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/cofd/&/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General

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>Previous Thread: >>48032586




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This week's Monday Meeting Notes:

What is the most powerful being?
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What kind of slasher would Patrick "Dubs" Bateman be?

Charmer. Works so well that even when he tries to admit to it people don't believe him.
Okay, so I'm middling familiar with the game mechanics of WoD/CoD, but I've read a lot into the lore of Prometheans and Changelings in particular because they interested me the most, and I've poked my head into the room on Vampires, Werewolves, Mages and Changing Breeds. I mentioned at my local game shop last week that I'd really love for someone to run a game of CoD, and was met with an entire group of people asking me what that was. After explaining the general premise of "Modern world gothic horror game that has all kinds of nasty things that can kill you with a thought and game systems to play as several of them" I basically was told by about seven people that if I would run a game they would be interesting in playing.

Is there any specific book or online reference/resource that I can look to for a quick summary of the lore of the particular splats like Werewolf or Mage, as well as perhaps a beginners guide to running a CoD game? I know the general mechanics, but being familiar with D&D/Pathfinder, the health mechanics in CoD seem to gear more towards combat being used exceedingly sparingly with damage recovering over a course of *days* and not much health to begin with. I don't want to run a potential game group off by handing them a game of supernatural creatures and them not being able to let loose often enough to satisfy them.

Either way I'm not going to rush into this like tomorrow or anything, but any reference material or a point to the proper books/chapters to look at for this sort of stuff would be greatly appreciated. I have the entire collection in PDF, but with somewhere around 400-500 individual books, it's a bit tricky to find a starting point.

>I mentioned at my local game shop last week that I'd really love for someone to run a game of CoD, and was met with an entire group of people asking me what that was.

Wow, how times have changed.

Anyways, for online lore and reference stuff, there's the White Wolf Wikia, which has lots of in-universe info, but is a bit spotty at times due to being a wiki.

The basic lore of any supernatural creature can be found in their corebooks. These are usually books just titled in the X: the X format. You're going to learn the basics about Werewolves in Werewolf: The Forsaken, the basics about Hunters in Hunter the Vigil, and so on and so forth. In the first edition of CofD, all their lore is in Chapter 1, right after the introduction. In the second edition of CofD, all their lore is in Chapter 2, right after Chapter 1 which covers the splats. In WoD books of any edition, their lore is usually in what is called Book 1, which consists of the first three or so chapters.
Okay, that's helpful. I knew there were basics there, but I was also looking for something a bit more in-depth, perhaps a fan-written summary that might cover some of the more advanced stuff in brief and/or possible connections that could be drawn between multiple splats if so desired.

I know that CoD Vampires are basically all jaded immortals whose only real purpose in (un)life is playing political games and vying for power then eventually undergoing torpor and forgetting much of their past before they wake up again a couple of decades later, but I'd love something that also summarizes the Strix, some of the various clans/cults and maybe touches on the Tremere/Mage connections.

Likewise it'd be nice to have something that gives a quick overview of the whole Mage schtick, because that seems very complex what with Archons, Oracles and whatnot, but also the potential connections between Mage Arcadia and Changeling Arcadia, the sixth watchtower and what it's all about, all that good junk.

I just want to be able to give everyone at the table a good overview of what each particular splat could/would involve to gauge interest in what kind of game or character they'd like to play, as well as being able, as a dm, to drop in some lore-friendly NPCs from other splats without being completely off the mark. I think it'd be fun to run a changeling game where they encounter a mage that takes an unhealthy interest in them and has to be taken out, or maybe a Promethean game with a recurring vampire NPC that serves as a contrast to the quest for humanity.

I know bits and bobs but just something that could solidify all the more advanced lore into a solid narrative with the core stuff to give me a basic understanding would be great, then I could read more into it if I feel the need to have more information on what a Strix might do to a chronicle, or how an Archon or Oracle might directly affect players.
Anyone know a WoD character archive? Need some reference/idea to steal. hehe.
Cmon man be creative.
Hey guys, I don't know how many of you know C:tl premade adventures, but can you recommend one that deals with Changeling court politics?

I feel like I've never done Changeling politics well, and I want an example to work from for my players.
I think I can contribute a bit.

Vampire: You've pretty much got it for the basics. Some interesting other bits you may or may not know:
>Vampire blood causes Stockholm Syndrome.
>They are influenced slightly by the blood they drink, developing the accents and vague cultural knowledge of the local populace with each swig of blood.
>They can evolve over generations. Bloodlines gain additional abilities and weaknesses, and if cut off from the parent clan long enough, could theoretically become a clan in their own right.
>Each clan might have (read: probably did) originate as a distinct type of undead blood-drinking monster, and they've gradually evolved to be more like each other. A hypothetical non-Kindred breed of vampire, given enough time and exposure to Kindred, could *become* another Kindred clan. The Jiangshi presented in the 2E core are close to this, and there are other creatures (Check out Night Horrors) that could fill this role as well.
>They have "The Beast": The reptile part of the brain on supernatural steroids. They can use it to lash out at others, but it can also send them into a frenzy. ("Fight or flight" x10)
>The Strix can possess dead bodies, including "live" vampires. The only way to tell them from normal is that they can walk in the sun and their eyes have a yellow glow/shimmer, though they can cause this effect in others to make it harder to find the real culprit. They're also every bit as backstabby as Kindred, and often have their own power struggles.
You're spirit cops. The "mortal" and spirit worlds used to be connected, with "the border marches" separating them. Your spiritual ancestors and their Father Wolf would hunt the marches, keeping the two worlds largely divided, despite being physically connected. This is because when humans and spirits interact, things go to shit very quickly. Humans have a disproportionate impact on spirit ecology and spirits have disproportionate power in "our" realm. But daddy wolf was getting old and the number of trespassers kept increasing, so YOUR spiritual ancestors killed him so that they could take his mantle and better fulfil his role. This fucked the world and split it in two, and now your spiritual "cousins", the Pure, are super pissed at you. This is ON TOP OF having to uphold pappy's duties to keep spirits from fucking things up in the mortal world.
>There are 5 "main" ancestors (who head the five main tribes), 3 Pure ancestors (the Pure have 3 tribes of their own), some dead and/or missing ancestors, and a cannibalistic fuckwit who claims to be the Lycaon from Greek myth who's also trying to ascend to the same state as the ancestors.
>There are other beings native to the border marches that got fucked up and splintered when the world broke. The rats chew through the barrier between worlds, causing chaos, and the spiders strengthen the barrier, but instead of balancing things, they want to separate the worlds entirely.
>Some of the spirits are mutant hybrids called Magath. In order to survive they must create essence attuned to them, which tends to wreak havoc. (A spirit of "books and lightning" is doomed to cause problems)
>Papa Wolf got rid of some alien spirits by trapping them on his wife, the moon. When mankind landed on the moon, we brought some of them back. They're spirits of things that do not exist, and are a bitch to get rid of because they can change their weaknesses and are effectively made of plot bullshit.
>To them, the universe is the Matrix, and they remember some of the console commands. They just have to worry about getting caught.
>The number 4 shows up a lot for them, and is almost mythical: Their set of unique/personal powers caps at 4. There are 4 "incarnations" (what the demon's role was before it fell). They fall into one of 4 agendas. Their embeds (the aformentioned console commands) fall into 4 different categories.
>There's actually a 5th incarnation, but it breaks the "4" mold, so they often keep that part hidden from each other, as all demons are paranoid enough as-is.
>They can speak, read, and write all non-dead languages.
>They have perfect memories.
>They have perfect poker faces.
>They make pacts for souls in order to use those souls (or pieces thereof) to better hide from enemy agents.
>The God Machine (Matrix) and it's Angels (agents) are everywhere. EVERYWHERE.
In mass games, one of the major motivations for players, whether they admit it or not, is the advancement of their character. This naturally leads to lots of OOC politics and metagaming in the interest of their character's IC circumstances.

How can this be suppressed?
Mass games?
MUSHes, Chats, etc. Things with dozens, occasionally hundreds, of active players.
Restricted access to OOC knowledge.
That sounds easier said than done.
It is.
Which is why attempting to do so, with such a gigantic group of people, is so futile.
>What? There's an Abyssal Verge in a rabbit farm? Oh well, can't get too bad, they're just rabbits...
What if you went the other way and encouraged it? The players are "playing" divine /"all knowing" entities that themselves are directing that player's "real" character. The entity has all the knowledge the player does, and gives orders/visions/etc to the character, allowing them to justify their shenanigans without utterly destroying the RP.
It's far from a perfect solution, but I find that working *with* tends to work better than working *against*.
One thing about the 5th Incarnation is that it's not even always a matter of being hidden from each other. They're quite rare and Incarnation on an in universe standpoint is something they just figure out based on what they remember doing, not something that's included in their Serial number. Most Analysts realize that they remember doing jobs that didn't quite fit along with the four known Incarnations, but don't realize that they're something beyond just an unusual Psychopomp.
Cyriak IS the abyss.
That is true
Invited to a Hunter game. The charater will be under Maleus Maleficarum/Society of Leopold kind of organization. The problem is, there's too much Hellsing on my head that anything I can think of become a boring Drizzt-level copypasta. (Aaaaaaaaaa-men!)

Can someone give me a fresh idea/concept?
>Can someone give me a fresh idea/concept?
No but I can give you a quote.
>"Piei esu dominei, dona ei es requiem." *Thwack!*

On second thoughts a flagellant Hunter might be an interesting concept.
Play a rock star/wanna be

Straight up, loves heavy metal and thinks being the son of satan is going to be great.
Don't make your character = his job

Maybe he collects rare books and the holy Hunting is an extension of his hobby. Maybe his dog was killed by a devil and he decided he wants his fucking dog back. Maybe he has a nephew who he adopted after his parents were killed by a drunk driver and this is the only way he knows to make that kid proud of him.
nevermind, this is lucifuge. Make a christian rock star, or just some chump catholic who got pulled into something way too big for him.
>Maybe his dog was killed by a devil and he decided he wants his fucking dog back

What a fucking hero
Are there any merits to help with resisting magic for a non-Mage?
The only thing I can find is the third dot of Division Six status
From the corebook: the Giant Merit, and Indomitable should probably add 1 to Withstand.
Dave implied that Indomitable applies to Awakened magic as well. Instead of the normal benefit you get +1 Withstand.
>Requiem shit

That's pretty weak, Holmes. No faux-Biblical garbage or ancient conspiracies baked right in?
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I'd throw in

>Vampires eventually become unable to subsist on animals. Then unable to subsist on humans too, elders usually can only feed on younger vampires.
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Part of me really wants to play either a bloodthirsty Methusaleh or a Thinblood Blood Doll thereto, but I just know it would get super weird super fast
>I know that CoD Vampires are basically all jaded immortals whose only real purpose in (un)life is playing political games and vying for power then eventually undergoing torpor and forgetting much of their past before they wake up again a couple of decades later, but I'd love something that also summarizes the Strix, some of the various clans/cults and maybe touches on the Tremere/Mage connections.

Don't look at vampires as jaded. Think of it more this way.
Every vampire is a predator. Every vampire is, ultimately, in competition with all other vampires. Since they are ageless, eventually, ALL other vampires will be a threat to you.

The Tremere/Mage connection seems to be via the Theban, who is some kind of crazy-powerful thing who lived back in the days of Rome. It's uncertain exactly what it is, but it is the source of both Theban Sorcery (presumably) and the Tremere (according to their own lore).
It's also mentioned in the Giovanni do-over in one of the Bloodlines books that the Giovannis have a tight connection with some "soul-eating, immortal, mages."
>Likewise it'd be nice to have something that gives a quick overview of the whole Mage schtick, because that seems very complex what with Archons, Oracles and whatnot...

I'll start with a few of the powerful beings.

Exarchs: Ancient mages who ascended bodily into the Supernal and rules it with an iron fist. Patrons of the Seers, gods of tyranny.
Archons: The old gods. The ones who used to be the big deal before the Exarchs. They are still a big deal, but the Exarchs are big deals too. There are a few who are exiled to the Fallen, these are generally known as The Bound. One of the Seers' sacred duties is keeping them bound, and the Pentacle tends to agree there, because no one wants angry gods stomping around in the world.
Oracles: Mytical creatures, said to be mages who ascended alongside the Exarchs, but fought them. Are said to have raised the watchtowers to allow others to Awaken. Unlike the Exarchs, they aren't directly active. One theory is that they became the Watchtowers. Another is that they never existed.
Aeons: The Astral representations of the Paths/Arcana, plus the Abyss. There are 10 of them, including the Abyss, because the Mastigos ones are just one being. It has a personality that can best be described as "Satan". Power equivalent to the mightiest spirits.
Annunaki: Greater Abyssal Entities. Entire living realities of Abyssal rules. Examples include: A time-line where the Abyss ruled since ancient Egypt, a reality where maths and physics work a bit differently, a reality where everything is constantly being destroyed. They are kind of a big deal. Probably on par with the Exarchs in power.
Does this game just not exist online or something?
Does anyone have the oWoD Werewolf:Apocalypse Apocalypse pdf? The one in mega is 5 pages of 'nothing'
>...but also the potential connections between Mage Arcadia and Changeling Arcadia, the sixth watchtower and what it's all about, all that good junk.

>Mage/Changeling Arcadia mixup.
That was done by the old Changeling writers, with no support from the Mage side. Any connections are being violently excised from canon with 2e.
>Sixth Watchtower.
There are plenty of myths allow people to Awaken to other Watchtowers than the big canon ones. To begin with there are five abyssal Watchtowers, the reflections of the "real" ones in the Abyss. The ones who sign their names on these are mostly already Awakened, who wish for more Abyssal power. But there are a few who have Awakened to them, being born to magic as Scelesti. This is bad news.
Then there are the ideas about the 6th and 7th watchtower, parts of the Tremere mythos. They conflate the watchtowers with the dragons, and have lots of weird ideas here. Apparently the 6th watchtower/dragon is the vampires in their entirety. But it's not something one can Awaken to, because that Dragon never left. The 7th watchtower is what they attempt to build by feeding souls into either the Abyss or a particularly nasty Bound. This, btw, also ties into the Vampire/Tremere thing, as it's yet another group of weird not-really-vampires with 7 as an arc number. VII! VII! VII!
There can also be False Awakenings, when a Mage Awakens to a Watchtower that doesn't exist. They have totally unique experiences, combinations of Arcana unknown to other Mages, have an intuitive understanding of magic, and grow faster than anyone could ever have expected! They are Teh bestest unique snowflake OC donut steel mages. Then they expode, this might be Abyss, but no one is really sure.
Finally, there is a 6th watchtower that's apparently a Forces/Spirit watchtower, I'm a bit unsure about that, since I've mostly seen that one in fanon mentions.
Two minor tweaks.
1st: I'd call them spirit hunters, rather than spirit cops. That's a bit of a nitpick, but the hunt is such a big deal of their makeup so I think it's fair to mention that.
2nd: I don't think the Uratha are Descended from the Firstborn. They are more like cousins. All of the Firstborn are children of Father Wolf and some powerful spirit. But when it came to the creation of Werewolves, Luna had to mix up humanity in it all, and they turned out completely different.
(There is also a cult who believes the Werewolves are one step removed, created by an Idigam, who in their views are the children of Luna. Which fits, mad and everchanging, and all that.)
>That's pretty weak, Holmes. No faux-Biblical garbage or ancient conspiracies baked right in?
The Lancea et Sanctum are pretty faux-Biblical to me, and the youngest of the Covenants dates from the French revolution, the oldest is from the days of Rome. They qualify as ancient, yes?
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There's also the Cainite Heresy hunter conspiracy that considers all vampires to be the get of Caine and its their holy responsibility to hunt them down and STOP FUCKING PUTTING OWOD INTO NWOD ONYX PATH

>Take my favourite thing from dark ages
>Reverse it, make it modern and put it into another setting and edition

Just fuck my shit up
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R8 my game, lads.
I'm legitimately baffled by this. I understand the anime, because this shit is kawaii, but where is the vampire bit coming from?
Anime girls are deceivers who whisper little nothings into your ears while you're sucked dry
wew lad
>there is a 6th watchtower that's apparently a Forces/Spirit watchtower,
yeah, that realms inferior Arcana is Prime, so a mage from the Sixth watchtower has a Stand...but apart from that they are completely useless.
Do you know where it's from? I see it mentioned every now and then, but I don't know the source.
Ascension is great.
Finally someone who thinks this!
I can't get my head around it: Why do you like it?
I haven't the foggiest clue.
Something tells me that this may be an incursion from the Abyss.
It's from the Chronicler's Guide.
It was on subnet, dunno the source
Ah. So basically fanon then.
And it was terrible, basically it was a depiction of how not to make Watchtower (Seriously, why make Prime your inferior Arcana?)
For one, the premise is 10/10. Consensual reality is just a great concept that allows for players to do pretty much anything they can imagine.

Second, the setting is fantastic. Like literally fantastic, too. You have someone slinging atomic death lasers at an opponent who parries them with his fists; you have a traditional Jewish golem kickboxing Pepe; you have a little Time War going on between a dope fiend and a Nobel Prize winner, each trying to get the critical edge that wins them the fight before it starts; and all of this is happening on top of a futuristic battlecruiser as it hurtles towards the sun and maneuvers between the salvos of the pirate airships on its flanks.

Ascension is about that, and it's ALSO about the little tricks and feints you pull when reality isn't looking - to make the yellow light last just long enough that the garbage truck thinks it's going to make it, barrels through a red, and crushes that Syndicate fuck's sports car like a tin can.

It's a great fucking game, Ascension.
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Now rate mine
Ah, got it. Taste differences, because all the things you rate as high points I rate as low.

Consensual reality is a messy and nonsensical concept. It also causes endless arguments about how Paradox works.

And regarding the setting? Well, that is kinda cool, but it's not magical. And it's just too gonzo.
Ah, historical games! Nice.
>Be a demon who's carved out a nice living hiding away from the all-seeing god machine
>Some dickass mage thinks you're some twink ghost or something
>Can't take out your true form to whoop his ass
>End up doing what he asks out of fear of the God Machine

This is true suffering
>or any combination thereof.
surely you don't mean...GYPSY PROTESTANT THIEVES!
>it's just too gonzo.
I see, you're one of those nWoD SJW types.

What the fuck does SJW have to do with wanting to keep things a bit grounded?
Only a self-conscious SJW would respond to such obvious bait.

Come on Aspel, really?
Eh. I'm not Aspel, and I'm seriously confused as to what SJW has to do with anything. Is SJW just slapped onto everything CofD nowadays?
As a semi-joking insult, yeah.
I mean, even given the trans characters and shit it's really not that prolific.
CofD is pretty fucking SJW, I mean it literally shills trans shit, "alternative lifestyles", and includes sections of "gender and identity" in rulebooks.

Not only that, but the actual content of the games is far more likely to be tumblr-tier bitching and moaning about petty, insignificant shit, instead of being super powered badasses who stalk the night, kick wrinkled elder ass, and take True Names.
I have a problem with something from Awakening 2e. Which spells need to be given an Indefinite duration and which effects can be made Lasting? The books mentions that I have to decide which are irreversible, but what does that mean in practice?
I mean, it really makes worlds of sense that a game about Mages would go into a lot of detail about gender and identity and alternative lifestyles. You're probably just a white male bigot who is upset he's on the wrong side of history. Jus' sayin'.
Well meme'd.
Yeah. Lasting effects are done after they are, you know, done. Indefinite just doesn't end.

But how to differentiate between the two? No idea.
So what are the problems with CofD, mechanics-wise? I don't really get it and I'd rather not realize it in the middle of play. I just want to have a good time.
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What cool shit can an Arcanthus do?
Has a Moros/10
true that, Moros are a best.

Could one make Magic; the Gathering style Weirds using Matter and Forces?
I don't even think you'd need Matter. Though Mind would certainly help. Or you could use Forces+Spirit or Death.
Literally everything. Acanthus are broken good now.
>There is also a cult who believes the Werewolves are one step removed, created by an Idigam, who in their views are the children of Luna.
Source? That sounds like the kind of thing I'd like to have as secret canon in a Werewolf game.
Lodge of the Quicksilver Children, page 216 in WtF 2e core book. One of Chris Allen's pet projects.
Let me guess, their totem is Gifmalu Igizalag, isn't it?
Chris has actually corrected me on this before: "Firstborn" are Father Wolf's First Born Children, not the same as the First Pack, who were the first Werewolves.
Although I think he said it's up in the air and wibbly wobbly and people today might view them as the same or whatever.
There really aren't any. A lot of people need to have that explained to them over and over again, though.
Eh, don't think so. It'd be a wolf-themed Idigam, and according to the Lodge it's sleeping under Gevaudan in France. (Famous for a historical wolf rampage).

I AM really curious about more of this Lodge. It'd be fun to see Chris say what their special hunting stuff includes.
The only issues I've had are keeping track of conditions, and that my players seem to succeed on rolls a bit more often than I'd expect.
The last one may just be because I'm used to running DungeonWorld style games with a focus on "failing forward".
Also, jesus captcha, why are you so interested in store fronts all of a sudden?
I've had this idea for a while. What if there was a mass game like the MUSHes or the Chats, except nobody actually had "their" character?

Instead, people would run for the position of being that character for a particular scene. The motivation to do a good job is that by convincing the player base that you're a good roleplayer, they're more likely to give you a shot in more important roles, like Prince.

In addition to this safeguard, the logs of the scene can be made public, and players could vote to canonize it after the fact. So if you really fuck up, not only can you be denied future opportunities to play the more interesting characters in the setting, but your actions can be undone outright.

This approach doesn't remove OOC politics, but embraces them, and behooves players to invest in the game itself (to gain favor from their peers) rather than in their characters.

How does /tg/ feel about this approach to a WoD game? Is it worth a shot? Has it been done before? If so, what were the outcomes?
>It'd be a wolf-themed Idigam
So it might be Lul'Aya, The False Father, I guessed The Explorer at first because he's blob of metallic goo that meld flesh and essence together at random and creates horrible, horrible things from them and because...well...the Lodge has quicksilver in its name.
I forgot to reiterate: you only control characters on a scene-by-scene basis. Once you're done in a particular scene, that's it. You lose control of the character after than ad have to "run' for it again, like it's an election.
>The Lodge of Quicksilver Children is a cross-tribe fellowship of Forsaken scholars and historians who have been plagued by one particular question over the ages — if the Uratha are children of the spirits of Mother Wolf and Father Moon, why are they born of humanity? If their inheritance is from two spirit-gods, why are the Uratha themselves not spirits?
>The lodge finally believes it has pieced together the answer from scraps of lore about the Formless and the Coalesced. The startling conclusion of the Quicksilver Children is that the offspring of Wolf and Moon was, in fact, anidigam. Thatidigam— the true progenitor of the Uratha — coupled with a human sorcerer in a pact or ritual that remains a mystery to the lodge. From that union, Uratha were born with less of the Moon’s changing Essence roiling through their bones. They were truly half-human.
>The lodge believes it has pinpointed the location where this very idigam is slumbering. Unlike the other Formless, they believe this one was left unharmed because the Wolf refused to harm its own child. The Quicksilver Children have dispatched agents to Gevaudan in France.
>The Children intend to raise up their progenitor and study it. Some, though, plan to go even further. They want to petition theidigamto serve them as a totem, heralding a new era wherein the Forsaken can be unified under their true parent. Unsurprisingly, the Quicksilver Children are keeping quiet about their revelations for now.

They might've learned about both.
I like it overall, but the elections could be a pain.
The voting process itself would take a lot of time out of the game, and any retconning/do-overs would take even longer.
Then there's the issue of checking for people doing fake accounts to give themselves votes.

It's not impossible, but it's got issues.
It'll become a clique-ridden shitfest within a week. People will only let their friends play the characters that matter, and won't let other people do anything important with characters that don't. It's going to be very, very toxic.
>What if we took all the biggest problems with MUSHes and made them even more convoluted?
That would really only work in a small group.

There aren't really "problems". There are a few things where they made bad choices (I agree with Touhou that Plans have a stupid roll) but those are so easy to ignore, handwave, or change that it's honestly not even worth mentioning. It's not really a game with glaring deadly problems for the most part, just things you and your group might prefer to do differently. The biggest problem is just that: A lot of it is written with the assumption that YOU as the ST will be the control valve. You don't want Mystery Cult Influence to be "Ten Merits worth of good stuff that's exactly what you want" and would prefer it was used to bolster Social Merits like Resources and Allies and give some Specialties? You're the ST, that's your decision.

For instance, combat. The book would prefer if you statted characters reasonably, but there's honestly nothing preventing you from taking more Athletics than is reasonable to have a super dodgy character, since it's the only skill that matters for Defense; my tweak:
Defense is [lower of Dexterity or Wits] + [lower of Athletics or Brawl].
"Parry" is a 1 dot merit that allows you to use Weaponry instead of Brawl if you've got a weapon.
Anything that says you lose your Defense (All Out, maneuvers, etcetera) only removes your Skill to Defense. If you've already lost your Skill, you lose the Attribute. (So you can All Out and use Bring The Pain)

It also helps if you start each round by going from lowest Initiative to highest and asking what people are going to do, then going highest to lowest and doing it.
Yeah sock accounts would be one of my concerns. I'd have to find a way to weight votes. Maybe total word count of "accepted" scene posts = your vote count.

But I agree. That would be an issue. And the word count thing is just an idea.

Thing is, mass games like Fallcoast, Wanton Wicked, etc, are *already* super toxic. So the thing is, would this make it even more toxic? Or would having a system that acknowledges the OOC politics and shit while building it right into the system that dominant cliques can be supplanted at least alleviate the toxicity of those games... to an extent?

It's hard to tell. Would it be worth a shot, maybe two or three, to see if it works out?
>I agree with Touhou that Plans have a stupid roll
What would you suggest?
It's neither Gifmalu Igizalag nor Lul'Aya.

What's buried in Gevaudan might not even be an idigam, the Quicksilver Children just *think* it is.

FWIW, I run France as having an unusually high number of werewolves Changing in it for some surely unrelated reason.
Ah nuts, well at least it isn't the unpronounceable Idigam that eats ghosts and is violently allergic to yellow fever.
>I have noticed that Aspel loves to "explain" her opinions as though they are facts.0
I've noticed that once you people realize a poster is me, you flip your shit and lose your Goddamned minds. Even when the poster isn't me, like >>48089516
I explain my opinions as though they're facts probably because you're mistaking the times I'm explaining my opinions for the times that I actually am explaining a fact to you.

Intelligence instead of Wits. Instead of Composure, a relevant Skill. Or, maybe just Intelligence+Presence(or Manipulation), since it's all about explaining to people what you need them to do. Really, I'd just rule of thumb it. Hell, different Skill for each part of the plan (think a Heist: "You seduce the guard" and "you break in through the air duct"). Make the planning more detailed. Teamwork rolls at every step of the way (Mastermind and Grifter work together on the seduction, Mastermind and Thief work on the break in, Mastermind and Hitter work on securing the area). Mostly just so that "Planner" is an archetype that encourages you to be good at a little of everything.

Then again, I think that Tactics should be folded into the basic rules already, and used Tactics as the basis for sailing and ship to ship combat when I was working on that pirate setting.

>would this make it even more toxic?
Yes. You don't really have anything to supplant the dominant cliques. I also feel that people are less likely to get interested in things if they round robin the characters, and have to keep up with every other scene those characters are in. And that's not even getting into how fucking schizophrenic the characters will end up feeling. Characters written by a single person are already subject to wild mood swings.
Wait Aspel is a girl? Is she as fuckable as AMyV?
Got any ideas for the special bonuses for the Quicksilver lodge?
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More importantly:
>shitposting about namefags

wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad
wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad
wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad wew lad
For some reason just reading that makes me want to run a Werewolf game in France, so I can have the players learn about La Bete du Gevaudan
No serious opinions? Would appreciate some actual feedback.
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>I explain my opinions as though they're facts
Most people dislike Ascension, so they won't comment on it.
I have a few vague ideas kicking round. Lodge Blessing is probably some sort of improvement to their shapeshifting. Sacred Hunt is likely either vs occultists and the like trying to hide information, or vs Earthbound idigam (probably tracking/predicting their activities). That's pre-digging-up whatever is buried at Gevaudan though.
>Yes. You don't really have anything to supplant the dominant cliques. I also feel that people are less likely to get interested in things if they round robin the characters, and have to keep up with every other scene those characters are in. And that's not even getting into how fucking schizophrenic the characters will end up feeling. Characters written by a single person are already subject to wild mood swings.

Do you have any, like, basis for the claim that it would make it more toxic? Just curious.

Also, the option for newfags to just not vote for members of the dominant cliques is a means by which to supplant them.
Ooh. that'd be amazing.
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>Also, the option for newfags to just not vote for members of the dominant cliques is a means by which to supplant them.
Five clique-people vote for one person in their clique, while the other six newbies split their votes among themselves in a manner they deem fair. What do you think happens?

If the newbies don't want to get shat on by the clique consistently, they'll have to form their own clique or join an existing one. Rinse and repeat with newer people.
That's quite silly.
Yeah but the option to form a new one is better than "this is the dominant clique, gg no re."

It's definitely imperfect. But it's better than autoloss.
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There will still be a dominant clique. Do you think newfags will be joining in convenient clique-sized piles? No, they'll be coming in one at a time. The cliques they make won't amount to shit. The oldest clique will still have the most members and the biggest advantage over the game, since not only do they get to permanently hog important characters, they also get to retcon events they don't like.

It would be incredibly toxic.
Johnny Bravo is a Brujah, that is all.
You know why I'm pretty sure you're just irrationally opposed to this? You're changing your tune.

The post I'm responding to now:
>Do you think newfags will be joining in convenient clique-sized piles? No, they'll be coming in one at a time. The cliques they make won't amount to shit. The oldest clique will still have the most members and the biggest advantage over the game, since not only do they get to permanently hog important characters, they also get to retcon events they don't like.

Your post before that:
>If the newbies don't want to get shat on by the clique consistently, they'll have to form their own clique or join an existing one. Rinse and repeat with newer people.

So the issue went from, there will always be a dominant clique, even if newbies supplant the old one, to newbies have no hope of supplanting the old one.

Which is it? You know what, don't bother answering, Aspel. You're not self-aware enough to reflect on this.
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Did you know Johnny Bravo was in Exalted?
He behaves more like a Toreador
ok cool
/exg/ is over there >>48044570
Know you're history brah

Toreador with Potence it is then.
Still different games.
Also, they stopped making those connections.
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>So the issue went from, there will always be a dominant clique, even if newbies supplant the old one, to newbies have no hope of supplanting the old one.
Are you retarded? The issue is that this idea is shit. "Embracing OOC politics" doesn't solve the problem of toxicity and OOC being the prevalent factor in running the roleplaying game, it just makes it so that people don't have to hide it.

Is that really so hard to grasp? Are you even a human being?
Because "everyone votes for the clique" is literally one of the biggest problems with democracy to begin with? In fact, your whole thing encourages voting blocks to form and means that groups that are more established are more likely to have power and be harder to unseat.

And this is all assuming that anyone is even interested enough in the incredible commitment that it would take in the first place. Hell, cliques are most likely to get newbies to join them.

>Which is it? You know what, don't bother answering, Aspel. You're not self-aware enough to reflect on this.
That's not even fucking me you slack jawed moron. Even then, those two posts aren't even mutually exclusive. They're both saying the same thing. New players will need to form cliques, but they're not going to be able to do that by themselves; they'll either have to stick around (getting shat on) or join up with the bigger groups. Then when they get too big and drama filled, the cliques will just break off into other cliques until they fuse back together.

Also, >>48092913 is right. You're literally trying to focus on the most toxic elements and make them more prevalent as a way to detox the game. And, again, this is ON TOP OF the fact that the set up is already time consuming and most people aren't going to want to bother. Reading 10,000 words about a character I didn't play and a scene I wasn't part of just to keep up with the character I like's story is not something I care to do. Especially not when half the time she's played by someone I can't stand

There are so many problems with this idea that "cliques will form" is barely even worth mentioning.

I'm so sorry that you can't read.
What I'm saying is that those things that you think are opinions generally are actual facts. The ones that are opinions are only treated as fact if you're unable to distinguish the two... which I suppose you are.
There we go, just posted up the first session of my new Werewolf Chronicle, The Eater of Names, set in Hong Kong. The podcast is here:


There's a thread on the OP forums where I'll be posting up stuff like the setting info I gave the players, etc.
All those Idigam that sounded like they would be in Paris, and his new game is in Hong Kong?
Unfortunately the Paris game came to a halt due to losing two of the players to real life stuff. Rather than restart it once we'd acquired two new players, I preferred to start something fresh.

I do need to now cook up an appropriate idigam for Hong Kong and Macau. I'm tempted to have two rival idigam, one in each city, bickering with each other in an incredibly petty way that just so happens to result in mind-bending, Geiger-esque horror for hapless pawns in their struggle.
As long as you do a cool write up for them so we can see more good Idigam examples!

Though, I guess having them somewhere public would be bad for a game in progress.
Too bad that happens too often.
Could you tell us ideas about what you intended to do with the High Cromlech? Now that he's relegated to the past, so to speak.

Intelligence+Relevant skill to what is being planned. Intelligence is the Attribute that you use for Mental situations where you have plenty of time to think. Having it be Wits by default as opposed to when you need to make a plan on the fly doesn't make much sense.

I've noticed that a lot of CofD designers tend to lean way too much on the Finesse set of Attributes when doing mechanics. Might just be faulty pattern recognition, though.

No, that's definitely true. For some splats it makes sense (Demon runs on Finesse as a design tenet), but the Finesse attributes are defined really badly, so they end up in places where they don't belong, and a lot of the time end up acting as pseudo-Power and a pseudo-Resistance attribute on top of their default duties.
Hey Chris do you mind if I us the High Cromlech from your Paris chronicle? It is nearly identical to an Idigam I have in my current chronicle.
>Demon runs on Finesse as a design tenet
What are the benefits of such a design choice?

Gamefeel. The whole game is about being spies; you run on Dexterity, Manipulation, and Wits as a point of theme.

Granted, Demon should have held players' hands on that point a little more, maybe granting them 2 dots of Finesse attributes the way Mages get a dot of Resistance attributes, but the general idea is fine.
Doesn't every line have a set of stats they lean on?

Like, I thought Prommies were resistance heavy?

Design-wise, it would probably focus the creation of powers which would limit accidentally making some builds require scatterbrained attribute-sets.
>2 dots of Finesse attributes
Jesus no.
Though "One dot of Attributes based on your Incarnation" would have been nice.
Or, really, anything that made Incarnation mean something besides what powers you get when you do the thing you should never ever do.
>Doesn't every line have a set of stats they lean on?

Sort of.
Vampires were social, Werewolves physical and Mages mental. After that they moved it to a horizontal band instead.
Where the hell do I find Psychopomp's portraits for my demon?
Doesn't the rulebook say you can 'let your hair down' under certain circumstances? But even then, it's not something you'd want to do in uncontrolled circumstances.
I wonder, what's the point of going into true form if it just brings the entire world and carnage down on you anyway?
Could you post the backlog of the Paris sessions? Very interested in a number of plotlines that were left hanging. Whatever happened to the High Cromlech?
Prommies were power heavy, Hunters were resistance heavy.
Desperate circumstances.

If a nuke is about to go off, who cares if you unleash the armies of hell. At least while Going Loud you have a chance of stopping both, instead of no chance of stopping either.
Ah yeah, of course. Never played a WoD game in spite of really wanting to.
I just never really understood Demon I guess, it seems you're limited to a normal human body with a fantastic poker face unless you're in dire straits.
Yeah. It is a great concept, but hard to run in a game.

That is a good summary. You are usually just an amazing liar with some CRAZY subtle powers (like, a rather common one is to just mark someone unimportant for death. You can't speed it up, but in the next few days, they will kick the bucket in some way).

But in comparison to like Werewolves or Vamps, Unchained are either quieter/weaker (I don't want to say weaker, because the rules make it hard to tell how easy it is to resist some of the subtle demon powers), but they have the option of going out of control just because they want to.

I like to think of the game as Oceans 11.

Demons are approached with a need to do X (usually to the god-machine).
Demons plan to do X, all the while afraid maybe Y will happen.
Demons get in to do X, using their crazy unique skills.
Oops Y happened. The original plan to do X is falling apart!
Better turn to plan Z, which will lead to an insane finale before we manage to do X anyway.
Admittedly, I haven't really seen the powers. Sounds like a fun, albeit rough outline though. Though I guess the powerranking of demons depends on if they're loud or in cover, as it seems to swing a lot in that manner.
But oh well, I'll just hope to get to play any WoD game in the future, unlikely as it is.
Where's the best place to find players for Hunter, the game finder threads, roll20, or somewhere else? I'm kicking around an idea for a hunter game but I'd hate flakes. Plus I've never run a world of darkness game.
Tolerant friends.
Eh, I put the Paris ones up in the thread on the forums when the game was still running; I just tell my players not to look at it :) I'll put up whatever Hong Kong ones/Macau I do there too.

Well there's still a chance the Paris game will see a comeback if I'm able to get the missing players back together again for future runs. However, yes. So. The High Cromlech had a few different possibilities. Its rough life-cycle if just left to get on with it was going to be rising to the surface and turning itself inside-out, forcing its mausoleum-city onto Paris to turn the capital into an overt realm of death. This would probably have killed most of the population of France to power its metamorphosis, followed by a period of time as a horrific charnel cemetary-scape before emerging from its chrysalis as Peace.

The chances of it being left to do that were, of course, gonna be nil unless the player characters made some really odd decisions. I expected the PC pack to get more embroiled when it started stealing bits of the city and turning them into closed-off Other City areas of lifelessness that regular mortals wouldn't notice but the werewolves would see clear as day. They would have had chances to try and turn its path towards merging with and reinforcing the concepts of serenity in death or the like *without* wiping a major country off the face of the earth, or just plain old killing it (which would have some really weird effects on death symbolism and practices, especially in Europe).

It was also probably going to try and subvert the Lou Carcohl, a behemoth horror under Paris that was shaping up as an early major threat, and turn the vast monster into a grotesque network of vampiric roots physically threading through the substrate of Paris. That would have opened some lovely body horror possibilities.

Then there was the likely showdown between it and the Chancel, a group of 'liches' harvesting their own alternate selves from diverging universes.
Go right ahead.

If this shoutengine site works out, I may look at trying to get them uploaded at some point.

The High Cromlech was remaining in the background still at the point we finished off at; the Operator was busy getting its claws into the pack, and they'd figured out it had some sort of animosity with the High Cromlech, but that was all.

They were more busy trying to deal with a ginormous carnivorous doom-snail as their main priority, the Bone Shadow heresy that used scrapings of its slime for psychoactive drugs, and the cannibal cults they were creating in turn.
So I finally started watching the show Supernatural and I got to wondering with how much Sam, Dean, and Bobby know about the supernatural what you guys put their dots in occult at?
So, I'm reading the SAS Rose-Red Plight, and it seems to imply that if the Winter court doesn't relinquish power when the next season comes along, the True Fae would take notice and invade.

Does that mean there is some kind of contract that requires the different courts to give up their power with the seasons? If so, wouldn't that mean the courts have to set those up in every city they go to, since some cities don't have season courts but like, night/day or other weird options?
Basically maxed out for plot reasons, although I'm not so sure if you consider they always do research on everything.
Literally any picture of a person will work for a Psychopomp, or any other Demon, because they could be literally anybody.

Yeah, I believe the pattern was:

Vampire - Social
Werewolf - Physical
Mage - Mental
Promethean - Resistance
Changeling - Finesse
Hunter - Power

Things get really really sketchy after Mage, so those don't really track all that well, then Geist kind of does whatever, Mummy starts the trend of playing around with the basic system tenets, Demon goes for a more focused Finesse design, Beast (I believe) is a more focused Power design, and who knows how things will be approached with Deviant.
>Yeah, I believe the pattern was:
Isn't more or less all of this completely bullshit? Almost everything except Protean and the three Physical Disciplines is a Mind Control effect for Vampires. Mages are just as Social as Vampires, and especially with 2e they're not really worried about their Mental Stats as much as their Gnosis and Arcana. Prometheans don't have any major focus on their Resistance stats (and only the Tammuz get any sort of bonus to that). Changelings aren't overly reliant on Finesse either, with many Contracts ignoring Attributes altogether and they don't have any sort of Manipulation, Dexterity, or Wits traits that are inherent to the template. At best they get bonuses or penalties to Wits based on Kenning, and maybe Manipulation gets used a lot. Hunter has basically no focus on Power at all. They get no inherent bonuses to it, and it isn't even the thing they need the most of. I don't care to look through the Endowments, but I'm pretty sure Strength and Presence aren't used for many of them, and Intelligence is barely used for anything. The closest to being on the money is Werewolf, but really that's just because they're fucking murder machines and that's about it.

Demon is intentionally meant to be based around Finesse Attributes, with Compromises being based around them and the basic powers (Embeds) using Finesse Attributes (and Exploits and often Interlocks will use Power).

It's a very, very early idea for 1e's mechanic design that as we have seen, didn't really take. It's been mentioned before.
That could be said for literally any of the splats, though, m8
One of their powers is "pull literally anything you own out from your pocket, so long as it's conceivable that you already had it in your pocket."
Yeah, but there aren't really any traits that would make a Psychopomp stand out as a psychopomp.

See a normal looking dude, but he's got fangs? Bam, vampire.

That chick with horns? Changeling, demon, spirit-ridden.

Mechanical man with a minigun for an arm? Demon of the Destroyer incarnation.

But what the fuck would make you go "Ah. it's a Psychopomp"?
He didn't keep them separated, necessarily. He stopped either from imposing heavily on the other, which mostly meant ensuring hunger spirits weren't crossing to drive humans to starvation and that the wise(mages) weren't crossing to torch entire courts of spirits for being inconvenient or annoying.
A psychopomp would have parts used for construction and dealing with the more "ephemeral" bits of making infrastructure. A massive crane on its back for lifting heavy beams, metal spurs to afford it a better ability to maneuver and climb around construction sites, et cetera.
So, anybody else get some Deviant vibes from the end of Inside?
Are there any major benefits to a high Primal Urge other than what is mentioned in the Primal Urge Levels table? Gifts don't include it for rolls and the RP limitations of Basu-Im, Feeding Restrictions and Hunt time don't seem to be worth the meager bonuses that kick in at PU4+
What do you guys think the five core splats of Deviant will be? Tech, biological, magic, ???, ???, or something different?
Tech and Biological make sense (Deus Ex style rejecting trans-humanism self loathing/PTSD) and Biological too (Prototype/Thing style body horror) Considering its supposed to be about experiments gone horribly wrong I am not sure magic would fit. I think it will be split into 5 archtypes and then 5 creations. So for example say your type is Hulk Big burly (in)human wrecking machines. And then their creation will be different. Perhaps his body was horribly mutated through genetic experiments or a construction worker who, after suffering a work related incident gets turned into a piece of machinery.
Who's played Changeling: The Lost here? How did it go?
Cybernetic, Biological, Spirit, Ghost, Alien
Akira and Sens8 are inspirations, so there will probably be some kind of psychic archetype.
Seriously, it's a major spoopy genre that's only barely been used. CofD has some stuff you can do to emulate or toy around with it using Mage, Werewolf, or Changeling, but none of them are "proper" ayylmaos
Didn't they address that at some point as being a purposeful omission? Everything CofD is Earth/Humanity-centric.
It focuses on humans, sure, but there's nothing which says you can't do a very human focused game which focuses on Aliens.

Consider X-files as an example.

Everything's aliens, but there's no bullshit about Alien Empires or anything. It's all questionable, and easily dismissible as terrestrial phenomena.
Magical experiments are a thing, anon.
How would you separate Spirit and Ghost for the purpose of experiments? What would each be? (also i removed my Name because that was an accident)
that went HORRIBLY
Same way you separate Spirits and Ghosts normally.

Spirits are Animist and related to the world, it's more like you're seeing a reflection of the world showing how it is. Think more "drugs and runes carved into flesh".

Ghosts would be more dead. Think "trapped halfway between life and death". Not like a Vampire, which is a Corpse, or a Sin-Eater, who are alive with a Ghost riding along, but somewhere between the two.
Spirits give you Claimed, which can range from "control over fire" to "now I'm part scorpion".

Ghost abilities are more like "seeing visions from the past and hearing the whispers of the dead" and "not entirely alive but clearly not dead"
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Not really. A lot of splats trend towards certain looks. I mean, look at the cover of The Pack. Or any of the 1e Werewolf books.

>there's no bullshit about Alien Empires or anything.
Wasn't that literally the plot to the jump the shark shit and the movie?

>Considering its supposed to be about experiments gone horribly wrong I am not sure magic would fit
I stand corrected.
Ghosts can Claim. In fact, the Storm Lords consider Sin-eaters to be Claimed by the Dead. Ghosts can also do things like control fire.

I don't really see any reason why they would be separate. It's still using ephemeral sources.
I guess it's really more a matter of flavor more than mechanics.
>I don't really see any reason why they would be separate
What, bar the wildly different themes and (generally) purviews of each?
They're not really wildly different. Hell, the Ulgan are already both. That's why they're sometimes called Orpheans.
That's a singular Promethean lineage.
How old a vampire must be to leave no trace (vitae, body, etc...) but ashes when he meets Final Death?
And we're talking about something that would be a singular Deviant type.
Astral projection powers (like vampire and second sight, not the Mage/Beast Astral Plane) say literally nothing can affect your projected image.

Is that true?

You're in a mental plane of existence, not the Twilight that Ghosts and Spirits reside in. If for some reason a Morphean or other astrally projecting person is around, they can affect you. I believe that mental powers also can.
How do younger vamps deal with older vampire dominate/majesty powers?

1) Swing first, if you can.
2) Avoid them, if you can.
3) You don't.
Wait for them to have to torpor and then stake a cunt
in oWoD, Toreadors hate the destruction of any art even if it's outside of Elysium and modern-art garbage, right?
Probably older than 100 or 200 years

Avoid having conversations with a nigga if you plan on wasting his ass
Avoid being in the same room as a nigga if you plan on wasting his ass
No, they destroy art all the time. Part of being a temperamental shitter is trashing the things rivals enjoy.

Tories probably destroy more art than any other Clan.
Depends on the Toreador of course, but yeah. They're fickle bitches.

But someone who really cares for art preservation as a Toreador would care REALLY deeply, or at least pretend to.
It's sad that I had to think for a second if that was a hint at a website or something.
What's with Cathayans? Do they covet the Camarilla's lands and wealth? Can they be stopped?

Are they cute?
>are they cute
Depends. Do you have Yellow Fever?
No, just Fugue from a bad methuselah we ate in Mexico.
Actually, the manual says that they are the less humanoid of all the incarnations, so I guess he can't find inhuman masses of metal of his liking. I don't pity him
God, learn to fucking Google

"werewolf the apocalypse" PDF

Guys, I need some help statting out a custom weapon my ST let me commission a welder to make (game is VtM using V20 rules).

So, my idea is to have a crossbow using the leaf spring from a car suspension for the bow. The one I purchased was only (lol) 1500 lbs, so I'm assuming that means 1500 lbs of draw weight. I'm going to be using a crank to draw it back, but I'm not that sure on how much strength I'd need to draw back how many inches. I can achieve 6 str but as per normal I have 3. 7-8 inches it the normal draw length of a crossbow, so, assuming 8 inches, that would be about 12000 inch-pounds of force. I'm going to be using custom made rebar bolts (superheated with a car battery like the crossbow in half-life 2) so I'm pretty sure they could take the strain and not explode (to be fair, my character did spend a month planning this design and I made enough rolls with my crafts and technology for planning it that my ST said would be sufficient).

Here's the problem, though. I have no idea how much damage dice this thing should do and how much Armor Piercing it should have. Just going purely by the 1500 pounds of draw, that requires 10 dots in str to lift so I was assuming it'd do 10 dice of damage, but then I looked into how bows actually work and the 1500 draw weight x 8 inches draw length = 12000 which is far higher than even 15 dots in str. I wasn't trying to make the most absolutely ridiculous weapon in the world, just a good SHTF thing to hold onto because my gangrel is a bit of a doomsday prepper.

Do any of you guys have ideas on reasonable statistics for a weapon like this (assuming it works)? I know the recoil is going to be insane, which is why I put a bipod on it and will never fire the thing standing up. Should I just downscale it from 1500 pounds to make it more reasonable (could probably carry it around too if I replace the battery with a motorcycle one)? I'm just having some trouble with the actual game mechanics on how it should work in combat.
So in the not so distant future I will have a Vampire game for some newbies. I plan to actually have them start as revenants with a similar setup to the old VtR 1e demo (Dance de la Morte, I believe), so essentially have them wake up as vampires/revenants and not knowing what to do until they are picked up by the local Kindred society.

I am considering setting it in Miami, but I am not sure what the local politics should look like. I am either considering a pretty wild Cronie country with other covenants only tolerated or a post-covenant-war situation in which a Dragon Prince is the peacekeeper and "least hated candidate" since the Order was mostly neutral in the fighting.

What does /tg/ think?
After playing bloodlines for 7 hours straight yesterday i'm REALLY in the mood to run some VtM but my friends are reluctant of dice pool systems because they never have the amount of dice they need

I'm fairly new to this myself so I'm not quite sure what to tell them - what's the maximum dice pool you can use in this (that isn't an absolutely extreme case, i mean the most you use normally)
It depends on the bonuses you're stacking and all kinds of shit. The most I've ever seen is in the high teens/early 20s range, but that's with maxed stats, bonus stacking and blood buffing.

Normally, I'd say anywhere from 4 to 10, depending on how min-max crazy your players are.
if worse comes to worse just re roll dice or borrow someone elses
The courts exchange power every now and then because sharing power anthama to the True Fae. They just can't understand giving up control and power so they block it out. Once someone has created a dictatorship in a city, that is something they can understand and react to.
Yeah, I only have about 10 myself and I just reroll what's necessary after counting success with someone else verifying for me.
Start to mid game? 10-15 seems to be the max you can expect.

End game... Well. Have a Blood Potency 8 vampire in my game, while in Frenzy, and blowing a ton of blood on Physical Intensity... He reached 39 dice, before subtracting defence.
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>He reached 39 dice, before subtracting defence.
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Why would you ever take a skill/attribute over your relevant power stat?

Because Willpower is a better resource than everyone gives it credit for.
You can't take Willpower in CofD, baka senpai.
>What goes into Willpower, baka kouhai?
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But that's a lot of experience. Are you sure that's a good idea?
When I need to spend a point of Willpower, or need to resist something that doesn't factor in the Supernatural Tolerance stat, I'll be happy with my choice.
Demons are the splat most likely to not have any traits that stand out though.

I'm pretty sure that's referring to their Demonic Forms. Their Covers? Still just as human as anybody else, because that's literally the point of the splat.
It couldn't have been oWoD, every character my friends made had 10 wp at the start.
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That's a really niche situation to heavily invest into, I think. Are you sure you're not giving me bad advice, senpai?
It's not a niche situation at all. Are you sure you know the game you're talking about?
I have a hard time imagining a modern VtM campaign that doesn't involve the 90s-to-early-00s vibe inherent to edgy vampires and i want something more serious to it

help me out, please
Play Requiem.
Mechanically, it's basically a canon that uses hot metal rods instead of large metal balls. You could change the majority of the base damage into armor piercing, as it would have a cauterizing effect and could easily plug whatever wound it caused.

>Should I just downscale it from 1500 pounds to make it more reasonable
Yes. As-is that's not so much a sniping weapon as it is an anti-tank weapon. Alternative sniping weapons use smaller rounds with less risk of flying off course and can be fired without a long reload that requires "fuck you" levels of strength.

Resolve, Composure, and Wits are the most commonly rolled Attributes in both printed mechanics and improvised dice pool combos. Fuel is almost never scarce or used enough in powers to make increasing Supernatural Advantage an imperative, and all the powers in the world don't mean shit without a solid base dice pool block, because SA being a part of the roll is not always a given.

It's more important for a CofD character to take up a sport/learning the trapeze or looking for things than jacking up SA.
Post-war sounds like your best bet, as it would give some freedom of choice to the group regarding factions.
I only picked 1500 because it was the smallest I found after on the first page after googling "truck leaf spring". What would be a more "reasonable" poundage for a kind of crossbow sniper rifle? If I use like a 500 pound trailer leaf spring instead, with an 8 inch draw that'd be 4000 inch-pounds of force. I think it would be reasonable to assume a person with 3 dots in strength could cock the thing with a repurposed ratchet from a ratchet strap or a homemade mechanism of some kind; and if I change the battery from a 40ish pound car battery to an 10ish pound motorcycle one, it could be more easily carried around and set up, too (not to mention won't need to use my jeep's winch to cock the thing).

But I still have the problem of how do I figure out how much damage it does. If I go by the raw poundage, you need str 13 to lift 4000 pounds. So would that mean it would have 13 dice of damage? Would the heated bolts add extra damage/ap or simply make it aggravated?
>You could change the majority of the base damage into armor piercing
Do you mean take the 13 dice and divide it among AP and actual damage?
In addition to what has been said, Resolve and Composure also tie into some pretty vital dice pools that are often very low otherwise (so every extra die that you do have is worth a lot), for instance Breaking Points for mortals, Frenzy and Death Rage.

More Willpower, when used well, also has a multiplicating effect. Not only do you start with more you can potentially also refresh more from your Virtue or equivalent.
>What would be a more "reasonable" poundage for a kind of crossbow sniper rifle?
I don't actually know. /k/ might, and there's always google, but such a specific piece of info is generally a pain in the ass to find.

>Would the heated bolts add extra damage/ap or simply make it aggravated?
I'd houserule it as agg for Kindred enemies and extra damage for mortals.

>Do you mean take the 13 dice and divide it among AP and actual damage?
Pretty much. I'm not very familiar with Masquerade rules though. I just know that:
1) rebar is fairly heavy
2) it isn't particularly aerodynamic
3) assuming you hit the target, all that force is concentrated into an area equal to the bar's diameter, which would give you a strong piercing effect
4) hitting a hard/solid/strong enough target could cause the rebar to shatter into scalding hot shrapnel
My main reason for asking here is that the question is less about if it can be made but how it can be translated into WoD. I know it can be made as there are plenty of videos and how-to's by people who've done it I'm just upscaling their designs because I'm actually going to use it to murder people.

I did pay the guy who fabricated the whole thing to also construct prototype rebar bolts/quarrels with varying kinds of fletching that I plan on testing and figuring out the best way to make the rebar stabilize in the air. Basically, I'm not firing just plain old lengths of rebar, they've been shaped and whatnot (still I'm sure there will be a penalty but I can eat that with enough rounds of aiming and ambush dice).

So back to game mechanics: if I scale the crossbow down to a 500 lb trailer leaf spring with a ratchet cocking mechanism (repurposed from a 4" heavy duty ratchet strap for ease of not creating a whole new mechanism: http://www.uscargocontrol.com/Ratchet-Straps-Tie-Downs/4-Inch-Heavy-Duty-BlackLine-Ratchet-Straps), a range of 8-12 inches of draw meaning a range of 4000 to 6000 inch-pounds of force depending on how far it is drawn (stopped at 12 because the rachet mechanism is rated for 6,670 lbs and, while that may largely be due to the nylon strap that won't be used in the actual weapon, taking no chances on this thing exploding in my face), then that would give it a either 8 dice of damage with 5 AP or 10 dice of damage with 5 AP depending on how far it's drawn. For game mechanics, maybe it would be an action to draw it to 8 inches and another to draw it to 12.
It's 4 Experiences. Power Stat is 5.

Willpower is one of the best things you can have. Have a shit dice pool? Boom, now it's +3 and you have a decent chance.
I figure there are some folks here who would be interested in these - a couple of new rites for my Hong Kong werewolf game, but they're more broadly applicable than that (I'll have some more setting-specific ones down the line for the Five Great Packs etc). These're up with proper formatting on the thread on the OP forums:

Vex (Wolf Rite ●)
This petty curse calls upon spirits of misfortune and malevolence to plague whoever has drawn the werewolf's ire.
Symbols: Fire, venom, violence, the skill that is to be targeted.
Cost: 1 Essence
Action: Extended (5 successes; each roll represents 1 minute); resisted by the target's Composure.
Duration: 1 month
Success: The Essence used to fuel this rite must come from a locus of hatred, pain, despair or decay. Additionally, the ritemaster must have a possession of the target, a nail clipping, a lock of hair or some other bodily substance from the intended victim. The ritemaster selects a single skill that will be cursed; thereafter, the first time the victim uses that skill in the following month, her result becomes a dramatic failure regardless of what she rolls. The ritemaster immediately knows when this happens. A character may only be the subject of a single vex at a time, and cannot be subjected again until the rite's month of duration has passed.
Drain the Well (Pack Rite ●●●)
This rite uses a locus to draw in its Resonance from the surrounding area, draining the Shadow of Essence attuned to its nature. Paradoxically, this ensures the locus surges deep with Essence of that kind; if left untended, it will wash back out again stronger than before.
Symbols: Water, pain, piercing or draining, the Resonance type.
Action: Extended (20 successes; each roll represents 10 minutes)
Duration: 1 month
Success: The rite must be performed at the site of a locus, draining Resonance into it. This has several effects: spirits and Uratha within 100 yards per dot of the rating of the Locus, or within the entire territory (whichever is larger), take the locus's rating as a penalty to all rolls for Influences that match its Resonance when outside its direct area. The Resonance is reduced in general, removing many incidents of the Resonant Condition across the affected region; draining a locus of pain would cause injuries and aches to inflict less pain, humans and animals will recover faster from harm and may simply not notice minor damage. This will have long-term effects on the Shadow and the material world.
The ritemaster gains a persistent Ban Condition for the duration of the rite's effect, reflecting the Resonance of the locus; this Condition lifts when the rite ends. If the ritemaster ever violates the ban, the effects of the rite immediately end. If ended via ban violation, or if this rite is not performed on the locus again within a week of its duration ending, the locus becomes empowered for one month as if it were the subject of the Wellspring rite.
Well, well, well.
We should make a Proximus Dynasty based on the Power Rangers for the Arrow.

Which Arcana combination works best for the Morphing Grid?
So I'm not missing anything, there's really only one Legacy statted out in 2nd ed Awakening so far?
Yep, the rest will be in devblog supplements
Yeah. There is a Kerberos (Bloodline) in the coterie as well, but he is just BP 5, so he's a lot weaker. Right now.
2, actually.
The Nagaraja are statted out in Dark Eras.
Is there an upper limit to Cain's powers or is he just god-lite?
Building a character background. Do you guys think this is happen-able in WoD setting? What step is most improbable?

1. Vampire A Embraces B, a devout Catholic.
2. B loathes being a vampire, damned by God who feeds on human/drinking blood
3. B confesses it to Father C, saying he wishes to be dead.
4. C mercy-kills B, since suicide is a sin to them.
5. A finds out about this; turns out he really liked his late Childe, and plots to put C down.
6. Rumor begins to spread among the believers that C is a child-raping pedophile murderer, etc. Strange things starts to happen around C.

Well, any thoughts?
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Is there any alternative to the Subnet, which went down a few weeks ago?
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Actually, I found a sheet for him.
>tfw you edited the * into a U
Every time I see people link my version makes me go :3
The only improbable part would by Father C believing that Vampire B is a vampire. He'd have to prove it, and then actually find a way to goad Father C into killing him. Otherwise it looks fine.
Probably step 4. Killing another isn't exactly a sinless act.
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I think the fangs and dead look would be enough to convince a holy man.
Well, my thought was "I'll rather dirt my hands with sin than you poor soul." kind of thing.
I was thinking that, but then I figure "it's not murder if they're already dead"
Aspel is a trans whalebeast.
Aspel is a sentient computer program designed to annoy the thread
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When it comes to running games how tolerated are non chronicle related games? (i.e. home brew using the system in the books.)

I've always been fascinated by the blending of supernatural horror and sci-fi in general such as having special implants that allow you to see psychic eminations and shit like that.

Would people be open to that or are you expected to use the books to run Vampire/Werewolf/Mage/[whatever else comes with nWoD]
I suggest looking into Demon the Descent
It doesn't have implants, as a default thing, but it is very much a mix of supernatural horror and sci-fi, and implant-type things could easily be done as Gadgets.
The existence of Infinite Macabre suggests that people would be open to it.


I'm aware of the Deus machina thing going on with the new Demons book but basically what I'm going for is Cowboy Bebop meets system shock, regardless that doesn't mean I wouldn't look through the books for ideas and what not.
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I once tried to do a Shadowrun inspired thing in nWoD, but I'm really lazy and lose steam quickly when there's no interest in a project.

Why would you do implants as gadgets?
No, implants would be treated as powers. Demon has the themes and appearances that work, but any of the powers are too wrapped up in the "quantum" magic of the setting to really work as science fiction implants. A cybernetic implant won't let you turn into a 2D form, or rewind time. Some of the Demon Form Powers would be good, but a lot of stuff would just be unfitting for anything other than the set up Demon actually has. Or an actual Matrix game.
I meant look at Demon for power ideas, use Gadgets to let non-Demons use them.
Are Heroes still literally Hitler and are Beasts still misunderstood good guys or has the been changed?
Heroes are better than they were, but they're opposed to Beasts, so they're still "wrong".
>Heroes are better than they were
Neat, what has changed exactly?
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Well, that was never how it was, so...

Only some of them are wrong, and that's because they're trying to murder the player character group.

̶T̶h̶e̶y̶'̶r̶e̶ ̶R̶e̶c̶k̶o̶n̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶s̶t̶y̶l̶e̶ ̶H̶u̶n̶t̶e̶r̶s̶They're people with a connection to the Primordial Dream who experience disturbances to it (like Beasts) as nightmares and fear and pain. They get visions and hallucinations in their dreams of how they need to kill Beasts. They have the ability to turn people to their side with low power mind control, essentially getting cults dedicated to them that they use to further their own ends (though only two of the sample antagonists use this). They also gain a new power up whenever they kill a Beast. You can also cure a Hero and make them less murderhappy, in which case they use their connection to the Primordial Dream to... I don't know, adopt puppies or something.
The three sample characters, ranked from most interesting to least:
>Melanie (Sleeping Beauty)
A teenage girl in a coma who was attacked by a Horror and chased it out of her dream, only to lose her body (my take on this? She rejected her Devouring and fucked herself up in the process). Her astral form leads Heroes to the Lairs of Beasts and helps them destroy the Horrors. So far none have helped her get out of the dream. She probably presents the most interesting antagonist character and a good plot hook. There's also the question of whether healing her would make her stop.

>Thaddeus Pearson (aka the fedoralord)
A boring white collar button up loser who thinks he's a brilliant genius. He's basically a cleanshaven neckbeard parody, who blames anyone and everyone for anything that goes wrong in his life. If his food is cold, it means the waiter is jealous. The kind of guy who thinks kissing a woman's hand is charming and would say M'lady. Dwight Schrute only he looks like Vergil from DmC: Devil May Cry. Also, he kills people. I like him because he's meant to be an actual threat that you slap the PCs with when they feel they're the awesomest. He'd work as an antagonist for any splat.
I meant four.

>Marian Jones (murdergranny)
A nice friendly Christian mother who started getting horrible nightmares. When she searched her son's basement room and found his vampire girlfriend (or at least "a woman lying in his bed, not breathing but very much awake and aware") she realized the nightmares were about him. She tried to kill him and he got away, but now she's on a crusade that would make the Malleus a little concerned. She's got a small cult and she wants all supernatural bullshit destroyed. Even humans who get too wrapped up in supernatural shit need to die, because it's all evil. She's another good one for any game.

>Desmond Oakes (Mark Strong. Seriously, his art is Mark Strong)
Boring. Retired Navy vet who started getting nightmares and followed them to find out about a Beast haunting the old docks. He killed it and slept soundly and now he keeps killing more Beasts to sleep soundly. He doesn't think about what they are and doesn't care, he just kills them because it gives him something to do. He has a bunch of other people working for him and really that's about it, he's boring. At best you could have the players give him an "oh shit, you mean in the WoD monsters are people too?" moment, which could shake his confidence.

Really, I like all of them other than D.Oakes, who's the most bland, and really is just a generic oWoD Hunter killing monsters because the voices tell him to.
I like Oakes because he could more likely be reasoned with than the others, really.
I want to be a hero.
Melanie could probably be reasoned with. She just wants to wake up.

Oakes is so bland. Looking like Mark Strong is really all he's got going for him.
Murdergranny and Thaddeus have being underestimated going for them. In just about any gameline I think Marian would make a good long term antagonist. Give her followers Mystery Cult. Maybe rewrite her sheet (although 9 dice pool with a 5L rifle is pretty fucking deadly).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4L6-yXCbJ8 BAM

WoD Canon Index isn't terrible, last time I checked.
It looks to be dead/replaced with some bullshit.

>Unironically thinking Thaddeus Pearson is a threat

A brood can actually carve him up pretty easy. The example heroes are thin as tissue paper and just as easily torn apart, which kind of sucks since they're the only antagonist besides "other Beasts".

Wait, seriously? Damnit. Well, good thing I've got that fan-made index set for 1e CofD.
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give me examples of how to step back from the edginess inherent to vampires so i can drag my friends into masquerade without them complaining about levels of edginess

pic related is my only example
I would never use any antagonist's prewritten sheet. I would never use any prewritten sheet that I didn't write myself. I already got burned trying to run Honey and Vinegar straight out of the book and The Architect had Inspiring without meeting the Prereqs and The Kid had fucking 8 dots to shoot a gun, and The Nice Guy had the ability to go first, but could barely get through Quorum's Defense.

CoDIndex. It's just a site move.
It's not as useful as Subnet, because it doesn't have the text. You actually have to own (or pirate) the books to know whether the thing it lists is actually what you need.
Play Requiem
Isn't that character super edgy? Also, Masquerade is built on Edginess. At least Requiem can avoid it.
what does requiem exactly change from masquerade to make it less edgy

also i don't know much about cassidy in the comics, but cassidy in the series is a pretty chill bro-tier and very practical vampire

There's a Preacher tv series? Must be ultra-censored.
i really gotta read the comics, what makes you say that by the way?
it's cool so far, but it suffers from cliffhanger fever
There's not an overarching governmental "THE MAN" to fight, which helps immensely to avoid the whole "renegade in a trench coat" thing.

The setting also lacks things like "embracing babies, skewering them, then diablerizing them as a snack".

That solves one problem, but them you're left with four lackluster characters. At that point you might as well scrap using them and just make your own Heroes, which defeats the purpose of having Heroes ready to go.

Beast seriously needs some more interesting antagonists. Various arguments about morality and political messages or whatever aside, Heroes are Sacrosanct 2.0: complete and total snoozefests.
Being Human is relatively low on edge
Granted, both versions(US and UK) still feature a vampire trying to get by without drinking blood, but it's not really done in the typical way of 'oh, poor me, i have this terrible curse'
UK version treats it like a drug addiction, US version treats it as a basic necessity that can't really be avoided(the main vampire instead just drinks bags of blood instead of people)

There aren't many examples of Vampires played straight, though. It kinda goes with the territory; they're usually portrayed as either broody angstlords or edgy assholes.
Is it me or have some of the 2e books had really bad editing? It seems like everything after Werewolf has had something messed up that really should have been caught in editing or layout. The latest thing I can think of is Beast. The rules for Primordial Pathways are split in half. One half is in the section that talks about pathways and the other is in the section on lair traits with no indication that it would be located there. WTF I've been playing a Beast for months now thinking I could open up pathways anywhere I please and only now do I find out by chance that this isn't the intended use of the mechanic. How do you fuck this up?
You could link to this, anon, because I keep finding the creator's fucking resume.

Spreading the rules around for no goddamn reason is a White Wolf hallmark, so you're not wrong. One day they're going to learn how to organize a rulebook better.
Who the fuck is "THE MAN"? The Camarilla? The vast majority of Masquerade players played Cammies.

Apart from the very occasional Anarch campaign, I never saw any outright rebelling against the Camarilla in my campaigns.
Same way you put all the merits in the Merits section, EXCEPT for the Ghoul merits, then not mention that there are special merits for Ghouls and certain mortals unless the reader just happens to go through the Ghoul chapter.
And the majority of antagonists are Sabbat, who are edge x10.
In the comics, big spoilers: he starts out just as bro-tier, but later on it goes into his past, and it turns out he's actually quite the asshole. Major spoilers: He has a habit of buddy-ing up to women, getting them to sleep with him, then getting them hooked on drugs and driving them to crackwhore status, while he drinks their blood and scores more drugs for himself until they either leave him or die. Huge spoilers: He nearly does this to Tulip; giving her some sleeping pills one day to help her sleep despite a recent traumatic experience, then continuing to leave bottles lying around so that there's always some lying around when she wakes up, so she'll go back to sleep, and he can continue to rape her. She eventually snaps out of it, though, and tells him to fuck off.

It hasn't technically even passed Issue 1 of the comics, yet. They changed how things start; instead of Genesis going straight for Jesse and killing everybody in Annville, the tv show has Genesis hop around the globe for a bit, possessing a few different preachers before subsequently making them explode, until it finds Jesse towards the end of episode 1. After that, it carries on, with nobody in town dying as a direct result of Genesis, yet. Also, DeBlanc and Fiore are on Earth, trying to re-capture Genesis themselves(with a Plan B that's probably the Saint coming up soon), Quincannon's plant is attached to Annville(though there's no hint of the actual meatman storyline, yet, really), and Annville's actually getting fleshed out pretty well.

They'll probably catch up to the end of issue 1 by the end of the season. We'll see.
A man fucks a giant woman made of meat.

Requiem is less fight the man, as someone else said, and the factions are less set in stone and Good Assholes versus Evil Shitheads.
To be fair, there is Baby vs Dog.

I don't feel they're lackluster. I like them. Except Desmond, they're all interesting and bring something to a game. I mean, even Desmond does, but he's the least interesting. Also, the Sacrosanct are more like other Beasts, and also great.

It's literally linked on the original WoD Index site. Shit, it now has a redirect finally http://wodcodex.com/wiki/Main_Page

You're generally under the thumb of your Elders. They're The Man. You have to deal with them telling you what to do and generally players will want to move up the ladder.
Hi Doug
I thought his name was Rory?
So, I've been reading through the Werewolf: The Forsaken and the Book of Spirits, and I was wondering: besides those two sets dudes who can turn into rats and spiders, what's the real purpose of Claiming somebody? Is it just to spread more of the spirit's energies or whatever? If so, why doesn't every spirit do that? If not, then why don't they Urge people instead?

I just can't see a spirit of despair wanting to plop into somebody's head for an extended period of time, when the body would start to give away what they are, when they could just sit in somebody's head and gently poke them into doing stuff they wanted and collect energy or whatever that way.
I thought it was Aspel?
The only covenant that really lends itself to playing vampires "straight" is probably Invictus, anyway.
>I don't feel they're lackluster. I like them.

Heroes are a bit nonsensical in terms of balance. Yes, they're antagonists, but its like, one thingy they can get gives them +1 to hit, one thingy they can get gives them the ability to amass gigantic hordes of normies to harass Beasts with.
I am called by many names.

I meant the character's personalities and what they narratively present.
I haven't read their stupid powers.
Anyone played Monsterhearts? My group wants to take a break from CofD but not interpersonal monster drama.

Chosen is banned, but that makes me want to play one more...

It's really good if your group is mature enough to not constantly try to rape each other. Urban Shadows is similar but with less romance.
That's because you're a contrarian, Doug.
We're playing this on F-list so I leave it up to you to judge our maturity, though I don't think anyone is going to be raping anyone.
If I remember right it keeps you from bleeding essence everywhere and for weak spirits it can be a step up in power. I kind of think of it like a spirit deciding to move flesh side instead of taking a vacation for some easy meals. If you've claimed someone it is likely you're in it for the long haul.
I've been itching to run a Technocracy game as of late for oWoD. Any suggestions, ideas or simply concepts had about the nature of the game itself?
How the flying fuck can you be a Chorister, a full on Ascension Warrior and hang out with Nephandi? How?
Why do you like Awakening? The system is horrid beyond recognition. Sure, the lore is pretty nice but Ascension is miles more fluid and malleable.
You, sir, are a niggah of the most patrician taste and words.
I don't like it. Some aspects of the lore-mechanics are just gross-uncalled for, like fucking new Changellings. The new Vampires feel stale and lacking, as if attempting to reduce the mess that 13 clans plus bloodlines was overdone and mutilated more than truly cut the extra. Awakening lacks the, well, magic and fluidity as said before on other posts.
Changelings? Really? That's what you complain about? OWoD changelings were fuck awful.
How in God's name is Ascension fluid?
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How about a Demon who goes around trying to prove that the GM exists to every person they can, doing absolutely ridiculous shit and generally acting like a metagaming fuck about the world around them by hopping on every inconsistency/anomaly/plothole until the humans can't deny it?
How about that motherfucker would be dead in 10 seconds flat?
He still has the same means of fighting back or hiding like any other demon. So no, it'd take a little longer than that.
There's actually a story similar to this in Flowers of Hell.

Long story short, there is not really a reachable limit to the level of escalation the God Machine is willing to bring to keep it's existence a secret.

Entire squads of town sized angels razing the city and everyone in it, then using infrastructure to erase any trace of its original existence was the response last time a Demon made millions of people aware of the God Machine all at once.

It took it about 8 to 9 hours to arrange this, which means you can't rule out say, a television broadcast to the entire planet, but at that point the God Machine uses its time travel infrastructure to go back a half hour and cut all global lines of communication while it isolates and fixes the problem.

Don't get me wrong, you're hurting it by doing these things, but only because it's clearly hiding FROM something and you are forcing very, very short and possibly insignificant lapses in its otherwise near perfect stealth.

You'll never win this kind of fight with it as a Demon, ever. Your only hope is that you attract whatever it is that the GOD MACHINE IS AFRAID OF to come deal with it, and furthermore that said something is somehow friendly.
Sounds fun, I'd try it anyway.
Even when various Angels, other Demons and all other supernatural splats are beating him into the shit really fucking hard so he can't try and fuck up the status quo?

You honestly think nobody else has tried that?

There are likely mausoleums overflowing with the remains of those who've tried to fuck with the way things are.
Or rather, there would be, if the aforementioned aggressors were in the mood to leave something to bury.
What would the god machine be afraid of anyway? Double god machine?
>You honestly think nobody else has tried that?
It doesn't matter what someone has or hasn't tried in the context of a PC. It'll go differently when they try it.
>It'll go differently when they try it.
If the GM's going to let that shit fly, then sure.
Let's also all get in our space-cars and fly to Jupiter and get blowjobs from the angel spirits on the beach-base we made there.
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Sorry, but that's just how it is.

There are far more details in the actions of a player than there are in the actions of a pre-written NPC. While the writers can state without much elaboration that X happened because of the actions of Y NPC, the PC has to work with and tackle countless factors over their adventure to perform the exact same feat. And by the time they get through it all, it's highly unlikely that the outcome will be the same X that was previously described by the writers.

And if the ST railroads towards the same outcome in a way that makes no logical sense just for the sake of it matching a previously-described attempt, I can rightfully call them shit and quit the game and it's they who'll be in the wrong and ultimately my victory.
Earth-Bound Idigam are a useful resource that should have overwhelming force brought against them to keep them under control until they create a chrysalis. Experiments should be carried out to try and force other Idigam into Earth-Bound arrangements.
>If so, why doesn't every spirit do that?
You need to be strong enough. Also, experiencing life as a human is pretty intoxicating. That's why Geists do it. They want to feel. Having a meat suit is a lot more exciting than being ephemera.

But everything you said is wrong, and I have no reason how anyone could think that. For fucks sake, even Awakening 1e has better rules. Ascension barely has guidelines for nonstandard magic and runs off of a dumb premise (consensual reality).

>Consensual reality is just a great concept that allows for players to do pretty much anything they can imagine.
But that's not true. If anything, the opposite is true. That other anon is right: it's gonzo.

But that's wrong. Changeling is great, and even the mess that was 1e was an improvement over the wonky wacky bullshit of Dreaming (which had promise but was an utter mess in terms of mechanics and schizophrenic in terms of setting or tone). Vampires, if anything, have more variety within the five Clans than 13 ever did, and have a much more workable faction set up for political games instead of the constant war. Awakening has just as much, if not more fluidity, and actually encourages "magic and fluidity" through rules that turn Creative Thaumaturgy into a bit more than just "Mother, May I?"
It's a Compromise to do any of that.

>And if the ST railroads towards the same outcome in a way that makes no logical sense just for the sake of it matching a previously-described attempt, I can rightfully call them shit and quit the game and it's they who'll be in the wrong and ultimately my victory.
This is the "It's railroading if my actions have consequences" argument.

If you jerk off in the mall and start slapping people, the ST isn't railroading when twelve people gang up on you and hold you down.
>This is the "It's railroading if my actions have consequences" argument.
No it's not, retard. It's the "it's railroading if my actions lead to the same consequence regardless of what those actions were" argument. Which is correct. It's railroading.
But this is about toppling an insanely powerful reality warping cyber-deity through exposure. There are several canon examples of why that wouldn't work and how it would recover. It's on par with deciding to attack the king only to realize his bodyguard can make mincemeat of you. "I'm a PC so I should be able to get away with it" is ridiculous. If you work throughout an entire chronicle to make it happen as the capstone, sure, maybe, although all of Demon society has been trying to do that for thousands of years. You're not going to be able to hijack the nightly news and spill the story, though.

That's not railroading. That's you choosing to take an action that has obvious consequences. If you don't accept those consequences and quit, that's not railroading, and that's not a victory for you.
>If you work throughout an entire chronicle to make it happen as the capstone, sure, maybe
You've backed out of "it's impossible" into "it's possible if a PC puts a lot of effort into it", which is exactly what I was talking about. Why are you so defensive about this?
I feel like you're taking my throwing of the proverbial bone as moving the goalposts.

As for why I'm "defensive"? Because your argument was
>And if the ST railroads towards the same outcome in a way that makes no logical sense just for the sake of it matching a previously-described attempt, I can rightfully call them shit and quit the game and it's they who'll be in the wrong and ultimately my victory.
Which generally means "if there are consequences for my action, I don't like that". There are plenty of things that make logical sense, considering you're effectively fighting God. It wouldn't even have to match the previously described attempt.

Most STs don't like when players argue that they should be able to get away with things just because they're PCs.
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>Which generally means "if there are consequences for my action, I don't like that".
Unless you know how to read, I suppose it does mean that.
So I've been making various NPCs for a Requiem game, and it occurred to me how strange Kindred society is. There is nothing but the most informal government in existence.

I was trying to think up some positions of importance, but realised that in modern ruling councils and ancient feudal societies there was a pool of resources that are owned by the state to be managed and that isn't true amongst the kindred. Everyone's a free agent, and the only power that exists is de facto. Even in organised crime there's a kind of taxation. It really makes all the political structures the Invictus and Carthians throw up look fake and pretentious.

Is there a discussion on this I can read anywhere? One of the books that goes into the ramifications? Because I have no idea how to continue city building from this point.
I've literally been running CofD campaigns non-stop, and I have no clue what you're talking about.

The campaigns don't take a more SJW feel at all, and you saying they do like that REALLY sounds like a desperate attempt at insulting it by using the first negative trait that pops into mind.

Also, most of the things you mentioned don't really turn campaigns annoying. Now bitching nonsensically about null points (like what you're doing), that kills fun for sure.
Changeling the Lost is one of the best things this franchise ever put out, and that counts extra if you think about how goddamn awful old Changeling was.

Anyone that honestly complains about this should rethink their life choices.
>The new Vampires feel stale and lacking, as if attempting to reduce the mess that 13 clans plus bloodlines was overdone and mutilated more than truly cut the extra.
No. They moved into archetypes. Which has the big-ass bonus of not being forced into a very tight pigeon hole as to what your character is supposed to be.
In Masquerade, there were basically two options as to act, regarding your clan: Like everyone else, or the direct opposite.
In most cases, the latter meant you had to be a baby-eating monster as well.
The worldbuilding is damn interesting, but shit ain't a good game.

>Awakening lacks the, well, magic and fluidity as said before on other posts.
Fluidity? How the fuck can a system that works mostly on Mother-may-I be classified as fluid? Also, it's fucking silly, and the main antagonists feel like they are picked from a 15 year old grunge-kid's dreams. The man, manifested.
I'm planning a D:tD game in the future. The group and I tried one before, which fizzled, but I want to try again.
The problem I had last time was that the players literally did nothing apart from having normal lives, until some outside force (Mostly, but not always the God-Machine and it's agents) forced them into activity.
The game literally turned into monster of the week, and then the players went back into hiding again.

So now I need help; How the fuck do I give the players incentive to be active, in a game that's first and foremost about hiding?
What potential targets do they know about?
So all of their Hells were about going completely unnoticed? Nobody played a Saboteur? An Integrator? What were their Aspirations?
Anybody? How is an undead government supposed to work?
It doesn't work. This has been pointed out by a few people in these threads, and no real arguments were made to show otherwise.
Huh. And no suggestions on how to make it work? Also is there anything I can search to find those posts?
The threads might still be in the archives. And I'm not really sure what could be done to reasonably make it work, sorry. You might have better luck bringing it up in a newer thread. I think it's an interesting topic that warrants discussion.

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