got shit on for being polite? Really?
He got shit on for answering questions in /pfg/, yes. Kind of like how just I got accused of being Vult for explaining why another GM can't stand up to Vult. It's like people in /pfg/ just want to start shit all the time for no reason.
Quick question pfg: What would house labeda of brevoy do to a woman they thought was disloyal to her man, and she had married into the name?

Rostlanders are pretty fiercely patriarchal. But they're not savages. Disownment. If it's proven.
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