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Warhammer 40k General

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Thread replies: 366
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Weekend Warriors' Edition

>Rules databases


>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s)

>Forgeworld Book index

>White Dwarves

>Novels (Working link as of 02/02/2016)
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Hey guys, I'm putting together my first army (renegades) and my force revolves around grenadiers (upgraded veterans thanks to bloody handed reaver).
Since I can get two hot shot volley gun upgrades, what should I kit for the other two base upgrade slots?
Plasma or melta? (I'm running 10 man squads)
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So who is hobbying this weekend?

Any battles, tournaments or campaigns going on?

If not, how about your last good game?
New daemon codex is out.

Why aren't you guys talking about it?

renegades is a pretty niche army, best of luck finding help with it.

Why not run one with Melta and the other with Plasma?
>New daemon codex
It is just the old codex with all the new Warzone Fenris formations that were already discussed.

If there was anything worth talking about, sure.
Anyone got a link to a detailed summary of the flyer book's stats and formations and shit?
Wanted to try a game with the homebrew Ork codex, but the guy who was hosting the game isn't answering his phone.
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Going to be bringing my Deathwing for the first time in a while (Just a small 900pt force). Adding it to my Ravenwing list since it has gotten a bit too WAACy for me.

Will be playing a 3000+pt game against Black Templars and hoping for the Terminators to have a decent brawl.

Not having all my bikes is kind of worrysome and I am afraid I won't have enough anti armor as he has a las predator and vindicator as well as up to two Dreadnaughts.

Overall I think it will be fun. May ask him to push it to 3k so I could brind Eziekiel and run the DA conclave and give all the Librarians Interromancy to be nice and fluffy.

We will definetly be playing Maelstrom and he has at least a demi company so his obsec screws me a lot.

That sucks ork bro, got your homebrew in a pdf to share?

Recently went against a slightly tweaked Tyranid Codex (one page of changes typed neatly that he let me read before hand) and it made his army much more fun to face.
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Tau are clones.
You're a clone.
It's the one that the namefag was posting in the last couple of threads. The .pdf should be coming out today, here's the battlescribe in the meantime:


Good to hear that your homebrew worked out well though. I'm skeptical as to how well my group will accept it, considering we are all newfags.
WHo's excited for the new dogfight phase that require ANOTHER game space to play mini plane games on that are based more on luck than skill?

I know I'm going to take a pass on it.
Nope. Kriegers are just vat-grown like vegetable crops.
Don't you mean you'll let it fly-by?
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There's nothing wrong with that.
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There is when every part of the company decided it was just a branch snapping and they all try to go left when they split up.
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>I know I'm going to take a pass on it.
Most people are. Already talked to most of the people at my LGS (20+ players) and only a few are said they are getting it and thats because they already have a ton of fliers.

No one else wants to learn a non-core phase or have their AA neutered.
>non-core phase
Unfortunately it's technically core. It's not a supplement but an update. But eff that. Dogfight phase sucks.

Only fighters getting skyfire sucks but I love the Storm WIng update and the attack patterns.
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If they erased that terrible art the old version had, in exchange for the new format, I'm gonna buy it.

Those portraits are hideous.
Joining a campaign that plays throughout the summer with my SoB.
The system is similar to Dark Crusade's campaign.
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>"I brought my flying transport for this unit"
>"No you don't, i have a fighter"
>Dice rolling
>Transport explode in reserve before turn 1
>"I'll put it back in the bag then"
The only saving grace is that it specifically states that you only dogfight if both people want to, and if one does and the other doesn't, you roll off. So there's every chance that, even against people who really want to do it, you might never have to do that fucking stupid retard shit.
Had my last good game with a Crimson Slaughter player. Currently in the middle of a narrative campaign that uses the Dark Crusade style tiles mixed with armada minis. I'm playing the 8th Cadian and we were trapped on the smaller continent by Chaos, we charged the airbase from the woods and recaptured it which allowed us to relink each other.
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I love all that shit, you all already know what the models look like anyway so having them on each page is pointless. Blanche art really lends itself to weird daemonic stuff as well.
Necrons or Eldar guys?

I like blasting shit from afar more than anything.

People are all like "B-but Interceptor and deepstrike mishaps can do it to! It's the same!"

NO. It's not. Both of those you can mitigate with skill. This is completely different. This is based off RNG.

I bet tournies will skip it. Can you imagine people having to find floor or table space to do it in an event? It'l' add so much time too.
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It's garbage.
I don't mind weird art, but that codex is nothing but unpleasantness.

You want to make something weird but cool?
Made it like a medieval grimorie.
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Reminds me of this.
What are some interesting and fun Dreadnought builds? Any variety of imperial dread is fine by me.
>no Sanguinius

The guy is literally Jesus yet he isn't here at all.
Librarian Dread, ML2

Quickening + Electroshield (only 1/6 chance RIP)
Librarian Dread, ML2
Quickening + Warpmetal

AV14 front woo woo.
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I run them infantry heavy and just drown things in shots. Its pretty fun but is starting to feel a bit week over 2000, obviously I need some melee and better anti armour options.
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plz halp
>Necron Lord
>+1S melee and shooting attack plus re-rolls to hit of 1 relic: 20 points
>Equip Warscythe and Gauntlet of Flame
>S5 Flamer and +3S AP2 Armourbane melee
>Bung him in a Command Barge to fly around wrecking everything from blobs to tanks (though AV14 is harder due to S8 AP2, but you got armourbane so should help)

Also. x2 Cryptotechs + C'tan Shard formation. Plus +1S +1T Relic on one of the Techs. Enjoy raping shit with your FnP4+ C'tan shard with +1S +1T.
Both are good. It depends a lot on the rest of your list.

If you need more anit-teq, then Plasma, if you need more anti-tank melta.
I literally meant figuratively literally.

Besides, it's true.

>Believes in Emps work
>Has angel wings
>is proud and noble, but humble
>would cast of his finery if it helped the cause, Fulgrim would literally rather die
>goes to Vengeful Spirit despite knowing he'll die (funny thing is, he can see the future, but the Emperor can't at this stage, which is also another reason he's like the Emperor)
>fights Horus
>resists all the offers of Warmaster and power
>manages to damage Horus and dies
>hailed as 'dying so Emps could win'
>worshipped the most after the Emperor (Jesus is worshipped 2nd most after God)
>has a holiday dedicated to him (Sanguinalia or whatever, just like Xmas for Jesus)
What bible are you reading?
>What bible are you reading?
Whatever one supports my argument.
That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Codex Astartes" bullshit that's going on in the d6 system right now. Puretides' teachings deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.
I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine copy of The A'rt o'f W'a'r on planet J'apa'n for 2 Ultramarines (that's about 20,000 marines of any other chapter) and have been reading with it for almost 2 centuries now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with the tactical wisdom of Puretide. Tau commanders spend years mastering Puretides' teachings and use up to a million memory techniques to produce the finest officers known galaxy wide.
Puretide was thrice as smart as Roboute Guilliman and thrice as wise for that matter too. Anyone who masters Puretides' teaching can master an alien Civilization's codex better then guys who invented it. I'm pretty sure Puretide could easily defeat the entire XIII legion with a single fire warrior cadre.
Ever wonder why great crusade era-Imperium never bothered conquering T'au? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Puretide and his tactical mastery even though he wasn't born for 8,000 years. Even in Damocles campaign, Vindicates targeted the Tau who had read the A'rt o'f W'a'r first because their strategy was feared and respected.
So what am I saying?The A'rt o'f w'a'r is simply the best book that the galaxy has ever seen, and thus, require better rules in the d6 system. Here is the special rule I propose for Tau:
>All Tau units may fire twice in the shooting phase.
>All Tau units may make snap shots at full ballistic skill.
Now that seems a lot more representative of the tactical power of the A'rt o'f W'a'r in real life, don't you think?
tl;dr = Tau need to be better in Warhammer, see my new stat block.
What's the deal with the new dogfight phase? Can someone give me a summary so I don't have to go download the PDF for something that no one is going to give a shit about anyway?
An edit of the katana copypasta? Can't even make your own up? Pathetic.

Vindicares. Fix your copypasta edit.
FAQ aftermath, orcs dead now?
That was pretty painful to read.
They've been dead for years.

Orks are still kicking though.

Don't Blood Angel dreads suffer from only 2 attacks though? Otherwise they'd be pretty awesome.
Good shitposting bait. I like it.

Let me explain:

1. Assuming the FAQ is official, let so many others, to get people to reply you going "It's not official yet, it's a draft, want to fix it? Go tell GW"

2. Assuming that this will be used in regular games, where lots of people won't even know it's happened (see these very threads unable to find the Normiebook page)

3. Being an Orkfag to perpetutate the meme that Orkfags are whiny manchildren who are never happy and want to be Eldar+++ tier

4. Calling Orks 'Orcs'

You'd have done better to call then 'Orrucs' since /tg/ hates AoS with a passion. That's my bait tip to you.

I'm guessing you've seen the pasta before, or you're new as fuck.
Both of you control a fighter?
Roll dice to see who wins.

Only ons of you control a fighter?
Other guy dies.

Neither of you control a fighter?
Skip phase.
Yup. They don't even get +1A for having two melee weapons. So they're 3A on the charge (Space Wolves Dreads get +1A from melee weapons AND have +1A due to Counter-Attack making them +1A whether they charge or not. So they're 4A) and with Quickening they can get up to A6.

As the guy above me said, Electroshield is probably the better skill as it is 3++ to the pysker. Meaning decent protection.
I'm just getting back into the game and trying to get into CSMs. Because I'm a masochist that way.

Any tips for making a Chaos Sorcerer HQ work in the 700-1000 points range? Usually I run level 3, termy armour, and a spell familiar, but is it worth it or should I get a Chaos Lord instead?

Disclaimer: I'm trying to keep it fairly fluffy and avoid overtly gamey stuff like termicide. But I mean, I'll do what I have to.

Needed Eratta:

Libby Dread, Furioso and Death Company Dread get 4 attacks base plus usually two CCW (unless you swap out for that shotgun flamer thing).

Furioso and Death Company can take units of 3.

Libby Dread can join units of other Dreadnoughts.
I don't see why they're any more dead than they were before. All the big nerfs were to drop pod allies and jinking Deldar boats. Sure Tankbustas lost some melee effectiveness V vehicles, but that's about it. I always preferred MANz anyway.

The clarifications on stomp attacks seem like a hard counter to invis biker deathstars. It makes me wish Stompas were cheaper, or gork/morkanauts were super-heavies.
Give him a jump pack or bike, stick in squad that's got the same speed.
They are only doing the BRB FAQs right now
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I was looking at the new Psyker powers (don't have an image of the cards unfortunately) so had to go off of BoLS's article.

The 4th power of the Librarius tree is : 4 – WC1 targets the psyker. +2 S, T, I and A..

That just means the Psyker, right, it isn't his unit?
>I'm guessing you've seen the pasta before, or you're new as fuck.
Yeah. The pasta was supposed to be cringe worthy.

This one tried to be cringe worthy and failed. It's like listening to a speds kid tell a knock knock joke incorrectly.
>not running 2 Tank Hammers and a Power Klaw in a unit of 15
5 man units aren't for assault anyway. These boyz are the bodyguard for my Lucky Stikk Boss and Painboy.
>Burna bomma is a Bomba

>May take formatio to ignore cover vs ground targets with bombs.

>Bombs are all flamer weapons.
Is it considered untoward to field an Imperial Knight in an army? I'm thinking of getting a Paladin or Crusader, primarily because I love the concept of them as well as the aesthetic. I just want to know if I'll be considered "that guy" if I bring it to a game. I know that Titans are a big no-no unless you're both fielding them, does that stigma carry across to Knights?
6+ save bodyguards.
Below 1000 points, yes.
Libs need 4A base. I can just about cope with them not giving the bonus +1A for two melee weapons, but it's still a fucking joke. Why is Force Glaive a non-specialist weapon, but Dread Fist is?


One Knight is fine. Two you're pushing it. 3 you're gonna get shit on. Unless you're doing 10k pointers, 3+ Knights is stupid. Nobody would regularly play Baron Court formations, maybe once.

If you can beat two land raiders, you can beat a knight.

Buy the Warden kit and start magnetising though, you'll get a ton more bang for your buck that way.
They are RIGHT NOW only doing the BRB FAQs. Next Tuesday the first draft will be taken down and later (we don't know if immediately or after releasing the definitive BRB FAQs) they will start releasing the FAQs for each codex one at a time (most likely while keeping doing the "first draft" -> "definitive one")
Long time Renegade player here.

Well, I find that Renegades and Heretics need a lot of AP2 AND AT, depending on what you're running in Heavy Support. How many Medusa/Executioners are you taking? If the answer is 'none', then I'd recommend Plasma Guns. I personally run plasma guns on all my Veterans, Disciples and Infantry blobs, because I like versatility and I always run dedicated AT.

Or, if you say 'Yes, I have a lot of AP2 options already' then you should be taking melta guns. They will still help with the targets you're Grenadiers are firing at, but can blow the shit out of tanks if you need it. They get a lot of good usage, but if you have a horde heavy meta..fuck it, I can't finish that sentence, you're a Renegade player you should be dropping at least 2-4 Large Blasts a turn!

However, the first piece of advice any Renegade will get..

..get fucking Laser Rapiers or Medusa Siege Guns. They're absolutely dirty good. 9 Rapiers will obliterate any armoured vehicle or MC you focus on, no matter its size, and they're only 20ppm. For only the price of two LRBTs, Medusas give you T7, 3+, firing viciously powerful weapons every turn.
>targets the psyker
Are you seriously asking?

>right now
English is hard
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Well I don't have the actual powers infront of my and wasn't 100% sure. Last time I faced GK he definetly had his whole Warlords group buffed up with it. Next time I see him I will read the card itself.

I am still pretty new and don't understand what confers and what doesn't especially psychic things since I have yet to use one
Anybody with the new reprinted farsight supplement know if your cumpulsory crisis teams in a cad still have to be three suits?
>English is hard
You're totally right.
Why are we still using this shitty language instead of just speaking Esperanto?
Unless it says it affects the unit, it doesn't affect the unit. Might of Heroes is for the psyker only. Only generics benefit from it completely, unless their Lib Dreads then the +T and +S is useless.
Yeah, I'm thinking just one knight for large engagements. I do have a couple of friends who like the idea of doing multiple engine fights but that's a long way off. I know I might not use it too often, but I'm definitely more about the collecting and painting aspect of the hobby anyway.

Hadn't looked too closely at the warden kit but it definitely fits what I'm looking for, thanks.
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>Space Marines getting a 1 Warp Charge Blessing that gives the entire unit +2 A/S/T/I

Not even GW is shitty enough to let that happen. Sounds like Grey Knights either didnt understnad the new power or was purposely fucking you.
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They don't. You can take Monats.

You can also take Shadowsun or Aun'Va as your HQ choice in a Farsight detachment now.
Then he cheated.

This. GW crunch is hit and miss but even they aren't that daft. None of the new spells are 'fucking bullshit tier'. Maybe the geo ones. Invisibility is still top dog, which is why Loth is the best Librarian available.

Mephiston with Quickening and Electroshield would be incredibly difficult to defeat, especially if a Gallan Staff Generic casted Warpmetal on him. But still not good enough for his points. Even a S5(10) T6 2+/3++ with A6(+D3) isn't that great.
IG players are complaining about the Vendetta having no Death from the Skies rules... Doesn't that make the Vendetta stronger, as it can't dogfight and gets to just come on, skipping all the bullshit?

Didn't the fluff essentially say that Aun'va is just a high tech hologram now. So, essentially, nothing has changed. He was going to die sooner or later (unless he ate more little boy/girl Tau) and now he can't 'die' ever due to being a hologram.

I keep hoping the Tau are going to believe he isn't dead. Then the Imperium send a massive pict feed of the body of Aun'va, tied to the Inquisiton/Imperial Creed 'I' with a message of "He's dead. Your leaders are lying to you."
No. Vendetta is just the damage version of the Valkyrie. You follow the Valkyrie rules for the Vendetta. At least, that's what I've gathered from it. BRB should fix it, unless, of course, Vendetta will be removed from IG 7th due to lack of model.
I'm pretty sure epistolary uploaded the new one on KAT last month. Czech for yourself.
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So tell me about your OC space marine chapter(s)
That's what I thought.
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>OC space marine chapter(s)

A Dark Angel Successor that has been sent back to their homeworld to oversee recruitment and training and being ordered not to leave their sector. This is a big morale loss for them and between their constant skirmishes with a nearby tomb world Chaos has started showing up as well. Their founding chapter wont help and told them they need to deal with it.
It is an experiment by the inner circle to see if the successor will succumb to Chaos like Luther and the Caliban.
>the red thrust
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Taken from the most recent post of the Regimental Standard.

"Just to be clear, enemy aircraft cannot hit you. The Eldar and their flimsy flyers move much too fast to target ground troops. Ork fighters are primitive and are outfitted with inferior weaponry that lacks the range to hit anything not immediately in front of them. Necron craft rely on the same power source for both their guns and engines and cannot fire while moving."

The Imperial propaganda doesn't even have to lie to bag on the Orks. It's kind of funny.

I've accepted my fate as an NPC faction
>Orks suck so their fliers suck
>It's fluffy
>I've accepted my fate as an NPC faction
Shit wouldn't even be a problem if they got priced like an NPC faction.
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What? You don't like the $1 to 1pt product line?
Maybe if you stopped kitbashing and custombuilding everything they could afford to lower their prices.

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>Grot: Oi boss! wot kinda rules d'yer want?!

So, what do you expect from DoW3?
More, or less serious, or Soulstorm tier?
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I might be retarded. According to the 1d4 wiki, Drone squads cannot score objectives but at the same time, didn't 7e introduce everything as a scoring unit?
Honestly at this stage, even with the PC world interview, its waaaay too early to tell. could be a shitfest babies-first-MOBA or it could totally refine gaming as we know it

give it another month or 6 when we see non-alpha screen shots
1d4 is bad
baaaaaaaaaaaaad at tactics.
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For it to be similar to DoW2. Crappy graphics and all. Perhaps a longer and more indepth story mode? Maybe just more Xenos filled.

The Space Hulk game looks really cool and I will probably get it just because I play Dark Angels. The graphics don't look bad either. Hopefully the story is half decent.

Don't know enough about the BFG or WHFB Total War to get hyped.
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I don't know about your specific question at all but 1d4 is not a reliable place to learn much. It is appealing in that it doesn't take itself seriously and some of the fluff pages are fun but as >>47132537 said you should take anything you read there with a fistful of salt. More often than not the tactics are either out of date or the specific armies leading autist who posts (and polices) his own tactics and "rules as interpreted" uses of certain things.
Perhaps your drones can score (unless specifically your rulebook says otherwise, since codex overwrites BRB) but can not be objective secured.
He means pointwise, being able to overwhelm the enemy with crappy units instead of just having crappy units
They might be able to clone him as they did have a clone of Puretide in that new story posted here a few weeks back. The question is how much of the Culexus left for them to clone him.
Can't wait for the grimdark story of how every clone they make of him wakes up screaming then dies within a few minutes.
RTShit tier.
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Newcrons vs oldcrons. Lore, models, everything. What is superior? State if you play necrons for the record.
Oldcrons are superior Oldcons, Newcrons are superior Newcrons.

Both are awful classicrons
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Play Necrons but started in 7e, I like some of the older models (but not the wraith/destroyers)

I like the Newcron lore just because it is more easily customization. If you want Oldron lore you can still get it via FW's dynasty or your own.

They feel like a few crazy and wise key characters with tons of mindless drones to dish out.
I highly suspect they'll just make a younger clone of him and say "hey we have a new member of our empire that can make people younger. They're incredibly shy and don't like to be talked about a lot."
>starts screaming and dies every few minutes
This is more acceptable than my idea.
Play Necrons and DE
I miss the old Silver Tide lists of pre update - I don't mind Newcrons, but hate what they did to the C'Tan
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what did they do to the C'Tan?
broke them up into controllable shards
ie matt ward retardishness
Turned them from Unspeakable Horrors/Lovecraftian Horrors into pokemon
>FW's dynasty

How many times do I have to say this. The Maynarkh dynasty are not Oldcrons. They have their own courts and royalty, they talk with the lesser races and ally with them, and they are as wacky as the rest of them.

Some anons think they are Oldcrons because the book they appeared in was shown 99% from the Imperial perspective. The Imperials saw the Maynarkh as spoopy this means they are OLDCRONS ignoring the fact that they see ALL Necrons as spoopy.
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jesus christ
Oldcrons>Newcrons imo
An "Oldcron" army is on my list of armies to get.
Spaking of the C'tan being Pokemon, will the Tau have a situation with Aun'Va clones like how there's so many Nurse Joys and Officers Jenny?
Having a 1750 against this new player.
Since it's new i'm playing some lists I would never bring seriously.

Currently I'm trying the CSM formations, which are pathetic but it's fun to use the actual CSM for the first time in a very long time.
I don't play Necrons.

Newcrons are better for narrative purposes. You can still do the legion of doom thing, but now they are far more interesting.
more like pokethulu which is also an actual game with rules and everything.

Honestly, at the power level the C'tan were at game wise for Oldcron I couldn't believe them as the galaxy threatening threat they were supposed to be. At least with the new fluff, the models being only a fraction of their power means that a full c'tam seems like a thing that would be scary.
you keep using that word...
>At least with the new fluff, the models being only a fraction of their power means that a full c'tam seems like a thing that would be scary.

Remember Dark Crusade or the Soulstorm where Necron Lords fused with a portion of the essences of the C'tan to become sorta like avatars of them?

Yeah, that was way cooler than pokeballs.

I will use loony next time.
But what was the essence of the C'tan kept in if not a pokeball?
Exactly, for a community that places a lot of emphasis on "your dudes," there's a lot of hate for the lore that actually allows you to do that.
okay, so you don't like them having gone any sort of crazy. Despite losing some of their mind over when they became robots having been a thing even for oldcron lords, they just never bothered describing any of the personalities that resulted from that.

Do you just like the oldcron personalities because GW didn't write any and therefore couldn't do the uneven and sometimes shitty job GW does whenever they write any character?

The Maynark are almost entirely "oldcrons", because the idea that Necron nobles didn't use to have personalities is complete bullcrap. The codex just focused too much on the fancy Order Gods of the Materium C'tan used to be.
The Gates of Varl.

The true C'tan reaches from all the way over there to impart his will and power on the Necron Lord.
And how is that cooler than giant tesseract vault thingies?

I guess this is where I break from the people who hate the new C'tan. My mental image of the things containing the shards are big crazy arcane technological things, not a pokeball.
>The Maynark are almost entirely "oldcrons"

They are nothing like the oldcrons. They Newcrons who are extra bitter and ax-crazy. In fact, the Maynarkh dynasty is the only dynasty that doesn't use C'tan shards.

>okay, so you don't like them having gone any sort of crazy.

No, little scarab, I would like for them to have personalities that aren't ripped from cartoon villains. Look at the Tomb Kings for example. Their personalities are dignified and serious despite suffering from the passage of time like their Necron counterparts.
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reminder that tau pilots have more experience and skill than imperial pilots.
>reminder that tau pilots have more experience and skill than imperial pilots.
Is this from any sort of source? Or just bait?
The "Death from the Skies" supp.

By the way, was it uploaded yet? If it wasn't I might upload it here
not him, but there's a line from the new Death from the Skies book.
then how did farsight get out maneuvered by orks?
>cartoon villians
GW is very inconsistent at writting characters, and most of them are over the top and cartoonish.
Look at basically all the primarchs.

So you did like the old cron personalities, because GW never tried to write them

>Tomb Kings not cartoonish
Were they a brotherhood of psychers?

Q: How does a power that targets ‘the Psyker’ but not his unit work on a unit with Brotherhood of Psykers? If, for example, a Wyrdvane Psyker squad casts Iron Arm, does one model nominated as ‘the caster’ receive the benefits? A: The power applies to all ‘Brotherhood of Psykers’ models in the unit.
Went against standard Tau tactica against the Orks by using new close combat tactics against the Orks. He got himself surrounded and had to be evacced by Manta that chased the Orks away.

He learned from his defeat and returned later ro defeat the Waaagh!
>returned later ro defeat the Waaagh!
>this is what Carnac actually believes
>Too close for destroyers, switching to pulse
Orks aren't a threat. He gave them an advantage just to keep them barely satisfied, much like how GW keeps ork players barely satisfied with new models and horrible rules.
Reminder that anyone who actually takes the lore seriously will quickly find out how inconsistent and broken the setting is on virtually every logical level. Now get back to breaking Orkz, Chaos and Dark Eldar over your back with blue pew pew.
I haven't seen the full book anywhere yet. I'd be interested in the weapon profile for the TL Tellyport Mega-Blasta, since it isn't listed on the data sheet that comes in the box with the model.

Show me the Trazyn and Krispekh of the Tomb Kings.

>GW is very inconsistent at writting characters

They are consistent in writing the Necrons as they are now.

When I see a fluff piece where Trazyn litterally wrings his hand and cackles like a moronic dick dastardly, what am I to do?
Ah hahahaha... no. that's not how shit works and you know it.
This is what the Farsight Enclave supp says.

The Ork Warboss ashes are currently in a ball inside Farsight's office.
I play GK. Anything GK units with brotherhood of psykers only have a few chosen powers. They don't roll on tables. They basically get hammerhand and banishment, and cleansing flame for purifiers.
The Stompa is one of the best valued model pts/dollar.
Reminder that imperial players like you get triggered easy as fuck over someone stating current lore.

>The Eldar and their flimsy flyers move much too fast to target ground troops
>Have precision shots on a 5+
>Laughing Crimson Hunters
Warhammer 40K supplement: "Death from the Skies".

>Stating the truth
>Implying I'm an Imperial player

No, I'm a Necronfag. This doesn't change the fact that the lore is worth very little in terms of a narrative muse, and has become more riddled with favouritism, inconsistency and plot armour by the year. If you're really trying to get one over on people by associating yourself with a fictional faction, I feel sorry for you.
Just because your faction's lore is a inconsistent abomination doesn't mean the other factions and the entire setting is the same.

They're both pretty shit with no real unique aspect, but oldcrons at least weren't a TOTAL pile of garbage.
>He gave them an advantage just to keep them barely satisfied

farsight almost had a mental breakdown
not being arsed to look up names
But eaten-by-bugs guy is over the top cartoony, and I don't care if he or The Mummy movie came out first, they're both the same level of pulpy silliness no matter who did it first. I love that sort of pulply silliness but it's there.

If you think the lead guys 'I DO NOT KNEEL' shtick isn't as silly as hand wringing and cackling I can't help you. He is the He-Man to the Skeletors you are complaining about in the newcron.

Now I'm sure there are examples in other bits of fluff where one or both of those were written competently, but that's where the inconsistency thing comes up. Newcrons just don't have the mass of lore that Tomb Kings to, so that the few jems can be remembered over the piles of mediocraty and crap.
No, it doesn't. What makes the lore an inconsistent, rule-of-cool and/or favouritism driven narrative dictated by the needs of the story over internal logic is the fact that the GW writers, with the exception of a few BL individuals are not even trying anymore. It's a multi-source layout that's been made by multiple parties, to consider it worthy of serious discussion outside of one's own personal group of friends, game, or writing project is absurd.
>I'm totally not triggered
Funny how stating lore with a meme image for tau gets insta-hate.
My nigga
As normal the formatting is off
Of course, it's a pet peeve of /tg/ to hate on the Tau, some might do it as a reaction to literally anything related. However, this hate did not come from anywhere, I have noticed a steady increase in the often labelled "Taufags," trying to anger the others of the board with canon or pseudo-canon. That being said, all lore is inconsistent, as said, Imperials, Tau, Tyranids, or do you just enjoy putting words into others' mouths in order to try and offend them with your own fabrications?
i'm slightly interested, it's cheaper then fenris and i only really need the rules for daemons
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Aw sheeit! Thanks mah monkeigh.
you can be my wingman any time.
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>Necron craft rely on the same power source for both their guns and engines and cannot fire while moving.
I enjoy stating lore with a meme image and getting (you)s from triggered imperial players. I don't even play tau

what opens this?
>GW never tried to write them
That's what I liked about Oldcrons. You never got to hear their side of the story, so it was just them showing up and doing something violent, and you'd have to try and piece the bits together and guess what their motive was.

Like when the Oldcrons show up on an Imperial world, murder everyone and grab a single human baby before leaving.

What's so special about the child?
Why do the Necrons want him/her?
Is it a pariah thing?
Who knows.
EBook readers that aren't kindles.

I use Sumatra PDF. It's p good, but some /g/fag is probably about to tell me it's malware and I'm fucking idiot.
>If you think the lead guys 'I DO NOT KNEEL' shtick isn't as silly as hand wringing and cackling I can't help you. He is the He-Man to the Skeletors you are complaining about in the newcron.

The "I DO NOT SERVE" thing is a cool character moment from the End Times where the character exited the stage in a respectful manner, basically telling the literal god of death to go fuck himself. The AoS rules for him made it into a joke/meme. It has nothing to do with the character and more with the fanbase.

The Newcrons do not have even the spark of the dignity that the Tomb Kings had. Not even a shred in the 4-5 years of their existence. The only way the Newcrons appeared as a competent and menacing foe was when FW in their wisdom (and laziness) decided to obscure the Necrons perspective from their book. So the only way for the Newcrons to appear threatening is to hide their personalities and antics behind a wall of spoopy.
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If you genuinely get upset over flavour text asserting one faction's dominance you absolutely deserve to be trolled into the ground.
>telling the literal god of death to go fuck himself
Haha what a wacky guy!
Fair enough. It really is amusing to see both the heavily Tau and anti-Tau members of the board going at it, both seemingly associating themselves with fictional men and taking personal insult to a canon that is liable to change as fast as the sales of each faction, or how fast a BL writer can get his hands on a new area. Admittedly, I have fallen prey to such things before.

Some Imperials in-'verse will say anything to degrade their opponents by any means possible, even with outright lies. This is especially true when the instance in particular proves superiority over the Imperial equivalent. No faction personifies void and air superiority per individual unit more than the Necrons.
is it just me or it all fucked up
I really dislike the direction Tau were taken in after 4th
>you absolutely deserve to be trolled into the ground.

This a thousand times, my god.

Do these faggots not realize where they are?
It's always like this depending on the reader you use
I'm working on converting it to PDF, no guarantees though
>If you genuinely get upset

Perhaps you should start remembering that there is, in fact, a conciousness on the other side of this conversation beyond your own? It has always been amusing how desperate trolls are in an attempt to justify themselves, that they will happily pretend in their own fictional world that the other side is, in secret, screaming and kicking. This habit is further reinforced by your complete disregard for my mentioning as a Necrontyr player, there was no comparison to be made to my own faction.
I do it because this general and board are heavily biased towards marines and imperials. With xenos races getting the beatdown constantly. Just look at the stuff I originally quoted.
I expect you to take it to /v/ tier.
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>The Ork Warboss ashes are currently in a ball inside Farsight's office.
You only bought it for fluff Carnac, ya faggot.
The daemon portraits make it look like they had to be scrawled down second hand by someone listening to the descriptions of raving madmen

They're fantastic
You're remembering the good parts and forgetting the bad. Selection bias in memory is a thing, and we all do it.

Like I remember the ending of DS9 being good, but I fully realize that's because I mentally edit the hell out of those episodes, so that there are basically 4 characters, rather than the more than dozen that there actually are. Because the rest of it sucks.
I remember Bab 5 a lot more fondly, because I basically remember the Londo and G'kar show.

And it goes the other way too. Once you dislike something you'll remember all the bits that you dislike and forget the others.

I'm not saying Newcrons are good. They're basically GW level writing, only you don't have the benefit of nostogia, and they don't have the benefit of decades of writing.
I get that, but I play tau and think this is all a bit hamfisted to the point where I've lost interest in new tau fluff, starting around the stormsurge release. The whole thing about them just being better pilots IS dumb, if it said "Tau pilots are r8 gud becoz they do science n computin wot the imperials don't" that would be cool, and no one would have issue with it.
Oldcrons lore was by far better, more mysterious and intriguing. You really didn't knew anything about crons, and they were somehow involved everywhere. I loved how much fluff debate this space terminators caused. the Void Dragon was my favorite C'tan.

Sure, Newcrons lore gives more liberty. I still mad because they could have just implemented it without fucking completely the old lore.

Newcrons>Oldcrons and this is not debatable. Dealing with an old Monolit was a nightmare. And the phase out rule sucked balls.

Old models lacked of variety, but I neither like the current egyptian looking. Thousand sons were supposed to be the egyptians here.

Also I can't still fucking deal with "le robots piloting machines" meme. It's retarded and looks silly. They didn't learn anything from the Star Wars prequels.

And new flayed are ugly as fuck compared to the old ones
> has actually read the Farsight supplement

My condolences.
if you don't have nostalgia goggle on, it reads as wacky and silly.
For me, the End Times books were stretches of boredom intermixed with moments of unintentional comedy.

It's not trolling to anyone but you, baby that you are.
Yet, one of the main perpetrators of this shit, gets into a fucking autistic rage fit when people see his headcanon is based on a single sentence. Extrapolation to the illogical extreme is his moto.

It's just a thing that several known shitposters do. If you think anybody is screaming their heads off in an autistic fit, you need to re examine your idea. Most people are fed up of it simply cause it's the same shit, it isn't infuriating, it's boring. There is a difference. People don't wan this shit. They don't want these people doing it.
Oldcrons felt hamfisted and they didn't really stand out with Tyranids being a thing, but they were cool as fuck
Newcrons have personality, but I hate the wackiness. The models are over-designed, but I guess that was inevitable
Why? How can (you) be so important that starting pointless fighting could be worth it?
I liked them. Especially the Skaven blowing up the moon. Then getting owned by Lizardmen and then fleeing like bitches to Chaos.
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>My mental image of the things containing the shards are big crazy arcane technological things, not a pokeball.
Well, they're actually Pokécubes according to the Grey Knight dexes. Handheld, fist-sized.
That's tesseract labyrinths though, the things that hold regular C'tan Shards. Transcendent C'tan are too powerful for a little labyrinth to hold, so they're the ones that go into the huge tesseract vaults.

Except as of the latest codex, when the C'tan were broken, all their shards were imprisoned in tesseract vaults, and all C'tan Shards are Transcendent C'tan, which are contained in tesseract labyrinths.
>Oldcrons felt hamfisted and they didn't really stand out with Tyranids being a thing
I disagree. Oldcrons were distinct in that they had unknowable motivations.
Tyranids have only one motivation, and it's easily knowable.
>These people are buwwing me :(
>I know! I'll buwwing dem back! Dat'll teach em and make the fred all da better 4 it :D
>the 7th edition daemons codex will just be the 6th + the wulfen formations

I guess I can't be mad since it'll remain a great codex, but kinda sad it won't get a real update. Hopefully the new dex release is reason for them to start putting out the new greater daemon kits.
Wrong. Oldcrons had one goal. To enslave the entire galaxy in soul farms and make new bodies. That was it. They were Nids but for another reason. Newcrons at least can be anything you want them to be. IA11 has Necrons as unknowable monstriosities, while many others work on schedules and programming, others are bad shit mad, others want to return to their bodies, others want to fuck with time, others want to collect shit.

If you want your dudes to be murderbots, go for it. Of course, this is bad and fluff should remain rigid.. but only for fluff I like!
Ah, more assumptions, please, continue the fictional ad hominem in an attempt to make yourself feel proud behind your computer screen. Though >>47133531 can sum up exactly why such an attitude is not entirely welcome.

I personally like both the Newcrons and Oldcrons, though for obviously different reasons considering their fluff alterations.

Needless to say the former fluff focused more upon the "C'tan," as a threat, with their undead legions, much as how one does not usually think of the skeletons, but the Necromancer that raised them. The newer lore gives them a personality that I do not particularly dislike, and makes it feel more like Codex: Necrons than Codex: C'tan Servants, though perhaps it would be better if they made them less wacky, which is what truly drove the disparity in theme, rather than the whole Pokécube phenomenon.
Stop being new. Ignoring retards is the only way to get them to stop. Every reply, no matter what it is, feeds them. You are just as much a part of the problem as him.
>Dogfight phase
Oh for fuck sake, another entirely useless phase?

C'mon GW, I want to play 40K because no one else has the armies you do but your rules are already terrible, you're breaking my balls here.
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Where can i get old noise marine figure(i dont care if they are recasts aslong as they are decent) or just some sort of noise marine, really want to paint some up
He probably taunts the haunted ashes.
How do I leldar without falling into Wraithknights but still remain competitive?
20$ a pop
From what I gather it used to, but Knights are pretty much in line with the general game now. Love it or not, this is what 40K is now.
>Grey Knight dex
that would explain why I don't recall it. Not the place I go looking when trying to see c'tan lore.

IIRC the necron codex don't have anything saying that the shards are contained in handheld devices. So I always pictured even the lesser shards were containe in something fairly large, and then scaling up to the super-heavy thing for the bigger shards.

I can definetly see where the hand held thing sounds dumb. But if the smallest one containing a shard long terms is the size of a truck, the image is actually pretty cool imho
One day them ashes are going to get angry enough to escape from that ball. Fear the dust, watch as it overheats your computers and clogs your engines!
Problem is, many people don't know what certain posters look like. Carnac, Slav Shitposter, Slav Falseflagger. Hell, Vitaloptium is probably evaded back by now.

It's a thing and it's difficult to defend against. Unless people went to /qa/ and begged for IP range bans on these people, it won't stop.

Don't play it then. It's a supplement.
>Wrong. Oldcrons had one goal. To enslave the entire galaxy in soul farms and make new bodies. That was it. They were Nids but for another reason.


Oldcrons wanted to conquer and enslave the galaxy in their name of their gods. To restore the C'tan Empire of Destruction.

Tyranid do not serve gods, do not build empires, and they do not enslave.

If anything, they were an in-verse version of Chaos. Evil Order.

>Newcrons at least can be anything you want them to be.

All newcrons are bond by the last command of the Silent king, to rebuild their empire. They go at it in different methods because they interpret it differently.

This can translated into the Oldcrons since before the C'tan awakened, the Necrons were doing stuff left and right.

>IA11 has Necrons as unknowable monstriosities

Except for the fact that the book has an entire section telling you the history of the dynasty, perspective of the war, and their motivations. A small one but enough to know that they are not unknowable. They are Newcrons as wacky as loony as the rest.

You can't read. So I am having doubts about you.

>If you want your dudes to be murderbots,

Find a single mention of Necrons worshipping C'tan in the fluff. I dare ya.
>Aircraft Spam
>Any other wraith unit.

Wraithknights are only one of the many things the Eldar has that is pure cheddar. It just happens to be the ripest.
Close your eyes and flip through pages at random to choose your units, skipping wraithknights & such.

What is this?
So, I decided to plunge into the Warp and buy the Dark Vengeance box set.
The guy at the hobby shop tried to add on a shitload of brushes and paints, but i held off on it.
What suppliers do you all go to to get the brushes and paints for your armies?
Is it frowned upon to use non canon colors for the armies?
>do these faggots not realize where they are?

Listen retard, everyone knows this is /tg/. That doesnt mean the generals have to be 80% shitposting. They werent always as bad as they are now. Anons that used to post actual content are leaving, and newfags/miserable tards like yourself have taken over. If you're ok with browsing s thread thats mostly arguing and shitposting, thats great. Because thats what it is now.

I rarely even reply here anymore, because theres hardly anything to reply to. Enjoy your 40k themed /b/, thats all it is anymore.
Yes, the reader was told this information, but we're talking about influff. Which is, the Imperials DIDN'T know why they were attacking. DKoK just threw themselves until Minotaurs arrived and did their thing.

>ad hom

Oh I know who this is...
Not him, but...

>The powers of the C'tan manifested in the physical world were indeed almost god-like and it was not long before the C'tan were being worshiped as the Star Gods the Necrontyr had named them

>being worshipped
>It's a supplement.

For now.
You can do what you want anon. You can even use the new rules and not play the new phase. You can do whatever you and your mates want to do, if you all agree.


The "7th edition" update for the daemon codex which just adds the thirster/exalted flamer profiles and the daemonic incursion detachment/formations
You can paint your models however you want.

Cheddar's such an overrated cheese.
I meant Necrons and I also meant post-sharding Necrons.
You can use whatever colors and paints you want, it's recommended you use a decent primer and don't use thick paint.
All the GW tools and brushes are overpriced shit, armypainter makes great brushes.
Aside from that, a good exacto knife and pair of flat sided clippers for getting stuff off the sprue will go a long way.
>any other wraith units
Wraithlords are not ever very good let alone cheesy.
Wraithfighters and cannon-guards are decent but not cheesy.
Aircraft spam isn't a particular eldar issue. Crimson Hunters are good, but it's not enough better than all other factions to make this eldar cheese rather than just an example of more general cheese.

Scatterbikes.... yeah, 90% of how I adjust my armies cheesiness is the number of scatterbikes.

That said, there are several ways to play eldar that is good but not cheestastic.
Mate. Watch your gob.
Almost sounds like one of the items my Chaos Lord has. The difference being its a lantern shaped like an Ork skull that sucks up Ork souls. The Orks' imagination creates their own little paradise. Sluggas the size of demolisher cannons, choppas the size of hab blocks, grots the size of Knights, anything they want. All of this causes WAAGGH energy for my Chaos Lord to use as a boost.
++ Eldar Craftworlds: Codex (2015) (Combined Arms Detachment) (1846pts) ++

+ HQ (400pts) +

Warlock Conclave (400pts)
10x Warlock with Singing Spear [10x Singing Spear]

+ Troops (921pts) +

9x Storm Guardian w/ CCW and Pistol]
2x Storm Guardian w/ Power Sword and Pistol
Warlock Leader [Singing Spear]
Wave Serpent [Shuriken Cannon, Twin-linked Eldar Missile Launcher]

9x Storm Guardian w/ CCW and Pistol]
2x Storm Guardian w/ Power Sword and Pistol
Warlock Leader [Singing Spear]
Wave Serpent [Shuriken Cannon, Twin-linked Eldar Missile Launcher]
9x Storm Guardian w/ CCW and Pistol]
2x Storm Guardian w/ Power Sword and Pistol
Warlock Leader [Singing Spear]
Wave Serpent [Shuriken Cannon, Twin-linked Eldar Missile Launcher]

+ Fast Attack (150pts) +

3x Vyper [Shuriken Cannon, Shuriken Cannon]

+ Heavy Support (180pts) +

War Walkers (180pts)
2x War Walker [2x Eldar Missile Launcher]

+ Lord of War (195pts) +

Avatar of Khaine (195pts)
>actual content isn't posted anymore
there's that meme again. maybe it's because the 40k game itself is going to shit that causes shitposting or maybe it's because most unique content in the universe has already been fleshed out. Either way unique content is still being made, and posted here. Shitposters do nothing to change that.
>Yes, the reader was told this information, but we're talking about influff. Which is, the Imperials DIDN'T know why they were attacking. DKoK just threw themselves until Minotaurs arrived and did their thing.

ALL Newcrons can be represents as unknowable horrors if seen from the perspective of the Imperials. You acted like Maynarkh is unique in this.

And no we are talking about the out-verse perspective don't flip it about. When the other anon said the Oldcron had unknown motivations you corrected anon by saying they did. So now you telling me it was about the Imperial perspective?!
I think Scatbikes as troops are worse. Dont get me wrong, WK's are absurdly undercosted, presumably because no one was buying the kit. But Scatbikes' mobility, killing power, obsec, its just a fucking joke. Games Workshop lost so many players because of the Eldar codex. Theres no way they sold enough Eldar kits to offset it.

Corporate greed coupled with a lack of awareness regarding their customer/playerbase. I'll be here to laugh at them when its 11:59 pm, and they suddenly realize how wrong their strategies were.
there is fluff of necrons having gone mad such that they forget what time period they are in.

While there isn't a specific mention of a dynasty that still worships the c'tan, that sort of madness is well within the realm of plausible things.
Random question. Isn't there a 4chan plugin which gives everybody ID's regardless of board which doesn't change from thread to thread?

That'd be very useful to have... Allow me to filter certain people.

What about Wraith Seers?
Not playing because finals week is coming and I want to diiiiiiie.
But that isn't true. Shield of Baal proves they aren't always 'unknowable'. They purposely talk to the BA about doing shit. Their plans are then known. In IA11, they are not known.
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>make new bodies
That's a Newcron and Oldestcron, sort of thing. Oldcrons had no interest in returning to flesh.

Although on second thought, maybe some did, as just like in Newcron fluff, not all of the Oldcrontyr went willingly. It's possible some of those forced converts were among the Oldcrons that retained their minds, though whether they were in a position to do anything about it is a different matter.

Tesseract labyrinths were actually introduced by Ward in Codex: Grey Knights, as a teaser for the first Newcron codex which was released later that year. The latter didn't describe tesseract labyrinths in as much detail, but it did include them as a wargear option for Lords and Overlords - which, even if you hadn't read the GK codex, could be taken as an indicator that they weren't that big. The GK codex character Inquisitor Valeria also carried a piece of wargear, the Hyperstone Maze, that the Newcron codex revealed to be a tesseract labyrinth (and true enough, they functioned identically).

While I wish the retcon hadn't happened, I was never really bothered by the idea of PokéC'tan in itself. The shards were actually one of the more interesting aspects of the 5th edition codex for me, but then the current one completely borked both the fluff definitions and their TT customizability.
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>talking to Carnac

God damnit, this is why nothing changes.

Pic for you.
Never heard of that. You can still use the old method to identify samefagging though.
There are False-Necron in the "Devourer" novel that were a little confused.

When a Cryptek spoke of the C'tan, some of them tried to do gestures of worship to the C'tan but then programming checked in and stopped and they remembered that C'tan a shit.

This is what I believe is called the Anti-C'tan Protocols.
What a completely shitty list. Also, illegal.
there wasn't a grand strategy there. yes they wanted to sell bikes and wraithknights, but they probably had no idea how it would affect the overall balance of the game.

Because intentionally shaping overall game balance would require a lot of people communicating, working together, and being competent. And I've too much faith in human bickering, miscommunication, and incompetence.

Allowing unlimited heavy weapons was clearly a new kit push, and expensive kits are pushed, but the overall result was not intended.
Pushing the new bike kits that way sucks for me, because I would have bought them just because they look so much better than the old kits.
Dude, the Imperium only new what the Necrons are in the last 100 years of the setting when the Necrons stated to appear regularly. Prior to this, the Imperium didn't know what the Necrons were (only a few did).

For example, the Imperials did not know that the World Engine was a Necron machine.
That's effort.

This is the kind of thing.

knew what*
>necron wargear
I always pictured that as a temporary measure.
Like it let you capture a thing, and let it go later, but there wasn't any sort of control device in there. because I don't remember any control device being mentioned.

I agree on it being shitty, but how is it illegal?
If you dont know why its shitty you probably dont play this game.

Also Warlocks dont count as HQ-choice.
>Warlocks dont count as HQ-choice.
No such mention in the codex.
I'm not denying that. My point is, to the Imperials fighting them, they were unknowable, just like people want. Those which aren't, like The Traveler, Trollzyan and so on, are more 'willing' to do shit together.

I mean, hell, the leader of the IA11 dynasty is a woman and yet most people who like Necrons don't know that.

Point is, they are what they've always been. Them having the OPTION for differing shit, is a plus to me. It's like making your own chapter. I don't like Imperial Fists colours, the Primarch or their stubbornness. I do like their defensive orientated tactics. So what do I do? I make my own chapter with all the shit I like.

With Necrons, I can't do any of that in Oldcrons. I am a murderbot. That's all I can be. I can't be, say, a dynasty dedicated to preserving 'Eden Worlds' so they can return to them when they get their bodies back and enjoy the sights, smells and touch of the lush world. Due to this, they hate Nids more than anything due to them destroying these worlds and targeting them specifically.

Oldcrons, I have no choice in their motivations. Now I do. In the fluff, most don't have knowable motivations and lots of shit is outright not mentioned. Like the Tau being killed by Necrons who came from the moon. Why did they do that? What motivation did they have for that? Or was it they're just murderbot part of the Necrons?

That's why I like Newcrons. I like choice.
It's hard to tell which one is him sometimes when people use the same format instead of walls of text like decent God fearing people.
I type like him unfortunately. I try not to, but it's difficult.
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>Oldcrons, I have no choice in their motivations. Now I do. In the fluff, most don't have knowable motivations and lots of shit is outright not mentioned. Like the Tau being killed by Necrons who came from the moon. Why did they do that? What motivation did they have for that? Or was it they're just murderbot part of the Necrons?


In the Xenology, we had an Oldcron lord infiltrating the Inquisition and even talking to his victim.

You could be more than a murder bot back then. Now today we are all loony tunes. Thank you.
Luckily enough you can know if it's him sometimes just by that feeling of dread that accompanies his posts.
step it up
That will be me after my final exam for my class that is on the physics of black holes,gravitational anomalies and other nonsense.
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Instead of expanding and diversifying the Oldcron lore, you choose to have it gutted and replaced with a poor version of the Tomb Kings.

I'll take my "Metal Tyranids" over that any day. 5 Years later and I am still ANGRY!
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The exact method used to control C'tan Shards was never really explained beyond a vague mention of "relays" and "fail-safe mechanisms". But still, they were described as being imprisoned in tesseract labyrinths, and tesseract labyrinths were things that cron characters could carry around.

I always kind of suspected Ward stole the idea from the Dark Eldar soul-trap, since DE were the last army updated before Grey Knights and Necrons.
Yup. He's also arrogant as fuck and doesn't actually understand how arguments work
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People dislike the xenology as a source of lore because it's written by an in-verse madman at the behest of a Inquisitor (who is actually a Necron in disguise). It's ramblings and fluff mixed in together. It is as canon as any in-verse fluff.

This is the future you choose people.

They came for the Necrons and you said nothing.

They cam for WHFB and you said nothing.

Well, they are coming for you next. Don't say I didn't warn you!
If you're doing that shit, you're smart enough to succeed.


And with that, everybody will know not to bother replying to you any more. That's old shit. If that counts, then CS Goto stuff does, since that's after Xenology.
i'm with you on this anon
if i'dd known newcron fluff before choosing my first army i might be playing necrons

Then stop giving it replies. You're the one perpetuating this shit. If people weren't such absolute children over perceived slights to their fictional dudes it wouldn't be a thing in the first place.

Old lore before BL changed it's practices. So, discarded, like the rest of your posts. Unless, of course, you're willing to admit that any 'lore' is canon, that is.
>That's old shit. If that counts, then CS Goto stuff does, since that's after Xenology.


Those counted in their time and now they got overwritten.

The point was to show that the Oldcron were capable of being more than murderbots. Also see >>47134302
Are there any ways to get "not-kasrkin" without buying the FW upgrade kits?
Where in my post, exactly, does it say I reply to them? Feel free to point it out. Thanks. I'll await the quoted part of that my post proving this.

That's not the problem here. It's people like this guy >>47134302 that is the problem and people who reply to him.
They made so that the necrons shattered their C'Tan masters, and imprisoned them to serve the race they once enslaved. However, all this was at incalculable cost to themselves, leaving the Dynasties too weak to fight the Eldar and (Kr)orks.

All in all, I tthink that it's a pretty neat way to rehash the old lore while still keeping the old feeling of tragic legend.
And? It's old as shit, it now longer doesn't count. They don't impersonate anybody in any modern fluff to the best of my knowledge. Maybe they do, feel free to point it out.

I presented fluff that contemporary to the Oldcron codex. Of course, it's old and now partially uncanonical.

Brie is best.
You missed the point utterly. Stop replying clearly you are not following the post chain.
I think Necrons are just angry because they can't schlick/tug themselves off. Imagine the phantom morning wood you'd have after being asleep for millions of years.
>Brie is best
You think you can just... say that?
When provolone exists?
scion arms+legs + cut of armor plates pasted on the legs + cadian torsos + cadian heads with respirators from the command squad is as close as your gonna get
the FW upgrades will give you a much better likeliness though , if you want kasrkins using the hostile enviroment cadians from FW with cadian torsos and scions bits will be pretty close to the old metal models
meant for >>47134367
I did not. Just because a guy impersonates another guy does not mean they're not murderbots. That's like going "An Assassin isn't just a killer of high priority targets because he dresses up as a courtier!"
Anyone have experience against the new Deathshroud wraithknight?

Seems more fun and less cheezy than the stock one, was considering picking one up
Hmm a sort of hybrid scion kasrkin might be cool!
It's nice. But it isn't Cheddar.

>not just programming pleasure into your brain

The old old graphic novels show the Slaaneshi Daemonettes just stick their hands into peoples brains and massage them.
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here's a pic , not mine though
i like the vanilla scions just as much

So you don't reply to posts that bother you and then you point out the post that bothers you? Genius. There's nothing in that post I can possible see as being bait. It's literally just discussion on canon. Unless you're a total autist who spergs out anytime someone as an opinion that differs from his, that's a pretty benign post.
Not me. I liked the Heavy 5+D3(?) Melta attack though.
Yes, you did.

What was "This is old shit" about? Of course, it's old. It was released when Oldcrons were still a thing.

Also you didn't read it. The Necron Lord said that he was among the LORDS and LADIES that retained their minds. Which means that he and the rest of his kind are capable of being more than silent murderbots. If they wished, they might for example act as spies among the lesser races.
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Thats the inferno lance, this is the profile for the darkshroud
That looks neato!
The only problem I have with Scions is their chest plates are too plate-y.
But I donno.
Maybe I'll make a WWI-ish company one day.
POST YOUR SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE HQ BUILDS! You know, that one you keep using, and keep coming back to.

Tau Commander:
Shield Generator, Stimulant injector, Iridium battlesuit, Fusion Blades

Exactly 200 points for a WS4, T5, 4W, with a delicious S8 AP1 Blind and Armourbane attack at initiative 3, coupled with 2+/4++/5++
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Remember when Carnac used to shitpost about how Newcrons r best and anyone who prefers Oldcrons is a pleb

>daemonette brain-handjobs
Aww yeah.
it depends on pairing and timing. Even on a cheese plate there should be different breads and spreads to pair with the cheeses.
Besides, that having a variety of cheeses is best.

Same rules apply to cocktails, beers, wines, and perserves.
yeah the Cuirass was a turn of for me as well but in the end i'm happy with how mine ended up looking and it didn't end up bothering me all that much
my color scheme for them helps though imo , the posterboy scions are ugly because of the beige/blue combo
well I'm choosing to picture them as big arcane machines covered in runes and green lightningthat the labyrinths are stuck into and taken out of.
Sure I'm making that up as I go along, but I don't care it looks cool in my head.
Does anybody remember the short story the has a Necron taunting a Magus? The Magus and an apprentice are locked in a bunker with the supplies to build a plasma gun, but the Neron taunts them, because it knows it can break down the door before they can assemble the gun?
The Magus makes it out alive by skipping all the pointless chanting and rituals and just assembling the gun. He tells his apprentice they can ask for forgiveness later.
That one is made with the Noise Champion upgrade kit.
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My paint scheme is inspired by Star Wars clones.
Different squads have different comored markings on white armor with black cloth parts.
The chest armor just doesn't fit that theme.
>read this week's white dwarf
>reach the lore section
>Eldar may awaken an avatar once a year

I was like what? Necrons can field half a dozen shards of Necrons in each battle. Chaos can field a ton of greater daemons in a single battle.

And the Eldar can manage to have one godly monster per year? And he isn't that good.

Sorry, Eldarfags, this is a major fail.
That wasn't a Necron.

That was the Deceiver.
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>once per year
I don't even.
One per craftworld.

It requires a living eldar sacrifice to fuel It's awakening and only the best and brightest will do.
I mean, one per craftworld has been a thing for a long time. But how often was dependant on how aften they were willing to sacrifice a Young Prince.

Also, whose year? This is goddamn space, there isn't a universal year. The imperium gets away with it because they use Terras for everywhere, but why the fuck would the eldar do that.

>Eldar have stricter pop cap than Daemons

Wowzers! Who'd have thought? Of course they don't kill an Aspect Warrior everytime they go to a skirmish. You only summon the Avatar in times of direst need. They don't even like resorting to Wraith constructs.
One per year per craftworld.

A costly and lengthy cooldown for something not worth it, imo.
>the Deceiver.
That doesn't sound right, what would a single plasma gun to do The Deceiver?
Do you know the name of the book it's in?
Same could be said for spacemarines, hundreds of the strongest warriors of a planet die only so a smal handful of marines may emerge.
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What army should I start?

I have Orks and CSM and im looking to do something sifferent
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If that's how you want to fluff it, that's completely fine. Not like GW actually know what they're doing with the C'tan anyway.

Ending of Deus Ex Mechanicus, though the details are a bit different.
ooh that sounds neat anon
a word of advice if its your first scion kit though :
read the damn manual carefully , arms, gun and backpack have to match the right number because if they don't they won't fit nicely
some special weapon options use the same arms as some hot shot lasguns and if you are cutting the wires of some backpacks for a tempestor or the likes make sure it isn't a backpack you're going to need for a lasgun

cause i made all of those mistakes on my first scions
It's lore.

So whatever the author decided it should do
what year? craftworld don't have years. There isn't a sun to be orbited. This is new and stupid.

The aspect not being hugely powerful was always kinda a thing, and I like the new incarnation where one of his biggest benefits is a buff aura. And murdering everything less bloodthirster in combat. And decent chances against a non-D bloodthirster.
I think you can still jump in the Raging Heroes kickstarter.
You can find the real deal, the first gen guitar marine, on Oldhammer Trading on Facebook. That place has far better prices than ebay.
Aspect Eldar.

It's what i do when i want a break form my Orks, almost a diametrical opposite.
Im not sure about that

After starting Tomb Kings during the end times im kind of wary about starting armies with uncertain futures
>Both of you control a fighter?
>Roll dice to see who wins.
>Only ons of you control a fighter?
>Other guy dies.
>Neither of you control a fighter?
>Skip phase.

So can I write two fighters into my army list and use them to nerf other players aircraft without them needing to be on the table? Because if I can do that I'm definitely using it and I'm DEFINITELY NOT buying the models!

>The title of Young King is bestowed upon a single Ex-arch each year, chosen by the craftworld’s Farseers. When the craftworld goes to war, the assembled Ex-archs begin the ritual to awaken the Avatar of Khaine, which involves the Young King walking alone into the Avatar’s inner chamber. Outside, the ritual continues until the assembled Exarchs hear a terrible cry, after which the Avatar will march forth and lead the craft-world to war. What happens to the Young King is a mystery…

Then how do seer council choose a single exarch each year if the Eldar do not have years? Tell me now.
aspectdar is cool. Powerful but not oppresively so, and while each aspect can pull some fun tricks, outside of the warpspiders they don't feel like utter bs and they're tricky rather than just stupid straight power which the eldar cheese lists are.
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tfw one galactic standard week equals 48hrs.
you need the models because you can't choose to not have them come in from reserves.
Huh. That sounds remarkably similar.
I must have read a re-written version in an omnibus somewhere. Or my minds going, and I can't remember any of the details.
actual source, because I'm looking at my codex right now, and the closest section mentions nothing about a year.
Nah. They got a dex a year or so back. You won't have to worry about them being squatted for a decade.
This week's WD. The Codex Apocrypha section. This weeks topic is "Curious Kings".
>father and son tech priests
I never knew I wanted this.
The coolest thing about Necron history is they deserve everything that happened to them. They meet a cosmic ball of gas and the first thing they do is trick it into a metal body which destroys its soul, so it gets revenge by tricking them into the same bodies and eating theirs.
And T3 on fairly expensive models means that you get punished severely if you get caught in the open.
They deserve to live under the cancersun to begin with?
So... Do none of you people know what a Tesseract is?

Of course the visible part in 3D is tiny, that's just the controls for it.
Yeah, if we can do it so can they. Invent some sunscreen u mugs lmao.

Shouldnt this be true? I mean, Air Caste had wings before planes were invented and they live forever in Space. That's without entering in the whole eugenic thing.
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Could you stop being useless and give the guy a proper description of how they work? Fine I will do it.

They work by eye contact. You heard me. You have to place it and activate within the line of sight of the victim. The device would mesmerise the victim with its quantum horror and then suck them inside (picture related).

In the World Engine novel, a Space Marine avoided this fate when his eyes got blurry from the combat damage and battle exhaustion which broke the spell of the device.
An argument could be made for skill or natural talent, but experience is just silly.
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Is that a good price for an forst gen noise marine
>Air Caste had wings before planes were invented
Since when? I didn't think the physical differences between casts were that big.
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It's been reprinted in anthologies, but I don't think it's ever been rewritten. I've seen it misremembered a lot though - understandable, given its age. Back in the early days (weeks, months... years) of Oldcron v. Newcron shitstorms, there was a claim going around that the thing Lakius built was a plasma bomb and that he'd blown the Deceiver up with it. I was never quite sure if that was down to misremembering or just a massive failure of reading comprehension.

They're not actually related; Osil addressing Lakius as "father" is just playing up an aspect of the "priest" part of "tech-priest" that generally gets overlooked.
Since the 3th ED codex.

The Air Caste dudes had wings that they used to flew with across the skies of Tau.
Nah, look up oldhammer forums/facebook groups or whatever and don't get jewed.

Since forever. The castes all came together as one similar looking race after technology improved and the castes evolved to lose unnecessary features.
How whatever did guy did stop an ancient star eating monster?
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How to I spot recasts on eBay?
Generations of eugenic program have removed the wings and adapted them to live forever in the Void.
>the thing Lakius built was a plasma bomb and that he'd blown the Deceiver up with it.
That sounds a closer to what I remember.

I remembered the story mostly because it was an example of "Machine Spirits" just being superstition. Till GW decided machine spirits were real.
Meaning of is post what the?
Sorry a little tired.

What I meant to say is how did a bomb stop a star killing god in his tracks?
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>Could you stop being useless and give the guy a proper description of how they work?
Press button to turn zero-point reactor on, target takes W test or gets sucked in, done.

The story just ends there >>47134884, with the Deceiver frozen in the hatchway and the two humans still alive (but stranded, I think?). To my knowledge, it was never followed up.

...except in the Oldcron codex here, where "Magos Prime Reston Egal" returned from the Naogeddon expedition to demand that the Noctis Labyrinthus on Mars be destroyed and sealed after it was attacked by Necrons.
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Reasonable pricing.
Stasis is stasis, they aren't daemons, while they may manipulate laws of nature they still live under them as well.
>Press button to turn zero-point reactor on, target takes W test or gets sucked in, done.

That's not a proper description and you know it. You are a disgrace.
Except when it's said that they are immune to natural law and also that they have total dominion over real space.
Whats a cheap case with DIY foam/generic grid foam to cut for transporting armies?
What if Tzeentch's goal is to protect the Tau rise to power until he becomes once more the most powerful of the Chaos Gods as he used to be during the Dark Age of Technology?
If you cant tell then what's the issue?
You got my hopes up. Here I thought we could have Standford and Son in space, and what I got was a cyber padre.
No anon, me pointing out such a post is what people reply to. It's called an 'example'.

>a thing characteristic of its kind or illustrating a general rule.

Me pointing it out does not equate me replying to them when they post it. It was me pointing out what kind of post is involved, known again as an 'example' and was doing it illustrate the kind of shit people post and people who reply to them.

The fact you're throwing ad homs is funny in the extreme. The fact you don't know why it is bait means two things:

1. You're new as hell


2. You're the poster

Either one is fine for me.
I know, I meant that's the version I like.

Almost as if he changes his mind to fit the shitpost, then you have assclowns like >>47134500 who don't have a clue what they're talking about.
New Thread
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The Nightbringer's original backstory contained a rather odd point concerning C'tan and stasis actually, which no one ever seemed to pick up on: Old Grim entered stasis like the other C'tan, yet still lost energy as it slept, to the point where it was nearly dead from starvation by the time it woke up. Despite, y'know, being frozen in stasis.

To this day, I'm unsure whether that was an implication that C'tan are unaffected (or at least affected differently) by stasis fields, or just a massive plot hole.

>Bringing something to attention and giving it replies does not count as bringing something to attention and giving it replies

Well done anon, you fueled the very thing you hated right up until the end of the thread. Let's watch you do it again in the next thread.
>Any tips for making a Chaos Sorcerer HQ work in the 700-1000 points range? Usually I run level 3, termy armour, and a spell familiar, but is it worth it or should I get a Chaos Lord instead?

I would go easy on the spell mastery as he gets expensive. Also consider the Burning brand. It is by far the best artefact for a termi-sorceror
Except that is second gen
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