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Warhammer 40k General

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You'll Never Ride A Reaver Jetbike Edition

>Rules databases


>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s)

>Forgeworld Book index

>White Dwarves

>Novels (Working link as of 02/02/2016)
First for dude where's my fighter?
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Secons for put genestealer back.
It was never there.
What Genestealer, loyal citizen of the Imperium? There is no Xenos presence here but the sanctioned fauna that we have brought with us.

Onto more serious discussions, however. Provided GW does go the way of making the new flyer rules and Dogfight phase non-supplemental, how do we feel the meta will be affected?
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>av 10
>no invulnerable saves
>pay twice the points everyone else does for similar equipment but has half the ability to use it
Where is chickin?
Are you trying to make a joke, clinically retarded or both?
>reply to a post hours later after that anon left

Man, you are either a coward or someone really petty.
What if Tzeentch is the true Benefactor of the Tau rise so he can become as powerful as he used to be during the Dark Age of Technology full of Hope and Wonder?
Praise the Omnisaah, btw new codex when pls GW
Not there. The same autist has been making the threads because the chicken and tau face trigger him.
Just don't make a big deal about it and wait a while and the chicken will be back.
Is there's some strategy that the Eldar can't handle?
What if your hand was a scorpion?

Gotta have the last word anon. /tg/ did not become the most baitable board on 4chan by not replying to things.
I have to know OP, what's with the mouths?
I understand why the tau face and chicken are controversial, but why would someone edit the mouthes out? How could anyone be bothered by that?
What sort of eldar, what lineup, what deployment, who has first turn, what enemy?
Siege and attrition?
According to the Iron Hand in the "Infinite Circuit", he can feel the mirth and mocking contempt of the stasis'ed Necron entity in the story.

Also the Admech were using it as a power source and subject of worship.

Probably unlikely considering the Tau have explicitly less psychic presence and therefore their emotional runoff is lesser than that of Humans, and drastically lesser of that than the race of Psykers the Imperium may one day possess.
No, it's called me leaving to go out before he replied and replied back.

I'm sorry I don't stay all day on /40kg/ arguing with people who don't understand simply things, perhaps he's on the spectrum, I don't know.
It was a joke, someone notices if they removed their gaping mouths they instead got frownyfaces.

I did the edit and people have run with it occasionally.
Let it go, you autist, let it go

/tg/ is far from the most baitable board.
Go onto /pol/, for instance, post some image or article that argues against the beliefs on /pol/ (so any thing that goes against the west, consertive values, christanity, capitalism or any of the ideas of the alt-right and libertarian factions that make up the majority of the board), the stupider or more easily debunked the better, and type in big letters at in the topic bar and at the bottom:
And watch as you get hundereds of replies.

/tg/ isn't great, but we're far from the most baitable.
I'm cool, I was having a discussion with him, I wasn't mad or angry, it just seemed rude, I had to pop out for the family.

Whatever. Life goes on.

If they were alone, yes, but what about the dozens of subject races that bring with them?
Different anon, but by replying to him you're proving your own inability to Let It Go
Whats the best chinaman if CCON doesn't have what I'm looking for ? Thx.
Tzeentch is big on prophecy. Farsight is destined to succumb to madness and emerge as the Mont'shaar. It's strongly hinted that it's due Chaos corruption.

Anyway, Mont'shaar means the "Terror that burns dark". Ahra who is a fallen Eldar PL is said to have burned with the dark flame of Chaos.

this, ow so this. While eldar has some stupid op options, once you get past those it's actually a decent codex in that it has a fair variety of different options among all the other things.

Take out wraithknights, scytheguard, warpspiders, and make bikes back to 1 heavy weapon per 3 and the codex would be one of the best releases in recent years.
Do what I say not what I do
If there's librarian dreads and chaplain dreads, where's the Techmarine Dreadnought?
Just because Tzeentch might be messing with them doesn't mean he's using them to return to his former power.
Mankind would be far better for that. Heck, it wouldn't supprise me if he's made sure that one planet with all the psykic STCs is completely fine even though it's a daemon world, just so mankind can jumpstart their progress again.
Help me choose a 3rd army

I have CSM and Orks

Tyranids, complete the set.
What's your favorite chaos god?
Slaanesh. My emperors children double as a 30k and 40k army
Posted this a couple of threads ago but got no input. Copy pasting for opinions.

How's this list looking for starting DE? I only own a Venom and 20 Kabalites, but I'm getting a nice bit of cash and am gonna splurge on an order. Everything that isn't 20 Kabalites and 1 Venom is what will potentially be on the order. I own the 20 warriors, but I don't want to pay $40 for Incubi, so I'll wait for the chinamen to come around for those, so I'll be proxying 4 of the Warriors as Incubi.

DE Realspace Raiders

Archon: Huskblade, Kabalite Armour, Shadow field, Soul-trap, Splinter Pistol, The Armour of Misery

Incubi: 3 Incubi and Klaivex with Double Splinter Cannon Venom

10 Kabalite Warriors in a Raider, Dark Lance, Blaster. Raider: Dark Lance, Enhanced Aethersails, Nightshield, Splinter Racks

5 Kabalites in Double splinter cannon venom with a blaster.

Scourges: 4 Haywire, Solarite with Lance and Blast Pistol

Triple Dark Lance Ravager, Nightshields, Aethersails.

Dark Artisan Formation:

Plain Jane Chronos

Haemonculus: Agoniser, Flesh Gauntlet, Liquifier Gun, The Vexator Mask

Talos: Agoniser, Flesh Gauntlet, Liquifier Gun, The Vexator Mask

Total 1325. Planning a 2v2 with Harlequins as the ally.

Tzeentch is schizophrenic with his plans. His plots often contradict each other. It wouldn't be strange if he had a dozen plans like this with the Tau having lasted longer.

The Emperor.
Probably daemonkin
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How would you fix Orkz /tg/?
I already recommended aspectdar

Also, going back to what was mentioned in the last thread, the new White Dwarfs adding 'once per year' to the Young King/Avatar fluff is stupid is so very many ways and should be religated to the same level as thing s CS Goto wrote.
On mars.
Daemons. Keep being the bad guys while getting to play a good army.
There is no fix, only a proper rebuild will work.
lose an attack, lower PPM by half.

More bubble nonsense
I think it's cool. Makes the avatar more badass.
White Dwarf regularly get fluff and stuff wrong, so I wouldn't put to much into it. Unless they explain how Eldar mark their time and thus how long a year it, is could be anything from 1 Terran standard hour to 1,000 Terran years.

Unless they meant Terran Year, then how do the Eldar mark 365 Terran days? Which goes back to 365 Terran Days could be an incredibly long or short time.

They're little snippets of fluff for people to read, I wouldn't worry to much bout it.
So going to a crazy Apoc Game, looks like basically all commers vs 10000pts of nids and how ever many thousand CSM are needed to make it balanced.

So I'm thinking of brining basically every model I have as 3500pts of craft world warhost.

Core: Eldar Jethost
only core formation I have enough models for and barely. 6 normal bikes 6 heavy weapons.

3 aspect hosts
Host of Wrath: Scorps and double banshees
Host of Ruin: fire dragons and double dark reapers
Host of Victory: dire avengers double hawks (if I can finish painting my hawks, otherwise a second min squad of avengers)

Other: Hemlock, Wraithlord, fire prism

Leaders: Seer Council on foot, Avatar, and Baharroth

Honestly the idea of having to make an Eldar sacrifice to awaken the Avatar is really dumb. Especially given the insane resource sink giving up a fucking exarch represents.

It's the sort of utterly excessive Grimdark waste you'd expect from a human.
Get swamped and die
i'm so sad they didn't make that version of fulgrim into something purchaseable
The Codex Apocrypha article is a fluff based article where the studio designers pick a topic from 40K or fantasy and write about it. Sometime it's a small panel and sometime it's a huge article.

For example the article where expanded on zahndrekh's lore and wrote down a new battle for him (picture related).

Anyways, the Eldar mention solar cycles sometimes.
I like the hypocrisy of the Eldar making a blood sacrifice to summon something uncannily close to a Daemon of Khorne, despite being the greatest enemy of Chaos this side of the Imperium.
I thought it was just a young male/female who was chosen by the Seer Council based on their visions, stripped naked and chucked into the room to be boiled alive?

That's not bad, that's 'grimdark' as the Eldar can't afford to do that, especially not young (and assumingly fertile) Eldar. But the fact is they need the power in the next fight, so it's worth doing it. Once upon a time, they didn't even explain what happened to an Avatar if it died. Did it have to be recovered? What happens if it went into the Warp via Vortex shit? I believe the answer was it just auto-returned to the Craftworld, which leads us back to Goto and his 'lol he's lost his weapon' thing.
the Young King lore is already badass. Once per year makes no fucking sense. There is no 'year' on the craftworld. Other lore has them select the Young King right before the battle. One per fucking craftworld was enough to make them unique and special.

Having it be an annual thing rather than in response to crisis makes it less cool, because it's less and act of increasing desperation.

not so much worried, as mildly annoyed. Like someone sticking gum on the underside of your table.
You do know aliens also worship Chaos right? They sacrifice themselves to summon daemons too.
I know what the Codex is, are you saying it isn't little snippets of fluff or something?

Regardless, the Eldar solar cycle needs to be explained in codex. If you're knowledgable, please, tell us how long a Eldar 'year' is in relation to human time systems we have currently.
Im trying my damnedest to sculpt that head from scratch

If I succeed I may do a small run for people on /tg/, keep an eye out
I was talking about the Eldar in particular, in that supposedly they have a greater beef with the dark gods than anyone, and yet they still do shit like this. I know there are aliens in general that worship Chaos, but the Eldar explicitly do not (consciously)
It's odd. Only thing I can think of is they awake it once per year in order to do an important battle, based on their Seer Councils opinion. Perhaps they don't want to risk doing it too much or can't do it too much. So the Seer Council look through to the future and work out which is the best or most needed or balance tipper time to use it?
I'm know I'm not alone on the other side. I mean, even as good as eldar are campaired to nids, 3.5k loses to 10k.

And I fully expect to be swarmed, but fuck it. and again, this is almost every model I own. I've got about 15 guardians, and 5 more avengers and that's fucking it. I mean if I had the models I'd totally bring support batteries and full squadron of Nightspinners, but I don't.

Also, I want to see how much I can kill with the avatar before he goes down.

Aren't their Gods artificial constructs made of pure Inmaterium? Not so different.
>Having it be an annual thing rather than in response to crisis makes it less cool, because it's less and act of increasing desperation.

I don't you don't get it. They select an exarch each year to be the sacrifice. If a criss strikes the guy gets tossed inside the avatar room. Once the Avatar done its job, they have wait until the years end to commence the choosing ritual. That's how I get it.

It seems reasonable.
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Anyone got a good source for alternate models for Sonic Weapons or Daemonettes?
I don't think*
>teleported into stone, ripped apart by force fields
Don't necrons revive from that?
It takes time for Necrons to reconstitute themselves after being disassembled and torn to bits like that.
One should always assume a Necron revives from anything that doesn't outright atomize it.
Khaine is an eldar god not a chaos god. This has always been the case. It's also true in fantasy.

In fantasy he was primarily worshipped by the dark elves. and in 40k he originally wasn't one of the popular eldar gods among the non-deboched and crazy. Craftworld eldar follow him because he's the only god left who they can contact, and only in a splintered state.

And the sacrifice is voluntary. More so than the psykers sacrificed to the emperor. It's a desperate act of a desperate people, sacrificing one of their own to tap into their darker desires to fight against a hostile galaxy.

could be. Or I can ignore this bit of fluff and stick to what's been the case for years.
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>The Young King is selected every year by the ritual divination of the Craftworld's Farseers

Where's the goddamn APOTHECARY Dreadnought.
>Eldar fans in charge of knowing their lore
Would orks be able to do that?
Now I've got this great mental image of a dreadnought throwing bodies in a huge cage on his back to bring back to the fortress-monastery. Alive, dead, doesn't matter. If they can't stand, they go in the basket after getting the gene-seed from the dead ones.

One should always assume that no matter how improbable, anything is possible to a sufficiently motivated Ork.
right, but that's less desperate. Because you get used to things you do every year. It's just a thing that happens. and given how the eldar have been for a long time, the aspects been somed every year for while now.

On the other hand, have it a ritual they are performing more and more, allows for ramping tension. and for the craftworld to become more distinct in how they think of the ritual.

Also, it being an exarch is ALSO new. and while that makes the sacrifice a bigger strategic lose, it makes it more strategic than personal. Sinc exarchs are basically lost to the social life of the craftworld already.
I think a gun that shoots healing gas would suffice.
>One should always assume that no matter how improbable, anything is possible to a sufficiently motivated Ork.
Pretty sure it's not just one guy
You on the other hand, are the chicken lover

I would recommend one focused on shooting
You have CSM which do melee and shooting
Orks which are basically just melee plus random bullets
So something focused on shooting

As it stands friend, only start DE if you can find them DIRT cheap and are willing to wait for an update, they got boned real hard in the recent FAQ
Your list looks fine, can hold up to everything but min maxed faggotry
okay, while I now see an old reference
>six exarchs
reveals that it outdated, as there are 9 shrines listed, and it's explicetly mentioned to be other aspects than those in the main codex.

Also year still doesn't fucking make sense, and strikes me as another 'GW has no idea how a fucking galaxy works' example.
remember when stormtroopers were an elite force of 10 000 soldiers for the whole imperium ?
Decrease cost of PK, add more melee options (some that rend, some that give extra attacks, some that could even increase I), give people a good reason to bring hordes (I like the 30k idea where there's an inbuilt discount for larger unit sizes), give them good ranged AT (fuck it, invent a gun that shoots nobz with PKs directly into combat if you want. Just something so they can actually wound a land raider from range).
THEN remove some of the self-defeating randomness. Remove don't press dat, remove the new Mob Rule, give a reroll on guns with randomized S and give orkz more options to move into close combat.
Thanks for being the first to input. My group is getting a large order, so we're getting the stuff 30% off GW price. Even if they got boned hard, I don't play competitive, so aside from the jink shenanigans, my lances can punch through necrons now. Plus, I think it'd be better to have the stuff while it's available in case the rumored update is actually coming. I was ready to wait at least a year for my Grey Knights to get an update and we got...well...what we got...So I think if it takes long enough, it'll be good/decent.
I dont know if I could do a shooty army. Shooting is something used to soften up units to finish them up in assault. Doing nothing but shooting just feels so.. wrong.
>‘You hope to find a solution to the Grand Experiment in their genetic code,’ said Urquidex. ‘It won’t work. Veridi giganticus’ genome is structurally unstable. It is a mosaic of recombinatorial sequences and mobilisable elements, continually on the cusp of one speciation event or another. Veridi giganticus should not be at all.’


>A map.

>The artisan trajectorae was making a map.

>The very genetic instability of Veridi giganticus was the way in. A population would be expected to accumulate sequence alterations over a very short period of time. As they moved on and established new populations, those unique alterations would be carried forward and added to, and so on. With enough samples those changes could be tracked back. The Adeptus Biologis did it all the time. Mapping the spread of viruses through hive worlds, extrapolating the evolution of newly discovered Homo subspecies at the request of the Inquisition. Thus was the grace of the Omnissiah made manifest in the base material of Its organic machines.

>Urquidex could see sample tags referenced to Ardamantua, Undine, Malleus Mundi. Hundreds, thousands of names: worlds from the breadth and span of the Imperium. The ork incursion was more widespread even than he had realised.

>‘You are looking for the orks’ home world.’

-Beast Series Book 6 "Echoes of the Long War"

It begins. The Admech are making a map to the Ork homeworld. Once it it's revealed they will loot its secrets and destroy it. This will end the Orkish threat FOREVER!
>You on the other hand, are the chicken lover
No, I'm just a guy who doesn't want any bitching about the OP image.
and you do know that both sides are made up of more than one faggot, right? There isn't a singular chicken lover, but a bunch of morons who want the chicken, juct like there are a bunch of moron who hate the chicken.
It's a stupid silly thing, but a thing nonetheless.
I thought the ork homeworld was already a thing, isnt that where Ghazzy came from?
>I dont know if I could do a shooty army. Shooting is something used to soften up units to finish them up in assault. Doing nothing but shooting just feels so.. wrong.
How about assaulty Space Marines? Even Tacticals can do pretty OK in CQC simply because of 3+, S4/T4. Run them into Fire Warriors or Necron Warrios causing you trouble and mop them up with combat res.

Also any chapter can bring a melee-hero with honor guard to blend some shitheads.
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Admittedly, it's pretty ancient. Later descriptions make it sound like a (comparatively) more spontaneous thing, for instance the current codex:
>As the craftworld prepares for war, this psychically receptive chamber pulses with the collective battle-lust of the Eldar. The Faresers choose an Aspect Warrior, known as the Young King, to be given the honour of becoming the Avatar of Khaine.

3rd edition was another time I can remember the yearly election business coming up, the Court of the Young King in Codex: Craftworld Eldar being made up of Exarchs who'd each survived their year as the Young King. I think it's gone back and forth a bit, like whether the Young King is an Exarch or a regular Aspect Warrior, or whether Exarchs keep their bodies.
>‘Veridi giganticus has somehow managed to overcome the discontinuity between efficiency and scale,’ said Van Auken. ‘Or otherwise devised a solution to circumvent the Omnissiah’s constants.’

>‘It sounds as though you admire them for it.’

>‘They are a superbly constructed species, individually adaptive, collectively diverse. They are an apex species, magos, as once we were. There is much to re-learn from them, and yes, we are not above admiration. We have narrowed their point of origin to six or seven candidate sectors. A few thousand systems at the galactic core of Ultima Segmentum.’

>Urquidex’s mind spun out a stream of hurried calculations. Stars came fast and close in the core and a few thousand systems need not, comparatively at least, cover a lot of space. A search of it would still be a massive logistical undertaking, but compared to the galaxy as a whole…

>‘Has the Imperium been informed?’

>‘The Fabricator General will apprise them if and when the timing is opportune. The Imperium is more than Terra, magos, and humanity is more than the Imperium. We must learn how Veridi giganticus operate their technology. You were there on Ardamantua. The Eleventh Universal Law applies. You have observed Veridi giganticus. They are not unknown to you.’

>Eldon nodded mutely, numbly. The instruments before him continued to gorge on the galaxy of data they were being fed. Too much to smuggle to Terra. Far too much. He had to find the world.

>One world. One word.

That, he could get to Yendl. And to Terra.

The madmen. They did. They found it.

Nah, it isn't. Ghaz's world was destroyed by super nova, iirc.
So long as you're dedicated and not playing at tourney level, any army is fine. Have fun

Hmm then what's one thing you wish those two armies could do, but can't? Choose another army based on that.

>admitted he loves chickens

> Boyz are 60pts for the first 10, 5pts for the next 10 and 3pts for the last 10.
> While above 10-models in the unit, Wounds are allocated by the Ork player
> New range of melee weapons introduced that aren't KlawNobz
> Examples include Power Swords, Power Axes, buffed Big Choppas, Tankhammers, Bombs-on-a-stick etc.
> Embedded melee weapons in Mobz
> Actual anti-tank and low-AP shooting introduced
> Mob Rule regressed to the previous version, Bosspoles allow rerolls at the cost of beatings
> Snazzguns ditch the random AP and instead are 'build-a-gun'
> Lootas can get different weapon options including skyfire and lascannon-equivs
> Kommandos get Demo charges and cloaking tech
> Nobz get a price plummet and cheaper melee weapons
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>TFW you don't care which image is used as you made most of them

Personally I prefer the cleaner one.
>Any army is fine
I love your optimism, and I'm probably a terrible player, but I've got like a 90% loss rate with GK and I've had to concede on turn 2-4 in most of those games or lose by objective points in the others. The ones I did win were complete uphill battles. Dice gods just hate my fucking guts.
this reminds me that at some point I want (if I ever have ton of free time) to write the proper version of Path of the Warrior.

Where every time he puts on the mask his personality disappears into that of the aspect. and where becoming an exarch is treated like a funeral to the rest of the craftworld. then ending with him putting on an the exarch armor, and showing his perspective disappearing into the gestalt of the exarch.
Snazzy helmets for aliens.

I play csm, orks, tyranids and dark eldar
I never once said I loved the chicken. Nor do I hate it.
I'm just pointing out that based upon the post formatting, the language used and the file names of pro-chicken posters that there's clearly more than one of them.
And now that I think about it, this OP is clearly made by somebody who doesn't care, they simp,y downloaded the last OP image used.
>dakka dakka: for every 10 shots increase the bs of orks units by 1 up to bs4.
>'ard boyz upgrade increases strength by +1 and confers a 'ard armour (+4) unless the unit have a better one, this upgrade can be purchased by every ork unit.
>extra armour as always but also removes the open topped negative modifier to the damage table, also orkz units can buy this upgrade to increase the units armour save (6 becomes 5, 4 becomes 3+ up to 2+)
>ramshackle vehicle: ork vehicles ignore the vehicle damage table, why? There's no logic or standard construction on top of the impossible nature of most of their intentions
>megaarmour: the same but it includes an 5++ because if the indomitus terminator can have it with out force field so can the orks since they just overlap armour ates one over the others.
>nobz have Fearless as standard.
Honestly we cycle through the different OP images so often I don't even understand why people care about if there favorite image get's posted. It will at some point.

And yeah, the clean one is quite nice. It's especially good fro the thread right after there has been alot of arguing of the cover image.
There should be an alternate Thousand Sons "Sorcerer squad" consisting entirely of (cheaper since they'd have BoP) Aspiring sorcerers. They all have force weapons and regular transport options.
Perhaps that'll be a thing in Tzeentch daemonkin.
Though that's implying it'll ever come out, which looks less and less possible everyday
Carnac, I know you're here, can you please put book stuff in spoilers please? I don't want to read fluff for books I'm getting.
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Is such a thing even possible?
Yes it was.
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This is actually a really good idea
Tzeentch Daemonkin should probably redo the whole Thousand Sons thing. Rubric troops are even heartier in fluff than Necrons or Nurgle, so I would either give them 3++ and FnP or let sorcerers make 1d3 new ones each turn.
hoping that the other demonkin come out.
Tzeetch I want to have get a benefit from perils of the warp being rolled. I'm not sure how, but I want it.

A friend of mine who plays KDK mentioned that while possessed are still not great, the demonkin book did give them and warptalons Mark and Daemon of Khorne, which is actually pretty cool, and got me thinking about what that combo could be like on other daemonkin, especially if they included oblits and give them that same effect.

Tzeetch Oblits: 2+/4++ rerolling 1s on saves
Nurgle Oblits: 2+/5++ T5 with shrouded so that they'd have 2+ cover most of the time.
Slaanesh... would still only be good on possessed and warp talons, but rending would be mine boost for possed.

Of course while I'm speculating, might as well hope for unique heavy weapons on daemonkin oblits.
Sonic weapon for slaanesh. warpfire for tzeetch, poison large blast/torrent for nurgle
With an implosive clap of displacement, an ork teleported directly into his path.

Magneric did not know what manner of thoughts filled the mind of an ork. Words? Images? A deep, ancestral dream of destruction and slaughter? He had never considered it. He regretted that failing now, for whatever the creature had expected to encounter when it had stepped into its ship’s teleportation portal, a Black Templars Dreadnought in the throes of battle rage had not been one of them.

The expression on its beast face was beyond price.

Magneric’s power fist punched into the ork’s chest and lifted it from the deck like an eel on a spear. Concentric rings of adamantium teeth spun in opposing directions like propellers, blending the ork in its entirety and spraying its vaporised remains.

So what went inside the Ork's mind at that fateful moment?
3+/4++ FNP would be fine if they didn't cost so damn much. comming back to life would be cool though
so every legion, be it traitor or loyal, have some kind of specialty, white scars having bikes, salamanders having a lot of flamethrowers, iron warriors specializing in seige or death guard having plague marines

but what do the two vanilla chapters/legions have, the ultramarines and the black legion?
I play GK, do you over upgrade? That's a common problem for GK players.
You've gotta be careful with them and with how you use your psychic powers. I always use the first turn deep strike detachment because... I need to get there.

Why are you still posting?
Jack of all trades.
The Dreadnought's power fist.
that's... extremely boring
Post your list
Rending and Running extra distance would be quite nice on Possessed and Warp Talons. Helps them get across the board and accomplish something when they get there.

> The Black Legion are a Warband and were never a Legion

The Sons of Horus were the offensive specialists. They were the ones to throw into any attack, orbital entry, breach or teleport assault. They were simply very, very aggressive and could spot and seize openings in an enemy defense.

Ultramarines were builders. They excelled at building forces, consolidating lands, and playing the long game. Their accomplishments went beyond military and they were excellent at macro-scale operations of military units alongside supply lines and planning where they would go next.
>hoping that the other demonkin come out.
I sure as fuck don't because that would mean being stuck with the current CSM codex for fucking ever
Rowboat's book makes them like that but the Ultramarines do have their limits to how the follow it. One of their successor chapters, the Genesis Chapter, they follow it to such a degree that if they feel like they're violating it they call up Papa Smurf and ask him if they're doing it wrong. They even have a hard time adjusting to the Deathwatch because they're not fighting codex style, but one of their relics there offers help on how to apply the Codex to their Deathwatch life.
At first, the red giant seemed to shrug off the beam boring into its surface, but after a few seconds, a dark sunspot began to form around the drill site. Bubbles of core matter broke the surface as the sunspot began to sink. It became a blister, then a bruise, a black canker that bored deeper into its parent body and pulled more stellar matter in. The bottomless black of its event horizon garnered a halo, brilliant, burning white.

The accretion disc of a black hole.

Thane slowly rose, watching with a very raw, very human awe. The orks had transformed one of the most stable and intransigent forces in the universe into a weapon, and simply to keep Magneric’s information from reaching Terra they were using it to demolish a star.

A star!

What could any man– even an angel of death– do in the face of such reckless power?

-Beast Arise Book 6

The Orks have used their technology to turn a red giant into a blackhole to kill the Imperial fleet before they escape with the secrets that the Black Templar discovered. What did the Black Templar discover?!
>gw takes over a decade to release all of the daemonkin books
>never update csm
>all 4 books plus an undivided supplement are now required to play a complete csm army
Luna Wolves weren't offensive specialists in the ways that some groups were. Their specialty was in assassination, Horus saw every conflict as being resolved by killing the enemies leaders, so his tactics involved bypassing outlying areas and simply striking at the heart of the enemy and expecting that the rest would break without their leaders.

This was extremely effective in most wars, but led him to frustration when he came up against chaos worshippers and none-centralized groups. It is also why Istvan III went so badly for him, as he couldn't disrupt their leadership because they had none.
Aside from 1 psycannon per squad, 1 hammer, Falchions for the Justicar and halberds for the other 2 per 5 in a squad, I don't take master crafteds or melta bombs or teleport homers. Like the dice just REAALLYY fucking hate me.

Need to make 4 lasgun saves on a dreadknight? 3 1's. 3+ to come in first turn? How does rolling a 2 sound to you? And it just happens way too fucking often.

The one I actually managed to win against Guard with was this one: http://pastebin.com/Mc0hDu9c

Ran the Paladins/Librarian/Inquisitor in the Land Raider (Which, by the way in the 6 games I've used it, has not been able to fire a single time.) and scout moved with Liber Heresius and charged out of it into his HQ squad. While everything else went killy and objective securing. It was a bloody good battle, too.

I've tried supportive inquisition to pad warp charges and re-roll reserves and had to concede turn 2 with this list: http://pastebin.com/kuYN3DpY

And I want to try this list out now that I have 3 terminator squads instead of 2: http://pastebin.com/wG71DA8A
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Being better than everyone else.

>black legion
Diversity, numbers, muh speartips.
The Black Legion have become the largest and most powerful Traitor Legion by absorbing members of any and every Legion, Chapter, warband, and Chaotic alignment willing to sign up to Team Topknot. And they're all Veterans of the Long War, even the new recruits.
If you're going to be running purifiers you really need transports for them. Also they work better with just incinerators. Try 5 man purifier squads with just 1 incinerators and maybe a hammer. Paladins are over costed and the landraider is meh.

The second list is much better, but again consider dropping the psycannons from the purifiers. You are losing the ability to move, shoot, and charge, while firing them and you are giving up some force sword attacks.
Blood angel tactical sargent.
Hand flamer, infernus pistol or combi flamer / metla?
Went for power sword for striking at initiative in challenges.
can anyone tell me of chapters that aren't of the original legions that have gone to chaos?
there's a lot of them man. Any god's or tactics you interested in?
‘Translating a planet,’ said Krule, lowering the slate and gazing out of the window. ‘Damn, that would be a thing to see.’

‘The trial data is all in Yendl’s intelligence log. The so-called Grand Experiment is proving as much a dead end for Kubik as it is for us.’

‘But if it could be made to work…’

Krule let the implications hang. They were so encompassing, so fundamental, that it was difficult to take the necessary step back to see them. Assimilation of the orks’ propulsion technology would strike at the very pillars of Imperial stability. With such a power, the Mechanicus would be able to move anything, anywhere. The Adeptus Astronomica would be no more, the Navis Nobilite cast down at best and persecuted by a vengeful Inquisition at worst. The fleets of Mars would render the Navy and the Chartists obsolete at a stroke.

Schism. On a scale not seen since the Age of Strife.

This pretty much confirms that the Navigators exist as a sufferance. Also shows that technological advancement in the Imperium is bad for the politics.
Why are Howling Banshees so worthless
If you're not giving the Dark artisan a WWP and a spirit probe, you're missing the point of having a dark artisan! Also, The talos cant have a vexator mask or agoniser, or flesh gauntlet. A better build for your dark artisan is: Haemy with either scissorhand OR Agoniser (Depends on what you're facing), WWP, Nightmare doll (It saves you from the first ID wound, and St:D does ID vs heamies), a Cronos with a Spirit probe, Talos with either Chainsnares or inchor injector (depending on what you're facing), and, If you feel lucky, give your talos a TL Heat lance. Liquifiers are not good.

Scourges are good, but the solarite with lance and blastpistol is a waste of points!

Enhanced aethersails are situational.

Why do you put a DL in a unit of 10 warriors in a raider with Splinter rack?! Are you retarded? Do you want to waste 9-18 rerollable poison shots when you shoot a vehicle? Or pay 35pts for a single DL shot at some cheap ass infantryman?
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I found this pic of a guardsman, but I can't find anything else about it, I'm thinking that it's most likely fan-made, but what I find odd is just how eerily close the color scheme is to my IG. Just remove the red trim and there you have it.
Because girls can't into melee combat.
That's a little bit difficult but to name a few: The Flawless Host(Shining Swords), Red Corsairs(Astral Claws with elements of the Tiger Claws), Company of Misery, The Cleaved, Extinction Angels, and the Crimson Slaughter.
That's probably from FFG's art.
At first I was thinking of doing some with a nurgle flavoring, but since plague marines aren't very useful in terms of points it doesn't have to be the death guard. Regardless, I'm not too picky
also a couple other things. Consider trying to use Draigo. He provides another very dangerous target aside from the Dreadknights. Also maybe get better dice. Try koplow red square dice. You can get some off ebay.
you are right about that auto return stuff... mentioned in 2nd ed. codex, iirc
That was my other guess, but he's not in any of the books I have.

Only thing that comes up is Pinterest, and a French fan-site.
B-but they're supposed to be the masters of blending marines.
I'm currently building an IG army but I'm pretty unfamiliar with them. One of my most recurrent opponent plays Grey Knights with double DK and one LR at 1500pts. I was wondering, what are the best options the guard have to deal with MCs and big tanks in general ?

I'm planning on playing a pure mechanized army so no infantry spam tactics and no allies.

Adding extra models to a unit is free.
Paladins are a trap
Psycannons that aren't on terminators are a trap
Honestly all the support you need is a terminator inquisitor with 3 servo skills. Beyond that focus on GK unless you want some plasma or something from acolytes.

Personally I run the following at 2k points:
3 teams of 10 termies, 3 hammers per, 2 squads have 2 psycannons, another runs 2 incinerators
Librarian at level 3 with book relic
2 dreadknights with sword, teleporter and incinerator
Termi inquisitor with psycannon and 3 servo skulls
Aegis line with comms relay

I normally have points left over to fiddle with stuff and on occasion shrink one of the termi squads to take 10 interceptors with flachions and 2 incinerators.

I always roll on the GK powers, never anything else.
I've actually got Draigo, I just need to actually get to work on painting him and his base. For now I can use Stern. What would I do with Draigo? Stick him with some Termie's and a Librarian and zip around? Assault from deep strike would make this army miles better, but that's wishful thinking.
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Nearly crapped myself when I went into the store today and saw this on the shelf
What do you keep behind the ADL to man the comm relay?
there's still a lot. Depends on what color schemes you want to go with then. Something like Lord's of Decay allow you to get really nasty with the paints. There's also The Tainted who kind of have a cleaner color scheme, but use a lot of beasts. Apostles of Contagion utilize plague zombies. The Cleaved have a unique color scheme. I'd recommend looking at those 4.
Well he's from a book you don't have.
>big tanks
vet lascannon teams , vendetta's (don't know how they sit with the new flyer rules) and a tank commander/twin linked/bs4 vanquisher
Eh, probably.
Cleaved and Lords of Decay have some interesting colors, using white to contrast with the putrefaction and decay that nurgle represents is interesting. I was also thinking of using bluish colors, but that perhaps would be stretching it too much
Keep him with the librarian and terminators for a mini kind of deathstar. Gate him around if need be. If you have a high level librarian go for sanctic and get sanctuary and hopefully cleansing flame. If a lower level one I like divinination for the guaranteed prescience. If you are going first consider not deep striking anything and gating him around turn 1. It's more reliable. Consider deep striking him turn 1 if your playing the long table edges and have second turn, and shunting your dreadknights up to back him up. If you are playing diagonal table edge or across deployment then starting him on the table and walking/gating him around works well. Also play with Dreadknights on the table and shunt up as fast as you can vs shootier armies. Don't deep strike your Dreadknights. They have a 30 inch shunt so use it, and you don't want them coming in at different times to be shot at piecemeal.
>There are a lot of positive things happening around AOS at the moment. My question is whether it is now finally ready to topple 40k as the flagship GW game?

I think this is the funniest thing I have seen on a forum all month. People don't play as much 40k here as they used to but nobody plays AoS.

If GW ever fucks up so badly that AoS is more popular than 40k they are done.
Any loyalists implied to be Luna Wolves sucessors?
I preordered mine this Saturday, I'm really looking forward to read it
Exclusive miniature only in stores, only in North America to celebrate the 100th store opening on the 28th

Space Marine character model. Finecast. $20
Vanquisher seems nice for tanks but snipers as MC killers... Shouldn't I need a metric fucktone of them to quickly and reliably kill a dread knight ?
Statisticaly a squad of 10 only makes like 3 wonds a turn with no guarantee on rending. Against 4W at 2+/5++ it seems kinda weak
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play Tau, anon. They run completely differently from your current armies. It will be like playing an entirely different game.
I doubt that.
The crimson slaughter/Crimson corsairs spring to mind.
Are humans really monkeys compared to Eldar, or are the Eldar just full of themselves?
"Oh no, not again."
He has a soul you know.
>Luna Wolves weren't offensive specialists in the ways that some groups were. Their specialty was in assassination, Horus saw every conflict as being resolved by killing the enemies leaders, so his tactics involved bypassing outlying areas and simply striking at the heart of the enemy and expecting that the rest would break without their leaders.
>This was extremely effective in most wars, but led him to frustration when he came up against chaos worshippers and none-centralized groups. It is also why Istvan III went so badly for him, as he couldn't disrupt their leadership because they had none.
This would be an excellent bit of backstory to tie Horus's prior actions to his later decision to duel Big E
Except that Horus was SCARED to duel him and only did so as a final resort upon learning that the Loyalist were coming to Terra. If Horus had just led his army to the infinity gate and dueled in the Throne Room, THEN this would be some pretty awesome backstory.
Its true. Probably because its a model available only for one day, only in physical games workshop stores and only in North america. Very limited run.
A little of both. They do have a lot of natural advantages and could be considered a more 'evolved' species, but their arrogance prevents them from even bothering to see any potential.
blueish goes along with tzeentch aligned marines usually, or general renegades.
I have no GW near me and I must scream.
not necessarily. Mind you I'm tallking in terms of hypotheticals, not GWs track records.

If the changes to models in CSM presented in the daemonkin books were presented as unique to daemonkin, or somehow different from base CSM, like say the possessed in KDK, or a new type organization of a unit. Then they woundn't have to worry about being consistent with the CSM in terms of everything.

If fact the possessed in KDK show that they were willing, in at least a few cases, to make daemonkin versions different from the core CSM.

If that stays, then they could update CSM mainly by giving more options for units and upgrades, because the daemonkin books wouldn't be expected to include all of those. You could also have new general rules for CSM that wouldn't be present in the daemonkin book.

I know there is a lot of talk about the base points being the problem with CSM, and daemonkin has shown that they don't want different price costs, but that's not the only way to buff CSM.
>Raging heroes

I sure love waiting 3 years for models to come out from a kickstarter campaign
are you the guy painting the eldar tanks in the /wip/ thread
>A GW in my state is finally opening on the 21st
>it's on the other fucking side of the state
It's not that far a drive is it?
They are good.
The real reason is melee is FUCKED this edition, and pretty much all melee focused units (Assault Marines, Nob squads, Boy squads, Berzerkers, Flayed Ones) are inferior to their ranged brethren

Also the HBs have pretty much hands down the best melee fighter not called The Swarmlord, Jain Zair will pretty much rock any special snowflake by herself.
I'd have to go through Boston.

And that can add a few hours to the trip depending on traffic.
I have one of pic related, trying to assemble it but getting the floors to the walls and pillars has proven to be hell. Anyone got any assembly tips? It's driving me insane.
I know deep and electric blue is the color of tzneetch, but i was thinkin og a pale blue similar to that of the color of YotsubaB's 4chan background with some stains, it wouldn't be very fluff breaking, right?
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Those Tau look fucking ugly
well you said no allies but this is what i use
allied detachment : militarum tempestus
1 scion command squad
temp prime with plasma pistol
2x plasma gun
1x medi pack

1 scion squad
1 vox caster
1 tempestor
8 scions

tempestor prime can issue a twin linked or a preferred enemy order on himself or a order that gives the hot shot volley guns the sniper special rule on the squad

on top of that the scions work as deep striking arty spotters for my basilisk batteries / master of ordnance with their vox caster
I am talent-less. Not even /wip/ can help me.

The tanks are just spraypaint green sparkly and add yellow lines.
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they aren't. They're pretty good in zone mortalis.
The problem being able to run up the field fast isn't enough to get around shooting in most table set ups.

As for shreading marines, they aren't nearly as shit as people imply. They're decent at it, but that's actually such a niech roll that being good at that isn't good enough.
The biggest improvement in marine shreading would be making ATSNNF not prevent sweeping advances. Banshees are best when they get the charge, win that first round of combat, then force leadership check at -2 in addition to combat loses, then add 6 to their sweeping advance.
no it's not fluff breaking. But unless you are an accomplished painter you should get some reference pictures to something at least close to what you want. Just to get an idea of how it might look. It can be hard to find good bluish Nurgle stuff.
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Thanks for your input. May I see a snap of one of your games?

The Ultramarines have, due to an administratum cockup, been recieving Luna Wolves gene seed since M34. Nobody's worked it out yet.
the fact that banshees are so much worse than scorpions is a big proof that OVERWATCH IS NOT WHAT MAKES ASSAULT WEAK RIGHT NOW.
yes, it's all caps, because outside of ZM, overwatch is not the scary thing about shooting.

It's that you have more target selection with shooting on the offense, are better able to stay in a good possition on the defense, and shooting will happen first.

Scorps are still pretty good because they make fantastic bait and can disrupt the enemy plans if ignored.
It's not so much how they were painted
it's just a really poor color scheme
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oh. don't worry painting is 50% patience 45% practice and only 5% talent. They just look similar is all
I like the black and gold myself.
If you go mech you can try a couple of plasma vet squads.
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Too many to name. Since 4th edition in particular, GW have focused a lot more on post-Heresy renegades (though it should be remembered that not every CSM warband necessarily represents a whole Chapter).

Astral Claws/Red Corsairs and Crimson Sabres/Crimson Slaughter have already been mentioned. Other notable examples include almost all of the 30 Judged Chapters sent into the Eye of Terror during the Abyssal Crusade, the formerly Inquisition-serving Seekers of Truth who became the Scourged, the Annihilators who are now the all-possessed Beasts of Annihilation, and more.

And even before the 4E codex there were several renegade Chapters with some fluff beyond just a name. The Red Corsairs, again, are an obvious example, but there were also the likes of the Steel Cobras, the Sons of Malice, and the VIOLATORS.

I've been tempted to do some Cleaved models myself, both for the scheme and the creepy big brother vibe the latest codex gave them.
>'Call with all your soul, little one.
>Call and we shall answer.'
One of the things I actually liked about the 4E direction was the emphasis on mixing and matching Chaos Marines from different factions. So even if your army is predominantly one Legion/Chapter, you should still feel free to add models from others to represent allies, mercenaries, or just some lost heretics the bigger warband picked up.
Yeah, ATSKNF kind of fucks with the meta in a major way since 1/2 of all armies have it.

The thing is, with power swords they're tailored to Sweep marines, who can't be swept. They can sweep other things like Shoota Boyz and Necron Warriors, but then so can any other choppy unit.
No one said this, what are you getting at?
There are about a dozen reason melee has been on the downslope this edition, overwatch is only a small part of it.
>Scorps are still pretty good because they make fantastic bait and can disrupt the enemy plans if ignored.
You're giving them more credit than they deserve. A Guardian Squad with literally any upgrades can do the same thing.
necrons are actually a pain ass the 4+ fnp and 10ld is a bitch.
having hit skittles and tau with them I've seen what they were supposed to do. but you rarely get to do it.
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Cleaved have a cool scheme, but I love The Tainted's small background.


Plague spawn and mutants galore. Plus a fuckhuge mutant nurgle spawn. Sounds really fun.
My entire Ork collection.
Any good maps for Dark Heresy? You know with marked cover and all that good stuff? Most of the maps I find online are too damn small or I have to manually mark cover.


God they're so fucking cool.

But then, T3.
There's a CrossFit gym right next to my FLGS and it's so funny when the crossfitters walk in to see what's up.
plenty of people still complain about overwatch as the thing killing assault.

>guardians with any upgrade.
not really. If you've got them in a waveserpent then the rush up the wave serpent and crush thing happens, but that's a lot more points, plays very different and is more a waveserpent squad thing than guardian thing.

If you mean giving them a heavy weapon and warlock, not really for a very different reason. The single heavy weapon shooting is a lot less disruption than a charge from a squad of scorps. Also the quardians get pretty wrecked by any ignore cover shooting, while the scorps have the 3+armor to fall back on, and then you sometimes just fail the fucking conceal check and your down to a 4+ save.
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>But then, T3.
I feel you anon.

I love my Assault Terminators but they're so garbage.
Have you converted any of them yet?
When painting a figure, is the basic order
1.) Primer
2.)Base layers
3.) Detail layers
4.) Repeat 3 until perfect
5.) Add on that shiny preservative shit
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they always either fail completely or just barely make their points back.
you wouldn't happen to be near fredericksburg would you?
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When they call humans mon-keigh, they aren't literally calling them monkeys, but likening them to a mythical race of sub-intelligent beasts whose name just HAPPENS to sound like "monkey".

That aside, it's very easy to see how they might view humans as crude, underdeveloped parodies of themselves.
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eversor and >>47138944
The dreadknights who start on the field, maybe the inquisitor as well.

Between those three I have my first turn re-rolls.
That's about the size of it, though many don't even bother with the finish coat. If you're gonna use matte coat spray, get a can of brush-on gloss coat for the metallics.

The eldar are just full of themselves. Mon-keigh actually translates roughly into "lesser things to be exterminated", so really they're effectively calling us cockroaches.

Temmies are probably the winner by mixing ubiquity with underwhelmingness.

Honestly Terminators are completely marginalised, even in the fluff. For the most part, power armoured marines are given a lot more attention.
i've decided to just go with the current meta and play tau. dont give a fuck anymore.

I have three armies i could trade to get the models -Orks,Marines, or Greyknights. which should it be /tg/?

Two, actually.

One is a girl that came in with her boyfriend who wanted to laugh at the nerds, but she ended up being interested by a guy who was working on a Riptide and asked him about the painting process. Now she comes with her Tau every now and then. Makes her boyfriend come watch or go get food for everyone.

The other is this guy who looks like the stereotypical /fit/izen but he's actually pretty chill and plays an infantry-based Guard list when he comes.
I meant HW and Warlock, and you're really underselling how many points you're saving with that setup, and how it's really almost as threatening or even moreso than the scorpions, considering they still need to succeed their assault roll (not a given, even with Fleet) to do anything.
If you can stay 9+ inches away from them (and plenty or armies are mobile enough to do so) you'll never fear them.
>dont give a fuck anymore.

Then you'll be miserable playing Tau

Marines i guess? most demand for them
Would you so easily abandon your battle brothers, ones you brought onto the battlefield by work of your own hands?
Oh, Skitarri then?
Fishing for feedback.

Working on a "Tzeentch Daemonkin" fandex, and this is the draft of the psychic disciplines. It's not going to have a "Blood Tithe" table equivalent, just a bunch of disciplines and some new wargear to turn regular Aspiring Champions into Psykers.

I went with D3 tables instead of D6 because it allows the tables to be more focused with less overlap. Flame is for mind dakka, Fate is for buffing with a focus on shooting, Deceit is for debuffs/utility, and Change is the mutation/melee discipline. Disciplines will have the same "up to half your ML on a single table" restriction from C:CSM.
add in shading before detailing. if you use inks or washes.
its detailing and touch ups. because correcting mistakes will need to happen a fair bit.
step five isn't necessary, but you forgot basing.
Can somebody help me?

I just ordered the 'how to paint' Skiitari/Cult Mech book just to get some tips, I know it's crap tips, but still..

I just realised, did this book come in the collectors/limited edition of Cult Mechanicus, like the BA one came with theirs?

If so, I've just bought something I've already got... So anybody who bought it and can remember, as I can't, I would be grateful.
just stop playing altogether
Zerberyn moved his light on: blank faces luminesced under the beam, then returned to darkness and indignity as it passed. There must have been close to a hundred hemmed into the stall. There was no room for them to move, even to sit. The floor was perforated metal, for drainage, but the sheer volume of waste had clogged the pores and solid effluent heaped up in lumpen mounds over toes that were turning black with poor circulation and disease. The stink was infernal. Despite everything that he was, Zerberyn felt himself back away. Slavery and squalor he had encountered on many worlds. This was something other. Something worse.

‘There are more ahead,’ called Nalis.

>‘Here also,’ said Hardran, voice echoing from the stalls away to the right.

‘There must be thousands,’ breathed Tosque, clumping forwards from behind, tracking the creaking stillness of the second level with his combi-plasma.

‘Tens of thousands,’ growled Columba.

Zerberyn spoke into his gorget pickup. ‘Reoch. I need you in here. Bring Brother Antille.’

An affirmative burred through his vox-channel. He killed the squad frequency and looked around again, easing his finger around the trigger of his pistol. Reticules wobbled across his visor, searching for something to target.

‘Detecting movement,’ said Columba, his vox dialled down to a low bass. He pointed up to the second floor.

‘More stalls, perhaps,’ said Zerberyn.

Columba shrugged.

‘Hardran, search the upper level. Tosque, secure the stairs and cover him. Nalis, run a circuit of the perimeter.’
So far I'm here at 1812/1850 pts. I don't know what else to put points into without over spending on a unit.

I definitly like the idea of having Tzeentch tables being split between different roles. Should make units much more reliable in how you set them up.
RP really shouldn't have changed to FnP and I say this as a necron player.
i'd rather have a decent match with an army i only sort of like vs driving an hour to my FLGS to lose once a week

fortuantely, the marines and knights were given to me by someone who quit the hobby. Guard and Admech are my main
I'd buy the GK's from you if you were in UK and they were well painted/made.
The veteran-brothers nodded; in battleplate and deep shadow it was an ominous, inhuman gesture. Apothecary Reoch entered just as Nalis left. The glow of his binoptics intensified as they adapted to the gloom. Antille ducked through the splintered portico after him, vox antennae twanging against the lintel beam.

Mendel Reoch meanwhile continued to the stalls.

There was a piston shock, flesh punctured, a breathless gasp.

The Apothecary’s narthecium punched a sampler into the nearest captive’s jugular. The man moaned piteously, legs wobbling, but the press of filthy bodies held him steady.

Zerberyn hovered his helm light over the man’s gasping mouth, his curiosity piqued by something he had seen there. As well as having no hair, the man also had no teeth and, now he checked, no fingernails: nothing with which he could conceivably do harm to himself or another. A rare and unsettling cocktail of pity and disgust settled in his gut like one of Reoch’s analgesic slimes. His roving beam paused on the face of a woman who opened her mouth placidly as though conditioned to associate light with water or food. There was something branded onto her cheek. Zerberyn moved closer. She remained as she was, mouth wide and waiting, even as Zerberyn enclosed her head in his gauntlet and turned it gently to the side.

The brand was that of a snake.

-Beast arise book 6

In case anyone wondered how the human slaves of the Orks are treated

Lowering the price on every thing drastically, save maybe for Mek Gunz.

Also, the Orkanauts would be dropped to 160 points and have the option to replace the Klaw with a second gun.
>someone gives you models
>you sell them off
god fucking damn
i mean i've been thinking about it
>stay 9+ inches away from you.
while shooting? vs a unit with move through cover and fleet? When I infiltrated within 18" and then moved and ran turn 1?
Are you assuming I'm just facing bikes and riptides? Because not every meta is that complety stale.

And how is one HW any threat to bikes and riptides anyways?
they're not even basecoated. 0 sentimental value

i'm locally known as one of the best painters around but nope, amerifat here
Good on ya, bro. You're doing the Emprah's work.
For shading do you just use a darker color or mix it in with black or something
I know jack shit about painting
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>Giving up on da boyz
>Selling another man's army rather than pushing them to glory.
>Going for Tau purely to powergame when you only play once a week

There is no innocence. Only degrees of guilt. .
The man under Mendel Reoch’s ministration gave one last grunt as the Apothecary’s narthecium retracted.

‘There are dangerously high levels of synthetic growth enhancers, testosterone, and other steroids in his blood. I would need to return him to Dantalion’s apothecarion for more thorough investigations.’

Just forget to include this bit.

Ork are forcefeeding their slaves drugs
yep, was typing one handed for a bit. skittari are great targets for HB, and even the CM troops are decent to hit even though they are fearless.
Not an amazing matchup, but was enough for me to see what HB are supposed to do.
i've been losing with guard since 6th, i think i've put up enough years of that

5e codex talks about him on some "backwater planet" before his visions

Also, weren't the orks engineered by the old ones? How would a homeworld work?
>while shooting? vs a unit with move through cover and fleet? When I infiltrated within 18" and then moved and ran turn 1?
>Are you assuming I'm just facing bikes and riptides? Because not every meta is that complety stale.
Spacing dude. And you're not popping any rhinos with your Scorpions.
>And how is one HW any threat to bikes and riptides anyways?
No, HWs pop Rhinos. As in the single most common transport you will see in the game, any game because 1/2 of all players are Marines and no one foot-slogs them.
Have you EVER actually played against Marines, btw? Because you're showing a remarkable lack of understanding about how common a mechanized list really is.
I don´t think anyone but the most unscrupulous hardcore WAAC faggots liked the change. Sucked so much flavour out of Crons.
The race must have been engineered somewhere, you cant just make a race in a lab, you gotta give it a world to build itself up.
add something with perils of the warp. If you don't want perils to generate points like Blood Tithe have a different perils table like Corsairs do.
Have something other than just psykers as an option. Oblits with mark and daemon of and warpflame and other weapons.

also, formations. The formations are actually a signficant part of what makes KDK good.

Other ideas: cultist can be used to generate powers and or warp charges, most likely killing them
Screamers and bikes: working together and being dicks
Flamers and people carrying flamers: the flame together and make flamer weapons better.
Ohhh...I get it. Animals.

The Orks are treating the humans like cattle. Force feeding them and pumping them with growth drugs and then butchering them to feed the Boyz of the Waaagh!.

Egad...that's just....I will never look at the Orks the same again.
I haven't followed 40k since 5e, has it changed dramatically? I hear assault is shit, which I dislike because choppy units have always been my favourite.
Their homeworld would be the first planet to be seeded by Orkoid spores I reckon?
I'm pretty sure the Old Ones made them in the Warp or the webway. Old Ones weren't scientists, they were hyper-psykers.
>How would a homeworld work?

They may have evolved to a certain point on their own, then were discovered and forcibly uplifted by the Old Ones to turn them into a warrior race. Alternatively, the Old Ones created them, then dropped them on a particularly suitable world which would act as a perpetual breeding ground that armies could be harvested from as required.
Read chains of golgotha to see the orks as absolute monsters

Yarrick is also a monster in that book
>losing with guard
motherfucker, a good guardsman can take their army to glory against literally any army if you play them right.

if you've been losing since 6th, it's only one persons fault, and it's not your opponent.

also, selling an army somebody else gave you is pure fucking low. give the army back to your friend so he can sell them or split the cash with him if you have his consent to sell.
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Well you're wrong because Orks having a homeworld of origin is old fluff, 3rd edition I believe.
wait? you think I have trouble popping the rhino first?

I have dark reapers, scatter lasers and everything else. The rhino is good and popped by turn 2. and what is the rhino doing that I care about if it's spending it's turn running away from where I put the scorps?

Have you been relying on the 1 HW per guardian squad to pop your rhinos? Is this why you are having the problem using scorpions?
>Tfw I'm a newer player that wanted to play Guard but only wants plastic models
Will 40k still be around in 2020?
I don't know if there's any one unit. There's things I'd like to be better, but most of my armies consist of a good variety of different models and units.

I still wouldn't go buy more termies if they were suddenly amazing, but I would appreciate them being the elite indestructible tanks they're described as.
Tyranid Warriors, Lictors, Pyrovores, etc... All suffer from the same problem

And btw, I fucking miss that art...
>against literally army
yes, if you take lists tailor made for each army but the problem with guard is that while they do have an answer to everything, they can't take everything while they lack any sort of powerful rounded units. The last time guard were above mid-tier was with the mechanized guard and trying to argue otherwise will just make you look like an idiot.

>army they gave me
they gave me to do what i wanted with them and aren't even base coated, half of it isn't even assembled. what he left me with was a chore i wasn't looking for. not to mention this faggot would literally sell/buy a new army every other month.

0 sentimental value.

I'll be finishing my degree around then, so it'll be nice to have 40k to save my sanity.

>Tfw I can't wait to start making my best friend refer to me as "Doctor" during games
Can you post pictures? I might be tempted if you're THAT good.
Back when Snots were actually the ones who made them? That canon is completely relevant now!

But in modern fluff it is canon that most of the big "scientific" events were done in the warp or using warp energy. Emprah makes Primarchs using power stolen from the gods, the Eldar gods made death stars in the warp, the webway gates, etc.
Does mastery level still limit the number of powers a psyker can cast?
I just went onto Black Library and there is a new release of

>Codex: Chaos Daemons - Daemonic Incursion Edition

What is this? Is this just a light update for Daemons? Will a 'proper' update arrive? Where the hell is IA14 and IG 7th? What's happening to BA, SW and GK Dreadnoughts?
If you're ML1. You can only do one.
If you're ML2. You can only do two.
If you're ML3. You can only do three.
If you're ML4. You can only do four.

The highest you can get is ML8 with a formation, but it doesn't give you 8 different spells to cast iirc.
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But GW Daemonettes are pretty awesome.
I have all 4 generations, and I must say, the new plastic ones are underestimated.
Paying the price of tacticals for mobile marine removers.

Except not because that benefit is too fucking niche.
What does Yarrick do?
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Does that mean that at ML1 you can only cast 1 power? So I can't do something like Force and Hammerhand as an ML1? Or could I just select a second model from the same unit that's at ML1 to cast each one individually? Or does Brotherhood not allow me to do that?
Nice painting
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Ugh that color is hideous.

So the libraries conclave isn't that great then?
too fabulous for you
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>a guy who was working on a Riptide and asked him about the painting process. Now she comes with her Tau every now and then.

Well you half won.
Nice. You got any of your GK's?

I believe it was covered in the recent FAQ. I dunno if Force counts as a power though. You'll have to ask somebody more familiar with it, the FAQ that is. Sorry. But as far as I can remember reading, you can only the amount your ML says. However I dunno if that includes Force activation.
They will, I play in an upclass neighborhood so there is a fair share of doctors and lawyers.

You haven't lived till you watch two Dentists trash talk two Veterinarians and the Surgeon walks in and dumps on both of them.
It's great, but it isn't "auto-take" level any more. It's still good. The IG pysker one which can make ML8 dude is pretty good now. 8 charges gained and 8 casts. So you can spit out a lot of damage.
That girl is trying to fuck somebody there that isn't her boyfriend.
nah, just felt like showing off really. the GK i have are unpainted.
>mfw I got a place at medical school
>mfw my health go so bad i failed my exams
>mfw I nearly died
>mfw been fucked ever since
>mfw only just found out what's wrong with me (1 year ago)
>mfw finally getting better

Gotta do lots of legal shit now due to the fuck ups by 3 doctors which put me in this place. Maybe even 5. I won't ever be able to become a doctor now without doing entry degree or another one.

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Ghazghkull came from Urk, very old fluff but only recently expanded. And looking at the Waaagh! Ghazghkull supplement again, I did notice something interesting:
>At the very edge of Segmentum Solar lies a now frozen orb that was once the sporadically populated Ork planet of Urk. Its history has been largely forgotten, buried beneath successive invasions, but it was first named Urokleas, after it was founded by an exploration fleet launched from Terra during the Dark Age of Technology.
The world then got invaded by Orks and over time was settled by several other races as well, before the Dark Angels reconquered it during the Great Crusade. Then it was Imperial again until:
>Minor xenos raids occurred, but it wasn’t until near the middle of M32 that a great greenskin Waaagh! swept the system. It was the largest recorded Ork attack upon the Imperium, with dozens of invasions blazing across all five segmentums. Soon the Zornian System fell into Ork hands. As Urokleas was overwhelmed by greenskins, the last survivors of that world boarded the vast star freighter Dominion and escaped into the suddenly shifting Warp.

1st edition. The idea's as old as them being an engineered race.

>>Tfw I can't wait to start making my best friend refer to me as "Doctor" during games
Just like Kelly and Cruddace.

Well, you're better than me. I'm perfect at everything, so take this as a compliment, anon.


Sure it isn't a 4chan ''''''''''''''''girl''''''''''''''''''''? Also, pics or it never happened. Is she hawt? You from LONDON? There, covered most of the memes.
Doctor is usually accepted to be medical, but yes, Dr can mean other things. Kelly and Cruddance might be doctors of some shit, but Jeremy Clarkson is a Doctor as well and he's a bit of a nobhead.
I'll take that compliment with pride <3
2017 will see 8th edition. Later that year, four "mega-expansion" books. Kroot and Nurgle Daemonkin get a codex.

2018 will see various attempts to fix 8th edition. The expansions have fallen through despite GW's best marketing attempts. Witch Hunters and Tzeentch Daemonkin get a new codex. Still no plastic SoBs.

2019 will see a major overhaul to the system focusing on superheavy tanks and even larger titans. "8.5e" as fans will dub it encourages players to put infantry squads on movement trays. Lamenters get their own codex. New fluff shows them fully succumbed to the Blood Taint and portrays them as mindless berserkers. The only one still self-aware is their Chapter Master.

In 2020, dozens of "Age of Ending" expansion books will come out. Slaanesh Daemonkin get a codex, are available for about a month before they're pulled from the shelves for being "inappropriate". Sensei get a codex. However, everything changes at the end of November 2020. The Emperor awakens and a warp rift consumes the galaxy. WH40K is now merged into Age of Sigmar. Focus is back on infantry. All vehicles heavier than a Predator are absent from new books.
>Still no plastic SoB
Well I'd have a doctorate in physics and he's a high school english teacher, so the dynamic will be funny.

She does like playing against the War Convo player who looks like he walked out of /fa/ quite a lot....
I just brought it up since Cruddace has often been referred to as "the doctor" by Kelly in WD, along with a couple other allusions to his physics background.
On the bright side, a command squad can get 4 twin linked meltas or plasmas and volley a lot of vehicles and MCs. And volley guns on the not!tacticals make them into nice objective campers (Gets Hot does hurt).
Do they have doctorates? They must do.

I wonder what the qualifications that are needed to get into GW rule team....
Why the FUCK is every Tau suit a monstrous creature?

Did GW forget they have rules for walkers? Couldn't they just invent a Jump Walker? Or stick with Jump Infantry?
They FAQ'd the gets hot on volleyguns out, and command squads never survive turn three for me.

And a firebase has yet to work out for me when fighting necrons or blood angels.
Balance is no excuse for absolute retardation.

They could've made a Battlesuit unit type specifically for Tau-esque walkersuit models and given it all the rules they wanted.
They made crisis suits into tough-ish infantry, the next logical step was bigger suits with MC to keep it up.
Battlesuits are actually daemon-engines. Tau don't have warp presence, but the daemons can get into the machines just fine.
Farsight's suit is on its way to becoming a daemon-prince of Khorne
>the Stormsurge has the crew clearly exposed
>not open topped

>Riptide come with standard AP2 armour
>only slightly more expensive than a Russ.
>can't be 1 shot

could someone explain to me why vehicles don't get armour saves?

Functionally they decided to continue the theme of all Tau Battlesuits having a toughness value.

Consistency apparently.
>Howling Banshees are supposed to be MEQ sweepers
>all MEQ units have ways to pass fear or straight up survive the sweeping advance

You're better off throwing prism pieplates on them. Not saying Eldar aren't OP, just saying Banshees have very little use and they're one of my favourite parts about the eldar.
The actual story is that the smaller Tau suits (crisis suits, broadsides) were made at a time when armor and vehicles were actually worth a damn, and so having an army with a bunch of tiny walkers jumping around would have actually been really strong.

Thus, they decided to 'balance' it by making them normal infantry, which worked for then.

Nowadays though, walkers suck, but Tau battlesuits have been kept as infantry and MCs by things just being shuffled along from previous editions.
Armor saves would be pretty redundant on most vehicles.
No answer bump.
Thanks /40kg/
true, but mid-tier is the perfect place to be. you can play against any army and put up a fight and both sides will end up having fun in the end.

not many armies can fight orks and say it was a fight that both people enjoyed

and when you said he gave you an army, i thought that it was more than just unpainted models and disassembled soldiers. i do apologize
Joking aside though, I'd love to see a story where some battlesuits get daemon-possessed and the pilots go through some NGE-type shit because of new tech allowing them to sync directly with their suits.
They start out relying on the suits to fight Chaos Marines, and for a while it looks like they're winning, but it's all part of a plan to try and induce warp sensitivity in the Tau by blurring the lines between the pilots and the suits they've already possessed
all good man. and yeah i suppose that's true about being mid-tier. albeit ever since riptides i've only ever been tabled by tau. maybe i should just skip playing against them? I mean two of the three players in my FLGS are clearly WAAC faggots but even i dont feel like being bothered to start shit by calling them out on it
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Don't know about Kelly, but Crud yeah. Did an interview about it for Physics World.

>Why did you decide to study physics?

>I always liked the idea of being a scientist when I was a kid, and at school the subjects I found most rewarding were maths and the sciences. It helped that I had a fantastic physics teacher. He lent me his copy of A Brief History of Time and other popular-physics books and that’s really what got me to do physics at the University of Warwick. I enjoyed my time there so much that I stayed on to do a PhD – my thesis title was “Magnetic resonance and optical studies of point defects in single-crystal CVD diamond”.
Flavor says infernus, but the range is shit.
Unless you're fighting orks or other sergeants you'd be better off with AP 2 weapons.
But yeah, I'll say infernus out of bias.
Shadowsun has had her suit possessed before, though I don't think she suffered any feedback from it, just the thing wildly trying to shoot allies.

>How did you get your current job?

>I’d been interested in games ever since I was 10 years old. It has always been my hobby, just as it is for many scientists. When I was finishing my doctorate I was applying for jobs left, right and centre – jobs with my industrial sponsors, science-related jobs, analysis jobs, technical recruiting jobs – all sorts of different places. As part of casting my net as wide as possible, I thought “Oh, I’ll check the website of my favourite hobby, Games Workshop.” They were advertising a job as a games developer, and that sounded like the kind of job that every 10-year-old would want, so I thought “Why not?” The interview process took over six months from beginning to end and there were all sorts of written tests and assessment days. At the beginning I never thought I would be offered the job. I was applying because it seemed like a bit of fun, and if I got to travel up to the company’s Nottingham headquarters and have a little poke-around, well, that would be good fun as well. I got through to the next round and the next and the next – they must have been whittling it down from quite a few applicants – and eventually they offered me the job. I was very lucky in that I also had a couple of other offers, but I felt this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and that, with my physics background and training, if it didn’t pan out I would still be well placed to look for another. Now I’ve been here for over six years, so it seems to be going strong.
Ya kinda responded to the wrong guy

>What’s actually involved in your job?

>Games Workshop is a business based on people collecting armies of miniatures, playing games with them and painting them. My job is to write the rule books and art books that support the toy soldiers that the company makes – books filled with background text, gaming mechanics and details about what certain models can and can’t do. It’s a matter of contextualizing and transferring what the sculptors who make the miniatures have done and writing that into a game in a way that reflects a unified story. I’ve worked on all aspects of what Games Workshop does, including Space Marines, which is our flagship range. The thing I enjoy most is seeing the books I’ve created on the shelves. Talking to people who’ve paid their hard-earned money to buy them is both humbling and exciting.

>How has your background in physics helped?

>My job is about coming up with ideas, whether for a set of rules or mechanics or some sort of game system based on rules and probabilities. Once you have the idea, you have to present it to people and test it. We play our games to test them as we go along, and it’s similar to an experiment – you notice what worked, what didn’t, what you can learn from it and how it compared to what you thought would happen. It’s an iterative process, and then at the end of it, I have to sit behind a keyboard and write the book, which feels very similar to the process of writing my doctoral thesis. The writing is also very technical, and it helps to have had some formal training in how to write like that.
close enough

>Any advice for physics students?

>As well as teaching you about physics and maths, a physics degree also gives you transferable skills that you don’t realize you are picking up, and a lot of those things are desirable to a lot of employers. Being able to look at things logically, solve problems and approach things in an analytical fashion is something that I’ve found very useful. Physics has a reputation that really lends itself to that kind of thinking, so never underestimate the “transferable skills” side of your degree.
Thanks anon.

Death company jump squad of 5.
Kit them out cheap or all with power weapons / fists? Is it worth buying them infernus pistols too and maybe 2 hand flamers since that's what I have to hand?

Thanks for the advice guys.
What about a software virus?

At first, they only notice increased combat potential. Tau being Tau, they spread it intentionally.

As it progresses, it begins to seal pilots in their suits, requiring them to be torn apart to remove the pilot. However, combat ability increases even further. This is deemed worthwhile.

Then, pilots begin to siezure and die when unplugged from their suits- but combat skill peaks. Piloting an infected suit is seen as a glorious sacrifice for the greater good, as it means one can never leave their suit again.

Veteran virus-suit pilots begin to lose their sanity. The length of time required in a virus-suit to go insane gradually decreases.

One day, all virus suit pilots, even the newly interred, turn on their allies. Scans show their pilots to be completely brain-dead, but they are nonetheless able to coordinate their (reckless) attacks over infinite distances like a hive mind.

In the end the Tau push back the infected suits to a single world or sector, but the early combat gains are deemed too valuable to lose, so they contain them there to study them.
Don't buy them all weapons as you'll always lose some even in a best case scenario, leave some as meat shields.
No, her suit wasn't possessed. The Warp ghosts/daemons were just messing with her suit.

This stuff happens all the time to Grey Knight gear after a particularly spiteful Lord of Change cursed them.
>cover saves now stack with armor/invuln, making it actually worth a damn
>vehicles subtract their current hull points from the penetration roll (fiddle with balance on AV14 etc accordingly)

>technological advancement in the Imperium is bad for the politics.
To be fair the mechanicus are a bunch of pricks, without the Emperor they would turn their backs to the Imperium immediately.
‘The orks originate somewhere in the galactic core. It is a dense area. It will take time to isolate the exact world.’

No wonder the Orks spread all over the galaxy.
I like that the ork is still smiling and that it happened in conjunction with the chaos knight release, which would indeed make the ork happy.
Yes to both. Not sure how you could do the first one mechanically, but the second seems fine no matter what.
>>cover saves now stack with armor/invuln, making it actually worth a damn

Ghostkeels now roll a 2+ followed by a 3+ followed by a 5+.

Even if you shoot AP2, Riptides find it piss easy to roll 4+/5+/5+.
Cover save stacking would make armies without ignores cover useless.
>Not sure how you could do the first one mechanically,

You... Roll your cover save in addition to your armor save?

>5+ cover
>3+ armor
>5+ FnP

Or whatever.
Cover shouldn't 'stack' in the sense that you roll one and then the other. It should offer some minor bonus if your armor/invuln save is your best, but a cover save would still reasonably help protect you.
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Orks confirmed for Collectors. Reaper Codex soon.
pretty much what
said, I've heard 1 in 5 is a good number to work off.

Just kill TLOS, there's your cover benefits for armoured models.
I'd be down for that.
With an alien roar, the big ork boss took the firing toggle of the Salamander’s pintle-mounted storm bolter and blazed at the Terminators as the vehicle beneath it filled the air with fumes. The cry was answered by something more palatable, but just barely.

They were human mouths.

Soldiers in what looked like local militia fatigues, with crossed axes daubed over their flak vests and unit identifiers branded into their shaven heads, charged over the broken wall after their tank. Las-fire lashed the rumbling production line and by sheer volume forced the Fists Exemplar into cover. A las-bolt scorched Galen’s faceplate and sent him stumbling behind a conveyer.

Tosque moved protectively in front of his brother, took aim at the Salamander and, with a furious blast of white heat, unleashed the single-shot plasma charge of his combi-weapon. The crackling discharge struck under the light tank’s armour skirt and shredded its tracks. Links flapping, it slewed off to one side and crashed into a giant steel hopper that fed one part of the conveyer network. The mistreated hopper split up the side and spewed thousands of litres of partially-cleaned bone fragments and flesh scraps over the revving tank.

Reoch growled some choice words of approval. Zerberyn did not register them. In his horror– no, in the white roar of his fury– he had not taken a shot since the arrival of the human troops.

More were running in behind the wreck. Battalion strength. Maybe more. They had no hair, no teeth and their bodies marked with brands and maltreatment. This was humanity’s fate. This was why the orks waited for Terra’s surrender rather than simply levelling the world as they had Ardamantua, Eidolica, and a thousand others. They did not want another conquest.

They wanted a client race.

-Beast Arise Book 6
True line of sight
True line of sight. Currently, the rules let any model shoot any other as long as you can trace a line to it.

It used to be certain terrain would block shooting completely if it was thick enough, like being 6" deep in a forest for example would render you effectively out of sight, even if there were gaps in the trees.

Thus, you could reliably hide behind terrain other than thick walls while still advancing.
What's a good colour scheme for a marine army which, on the tabletop, more or less only fields tanks and dreadnoughts? I kinda impulse bought a predator, a vindicator, a whirlwhind a contemptor and a techmarine with a bike for conversion, so I'm doing an Anvil Strike Force.
So that's why Orks wanted humanity to surrender.

They wanted to turn the whole human race ito cattle and slaves.
Lictor, I'm no tyranid player but they look awesome.

And ork nobz are too cute.
Green. Go Aurora Chapter.

Alternatively, the Storm Wardens are Blue and also have a lot of tanks.
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Fucking hell, Orks are Collectors.
>Alternatively, the Storm Wardens are Blue and also have a lot of tanks.

I wouldn't really wanna be mistaken for an Ultramarine player.

Chap tactics wise, I'm thinking either Iron Hands for obvious metagame reasons, or White Scars to buff the Dreadnoughts with hit and run and fleet.
Iron hands would be the best mechanically, though White Scars could be an interesting twist on an armoured company like that.

Red with some other more neutral color could work if you wanted to make a custom chapter. It tends to look pretty nice on large models like those.
I'm diggin this, anon
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It's just that 18 inch range that kills them for me
If you buy small squads, you fill up the Elite slots they take.

So unless you're playing small games, make them bigger. The accepted rule is 1 in 5 give them something special. But if you want to give more, go for it.
‘Ullanor! The Beast arises on Ullanor!’

WHAT A TWIST! The Orks or at least the Beast Waaaagh! originate from there.
>‘The orks originate somewhere in the galactic core. It is a dense area. It will take time to isolate the exact world.’
What would planets orbiting stars in the Core be like?
Are the stars dense enough that they wouldn't have true night?

I wouldn't be surprised if the spores that gave rise to the Beast came from that Ork Warlord the Emperor confronted personally a top a Gargant.
Then the drill warlord trait makes one squad usable.
Pls respond. I really want my knights to do well.
maybe a small blob of henchmen?
But where did his hate for Nids Coke from? Did the Nids do something that offended his physics background?
I'm a little conflicted here. I mean, it feels stupid when just toeing into a piece of terrain grants full cover save, and getting rid of TLOS feels like it would get rid of that.

Plus tons of bickering and nitpicking would result if it was gotten rid of in the wrong way as people who argue over how far into the terrain you were looking, or how much was obscured, etc etc.

On the other hand, I'm not completely opposed to having some terrain ruled as LOS blocking, whether you can see through it or not.
I meant come. Dear Jesus what's going on with me?

God no, stars are lightyears apart everywhere except for binary star systems. Everything but your own star will always be a pinprick.
I've always wanted to make an Inquisitor army, but with their respective attack dogs.


Xeno = Deathwatch
Malleus = Grey Knights
Hereticus = Nobody, but often work with SoB

So I wanted to do three Inquisitors, one of each. With a Land Raider each. With a Warband each. Then a small force of those guys. But Deathwatch don't really have rules outside of those ones released and I'd want to customize them myself...

So I was thinking of a small Red Scorpion force, as they work with the Inquisition a lot in Imperial Armour books. Though the FW Chapter Tactics say Red Hunters or the Fire Angels would be the more likely choices. Though I do like the colour scheme of the Red Scorpions, plus their chapter tactic. Fire Angels are just Ultramarines and Red Hunters nobody knows but have an interesting tactic (despite By This Seal being irrelevant now).

Grey Knight army for Malleus. Was thinking 10 Terminators, 10 Purifiers, 5 Paladins and Librarian/Brother Captain.Champion. Spartan for Terminators. Rhino for Purifers. Redeemer for Paladins + Librarian.

SoB army. 15 Battle Sisters, 5 Retributors, 5 Dominions, 5 Seraphim and Canoness. Crusader (think it's 16) for Battle Sisters + Canoness. Razorbacks for Dominions and Retributors.

Space Marine Army; assuming I don't get the Deathwatch set. 10 Tacticals, 5 Devesators, 5 Assault, 5 Honour Guard and Captain/Librarian, maybe Loth if I do Red Scorpions. Razorbacks for all.

Would be huge and expensive. Dunno what the Inquisitor army point value would be. Under 1500 I think. Grey Knights would be the most expensive in points. SoB be most expensive in money...

Ah maybe I should forget it. I planned to make my Ad Mech (let's assuming when I say this it's both Skiitari and Cult... dunno why they're split, fucks everything up) army and get some of the awesome FW shit.
Yeah, but the Core also has the greatest collection of blue supergiants. I mean Alpha Centauri is ~4.5 lightyears away but those suns are comparable to Earth, what would they look like if they were Supergiants?


Okay, stop that. You should really know better.

Space is -stupidly huge-, okay? Even densely packed, huge stars are very far away from one another.

I want to buy a Reaper model and convert it... but into what?
Gharkhul Blackfang was fought at Gyros-Thravian. I'm not sure if the Emperor was even at Ullanor anyway except for the afterparty.
Area terrain is pretty easy, you do it all by zones.
That's part of it. It essentially forces you to turn them all into EMPRA AKBAR units since you need to deepstrike them right on top of anything you actually want to kill.
Actually dude, the other anon is right

If Sirius (a giant) was as close to us as our closest star system, it would be brighter than Venus or Jupiter in our sky. Also the galactic core WILL have most of the supergiants in a galaxy at any point in time, but it has been theorized that life cannot evolve there because of how often a nearby giant could go supernova and strip a planet of its ionosphere
If I get it right Eldar jetbikes with Skilled Rider get 2+ cover save when Jinking? And if I don't Jink I only get a 4+ for moving, correct?
what type of chaos worshiping demonic xenos does it require to bring down the hammer of all three branches?

Don't you fucking spread misinformation by posting a couple facts and drawing an unrelated conclusion.

"Bigger nearby stars would be brighter pinpricks" does not mean "there would be no night near the galactic core because the stars are so close together it's always day."
Would they be broken if they had 24" or hell even 30" range? I mean for an elite slot it seems fair. Also maybe give them 3 special weapons per 10 so vets arent just the better option
no. Eldar Jetbike has no inherent cover.
Or do you mean Shining Spears? because then it's 3+ and 4+.
Is a Tri-las predator and a jet pack captain (artificer, shield, burning blade) enough for anti-vehicle for 1000 pt games?
Correct, apparently I can't read and I also thought the Shining Spears rules applied to all jetbikes.

That being said, is it worth it giving my Farseer a jetbike still?
>picked up the dark vengeance box
>acquire all the tools necessary to make and perfect figures
>just need a color scheme now
I was thinking of the Sons Of Medusa because of that color scheme
Lore wise what is that chapter like?
Yes. If you were looking at a 2+ Jink for survivability, the extra mobility and toughness will still help a lot.
Orks are the Old One's creation to combat necrons.
and you know, having a 3+ save instead of only 4+. And if you get shrouded from any number of ways you get that 2+ save.

you can't take shield and burning blade together.
He can take a normal storm shield just fine.
Yeah, the unreliability is a major downside to current psyker-heavy armies. I don't mind random powers, just make sure that if I can guarantee a particular battlefield role.
My current plan is to do a Perils of the Warp where 2/3 are negligible to good, 1/6 is bad, and 1/6 is bad with a chance of being really bad. The idea being the "too much power" isn't really a downside for a Chaos psyker, but too much of a good thing is still going to fuck your day.

Formations are in progress. They were actually the first thing that I made, but they need redone in light of the new disciplines.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do about Oblits. They might get a formation that uses Warp Charge to boost their weapons, or they might just not show up. Possessed are going to get a new table, with a result themed around each of the Tzeentch lesser daemons.

Cultists getting eaten for Warp Charge is definitely going to be part of the core formation.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with Screamers and Bikes. I just don't want all of the formations to be "Khorne Daemonkin: Tzeentch Edition".

Flamers are going to "light up" targets for other ranged units.

I know that, silly.

That must mean the Old Ones are Reapers!!!
Drop imperial knights, give my wraithlords back str 10 and lemme keep my 6e waithguard and i'll call it all squaresies
It makes Tigurius an auto-take, although now I'm not sure what build to run for ITC events since Ultramarines can't use the Stormlance in their detachment.
>two Dentists trash talk two Veterinarians
Dentists are shit-tier medical practitioners. Vets are baller.
>painting those shitty monopose models
Good luck and all but I can't stand DV models. The only good part is the cheap bikes for conversion fodder.
I forgot you can get shrouding from Telepathy. Yes, for 15 points the jetbike seems like a total steal when it comes to added survivability. Thanks.
It's better I learn on these so I don't butcher necron or imperial guard when I buy them
Just gonna learn the ropes with these
Far as I remember, highly mechanized. Lots of tanks and heavy. Of course, since I can't remember the source of that, I could well be wrong. They were also described as using snipers in their Dev squads, which would be fun to play if your bros are cool with some houseruling.
>tfw I ride there in a toyota or on a honda
They are all a great group of guys and it is hilarious. A group of lawyers from the same firm all play Daemons or CSM and that is probably the main joke.
For Sniper Devs, you could take a small allied detatchment with Raptor Chapter tactics for their Marksman rule. Paint up a tactical squad with devastator markings and have them snipe away.
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