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Warhammer 40k general

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Autism over Vostroyans edition

>Rules databases


>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s)

>Forgeworld Book index

>White Dwarves

>Novels (Working link as of 02/02/2016)
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first for dukes of cadia
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second for turbo lover

may slaneesh bless this post and all who dwell within
thank ms slaneesh
Homebrew Chaos Legion and Warband Tactics that I've been working on and submitting here frequently.

This supplement includes:
>God-Specific Warlord Traits and Chaos Relics
>Army-Wide Special Rules - distinction between Chaos Legions and Chaos Renegades, as well as other rules to augment more elite units
>Unit clarifications and additions/improvements - Vehicles may now be Squadroned, Relics are kept upon Dark Apotheosis, many Champions gain an additional Wound, Possessed get an extra Wound, etc.
>New Chaos Armory: Access to unique Ectoplasma and Warp-Charge Weapons, as well as Daemon Weapons for Independent Characters
>Revised tactics for major Legions and Warbands - centralized on buffing core units that fit the fuff of the army.
>New unit for all armies: Chaos Legionaries. Troops for Legions and a group of them as a single Elites for Renegades, these units bridge the tactical niche between Chosen and stock Marines, and have access to an additional Special/Heavy Weapon.
>Many more errata

Read it, review it, take it home and playtest it - just let me know what y'all think.

Constructive criticism would be nice, though
>them Scions are at it again

Literally only way this pic could be better is if it were jumping over an Inquistorial Rhino/Land Raider.
1) Is it ever a good idea to take Sicarius, or is he just overpriced?
2) Is a Librarian pretty much auto-include for every SM army?
Damn dude, this is some pro level editing and formatting. How come no page numbers though?

Thanks man. It's kind of a running project of mine that I've been tweaking on and off for a while.

because I can't get the page numbers to line up correctly and it's goddamn infuriating
>Erebus and Kor Phaeron say that Abaddon is faithless and sees himself equal to the gods. That's why they want to replace him.
>Kharn thinks the same of Abaddon and that's why he will never directly serve him


Are they being dumb? The guy is the chosen of the Four powers. He is far from being faithless. And why presumptuous of them to think they know better than their own gods in the selection of their undivided champion
do those veterans benefits replace the bonuses from the marks of chaos or do they supplement them?
You can get away with just taking a captain with the shield eternal/thunder hammer/ artificer armor and probably end up with a better captain than him. That coup de grace thing is a little unreliable with only 1 attack to do it with.

Also Librarians are always good and Tigirius is the best one in the vanilla codex to take but you have to go ultramarines for chapter tactics. He's ML 3 with the ability to reroll psychic powers and reroll failed tests plus comes with one of the better SM warlord traits. Also lets you reroll reserves too if you have those so taking him is never a bad idea.
is the original template a word doc? I had the same problem and watched some tutorials on how to do them correctly.

Are you using section breaks?
They're not wrong though. Abby's in this for himself and wants to go cold turkey on Chaos the moment he wins so he can rule over humanity as the New God Emperor of Mankind. If he does for them he can't as there wouldn't be anything for him to rule over.
Well Erebus and KP kinda already outsmarted Lorgar and Horus during the heresy, didn't they? I could see them being arrogant and using the faithlessness as a fancy excuse.

Kharne is named The Betrayer, I think it's fitting he doesn't work under anybody important to fluff.
Supplement, as of now. I figured that, rather than completely re-price a lot of the overcosted units (like Chosen and Terminators) I'd simply give them advantages to merit their current costs.

It's also important to remember that a lot of powerful build can be created with this, but they are often neutered by being forced down a specific path - you can get some ridiculously high Invulnerable Saves by running a Scourge army, but that's at the expense of a lot of other units in the codex that are also really good, for example.
I'm thinking about joining the fandex club with an updated Sisters of Battle codex and maybe another for Grey Knights to make them a bit less of a one-trick pony. I've got a pretty firm idea of what to do with the armies, but I'd like some suggestions on the actual codex production side of things. Are there any formatting/writing issues that you came across that you'd do differently if you could go back and start again? Or is it really just as simple as "copy and paste codex, insert changes, enjoy life in tier 2?"
Giving chaos champions and terminators an additional wound will piss off a lot of space marine players if they don't get the same thing.
i like the squadron changes on all the predators, vindicators, maulerfiends and forgefiends.

Likewise some of these updates are long overdue, (The helbrute getting 4 attacks for instance)
why ditch plasma on Oblitorators?

all that other stuff is way more powerful than plasma.
Nah, it needs to be an Arbites Repressor.
Hey, they have other things in their favor.

It does completely fit the fluff of the two units though - you have to be a real mean son of a bitch to be a Chosen or Terminator Champion, given the nature of just getting to that position in the first place.
>why ditch plasma on Oblitorators?

Because they get the Ectoplasma equivalents instead, which is actually better (just not for sustained fire). It also seemed a little TOO cheesy to be able to use Plasma Cannon - Ectoplasma - Rinse, Lather, Repeat.
I think you might have a few too many picks from chapter tactics special rules and that a few of them might be OP, especially if they stack with the other stuff you gave them.

When you playtest it ask the other players if a particular boon or rule seems unfair, try to keep the more outrageous buffs to a minimum.

thats it. I only skimmed it, but all in all it looks very good for a fandex.

Hey, maybe you should talk to Space Odin when he is online or see if you can find his contact info in his codex. Maybe you could collaborate working on the formatting and editing of his dex, since its a bit lackluster.
>Are there any formatting/writing issues that you came across that you'd do differently if you could go back and start again?

Plan it ahead of time lol. That would be a big one - I re-arranged and re-made this at least 12 times over the course of making it. Also, deciding how I wanted to "theme" it from the get-go - most of the Word Art and art work was added about halfway through, which was a formatting BITCH.

>Or is it really just as simple as "copy and paste codex, insert changes, enjoy life in tier 2?"

Eh, I wouldn't say that. You have to have a pretty in-depth understand of the flaws and strengths of the Codex in question, but you can always just directly copy it and address fixes directly.

What I wrote isn't a full-fledged Codex, but a codex "update"/supplement to C:CSM. It's designed to be used side-by-side with the "real" one. If you want to completely re-make the codex on your own, it'll take a lot more effort than just writing out a "unit changes" subsection. and it'll look a lot better for it, so if you want to do it more power to you. Sisters need it.

Shitty fandex wank.
>a few of them might be OP, especially if they stack with the other stuff you gave them.

Oh that's entirely possible. It's still very much a WIP, and I've been trying to playtest it as often as I can.

I want this to be strong, but not too strong. "Above-Average army that can play fluffy lists semi-competitively" is what I want to shoot for here.

Any that stick out at you off the top of your head?

...but why tho
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I see you've added quite a bit to this since I last saw it.
I have a few questions though.
How come legionnaire champions don't get 2W as well?
Also maybe change the name of the ectoplasma special rule to overcharge, as currently it'd be a bit of a mouthful to spout off in the middle of the game ("I shoot my ectoplasm pistol on ectoplasma mode" vs. "I shoot my ectoplasm pistol on overcharge mode")
Perhaps ectoplasm cannons gaining large blast instead of rending and soul blaze since its already ap2 and soul blaze is useless.
Change daemonic possession to only be able to eat infantry units, perhaps even to only units with a single wound (dreadclaw eating a dreadnought is retarded and stupid, eating your kitted out chaos lord is a very annoying possibility)

Otherwise I like it a lot, good work anon.
What unit would you add to the Ork codex to make it better?

How about to the CSM dex?
Can anyone suggest flexible but shapeholding wires ideal for conversions? I want to put together a couple of Dark Mechanicum test models counts as imperial guard (maybe) and this would include a massive amount of wires perferating hapless and unwilling 'servitors' what wires would you say are best for this?
>How come legionnaire champions don't get 2W as well?

Well, I view Legionaries as being the "middle ground" between Chosen and regular Marines. They're intended to be more powerful than Marines, but not as good as Chosen. That, combined with one less Special Weapon and one less Attack, was my way of sort of "balancing" them in that direction - they're solid line-holding troops and can pack three Special OR Heavy Weapons in a 10-man squad, but they're not quite as raw-skilled and good at pure murder as Chosen are.

>Also maybe change the name of the ectoplasma special rule to overcharge, as currently it'd be a bit of a mouthful to spout off in the middle of the game

Maybe. I chose "Ectoplasma" because it is very Chaos-flavored and already fits in with the Ectoplasma Cannon that already exists. It is a bit clunky, though.

>Perhaps ectoplasm cannons gaining large blast instead of rending and soul blaze

Damn, that's a way better idea. Already changed.

>Change daemonic possession to only be able to eat infantry units, perhaps even to only units with a single wound

That's a good point. Maybe having Daemonic Possession only remove a single Wound from a random model in the unit would be more streamlined approach? That way multi-wound models aren't eaten, but there's still a bit of a "risk" involved for them (it's just no longer life-threatening).

Thanks man. I've been busy playtesting and trying to brainstorm new ideas for it.
How happy are you with the formatting as it is now? Do you have any ideas that you wish you'd had earlier but now you're in too deep, or do you consider this more or less ideal?

Also, this was made in Word? Mind posting a screenshot of a page so I can get a better idea of how you formatted it?

>You have to have a pretty in-depth understand of the flaws and strengths of the Codex in question, but you can always just directly copy it and address fixes directly.
I've already got a pretty good idea of the changes I'll be making. Mostly it's just moving stuff around so there's actual decision making involved (for example, a TL Multi-Melta on a Relentless platform is better than a TL Heavy Bolter in almost every possible situation. Likewise, Exorcists are strictly superior to Penitent Engines. It's pointless to present a choice only one option), and a bit of it is just adding in some synergy that's lacking (for example, Repentia are literally useless without an Assault Transport and Celestians don't really have a clear role).

I could probably do everything I want to in a half-page changelist, but I'd prefer to make something a bit more, I don't know, cohesive?
CSM don't need an addition. They need an identity.

Are they 10000 year old legions?
Are they daemonic warbands?
Are they non-chaos renegades with mixed forces and unorthodox tactics/wargear?
Are they just spikey space marines?
Are they more choppy space marines?

currently they try to do all of these, but fail at all of them. Funnily enough, the various flavors of loyalist SM can do all of these, only better than CSM.

>Want legions? SM
>Want special weapons and stuff? SM or DA
>Want choppy? SW or BA
>Want daemons? SW have the wulfen which are pretty much daemons
>Want mixed lists? Take AM or Inquisitorial allies
Have you tried reading >>47985490?
What they need is a complete overhaul

>Entire book just for Legions. Can borrow heavily from the HH range. New special rules, plastic HQs and troops/conversion kits for all legions.

>Renegade minidex that is basically a supplement for the vanilla SM codex
the things that excite me most about CSM as renegades are the things that regular SM wouldn't ever do. Things like suicide squads of terminators, deep striking single oblits, strapping a havoc launcher, extra combibolter, AND a combiflamer all at once to a rhino, etc. I wish they had more unique and unorthodox stuff personally.

I raw earlier versions but I can give this one a read
I like the idea behind a lot of this, adding shit to CSM to make them more than just "Evil Space Marines minus options". Anything that gives an army more options to play with is always good in my book.

That Being said, why not just change the ectoplasma cannon range to just be 36? You basically made a custom-mega kannon for CSM with 1 extra shot and a possibly worse drawback.

The special ammo rules I like but you could probably remove the Gets Hot! part from the toxin rounds cause as is I wouldn't consider it when 1 ammo type retards armor saves and the other gives rending without the Gets Hot! so why would I take this?

The Culverin weapon type you made looks like it would be way to easy to snowball out of control if someone gets unusually lucky, maybe tone it down to just once ala only 1 reroll and bump up the number of attacks to 6 base to help.

That one khorne warlord trait that gives "deny the witch" on 2+, maybe +1 deny for the warlord and his detachment?

There's a bunch more, but I think the one thing that might hurt this is the lack of metrics. It'll be hard to tell what might be good, bad, and downright broken without people playing with it and sending the results back for some fine tuning.
I'm pretty overall satisfied with formatting as of this point. I wish I'd had a better idea of formatting walking into it, but I'm pretty okay with the aesthetics now.

I made it in Word, and it really was extremely simple. Word Art for the headers, regular old text for the paragraphs, with various Text Boxes where required. The new Word is actually pretty intuitive and has tons of pre-styled things that can be very, very easily plopped down when and where you want them.

Ultimately, I'd say go for it. People are always a lot more willing to give a chance to something that is more visually appealing, and making it feel like a "real" Codex would go a long way for that.
Make the weapons upgrades cheaper for Elite units (see Vanguard vets in codex Space Marines) and you'll really have something.
What if we opened the entire loyalist armory to CSM, in addition to their daemon stuff? Is just the loss of chapter tactics and ATSKNF enough to make up for the extra options or would there have to be additional penalties? Also, let's just all agree to sidestep the issue of Graviton weaponry by using HH Grav rules.
Give the night Raptors 2 attacks base bro. They're basically just jump Zerks with more expensive upgrades.
I recommend it, this one has been WAY improved compared to older versions.

It actually gives special rules for Chaos Legions (Free VotLW, new Troops unit, army-wide Stubborn) and Chaos Renegades (free Hatred (SM), Elites unit, and Allies of Convenience with Armies of the Imperium) as different army styles, along with all sorts of new shit.

So why should they get all the non-daemon stuff and also get the daemon stuff?
feels like a lot of details and without much difference aside from buffs in the form of super powered tactics and a few spot buffs

What if chosen had relentless? that alone would be awesome on them, even better if you could also give them jump packs. What I've always like about Chosen is how they come standard with a bolter AND close combat weapon AND bolt pistol, and relentless would only bolster their flexibility. Loyalists get elite jump units, as well as relentless jump units, but a unit with BOTH would be a lot of fun.

I'd also like to see Chaos Lords have way more wargear available to them. If you were the biggest badass in the sector, wanted in a dozen systems, who would stop you from taking first pick at whatever loot? If I wanted to put an autocannon on my Lord I should be able to, even though that would be a questionable choice.

I'd like to have some kind of troop choice in between Chaos Space Marines and Cultists. Something in the 8-11 point per model range. Maybe this could be achieved through upgrade and weapon options for cultists (you can sort of do this by giving your cultists Mark of Nurgle and an autogun, but this is not really points efficient at all, unlike the troops who naturally fall within that points range)
Because all the non-daemon stuff is gimped by missing chapter tactics and ATSKNF? And maybe an Ld penalty as well because they're clearly weak of will? What units would you consider too good to allow CSM to take?
>to just be 36?

Well, it's 24" in the regular Codex. It's the Chaos version of the Plasma Cannon that it replaces, and I've already revised it to be what >>47985911 suggested. 36" is a major buff to a weapon that is, at least at this point, already better than its Loyalist counterpart.

>you could probably remove the Gets Hot!

I've been kinda on the fence about that myself this whole time. I just didn't want somebody to be able to spew out Blasts with little consequence, so I figured Gets Hot! would curtail spamming them in ridiculous amounts. When you put it that way, however, it DOES seem a little not worth taking...

>looks like it would be way to easy to snowball out of control if someone gets unusually lucky

Well, it's literally Chaos-interpretations of the old HH Volkite weapons. They lose one Strength compared to "real" Volkite, but gain a small bit of range and can generate multiple hits instead of only one round of new hits. I did notice that for whatever reason I left it as S6 - it should be S5, to keep with the trend.

These weapons are also pretty difficult to spam - the only place you'll find them is on Helbrutes, Obliterators, and Iron Warriors Havocs. That should help keep their use manageable.

>It'll be hard to tell what might be good, bad, and downright broken without people playing with it and sending the results back for some fine tuning.

That's what I've been working on constantly. Hell, y'all are more than welcome to playtest this stuff yourself if y'all'd like yes, y'all'd is a legitimate contraction
grav cannons are too good for CSM

they are too good for SM too

grav should go away and stay away

the game didn't need it
Yeah, I covered that bit: >>47986198
>Also, let's just all agree to sidestep the issue of Graviton weaponry by using HH Grav rules.
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>want to work on writefaggotry but needs sleep
I'll be more bright eyed in the morning anyway. Any music you gits mind recommending some music for me to listen to while writing it? Here's what I was listening to http://maximalismmusic.com/track/lament-exe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mk2SNcpTNbs
How can Space Marines kill Riptides?
Command squad bikes with gravguns + stormshields?
Grav-cents, Grav bikers that you mentioned, drop-pod sternguard with combi-grav +grav-guns. The pattern here is that grav is the answer and you need more of it. I would recommend plasma too, but grav guns have kinda taken that spot of MEQ TEQ killer instead these days.

grav spam
plasma spam
op psychic bullshit
overwatch denial assaults with that one formation
some source of instant death (biker librarian with a force axe?)

if you alpha strike the riptide the tau fag will most likely concede

It's not a matter of whether a unit is good or not. Why should CSM straight up have 100 vanilla units and then 20 more daemon ones while vanilla is stuck with 100 units?
The Neotokyo OST is a favorite of mine when writing/paining/building. It's definitely a weird mix but worth a listen for sure.


The Unreal OST is in a similar vein but a tad more videogame-y. It can still set a mood fairly well though.

>CSM shouldn't be allowed drop pods or different kinds of land raiders because they have mutilators and dinobots
Don't forget those super-OP warp talons. Or the fact that since chaos techmarines can give a vehicle within 18" gets hot, they don't deserve jump packs, bikes, terminator armor, or melee weapons besides power axes and relics.
They shouldn't, in the Abaddon series is mentioned that maintain shit is extremely difficult to most chaos warbands, and then you have their shit that gets possesed and it's basically fucked, their drop pods will most likely eat the troops it carried.
what about a chimera? it might not be their favored transport, but it is surely easier to loot or salvage a chimera than maintain a 10000 year old rhino
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>They shouldn't
The idea is that by not taking VotLW (which could be made to be actually useful), you're indicating that it was a chapter that just recently turned traitor and everything hasn't broken down yet.
CSM needs chapter tactics. 10, 9 for each of the legions and 1 for general renegades. Each legion gets special rules suited for them with limits and buffs, as well as changes in FOC, such as making cult units Troops, etc. Renegades get ATSKNF and could count as SM on the allied chart. Alternatively they could make a Codex Supplement: Renegades for the SM codex that lets you make a limited SM army that counts as CSM on the allied chart.
even if stuff has broken down, I would expect more options like multilasers, heavy stubbers, chimeras, shotguns, etc

basically anything they could easily steal, salvage, or make themselves

>any chaos terminator being able to trade their combibolter for a heavy stubber would be pretty neat
>Alternatively they could make a Codex Supplement: Renegades for the SM codex that lets you make a limited SM army that counts as CSM on the allied chart.
why would I do this when I could have an unlimited SM army with a better allies chart

and it still misses what make CSM interesting; they should not just be spikey space marines, they should play differently
>Allow CSM to take SM as allies of convenience to represent non-chaos renegades or recent traitors
>C:CSM is just for 10,000 year old edgelords/badasses with mutations and daemon shit everywhere
Too confusing?
>if you alpha strike the riptide the tau fag will most likely concede

Why? It's a distraction carnifex with a jetpack.

I haven't read any news since a year or so.

I have a small tyranid army which waits to be painted (1 start collecting box, 1 carnifex, 20 termagants and like 5 ripper swarms)

Are tyranids still shit? Is CSM still shit? Tau OP?

What interesting release is coming?
Are eldar corsairs more cheesy than craft world eldar?
>Are tyranids still shit? Is CSM still shit? Tau OP?
Yes, yes, yes
>What interesting release is coming?

Renegade chapters are hunted down and worn down by the imperial forces every time, lamenters and the other loyal chapters lost a lot of shit during the badabb war and haven't recovered since then, the minotaurs captured many terminator armours and relics from those chapters during the conflict.

Huron lost most of the shit he had when the astral claws had to flee from the imperial retribution.
>GW knowing shit of his own setting
Those are or will be probably changed to dread claws anyways so it doesn't matters.
Yes, yes and yes.
Tyranids still have fuck all invulnerable saves as AP2 and ignores cover becomes more plentiful.
Chaos marines are still just shittyloyalists with overpriced, shoddy equipment that malfunction at the drop of a hat.
Tau still blow people off the table with high strength, ignores cover, ap2 shooting attacks.

In other news gene stealer cults got plastic models and rules. They are also widely rumoured to be getting a codex soon.
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hey fuckers, rate my 750 list

o Chaos Lord (145pts)
Axe of Blind Fury, Bolt Pistol, Daemonheart, Mark of Khorne, Melta bombs
o 5x Chaos Marine (90pts) with Boltgun, one with Meltagun & Aspiring Champion with Melta Bombs
o8x Berzerkers (209pts) Bolt Pistols, Close Combat Weapons & Berzerker Champion

o Cult of Slaughter formation (306pts)
•19x Cultists with Close Combat Weapons, Autopistols, 2x Flamer, & Cultist Champion with Shotgun
•16x Cultists with Autogun& Cultist Champion with Shotgun
•Dark Apostle
Only one relic per miniature man.
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Here's my wishlist/first draft. I've got some more stuff to add, then I'll make it readable, then compile it into codex/supplement form. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?

>*>*>*>*I know I broke a lot of shit with this, this is by no means comprehensive or complete. Please don't shit all over it until it's in a more balanced state. But if you see any strange synergies here that make things obviously more powerful than intended, please point them out.
The Galaxy is a big place. Badab was a particularly big deal because of its location and the number of chapters working with the Astral Claws. It makes sense that the Imperium was keeping a close eye on it and unwilling to tolerate anything but complete conformity.
What's the fastest army right now?
And if it's dark eldar how good are they?
DEldar are one of the worst factions, Eldar are the best by a large margin and rude to play against anyone but Tau, Space Marines, or Necrons.
Eldar stole many things from the deldars and never looked back, while the deldar lay bleeding in the ground with most of their good shit taken away.

I like how morons say the Riptide is just a meatshield or a distraction when it has S7-8 AP2 multi-shot/large blast weapons.
what are you talking about? i can not take AoBF and deamonheart in the same lord?
>The Galaxy is a big place.

Whenever someone says this they have already lost the argument and are just showing what a dumb faggot they are.

>female space marines
>the emperor is actually a skdlflakwjlhkjeltkaf
Slaanesh daemons.
A pure melee army with fleet and a 3" bonus to run moves means they will travel very far, very fast.

New warlord traits led to my herald on a seeker pulling of a 31" charge once.
Not anymore, sorry .
It's canon that whatever can happen, will happen (somewhere)
It's canon that female space marines *can't* happen
It's also canon that there's only one Emperor, who's currently a vegetable on a chair and therefore can't do whatever you're claiming other people claim.
Its not "just" a meatshield, but any tau player will rather have his opponent waste a round and a half firing everything they have trying to kill the Riptide than his far more fragile and important markerspam units.

It can hurt, especially for its price and slot.
>The Galaxy is a big place
And most of it is controlled by the imperium, the galactic north is plagued by orks, Tyranids and weird shit, their only two options are only planets on war anomalies, and even then some chapters actively hunts down renegades.
So, I've been playing this game for a couple weeks now, playing lots of games with my friends (using some proxies) just trying to figure out what factions and units we all like. I've had a lot of fun, but I'm wondering, are normal infantry units just worthless or am I missing something? Using formations instead of combined arms means you don't even have to take any, and I don't really see a reason to take them at all.
How so?
The argument works for everything which has not got a solid fucking bit of fluff.

It is mentioned, in lots of sources, that female Space Marines don't exist. It is specifically mentioned, in lots of sources, that the Emperor is (depending on the view point):

1. A man
2. A god
3. A Chaos powered man
4. A gestalt entity

There is, however, no mention about there is 100% defo no planet which is inhabited completely by gay men who use science to make babies with each other, who wear pink, listen to techno and have built a giant disco ball in the sky for all night raves.
Shitloads of gofast, Eldars and Deldars selection plus Forgeworld and their own shit, they even have war walkers with jetpacks.
Just finished painting the skittarii start collecting, what should I get next for my force?
I want a pure skittarii force, no ad-mech, is that do-able or will my force be terribly unplayable?
are you sure? the chaos lord of the dark veangance set has deamonheart and the blade of the relentless, they are both relics arent they?
No HQ means you can't play a CAD.
Are you guys playing for objectives or just deathmatches? Cheap units in vehicles are amazing for capturing and holding objectives. ObSec is even better than it sounds (and it sounds pretty damn good).
>There is, however, no mention about there is 100% defo no planet which is inhabited completely by gay men who use science to make babies with each other, who wear pink, listen to techno and have built a giant disco ball in the sky for all night raves.
Strangely enough that sounds a lot like monarchia, the Emperor's children planet in the eye of terror
It's not going to work. You just don't have enough options. Start building toward a War Convocation or a Space Marines primary force.
Not anymore mate, look at the new FAQs in the Facebook page.
Not him, but the last bit is only partly true.

Space Marines are weird, most of them outright refuse to kill fellow Space Marines if they are labelled by the High Lords as Renegade. They will only do so if respected chapters agree or say they are. For example, the Blood Angels successors "Knights of Blood", have been labelled "Renegade" by the High Lords, but they have not been destroyed because the majority of the chapters do not agree with the High Lords decision. The chapters who have fought alongside them have seen them fight the Imperiums enemies, including Chaos, know they're not.
I think only Tau and Crimson Slaughter can take more than one relic per model.
Same with Cult Mechanicus
He's right. It was fixed a few weeks ago, people asked to clarify the FAQ and they stated it exactly. One relic per Lord.

Also they finally updated GK's, SW's and BA's Dreads (of ALL types) to have 4A base.
>Space Marines are weird, most of them outright refuse to kill fellow Space Marines if they are labelled by the High Lords as Renegade.
And even then the dark angels are bombarding the Fenris system
And then theres the Minotaurs who'll assault whomever they want, steal their shit "accidentally" destroy geneseed and then have them retroactively declared renegade traitorus.
Galaxy, big place, you know.
Not any more. It got fixed again. It's now 100% for all codexs, 1 relic per Lord. Not even Tau or CS.
Post the updated ruling, please?
Yeah, well Minotaurs are rich kids who go running to their dads whenever people call them on their bullshit.

Red Hunters too.
B-but Tau dont have relics, they have signature systems.
>1 relic per Lord. Not even Tau or CS.

sounds like bullshit, if they removed buffmander then tau players would have complained by now
Some factions get more out of their infantry than others.
That said the whole point of most of them is just to be cheap and disposable, to to perform well.
>What unit would you add to the Ork codex to make it better?

Looted Vehicles
>unless specifically noted otherwise

so it doesnt affect tau at all
Yeah, that's what it was. Tau and Crimson Slaughter have specific allowances for taking multiple relics on a model (IIRC Tau can take any, CS can take one from the supplement and one from C:CSM).
We started out playing deathmatch to get a feel for it, but we are playing objectives now. I've been playing space wolves, and I've found for me at least that land speeders are the perfect unit to run around getting objectives. They are very fast and can get long range guns. I've been boxing my friends in their deployment zones with lots of drop pods, and basically my land speeders get to run around to all the objectives.
That cheese won't hold up when they figure out how to take Melta and Grav weapons (especially on bikes). Plus, taking a bunch of troops is the only way you can even take that army since you need cheap infantry to take the drop pods for.
Anon, you know that the Skitarii have special formations because of this? It's one of the reason I like them.

I think Anon could make it work, but the lack of transports will hurt.
yeah, they are starting to figure out how to beat it now, and yeah I took a lot of troops in that army, but that was why I was wondering. All the troops didn't really do anything. Mostly just died without killing anything. That didn't really matter when my friends weren't scoring any points, but once they figure out not to put all of their units clumped up in a corner together, I don't think my troops are going to do much.
>IIRC Tau can take any

almost, the commander can take as many as he wants but can only take one of each throughout the entire army (with the sole exception of O'Vesa automatically having an earth caste array, so you can have 2 of them)

Bodyguard and crisis suits can take as many as they want, but each relic takes up a system slot, so you cantake upto 3 if you choose to have no weapons
Your troops are going to have to start holding objectives when they start killing all of your Landspeeders on the first turn.

Okay man, you keep on shooting it instead of something that won't soak the damage then. I'll be over hear tabling you because you don't get target priority.
>(with the sole exception of O'Vesa automatically having an earth caste array, so you can have 2 of them)
Pretty sure all of the relics on the special characters (like Brightsword's Fusion Blades) keep you from taking that relic on a Commander.

Also, IIRC only the optional sergeant battlesuits can take relics
>Pretty sure all of the relics on the special characters (like Brightsword's Fusion Blades) keep you from taking that relic on a Commander.

the wording states otherwise, but i'll need to find my FA book and confirm

>Also, IIRC only the optional sergeant battlesuits can take relics

my bad, thats correct, only shas'vre crisis suits can take relics, not the shas'uis
>tfw looking into nids and loving the zerg rush and neat lore
>get to 1d4chan
>nids are nerfed and a shit
>also it costs a shit ton just to get a decent army
wellllll fuck. well i was interested in looking at the chaos spess muhrines and some others so..theres that
If you like nids most go for em. Might take a whilwhile but you will enjoy them most!
Try daemons. they cheap, powerful infantry that you can summon more of.
i generally like the designs of the models and rush-in-kill-all tactics, thats what kinda drew me to them. but the lack of abilities and guns that other armies seem to have is discouraging
price isnt a huge deal as i dont have many hobbies to take away from it

found my book and I can't find anything about O'vesa being the exception to this rule, perhaps it changed back when O'vesa was allowed to be taken without taking all of the eight in 6th ed
I said in the other thread, as it ended, that the Raging Heroes models are available to order now for backers.

I have no idea what to get. The SoB proxies don't really cover everything. The Knights of the Chalice have huge armour, but the Crusaders I planned to use them as only have Carapace(?) armour, so doesn't make sense.

Fuck knows. Might just some of the cheesecake Dark Elves/Eldar and Slaaneshi Daemons for shit and giggles.
Just buy a lot of Hive Tyrants.
They have plenty of guns. The difference is they don't look very different and the creature itself is the main difference, rather than wildly different penis guns.
>Act of Faith Changes
I like most of these, but the "on a 1, it may not use that ability for the rest of the game" seems redundant since on anything but a 6+, you already can't use it again.
It would only affect squads that get a second Act of Faith from a Simulacrum Imperialis or the like, which is a tad odd.

>Shield of Faith
The wording on the tail end of this could be clearer.
Does it allow Sisters to act as if they have a Psychic Hood?

>Flamestorm Cannon
While not a bad idea, it lacks Torrent and thus would be wasted since even with Vector Dance a Flyer's mobility is rather poor. The Hellhound's Inferno Cannon would be a lot more attractive of an option, and would work well even without Vector Dancer.
The Gatling Cannon is a good option, but another source of Melta is probably unneeded, even if it TL and mobile.

>Repentia: AoF grants Eternal Warrior, may take Hospitaller as an upgrade
>Chirugeon's Tools: Model's with worse than a 5+ get FnP 3+
While good idea's, Attacks with Instant Death disallow FnP rolls, even if the target has Eternal Warrior.
I'd give them a codex unique special rule that allows them to make their FnP saves even against Attacks with Instant Death.

>Penitent Engine Changes
Solid. I love the Incense Cloud idea to make them more survivable. It's a good way to make them worth their points.
A larger variety of weapon options would also be nice, but now I'm being greedy. Perhaps some fluffy wargear options that give bonuses like Move Through Cover similar to the Blood Angels' Magna-Grapple?

>Seraphin Changes
Nice overall, real common sense fixes. I'd be wary of the "no limit on special weapons" though. 2 per every 5 Seraphim would be more fair.

>Celestian Squad
TDA is already pretty bad even in the good codexes, and T3/S3 wouldn't be appealing at 30-40 PPM even with a 2+/5++.
I think something closer to a Honor Guard/Command Squad equivalent would be better. Let them buy any toys they want in any combination.
>tfw no dildo gun to go with my penis gun
Skitarii can't run a Combined Arms Detachment or Allied Detachment; they instead get a codex unique detachment that doesn't require an HQ.
They also have a few good formations you can use alone, in combination with each other, or alongside the aforementioned detachment.

To answer your question of viablity, the only real problems with running solo Skits are:

>lack of transports

>no templates (and thus very little Ignores Cover)

>no Flyers (not so bad of a hit to Skits since Icarus Array Onagers are some of the best AA in the game, but it still hurts to not have any of your own to use)

>the frailty/weakness of your Warlord

The last one is a big point, since you're stuck with a T3/W2 Sv 4+ Model with a 5/6+ FnP as your Warlord.

He WILL die.

You're better off taking a Tech Priest Dominus in a Dominus Maniple or a single Inquisitor in an Inquisitorial Detachment and making either one your Warlord.

They at least have the option do buy some protection, and they also have much better Warlord traits than you do.
>I like most of these, but the "on a 1, it may not use that ability for the rest of the game" seems redundant since on anything but a 6+, you already can't use it again.
You just don't get it again that turn. The next turn, you roll again. It's like Void Shields.

>Does it allow Sisters to act as if they have a Psychic Hood?
That's the idea, yeah.

>While not a bad idea, it lacks Torrent and thus would be wasted since even with Vector Dance a Flyer's mobility is rather poor.
Good call. I had planned to make it Torrent (6"), but I had forgotten to add that. Turning it into an actual budget Heldrake just seemed rude considering CSM's plight.

>The Hellhound's Inferno Cannon would be a lot more attractive of an option
AP4+ templates are basically useless against Space Marines, who account for a solid majority of the playerbase. That means that no one takes Flamers except to fuck with Orks and Nids, who don't really need any fucking with.

>Another source of Melta is probably unneeded, even if it TL and mobile.
The reason it's there is because it's basically a flying Immolator, and bringing the Immolator's other weapon options up to par with the TL MM was the reason I added the Punisher and Flamestorm.

>A larger variety of weapon options would also be nice, but now I'm being greedy. Perhaps some fluffy wargear options that give bonuses like Move Through Cover similar to the Blood Angels' Magna-Grapple?
Maybe, but I'm not really sure they need it. I'm convinced that it's actually a really good model and the only reason people don't like it is because the Exorcist is such an obvious three-of.

>2 per every 5 Seraphim would be more fair.
Good point, I changed it. 20 Melta shots for 350 points (albeit at 6" max range) was probably excessive.

>TDA is already pretty bad even in the good codexes, and T3/S3 wouldn't be appealing at 30-40 PPM even with a 2+/5++.
My plan was to make them more like 18 or 20 ppm, considering their comparison to already-weak SM Termis.
Sorry, after posting that I realized it looks like I asked for input and then bitched at you for criticizing me. That's not what I intended, I'm just trying to explain my reasoning so hopefully it makes more sense.

And now that I think of it, it makes a hell of a lot more sense to put Retributors in Terminator Armor to give them Relentless. How many points should a T3 Terminator with a Multi-Melta cost?
Question about the earth caste array mentioned in this thread

It states that you reroll all rolls of 1 to-hit in shooting phase, but the 1d4chan tactics page says that it lets you reroll gets hot because of this

is that true and gets hot counts as a to-hit roll?
Depends on the weapon.
"Real" guns use their to-hit roll to see if they get hot so there it helps.
Blasts and templated roll a seperate d6 which is unaffected by to-hit rerolls.
Gets hot (on a non-blast weapon in which case it's a seperate roll which isn't a to hit roll) happens on a 'to hit' roll of a one which the array allows you reroll.
That means you would roll a second one to suffer a gets hot roll.

is there a section on the rule book on blast weapons being different? I can't seem to find a page that gives any distinction

so that means non-template weapons that gets hot automatically hit if it passes the roll? what if its multiple shots like the riptides burst cannon?
nevermind, found the page its on, thanks for the clarification
Non-blast weapons get hot on a to-hit roll of 1. Preferred Enemy and Twin Linked let you reroll 1s. Rerolling 1s gives you another chance at not getting hot.

Blast weapons have a separate roll to check if they get hot. This isn't a to-hit roll, so PE, BS6+, and pseudo-twin-linked (like the psychic power) don't let you reroll. Actual Twin Linked blasts do get to reroll their gets hot, though.
Each hit roll of 1 gets hot.
> Turning it into an actual budget Heldrake just seemed rude considering CSM's plight.
Gotta look out for yourself here, it's a dog-eat-dog world. You think the traitorous dogs or greenskins would choose to be nice to the other little guys and refuse that big ol' buff they've always been dreamin' of?

Personally, I like the idea of a Loyalist Heldrake. I'd also think that a Torrent Template that wounds MEQ on a 2+ wouldn't be too bad of an option, even at AP4.

Granted it wouldn't be too great, but since the model it's on is relatively cheap it would be quite OP if it were too good.

Even the Gatling Cannon might be pushin' it in the balance department, especially when you can take it on BS4 Immolators too. I'd drop the option for Gatling Cannons on Immolators and make them a Dominator exclusive weapon.

>it's basically a flying Immolator
I think that'd be a waste of a good idea. SoB already have very few units in their codex, and it'd be sad if even some of the new units they were to get were relegated to "like what you already have, but with x instead!"

I think it'd be better suited as a very offensive-oriented Fighter/Ground-Attack Plane rather than a flying version of a transport SoB already have.

I think it'd fill a good role both fluff and crunch wise. You could have it harass the enemy while your ground units are moving up and getting into position, softening up any target that your Sisters might otherwise have trouble with when they arrive.

>My plan was to make them more like 18 or 20 ppm
Now that's something that would piss of CSM and Orks, not to mention every loyalist player. I just don't think Termies that cheap just wouldn't work, even with a majorly reduced statline.

Perhaps, and this is really reaching, you could making them something like diet Saints. I don't know how you would do it, maybe make them an elite unit that buffs other Sisters near them similar to an AoE Priest?
Just spit-balling ideas here.
How many MM per unit?
Do they deep strike?
What's their AoF?
Whats the default weapon?
How does their SoF iteract with their termie 5++?
Do they even have transports that fit them?
>How many MM per unit?
4 as per the vanilla codex
>Do they deep strike?
All Terminators can, can't they?
>What's their AoF?
Rending, I think? I don't remember. I haven't planned out any modified AoFs yet.
>Whats the default weapon?
Boltgun or Storm Bolter.
>How does their SoF iteract with their termie 5++?
They get a 5++ and 6++ and use the more beneficial one (5++)
>Do they even have transports that fit them?
No, but they teleport and they're relentless and 24" range. They won't have problems finding things to shoot.
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What is the best army and why is it Tau ?
What is the neckbeard army and why is it Space Marines ?
>What is the neckbeard army and why is it Space Marines ?

close, the neckbeard army is SoB because its the closest they will ever get to tits
I'm Texan too anon, it's okay.
>Even the Gatling Cannon might be pushin' it in the balance department, especially when you can take it on BS4 Immolators too. I'd drop the option for Gatling Cannons on Immolators and make them a Dominator exclusive weapon.
My goal was to try to balance out the weapons choices. I don't think anyone has ever taken a Heavy Bolter over a Multi-Melta for the same price in all of history. The MM is just a better weapon. Unfortunately there isn't really a Bolter between the HB and the Avenger Bolt Cannon, which I thought overlapped too much with the Flamestorm Cannon.

Maybe an Inferno Cannon and an Avenger Bolt Cannon would be a better mix of weapons.
So was the Thousand Sons hype just hype or am I thinking of a HH release?
No idea what you're thinking about but there was some buzz about it, though whether it was the usual clickbait/"omg THSN not available in Paraguay, 100% proof of new box"
There have been rumours of plastic Sons around which coincide with rumours of Curse of the Wulfen 2, naturally featuring heavy Tzeentch involvement. Apparently Magnus is getting in on things too although I myself am not sold on the possibility of him getting a daemon'd model before FW cashes in on that.

CotW2 is most likely a certainty but whether it will herald anything interesting for the CSM side is another question (remember how the Sisters were supposed to be a major player in Mont'ka? GW doesn't.)
Aw, I've been wanting to run a Thousand Sons 40k warband forever
Oh well, Black Legion's easier to paint anyway.
Btw is the black legion supplement worth picking up?
Forces you to take WOTLW and it's "benefit" is the sub-par Chosen as troops.
But VotLW is only 1 point per model and CSM can only afford to field a dozen models in a 1500 point game anyway.
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For Chosen it's 2 ppm though (not to mention 5 for HQs unless you choose a DP) so the supposed benefit of having them as troops is considerably offset by making an overcosted unit even more overcosted.

Of course you could just take Cultists who can't buy VotLW but if you're playing BL you probably want to avoid Cultists anyway.

So all you really gain is access to a gimmicky set of relics and some formations, of which pic related is probably the most useful/fun.
What books would you guys recommend for intro to learn more fluff?

Looking specifically at HH or somethings featuring Alpha Legion shenanigans.
Any of the above
Typing out list of books momentarily because lettering was unreadable
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>tfw autistic
The ones you can't see are -
Prospero Burns (thousand sons)
The Outcast Dead (renegades at the beginning of the heresy)
Tales of Heresy (short stories)
Age of Darkness (short stories)
Galaxy in Flames (Sons of Horus)
Fallen Angels (Sons of Horus)
Not pictured - Ravenor's Return
Thank you. Now have a superior marine compared to any of Abaddon's dregs who can't maintain drop pods and other goodies. Horus's legion > Abaddon's legion
>Fallen Angels (Sons of Horus)

But since I have you here Anon, are there any books you'd recommend that are about Eldar? As in from an Eldar viewpoint and not this Imperium shittery. I need inspiration and pointers for my upcoming Dark Heresy game where my players decided to ally with them instead of shooting them
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How can Orks take battlewagons as dedicated transports?
Alpha legion books tend to be pretty boring honestly. You start reading the book hoping to learn more about the internal workings of the legion, and instead find out it's a book about a completely different set of mooks with legionaries occasionally popping in to say "Hey just a reminder we're secretly controlling everything behind the scenes kthnx bye."
Harlequin is about an Ordos Xenos investigation into the Eldar, iirc.
Iirc it also contains some grade XXX heresy in which an Inquisitor sleeps with a shapeshifter who had assumed a Harlequin's form.
The series might be worth picking up, I really haven't read it in so long you'd have to give me atleast 12 hours to get a synopsis.
The two short stories books are highly recommended, they have a bit of everything in them including a particularly heartwrenching story involving the Alpha Legion literally going "psh, nothing personal kid" as they sabotage said kid's world.

Also should be worth noting, the short stories are based in 30k.

I'm pretty sure all my novels have to do with Space Marines or Guardsmen, I'm a normie like that.
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Quick modeling question.

Does this version of the Basilisk kit come with the crew bits? I'm trying to model up my artillery battery with crews on it.
I'll give Harlequin a look into then, cheers Anon. I think I've actually read the first couple of 30k short story books already, also. I remember the Alpha Legion story.
Like the work, though I feel like hatred - space marines have always been out of place for chaos spacemarines considering who is betraying who.
Hatred Space Marines can be easily justified. I'm sure many traitor marines consider themselves to be the true inheritors of the galaxy and that the loyalists blind obedience of a corpse is an act of betrayal.
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Which is strange as they want to replace all machines with dinosaurs.
Why is that Abbadon blue?
The Vengeful Spirit has some funky air, and Abby needs some fresh air.
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I guess you could say he's feeling a little violet
That DtW is OP

My personal wishlist is the ability to Pray before battle, which lets the opponent auto-win the rolls for picking sides and deploying first. If you Pray you get +1 invuln
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Ten thousand years of hatred have left him a little blue in the face.
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What are you working on /tg/?

I got my dark eldar start collecting box today, which is great.
It's a shame there's no female archon model, I originally wanted to get in to dark eldar because of their equal gender representation.
But that doesn't matter, I'm going to build one out of a warrior. I need to find a way to kitbash the two without it looking awful or even worse than that, unremarkable.
I hear you. Kitbashing and converting female Eldar is suffering. And I just had to be the faggot that wanted a female HQ option for all fucking three of the Eldar factions.

Right now I'm building a Warhound.
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How do I make an empire of Space Wendigos work?
You might have a better time using a Wych torso than a warrior, and then using bits of the Archon's armour to beef her up a bit. You'd probably end up with something more unique too.
Finishing up my Tau. Now I want to star on the guard kits I bought, but thinking of doing them up as renegades instead.

So cheap.
So many.
I really want the husk blade but I also want to sell the archon sprue, it's so had to decide what to do.
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Finishing pieces of my Imperial Knight for priming. After that I'm going to have to build 10 tactical marines. I hate building tactical marines.
He's called abbadon because it's a b-bbig blue baby.
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The one on the left is my Archon's bride
What's the wedding cake going to be like?
Sell nothing. Hoard all bits. I know you've just got the Start Collecting box for now, but if you want to do a full army, you never know what you're going to regret not having because you got rid of it.

Once you're done, sell everything you haven't used.
A Wave Serpent. Really makes me want to get an airbrush to make painting tanks easier.
Anybody know good places to play 40k in Vancouver? I'm moving there for a few months.
I'm going to end up getting a second box anyway because it's actually much cheaper if I want more bikes, warriors and a second raider.
That said, I may actually go with >>47989302
wife idea.

He's going with a squad of trueborn so I could make the dracon his waifu, a cute couple of murderous monsters.
Taubbadon the despoiler! For the Greater Gods!

His defilers are MCs, and he can give friendly chaos units a bonus to hit by pointing at enemies REALLY hard!

Sneaky git tried to paint blueface to infiltrate Tau stronghold.
>You're just jelly cause you're not FABULOUS. We're so hot, it made Fulgrim rage.
Less jealous and more bored with red and black being the only colors I commonly see on the table. I like an Army with some visual pop, which generally means they need to stand out a bit on the table.

Blood Angels with their brooding reds and blacks don't.
It comes with the track guards, so it comes with the crew.
>I like an Army with some visual pop, which generally means they need to stand out a bit on the table.
I could make a suggestion.
I have 2 cabinets and a bookshelf
What faction do you like, or do you want a general feel for the setting?

First 3 HH books

Keep reading the HH series :^)))
1. While I like Templars, we go back to the problem of "too many armies are painted black". Pisses me off sometimes how lazy people can be by picking black only because they primed black.
2. Blacktide is how I honestly want to play Templars but that's a load of pants right now so no thanks.
>Visual pop
Ok anon - Do you like SM? Imperial Fists or White Scars

Xenos? CWE that aren't Ulthwe, or Tau with a bright scheme
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>While I like Templars, we go back to the problem of "too many armies are painted black". Pisses me off sometimes how lazy people can be by picking black only because they primed black.
>2. Blacktide is how I honestly want to play Templars but that's a load of pants right now so no thanks.
I do have an alternative for you. I like to think the Hospitallers are a BT successor chapter since they're non-Codex compliant, and have the same theme as the Templars do.
You forgot Bad Moons for Xenos. Unless you were trying to spare me from starting a low teir Army.

I have a weird relationship with Marines. On one hand I like the models and enjoy their fluff. On the other I hate constant mirror matches.

The meta around here isn't choking on Marines or anything, it's just something that bothers me for stupid reasons.
Second founding chapters don't have successors (even if their geneseed is used the credit always goes to the first founding chapter).
Yeah i wanted to avoid Low tiers
Tbh m8 you could also go Corsairs, since their fun (if expensive in dolla dolla)

I always had a dream of making a gotta go fast all bike list with the Scars, alas i'm effectively a Xeno/Daemon player thanks to local players
The Black Templars have two known successor chapters. The Red Templars and the White Templars.
The same players that tell CSM players to "suck it up" when they have something CSM don't have?
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post cool deldar art/paintjobs, talk about your deldar, discuss the worst army in the game
Both are listed as Imperial Fists successors.

Also they don't train Neophytes like the Black Templars do, or use Crusader Squads.
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Planning on converting up a bunch of inquisitors.
What's the best load out for each ordo?
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I love my fun list
Shame the FAQ raped up

DE also have the best models in the current modelbaes
That's fair. Not really looking to sell a kidney to fund an Army though. Came to close to that with Sisters.

Thanks for steering in the right direction. I started with Tau on tabletop but got sidetracked by Alpha Legion's JUSTASPLANNED nature.

So I guess next on my list of wanting to get into SM/CSM would be Thousand Sons.

I like watching train wrecks so anything like that or aforementioned JUSTASPLANNED gets me going.
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Now that's just unfair.
Black Templars don't make successors, just more crusader fleets.
New player here,

Are tyranids getting a new codex this or the next year?
I guess that's good enough for me anyway.
Rumours are all for AoS shit for the next few months and possibly a new edition of 40k after that. I wouldn't bet on it.
Deathwatch rumors for this year too.

Also some Genestealer cult claims where made on BoLS.
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I'm working on a DE freakshow right now, and it should work well considering my main opponent uses a bunch of Tau MCs. Can't wait to inflict infinite wounds
Doubt it
Anon... How did you do that starry effect? That looks excellent.
>Also some Genestealer cult claims where made on BoLS.
This will be interesting to see. It will either be nothing (No actual rule additions) or it will actually be pretty good (More formations, new delivery systems, actual upgrades and options, etc...)
>claims where made on BoLS
Does a bear shit in the woods?
That DtW thing is absolutely absurd.

I like reducing the base cost of sisters, an already pretty fairly costed unit given their AoF and Invuln, increasing the cost of their guns to compensate, and then making the weapons free anyways. Well done. Would not play against/10.
I don't know if you're still here or not anon, but here, have a thing.
>Archon Victarion Greyjoy
You magnificent son of a bitch
It was less mindless than usual and claimed to be from a "proven source".

That said, I'll believe it when I see it.
The bodyguards are all sergeants.
At this point, I think your biggest issue is that you need to fix the crappy stuff that's left over from the core codex.

Make the Icons of Despair and Flame worthwhile, make all sergeants 2W and (maybe) optional, unfuck the Boon table, give us +1W versions of the HQ's, etc. CSM still need some way of actually making it into CC.

Major improvements since the last version, though. Good job.
Just put the page numbers in a Header/Footer.
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who else here is buying some FW models now that Brexit has weakened the pound sterling?

pic related, getting a second one
>tfw britbong
>tfw not able to save money on FW purchases

Fuck fucking brexit I never wanted it anyway
You should now be able save about $1.50 on that model anon. Go crazy!
I did a mix of Incubi darkness and black for the background, then did random greens upwards, mixing them with like purple of blue randomly. then i did white stars on top
Not him, but that's really nice, anon.
No one is saving more than a couple bucks, the £ held, dont listen to retards on 4chan.
I don't need 4chan, anon, I have the ravings of the fucking British public.

And this looks really good anon. Thanks. I'll try and integrate it with the rest of the document.
I mean u can google the stats and see it dropped 10% but ok lol
How the fuck do I win against Tau with DE.
Poison the player.
Its 1:1.28 right now. It was 1:1.43 a month ago. 1:1.38 a week ago.

Unless you're placing orders upwards of several thousand £'s, the savings isnt significant. Unless you're one of the retards that pretends $10 is a huge deal, while simultaneously spending $300 on resin toys.
But he's my friend (for now)
New DE player.

Really scared to paint my first vehicles.(reavers + raider)

Any tips/things I need to do differently compared to just painting warriors?
Is start collecting blood angels worth the money? I could pump up my forces.
>how do I win against one of the strongest codexes in the game with one of the weakest
I mean, you're pretty much fucked from the get-go. The fact that it's Tau, who are swimming in the mid-high strength shooting needed to crack open your vehicles just makes it worse.

Crazy good luck and/or being a vastly better player can help, but you're essentially trying to break through a brick wall face-first. Just give up and play with someone else or start introducing house-rules.
Thin your paint properly. All those large flat surfaces will show brush-strokes even more.

Accept that your first couple hundred models will be mediocre, but that in this hobby even a shitty paint-job looks alright from a distance and puts you ahead of us legions of grayfags.
Well then gift him with a black hole in a box!

Seriously though, that is probably the most lopsided match up you could have.
Yeah, but unlike other SC boxes it's not worth repeatedly buying.
Yes. You generally get $18-20 worth of models you wouldn't get if you bought the units separately. Unless you don't plan on using some part of the pack and don't like kitbashing or personalization, the start collecting pack is good.
Pound dropped 10% though
Remember when 1 pound was about 1.5 dollars? it's down to 1.32
I'm sorry you're angry about being poor now, but I was always planning on buying all my FW after Brexit to cash in on the savings.
Rules are subpar.
Model selection is mehh.

I mean if you need build up your Tacticals to be able to run a Bloodied Strike Force Decursion (once they actually make rules for it.) Sure.

If you're starting fresh it's not TERRIBLE, but it's one of the weaker Start Collecting boxes.
Watch lots of painting tutorials. That generally helps. Also, try to paint certain parts of the vehicles BEFORE gluing them together I.E. the Jetbike and it's riders should be painted separately, then attached together. This will stop you from missing spots or smearing paint.
What would you guys say is the best start collecting box set? In value, models or rules.
Got my start collecting DE box today.

Why do I have to deal with the archons shitty face rather than the badass helm from the front of the codex?
Tau, Skitarii, Militarum Tempestus, and Craftworld Eldar are someof the best Start Collecting.
ahh I paint everything before assembling anyway.

I have no idea how the fuck people get away with assembling first.
Necrons troops can shoot landraiders to death and have the same bs as marines. Although I play DA and I normally give my tac squads a rocket launcher. Camp objectives or just blast a little ranged fire. 2-3 rocket launchers firing at light vehicles/transports can be effective early game.
The best in value is for sure the CultMech box. The dunecrawler alone is £40, so if you get the box from a third party retailer it's like getting everything else for free.

Best in rules is easily the necron box, being careful with the lord is worth getting free units back on his command.

Best models is an opinion, but personally I think the best looking box is the dark eldar one.
A plastic sculpt of the dawn of war sorcerer would be so cool...
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Today I learned to never let guardians leave cover.
Holy shit.
I don't suppose anyone has a link to a SM codex pdf? Out of town for a few weeks and forgot my codex, don't fancy forking out for a new one. All the links I've found are either .exe's or the ipad version with all links missing
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Hype for riot shield skirarii
>straight up no mention of orks after dropping around half of their line

>Implying the Mechanicum isn't a straight upgrade from admech.

I wonder how long until they produce upgrades for the Kastelan robots.
>No armour 90% of the time
>9 PPM
Gee, what gave you the hint?
I thought my shuriken catapults could wipe a squad of sisters so I charged up 1 squad of them.
It wiped half of it, but rapid fire bolters dont play around.

They finally announce the Secutarii. They'll have them ready by the open day, most likely.
So...Sternhammer. Good, bad, pants?
The detachment bonuses aren't as amazing as those of the other Chapters, but it can take Skyhammer as an Auxiliary (!!!), and has some more flexible/valuable Auxiliary options (TFC, Centurions)
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I'm starting a sisters army after finding a recaster selling their basic troops for $1 a model
Im American, not poor, and laughing at people who jump at saving $10 on a $300 order.
It seems like a lot of people expect Sisters to be bad, and then get surprised find that they're just not highly dynamic. Power Armor, Boltguns, and Melta are all awesome bits of wargear that people tend to overlook because they're so vanilla.

>Paying money for shitty 20 year old sculpts
1. Most people are just kidding around because prices are still poor even after a 10% drop

2. It'd be ~$30 off a 300 dollar order, and that's something to be pleased about if you were already buying anyways.
I was actually pleasantly surprised when I saw them in person, they're much nicer than you'd expect for how old they are. And hey, a full squad for $20? Can't say no to that
You're going to need more than ten Tactical's, the Baal could be assembled as a Rhino or just another Baal, and every start collecting has the duplicate HQ's issue. Just find another SM player and trade it for something you could use more of. As a CSM player, I've been trading loyalist players random bits and loyalist models that I've accumulated over the past decade for their duplicate HQ's to Chaosify. I'd love a Captain Karlean to turn into a new Power Maul equipped terminator.
Is it bad that I'm excited about how the Brexit referendum is causing the pound to drop, leading to cheaper figs due to better exchange rate?
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I guess it's okay since they're not half pound lumps of lead. I'm still not really a fan of them. I'm waiting for these before I retire my Space Marines with female heads.
Unfortunately I think it might hurt GW in the long run, being a foreign exporter that produces a fair amount from within the UK. Which could mean prices go up eventually, or it'll hurt the chances of GW finally lowering prices to attract new players. We'll see.
Those Russian sister sculpts are really lovely, too bad the body rations don't fit GW minis at all
Did you order any? How much did they cost?
Nah, more like 18. Inc. S&H.
Good to know. Skyhammer gets pretty good with the TL upgrade to bolt weapons as well.
It won't be very good, but you can run Dark Eldar as a monster army. For HQs go all in on packs of ur-ghouls (using the fantasy ghoul models) and fill out your cads with beastmaster squads. You may be tier 5, but dang wouls you look cool.
I'll be converting the rest of my army to truescale because heroic scale is disgusting. This just means less work.

Last I checked they weren't available yet, but the expected price was roughly $4/mini.
Some notes...
I'd like to see ectoplasma weapons be the traitor equivalent of grav, maybe rolling vs leadership instead of toughness (roll 2d6 per hit, wounds if result is equal to or less than leadership: more inspiring souls are better food for the malevolent daemons in the guns...)

As for the Warp-charged guns, I would like to see them utilize remaining warp charges from the psychic phase, maybe buffing their number of shots, instead of following the volkite path.
The trade deal with the states is going to be one of the more important ones for GW.
Might be balanced on 3d6. 2d6 would be as bad as grav.
S8 plasma is huge alone man. Instant death and rapid fire into vehicles would make plasma incredible on heretics.

IIRC that's how it used to be back in 2nd ed as well, loyalists had more reliable plasma that could be fired without overheating, but only had one sustained fire die, whereas chaos could choose to go full pelt and splash plasma everywhere while also having a chance of getting some on themselves (and not being able to fire it next turn).

A new special weapon altogether would be better for chaos. Alongside bringing back kai guns and that spear thing that no one used.
Different Anon here,

Jumping on with the Warp-charged thought.

Maybe allow it to consume Warp Charges to gain additional power as well as getting stronger if the weapon's unit Denies a power / maybe either acting as a Psychic Hood / Granting Admantium Will / Acting as a Psychic "Lightning" Rod (redirects hostile spells that target an enemy unit within 12" to target any unit with a Warp Charged weapon.)
S7 AP2 18" Rapid Fire 1, Gets Hot (1), Ectoplasma

May substitute the result of a d3 for 1's of the listed profile. (Example if a result of 3 is rolled it becomes Rapid Fire 3 (getting 6 shots at 9") and overheating on a result of 1, 2, or 3)

20 points...

Feeling it's too strong.
Baal Predators aren't that great. You're better off using the points and Heavy slot for Vindicators and Stormravens.

Blood Angels Captains aren't very powerful and neither are terminators at the moment.

Tactical squads are good and you're better off buying a box separately.
What's the best way to use Blade of the Relentless on a Chaos Lord?
>DE also have the best models in the current modelbaes

agree except for some cool ork ones
love warbikers so much man
And? why shouldn't Chaos get something as good as grav? technically it's worse, since it can't hurt vehicles.
But Imperials DON'T have more reliable plasma, and all giving it extra shots does is kill your own dudes faster/easier. The way they're written now, I would NEVER take an ectoplasma weapon unless it was forced upon me. Not to mention, making it S8 starts to infringe upon anti-tank territory.
I'm not sure about this, since the description is of the weapon tearing through whole squads. Personally I feel more shots for warp charges works better than pseudo volkite or psychic power dickery.
Holy shit! Which one?
>But Imperials DON'T have more reliable plasma, and all giving it extra shots does is kill your own dudes faster/easier.
The changes that anon has written make imperial plasma more reliable IF you choose to use ectoplasma weapons at full power. If the way it's written now is stopping you from taking ectoplasma, why would you ever take regular plasma?
That model is way to thin and slender to be power armor. the woman piloting it must be a skeleton or grenades are fuck huge in the 41th millennium
What does your flgs smell like?
the 2 cafes that are either side of it
New Deldar dex when?!
Sororitas pattern power armor is substantial slimmer than Astartes armor. Take a look at all the official art. It's closer to carapace armor.
Is it cool to field a Stormraven at 1000 points?


It's not overly dickish but depending on your meta you might want to give your opponent a heads up.
But nah overall you should be fine.
How do I deal with 2+/2++ save bullshit from Space Wolves as IG? Also, how do I deal with the STEEL RAIN coming down on my tank lines and wrecking them?
Ally a Marine army.
Which unique space marine chapter has the most awesome units?

BA/DA/SW or any others I've forgotten.

I don't hate ultras, I just find them kinda boring.
See if you don't have your tanks there, they can't be hit. Seriously, if they're deepstriking in melta spam bring some bodies and make use of multi-level terrain. Sure you miss out on a turn or two of not shooting, but it's better than only getting to fire once if at all.
Bubble wrap up all your tanks in a giant blob to keep his pods far enough away that they can't do maximum damage.

2+/2++? Start making him roll dice.
Did I miss something, what 2+/2++ stuff?
>Also, how do I deal with the STEEL RAIN coming down on my tank lines and wrecking them?
First, there is currenty some discussion in the official FAQ how drop pods are to be placed. One suggestion is that the footprint of the OPEN drop pod counts, which is soooo big, you just close the gaps.
Second if if not, the goal is to use terrain/other models to shorten the gaps so the droppod does not get that close. Use cheap chimera on the sides, if you can get sentinels for gap-closing and some infantry. Also an aegis line, behind(!) your tanks to get a 4+ cover save against idiots dropping behind you. Its only 50 pts.
Tell me about your terrain.

How much do you (or your group / meta) personally use in a normal game? What do you use as terrain (official GW/FW products, home-made, random garbage thrown on table, etc)? Does your terrain have a consistent style or theme? Do you run your terrain with TLoS or abstracted LoS/cover? Hills, rivers, and forests; ruined buildings; "trenches" and bunkers; what's your favorite?

Terrain is severely unappreciated.
>2+/2++? Start making him roll dice.
So I should bring in a Leman Russ Punisher or a Vulture gunship with twinlinked punisher cannons? Punisher cannon has 20 shots at S5.
Right now we don't really have a proper table put together yet as we're all new so I don't really have a lot of terrain options. Are tanks even able to go up a vertical facing? We have a hunk of some styrofoam type stuff that's been shaped into a sorta building but it's something like a 2 inch climb to get up in it.
Thunderwolves can get a 2+ invulnerable.
>>47994483 is correct. He has storm shields and a 2++ from some TWC bullshit nonsense. I should have never pressured him to just give up on waiting for new SoB models and just play Space Wolves.
I'd say dark angels overall.

Death company, rip & tear dreadnoughts and baal preds.

Wolves, marines on wolves, wolfmen, wolf head flyers and rip & tear dreadnoughts.

Fancy terminators, fancy marines and big robots. No paint allowed.

Fancy terminators, fancy bikes, plasma bikes, cathedral flyers (that actually look like they can fly), cathedral land speeders, dreadnoughts that can shoot up and a jetbike.
50 man blobs, use to cover taks and then order first rank fire second rank fire for max carnage. Attach commisar and priest and power maul on all sarges to get loads of S5 attacks in melee.
> Are tanks even able to go up a vertical facing?
Uh, checking out the rules again I think they can. Shit that's dumb.

Anyway I should have specified infantry units so as to keep them free(ish) from the drop pod barrage as well. If they're on a floor other than ground they can't be shot at as effectively and those drop pods do have to come down turn one. It's more to avoid being tabled and to turn back and do something about the guys now in your deployment zone before the armour arrives.
Picked up some orks still in box for less than 50% of their price (20 boys, 5 nobs, 4 lootas, 4 burnas and a mek)
How's this look for Ork skin? First time ever painting them.
Oh and should I buy the Start Collecting Orks box next? It'd give me an hq more boys and a cool looking dredd.
New Eldar player here, I was checking out the Shadow Spectres from FW and they look amazing, love their prism guns. How are they on the TT? Please tell me they aren't Scatbike levels of broken, I really want to get some but don't want to shit up the meta.
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Fucking phone
I'm assuming the 2++ comes from sanctuary? I can't think of any other way to get it.
Make sure your opponent is perilsing on ANY double, and is actually successfully rolling the power.

An even more scummy thing to do is sanctuary + veil of time on thunderwolves for re-rollable 2++s
Punishers, Multilasers if you have them, Wyverns, heck even Lasguns can work.

Remember if has a 2++ AP becomes pointless, so you either bring Strength D or just make him save until he fails

Also surround your tanks with an Aegis Defense line, Camocloaks and bubble wrapped with Guardsman to keep things at least 7" away (no Melta bonus.) Enjoy your 3+ cover save and his Steel Rain becomes underwhelming.
I believe they are actually relatively sub-par.
heavy armor and good cover saves are nice, but short ranged and single shot weapons makes them very specialized. their squad guns are s7 ap3, so excel at killing marines, and the cobmined fire makes them useful for getting single hull points off tanks.
If he's abusing Psychic Powers, take a
culexus assassin and shit on his parade.
They're a great unit but not anywhere near broken. With eldar you'll find everything is very specialised, so having an all rounder unit like shadow spectres can be pretty useful.

Looking good! How long did that take you to do?
I think you need at least 5 for lootas/burna boys, but I am no ork player. So another box to make both squads into 5+ would be good.

For painting take care of brushes and watch some tutorial vids.

Orks are currently not exactly strong but meh.

Start collecting would be gud, if you like the dread.

You might also look for 'battle of vedros' its a dumped down standalone set, which has some marines and orks from the older assault on black reach starter set. Inluding a warboss with a power klaw. And might be cheap.
Looks great, just give them some nice sharp eyes.
Welp there goes another 52 of my dwindling-in-value pounds, looking forward to painting these Ethereal-looking motherlovers. Thanks broski's.
Probably about thirty minutes for them including letting the glaze totally dry but once i start doing them in batches of 5 it'll be much quicker. I didn't look at a tutorial or guide so I didn't want to paint a bunch at once and realize it looked horrible.
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can't tell if recast was awful or you just don't know anything about paint.
At what point is someone abusing psykers?
Bring Coteaz and attach him to a dedicated marine killer, maybe grav cannon devs that just cover a 12" bubble around your tanks and ball anything that comes in.

Ally in Coteaz, put him in a huge blob of dudes, bubble wrap tanks with this blob, shoot anything landing close to the blob (that is; anywhere) before they can do anything. If they arrive on pods, shoot the pod too.
if he makes invincible deathstars, he's probably abusing psykers
Yeah that's not too bad, I spent far too long on my first few ork model's skin and it really burnt me out after looking at the unpainted mass infront of me.
2++ with rerolls?
2++ with invisibility?

Basically if they're trying to use Psychic powers to make an unkillable unit that only leaves you to take away their Psychic powers.
I've Been Expecting You only works within 12" of Coteaz itself, doesn't it? So putting him in a blob and stretching it across the table will be of limited use.
The start collecting box is decent. Painboys are almost mandatory, deff dread is cool, nobs are shit unless on bikes, and the formation gives you an extra pile in and attack at initiative 10 which is pretty sweet. Boys are meh but i always like to field 1 big blob of them.
And like the other anon said, another box of lootas/burnas is needed. Im pretty sure you need 5 min for a unit
When they put one on the board.

That seems to be true. I did not remember the exact wording of the rule.
primer went on pretty thick, hadn't used the brand before since I usually use white.
Their 7e Codex is already out. They won't get a new Codex until some time 8e is out. That goes for everything that has a 7e Codex.
A 25" diameter circle of fuck you is pretty good for denying drop pod armies.

Actually, if you stick him in a Stormlord, it's like a 30" circle of fuck you.
Ectoplasm cannons are already S8 m8.
>That goes for everything that has a 7e Codex
How long until 8E? Does this mean as IG I can expect a codex before then? I was thinking my army was going to be rolled over to the next rule edition with how I haven't really heard much after the supplement.
Clean as long as it's not chock full of MtG players. Don't know how or why, but everytime FNM or some new release the stench of death rises from the pits of Tartarus.

Okay, I have some idea, but I don't want to point fingers.

While true, that is largely attributed to being little more than motive units and ceramite instead of the fully self-suficient Space Marine power armour. Marines cram more into their armour than Sisters do (like the sensors and Black Carapace connectors).
>I should have never pressured him to just give up on waiting for new SoB models
As a Sisters player who is giving up on new models and trying to find an army to play instead of lugging around my current Sisters army, it's inevitable that he'd look elsewhere for something to play eventually.
What I'm saying is, making them Plasma +/-1 is boring, but I guess it's in line with the current book.

How about this then.
Ectoplasma Pistol S8 AP2 RNG 8" Pistol, Gets Hot!
Ectoplasma Gun S8 AP2 RNG 16" Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!
Ectoplasma Blaster S8 AP2 RNG 12" Assault 2, Gets Hot!
Ectoplasma Cannon S8 AP2 RNG 24" Heavy 1, Blast, Gets Hot!

Thus they are Plasma +1 with a range drawback to make them worth the same?
>How long until 8E? Does this mean as IG I can expect a codex before then?

This is GW. They are notorious for not giving advance info what gets updated and when. So there are some unconfirmed rumors floating around, but nothing solid, atm. They currently release AoS stuff, which given the last years they realeased mostly 40k content, is fair I think
How old is this image? Is this RT era? I don't remember muhreens being solar-powered. Aren't the backpack vents just... Vents in current models, also? The stabilizing thrusters being of an older mark or optional apparatus for voidborne warfare.
I've seen speculation and one person on here claim an AoS style update is coming, but nothing concrete or from known reliable sources.
They're not /just/ plasma +1 though, and reduced range is pointless when plasma is already seen as pretty poor, especially after grav weaponry reappeared.
Anyone have the painting guides uploaded? I've been looking for them but can't find them.
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>What I'm saying is, making them Plasma +/-1 is boring
>Choice is boring
>Here have some short range but s8 plasma.

Your solution is infinitely more boring than his. The other one at least gives you a choice and lets you make tactical decisions. I'm also tired of all chaos stuff having some retarded drawback that only serves to make us loyalists but worse. I'll bet you would even make ectoplasm weapons more expensive than regular plasma because 'muh instant death'.
technically, in CSM the ectoplasma cannon IS /just/ plasma +1 with a 1/3 range reduction. I'm >>47992995 and feel that they should be something new/unique instead of turbocharged plasma weapons.
Did you even read that pdf past the names of things? Following through that chain you've missed a load of stuff.
I'll hold onto my IG wish list and be patient
Why yes, yes I did, with the exception of the legion rules, which I haven't had the opportunity to peruse yet.

Which leads me to my original argument of why I'd like them to be something other than what they are. Because why the shit would I want a +1 Plasma gun that gives me an additional chance to gib my own guy, and without the chance to save against the inevitable wound?
More dakka.
>playing against Tau
>pump poison into his R'varna
>20 wounds
>a SINGLE 1, immediately saved by FnP
>get tabled turn two

It was the last time I played DE against him
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> Orkz is da biggest, and da strongest
That's been my reaction to Imperial Fists. They're the first army in a long while I haven't looked at and then immeditately got bored of the idea.
Sounds like you need more TALOS
Yeah, forcing yourself to paint yellow over a large number of tactical marines with mostly bolter weapons is like wearing a pain glove all on its own.
I don't know, I guess I got caught up on the mental image of ectoplasma guns firing tormented souls and wraiths to drag the souls of the targets kicking and screaming into the warp. Seems more Chaosy than "more dangerous plasma gun"

Regardless, I'm not the fandex anon, so it's a null point anyway.
Dunno, the method GW showed in their video tutorial involves a whole two coats of yellow over the white primer. That's pretty average.
I have around 3000 points of unpainted imp fists. I'm still trying to find a solution to painting yellow that isn't airbrush or time.
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This Anon back >>47987597
I was looking at them, and they seem pretty neat. I dont know much about their models though
Like I said man, they look pretty cool in design, and the tactics seem fun. Money isn't too big of a deal because of a magical thing called "saving up" the diversity being based on the orgamisms themselves rather than their weapons is a really cool lore aspect, I just wish they had more forgeworld stuff, I fucking love titans, but the best the nids have is a single bio-titan.
Is it acceptable to use the old models in modern versions? I was looking at pic related Epic bio-titan and it seems pretty kick ass to put beside a modern one Personally I'd like to see some even bigger models for nids

That looks pretty easy and standard for painting power armour.
Not using poison.
Mirror of minds: roll d6, add leadership. highest wins. If they lose they take a wound until they win.
With -5 LD (which I get with overlapping -LD bubble), it's an instakill because they can't win
oh man, how did I miss that video. Thanks anon.
Glad to help!
Mirror of minds, especially because Quins and DE have LD shenanigans, is basically a guarantee kill on any single model in the game. Even at ld8 vs ld 10 (the shadowseer casting the power can grab a -2ld aura relic), you have an amazing chance to kill anything in one shot.

Those kind of effects no longer work from inside vehicles.
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Aye, it's combined with:
Archangel of Pain from Archon 1
Armour of Misery from Archon 2
-1LD from Haemy Freakish Spectacle
-1LD from the scalpel squadron
-2 Mask of secrets
Plus all leadership tests are 3d6 due to the shadow spectre exarch.
Then there's 2 farseers on bikes for psychic screams on top of that.
drop it down with a webway portal, and just start melting things before you get pummeled
Thinking of wetting my chaos beak with a dark mechanicum themed army, tell me what you think for 1850.

Aspiring champion
Cultist squadX2
3 Blood Slaughterers squadX2

2x Daemon Engine Pack with forgefiends armed with double hades autocannons and a mouth plasma cannon.
Shame its not primaris spell so no way guaranteed to get it and such its not good to build a strat based on it.

Oh well atleas you can always explode stuff with Psychic Scream and -2ld.
It's a bonus, you take one point in Telepathy for the Primaris, then just hope you get Mirror of minds. If not it's still decent.
at 3 LD, Riptide is taking 7.5 wounds average, no saves from a psychic shriek, killing it instantly
>Aspiring champion
Aspiring champion is not a hq, unless you mean Tattersoul from the DV set. IF you do he's too expensive, et a sorceror instead.

>2x Daemon Engine Pack with forgefiends armed with double hades autocannons and a mouth plasma cannon.
Too expensive too. They are over 200pts each for a rather fragle platform. and each pack needs a very expensve warpsmith that does very little.

See we have a very expensive pattern here. For a already overpriced army.
Alternative suggestion
5 havocs 4 autocannons. Almost the same dakka as a 2xhades fiend, but runs at 115pts.
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New player here, need help deciding on an army.

I've narrowed it down to Tau and Space Marines. I love the aesthetics of both forces for different reasons, but I plan to actually play the game and I'm not sure which one is an easier undertaking.

Tau have the long range capability that I wanted, and I like the amount of mecha as large centerpiece units.

Space Marines however seem to be better than Tau at mid-close range, however it looks like I need about 100 different rule books to use the itneresting Space Marine factions. Looking through I think I would want a Salamander or Iron Hands force with some Legion of the Damned (LOVE THESE FUCKIN DUDES)

If you were starting 40k right now, would go for Tau or Space Marines? I'm not too worried about money, but I would probably start with a "Start Collecting!" box.
Riptide has a 5++invul.
You can take invuls against psy scream.
(Still screaming at a riptide is no bad idea)
Noone can really help you decide, do it based on models. Rules change, but the models stay

For SM you can do good, with just the codex, tau as well. No need for fancy extra books, especially when you just begin.

The tau start collecting is awesome, gives you stuff you need. Space marine.... not so much. If you like the dread its okay, but its only a free termi captain. Noone needs a termi captain.
>it looks like I need about 100 different rule books to use the interesting Space Marine factions.
The only rulebook you really need is the space marine codex, it contains all the rules you need for legion of the damned, iron hands and salamanders.

After that you can thing about add-ons like angels of death for more formations and psychic powers.
You could look in to the forge world chapter tactics as they're free but you seem to have already picked your chapter.
That''s pretty much it.
>termi captain
Only if you use the formation. Using the model as a chapter master is always an option.
Errr.. Why would you want a term armor chapter master? A chapter master is a melee beatstick and wants a bike for getting into melee.
Depends what you're running honestly.

That said I'd rather run a Cataphracii with Shield Eternal than a standard CM in termi armour.
Space Marines are fun for variety. Plus their large flat armored plates give you more room for customization. You can come up with watever color scheme you want then follow it up with whatever transfers and accessories you like. Tau limits you a bit with all the armor being segmented. That said, both are easy to paint and the moldlines won't be too bad.

Now if you start IG like I did. Then you'll learn pain and suffering in the form of MOLDLINES ON GUARDSMEN PANTS! D:
They cannot even run....
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