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The Official MTG Snowstorm/Lore Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 324
Thread images: 40

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New Flake Sheet Part 1.jpg
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Welcome to the MTG flake/lore thread!

Previously: Flakepoint and flakepoint controversy. Long story short, it's all good fa m. It's all good. New flakes and some stories. Memery and plaguelords.

Previous thread: >>48124520

Writefagging last time:
Nishal and Iosha cuddle at the ball of 100 keks: >>48144558


If you want ANYTHING to go in the repo, just summon me. Otherwise I will only put writefagging and sheets in the repo.

Also, I added the blank template to the ALL FLAKESHEETS folder.

To summon me simply say
And I will do nothing because I don't have access to it.

>Current Repository

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New Flake Sheet Part 2.png
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and so begins the screaming
How different would your flake(s) be if they were planeshifted(as in born on a different plane)?
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hey look, it's an updated Iosha! I made how the ship works more accessible to anyone who wants to scream to read the books, and I fleshed her out some more as her own character.
up next: Iosha's journal from the two (three?) years she spent building the ship, and the terrible things she had to do to make it.

soon as I posted it I realised I didn't correct the spelling of Kaladesh in the Fav planes list. Kill me.
The mighty DIOMEDES would have been the weak Dio without Iroas' teachings on Innistrad. Might be literate.
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Ka'koarm would just be ugly and of average size rather than monstrous and huge
SERENA THE GIANT ZENDIKAR ANGEL... Would probably have been eaten by Ulamog...
Born on Alara, Leon would definitely have gotten into the whole "knight" thing, and went Bant instead of Boros. He would lose his affinity for artifacts, but he'd still work to proect people, just with massively different motivations.

Well, considering Izari was born on Grixis and didn't have access to green mana until the Conflux, things would have been very different on another plane, never mind the mindset needed to survive on Grixis. She'd likely be a totally different character.
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And it's finished. Not particularly good, but it's finished. Thoughts?
Tarkir, you accidentally put "dragonlords of Theros". Beyond that, I really like it.
Work drains my creativity, expect me to be lurking the flake thread now that I got some time off.

Maybe work on my artistry while listening to NSP

I'm actually going to type at. Work tonight. Shits gonna be crazy.
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Alright. Here is my second attempt at a Domain flake. Probably the last flake I'll be making in a while since work is going to be taking up a lot more of my time.

Also, if you don't want to read the tiny text, I made a picture book out of the bios. Each pic is one brief paragraph. Hope you all enjoy it.

Pt 1: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Byi4Pg34zHMzWG1kZTc4MFo3b28

Pt 2: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Byi4Pg34zHMzLU9LbkQ1RlVDbzg

Pt 3: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Byi4Pg34zHMzY0I5ZmdJSFBYV0k

Pt 4: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Byi4Pg34zHMzTTM3U2FOb1RUSGs

Pt 5: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Byi4Pg34zHMzRmR1RWpiOHh5b0U

Pt 6: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Byi4Pg34zHMzZU5rTm5EZXA4T3c

Pt 7: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Byi4Pg34zHMzbHJFUTlGeU1yVGc
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oh good, another 5 color flake from you that isn't actually 5 colors
Explain why the character is five colors.
For each color, quote at least one line from the bio that you've written that suits that color.
Elaborate, friendo.

Lélunde summoned up every ounce of his strength and spell capabilities to repair and maintain the plane from becoming unstable and being destroyed
> green

After he was able to save the plane from destruction, he then searched the inhabitants for someone he could entrust to protect it and become it's guardian.
> white

Lélunde is a calm, peaceful, merciful and generous being. Always valuing the virtue of others and their capacity to form trustworthy bonds and communities. He believes in being courteous and respectful of others and their beliefs, faiths, and sense of duty and honor while he is visiting their plane.
> white

He always tries to perceive things as others do, to learn their ways, their culture, their acquired knowledges. Lélunde always manages to understand people and how they perceive the world and rationalize their ways of life. He strives to master all skills and spells that he learns from people, to the point that perfecting those techniques is the only result he will settle for. Believing that potential should never be left dormant and to strive to reach one's fully potential and uncover new talents and capabilities.
> blue

To Lélunde, power is a necessity to achieve what he does, and always looks for new ways to increase his inner strength and his ability to channel mana and craft spells. Not only for himself, but for the planes he saves and the guardians he establishes. He has a strong sense of independence and individualism for himself and doesn't allow others to dictate whether or not he should be saving planes and gifting such capabilities to his guardians. Lélunde is very ambitious with his desire to save each and every plane that he can and create his own spiritual successors. To him, failure is not an option. Perhaps it's from a sense of selfishness to keep everything he can alive and well, or perhaps a sense of greed that he wants every plane to have a piece of him to be remembered when he has left it. And even though his results are admirable, his actions of bestowing the responsibility of a plane's well being means that they give up a normal and fulfilled life. And he fully understands this. But, Lélunde believes that his method is the only way to ensure everyone's protection. And if a single life from each plane has to be derailed to achieve this, then so be it.
> black

Even with all of his virtues, Lélunde does have a weakness for the fairer gender. Often being distracted from his goals by a beautiful girl. Being so audacious sometimes to impulsively pursue a girl even if she is an aggressor towards him, believing that any person can be charmed by his allure. Though he does not overstep his bounds, Lélunde does try to put on a show for a girl to gain her favor and affection. His attraction typically goes so far as to choose a woman as his potential successor and appoint her as the guardian of their home plane. And teaches them not only his incantations, but how to nurture their individuality and show them how to be truly free.
> red

With no others' influence to persuade their judgement or their perception and fulfillment of their duties as guardian of the plane. Lélunde also shows his guardians how to be an inspiration to their people and to find inspiration in them as well.
> red

And while Lélunde's astronomical goals are ever pursued, he does tend to have a humorous and carefree attitude. Often finding the simplest things pleasing and amusing.
> red

He accepts people for who they are deep down and promotes them living a life free from being stifled. And even though he does all that he can to protect the people of each plane he visits from injustices and natural disasters, Lélunde chooses not to intervene with the natural order of things and does not save one being only to allow another to starve because of it. He does not believe that is truly saving nature what so ever and strives to abstain from interfering with natural selection and the natural evolutionary process. Preservation of people, animals, plants, and their ways of life is what is important to him. And he never allows anything to discourage him from achieving that goal. It is his nature to be compassionate and protective, engrained into his basic instincts and strengthened by his resolve. His experiences have made him grow as an individual and made him quite wise. And because of this he is unwavering from this course and spreads his wisdom and the truth or brings about how precious life really is.
> green
Look, I don't mind if you question my flake. But, if you are going to question it, then at least take the time to read it first and you might find the answers you are looking for. Don't just ask for examples when they are already mentioned dead on in the bios just because you don't 'think' so did it properly.
>fairer gender
I believe you mean sex, cis scum
I believe I mean the word I used appropriately. Go back to 9gag kid.
Now, I'm going to sleep. I have to be up in the middle of the night. So, I'll read any responses in the morning.
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It could still happen.

I mean, Gisela and Bruna are clearly in a secret bunker somewhere waiting to help their sister after cleverly tricking Emrakul into thinking one of Bruna's auras was the two of them...
Two upcoming Flake introductions soon;

1.) Ravnica born Inter Planar Bounty Hunter who may or may not be on Bolas' payroll
2.) Lorwyn Elf Walker who got his party on with Theros Satyrs before they went bonkers.
>Ravnica born Inter Planar Bounty Hunter who may or may not be on Bolas's payroll
Sounds like an okay villain in the actual Magic storyline, if you ask me. I especially want there to be a scene where Jace goes into a Ravnican diner and shows someone the dart he took from the corpse of one of the bounty hunter's victims, only to learn about a secret plane that has been mysteriously erased from Ugin's archives.

ha ha ha
Is the point of our Walker-Hunter, basically just one of the Agent's of Bolas across planes. I always appreciated an extension of the Elder Dragon's whims through a guy who's just in it for the good life.
I kina of want to make a flake, but I feel like it'd be more fun to make new flakes with other anons. Maybe it's just the DnD tradition but characters are more fun as a party.
Agreed. It's why I enjoy collaborative stories.
Serena anon and I just kinda said 'hey lets rp our flakes in google docs'

Pretty easy to ask around, hell if you want I don't mind tossing Revas into another RP as long as it falls outside the current storyline on innistrad.

Alternatively you can interact with Hellion or Tyry (Lorwyn Elven Bard)
also there IS A steam group if you want to talk to your fellow flakes, ANGERFISH, Serena, and I are all members.
Just collab rp or games?
Just collab RP is all I've heard of or seen so far, but games aren't impossible. I bet some people in these threads would be up for it.
I have Cockatrice installed and also Magic Origins as well.

Hit me up in the steam group if you wanna do a few rounds for shits and gigs.
I'ma be safe and go with canon ones:


Did I miss any?
What kind of flake did you have in mind?
DIOMEDES ABS <-- Everyone
Fucking delicious. Like, truly. I'm not just saying that.

Tasty tasty flavor, and just the right length.

Like, really dude. Make shorter bios and just include a writefagging with it.
So how does War Gaia turn out in flakepoint? What does that constant warfare with her never going home to see her children do to her?
I'm thinking someone common and petty, definitely mono color. Maybe a blue doctor if that doesn't muddle the color pie too much, or an alchemist. Or a straight up bard might be nice, but someone did that I think.
I love mono-color flakes (as hypocritical as that sounds since I haven't made any), so I'd highly encourage more of those.
Go for it, archetypes are a ton of fun to RP and write for too.
Hah, pretty good if a bit of a telling end. I, DIOMEDES anon, don't know how his story will end. Like most tales from his world, the gods in their own way would punish his hubris. Such is the Theros Tragedy of DIOMEDES
Diomedes would find himself a warrior's end on a few planes i'm certain.

In the meantime, I've been going for a Highseas sort of feel for Revas' home plane of Icos. The Plane is one giant sea faring realm which is harder to come up with mana ideas for without taking too much to assume it isn't just a giant ball of blue mana.

Basically my idea was

Mountains: Tribal Orcs/Goblins/Ogres who have a Volcano God Fetish with elemental bigguns and very primitive vessels like rafts and such.

Plains: Port-Towns to Sea-Side Cities protected by the only Organized Military in the Plane. Ships are floating fortresses with tons of well trained Marines and Soldiers.

Forest: The untamed and untouched Jungles of the realm, lots of beasts perhaps a Jungle Tribal theme with Cat/Gorilla/Rhino/Elephant morphs or just all of them as Beasts

Swamps: What else? Bloody Pirates.

Islands: Merfolk, Leviathans, Invertebrates, who all have a hard-on for sinking ships and drowning land dwellers.
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Art in the works, gotta scan it and add it in but, R/G Elvish Bard who humps indiscriminately.
I thought about it a bit yesterday, and while I can't remember everything I'd decided, these were some notes I made:

She's more jaded then current Gaia. She's much more stern, too. Both Gaia's have a lot of disdain for a lot of things, but current Gaia consciously suppresses these thoughts and controls her darker side. In times of war, battle Gaia has less of a need to show such restraint. While she is not cruel, she is more ruthless, and less likely to show compassion or mercy. If she has deemed an opponent enough of a threat to merit death, no level of bargaining or pleading will prevent her from attempting to destroy that person utterly.

Still, they are not completely different. Even war Gaia respects life, and believes in showing restraint wherever possible. A few decades of war, even a planeswalker war, can't change that. However, as I said, she is less likely to show compassion in more ambiguous situations. And if she doesn't know her children are dead, in her mind she is still fighting to protect her family. She still loves them very dearly, and years of fighting out of that love has made her increasingly dedicated to her cause.

But yeah, besides the aforementioned bits, she's (unless otherwise noted in the future) pretty much still the same Gaia.
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Here's my latest attempt at a flake card. Thoughts?
Aaaaand I revised the name after making it, making the second ability incorrect. Good job, me.
A blue doctor who ignited during a plague seems like a good idea. Maybe his left arm is infected, but his magic has it suppressed for now. Still, it's under wraps while he tries to find a cure for it and his people.
>The Plane is one giant sea faring realm which is harder to come up with mana ideas for without taking too much to assume it isn't just a giant ball of blue mana.

I really like the concept. Maybe the water doesn't have to be water? What if it is a different kind of liquid associated with a different mana color or something? So then you have all of these colorful seas.
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Thank you.

Here's some writefaggotry for Leon on Innistrad. I'm trying to explore his character a bit more, to go a bit past 'normal human general who's also a planeswalker'.
Well it could explain also why the Merfolk are huge assholes, maybe they're Pre-Fall Atlantis with a Namor-Murder Boner because "MUH LESSER RACES"

I could argue that Innistrad is a gigantic Swamp p-much with how much black mana it oozes so I don't think Icos is too far fetched.
So who is banging who?
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Ka'koarm is always banging heads
Tyry last I checked.
Who she bangin'?
Rakkor x War Milf
I was thinking about it today at work, what if the Flakepoint mashed time points up to the present, so all of the current flakes who wish to participate have always been embroiled in this endless war.
I'm a bit confused what you mean. Explain further.

it's not a public group, they're gonna have to friend people already in the group to join I believe.
Serena's the easiest to find.
The war never ends for Gaia, or at least her past time jumps to the present timeline. Since in lore it happened like 1000 years ago or something premending, this would let flakes in Flakepoint be apart of it.
Ok, so like a portal or something? Or a rift that lets the past of the other timeline intersect with the present of this timeline?
Well, more like Flakepoint fucked up the timeline itself fundamentally. Part of the reason people need to make Will fix it, even if he's just a happy old geezer surrounded by his friends and family.
So timelines are just colliding? How so? Like, give me a visual.
Will goes back in time to save his children from the vampires, determining that's when everything went sideways.
He does
and that's sick
but the fractures it sends throughout the multiverse kind of break it and the war Gaia fought in just continues all the way to the present and that changes each flake's (who wants to) life after and maybe before they ignited.
Flakes who were once friends now fight on opposite sides of a war that should have ended long ago
Old enemies fight back to back
Will tries to go back and fix it but something or someone is sapping his ability to traverse time.Lord Aeon
When he finally gets his ability back, he doesn't want to leave Gaia because she's dead in his timeline, but she tells him that if he has the ability to undo all of the death she's seen, he needs to.
Like, literally a collision. William fucked up the universe time rift style by trying to go back in time before the mending, so that time before the mending and after is all spilling together. Timelines on planes are all nice and neat and able to be manipulated like Dragons of Tarkir. When you do it in the Blind Eternities, and Especially when you go back pre-mending, shit gets all sorts of fucked up with causality crashing into itself. So Rakkor gets to be mounted by War Milf, and so on.
Didn't Will never ignite in that timeline? Not his anon so I'm not sure, but I thought changing things basically meant he never got attacked, and thus never ignited. So she never came home from her wards on the family going off and war continues. So no time travel Will.
He finds that he hasn't ignited, maybe the timeline is jumbled up to enable this.So like in the actual flashpoint, he takes steps to remedy this, almost killing himself the first time and successfully igniting the second.
Ok, so Will's change somehow makes it so that the old planeswalker war never ends?

Forgive me. I'm so tired.

>he doesn't want to leave Gaia because she's dead in his timeline
Is she tho?
The way you described how she was linked to the plane, it would be pretty hard for her to survive once Will did his Kool-aid man impression on her plane.
Fun fact.

A long time ago in a thread far far away, an anon suggested that Will sac his spark to mend hers. Then someone else suggested some other things, and lo and behold I wrote this shit

I'm not sure how to rectify this now.
But yes, her death was always an option I had in mind when making her.

Well Will came back after his long absence and Flakepoint requires him being alive to go back.
I figure from what Will anon said it's like he kool aid mans in, sees she's still alive and suffering from what he's done, not to mention an entire plane breaking into nothingness from the mending hitting. He says fuck this, I'm the god damn time king. Cheats death, and causes flakepoint by trying to go back in time before the mending to when the multiverse was fundamentally different so he can never get her 'trapped' there. What you wrote could be the post flakepoint ending. But now you're from Eol, so who knows. I just want Rakkor x milf action, even if not from Gaia. Avacyn killed all his friends and now he's lonely. So lonely.
I know Will anon was talking about trying to get the "super + good ending" where he and Gaia end up in the world core together, serving as sleeping parents and dieties to a stable plane. Or at least that's Will's goal.
>Milf Dragon
>RakkorxTiamat OTP
Oh, that'd be good. Maybe a goal after someone motivates him to fix flakepoint?

no incest please
We need his anon to give input on this string of discussion...
>Tiamat isn't on Innistrad.
Not gonna lie, the image I have of war gaia riding an armor-plated Rakkor looks like a dark-clad Galadriel riding such a fearsome beast. Like how Daenarys rides Drogon. And then lightning crackles behind them. And then metal starts playing. Because this is a 70s metal album cover.
Rakkor got done mommy issues

Who would join Belagir in a flake based rendition of Motherlover
Then think of it as I did. Read the "what are they up to now?" as the briefing. And the rest of it as a short writefagging and character refining.
The ultimate is a little weak. Make it
> -8: You get an emblem with "Creatures you control have hexproof and unblockable."
too strong, tone down the muscle
Say what you will, for as straightforward and strange that "creatures can't block" is, it somehow makes an unbelievable amount of sense given what three colors are being used.

On the other hand, Hexproof and Unblockable together would pretty much just combat mono-blue on this flake.
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LORD ÆON! TO THE RESCUE! How about this dick of a time lord searches out William since he knows exactly how he messed everything up in the whimey timey weavy liney. Sees that in this timeline that William's spark never ignited. So, Æon runs his fist and forces a jolt of power from Æon's planeswalker spark through William's chest to reignite his spark. This allows the two of them to go on a most excellent adventure.
Uhh... What is Domri Rade, Alex?
too powerful is what
tone it down beefcake, you're scaring the women and confusing the children
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I was actually going to say Aeon is sapping his ability to time jump and catches a sword through the chest courtesy of War!Gaia
Then, how about "haste and unblockable"? By the time he's played fifth, maybe third turn, done his +1 for three turns and activated his -8 on the fourth turn after he's played.... Competitively the game should be over. This would be a simple "speed that shit up" ultimate that nearly all Planeswalkers have.
He doesn't make things unblockable so you can still deal with the creatures.
We shouldn't write the Flashpoint on point. That, and Æon actually wants to save the time streams and in result the multiverse.
> double strike, trample, hexproof, haste
Neah, it's so much worse than unblockable.
Not panel for panel of course, also in the timeline where the war has been ongoing, Aeon sapping time abilities in order to keep chronomancers from taking the war to the fabric of time itself would make sense.
Gaia just doesn't have the patience to explain to him that she knows Will could set things right if given the power. Besides, how believable would it be for a Chronomancer to be like "Aeon, let me go back into the timestream, I can stop this whole war from going on as long as it did."
that would sound incredibly sketch to someone wanting to protect the integrity of the timeline.
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All right everyone, time for another non-lewd story! This time it's Samnel (reposting the flakesheet for a memory-jogger), having a perilous encounter with Murdock-anon's newest flake, the mysterious and dangerous Kaya! Enjoy.

http://pastebin.com/y12JdLg8 (PG-13 for fantasy people, jokes at the expense of the Lunarch Inquisition, intense sequences of prayer and several mentions of cleavage)

How tragic it is for me to fail to live up to my name for two stories in a row. But fear not - the filth in my mind is boundless and I have no doubt that there is more on the way.
Pretty much, just search steam for my favourite angel flight and you'll find me.
Well, Æon can't just sap the power from other Planeswalkers just because. It's a little oldwalker-ish. He kills temporal mages. And seeing as Æon couldn't possibly repair all this damage on his own, he'd be forced to work with Will to fix everything. And more than likely, I'd see Æon as the one proposing Will to help fix the time streams.
I wasn't aware that Emrakul had a flight.
How about he has an enchantment that prevents temporal shenanigans or taxes them beyond the point of feasablity and the timeline for him would be a Khans to Dragons scenario where he doesn't see the damage since it was always that way to him.
Only Will would see the damage he caused and even then his memories are being replaced by those of the new timeline. What kind of time mage would Aeon be if every time someone genuinenly believed that this timeline was broken, he just let them go back and change things willy nilly.
it literally says it on the card
like how could you miss it
Also, I should point out that Venser's -1 is creatures are unblockable until end of turn. So, having an emblem with haste also for -8 isn't really broken.
woah man, cool it down with all that power, we don't need shit that strong here.
I see your point, but Æon is always traveling through time and can see the time streams. He would see them as they were changing. Just like the Clockworkers. And Æon wouldn't just let William go fix it on his own. Æon would be going with William to make sure mother else gets messed up in the process. And enchantments that affect the entire multiverse, especially dealing with the time streams, is way too oldwalker level of powerful.

However, I do like the route you are taking. What if upon seeing the Time Streams changing, Æon follows these changes to see their source, only to find that it eventually leads him to the events of Will causing the flake point. And fractures in the time streams from the changing of the amending event causes Æon to not be able to go before that time to stop it. So, Æon decides to go to the present of this timeline and bring William along to stop this. And igniting his spark. However, they have a run in with the Lord Æon of this new timeline. And he has found out a away to prevent time travel at this point in time. Perhaps a multiverse-wide enchantment like you suggested that is powered by the altered events of the Mending. This causes all current neowalkers from being literal Pre-Mending Oldwalkers since it siphons off that source of power. And even though Æon wants to learn how this was possible so he can do it in his own multiverse's timeline, he knows that if he doesn't end it that there won't be his version of the timeline ever again. And thus, Bill & Æon have to fight Neo Æon. Which could result in what you suggested with War Gaia taking the final blow to Neo Æon.

^ mother else
* nothing else
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Careful, you'll upset Rufus.

You don't like it, Anon?
>weak Dio without Iroas' teachings on Innistrad.
the plus side is, well...UUUUUURRRRYYYYYYYY!
Heh... Yeah, they're gonna be okay.. Heh.. heheheh....

It's like you want to fight me?
So, I'm guessing that you two acknowledge that my flake is indeed all five colors?
Serena! Read my last flake please and tell me what you think.

So, what do you want from the Kaladesh URs? I personally want one of them to be about Nissa getting thoroughly drunk and bad things happening to Jace.

>"Are you feeling good?"
>"Ahm feelin' good!"
>"Are you having fun?"
>"Ahm havin' fun!"
>"Are you drunk?"
>"Ahm drunk!"
>"...Yeah I think it's fairly safe to say that Nissa is fucked."
>Hey sorry about all the shit that happened to your plane but Emrakul is gone now and we heard that there's some sick ass fair going on, bye!

And that is when Thalia realised that Planeswalkers are all massive cunts.
I want to see some Chandra and Gideon character development, and to actually explore the classism in India through a fantasy setting.
I'm super hyped for an artifacts- and caste-based society you don't even know
Ahwwww yssss.I have been waiting for this for a long, long time! Thanks based RFA!
> “What would you say,” he began, “if I told you that there was at least one angel out there who was neither murderously insane or a twisted monster?”

Yay! Also does that mean the titjob is now canon?
Something tells me that Chandra getting thoroughly embarrassed by her parents when she's around Gideon would be good for a laugh.
Makes Æon too much of a deus ex. Please no.
I don't think that scene would be the lighthearted comedy you want, considering I'm pretty sure at least her dad is confirmed dead.
He's a neowalker interracting with an oldwalker war? You realize how hopelessly outmatched he is, right? If there is an oldwalker time mage in the war, which I'm positive there would be, Æon can't do shit to stop them.
Maybe Liliana can help with that, though.
Fuck you man, my sides hurt.
I do my best.
I think we should get Will's input more before we start writing for his character. Keep it vague for now.

Also, I don't know if I'm comfortable with how closely this is resembling actual flashpoint. I just thought we were using Flakepoint as a pun for time and retcon shenanigans.
So this Will went it, bashed at everyone, and left leaving you all waiting?
What a swell guy.
I'm still going to go out on a limb and say his comment yesterday was.not meant to be read as bashing. Just my two cents.
I don't really understand this attitude. Will never bashed anyone. He said Flakepoint participation was optional, and he said if someone doesn't like your flake, you don't have to participate in Flakepoint.
Æon can't be the deus ex if he needs someone else's help. Just saying. Think of it like a Buddy Time Cop story arc.
I'm personally not participating because I think the whole idea is silly.
But him coming in and fixing a huge problem for Will with a flick of the wrist maked it feel super hammy and deus ex.
Are you calling Current Æon a neowalker and Neo Æon an oldwalker?
Remember where you are, friend?
Of course you would say that, you need him.
what would happen in an oldwalker time travelled to a post-mending point?
I think it's a brand of silliness that I'd rather not engage in. Better?
>time travel
>anyone but Karn
But I guess we can't say. We can only make two hypothesis that will never be confirmed.
I am confused. This whole flakepoint thing happens because Will anon is not ok with lore-breaking flakes. But as it happens, it involves time travel, which is lore breaking.
I dunno, you tell me. What I'm saying is a neowalker doesn't have the pull to just go "oldwalkers can't travel in time for this war."
it's a callback to the Planar Chaos set, in which (surprise!) time travel had fucked up a majority of the multiverse and had to be fixed by planeswalkers.
It was this event that led to the Mending, the canon retconning of planeswalker abilities into what we know of them today.
The lore-breaking flake thing did not originate from Will. That's something someone else suggested.
I know what planar chaos is, I've got the book right here.
I still don't get your point.
Yet what happens is pretty much what I said. Take out will from the picture if you want, and answer again.
I'm not the one writing for it and I was only throwing out ideas. It's not like Æon is fixing everything with a wave of his sonic screwdriver. I'd see it as it would take a big figh just to get out of the present timeline. And he'd be taking Will back so Will can fix it, considering Æon would know that Will is more experienced with timefoolery.
I don't want to get into this again. If you don't like it, fine. Just ignore it.
>anon's opinion can't possibly be valid because anons are collaborating on the same story

They'd lose their godly powers.

Oldwalkers aren't OP compared to neowalkers in post-mending timelines. They are just more experienced. More versatile. Not more powerful. Garruk was somewhat of a match for Liliana. And also, the whole "preventing time travel" would be done by siphoning the planeswalkers' source to their power from te Blind Eternities. Causing them to not be able to pull enough power from their source to manage time travel. That is all. And it's just an idea I'm throwing around to collaborate with the other anon that was tossing around ideas.
>Oldwalkers aren't OP compared to neowalkers in post-mending timelines.
This planeswalker war is pre-mending m8.
Then they are all Gods and it's left only to their ingenuity and creativity. All Planeswalkers in Pre-Mending time have access to the same power source.
> Magic: the Gathering

I meant source that neowalkers who go back in time gain the power level of oldwalkers.
The Time Spiral books. The Mending cut the planeswalker's spark from accessing their source of power from the Blind Eternities. If you go back pre-mending, you're spark would have access to it again. Think of the Mending as floodgates. If they are closed, you have no flowing water. If they are open, you got flowing water.
Makes sense, I guess.
However Teferi noticed that Radha and Venser had a different kind of spark, that was linked to the mending. So actually neowalkers that were never oldwalkers are apparently different from oldwalker.
Or teferi was wrong.
They might have been different from everyone in general.
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Unf. I may not like Sigarda but I sure do like her humans, I hope she doesn't mind if I steal a few.
>angels get out

Card's pretty sweet for a tribal deck though I don't think that's gonna be seen much at 4 cmc
holy shit can G/W humans get any stronger
wizards what the actual fuck were you thinking
there is now going to essentially be only one viable deck in standard after the EMN release.
Spirits seem to be pushed pretty hard as well, the new one that comes down at U and counters stuff is pretty nice.
But Sarkhan went back 1300 years and didn't notice any change to his powers
If you could erase one flake from existence, such that they were never made in the storm, who would it be?
I guess mine. I think i caused more than a bit of commotion, i am afraid.
>who would it be?
I predict 15 posts where people say something about Vronak, and yes, this will include my post because I think he's a shitty juggler.
Hey now. This is the kind of question that sparks fights.
But I'm so curious!
I'd remove exactly thirty-nine, rather than one.
So i like the idea of the planeswalker war, but I don't like the idea of the Flakepoint. What do?
two ways you could do it: roll a number of flakes for both sides and write them fighting, or ask for permission and how each flake would react in specific situations.
if you want to go with number two, you could Civil War Nishal and Iosha. I'd read the fuck out of that.
I wouldn't, plain and simple. Just because I don't like them doesn't mean that other people don't like them too.
Serena. She brought the smut with her.
Yeah he did. He was able to control a shit ton of Dragons rather than just turn into one.
Which flakes DO you like?
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Follow-up for all those who answered: WHY would you remove those flakes you chose?
Plains and Swample?
There is one anon that thinks Serena is the root of all evil and that porn damns you to hell. Ignore it.
Self deprecation much?
God-tier likes:
>Gaia, DIOMEDES, Serena, Murdock, Messenger, Mine, Ka'Koarm, Beep, probably more that I can't remember

Top-tier likes:
>Amund, Spidermom, Belloski, Del, Murdock, Selenra,

Mid-Tier likes:
>Belagir, Desdemona, Ginger, Granny Swamp,

Bottom-Tier likes:
>Ivander, Symon, Zix, William

honestly the only reason I have it tiered is because of my interactions with the creators. Mid- and Bottom- tier are flakes with whose creators I have never/rarely interacted, or whose flakes I liked but didn't see very fleshed out because of inactivity or my timing in joining the snowstorm.
I'd also like to add that most flakes I just don't care much either way for, or that I actively dislike. That still doesn't mean I'd remove them from the storm; it just means that my flakes have nemeses.
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>Murdock occupies two ranks
When? The article about him saving ugin featured him being able to do jack against bolas and breaking nearly every bone in his body.
The Big Black Dragon
All this says to me is that you like the flakes that are talked about the most.
Honestly, I use these sort of questions to gauge how jaded the thread is.

And so far, it just seems like a handful of people aren't enjoying themselves. For 4chan, I consider that as an indicator that these threads are successful.
I am notoriously bad at paying attention when I'm typing shit.

alright? big shocker, the people I interact with the most have the flakes I enjoy the most. Almost like I talk to them because I enjoy their stuff.
Vronak's here all the time, and talks about his flakes all the time, and the only one of his flakes I've ever enjoyed is dragonboy.
>Selenra abd Amund are in his list
>Are never discussed
>Only likes popular flakes
Man. You're really pushing momma and big D hard, ain't ya?
I thought he did when he first came back an was led to the Broodmother. But, I might be wrong.

However, Sarkhan was significantly stronger in the past as he stated that he could feel it and thought it was due to there being dragons around. When really it was because he was in a time before the mending.
To be honest I'm trying to become more active in these threads but it kinda feels like there's an established community I have to sort of break in to. Like all you guys are comfortable with each other and shit, and I'm just some random anon off the streets with a shitty generic R/W human planeswalker.
we love you
you got a steam?
thank you
yes, why?
steam group. MTG Flakes Waifus and Lore. You don't have to feel left out of the community, you're always welcome to it.
just join the group chat as a guest and ask someone to invite you in.

> But, I might be wrong.
It's rare you admit that rather than changing the subject, weird.
Because I'm usually not wrong. You just assume that something you haven't read is inaccurate.
Theeere's that ego I was looking for.
It's not ego. It's that I don't typically talk about crap I don't know about. So, I'm rarely incorrect.
>I'm rarely incorrect
anyone who says this phrase unironically is lying to themselves and everyone else.
Why, because you constantly talk about shit you know nothing about, so everyone else must be doing it also?
you're never as knowledgeable as you think you are, my dude.
Don't be such a Negative Nancy.
But who is his mother?
Much like my flake, I am immature, bored and easily distracted.
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Here's some more writefaggotry for Leon, because apparently I can't stop writing or I'll die.
One is for murdock and the other is for her hatred of angels. Fucking angels.
You are in good company
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>I did not have permission from Lawrence's creator to write this story.

Good folk of Dirgur, disciples of the Great Teacher and traders from other clans alike, I have wisdom to share with you. Give this old man a chance to tell you a story of a dragon, a servant and a stranger and remember, this story is true.

Allow me to speak of the servant, the one who shared this tale with me. He is a different man these days, a student of Ojutai's brood as many of you are. Yet he did not come into this world as such. No, he was born in the humid jungles that the dragonlord Silumgar reigns over, raised as a scion of Qarsi Palace. His upbringing was an arduous one, a constant balance of appeasing the whims of his draconic rulers and seeking to improve himself. Those that lack the ambition to serve the Drifting Death's brood in a greater capacity may very well find themselves serving in undeath, after all. No man wishes for a fate like that.

The servant's story begins during his days as the interpreter for the great dragon Muralumol, one of the greatest among Silumgar's brood. At that time, the cruel beast served as the guardian of the Ukud Necropolis, home to the greatest of that clan's deceased and a great deal of their master's treasure as well. It was not uncommon for subjects to bring tributes of gold and jewels, in an attempt to curry favour with the temple's keeper. Yet there were a rare few that tried to barter with Muralumol, seeking to bribe him into releasing riches from his lord's trove. The sadistic creature enjoyed toying with such fools before their inevitable demise.
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One sweltering afternoon brought a vessel weighed down with chests of gold to the docks of the the Necropolis, with the servant venturing forth to meet the guest on behalf of Muralumol. The boat was swiftly moored and it didn't take more than a glance for the dragonspeaker to see that the stranger was foreign. His warm, ruddy hair was long, wild and free, his face was lined with untamed stubble and the clothes he wore were unlike any other, common and gaudy all at once. The visitor displayed his teeth in a cheerful grin unsuited for such a grim domain and he looked upon the dragon's servant with eyes that matched the water's colour.

With a gesture, the sibsig came to unload the boat of its cargo and after a brief exchange, the servant led the stranger further into the domain of his master. In places, the sandstone had become weathered and cracked, slowly disintegrating and crumbling away into the rushing river. Here and there waterfalls cascaded down from aqueducts, covering the ruined structure in a shroud of cooling mist. Spires and towers loomed above, casting long shadows over the pair as they ventured deeper into the dilapidated place, away from the outside world. The tomb's protector was waiting after all, eager to receive his visitor's gift.

And there he was, at the very heart of the temple. Countless passages stretched off, blanketed by shadow and leading to grand tombs deep beneath the foetid earth of that place. Far above the servant and the stranger, rays of light leaked in through cracks and holes that punctured the vaulted ceiling. And in the middle of the floor atop a mound of treasure that wasn't his own was the great Muralumol, colossal and obese. Tiny, atrophied wings hung about his swollen form like a cape, withered from lack of use. Despite this, the raw strength of the monster was obvious, even beneath layers of fat, gristle and scale.
A wet, phlegmatic gurgle came from the maw of Muralumol, punctuating by bubbling acid spilling from the corners of his fanged maw, twisted into an inhuman grin. Immediately the servant began to translate the draconic speech, his voice exuding the confidence and arrogance of his master.

“Your tribute is welcome in the home of Muralumol, stranger. Yet it is rare for those that come from beyond the land of the Drifting Death to bear such offerings. Explain who you are and why you have come here, so that the great dragon may decide your fate.”

Oddly enough, the foreigner maintained that grin of his own even in the face of such a terrifying beast. That was enough to bring a frown to the servant's lips, for he spoke for the dragon with his back turned to the beast. This was to leave him vulnerable to his master's cruelty should a punishment be warranted yet it also allowed him to display what little individuality he was allowed through expression. Yet the ruddy-haired outsider paid little heed and looked up at the gluttonous figure of the dragon, hands spread wide as he called out with a fair voice, full of vigour and energy.

“You'll remember me as Lawrence, oh great Muralumol and I think you're mistaken. This isn't an offering but a trade. You've got something that I want and in exchange, I think you'll enjoy these gifts of mine, don't you?”

The swollen dragon sealed its beady eyes, threw back its serpentine head and bellowed a slick, watery laugh that sent rivulets of acid splattering across his treasure mound, hissing against the gold and jewels. The wide-eyed servant shook his head at the stranger, and mouthed 'no,' anything to dissuade him from his foolishness and the foul fate that awaited him. In return, all that Lawrence gave in return was a playful wink, his confidence never faltering once. It wasn't long before the mirth of Muralumol subsided and once more, the dragonspeaker was left to translate, imitating his lord's amusement.
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“Very well, Lawrence, in exchange for this tribute you shall be given the chance to take that which you desire from Muralumol's hoard. Name your prize.”

There was a thoughtful, pregnant pause as the stranger surveyed the vast array of treasure that lay before him, his attention wandering over innumerable coins and gems. Yet he was looking for something else, something beneath it all. He paid little heed to the predatory gaze of the looming dragon as it licked its chops, nor did he give any mind to the sibsig that hauled in his tribute, piling the chests of gold that he had brought before the hoard, soon to be added to the opulent mound. At last, he raised a hand to point, a fierce greed in his eyes at he at last saw what he was after.

“That'll do.”

An ornate, gilded cylinder of crystal poked out of a pile of jewels, the papyrus within barely visible through the frosted container. A scroll case, however gaudy it first appeared. A fat, flabby foreleg rose and cast its shadow over the servant, causing him to cringe and crouch out of fear of being struck. Instead, the mountainous beast simply plucked the case free from the hoard with a pair of discoloured claws, each as long a grown man's arm. With a flick, the prize was sent skidding across the temple's floor towards the outsider. He eagerly snatched it up with a victorious laugh, his face lit up with a brilliant grin.

Yet he had forgotten the shambling zombies that had dragged in his cargo so faithfully, ignored them as they blocked each exit. By the time the foreigner looked up, there was no avenue of escape. Wherever he would go, he would wander into the sibsig's embrace. The stranger had been given what he wished for but as a price for daring to barter with a dragon, he was not allowed to leave.
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While Muralumol burst into gurgling laughter once more, his translator scurried forth towards the blue-eyed stranger. After months in service to the depraved dragon, he had become sick of suffering and held no desire to see others become sibsig. Even if the fool deserved to lose his life for his idiocy, the servant had long since lost the stomach for it. So instead of chuckling alongside his foul master, he spoke in a low, pleading tone, for only the visitor to hear.

“Surrender yourself, beg for forgiveness, please. You do not have to die here, not like this. You might be spared if you choose to serve him of your own will...”

Yet he trailed off when he saw no doubt or worry on the outsider's face, only that cocky grin staining his maw. Taking that as his chance to speak, Lawrence shot a glance over his shoulder towards the exit before looking back to the servant. He spoke lowly, even as the glowering dragon bellowed with amusement above them and the sibsig closed in from all sides but ahead, where the Muralumol lay.

“If you want to live, drop to the floor.”

Puzzlement came to the servant's face as the stranger fell to his knees, pressing his face to the temple's damp sandstone as if to grovel. Realization hit just in time for the dragonspeaker to dive to the floor, burying his face in his arms as the world exploded all around them. The chests full of precious trinkets that the foreigner had brought suddenly transformed into a spray of molten metal and fire, golden shrapnel cutting through the air and biting into the dragon's body and the undead horde. The gluttonous beast bellowed and roared in agony, thrashing wildly to stand while many of the sibsig were felled by the blast. There was an opening and that was all that the outsider needed.
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Taking the servant by the wrist, the stranger began his mad sprint towards the exit and the path outside with the scroll case clutched tightly in the other hand. Muralumol's enraged wailing echoed and reverberated, his thrashing caused the very walls of the temple to quake and crumble about him as he rose from his hoard and prepared to give chase. Yet his gluttony meant he had to squeeze beneath arches and through hallways, dragging himself rather than walking with any pride. The opulence and wealth that he had surrounded himself with had become his weakness and no matter how mighty he was as a dragon, his vices had become his failure.

The pair were nearly blinded when they emerged into daylight, the pair of them clambering into the boat and setting off downstream, away from the ruined splendour of the Ukud Necropolis and its furious master. They rowed as fast they could away from the foetid jungle, away from the sibsig and the corruption, away from the foul domain of Silumgar. Once safety was assured, Lawrence left the servant to row while he examined the scroll he had acquired with an eager grin, his expression one of unrivalled success. They only moored their vessel once they had left behind the steaming morass and found themselves surrounded by the welcoming peaks of Ojutai's land. Only then did they dare to sleep.

When the servant awoke, the stranger was nowhere to be seen. Instead there was a pouch of coins left atop his chest when he awoke, enough gold to start to a new life should he wish to. And so he did, forging a new destiny for himself as a devout servant of the Great Teacher, away from the vicious cruelty of Silumgar's brood. His only regret is that he never got the chance to speak further with this stranger, that he did not get the chance to thank him. So listen to this old man when he says that it is foolish to shun that which is foreign to you, for you never know what fortune it might bring.
It was always canon in my heart!
More stuff for my G/W Sigarda standard deck? YES!
I like it!
Oh you.

>Playing new Sigarda in any format
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I made a balloon for you Sere-chan.
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Angels-are-the-enemy Return to Innistrad when
>not eldrazi
>not horror
Why wotch?
Murdock was right tho
no, we had Eldazi-are-doing-something-but-it's-a-mystery-whether-it's-them-or-not Return to Innistrad.

I want an unabashed, unobfuscated "These angels are the bad guys. They are genuinely the bad guys, they're not being led on. They're evil."
Well fuck you.
I just wanna dick an angel.
Normal, crazy or under the influence of a Red mana induced PMS-Feedback-Loop?
>Red mana induced PMS-Feedback-Loop?
This I can do.
It needs Flash. This thing is dumb.
Vronak hold on. /tg/ is bad at magic and /flake/'s not better, so think ten times before saying anything.
Sooooo... You're saying I'm right?
>It needs flash
No, it doesn't. They could print literal garbage cards in the rest of the white slots in this set, and I still think it would be the strongest color in the4 set.
It's good in EDH.
Oh, that's already done. It doesn't matter how good or shit white cards are anymore. I'm just saying 6cmc for a 4/3 Flyer at taps all just for that turn. Yeah, it's not playable. At all. Maybe on kitchen top for fun. But, it won't see play in any format. It needs flash for that.
It depends on which are the horniest vs which are the most stable waifs
are you saying that in the set that can reliably ramp in damn near every colour, in a colour that's all about producing massive damage, a 6-drop that opens the field COMPLETELY isn't powerful? fuck instant speed, if I've got a full board of attackers and you've got defences, I'm dropping that at normal speed and swinging on my combat.
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Not even that. It's a attack all out card that can't attack when you play it. Literally Thoughtweft Gambit is miles better for the same swing all out affect.
You'll see. It won't have any constructive play what so ever.
Talk about it in a spoiler thread.
Everything is good in EDH.
It was posted here. So, I talked about it here. How about that?
Hehe. This is amusing. Props, Murdy. EDH also makes dumb non-chase cards far too expensive in price.
Congratulations on constructing a persona that is both perfectly believable and horribly obnoxious. You deserve a medal.
Why you always butthurt, Anon?
Come on.


I love you, anon. Be my friendo.
People please! Lets just talk about who we want our flakes to fuck!
The correct response is happy. They're not all spaghetti monsters.
Revas is spoke for :I

Tyry is open for bangings tho :V
We accept this but know that the flight of nightmares indicates they belong to us: The Voice of Nightmares. In a similar way that Gisela was the Blade of Goldnight.

We think you may have to fight Venn for us.
Revas has to throw down with another Walker? Its been a while since he had to do that one...

Oh, that was quite clear. But mad or not, some seem to have survived. And that makes me happy.
We too, are pleased by this.
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Would like to make a slight update to Samnel's flake sheet. Just putting in a different sample spell.
I see no mention of a certain busty BUG.
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Would a slightly deranged Innistrad-style druid be more flavorful as a man or a woman?
> Welcome, stranger!
> Whaddaya buyin'?
> Stranger, ha ha, what do ya' need that for, goin' huntin' an elephant?
Nature figures throughout most mythology are depicted as women. Do with that information as you will.
more data?
Honestly, I just like looking at jank cards with similar themes and imagining the sort of planeswalker that would use those themes. I won't actually be making a flake for this or any of my other ideas.
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This is a card that is 1000% playable.
How can I create a phyrexian planeswalker?
Any great ideas to pass over the oil?
Maybe woman since dryads.
Now you do have to, you coward.
You don't. IF R&D ever do that dumb shit, it'll be either Elesh Norn or Jin Gitaxias. And they will transfer the spark over to one of them and kill the Planeswalker.
Looks like dumb gimmick removal to me. Dromoka's Command and World Breaker are still in the format.
Try to be a little more creative... sigh.
I think that a some kind of sleeper agent or non active oil planeswalker invasor...
It's flavorful removal. Better than Claustrophobia functional reprint number 839.
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Nope, I've made all the ones I'm going to make for this storm.

Here's another lot though, probably for someone who ignited while Hanweir was going crazy with Emrakul's arrival. Probably dragged away from becoming part of the writhing township against their will and is a little unhinged as a result.
How does glistening oil be "non-active"? That's like, "my AIDS hasn't activated yet, so I'm still good."
It IS dumb gimmick removal. At least Anguished Unmaking was playable AND flavourful.

We must sleep now. We tire of the waking world.
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> pulls a blanket over the Angel horror abomination
I'm not singing Soft Kitty for you. Go the fuck to sleep.
Well he/she could be some kind of bearer or carrier but in a latent stage that allows the spark to ignite but when the latent phase pass the spark decades... but until then he could planeswalk.

It´s only a idea. Anyone have others?
Why are some flakes so much more popular than others?
More writing done about them, it my initial assumption.
mostly because their creators are more active in the threads than others.
no one's gonna notice a flake if someone posts the flakesheet and then disappears, but if someone posts their flake and continues to talk about it and involve it with other people (see Gaia, or Serena, or any of the other popular ones) it sticks better. More people write about it, so even more people see it, so more people write about it, and it snowballs.
I dunno, writing does help.

I really would like to Google Doc write fag with other flakes tho
Some of them just have more audience appeal. For whatever reason.

But as some others have pointed out, some of them are getting more writing, which helps their cases. But you know... if a flake is already liked, someone is more likely to write about them to begin with.
I would t make a Phyrexian flake. It's not going to end well.
This is true.
Though results may vary.

Remes/Cala/Jakrol/Winifred/Wyston-Anon here.

Given that I just mentioned five flakes, probably only one, maybe two of them get comments about them without me having to say anything. And you can probably guess which one is the most popular.
go ahead, i would do it too, but i can´t write shit in english.
Trust me, this is EXACTLY the plot of the Phyrexians in Mirrodin. They're cultivating entities who can spark and walk to spread the Great Unification.

I wouldn't step into that until we're sure Phyrexians are out and about in Lore. For all we know, Karn could nuke the plane in some contingency spell.
>I wouldn't make a Phyrexian flake. It's not going to end well.

I agree with Vronak. Which I don't do very often. Phyrexians that can planeswalk is bad news for EVERYONE.
there are a couple who can, which is actually exactly why I created Nishal.

One of them even has the same colour combo as him.
How many devil dicks has Cala sucked by now anyways?
Man. That was highly inappropriate.
For shame, Anon. For shame.
Here's an idea you can run with. Create your own flake-race. Make them be able to genetically infect other living beings. Maybe like a genetic/cellular parasite. Perhaps even make it alter their mental state to either mimic your character's personality/thought process or even have them all linked in a hivemind.
This is your solution to avoid making a Phyrexian Planeswalker?
so... infectious Slivers?
I was gonna say >>48168400, but Nishal beat me to it.

No thanks on this idea, holy cow.
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I think that's his fetish. I think he wants to be Cala in that situation.
It's better than outright making a Phyrexian flake. Also, Slivers take in dna, not spread it. And on top of that, they all get new abilities. None of that would be taking place in the concept I tossed out.
Well. I'm gonna go ahead and put out there that she does not have that kind of relationship with the devils.
Also, there is no physical alterations to the infected other than mentality alterations. I kind of see it like the Borg without physical alterations.
Doesn't mean that anon isn't going to fantasize about it.
no, but they do have a hivemind and can move as a group, combining the parts of their hosts for better power. which is, essentially, what the slivers do.

the borg still remind me of slivers, what with the terrifying hivemind and all.
I like the idea of not having a hivemind, but the genetic parasitic cells actually altering the host's thought process to mimic the donor entity.
How many human dicks has she sucked. Out of scientific curiosity, of course.
This has gone too far.
why dont you write something about it bro :^)
How many clits has she licked? You know. For science.
>Elesh Norn connects her body to all of New Phyrexia
>holding Elspeth in her claws, demanding she relinquish her spark.
>remembering what happened to Karn, Elspeth does so.
>Norn and all of phyrexia explode in a hilarious fashion

Man, when >>48168703 is telling you that you're going to far, you surely have no class.
>Norn ascends
>gains Elspeth's sense of morality
>becomes the champion of mono W
y'know... that's a very legitimate possibility.
I completely forgot that a spark removes Phyresis. I genuinely wouldn't mind the return to New Phyrexia ending with a 'walker (Koth please) sacrificing themselves and their spark to completely remove phyrexian oil from existence on Mirrodin. that would be really good.
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Why the black man gotta die, nigga?
I just dislike Koth as a character. I dislike most mono-red canon walkers, to be honest.
If a walker has to die to obliterate all of Phyrexia, then it has to be heartfelt. Perhaps Tamiyo?

Ending with something like...
> "I'm lucky to have met you all. Thank you my friends, but I must do this alone..."
>Tamiyo saying that
Not a chance, my dude.
> not knowing what character developement is
Certainly not something that makes you spit b-list anime lines.
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> anime lines
You mean good dialog? Shiiiieeeet. Don't think that heartstrings are only plucked in anime. Just look at all the reactions to Avacyn.
>good dialog
whatever you say, my dude.
I would like Elspeth doing that better. Completes her story and lets her live a more normal life on a recovering mirrodin.
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