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Horus Heresy General /hhg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 352
Thread images: 45

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CHOOM! Edition
Circus colored robots Sub-Edition
In the last thread discussion on how strong the Primarchs should be and if they should be able to be killed by Toaster molestors was made, Alpharius's death is still hurting some folks, a WEfag told how drop-pod using Word Bears killed him, Bane-Orgyan made an appearance, and can you feel the coming Inferno? >>50532773
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016)
What to include in a HH list, how to format it, what makes each legion special (crunch), tactics, Tutorials for Heresy-era minis and more
>HH Books, Novels and Rulebooks galore
>/HHG/'s Legion demographics
>Oct 16 White Dwarf
>Primarch Popularity Poll

>Other new links
Whats the discord?

Inferno is still two months away. This place will never survive that long, and even when it does the fact there is no guaranteed scans will really cause issues when people beg for scans that will never come.

I admit, that sounds impressively high-tech and thus Iron Handy.

...you are giving me a great idea for a Head of thr Gorgon list with this.
How do Mechanicum fare vs, World Eaters? Going to fight them soon and I am scared. AP4 at high strength seems painful. I guess try to thin them out with blasts and interceptor?
Who else is far more interested in Talons of the Emperor then SW or TS.
Don't forget Magna-Meltas.
Stop moping Konny and enjoy what we have.
How does Guilliman's rerollable invuln save work? Is it used up on the first save that requires a reroll, or on the first that gets through the reroll and causes an unsaved Wound?
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Oooh, yes.

Magna Meltas are delicious.

Come close?
Stay away?
Conversion Beamers!

About Talons of Big-E:
I worry about BL enhanced fluff violations and Grey Knight syndrom in regards of them being the new admech and space marine-space marine.

But it has the chance of being amazing and I hope for the best.

The Bananas have a place in my heart.
So, after discussing gun sounds, we gotta know, on your headcannon, what sound does each weapon make?
I can't say I'm particularly interested in any of the involved parties, and the events on prospero itself have been ground into the fuckin' dirt.

So yeah, I'd rather see another wonky middle of nowhere book than inferno.
And that, yes. Somehow I have a feeling that dropping Rite of Destruction on it around T2 or 3 could really mess up some guys.


Magos Photon weapons make the iron man laser sound, the *bweeeEE* ZAP. I presume the larger Castellax ones sound like the Unibeam firing.
BZRAPP/crack in different modulations for laser sounds cool.

Meltas might be hard?

A really long, focusedrocket engine sound?

Like a big welding tool?
We don't need scans. I'm fine with a shitty phone picture pdf.

I'm mainly in it for the new TS forgeworld.
lascannons sound like bolts of lightning

It's the only appropriate sound for something with the name "godhammer"
Seconded, low energy las weapons miht get a lower whining sound potentially...but not the big ones.
Las weapons have sharp crack

Melta ones have this whine like "wheeeeeeeeeeeee"

Bolters have super throaty bass sound
Who cares?

Downgrading from Scans to shitty phone pictures is going to be a rather sad event.
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>Meltas might be hard?

They're literally jet engine afterburners turned into guns. They'll likely sound the same.
I have my weekender, hotel and flight tickets booked.

If Inferno is available to buy at the weekender, I'll be uploading some clean quality pictures. Last year I had a shitty old iphone, this time my camera's better.
I liked the Boltgun sound from Firewarrior.

But why is a huge solid shell gun like an autocannon making buzzing sounds?
One thanatar also unlocks krios venators, for Cybernetica. Heavy Support does all the lifting in the mechanicum.
Oh, cool that I grasped that concept I guess.

Because that's how fast they go.
For big things I think I will probably have a couple Lightning fighters rather than those, cool as they are. Dropping 8 S8 Armourbane Tank Hunters AP1 BS5 missiles on a thing like a Knight has to hurt.
i think autocannons are more of a
Beggars cant be choosers, dont get all princess about it.

We would appreciate your effort anon.
I don't think they fire that fast, always thought the shots were more spaced out than from a normal machine gun, but bigger/deeper.
Wouldnt that be rotor cannons?
After all they do spin, autocannons sound more like 1.0 second shot intervals to me, name wise
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Whoops here's the right one.

Destroyers fix
Thanks man, this is amazing!

>Reavers are next, I hope.
Like so?

I suspect 30k Predator autocannon, Exterminator autocannon and Hydra autocannon have a more of a BRRRT to them, since they all have a much higher rate of fire (Heavy 4 instead of 2).
You're welcome. Here's a version with fewer typos... I am good at this a i swear
yeah kinda. like a 57mm autoloader
Do you have a template?
what do reavers need?
Yes, exactly like that.
I wish. I'll probably make one in the future. This time i just shoop'd it.
>TFW you're turning into a professional programmer/script kiddy just because you're trying to fix GW's epub files so your ereader can handle them.

Sometimes I wonder why I try to fix shit others didn't do properly but got payed for anyway.
I would have made rad grenades optional, given them option between a bolter and twin pistols, and power weapons as an option alongside heavy and special weapons. Maybe rotor cannons with toxic ammo as well.

That way you can have them either as a shooty or an assaulty squad.
Got any tips? Wrath of Magnus has been giving me a hell of a time.
I'm just going the route of the fewest changes, like price drop, better additional options. A full revamp would be cool, but I just want them to not suck for right now ya know?
I fully know. Luckily I play Reaping DG, so every squad is a Destroyer squad.
Chainaxes need a price increase too,since they're +1S now.
Reavers should be roughly the same price as vets.
Because you love us, you big homo.
Is it usually better to have giant 20 man bolter blobs or squads of 10?
I think the best option for WoM is converting it to PDF, because I found 74022 faults in the coding that cause issues when opening it with a E-reader. Fixing that by hand could take ... a long time.
But converting can take a while (think 24 hours easy) because it's a enormous file relative to other epubs.

You can have a go at the coding by unzipping it (can also get all those sweet images out of it that way) and re-zip it once you think you're done. But make sure you name the file like "titelhere.epub" and not "titelhere.zip"
10, because then you can give them a metal box
too many variables to answer that


fighting IW or Ordo Reductor AdMech? 10 in rhinos

Are you DG/IH/IF doing any of your buffy RoWs? Sure, generally. Facing arty? No.
>20 man bolter blobs
Looks cooler.
Moar dakka.
Fewer points than 2 10 man squads.
Harder to case morale tests against.
>2 squads of 10
Can fit in rhinos.
Target two squads in the same turn.
It depends on what else is in your army, if we assume your opponent is bringing artillery then you must have something else to cover thos 20 man squads, like Void Shield generators or a Bastion for each squad, you could also give them Kharbydis claws but if you're not doing anything to cover them then its better to have a bunch of squads in rhinos.

Now I guess you could make it work with a bunch of 20 man squads and some sort of forward element like Jetbikes or dreadnoughts in drop pods or something like that, basically anything that will take the heat out of the footsloggers, but they will still get blasted to pieces the moment your opponent looks at them with a Basilisk or Scorpius.

Have a plan is what Im saying, dont just have 60 dudes on the ground and expect them to do anything great or cry when they get blasted to pieces.
Guess I'll pick up some rhinos and have a back up list based around them. Thanks for the advice guys.
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>dont just have 60 dudes on the ground and expect them to do anything great
But seriously, listen to this man.
Rolled 10 (1d10)

Well, you heard the man.
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Yes, YOU heard him!
Rolled 5 (1d10)

That was quick.
Anyone? This has me confused.
>in addition, the first invulnerable save failed by Roboute Guilliman in each particular phase of the game may be re-rolled.

Did he fail an invuln save in this phase? If so reroll the first failure.

Thats how it works, whats so confusing about that? Just roll his invulns one at a time and reroll the first failure that comes up.
>When do I reroll it
>When the rules say I should, or after I failed the reroll I already rolled?
Maybe you should learn to use proper sentences so people know what you're talking about?

Dawn of war 1 sound effects with guest stars DoW2 assault cannon and CHOOM
You couldn't fix the Mechanicum Taghmata epub, but I don't blame you, nobody can
So, two S3 hand flamers are worth more than a power armoured superhuman with a chainsword and rad grenades? I'd say 15 pts. You know, the closest to the double of the other option, rather than the triple.
>Oversized Machinegun Bolter Sounds

You could've just said you play a Non-Crusade List.
Unless you have better examples for most of those, I'm sticking to Space Marine vidya's sounds, I liked them all. Especially...well, all of them.
Does it go:

1) roll first invuln roll
2) fail and reroll, pass
3) cannot reroll next invuln


1) roll invuln
2) fail and reroll, pass
3) roll next save
4)fail and reroll, fail
5) cannot reroll next invuln.

So is it "deactivated" for the phase on the first one that requires the reroll, or the first that gets through the reroll?
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Rolled 8 (1d10)


Oh boy fellow Iron Warriors, I can't wait to destroy a tenth of our Legion!
>Willfully ignoring >>50549703

They're accurate to their in game effectiveness
Rolled 3 (1d10)

It specifies FIRST failed invuln, you dont reroll ALL failed invuln so it'd be the first case you posted.
Ok, nice. Thank you for that, it was one of those things that is a bit fiddly to explain correctly. My apologies for being thick.

Are the Silent Sisterhood in Talons of E-Money?
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Rolled 3 (1d10)

Hit me with your best shot, Iron Tyrant! My great helm and Spiidesh will protect me.
How specialised do you make your lists? I like to have a few choppy units, a flyer or two, some tarpits ect with my Reductor, but I see a lot of lists that are essentially all (or as much as possible) arty or tanks. I know specialising is powerful, but don't these armies get boring to play? I like artillery and tarpits, but it's sometimes nice to mix in some other things.
The rumors say that yes, they are. There won't be enough Sisters of Silence units to take a whole army of them; they'll be a unit entry or two in Talons of the Emperor armies, or attached to loyalist armies as Agents of the Emperor (or is it "of the Sigilite"?)

You will be able to take a relatively-balanced army consisting of 100% Custodes, which I take to mean that they'll have at least one entry in every force org slot.
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Spiidesh protects the faithful!
Rolled 6 (1d10)

I fear not the decimation, for if I die I will leave this plane and commune with the Crater.
Now that I remember, the decimation is to be beaten to death with bare hands...I should probably fetch some grenades, just in case.
I am seriously considering screen-capping each individual page with printscreen, save them as .jpeg that way, add them back together and turn that into a pdf. It's ... primitive, but it seems like it's the only way
Why not just use the right ereader?
Honestly I always thought you were Breadanon and that he also happened to be into great helms besides spiders.
And spend money on something that isn't FW resin ?
I also dislike the idea of having a ton of readers in case one clashes with one ebook. Kinda defeats the purpose of the whole E-book idea.
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I am. I do however love closed helms and sallets.
>Mk II
>Mk V

I guess I better save up some money and think of some cadre names.
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Why is the Sicaran Venator's bigger cousin so bad ? I really want to like the Cerberus, but besides the longer range the gun it has is worse than that of the humble Venator.

What would you do to fix it ?
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Well that makes the Imperium of Arachnidkind rise over the Church of the Crater and the Citric Cult
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>Well that makes the Imperium of Arachnidkind rise over the Church of the Crater and the Citric Cult
All three can merge together.
That's the wrong picture. My bad. My phone's photo library is way more unorganized than my computer's.
Well I do follow all of them.
Eh, it's a paint in the ass to do so from the phone itself, have some SW MkVI
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Explain this shit man!
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Oh that thing. I have seen worse.
What prices are you using?
Don't attribute to malice what can be explained by half-assedness and ignorance.
It's like they're trying to discourage you from taking units that no longer exist in M41.
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It's probably there because that book contains the rules for contemptors and cataphractii in 40k. 30k librarian rules say you pick a discipline from the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and, while there's a fair chance they'll be in the main rulebook next edition, at the moment the librarius/technomancy/fulmination/geomancy disciplines aren't in the 40k rulebook.
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I have finally decided what to buy next, a predator and 2 Deredeos once FW starts selling the lascannon arms.

Imperial Fists, 2000pts

+ HQ +

Delegatus [Artificer Armour, 2x Plasma Pistol, Plasma Pistol, Refractor Field] RoW: Armored Breakthrough

+ Elites +

2xLegion Veteran Tactical Squad [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Sniper, 2x Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web]

2xLegion Veteran Tactical Squad [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Sniper, 2x Missile Launcher and Suspensor Web]

+ Troops +

Legion Predator Tank

Legion Predator Tank [Lascannons, Machine Spirit]

Legion Tactical Support Squad [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 5x Legion Space Marines, Plasma Guns]

+ Heavy Support +

2x Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought [Arachnus Lascannons]
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New rubric bits mixed with mkIV look okay, my paintjob isn't going to, but ah well.
Shit that's in high demand gets scanned and added to the OP links p quickly.

Both Master of Mankind and Wrath of Magnus are up there already
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thousand sons painting time, help me decide between A and B

A for red with black and gold accents.
B for red with white and gold accents.

I was about to start doing B, until someone showed me the black versions (which is apparently how they are painted in a preview of inferno artwork?).
A if you think the thousand sons did things wrong
B if you think the thousand sons did nothing wrong
A definitely

Who here would be willing to slash the spine of a $150 HH Book in order to get good scans for everyone else? Is anyone here that self-sacrificing?
Big reason for doing B is it would be consistent with choco white bolters (and white casings on tank weapons too)
B, because of the white. That's what tells me that they're Thousand Sons and not Blood Angels.
There was one...
Hail Scannon, bro amongst bros.
Those both have digital releases.

The forgeworld books had their spines cut and were scanned with an extremely high quality scanner anon had access to at his school. Which he no longer has access to.

It ain't the same situation. Snaps from a camera are the best you'll probably see for inferno.
hey /hhg/
i'm putting in a big order for iron warriors.
i'm wondering
what would you suggest for armoured,
i need some vehicals to round out my force and im not sure which ones i should go with
What IW do you have already?
That's fair enough. I'll stick to the red/white.
Watching now.

Ironfire vs EC Army of Dark Compliance

Should be good
five man plasma squad
ten man vet squad with combi plasma
40 tacts
one boxnaught either laser-mort/ missile-
one venerable assault canon mort
5 man biker
10 man tyrant
5 man tarty termie
5 missile havocs
5 heavy bolter havocs
3 las cannons
1 rhino
warsmith with paragon blade, servo arm and volite charger
one of every consul more or less
one quad rapier battery
also a basilisk
Cool EC army.
So Sicarans are usually pretty good, despite their price increase I run one all the time( play IH). Deredos and Leviathans are also awesome, but walkers. Either flavor Vindy can help with bringing blasts or high S. There's various predators, but haven't played each kind, so that's up to what holes you have left in your list.
what you think about super heavys between the fellblade and the glaive
Haven't tried either. Being IH player, I'd be easily interested in the glaive for maximum CHOOOOM, so very much anti marine, but can deal with tanks if needed. Feelblade is general and will do both well
god that's the only hard choice.
chooom or fellblade.
Would 3 Castellax with darkfire cannons and enhanced targeting arrays alongside a Praevian with a powerfist be enough to take out a leviathan dread?

I'm hoping to use the range on the darkfire cannons to my advantage and keep pinging hull points off him, but with only 6 shots and his 4+ Inv I'm not sure how well this will work.

Anti-leviathan solutions?
3 boxnoughts with power fists will fuck his shit up, keep them hidden to guard any possible target that he may want to deep strike to.
Go with B, there are already far too many Red/Black schemes in Warhammer.

Is there a PDF up for WoM? I don't feel like plumbing the depths of 40k general to search.

That's one of the least effective match ups for a castellax, they're good against almost anything else.

Fellblade is very general purpose and is never useless against any list. The extra demolisher cannon helps a lot. It can fuck vehicles or fuck infantry adequately.

Glaive is dead 'ard anti infantry but if your opponent knows what it does he can spread his guys sufficiently to minimize its advantage. Still a good choice. Little weak against vehicles for its cost

The falchion is the most OP of the 3.
>The falchion is the most OP of the 3.

It is? I was told that with the neutron upgrade it's useful at best and otherwise pretty crap compared to the alternatives.
against other super-heavies the glaive is also very effective assuming you can roll at least a 3+ on its haywire hits

It's a better shadowsword on a better platform and it's even twin linked

Don't underestimate Str D templates
Porque no los dos?
that batrep is painful to watch
steve is so fucking shit at the game, forgets everything, apparently reaper autocannons arent twin linked, the whirlwind scorpius cant fire, and doesnt bring any interceptor at all in an artillery based army
He still knows rules better than the AL guy, who I can't stand. And he did change up his army often enough so not buying. Plus Perturabo has a lot of buffs, some are easily forgotten, like stubborn.
>The falchion is the most OP of the 3.

>It is?

HA No its not. Not even close. A single 5" D blast is mediocre at best thanks the the 7E D nerf. The Neutron upgrade is mandatory and that just makes it good. Super expensive, but good at fighting other super heavies. Definitely the weakest of the three.
The same people who did it with the previous 6 books
Person. Singular. And he's already said he can't
Sometimes I wish twin linked weapons were buffed massively so they doubled their fire rate and still kept their rerolls to emphasize how these are major primary weapon systems designed to do massive damage to high level targets or to slaughter hordes.
That's like going from Lascannon to Quad Lascannon in a single go
Well exactly. But I really want a casemate tank. Bullshit that FW had to give Marine tanks different sponsons (or alternatively not giving the quad lascannon sponsons to other baneblade hull tanks, at least for Legion use), so that there's no way of using the hull for other super-heavies, like a Stormsword or something.

They should just fire two shots.
The Stalker Boltgun in that game has one of the most satisfying sounds ever.
So what's the point of twin-linked? It's basically just two guns. Hell, combi-bolters would be murder. 4 shots at close range. Storm bolters would really have to up their game to keep up.
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All the bolt weapons, really.
I wish you could keep the bolt pistol, so you could have that one, the Kraken Bolter, Stormbolter and Stalker Bolter while also carrying the Heavy Bolter.

I kind of like bolters
There is a reason the Storm Bolter has had to be nerfed to hell in every Shooter Vidya it's ever been in.

>only Imperial Fists get +1BS
>tfw Iron Warrior

Like the Lightning Claw being spikes on a fist yet swinging faster, the current TL rules are modifications from the old rules. In the original rules, TL weapons shot twice and Lightning Claws were just PFs that did extra wounds.
>good at fighting other super heavies

Should be good for Spartans as well, since D doesn't care about Flare Shields.
I just want my trench fighters to have that genuine accuracy.

And power shovels.

Could a man ask for anything else?
>Like the Lightning Claw being spikes on a fist yet swinging faster

Always assumed power fists weren't so much about punching as they were ripping and crushing, like power claws. Also, if you want to get technical, why are axes and hammers Unwieldy but maces and clubs aren't?

Axes are slower than power mauls because the axe typically more massive unless the maul is so large it's a thunder hammer. But in real life, blunt weapons like maces would be about the same speed if not slower than axes, but GW doesn't know this.

Thunder Hammers are slow because they are so massive and their full damage doesn't occur until after impact. They don't have constant power fields like other weapons, they explosively project the power field from the hammer head when struck, hence the name of the weapon.
>IF get flat +1BS when firing bolt weapons and other bonuses
>DA get conditional +1 to hit when wielding sword weapons
Thanks FW.
that is true, with spartans sole purpose of closing in. Might even earn its points back. But the falchion is expensive for what it does. Gorgeous model though.
>Axes are slower than power mauls because the axe typically more massive

Larger in size, but not necessarily more massive. When you look at some of the official models, the mauls are pretty hefty pieces, while axes just got a long shaft and a blade at the end. Hell, halberds like the ones used by GK, are not that different from spears, yet are Unwieldy (I know GK halberds aren't, but they're an example of a halberd, and halberds are classed under axes in the rules).

Also, shock mauls also unleash their energy upon impact like thunder hammers.
How would a power shovel differ from a power axe?
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Are the Betrayal at Calth marines smaller than the normal Fore World ones? I'm tempted to order a few squads of Mk. III off Ebay and I dont want to have any army of manlets.
Let's be honest, the real reason axes are unwieldy is because they're AP2. Fists and hammers even more so because they're AP2 and double strength.
str user ap4
Tell me about it. 525 base, 35 for the generator, 25 for the AC. 585pts. Throw in SM crew for an even 600pts., because fuck it. Maybe if it blows up two spartans it has made its points back.

Then again, Glaive is 625 stock.

I thought halberds were either unusual force weapon/sword or power lance. Or even power stave which is a mace. If you make maces unwieldy power staff has to become its own thing.
Models equipped with it get +1 Cover save if they have not moved, to a maximum of 2+.

Is this balanced?

Or +2 if not moved, +1 if moved? Can be taken by Tactical Squads for 5ppm?

S:user AP:3/4?

Preferred Enemy (Ground)
Larger, actually. Unfortunately no cool cone helmet.

Dunno about the Burning of Prospero MkIII marines though.
Didn't old power axes have a charged up power swing that hit harder but had some negative modifier to it?
>if it’s an axe or halberd, it’s a power axe

Straight from the rulebook.

I mean, 565 for a kitted out fellblade doesn't seem that much cheaper but it's made up by the fact that the fellblade can make up its points value by shooting anything on the board

That's retarded because there are models with halberds that count as swords and lances. Like Vulkan

Also, I have no idea.
Why is it that the Fellblade and Falchion don't has Marine crews, but the Glaive does?
>That's retarded because there are models with halberds that count as swords and lances. Like Vulkan

There's also models with axes that swing at initiative, like Logan.


May you go to Valhalla, Shiny and Chrome.
>dat battle of mezoa
I hope they shed light on what happens to Narik Dreygur later on
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You could opt to wield it two-handed.

Logan's just really strong. Don't SW also have some guy that hurls thunder hammers like a gun? FUCKING SPACE WOLVES JUST STRAIGHT UP IGNORING WEAPON RULES I SEE
Did they come up with a name for the arm-cannon on the dude in the center?
>Logan's just really strong.

Then his axe must be blunt, because it's AP3 when used un-Unwieldingly.
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Do you think Warzone's Blue Shark would make for a decent jetbike conversion? Also, are Scimitars (or even regular bikes) worth anything, or are they just aesthetic pieces?
That'd look pretty cool imo.
Through the combined brain washing power of compassion within his heart and the values of family preached by the Sallie dread he became a loyalist, and presumably went off to preach the same message.
Anyone have experience with MaxMini jump packs? Thinking about grabbing a bunch for some Night Raptors, but I'm not sure which set to go with.

Scimitars are to 30k what bikes are to 40k. They look stupid IMO but they're one of the best units to take as fast squads or as HQ mounts.
A power axe but with a cover bonus for going to ground.
How about
>A unit that contains a poweraxe and begins the game deployed in a piece of terrain can choose to improve that terrain piece's cover save by 1 for the remainder of the battle.
power shovel not power axe
Points cost and "user availability" would matter a lot with those rules.
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>what bikes are to 40k. They look stupid IMO
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>brum brum

Forgive me for being blind, but is there a copy of The Master of Mankind? mp3 or ebook
I deliver
You, sir, are a true gentleman. You have my thanks.
They are a bit big compared to the FW and GW versions they are based on, but not much of a problem really. I use the iron pattern for regular marines, and the silver wing pattern for apothecaries and characters

I like the Silver wing, but ironically not the wings. Not for Night Lords anyway.
Would the Alpha legion head hunter kit look better with mkiii legs and powerpack or the mkiv ones?
they're designed with mk4/6 in mind

mk2/3/5 are heavier, chunkier suits. You could probably mix the parts, but they'd look out of place.

Mk III backpack looks good on everything. The legs, not so much.
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Laurie Goulding laying down the Emperor's whole plan. So what's your opinion guys? Was it a clever plan?
This guy is insane.

I really wish I could think of something to say that would counter this or at least let it be known how bullshit this comes off as, but I cannot.
>In his astral scryings, Magnus learned of Horus’ nascent treachery. The Warmaster had been seduced by the Dark Gods. Aghast, Magnus projected his consciousness to warn his father as he created his great works upon Terra. In doing so, he damaged the Emperor’s sanctum beyond recovery. The Emperor, enraged, did not listen, and banished Magnus from his sight. He then ordered Horus to unleash the Space Wolves, capture Magnus and bring him to Terra in chains. Horus instead told Russ to bring utter devastation to the Thousand Sons. The war that followed was apocalyptic.

Well WoM has Horus being the intermediary between Emperor and Russ so unless the Emperor is actually a retarded then fuck off Goulding.
They can't get rid of this cunt quickly enough, it's getting like George Lucas with Star Wars or Russ T Davis with Dr Who, just a matter of seeing how much damage they do to the IP before they leave. And I bet Aaron "the setting needs mystery!" D-B ends up writing the book that spells out that Horus's rebellion was planned all along.
Well it is a daemonic axe of Khorne that hasn't been purified in the least as it turns out in WoM. So the axe being AP 3 is just Khorne trolling Logan. He likes how he's being fed by the SW chapter master, but knows full well SW prefer tough love. Also one more piece of evidence that SW are just chaos space marines who don't know it yet
The Emperor wanted Russ to go after Horus and he used the Warmaster at the time to carry the message since the Emperor no longer leads the Crusades so it wasn't his job to directly order the primarchs.

The CEO doesn't personally order low on-ground management.
Are you a fucking idiot? did you read what he wrote then what I wrote? Are you just a monkey typing randomly on a keyboard?
Yes, I did. At the point, the Emperor might have thought that Horus was still loyal and hasn't figured out the secret plan about the Webway.
>This man I am setting to betray me seems like the best guy to carry out my orders
Wow. I sure hope nothing goes wrong.
Don't get drawn in, I think you're sparring with one of Laurie's minions.
From what LG wrote, I summarize that the Emperor wanted to have information slowly leak to Horus until Horus puts 1+1 and figures out what was going on.

The Emperor clearly thought that Horus knew nothing and was still loyal. He had no way of knowing what was being planned. The Emperor even eliminated religion and the Librarians so that the Chaos Gods couldn't contact Horus and so that the Librarians wouldn't foresee what the Emperor was doing.

The Emperor didn't factor in Erebus poisoning Horus and putting him in contact with the Chaos Gods who revealed everything. Remember the vision of the future where all the Primarchs are celebrated and remembered but Horus's was not? This led Horus rebelling sooner than was intended and also causing the unforeseen consequence of Magnus blowing up the Webway.

That's how I see it.
This basically, if it's written on official paper, confirms that the Emperor is the real bad guy of the HH and 40K as a whole.

The Chaos Gods did nothing wrong.
>Holy shit Magnus just rocked up and warned me Horus just fell to chaos
>This totally ruined my plan and shows somethings off
>Better continue to use Horus and follow my plan anyway lmao
This couldnt be more retarded.

I dont even know anymore.
Can a Father, Even a Godly Douchebag, really hate his Sons. If you read the first 3 Books, it's pretty apparent that Horus does care about his Father, and from what's been said by Horus, it seems that while the Emperor was Distant (Probably too Distant), it's obvious he was cared for by Emps.

Reminder that when Horus makes his decision to start the Heresy, he's Delirious, he is incredibly Unhealthy, Close to Death, even a Primarch wouldn't be thinking right. The Emperor wasn't thinking right when he was dying after their Duel.
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>Holy shit Magnus just rocked up and warned me Horus just fell to chaos

Fuck sake. Did you read the text you posted?

"he Emperor, enraged, did not listen, and banished Magnus from his sight"

The Emperor banished Magnus before his message could be delivered.
Wait, why does Emps need to get rid of the primarchs and marines? Because they're untrustworthy and will rebel? But he's just said the rebellion only happened because Emps engineered it. The master of canon can't even produce one A4 page of writing without contradicting himself, for crying out loud.

Also, apparently 9 legions rebelling is a shock, but if the point of the rebellion is to wipe out all marines surely you want the odds as even as possible? Something like 5 vs 14 would just be a smackdown, and will leave most primarchs & marines still alive.

Also also, how the hell was humanity meant to thrive in the webway without elite protectors like marines? There's no way Emps is unaware that there are predatory eldar in there.

And why does the emperor need to have a glorious death anyway? Is that all part of his monumentally clever "leave humanity with no protectors whatsoever" plan?

This is just awful and nonsensical on so many levels.
False. We know the message got through from the books. MoM even has one of the custodes mention it. Even Goulding has said that in he past.

Stop moving the goal posts.
>That's how I see it

This. Nobody can actually back up their opinion of what happend, why, how, and when it happend in the HH and who had what plan with written fluff that isn't also contradicted elsewhere. Which makes attempting to enforce your view on the events onto others rather futile.

Sounds like ADB's masterplan has been a succes.
Depends on what sources you want to go with. If HH series, then yes. The message was delivered but like I said the Emperor had no reason to suspect that Horus was disloyal. Horus had zero reason to be disloyal.
>the Emperor had no reason to suspect that Horus was disloyal.
Yes he did. According to that idiots theory of him setting him up to be disloyal and Magnus's warning. So 2 reasons, either one should disqualify using him for anything you actually want done.

Lauries a hack. Just stop.
In the Malcador audiobook, Mal argued with the Emperor that mankind will always need HIM. The Emperor always disagreed with that. He wanted to make humanity reach a level where they no longer needed him rendering him obsolete.

So at some point the Emperor would off himself for mankind, what a better way to go than a glorious death.

Anyways, the Eldar are no threat. They would be overwhelmed by the masses of humanity storming the Webway. The reason why the Dark Eldar survived this long is because they had a safehold in the Webway. Without it, then are doomed.
>setting him up to be disloyal

It was only the start of it. So prior to Horus Rising events did Horus have any disloyalty to the Emperor? No

Other than some hurt over the Emperor keeping a secret from him and leaving the Crusade, Horus was totally loyal.
>Set guy up to betray you
>Rely on him
>He betrays you
Curse this sudden but inevitable betrayal!
Seeing his interaction with people in MoM it's clear that the Emperor is really manipulative. So what Horus felt towards the Emperor and what he knew that the Emperor felt towards him might be manufactured.

The guys who are not affected by the Emperor manipulation outright tell that he is a heartless bastard. Look at John-G and O-Pius opinion on the guy. They only side with the Emperor because (perhaps erroneously) think that the Chaos Gods are much much worse.

I think the Emperor mentioning the story of pinocchio to Arkan Land show his real feelings about the Primarchs.
Ah...don't forget that the Emperor thought Magnus fell to Chaos. Why would he believe a Chaos tainted oathbreaker/traitor?
The goal posts have moved so far back were playing a different game now. Just go away dude.

Read what he wrote
>I need to explain my secret plan to him
Really sounds like he cant trust him.
He also wanted him in chains. If anyone can purify some one from the taint, then it would be the Emperor.

And guess what the Emperor intended to do with Magnus? He was going to stick him in the Golden Throne. Tzeentch showed Magnus a vision of the future where he allowed himself to be arrested by Russ. Magnus saw himself on the Golden Throne as a withered husk in immense pain. Hell, even the Emperor when he briefly sat on the Golden Throne on MoM was in great agony. So much pain that the SoS started getting worried.

So he wasn't inviting Magnus for tea and crumpets. He was going to sentence him to an eternity of pain. Explaining things to him might make him except his fate more readily..
accept his fate*
But was it really Magnus being a withered husk that was being showed, or the emperor after the actual events ?

This is Tzeentch we're talking about, and no better lie than one constructed of truths
Youre arguing things outside of what were taking about mate. You've lost track of the point of this hard. Lauries post is bullshit and full of flaws. This is obvious to anyone who actually thinks about what the Emperor did.

This is youre last (you) as talking to you seems completely pointless.
What it boils down to is IGNORE FUCKING BLACK LIBRARY and only care about what Forgeworld writes. And have Laurie and ADB killed, stat.
Nah I think ADB should just be kept away from writing anything for Imperials, as it appears he can't keep his love for Chaos away from what he's writing.

ADB is a chaos cultist is what I'm saying. Maybe we should alert the Inquisition

>Laurie is shitting all over the fluff and it's fucking awful
>nuh-uh, because these bits of fluff Laurie retconned say this and that and the other
I am on track. It makes perfect sense. Horus wasn't in the know and Magnus needed to be on that throne.

You'll just keep arguing you about it until gets in official. You know, like the stuff in MoM. If I told you a year ago about what's in MoM, you would have had the same reaction.

The Emperor needed Magnus on Terra for a reason. It's obvious what it was. And from MoM we know that the Golden Throne is unpleasant and someone needs to sit upon it at all time until the breach is fixed.

Well, even with the Emperor fighting in the Webway, the Chaos forces were victorious. The breach remained a thing. Assuming that Magnus was on on throne already, then he has to keep himself upon it for all time since there is no fixing the breach now.

Back to Tzeentch. Was it an image of Magnus or the Emperor? It doesn't matter. A corpse will be seated on the throne. Magnus's or the Emperor's.
A scumbag Emperor is more interesting than a Jebus Emperor. IMO, senpai.
... Did you forget that the Emperor is a sitting corpse on the golden throne because Horus as good as killed him ? Just imagine what you'd look like after 10.000 years living like a vegtable on life support.
>A quick check of LinkedIn has you listed as Black Library’s Publishing Editor & IP Curator. How has your role changed over time, from when you started with Black Library.

>LG: Well, I was originally the ‘Submissions Editor’ when I started in 2011 – my job was reading and making notes on any pitches or samples that came into the office, either in a defined submissions window or just people trying their luck. We got some really crazy stuff sometimes, like hand-written manuscripts on tea-stained sheets of paper with the edges burnt. It was like arts and crafts more than writing, sometimes.

>Very quickly, my managers realised that I knew more about the Horus Heresy than was probably healthy! Within a year, I was working as a second editor on every single Horus Heresy story, as well as pointing out continuity opportunities in Warhammer 40,000 books as well. Then, over time, working on Horus Heresy material for Forge World and Black Library became my full-time job, because of the sheer volume of content. I’ve advised on every Horus Heresy project produced by Games Workshop since 2013, and commissioned everything in the series from Black Library. Not bad for a nerdy super-fan who hadn’t read a single Black Library book before Horus Rising, eh?


LG worked on FW and BL HH material since he is a HH super expert.
He is a Perpetual. He has healing factor. Something is sapping his X-factor healing. I can guess it's something to do with the immense strain and agony of holding back the breach and running the Golden Throne.
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Your daily dose.
Perpetuals only 'regen' after dieing completely. Before that they suffer like everybody else.

And with Malcador no longer being able to contain the warp-rift below the Imperial palace, the Emperor didn't have the time to 'respawn'

But again, we're all just explaining our views of things rather than actual facts. Even Laurie's ramblings are just about how he thinks the HH should/did unfold.
>Perpetuals only 'regen' after dieing completely.

Are you sure it works like that?
From what I've read about perpetuals, yes it does. But most of those examples come from BL novels, so that's rather questionable evidence at best.
Look up the GAU-8/A-10/Warthog
That's a completely different design of gun to an autocannon though. The GAU-8 is more like a fire raptor's avenger bolt cannons.
Change of subject!

Has anyone EVER seen a Blackshield army played?
>This kills the bread

I hate the FW MkIII backpack. It rides way too high. In old and new art the top of the backpack barely clears the top of the Marine's head, while on the models the tank is way above it. When I get my MkIIIs, I'm going to cut off the exhausts and mount them on some other backpack. I think one of the CSM backpacks might work.

I also really dislike the helmets, but luckily I got old GW IW ones. So I'll just cast a few more of them. Still have to figure out if I can trim down the ridge on the boots. Nothing I can do about the flared armour, though.

Man, I know people got a huge boner for the new FW designs, but the more I look at the the more flaws I find. And not just "this isn't like the old stuff", but just general "this isn't even how it's in the art" or "that doesn't look so good."
>Can a Father, Even a Godly Douchebag, really hate his Sons.

Yes. Duh. Also you forgot to put a question mark.
Where did the idea the Emperor was some pure, loving good guy even come from?

This is 40k. Everyone's an asshole, don't be offended by someone being an asshole.
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Morning, guys, how's it
People forgetting that 90% of descriptions of the Emperor are written by the Ecclesiarchy.
Indeed, it is important to keep in mind that much of the lore of the game was written "in universe", propaganda is a powerful tool, and the Imperium of Man uses it extensively.
Personally I never saw the Emperor as a a "good" guy, but as a stoic father figure. His whole purpose was to continue the work of the shamans and guide humanity. Working in the shadows and opening backdoors, gathering and distributing intel, meddling with world affairs, etc. is fine and par for the course. The Emperor doesn't have to worry about staying hidden and always behind the curtain, the old fluff has made it clear that he has been various historical figures over the years, so being this Emperor is nothing new to him. It's very likely that if the Heresy hadn't happened, he would have "died a natural death" and in time he could have manipulated records to downplay his awesomeness and just make him into another historical figure among others.

So in a way, looking at some of the old fluff, he's more of an exemplar. He doesn't hide and manipulate people to do his bidding, he steps into the light and leads by example. As a long living being he can manipulate history after the fact to hide his identity and more outlandish deeds, but leave the core message. If you just make him into some dark manipulator of people, it takes away from it. Of course he's manipulating people even as an exemplar, but he's not doing it for nefarious reasons. I always imagine the Emperor being more like an old Eldar seer, who tells you straight to your face the terrible truths about the world, knowing that there's nothing you can do about it. And not tell you 15 lies to get you to do what he wants you to do. That feels more like Malcador with his agents and shit.

That's why I like the version of Prospero where it's the Emperor telling Russ to kill Magnus. It fits this version of the character. He told Magnus to knock it of or else, Magnus didn't, so now it's Russy time.
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I like your version of Emps.
>o knock it of or else, Magnus didn't, so now it's Russy time.
>Russy time
Give me back my sides!
I don't know , having Magnus killed seems like waaaaay less cruel than tieing him to the golden throne for eternity to keep in check the damage he himseld caused.

Just killing the bad guy is what a american version of good guy would do
>The Webway will get rid not only of Navigators, but also of the Space Marine legions and their Primarchs somehow
>Implying the Great Crusade can ever be won.
Double Dingus
>Tzeentch showed Magnus a vision of the future where he allowed himself to be arrested by Russ.
>Believing whatever Tzeentch tells you
Magnus is a big man, and although it would have been extremely painful (for him) he would have survived.
I think the same. Anon said they mocked Horus with Abaddon's voice, and I remember they showed Magnus the red-armoured Lorgar (whom he remembered clad in grey) and Lorgar appeared before Magnus once, being banished in turn by him.
>hooking a Chaos tainted sorcerer to the most important machine in the Imperium

What could go wrong?
Christ still forcing this meme huh?
Damn hhg sucks now
Post your ashen circle.
Alright, I'll stop.
Some of us like it. As in, a whole 3 people ;_;
/hhg/ has sucked ever since BaCbabs poured over from that cancerous tumor /40kg/

Golden contributions as >>50558559 just drives the stake further into a dusty corpse

>Where did the idea the Emperor was some pure, loving good guy even come from?

It's not about the Emperor being perfect, it's that notions like the Emperor having some scheme where he always intended for Horus to rebel are retarded and fly in the face of the excellent fluff that made the setting what it is. Laurie and his cohorts have turned what was an neat story incorporating human emotions in an epic struggle and drawing on authors like Milton, Moorcock and Heinlein, into a confused mess full of mary sues, maguffins, and just-as-planned anime-tier twists. Laurie strikes me as the kind of person who thinks that the Star Wars prequels were better than the originals.
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Oh stop being such a bloody hipster. If anything, there's a lot more WIP models/painted army shots and battle reports getting posted nowadays, which seems good to me.
Do we know if Lord Commander Eidolon died? did he survive the heresy ?
The only problem I've seen lately has been the Black Library discussions and poorly painted miniatures that real handicapped people post here.
Didn't Fulgrim decapitated him, only for Fabius to sew it back on, ork style? Damn Fulgrim was full anal about decapitation :^)
I'd actually put it to people only ever reading the Red Books and thus never getting invested in the specific presentation of the lore in 30k, and instead just bringing along the worthless stereotypes of 40k.
He died, Fulgrim brought him back, and last time I checked he's a consort to a Daemon Prince in the modern 40k.
>people only ever reading the Red Books and thus never getting invested in the specific presentation of the lore in 30k
I thought everybody liked the red book fluff better than BL retcons, sues and waifus.

Save select pieces, of course.
Fucking sweet, then i won't have any hangups using his model for both 30k and 40k games.
The RED books. Not the black books, ie the ones that actually have lore in them.

Red books are just rules, black books are where 95% of the fluff is (and it's great)
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Is custodes dread old news?
Yeah, Betrayal, Extermination, all of them.
I call all my PDFs "red books".
I mean, there's little in the rule compilation, but there are a few jewels in there, like Sabrahn Darr's last words.
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>A DCCW of daunting size, this King of swords has a twin Linked Bolter in the hilt
Pleasantly surprised by Fallen Angels. I never got this far in the series before, planning on reading everything since I'm an autist who can churn out books quickly.
Not trying to ruin ya meme, but it's a heavy flamer in the sword hilt
Honestly as long as you don't hold the old lore in super high regard, there's a lot less to complain about.

>Though Battle for the Abyss, Outcast Dead, and everything by Kyme are still shit.
That's where the lego pieces come in :^)

I liked it too, and it got me heavily interested in where the story arc between Nemiel and his brother would end up.

Only for Nemiel to be abruptly decapitated the moment he shows up in a story again.
It can be exchanged for a Heavy flamer, plasma blaster or grav gun, yes.
Dude, that decapitation is one of the most meme'd moments of the HH

If you didn't know about it already, well ... That must have been one mighty comfortable rock you've been living under :^)
The Emperor dies. So do Horus and Alpharius.
Only the Bearversor remains.
Yeah, I too like that meme.
You forgot Dorn finally marries Perturabo
Oh shit, I thought it came standard with a heavy flamer

If that big sword is litterally just a big version of the >king of swords

I'll die from keks
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New player here. Is there a requirement for a Thanatar-Cynis to be converted up, or can I just use pic related?
I would only have one in my army, so it couldn't get confused and I see it has no model.

Also is Scoria or his Arlatax going to get a model soon, or am I good to do a kitbash that won't need to be replaced in like 3 months?
Oh, don't worry, anon. Probably they'll also have Rending :^)
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Fuck, forgot the pic.
What are their fem names?
The strong, ominous sound of the Mass Effect Reapers.
Okay, now i know i misunderstood the question. I thought we were talking about the kakophoni sound weapons.
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>Damn Fulgrim was full anal about decapitation
I guess you could say he liked to take head.
My ideal version of kakophoni guns would sound like a mix of screams, their DoW2 sound, Bass Cannon and Mulatto Butts, cycling between all of them.
Scoria is getting a model, but no date yet.
Probably before Alpharius and Dorn though.
Everyone converts the weapon.

No news of a Scoria model.

Rotor cannon is definitely


An autocannon should be a

CHOCK CHOCK CHOCK CHOCK but pretty spaced out, yeah.
We already have autocannon sounds from DoW, DoW2 and Space Marine. I like those
are you sure it's not Plink plink plink?

Because it sure behaves like a bb gun
OK, then. Time to buy some assorted Magi and break out the bitz box.

I might magnetise the mortar so I can swap it out for two smaller versions. Maybe a twin version of the Kataphron plasma cannons, one per shoulder.
Female names for the primarchs, I will begin

>Maggie the Red
Isn't maggie a tasty type of food supplement :^)
It goes well with almost any kind of food meaning it can do no wrong

Ferrus Womanus
What about Fulgrim, I can't come with anything better than Fulgrina
Wo-man Russ.

I'm so clever.
Ferrus Mulier
Ferrus Bueller's head off.

Its his next big movie.
Lioness El'Johnson :^)
Same anon, hory shet that fucking twist ending
wouldn't it be El'Johndaughter?
Not Leona?
Lion On'Johnson.

Also, to get them out of the way:
>Whorvus Whorax
>t. a BL author with woman issues to match ADB's daddy issues
So a r63 version of ADB with issues with mom, or ADB but with mommy issues instead of daddy issues?
I got it, "Leona" (Eleonor) El'Jonova
>The Whorax
Alright so I had a fun little idea and I have no idea what legion to pur it towards, if it is fun at all, or if it's even feasible.

3000 unassigned legion
Angel's Wrath RoW

AA, jump pack, plasma pistol, paragon blade, melta bombs, digital lasers, master crafted weapon, iron halo
Jump pack, plasma pistol, power fist, AA, refractor field, melta bombs
Jump pack, plasma pistol, power fist, AA, refractor field, melta bombs

>Destroyer Squad
4+sergeant, jump packs, plasma pistol, sarge has 1 phosphex bomb, power fist, AA
>Destroyer Squad
4+sergeant, jump packs, plasma pistol, sarge has 1 phosphex bomb, power fist, AA
>Destroyer Squad
4+sergeant, jump packs, plasma pistol, sarge has 1 phosphex bomb, power fist, AA

>Assault Squad
9+sarge, combat shields, 2 plasma pistols, sarge has AA, melta bombs, plasma pistol, power fist
>Assault Squad
9+sarge, combat shields, 2 plasma pistols, sarge has AA, melta bombs, plasma pistol, power fist
>Assault Squad
9+sarge, combat shields, 2 plasma pistols, sarge has AA, melta bombs, plasma pistol, power fist

>Primaris Lightning
2x2 kraken penetrator missiles, ground-tracking augries, battle-servitor control
>Xiphon Interceptor
Armoured cockpit, chaff launcher, ground-tracking augries

>Fire Raptor Gunship
Hellstrike missiles, reaper autocannon batteries, armoured ceramite

I like 3's. Its nice and balanced in my mind. 3 hq, 3 elites, 3 troops, 3 fliers.

Play Word Bearers and use Ashen Circle, or do Blood Angels as they are the jump pack legion and have melta-pistol Moritats.

Raven guard also fot this very well, as do jump pack reaver using SoH or EC that srr just to fabulous with hit and run phoenix-spears.

Even White Scars and world eaters,or ultra sues with fulmentarii sound nice.

Truly, 30k is blessed.
I wouldn't bother giving assault squads melta bombs anymore (post-FAQ). Spend the points on giving the destroyers more weapons. Let the flyers take care of tanks.

The problem is the Destroyers and Assault Marines are each only a little bit killy. They need to be larger or better equipped to scare anyone.
Wow, so many options! I'm just now diving into 30k, so I'm unfamiliar with just what is effective and what isn't.

I understand moritats aren't that good or something, but I just love the mental picture of dual plasma gunslinging.
>What isn't.
Destroyers fit that pretty well.
Double plasma sucks as one 1 stops the chainfire.

Volkite Serpentas,inferno pistols and the raven guards named moritat dude are better suited.

Also, I know that feeling.

Took me a lot of time to decide for the TONKS legion.
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thats why we should all use >>50549090

pic related, doing a test for fun
If you do end up going blood angels, they can have moritats with inferno pistols, which seem pretty nasty.
Goulding is a dum dum IRL but does know a crazy amount about the Heresy. He's the reason these obscure HHTG playing cards from 12 years ago are becoming characters now like Sagittarus
>until the end the beginning
Ha whoops.
Red marines it is. Volkite for infantry, inferno for scooping terminators and vehicles off the table.

Should I swap the volkite serpentas for power fists? Or should I keep them?

I managed to add another destroyer to each squad, but I can't do more without dropping the combat shields. Only sergeants and hq's have melta bombs, this is post-FAQ compliant.
>Knows a crazy amount about the Heresy.
>Doesn't know that the Emperor loved Horus like a son
Hmmm, but you can't charge from deepstriking...right?

So PE in the turn you arrive is only applicable for shooting, right?
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>tfw the Emperor being a Dr. Manhattan style detached meta-human in MoM didn't bother you

I liked it
That was ADB. Goulding didn't write it and isn't the overlord of the HH series. All he does is edit the book for blatant lore inconsistencies (the Emperor's thoughts for the Primarchs are subjective) and grammatical errors.
Moritats are best with two pistols.
>All he does is edit the book for blatant lore inconsistencies
He doesn't actually do even this though.
Good job GW not giving a shit about what anyone thinks, including themselves, can be put to good use regarding the HH.
Correct, then there's Counter Attack in case a unit does charge them.

It's not final. I'm just going off the fluff blurb about them that they teleport in with the sole purpose of laying waste to the immediate surroundings only when Corax gets really, really pissed.

Deliverers, for when you must absolutely kill everything in the base.

I'll play around with them and maybe play test.
Is there any common part for an Archaotech Pistol, of do you just use likely parts? I know Corax is holding his, but I'd rather not buy him to rip his hands off and stick them onto my Scoria. I was going to give him the holstered phosphor blast pistols from the 40k Sydonian Dragoons kit, since I want his arms free for the Sceptre. Would that be OK?
A big part of it is the Will King story about Horus and the Emperor hasn't been canon at BL since the time Visions of Heresy was being written, which by now was more than five years ago. None of them would even consider it as such and it's why there's such confusion over the response the Emperor's representation is getting. What is old news to the authors was never known to the community.
>holstered phosphor blast pistol

Archeotech is a broad category of fancy pistols
Nah, i think that dreadnought was added to that diorama at a later time
Archaeotech is pretty much anything you can imagine, shit was weird during the DaoT

Shit you could go full circle and just have him with a regular bolt pistol and call it an archaeotech one that shoots black holes or something
Funny, because said The Emperor and Horus had more good writing in 20 pages than the HH could write in ten thousand years.
>Implying Scoria would be seen dead with fewer than 4 arms
That's not even counting the mechanical ones.
New thread
Do they get a max of 24 shots then? 12 from each? Or just 12 total? Their rules points to gunslinger allowing the moritat to shoot twice, so I'm assuming 24.

The power to change canon to his liking is a powerful drug.
Good luck man.
No idea with all the current reworks.
Where's that dread from??

What about the Pallas beside it? Pretty sure that's new as well.
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