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D&D 5th Edition General /5eg/

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D&D 5th Edition General Discussion

>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:

>Community DMs Guild trove
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>Thread Topic
Is there a character that you really struggled to roleplay as? Did you manage to overcome this and how?
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Last thread >>50331605
I struggle to make my players roleplay.

Yes actually.

When my first character died in Curse of Strahd, I wanted to try my hand at playing Edgy McEdgemaster. But so far, I've not really had any edgy moments. Which is a damn shame, I've pretty much just been a living artillery, but I want to be cringe-worthy and shameful. Being edgy is harder than I thought.
nth for kobold dragon-hunting party
I know that feel. I have one player (Bard) who pretty much does all the roleplaying and drives the campaign forward.
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Forge has me wanting to play a cleric right now. Too bad I'm a forever DM.
>how do i make 5e do thing.
>play a different game
>i dont think there are any games that do thing, and Ive plated a lot of games.
>there are lots. honest
>do you have a single example?
>go to the requests board, where dreams go to die.
wow. thats shockingly cunty behavior right there.
Anyone who doesn't play a Forge Cleric as a dwarf is wrong. In fact, anyone who doesn't play a dwarf is wrong. In even more fact, anyone playing a dwarf is wrong.
o yea fuck i forgot to put them in the OP, thanks

can't you just look at the stars and say some stupid shit like "we wish our lives were as bright as they are" ?
plus in CoH you just have to become a werewolf or a thrall, and you're all set for your edge corronation.
But the thing is, we, in /5eg/, really don't care about this.
Like I actually don't give a fuck that someone wants to play Diablo3 in a roleplaying tabletop game and can't seem to make 5e into what it is so fully fucking designed NOT to be.

So yeah, fuck off to where dreams go to die.

How can you see the stars in Barovia when the damn fog is obscuring just about everything?
you don't need to see them
thats how edgy you may want to be
Is it wrong if I want to play a sneaky kobold cleric who sneaks into warehouses and turns their entire stock into a collection of platinum coins as an involuntary contribution to the church?

Oooooh, I see where you're going now. That is edgy. I'mma have to write this down.
Forge Cleric looks like a better artificer than the UA Wizard Artificer.

And a complete bro if you have a Fighter teammate at early levels.
First character I ever played was a paladin, and I was downright shit at it. I was greedy and cowardly and I would've probably fallen if the DM wasn't as new as I was during that time.

I realized halfway through the campaign how terrible of a paladin I was playing and planned some sort of turnaround moment where I would realize flaws and whatnot in character and attempt to atone for my misdeeds, unknowing that the session right before i made the revelation would be the last of that campaign after most the group lost time to play.
i guess today i learned i'm good at something
I actually would have dumped a list of a couple dozen systems if you'd made a thread on /wsr/. But you decided to shit up another D&D5e thread instead, so you can get fucked.
Oh fuck, we need a recipe book of using d&d monsters. Hopefully it's also a monster manual.
Ive been that player in a 4 man group, was pretty frustrating having 3 people play follow the leader behind me the whole campaign.
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What's the best puzzle you've encountered in a campaign?
Manticores are pretty cool.
eh, im not actually looking for a different system to do it with, i was just curious how you would manage such a high combat videogamey campaign in 5e.

only reason i asked for examples after you said it was a task for a different system and that many exist that can do it, was because having scouted around for different games over the years just to try new things, ive never encountered one in this sort of random hyper-combat-hordes rpg genre, and the closest i could think of is 4e.
Guys, running a 9 man group with only two vet players in a few weeks. Anyone run big groups got some pointers?

> Inb4 don't, it's just going to happen anyway

Home made adventure, extremely open ended - I'm not expecting them to get very far anyway, with so many and so new.
I've never honestly recommended DtD40k7e for something before, but there you have it.
Biggest thing id say as someone who had the misfortune of playing in an 11 man group a couple times is definitely time the turns in combat. Keep it down to a minute or two per player or combat will take hours for a basic encounter.
At any level really. It doesn't say the bonus doesn't stack with other magical weapon bonuses.
It says you can only enchant a nonmagical item.
Now I wanna do a Dragonborn Forge Cleric who is on a zen-style quest of self-improvement by reforging his own scales.
Why does ringmail exist if martial classes let you start with chainmail?

Would it be a dick move to impose a hoise rule that any class that starts with chainmail now starts with ringmail instead?
Good call, 2 minute egg timer and I'll try not to be pushing much combat. I get the feeling these guys mostly want to scale walls and charm barmaids, all the kind of stuff you see in sitcoms about D&D.

They probably expect a dragon at the end of session one though, don't they
It's so that shittier, cheaper armor exists for NPCs or PCs rolling for starting wealth.
This >>50340021 and when you make the party go through the "let's be paupers again and make our way to the top without any equipment".
It's pretty fun in 5E since you don't give out many magical items, so most players aren't that mad when their mundane shit gets stolen. And it's amazing for some subclasses (eldritch knights, bladelocks)
I'm just happy I can now play a good aligned death domain type cleric who really hates undead thanks to the grave domain.
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I am a homebrew race that has access to claws as a natural weapon. If I make an attack, then bonus action second claw attack, do I add my Strength modifier since it an unarmed attack to that or does that fall under Two Weapon Fighting Style because it's technically a weapon?
It depends where you're getting that bonus action attack from.

If it's from monk then yes, though you could use Dex for attack and damage instead.

Otherwise, natural weapons are not light melee weapons, so you can't TWF with them at all and thus have bonus action attack.
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I am not a Monk, so that answers that. I'd have to take the TWF at minimum to do so and the TWF Style to add my mod to that damage. Thank you anon
But like I said, you can't TWF with natural weapons anyway, just like you can't TWF with unarmed strikes.
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Oh, then fuck that entire plan then. I'll stick with my longsword
>Have 1000 copper pieces
>Turn them into 1 platinum piece
>forge clerics don't get access to martial weapons

good for dm's who don't hand out bags of holding or it's coin-only variant
Wasn't there a ritual in 4E that gave you a magic box, you put copper, silver, or art objects into it, closed it and when you opened it had its value in gold?

I miss that spell, made all those times the GM goes "Okay, and the dragons horde is 23,000... Copper pieces, enjoy!" Or getting like a large tapestry worth 3,000 gold but that is assuming you can transport it without damage and find a buyer three towns over. Some things like that are cool until you end up with five tapestries, four paintings, three bejewelled platinum bracelets, a silver crown, a golden crown, two clockwork timepieces that are only worth anything to a drauger and gnome respectively, a griffon feather cloak, sixteen jade figurines and two bottles of fine elven perfume, and 2,200 platinum coins that are minted from a razed city of necromancers so no one accepts their currency in case it is cursed.

It's not that I dislike cool art objects and that, its just that we've been through two cities so far and each one only managed to sell a few items and I'm tired of parking our wagon outside a dungeon or enemy camp and worrying if some douchebag bandits are going to luck out and steal it and the fifty thousand gold worth of art inside that we can't sell.

We've got that wagon enchanted with about three different spells to conceal it, chains enchanted with arcane lock to sieze the wheels so no one can drive it away, most of the valuables are in hidden, arcane locked compartments and we have a pair of third level ranger NPC hirelings each with a mastiff to guard it. We're considering either adding an arcane glyph of summoning to it, triggered by our wizards familiar who tends to sit on the wagon while we adventure, or possibly investing in hiring an enchanter to make us a small gargoyle like bound elemental.
The DM's Guild material has either been endorsed in a UA review article or in the Dragon+ digital magazine.
Personally of that material I'm a big fan of the Pugilist.
It seems like it's too easy to regenerate Moxie. Is the class balanced? Under or overpowered?
That's why you pay the expensive services or a third party to get rid of your shit on the sides. There is no need for a boring ritual when you have a fascinating and engaging answer to a very interesting issue encountered by a group of adventurers.

Ugh. Pugilist is awful.
forge cleric merfolk fucker!

priest working the forges of the black smokers! swordcrafter with blades hardened by the crushing depths!

Yer a smith, laddie, nae a soldier.
It's overpowered and not really well made in the first place. Pugilists should just be fighter subclasses with the usual maneuvers, just like Monster Hunter, Cavalier and the likes.

It's thematically poor and mechanically stupid.
any Volo's scans out yet, or at least a detailed reference to PC races?
I guess, none of us have any solid contacts in the area so I'm a bit hesitant to say "Here is 50k of treasure, send us the money in the mail." but it might be worth looking at.
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It's in the MEGA, you fuck.
The whole thing's been in the Mega for weeks, anon.
Check the mega.
>Forge Domain
>no bonus tool proficiencies
C'mon, man. It's not like including it would affect the game in any way.

Grave Domain is a nice addition for people looking for a non-evil death cleric.
If that doesn't work, Glyph of Warding+Conjure Minor elementals should cost around 360gp to enchant, and a familiar should be able to trigger it easily enough.

Drop 2,000 gold and you can enchant your wagon with 6 glyphs, if there is ever a scrape that your Hireling can't handle, Familiar taps one of the glyphs and summons 8 mephits. If its a dangerous threat, the Familiar can trigger a couple. Plus they won't likely be able to "Wait out" the hour long duration without the telepathic message from your familiar calling the party back outside if it is a credible threat. Anything that can fight past 48 Mephits to steal your wagon is worth the party going on a revenge quest for.
> blatantly not playing dwarf

what in the fuck do you think you're doing
GoW can't be cast on mobile objects like a Wagon traditionally, but as a GM I'd allow it. The "Non-moving" clause is mostly so players don't get their shields enchanted with a bunch of freebie spells.

Although I suppose it also runs the concern of the party rolling the wagon into fights to use it as a mobile mephit spawner but as long as they aren't using it like that what is the risk.
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Alright 5eg, let's make a level one character.

Dubs decides race and subrace.

5 decides class.

9 decides background.

Feel free to use any races, classes, or backgrounds published by Wizards of the Coast.
Tabaxi outlander bard.
Uthgardt Tribe Member, Ranger.
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That was quick
>would it be a dick move to make martials slightly worse to play at low levels for no reason at all

Wild Magic Sorcerer
Far Traveler
I'm a little miffed they don't get a warhammer at least.

Any way, if I get to play one I'd go Dwarf or High elf. (high elf for longsword + GFB)

I don't reallly care about Forge not getting martial weaps but not getting some sort of artisan's tool proficiency is fucking bizarre

like battlemaster gets artisan's tools proficiency but the class that gets fucking magical powers because of how big their boners are for crafting shit doesn't
be a dwarf there you now have training in warhammers and different axes
far traveler
Don't need smith's tools when you can forge things with raw faith in the course of an hour. Also, if you were serious about crafting, you'd already have that proficiency from your background.
What are some cool ice themed monsters a White Dragon could call to his service when attacked? I can only think of Ice Mephits. Any ideas?
Any decent Paladin Oath homebrews?

Buddy wants to do a campaign and the other guys are using some homebrew stuff so I figured I'd step out from PHB only for once.
One of the things in the trove has an option for a Freedom Paladin. I made a robot George Washington with it.
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so my friends and i finally finished princes of the apocalypse and we're about to beat strahd

abyss and storm king's thunder here we come
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Alright, dubs now decides:
>what musical instrument/artisan tool we're proficient in
>shortsword or simple weapon?
>explorer's pack or dungeoneer's pack?
>forfeit equipment and cash it in for pennies?
>we're about to beat strahd
you sure about that?

DMs do play Strahd wrong. My group (who is doing CoS) was just minding our business when we heard the other group (doing CoS) just beat Strahd at level 4. We all collectively raised an eyebrow. The DM never used any of Strahd's legendary actions. So yeah, people are dumb as shit.
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we got to that weird temple where the stones are, the ones that can grant vampirism and lichdom. we broke the stones but we're still confused as to what the fuck they are and where to fuck they came from
Carpenter's, unarmed or thrown (maybe sling) only, Pennies.
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>The DM never used any of Strahd's legendary actions.
>he's a non-Dwarf Forge Cleric
ho ho ho ho ho laddie
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Did you take the amulet from what's-his-name?


Don't you post osaka at me
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>tabaxi monk

she has to be named tigress now

also, same as >>50341612
>what musical instrument/artisan tool we're proficient in
Herbalist tools

>shortsword or simple weapon?
simple weapons

>explorer's pack or dungeoneer's pack?

>forfeit equipment and cash it in for pennies?
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Don't tell me what to do.
>Did you take the amulet from what's-his-name?

no, some other NPC took it and ran away when he gained the power to raise the dead, said he wanted to bring back his sister or something
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Reminder that 9 still decides the character's background.
No. It never will be.

You really should have kept that amulet.

How'd you guys deal with the bastard sniper in the darkness in that statue?
we're steering clear of the statue, it shot a fireball at us and we're pissing ourselves. there's also a big gummy looking golem in a room full of gold that we're trying desperately to keep our rogue from stealing
City guard

carpenter's tools

simple weapons


Cash for pennies
checked it out and it seems ok but doesn't really strike me in any way.

What I kind of want is something that would give me some form of ranged option. In the past I've had bad experiences with paladin and feeling pretty useless whenever something isn't within 30ft of me.

I guess I could MC or take magic initiate but that's not really an option, level 4 asi is already set and I don't really want to delay extra attack or auras
If I made a Ranger/Rogue hybrid that gets Advantage on Survival and Perception checks to track my Favored Enemy, is it better to place my Expertise in other skills or bolster my Survival/Perception scores
>dm runs a campaign with premade characters
>on the basis that after we picked, he said none of us could play our first choice
>everyone is salty as fuck
>one player literally picks his least favorite race and class to be a spiteful cunt
>they all picked classes/races they played before in the first place, just being "Dickbandit The Murderhobo" 2.0
>im totally fine with this
>im apparently forced to be the party face as an orc fighter, because they refuse to get into it
creative (but dick) move from the dm, but honestly, its not like they made those characters. there was no reason to be that salty and force the campaign to end early
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What is the style of gaming called in which there are multiple DMs running their own campaigns at different tables and players can go from campaign to campaign at will so long as there are seats available at the table?
a clusterfuck
Drop-in/Drop-out campaigns with Open Tables. these aren't exactly official terms here, but most people in the hobby will understand what you mean.
Put shit in, get shit out.
DM appears to be a clown. He managed to get 2 layers of player "disconnectedness."
If he wanted people to be particularly different, he should just ask for it.
Theres a specific name I'm looking for. Matt Colville uses it in a few of his videos, but I can't find it.
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Is there a way to make an elven ranger actually funny? I don't mind the cliché of the experienced, wise, brooding traveler... But I kinda want the character to be fun.

I was thinking he could just lecture the party on irrelevant lore info. Like the intricacies of the manticore mating rituals, or the great value of an iguana's left eyeball in a potato stew.
That shouldn't get old fast, and sometimes it might bring more than a few smiles. Plus, since I'm DMing on the side, some of these could be more or less true (basilisk blood and all that).

Any ideas?

Depends on what you find funny really. I doubt what I find funny you would find funny though.

Shoot !
He dresses in red and is named "Dexter"
Make all his irrelevant lore info in the form of pokedex entries. Have him spout them at inopportune times
Goblin totem barbarian seems like a funny thing to do. The image of a little cunt flying up thirty feet up in the air just to miss his attack swing seems hilarious.
yes xd small but he's strong when he gets angry ecksdee
So since these are whole new domains for gods and such how likely is it that the next book out will have these and more for class expansionist?
what/when is the new book out
>what/when is the new book out
Probably Q3 or Q4 of next year.
Ah, I meant the book those new subclasses will likely appear in.

Next book is scheduled for April, probably won't get an announcement about what it is until January.
I wanted to add some additional options for weapons in terms of adding qualities like being silvered. Any of these seem particularly overpowered or troublesome in the future?

Cannot critically fail attack
-str mod for atk, x2 str mod for dmg
x2 prof bonusto attack roll, no mod for dmg
Forgot to add my players are level 3
is pact of the chain complete shit? tome seems to add so much more. but at the same time it feels like I'm just trying to be a shite wizard.
why the fuck is every game on roll20 10 players when 3-4 lets you interact a lot more
make him stupid, like turn the cliche on its head, and make him really dumb when it comes to anything outside the mechanics of being a ranger.
like hes good with animals but knows jack all about them knowledge wise. and he's really great at finding path and his way though places but if he were to give directions everyone would get lost.
he gets all his lore wrong, he's not wise, and he tells really bad jokes with no wit what soever
>Cannot critically fail attack
Even with 5e's lower math, a natural 1 on a d20 roll is still going to *always* miss, even without a specific rule for it. There's very few cases where a 1 + bonus will hit.

>-str mod for atk, x2 str mod for dmg
With max str this is equivalent to attaching GWM to the weapon. It's potentially really abusable.

>x2 prof bonus to attack roll, no mod for dmg
That would be really good for rogues, not that great for anyone with multiple attacks.
Heavy and Precise seem to be too much to me and Balanced is niche, if not outright useless. Sure you can't roll a 1 for a crit fail but unless the attack is a reroll or something I fail to see how it's useful at all. Be a bit more specific about how it prevents a crit fail roll so I/we can iron it out
Familiars are fucking amazing and warlock familiars can go invisible and shit

chain's good. Tome's really good too though. Tome does kinda cockslap chain though, because tome can just learn find familiar separately with an invocation. Find Familiar familiars are much worse than Chain familiars though, can't attack and you can't get anything as powerful as an Imp

insane player:gm ratios. also some GMs are just dumb.

honestly (when online) I can barely stand over 4.

I'm a Wood Elf Ranger and this is what I do.

but only because I as a player am very stupid
It doesn't add much to combat (none of the pacts do, not even blade pact), but the invocation that lets you communicate with/through your familiar while you're on the same plain can shatter campaigns through shenanigans. You can basically be in two places at once, one which is invisible and can shapeshift and fly.
On further inspection, it appears I've made a typo for Heavy. That should be +2 str mod not x2. As for Balanced, it was intended to reduce the odds of failing to hit minions and weak creatures with low CR. Also because one of my players seems to roll a nat 1 once per session during combat against some pretty weak creatures. But yeah, it's probably too niche/useless so that needs a rework.
Maybe balanced can be something like the choice of adding ability mod to atk/dmg but removing it from the other?
Sort of like a two way GWM
Please tell me about all the homebrew content you have succesfully employed in any if your 5e games in any capacity.

Like, if you tried a homebrew thing, and it worked and wasn't awful over/under powered, please tell me about it.
Maybe change the dice you roll for a higher average? Like replacing the 1d20 for an attack roll with 5d4 or just +1d4 or a small number like 1 or 2 to an attack roll or something iunno
I tend to only allow my own homebrew most of the time. They can alter things a bit but I haven't had problems with balance using them.
How would you guys feel about letting a Paladin summon stronger Steeds by casting Find Steed at a higher level?

Find Steed is a pretty integral part of my Paladin, and having a 11 ac 19 hp warhorse at level 12 is basically like riding around on paper mache
Aw shoot friend
whats the difference between the Death Domain that the DMs Guide suggests you provide and the Grave Domain shown here?

The Forge Domain should be more focused on crafting and less focused on fighting. Good concept, bad execution.

The Grave Domain is a good idea, but I don't think there are enough benevolent or benign necromancy spells for an entire cleric spell list.

Protection is good, if a little bland.
how gimp am I gonna be an archfey firbolg warlock
What random items do your adventurers usually carry?

I've got all my stuff like bed roll, rations etc, and I have a few extras like rope, a bag of flour and a lamp, but I'm looking at picking up situational items like candles, a magnifying glass etc.

I'm wondering what else is worth investing in.
25lb rock.
Costs nothing. Can do anything.
Breaks the game in half if combined with 15ft of rope.
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I like these a lot bro, consider them theived
I have 10str and we play with encumberance.
This may be an issue.
Drag it around while out of combat. Just let it sit where it is in-combat. Only the shittiest of DMs would have a monster attack a rock.
Spot on with the forge domain. The passives are boring as fuck and should be actives that let it craft more. That being said, it is by far the most intriguing cleric option yet.
Death domain is for evil npcs, generally about dealing necrotic damage and creating undead. Thematically, it's the evil death-priest archetype.

Grave domain is for PCs of any alignment, and tends toward destroying undead and weakening enemies. Thematically, it's about keeping the sanctity of death.
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>Grave Clerics proficient with heavy armor

So basically I'm supposed to make a death knight with this domain, right?


How come the Kusarigama isn't finesse?
Nah, Grave domain are hunters of the undead.
Can anyone explain why Demogorgon is the prince of Demons? Is there a reason, in the lore, that Orcus hasn't just bent the prince over and taken him to pound town?
This, though I still think the proficiency should be there for flavor reasons
Exalted. 2nd edition or maybe 3rd, not familiar with the latter.
explain further.
Because Orcus is too busy sitting on his throne, clutching his terrible rod. Orcus is already the Prince of Undeath, and is a former Greater Deity. While he covets the title of Prince of Demons, he is also plotting to retake his mantle as God of Undeath. He's just got too many irons in the proverbial fire.
>Quick-and-Dirty Crafting
but if my death deity is neutral he could serve as both for the most part.
Anubis is mostly neutral right?
i wonder how much use of the Demogorgon jumped since Stranger Things came out
Anubis is very much a Lawful Neutral deity with the Grave domain as part of his portfolio, and is listed in the new UA as a Deity of the Grave.
I had a player ask to serve Demogorgon like a week after it came out. But he also brings up everything he learns from those popular D&D podcast "games" so that's not much of a surprise.
If you find yourself in a situation wherein a 25lb rock is not a viable solution, you need to reevaluate your problem solving skills. There's a reason combining a big rock and some rope used to be called "the rogue-on-a-rope".
maybe i just have no imagination.
>He who is High Upon His Mountain
>He who presides over the Royal Pavilion
>He who is in the Place of Embalming
>Lord of the Sacred Land, Guide of Souls, and Guardian of the Scales
Anubis is first and foremost Lawful, and by requirement of his role as Judge secondarily neutral. As he is the Guardian Deity of the Necropolis, I would attribute to him the Grave domain, not the Death domain.

Of the Egyptian pantheon, the Death domain would fit more appropriately the portfolio of Apep/Apophis, the Chaos Serpent, Devourer of Souls.
So I'm DMing SKT and one of the players is a Necromancer. The Party is level 7 right now.

The thing is that the Necro is of good alignment but in his backstory he researched the forbidden necromancy at his magic academy as he found out that it will help him in an upcomming disaster (the Giant threat basically). That's why he fled the academy and tried to hide his magic in the beginning.

But now after serveral accomplishments he gets pretty famous and currently has an army of 10 skeletons which are cloaked to hide their identity.

While he generally acts like a good aligned character he robs graves, and once attacked an innocent mage he had a grudge against, resulting in killing himself but he was revived shortly afterwards.

So now I'm planning that his old master with the help of other powerful warriors and clerics seeks him out to deal with him. If it would come to combat the party would stand no chance. But I'm still unsure on what possible outcomes this encounter could have. I'm thinking of either of the following:
>He doesn't resist and becomes a prisoner and has to roll a new character
>He resists and depending on his actions either dies or becomes a prisoner
>He gives up on the school of necromancy, can choose another school and do what he wants
>He convinces them that he will use his powers only for good, can stay a Necromancer but must give away the magic items his party took away from the mage he attacked

He could of course always do something unexpected but it will probably end in one of these scenarios. Am I unfair to him? Should I change things up or give him more options?
What's the best way to make a kamen rider style character?
I'm confused.
You're dropping a TPK-tier fight on the party why?
You're fucking over this one guy in particular why?
You mention the murder, but you're focusing on his chosen school of magic. You come off as saying "I'm gonna dick this PC over because I don't like but did allow necromancy".
If that's the case, pull your head out of your ass and go wash it off, you've clearly filled your head with shit.
Showa: Barbarian
Heisei: Sorcerer
What >>50344187 said, basically.

But if you made it clear that Necromancy was a big No-No in this setting beforehand, I say he needs to have some pressure on him. Don't TPK, of course, but have an open-ended thread sent against him.

Like an Inevitable. A powerful, indestructible monster summoned for the express purpose of hunting down and killing Necromancers. But it's slow and a bit singleminded. He has time to adventure and do quests, but inevitably, hurr hurr, It *will* find him. It *will* try to kill him, or at least deny him a restful evening. It isn't even that strong offensively or immune to many spells. It's just unkillable and can shake off bad shit until it catches him.

As long as he stays ahead of the thing, he's fine. Hell, at some point either allow him to find evidence to vindicate himself, or make the thing highly vulnerable to high-level Necromancy. Something that will inevitably ho ho allow him to get rid of the damn thing.
t-thanks senpais
Okay maybe it came off wrong. The encounter is NOT meant to be a combat encounter. He will talk with his master and get a chance to roleplay it. There will only be a fight if he starts it himself or doesn't convice them that he is not abusing his power to kill others and feed on their souls.

I've established and told him from the beginning that necromancy is hated and he even wrote in his backstory that he fled from his academy because he knew it was wrong.

I actually like his choice of school, but I wanted to integrate this choice into his personal story, similar to how Warlocks choice of class changes the way you have to play or others react to you.
>doesn't convince them that he is not abusing his power...

He's a necromancer. . .With 10 skeletons following him around. . . He is evil and any paladin would be justified in killing him. Maybe send a weak paladin who s trying to prove himself, to add a moral conundrum for the player, but there is no reason this wouldn't turn into a fight.
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>Making a unique weapons mini-homebrew
>Currently designing a syringe-dagger
>Is a non-magic (but with a silvered blade) dagger specially designed to have Syringes for it you can load in for sneaky poisoner types, Alchemist characters, or VanHelsing type guys (Syringe of Holy Water)

Stats still need some work (as of now it's a 1d4 Slashing or Piercing, and on a successful piercing attack you can inject whatever syringe you have loaded into the enemy, dealing an as of yet undefined damage depending on what's in it, however the extra weight and odd handle means it loses the Thrown property)

Unfortunately I have the certian autism where I always design my mechanical things so they'd be at least plausible to build in reality.

That said for any Engineering anons, would it be possible (in your typical fantasy technology level setting) to make a spring or other mechanism loaded Syringe rigged to a trigger that has enough force to rapidly push the plunger while still being small enough to fit in the handle of a dagger? A Crossbow-like spring comes to mind, but would be far too big to fit onto a syringe, even one this large. Compressed air comes to mind but it's meant to be simple enough to load up without special equipment like a magic air compressor.

Here's a sketch of it as of now with no springs.
Beserkers/Tribal Warriors
Kobolds obviously.
Polar Bears, Werepolarbears.
Sabre-toothed Tigers.
Wyrmling Dragons.
ok well to be fair there was no Grave Domain before hand soooo i ascribed him to Death in my patch work pantheon.
and it depends if i want to use these in my setting.
kinda super do though...
sounds like it might be annoying
is there any point in playing a sneaky control/illusion warlock, or would you just be a gimped wizard?
I'm sure there is potential, the free disguise self is pretty neat... But you will never be as good at control as an illusionist... So basically yeah you are gona be a gimped wizard.
> He is evil and any paladin would be justified in killing him
That's the thing, he IS good (his alignment is chaotic good) and except for the attack on the mage he wants to use this power for good. This is what makes this so complicated.

I don't want to fuck him over for nothing, but I want to actually show them the consequences for his choices. While the attack on the mage has actually nothing to do with his necromancy, others might not think this.
monk with dual classing with what >>50344199 said
Suggestion for potential consequences: If diplomacy with his master doesn't pan out, don't immediately sic an army of militant clergymen on him. Have his master warn him that if he doesn't atone for his actions, there *will* be severe repercussions. But just have his master leave without actually doing anything.

If he continues his dickass grave robbing and murdering-of-rivals, and doesn't swear to lay his skelebones to rest when the Giant threat is finished, sic one, high level NPC specifically built to deal with undead and spellcasters on him. Like a Grave cleric, or a Monster Hunter fighter with a Mantle of Spell Resistance.

Also, for the record, have you explicitly ruled that the creation of undead in your campaign is not inherently Evil? If so, then your necro player is technically veering into dickass Chaotic Neutral territory.
If not then he's actually just capital E Evil, no matter how decent a person he is.
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Is a paladin who has an unshakable confidence in their oath and would never even consider breaking it, constantly and naturally embodying it a more valid character than one who has thoughts or tendencies that might clash with the oath if they were not beholden, who could be made to break their oath under the right circumstances, even if they want to pursue that guise and atone? The devotion paladin who would rather tell a lie to keep people safe or happy, the ancient with a dark secret or weakness that could plunge them under if exposed, the vengeance who doesn't have the burning fury their mentor did or doesn't care to help others wronged by their quarry, and the crown that would gladly break superfluous local laws in favor of his home brand of justice?
Thanks for the suggestions, what you say seems definitely mor plausible to play that what I had in mind.

In my setting Necromancy is seen as inheritely evil, but like most adventurers he is the big exeption. I will turn his character more towards evil as he uses necromancy more and more though, telling him that his magic takes a toll on his body (he will turn pale and get gray hair) as well as on his mind (he starts to treat people colder than before and starts to distances himself from others).
Both are valid interpretations of the class. They present different roleplaying opportunities to suit different tastes. Both can be executed well, both can be absolute boring cliche shitshows. It's up to the player to bring out the best portrayal of the character they can muster.

Sorry if this is a non-answer in your book, but it's the truth.
As a DM would you rather have-
Players who are shit at rp and play dnd like a videk game but make unique, but ultimately normal or poorly made characters

Powergaming cheesers (Within RAW and RAI) however they always rp their characters very well based on what their person would do rather than them as a player
sit rp-ers are awful to play with. i'm fine with cheesers so long as they're good at rp, besides it gives me an excuse to throw bigger and badder things at them
I'd prefer the cheesers, to be honest.
At least that implies they actually know the rules of the game.
As someone who has partied up with and also DMed for both, in a "you must choose" scenario I will begrudgingly take the powergaming roleplayers.

That being said, the first group have been some of my favorite Players to hang out with outside of gaming. Just my experiences though, so your mileage may vary.
Second choice. As DM, I can always up the challenge if they're steamrolling through fights, and I actually don't mind people going for the most powerful choices as long as it doesn't unbalance the party. If everyone's doing it, it's fine. And it'd be great to play with decent roleplayers.
>as well as on his mind (he starts to treat people colder than before and starts to distances himself from others).

you can have him get pale and his hair turn gray but you really shouldn't do stuff like that

player should be in control of the character's mental stuff. You just saying "your character treats people colder and distances himself"

is pretty lame

probably number 2? Unless they're attempting peasant railgun or something overtly broken and retarded I don't give a fuck if they're min-maxed, that just means I throw harder shit their way. I personally love to do stupid ass kinda cheesy builds for characters (current character is a Human Variant Arcana Cleric, he's got Wis-based GFB & ray of frost, magic initiate Druid for shillelegh and goodberry, uses a quarterstaff)

you're basically just asking about new players vs experienced players.
Does anyone else get a bit of a kalashtar vibe from the new aasimar?
>Touched and connected to one of a few otherworldly entities
>Ingrained with their power and told from birth to work towards their goals
>Consequences and aberrant powers for refusing and trying to ignore the constant mental link
Gotta be the second. If you make a borked character I can adjust challenges to fit, but if you have borked social skills there's no fixin' that.
I once played a fighter/rogue who was a spy for his kingdom that was getting in the good graces of another by doing quests and shit for them, eventually netting a position in the military so he could sabotage them.
He was really really serious and I struggle to play such a serious character. I normally play chaotic-joival rogues, bards, and barbarians.
Duly noted, anon. I'll probably use them as the template for homebrew Kalashtar while I weep silently in wait for 5Eberron.
isnt it just the inverse of teifling though?
aside from the guardian angel thing?
>player should be in control of the character's mental stuff. You just saying "your character treats people colder and distances himself" is pretty lame

While I would generally agree, I would otherwise just change his alignment to either neutral and if he continues evil, or directly to evil. How should I show his gradual descent into an evil alignment if not by telling him that he is changing?
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>see door in hallway
>open it
>its a mimic
>oh fuck i'm stuck to it
>beat door mimic
>nothing behind it
>find another door
>jab with weapon in case mimic
>seems fine
>try to open
>knob won't turn
>can't find any lock
>try casting knock anyway
>no good
>find gnome later hammering doors into walls
>kick his ass and steal his shit out of frustration
>find another door
>check for mimic
>not a mimic
>turn doorknob
>it actually turns
>start pulling
>nothing happens
>pull harder
>still nothing
>no lock but cast knock anyway just in case
>still can't pull it open
>party member pushes it open
>mfw it was just a push door and not a pull door
>mfw i'm going to piss in dm's coffee
I'm hoping they might drop them in with the next Mystic update, but it's doubtful. While the flavor is surprisingly close, I've mixed feelings about them. Even if you convert the radiant things to psychic, flight and all-consuming psychic aura weren't really general kalashtar traits, were they? It's easier just to throw them together with a few thematic spells that don't require material components, like invisible mage hand, friends, detect thoughts, catapult, etc.
Not really.
If you go back to pre-4e days, they were pretty close. Both were planetouched mutts resulting from mortal races with diluted celestial or abyssal/infernal blood. 4e tieflings are the result of an ancient human empire's pact with Asmodeus that stained their bloodline, and 5e tieflings are the remnants of that, as well as the fact that during the Spellplague Asmodeus used the broken magic to convert all living mutt tieflings in Toril to his bloodline, and then any that have entered the plane or been sired since.
With the new aasimar lore, they are no longer (necessarily) the descendants of celestials, but chosen and blessed by them, linked to one at birth. It's also unclear whether they would spawn more; it may be unrelated to their bloodline.
This is something that you should talk with the player about when you're not actively playing the game. Let him know explicitly that yes, continued use of necromancy is supposed to have negative effects on his mental or emotional stability. Ask him how he wants to play that out, whether his character would slowly let it settle on him before realizing what hes done, or if he can feel his grip on "goodness" slipping. Let him decide whether his character fights it or embraces it. But let him know that it's coming.
thats kind of the problem, the way a character acts is ultimately the players choice. you cant really have him act in a way he doesn't want to other than MAKING him and thats a dick move for a DM to do.
playing a character how they want in a players whole input into this game.
Quick, I need all of /5eg/'s powers combined!
What's the best way to make a sorcerer/barbarian?
Okay thanks, I guess I will talk with him about it. Thanks for the help to all those who gave suggestions, the situation with a good aligned necromancer was just really new to me and I'm still learning much as a DM seeing that I've only started to DM a few months before 5e came out.
How do I be a better Roleplayer?

Other guy in my party is great, does a voice and his character is always doing something fitting (he's a bumbly old Wizard with a dozen scrolls and books, he's got knowledge on anything you could imagine and skill checks are basically just representative of him attempting to find the information in his mountain of stuff he keeps in a bag of holding, he's old and his memory is really bad so he can't just recall the weakness of a Troll)

I'm a paladin and besides for DIVINE FURY and being a walking weapon of righteousness I don't really know what to do. Best thing I've done RP wise that the party now remembers my character for was giving a DIVINE LECTURIN' about how many tons of righteous ass whooping some bandits had just brought upon themselves, followed by a nat 20 Thunderous Smite that set them all fleeing into the wood. At which point my Paladin realized that they'd just attack the next group of travelers who came through the area, so he summoned his celestial warhorse and chased off after them screaming divine curses

but besides for that I haven't had many good RP moments
Storm Sorcerer, Storm Barbarian from the UA, pick instantaneous duration blasting spells and buff spells that don't require concentration. Don't rely on Booming/GFB for damage.
Uh you don't? can't cast while raging, can't concentrate while raging..

When the defining features of two classes directly make the others worthless you prob shouldn't mix them.

either way go Storm Sorc/Storm Bard or Favored Soul Sorc / Zealot Barb.

Shadow Sorcerer + any Barb would be unkillable probably
Well, there are a lot of nice questionnaires that help you on expanding your character.
This, for example, helped me a lot on thinking about how to RP and describe my characters.
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Wait, so Shillelagh casts as a bonus action and not only makes your club/quarterstaff magical, it also lets you use your spellcasting stat mod for both attack and damage rolls, and it's a cantrip so you can just keep casting it all day every day? And the only real limitation is that you have to use a club/quarterstaff because the material component is just a fucking plant of some kind?

What the hell is going on in 5e?
they cant all be winners to be fair.
that said it sounds like your doing ok, i mean theres basic stuff to punch it up like a voice/vocal affectation, always making sure your in character during RP moments and reacting to rolls in character.
RPing in battle helps too, like "i know this guy is trying to kill up but he's only a mind controlled pawn so im using non lethal attacks!" and stuff like that.
always be thinking "what would my character do here"
Yes, excellent, I will master the storm.
It uses Wisdom exclusively unless you get it from the bard's magical secrets or the warlock's pact of the tome.
I'm not sure, but the theurge wizard may be able to get it from the nature domain and use it with intelligence.

I think the most straightforward recommendation is basic acting resources, since that's mostly what it is. I guess strictly speaking you're looking at voice acting, but any acting advice that isn't directly about physical actions should help.

>What the hell is going on in 5e?
You can only get it if you're a druid (which has better cantrips), or if you steal it as a bard (not worth it) or tome warlock (also really not worth it). None of those classes have much going for them to improve it beyond the d8 and using their caster stat. Straight damage cantrips are better across the board.
it says right in the description they are more like hunters of the undead.
Theurgy Wizards CAN get it, but that means taking Nature domain AND waiting until level 6.
>princes: 1-15th lvl
>stradh: 1-10th lvl
>abyss: 1-15th lvl
>thunder: 1-15th lvl

why does wizards hate high level play? is there any official dnd 5e book that goes to 20?
Because high-level adventures are harder to write and harder to sell than low-to-mid-level adventures. And no, there isn't, and I doubt there will be one.
Sky above, Storm within. May you ride the lightning, brother.
i thought there was a dragon themed one that went to 20. i also think it's a sequel book to something else
I don't really agree. If you want crafting, get tool kit proficiency and bug your DM a lot.

5e isn't really a crafty game.

However, I'll say that it should've probably included some proficiencies.
While I don't think there will be one I would totally like to see a level 15-20 adventure which you could play after any of the other released modules so far. It would have to be a really open ended adventure to work at these levels though
Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat combined only go to 15.
15 to 20 sounds kinda short, 5-20 would be better imo
To be fair, the DMG has all the tools necessary to bridge the gap between 15 - 20, if you're willing to put in the effort. You cane even just use the tables in the DMG to randomly generate the content if you don't have much time on your hands.
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>Grave domain gets necrotic damage on attacks
>Their basic melee attacks are less effectual on undead than living beings
Keep in mind that leveling from 15 to 20 would take WAY longer than leveling from like 10 to 15. The adventure could have a medium lenght and doesn't have to be insanely long.

So here is a question for you guys: If WotC would release a high level adventure, what would you like to see? Keep in mind that it would probably still be in the Forgotten Realms.

Personally I would like to see some devil and angel action. None of the previous modules included any of them and they would fit for high level encounters.
Let it reroll 1's
Anyone got a good map for a fancy mansion that I'm using? It needs to be rectangular.

Thanks boyos.
i'd like an evil high level campaign. it would be a first on two fronts for wotc
>Melee attacking undead when you have Sacred Flame

i assume you mean for balanced? Maybe reroll without prof, must use new roll?
Grave domain isn't *just* about hunting undead. It's also about sending deserving mortals to their "eternal reward." Besides, you're a cleric, you have Destroy Undead up to CR 1 by the time you get Divine Strike, and spells for anything stronger than that.
If you google "Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion Map" you'll find four images of a mansion mapped out with over 100 rooms. I used it in a campaign and my party loved (read: got lost and mad in) it.
A spring would not be too ridiculous, but if you wanted it to be more low-tech then I would suggest making it more like a bee stinger and less like a syringe. Then it will just break off into the body of the first person you hit, and you could give it the loading property for the bonus effect to keep balance.
Would you guys play a 5e chose your own adventure? I'm currently working on one and awas wondering what elements /tg/ would like to see in it.
isn't that essentially the lonely man's dnd?
No anon, sorry, I have friends. You do you, though.
While I'm intrigued by the concept, since I was a choose your own adventure book fan as a kid, the format seems a bit railroad-y for a roleplaying game. Then, as a DM, I thrive on improvisation. I'd check it out for sure, though.
>Giving a Wis based class access to shield.

This is just asking to MC with monk.

>They also learn smites

Yep I can finally build my self a Monk/Cleric and the forge theme can be used as a self improvement goal.
The blade is an extension of yourself. Stoke your inner fire, and forge your own path to enlightenment, anon.
Make him a mix of Senshi and Goblin slayer.
Of course it would be more railroaded than a normal game, the book can only act as a DM that gives you a few options.

So what are some thing you would not want you book DM to miss in say a traditional dungeon or town? Besides the cliche 'do good thing/do bad thing' option.

Right now I have 4 pages of content that lead to a combat encounter but all in all it only ends up being about 15 minutes of content. I can post this if you want but it's not a lot.
Send a party of Abjurer wizards And monks after them.
Have them beat PCs in a non lethal way.
At the forefront have their leader call out to the PC about being a necromancer guilty of the crime of tormenting the souls of the dead and murder of a fellow wizard.
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What are some good spells a bounty hunter type Ranger could pick up for other class spell lists? Was considering picking up Magic Initiate but I'm not sure what list to pick from if I did
Hot damn, these are the best crafting rules I've read yet. Saved for future use.
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Started strahd the other day.
I ate the dream pastries.
I found a 20lbs rock with a painting of a bird on it. Carried that bitch through out the entire campaign(thinking it had some significance since it had a bird sketch), and used to bash open a lock in the last dungeon.
Always carry a rock.
If you're going with magic initiate, pick from the druid list, so you can get Faerie Fire. It's hands down one of the best support spells you can get at 1st level. Very useful for a bounty hunter in particular.
What might be a good (not necessarily alignment wise) FR god's avatar to convert over to 5e rules? I want to test out the limits of the npc creation rules.
What does everyone think of the new domains?
Has Wizards shit the bed?
They're pretty good.
I really like the Forge domain in flavor. Protection would be great for a support fighter or any tank. I'm pretty neutral on Grave, though.
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You've made a Grave error, Anon.
Hey, at least my voice is not Gravelly anymore.
Give the low amount of magic items, you are very unlikely to have a full set of magic items on EVERYONE in the group. This will be useful for most of the game, simply because you will pretty much always have q item that isn't magical yet, and even +1 AC is quite a nifty bonus to just give freely for an entire day.
Appreciate the advice. I settled for Druidcraft, Produce Flame, and Faerie Fire.
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Random question that may or may not become relevant in our game.

Would you allow a Rogue to hide lock picks and files underneath his own skin? The Rogue in question would cut his skin open, utilize his tools, return them to their hiding spot, and heal them magically via Cure Wounds if he were to ever be imprisoned

Is this cheesy or clever? What body part would be optimal for storing long pieces of metal?
how would i go about building a halruaan magehound in 5e?

is there anything that reasonably approximates it?

In a world with wound-healing magic sounds like pure cleverness to me.
Lathander, you know you want to.
The biggest problem with storing bits of metal subcutaneously is the risk of infection. If healing magic removes this issue, the next biggest problem would be the bits of metal inadvertently getting bent out of shape while in the body, potentially causing injury.
But really, the classic body part for storing long pieces of metal is the asshole.
The Rogue in question was considering under the skin of his forearm or the flat part of his upper arm. I'm pretty sure our DM doesn't care about infection if magic is involved

Wouldn't healing magic drag the metal out?

I mean, if you have somebody with shrapnel embedded in their arms and somebody casts cure wounds, I'd imagine part of the curing would be the shrapnel coming out.
Regardless, if said Rogue were to be struck in the forearm/upper arm, the flesh would spring back but the lockpicks wouldn't.
More of an issue if the lockpicks are in the upper arm. If they're in the forearm, they can be nestled between the radius and ulna for minimal risk of deformation. Of course, then you have to be careful to not slice open any veins from the inside once the wound has healed the picks in.
Well, Tiamat did get statted.
so I am playing around with creating magical items and I was wondering if there is any way to increase a magical items saving difficulty?
Cure wounds heals HP, and HP does not necessarily mean cuts and stuff. However, it is seriously likely it will correlate to 'cuts and stuff'. What it's less likely to correlate to is broken bones or outright loss of limbs (which would be requiring something else to heal). Of course, some DMs might inflict broken bones or the like on 0 HP to stay until healed if they're hardcore.

So, in 99% of cases it should work if you pass your 'don't be a pussy' check.
is there any mechanical rule, perhaps an optional one, for representing broken bones and severed limbs and the like, in 5e?
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Also be aware that a magical world means magical prisons to keep magical people inside, meaning they may use magic against you.
Not that I remember, unless there's one in the DMG.
There are spells that restore missing limbs, however, and I believe rules for working out how somebody with a missing body part functions.
Demogorgon would just chimp out and rape him, dude
If I'm building a sorlock is there even a reason to go for any feats?
okay, crazy idea here

me and my roommate are dying for some dnd but all of our other players are busy this week. hoard of the dragon queen is from 1st to 7th level. what if it was just me and my dm running the game, i start out at 7th level with a bag of holding and go through the game solo, leveling up with xp as i go?
The demon lords in OotA are weak as fuck.
I need some input on Paladin Oaths

Just hit level 3. At level 4 I plan on taking Polearm Master. I will be mostly offensive, being the only real meat in rhe party.

I think Vengeance would fit best mechanically, but the level 7 ability seems really quite shite compared to "never be charmed ever" and "half damage from spells forever".

Spell list seems great though. Channel divs are neat too but Sacred Weapon seems amazing. Ancient's CD is p. Lame tho, the restrain could be neat I guess

So what do yall think I should go? Leaning Vengeance but I know I will be lamenting not having half dam v spells. I'm an Aasimar(protector), and the campaign will probably go to level 12ish
Forge is good, just shy of being a top-tier choice, and is highly thematic for elves and dwarves, both know for their craftsmanship.

Grave is decent. It's very good at preventing your allies from dying, but the rest is a mixed bag, but nothing's terrible. Feels good to have a death-centric domain that isn't "evil bogeyman death priest."

Protection is my least favorite of the three. The domain spells are thematic but mostly situational. It feels like it's very good for being frontline support, but not much else. I'm going to test out a multiclass build of it with Battlemaster, try for a frontline commander style build.
20 CHA should be priority numb 1

After that CON, though picking up moderately armored would massively increase your AC unless you had the mage armor invocation and goo dex.
There's a severe injuries table in the DMG, I believe.
Player wants to try elemental monk, it doesn't exactly keep up with the rest, any homebrew made I can rely on that I can give him so it's viable?
Solo is a pretty dangerous game if your DM plays properly.

Encounter six monsters?
They surround you, grapple you, shove you to the ground, disarm you and kick the shit out of you.

You'd have to play something either incredibly stealthy all the time, something that's practically untouchable (While barbarian+rogue covers con saves somewhat, dex saves and strength saves somewhat, you'd have to be a gnome to get better int+wis+cha saves, which would mean you'd end up dex barbarian. However, that would also mean you lack spellcasting, which kinda sucks for a lot of things). However, I suggested that as if you went strength and had athletics expertise and were raging you're practically immune to conventional grapple attempts, even though most monsters do not make conventional grapples.

Saves are important because some creatures that may be in the game may have 'save or become useless' abilities.

Honestly assassin rogue might work well if you aim for superstealth.
This should be it.
Actually snoop around and search it for the latest version just in case.

They changed the .pdf once or twice to accomodate things like water whip, since in the original version (I'm too busy to check this .pdf) water whip was actually kind of slightly too powerful

There are some nice options in there and while I'm not sure if it's as nice as an open hand monk in general it's way, way better and even gives cantrips for fun flavour over the wizard's failure of an attempt at it.
Forge makes my dick so HARD

>High Elf, master smith turned adventuring Cleric in his old age, searching for the legendary tools used by (god) to forge mythical weapons,
>pick GFB for cantrip, use longsword + heavy or shortsword + medium armor
>stockpile all the weapons and shit you loot, convert it into useful gear/easy to sell stuff
>either make your own AC beefcake levels, make your sword better, or make the Fighter suck your cock and swallow the gravy for the +1 Greatsword
>be the fucking FORGE

Wanna play it so bad desu. Alternatively start fighter for all weapons and go variant half-elf and grab GFB that way
What I really don't like is often DMs give EVERYBODY a +1 everything eventually, and forge would kind of suck in the end unless the DM says 'well you can make this one item that isn't +1, +1, I guess'

Honestly though maybe it's just me but DMs give too many magical items out. Had one that was more sensible though.
It's going to be amazing until that point, and I have never ever played a game of 5e wherein everyone had a magical weapon/shield/armor for every piece of gear they had.

Use it on your own armor and get to level 6, flat +2 to ac. Shield + Plate Armor, boom 22 AC, cast shield, 27 fucking AC. If you pick up a fighting style and took defense because ??? That's 23 AC pre buffs with only one self made magic piece of armor.

If that dont make your dick hard you may be gay son
So Wizards are still making good shit?
Crawford is taking time off from answering dipshit rules questions, is helping Mearls with a large batch of UA material in preparation for the next wave of official content. Turns out, knowing how the system works rules-wise is a good thing for producing content, so yeah. Crawford can take Mearls' half-baked ideas and turn them into decent material, end result is good shit.
I too would like some hot angel on Devil action
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Does anyone have any idea what this ogre is holding? I'm planning to paint this mini and use it in D&D but I'm not sure what color the object should be. If I had to guess I'd say it's a stake but I doubt an ogre would be trying to slay a vampire... The mini is from the old D&D Parker board game if that helps.
>10 skeletons
pick one, anon
i was thinking of a lvl 3 barbarian (bear totem with the tough feat) and a 4th level monk (way of the open hand)
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Oathbreaker Paladin from the DM's Guide is the way to go if you want to play a death knight.
Illmater, bitch, he dies for our sins.

Also, now that the Protection domain is also out.
It'd be better if you could cover saves, too.
I've got a character that could potentially cleric/paladin multiclass with 20 charisma 16 wisdom, a level in cleric makes you lose half a level of spellcasting in paladin, takes you 12 levels until fruitation if you don't do any other class levels.. And they already have fire resistance.

And the moment if I do get magical armour I'll essentially lose that bonus and have to use it on someone who won't be on the frontlines.

It's fucking perfect for a dwarf cleric (dwarf clerics are a thing because hill dwarf +1 wisdom +health and also not needing strength for heavy armour, they can go rapier+shield) and dwarf wizard (Take a single level in cleric) though.
Question, when my players use Artisan's tools to make something or use it, what ability check to do I do?

Is it just a raw d20 + the proficiency bonus (if they're proficient in that tool)?

Cause my barbarian wanted to repair this wagon with carpentry tools and I told him to roll a d20 and add +2 to his roll. At the end of the session, he told me he expected a Dex check due to the requirement of dexterous hands or some shit to repair the wagon. I wasn't so sure after that.
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Int or Dex would probably be the most common (and really both fit in many situations) but you could even argue CON could be used for long "endurance" crafting eg slaving away on metal-making in a hot area all day.

It just depends.
That sounds pretty bad.

You get no extra attack, you get multiple uses of bonus action (Punch, rage).
Your attacks would be...
2d6+2+STRMOD (first attack)
1d4+2+STRMOD (second attack, bonus)
While raging.
You'd get three rages a day. ... which isn't terrible, I guess.

Alright, it's not utterly terrible, but you could just get 5 levels in barbarian for +movement +one extra attack +a feat instead of putting levels in monk.

Monk would only give you some ki points to do nothing too inspiring with. I mean, way of hand flurry of blows to knock people down isn't bad, but..

I think paladin or druid would work out the best.

Moon druid gets crazy health pools and full spellcasting. They can use stuff such as 'pass without trace' for +10 to stealth.

Paladin gets +charisma to saving throws, good armour, good health and healing to heal themselves with, along with... Smiting if they really need to kill stuff.

Unlike monk or barbarian 5 they don't get to run fast, though.

Barbarian5/rogue2 would be better than using monk.
They get +10ft speed, cunning action, two attacks with 1d6 sneak attack if they reckless attack and use rapier+shield, grapple expertise + rage, etc.
They also don't have the ridiculous MAD factor of NEEDING:
13 str, 13 dex, 13 con, 13 wis
That barbarian/monk needs, that would gaurantee you'd have to wear medium armour which would gaurantee you'd lose the speed boost from monk anyway.
Int or dex.

Dex is already an overpowered stat though, so I'd go with int.

Int represents the knowledge of repairmanship, techniques and all that of a craft.
If something requires pure handiwork over knowledge (Say, carving a statue from wood or making a monochrome painting) then perhaps dex might be applicable.

In crafting a complex object, int is definitely more important than dex.
Read the Rage of Demons campaign
After running any events you wish from "The Battle", the struggle between the demon lords comes to an end as Demogorgon proves why he is known as the Prince of Demons.
The sounds of battle finally die away, the ground before you stained black and red with demonic blood and ichor.
In the terrible grip of Demogorgon, even the mighty Orcus looks almost small. Tentacles hold the Demon Prince of Undeath in a crushing grip, slithering across the maggot-riddled flesh of the horned demon, as they tighten inexorably. A strangled gasp issues from the
demon lord's throat as a horrific crunching sound echoes throughout the cavern and his skull-topped wand clatters onto the floor.
Demogorgon casts aside the limp form, which melts away as Orcus returns to the Abyss that spawned him.
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i think i found the most amount of attacks possible in one turn.

2nd level monk
attack= 1 attack
flurry of blows= 1 attack
bonus attack= 1 attack

13th level fighter
extra attack (2)= 2 attacks
*action surge

5th level wizard
haste= 1 attack

second hand weapon= 1 attack

with dual wielder and action surge that's 12 attacks, right?
well, i'd keep going with monk, essentially i'd eventually be 3 barb 17 monk, just to get that bear totem + tough feat to be invincible
>second hand weapon= 1 attack
Keys off bonus action.
With your hasted fighter/monk, you'd get 4 (Attack action with haste) + 4 (Action Surge Attack) + 2 (Flurry) = 10 Attacks.
Alternatively a hasted level 20 fighter does 5 (Four Attacks + Haste) + 5 (Action Surge) + 1 (Bonus action TWF/PAM/GWM) = 11.

So straight Fighter EK is best for doing many attacks.
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Okay, so in our months long campaign, one of the biggest locales my setting has is a giant expanse of land that has a mix of certain biomes (forests, deserts, etc.)

This is like a "great wild" where dangerous beasts roam the expanse and licensed hunters can go in and capture for the hunter's guild preservation. Kills are for like troubling monsters like a large infestation of giant fire spiders that are attacking a patch of forest that houses endangered species of owls, for example.

Anyhow, the gist is that my players finally passed the hunter's guild hunting exams to be licensed hunters to get in the "Great Wild" I'm heavily basing a lot of the quests and adventures to Monster Hunter which my players are big fans of.

Thing is, I want it to be a very engrossing experience, I don't want them to roll "Survival" just to track down the monster or shit. I want to let them feel the tracking, the atmosphere of them being in a large dangerous wild with monsters ready to jump (like have them hide behind a log as a gargantuan monster passes them) That and I don't want to copypaste too much of Monster Hunter. Maybe have its own flavor and shit. Might also mix in The Witcher hunts as well but I dunno.

Any ideas? I don't wanna screw this up cause this is what they've been waiting for since the campaign started after being side-tracked by the setting's political scandals.
you can't action surge a hasted attack, so 20th ek would be 4 attacks, action surge to be 8, bonus to be 9, and haste to be 10. so looks like it's equal with the fighter/monk/wizard
or maybe you can, i'm not sure

>EK casted grease earlier
>after casting haste, he runs over to a prone enemy
>gets 11 attacks all at advantage

imagine the crits

You lack protection against all sorts of things.

Monk does get proficiency with all saves later, which is great, but that only occurs later.

Monk probably isn't that bad once you reach that point. You have dexterity for initiative, dexterity for stealth, wisdom for perception and some stuns.
You'd get to go fast eventually, which is great.

However, what open hand monk is best at is proning/stunning enemies before letting other allies finish them off.
They're more support than anytihng, I'd say.

If you want to be a monk that's not a bad muticlass route to take, rage is great for all sorts of martials. However, I wouldn't say it's entirely optimal if you're going solo.

Enemies can still just walk up to you, shove you down and gangrape you. You can't kite enemies by running and attacking with ranged attacks.

Honestly, the absolutely best combination I can think of would be a aarakokra sorlock focused on spamming eldritch blasts that repel people while it just flies away like a fucking obnoxious bird.

They'd also have spellslots to do things such as dispell magic, counterspell other magics, etc.
Mah drow

Ilmater is best girl

>Cooked Myncoid.
>Cooked Harpy.
>Cooked Minotaur.

Am I the only one mildly horrified at the notion of eating something SENTIENT?
yeah it's pretty fucked up. but in dnd think of all of the horrifying reality bending spells. i imagine it's all fair game considering how desensitized people would be
Actually it's not equal

fighter/monk wizard gets 3 (extra attack 2) + 3 (action surge) + 2 (flurry of blows) +1 (haste) = 9
And as you said, EK gets 10.

However, here's the true way to get as many attacks as possible:
Go ranger.
11 levels. Horde breaker. whirlwind attack or volley.
Grab 2 levels of fighter.
Find some way to get haste, even if it's 5 levels of wizard or more fighter levels.

Begin the slaughter.

2X (Whirlwind/volley + action surge) + 1 (haste) + 1 (horde breaker) attacks +1 (bonus action, take 3 levels in barbarian for berserker or something, I don't know. 2 levels of sorcerer for quickened green flame blade/booming blade?)

For volley, X is number of creatures within 10ft of a point.
For whirlwind attack, any number of creatures within 5ft of you.

2X+3 attacks, easy.
If you grab something to help you make reaction attacks or an enemy triggers one, it's

You can also just take tunnel fighter and let lots of enemies run past you.
>be tunnel fighter in one end of tunnel
>ally with some sort of mass fear in other
>dragon sorc for example
>hordes of enemies in the middle
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>the DMs who uses stupid contrived excuses to put up "big TV screens" calling them "Scrying magical planes of seeing that are connected to Scrying lenses that broadcast events to the planes"

Stop this shit. I don't care if it's your world but it takes me out of the world when we're all doing fantasy Not-England then suddenly you say "big magical screens appear around the city as the baron makes his announcement"
Warforged Forge Cleric.
To cast his spells he holds a torch over part of his body to heat it up, then hammers himself symbolically forging himself. I just like the idea of basically a Golem who is making his own body as time goes on.

Combine that with Guild Artisan Background. Think it might be cool.

Then basically make like...Ultron from that avengers movie where he's searching for super rare and powerful materials to make a new body for himself because he has a Pinocchio complex.

Also warforged have +1 to AC. So with heavy armour and a shield and the bonuses you get from Forge Domain, you can have pretty decent AC at level 1.
Well, cannibalism is probably horrifying because our human brains don't like the idea of killing something that looks like us. The more it looks like us, the worse it feels to imagine. Consequently, the less it looks like us, the less we care.

So cultures growing up among other sentient species might never developed that as a crime.
it's not about looks, it's about sapience
>Spend your short rests turning yourself into a sentient hammer for the barbarian to use.
I'm saying that the reason cannibalism is horrifying to us is about looks, and that I don't think fantasy cultures would view eating sentient fungi or fish as horrifying.

a-aahh~! don't polish me so hard, barbarian-kun!
Trying to make an accountant-turned-warlock frustrated that pleasing his fiend patron is basically like working a 9-5 job except harvesting souls and organ meat instead of filing returns and performance reviews. Figure he'd be pact of the chain and the Imp could be a micromanaging middle management type like Blumberg in Office Space. My only question is his motivation, I figure he'd actively try to get out of his pact but it wouldn't make sense for him to be leveling up in warlock if he did right? Or should he be trying to squeeze out as much enjoyment as he can from his powers and just begrudgingly follow through with his "boss's" demands?
i'm saying that cannibalism is horrifying to us because of sapience, that's why most people would agree that eating a dog is fucked up
Most people don't agree that eating a dog is fucked up though. That's just a western thing.
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Sup, I want to be really goddamn stupid and make an unarmed combatant based on pic. Should I go monk or is there an unarmed fighter variant that's better? Really just want to make a fisticuffs dude with an incredibly high will save and probably dumped INT.
So I'm looking at running a campaign for a new group. Going to start with a pretty standard goblins/bandits attacked a carriage and kidnapped the princess.
I want to have the party find the princess' bodyguard knocked out and stripped of armour and weapons near the site of the attack, and was wondering what a good stat block for him may be for a level 1 party to encounter. I don't think they're going to try and kill him (although you never know with new players), but they're more likely to try and bring him along on adventures and I don't want him to be too strong. The knight stats seem a bit much for a new party to encounter, so I was thinking of maybe re-fluffing the bandit or thug NPC stats/abilities to better reflect a knight.
Pigs are pretty smart, at least comparable to dogs
>that's why most people would agree that eating a dog is fucked up
Thats wrong though? Most people in the specific cultural circle you inhabit might think so, but globally, thats not just wrong, but many would even find it ridiculous to consider eating a dog different from eating a pig or chicken.
We don't not eat dogs in the western world because of sapience (which would be retarded given they aren't that intelligent by comparison to say, a crow), but because we have historically employed them as household animals, creating a stronger emotional connection.
>Warforged cleric of an ancient, crazy mechagod that's the apostle of mechanus
>pretty much just mechanus impersonated into a wandering machine of godly AC that wanders about doing machine things
The problem there is that you might not fit into the party if you're supposed to be harvesting souls all day.

Often adventures aren't about blindly murdering everything.

You'll be like a reluctant CE, though possibly you could play it off as LE with a 'lawful evils don't blindly murder everything' twist on things.

But that would be instead of simply harvesting souls by murdering everything in sight, trying to corrupt people to selling their souls to the devil or whatever.
Why not just use the Guard NPC? Too low?
Do you think that changing the demands of the pact might make it easier? Like say the contract might specify a certain amount of mayhem that might be against a rival devils cult or something?
Monk unarmored defense doesn't work with shields senpai, only barbarian one does
(he means the spell Shield, anon)
ah fair enough
>be warforged forge cleric
>Turn fingers into coins
>Heal wounds with magic to regrow fingers
Ghosts are resistant to nonmagical weapons so if you wanna hit hard monk is the way to go. If you want to punch and be angry then tavern brawler with Barbarian.
One of my players want to respec. I can just say "No" but I decided to let them earn it. Thinking of making some legendary respec potion or tome that allows them to revert everything as if they were Level 1 PCs and pick what they want (especially when they have to pick sub-classes)

I'm gonna set a precedent that this thing is so legendary that it's hard to find. They'll have to find information on it (might have a rich-ass noble who loves collecting things to have this information but since he's tied to the local crime organization, they gotta have to get to it) then learn that there are methods to get one: Find the location (which requires them to go across the world to find clues to the dungeons where its located) or create one (which leads to a massive quest to find legendary reagents that are taken from beasts that roam the land) themselves.

Is this a good idea? Is respecing too gamebreaking? Last time I did it was in the end of Lost Mines for another table of newbies cause after they beat Lost Mines, I told them their starter characters were pre-built but I allowed a respec so they can carry over these characters with their own choices (esp since the two Fighters wanted to roll Battlemaster and Eldritch Knight) but that was for newbies. This one is like in the middle of a campaign and they're like level-13 now.
Aight, thanks. Coming from Pathfinder, are monks still kinda blah or are they pretty good now?
ja tvoi sluga, ja tvoi rabotnik
Ammit would be true neutra; right?
Apart from set(neutral), bes(neutral) and apophis(chaos), few dieties would be non-lawful. Apophis is the only chaotic deity. Apart from Set and Apophis most gods will be good or neutral.
They are alright, they don't do the best damage but they have a ton of class features, they become proficient in all saving throws, evasion, and open hand/shadow are solid archetypes.

Way of the Four Elements is subpar, but there is a homebrew out there for it, and it's not even THAT bad.
I'm wondering how everyone else will feel about being sidetracked from whatever they are doing right now, or generally invest so much time and effort for a (relatively) minor benefit to one of them.

What Class is the player?
Play a Sun Soul monk so that in addition to smashing Ouija boards over ghost heads you can hit them up with ki blasts Goku style.
I think making it overly legendary is just going to be aggravating.

Instead, they should be able to 'retutor' themselves over a break or something with a mentor, perhaps.

Making it some legendary potion will just sidetrack people for far too long, and also pushes a 'high fantasy' theme beyond what 5e is meant for in the sense of 'If you want something, there's a magical potion for it somewhere!'

Retraining is something you could feasibly do in real life, even if it ends up making you forget old techniques. However, you could explain it that the extensive retraining process comes with the drawback of losing the old stuff, obviously.

Retraining is harder and harder for the difference. So, if you have only one level to retrain, it's not too difficult.
If you have 20 levels to retrain from barbarian to wizard then obviously you're going to be locked away in a mountain for half a century studying or some stupid shit.

A Wizard. Wants to change from Evocation to Conjuration. Thing is I could've easily thrown a "tome of Conjuration" with equal amounts of effort to get it but he seems more down with a full respec of his class.

Everyone is down though cause it's an "ADVENTURE" that and I've tied a lot of their backstories to the things they'll do (like the Cleric's father was missing for years but it turned out he's the mob boss of the criminal organization that the noble is working with and the Barbarian says he's trying to do a "rite of passage" for his clan and the Barb told me it is to down a known beast so I'm gonna tie the reagent hunting to that beast, etc.)

I'm still trying to find holes into this idea but it's getting everyone excited so I might roll with what we have and think it through.
If everyone else likes the idea then I see no reason to not go for it. Given the effort involved, I'm not seeing any problems, as long as you make sure he can't retain any benefits from his previous spec (like a Transmuters Stone), and a potion or something that induces a kind of "spirit journey" letting him redo his "life choices" seems like it could be a lot of fun.
>no more evocation
What, did he get bored of superpowerful 1d4+6 magic missiles?

I'd at least add a few twists where it turns out to not be some stupid potion like they're lead to believe (but are given hints that it's not actually a potion) but rather some ancient-looking man in an ancient library who offers to retrain people for a great cost (something obtained in the adventure before arriving there) because honestly a potion that just magically fixes your class sounds a bit too stupid.

Of course, you can still just do a potion.
What are some good one-shots you've run/played in 5e? (Please provide some details as to the plot)
Anyone have some good (balanced) homebrew Warlock Patrons? I'm thinking of just writing one up myself and keeping it at least parallel to the fiend patron to keep it balanced
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Abandon all hope ye who enter here.

Fluffers shall rule the world.
there's just so little variety atm
They're fine, but you're not going to be a damage dealer to rival the big boys like fighter and barbarian. At best you'll be off-damage and at worst you'll be a stun stick.
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Lost Mines' 1st chapter is a perfect one-shot. I just let the adventurer's start at Phandalin right away in Stonehill Inn and get a hook that leads them to learning of Sildar Halwinter who hasn't reached the town for a tenday. Then they learn he was last seen a few hours away from town which leads to the Cragmaw Cave dungeon.

It can just end there and omit the module's bigger story hooks (Black Spider, Redbrands, etc.) to make it just your classic "fight the goblins, save the NPC" scenario.

Meant for: >>50348179
This is not bait.
How would you homebrew to be able to play as a Beholder?
Is there already someone who did it?
Undying, Undying Light, Fiend, Fey, GOO, Ghost in the Machine, Seeker.

So you've got covered:
Positive plane,
Ancient wizard;
Eldritch Horrors,
A Literal Stardust Crusader
and finally The Fucking Internet

All for one of the least important choices in the entirety of the PHB.
Bardic college is a big deal. Fighter subtype is a big deal.
Warlock has generally less pact benefits, I'd say. It's still important, but it's honestly not that important and won't completely change how you play warlock.

I guess there are other pacts you could make such as 'draconic' but then again that one just fits under draconic sorcerer.

Well, what kind of warlock are you thinking of, anyway?

Gygax said that if someone wants to play a dragon, they can but have to be a very weak level-1 dragon.

Why not do the same and be a pretty shit Beholder with one eyestalk.
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There is a point people had to stop with homebrew

You went so fast past that point you probably didn't even notice it.

Try a seeker or something, or some sort of beholder-humanoid hybrid. A full-blown 'I fire rays everywhere and suppress magic just by looking at it' won't work.
I wouldn't. Beholders are too far beyond PC-level capability that any attempt to pare them down to that level would strip them of what makes them a beholder. Just figure out a way to give a sorcerer a beholderkin origin or a warlock a beholder pact.
Shut up EMIYA
I would do level 1 Sorcerer. Maybe Wild Magic for crazy eye-stalkness. Like >>50348333 You would still be the power-level of a level 1 adventuerer. So maybe homebrew a race for it. I would probably just copy Tiefling. And theme the Wild magic stuff to being, you are a young beholder and don't know how to use your eye-stalks yet.

From there...I dunno. Look into other class abilities and I would say mutliclass as an explanation for you growing up and learning new "natural" abilities of a beholder.

Additionally, i would then use your Background as your adventure hook. You are a Beholder, so your race+class is what is defining your racial abilities. So your Background is almost like your Beholder's class. So Criminal would be like your Beholder is a Rogue and Performer would be like your Beholder is a bard.

Beholder baby captured and forced to perform in a circus. Escapes. Adventures ensue. Beholder is acrobatic and funny.
>Beholder Clown
Has anyone had a wolf companion? The fact that its only attack can knock people prone whether I want it to or not seems super obnoxious for me as an archery ranger, and potentially for other ranged party members.

New thread, gents
Wolves and panthers are good for melee combatants. Just take an ape or something if you're worried about prone being a detriment.
Look up the Lensman, it's the humanoid beholderkin that people are hinting at, and it wouldn't be too much effort to make a playable version, just replace the special power with one of the following cantrips:

1. Friends
2. Spare the Dying
3. Light
4. Message
5. Minor Illusion
6. Resistance
so what does the night hag's soul bag do?
Hmm, I've only ever seen Fey, Demons/devils and GOO/Eldritch Horrors,
I'll look into the others I care about variety for Warlocks mostly for the RP purposes I haven't actually played one I'm new to 5e (we got sick of stars without number)
Extra attack 2 grants 2 EXTRA attacks so a level 13 fighter has 3 attacks and may spend an action surge to double that.

The most attacks a character can get is by going Monk 6/UA Hunter 11/Rogue swashbuckler 3

Hordebreaker and whirlwind attack are just that good.
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Hunter ranger 11/Fighter 2 with GWM or PAM, with Haste and Enlarge cast on you, while completely surrounded.

Whirlwind attack: 12
Action surge whirlwind: 24
Horde breaker: 25
Haste: 26
PAM/GWM bonus action: 27

Alternatively the same one with crossbow expert but not Enlarge, shooting at a tightly-packed group:

Volley: 12
Action surge volley: 24
Horder breaker: 25
Haste: 26
Crossbow expert bonus action: 27
Oh shit I forgot Swift Quiver.

So if you're Ranger 17/Fighter 2 that goes to 28 for the crossbow bit.
Make it a Bugbear.
Whirlwind attack specifies within 5 feet, so that wouldn't help. Gimme a sec, I found a way to do more (will respond in new thread).

As a forever DM, I'd play it.
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