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Warhammer 40k general

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Thread replies: 417
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*whips out new thread* nothing personell... kid... edition

>Rules databases


>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s)

>Forgeworld Book index

>White Dwarves

>Novels (Working link as of 02/02/2016)
yeah....... just luk kiddo...... at my speed n stelth combo!... u shud jus giv up now kid.........
*deepstrikes optimized stealth cadre behind u*
*unloads fusion blasters at ur rear armor*
..........heh...... nothin personnel....
First for Talk benis get penis

I'm still giggling and I don't even know why. Fuck.

Anyway, what vare some other legitimately good units/combos in the Ork codex that I can inform my friend of? I already have Mek Gunz with T7 Grot bubblewrapping behind an Aegis Defence Line.
*unzips flamers of various strengths*
*deep strikes 30 warp spiders in back lines*
*kall all your guys*
heheh... whaat now... bluberry...
lads, I'm in the UK for about four weeks, where is the absolute fucking cheapest I can get GW products from.

Literally anywhere I have no problem actually visiting in person either.

So that's brand new, sealed, GW stuff, where is the absolute cheapest to buy.
*begins showing tactical genius*
*outflanks imperial titan behind you*
........heh....... nothing personel......
>where is the absolute fucking cheapest I can get GW products from.

pssh.... lot of infantry u got ther....
*outflanks ta'unar*
heh......... gud luk kid.... ull need it.....

Thanks, but again, sealed new GW stuff, thanks.
*warpflickers away*
2fast2quick... you aint no sonic...
*stabbs you with d cannons on vaul wrath guns*
nice life... ill take it...
Wayland Games has a good range and like 20%ish off. I don't know if it's the cheapest but it's where I buy.
Hi guys I'm really new to the hobby.

I'm suffering from the fact that I think pretty much every army is really fuckin cool and am having to fight temptations to buy units of each.

Am managing to be working away at a DE force at the moment, 1 box of Kabalite Warriors + the Start Collecting set.

Will that be enough to play some small level games or will I need much more? I'd like small versions of multiple armies so that I can start on another project and then come back to it later.

I just want variety! IG, Chaos, SM, Crons, Daemons, Eldar/DE/Harlequins and nids all look cool as fuck to me.

Anyone else had this issue?
Ha, you eldar gits fink ya go anyfing on da orks?
*unzips kustom blasta*
*overheats and dies*
I think if you get another raider you should have a nice 500 point list.
Dark eldar warriors always have to be in a transport. The transports are fast, agile, and allow the troops to fire out of it, but are fragile.
But theyre also cheap so yeah it balances it.

I have 2000 points of every Army, so yes.

But, do not buy a single goddamn thing more until you have assembled AND painted what you have.
*assaults u w/ riptide wing*
*kills ur T3 gunners*
u thoght u were safe from melee?....think again.... kid....
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*charges you with storm guardians*
Heh... 2 slow
>Just read the last part
Tau should have rules that encourage them to keep their troops in Napoleonic-esque formations to make the most of their shooting.

For example, a unit of Fire Warriors in cohesion gains bonuses to their shooting's accuracy or something.
*dripple seer council*
*drop 3 eldrich storms from my 3 farseers with apoc blast*
*u epxlode*
heh... embrace knowledge or suffer lik the fool you are....
Sounds like good template fodder.
he heh eh.... only 1 suferin is u......
*infiltrates allied culexus assassin like that one anon frwo a few threads back*
...pssh.... nice psychic phase....
The killtank with the bellygun is pretty insane for clearing MEQs if you allow superheavies. It's an AP3 blast weapon with a 3d6" blast radius, so the smallest it can be is still larger than a large blast marker, and the largest it can be is about a quarter of the table. On average, it's a bit over double the area of a large pizza.
Is there any army where it's fun to play against space marines?
Anyone know where to get shark-girl heads? I'm thinking of doing BUSTY SHARKGIRL ABHUMAN SOLAR AUXILIA for shits and giggles (and carchadarons).
*infiltrate striking scorpions*
*stabbs u in the back*
heh... im the real assassin here kido...
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Is this as bad as it gets? Can we get any lower than this?

> 1 box of Kabalite Warriors + the Start Collecting set.

I think that's almost 500 points? Might need to get a unit of something else to bulk them up. A Ravanger?

Anyway, you're going to just apply self-control for a while. Focus of Eldar, Dark Eldar and Harlequins for now since those are all Battle Brothers (no penalty for joining forces).

Since I read a lot of lore I think all the time "Oh, I really want to field some Warp Talons/Deathmarks/Striking Scorpions" but I have to remind myself that I don't have the army to support those units and they'd just be going to waste.
Thousand Sons. I fucking love playing against SM.
>mfw AP3
Nice Power Armour, faggot.
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This isn't even the half of it.
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What is the least offensive WK variant? The suncannon one? One of the FW ones?

In a game with MSU out the ass and no other superheavies/pointsink targets, does the sword knight struggle to make its points back?
The intentionally cringey roleplay was funny for a little while, but that time has passed.

Please stop.
Against MSU, the double D one is probably going to be the least effective, since it can only kill 2 models per turn.
All right... its time for ultimate weapon
*unzips matt ward*
*get him rehired*
*convince him that all codexes hard counter SM*
*every codex gets nerfed into the ground*
see you later kids...
The Emperor's Barbeque.

-CCS, 60 points.
+3 flamers, 15 points.
+Heavy flamer, 10 points.
Total, 85 points.

+Chimera, 65 points.
+2 heavy flamers, free.

-Infantry platoon:

-PCS, 30 points.
+3 flamers, 15 points.
+Heavy flamer, 10 points.
Total, 55 points.

+Chimera, 65 points.
+2 heavy flamers, free.

-Infantry squad, 50 points.
+Flamer, 5 points.
Total, 55 points.

-Infantry squad, 50 points.
+Flamer, 5 points.
Total, 55 points.

-Special weapons squad, 30 points.
+3 flamers, 15 points.
Total, 45 points.

-Special weapons squad, 30 points.
+3 flamers, 15 points.
Total, 45 points.

-Special weapons squad, 30 points.
+3 flamers, 15 points.
Total, 45 points.

-Infantry platoon:

-PCS, 30 points.
+3 flamers, 15 points.
+Heavy flamer, 10 points.
Total, 55 points.

+Chimera, 65 points.
+2 heavy flamers, free.

-Infantry squad, 50 points.
+Flamer, 5 points.
Total, 55 points.

-Infantry squad, 50 points.

-Special weapons squad, 30 points.
+3 flamers, 15 points.
Total, 45 points.

-Special weapons squad, 30 points.
+3 flamers, 15 points.
Total, 45 points.

-Special weapons squad, 30 points.
+3 flamers, 15 points.
Total, 45 points.

-Hellhound, 125 points.
+Heavy flamer, free.

-1,000 Exactly.
whoah....... so this.... is the power of gw nerfs.......
*tris 2 kil ur ultramarines w/ cyclic ion blasters*
its down 2 this..... sry kid.... u we're jst in mi way this hole tim....
*overcharges ion blasters*
im sry fater...... i wasnt.......... gud enogh........
*overheats and dies, joining orkbro in the filthy xenos nerfpool*
good luck against a vehicles list.
i thought it could roll multiple wounds. can't it kill up to 6?
It rolls multiple wounds, but they don't spill over. You can roll the d6+6 result twice and all it will net you is two very dead Marines/Guardians/FWs etc.
We'd like to avoid superheavies for now, but thank you for the tip regardless.

I also added the classic nob Bikers blob tip. Any others?
Nob bikers aren't good, regular bikers are better.
An anon wanted to know the max amount of flamers at 1k points, so I posted it.
Why aren't they? They have a stronger statline
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>complain about tangentially-related memeposting
>do nothing to stimulate actual discussion when thread activity dies down

So, /tg/, did you play any games this weekend? I had a fun threeway playing Inquisition allied to Sisters, versus Marines. How did they go?

If you didn't get to play, did you get any models put together? Any painting projects done?
How did your game go?
So, I'm thinking about getting a Wraithknight to heavily convert into a Daemon Knight of Slaanesh for my CSM's. Are Wraithknights and Imperial Knights roughly the same size? I've never seen the two compared.
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rate my homebrew chapter, teeg!

Name: Astral Spears

Colours: pic related

Battlecry: “Pierce their Heart!”


With the proliferation of Orks in the north of the Segmentum Solar in the latter part of the 40th Millenium (some of whom would later become part of WAAAGH!! Ghazghkull), the Adeptus Terra decreed that a new chapter should be founded to be able to intercept this threat should it become a threat to the Sol system. Using the ubiquitous Ultramarines geneseed, as well as training provided from Ultramarine Veterans, the Astral Spears were raised and trained to specialise in boarding actions against Ork Roks, Hulks and other ramshackle Ork vessels.

The Astral Spears prefer to intercept their targets before they make planetfall, using a combination of drop pods, boarding torpedoes and Caestus assault craft to punch through, or land on, the hull of their enemy’s ships. Once aboard, the Chapter makes heavy use of Grav weaponry, exploiting the low gravity environment to make even subtle changes in mass have devastating consequences as they collapse bulkheads, rupture hulls, and (with concentrated fire) even draw vessels off course. It was in early M.41 that Chapter Master Augustus Antioch launched such an attack on the burgeoning WAAAGH!! Gitmash as it embarked from Vanir IV, destroying the Ork fleet before it even left the system. The explosions from the ruptured warp drives were visible from the surface of the Ork-infested planet, which the fearful inhabitants attributed to an entity they knew only as ‘Da Burna’.

As a result of their tactical peculiarities, the Astral Spears have great demand for void-hardened armour as well as Grav-weaponry. Fortunately, the Priests of Mars have deigned to grant them just that, likely out of recognition for their continued protection of the Segmentum Solar, and by extension Mars itself.
To assist in training for their preferred strategy, the Astral Spears maintain their Fortress Monastery in the depths of the world ocean of the planet Pleisia, where the few rocky archipelagos are used as foundations for stilted hive cities. The crushing pressure, whilst an almost perfect opposite threat to the vacuum of space, provides a continual reminder of the dangers of extreme environments and the necessary gravity with which a Marine must conduct himself under such conditions. The Chapter deliberately keep their status mythical to the denizens of the hive; those underhivers with the courage to plumb the depths of the world ocean in search of a legend are considered prime candidates for recruitment.
Seems like just a silly way to justify gravspam.
Yeah but they cost 45 points a models to the warbikers 18 allowed you to almost take 3 times as many biker boyz per squad.
Are Grav weapons considered OP? I haven't played in years, it just seemed like a cool thing to do and it fit the roll I got from the 1d4chan tables.
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Not enough Heavy Flamers

>tfw deepstriking 10 Heavy Flamers on turn 1 in front of 100 Termagants
My orks vs imperial fists.
My first turn I shot his devastators and scouts off the table.
His land raider crashed and immobilized itself turn one stranding his two melta squads.
Bikerboss killer a dreadnought, deff dread killed his captain and smashed up the landraider, It went on like that until i tabled him turn 4.
>Are Grav weapons considered OP?

not in moderate amounts, but when spammed, yes.

The problem is that, unlike Melta and Flamers, they're reasonably effective against pretty much anything, and unlike Plasma have no drawback to merit careful use of them.

A few of them in your force is fine, but spamming them is a little much.
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It was hilarious. The high points include Coteaz and his plasma squad annihilating a drop pod and the dudes inside, two Knights punching each other out in one round (the Marine player rolled THREE sixes on the D table. Our Knight was turbofucked) and a single Tactical Sergeant holding his own against an entire Battle Sister squad over two turns of shooting and three of assault. Ultimately the game was a draw with about 500 points of models left on the table by the end.
Grav is an issue at the moment but thankfully it isn't the only issue in this edition. Yoir marines are pretty great, Anon. Who's their daddy?
I'm about to play tomorrow and take pics. Also been painting my dreadknight.... slowly....
They effective against EVERYTHING that won't die to bolter fire and isn't a greater daemon, excluding bloodthirsters.
I'm broke so no new models for me ATM.

Wish I had the time to play games.

About all I have right now is rumors to speculate and a hobby itch I can't scratch.

Still can't seem to pick a second army while I take a break from Sisters.
So I bough two weeks ago the Dark Vengeance starter pack.

After many struggles I made into basepaint with some details.
Then while looking for instruction for wash I found the youtube videos and realized I used totally wrong basepaint for majority of my marine units (waagh flesh instead of claiban)

Is it still ok even if slightly lighter?

Also how much time does it takes to git gud at painting? I feel pain when I do details then fuckup then redo etc.
That sounds like it was fun.
>Knight punch out
>that sergeant
What was your reaction to that?
I played SM against 'Nids and Necrons.

Lost both games. 'Nids game was close, Necrons game I was tabled by turn 2's end.
They're Ultramarines successors,so I guess the answer to your question is Guilliman? I intended to keep Antioch as the Chapter Master in the 'present', since he feels like a solid character and a thousand year tenure isn't unusual for a Marine.
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Haven't played 40k before. 1,000 point Blood Angels list.

Blood Angels
Baal Strike Force detachment
997 points

Sanguinary Priest
Bolt Pistol
The Angel’s Wing
(joins Sanguinary Guard)

Tactical Squad x10
Heavy flamer
Power weapon
Inferno pistol
Drop pod
Storm bolter
Locator beacon

Tactical Squad x10
Heavy flamer
Plasma gun
Power weapon
Inferno pistol
Drop pod
Storm bolter
Locator beacon

Sanguinary Guard x5
Angelus boltgun x3
Inferno pistol x2
Encarmine sword x3
Encarmine axe x2
Death masks x5
Chapter banner

Stormraven Gunship
Twin-linked lascannon
Twin-linked multi-melta
Four Stormstrike missiles
Ceramite plating
Extra armor
Locator beacon
Yeah its fine, as long as theyre green it doesnt matter.
Make sure all of them are basecoated waaagh flesh now to keep it consistent throughout your army
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I saw it coming but it was too awesome to not do. The two of them duked it out on a Skyshield as well just to give them a stage to fight on. Their explosions then scattered onto some Marines and Sisters. My friend fucking aced his SoF saves and lost onyl a single model while the Marine squad ended up falling back.

>that sergeant
Saw this coming too. The model he was using has a reputation for being absolutely fucking indestructible. Seriously, the only time he's died is when he was proxying as a Sternguard sarge (he IS a veteran sarge) and killed himself with vengeance rounds. He hasn't been used as such since.

He later went on to hold an objective and cut us down to taking a draw at best.
daemons can be an expensive army to get into but if you want variety they really can't be beat, guaranteed to never disappoint
>They're Ultramarines successors,so I guess the answer to your question is Guilliman?
Just checking. Rowboat doesn't need to forget any of his many kids when he gets out of stasis. The bill needed for all of those birthdays is going to give him a heart attack.
>I intended to keep Antioch as the Chapter Master in the 'present', since he feels like a solid character and a thousand year tenure isn't unusual for a Marine
You better have him live healthy then. That's one of the ways I deal with marines that are 1000+ years that aren't dreads, BAs, Traitor legion marines who live in the Eye, or needed by the Emperor for a future event.
>I saw it coming but it was too awesome to not do. The two of them duked it out on a Skyshield as well just to give them a stage to fight on. Their explosions then scattered onto some Marines and Sisters. My friend fucking aced his SoF saves and lost onyl a single model while the Marine squad ended up falling back
What a way to go.
>the sergeant
That marine must have been blessed by Emps.
WKs are a bit ganglier and taller, as long as it fits on a super heavy base I doubt anyone is going to care though. Stick a foe-reaper chainsword on it and maybe salvage some stuff from the Zarakynel model if you really want to get into it.
>Lore is all about fighting orks
>Specialize in grav weapons

Now son...
>And then only killing models within 8 inches.

Big woop.
when hordes are clustered on ruins at the table edge on first turn it usually hits all of them, also with the sheer amount of overwatch fire your opponent will think twice about assaulting you
I did what I could with them tables. It's not perfect, but it kinda works and it makes a tiny lick of sense.

just checked my numbers; if Cassius is only 400, I should probably kill off Antioch and get a new guy in. Still, having a Chapter history will do anything but hurt.

So, uh, I guess this is a parody Chapter on Grav abuse?
Just read desert raiders by lucian soulbarn. It was a goood read but i forgot how fucking GRIMDARK 40k was kif you can believe that.

Any other good IG books that dont end in utter fucking decimation? Like even phyrric victories are better than this shit.

Also is it supposed to be time travel or just muh fucked up warp / psykers fucking shit up as always?
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Does anyone have a top 5/10 list for biggest challenge rapists in 40k? I figured marneus Calgar, chapter master SMASHFUCKER, the avatar of Khane, Abaddon, scarbrand, and pic related would all show up there somewhere, I'm most interested in who Draigo wins and looses against statistically of the big ones since I just got him.
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nid v marine is the most-fun match up desu.
image needs a retail prive... $59.99 sounds about right.
It's a bunch of T3, 5+ save models; you don't need to assault them. A handful of Termagants can just shoot them to death.
Add some Bane Wolves, they sort of use fire... AND they can give you some actual anti-tank. Or any anti-tank quite frankly.
Dark Eldar is pretty fun, they are so slippery and will stomp your army in a turn, but you can mow down hoards of them with just bolter Fire, and their vehicles are made of paper, makes the game swing back and forth constantly

My intention here isn't even to make it look like an Imperial Knight, but to be a straight-up corrupted Wraithknight that is being used as a Chaos Knight with Daemon Knight rules, of course, to act as the "spiritual" and tactical focal point of my army.

Idea was to give it reticulated legs somehow, replace the two weapons on its shoulders with either braziers of Incense or with corruptify them to be counts-as Heavy Stubbers, and use a heavily modded Wraithcannon to be a Battle Cannon/Thermic Lance, while a Wraithsword would be the Foe-Reaper Chainsword.

Pic related is the extremely rough draft lol
>just checked my numbers; if Cassius is only 400, I should probably kill off Antioch and get a new guy in. Still, having a Chapter history will do anything but hurt
Throw him in stasis if you need to.
>So, uh, I guess this is a parody Chapter on Grav abuse?
I'm making a Warband parodying some of the posts about CSMs getting shafted and not getting any new toys.
>my games this weekend?

A couple threads ago people might remember the eldar waacfag that conceded the moment he lost his farseer to my culexus+tau army, even though he still had a WK and 12 scatter bikes and i didnt have any MC or GC

he asked me for a rematch in 1000 points and he really pulled out all the stops to prove he wasnt a waacfag

me - tau + culexus
Commander, fusion blades, talisman, iridum
2x double flamer crisis
2x double plasma crisis
3x missilesides
2x 5 man pathfinder units
sniper drone team

Eldar army:
Farseer with phoenix gem
10x scatterbikes
2x glaive WK

his idea of countering my culexus was to bring a phoenix gem and 2 knights instead of 1

Turn 1 Tau:
Pathfinders all light up one WK, missilesides takes 4 wounds off
all suits are in reserve for deepstrike
Culexus throws grenade at farseer, farseer rolls 1 on perils and gets sucked into the warp, phoenix gem kills 2 of his own scatter bikes but doesnt wound my culexus and he reappears, bikes pass leadership test
Culexus assaults and kills the farseer

3 Scatterbikes don't move for some reason and then fire at the culexus to do 1 wound, the other 5 kill a pathfinder unit

WKs move forward and kill the other pathfinder unit, rip most my markerlights

Turn 2 Tau:

Commander mishaps on the deepstrike and dies, flamers deepstrike in range of the 5 forward bikes and plasma team deepstrikes behind the 2 WK

Culexus kills a scatterbike in psychic phase, kills the remaining 2 in assault phase and moves towards the WKs

sniper drones get 2 markerlights on the 2hp WK, missilesides do 1 more wound to it, plasma team finishes it off with the WK failing the invuln save the only wound

flamers dont kill anything, eldar concedes the match

lessons learned:
missilesides are far better than railsides
sniper drones are pretty much useless against eldar
talisman is wasted on deepstriking

I spent all of today painting my greyfag tier culexus, pic related with his cheeky smile
Anon, it's upside down.
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I am simply incapable of taking pictures correctly, should be fixed now
Sounds like a neat idea.
i fucking hate this phone holy shit
That's a nice paint job... I think. It's hard to tell. I didn't know you were an Ausfag, Tau Culexusanon.

Did he roll Invis on the Farseer this time?
Is your camera's machine spirit an Australian?
Maybe try turning the camera upside down?
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I already played that battle:
> flames killed most of the gaunts
> valkyrie rocket pods and a couple of mortars reduced them to a half-dozen
> tervigon tries to reinforce them
> they try to shoot my squad
> only 3 of my flamers die
> big bugs are too scared of overwatch to assault them and run away
> flamers keep bringing destruction on the enemy edge and end up claiming the objective
What is the most fun entry level army vs army?
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>tfw nobody in my FLGS plays cheese
>tfw my 7 dreadnought Unbound army is actually powerful unless they're packing anti-tank
>tfw my army is now fully based/painted so I can play games now
>tfw Leviathan dreadnought is on the way
3rd times a charm?

Farseer didn't have a chance to cast anything as i took first turn and just killed him twice, I dont quite know why he started it so close to my culexus, maybe he was using it as bait and forgot that i go first or something
I tried it both ways and its the right way around on my phone and on the PC, maybe i should just buy an actual camera
>Oi mate, let me fix that pic for ya
>bringing certain weapons because of your enemy's army choice
for what purpose
It's fluffy?
SKULLthirster is a pretty good contender.
7 attacks at I9 with WS10, S7 ap2 but 6s to hit are strength D so he's more than likely to get at least 1 strength D attack.
maybe i'm just salty that literally every time i play against someone i don't know they bring flamers because >nids
i didn't even knew what race he was bringing
Now I see the cheeky smile.
Now the Imperium's tech problem is explained. The machine spirits are Australians.
had a 2v2, templars and ultramarines vs nids and tau, the ultramarines got nearly wiped out entirely by the tau, the templars cleaned up and finished the job in the emperors name. 3 centurion devs with grav cannons were the mvps, wiping out the majority of the nids big guys.

at 1250 pts each the end of the game saw the templars left with 1k pts still on the board, the ultramarines with about 160, nids and tau had a combined 500 left over.
Any way to play SM Iron Hands effectively without spamming drop pods?
Kinda want to pick up a Macharius Vulcan.
Any thoughts on the unit?
You guys think the Pound will keep dropping?
hard to tell if it will drop or not, but the exchange just opened 30 mins ago and its dropped from 1.36 $/£ to 1.34 on opening
Spam dreadnoughts.
Speaking of which, didn't an FAQ confirm that iron hands vehicles have IWND regardless of if they have CT?
forgot to add, was the first time id ever used a tech marine, his conversion beamer ended up wiping a squad of tau battle suits, and a commander. didnt end up healing any armour despite taking 5 servitors with him. the conversion beamer is a pretty cool weapon.
Anybody got anything for this?
Hey, that's my list, someone was going to give me input in the list building thread.
Doesn't help against guard players that spam Leman Russ and melta blobs.
okay thanks i wanted to know if anybody got you just trying to help ;)
I play Sisters. It's be weirder to not have flamers.

Ork machine spirits would be chavs.
I picked up my first squad of kabalite warriors and I finished building and spraying them, I'm picking up the start collecting kit tomorrow and doing the same.

After that I just have to decide on how to paint them... this isn't /wip/ but how does incubi darkness, way watcher green(rip wood elves) and moot green highlights sound?
How do I do the flesh and hair?
But I mean, did he roll the power pre-game? I was the guy that was wondering if he'd concede if he didn't roll get the power he wanted.

On a related note, was it you that said he should have been getting 3+d6 powers? There was some confusion in that thread but I don't know how much you were involved. I hope he isn't cheating as well as WAAC, Anon.

Speaking of which, if you'll humor me, does this guy paint his models? Does he model well, or convert?
How invested is he in the hobby, and not just the game?
>how does incubi darkness, way watcher green(rip wood elves) and moot green highlights sound?

Sounds pretty similar to the way GW painted their Black Heart studio army.

There should be a guide on how to paint several schemes, including hair, skin and other things from the "Raiders of Commorragh" book. I think it's in one of the links in the OP general.
Vindicators and whirlwinds?
You could run librarius and bike command squad but the more competitive you get the less iron hands you get.
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*Deep strikes behind u*
*Unsheathes assault cannons*

Pfft..nuffin personnel...loyalist...
seems like you've got a good idea of what you want to make happen, shouldn't be too hard to reverse the joint on the legs and add on some chaos bits to really drive it home. Cover it in some soulstones and you've got yourself a certified slaaneshi titan
S8 isn't that good as single shot against AV12, even with ordnance, anon. Russes also stop existing as soon as you roll charge range with a melee Dread.

>melta blobs
If they aren't jsut shot to death, assault will make short work of whatever's left. And even if there is a survivor... FAQ sez the squad only gets to make one melta bomb attack (yes, it's retarded, but that's how it is for now). They'll have to get real lucky to actually take down a Dread.
Whirlwinds can work surprisingly well, you just gotta take a squad of 3 of em for that sweet pinning shred. The suppression force or just a libby with Divination can really push em even further. You also got the Thunderfire Cannons for Hordes, but i've never used one yet to know how well it really does.
>tfw 9 bound dreadpod list
I can't wait until payday and I can sneakily order my leviathan
dreadknots amirite
Skullreaver on Thirsters/DPs is about as nasty as you can get at high initiative while still hitting with D. I'd argue that Skarbrand as well as all greater daemons/dps with the right conditions are some of the toughest challenge monsters.
Didn't play a game, but helped out a guy playing his second ever game, Crimsons Fists led by Kantor against Drop Pod Space Wolves. He managed to hold the store manager to a draw even after his Vindicators all got popped by meltas and his Dreadnought got Overwatch'd to death with an enemy Dreadnought's assault cannon.
The reason your pictures come out upside down is that your phone takes the picture upside down and then puts a "rotate 180 degrees" tag on it instead of actually mirroring the raw image itself. 4chan ignores those tags, so it looks upside down here but not on your phone.

When you turn your phone sideways to take a picture, turn it the other way and everything should work properly.
>But I mean, did he roll the power pre-game? I was the guy that was wondering if he'd concede if he didn't roll get the power he wanted.

I wasnt actually aware that he did need to roll for the power pre-game, I can't remember if he did it on the match previously but he definitely didnt this time

>On a related note, was it you that said he should have been getting 3+d6 powers? There was some confusion in that thread but I don't know how much you were involved. I hope he isn't cheating as well as WAAC, Anon.

That was confusion on my part, i meant he was getting 3+D6 warp charges, not powers

maybe i should download the eldar codex and properly learn the psychic stuff, i havnt really needed to at this point because im tau

He paints his models some sort of purpleish blue scheme, if anything i'm the greyfag because i'm relatively new and barely have time to paint on weekdays

I dont know if he converts but his WKs are magnetized, when i entered the store the other day he was playing in an 1850pt match with pretty much the same comp but larger, 2 WKs, scatterbikes and some forgeworld versions of fireprisms, not sure what they are called
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TFC generally outclasses Whirlwinds in my opinion. Better strength shooting, and while it's only a small blast you get 4 shots a model. Add in reduced scatter (even more so with 3 in a unit) and you have yourself a winner. Also, I think the Techmarine being there grants that cover boosting ability but I could be wrong.

They're also durable with T7 3+, or 2+ if you feel ballsy and stick a Techmarine in the front. Also, if I'm right about the cover mod being a thing with them they can quite easily get a 3+ cover save.

For this they trade move and shoot, but in most games their range is so long they'll never be out of range if you deploy them right.

TFC absolutely deletes hordes, which is what Whirlwind is supposed to do (although pinning shred is nice). It's an underrated unit.
It's pretty dumb that Flamers and Heavy Flamers are so common but Flamestorm Cannons are so rare. The power level difference between 3+ and 4+ in an assault is huge because there's no AP3 templates
It's hard to say, skullthirster is strength D at I9 but skarbrand is a I10, flesh bane, instant death cannonball of fuck you.

Skullthirster is better vs vehicles, eternal warriors and anything with a stupid invulnerable save but skarbrand would kill skullthirster.
>not rolling for his powers

thats cheating

in other words, r8 my lib conclave

Less Cheese Lib Conclave - 270

3x Librarian
Jump Packs
ML 2
Force Axes
I wish we COULD buy powers instead of rolling sometimes....

but then I remember SM has dumb powers.
In 7th, what is the most fun and even pairing with daemons for an opponent?
Orks vs. Chaos space marines.
makes it more hilarious that he's conceded twice in a row vs an army that hasn't got any MCs or GCs of its own

I'll have to study the eldar codex and the psychic phase properly then and start calling him out on it, the only stuff i know about it is deny the witch, my FA talismans effect and me rolling warp charge simply to give mr smiles up to 3 shots from his gun thing
>Horrorspam Daemons cover the table in greater daemons turn 1
>Librarians have any power they want because they can roll on every table
>Librarians have even MORE bullshit powers because of the fucking AoD tables

Randomness is annoying but I can see why it exists.
So how bad/good/broken are Space Wolves now?
Yeah I know, some armies would just make it fucking retarded unless you had different costs for each power.
They're actually one of the most balanced codices from what I've seen.
The Techmarine the TFC comes with does infact boost cover saves, and it is nice to hear that it does what you expect it to do well. Still, I like the cheaper Whirlwind and as far as I'm concerned the Pinning and Shred was added to make Whirlwinds more viable in the codex. Otherwise you wouldn't really want to consider them when things like the TFC take up the same slot and do the same job of horde removal.

Also, I just like the rhino chassis and kind of wish I could get more use out of the various variants of it there are. Like the Predator is sometimes a thing I run but las/missile cents do the same job better, so what ya gonna do?
I've seen them do pretty well in my meta, but honestly?

I have no complaints about fighting them. They're fun to fight and I think they're fair.
Been a little tempted to actually consider playing them. So good to hear.
Around my area almost every template is ap3, sometimes torrent as well.
Dark eldar, exalted flamers and even a guard player with divination psykers for rending flamer spam.
Anything that can roll on Telepathy, really. Invisibility is already retardedly good as it is. Be'lakor is considered great because he automatically knows the power, could you imagine the faggotry that would unfold if Farseers and the very cheap Inquisition Warband Psykers got that ability?

Invisible superheavies, invisible superheavies everywhere. It'd be horrifying.
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if you wanna play the most not broken space marines you can join us in the Blood Angels :)
yeah i10 is the final say in assault, but daemon princes and greater daemons can all roughly get ws 10 i10 through biomancy/eternal blade. Too bad skullreaver has no real psychic support
Fluff-wise? CSM. Tactics? Guard.
It's not the final say.
It's more like a Rock Paper Scissors between the D, a 2+ rerollible invulnerable save and I10.
Are there any more updated Mega's? The one in links are quite outdated. (Specifically looking for newer WD's and the newest chapters of the Space Wolves stories.)
I don't understand initiative, like at all.

Is I2 or I3 better?
yeah if you factor in saves and what not it gets murkier, anything swinging D can't go at I10, but Skarbrand can't get a rerollable 2+ like thirsters and daemon princes can, but Skarbrand has the most consistent access to ID on everything.

Realistically the 2++ rerollable is likely the best option
Blood Angels are broken too, just not in a good way.
Higher initiative is always better because you strike before the opponent, ideally killing him before he can attack you
In combat it decides what order you attack in starting at 10 and counting down.
Higher is better, always. An initiative 3 guardsman can kill an I2 ork before he gets to attack.

So it ticks downward when doing assault?

Starting at I10 and then going down?

My friend fucking cheated.
Barring very niche circumstances, the only time you want a number in your stats to be low is when it's your saving throw.
>single tear
yea we get to have the fun of having some cool assault units in a shooting meta so we mostly i just shitpost here while i wait for my friends to finish their armies so that i dont get curb stomped
yes, and when you have the same initiative you attack at the same time, killing each other
Oh shit. What did he do?
That's like super basic. You deserve it for my reading the rules.
Skullthirster can get very decent saves without outside support so dies to skarbrand.
A lord of change can get a rerollable 2+ with absurd ease with the new relic cloak so slowly bonks skarbrand to death after he fails to wound it.
Meanwhile skullthirster should statistically be able to draw the fight out/have enough attacks to be able to fish that magic 6 on the D table and smite the lord of cloak.
Can't get*
>Take Coteaz and psychic Inquisitor in separate detachments
>Take 6 psykers, one in each elites slot
>Take a lib conclave, ML 2 all around
>Even if you somehow manage to piss off Tzeentch so much that you DON'T get invisibility anywhere, enjoy your auto-hitting shrieks and laugh as your enemies die from exploded eardrums
>Take whatever units you want and make them invisible
> Implying guard players don't surround their parking lots with 50man blob squads with melta leaking out of their fucking ears
>Am managing to be working away at a DE force at the moment, 1 box of Kabalite Warriors + the Start Collecting set.

With the new FAQ i recommend small 5 man teams.
So get another raider and a venom.

To your other question, i do not like ALL the factions, i only have stuff from
-Renegade&Heretics(Traitor guiard)

Or as someone at my LGS said: Trend goes to having a 6th army.
If I wanted to play something that had a fixation on blood I'd play Khorne, or the Order of the Bloody Rose with my Sisters.

Besides, red and black are boring as shit colors to me anymore and even the Angels Ecarmine and their alabaster Death Company don't really do enough to fix that for me.
About to finish A Thousand Sons novel.
I want to give HH a rest for a while.
What else should I read meanwhile?
>spamming vets with melta bombs
>50 man blobs
Pick one and only one.
Some of the audio dramas are pretty good. Loved Claw of Mork. Also learned that Blackman is probably the Imperium's biggest ham.

It's your melee attack speed dawg.

Fuck I hate auto correct sometimes.
I hear the Dawn of War books are shit. Any truth in that. I was thinking on reading that as they are most likely descendants of the TS.
He uses blob squads with 4 melta guns and melta bombs and power axes on the seargents.
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>buff Tau shooting
Why is the Skarbrand kit $15 more expensive? Does it actually come with all the bits to make the other Bloodthirsters?
Never read them.

I have read Ian Watson's Imperial Fist book though. It has Squats!
Elementgames.co.uk have always been great for me
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When fanfic written by a waactard gets influenced by the games shitty rules.
No, it actually has less bits so it's a mystery.
Maybe someone saw it was a "named character bloodthirster" and accidentally applied the character tax twice.
If you mean the C.S. "Multilasers" Goto books, yes, they are shit. Avoid them like the plague.
Gaunt's Ghosts is a good read if you're into Guard vs Heretics (and nothing else), the Night Lords novels are okay if you're into edgy but interesting stuff.

If you're looking for a continuation of the TS story (or atleast Ahriman's), the Ahriman series is a good read aswell.
Damn. I want to make the regular Thirster, but I prefer Skarbrand's standing pose.
A playstester under an NDA told me a streamlined sigmar-esque version of 40k is being worked on and their aim is to roll it out within a few months. This is a post on an anonymous image board, but the guy is definitely an insider.
>If you mean the C.S. "Multilasers" Goto books, yes, they are shit
Who here has actually read them? I read a little of the Omnibus.
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There is what we call a lie.
Should consider getting some venoms and another raider, the start collecting eldar box seems like a good deal if you want to start allying in some serious cheese
Not impossible and if true as long as it has point values it should be a decent system.

That said I'll believe it when images start leaking of the WD or books.
Nope. I have no more info than that, but you'll see when the time comes. The guys legit.
I don't see why they'd do it though.
Me neither but apparently it's happening and within the year so whaddayagannado?
You mean like the rules for the Battle for Vedros?
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Asking in /wip/ too, but they're slow as hell and Im trying to finish this thing tonight.

What do I do with that weird caged light on the front of this model? Glow effect, or green nightvision lens? I have no idea how to paint this light.
Same with the spotlight on top, glow effect, or standard lens paintjob?
Streamlining to answer complaints about balance and rules clutter would be my guess.

It's not like the game couldn't use some streamlining afterall.
He didn't say any names or anything, just made a point about it when we were talking about the new AoS point system.
If the AoS point system is decent enough my group might actually pick it up.
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>Can't decide between getting khorne daemonkin that supplement my csm better or nurgle daemonkin that would work better as a a fun standalone army

Send help
It's a light. Paint it like your other lights.
Green lenses
Yeah, it'd revive it here as well.

Play the God you like best.
Help, should I go purpley dark eldar or greenish dark eldar... Maybe even reddish? Would a yellow wash and red highlight look good over incubi darkness?

Yellow glow if you have the skill, other just paint it like it's off at that moment in time.
If I were to write up lists for the Dark Vengeance armies (that is to say, all of the units that come in the box, plus expansions), what point limit would you say is fair? I have them both at 1250 right now but that seems a little odd.

Additionally, what upgrades would you say are thematic? I gave the Dark Angels plasma wherever possible, and the Crimson Slaughter Icons of Vengeance where I could.
D-Cannons FTW
Stream-lining 40k a bit would be nice but just throwing all the rules and options out of the window, like AoS did, would be a huge mistake.
Worth mentioning that one of my friends I play with is a tau/eldar fuccboi.

I want to punish him for his cheesy ways even though we play casually.
I want to play an Orruk army so I'm watching for their rules and points.
Nurgle daemonkin if you don't have the khorne models but both are good.
AoS kept options, it just took away all points costs with those options.

Plus no transports in Fantasy.

Besides "like" AoS and being AoS are seperate things.

Eh, just play what you like best so you enjoy it more.

Worse case just use them to make a feral Ork Army.
Yeah I can do osl and glow effects, just struggling with the question of whether or not I should use it here.
Wtf is Nurgle Daemonkin?
I was thinking of that.

My group doesn't accept homebrew though so I need to hope for a new official codex.
I'm assuming he means plague marines + nurgle daemons or just nurgle formations

if you're trying to fuck tau get a tallyband, or look into getting a gorepack
Eh, I'd actually be fine with that, as it makes them significantly easier to kill with Templates.

I also spam Flamers, so take that as you will.
Dude that game is gonna be gone in a few years. If you have *any* other hobby/game interests atm, Id focus on one of those. Its a foregone conclusion that Age of Sigmar is going to get scrapped.
The stigma that name carries is just too strong. Its the game that replaced WHFB, and alienated 90% of those fans. It launched like a rotten turd, with a joke of a ruleset, horribly planned releases, and hardcore damage control within a year. Its not selling, despite what retards and devils advocates will tell you.

Its dead, there is absolutely no way that game survives past 5 years.
[Citation needed]: The Post: The Movie: The Video Game

Seriously, we know AoS is shit, but you'd better pull up some facts, figures and evidence to prove the game is going to be scrapped and why it will be scrapped in the timeframe you're suggesting.
By nurgle daemonkin I meant just buying the AoS Daemons of Nurgle pack. Collection's small so I figured that or the AoS Khorne equivalent would be a cheap and quick way to bulk up my options.
Feral Orks can work just like regular Orks, just covert things as stand-ins.
I'd wait and see what adding points does to AoS before writing it off, but that's just me.
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You're right about the Tallyband. My buddy has been using one as part of an Incursion list, and he dominates Tau with it.
The temper tantrum we witnessed a few weeks ago was unbelievable. A late 20's/early 30's guy playing a horribly painted purple suit list flipped his shit when in turn 2 his gunline got locked in combat, and a GUO survived 3 Riptides' shooting. He started with demanding to see the rules, which Alec only had on his ipad. He wouldnt accept that, so the flgs guy brought over a copy of CotW, and showed the manchild himself.
Then dude just degenerated into saying shit like 'broken shit game', 'Daemons are bullshit'. We laughed and told him to chill out a bit, at which point he went full bitch and packed his shittily painted Tau army up and left. But not before calling Alec an asshole powergamer.
Unreal man. Im almost embarassed to admit I share an interest with people like that.
while likely true, there being a skirmish scale game which uses those models, or at least models they can count-as, in the future is aslo a forgone conclusion.

So there isn't a reason to melt down the minis or anything.

And if the points and rules system get at least some positive reaction, when they do scrap AoS, the stuff that did get a positive reaction will probably be used as the base for the next thing.
I'm tempted to write it off as just being a tau player but the tallyband is more or less built to fuck gun-lines mercilessly. Shrouded deep-striking/infiltrating hordes with blind grenades that cause fear and drain s/t, and can't be overwatched, practically built to destroy shooty armies for less than 500 points.
>The stigma that name carries is just too strong. Its the game that replaced WHFB, and alienated 90% of those fans.
We wanted to clock to go forward. It did and the world ended, just like the setting said it was going to.

Seriously, AoS is the result of them giving us what we wanted so I really don't get the alienation claim.

AoS second edition. It's not like GW hasn't don massive overhauls for edition changes before. At least AoS is simple enough to be feasibly balance-able.
Gunlines have been steadily increasing in power since 5th rolled out. Something taking them down a notch isn't exactly wrong at this point.
I agree that most of the models will survive to live in the next iteration. I can see Stormcast Eternals getting squatted though, as they are too closely tied to the Age of Sigmar brand.
The name will be gone, theres no arguing that. And the next fantasy game will probably be extremely well planned and thought out; pretty much the polar opposite of what AoS was/is.

It's not without precedent. When a brand gets a terrible stigma attached to it, theres no option but to change the name/slogan.
Firestone, Blackwater, Subway: Eat Fresh, etc, etc..
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I dont know what would be worse to see, Anon. That display or his minis. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the worst, what were they?
I'll say it's a Tau player not wanting to accept his gunline army got beat by something that was made to beat gunlines.
Hey I'm not complaining, I despise playing against gun-lines, though I haven't quite built up a tallyband yet. It gets stale playing armies that just retreat into the furthest corner when you play daemons.
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>we wanted the clock to go forward
>they gave us what we wanted

Come on man. Do you even believe that? Because its so far wrong Im wondering if its bait.
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Would the Death Corpse of Krieg ever be able to defeat the Tau in a war, considering their favoring of trench and artillery tactics and the Tau favoring mobility and bigger guns?
I feel like it would never happen.
Rogue Trader -> Warhammer 40,000

Brand change doesn't mean they need to squat factions.
If the planet is nothing but one big trench then the Tau have no chance. It's like trying to out shark a shark and being a starfish.
Bro his suits were hard to look at. I was embarrassed for him. Monotone medium/dark purple, messy as fuck, with brightish green, gunmetal, and black. No highlights, thick in places, uneven coats, just shit everywhere. On a scale of 1-10 Id say a 2 maybe a 3. Depends what you consider a 1 I guess.
I wouldnt be able to even have models looking like that in my possession. Id give them away or trash them.
A 1 is bad but not unforgivable.
>Monotone medium/dark purple, messy as fuck, with brightish green, gunmetal, and black. No highlights, thick in places, uneven coats, just shit everywhere
That's a 5 for me.
To be honest: gunlines are fucking boring to play with and against in my opinion. But I play Sisters and actually try do scoot them around the board while playing the mission versus sitting back and hiding behind a wall.

You mean you don't see gunlines do that already? I see null deployment and corner castle strategies for gunlines a lot.

People bitch they don't want the timeline stuck at right at midnight on the Doomsday clock so GW moved the story forward, gave us the promised end times and then made a system that can have a living timeline.

I think they answered the demand exactly and we're just upset that things changed more than we wanted.

And by "we" I mean the "Rage of Sigmar" crowd.
The Death Korps would beat them eventually, it'd just take 10 years and 2 billion Kriegers.
The flavor text on the riptide had it pretty much going into a trench world, getting supernuked from orbit, and only having the paint get mildly fucked up. Tau's response to trenches is to hotdrop the biggest mech that they can figure out how to fit into the trench.
True, but I just wonder how bad Stormcast Eternals will hurt the next game. Perhaps not at all if they play their cards right. But I dont see them being the face of the next fantasy game.
people do keep saying they want the setting in 40k to progress. And they do keep saying that what comes next is the end of the universe. Increasingly emphatically and blatantly.

So, different guy, and not as up on the Fantasy lore outside of WHFRP 2 ed, but I wouldn't be surprised.
Oh I see it plenty I just haven't gotten the moxie to field a tallyband as a straight "fuck your gunline" option, I'm content just running them off the board with gorepacks and daemon princes/greater daemons. Regardless, it is still pretty frustrating to continually play armies that never move anything forward or even attempt to do much else than try and shoot me off the board from as far away as possible.
The problem is the rules and the removal of two factions.
The lore is excusable considering it would never have the depth of WHFB that had been built up for so long.
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>To be honest: gunlines are fucking boring to play with and against in my opinion. But I play Sisters and actually try do scoot them around the board while playing the mission versus sitting back and hiding behind a wall
Who finds joy in gunlines anyway?
>trying to fit a Riptide into a small, cramped trench
>Riptide gets swarmed with Krigers
With Marines showing up at the end to take the credit.

They were definitely designed to try and be a face like Marines are for 40k but the problem was making them too much like Marines.

That said I don't see them going away. Maybe getting a less prominent role, but not going away.

As a Sisters player (so basically an Army that needs to be in 24" or less) I know the feeling. Gunlines may be fluffy and make for good stories but they fucking suck to play against if you aren't playing a DS Army or something that can negate their range advantage.
End Times for 40k could be really interesting. As long as they don't destroy the universe. Use it as a chance to consolidate most of the Imperium books into a couple of armies and generally set the game up for a 41k storyline.

Just my opinion though.
I feel like gunlines (and the "dig in and shoot the motherfuckers" strategy) would work better in a smaller scale like 6mm, so as to allow for some serious maneuvering and tactics.
I really wish the Deathstrike was remotely good, rather than just super cute.
>super cute
I actually like the rules, missing points values aside. Removal of factions also doesn't really chaff me too bad. Especially since one of them can't exist since it was a country and that country doesn't exist anymore. The Brits may still return, just under a different name.

I've known a few Guard players who get a chub over their gunlines. They tend to be military nerds too.
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Current sigmar player here thinking about getting into 40k. I understand Sigmar is simpler, and I know what I'm getting into, but I can't decide on an army.

Would pic related be a good start? I really like their aesthetics.
> As long as they don't destroy the universe.
but it would.
or at least kill off multiple factions.

This isn't a 'GW will screw this up' prediction, this is a 'the game lore has flat out said this dozens of times' prediction.

If you want the lore in 40k to developed, they need to develop inward, not forward. There is 10 thousand years of history and an entire fucking galaxy to fill in, there is room to expand.

But the outer edges of the timeline are pretty fucking defined by this point.
>I understand Sigmar is simpler, and I know what I'm getting into,
give it another couple months, 40k will get rules overhaul to get it closer to AoS
Not that anon but it is basically a giant Guardsman phallus and some people find dicks cute.

People who are horribly wrong, but people all the same.
It gets so worn out when every game is walk forward and table them in assault, get tabled by shooting, or stay tied up until game end and then it comes down to whether or not he pulled the TOs for the objectives in his deploy and shit like "kill x units in shooting"

I actually wish more game modes used the dead-lock rules of only generating as many tacticals as you hold objectives, encourages a little more diverse play.
Oh I agree. Plague of Unbelief, Age of Apostasy. The previous Black Crusades. Any timeline entry that is only a name. That one time actual ghosts chased Chaos off a cemetery planet. The Bloodtide.

All stuff I want to know more about.
I should have taken the IG into account. Aren't Tau suppose to be a mobile force instead of a static gunline filled with zog off gundams fueled by the blood of any non-Tau that lives in their empire?
I'm not sure how to respond to that.
Not enough flamers
[Citation Needed]

Also Dark Eldar are currently pants.
The entire vehicle is basically one super big missile that takes multiple turns to fire, and 'destroying' it just delays the launch. It has a range larger than the table.

That's makes it neat and interesting.
It's also one shot, that might not go off and can't most likely won't do anything for a least a couple of turns, and doesn't do all that much for the point cost if it does go off. that makes it basically harmless.

So it's neat, but harmless. Ie, super cute.
I have yet to play the card objectives. All my games have been the rulebook scenarios.

Yes Tau are. But that's not how they're played.

Being so shitty in melee tends to promote castling instead of scooting about the board.
>Plague of Unbelief, Age of Apostasy. The previous Black Crusades
We already know about them, and I made a 14/15 point list detailing what happened during the Reign of Blood to one misguided Anon who wants BL to expand on the Age of Apostasy. As for the Black Crusades you can find them in the Black Legion supplement.
I meant as campaigns more than background fluff. Great way to add in units, more fluff and update armies too.
post ORKS lads
we gettin stompy
it's part of the reason I turn to FFG for my 40k lore.
Hey look here's this entire sector that we're going to develop, while leaving you room to put stuff in there yourself and giving multiple options for what these things could mean and be.
Here's some development for that cool unexplored place we talked about on the edge of that sector.
Here's a giant warzone we're developing and giving you space to put things.

These aren't the big names from the lore timeline, but they work. Age of Apostasy might be hard, and would have to be handled as a big story line more like the Horus Heresy, but they have 12 black Crusades, which iirc most of those are basically only roughly sketched.
Go, tell those stories, with characters and world and mighty battles and more.
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Now I get it.
>Being so shitty in melee tends to promote castling instead of scooting about the board
>be Tau
>shoot humans behind the cover of enslaved waves of Kroot
>be Kroot
>realize joining the Tau was a mistake and die
>be Tau again
>be glad that the Kroot get to do melee work, and hope you don't die so you can jerk off to the new upcoming battlesuits
I think an Age of Apostasy campaign wouldn't even include the Brides of the Emperor, Anon.
I think the rules are terrible, I desperately miss wargear options and the lores of magic.
The lack of points made the game impossible to balance, at least with 40k you can see what's bad and agree in a handicap. People ended up trying to house rule everything to try and make sense of the game, rules that run from "no shooting in close combat" to "wizards who cast spells may not move shoot, pile in or attack" and refuse to play anyone who didn't agree to their terms.

Rules wise? The models are all very good for their army, which is unfortunately weak, but has this massive problem of give you an infantry transport that can carry 10 models but then give you 11 infantry models.
It's not that bad but it seems weird to force new plays to bench one of their new toys in their first few games, you would think they would be eager to use all if it.
>it's part of the reason I turn to FFG for my 40k lore.

FFG is not canon.
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that's probably his point...
He might as well start reading fanfiction for his "40K lore".
While FFG is nice, it doesn't do enough for us on the mini wargaming side.

I know that it can't but it's be nice for GW to be able to import some stuff from there into the game proper.

Age of the Apostasy should have the Brides. Several Marine chapters (including the Templars who only seem to exist on Armageddon in GW's eyes), the Mechanicus, Arbites, Inquisition and more.

It's one of the most important civil war moments of the game and has a lot of room to give a lot of factions love.

Plus rules for playing games set on Holy Terra.
So in terms of competitive play and being able to hold their own, what armies are good options right now?
its all make believe anyway why not
Points are coming. And frankly if removing options makes the game more balanced then I'm okay with that.
>It's not that bad but it seems weird to force new plays to bench one of their new toys in their first few games, you would think they would be eager to use all if it.
The IG one comes with and infantry squad with a heavy weapons team. That's 12 models, the squad must be 10 models.

I'm going to guess that the sprue makes 5 warriors, so they put in two sprues, because you would want to make an 9 man squad.
Everything in the BL is basically fan fiction.

Marines, Craftworld Eldar, Tau.
>implying modern 40k isn't fanfiction
Because you might as well start your own setting rather than buying into 40K.
I'd rather have fun games than balanced games, AoS preaches endless possibility but feels so sterile.
>implying there was a point it was never fanfiction
Would any of those be considered long range fighters? I like the idea of positioning myself strategically and picking the enemy off from a distance.

Thanks for your help, I'm truly new to all of this.
>implying real life isn't fanfiction
fanfiction is bad because it skips the editing and review process before publication. Writing using settings, characters, and even stories used by others is and has always been part of the writing tradition.
Do you want me to list how many of Shakespeare's plays would count as fanfiction if we used the definition of 'using preexisting characters, setting, and/or stories'?

FFG lore does get edited and reviewed, so all the legit complaints about fanfiction don't apply.
>Everything in the BL is basically fan fiction.


BL, FW, and GW studio are empowered to create IP/canon. There stuff is canonical unless it is overwritten by something else or we are told they are not canon (heretic tomes, etc).

FFG is not empowered to do anything and so everything in their books gets dismissed unless it gets imported into the big three.

Piss off, newfag.
>Age of the Apostasy should have the Brides. Several Marine chapters (including the Templars who only seem to exist on Armageddon in GW's eyes), the Mechanicus, Arbites, Inquisition and more
It was just Sebastian, some of Dorn's boys, and the Mechanicus who wanted Vandire's head on a pike though.
>It's one of the most important civil war moments of the game and has a lot of room to give a lot of factions love
The Brides would be forgotten.
>Plus rules for playing games set on Holy Terra.
FW will eventually get to that.
Because starting a game company costs money. And just because you can make a game doesn't mean it'll be good or even liked.

Balanced games are fun to me. Or are you going to tell me the imbalance 40k has is really fun when you're fielding Orks versus Eldar or Tau?
marines and CW: eldar can be, Tau are primarily long range fighters.

In all three cases you have options that are bullshit cheese, and there will be some argument over which is cheesing more, and options for good but not BS versions. This includes going for a long range shooty option.
>FFG lore does get edited and reviewed, so all the legit complaints about fanfiction don't apply.

FFG rapes the setting to create its mini-setting and rules and worst of all they get plenty of things wrong despite GW handing them the canon material to research in.

They are worst than fanfiction because it's a cesspool of intentionally fuckery and dismal incompetence.
So? Why should anyone care what an autistic killjoy like you thinks?

Read and take inspiration from whatever you want. If it's short stories in the codexes, awesome. If it's FFG stuff, awesome. If it's fanfiction from the internet, awesome.
Competitive is an inbred shitshow, it's not fun, it's VERY SPECIFIC tau, eldar and marine lists or fuck off.

In casual games you will feel how weak they are but they're honestly not even the worst out there. If you have a nice casual meta that's not full of try hards they're great fun.

If you're looking for evil spiky things that are semi-competitive daemons are good and you can use them in AoS.
Going over the GW website for all three, I think I'm mostly liking how Space Marines and Tau look. I really like Gundam, so of course Tau appeal to me, and Space Marines are just really well designed, plus I can pick one of the many chapters color schemes, which is fun.

So you're saying that in any of these cases I could build a list that will compete at the highest level, but also a more casual fun friendly list? I don't want to be "that guy" but I also want to be able to hold my own if I need to.
>Piss off, newfag
If you seriously believe that modern 40k lore is anything but corporate-driven fanfiction, you got some problems.
It's irrelevant to the setting and has no affect on it. It does not further your understanding of the setting but takes you further away. This causes a lot of problems.
Remove your nostalgia goggles or I will remove them for you by force.
Name one thing they "raped".
All of them have pretty good ranged options.

Implying that I meant to imply anything

I disagree. Just because it's written doesn't make it not fan fiction, it's just fan fiction that the creative team looks at and goes "sure, why not?" to.

Black Templars, Imperial Fists, Soul Drinkers, Fire Hawks, Martian Tech Guard vs Brides and Terran militia.

That isn't to say other organizations weren't involved, but those were the key ones.

And I asked FW but they said they won't consider it until post-HH.
>rapes the setting
wait, are you the Deathwatch hating guy?
because I'm not having that discussion again. I'm just going to hide your posts and let others tell you how fucking wrong you are.
Vostroyan firsborn accepting women in their ranks. Imagine if SoB accepted men on theirs, thats how bad it is.
I have fun smashing my orks in to tau and eldar, not the competitive try hards, the ones that actually unironically use fire warriors and banshees.
The Necron lore in Deathwatch Outer Reach, for example.

They had a free codex shipped to them for them to read it and yet somehow they failed to write the Necron lore accurately. This shows that the FFG writers don't respect the setting and are utterly incompetent.
Sounds like you have a good meta. Congrats anon.
I meant FW would do fighting on Terra during the Heresy.
Who's that git?
I see no problem with the Space Russians accepting women into their armies. If a Vostroyan man can only pump daughters into his wife what else is he going to send to the regiments? His non-existent first born son?
>This causes a lot of problems.
Such as? People making up stuff for their dudes is an integral part of the hobby.
This is the first time I talked about FFG in the General ever. Don't confuse me with somebody.

I know there was an argument before here about FFG Deathwatch raping Bolter lore but I don't know much about Bolters to give an example.

ctrl-f "women"

oh look
Clearly she got in by pretending to be a man and when she got caught it was too late to turn the war around to send her back home.
>messing up one faction's lore means FFG doesn't respect the setting and are incompetent
2 + X doesn't equal 4, Ed Boy.

I'm not arguing because I don't know jack but you need to be very specific. There are 40k fans who will sperg out over some minor detail interpreted in a different-but-valid way and never feel the need to explain themselves because it's SO OBVIOUS.
>I see no problem with the Space Russians accepting women into their armies.

The entire point of the regiment is they send their SONS to war, thats why they exist, thats their character. Again, if Vostroya can send daughters then where are the men in the Sisters of Battle?

>If a Vostroyan man can only pump daughters into his wife what else is he going to send to the regiments?

>Such as?

People confusing their fanfiction or non-canonical sources as actual canon. Spreading misinformation around and then getting pissy when GW actual lore invalidates their stuff.

>See WHFB threads during the End Times
My Deredeo gt his first game in after a two month hiatus while I remodeled him to be more venerable. He is now Captain Valentine of the Raptors 1st company. I was up against Space 0din Orks, running a 7 dreadnought list.

Valentine himself was my warlord, who anchored the entire middle lane of the table with his command squad of 3 dreadnoughts and a techmarine.

Now I really wish non-character warlords could have traits. It would be awesome to have Valentine rolling on Tactical or Strategic (and hoping for infiltrate on a deredeo)
Easy solution. Commanding officers treat the women like men, and refuse to acknowledge them as women. Everyone wins.
>FFG rapes the setting

In literally what way? Because 95% of the shit I've read in the RPG books is not only completely understandable, but also completely within fluff parameters to even happen in the first place.
The Men wear Prieast robes or are Crusaders.

That or they're the Frateris militia. Ore one of the many heretics turned into an Arco-flagellant or Penitent Engine.
So Space Russian women can't die for the Emperor? Next thing you're going to tell me is that Mrs. Sergi has to go back to the kitchen.
it was a guy saying that FFG raped the lore by having Deathwatch having any sort of standing organization.

According to him, Deathwatch worked by an inquistor stopping around chapters to pick up people for one mission, then dropping them back off.

Having fortresses to send missions out off, hold their special equipment and knowledge, and marines being part of it for long enough to go on several missions was the worst thing ever and made Deathwatch into just another standing army.

So, assuming you aren't buying into that idiocy, what's the lore raping you are complaining about?
A very Imperial solution. I like it.
Those arent Sisters, so where are the men in their ranks?
That is extreme idiocy once that is exactly how the Deathwatch has always operated.
Guys, what a good unit to counter Artillery with as eldar?
I've asked a lot and never got a response.
Depends on how large the DKoK operations are imo.

>can't JSJ if there are explosions everywhere
>can't flank if the trench networks are so big that by the time you reach the back they're ready for you
>there are probably more Kriegers at any given battle than most Tau Septs have overall
When was this idiocy?
Thanks, Khorne, at least I know you like my ideas.
Sisters are part of the Ecclesiarchy. As are any troopsnraised in the Ecclesiarchy's name. Brushing them aside for not being Sororitas despite being part of the same organization is like bitching that a Magos doesn't count as Mechanics because he isn't a Skitarii.
what type of artillery?
I'm going to say Dark Reapers though. Because I'm pretty sure the answer will still be Dark Reapers.
The Silent King being the same guy through out the thousands years of the War of Secession and War of Heaven. This goes against logic and the codex lore. They kept making that mistake repeatedly.

Multiple mentions of the C'tan causing the warpocalypse.

The claim that one of the dynasties was devastated by the Tyranids themselves when the codexes state that it was the Imperial reaction to the Tyranids that devastated the sleeping dynasty.

Those are the ones I remember. These mistakes are made by drooling novices. Where was the editorial and GW overwatch to catch this rape? No where because FFG is run by incompetent monkies and GW doesn't care because none of what's written in those books are canon.
not sure if troll. If you aren't, I will try to help you understand.

The Sisters of Battle are literally just a loophole. The reason they aren't men and have no men in the Sororitas orders is because Imperial law says that they can't. That's established everywhere.

But there's nothing to prevent the Vostroyans from sending women to the field. It's even recorded!

See >>47982794
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>The entire point of the regiment is they send their SONS to war,

That is the mandate by the Imperium, yes. There is not and never has been anything stopping volunteers from also joining, which is what any female Vostroyan (as well as non-Firstborn male) is in a Firstborn regiment.

Female Vostroyans are also held to the exact same standards as males in the Firstborn regiments, and are both comparatively rare and viewed with a fierce unit pride because of it. They're viewed as "Unit Mothers" who look after the men as is right and proper for a Russian regiment but who pull a total equal share of the work. Because of that, they're typically support soldiers, such as medics and logistics officers.

>Again, if Vostroya can send daughters then where are the men in the Sisters of Battle?

Because the Sisters exist under an entirely different political treaty, and are all-female to exploit an extremely specific legal loophole in a treaty between the two most powerful organizations in the Imperium of Man, which, if violated, would plunge the entire galaxy into a new civil war.

But you could always just see >>47982794 to learn a bit before you run your mouth about things you clearly know nothing about.
Do you not know your lore? The only reason the Sisters are allowed to exist as a military force is because the Ecclisiarchy can't have men-at-arms.
I tend to be a pretty accepting person of things. Makes the game more fun.

Have a stupid idea to paint Orruck 'Ard Boyz up like Deathwatch with clan symbols for the chapter shoulder pads and call them my Deffwotch Army.

But that's just the kind of nutter I tend to be.
a while ago. I remember it because that was the last time I remember someone saying 'FFG rapes the setting', and basically the only time it was a flat or very broad statement rather than specific complaint.
Also, for him being so dumb, and so insistent that his dumb was correct.
if it puzzles you that much, just cut it off.
Is there a reason dark reapers and not warp spiders or swooping Hawks?
Do you have GW lore that supports what's written in the FFG books?
>warp spiders
because fuck warp spiders they are massive cheesy bs.

>swooping hawks
are good against some forms of artillary and not others.

Though if he is sticking his artillary completely blocked from LoS, you will need an faster assault force to take them out.
You're not that much of a nutter. I'm thinking about using Kronk as a basis for a WB Dark Apostle.
Sisters player here but the Ecclesiarchy likes to bend that rule a lot anyways with the Crusaders, Frateris "Militias" and arming/training their priests.

Now if the Ecclesiarchy became a woman only organization that would be less abusive to to the rule, but that wouldn't be very Imperial.
the Deathwatch thing, or in general?

The Deathwatch thing, yes, at least to the point where there is repository of knowledge/resources for the deathwatch to draw from, and that marines don't join the Deathwatch for a single mission then go home.

In general, some of it's supported, but a lot isn't but isn't in conflict. And there is a big difference between 'unsupported expansion from what has been written' and 'raping the setting'.
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I made these guys to be Berserkers.
Im not sure what your point is, Im complaining about FFG fluff and you point to FFG fluff because...? Name a regiment that has vostroyan women AND mentioned in a BL or codex because per the last IG codex Vostroyans only accept sons.
I'm trying to avoid jetbikes and d weps. Why are warp spiders cheesy? The 2d6 run when shot out? The S6 guns are useful for killing vehicle based and static Artillery crews alike.
A Deathwatch codex is on the horizon alongside the genestaler dex (rumors). How confident are you that the GW lore will be in parallel with the FFG lore?
The guns are stronger against low/no I models.
They fit nicely.
Everything is true, unless it's in direct opposition to lore published by FW or GW. This includes BL and FFG fluff. If two official (GW/FW) sources conflict, whichever is more recent is true. If an official source conflicts with an unofficial (BL/FFG/fanfic/headcanon) source, the official source is true. If two unofficial sources conflict, both are true and it's up to the reader to reconcile them.

Neither FW or GW says Vostroyan Firstborn can't be women. Some unofficial sources say they're all men, some say they're mixed. We can reconcile the two sources by saying that some Vostroyan Firstborn regiments are all male, and some are mixed. Perhaps there are even two Scandinavian planets called Vostroya among the trillions of planets inhabited by the Imperium of Man, and both send their firstborn to fight the enemies of mankind. One might only send sons and the other sends their firstborn child regardless of gender.
>per the last IG codex Vostroyans only accept sons.

Pg. 18 of the most recent Guard codex:

>"The stoic Vostroyan Firstborn are tied to a life-debt they can never repay. Since their failure to send aid during the Horus Heresy, every Vostroyan family has to give up their first-born sons to the tithe, each regiment raised erasing a tiny portion of Vostroya's shame. Yet the Firstborn do not begrudge their duty, and are well known for the irascible courage and fortitude in defense of the Emperors realm."

Nowhere does it say they're all-male. It says that each family must send their first-born son. Seeing as how, in addition to FFG lore, there is also a canon female Vostroyan in multiple novels (Commissar being the one off the top of my head) means that sadly it is YOUR canon that just isn't correct.
highly, at least to the extent of their being fortresses, bases of operations, and stores of specialized equipment.

As for the 'picked up for one mission only' thing, which was never really justified and the core of the stupid, the WD article and operation overwatch already countered that.
That group has been part of the deathwatch for a while and get sent on multiple mission.

It came out after the dumbdumb said his dumb, but it was only confirming that he was that dumb.
I see khorne is pushing in on bunny-eared helmet market with Tzeentch. Oddly, the gun arms fit quite well them to the point it looks like you could use them to kitbash custom berserkers.

Arent recruited in Vostroya, they are exempt from that and are actually outside the regiment's chain of command, even able to be deployed in other regiments.

>first-born sons

I didnt know SONS meant daughters, silly me.
the 2d6 when shot thing.
They're already a highly mobile unit with good saves, and a gun that's good against the vast majority of options.
Having them also be able to basically avoid any counter shooting takes 'really good' into, 'fucked up power'.

Jetbikes are only truly cheese if you spam scatterlasers. Run 1 cannon per 3 and they're good, but wtf broken.

the initiative thing doesn't come up often except against certain MCs, names Tau and Wraithknights.
S6 wounds on 2 vs most things anyways.
It's actually a nerf from the last editions version, except against those MCs and a few other corner cases.
In the case of the Sororitas there's a clear reason why they're all-female and it's really stated.

There's no such restriction on the Vostroyans. The only prereq is that all the firstborns go. That doesn't prevent the daughters or the other sons from going as volunteers, and why would it? There's no standing order like with the SoB, and the IG always needs more bodies. There's not even a conflict to begin with.
Yeah, I really like the look myself. Stole pistols and backpacks from the regular CSM kit to make them.

Not to nitpick but Commisar come from the Schola, not the ranks of the army they serve with.

BL Deathwatch books also have teams who see multiple missions together.

Oh no, those aren't CSM gun arms, just the pistols on arms that originally had axes and wear armour.
Sons mean daughters, ok.

Space marines recruit boys, also means girls.

Lets make our own language that means whatever it pleases us. My clit needs flicking, means I love you.
>Arent recruited in Vostroya, they are exempt from that and are actually outside the regiment's chain of command, even able to be deployed in other regiments.

The name of the book is "Commissar," you dip.

>I didnt know SONS meant daughters, silly me.

A. Names are names, not 100% set-in-stone descriptors of a concept or unit. Just because a unit is primarily male doesn't mean there cannot be female members of the unit.

B. They are -required- to send their first-born sons. That is the bare minimum. There is literally nothing stopping a second-born son or a woman from going above and beyond the call of the Emperor (which given their level of devotion is an entirely rational occurrence) and volunteering to serve in His armies - in fact, such behavior brings more glory to Vostroya, and their courage and voluntary sacrifice erases the ancestral shame of Vostroyas failings a little more each time it's done.

Look, I'm sorry you're buttmad, but your headcanon doesn't line up with the rest of the work.
Whoever did the models in the pic did a good job with the conversion then, it's pretty damn seamless.
I'm not even going to bother. half-decent troll/10, got me going.

Hey, on a relevant note, what's a good type of unit to run Coteaz with? I'm assuming something shooty and mobile, but Coteaz himself is footslogging w/o a bike or jump pack so I don't know how to figure that really.
>Not to nitpick but Commisar come from the Schola, not the ranks of the army they serve with.

"Commissar" is the name of the book. The female Vostroyan was a medic attached to his unit, and was widely respected by the unruly Vostroyans because of her age and status. She also was one of the few that had seen actual combat before volunteering, as she was attached to the PDF that put down a real bad labor riot.
DKoK also recruit only sons, also means daughters.
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>implying Love and Krieg isn't canon
That was me, and thanks. Lots of practice doing conversions and kitbashes over the years to thank for that. Often with metal models.

I kept the axe handles on the other side of the hands as they make nice cudgels for the Zerkers as many end in metal skulls or other heavy metal ends. Plus long handled pistols aren't that weird, right?
Put him in a Stormlord and give a 20 man squad turbo ultra interceptor.
DKoK recruits everyone. Women aren't required for their society because they have bioengineered vaginas in jars that give birth to dozens of children at a time.
>Inb4 he doesn't know what an axlotl tank is and thinks the vitae womb is a cloning system
more fanfiction coming at ya.

i'll flick your clit.
Some spelling errors. Proofread, you'll thank yourself for it.

There's a lack of voice, too. Try to create an image before you introduce the characters and jump to the dialogue. Think about what you want the reader to feel, and write like that.
I got banned for showing a screencap a couple of days ago. Did you? At the time I reported yours out of spite, I'm so sorry anon, I was angry after getting the warning

Both are pretty powerful. The D3+2 Blast variant is pretty neat. I forgot it's strength though, I think it's AP1.

>not running it as a DKoK list and throwing in Heavy Flamer Grenadiers

How does that even work? The DKoK models are 2 man. I suppose they're Heavy Weapon Squad replacements (I can't remember) but those are neat.

They're great against Nids (which is their creation purpose since the Inquisitor was essentially a Eugenics Lover)

>expecto patronum

I want an edit but for Space Marines now.

It ain't gonna drop forever. You're barely making any savings. $300 order will save you $10 now than before.

But, if you want to be a cool dude and buy legit instead of a lame cat and buying recasts (or, more importantly, not being a fucking card carrying commie) then you're best off doing it now.

Either way it's going to go up at some point because people who do money shit got out long ago and people will reinvest for the inevitable bounceback. That's how money works.

Only because they don't have Grav. That's the only reason. Their flyers are superior. Their assaults are superior. Their Lords are superior. Their Heavy Weapon Guys are superior. Their USAR's are superior.

You're just jelly cause you're not FABULOUS. We're so hot, it made Fulgrim rage.
Ignore retarded shit like this. And the idiotic Drago shit. And a lot of the Tau shit. And a few other dumbass pieces of 'canon'.

If you dont like something, just exclude it from your version of the setting.
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So guys, I have a question.

I know that enginseers can repair the vehicle they are embarked upon. I also know that wargear and stuff on your characters - Kurov's Aquila, for example - works when embarked, and you measure from the vehicle.

If I take an enginseer in a transport and also an Atlas recovery tank, can the enginseer use the Atlas rule to repair both his tank and another tank the atlas is touching, even when the enginseer is embarked? Or does he have to disembark to use the atlas' remote repair function?
I'd prefer you actually read it before giving me criticisms.
god damn it, thread moves slow as molasses most of the time, then the minute I post 5 walls of fucking text.

Last time, i promise, not spamming.

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So I'm building myself some Ultramarines and I was looking through the Codex for some new units to get and found The Legion of the Damned.

I think they have some neato fluff and aesthetics, but are they worth the 25+ points per model?
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Can someone explain the Touch of Rust special rule to me? I can't find it in any codex or rulebook and the only source I found was from librarium saying it inflicts a glancing wound on rolls of 6. Glancing wound on... vehicles? Isn't that a glancing hit? For the time being my friend doesn't really have any answer to my furioso dreadnought and it basically just marches across the battlefield crushing cultists and chosen like this election in the US is crushing hopes and dreams of a better future.

Stuff like Kurov's Aquila does not apply when embarked in the transport. When it says x" from y model, it literally means from the model. When embarked in a vehicle, there is no model.
Oh silly american, all hope of a better future died long ago.
>someone gives you constructive criticism
>you spurn it
Fuck off, spammer.
he didn't read it. 2000 words at a 200 wpm would have taken him at least 10 minutes
he read far enough to give you useful advice. Nothing in the rest of your story could have made what he said untrue.
>How does that even work? The DKoK models are 2 man

They are Elysians from IA4, their heavy flamers are a personal weapons just like the vanilla IG
also they have 10-man squads all equppied with plasmas/meltas
So, because he didn't read the entire thing, you're going to ignore his entirely valid and warranted criticism? Fuck off, spammer.

Seriously, basic spelling errors mean that you don't give a shit, so why should we. You should be grateful that he even commented instead of just closing it once he saw your grade-school-tier writing.

I ran spellcheck and understand passive narration and why its bad.
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I still want to believe...
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most of the internet disagrees...
Also tells me he didn't read it. He wouldn't have found any spelling errors because there aren't any.
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>People bitch

Two people bitch. GWIDF detected.

Those assholes are remote outliers because everyone knows that Warhammer is a setting, not a Truxican soap opera. It's explicitly NOT meant to "move forward."

Everyone also knows that no entity on Earth knows less about Warhammer than GW.

Lastly, history has proven that GW NEVER bases any decision on what customers want, like, need or think.

Three strikes: GWIDF confirmed.
It's a special rule that your friend's plaguebearers have, which make them soft vehicle counters. It's glancing hits on an armour pen roll of 6.
Second paragraph, dumbass.
>B-b-but muh spellcheck
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>10 thousand years of history

Correction: There are more than 400 centuries of history just for The Emperor. Unification Era fluff alone would keep BL's entire stable of hack writers in Hot Pockets and Ramen Noodles for the rest of their lives. But, Nooo. Instead we get BS Goto and M Night Scatfic and a 21st fucking Primarch. Fuck BL.
Ah okay, that's kind of what I thought but the way it was worded and since I couldnt find it anywhere had me confused. Does this mean engaging plaguebearers in melee with my furioso is generally ill advised? Also someone in another thread had told me that you must charge to enter close combat. I assume this can't be true because then what the fuck would a daemon of nurgle do to enter close combat, do they just walk in to base contact during the movement phase?
Why don't you just read the rules instead of trying to piece together how to play the game from posts on 4chan? There's nothing preventing Plaguebearers from charging.
its the old english spelling. doesn't trip the spellchecker.
that is incorrect, according to the people here at /tg.

They say that the emperors crusade only lasted 200 years.
>m-m-muh spellcheck
Second paragraph had a misspelling. You said there were no misspellings. Why should we read your shit if you're so openly against actually fixing your short-term writing?
Fuck, I swore Slow and Purposeful couldn't charge but reading it again I see it's that they just can't run, my mistake. Go easy on me, I'm practically trying to learn my friend's armies for him
the point is you lied about reading it then gave criticisms without having finished it. You bitched about my spelling after I'd already ran it through spellchecker and made some idiotic platitude that you thought would apply to 98% of all fanfics, before i pricked your pride and you started scouring it searching for flaws.

You wouldn't have liked it if it had been the best thing ever written, you were predisposed towards hate without so much as a glance.

Go fuck yourself, illuminini.
>Second paragraph had a misspelling

Not him, but to be pedantic, that's not a misspelling. It's an outdated spelling of a modern word.

It's not incorrect, just old.
You could have said, "I don't read fanfics," or even, "Fanfics suck!" and both would have been legitimate criticisms.

Why do you have to be such an edgy teenager?
The whole problem with being "edgy" is just because something LOOKS cool or badass, doesn't mean it actually is. It creates this whole subcontext that your idiotic generation has picked up on that somehow behaving unethically is "cool" and its better to be the bad guy.

Just because something is corny doesn't mean its wrong, just cause something is silly doesn't mean its not fun.
I don't read fanfics and yours sucks.
The whole point of 40k is that while it may seem fun to be the bad guy every once and a while in reality its a pretty fucking miserable existence for everyone involved.
>and yours sucks
but you don't know that.

You can say it "probably sucks." You can say "It almost certainly sucks." You can say, "The likelyhood of your story not sucking is lower than winning the lotto," and none of these things would be untrue.

But until you read it, you couldn't know for sure.
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Well obviously I'm not going respect YOUR opinion, since you've already shown you're predisposed towards bias.
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thats a joke, son
Orks are enlightened. They walk the path of Buhdah.
Seriously, orks have acheived inner peace. It shows that peace is possible, even in the grim darkness of the 40,000th millennium.
are orks ever sad ? i want pics pics of orks crying
Warhammer has some great art, but my favorite picture in warhammer is on page 49 of the 4th edition ork codex.

The driver of that warbuggy just looks so happy. Everytime I see it I can't help but smile, and if I look at it for more than a few moments I start laughing and cracking up.
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Why would you want to make orks sad?
you can't really get the detail on the pdf. To really see it in all its glory you need the hardcopy codex so you can see the happy gleam in his beady little eyes.
I did read about three paragraphs. It just doesn't catch my interest at all. That's why I'm saying you need a more energetic description.
I'm just busting your balls mate. I don't actually care. I just write for fun.
Ah, alright. Keep on keeping on, then. Practice makes perfect :P
So is there a balancedish ork fandex I could use? (Against guard and marines) Or are they all OP?
there all ways so happy seeing a sad ork would be like eta sad the feels would be great
see if they will make a drawing
thank you
The BRB states "If the player needs to measure a range involving the embarked unit (except for its shooting), this range is measured to or from the vehicle's hull".

Supposedly there is something about this in the FAQ that supports the "measure from the hull" also but I can't find it.
I just got an email today saying the Pledge Manager for my Raging Heroes pledge will be up and running by 30th.

I have no idea what models to pick now. I was going to go with their Sister of Battle proxies, but I really don't know what to get and some of them just don't seem to fit anyway.

Some of them could work for proxy Stormcast Eternals, but that's Age of Skubmar and would not be worth the effort for asking permission to proxy them anyway.

The Avatar of Shaah seems neat, but I don't play Chaos. The Dark Eldar proxies could be good and would also work for Dark Elves. Slaaneshi proxies would be more suited to Skubmar cause they're all melee based, no guns.

So that leaves me with, basically, the SoB proxies and the Sisters of Sigmar proxies (which can work for either Skubmar as Empire units or as Repentia/Warbands).

I just look at them and think "I could make these work for SoB, if only SoB had a similar model that had rules".

It's really annoying me. What should I do?
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